Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-07 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 06/12/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was my original intention to have an old 98se machine dual partitioned so
> that I can have ubuntu LTS 6.06 as a server, on this server I wanted to
> upload files from a winxp machine.  Partitioning the old machine was fine,
> downloading the iso image was also fine.  The initial install went through
> o.k. but no ethernet was detected [the actual ethernet device itself].
> Also DHCP failed.  After DHCP failed I was given an option where I could
> assign/choose the network addresses myself.  I did this but it was redundant
> as the ethernet test failed.  Thus when I tried to ping the ubuntu machine
> either under the hostname or the ip address both attempts failed.
> No  DHCP Server/computer was detected on the network [This
> is true because I don't have another machine acting as a DHCP server].

It sounds like you need the Ubuntu server to be a DHCP server as well.
This is fine, but you won't be able to assign it an address using DHCP
(since there's no other DHCP server).

So you want to set up a manual address while installing and not choose
the automatic/DHCP/whatever it's called in the installer.

> I could not ascertain if ethernet worked with windows because the network
> neighbourhood needed a hot fix in order function.

You don't need to use Network Neighbourhood to check it - open a DOS
prompt in Win98 and use the ping command (it has similar command-line
parameters to the Linux version, but the main difference is that it
only sends 4 pings rather than Linux carrying on forever by default.
You can change the number sent in both cases). This is the best way to
check the network. Start with IP addresses, then move to hostnames.

I don't think hostnames will work initially, unless they're set up in
/etc/hosts on Linux or \system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows
XP/2000 (replace  with your Windows directory path, usually
C:\windows or C:\winnt). I can't remember exactly where the relevant
file is on Win98, but it won't matter much. The best way to solve the
problem (but not the easiest) is to set up a DNS server on the Ubuntu
machine. Hmm, it depends on how much you are going to change your
network actually. If it's not going to change much, use the hosts
files I mentioned above. Much easier than setting up DNS.

If the ethernet works in Win98, try looking through the output from
the dmesg command on Ubuntu to see if it mentions problems with the
ethernet device. You'll probably need to type the following in a
terminal window:
dmesg | less
If you can't understand what it says and it shows an error, post the
error in a mail to this list and we'll try to help some more.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Colin Humphrey

What is the ethernet device? And does it work in windows?

I could not ascertain if ethernet worked with windows because the network 

needed a hot fix in order function.  I couldn't get the hotfix because
windows was no longer suppoorted at the time I looked.

by selecting the check disk

I ran a check and the disk passed the test.

Certainly, stop in past #ubuntu-uk, there is usually someone there
willing to help. I'm ormiret and am lurking quite a lot but usually
notice if I'm addressed.

For sure my i.d. is magpy

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Robert McWilliam
On Wed, 06 Dec 2006 13:45:15 +
"Colin Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll outline things a bit more:
> It was my original intention to have an old 98se machine dual
> partitioned so that I can have ubuntu LTS 6.06 as a server, on this
> server I wanted to upload files from a winxp machine.  Partitioning
> the old machine was fine, downloading the iso image was also fine.
> The initial install went through o.k. but no ethernet was detected
> [the actual ethernet device itself].
> Also DHCP failed.  After DHCP failed I was given an option where I
> could assign/choose the network addresses myself.  I did this but it
> was redundant as the ethernet test failed.  Thus when I tried to ping
> the ubuntu machine either under the hostname or the ip address both
> attempts failed.

Yes, without an ethernet device working no amount of IP configuration
is going to get anywhere. 

What is the ethernet device? And does it work in windows? 

> Regarding DHCP, to infer from what you stated above there are two
> possible problems; (1) - No  DHCP Server/computer was detected on the
> network [This is true because I don't have another machine acting as
> a DHCP server]. (2) Could there be a problem with the installation
> disk itself?

(1) would explain the lack of DHCP ever working, and the fact the
device wasn't set up would explain why things still didn't work when
you set the IP addresses manually. (2) is certainly possible, it
can be ruled out by selecting the check disk (or something similarly
named) option from the menu when you boot from the disk.

> Would it be possible to schedule an informal irc discussion?

