ugnet_: HOW TO DESTROY SOCIETY - Welfare vs Capital survival

2003-10-06 Thread dbbwanika db
How to destroy a society:

Now, let me ask you in this forum – what does it take for an LC officer, headmasters, minister, medical superintendent whether in Padibe, Ntungamo, Bulamogi, Butambala, Bulange to do what Africans have always done collectively i.e. cleaning ones back yard, home, road, street, or work place etc?

>From Kampala as a bastion of civilization: a typically moral and ethical base spreading like widely fire all over the country: work little and heavy drinking, bufunda, slums which to us is urban development, crude planning bordering to primitivism, since one can squatting on a latrine pit facing a tax park or a drinking joint. 

Everything is well – albeit corroding some of the most basic human VALUES like: SHAME, PRIVACY, SELF RESPECT and of others, self-control and authority.

What is left?

Maybe it is a trivial question but only when one has not thoroughly investigated the matrix of such acts- deeply.
Let us think of it administratively; high level home-sapiens’ CONGINTIVE ABILITY different from animals; organisationally, developmental psychologically, and so on!

One-way of destroying a society is URBANISING IT without the supportive structures, i.e. safety nets for sure employment, housing, child care and support, homestead social support, maternal care and support, transport facilities and so on.

The USA and South African apartheid regimes tried a systematic type of isolating African with devastating consequences for future generation. 

In urban America the African descendants will take a long time to recover if they recover at all!

So African are doing exactly the same to their own people! 

Uganda Now.

What happens: certainly it is known that where there is high concentration of human populations there ARE tendencies to OPTIMAL human activities to maximize survival chances. 

These take on two forms 1. A Probabilistic (guessing) survival trap 2. Premeditate survival trap i.e. calculated best human instincts. 

The last one is more interesting: since it grounds and pivots: My self and I and a primitive super ego-centrist being if not controlled. 

As of the police General is compelled to call on the army the quell city robbery! As in case of Wembley and the colonels.

Premeditate survival is interesting – since unwittingly is embedded with the exponential growth of possibilities created as feeling of endless hopeful certainty. 

The above as it reaches it optimal level – as in case of grasshoppers feeding on limited grass fields, tend to flourish in nourishment until the biological systems clock of grass replacement or growth factor is out competed by the feeding habits of grasshoppers and the reproductive abilities.

That is when things start to happen in case of animals they die off – I do not know what happens with human societies!

Uganda is interesting, as one transpose the above on human ways and their societies.

Two questions have interested me over the years – namely: 1. WHAT THE PROBLEM IS and 2. WHAT THE SOLUTIONS IS / ARE  

If one can see the problem and the underlying mechanism – that tend to be very lucky indeed. Rather than seeing the problem only, to which solutions, might be sought but rather dubiously. 

You end up not solving the problem but rather fragmenting the problem into more complex problematicities – ending with a far more complex issue. 

Take: Kampala taxi, Pollution, Rural gradual demise, Nakivubo channel today filled with filthy that requires dredging machinery and more probably a far more complex work force to deal with the problem. 

There is more to this – the nature and way societies are.  

For Ugandan unfortunately with lack f deeper insight – they will assume Uganda is revealing in fragrance and a bright future at the horizon.

I hear some have also INVENTED A THEORY - that goes something like where there is CHAOS THAT IS WHEN THINGS HAPPEN indeed. 

Contradictory- chaos is not so obvious in its patterns and human societies have autogenic processes that radically opposed to chaos. But that can be left for may be some of us who don’t know anything.

All in all Uganda presently does not have the basic human as well mind infrastructure to any form of social, political and economic stability hence congruent development – sadly.





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ugnet_: MP receives death threats over 3rd term

2003-10-06 Thread gook makanga
MP receives death threats over 3rd term By Patrick Onyango Oct 6, 2003

PARLIAMENT - Tingey County MP Steven Chebrot says he has received death threats for opposing the third term.
"I have received telephone calls threatening me and at the same time warning me that I will die by December 30 this year," Mr Chebrot told The Monitor on October 2 at Parliament.
The MP is opposed to the amendment of the Constitution to remove the term limit on the presidency - a move that could, theoretically, allow President Yoweri Museveni or any other incumbent to rule for life.
"They told me that I should be killed by December 30," he said. Chebrot said he has reported the matter to the police but is still living in fear.
"I don't take this threat lightly; we have lost people in the district in a similar manner after telephone threats," he said.
Chebrot said that his dog has already been killed as a warning to him. He said, however, that no one will stop him opposing the third term.
"My destiny has been decided. I'm going to continue to do what I'm supposed to do," he said.
Chebrot said that his personal assistant, Mr O. Walter, who was arrested on "framed up" charges of subversion, has been released after spending several days in safe houses in Kampala.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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ugnet_: Youth mobilise against 3rd term

2003-10-06 Thread gook makanga
Youth mobilise against 3rd termBy Dorothy Nakaweesi Oct 6, 2003

KAMPALA - A youth group has asked President Museveni not to seek re-election.Cabinet is pushing for the amendment of the Constitution to remove the term limit on the presidency - a move that could, theoretically, allow Mr Museveni or any other incumbent to rule for life.
The co-ordinator of the Popular Resistance Against Life Presidency (PRALP), Mr Muwanga Kivumbi, said at the weekend that Museveni should oppose the third term scheme. 
He said the late Idi Amin was an honest dictator who openly declared himself life president. 
Kivumbi met journalists at the Subway Chinese Restaurant in Kampala. PRALP is a new pressure group formed three weeks ago to oppose what some percieve as an attempt to create a life presidency. 
"He [Museveni] has done some good things and we respect his position but he must not seek for another term and stay in power till God decides his destiny," Kivumbi said.
PRALP is a loose coalition of youth from the DP, UPC, NDA, and Reform Agenda.Kivumbi urged all people opposed to the third term to join them. 
"We will continue to resist the idea till he [Museveni] drops the third term," Kivumbi said.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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Re: ugnet_: MP receives death threats over 3rd term

2003-10-06 Thread Owor Kipenji
I am only wondering why Chebrot should in anyway fear dying on
December 30th.This is a very good day to die for he will have lived
most of the 2003!
Having said that Chebrot is the last person to be making this statement
because those days when he was galvanting with Mu7,he not only 
threatened people with death but used his ministerial clout at the time
to have all his political opponents put behind bars including his major 
opponent,one Captain in the Army.
My question for Steven Chebrot is:Did those he put behind bars and many their families suffer,not have the same blood like him?.This is 
an experience that most of us Ugandans should take seriuosly while 
holding positions of authority/power to exercise it with humility and 
caution for the seeds we often sow come back to haunt us,when we have 
long forgotten.We all remember the distrust Mu7 has for Medics in Uganda treating his family,for he still thinks and believes most medis 
are like the likes of Dr.J.G.S.Makumbi,and Professor Stanley Tumwiine.
Interesting times lie ahead for these guys.
Let's keep our ears to the ground.
Thank you.
=gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MP receives death threats over 3rd term By Patrick Onyango Oct 6, 2003

PARLIAMENT - Tingey County MP Steven Chebrot says he has received death threats for opposing the third term.
"I have received telephone calls threatening me and at the same time warning me that I will die by December 30 this year," Mr Chebrot told The Monitor on October 2 at Parliament.
The MP is opposed to the amendment of the Constitution to remove the term limit on the presidency - a move that could, theoretically, allow President Yoweri Museveni or any other incumbent to rule for life.
"They told me that I should be killed by December 30," he said. Chebrot said he has reported the matter to the police but is still living in fear.
"I don't take this threat lightly; we have lost people in the district in a similar manner after telephone threats," he said.
Chebrot said that his dog has already been killed as a warning to him. He said, however, that no one will stop him opposing the third term.
"My destiny has been decided. I'm going to continue to do what I'm supposed to do," he said.
Chebrot said that his personal assistant, Mr O. Walter, who was arrested on "framed up" charges of subversion, has been released after spending several days in safe houses in Kampala.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

2003-10-06 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Accountability ? Give over !
Is accountability a system ? Does that mean that if you have a dictator like 
Hitler and he is accountable, that's fine with you ?

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:53:57 -0400



The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 system, system, system ! What is this 'system' you are proposing ? Has 
 got a name ?

 From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:54:12 -0400
 Mwaami Musaazi
 You are using a very good word, a system. We plug holes in a system. A
 system. On and on. That is where my question comes from, do we have a
 in Uganda? Do we have a system in Buganda? Do we have a system in 
 you were given a chance to work in Mengo today where do you start to
 for you can not even plug, for we plug systems and Mengo has none. Am I
 talking to my own shadows today?
 Look here what I see when I look at Uganda today, Uganda is a very
 nation, NRM government can not succeed if the population is corrupt as 
 is, so is a DP government, so is a UPC government, so is Mengo
 so is a Unitary system so is a federalism system. Let me put it to you 
 milk bottle. What we need in Uganda is a situation where Iddi Amin can
 and form a government and go, where UPC can come and form a government
 go, where Museveni and the movement bus can come and go.Where uniterism
 come and go, where federalism can come and go. A system which is
 a system which stays as governments come and go. That system will state
 every single Ugandan has a right to be alive. So if we get Museveni who
 comes with a planed agenda to decimate Northerners, the system kicks 
 and the system stays.
 And yes you can refuse my analogy, but let me tell you today that one
 leader will look on Uganda's problem and will conclude that Uganda is 
 fucked up for Baganda are going with waves and they back all Killers we
 in Uganda. A decision will be made to kill as many Baganda as possible.
 system will protect you? We need a system which creates a national 
 army which stays whether a government is in power or not.
 But here is the catch, how can you discuss that with Mengo, an 
 which decides to discuss the future of Uganda with Museveni a man who 
 even failed to establish a national army? A man who rules Uganda 
 Resistance army? A man who pleads for Federalism but can not reinstate
 kingdom of his own area Ankole? Would have you taken me serious if I 
 Busoga and preached the return of Kingdoms when I have trashed the one 
 It leaves me with only one option, Buganda has a population of
 thinkers, or Buganda suports Museveni for he has a plan to make Uganda
 over by Southerners, thus the threats of Nagadya, Love Federalism or 
 TOST. Which means that to Buganda Museveni is a tool of conquest, for
 is how Buganda developed to where she is. So who cares about the deaths
 Northerners when Buganda will expand? Didn't this happen in Buyaga and
 Give me a break
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   Mr. Mulindwa, firstly my allusion to enron was in answer to your
   that because of one negative instance a whole system should be
   The American approach to corperate corruption has been to plug the
   holes in the system, not to totally cut it, because they realise 
   benefits far outway the negatives unlike your approach of throwing
   baby with the bathwater. Which means by you reasoning anytime there 
   negative occurance in our systems we should scrap it and start
   else from scratch. Well if we are to go by that reasoning then we 
   develope as a country because part of developing is making mistakes
   learning from them. This is where Africa has failed woefully as can 
   from your 

Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

2003-10-06 Thread jonah kasangwawo
What's troubling your little brain now, grumpy old man ?
The Buganda institution (in my language we call it the Great Lukiiko) will 
be elected just like the Swedish parliament is elected and they still have a 
king; just like the Scottish parliament is elected but they have a Queen; 
just like the Welsh parliament is elected but they still have a Queen. Need 
I go on ? Is this clearer to you now ? I really don't see where your 
confusion is coming from. Maybe its because you come from a culture that is 
ignorant of royalty.

Okay, so you're refraining from the term 'sources of income', let's then go 
back to your level. What resources do you have to generate income from ? 
Millet or beans ? Are you also going to try out the barter trade ? Be real !


From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:46:32 -0400

Wait a minute, how will the Buganda institution be elected when it will be
led by Ssabasajja? Are going to elect the king of Buganda? Or you are 
stating that Buganda will have Ssabasajja as a cultural leader but Buganda
will have administrative leaders who will be elected? Please clarify what
you are trying to say here.

I am for creating jobs, and Kasangwawo forget the term I used  Sources of
income  let us go back to the normal level of Ugandan discussion. Why?
Because I am one of those people who believe that we must live in our 
we must generate our own income from the resources we have, so I will not 
to World bank to beg for funds as Museveni does, or to Museveni as
Ssabasajja does.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

 for the thousandth time, under a federal arrangement the representatives
 the Buganda institution will be elected and they will be accountable to
 people who elect them.
 But maybe you can start by telling us how you are going to create 
 income - where are you going to get the funds ?


