Re: [ubuntu-uk] Colorzilla GCC-4 incompatibility (was: eyedropper replacement)

2007-02-07 Thread Paul Sladen
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, David M wrote:

Hello David,

> Re:

(I've CC'ed Alex Sirota who is the developer of the 'ColorZilla' plugin).

> the eyedropper functionality would work once again, [with] libstdc++5

This package (the C++ standard library) provides support for programs
written in the C++ language and compiled with compiler version GCC-3.
This is already installed by default in Ubuntu/Kubuntu so the 'apt-get'
mentioned would not be necessary.

> [..and also by installing] the 'official' Firefox from Mozilla,

I've been to investigate.  I downloaded and unzipped the '.xpi' package for
'ColorZilla' and unzipped it.  Most of the browser interaction related code
is written in Javascript.

Also in the extension package is a library containing a small amount of
binary code.  This compiled (binary) code is non-portable and so there is a
separate version for several different operating systems ("platforms"):

  $ (cd components/ && file *dll*)
  ColorZilla.dll:  MS Windows (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
  ColorZilla.dll.linux:ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, (SYSV)
  ColorZilla.dll.mac:  Mach-O bundle ppc
  ColorZilla.dll.macintel: Mach-O bundle i386

These four are platforms that the plugin is currently restricted to
(Win32/x86, Linux/x86, OSX/ppc, OSX/x86).

  $ ldd ColorZilla.dll.linux
  ... => /usr/lib/ (0xb7e3e000)

Inside the ".linux" library is the dependency on the old C++ library.
What has happened here is that the world (Ubuntu and Fedora being the two
examples noted) have moved onto building with GCC-4 and the new C++ ABI.

Since the offical Mozilla builds are still being built with the old GCC-3
version---that, is also what the binary-only part of ColorZilla is doing.

The long-term 'solution' is to also include a version of the small binary
library part compiled with GCC-4 and the new C++ ABI.  If I could find the
source code, then this would be as simple as doing a recompile.

Although I can't actually see it mentioned anyway, the plugin appears to be
binary-only.  So to get this done will need the help of the author, Alex
Sirota.  There two functions:


currently do some quick detection and select which of the DLLs should be
loaded for the type of computer and operating system that the plugin is
running on.  Ideally these would be extended to also know about more CPU


and about the old/new C++ ABI versions.  Since I couldn't find the source,
my next thought was wondering what the binary library is /actually doing/
and what function is might be performing.

  $ objdump -R -C -D ColorZilla.dll.linux | less -S

It turns out that for X-on-Linux, the binary library is doing the

int mozColorZilla.GetPixel(int x, int y)
  Display *dpy;
  XImage *image;
  XColor col;

  dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
  image = XGetImage(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
x, y, 1, 1, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
  col.pixel = XGetPixel(image, 0, 0);
  XQueryColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)), &col);
  return (<<8 | ( | ( >> 8;

(I guess that OSX and Win32 DLLs are doing their native equivalents).

Given the symplicity of the code, this could be moved to plain-C; which
would avoid the C++ versioning issues.  Moving the code to an interpretted
language would also solve the problem of having to further recompile the
plugin for ppc and amd64 processors aswell.

Alex: is the source-code available and/or would it be possible to move the
GetPixel() function to plain C and so neatly side-step the backwards
complatibility issue?

This would hopefully solve the issue for Ubuntu and Fedora users, and also
the rest of the distributions once their next releases come out.

David, does that help answer your query?

Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Southampton, GB


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Daniel Watkins
Hash: SHA1

Martin Castle wrote:
> well - a large amount of the ice caps have already gone, but I do aggree -  
> my issue is that this is a tax on travelling - not on petrol/evironmental  
> issues. If I ran an environmentally friendly car i would be charged the  
> same.
No matter how 'environmentally friendly' your car is, it still pumps a
load of crap into the atmosphere.