Certainly, stop in past #ubuntu-uk, there is usually someone there
willing to help. I'm ormiret and am lurking quite a lot but usually
notice if I'm addressed. 

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Always drink upstream of the herd.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Colin Humphrey

oK, I'm a bit lost about what you're trying to do.

I'll outline things a bit more:

It was my original intention to have an old 98se machine dual partitioned so 
that I can have ubuntu LTS 6.06 as a server, on this server I wanted to 
upload files from a winxp machine.  Partitioning the old machine was fine, 
downloading the iso image was also fine.  The initial install went through 
o.k. but no ethernet was detected [the actual ethernet device itself].

Also DHCP failed.  After DHCP failed I was given an option where I could 
assign/choose the network addresses myself.  I did this but it was redundant 
as the ethernet test failed.  Thus when I tried to ping the ubuntu machine 
either under the hostname or the ip address both attempts failed.

If the DHCP
step in the setting up networking is failing during boot up this is
probably because there either isn't a DHCP server on the network or
because the DHCP server isn't working properly (esp. if the same
symptoms are seen on a couple of different machines).

Regarding DHCP, to infer from what you stated above there are two possible 
problems; (1) - No  DHCP Server/computer was detected on the network [This 
is true because I don't have another machine acting as a DHCP server]. (2) 
Could there be a problem with the installation disk itself?

When you say there was no ethernet detection do you mean that the
ethernet device wasn't detected or that it didn't detect the settings
for the network? You can tell this by running 'ifconfig'

I mean that the device wasn't detected


Would it be possible to schedule an informal irc discussion?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Robert McWilliam
On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 22:23:39 +
"Colin Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I was not looking to set up subnetworks and give out ip
> addresses with dhcp but to have an ubuntu machine act as a server to
> a windows machine.  I could not even have gotten that far becasue
> dhcp configuration failed and was thus skipped at installation.
> I wanted the installation procedure to dynamically set up the
> networking addresses but as ethernet
> and dhcp both failed I was given the default loop back device, this
> was still no good as there was no ethernet detection.
> So current situe is to get a machine which passes ethernet detection
> [good] and dhcp configuration[good but not essential]

OK, I'm a bit lost about what you're trying to do. To get IPs assigned
dynamically you have to have a DHCP server on the network to do this
(not actually true: there are ways of negotiating peer-to-peer for ad
hoc networks, but for simplicity I'll ignore that...). If the DHCP
step in the setting up networking is failing during boot up this is
probably because there either isn't a DHCP server on the network or
because the DHCP server isn't working properly (esp. if the same
symptoms are seen on a couple of different machines). 

When you say there was no ethernet detection do you mean that the
ethernet device wasn't detected or that it didn't detect the settings
for the network? You can tell this by running 'ifconfig' 

Something like:
|eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:CE:3B:6F:19  
|  inet addr:  Bcast:
|  inet6 addr: fe80::216:ceff:fe3b:6f19/64 Scope:Link
means the interface is up and running, where as:
|eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0A:E4:FB:1A:3F  
means it is there but not configured.

If you don't have a DHCP server then you have to set the IP address
and DNS servers manually. The simplest test to see if your networking
hardware works would be 

ifup eth0  

and then ping the IP address you picked from the windows machine. That
would be enough for the windows machine to then access services on the
ubuntu machine and for the ubuntu machine to access things if you
specify the IP for them rather than the domain (add DNS servers to
resolv.conf to use names).

> Where can you get Xwindows from?  Also To run Xwindows would you have
> active desktop already installed?

XWindows is the system that draws graphical displays in Linux (xorg is
the flavour used in ubuntu). If you have a graphical display instead of
just a command line (white text on a black background) then you already
have XWindows installed. If you don't and you want it the easiest way
to get it is 
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
that fulls in some other things that you probably don't want on a
server though like openoffice. I can't find a meta-package to pull in
just the graphical utilities without the office and productivity stuff
sudo apt-get install gnome
Will get you a more minimal desktop but I'm not sure if it gets all the
network configuration tools etc.