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 18:35:40 -0400
 What is normal is any state any country or any organisation, is to 
 creating sources of income, after you have those sources then you will
 how and if you can/will tax the population. It is very complicated to
 a house starting from the roof. Secondly are you sure a Mugisu or even 
 Muganda will pay his taxes to Mengo, an institution that is (a) corrupt
 (b) un elected?
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 12:59 PM
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   you seem to have specialized in taking statements out of context and
   to use them to satisfy your motives. The facts I gave to COO were
   the issue of the status of Kampala at the time (early 60s) and he
   challenged them. I never claimed that the tax base now is the same 
   I'm not quite sure where you got that stuff about graduated tax but 
   you are just making it up. I doubt your little brain is able to 
   intricacies of taxation. I shall therefore just restrict myself to
   you a list of the type of taxes federalists are proposing for the
   levels of government. As you will see, there is no mention of the
   tax which you are accusing federalists of proposing.
   And, yes, under a federal system, whether he feels comfortable or 
   Mugisu living in Bweyogerere will have to pay taxes to the Buganda
   government for that's where he will be getting his services from.
   Federal, State and Local governments shall have the ability to raise
   to meet their administrative, social, economic, and development
   Tax collection shall be either shared (concurrent), or Exclusive.
   Federal Revenue Authorities shall collect federal taxes, while State
   Local Revenue Authorities shall collect State and Local taxes.
   Concurrent Federal and State Taxes
   The Federal Government and the States shall share the following 

ugnet_: Gays threaten to form party(This is too close to call!)

2003-10-06 Thread Owor Kipenji

Gays threaten to form party By Mwanguhya Charles Mpagi Oct 6, 2003

Demand the right to marry 
KAMPALA - A gay group has written to the government demanding constitutional recognition and legal protection of gay rights.
The gays, writing under the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Uganda, Gala, said that they will form a political party to represent their interests if they get no positive reaction from government.
The letter, dated October 4, is addressed to the minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and copied to the Speaker of Parliament, the Uganda Human Rights Commission and political parties and organisations.
"We believe criminalising us because of our nature is unfair1/4[we] will not support any political organisation which doesn't endorse our rights," says the letter, signed by the chairman of Gala Uganda, Mr S.W.I. Lule.
"If you fail to honour our request, we will be forced to form our political party to represent our interests."
The group is unhappy that gay rights were not included in the Cabinet's recent proposals to the Constitutional Review Commission. 
The gay group wants homosexuality and same-sex marriages decriminalised in Uganda.
The Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister, Ms Janat Mukwaya, told The Monitor yesterday that she has not yet received the letter.
"I have not but I would advise them to read the Constitution. I don't think gays have a right in our Constitution," she said.
The Church of Uganda recently cut links with the New Hampshire diocese of the Episcopian Church of the United States after it appointed an openly gay priest as bishop.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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ugnet_: The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women

2003-10-06 Thread Owor Kipenji
Mistakes YOU ProbablyMake With Women—And What To Do About It...”Here Are The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail WithWomen—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One OfThese Deadly Common Mistakes...-By David DeAngelo, Author Of “Double Your Dating”MISTAKE #1: BeingToo Much Of A “Nice Guy” Have you ever noticed that the really attractivewomen never seem to be attracted "nice" guys? Of course you have. Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractivefemale friends that always seemed to date "jerks"...but for some reason they were never romanticallyinterested in YOU. What's going on
 here? It's actually very simple... Women don't base their choices of men on how"nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do becausethey feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them. And guess what? Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL thatpowerful ATTRACTION. And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you. I realize that this doesn't make a lot oflogical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVERIT. Until you accept this FACT and begin to act onit, you'll NEVER have the success with women that youwant.MISTAKE #2: Trying To“Convince Her To Like You" What do most guys
 do when they meet a woman thatthey REALLY like... but she's just notinterested? Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feeldifferently. Well, I have news for you... YOU WILL NEVERCHANGE HOW A WOMAN "FEELS" WHEN IT COMES TOATTRACTION! Never, ever, EVER. You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differentlyabout you with "logic and reasoning". Think about it. If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in theworld do you expect to change that FEELING by being"reasonable" with her? But we all do it. When a woman just isn't interested, we beg,plead, chase, and do our best to
 change her mind. Bad idea. One that will never work.MISTAKE #3: Looking To HerFor Approval Or Permission In our desire to please women (which wemistakenly think will make them like us), us guys arealways doing things to get a woman's "approval" or"permission". Another HORRIBLE idea. Women are NEVER attracted to the types of menwho kiss up to them... EVER. Don't get me wrong here. You don't have to treat women BADLY for them tolike you. But if you think that treating a woman well means"always getting her approval and permission forthings", think again. You will never
 succeed by looking for approval.Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek theirapproval. Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussyguys who chase her around and want her approval annoyher...MISTAKE #4: Trying To “Buy” Her Affection With FoodAnd Gifts How many times have you taken a woman out to anice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had herREJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALFas well as you did? If you're like me, then you've had it happen aLOT. Well guess what?  It's only NATURAL when this happens... That's right, I said
 NATURAL. When you do these things, you send a clearmessage:"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'mgoing to try to buy your attention and affection".  Your good intentions usually come across towomen as over-compensation for insecurity, and weakattempts at manipulation. That's right, I said thatwomen see this as MANIPULATION.MISTAKE #5: Sharing“How You Feel” Too Early InThe Relationship With Her  Another huge and unfortunate mistake that mostmen make with women is sharing how they "feel" tooearly on. Attractive women are rare. And they get a LOT of attention from men. Most men don't realize this, but attractivewomen are being approached in one way or another ALLTHE  An attractive woman is often approached severaltimes a DAY by men who are interested. This translateinto dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS oftimes per month. And guess what? Attractive women have usually dated a LOT ofmen. That's right. They have EXPERIENCE. They know what to expect. And one thing that turns an attractive women offand sends her running away faster than just aboutanything is a guy who starts saying "You know, Ireally, REALLY like you" after one or two
 dates. This signals to the woman that you're just likeall the other guys who fall for her too fast... andcan't control themselves. Don't do it. Lean back. Relax. There's a much better way...MISTAKE #6: Not “Getting” How Attraction Works ForWomen Women are VERY different from men when it comesto ATTRACTION. You need to accept this fact, and deal with it. When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman,he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction. But does the same apply for
 women? Do women feel sexual attraction to men basedmostly on looks? Or is something else going on? Well, after studying this topic for over fivefull years now, I can tell you that women usually havetheir "attraction mechanisms" triggered by thingsOTHER than looks. Have you ever noticed that you see a lot moreaverage and unattractive men with beautiful women thanthe other way around? Think about it. Women are more attracted to certain qualities inmen... and they're attracted to the way a 

ugnet_: Putin Says U.S. Faces Big Risks in Effort in Iraq

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko

Putin Says U.S. Faces Big Risks in Effort in Iraq


Published: October 6, 2003

OSCOW, Monday, Oct. 6  President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia says the United States now faces in Iraq the possibility of a prolonged, violent and ultimately futile war like the one that mired the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. 

In an expansive interview on Saturday evening, Mr. Putin warned that Iraq could "become a new center, a new magnet for all destructive elements." He added, without naming them, that "a great number of members of different terrorist organizations" have been drawn into the country since the fall of Saddam Hussein.


To respond to this emerging threat, he said, the Bush administration must move quickly to restore sovereignty to Iraqis and to secure a new United Nations resolution that would clearly define how long international forces remain there. 

"How would the local population treat forces whose official name is the occupying forces?" he asked, suggesting that further hostility to the United States was inevitable unless its occupation received the international legitimacy it now lacks.

Mr. Putin said for the first time that Russia was prepared to offer partial relief on the $8 billion it is owed by Iraq, but only in coordination with other major creditor nations in the Paris Club. The United States has been struggling to persuade its European allies to make significant contributions to the multibillion-dollar rebuilding of Iraq.

During an interview that lasted nearly three hours and ranged from Iraq to Russia's economic development to the state of democracy here, Mr. Putin repeatedly characterized Russia's relations with the United States, and his own with President Bush, as close and frank  those of a partner, even, at times, an ally.

But at the same time, he was sharply critical of American complaints about Chechnya, of humiliating new visa requirements for Russians, of what he called lingering cold-war habits of mind, and of the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq, which he simply called "an error."

Mr. Hussein's government had, with reason, been called "a criminal one," Mr. Putin said, but he disputed one of the core reasons given by President Bush for attacking Iraq in March: the assertion that it had ties to international Islamic militancy and terrorism. Rather, he suggested that the invasion of Iraq had created a terrorist haven where one did not previously exist.

"It struggled against the fundamentalists," he said of Mr. Hussein's government. "He either exterminated them physically or put them in jail or just sent them into exile."

Now, he added, with Mr. Hussein ousted, "The coalition forces received two enemies at once  both the remains of the Saddam regime, who fight with them, and those who Saddam himself had fought in the past  the fundamentalists."

Mr. Putin did not identify the militants entering Iraq, but he said they came "from all the Muslim world." Those militants, he suggested, may now find themselves at ease in Iraq, as they once were among the Afghans, and the "danger exists" of a decade-long struggle like the one fought by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980's. Such fears, he added, "are not groundless."

Mr. Putin spoke at his wooded presidential compound in Novo-Ogaryovo, outside Moscow, appearing relaxed but also fiercely concentrated. His growing understanding of English was on display in the not infrequent correction of an interpreter on his use of particular words. 

As he did during his recent trip to the United States, he seemed eager to present a softer, more congenial image  perhaps in response to a flurry of advertisements, protests and newspaper columns suggesting that he was an autocrat bent on reversing Russia's democracy. Mr. Putin affectionately stroked his black Labrador, Koni, who bounded in  seemingly on cue for the kinder-Russian-ruler campaign  halfway through the interview.

Repeatedly, Mr. Putin used American analogies to drive home his points. Why, he asked, was his wide use of the Russian security services any different from the creation of the Department of Homeland Security? Why should terrorism in Chechnya provoke any lesser response here than America's if the same problems arose in Texas? Why should his former role as a K.G.B. agent prompt concern when the first President Bush was once head of the C.I.A.?

ugnet_: Only Dialogue Will Stop Kony, Says Diplomat

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Only Dialogue Will Stop Kony, Says Diplomat

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The Monitor (Kampala)

October 6, 2003 
Posted to the web October 6, 2003 

Patrick O. Jaramogi

Dialogue not war will end the northern insurgency, the new German ambassador has said.

"I sincerely hope that in the end dialogue will prevail over the military option," Mr Alexander Mühlen told guests at his Kololo residence to mark his country's 13th unification anniversary at the weekend.

Mühlen said that countries split for many reasons. "There may be a territorial split or dispute," he said.

He said that a country may split due to ethnic strife, rebellions and dictatorships, which disunite people.

"Germany, during its long and controversial history, suffered many centuries and epochs of deep and painful division," the ambassador said.

He added that the Germans have since managed to get reunited and now live in unity through diversity.

He said Germany has many federal states, religious communities, cultural and linguistic regions.

"In this regard, Uganda and Germany share the experience of overcoming such dictatorships and coming to grips with their devastating effects," he said.

"Let me express my expectation that the feeling of being a Ugandan will help you overcome whatever brutal and criminal factions still existing mainly in the north of your country," he said.

ugnet_: Arnold Unplugged -- The Observer

2003-10-06 Thread J Ssemakula

Arnold Unplugged - It's hasta la vista to $9 billion if the Governator is selected 
Friday, October 3, 2003 

It's not what Arnold Schwarzenegger did to the girls a decade back that should raise an eyebrow. According to a series of memoranda our office obtained today, it's his dalliance with the boys in a hotel room just two years ago that's the real scandal. 

The wannabe governor has yet to deny that on May 17, 2001, at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, he had consensual political intercourse with Enron chieftain Kenneth Lay. Also frolicking with Arnold and Ken was convicted stock swindler Mike Milken. 

Now, thirty-four pages of internal Enron memoranda have just come through this reporter's fax machine tell all about the tryst between Maria's husband and the corporate con men. It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off. 

Here's the story Arnold doesn't want you to hear. The biggest single threat to Ken Lay and the electricity lords is a private lawsuit filed last year under California's unique Civil Code provision 17200, the "Unfair Business Practices Act." This litigation, heading to trial now in Los Angeles, would make the power companies return the $9 billion they filched from California electricity and gas customers. 

It takes real cojones to bring such a suit. Who's the plaintiff taking on the bad guys? Cruz Bustamante, Lieutenant Governor and reluctant leading candidate against Schwarzenegger. 

Now follow the action. One month after Cruz brings suit, Enron's Lay calls an emergency secret meeting in L.A. of his political buck-buddies, including Arnold. Their plan, to undercut Davis (according to Enron memos) and "solve" the energy crisis -- that is, make the Bustamante legal threat go away. 

How can that be done? Follow the trail with me. 