> and i'll put money down it'll see your bus fares go up too, even if not at  
> first, the'll go up fast as soon as people start having to use them.. ;)
Sure. But then the taxes that go into buoying up the bus routes that
people previously didn't use can be used for something different...
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
OK - I'll give you most of those, to a fashion, but -

> No I didn't know about it, now I do, and still won't be signing it.
> Did you know if pollution continues the way it is, that the polar
> icecaps could melt, and UK cities could flood. It could also increase
> extreme weather, (incidentally weather warnings are in effect,
> freezing temperatures and snow).
> Its high time we held drivers accountable for the actions.

well - a large amount of the ice caps have already gone, but I do aggree -  
my issue is that this is a tax on travelling - not on petrol/evironmental  
issues. If I ran an environmentally friendly car i would be charged the  

I want to see environmental taxes, like the rest, but this isn't.

and i'll put money down it'll see your bus fares go up too, even if not at  
first, the'll go up fast as soon as people start having to use them.. ;)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:08:28 -, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah how dedicated you are, it must have taken you ages to copy and
> paste what someone else wrote.

well... i did adjust it a bit!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.

2007-02-07 Thread norman
On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 15:44 +, Alan Pope wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 08:30:09AM +, Nicholas Butler wrote:
> > The latest Podcast from the ITIdiots provides a introduction to Linux by 
> > way of Ubuntu.
> > 
> >
> > Your thoughts please ?
> > 
> Ok, first two are negative.
> 1. They said at the start that they would not add the linux box to their 
> active directory / domain, many reasons given, one 
> was that it was untrusted, didn't know what it would do. Whilst I agree 
> partly with the sentiment it did make me think - 
> "What? like you know exactly what all that closed-source software is doing on 
> your AD/domain any more than this open source 
> software does?". It just struck me as a negative thing to say off the bat.
> 2. The very very very first demo they show a bunch of people who have never 
> seen Linux is to install a bit of software using 
> apt-get!? What on earth!? Seriously, if you were showing someone Windows for 
> the first time, would you break out a command 
> prompt window and start showing them "ipconfig /all" or whatever?
> Not had a chance to watch any further, will do later tonight. Maybe it gets 
> better.

I had a look but, unfortunately, whilst the action was OK I had no



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file

2007-02-07 Thread Pat

On 07/02/07, David M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I try to open a PHP URL, I get the following error (in Firefox):

eg, for http://localhost/, where the implied index URL is served via

You have to chosen to open
[blank line]
which is a: PHTML file

I would check that you have mod-php installed for the right version of
Apache & the right version of PHP (so probably libapache2-mod-php5 or

Also check that in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ you have php5.load &
php5.confconfigured correctly.

If everything looks OK, (which it probably will, because of the magic of
apt-get) try clearing the cache of the browser - this one had me stumped for

Whenever I try to restart Apache2 (using apache2ctl), I also get the

following error:

apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name,
using for ServerName

I've read the Apache docs about 'ServerName' but I'm not sure where this
directive should actually *go* (or what form, exactly, it should take
for this installation).

I don't know if it's the "right" place, but I put a line:-

ServerName localhost

on the first line of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

It gets rid of the irritating message, anyway!

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell

2007-02-07 Thread James Tait
Hi Tony,

Tony Arnold wrote:
> The packages it said were broken almost all of the installed ones!
> Something very wrong here or I'm missing something.
> Looks to me like I need to re-install.

You can, if you wish, run aptitude interactively:

$ sudo aptitude

This will allow you to find the broken packages (press 'B' to move to
the next broken package), view their dependencies (hit 'Enter' to view
the package details and dependencies are listed there) and progressively
fix the broken dependencies.  When there are no longer any broken
packages, press 'G' to apply any changes and you'll be given a
confirmation screen, where you should press 'G' again to continue, or
'Q' to step back.  '?' will give you a help menu listing the various
keyboard commands.

I've had to do this a couple of times after upgrades that I messed up
and it's effective, although whether it's better than just re-installing
is debatable.  You don't lose your custom configuration and don't risk
nuking your precious data, but it can be time consuming.

James Tait, BSc|xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |  Mobile: +44 (0)7779 337596


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell

2007-02-07 Thread Tony Arnold

Tony Travis wrote:
> Tony Arnold wrote:
>> I've just run aptitude in full screen mode for the first time on my
>> Dapper system and in the third line down it tells me:
>> #Broken: 235 Will free 915MB of disk space  DL: 5576kB
>> [...]
> Hello, Tony.
> Try running aptitude in command-line mode:
>   aptitude -f install

I tried this and it gave me a long list of packages it wanted to remove
including stuff like evolution, gconf-editor, gnome-menus and lots of
others that are fundamental to my system. I can post the output if
anyone is interested.