If you have gnome installed (or after you install it) the network
configuration is System->Administration->Networking

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No sense being pessimistic: it wouldn't work anyway.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey

DHCP works by a machine on the network acting as a server and giving
out IP addresses and configuration information for the other machines.
In small networks this is often integrated wth the router. When I asked
about if this was all with the same server I assumed you were trying to
get an ubuntu machine to get an IP address (and other other details)
from a DHCP server, and was wondering if that server might be the bit
that isn't working. Looking back over more of the thread I notice that
you are setting up an ubuntu server so I might have things backwards
and you want the ubuntu machine to be the DHCP server?

Yes, I was not looking to set up subnetworks and give out ip addresses with 
dhcp but to have an ubuntu machine act as a server to a windows machine.  I 
could not even have gotten that far becasue dhcp configuration failed and 
was thus skipped at installation.

I wanted the installation procedure to dynamically set up the networking 
addresses but as ethernet
and dhcp both failed I was given the default loop back device, this was 
still no good as there was no ethernet detection.

So current situe is to get a machine which passes ethernet detection [good] 
and dhcp configuration[good but not essential]

Where can you get Xwindows from?  Also To run Xwindows would you have active 
desktop already installed?


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Robert McWilliam
On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 21:26:48 +
"Colin Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>have all these
> >>tests been with the same DHCP server?
> I believe so - though I am not sure what you mean by this?  I thought
> that there was only one DHCP server procedure per installation disk?
> I have tried on different machines though with the same installation
> disk each time and the results were varied.

DHCP works by a machine on the network acting as a server and giving
out IP addresses and configuration information for the other machines.
In small networks this is often integrated wth the router. When I asked
about if this was all with the same server I assumed you were trying to
get an ubuntu machine to get an IP address (and other other details)
from a DHCP server, and was wondering if that server might be the bit
that isn't working. Looking back over more of the thread I notice that
you are setting up an ubuntu server so I might have things backwards
and you want the ubuntu machine to be the DHCP server?

For not using DHCP:
> >>Tell them where the internet
> >>gateway and DNS servers are.
> So would that mean I could change files:
> -w nano/etc/resolv.conf
> -w nano/etc/network/interfaces
> and then ping the host ubuntu computer from an XP computer after
> changes have been made?

Yes, if you've got X-windows installed then there are graphical apps
that can let you avoid editing the files directly -there are probably
such tools that work without X as well but I don't know what they

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If it ain't broke: fix it 'till it is.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey
Apologies about delayed response

>>have all these
>>tests been with the same DHCP server?

I believe so - though I am not sure what you mean by this?  I thought that 
there was only one DHCP server procedure per installation disk?  I have 
tried on different machines though with the same installation disk each time 
  and the results were varied.

>>Tell them where the internet
>>gateway and DNS servers are.

So would that mean I could change files:

-w nano/etc/resolv.conf
-w nano/etc/network/interfaces

and then ping the host ubuntu computer from an XP computer after changes 
have been made?

It's Hotmail's 10th Birthday! Come and play Pass the Parcel


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Robert McWilliam
On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 20:48:58 +
"Colin Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only one computer I have tried it on has passed both steps.  I have
> tried installation with brand new and 2nd hand computers.  In these
> instances ethernet detection was found but dhcp autoconfiguration
> failed.  Is this uncommon?  Would it still be possible to
> network/ping with only ethernet detection and no dhcp?

Wired networking doesn't usually pose any problems, have all these
tests been with the same DHCP server? 

You can certainly set up networking without DHCP you just have to pick
IP addresses for the machines yourself and tell them where the internet
gateway and DNS servers are.

Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Curiosity was framed; ignorance killed the cat.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey
>>If you want the Ubuntu server accessible from the internet, you need
>>to get a proper router and put the Ubuntu server in the DMZ as David
>>mentioned earlier.

I agree a proper router and ubuntu 6.06 LTS in the appropriate place would 
be of most benefit.
At present I am having a hard time finding a computer that passes both 
ethernet detection test and the dhcp auto configuration procedures.

Only one computer I have tried it on has passed both steps.  I have tried 
installation with brand new and 2nd hand computers.  In these instances 
ethernet detection was found but dhcp autoconfiguration failed.  Is this 
uncommon?  Would it still be possible to network/ping with only ethernet 
detection and no dhcp?


