[Ugnet] Fw: Mineral trade in the Great Lakes Region

2011-11-19 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 1:23 PM
Subject: Mineral trade in the Great Lakes Region

Closing Remarks at the
Launch of the Public Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade
Maria Otero
Under Secretary for Democracy and
Global Affairs 
U.S Institute for Peace
Washington, DC
November 15, 2011

(As prepared for
I have the privilege of
concluding this afternoon’s events. All of us are here today because of our
commitment to see a definitive end to the conflict and violence that has
plagued the Great Lakes
region, and because we believe the PPA to be an important step
toward that end.
The fact of the matter is
that we are staring down an intimidating set of challenges, and none of us --
in government, in the private sector, in NGOs, or other organizations -- can do
it alone. This was imminently clear on my trip to Burundi and the D.R.C. last 
month. I saw
firsthand the complex linkages between conflict minerals, human rights abuses,
and the local economy. I spoke with many artisanal miners shoveling dirt under
the hot sun to earn perhaps a dollar a day. I visited the first commercial gold
mine in Eastern D.R.C. just before it began operations and was impressed by its
efforts to build more sustainable solutions to the illicit trade in minerals.
And I met victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Bukavu, where
violence is often connected to conflict minerals.
A multi-dimensional problem
requires a multi-dimensional answer. In launching this Alliance, we are moving
in the right direction toward fully traceable, validated and conflict-free
supply chains.
We are also
institutionalizing a longstanding commitment of Secretary Clinton to draw our
approaches and solutions from all sectors, and particularly from civil society.
Having once worked as part of civil society, both Secretary Clinton and I have
a profound appreciation for the work that happens outside of government. As she
often says, civil society, government and the private sector form the three
legs of the stool that represents any successful, prosperous nation. Together,
these three legs lift and support nations as they reach for higher standards of
progress and prosperity. So it is no coincidence that we've set up this
Alliance to reflect that belief.
the time she visited eastern D.R.C. two years ago, Secretary Clinton charged us
to find new, practical and innovative ways to address the endemic challenges
facing the D.R.C. and Great Lakes region. And there is no question that our
civil society and private partners are help driving our response to her mandate.
It is the organizations in this room that are on the front lines of this
movement, at times risking your own physical security to give voice to the
human and social cost of conflict minerals. Your field work, rigorous research,
and program implementation brings the necessary technical expertise and ground
truth back to the PPA. And you are helping to inform our path forward as we
identify opportunities to build a more stable and prosperous D.R.C.
So with that, let me express
my thanks, on behalf of Secretary Clinton, to USIP for hosting us, to my
colleagues from the U.S. government, especially USAID for their considerable
commitment of resources and time, and to our PPA partners here in this room –
you are the early adopters and thought leaders of this initiative. It would not
be possible without you.
We look forward to working
together in supporting a conflict-free minerals trade. I’d like to also ask my
colleague Under Secretary Robert Hormats to join us on stage for the signing of
the MOU.

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

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[Ugnet] Fw: Museveni Not the One Who Discovered Oil

2011-10-29 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:58 AM
Subject: Museveni Not the One Who Discovered Oil

Uganda: Museveni Not the One Who Discovered Oil
Fred Guweddeko
23 October 2011

The Uganda parliament special session on the secret oil agreements assumes that 
the reserves are lucrative and will certainly generate billions of dollars. 
However, the official Energy Ministry position is that the feasibility report; 
implying production, economic and commercial practicability, is expected in 
July 2012. Until this report is positive, Uganda may have oil but it maybe 

This crisis of what, how much, when and to who the oil revenue will flow was 
caused by President Museveni revelation of high quality, easily exploitable 
oil, and a mini-refinery by 2009. On the contrary, Uganda has low quality wax 
and sulfur laden heavy oil; very difficult to extract, transport and refine, 
and thus only viable with complex technology, high energy supply and under very 
high world prices.

In August 2000, Monitor newspaper commissioned me to investigate the then 
highly secretive but supposedly prospective Uganda oil exploration. My findings 
were contrary to President Museveni later [8/10/2006] lucrative oil discovery 
claims. I noted that the oil seeps were known before colonial rule, Uganda 
coloniser Sir Portal visited the seeps in November 1893 and an oil exploration 
license was issued by the Uganda colonial leader, Col. Sadler on January 7, 

My report detailed that past regimes failed in 1912-3, 1927-9, 1936-8, 1950-2, 
1963, 1968-9 and 1971-2 to exploit this oil because of its poor quality. 
Ugandans like Mr Wanume Kibeedi can testify that Amin found the oil unviable.
The then Monitor editors challenged me to further investigate the interest of 
foreign companies in unviable oil reserves. I established that these companies 
were pursuing profiteering and not oil production.

I explained that the scheme was for the exploration companies to claim very 
profitable oil reserves, sign lucrative ownership contracts, increase their 
company value and stock exchange ratings, sell shares, earn profits and march 
on. Uganda would lose ownership of the reserves; get no oil and no revenue. The 
same case with the current Cobalt at Kasese.

I indicated that the oil reserves final owners would be companies controlling 
the oil products import into Uganda, and thus with long-term interest in this 
Albertine region low grade heavy oil. That since these companies would be using 
the Kenya-Uganda oil pipeline [then approaching Eldoret], the Uganda oil 
reserves prospects were to be subject to the cost benefit of refining the 
costly heavy oil or importing cheap light oil.

Finally, only a highly edited historical part one of my report appeared in the 
Monitor of November 1, 2000. Part two indicating the un-prospectiveness of 
Uganda oil promise was not published. Thus unchallenged, President Museveni 
announced on October 8, 2006 that he had discovered oil where colonialists 
failed and would not relinquish power to people like Kizza Besigye, but stay on 
and use his oil to transform Uganda.
Ugandan Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, Sam Kuteesa, the minister for foreign 
affairs, and Minister for Internal Affairs Hillary Onek allegedly benefited 
from billions in bribes from oil company, Tullow Oil Plc.
Initially President Museveni mentioned oil earnings will flow in 2009 while 
overlooking the poor quality problem. Museveni has since traversed all oil 
generating countries on the globe with no solution. Timelines have shifted four 
times. The latest is a new feasibility in July 2012, implying that production 
and revenue flows are unknown. The secret of Uganda oil is thus feasibility not 
revenue sharing.

MPs should study the challenges of heavy oil production especially the massive 
electricity needs given the appalling NRM electricity generation capacity. 
Those pursuing revenue sharing agreements should be cautious about raising 
expectations, like Museveni did, over something whose feasibility is not 
Mr Guweddeko Researcher Fellow, MISR; Makerere University

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

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[Ugnet] Fw: IMF Statement on Uganda

2011-10-29 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Baana ; 
Buganda Discussion ; 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 12:55 PM
Subject: IMF Statement on Uganda

Interesting if you have the capability of translating diplomatese into English 

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Fw: US$ 52 million IFAD loan to Uganda making a total of $296M (a must read)

2011-10-29 Thread musamize
Where are these 4.3M households that are benefiting from these loans? Please 
circulate widely.

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: US$ 52 million IFAD loan to Uganda making $296M

US$ 52 million IFAD loan to boost vegetable oil development in Uganda 
Rome, 21 October 2010 – A US$ 52 million loan from the International Fund for  
Agricultural Development (IFAD) to the Republic of Uganda will help to lay the 
basis for agricultural driven  rural development. 
The loan agreement for the Vegetable  Oil Development Project Phase 2 (VODP2) 
was signed today in Rome by Deo  K. Rwabita, Ambassador of the Republic of 
Uganda, and Kanayo F. Nwanze,  President of IFAD.
The VODP2 will raise the volume of oilseed  crushing material produced by 
smallholders and consolidate direct linkages with  the processors to ensure the 
supply of vegetable oil and its by-products to  Ugandan consumers, to increase 
their  per-capita consumption of oils and fats in the diet. The VODP2 will  
focus its activities on oilseed development around four hubs (Lira, Eastern  
Uganda, Gulu and West Nile) covering 43  districts. Oil palm activities  will 
be carried out on Bugula Island in Kalangala District (Ssese islands), and  new 
oil palm development will be carried out on Buvuma Island in Mukono  District.
When the Vegetable Oil Development  Project first phase started in 1998 to help 
the Government of Uganda increase  its production of vegetable oil in  order to 
decrease the country’s dependence on imported oil, per-capita  consumption of 
oils and fats in the average Ugandan diet was about 15% of the  annual minimum 
requirement. While smallholder producers of oilseeds and oil  palm will 
increase their incomes, the real beneficiaries of this project will  be Ugandan 
consumers. Under the first phase of VODP, by 2009, per capita  consumption of 
oil and fats in the rural Ugandan diet had almost doubled, to  about 30% of the 
annual minimum requirement. 
Under the VODP2, it is  estimated that by 2018, per capita consumption should 
double again to almost  60% of the annual minimum requirement, with Ugandans 
consuming vegetable oil  from crops produced and processed in Uganda. 
VODP2 is co-financed by Oil Palm Uganda  Limited (OPUL), Kalangala Oil Palm 
Growers Trust (KOPGT), the Government of  Uganda, the beneficiaries and a grant 
from The Netherlands Development  Organisation. VODP  is the only large 
public-private partnership in IFAD's portfolio. “The process of identifying a 
private sector partner  willing to commit to working with smallholder farmers 
has taken time, as have  negotiations to ensure equity for smallholders, and 
plantation development in  line with modern environmental standards” said 
Marian Bradley, IFAD Country  Programme Manager for Uganda. 
The project is expected to benefit  directly some 3,000 smallholders from oil 
palm development and 136,000 households  will benefit from oilseed development. 
Other value chain activities will  include HIV/AIDS and gender awareness 
building, and social inclusion focussed  on gender and youth. 
To date, IFAD has financed 14 projects and programmes in Uganda for a  total 
investment of US$ 295.5million  benefiting 4,281,150 households.

Notes to  editors
* Projections   show that national production and processing of 
palm oil will save Uganda   about US$60-80 million a year in crude oil 
* Oil   palm is a highly sustainable, energy-efficient   crop 
and is eight to ten times more productive than any other annual oil   crop.
* Palm   oil processing produces fewer carbon emissions than other 
sources of   oilseeds that require annual planting. It is also energy 
efficient,   because milling is powered by the waste from processing the 
* Before   the Vegetable Oil Development Project Phase 1 began, 
there were few   livelihood options and a limited range of government 
services. Today,   project activities have improved local infrastructure on 
the island and   services have greatly increased.