The packages it said were broken almost all of the installed ones!

Something very wrong here or I'm missing something.

Looks to me like I need to re-install.

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for Colorzilla eyedropper replacement

2007-02-07 Thread Phil Bull
Hi David,

On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 21:04 +, David M wrote:
> Failing that, can anybody suggest a program that would act as a
> replacement for the Colorzilla eyedropper? That is, a program which
> would allow me to select a pixel on-screen and return its color value?

You might like to look at Agave, which is available in Ubuntu universe.
I recently reviewed it for DPOTD [1] and I find it pretty nice to work



[1] -

Phil Bull


[ubuntu-uk] Looking for Colorzilla eyedropper replacement

2007-02-07 Thread David M

Sadly, the eyedropper functionality of one of my all-time favourite
Firefox plugi\extens\\add-ons, the mighty Colorzilla, no longer 
works under the standard Ubuntu package of Firefox. :-(

The eyedropper is one of those nifty things you just can't live without:
See a color you like the look of on another webpage, or trying to re-use
colors on a development site without having to memorise hex codes? Click
on the eyedropper, shuffle over to the color in question, and hey, 
presto, its RGB value collected for your delectation and enjoyment..

According to the developer's website, the eyedropper functionality would
work once again, were I to install the 'official' Firefox from Mozilla,
and that old libstdc++5 thing (which I seem to have permanently kicking
around anyway).

But I'm reluctant to install unofficial packages on my system. I've done
it before, once, and I didn't have any problem with the official Mozilla
builds (although I seem to recall having to do a fair bit of hacking to
get multimedia plugins to work), but I like to stay within the playpen 
and know that everything gets upgraded automatically and safely and 
compatibly, come upgrade time.

So, I have two questions:

Firstly, although it's not an Ubuntu package by any stretch of the
imagination, is there any way the Ubuntu developers can work with the
Colorzilla author so that the Ubuntu Firefoxes can run this add-on? I
don't know what the difference is between the Ubuntu and Mozilla
releases that breaks this add-on, but I would hope it could be resolved
somehow.. I was wondering whether it would be appropriate to file a bug
report/feature request for this?

Failing that, can anybody suggest a program that would act as a
replacement for the Colorzilla eyedropper? That is, a program which
would allow me to select a pixel on-screen and return its color value?


David M. -- Edinburgh, Scotland. -- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
*Please trim quotes not needed for context,  and interleave reply text.*
*On-list replies preferred.  Please don't also cc: list messages to me!*
*Filter triggers: No-context, excess-quoting, slug-trails, zero-content*


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file

2007-02-07 Thread James Tuthill
Hi David,

Although someone might be able to help you here, I would highly 
recommend using an apache / php specific help forum or chatroom.

#apache on the freenode irc network is brilliant  for debugging and 
decoding error messages.

or a forum for bigger questions is here:

Hope that help,


David M wrote:
> [Apologies if this is a double-post, gmane seemed to hiccup when first 
> trying to post..]
> I've just installed Apache 2 and PHP (using the Ubuntu 6.10 packages) on 
> my computer to test websites locally.
> Apache seems to work fine, but PHP doesn't. It doesn't seem to make any 
> difference whether I install PHP4 (preferred, matches my ISP) or PHP5.
> When I try to open a PHP URL, I get the following error (in Firefox):
> eg, for http://localhost/, where the implied index URL is served via 
> PHP:
> You have to chosen to open
> [blank line]
> which is a: PHTML file
> If I explicitly supply the name (index.php) or try to open any other 
> named PHP URL, the error is similar, except the blank line is replaced 
> by the 'filename', and the final line is:
> "which is a: PHP script" (ie, slightly different)
> Whenever I try to restart Apache2 (using apache2ctl), I also get the 
> following error:
> apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, 
> using for ServerName
> I've read the Apache docs about 'ServerName' but I'm not sure where this 
> directive should actually *go* (or what form, exactly, it should take 
> for this installation). 
> So far, I've configured (minimally) my webserver by hacking the 
> sites-available/default configuration, which starts with the following:
> NameVirtualHost *
> These obviously don't explicitly state the name of the computer, so I'm 
> wondering what changes I need to make, if any, and whether this affects 
> the PHP problem.
> I did a web search, and this seems to be a problem experienced by 
> various other people, but unfortunately there don't seem to be any 
> responses stating how to resolve it... :-(
> Thanks for any advice,
> David.