While Bustamante's kicking Enron butt in court, the Davis Administration is simultaneously demanding that George Bush's energy regulators order the $9 billion refund. Don't hold your breath: Bush's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is headed by a guy proposed by … Ken Lay. 

But Bush's boys on the commission have a problem. The evidence against the electricity barons is rock solid: fraudulent reporting of sales transactions, megawatt "laundering," fake power delivery scheduling and straight out conspiracy (including meetings in hotel rooms). 

So the Bush commissioners cook up a terrific scheme: charge the companies with conspiracy but offer them, behind closed doors, deals in which they have to pay only two cents on each dollar they filched. 

Problem: the slap-on-the-wrist refunds won't sail if the Governor of California won't play along. Solution: Re-call the Governor. 

New Problem: the guy most likely to replace Davis is not Mr. Musclehead, but Cruz Bustamante, even a bigger threat to the power companies than Davis. Solution: smear Cruz because -- heaven forbid! -- he took donations from Injuns (instead of Ken Lay). 

The pay-off? Once Arnold is Governor, he blesses the sweetheart settlements with the power companies. When that happens, Bustamante's court cases are probably lost. There aren't many judges who will let a case go to trial to protect a state if that a governor has already allowed the matter to be "settled" by a regulatory agency. 

So think about this. The state of California is in the hole by $8 billion for the coming year. That's chump change next to the $8 TRILLION in deficits and surplus losses planned and incurred by George Bush. Nevertheless, the $8 billion deficit is the hanging rope California's right wing is using to lynch Governor Davis. 

Yet only Davis and Bustamante are taking direct action to get back the $9 billion that was vacuumed out of the state by Enron, Reliant, Dynegy, Williams Company and the other Texas bandits who squeezed the state by the bulbs. 

But if Arnold is selected, it's 'hasta la vista' to the $9 billion. When the electricity emperors whistle, Arnold comes -- to the Peninsula Hotel or the Governor's mansion. The he-man turns pussycat and curls up in their lap. 

I asked Mr. Muscle's PR people to comment on the new Enron memos -- and his strange silence on Bustamante's suit or Davis' petition. But Arnold was too busy shaving off his Hitlerian mustache to respond. 

The Enron memos were discovered by the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Los Angeles, 

Greg Palast is author of the New York Times bestseller, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" as well as "Regulation and Democracy" (with Theo MacGregor and Jerrold Oppenheim), the United Nations guide to utility deregulation. Read Palast's commentaries at Reprints permitted. Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Enron memos were discovered by the Foundation for Taxpayer and 

ugnet_: Russia bares its military teeth

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Russia bares its military teeth

10/02/03: (BBC News) Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov has said his country does not rule out a pre-emptive military strike anywhere in the world if the national interest demands it. 
He said that Russia faced foreign interference in its internal affairs and instability in neighbouring states as well as classic threats such as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism and the drugs trade 

President Vladimir Putin, who met Mr Ivanov on Thursday, added that the Russian military still possessed a formidable nuclear arsenal. 

A report by the Defence Ministry also called on Nato to review its strategy, warning that otherwise it would be necessary to pursue "a radical reconstruction of Russian military planning, including changes in Russian nuclear strategy". 

Mr Putin has signed an agreement with US President George W Bush to cut the two countries' nuclear arsenals by two-thirds in 10 years. 

But many in Russia's military establishment are angry about former East Bloc allies joining Nato, as the Western alliance moves into traditional spheres of Russian influence. 

Iraq lessons 

Mr Ivanov was speaking in Moscow at a conference of the Russian military leadership. 

In an apparent reference to the US-led invasion of Iraq, Mr Ivanov said that the use of force without UN approval could encourage countries to acquire a nuclear potential. 

But he said that Russia could not rule out the use of force itself "if the interests of Russia or its alliance obligations demand it". 

Russia's new national security doctrine, unveiled last year, allows the use of all possible force, including nuclear weapons, to oppose attacks, if all other methods fail. 

Previously, Russia said it would only use nuclear weapons if its national sovereignty was under threat. 

Addressing Thursday's meeting, Mr Putin said Russia had "at her disposal a considerable... stockpile of heavy ground-launched strategic missiles...". 

"Their combat characteristics, including the surmounting of any systems of anti-missile defences, are unrivalled," he said. 

The president added that the arsenal included many strategic nuclear missiles never before deployed.

Story from BBC NEWS:

ugnet_: This Funny World.

2003-10-06 Thread Owor Kipenji

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Re: ugnet_: Gays threaten to form party(This is too close to call!)

2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa

That is nonsense, there is whole barrage of 
interest groups in Uganda whose interests just can not be cared for by the 
government, and any government. They find a solution to their problem/s by 
putting more pressure to the government and not by forming a political party. 
All nations and I hope Uganda too have a basic requirement for a creation of a 
political party, is failing to be recognised one of them? I wonder. For this 
means that tomorrow we are going to get a Federalism party and God knows what 
next week.

As much as I support their freedom of _expression_, I 
think on this one they are really screwed.


Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 1:35 
  Subject: ugnet_: Gays threaten to form 
  party(This is too close to call!)

  Gays threaten to form party By Mwanguhya Charles 
Mpagi Oct 6, 


  Demand the right to marry 
  KAMPALA - A gay group has written to the 
  government demanding constitutional recognition and legal 
  protection of gay rights.
  gays, writing under the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Uganda, Gala, 
  said that they will form a political party to represent their 
  interests if they get no positive reaction from 
  letter, dated October 4, is addressed to the minister of Justice 
  and Constitutional Affairs and copied to the Speaker of 
  Parliament, the Uganda Human Rights Commission and political 
  parties and organisations.
  believe criminalising us because of our nature is unfair1/4[we] 
  will not support any political organisation which doesn't endorse 
  our rights," says the letter, signed by the chairman of Gala 
  Uganda, Mr S.W.I. Lule.
  you fail to honour our request, we will be forced to form our 
  political party to represent our interests."
  group is unhappy that gay rights were not included in the 
  Cabinet's recent proposals to the Constitutional Review 
  gay group wants homosexuality and same-sex marriages 
  decriminalised in Uganda.
  Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister, Ms Janat Mukwaya, 
  told The Monitor yesterday that she has not yet received the 
  have not but I would advise them to read the Constitution. I don't 
  think gays have a right in our Constitution," she said.
  Church of Uganda recently cut links with the New Hampshire diocese 
  of the Episcopian Church of the United States after it appointed 
  an openly gay priest as bishop.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Gunfire Erupts on Israeli-Lebanon Border 
ugandacBy BUTROS WANNA, Associated Press Writer 
KFAR KILA, Lebanon - Gunfire erupted across the 
Israel-Lebanese border Monday, with each side saying it was fired upon, amid 
tensions following Israel's airstrike on Lebanon's ally Syria. 



The Israeli army said some of its troops were fired on near Kfar Kila, a 
village on the Lebanese side of the border some 60 miles southeast of Beirut. 

Lebanese security officials and soldiers, speaking on condition of anonymity, 
said Israeli troops patrolling a road on the Israeli side of the electrified 
border fence fired at two Lebanese vehicles, a sedan and a passenger mini van. 
Shots also hit homes in Kfar Kila, but no one was harmed. 

An independent Lebanese radio station, Voice of Lebanon, said one Israeli 
soldier was killed and two wounded. The unattributed report said was unclear if 
Hezbollah guerrillas or Palestinian militants were behind the shooting. The 
Israeli military did not say if any soldiers were killed or wounded. 

The shooting came amid heightened tensions in the region after Israeli 
warplanes on Sunday bombed an alleged Palestinian militant base in Syria, the 
first Israeli strike deep in Syria in three decades. The strike was in 
retaliation for a Palestinian suicide bombing that killed 19 in the Israeli city 
of Haifa on Saturday. Syria dominates its neighbor Lebanon and has strong 
influence over the Shiite Muslim guerrilla group Hezbollah in the border region. 

It was unclear what prompted Monday's shootings on a road abutting the fence 
separating Lebanon from Israel. Hezbollah, the anti-Israeli militant Lebanese 
guerrilla group active in south Lebanon, said in a one-sentence statement faxed 
to the AP in Beirut that it was not involved in Monday's shootings. 

In Kfar Kala, the home of Sujud Faris, a 16-year-old Shiite Muslim girl, had 
fresh bullet holes in the walls. 

"I was studying and suddenly shooting erupted, shattering glass at our home," 
Faris told The Associated Press. She and her younger brother and sister hid 
under the bed. 

An officer from the U.N. Interim Force In Lebanon, a peacekeeping force that 
regularly sends patrols along the Lebanese side of the border, said a U.N. water 
tanker truck was hit by three bullets. There were no injuries. 

A spokesman for the U.N. force confirmed there had been a shooting incident 
in the border area and that the force was investigating the matter. 

Three white armored U.N. peacekeeping force vehicles took up positions near 
the place where the shooting occurred later Monday. 

An electrified fence connected to cameras and movement sensors separates 
adjacent roads on both sides of the border. In the area where Monday's shootings 
occurred, houses in Kfar Kila are separated from the Israeli village of Metoulla 
in the northern Galilee by apple groves and a few dozen yards. 

Shootings on the edge of this border town have been rare since the Israeli 
withdrawal, but violence sometimes flares in the contested Chebaa Farms, an area 
to the east, where shootouts between Israeli border guards and Hezbollah 
guerrillas occasionally flare into artillery and rocket exchanges, sometimes 
prompting Israeli air strikes. 

Reporters and Lebanese soldiers who arrived at the scene about an hour after 
the shooting said Israeli soldiers yelled at them from their side of the fence 
and ordered them to leave the area. 

One of the Lebanese soldiers replied, "This is Lebanese territory. We are not 
leaving," according to an Associated Press reporter at the scene 

Israeli soldiers shouted back in Arabic, "go away before we shoot you," the 
reporter who witnessed the argument said. 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Pastor held over Kony

2003-10-06 Thread gook makanga
Pastor held over KonyBy Ahmed WetakaOct 7, 2003

MBALE - Authorities here are holding a born-again pastor who gave false information to security agents to claim an informer’s reward.
The leader of Naboa local church of Christ in Pallisa district, Pastor Jackson Kato, is to be charged with providing the Internal Security Organisation and State House intelligence operatives with false leads on the Lord’s Resistance Army recruitment drive in Mbale. 
“I was told when you become brave and go to the President with information about Kony rebels, you can be paid some money and other material benefits,” Kato said when he was paraded before the press at Mbale Central Police Station yesterday.
“I knew I was going to lie and make some money,” he added.
Kato had reportedly told ISO operatives that another pastor, one ‘Bishop’ Isaac Buyi, was drumming up support for LRA rebels at his Independent Liberty Baptist Church in Busamaga ward, Wanale Division in Mbale municipality. 
According to the police, Kato wanted President Museveni to give him a mobile phone, an appointment letter, a tape recorder, transport and an e-mail address.
Police said that both churches would be closed down as they are investigated. 
© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Do your self a favour, go and borrow a dictionary from a kid next to you
block and look for these two words. Federalism and feudalism. Then get back
to me after.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

 What's troubling your little brain now, grumpy old man ?
 The Buganda institution (in my language we call it the Great Lukiiko) will
 be elected just like the Swedish parliament is elected and they still have
 king; just like the Scottish parliament is elected but they have a Queen;
 just like the Welsh parliament is elected but they still have a Queen.
 I go on ? Is this clearer to you now ? I really don't see where your
 confusion is coming from. Maybe its because you come from a culture that
 ignorant of royalty.

 Okay, so you're refraining from the term 'sources of income', let's then
 back to your level. What resources do you have to generate income from ?
 Millet or beans ? Are you also going to try out the barter trade ? Be real


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:46:32 -0400
 Wait a minute, how will the Buganda institution be elected when it will
 led by Ssabasajja? Are going to elect the king of Buganda? Or you are
 stating that Buganda will have Ssabasajja as a cultural leader but
 will have administrative leaders who will be elected? Please clarify what
 you are trying to say here.
 I am for creating jobs, and Kasangwawo forget the term I used  Sources
 income  let us go back to the normal level of Ugandan discussion. Why?
 Because I am one of those people who believe that we must live in our
 we must generate our own income from the resources we have, so I will not
 to World bank to beg for funds as Museveni does, or to Museveni as
 Ssabasajja does.
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 2:21 PM
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   for the thousandth time, under a federal arrangement the
   the Buganda institution will be elected and they will be accountable
   people who elect them.
   But maybe you can start by telling us how you are going to create
   income - where are you going to get the funds ?
   From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 18:35:40 -0400
   What is normal is any state any country or any organisation, is to
   creating sources of income, after you have those sources then you
   how and if you can/will tax the population. It is very complicated to
   a house starting from the roof. Secondly are you sure a Mugisu or
   Muganda will pay his taxes to Mengo, an institution that is (a)
   (b) un elected?
The Mulindwas Communication Group
   With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
   avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
   - Original Message -
   From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 12:59 PM
   Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

 you seem to have specialized in taking statements out of context
 to use them to satisfy your motives. The facts I gave to COO were
 the issue of the status of Kampala at the time (early 60s) and he
 challenged them. I never claimed that the tax base now is the same

 I'm not quite sure where you got that stuff about graduated tax
 you are just making it up. I doubt your little brain is able to
 intricacies of taxation. I shall therefore just restrict myself to
 you a list of the type of taxes federalists are proposing for the
 levels of government. As you will see, there is no mention of the
 tax which you are accusing federalists of proposing.