For images of IFAD’s work in Uganda please visithttp://photos.ifad.org and 
quick  search ‘Uganda’

Press release No.: IFAD/67/2010
The  International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) works with poor 
rural  people to enable them to grow and sell more food, increase their incomes 
and  determine the direction of their own lives. Since 1978, IFAD has invested 
over  US$12 billion in grants and low-interest loans to developing countries,  
empowering more than 360 million people to break out of poverty. IFAD is an  
international financial institution and a specialized UN agency based in Rome – 
 the UN’s food 

[Ugnet] Fw: The Tale of Two Idiots on a Billboard at the Equator On Masaka Highway

2011-10-26 Thread musamize


James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
From: x
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 5:53 AM
Subject: Two Idiots: The Gaddafi- Museveni Billboard On Masaka Highway

Two Idiots: Gadaffi-Museveni Billboard on Masaka Highway  
The Museveni-Gadaafi billboard on Masaka highway. Picture: Halima Abdalla ___
Ugandanet mailing list

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[Ugnet] Fw: How to Keep Those Coconuts (a.k.a. Dictators) Falling (a MUST read)

2011-10-26 Thread musamize
This is a 2-page article. Be sure to read both pages.

James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Baana ; 
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 8:17 PM
Subject: How to Keep Those Coconuts (a.k.a. Dictators) Falling (a MUST read)

In the 1960s and 1970's the recipe used was described in, e.g.: Coup d'État: A 
Practical Handbook by Edward N. Luttwak (1979); and by many others.
For modern times, here is the roadmap in summary:
1. It takes a coalition of opposition forces to fell a monster.
2. First topple the dictator and then the dictatorship: both are necessary 
3. The ideal sequence to fixing a dictatorship begins with intellectual 
freedom, then political reform, constitutional reform, institutional reform, 
and finally economic reform, in that order.
Go here for details:

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Fw: LRA: Will Obama's 100 make any difference?

2011-10-26 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:17 PM
Subject: LRA: Will Obama's 100 make any difference?

Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army
Can America make a difference? 
Oct 21st 2011, 15:33 by J.B. | BAS-UELE, CONGO 

AS MONKEYS howl in the jungle canopy above, a weary Congolese army lieutenant 
makes no secret of his frustration. Deployed to the isolated forests in a vast 
north-eastern swathe of the Democratic Republic of Congo to hunt down Uganda's 
rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), his troops are short of ammunition and have 
had no rations or pay for months. But his ire is reserved most of all for his 
supposed allies, the Ugandan army. "It's a crooked war the Ugandans are 
fighting with the LRA," he vents. "They have all the weapons in the world but 
they’re not serious."
It has been almost three years since Uganda sent troops into Congo, South Sudan 
and the Central African Republic to pursue their fanatical compatriots, but the 
coalition’s performance to date has been dismal. Joseph Kony, the LRA’s 
psychopathic leader, has eluded capture, as have his top commanders. The 
rebels, meanwhile, have since slaughtered some 2,400 villagers and abducted at 
least 3,400 more.
{Commentary by yours truly:
Sooo, if the UPDF is not in the Congo to fight Kony or lack the intestinal 
fortitude to fight Kony,then what the heck are they doing in DRC? Why are we 
paying them? Who gains from their presence in the DRC? Read on. js}

James Ssemakula
It was against this grim backdrop that the American administration says it will 
send military advisers and backup staff numbering around 100 troops in all to 
help co-ordinate the hunt for Mr Kony and his men. Though no guarantee of 
success, this modest deployment may, it is hoped, salvage a mission on the 
brink of failure. 

Crippled from the start by a long history of bad blood, the Ugandan-dominated 
coalition has been falling apart. South Sudan, newly independent and embattled, 
has little stomach for fighting the LRA. The Central African Republic, with 
virtually no army of its own, ordered Ugandan troops to withdraw from certain 
areas last year, amid suspicions of diamond smuggling. And, though most of the 
killings of civilians have occurred on its soil, Congo wants Ugandan troops to 
pull out completely ahead of Congo’s presidential elections next month.
Renewed American backing for the operations may boost the coalition’s ebbing 
morale and strengthen Washington’s diplomatic leverage with the reluctant 
allies. Although American soldiers will not take a direct part in the fighting, 
it is hoped that their presence will improve the behaviour of some local 
forces, help with intelligence and bring some much-needed order to the effort. 
"It’s a step in the right direction," says Anneke Van Woudenberg of Human 
Rights Watch, a New York-based lobby that is one of several such groups 
endorsing the move. "But if it’s not enough, they should be prepared to do 

There’s the rub. Barack Obama may well hesitate to send more than this limited 
force if his Republican opponents continue to seize on the issue to criticise 
him for embarking on what they say is another reckless foreign adventure. Rush 
Limbaugh, an influential right-wing radio host, has pointed to the "Lord" in 
LRA and complained that Mr Obama’s "invasion" of Uganda would "wipe out 
Christians". And Senator John McCain, a former Republican presidential 
candidate, has chimed in with warnings of a Vietnam-style quagmire.

Back in the jungle, the lieutenant says he’s received word that LRA fighters 
are heading his way. But, since his unit has not been equipped with a radio, 
it’s taken a day for a courier to bring the message from the next army 
position. “They’re probably already here,” he says with a shrug.

Ugandanet mailing list

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2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:59 PM

Reference ID
09KAMPALA946  2009-08-19 13:52  2011-08-30 01:44  CONFIDENTIAL  Embassy Kampala 
 C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KAMPALA 000946 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/19/2019 
Classified By: Pol/Econ Chief Aaron Sampson, Embassy Kampala, for 
reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). ¶1. (C) Summary.  An internal July 15 memo from 
President Museveni has deepened the ethnic divide between 
groups living atop newfound oil reserves in Uganda's Western 
Region.  The memo, which was leaked to the press on August 2, 
instructs the Minister for Presidential Affairs to consider 
restricting key elected offices - including parliamentary 
seats - in what was once the Bunyoro Kingdom in Western 
Uganda to ethnic Banyoro only.  The memo also recommends 
preferential land ownership rights for ethnic Banyoro for the 
next twenty years. 
 Museveni's memo may have been designed to 
appease, or perhaps distract, Banyoro leaders angered by 
long-standing land disputes and the government's continued 
refusal to reveal plans for oil revenue sharing (reftel). 
Banyoro leaders have hailed the President's proposal as a 
major step toward protecting the Banyoro identity and 
redressing century old claims against the British colonial 
government. The national press, civil society groups, and 
parliamentarians from a broad range of political 
perspectives, meanwhile, have condemned the idea as a step 
toward "tribalism."  Museveni subsequently tried to soothe 
tensions heightened by his memo by meeting separately with 
Banyoro and non-Banyoro community representatives in Kampala. 
Police also hauled the newspaper editor responsible for 
reprinting the memo in for questioning.  Museveni has not 
backed away from the idea of investing specific ethnic groups 
with special electoral privileges in
 Western Uganda, and 
several members of his Cabinet who hail from Bunyoro have 
ratcheted up pressure on Museveni to move forward with his 
proposal.  Museveni's apparent willingness to consider 
rewarding one ethnic constituency by disenfranchising many 
others reinforces concerns about his re-election strategy for 
2011 and Uganda's commitment to the transparent management of 
impending oil revenues.  End Summary. 
Museveni's "Ring-Fence" Memo 
 ¶2.  (U)  During the weekend of August 1-2, local 
printed a memo from President Museveni to his Cabinet 
Minister in Charge of Presidential Affairs, Beatrice 
Wabudeya, entitled "Guidance on the Banyoro/Bafuruki 
Question."  Banyoro are "indigenous" residents of the Bunyoro 
Kingdom, which comprises four districts along the shores of 
Lake Albert in Western Uganda.  Bafuruki is a term used to 
describe non-Banyoro Ugandan "immigrants" who
 migrated to 
Bunyoro during the 1980s.  Minister Wabudeya belongs to a 
Cabinet level sub-committee previously established to examine 
Banyoro/Bafuruki tensions.  In his memo Museveni faults 
so-called Bafuruki for infringing on Banyoro culture and 
political space.  Invoking Article 32 of Uganda's 1995 
constitution, which authorizes the state to take "affirmative 
action" in favor of groups marginalized by "gender, age, 
disability, or any other reason," the President instructs 
Minister Wabudeya to consider restricting - or in the 
President's words "ring-fencing" - elected offices in Bunyoro 
to ethnic Banyoro candidates only.  This would prevent 
non-Banyoros from contesting Parliament seats and key local 
level posts. ¶3.  (SBU)  The memo also recommends giving land ownership 
rights to ethnic Banyoro resident in Bunyoro since 1964, 
thereby resolving land disputes stemming from the colonial 
era when the British attributed swaths of Bunyoro to 
absent Buganda landowners from central Uganda. Museveni 
recommends preventing Bafuruki from obtaining any additional 
land titles and appropriate compensation for absent Buganda 
landholders for a period of 20 years.  Newly titled ethnic 
Banyoro landholders would have the power to lease their newly 
acquired property, presumably to oil exploration firms for 
Ring-Fence as Political Third Rail 
-- ¶4.  (U) A number of Parliamentarians, 
including some from 
Museveni's own National Resistance Movement (NRM), 
immediately condemned the ring-fence proposal as a recipe for 
ethnic division or worse.  Several outspoken NRM 
Parliamentarians from Western Uganda and elsewhere described 
the idea as an unconstitutional non-starter and joined 
opposition calls for a presidential retractio

[Ugnet] Fw: Wikileaks: ACCU Director's life threatened for revealing corrupt official, i.e. Mbabazi, Mu7

2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:43 PM
Subject: Wikileaks: ACCU Director's life threatened for revealing corrupt 
official, i.e. Mbabazi, Mu7

Reference ID
10KAMPALA13  2010-01-07 11:36  2011-08-30 01:44  CONFIDENTIAL  Embassy Kampala  
E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/01/07 
CLASSIFIED BY: Aaron Sampson, Pol/Econ Chief, State, Pol/Econ; 
REASON: 1.4(B), (D) ¶1. (C) Summary: The Director of the Anti-Corruption 
Uganda (ACCU), Jasper Tumuhimbise, went into hiding in late 
December after publishing a "Fame and Shame" booklet on government 
corruption. Funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) 
anti-corruption threshold program, ACCU's booklet is a public 
perception survey in which Security Minister and National 
Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General Amama Mbabazi was perceived as 
Uganda's most corrupt public official. Tumuhimbise 
went into hiding after he and ACCU staff received threatening 