[ubuntu-uk] Where to get non OS PCs (Golden?)

2007-02-07 Thread alan c
I notice that the LXer
'Pre-Installed Linux Vendor Database'
has only a few vendors listed offering non OS PCs. One mid - to - low 
range apparently high volume vendor is Golden Electronics.

I am likely to be using them in the future, when the time comes, and 
wondered if anyone here is a customer?
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


[ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file

2007-02-07 Thread David M

[Apologies if this is a double-post, gmane seemed to hiccup when first 
trying to post..]

I've just installed Apache 2 and PHP (using the Ubuntu 6.10 packages) on 
my computer to test websites locally.

Apache seems to work fine, but PHP doesn't. It doesn't seem to make any 
difference whether I install PHP4 (preferred, matches my ISP) or PHP5.

When I try to open a PHP URL, I get the following error (in Firefox):

eg, for http://localhost/, where the implied index URL is served via 

You have to chosen to open
[blank line]
which is a: PHTML file

If I explicitly supply the name (index.php) or try to open any other 
named PHP URL, the error is similar, except the blank line is replaced 
by the 'filename', and the final line is:
"which is a: PHP script" (ie, slightly different)

Whenever I try to restart Apache2 (using apache2ctl), I also get the 
following error:

apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, 
using for ServerName

I've read the Apache docs about 'ServerName' but I'm not sure where this 
directive should actually *go* (or what form, exactly, it should take 
for this installation). 

So far, I've configured (minimally) my webserver by hacking the 
sites-available/default configuration, which starts with the following:

NameVirtualHost *

These obviously don't explicitly state the name of the computer, so I'm 
wondering what changes I need to make, if any, and whether this affects 
the PHP problem.

I did a web search, and this seems to be a problem experienced by 
various other people, but unfortunately there don't seem to be any 
responses stating how to resolve it... :-(

Thanks for any advice,


David M. -- Edinburgh, Scotland. -- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
*Please trim quotes not needed for context,  and interleave reply text.*
*On-list replies preferred.  Please don't also cc: list messages to me!*
*Filter triggers: No-context, excess-quoting, slug-trails, zero-content*


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Stephen Garton
Neil Simmons wrote:
> On 07/02/07, Eamonn Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 2/7/07, Celia Lawton-Livingstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as a dual
>>> boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is compatible
>>> and will i need to download a program to control power management?
> Hi
> If it helps, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer widescreen laptop
> (3615WLMi) and it Just Worked (with the exception of wireless, which
> ndiswrapper fixed).
> There were no installation problems at all with the laptop.
> Regards
> Neil
I'll put my 2p in here, I have a 5601, and I've had it running Dapper,
Edgy (Ubuntu and Kubuntu) and currently Feisty. No problems anywhere,
aside from having to install 915resolutions to get the right resolution
for the widescreen.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Albert Vilella



On 2/7/07, Neil Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 07/02/07, Eamonn Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/7/07, Celia Lawton-Livingstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as a 
> > > dual
> > > boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is compatible
> > > and will i need to download a program to control power management?
> >
> Hi
> If it helps, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer widescreen laptop
> (3615WLMi) and it Just Worked (with the exception of wireless, which
> ndiswrapper fixed).
> There were no installation problems at all with the laptop.
> Regards
> Neil
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Neil Simmons
On 07/02/07, Eamonn Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/7/07, Celia Lawton-Livingstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as a dual
> > boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is compatible
> > and will i need to download a program to control power management?

If it helps, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer widescreen laptop
(3615WLMi) and it Just Worked (with the exception of wireless, which
ndiswrapper fixed).