Done contacted my M.P a while back

It's Hotmail's 10th Birthday! Come and play Pass the Parcel


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-03 Thread Colin Humphrey
Cheers I'm looking into it - viewing pros and cons between Hydra and mIRC

It's Hotmail's 10th Birthday! Come and play Pass the Parcel


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-02 Thread Stephen Garton
Colin Humphrey wrote:

> at the moment I only have win xp as my ubuntu machine exerienced hdd 
> failure.
> Do you know how to get IRC going for windows / which client to use?
> _
> Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters! 

I like HydraIRC (

Steve Garton


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-02 Thread Toby Smithe
On Sat, 2006-12-02 at 16:25 +, Colin Humphrey wrote:
> at the moment I only have win xp as my ubuntu machine exerienced hdd 
> failure.
> Do you know how to get IRC going for windows / which client to use?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-02 Thread Colin Humphrey
at the moment I only have win xp as my ubuntu machine exerienced hdd 
Do you know how to get IRC going for windows / which client to use?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-30 Thread Gary
> On 24/11/06, Neil Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The second time I tried #ubuntu-uk and no one said a word

It can be quiet, but can also be a very active channel... all depends on
the time you join it, and if there is anything good on telly...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-30 Thread Pete Ryland
On 24/11/06, Neil Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So *that's* why people use IRC. I've only tried it twice, once a
> couple of nights ago, and once when I was in university, hmm, 15 or so
> years ago. That first time I was in a very busy channel and quickly
> got very lost. The second time I tried #ubuntu-uk and no one said a
> word!

IRC has only been around since 1993, 13 years ago.  It became quite
popular during the Gulf War, when we were all in one or two channels,
getting reports from the front line from the reporters directly.  It
was quite freaky.  I used to IRC a lot back then, but friends and
family got so concerned they banned me from it, so I've used it very
little since.  Strangely, I don't think the same concerns would be
raised these days.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 24/11/06, Neil Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [snip]

Hmm, email's not the best way of carrying out a conversation when
everyone's online, is it? :-)

So *that's* why people use IRC. I've only tried it twice, once a
couple of nights ago, and once when I was in university, hmm, 15 or so
years ago. That first time I was in a very busy channel and quickly
got very lost. The second time I tried #ubuntu-uk and no one said a



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
>Hmm, sounds like the machine is a bit poorly...


>A DMZ is an area of your network that has restricted access to the
internal machines. It's used for hosting a web server, for example, so
that if the machine with public access from the internet is hacked,
your internal machine(s) are safe (or safer) from it. It only applies
if you have a genuine router that connects to the internet.

I get the concept - like another method of security.

Thanks for the help new terms troubleshooting etc

Colin signing off

Download the new Windows Live Toolbar, including Desktop search!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> Basically I want to have an XP computer with an internet connection to
> display web pages that housed on an ubuntu server.  What's the best
> configuration - way to go about it?

Depends on exactly what you want. Do you want the Ubuntu server's
pages to be accessible to the internet, or just on the XP machine?

If it's the former, you've got things set up wrong -- XP is not the
most secure operating system, and forwarding requests to the Ubuntu
server means that both will be vunerable to attack from the internet.
Plus you'll need to configure XP's internet connection sharing, and
the firewall and other things that I'm not familiar with.

If it's just internally to the XP machine then that's not too bad a
way of doing things. I think.

If you want the Ubuntu server accessible from the internet, you need
to get a proper router and put the Ubuntu server in the DMZ as David
mentioned earlier.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread David Morley
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Matt
> Not tried with a desktop version yet - If after trying with desktop version
> network card is  still not detected then I will attempt an install on
> another computer.
> By the way where can I get the desktop package from?
The main site has a link to it

Seek That Thy Might Know


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Sure - Thanks for the memory jog with check cd - will do when I get another 
machine to test on this one has had it.

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi Matt

Not tried with a desktop version yet - If after trying with desktop version 
network card is  still not detected then I will attempt an install on 
another computer.

By the way where can I get the desktop package from?


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the computer plugged into a converter [it acts like a router] between
> the two computers.

Not heard of one of these.