telephone calls and a visit from security personnel seeking 
information on the ACCU's international donors. On December 24, 
Tumuhimbise told PolOff that security forces followed him from the 
eastern town of Soroti to Kampala.  He blames Mbabazi for the 
intimidation of ACCU staff. End Summary. 
ACCU's Book of Fame and Shame - ¶2. (U) 
The ACCU is a coalition of approximately 60 local 
anti-corruption organizations. In 2009, the ACCU received 
approximately $25,000 in MCC funds to survey local perceptions of 
government corruption, publish an annual book of "Fame and Shame", 
and initiate an anti-corruption activist of the year award.  The 
ACCU says the booklet is intended to praise anti-corruption 
"heroes" and force "the shamed persons to reflect on themselves; 
the institutions they serve; their country and their level of 
patriotism." Of the 1,772 survey
 respondents, 30% identified 
Security Minister Mbabazi as Uganda's most corrupt public official 
due to his role in the 2008 Temangalo land scandal that cost the National 
Social Security Fund approximately $6 million (ref. A). President Museveni 
placed second on the list of shame, with 21% the vote, for failing to hold 
Mbabazi, Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa, and senior National Resistance Movement 
(NRM) leaders accountable for corruption. Other "shamed" NRM officials include 
Trade Minister Kahinda Otafiire, Public Works Minister John Nasasira, and 
former Health Ministers Mike Mukula and Jim Muhwezi. ¶3. (U) Museveni also made 
the ACCU's list of fame "as an unwavering 
freedom fighter and anti-corruption activist." Disgraced 
ex-Inspector General of Government Faith Mwondha, opposition figure 
Norbert Mao, and First Lady Janet Museveni topped the fame list. 
Survey respondents also positively perceived Ethics and Integrity 
Minister Nsaba Buturo, who is
 one of the most vocal proponents of 
Uganda's draft anti-homosexuality legislation, for "his 
outspokenness against corruption."  Minister Buturo presided over 
the booklet's launching ceremony. The ACCU selected James Ogoola, 
Principal Judge of the High Court of Uganda, as the Anti-Corruption 
Activist of the Year for 2009. 
- --- 
The "Shamed" Self-Incriminate Themselves Further 
- --- ¶4. (C) On 
December 19, Mbabazi criticized the ACCU's booklet and 
called Tumuhimbise an "idiot" on a local radio program. On December 
21, Mbabazi's niece, Susan Katono, emailed a document criticizing 
the ACCU's motives, methodology and findings to EconOff. Katono 
compiled the document from comments sent to her by senior 
government officials with the understanding that she would forward 
the information to the U.S. Mission. Katono
 indicated that Minister 
Mbabazi and other NRM leaders were unhappy with the booklet. ¶5. (C) On 
December 23, local media reported that Tumuhimbise was in 
hiding, that ACCU staff were receiving threatening phone calls, and 
that security officials questioned ACCU employees on the 
organization's sources of funding. Tumuhimbise confirmed this 
KAMPALA 0013  002 OF 002 
information to PolOff on December 24, adding that he left Kampala 
on the advice of friends only to return after discovering that 
security services were shadowing him upcountry as well. Tumuhimbise 
said a security vehicle tailed him from the eastern town of Soroti 
back to Kampala. Having spearheaded the ACCU's lawsuit against the 
NSSF over Mbabazi's Temangalo land scandal in 2008, Tumuhimbise 
said he is accustomed to menacing phone calls, but that being 

[Ugnet] Fw: Wikileaks: Mbabazi & Onek were bribed to get oil flowing ....

2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:36 PM
Subject: Wikileakes: Mbabazi & Onek were bribed to get oil flowing 

Reference ID
09KAMPALA1401  2009-12-17 11:37  2011-08-30 01:44  SECRET  Embassy Kampala  
DE RUEHKM #1401/01 3511138
R 171137Z DEC 09
E.O. 12958: DECL: 2019/12/17 
CLASSIFIED BY: Donald Cordell, Economic Officer, State; REASON: 
1.4(B), (D) ¶1. (C) Summary: Tullow Oil claims senior Ugandan government 
officials were "compensated" to support the sale of a partner/rival 
firm's exploration and production rights to Italian oil company ENI 
(ref. A).  Tullow Vice President for Africa Tim O'Hanlon identified 
Security Minister and National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary 
General Amama Mbabazi and Energy and
 Mineral Development Minister 
Hilary Onek as Ugandan officials who benefited from the sale of 
production rights by Heritage Oil and Gas to ENI.  He requested 
U.S. assistance in ensuring the open and transparent sale of oil 
assets.  If Tullow's allegations are true - and we believe they are 
- then this is a critical moment for Uganda's nascent oil sector. 
The Heritage-ENI sale will likely derail any potential partnership 
between Tullow and Exxon Mobil and have profound consequences for 
transparency and openness in the future management of the industry. 
End Summary. 
Seeking Partners 
- ¶2. (U) On 14 December, Tim O'Hanlon, Tullow Oil's 
Regional Vice 
President for Africa met with Ambassador Lanier to discuss recent 
developments in oil exploration in Uganda (see ref. A for 
background).  O'Hanlon explained that the $10+ billion required to 
produce, refine, and export oil from Uganda far
 exceeds the 
financial capacity of Tullow and other mid-sized exploration 
companies currently working in Uganda.  Tullow is therefore 
considering selling a portion of its Uganda holdings to a larger 
international oil partner, and has unofficially "short listed" 
three major companies as potential partners - including Exxon 
Mobil, Total (France), and the Chinese National Offshore Oil 
Company (CNOOC).  After Tullow concludes its process of selecting a 
partner, likely in January or February 2010, Tullow will present 
the "bids" to the Uganda government and work with Ugandan officials 
to gain approval of the much larger oil partner. 
An Oily Business 
- ¶3. (S) In contrast, O'Hanlon said the recent effort by 
Heritage Oil 
and Gas to sell its oil exploration and production license to ENI 
was apparently a corrupt back door deal.  O'Hanlon observed that 
since news of the ENI sale broke, even
 Ministers unrelated to oil 
(such as Minister of State for Fisheries Fred Mukisa) have issued 
public statements supporting ENI.  O'Hanlon alleged that Security 
Minister Mbabazi and Energy Minister Onek received payments from 
Heritage and/or ENI in exchange for their support.  O'Hanlon 
referred to Minister Mbabazi, who facilitated an August 2009 
meeting between ENI and Tullow, as ENI's "patron" in Uganda, and 
said ENI created a shell company in London - TKL Holdings - through 
frontmen Mark Christian and Moses Seruje - to funnel money to 
Mbabazi.  O'Hanlon also noted what he described as Onek's recent 
unsolicited "grandstanding" before Parliament in support of ENI, 
and similar statements of support during a recent Indo-African 
energy conference in New Dehli.  Onek made impossible claims at the 
Indo-African conference regarding ENI's ability to export 100,000 - 
200,000 barrels per day within two years.  Comment: These 
statements of support by
 Onek appear completely inappropriate 
given that the deal is still technically pending.  End comment. ¶4. (C) 
O'Hanlon said ENI's Uganda deal is part of a wider effort, 
facilitated by Heritage, to gain control of all oil fields on both 
sides of Lake Albert. In addition to its exploration blocks in 
Uganda, Tullow claims to have exploration rights on the Congolese 
side of Lake Albert. O'Hanlon said Tullow's exploration efforts on 
the DRC side of Lake Albert are hampered by Tullow's refusal to pay 
off key Congolese officials, including President Laurent Kabila. 
O'Hanlon added that Heritage recently offered to help Tullow "take 
KAMPALA 1401  002 OF 002 
care" of problems on the Congolese side in order to begin 
exploration.  Tullow refused, according  to O'Hanlon. ¶5. (C) O'Hanlon 
concluded by asking the U.S. to help bring these 
corruption allegatio


2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:26 PM



Reference ID
09KAMPALA1326  2009-11-20 05:08  2011-08-30 01:44  UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL 
USE ONLY  Embassy Kampala  VZCZCXRO3431
DE RUEHKM #1326/01 3240508
R 200508Z NOV 09
E.O. 12958: N/A 
 ¶1. (SBU) Summary:  On November 11, Uganda revealed plans to create 
seven new administrative districts in addition to the 14 districts 
already proposed for 2009 and 2010.  Opposition parties and civil 
society groups have demanded a halt to creating new districts until 
after the February 2011 elections, citing concerns over their cost 
and role as political patronage tools.  European donors have also 
expressed concern, as each new district spreads their budget support 
that much thinner.  The Ugandan government, however, continues to 
reward battleground constituencies with new districts and new 
government jobs.  End Summary. 
District Proliferation 
-- ¶2. (U) On November 11, Minister of Lands Adolf Mwesige 
Parliament to approve the creation of seven new administrative 
districts on top of the 14 districts already slated for creation in 
2009 and 2010.  If approved, this will bring the total
 number of 
administrative districts to 101, or three times the 33 districts 
existing when Museveni took power in 1986.  The government argues 
that new districts will bring government services closer to people 
as many rural Ugandans live hours from the seat of their local 
district headquarters. ¶3. (SBU) Presidential advisor Moses Byaruhanga told the 
Embassy that 
Uganda is trying to carve out districts for discrete ethnic groups 
so citizens can conduct local government business in their 
respective local languages.  He said the plan would also enable 
teachers to use local languages for instruction in primary schools. 
He dismissed the view that trying to reduce local administrative 
structures to single homogenous ethnic units could actually 
exacerbate ethnic divisions. ¶4. (SBU) However, the re-districting process is 
already fueling 
conflict as groups scramble to claim resources and carve out their 
own local governments.  Ongoing discussions
 to split the Tororo 
district in eastern Uganda along ethnic lines is exacerbating 
tensions between the area's ethnic Iteso and Jopadhola populations. 
Likewise, Acholi leaders in northern Uganda have accused the Jonam 
community of land grabbing to create a new district.  Both sides met 
in Nebbi, just north of Lake Albert, on November 11 to calm fears of 
Unfunded and Unnecessary 
 ¶5. (SBU) According to the Commissioner for Local 
Councils, Patrick 
Mutabwire, all of the 39 districts created between 2005 and 2009 
depend on the central government to cover 90 percent of their 
expedenditures.  At the moment, government service provision in new 
districts remains poor or nonexistent. ¶6. (U) Viewing the creation of the new 
districts as a Presidential 
re-election tool, opposition parties have repeated demanded a 
moritorium on new districts until after the February 2011 elections. 
 Director of Uganda's NGO Forum, Richard Ssewakiryanga, argued 
that instead of benefiting local populations, new unfunded districts 
are further impoverishing them, and added that Ugandans want roads 
and doctors, not new administrative districts.  European donors 
responsible for providing the Ugandan government with budget support 
have also expressed concern, as the creation of each new district 
spreads finite financial resources thinner and means donor funds fo 
for administrative rather than programmatic costs. 
Will More Districts Mean More NRM Votes? 
 ¶7. (SBU) According to the Commisioner 
for Local Councils, new 
district start up costs range from USD 300,000 for smaller districts 
to USD 1 million for larger ones, and each new district employs 
between 250 to 500 local government employees/ new districts are 
attractive job creation mechanisms for the Ugandan
These appointments provide a chance for the ruling National 
Resistance Movement (NRM) to reward specific constituencies and 
individuals, or entice opposition members back into the NRM camp. ¶8. (U) On 
November 14 an editorial in the opposition newspaper said 

[Ugnet] Fw: WIKILEAKS: Corruption in Uganda's nascent oil industry

2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:31 PM
Subject: WIKILEAKS: Corruption in Uganda's nascent oil industry