There were no installation problems at all with the laptop.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Eamonn Sullivan
On 2/7/07, Celia Lawton-Livingstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as a dual
> boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is compatible
> and will i need to download a program to control power management?

That's easy. Just put the Ubuntu CD in and reboot. It'll run a bit
slower off the CD, but you can check that everything is working that
way before installing (or modifying the hard disk in any way). One
sometimes troublesome area is wireless network. Report back, or to the
ubuntu-users list, if something doesn't work right away. Workarounds
are usually possible.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Robert McWilliam
On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 16:18:51 +
"Celia Lawton-Livingstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as
> a dual boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is
> compatible and will i need to download a program to control power
> management?

Look here:

If the exact model you have isn't listed there might be other models
with the same components so you can check with them. 

With respect to power management gnome-power-manager will be installed
by default on ubuntu.

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You're just jealous that the voices are speaking to me.


[ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop

2007-02-07 Thread Celia Lawton-Livingstone

Hi all,

I'm interested in putting Ubuntu 6.10 on my Acer laptop, probably as a dual 
boot to begin with.  How do I find out whether the hardware is compatible 
and will i need to download a program to control power management?



MSN Hotmail is evolving – check out the new Windows Live Mail


[ubuntu-uk] Anti Software Patent Petition

2007-02-07 Thread Benjamin Webb
We were discussing campaigning and lobbying of the government. I was
looking through some sites and this - - came to my attention. It
is a petition against software patents. I'm posting to make sure
everyone (who wants to) has signed it as it finishes soon.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.

2007-02-07 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 07/02/07, Robin Menneer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fine.  I'll have a go and see how I get on.  I don't mind if it comes up
> different to gnome providing 1,  it works and more importantly and 2. It
> doesn't do any harm.  Ta.  Robin

1. It will work (unless someone's uploaded a broken package by
mistake, which happens very occasionally - i.e. once a year or so -
and then everyone shouts).

2. No harm, other than using more disk space and memory.

Finally, good luck with learning the new application.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Philip Wyett

On 07/02/07, Daniel Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

James Allman-Talbot wrote:
> Most people (for example, me) travel around a lot. My car is never in a
> place that I am not, therefore the it will know where I am too.
You never use trains? You never get lifts? You never walk anywhere?

Lifts? Is that the up and down type? :-)

Climate change happens naturally, with or without human intervention
> around every 150,000 years and we are long overdue. The effects we are
> seeing now are exactly the same as those seen by our ancestors, except
> they didn't have pollution to blame.
Yeah, that's a lovely story, but it is scientific fact that global
warming is caused by pollution. Simple as that.

I'm always dubious of calling anything a scientific fact as many "scientific
facts" tend to get ripped to bits over time. I would go with scientific

Did you know that a single, one-way transatlantic flight creates more
> pollution than every single motor racing event on earth put together
> does in one whole year? If you're going to blame anyone for creating
> pollution, it's not drivers.
And, of course, if a single measure won't fix everything, why bother
with it at all?

> Personally i think this new type of road taxing is just a money making
> scheme, as if they don't have enough up their sleeves.
No, that's true. The NHS is incredibly well funded and all of our
schools are supreme. Oh, hold on, that doesn't sound right...

The NHS can be regarded as well funded. Throwing money at something
does not make it good. Take a certain OS that has 90 plus percent of the
market and is regarded as poor by a lot of people and the relatively poorly
funded software projects that make up what is regarded as a good and very
secure OS! :-D

As for speed
> limits, i wholly agree with them but i wholly disagree with the way in
> which they are enforced. As an average, casualties in an area can
> actually increase when a speed camera is put in to place because drivers
> suddenly turn their attention to their speedometer instead of the road
> infront of them.
Then you should clearly have no problem with being tracked all the time,
as there's nowhere specific that will become a danger point. This is an
argument in favour of introducing these devices.

I have no problem with being tracked.

Home to work. Then work to pub the to home.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Daniel Watkins
Hash: SHA1

James Allman-Talbot wrote:
> Most people (for example, me) travel around a lot. My car is never in a
> place that I am not, therefore the it will know where I am too.
You never use trains? You never get lifts? You never walk anywhere?