 And, yes, under a federal system, whether he feels 

ugnet_: Wake the House before it’s too late

2003-10-06 Thread gook makanga


By F.D.R. Gureme Wake the House before it’s too lateOct 7, 2003

Last Tuesday we missed some Cabinet proposals intended to influence the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC). I undertook to cover today: the hollow offer of ‘federo’ to Buganda, the see-through lure of a “return to multiparty politics,” curtailing of Parliament’s powers, disempowerment of the Inspectorate of Government and the elimination of Uganda Human Rights Commission.
Readers are aware that many writers expressed similar concern. I emboss David Kibirige’s bright analysis titled “Professors in a Circus in…Cabinet Proposals,” The Monitor, October 2.
Kibirige wonders which intelligent people drafted these inane proposals. A cabinet comprising seven professors, four Ph.Ds, thirteen lawyers and a product of a British Army College: comparable to former president Idi Amin’s (RIP) initial team of ten university graduates, four lawyers, two university teachers one a professor, four permanent secretaries, two secretaries general, one former minister in Governor Andrew Cohen’s “dress rehearsal cabinet;” also being Uganda’s first Permanent Representative at the UN. 
The Inspector General of Police and Commissioner of Prisons respectively; plus a Sandhurst-trained Lieutenant Colonel. But Amin’s academically impressive cabinet comprised fewer than twenty persons; against President Yoweri Museveni’s approaching seventy. 
Yes, Amin sought no votes, and did not have to please regions, groups or communities. 
The sooner Cabinet (and Parliament itself) is reduced to say 30 persons, districts reduced to the original community-based sixteen, RDCs re-designated District Commissioners, taming their salaries accordingly, the better for Uganda. 
It is a strange mind that conceived the trimming of Parliament’s powers; subordinating it to the presidency: to appropriate powers mandated by the voters! Kibirige marvels at the sobriety of such an intellectually endowed executive: making preposterous proposals to a commission appointed by its chairman. 
Hitler’s War started in 1939 when I was is P.4 ending 1945 when I was in S.5. Until relatively recently I wondered how a nation arguably having the world’s scientific and intellectual cream, allowed itself to be led by an insane former sergeant; and doing his behest, pitting itself against a world, weary of war, but capable of marshalling to victory. 
Clearly, upcoming dictatorships may misuse democracy: soaring at critical points. 
Hitler hated elections. His critical point came when the Nazis burnt down the federal assembly hall, and blamed it on the communists whose deputies they threw out and imprisoned. Given a Bundestag majority, they passed the “Enabling Act,” empowering Hitler, now Chancellor, to do as he fancied.
The top Movement leadership has a pathological fear of fair competition, which party leaders, themselves overstayers, should have discerned upon suspension of party activity in 1986; and especially the National Resistance Council’s self-extension of tenure in 1989, to the constitution-making process where candidature of aspiring MPs to the Constituent Assembly was encouraged. 
The critical point was insider Col. Kizza Besigye’s rival candidature; arousing perpetual panic, animosity, rancour, hostility…harassment and institutionalised violence.
Actually, the “federo” being dangled under Buganda’s nose need not be linked to horse-trading among 56 synthetic districts. Federo’s blue print existed in 1963/4: when homogeneous communities (c.f. US example) were given “federal” character regardless of size. 
We may build from this, mutatis mutandis, not on non-homogeneous “regions.”
Only mutual dialogue may peacefully restore multiparty politics, which National Political Commissar, Dr Crispus Kiyonga appears to have recognised. The hyped referendum, essentially unconstitutional, is an accursed roadblock to democracy. 
Let Parliament, albeit partisan predominated, resist and uproot despotism in the interests of posterity. And recognise that the Inspector General of Government, who, along with the Auditor General, who reports in retrospect, merits more rather than fewer powers to apprehend walking convicts. 
The contemplated cutback on the rights’ commission’s brief is an example of how the wealthy downplay the plight of the needy: an international outrage! The CRC must, in its conclusions, look not to a transient regime, but to history, democracy and posterity.
Critics are not enemies. But I received hostile SMS suggesting I denigrated the president; with threats of me paying heavily through “our wrath,” and such silly threats. I despise cranks but as a responsible citizen, I took appropriate steps. However, I take exception to the label “stupid” uttered by the same gutless fellow, hiding behind “www,” talking of my “stupid insults.” Indeed? Well, his sneaky and dastardly ways remind me of the behaviour of a neighbour’s grey chicken said to be of “extremely low intellect!” 


2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa


  1 hour, 28 minutes ago

By JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press Writer 
WASHINGTON - While President Clinton (news 
- web 
sites) was trying to broker an elusive peace between Israelis and 
Palestinians, the FBI (news 
- web 
sites) was secretly funneling money to suspected Hamas figures to see if the 
militant group would use it for terrorist attacks, according to interviews and 
court documents. 

The counterterrorism operation in 1998 and 1999 was run out of the FBI's 
Phoenix office in cooperation with Israeli intelligence and was approved by 
Attorney General Janet Reno (news 
- web 
sites), FBI officials told The Associated Press. 

Several thousand dollars in U.S. money was sent to suspected terror 
supporters during the operation as the FBI tried to track the flow of cash 
through terror organizations, the FBI said in a rare acknowledgment of an 
undercover sting that never resulted in prosecutions. 

"This was done in conjunction with permission from the attorney general for 
an ongoing operation, and Israeli authorities were aware of it," the bureau 

One of the FBI's key operatives, who has had a falling out with the bureau, 
provided an account of the operation at a friend's closed immigration court 
proceeding. AP obtained and reviewed the court documents. 

Arizona businessman Harry Ellen testified he permitted the FBI to bug his 
home, car and office, allowed his Muslim foundation's activities in the Gaza 
Strip (news 
- web 
sites) to be monitored by agents, arranged a peace meeting between major 
Palestinian activists and gained personal access to Yasser Arafat (news 
- web 
sites) during more than four years of cooperation with the FBI. 

Ellen's FBI handler in the late 1990s was Kenneth Williams, an agent who 
later became famous for writing a pre-Sept. 11 memo to FBI headquarters warning 
there were Arab pilots training at U.S. flight schools. The warning went 

Ellen, a Muslim convert, testified he was taking a trip to the Gaza Strip to 
bring doctors to the region in summer 1998 when Williams asked him to provide 
money to a Hamas figure. 

Williams wanted "the transfer of American funds to some of the terrorist 
groups for violent purposes," Ellen testified to the immigration court in a 
closed June 2001 session. 

At the same time, Clinton and his negotiators were trying to reinvigorate 
stalled Mideast peace talks, an effort that culminated in the Wye Accords in 
October 1998. 

Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, said in an interview that 
the White House wasn't informed of the FBI activities. "We were not aware of any 
such operation," Berger said. 

Ellen testified the operation ended abruptly in early 1999 when he and 
Williams had a series of disagreements over the operation, disputes that began 
when Ellen angered the FBI by having an affair with a Chinese woman suspected of 

FBI officials said they tried to get Ellen to end the relationship and his 
work was terminated for failing to follow rules. 

Melvin McDonald, the former U.S. attorney in Phoenix who has championed 
Ellen's cause, said the FBI's abrupt end to the investigation squandered an 
important intelligence opportunity. 

"Harry had been a tremendous resource to the bureau," McDonald said. "We did 
not have that many people like him with connections like that to the Middle 

Former Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dennis DeConcini, another Ellen 
supporter, said Ellen's work could have greatly assisted the FBI. 

"I know some of the wonderful cases and sheer positives the FBI has done. But 
when it comes to spying and espionage they really screwed up, and I think Harry 
is one of those cases," the former Arizona senator said. 


The Justice Department (news 
- web 
sites) inspector general is investigating some allegations that came to 
light in Ellen's case, including that FBI agents in sensitive probes moonlighted 
at private companies that were using FBI assets or investigative subjects to 
assist their personal interests. 
Ellen, stepson of an Air Force intelligence officer, had worked for U.S. 
intelligence since the 1970s as an "asset," a private citizen paid to provide 
information or conduct specific tasks. His work started in Latin America and 
also involved China and the Middle East. 
Ellen, whose step-grandfather was Jewish, converted to Islam in the 1980s and 
began helping poor Palestinians. 
In 1994, he began assisting the FBI Phoenix office, which had become a hotbed 
of cases involving terrorism and intelligence because of a large, active Muslim 
population, the proximity to the U.S. southern border and a large concentration 
of aerospace companies. 
Ellen testified that by 1996 his humanitarian work, monitored by the FBI, had 
won him unprecedented access to Muslim militants from groups fighting for 
Palestinian independence, including Hamas. 
In a rare meeting Ellen organized, he testified, the 

ugnet_: New massacre reported in northeast Congo

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
New massacre reported in northeast Congo

KINSHASA, Oct 6 (Reuters) - U.N. peacekeeping troops discovered 23 bodies in a village in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday, in what appeared to be the latest in a series of massacres of civilians.

A local leader from the Hema ethnic group, locked in a vicious conflict with the rival Lendu, said the victims of the attack were Hema killed by Lendu.

"They were mostly killed by machetes and bullets," Isabelle Abric, a U.N. spokeswoman in the region's main town Bunia, told Reuters by telephone.

She said local people at the scene, five km (three miles) south of the town of Bule which is about 70 km (40 miles) northeast of Bunia, told peacekeepers another 32 civilians had also been killed in the attack early on Monday.

The bodies of the 32 had already been buried following the attack early on Monday, Abric quoted the local people as saying. The U.N. troops did not see them.

The incident follows recent apparent progress in U.N. efforts to broker peace in the region, after a series of similar atrocities in and around towns such as Bule and Sataki in the Ituri region in the northeast of the vast country.

"It's the Lendu who have attacked (on Monday), the same Lendu who are reposnsible for attacking Bule and Sataki," Thomas Lubanga, leader of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), an etnic Hema rebel movement backed by Rwanda, told Reuters by telephone.

He accused the two main Lendu political groups, the FNI and FRPI, of being responsible.

"The FNI and FRPI are the same groups as the Lendus who are involved in these massacres," he said.

The UN has been bringing together the FNI, FRPI, the UPC and other armed groups to discuss cantonment of soldiers and disarmament in Ituri Province. Peace marches have been held by both sides in Bunia in recent weeks.

A force largely made up of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Nepalese and Uruguayan peacekeepers recently replaced French-led troops sent to Bunia.

Conflict in Bunia and Ituri province has cost at least 50,000 lives since 1999. It is part of a wider war held responsible for millions of deaths in Africa's third biggest country over the past five years.

(Reporting by Dino Mahtani; editing by Andrew Roche)

10/06/03 18:26 ET

ugnet_: Ugandan President Fears 'Hostile Doctors'

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Ugandan President Fears 'Hostile Doctors'

.c The Associated Press 

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said Sunday he and his family travel abroad for medical treatment because he fears ``hostile doctors'' who could try to kill him.

In a letter to the independent Sunday Monitor and government-owned Sunday Vision newspapers, Museveni said that the problem with the Ugandan medical system is ``that some of the doctors are partisan.''

``I regard myself and my immediate family as a principal target for the criminal forces,'' he said.

The letter was in response to an article published by The Monitor newspaper two weeks ago that criticized Museveni for using his presidential jet to fly one of his daughters, Natasha, to Germany to give birth. His daughter-in-law, who was also pregnant, also went on the trip.

The Monitor article alleged that the flight to Germany cost Uganda $90,000, and that the women's medical expenses were paid for by the government.

Museveni, however, said he paid for all the medical expenses and said the flight cost the state $27,000.

Museveni said getting medical treatment abroad was part of ``our survival strategy in still hostile circumstances.''

``The issue is about security given some of the hostile doctors we have in the medical system here. In spite of being in Kampala for 17 years now, I have never rushed into a clinic and had my veins pierced in order to draw my blood for examination,'' Museveni said in the letter. ``Even abroad, we take precautions.''