Reference ID
09KAMPALA1356  2009-12-03 06:13  2011-08-30 01:44  CONFIDENTIAL  Embassy 
Kampala  VZCZCXRO6030
DE RUEHKM #1356/01 3370613
R 030613Z DEC 09
RHMFISS/HQ USAFRICOM STUTTGART GEThursday, 03 December 2009, 06:13
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KAMPALA 001356 
EO 12958 DECL: 11/29/2019 
REF: A. 08 KAMPALA 1648  B. KAMPALA 366
Classified By: Econ Officer Don Cordell for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 
¶1. (C) Summary: ExxonMobil interest in Tullow Oil’s Ugandan operations, and 
Italian oil 
giant ENI’s attempt to purchase Heritage Oil’s local holdings, mark a clear 
shift from 
exploration to the beginnings of production. The remote location of Uganda’s 
oil wells, 
the difficult chemistry of the oil within, and President Museveni’s insistence 
building a domestic refinery are pricing smaller firms like Heritage and Tullow 
out of the Ugandan market. Unfortunately, major oil company interest in Uganda 
triggered renewed corruption allegations as U.K.-based Tullow Oil suspects 
leaders of conspiring with ENI
 to strip Tullow of its most profitable oil exploration 
license. Failing to resolve this issue could jeopardize Tullow’s standing in 
Uganda and 
set the stage for further oil sector corruption. End Summary. 
The High Cost of Ugandan Oil Production
--- ¶2. (U) The estimated 1.5-2 billion 
recoverable barrels of oil along the shores of Lake Albert in western Uganda 
could transform Uganda into one of the world’s the top 50 oil producers, 
surpassing other African oil nations like Gabon and Equatorial Guinea (ref. A). 
Tullow Oil, which is currently the largest oil exploration company in Uganda, 
estimates that non-revenue generating production could begin as early as summer 
of 2010, with production gradually increasing to around 10,000 barrels per day 
over the next three to six years. Tullow predicts a peak production rate of 
around 150,000 barrels per day within ten years. ¶3. (U) A number of costly 
challenges hamper Ugandan oil exploration and production. Oil companies 
operating in western Uganda must navigate complicated land tenure and property 
rights issues. Offshore production on
 Lake Albert poses other cross-border problems as much of the oil beneath the 
lake is likely on Congolese territory. Ecological and environmental concerns 
add another complication, as the oil is located is one of ten most ecologically 
biodiverse areas in the world. Protecting western Uganda’s extremely fragile 
ecology - and burgeoning wildlife tourism industry - while drilling for oil 
presents an enormous challenge for Uganda’s oil sector. ¶4. (U) Although 
classified as “sweet” crude, the oil’s high wax content gives it the 
consistency of shoe polish. An eventual export pipeline must therefore heat the 
oil to keep it flowing. Industry experts estimate pipeline costs at $3-4 
billion. Transporting oil from the fields to market will also require major 
transportation infrastructure investments over the next five years in areas 
such as road and rail construction and improvement. On-site infrastructure, 
such as power production and waste management,
 is also needed. ¶5. (SBU) President Museveni’s requirement for a domestic oil 
refinery further increases production costs. Museveni believes value addition 
is the only way to develop Uganda’s economy. The President also wants to reduce 
Uganda’s reliance on fuel supply lines from Kenya and avoid a repeat - for 
national security reasons - of the crippling fuel crisis that hit Uganda 
following 2007/2008 elections in Kenya. Ugandan officials are eyeing a 200,000 
barrel per day refinery. Oil company experts maintain that nothing larger than 
a 50,000 barrel per day refinery - estimated at $5-6 billion - is economically 
feasible. A smaller refinery could supply the oil demands of Uganda, Southern 
Sudan, eastern Congo, and Rwanda and still leave the bulk of Ugandan oil for 
export. The Ministry of Energy recently issued a tender for a refinery 
feasibility study. The tender
 is financed by the Norwegian
 government. Two U.S. firms bid on the tender, but
 neither made the Ministry’s short list.
Enter Major Oil Companies
- ¶6. (SBU) The smaller international oil companies 
active in Uganda - Tullow, Heritage, Dominion, and Neptune - have already spent 
a com


2011-10-12 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 8:22 PM

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Reference ID
09KAMPALA1323  2009-11-17 06:30  2011-08-30 01:44  CONFIDENTIAL  Embassy 
Kampala  VZCZCXRO9945
DE RUEHKM #1323/01 3210630
R 170630Z NOV 09
KAMPALA 001323 
E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/16/2019 
REF: A. KAMPALA 01166 ¶B. KAMPALA 01196 ¶C. KAMPALA 01275 ¶D. KAMPALA 01278 ¶E. 
KAMPALA 01097 ¶F. KAMPALA 00979 
Classified By: Pol/Econ Chief Aaron Sampson for 
reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 
1.(C) Summary:  An internal report by the ruling National 
Resistance Movement (NRM) party accuses the Electoral 
Commission of conspiring with opposition leaders to stack 
Uganda's voter registry with "ghost" voters and "phantom" 
 The report - commissioned by President Museveni 
and Security Minister Amama Mbabazi, and drafted by Mbabazi's 
daughter Nina - could lead to the dissolution of the 
Electoral Commission (EC), which is regarded by opposition 
parties, civil society, and international donors as favorable 
to the NRM.  The NRM's assessment concludes the EC favors the 
opposition.  On November 11, Nina Mbabazi predicted a massive 
EC shake-up, complained of NRM infighting, and claimed 
Museveni is looking for someone to run in his place as 
President in 2011.  End Summary. 
- --- 
NRM Declares Open Season on Own Electoral Commission 
- --- ¶2. (SBU) On October 22, 
Uganda's main opposition newspaper 
published excerpts of an internal NRM report accusing core EC 
officials of conspiring with opposition parties to place 
"ghost" voters and "phantom" villages on Uganda's voter 

rolls.  Opposition parties have identified a new EC as a 
prerequisite for their participation in the 2011 elections 
because they view the current EC as pro-NRM (refs. A, B and 
C).  Various iterations of the NRM report accuse the EC of 
placing 500,000 to one million pro-opposition "ghost" voters 
on the voter registry to force the NRM's Presidential 
candidate into a second round election run off in 2011.  The 
report singles out EC Secretary Sam Rwakoojo, Legal Council 
Alfred Okello Oryem, and a handful of mid-level officials for 
corruption, fraud and conflict of interest, and recommends 
firing Rwakoojo "forthwith as he as done the most to damage 
(the) NRM." ¶3. (SBU) Several diplomatic missions subsequently received 
copies of an anonymous letter, allegedly from a disgruntled 
EC accountant, purporting to offer further evidence of 
Rwakoojo and Okello Oryem's misdeeds.  Dated October 26 and 
addressed to Security Minister and NRM Secretary
Mbabazi, the letter accuses Rwakoojo, Okello Oryem, and EC 
Chairman Badru Kiggundu of conspiring to lose legal cases 
against the EC in order to pocket percentages of court 
ordered payouts to claimants, fixing inflated procurement 
contracts, accepting bribes, and promoting female EC staff 
members in return for sex. 
NRM: Voter Regi

[Ugnet] Fw: [gandatalk] Concerns over scholarship corruption by government

2011-10-05 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: GandaTalk 
Cc: Buganda Discussion ; Baana 
; unaanet ; 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [gandatalk] Concerns over scholarship corruption by government

Like I say every weekend on www.radiomunansi.com: Once borrowed from the World 
Bank: It is your money. You have to pay the debt, with interest. Follow the 
money! Otafiire must account for ALL that money!

James Ssemakula 

From: "slwetu...@aol.com" 
To: GandaTalk 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 7:28 AM
Subject: [gandatalk] Concerns over scholarship corruption by government

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx8MJm8F6Xs  ___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Charles Onyango Obbo-They set the dogs on Bukenya; which NRM big man is next?

2011-10-05 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Charles Onyango Obbo-They set the dogs on Bukenya; which 
NRM big man is next?

The Independent (Kampala)  
Uganda: Kuteesa Admits Role in CHOGM Cars' Purchase, Denies Wrong 
Isaac Mufumba 
17 March 2010 

Kampala — Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kahamba Kuteesa has admitted involvement 
in the procurement and hire of BMW vehicles at a cost of Ushs.9.4 billion 
shillings for use during the Commonwealth heads of state and government meeting 
(Chogm) Kampala 2007. He, however, denies any wrong doing. 
"At no time did I influence the decision to purchase or lease. The final 
decision to lease was made during a meeting presided over by the President," he 
told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). 

PAC is investigating how the CHOGM Cabinet Sub-committee managed the budget for 
the event amidst allegations of corruption. 
Kuteesa who appeared before the committee on the morning of March 16 is the 
first of eight Ministers expected to appear before PAC. 
He said that the decision to lease the cars was made during a Feb.12, 2007 
meeting at State House Nakasero where President Yoweri Museveni opposed the 
purchase of cars on grounds that about 100 cars bought in the run up to the 
1987 Preferential Trade Area submit held in Kampala could not be traced. 
The president, he said, also had reservations about the cost of maintaining the 
BMW vehicles. 

The Minister also denied allegations of conflict of interest and influence 
peddling in the award of the tender to Euro Car, the firm which supplied the 
cars that were leased. 
He said that Euro Car was incorporated in April 2005 with his family campany, 
SECI obtaining 20 percent shares. Other shareholders, he said, were Albert 
Gataare with 30 percent shares, Eugene Nyagahene with 20 percent shares and 
Robert Kabonero with 30 percent shares. 
He said that he surrendered SECI's interests in the firm and sold his shares to 
Robert Kabonero on August 09, 2005 long before Uganda was confirmed as venue 
for Chogm. 

"Procurement of the vehicles was done in 2007. I've been seeing innuendos 
suggesting that I pulled out of the company in order to benefit but I had 
ceased being a shareholder more than two years before Chogm. I should have been 
a magician to know that Uganda would be the venue," he said. 
Uganda was confirmed as the venue for the meeting in November 2005, during a 
commonwealth meeting held in Malta. 

also view: 

James Ssemakula 
Note: The Inspector General of Government on looking into the CHOGM corruption 
recommended that: 

21.1.1  Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Hon Sam Kuteesa should be prosecuted for Abuse 
of office in accordance with Section 11 of the Anti Corruption Act 2009. 
21.1.2  Motor care (U) Ltd should be prosecuted for causing financial loss 
contrary to Section 20 1) of the Anti Corruption Act. 
21.1.3  Mr. Lars Bjere of Motorcare (U) Ltd should be prosecuted for refusal or 
failure to comply with the directions of the Inspectorate of Government 
contrary to Section 35 c) of the Inspectorate of Government Act. 
21.1.4  Motorcare (U) Ltd should be blacklisted and should not transact with 
theGovernment of Uganda for a period of 10 years. 
You may read the complete report on Chirs Obore's Blog at: 

From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
To: Unaanet ; Ugandans At Heart 

Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Charles Onyango Obbo-They set the dogs on Bukenya; which 
NRM big man is next?
 Ndugu Brian: There is nothing legalistic about this occurrence. This all 
politics. I guess the good old Professor was making noises that have made the 
"Powers that be" unhappy. The question here is that does the Professor deserve 
what he is getting? Yes would be my answer based on the CHOGM audit reports. Is 
he being treated fairly? No is my answer since justice seems to be imparted 
selectively. We have seen promotions and retentions of individuals who were 
mentioned in the same vein like the good Professor. I have seen some folks 
lament that tribal persecution was the main factor. How unfortunate, since the 
fellow was once a national vice president and no one felt short changed then. 
This is about raw power pure and simple. Two things may happen as a result of 
his incarceration, namely: 1) After cooling off for a while in Sheraton Luzira, 
the good old Professor will beg for forgiveness and be released. Where he will 
while away in opulent retirement. 2)