> Climate change happens naturally, with or without human intervention
> around every 150,000 years and we are long overdue. The effects we are
> seeing now are exactly the same as those seen by our ancestors, except
> they didn't have pollution to blame.
Yeah, that's a lovely story, but it is scientific fact that global
warming is caused by pollution. Simple as that.

> Did you know that a single, one-way transatlantic flight creates more
> pollution than every single motor racing event on earth put together
> does in one whole year? If you're going to blame anyone for creating
> pollution, it's not drivers.
And, of course, if a single measure won't fix everything, why bother
with it at all?

> Personally i think this new type of road taxing is just a money making
> scheme, as if they don't have enough up their sleeves.
No, that's true. The NHS is incredibly well funded and all of our
schools are supreme. Oh, hold on, that doesn't sound right...

> As for speed
> limits, i wholly agree with them but i wholly disagree with the way in
> which they are enforced. As an average, casualties in an area can
> actually increase when a speed camera is put in to place because drivers
> suddenly turn their attention to their speedometer instead of the road
> infront of them.
Then you should clearly have no problem with being tracked all the time,
as there's nowhere specific that will become a danger point. This is an
argument in favour of introducing these devices.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Paul Sladen
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Martin Castle wrote:
> this is a paste from the mail sent to me:

Like any sort of publicity campaign, chain letters are always better when
somebody writes from the heart, rather than copying and parroting another's

> [..] because we drive a car or bike,

Oooh, I have a bicycle and I do ride it on the roads. It's a folding
Brompton one and doesn't have a petrol engine.  The Brompton also travels on
high-speed railways, passenger ferries and aeroplanes.

> The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having
> to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill

Lots of people actively choose to purchase a television and get 'tracked',
and do so very willingly.

> A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in  
> one month.

"A non-working mum who walked her kids to the local school half-a-mile away
for a month soon saved herself over 100 GBP in fuel and tax, in addition to
giving the whole family more exercise and a safer journey to school."

> Somebody will know where you are at all times.

Lots of people choose to carry a switched-on cellular phone.  GSM phones
carry a unique EMEI number.  This provides tracking to approximately 100m in
the populated areas of virtually every country in the world;  *not just in
Britain*.  Virtually everyone chooses to pay the associated costs and
continue to do so "in case they get cut-off".

> so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit

Generally when people choose to speed, they take that choice intelligently
and fully-aware of the surroundings and the situation.

Somebody who "accidentally" ended up speeding would be somebody who was
*not* in a fit state to be driving.


Perhaps I could interest you in some of the suspected root causes of
government mis-expenditure;  lots of them involve huge multi-billion pound
tendered IT projects, that over-run.  I think that /is/ on topic.

Two of these /do/ appear on the petitions list;

Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Southampton, GB


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread James Allman-Talbot

> On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked.
> Somebody will know where you are at all times.
Its a personal device you have to carry? I thought it was in the car,
or are you physically attached to your motor vehicle. It will know
where the car is, not you.

Most people (for example, me) travel around a lot. My car is never in a
place that I am not, therefore the it will know where I am too.

No I didn't know about it, now I do, and still won't be signing it.

Did you know if pollution continues the way it is, that the polar
icecaps could melt, and UK cities could flood. It could also increase
extreme weather, (incidentally weather warnings are in effect,
freezing temperatures and snow).

Its high time we held drivers accountable for the actions.

Polar ice caps are melting but they are also re-freezing. Sea levels haven't
risen any great amount in 150 years and the same goes for the global
temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels. Have you ever considered that most
of the weather stations are going to be in populated areas? In populated
areas, buildings, trees and lifeforms increase the local temperature, in
exactly the same way that if you have too many people in one room it begins
to get hot. CO2 levels will concentrate around rural areas because that is
where they are being emitted from, outside of that it dissipates.

Climate change happens naturally, with or without human intervention around
every 150,000 years and we are long overdue. The effects we are seeing now
are exactly the same as those seen by our ancestors, except they didn't have
pollution to blame.

Did you know that a single, one-way transatlantic flight creates more
pollution than every single motor racing event on earth put together does in
one whole year? If you're going to blame anyone for creating pollution, it's
not drivers.