He said two attempts were made on his life in the 1980s when he ``reluctantly'' visited another, unidentified African leader. He gave no other details about those who might want to harm him or his family.

Onapito Ekomoloit, an adviser to Museveni, told The Associated Press that Museveni believes some Uganda doctors are among ``the best in the world,'' and blamed the security concerns on Uganda's ``complicated political history.''

Museveni's leadership has been increasingly criticized in recent years because of his country's involvement in the devastating civil war in neighboring Congo. His governing National Resistance Movement has also been accused of corruption and opponents say he must allow Uganda to return to a multiparty political system.

Museveni seized power in 1986 after leading a five-year bush war. Since then, he has governed the country under a ``no-party'' political system which allows political parties to exist but severely restricts their activities, particularly recruitment and fund-raising.

Museveni is regarded as a close ally of the West; President Bush visited Uganda during his five-nation tour of Africa in July and financial assistance from Western nations and lending institutions account for more than 40 percent of Uganda's annual budget.   

10/05/03 16:53 EDT

ugnet_: Ugandan president defends family use of state jet

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Ugandan president defends family use of state jet

KAMPALA, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Uganda's president has defended his daughter's using the presidential jet to take her to give birth in Germany, saying her baby had been overdue and that he did not trust local doctors.

In a statement published by newspapers on Sunday, Yoweri Museveni also cited security as a reason for the jet trip, which newspapers said had cost $90,000 -- enough to pay for 36,000 births at the main state hospital in Kampala.

Museveni said that as the leader of the guerrilla movement that brought him to power in 1986, it was vital for him and his family to take security precautions.

"It is true that I sent the presidential jet to deliver part of my family to Europe so that my daughter and daughter-in-law could deliver their babies," he said in a seven-page statement responding to press reports on the trip.

"When it comes to the security of myself, my family and my country there is no, and there will never be, any compromise," he said.

Museveni said he was a constant target for assassins, who would like to kill him and members of his family using methods that could include using local doctors -- some of whom were his political enemies.

"I have never rushed into a clinic and had my veins pierced in order to draw blood for examination. I do it in a certain controlled way or I do it abroad," he said.

Museveni said his daughter would ordinarily have made the trip by commercial airline but the baby had been overdue.

Museveni said the plane dropped off his family, stayed over night and picked them up a month later. He said the round trip cost about $27,000 and he footed his daughter's medical bill and the family's accommodation costs.

10/05/03 12:06 ET

ugnet_: Ugandans anxious for quick end to northern war

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Ugandans anxious for quick end to northern war

By Paul Busharizi

KAMPALA, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Ugandans appear increasingly sceptical of government pledges to rout the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and quickly end a devastating 17-year war in the country's north.

Last year President Yoweri Museveni deployed more than 14,000 troops backed by helicopter gunships and tanks against the rebels. The LRA, he said, would be wiped out by the end of February this year.

But fighting continues. Rebels killed 20 people in eastern Uganda at the weekend, including 10 local pro-government militiamen just days after an attack at a market in Apac district killed 10 civilians.

The broad public perception, coloured by incidents such as last weekend's, is that the rebels are going from strength to strength. Exasperation is widespread.

"Violence has not worked...the only thing to do is to negotiate face-to-face, bring (rebel leader Joseph) Kony to Kampala and talk and see whether this whole war will not end," said Justin Sizoomu, an unemployed biochemist.

Mama Saida, a Kampala newspaper vendor, was equally despairing. "Give them whatever they want, if they want money, if they want posts in government, whatever, lets just stop the fighting."

The LRA, based in the north, is feared for maiming villagers and abducting children for use as sex slaves and child soldiers. Led by self-proclaimed prophet Joseph Kony, the rebels say they are fighting to overthrow President Museveni's government but have never spelt out detailed demands in public.

A participant at a Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) seminar held last week suggested the government should borrow money from donors and pay the LRA to lay down their weapons.


But northern Member of Parliament Ronald Reagan Okumu who has been a key player in efforts to negotiate peace said finding a solution to the LRA problem was a complex issue.

"On one hand to suggest a payoff of the rebels shows a lack of understanding of the rebellion...the LRA are not fighting because they are poor," Okumu said.

"On the other hand this is desperation by the people they see everything has been tried, war, peace and nothing has come from it, so they think maybe money will do."

Army spokesman Major Shaban Bantariza says the army can master the situation.

"If you look at the thousands of abductees we have rescued, the ammunition and arms we have captured, in totality it is good effort in denying them the ability to wage war,' Bantariza said.

Kony is from the Acholi tribe and most of the war until recently, has been fought in the Acholi districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader.

ugnet_: Uganda Rebel Attack Kills at Least 22

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
Uganda Rebel Attack Kills at Least 22

.c The Associated Press 

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - Rebels fighting a 17-year insurgency raided a village in northeast Uganda, killing at least 22 people, a local government official said Sunday.

The rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army, or LRA, attacked Olekai, 168 miles northeast of Kampala, on Saturday, killing five civilians and six members of a local civilian defense force, said Musa Echweru, the coordinator of the force in district.

Eleven rebels were also killed, Echweru said by telephone.

The civilian defense force, known as the Arrow Boys, is mainly made up of former soldiers and was formed by the government about two months ago in response to increasing attacks by the LRA.

``The remnants of the rebels are being followed by the army and the Arrow Boys,'' Echweru said.

Led by Joseph Kony, who claims to have spiritual powers that can protect his fighters, the LRA is a shadowy organization that has been fighting President Yoweri Museveni, a southerner, since his forces came to power in 1986 after a five-year bush war.

The group replenishes its ranks with children it abducts to keep as fighters, porters or concubines. The rebels rarely speak to journalists and could not be reached for comment.

The rebellion has wreaked havoc across northern Uganda, and in recent months the LRA has launched attacks in eastern parts of the East Africa nation as well, forcing some 300,000 people to flee their homes since June, according to the U.N. World Food Program.

Some 1.1 million of Uganda's 24 million people have been displaced by the insurgency.  

09/28/03 21:35 EDT

ugnet_: U.N. food body sees supplies to Uganda running out

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko
U.N. food body sees supplies to Uganda running out

NAIROBI, Sept 26 (Reuters) - The World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that supplies to feed Uganda's swelling number of displaced people will run out next month without donor assistance.

More than 1.1 million people have fled their homes in the north and east of the country following attacks by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), which has stepped up a 17-year-old insurgency against the government.

"Our ability to deal with the swelling numbers of displaced is already stretched. With increased numbers needing help, we have only enough food to last through October when we will run out of maize and beans," said WFP's Country Director for Uganda Ken Davies in a statement issued on Thursday.

"We are urging donors to come forward with cash contributions to purchase food locally to speed up the process. We absolutely must avoid drastic ration cuts."

More than 14,000 Ugandan troops backed by tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships were deployed in the north last year to fight rebels, but have failed to defeat them.


2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa


Israel And US Prepare To Attack 
IranGoal is forcing capitulation or risking regional 
war."There could be very, very serious ramifications in the wake of 
what's happened with this air strike by the Israelis in Syrian territory." Brent 
Sadler, CNN.“It could be a race who presses the button first (to strike 
Iran) – us or the Americans”. Israeli Mossad OfficialMID-EAST REALITIES 
- www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6 October 2003:Before the 
Israelis bombed Syria for the first time in decades, MER warned over the past 
weekend that General Sharon - and what is essentially another military-Mossad 
government in Israel - was trying hard to provoke an "excuse" for a new regional 
war; much as has been done before, most recently in 1982 when Sharon, then 
Defense Minister, cleverly orchestrated the invasion of Lebanon in an attempt to 
install a 'new regime' in that country.Indeed, it was that war which 
then led to the Hezbollah, the Intifada, Hamas, and the now-escalating phenomena 
of 'suicide bombers'...not to mention the effects Sharon's militarist and 
expansionist policies have had on events taking place in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, 
Iran and throughout the region.+Now Sharon and his warrior Generals are 
attempting to twist world affairs in a way that will allow them, always of 
course in intimate coordination with the US, to force Syria into fuller 
capitulation and to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities if the Iranians refuse 
compliance.At this historical moment the Arabs are exceedingly weak, 
confused, co-opted and impotent. This is the result not only of decades of 
Israeli and U.S. policies to create just such a state of affairs, but of the 
gross incompetence and corruption of the key Arab regimes in Cairo, Riyadh, 
Damascus and Amman. All combined 'Arab world' military and economic power is but 
a small fraction of that of today's Israel backed by its superpower patron. As 
for pollitical power, overall the Arabs are treated with contempt and scorn by 
their enemies, and with pity and jokes by their friends.It is Iran which 
Israel now has in the cross-hairs. Taking out Iran's growing military 
capabilities, especially its nuclear and missiles facilities, is at the top of 
the Israeli agenda and that of its many top-level fellow travelers in the 
American Pentagon and White House National Security Council. Indeed, a number of 
times in the past year, even in public, Ariel Sharon has telegraphed his blatant 
warnings - far more so in secret no doubt. Just before the American 
invasion/occupation of Iraq - and after holding numerous private meetings in 
Washington with President Bush and senior US officials - Sharon himself said 
quite clearly: "Right after Iraq must come Iran".Now, with 
American forces occupying the heart of the Arab world, with most Arab regimes 
either infiltrated, co-opted, or cowering, the final stage is being set. Sharon 
will continue to do all he can to provoke more attacks against Israel's 
increasingly brutal occupation and then, when the political and 'public 
opionion' moment is right, Israel will strike - of course with considerable US 
help no matter what is said in public.The first article that 
follows, dateline Washington, is not fully on target. After all this is hardly 
the 'first time', though it may very well prove to be the most significant 
time.Israel had hoped the US could either topple the current 
Iranian regime, or somehow force an end to its nuclear programs. Having failed, 
including no doubt numerous CIA and Mossad operations, the option of military 
force is now more on the table than ever before. This is especially the case as 
the betting is the 'world community' will protest but not take any significant 
anti-Israel steps, and even if the UN tried the US would block with its veto, 
proven last month when the US used the 'veto' one more time to protect Israel 
with hardly anyone noticing.ISRAEL WEIGHS STRIKE TO STOP IRAN'S 
NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMTEL AVIV — For the first time, Israel's military 
has raised the prospect of an operation to destroy Iran's suspected nuclear 
weapons program.Israel's chief of staff, alarmed by the failure of the 
international community to move against Iran, has warned that Israel would 
consider unilateral action to stop the "nightmare scenario" of Teheran's 
development of nuclear weapons.Earlier, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan 
Shalom demanded that the international community stop the program."Iran 
is fast approaching the point of no return in its efforts to acquire nuclear 
weapons capability," Shalom said. "It's urgent that the international community 
act to ensure that this nightmare scenario is prevented."Israel's Chief 
of Staff Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon took the rhetoric up a notch."At the 
moment there is continuing international diplomatic activity to deal with this 
threat, and it would be good if it succeeds," Ya'alon said. "But if that is not 
the case we would consider our options."Israel has never 

ugnet_: Karamojong Anger Over 1238 Cattle Seizures by Govt -BBC

2003-10-06 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Monday, 6 October, 2003, 13:44 GMT 14:44 UK  

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Karamojong anger over cattle seizures 

By Nathan Etengu BBC, Moroto, Uganda 

The Karamojong watched gloomily as they cattle were takenUganda's Karamojong elders have expressed anger and vowed to hunt down cattle raiders after the government confiscated 1,238 head of cattle from them. 
Some of the cattle confiscated from the Bokora Karamojong will be given out as compensation for the lives of 21 people killed by Karimojong warriors in Katakwi district on 20 September. 
Others will be used to compensate the lives of four Karamojong local defence unit personnel killed by the warriors in an operation mounted by the army to impound stolen cattle. 
The commanding officer of the Uganda People's Defence Force, third infantry division, Colonel Andrew Guti, supervised the recovery of the cattle to be given out as compensation. 
He said that 60 head of cattle would be paid to the family of each of the people killed by the Karamojong. 
Gnashed teeth 
Colonel Guti said that more cattle would be confiscated from the ethnic Pian Karamojong in Nakapiripirit to make the required number of 2,057. 

The pastoralists grinned and gnashed their teeth as they watched the counting process. 
Colonel Guti, however, blamed them for allowing wrong elements to hide amongst them - he said that the warriors who killed people in Katakwi district drove the stolen cattle through the grazing area where the majority of the pastoralists kept their own herds. 
Colonel Guti also reminded the Karamojong that the confiscation of their cattle was a fulfilment of an accord they struck with the leadership of the Teso region in which it was agreed that 60 head of cattle would be paid for the life of every person killed by the Karamojong in the Teso region. 
He said that the "Magoro accord" was sealed way back in 1998. 