[Ugnet] NYT Slideshow: In Uganda, a Failure to Deliver Health Services

2011-10-05 Thread musamize
accompanying article:
Maternal Deaths Focus Harsh Light on Uganda
Tune in to the call-in live talk-show on www.radiomunansi.com at 7am Los 
Angeles time, this weekend or listen in on your phone by calling 832-280-0077. 
To contribute or air your views call 1-818-534-8273 during the broadcast.
This weekend we'll discuss the corruption trials in Uganda and sorry state of 
health care in Uganda, where pregant motheres are bleeding to death, the Basoga 
are being sucked dry by jiggers, etc while vast sums of tax-payer money & 
international dononations and bankloans that all Ugandans must repay, continue 
to disappear without a trace daily -- at the hands of government officials, the 
most notorious of whom we'll name.___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Daily Monitor:  - National |British firm illegally evicts 20,000 Ugandans

2011-09-23 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Daily Monitor:  - National |British firm illegally 
evicts 20,000 Ugandans

This issue also appeared on Al-Jazeera TV:
In brief, under international law, if your asset/livelihood/standard of 
living is injured/decreased or negatively impacted in any way due to a so 
called development project, the DONOR funding the project is held responsible 
for paying you compensation. Generally, due to corruption of Uganda's judicial 
system and govt interference, it is useless to go to a Uganda court to seek 
redress. Rather, what is more effective is to take the funding agency to court 
in their home country. Is is actually easier and faster than most people think, 
because often there lawyers who will take on such cases and agree to be paid 
after you have collected.

James Ssemakula

From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
To: Unaanet 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 3:54 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] Daily Monitor:  - National |British firm illegally evicts 
20,000 Ugandans

Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] Fw: The Worst of the Worst: Revisited

2011-09-16 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 3:27 PM
Subject: The Worst of the Worst: Revisited

The Worst of the Worst: Revisited
Whowill be the next coconut to fall?
Backin 1986, when he led a rebel insurgency to overthrow strongman Milton 
Obote,YoweriMuseveni ebulliently declared, "No African head of state should 
bein power for more than 10 years." Twenty-five years later, he is still 
there.His credibility in tatters, this coconut-head won re-election in February 
with 68 percent of the vote in a stolen election. The electoral commission was 
packed with the same men who ensured Museveni's victory in previous elections. 
In 2005, Museveni had constitutional term limits abolished completely in a sham 
referendum, meaning he could run forpresident for life. There are also 
suspicions that the president is grooming his son, 36-year-old Lt. Col. Muhoozi 
Kainerugaba,to succeed him.

In June, Uganda's main opposition leader, Kiiza Besigye, called on his 
supporters to walk to work to protest the high cost of transportation. The 
protest was over an economic issue, not a political one. But the ever-paranoid 
government security forces saw it differently.Describing it as "an act of 
terrorism," they sprang into action, beating,tear-gassing, and hauling Besigye 
to jail. Upon release, he has vowed to continue with the protests and ignite a 
Tunisian-type of revolution.
 Photo at (p. 4):

I hear that a Demo agaist Museveni is being (quietly) organized at the U.N. in 
New York to coincide with U.N. General Assembly ...

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] China's support of African Dictators

2011-09-07 Thread musamize
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Museveni rejects 142b Basajja claim

2011-09-07 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Museveni rejects 142b Basajja claim

Mw Senkayi:
This is peanuts compared to:
1. The balance of $470M from the purchase of 6 Russian SU-30MK2 jets that 
Museveni has not returned to the treasury.
2. The $760M that Museveni claims to have borrowed from some bank to buy those 
same jets --AFTER he grabbed $760M from the bank to buy the jets. Multiple 
billing is one of Museveni's tricks of stealing money (e.g. remember the 
multiple war reparations to Tz ),
The whole Mabira circus is an attempt by Museveni to divert the public's  
attention from the above massive heist.I urge the press and the public to keep 
their eyes on the MONEY.
I think you get the idea why I am hardly impressed,
James Ssemakula

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: Unaanet 
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Museveni rejects 142b Basajja claim

M7 should have been doing this kind of thing a lot more.  This may be too 
little too late.

Sent from my IPad 

On Sep 2, 2011, at 4:55 PM, "Moses Ocen Nekyon"  wrote:

>Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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[Ugnet] Fw: Operation Dawn Mermaid: The secret plan to take Tripoli

2011-09-07 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 2:39 PM
Subject: Operation Dawn Mermaid: The secret plan to take Tripoli


James Ssemakula___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Recommended: Mukula: Museveni preparing Muhoozi to succeed him

2011-09-07 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Recommended: Mukula: Museveni preparing Muhoozi to 
succeed him

Mw. Senkayi,
Thanks for the post. Here is the text of the Mukula cable (which I also posted 
yesterday as an attachment. In this version I have sprinkled a few additional 
If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on thestructure of a 
cableas well ashow to  discuss them with others. See also the FAQs  
Reference ID Created Released Classification
Origin09KAMPALA1096 2009-09-23 06:08 2011-08-30 01:44 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy
01 OF 03 KAMPALA 001096SIPDISE.O. 12958: DECL: 09/21/2019TAGS:PGOV KDEM PREL
B. KAMPALA 01044 Classified By: Pol/Econ Chief Aaron Sampson for reasons 1.4 
(b) and (d).
1. (C) "Captain" Mike Mukula, disgraced former Ugandan Health Minister 
andcurrent National Resistance Movement (NRM) vice-chairman for eastern Uganda, 
warned  that the 2011 presidential elections will be
worse than the deeply flawed 2006 presidential contest. Mukula, whose political 
reputation was battered by the 2006 Global Alliance for Vaccines and 
Immunization (GAVI) scandal, said the September 10-12 riots provided a brief 
preview of one potential election scenario. He also said President Museveni's 
popularity was decreasing within the NRM, and speculated that Museveni may be 
interested in setting up his son, Muhoozi, as dauphin. Mukula said Museveni 
ultimately listens to only two countries - the U.S. andthe U.K. - and urged the 
U.S. to pressure Museveni to reinstate presidential term limits. Mukula 
himself, however, hopes to run for president in 2016
End Summary
The Many Lives of "Captain" 
2. (C) An ethnic Iteso from Soroti District in eastern Uganda, Mukula's 
training as a commercial pilot in Texas earned him the sobriquet "Captain". He 
has managing interests in the Voice of Teso radio station, the Soroti Inn, 
United Airlines (Uganda) Ltd., Voice Media, and Riham Biscuits.Mukula prefaced 
his luncheon discussion with the Mission with a detailed run-down of his 
accomplishments to date. This included his personal role in improving Uganda's 
health indicators while serving as Health Minister from2001 to 2006, 
participation in a counter terrorism course in Israel in 2002,and his 
subsequent organization of the Arrow Boys militia to push the Lord's Resistance 
Army out of Teso region in 2003. Mukula said he was working on a correspondence 
PhD in Philosophy at a South African university,
had attended Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and was currently writing 
a book on corruption in Africa - a topic he claims he is the first to examine. 
{The poor fellow is not nearly as well informed as he thinks. This is a 
well-trodden path, but one that bears more examination e.g. 
Cohen & Odhiambo 2004 The Risks of Knowledge: Investigations into the Death of 
Hon. Minister John Robert Ouko in Kenya, 1990; 
Everyday Corruption and the State: Citizens and Public Officials in Africa by 
Giorgio Blundo and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (Oct 3, 2006);  
The Scramble for African Oil: Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of 
Africa's Natural Resources (Public Policy and Politics) by Douglas A. Yates 
(Jan 17, 2012);  
Corruption in Africa: Causes Consequences, and Cleanups by John Mukum Mbaku 
(Sep 20, 2010); Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument (African Issues) 
by Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz (Jan 22, 1999);
The Shackled Continent: Power, Corruption, and African Lives by Robert Guest 
(Sep 14, 2010);
Bureaucratic and Political Corruption in Africa: The Public Choice Perspective 
by John Mukum Mbaku (Dec 1999);
Africa Development Indicators 2010: Silent and Lethal: How Quiet Corruption 
Undermines Africa's Development Efforts (African Development Indicators) by 
World Bank (Apr 27, 2010) 
etc, etc - js}
--The "Fall Guy"--
3. (C) Mukula lost his Cabinet post in 2006 and was briefly imprisoned in2007 
after being accused
of diverting USD 1.5
 million from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) program 
to NRM coffers. Describing himself as Museveni's "fall guy," Mukula blamed his 
involvement in the GAVI scandal on Museveni's need to placate international 
donors conc

[Ugnet] Fw: Noose tightening: Kutesa faces travel ban

2011-09-05 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Monday, September 5, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: Noose tightening: Kutesa faces travel ban

Kutesa faces travel ban
Posted Tuesday, September 6 2011 at 00:00
In Summary
Minister Kutesa faces UK travel ban over Chogm
Share This Story25Share

The UK and US governments have secretly been working to impose a travel ban on 
a number of Ugandan officials, with Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kutesa as the 
first choice for visa restrictions, over allegations they pilfered Chogm money.

US envoy Jerry Lanier in a diplomatic cable, leaked by whistleblower website, 
Wikileaks, toldWashington: “We regard Kutesa’s corruption as egregious, but 
believe Security Minister Amama Mbabazi’s continued misappropriation of public 
funds will have an adverse impact on US national interests in Uganda.” Both 
ministers deny any involvement in corruption and have not been convicted in any 
courts of law.

MPs who investigated the Chogm spending, accused Mr Mbabazi of influencing 
selection of Balton (U) Ltd firm to supply TETRA communication equipment at an 
“inflated” $5m (Shs14b). They asked IGG Raphael Baku to carry out further 
investigations, which he did and cleared Mr Mbabazi. 

Yesterday, Mr Baku, who said he had not cleared Mr Kutesa, accused by MPs of 
interfering in Chogm procurements for personal gain. “The investigations are 
still ongoing,” Mr baku said.

Former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya is the only other high-ranking government 
official, besides indicted former works chief Sam Bagonza, to face trial for 
allegedly siphoning part of the more than Shs500b monies.

The British High Commissioner  Philip Mani reacted angrily that such 
confidential information had leaked: “It is our policy not to comment on the 
substance of leaked documents. We condemn any unauthorised release of this 
classified information, just as we condemn leaks of classified material in the 
UK.” If effected, the decision to slap travel ban would most likely stop the 
individuals from conducting business and expose some of their reported 
investments overseas to possible seizures.

Mr Kutesa neither received nor returned both our telephone call and text 
message to his mobile telephone. Mr Mbabazi too could not answer our repeated 
telephone calls.