> I could not go ahead with the BIOS change as the computer did not boot up.
> I think the problem might lie with the hard drive or the machine itself.

Hmm, sounds like the machine is a bit poorly...

> By the way how do you check the pmz zone - what is it?

A DMZ is an area of your network that has restricted access to the
internal machines. It's used for hosting a web server, for example, so
that if the machine with public access from the internet is hacked,
your internal machine(s) are safe (or safer) from it. It only applies
if you have a genuine router that connects to the internet.

It sounds like you can ignore this with your current set-up. Unless
you want more information about it, or don't understand my explanation

>  Also how do you run
> check cd within ubuntu?

Put the CD in the machine and boot from it. One of the options on the
initial menu that the CD displays is 'Check CD' or words to that
effect. It can take a while to run, but it will check that the Ubuntu
CD isn't bad.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey

Hi Neil

I have not tried another distro yet - will do.  I thought that boths issues 
were related thanks for the confirmation.

Basically I want to have an XP computer with an internet connection to 
display web pages that housed on an ubuntu server.  What's the best 
configuration - way to go about it?

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread David Morley
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the computer plugged into a converter [it acts like a router] between
> the two computers.
> I could not go ahead with the BIOS change as the computer did not boot up.
> I think the problem might lie with the hard drive or the machine itself.
> By the way how do you check the pmz zone - what is it?  Also how do you run
> check cd within ubuntu?
DMZ is the zone on a router that is specific for servers.  You don't
have one so don't worry about it.

Check cd is an option from the original boot screen on the cd normally
above memtest and below lamp sever I think (from memory could be

Seek That Thy Might Know


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


I have the computer plugged into a converter [it acts like a router] between 
the two computers.

I could not go ahead with the BIOS change as the computer did not boot up.
I think the problem might lie with the hard drive or the machine itself.

By the way how do you check the pmz zone - what is it?  Also how do you run 
check cd within ubuntu?

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Matthew Saunders
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I try to install ubuntu server edition - it does not recognize any
> ethernet device and cannot
> automatically configure the computer with DHCP.
> My main query is are the two problems of ethernet and DHCP related?

Does the ethernet work if you boot with an Ubuntu Live Desktop CD?

I am using Ubuntu Server at the moment for cloning Windows onto PCs,
managing clone images for different class rooms, and offering support
tools like automated backup before reimaging, etc.  I have also built
several web servers and vpn servers with Ubuntu Desktop, which might
be an easy step towards getting  your server up and running.  Its
sometimes easier when you have a GUI, which is one reason why when I
started learning to use Ubuntu instead of SuSE, I wanted Synaptic
(graphical apt-get) and a browser on the server.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right - I'll check the BIOS settings.  If after checking and changing there
> is still no change would that mean the problem lies with the machine rather
> than the installation of ubuntu?

Hi Colin,

It's not definitive, but very likely. Have you tried a Live CD? This
way you could try a Linux distro other than Ubuntu (e.g. Knoppix) to
rule that variable out of the equation. Unless it's a *very* new
machine/network card though, Linux will support the network card.

No one seems to have given you an answer to your question about
Ethernet and DHCP. Basically, DHCP depends on networking, i.e.
Ethernet (in your case), or wireless, or something else. If you can't
get a network connection, DHCP is never going to work.

I agree with Andy's earlier comment though. For a server, you
shouldn't be using DHCP -- unless you're serving your internet
connection through it, in which case you may need DHCP to get an
address from your ISP, but should have a fixed address on the internal
network and may even be a DHCP server for the internal network.

Maybe you should describe exactly how you want to set up the
connections in your network and we could (try to) give you some advice
for your particular configuration.

Hope this helps,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread David Morley
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right - I'll check the BIOS settings.  If after checking and changing there
> is still no change would that mean the problem lies with the machine rather
> than the installation of ubuntu?
It stands a chance of that being the case.  Try dropping the cd in and
running check cd this will just double check the cd is okay.

What have you got the machine plugged into?

If it directly into another machine then dhcp will not work.

If it is plugged into a router or switch just double check the cable?
by swapping it with one you know works.

Have you set up the server in the dmz zone of your router that can
cause issues?