Gloomy faced 
The exercise to recover the cattle for compensation was held near Iriiri trading centre, about 2km from the border between Moroto and Katakwi district. 
Colonel Guti, himself a Karamojong from Bokora county, said that some of the cattle would also be used as compensation for the cattle stolen by the Karimojong from Katakwi district in three separate incidents. 

The Karamojong use cattle as a store of wealthHe told the gloomy faced pastoralists that the government had directed the Karamojong as a community to compensate for the lives of the people killed and the cattle stolen by the warriors. 
The cattle were picked from a large herd of about 4,000 confiscated by the army from the pastoralists. 
The actual warriors who committed the offence were, however, not apprehended. 

Minister ambushed 
Colonel Guti said that he would hunt down the suspects until they were apprehended and warned that pastoralists who failed to expose cattle raiders would continue to suffer the consequences. 
Meanwhile the State Minister for economic monitoring, John Omwony Ojwok, on Friday escaped unhurt after suspected Karamojong warriors ambushed a vehicle he was travelling in. 
Mr Ojwok told me that a police escort was shot and injured in the jaws and chest. 
He said that the ambush occurred around midday at a notorious spot where the warriors have killed many people in highway ambushes. 
Mr Ojwok said that his convoy entered an area where two rival Karamojong warriors were fighting over raided cattle. 

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ugnet_: No Respite In Northern Uganda -BBC

2003-10-06 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Sunday, 5 October, 2003, 15:21 GMT 16:21 UK  

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No respite in northern Uganda

The Ugandan Government still appears to be having little success in its attempt to defeat the rebel force known as the Lord's Resistance Army. 
Last year, President Yoweri Museveni deployed 14,000 soldiers, backed by tanks and helicopters, against the rebels. The LRA, he promised, would be wiped out by February this year. But the violence has continued. 
Bill Law is in the north of the country, where a number of people have been killed in rebel attacks in the last few days. 

Our Land Rover stopped in the middle of nowhere - dry veldt 60 kilometres (37 miles) north of the nearest town, a few kilometres south of Sudan. 

Karamajong warriors are proud of their gunsThe land seemed utterly empty. 
And then they appeared, Karamajong tribes people. First the children and then some adults. 
We were led through the grass and scrub, past kraals (hut villages) full of cattle to an open area, a large flat rock. 
An elder, tall and distinguished, held forth. 
Squatting all round him were young warriors wearing a ragtag mix of army fatigues and traditional blankets. 

 The transition over the last few decades from sticks and spears to assault rifles has decimated the Karamajong. 

They were holding a variety of assault rifles - Russian AK-47s, American M-16s and British G3s. 
The local Oxfam co-ordinator who had brought us here worked his way through the warriors, smoothing things out. 
He was a little nervous because the Karamajong do not normally let outsiders see their weapons. 
They did so today because they trust Oxfam, thanks to a project that helps them treat cattle disease. 
The young warriors are proud of their guns but the people of this region pay a terrible price. 
In a culture where cattle rustling is the norm, the transition over the last few decades from sticks and spears to assault rifles has decimated the Karamajong. 
Recently, 50 of them were killed when a raiding party from another clan attacked a village. 
But it is not just the warriors doing the killing. Last year, the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), the Ugandan army, attempted to disarm the village of Panyangara. 
The warriors resisted and a fire fight broke out. 
When it was over, dozens, including women and children, were dead. 
Hundreds of homes had also been destroyed. 
Oxfam helped to rebuild them because, in many ways, this part of Uganda has been virtually abandoned by the central government in Kampala. 
Camp crisis 
President Museveni is often hailed as the new breed of African leader, determined to take his country towards a better future. 

The UPDF is accused of exploiting people it is meant to protectSome of that vision is being realised in the south. 
But here in the north, Ugandans have little hope that anything will improve. 
Around 150 kilometres (100 miles) to the west, nearly a million people, the Acholi, have been displaced by a guerrilla war that has sputtered on for 17 years. 
A few thousand child soldiers led by a charismatic madman called Joseph Kony have run rings around the UPDF. 
Mr Kony's LRA, the Lord's Resistance Army, kidnaps, brutalises and brainwashes young children. 
In 1997, the government moved most of the Acholi people into camps. 
They said it was to protect innocent civilians as well as making it easier for them to pursue the LRA. 
But the camps offer no protection either from the rebel raids or the UPDF - whose poorly fed and demoralised soldiers prey on the very people they are supposed to defend. 
Disease is rampant, with HIV/Aids jostling with malaria and starvation as the main killer. 
Government failure 
Every day in the late afternoon the camp people make their way into Kitgum, the principal town in the region. 

Women and children stream in their thousands to spend the night sleeping on the ground outside hospitals and missions. 
Most of them do not even have blankets. All of them are suffering from malnutrition. 
The NGOs (non-governmental organisations) are overwhelmed and the government does next to nothing. 
The night I was there I saw no soldiers, no police, no government officials distributing food, blankets or water. 
What I saw were thousands crammed into every available piece of open ground at Kitgum Hospital, their lives utterly dislocated by the failure of Mr Museveni's government to end the war. 
He says he has a three pronged approach - military, prayer and peace. 
Escalating conflict 
But it is the first he seems to favour. 

Children seek shelter at night safe from rebel attack
In June 2002, the president launched Operation Iron Fist. 
It was supposed to crush the LRA but the conflict has only escalated. 
More children are being abducted, more people killed and maimed. 
From time to time the army responds to another mass abduction by launching a counter-attack. 
Often it is captive 

ugnet_: Fighting for Uganda's blind-BBC

2003-10-06 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Monday, 6 October, 2003, 15:28 GMT 16:28 UK  

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Fighting for Uganda's blind

By Christine Otieno BBC Africa Live! Jane Perfect was 32-years-old and the mother of four children when her husband of 12 years threw sulphuric acid in her face. 

After the attack, Jane wanted to dieShe turned her life around and is now the director of a Ugandan charity organisation, Blind But Able 
"It was 8 pm on August 23rd 1994. I was lying in bed. 
"My husband came home from work and went to the bathroom. He called me tenderly. I was surprised at the tenderness in his voice, so I went to him. The whole place was in darkness. 
"As I approached the bathroom door all I can remember is feeling this heat all over my face and hands. 
And then the pain, the pain was the worst thing I have ever experienced. I ran out of the house screaming." 
Her crime? Three days earlier she had asked him for a divorce. 
The last thing she heard as he threw the acid were the chilling words "you are dead now". 
Crime of Passion 
Jane was blind and disfigured, a situation she has come to terms with and grown strong from. She is now the co-ordinator of a Ugandan training centre for the blind, Blind But Able. 

 We may be blind but we are also able 

Jane Perfect When I met Jane I was struck by her facial disfigurement. As I spent more time in her company I was in awe of her amazing resilience and her attitude that being blind or disfigured was not the end of the world. 
After she was attacked, Jane lost her job and for three years remained confined in her house crying and wanting to die. 
Her husband at the time of her attack is believed to have drunk a watered down version of the acid he threw at her and after a month in hospital, he died. 
Family members, church leaders and community workers all tried to persuade Jane to accept her situation and get on with her life - if not for her sake then for the sake of her four children, two girls and two boys. 
She would not listen to them until a blind person came to talk to her. 
The woman was the Late Diana Mpiriirwe, a founding member of Blind But Able. Listening to her and watching the shadowy movements through her partially sighted left eye, Jane was convinced her family was trying to trick her. 
She remembers hearing Diana bounding up stairs at speed, moving around without help and Jane thought, "Surely this woman is not blind?" 

Blind people are taught basic skillsJane now works tirelessly with other blind people helping them to regain confidence in themselves and live a productive life. 
Activities such as Braille instruction, typing, knitting, learning how to us computers with talking screens and mobility skills are organised at the centre. 
Trainees learn self-reliance, cooking, cleaning and to move around the community relying primarily on themselves. 
As in many countries, blind people do not find employment easily in Uganda. But Jane believes these barriers are being conquered especially by blind people themselves. 
"Once self esteem is restored a blind person will go out there and insist on being taken seriously." 
I saw such confidence when Jane offered me a drink. She called over Oliver, a 19-year-old trainee at the centre. 
Jane tested Oliver's mobility skills by giving her some money and two empty bottles. After a few fumbles and directions, Oliver located the iron gate of the compound and pulled it open. 

Oliver can now get around on her own
She returned a few minutes later with a beaming smile carrying two soft drinks and the change. 
"Jane, I did not even need my cane," she announced triumphantly. 
Jane hugged her. 
"The late Diana taught me when you say the sky is the limit, we can go to greater heights." 
"We are not objects of pity. We can build on our inner strength and once we do that we can live a meaningful life. We may be blind but we are also able." 

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ugnet_: Re: Nadduli Defends Land Sale\ Mulindwa

2003-10-06 Thread ssenya nyange


  Is accountability a system? What are the sub systems of accountability? 
Accountable means as per Wester dictionary  subject to the obligation to 
report, explain or justify something; responsible; answerable.  If you 
want a sytem that can guarantee a check on the powerful presidents, that 
system must have a strong judicial system ( as is the case of Britain) or a 
devolution \  shared of powers to the regions = Federal.  So long as there 
is shared powers, no one will have the power to check on Museveni, Obote, 
Amin  future presidents. It took Obote 4 years to destroy that system ( 
federal) and the consiquencies you know- arrest without trial, state 
killings without probe or arrests; interanal wars of resistancy; pegion 
holes constituions; panda gali; adduyi;

  Now Mulindwa, tell us how your  Accountability is a  system.

  Lastly, you as hatemonger has no place in modern 
Uganda. Stop covering your self.
The late Mulindwa (RIP) who was in Museveni's PPU ( Presidentila Press Unit) 
used to cover him self that way.  He was buried  2 or 3 years ago in 
Kasese or Bundibujjo.

J. Ssenyange

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:53:57 -0400



The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 system, system, system ! What is this 'system' you are proposing ? Has 
 got a name ?

 From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:54:12 -0400
 Mwaami Musaazi
 You are using a very good word, a system. We plug holes in a system. A
 system. On and on. That is where my question comes from, do we have a
 in Uganda? Do we have a system in Buganda? Do we have a system in 
 you were given a chance to work in Mengo today where do you start to
 for you can not even plug, for we plug systems and Mengo has none. Am I
 talking to my own shadows today?
 Look here what I see when I look at Uganda today, Uganda is a very
 nation, NRM government can not succeed if the population is corrupt as 
 is, so is a DP government, so is a UPC government, so is Mengo
 so is a Unitary system so is a federalism system. Let me put it to you 
 milk bottle. What we need in Uganda is a situation where Iddi Amin can
 and form a government and go, where UPC can come and form a government
 go, where Museveni and the movement bus can come and go.Where uniterism
 come and go, where federalism can come and go. A system which is
 a system which stays as governments come and go. That system will state
 every single Ugandan has a right to be alive. So if we get Museveni who
 comes with a planed agenda to decimate Northerners, the system kicks 
 and the system stays.
 And yes you can refuse my analogy, but let me tell you today that one
 leader will look on Uganda's problem and will conclude that Uganda is 
 fucked up for Baganda are going with waves and they back all Killers we
 in Uganda. A decision will be made to kill as many Baganda as possible.
 system will protect you? We need a system which creates a national 
 army which stays whether a government is in power or not.
 But here is the catch, how can you discuss that with Mengo, an 
 which decides to discuss the future of Uganda with Museveni a man who 
 even failed to establish a national army? A man who rules Uganda 
 Resistance army? A man who pleads for Federalism but can not reinstate
 kingdom of his own area Ankole? Would have you taken me serious if I 
 Busoga and preached the return of Kingdoms when I have trashed the one 
 It leaves me with only one option, Buganda has a population of
 thinkers, or Buganda suports Museveni for he has a plan to make Uganda
 over by Southerners, thus the threats of Nagadya, Love Federalism or 
 TOST. Which means that to Buganda Museveni is a tool of conquest, for
 is how Buganda developed to where she is. So who cares about the deaths
 Northerners when Buganda will expand? Didn't this happen in Buyaga and
 Give me a break
Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

ugnet_: Sounds like Okurut got the msg

2003-10-06 Thread Joicye nansikombi
It looks like Okurut is getting our message and she is getting really urgitated. Shehas written what looks like NRM in Luwero to me. We have always said that Museveni and Hitler share a bed. Both of them are classic murderers, dictators, liars, and evil in all that they do. 
Okurut got it and gave a graphic description of how they planned to annihilate the northerners and easterners. 
Ugandans wake up to the truth here about what these people are doing. 
They killed my grandmother, and other relatives in Luwero. 