In the diplomatic cable, Mr Lanier reported that an official at the British 
High Commission in Kampala and another from the Department for International 
Development on January 7 informed the US embassy’s  Political/Economic Affairs 
Chief, Aaron Sampson, that the UK is “seriously considering visa restrictions 
for Ugandan officials guilty of embezzling Chogm-related funds”.

Ambassador Lanier mentioned Minister Kutesa as UK’s “primary target” for the 
travel ban and its officials were likely to ask the US to follow suit once the 
review of Chogm expenditure by the High Commission was completed.

UK’s outrage at the embezzlement of the funds was separately reported to US 
embassy officials by an ex-Ugandan ambassador to the UN and a local magazine 
journalist who said they had been informed by contacts in London way back last 

We could not reach Mr Lanier, or any US embassy official to speak on the matter 
yesterday, because the officials were off duty.

James Ssemakula




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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Standard Mobile :: Headlines - ICC blocks Ruto from coming home

2011-08-30 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Standard Mobile :: Headlines - ICC blocks Ruto from 
coming home

A more nuanced coverage of this is at:
Kenyan government loses appeal to stop Hague trials
http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE77T0LW20110830 ___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report - James

2011-08-30 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report - James

Thanks Mw. Senkayi. The killing of institutions is a favorite trick of 
Dictators like Museveni, Mobutu, Muammar Gaddafi and the like. We have been 
over this issue on Radio Munnansi (www.radiomunansi.com every Sat & Sun from 
7am California time). The article noted:
"The African Peer Review Mechanism on Wednesday issued a damning report on 
Uganda’s collapse of systems and institutions of government. The report also 
damned the rise of an imperial presidency and the personalisation of 
decision-making in government. Uganda’s civil society was cited as restricted, 
the media constrained, and the nascent oil and gas sector shrouded in secrecy 
and lack of transparency..."

James Ssemakula

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report - James

The Monitor link is working now.  I have just tried it and it worked for me.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report

I take back what I have just said.  I am afraid that the whole story is not 
included in my message.  I am sorry I should have done so.  You will just have 
to wait until the Monitor servers come up again.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report

I believe that the problem is with the Monitor servers.  Actually you do not 
have to access the Monitor website since the entire story was included in my 
Best regards,

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health

From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report

Mw. Senkayi,
A little while ago I was unable to contact the Monitor website or follow the 
link you posted.

James Ssemakula

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:16 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] Take interest in APRM report

The presidency ought to appreciate the wishes of Ugandans as legitimate players 
in the country’s governance. Leaders must not ride roughshod over national, 
regional and international environmental, human rights and good governance 
treaties that we have committed to. We must stop anyone or group from 
hot-footing to the President while sidestepping national channels and 
procedures to push through requests which contravene our national aspirations, 
goals and laws.

We challenge MPs, presidential advisers, the civil society, and national 
agencies to stay the course, fight for our national interest and not bend to 
ill-advised directives to override established and critical regulatory 
frameworks and national goals and agenda.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health


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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Will World Bank allow government to sell Mabira?

2011-08-24 Thread musamize
The whole Mabira Forest fracas is a red-herring meant to divert your attention 
from Museveni's mismanagement of Uganda's economy and his theft of massive 
amounts of money from its treasury, e.g.:
* the thus far unaccounted for$470M in the purchase of 6 Russian SU-30 jets. A 
top model of the SU-30 costs $45M, i.e. 6 jets cost 6jets x $45M = $270M, so 
where is the balance of $470M unaccounted for. See jet details at: 
* His current effort to stael another $748M for buying the same jets by 
claiming that the original $748M he used were borrowed from some bank; 
* the at least $50M extra hidden in the loan to "digitize" TV broadcasts in 
uganda -- a loan that would be paid by the entire country despite the fact that 
>80% of Uganda's population does not own TV, much less have access to 
electricity to run them; 
* the whopping $505M he charged the country  to build the 3-storey Entebbe 
State House 
etc, etc, ad infinitum.
Ugandans: Keep your eyes on the ball:- Follow the Money!! DEMAND no less than 
accountability, transparency and freedom!

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Will World Bank allow government to 
sell Mabira?

"“The President is faced with an economy that is not working and wants public 
attention shifted to Mabira,” says Musasizi. 

In a recent statement, President Museveni accused the opposition, particularly 
Beatrice Anywar, the Kitgum Woman MP, for blocking the give-away of the forest. 

According to Musasizi, Anywar is being used as a scape goat. “The problem is 
much bigger than Anywar or Mabira,” he says. "

James Ssemakula

From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
To: Unaanet 
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Will World Bank allow government to sell 


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Scramble for Acholiland: How Salim Saleh has taken Acholi land

2011-08-24 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 2:29 PM
Subject: Fw: [UNAANET] Scramble for Acholiland: How Salim Saleh has taken 
Acholi land

Also see the Tuesday, 01 February 2011 article, plus the the response to it by 
Mr. Whitmore:Planned massacre of the Acholi?  


Our land is in danger of theft by the Museveni Clan. So are our forests. And, 
our very lives are in jeopardy, over Museveni's quest for our lands:

"Released by Todd David Whitmore, an American Professor of Christian Ethics who 
was in northern Uganda researching into the relationship between the Acholi 
culture and Christianity, the allegations were far-reaching: President Museveni 
and his brother deliberately planned and facilitated mass murder in northern 

The letter was allegedly retrieved from secret State House files by a secretary 
named Virginia Kajumba who passed it on to her boyfriend, Maj. Okello Kolo,both 
of whom have since passed away. There was a caveat, “I enclose herewith M7’s 
diabolical directive to his brother. Read and burn it at once. If you allowed 
anyone to see it then buy a coffin for my body.” ...
You may also be interested in:

James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
From: semwogererediana 
To: unaa...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:30 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] Scramble for Acholiland: How Salim Saleh has taken Acholi 


Scramble for Acholiland: How Salim Saleh has taken Acholi land
Written by: str8talk on 27th December 2010
 By Todd David Whitmore
The Ugandan President's brother Gen Salim Saleh, aka Caleb Akandwanaho, heads 
the family's plan to steal Acholiland
With the immediate and remote contexts of the document set out, it is now 
possible to examine its contents with a view to further ascertaining its 
authenticity. I will focus on four key areas in my assessment: 1) the shift in 
policy by Museveni to include the colonially demarcated region of northern 
Uganda as part of the new Uganda; 2) Museveni and his brother Salim Saleh's 
efforts—as predicted in the memo—to take possession of land in northern Uganda; 
3) the consistency of the language of the memo referring to the Acholi as 
"backwards" and as "Chimpanzees" and "Monkeys" with public statements Museveni 
has made about the Acholi; and 4) the consistency of the names mentioned in the 
memo, including the code names for Museveni and Saleh, with historical events.
The memo, written on a typewriter, is dated November 14, 1986. I have tried to 
find documentation either confirming or contradicting the author's claim in the 
memo of having taken a flight over northern Uganda from Arua to Gulu during the 
time described. Mention of the flight would be evidence of the document's 
authenticity; mention of Museveni being out of the country at the time, for 
instance, would be evidence of inauthenticity. Thus far, I have not been able 
to find public documentation either way. This is not surprising given that it 
is not the sort of flight that would typically be covered in the newspapers of 
the time. It is worth noting, however, that less than a year-and-a-half 
later—April 5, 1988—the indicated recipient of the memo, Salim Saleh, 
Museveni's brother and a Major General in Museveni's army, conducted his own 
flyover, and similarly commented, this time on the record to reporters, "What 
do you think of this unpopulated place?
 Couldn't it be utilized for growing food, cash crops, and ranching to improve 
our economy, being such a fertile area?" The million-plus Acholi in the region 
did not count as a human population. The title of the memo, "Subject: RETHINK," 
suggests that the author is considering a change in policy plans. The author 
and the recipient had made a "hasty decision to draw another national boundary, 
which would exclude the backward northerners from our new Uganda, particularly 
the Chimpanzees called Acholis."
The flyover convinced the author that this previous policy was not wise. "I 
have now realized that the Monkeys called Acholis are sitting upon Gold Mine. 
It is surprising that even the British Colonialists did not make them utilize 
the rich land properly." Consequently, a policy change is necessary: "I have 
now reversed our decision to expel them, with their lands, from Uganda. We must 
keep Uganda as the British left it. But we must assume full control of the 
fertile lands." Like with the flyover, I have not been able to find written 
documentation with regard to the earliest NRM policy. I have, however, spoken 
both to an Acholi elder and to a former high-ranking official in the NRM who 
have knowledge of the period, and they both confirmed the change in policy. It 
might be obje

[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] In which way can the give-away of Mabira be an investment?

2011-08-24 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Fw: [UNAANET] In which way can the give-away of Mabira be an 


James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
From: Abu Senkayi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" ; 
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 10:50 AM
Subject: [UNAANET] In which way can the give-away of Mabira be an investment?

"In what way can the give-away of a priceless 17,544 acres of natural 
rainforest (leaving aside the commercial value of the land and the precious 
hardwood timber presently growing thereon) by the government be properly 
described as an investment by Scoul? 
Can a company that does not make a profit over several years despite tax 
breaks, loan guarantees and other freebies from the government be properly 
described as an investor? What is it investing other than reaping from the 
gullibility of the government to foreigners and the seemingly boundless 
patience of ordinary Ugandans to daylight robbery?"


Good nutrition is the foundation of good health


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[Ugnet] Fw: UPDF evicts 3, 000 in oil-rich Hoima: What are Bunyopro's MPs doing about it?

2011-08-24 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: UPDF evicts 3,000 in oil-rich Hoima: What are Bunyopro's MPs doing 
about it?

Nothing, thats what! Not even a law suit. Read all about it below:
UPDF evicts 3,000 in oil-rich Hoima

Publication date: Sunday, 14th August, 2011

By Pascal Kwesiga 
Robert Atuhairwe 

THE defense ministry is to evict over 3,000 residents in seven villages in 
Hoima district to establish an army base near the oil wells. 

Maj. Gen. Joram Mugume, the head of the defense ministry’s and board, yesterday 
said the move was aimed at increasing the army’s presence around oil-rich 

“It has been our plan to increase the security of that area and also low lying 
areas,” Mugume said. 

The land, measuring about 21 square miles in Kyangwali sub-county, is part of 
over 99 square miles 
of Kyangwali resettlement camp which is under the prime minister’s office. 

He said the land covering the villages of Kitikara, Ngurwe, Ngoma, Nyakatehe, 
Kituti, Kabanena and Kasonga had been given to the army by the prime minister’s 

Mugume added that an army unit had already been established in the area to help 
with registering the people there. 

“We are in the middle of people we don’t know. We want to know who they are and 
they came,” he said. 

The Hoima deputy resident district commissioner (RDC), Swamadu Wantimba, said 
the registration exercise had started amid protests from local political 

He explained that some of the politicians were asking people to shun the 

“It is a big piece of land that has been encroached on by Rwandans and 
Congolese,” Wantimba said. 