Seek That Thy Might Know


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Right - I'll check the BIOS settings.  If after checking and changing there 
is still no change would that mean the problem lies with the machine rather 
than the installation of ubuntu?

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread David Morley
On 24/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah
> Samba is right up my alley - just what I need infact.  But the trouble I am
> having is at the installation stage so cannot get to networking.
> When I try to install ubuntu server edition - it does not recognize any
> ethernet device and cannot
> automatically configure the computer with DHCP.
> My main query is are the two problems of ethernet and DHCP related?
If this is an inherited machine did you check that the ethernet
connection was switched on in bios?

For Ubuntu to not recognise it at all is rare.  Very Rare.

Seek That Thy Might Know


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


I didn't know about those other groups in Brighton and London.  Will look 
into them.

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi Dan

Thanks for the advice - I will look into those wikis etc.

I have a few others here you can look at:


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


Samba is right up my alley - just what I need infact.  But the trouble I am 
having is at the installation stage so cannot get to networking.

When I try to install ubuntu server edition - it does not recognize any 
ethernet device and cannot

automatically configure the computer with DHCP.

My main query is are the two problems of ethernet and DHCP related?


Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-23 Thread Andy
On 23/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to linux and to ubuntu

I am not an expert but will try to offer any advice I can, till
someone more knowledgeable gets around to answering.

> and would like to
> have an ubuntu machine running as a server to
> communicate with a windows xp machine,
In what way communicate?
Do you want a web server to serve files via HTTP to the Windows box,
or do you want to be able to remotely log in to Ubuntu server from Windows,
or something different?

> [1]
> If you install ubuntu server edition 6.06 onto your
> machine and it cannot recognize an ethernet device
> or cannot set up DHCP does this mean that you will
> not be able to network between another machine
If it can't use the network interface its as if no cable isn't plugged
in, it won't connect to anything.
DHCP is another issue entirely, may I ask why you are using DHCP on a server?
I was always told (rightly or wrongly) that servers should have a
static IP and not a dynamic one from DHCP.
Most routers will have a range of address that they know are on the
local network but won't assign using DHCP, you can use these for
static addresses.
Remember to set DNS and the default gateway too.

> If you have an inherited machine and you try to
> install ubuntu server edition 6.06 does it normally
> recognize the ethernet device and configure DHCP
> automatically - if not why might this be?
It should normally handle Ethernet ok, I haven't really used server,
but Ubuntu has always recognized my Ethernet card, do you know the
make/model of card?

> Are there any regular meets that take place in
> London/Brighton where people can talk about
> practical problems and how to solve them?
You can always go to a 'LUG', (Linux User Group)
Brighton has one:

London has about 4

The list of UK Lugs is available from:

> Also would anyone be up for scheduling a chat
> session to take place over a messaging programme
> such as msn messenger to talk about the server
> edition?
Do you have an IRC client?
the official Ubuntu-uk channel is #ubuntu-uk on Freenode
There's a screen cast about joining IRC

> I read a couple of news letters ago that it was o.k.
> to ask for help here  - hope this still holds true.
You may get better answers on the Ubuntu-users list, there is more
people over there than here, but I'm sure if anyone here can help you
they will.

- Andy

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-23 Thread Daniel Quarte

  Hi Colin,

  I'm afraid i can't offer much help with your server problem, as i also
need more information (maybe read more books, wikis and tutorials) about
servers, but i can, i hope, point the way to find your answers.
  Visit the english ubuntu forum ( and also do
a search about your problem on the ubuntu wiki (
   I'm also a fan of meetings to exchange experiences, help people with
their problems and just have a good time.



On 23/11/06, Colin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear all

I am new to linux and to ubuntu and would like to

have an ubuntu machine running as a server to

communicate with a windows xp machine, I have not

been able to do this because of network issues.

Just before I start I would like to say that I've

been reading about your screen casts which I think

are a really good initiative, would you consider

doing one for installing and setting up the ubuntu

server edition 6.06 to communicate with a windows


I ask this because I am really interested in setting

up a server environment but so far have not been

able to.  Also if after watching the screencast I

get my server together then I will be able to spread

the word to other computer users at college who

might be able to benefit from using an ubuntu

machine and LAMP environment.