Konyism will go just the way nazism went The Long View --- By Mary K. Okurut September 6, 2003

My brain officially went on leave when I heard of the bloody ambush by the so-called Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) that decimated at least 25 people aboard a Gateway bus on the Soroti-Lira road on Monday. 
This is not the first time these thugs are carrying out such a gruesome and grisly act. It has long been their trademark.
It is just that one keeps on praying that such incidents do not happen again; so when they happen with such brutality, it simply crushes one's spirit.
So much has been written about the Kony evil. Suffice it to say that Kony represents a strain of evil that is the tail end that has afflicted Uganda since 1966. Since then, the evil has been metamorphosing, from [Apollo Milton] Obote's time to Idi Amin, to Alice Lakwena, the ADF, and now Kony. It is an evil that has been difficult to get rid of. 

As I meditated and wondered about this meaningless destruction of life and property, I recalled reading about something called nihilism and decided that this is precisely what we have on our handsMy feeling is that it is inaccurate to talk about Joseph Kony, the leader of a group. We are talking about a doctrine called Kony-ism, very much like an ideology of evil, which manifests itself in the most brutal and heartless ways.Kony has no political agenda; and you can't say he is fighting the government, although when he wipes out a bus and its passengers, those with warped minds claim it's a victory against government. 
The things he makes his captives do are a negation of what is human. We know that he forces kids to kill their parents in the most brutal manner, or vice versa; in an attempt to severe their links with their community. He forces those he abducts to set the granaries and homes ablaze and to chop down all the goats, cows and sheep.
As I meditated and wondered about this meaningless destruction of life and property, I recalled reading about something called nihilism and decided that this is precisely what we have on our hands.
Nihilism, the Encyclopedia of Philosophy says, is the belief that all values are baseless. It condemns all existence. A true Nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. Now, I in turn ask; what does Kony believe in? Who is he loyal to? And what purpose does he appear to have, except to destroy?
Nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche who argued that its corrosive effects would eventually destroy all moral, religious, and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the greatest crisis in human history. 
Little wonder that Kony and Co. can wake up one morning, brutally massacre an entire village, then walk a few metres into the bush and enjoy roast goat meat with their consciences intact. It is this total absence of human feeling that makes Kony inhumanly unique.
"Nihilism" comes from the Latin nihil, or nothing, which means not anything, that which does not exist. It appears in the verb "annihilate," meaning to bring to nothing, to destroy completely. It is a doctrine of total negation. Does this not sound like Kony?
In Russia, nihilism became identified with a loosely organised revolutionary movement (C.1860-1917) that rejected the authority of the state, church, and family. 
Kony has clearly rejected the authority of the state. By calling his organisation the LRA, and claiming to enforce the 10 Commandments, while in the same breath chopping them up, Kony has also rejected the church - which 10 Commandments is he keeping? By making parents kill their children and vise versa, he is destroying the family unit.
The Nihilist believes that all values are baseless, reason is impotent and that everything deserves to perish. In nihilism, its proponents argue, the aim is lacking, and 'why' finds no answer. 
Indeed with Kony, the why has no answer. Why does he target non combatants? What does Kony want? Does anyone know? President Museveni named a peace team to meet him and talk peace. He even offered a ceasefire and blanket amnesty. The President has stooped as low as one can get, just to accommodate Kony and restore peace and order to the north, all to no avail. 
Religious leaders in Acholi tried to talk to him (President Museveni even facilitated them with satellite phones) but all for all their efforts, 

ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale\ Mulindwa

2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Mwaami Ssenyange

I am going to try my best to go as slow with you as possible, may be you
will pick up some thing.

Accountability comes from good leadership.

Be well


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 8:52 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Nadduli Defends Land Sale\ Mulindwa


Is accountability a system? What are the sub systems of accountability?
 Accountable means as per Wester dictionary  subject to the obligation to
 report, explain or justify something; responsible; answerable.  If you
 want a sytem that can guarantee a check on the powerful presidents, that
 system must have a strong judicial system ( as is the case of Britain) or
 devolution \  shared of powers to the regions = Federal.  So long as there
 is shared powers, no one will have the power to check on Museveni, Obote,
 Amin  future presidents. It took Obote 4 years to destroy that system (
 federal) and the consiquencies you know- arrest without trial, state
 killings without probe or arrests; interanal wars of resistancy; pegion
 holes constituions; panda gali; adduyi;

Now Mulindwa, tell us how your  Accountability is a  system.

Lastly, you as hatemonger has no place in modern
 Uganda. Stop covering your self.
 The late Mulindwa (RIP) who was in Museveni's PPU ( Presidentila Press
 used to cover him self that way.  He was buried  2 or 3 years ago in
 Kasese or Bundibujjo.

 J. Ssenyange

 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
 Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 15:53:57 -0400
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:11 PM
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   system, system, system ! What is this 'system' you are proposing ? Has
   got a name ?
   From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
   Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:54:12 -0400
   Mwaami Musaazi
   You are using a very good word, a system. We plug holes in a system.
   system. On and on. That is where my question comes from, do we have a
   in Uganda? Do we have a system in Buganda? Do we have a system in
   you were given a chance to work in Mengo today where do you start to
   for you can not even plug, for we plug systems and Mengo has none. Am
   talking to my own shadows today?
   Look here what I see when I look at Uganda today, Uganda is a very
   nation, NRM government can not succeed if the population is corrupt
   is, so is a DP government, so is a UPC government, so is Mengo
   so is a Unitary system so is a federalism system. Let me put it to
   milk bottle. What we need in Uganda is a situation where Iddi Amin
   and form a government and go, where UPC can come and form a
   go, where Museveni and the movement bus can come and go.Where
   come and go, where federalism can come and go. A system which is
   a system which stays as governments come and go. That system will
   every single Ugandan has a right to be alive. So if we get Museveni
   comes with a planed agenda to decimate Northerners, the system kicks
   and the system stays.
   And yes you can refuse my analogy, but let me tell you today that one
   leader will look on Uganda's problem and will conclude that Uganda is
   fucked up for Baganda are going with waves and they back all Killers
   in Uganda. A decision will be made to kill as many Baganda as
   system will protect you? We need a system which creates a national
   army which stays whether a government is in power or not.
   But here is the catch, how can you discuss that with Mengo, an
   which decides to discuss the future of Uganda with Museveni a man who
   even failed to establish a national army? A man who rules Uganda
   Resistance army? A man who pleads for Federalism but can not
   kingdom of his own area Ankole? Would have you taken me serious if I
   Busoga and preached the return of Kingdoms when I have trashed the

ugnet_: THE Walter Cronkite on BUSH ADM's The New Inquisition

2003-10-06 Thread Matekopoko

The New Inquisition
    By Walter Cronkite 
    The Denver Post 

    Sunday 21 September 2003 

    President Bush's televised answer to the growing concerns of many - including some Republicans - about the powers granted to him in the USA Patriot Act was to ask for even stronger measures, particularly the expanded use of "nonjudicial subpoenas." That means a federal agency such as the FBI can write its own subpoenas to conduct a search - no judges needed. 

    Unfortunately, security and liberty form a zero-sum equation. The inevitable trade-off: To increase security is to decrease liberty and vice versa. In the past, such trade-offs have been temporary - for the duration of the crisis of the moment. But today, we cannot see an end to the War on Terrorism, and that forces us to decide how secure we have to be and how free we want to be. 

    By delivering the speech last week himself, Bush added presidential heft to the issue and took some of the heat off of his attorney general, who is seen by many as the heedless champion of security at any price. 

    In his 2 1/2 years in office, Attorney General John Ashcroft has earned himself a remarkable distinction as the Torquemada of American law. Tomas de Torquemada was the 15th century Dominican friar who became the grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. He was largely responsible for its methods, including torture and the burning of heretics - Muslims in particular. 

    Now, of course, I am not accusing the attorney general of pulling out anyone's fingernails or burning people at the stake (at least I don't know of any such cases). But one does get the sense these days that the old Spaniard's spirit is comfortably at home in Ashcroft's Department of Justice. 

    The Patriot Act is much in the news, as Ashcroft and his minions seek both to justify its excesses and strengthen them, thus intensifying its dangerous infringements on the Bill of Rights. 

    There was something almost medieval in the treatment of Muslim suspects in the aftermath of Sept. 11. Many were held incommunicado, without effective counsel and without ever being charged, not for days or weeks, but for months or longer, some under harsh conditions designed for the most dangerous criminals. 

    It was in the spirit of the Inquisition that the Justice Department announced recently that it would begin gathering data on judges who give sentences lighter than called for by legislative guidelines. 

    Nothing so clearly evokes Torquemada's spirit as Ashcroft's penchant for overruling U.S. attorneys who have sought lesser penalties in capital cases. The attorney general has done this at least 30 times since he took office, according to the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel. In several cases, Ashcroft actually has overturned plea bargains negotiated by those government prosecutors. 

    The New York Times editorialized that the attorney general seems to want the death penalty used more often. 

    Ashcroft is not alone in this. His boss, while governor of Texas, seemed never to have met a death sentence he didn't like. The two of them represent a subdivision of the Republican Party known as the "social conservatives," who often have favored the use of government power to police moral issues they view as modern heresies, such as abortion, homosexuality and obscenity. They contrast with those Republicans who tend to resist such uses of federal power and can generally be counted on to defend individual rights. 

    What makes this administration's legal bloodthirstiness particularly alarming is the almost religious zeal that seems to drive it. So, what we are seeing now is a confluence of two streams of American thought. One of those streams represents those who believe security must have priority over civil rights. The other stream represents those who believe that civil rights must be preserved even as we prosecute to the hilt the war on terrorism. 

    Our liberty could drown in the resultant turbulence of these colliding currents. 

    Walter Cronkite has been a journalist for more than 60 years, including 19 as anchor of the CBS Evening News. 


Re: ugnet_: Arnold Unplugged -- The Observer

2003-10-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Much as California is sold all over the world as the place where to realise 
your American dream, the truth is that most people there are just plain hard 
working folks struggling every day for a better life for their families, 
sometimes with no break.

And in comes Enron and men in dark suits to fleece them to the bone.

Enron and Ken Lay, though, are just the tip of the iceberg.

Did you miss George Shultz hanging in the shadows of Arnold?.

That corporate America steals places like Iraq, Congo, South Africa, Uganda, 
etc.. is not disputed. But whoever knew that California is as vulnable 
as Rwanda or DRC?

George Shultz  is from Betchel Corp.

When you steal a fishing hook, you get hanged. When you steal a country, 
you become an Emperor, so goes the Chinese saying.

We see California  in peril right infront of our eyes. And it is just the 
first domino!!

Where are the working people of America?

Mitayo Potosi

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Arnold Unplugged -- The Observer
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 19:59:47 +
Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Arnold Unplugged - It's hasta la vista to $9 billion if the Governator is selected 
Friday, October 3, 2003 

It's not what Arnold Schwarzenegger did to the girls a decade back that should raise an eyebrow. According to a series of memoranda our office obtained today, it's his dalliance with the boys in a hotel room just two years ago that's the real scandal. 

The wannabe governor has yet to deny that on May 17, 2001, at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, he had consensual political intercourse with Enron chieftain Kenneth Lay. Also frolicking with Arnold and Ken was convicted stock swindler Mike Milken. 

Now, thirty-four pages of internal Enron memoranda have just come through this reporter's fax machine tell all about the tryst between Maria's husband and the corporate con men. It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off. 

Here's the story Arnold doesn't want you to hear. The biggest single threat to Ken Lay and the electricity lords is a private lawsuit filed last year under California's unique Civil Code provision 17200, the "Unfair Business Practices Act." This litigation, heading to trial now in Los Angeles, would make the power companies return the $9 billion they filched from California electricity and gas customers. 

It takes real cojones to bring such a suit. Who's the plaintiff taking on the bad guys? Cruz Bustamante, Lieutenant Governor and reluctant leading candidate against Schwarzenegger. 

Now follow the action. One month after Cruz brings suit, Enron's Lay calls an emergency secret meeting in L.A. of his political buck-buddies, including Arnold. Their plan, to undercut Davis (according to Enron memos) and "solve" the energy crisis -- that is, make the Bustamante legal threat go away. 

How can that be done? Follow the trail with me. 

While Bustamante's kicking Enron butt in court, the Davis Administration is simultaneously demanding that George Bush's energy regulators order the $9 billion refund. Don't hold your breath: Bush's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is headed by a guy proposed by … Ken Lay. 

But Bush's boys on the commission have a problem. The evidence against the electricity barons is rock solid: fraudulent reporting of sales transactions, megawatt "laundering," fake power delivery scheduling and straight out conspiracy (including meetings in hotel rooms). 

So the Bush commissioners cook up a terrific scheme: charge the companies with conspiracy but offer them, behind closed doors, deals in which they have to pay only two cents on each dollar they filched. 