An army official conducting the registration exercise, however, said the people 
affected were less than 3,000, a number he said had been inflated by 

“Most of them are not Ugandans. They came from Rwanda and Congo and the 
Government is asking them to leave,” he said. 

But the RDC said the number of people to be evicted exceeded 3,000. 

The Buhaguzi county MP, Julius Junjura, said he was opposed to the eviction of 
the people 
without allocating them to an alternative area. 


James Ssemakula___
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[Ugnet] Fw: As Libya's "Revolutionary" Crumbles, M7 Speechless & 'Mute' in Disbelief!

2011-08-24 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Baana 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: As Libya's "Revolutionary" Crumbles, M7 Speechless & 'Mute' in 

 Museveni is next dictator to be booted out by the people. He is making 
extensive arrangements for that eventuality, including digging escape tunnels 
from his various hangouts, etc according to sources close to him.

Kampala ‘mute’ as Gaddafi fallsBy Tabu Butagira

Posted  Tuesday, August 23  2011 at  10:13


With Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s whereabouts unknown by press time last night as 
rebel fighters strengthened their grip on Tripoli, the Uganda government could 
not bring itself to speak on what looked like his imminent ouster.

South African broadcaster SABC had reported that Angola offered him asylum but 
it was unclear how he would get out of Tripoli where the US said he was holed 
up. But as Kampala officials said they would await the outcome of an emergency 
meeting of the African Union’s ad hoc high level committee on Libya called for 
Friday, the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Mr Nandala Mafabi, said Col. 
Gaddafi’s likely overthrow would inspire Ugandan opposition supporters. “It 
shows that people can rise against dictatorship and succeed if there is 
discontent because of a leader overstaying in power or suppressing citizens,” 
he said.

Analysts, however, say it may be too early to determine if Gaddafi’s fall could 
rejuvenate sustained opposition here in part because the prevailing 
circumstances in Uganda differ from what transpired in the oil-rich North 
African country. 

Museveni’s stance 

A fortnight ago, he again flew to meet South African president Jacob Zuma, 
reportedly to revive the AU’s fledging push for dialogue following a desperate 
last minute plea by Col. Gaddafi for help.

During a press conference at his Rwakitura home in April, Mr Museveni said: “I 
have had a lot of problems with Gaddafi but when it comes to foreigners 
interfering in the affairs of Africa without the permission of the African 
Union, I cannot support it. The position of Africa is; leave Libya to the 
Libyans to solve.”

Last night as things fell apart for Col. Gaddafi, who remained in hiding as 
rebels captured three of his sons - Saif al-Islam, Mohammed and Saadi, neither 
State House nor Foreign Affairs Ministry would comment.

Presidential spokesperson Tamale Mirundi also declined to receive repeated 
telephone calls from this newspaper and never replied our short text message to 
his mobile phone. But Amb. James Mugume, the permanent secretary in the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tentatively said a probable rebel victory in Libya 
would not manifest “a failure for Uganda since this was an AU initiative”.

Uganda is one of five countries picked by the continental body on its Ad hoc 
High-Level Meeting committee constituted to cajole rival Libyan parties to 
agree to a negotiated settlement of the conflict. That option has now been 
overtaken by the dramatic rebel assault on Tripoli, leaving dialogue proponents 
stranded as official approval rang out from Washington D.C to London and Paris.

Many Ugandans will acknowledge Col. Gaddafi’s influence permeated their 
country’s political, religious and economic flesh–and will lose some way. He 
was one of few foreign heads to give weapons and financing to strengthen the 
1981-86 NRA guerilla war which brought President Museveni to power. Even though 
in later years the principals disagreed and their guards routinely fought at 
every official encounter, a certain tolerance of each other persisted between 
Kampala and Tripoli.Will be missed 

Col. Gaddafi got a city road named after him when he financed completion of 
construction of the picturesque mosque at Old Kampala, housing Uganda Muslim 
Supreme Council headquarters. “We shall miss him,” said UMSC Spokesman Nsereko 
Mutumba. The Council in partnership with the Islamic Call Society, which has 
been giving scholarships to Ugandan students to study in Tripoli, planned to 
start a university at Old Kampala next month. That arrangement now hangs in 

The Libyan government under Col. Gaddafi holds various investments here, three 
of which Uganda Investment Authority said are worth $55,940,000 (Shs151b) and 
employ at least 438 people.

Key Libyan investments owned exclusively or in partnership with Uganda 
government include the Tropical Bank, Uganda Telecom, Lake Victoria Hotel in 
Entebbe, National Housing and Construction Company and Tamoil Africa Limited 

Col. Gaddafi also bankrolled rehabilitation of Tooro Kingdom palace in Fort 
Portal and he is understood to have a close relationship with Best Kemigisa, 
mother of King Oyo. The Queen Mother previously asked NATO to stop attacks on 
Col. Gaddafi but when contacted yesterday, a Caucasian-sounding gentleman who 
identified himself only by the first name James, and indicated he 

[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house? [1 Attachment]

2011-08-08 Thread musamize
The attachment would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 
; unaanet 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 4:13 PM
Subject: Fw: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house? [1 

Mr. Magezi's attachment shows that Museveni and Kagame agree: Uganda is full 
of thieves!

James Ssemakula
ps: did you note that M7 did not exclude himself from Uganda's thieves? I 
wonder why ...

- Forwarded Message -
From: Aaron. R. Magezi 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house? [1 

[Attachment(s) from Aaron. R. Magezi included below] 

From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
To: Unaanet 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house?

Ndugu Abu: I concur. Ocen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
From: Abu Senkayi  
Sender: unaa...@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 06:11:28 -0700 (PDT)
ReplyTo: unaa...@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house?
Ndugu Moses:

I guess President M7 was right when he stated during his visit to Rwanda that 
Uganda is full of thieves.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health

--- On Sat, 8/6/11, Moses Ocen Nekyon  wrote:

>From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
>Subject: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house?
>To: "Unaanet" 
>Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 6:40 AM
>http://newvision.co.ug/D/8/12/762024 Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile 
>Attachment(s) from Aaron. R. Magezi 
1 of 1 Photo(s) 
I know...jpg
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] FYI - Obama suspends entry to war criminals & others

2011-08-08 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] FYI - Obama suspends entry to war criminals & others

Mr. Otim,
Thank you for this post, which is significant for Uganda, where government 
torture is as routine as sunrise. In fact, this new order by US President Obama 
is somewhat similar to the one issued by President George W. Bush, which was 
the basis for banning Mrs. Jovia Saleh from entering USA. There is a standing 
US Presidential Finding barring entry into USA for any person, together with 
their entire family,  who interfere with the growth and properity of Democracy.
Here is the full text of Obama's order:
 Obama on Suspending Entry for Human Rights Violations
04 August 2011
Office of the Press Secretary
August 4, 2011
- - - - - - -


The United States enduring commitment to respect for human rights and 
humanitarian law requires that its Government be able to ensure that the United 
States does not become a safe haven for serious violators of human rights and 
humanitarian law and those who engage in other related abuses. Universal 
respect for human rights and humanitarian law and the prevention of atrocities 
internationally promotes U.S. values and fundamental U.S. interests in helping 
secure peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and 
corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises around the 
I therefore have determined that it is in the interests of the United States to 
take action to restrict the international travel and to suspend the entry into 
the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of certain persons who have 
engaged in the acts outlined in section 1 of this proclamation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, by the authority vested in me as President by 
the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including 
section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended (8 
U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find 
that the unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States 
of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation would be detrimental to 
the interests of the United States. I therefore hereby proclaim that:

Section 1. The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of 
the following persons is hereby suspended: 

(a) Any alien who planned, ordered, assisted, aided and abetted, committed or 
otherwise participated in, including through command responsibility, widespread 
or systematic violence against any civilian population based in whole or in 
part on race; color; descent; sex; disability; membership in an indigenous 
group; language; religion; political opinion; national origin; ethnicity; 
membership in a particular social group; birth; or sexual orientation or gender 
identity, or who attempted or conspired to do so.

(b) Any alien who planned, ordered, assisted, aided and abetted, committed or 
otherwise participated in, including through command responsibility, war 
crimes, crimes against humanity or other serious violations of human rights, or 
who attempted or conspired to do so.

Sec. 2. Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply with respect to any 
person otherwise covered by section 1 where the entry of such person would not 
harm the foreign relations interests of the United States.

Sec. 3. The Secretary of State, or the Secretary's designee, in his or her sole 
discretion, shall identify persons covered by section 1 of this proclamation, 
pursuant to such standards and procedures as the Secretary may establish.

Sec. 4. The Secretary of State shall have responsibility for implementing this 
proclamation pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary, in consultation with 
the Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish.

Sec. 5. For any person whose entry is otherwise suspended under this 
proclamation entry will be denied, unless the Secretary of State determines 
that the particular entry of such person would be in the interests of the 
United States. In exercising such authority, the Secretary of State shall 
consult the Secretary of Homeland Security on matters related to admissibility 
or inadmissibility within the authority of the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Sec. 6. Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to derogate from United 
States Government obligations under applicable international agreements, or to 
suspend entry based solely on an alien's ideology, opinions, or beliefs, or 
based solely on expression that would be considered 

[Ugnet] Fw: Dark Rumblings - The Case of Uganda

2011-08-08 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Baana 
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 6:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Dark Rumblings - The Case of Uganda

see below.
Also see www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MN6jbxG3EQ

James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
To: buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 5:02 PM
Subject: Dark Rumblings - The Case of Uganda

Dark Rumblings
Could sub-Saharan Africa have its own Arab Spring?

Uganda's "walk to work" movement started in April when a few politicians -- 
opposition leader Kizza Besigye among them -- simply started commuting on foot 
to protest rising fuel and food prices, but it quickly drew thousands of 
unhappy Ugandans into the streets. Spurred by dire economic conditions and 
hardened by the regime's thuggish response, protesters clashed with security 
forces loyal to President Yoweri Museveni for much of April and May. They 
burned tires and threw rocks at police officers, who responded with tear gas, 
rubber bullets, and in some cases live ammunition,leaving at least 10 dead and 
hundreds injured.
But by June it appeared that Museveni's heavy-handed response had achieved its 
desired effect. Besigye had been arrested and charged with incitement of 
violence for his role in the walk-to-work protests (the charges have since been 
dropped), and the movement sputtered. Today, some analysts fear that the unrest 
has left Ugandan's worse off than before: Museveni, who has been in office for 
a quarter-century, has vowed to devour protesters "like samosas" and is 
tightening the screws on the East African country's already stifled political 
opposition. But with economic conditions continuing to deteriorate -- and with 
Museveni stubbornly continuing to applaud his stewardship of the Ugandan 
economy -- who knows what the long hot African summer may hold.
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/07/28/dark_rumblings?page=0,4 ___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Museveni’s visit to Rwanda

2011-08-08 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Museveni’s visit to Rwanda

Unfortunately the author of the article in the Independent, Golooba-Mutebi (?) 
missed the boat about why Museveni went to Rwanda. 
The main reason Mu7 went to Rwanda is tha he HAD to do so because he was 
summoned to Kigali to meet the visiting minister from UK, who would not have 
time to visit Uganda on the same trip. Go back and look at the White man in 
sleeves and jeans when Mu7 & Kagame were laying stones at the school. In 
addition, M7 had to appear before the British minister to answer charges that 
he squandered British tax-payer monies (given to Uganda as foreign aid) on a 
luxury jet, and to explain why UK should not consequently decrease/cut-off aid 
flows, as other donor are doing. Since ca. 2000 foreign 'donors' have been 
pumping $600M as budget annually. Remember, he who pays the piper determines 
the song and dance.
Recall how Mu7 & Kagame were summoned by a minister in Blair's govt, and they 
appeared before her like squabling schoolboys would before the headmaster.  
To see the import of this, read at least the 3-page Overview in the report: 
Uganda - Assessing Risks to Stability at:

I briefly discussed this report today on www.radiomunansi.com at about 9am 
California time. We are on the air on this live call-in show every Saturday & 
Sunday at 7am-10am (English), 10am-2pm (Luganda) & 2pm-3pm (Acholi) -- 
California time. And, also on Wednesday from 10PM (Luganda), California 
time. To join in call 1-818-543-8273, or send a message via FaceBook or in the 
chatroom, etc.