Personally i think this new type of road taxing is just a money making
scheme, as if they don't have enough up their sleeves. As for speed limits,
i wholly agree with them but i wholly disagree with the way in which they
are enforced. As an average, casualties in an area can actually increase
when a speed camera is put in to place because drivers suddenly turn their
attention to their speedometer instead of the road infront of them.

Just my 2pence.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Andy
On 07/02/07, Martin Castle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this is a paste from the mail sent to me:
Ah how dedicated you are, it must have taken you ages to copy and
paste what someone else wrote.

> UK ROAD TAX Dear all, Have done this, it's very easy. We have nothing to
> lose by trying - if you don't want Tony Gordon to have all our money
> because we drive a car or bike, then please at least sign up - This is the
> official #10 petition site.
I thought bikes didn't pay road tax?

> The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having
> to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to
> use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by
> the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for
> a delivery driver.
Both of those are examples of commercial use of the road, surely they
should be paying a lot more?

> A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in
> one month.

She could have walked maybe? Most people do not live that far away from school.
It would of course be much safer to walk if there where less cars, or
less drivers who are too dangerous to be on the road, (I have lost
count of the number of times I have been endangered by incompetent

> On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked.
> Somebody will know where you are at all times.
Its a personal device you have to carry? I thought it was in the car,
or are you physically attached to your motor vehicle. It will know
where the car is, not you.

An interesting point, will the police have live access to this data,
i.e. if you car gets stolen can you phone the police and they will
know where it is?

> They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you
> accidentally creep over a speed limit* you can expect and additional fine
> with your monthly bill.

So you are annoyed they are enforcing the law? Maybe you should
protest against speed limits?

> This is not limited to speeding. They also know where parking restrictions
> etc are located. And you!

Again you are saying you object to an enforcement of the law, surely
you should be campaigning against the existence of the law, i.e.
against parking restrictions.

> There are over 30million vehicles and drivers in this country. Just to
> register 3% of those against this proposal there needs to be 900k signed
> up! and the closing date is 20/02/07. Did you know about this?

No I didn't know about it, now I do, and still won't be signing it.
Did you know if pollution continues the way it is, that the polar
icecaps could melt, and UK cities could flood. It could also increase
extreme weather, (incidentally weather warnings are in effect,
freezing temperatures and snow).

Its high time we held drivers accountable for the actions.

Anyone know if they are using free software for this venture? or how
secure the system is, is it prone to tampering? (how long till someone
hacks the system and has Apache running on it :D, maybe they could
have a new version of Ubuntu, Carbuntu, for your onboard tracking



Re: [ubuntu-uk] gimp

2007-02-07 Thread Robin Menneer

On 2/7/07, Scrase, Eddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > I'm the more confused.  You both seem to say that I can use KDE
> on Gnome (ubuntu) if I go  to a lot of trouble (and knowledge that I
> to make  it work.  Or am I just  not understanding the issues.  What I
> in the ideal situation, is a list of software, as in ADD/REMOVE with a
> summary of its functions, that I can double-click to load and run
> Someone in this conversation recommended digikam but when I looked at it
> was for KDE.

It's pretty much your ideal situation.  You can run KDE applications on
Gnome without any trouble - It's simply a matter of adding the applications
using Add/Remove (just like any other piece of software).  For example, I'm
running Ubuntu (Gnome) but as I can't live without the KDE music player
amaroK (at least until Exaile! is more mature), I have installed amaroK
using Add/Remote and it runs fine.

However, (and didn't you just knew that there was a but coming next!)
there are two things to bare in mind when running KDE applications on Gnome:

1. The look and feel of the application won't be the same as a native
Gnome applications. This normally shouldn't be a problem, and the
applications themselves are perfectly usable.

2. Because they have to load the KDE libraries, they will generally more
memory hungry that the Gnome equivalents.

I hope this is of some help/reassurance to you (because I'm aware that I'm
just restating what has previously been posted).