Problem: the slap-on-the-wrist refunds won't sail if the Governor of California won't play along. Solution: Re-call the Governor. 

New Problem: the guy most likely to replace Davis is not Mr. Musclehead, but Cruz Bustamante, even a bigger threat to the power companies than Davis. Solution: smear Cruz because -- heaven forbid! -- he took donations from Injuns (instead of Ken Lay). 

The pay-off? Once Arnold is Governor, he blesses the sweetheart settlements with the power companies. When that happens, Bustamante's court cases are probably lost. There aren't many judges who will let a case go to trial to protect a state if that a governor has already allowed the matter to be "settled" by a regulatory agency. 

So think about this. The state of California is in the hole by $8 billion for the coming year. That's chump change next to the $8 TRILLION in deficits and surplus losses planned and incurred by George 

ugnet_: Will Museveni retire in peace

2003-10-06 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Netters i couldn't allow Mr. Gureme's biased, misleading and unobject 
comments to go unchallenged, especially as he used the constitution to 
buffer his points.

Mr Gureme say:

The constitution-making process of 1994-5 bought time for Movement rule, 
and entrenched its rule indefinitely by the introduction of Articles 69 to 
74 and 269 to 271, all of which contradict the fundamental democratic 
precept enshrined in by Article 75.

Well netters bellow are the said articles that Mr. Gueme claims entrench 
movement rule idefinitely. Either Mr. Gueme can not read or he is so blinded 
by his bias that he refuses to acknowledge the truth. You will see clear 
that article 69 give the people of Uganda the right to choose the democratic 
political system they want (unlike OBOTE WHO UNILATERALLY DID AWAY WITH THE 
MONARCHYS AND INSTITUTED A ONE PARTY SYSTEM). As a matter of fact article 75 
explicitly states that one party system is not allowed. Contrary to Mr. 
Gureme, articles 73, 75 and 269 actually complement each other. You should 
note also that it is PARLIMAENT that is responsible for putting into place 
laws that govern the operation and conduct of political parties if and when 
the people of Uganda choose that route, not the President as Mr. Gureme 
seems to suggest.

and about the third term issue, my position is that it is too early to 
come to any conclusion on the outcome. What we should be happy about as 
Ugandans however (particularly in light of our catastrophic history which 
has been characterized by despotic rule) is that for the first time 
political decissions are being made constitutionaly, what President Museveni 
is seeking to do is not unlawful irrespective of whether we support it or 
not and Ugandans are expressing their positions on it (both at home and 
abroad) and i strongly believe that, our opinions will affect the final 
outcome. I think this is laying a good foundation and presidence on how 
decissions concerning the governing of our country should be made.


Political systems
69. (1) The people of Uganda shall have the right to choose and adopt a 
political system of their choice through free and fair elections or 

(2) The political systems referred to in clause (1) of this article shall 

(a) the movement political system;

(b) the multi-party political system; and

(c) any other democratic and representative political system.

Movement political system
70. (1) The movement political system is broad based, inclusive and 
non-partisan and shall conform to the following principles—

(a) participatory democracy;

(b) democracy, accountability and transparency;

(c) accessibility to all positions of leadership by all citizens;

45(d) individual merit as a basis for election to political offices.

(2) Parliament may—

(a) create organs under the movement political system and define their 
roles; and

(b) prescribe from time to time, any other democratic principle of the 
movement political system, as it may consider necessary.

Multi-party political system
71. A political party in the multi-party political system shall conform to 
the following principles—

(a) every political party shall have a national character;

(b) membership of a political party shall not be based on sex, ethnicity, 
religion, or other sectional division;

(c) the internal organisation of a political party shall conform to the 
democratic principles enshrined in this Constitution;

(d) members of the national organs of a political party shall be regularly 
elected from citizens of Uganda in conformity with the provisions of 

(a) and (b) of this article and with due consideration for gender;

(e) political parties shall be required by law to account for the sources 
and use of their funds and assets;

(f) no person shall be compelled to join a particular party by virtue of 
belonging to an organisation or interest group.

Right to form political organisations
72. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the right to form 
political parties and any other political organisations is guaranteed.

46(2) An organisation shall not operate as a political party or organisation 
unless it conforms to the principles laid down in this Constitution and it 
is registered.

(3) Parliament shall by law regulate the financing and functioning of 
political organisations.

Regulations of political organisations
73. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, but notwithstanding 
the provisions of paragraph (e) of clause (1) of article 29 and article 43 
of this Constitution, during the period when any of the political systems 
provided for in this Constitution has been adopted, organisations 
subscribing to other political systems may exist subject to such regulations 
as Parliament shall by law prescribe.

(2) Regulations prescribed under this article shall not exceed what is 
necessary for enabling the political system adopted to 


2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Rich And Poor Kids Eat Same Diet, Poor Get 
FatterBy Brad 
Evenson The National Post Part Six Of A Six-Part Series10-6-3


Children from poorer families tended to be most 
overweight, researchers say. But don't blame the parents because how 
they brought them up seemed to make no difference at all. 
Liz Goodman is part of a growing group of researchers 
who believe growing up poor, or feeling poor, makes you fat. 
"Over the past 20 years, economic and social 
inequalitites have been rising," says Dr. Goodman, an obesity researcher 
at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. 
"And it's interesting that there's this burgeoning 
epidemic of obesity at the same time." 
As another scientist puts it, "Poverty really does get 
under your skin." 
In Canada, kids from poor families are twice as likely 
to be obese as rich kids. A study published in August in the 
International Journal of Obesity found 6.4% of children in the 
wealthiest quarter of the Canadian population were obese, compared with 
12.8% of those in the poorest quarter. The heaviest children live in 
single-parent homes, with 46% either overweight or obese. 
It's easy to blame obesity on poor diet and lack of 
exercise. But this is overly simplistic, like blaming high unemployment 
on the number of people watching afternoon television. It doesn't 
explain underlying causes. 
Experts say the deeper roots of the obesity problem 
lie at the crossroads between social status and biology. Generally 
speaking, even if rich kids and poor kids eat exactly the same diet -- 
from Big Macs and fries to tofu and granola -- the poor kids get 
"I believe that there's much more biology to this than 
what we've been willing to recognize in the past," says Dr. 
The centre of this poverty-obesity link is a hormonal 
pathway known as the HPA axis. This is a loop connecting the 
hypothalamus, a jellybean-size part of the brain that governs appetite, 
and the pituitary and adrenal glands, which secrete a variety of 
hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. 
Cortisol helps the liver convert fat into the 
lightning bursts of energy the body needs to escape danger, a vital 
function. But it also signals the body to accumulate mounds of fat in 
the abdomen, building the "apple" shape that is so hazardous to 
"When you have too much cortisol, you have Cushing's 
disease, which is an illness that causes central fat deposition," says 
Dr. Goodman. 
Once this fat builds up, it spews a toxic array of 
chemical signals back to the brain and into the body. "It's a vicious 
cycle," she says. 
Research shows children raised in low socioeconomic 
settings produce greater amounts of cortisol, a stress hormone. 
In a 2001 study, researchers from McGill University 
measured the hormone levels of 300 children from poor to wealthy 
families. They found three times as much cortisol in low-income kids 
compared with rich kids. 
"The differences are especially big in elementary 
school," says lead researcher Sonia Lupien. 
Not only does increased cortisol lead directly to a 
fat waistline, Dr. Lupien points out it can also trigger depression, 
which opens a surprising new chapter in obesity research. 
The conventional thinking goes that kids who are fat 
get depressed about their plight. But in a 2002 study of 10,000 U.S. 
teens, published in the journal Pediatrics, Dr. Goodman and her 
colleagues discovered just the opposite. 
"We looked at people who were overweight or obese at 
the beginning and whether or not that increased depressive symptoms over 
time. And it didn't," she says. 
"But if you were depressed [but not overweight] at the 
beginning, you were more likely to become overweight. In fact, there was 
about a twofold increase in risk of becoming obese." 
In other words, skinny depressed kids get fat, and fat 
depressed kids get even fatter, which explains why some doctors have 
successfully treated some obesity patients with the anti-depressant 
Poverty can lead to obesity in other ways than stress. 
Many low-income parents cannot afford to enroll their children in 
organized sports. They may also choose less healthy foods at the 


2003-10-06 Thread Edward Mulindwa


PresidentMuseveni's grand-child has taken 
over the press for now almost 10 days. And most of the people are more concerned 
about the monies that were spent for this creation miracle to take place. I have 
read many comments including what my neighbour Muniini Mulera posted in Uganda 
Monitor. I however want to takethis thinking a step further ina 
different direction that many of those who are writing have failed to look 

If you read the president'sexplanation of why 
he had to send this girl to Germany you would see that Museveni is a president 
who is very scared. He is scared of the medical system he has created in Uganda, 
he has no Doctor he trusts with not only his life but with the lives ofthe 
members of his family. But this government is notnew in Uganda, it has 
been in power for20 years plus or minus. Why has president Museveni failed 
toget aUganda Doctor he trusts? Secondly, when I look at president 
Museveni, I see that he has fewer years in power than those he has been in 
power, so that means he can notstart today to get a Doctor he can trust. 
My question then becomes, what will he do if heleaves office? If he is not 
elected tomorrow for a third term, how will he and his entire family get medical 
attention if he does not trust any of them to today?

Secondly, One of the reasons which brought Museveni 
to presidency, was to get the Dictators out of power. But Iddi Amin fell sick in 
Uganda and was operated on in Mulago Hospital. Is President Museveni telling us 
today that Ugandans loved Iddi Amin than they love him? let me take this 
argument further, President Obote was shot in Lugogo, and he was immediately 
rushed again to Mulago Hospital for an operation. President Museveni claims that 
Ugandans love him more than they love Obote. Why was Obote able to get an 
operation in a Uganda hospital, yet Museveni is claiming that he had to send 
Natasha to Germany for security reasons?

I have read Museveni's explanation and I could not 
help but ask only one question, was Natasha sent to Germany for security reasons 
or because under National Resistance Movement, the entire medical infrastructure 
has been destroyed? And that includes even the most basic items, water supply 
and electricity, services which were taken for granted under the two previous 

Edward Mulindwa


Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-10-06 Thread Ed Kironde

All the noise made is simply because of the transparency.Gone vagabondregimes used state assets at will. Some of the soldiers abused government property and oneowned the Coffee Marketing Board and would only cut the government a check if he felt it was necessary.
This is a regime where the president would be challenged on his expenditure, then he would come out and shade some light on such seemingly anomalies. Uganda has moved so far that the president can come out to explain to Ugandansinsteadof sendingthem to Nnamanve as was the norm. It is the baby shower Ugandans gave to the first grandchild.
It is amazingthat those who do not contribute 
a penny to the nation make the loudest noise.
If anything, those who pay tax in Uganda must be the ones to question the accountability of their taxes.

---Original Message---

Date: Monday, October 06, 2003 09:29:18 PM


PresidentMuseveni's grand-child has taken over the press for now almost 10 days. And most of the people are more concerned about the monies that were spent for this creation miracle to take place. I have read many comments including what my neighbour Muniini Mulera posted in Uganda Monitor. I however want to takethis thinking a step further ina different direction that many of those who are writing have failed to look at.

If you read the president'sexplanation of why he had to send this girl to Germany you would see that Museveni is a president who is very scared. He is scared of the medical system he has created in Uganda, he has no Doctor he trusts with not only his life but with the lives ofthe members of his family. But this government is notnew in Uganda, it has been in power for20 years plus or minus. Why has president Museveni failed toget aUganda Doctor he trusts? Secondly, when I look at president Museveni, I see that he has fewer years in power than those he has been in power, so that means he can notstart today to get a Doctor he can trust. My question then becomes, what will he do if heleaves office? If he is not elected tomorrow for a third term, how will he and his entire family get medical attention if he does not trust any of them to today?

Secondly, One of the reasons which brought Museveni to presidency, was to get the Dictators out of power. But Iddi Amin fell sick in Uganda and was operated on in Mulago Hospital. Is President Museveni telling us today that Ugandans loved Iddi Amin than they love him? let me take this argument further, President Obote was shot in Lugogo, and he was immediately rushed again to Mulago Hospital for an operation. President Museveni claims that Ugandans love him more than they love Obote. Why was Obote able to get an operation in a Uganda hospital, yet Museveni is claiming that he had to send Natasha to Germany for security reasons?

I have read Museveni's explanation and I could not help but ask only one question, was Natasha sent to Germany for security reasons or because under National Resistance Movement, the entire medical infrastructure has been destroyed? And that includes even the most basic items, water supply and electricity, services which were taken for granted under the two previous governments!!

Edward Mulindwa


 The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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