I have a few questions:


If you install ubuntu server edition 6.06 onto your

machine and it cannot recognize an ethernet device

or cannot set up DHCP does this mean that you will

not be able to network between another machine

because there is not a network capability - does

this mean that you will not be abale to ping another



If you have an inherited machine and you try to

install ubuntu server edition 6.06 does it normally

recognize the ethernet device and configure DHCP

automatically - if not why might this be?


If you experienced either of the problems above what

may be the problem?


Are there any regular meets that take place in

London/Brighton where people can talk about

practical problems and how to solve them?


Also would anyone be up for scheduling a chat

session to take place over a messaging programme

such as msn messenger to talk about the server


I read a couple of news letters ago that it was o.k.

to ask for help here  - hope this still holds true.

All Thoughts - Ideas - tips and advice

much needed


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-23 Thread tim matthews
Do you need something like a samba system? Samba is used in open source 
systems to communicate with Windows systems. Samba can even act as a 
server on Windows based networks.

Ubuntu can do this rather well.


Colin Humphrey wrote:
> Dear all
> I am new to linux and to ubuntu and would like to
> have an ubuntu machine running as a server to
> communicate with a windows xp machine, I have not
> been able to do this because of network issues.
> Just before I start I would like to say that I've
> been reading about your screen casts which I think
> are a really good initiative, would you consider
> doing one for installing and setting up the ubuntu
> server edition 6.06 to communicate with a windows
> machine?
> I ask this because I am really interested in setting
> up a server environment but so far have not been
> able to.  Also if after watching the screencast I
> get my server together then I will be able to spread
> the word to other computer users at college who
> might be able to benefit from using an ubuntu
> machine and LAMP environment.
> I have a few questions:
> [1]
> If you install ubuntu server edition 6.06 onto your
> machine and it cannot recognize an ethernet device
> or cannot set up DHCP does this mean that you will
> not be able to network between another machine
> because there is not a network capability - does
> this mean that you will not be abale to ping another
> computer?
> [2]
> If you have an inherited machine and you try to
> install ubuntu server edition 6.06 does it normally
> recognize the ethernet device and configure DHCP
> automatically - if not why might this be?
> [3]
> If you experienced either of the problems above what
> may be the problem?
> [4]
> Are there any regular meets that take place in
> London/Brighton where people can talk about
> practical problems and how to solve them?
> [5]
> Also would anyone be up for scheduling a chat
> session to take place over a messaging programme
> such as msn messenger to talk about the server
> edition?
> I read a couple of news letters ago that it was o.k.
> to ask for help here  - hope this still holds true.
> All Thoughts - Ideas - tips and advice
> much needed
> Colin
> _
> Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters! 


[ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-23 Thread Colin Humphrey
Dear all

I am new to linux and to ubuntu and would like to

have an ubuntu machine running as a server to

communicate with a windows xp machine, I have not

been able to do this because of network issues.

Just before I start I would like to say that I've

been reading about your screen casts which I think

are a really good initiative, would you consider

doing one for installing and setting up the ubuntu

server edition 6.06 to communicate with a windows


I ask this because I am really interested in setting

up a server environment but so far have not been

able to.  Also if after watching the screencast I

get my server together then I will be able to spread

the word to other computer users at college who

might be able to benefit from using an ubuntu

machine and LAMP environment.

I have a few questions:


If you install ubuntu server edition 6.06 onto your

machine and it cannot recognize an ethernet device

or cannot set up DHCP does this mean that you will

not be able to network between another machine

because there is not a network capability - does

this mean that you will not be abale to ping another



If you have an inherited machine and you try to

install ubuntu server edition 6.06 does it normally

recognize the ethernet device and configure DHCP

automatically - if not why might this be?


If you experienced either of the problems above what

may be the problem?


Are there any regular meets that take place in

London/Brighton where people can talk about

practical problems and how to solve them?


Also would anyone be up for scheduling a chat

session to take place over a messaging programme

such as msn messenger to talk about the server


I read a couple of news letters ago that it was o.k.

to ask for help here  - hope this still holds true.

All Thoughts - Ideas - tips and advice

much needed


Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free newsletters!