Super.  Thank you for taking the trouble to be so plain.  Now, where,
please, can I find a substitute for iphoto, please - I don't want to be
shackled  to  mac any longer than I have to.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread SteVe Cook
Martin Castle wrote:
> but - as this is a uk group & this is very important (at least to me and I  
> expect a few of you) I apologise to those it doesn't effect,
> but there are massive road tax increases due.
> petition at:
> why??
> well...
> this is a paste from the mail sent to me:

> A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in  
> one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked.  
> Somebody will know where you are at all times.
They'll have to do better then this if they want me to sign.  I've 
always worked on the basis that if you can afford a car you can afford 
the associated running costs.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] gimp

2007-02-07 Thread Scrase, Eddie
> I'm the more confused.  You both seem to say that I can use KDE software
> on Gnome (ubuntu) if I go  to a lot of trouble (and knowledge that I lack)
> to make  it work.  Or am I just  not understanding the issues.  What I
> in the ideal situation, is a list of software, as in ADD/REMOVE with a
> summary of its functions, that I can double-click to load and run
> Someone in this conversation recommended digikam but when I looked at it
> was for KDE.

It's pretty much your ideal situation.  You can run KDE applications on
Gnome without any trouble - It's simply a matter of adding the applications
using Add/Remove (just like any other piece of software).  For example, I'm
running Ubuntu (Gnome) but as I can't live without the KDE music player
amaroK (at least until Exaile! is more mature), I have installed amaroK
using Add/Remote and it runs fine.

However, (and didn't you just knew that there was a but coming next!) there
are two things to bare in mind when running KDE applications on Gnome:

1. The look and feel of the application won't be the same as a native Gnome
applications. This normally shouldn't be a problem, and the applications
themselves are perfectly usable.

2. Because they have to load the KDE libraries, they will generally more
memory hungry that the Gnome equivalents.

I hope this is of some help/reassurance to you (because I'm aware that I'm
just restating what has previously been posted).

Re: [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.

2007-02-07 Thread Robin Menneer

On 2/6/07, Robert McWilliam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 21:31:29 +
"Robin Menneer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm the more confused.  You both seem to say that I can use KDE
> > software on Gnome (ubuntu) if I go  to a lot of trouble (and
> > knowledge that I lack) to make  it work.  Or am I just  not
> > understanding the issues.  What I want, in the ideal situation, is
> > a list of software, as in ADD/REMOVE with a summary of its
> > functions, that I can double-click to load and run properly.
> > Someone in this conversation recommended digikam but when I looked
> > at it it was for KDE.

You can install and use KDE software in gnome without worrying about
the issues about it - the package manager will handle getting the
dependencies and the application will load all the required libraries

The explanations were to let you know of the possible downsides
to this: the application will look different to the gnome ones and
using it will use a larger amount of memory than the same functionality
in a gnome app. The memory usage isn't likely to be a problem unless
you're normally short of memory.

Fine.  I'll have a go and see how I get on.  I don't mind if it comes up
different to gnome providing 1,  it works and more importantly and 2. It
doesn't do any harm.  Ta.  Robin

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cynicism is an unpleasant way of speaking the truth.



[ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
but - as this is a uk group & this is very important (at least to me and I  
expect a few of you) I apologise to those it doesn't effect,

but there are massive road tax increases due.

petition at:



this is a paste from the mail sent to me:

UK ROAD TAX Dear all, Have done this, it's very easy. We have nothing to  
lose by trying - if you don't want Tony Gordon to have all our money  
because we drive a car or bike, then please at least sign up - This is the  
official #10 petition site.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having  
to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to  
use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by  
the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for  
a delivery driver.

A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in  
one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked.  
Somebody will know where you are at all times.

They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you  
accidentally creep over a speed limit* you can expect and additional fine  
with your monthly bill.

If you care about this please sign the petition on No 10's new website:

Please pass this on to anyone who owns a car/motorcycle. It affects them.

This is not limited to speeding. They also know where parking restrictions  
etc are located. And you!

There are over 30million vehicles and drivers in this country. Just to  
register 3% of those against this proposal there needs to be 900k signed  
up! and the closing date is 20/02/07. Did you know about this?

I didnt.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 19:38:15 -, Llywelyn Owen  
> "Sponsored by Windows LIVE" logo next to the search box - and guess
> what it doesn't work, last night nor today! The site is also really
> slow. WHAT A GREAT AD FOR MS! Oh, and some articles about DVDs not
> working with Vista!
> This better than beer.

free beer?