James Ssemakula

From: Abu Senkayi 
To: unaa...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Museveni’s visit to Rwanda

Ndugu Moses:

This story explains M7's comments when he declared during his visit to 
Rwanda that Ugandans are thieves or something like that.  I felt that those 
comments were really crude and demeaning to Ugandans.  Those comments 
demonstrated to me that M7 is really an arrogant person who does not respect 
the people he is leading.  Can you imagine what would happen if Obama visited 
Canada and made comments there that Americans are thieves or something like 
that?  I think that he would be impeached on his return to America, and I 
am not kidding.  On the other hand, the Ugandans have not said a thing about 
what President M7 said about them.  I guess they are used to being abused.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health

--- On Sat, 8/6/11, Moses Ocen Nekyon  wrote:

>From: Moses Ocen Nekyon 
>Subject: [UNAANET] Museveni’s visit to Rwanda
>To: "Unaanet" 
>Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 6:28 AM
>Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile 
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house?

2011-08-08 Thread musamize
Who is looting Uganda? 

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] New Vision Online : Who bought Kampala mayor’s house?

The article states that:
"MYSTERY surrounds the identity of Pearline Investments, the company that 
allegedly bought Kampala Capital City Authority mayor’s house. The house on 
Mabua Road in Kololo was sold to Pearline Investments, by the then Kampala City 
Council (KCC), but todate, the owner of Pearline is not coming up to claim the 
Pearline Investments is a real estate Museveni-owned company (run a by a 
front-man) based in the Bahamas, where Mu7 owns a hotel.  
So what you have in Uganda is the dog chasing its tail with threats of arrest 
issued by M7 thru Tinye, who feels protected well-enough and above the law to 
snub parliament, etc
Alfred Ramsey 
Owner at Pearline Investments Limited 
Real Estate 
Alfred Ramsey's Overview 
* Owner at Pearline Investments Limited 
* Operation Manager at Pearline Investment Limited 
* Financial Comptroller at PARADISE ISLAND FUN CLUB 
* Staff Accountant/System Manager at RAMADA SOUTH OCEAN BEACH RESORT 
* Credit Manager/Systems Supervisor at DIVI BAHAMAS BEACH & COUNTRY 
18 connections 
Alfred Ramsey's Summary 
CAREER OBJECTIVE: To obtain a managerial position in the operation of a 
business with opportunities to advance. 
accountancy, accounting systems, accounts payable, accounts receivable, 
balance, bank reconciliation, billing systems, business english, computer 
hardware, credit, customer service, financial statements, general ledger, 
government, ibm, inventory management, management, microsoft office, payroll 
processing, personnel, policy analysis, recruiting, supervisory skills, tax 
Alfred Ramsey's Experience 
Pearline Investments Limited 
Real Estate industry 
April 2009 – Present (2 years 5 months) 
Owner apartment rentals Complex 
Operation Manager 
Pearline Investment Limited 
Real Estate industry 
April 2000 – Present (11 years 5 months) 
Responsibility for overall operation, ensure internal policies and procedures 
are followed.
Preparation and distribution of applicable Voyage Papers.
Co-ordinate transfer of cargo to Bahamas Customs warehouse
Report over/shortage in writing to Head office and Local Managers
Ensure cargo out-turn reports are completed, distributed and computerized
Prepare weekly and monthly inventory of all cargo in warehouse and containers
Training of staff members
Work with customer service office to resolve issues and customer's disputes
Prepare Weekly Payroll
Maintain and reconcile General Ledges Accounts
Reconcile and maintain Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable
Reconcile monthly bank statements. 
Financial Comptroller 
Real Estate industry 
January 1994 – January 1999 (5 years 1 month) 
Responsibilities Included:
Preparation of Financial Statements & Management Reports
Implement & Maintain Accounting Systems and Internal Control
Prepare bank Reconciliation Statements
Liase with External Auditors and Government Agencies on Various Accounting and 
Tax Issues
Train Supervise Accounting Staff 
Staff Accountant/System Manager 
Real Estate industry 
January 1992 – January 1994 (2 years 1 month) 
Responsibilities Included:
Reconcile and maintain Accounts receivable & Payable Balances 
Income & Night Audit Department
Preparation of monthly Financial Statements
Maintain and trouble shoot :
IBM System /36 
Credit Manager/Systems Supervisor 
Real Estate industry 
January 1987 – January 1992 (5 years 1 month) 
Responsibilities Included:
Supervising and coordinating Account Receivable
Credit and Collection Department
Managing Group Billings Department, ensuring accurate billings and Accounting 
Procedures were followed.
Prepare monthly account analysis, detailing and verifying the General Ledger 
Balance Sheet Accounts 
Analyzing monthly Venders Accounts Receivable Aging Report
Customization and Maintenance of IBM System /36
Prepare payroll checks.
Maintain & reconcile Accounts Receivable & Payable Balances 
Recruitment and Training Department Personnel. 
Alfred Ramsey's Education 
Accounting Level III
Business English 
Introduction to Business 
Alfred Ramsey's Additional Information 
Groups and Associations: blah, blah,

Pearline Investments- Ushers!

Also see: http://pearline-ushers.blog

[Ugnet] Kanyeihamba’s UWA files stolen

2011-08-08 Thread musamize
Kanyeihamba’s UWA files stolen
Publication date: Friday, 5th August, 2011
By Anne Mugisa 

FILES of the commission of inquiry into loss of millions of dollars in a Uganda 
Wildlife Authority (UWA) project were stealthily removed from their offices and 
tampered with, its preliminary report has indicated. 

The report says senior officials of the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and 
Antiquities broke into the commission’s office. 

“Senior officials of the ministry broke into our rooms at the ministry and 
stealthily removed our files, reports and notes, which we had kept there. It 
took a month to retrieve them. Since they had been tampered with, we are still 
struggling to find our files,” the report stated. 

The chairman of the commission, Justice George Kanyeihamba, said they reported 
the tampering to the Police. 

The commission was investigating alleged misuse of about sh120b for improvement 
of 12 National Parks and 10 Wildlife protected areas. The money was released 
for the Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use (PAMSU) project. 

The conflict between the commission and the ministry officials has deepened, 
with the former saying the ministry has withheld funds, including their 
allowances, for two months now. 

Kanyeihamba said the ministry is 
also pushing the commission to finish its work at the end of this month even 
though there is still a lot of work. 

“But we have appealed to higher authorities who are interested in what we are 
doing and can override the ministry officials,” Kanyeihamba said. 

Kanyeihamba praised the former tourism minister, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, 
saying he appointed the commission against the wish of some officials. 

“People in the ministry, the authority (UWA) and external forces were working 
to obstruct us. They threatened members, technicians and support staff of the 
commission.” he said. 

“Some of these threats came to the attention of Otafiire, who requested for 
Police protection of the commission.” 

Kanyeihamba vowed that nothing would stop the commission from doing its work. 

He said the commission had interviewed 60 witnesses and the evidence so far 
collected implicates ministry officials. 

This article can be found on-line at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/13/762022___
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[Ugnet] Govt loses sh100m in Basajja land dealGovt loses sh100m in Basajja land deal

2011-08-08 Thread musamize
Govt loses sh100m in Basajja land deal
Publication date: Friday, 5th August, 2011
By Vision Reporter 

THE Government lost taxes worth sh100m in a transaction in which city 
businessman Hassan Basajjabalaba sold Uganda Broadcasting Corporation land at 

Documents of the transaction indicate that Habba Group, which sold 23.1 acres 
on Faraday Road in Bugolobi, a Kampala suburb, stated that M/s Deo and Sons 
Properties purchased the land at sh12bn. 

Instead of paying sh220m out of the 22bn, Habba Group, owned by Basajjabalaba, 
paid stamp duty of sh120m. 

According to regulations, all property transactions involving over sh50m are 
subject to a 1% tax payable to URA. Such properties include houses, land and 

URA acting assistant commissioner for public and corporate affairs, Paul 
Kyeyune, on Tuesday, said auditors often analyse such transactions and if it’s 
detected that a company evaded taxes, it must pay the money. 

However, Kyeyune said they had not yet received any information regarding the 
transaction between Basajjabalaba and M/s Deo and Sons Properties. 

Like Basajjabalaba, several people have over the years evaded paying stamp duty 
following transactions involving big sums of money. 

It is alleged the purchase of the land by Habba Group flouted public 
procurement regulations. 

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[Ugnet] U.S. Freezes Grant to Malawi Over Handling of Protests - But NOT in Uganda: WHY?

2011-07-28 Thread musamize
New York Times, July 26, 2011
U.S. Freezes Grant to Malawi Over Handling of Protests
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — In a sharp blow to Malawi’s international 
standing, an agency of the American government on Tuesday froze a $350 
million grant to the nation after antigovernment protests there last 
week left 19 people dead. 
The American decision followed Britain’s July 14 suspension of aid to the 
Malawian government — which has in the past gotten almost half its budget from 
international donors — on grounds that it had suppressed demonstrations 
and intimidated civic groups. 
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world and its president, 
Bingu wa Mutharika, 77, a former World Bank economist, had been widely 
credited with successful efforts to reduce hunger by subsidizing small 
farmers’ fertilizer use. But human rights activists and academics have 
been sounding alarms in recent months about his increasingly 
authoritarian tendencies, reminiscent, they said, of Hastings Kamuzu 
Banda, the dictator who ruled the country for 40 years until the advent 
of multiparty elections in 1994. 

A senior American official, Sheila Herrling, said Tuesday that the Millennium 
Challenge Corporation, a federal agency, was “deeply disturbed” by accusations 
that the police had fired live rounds on unarmed people last week, and by 
claims that 
press coverage of the two-day demonstrations had been suppressed. The 
$350 million grant from the corporation, which was announced only in 
April and was to be disbursed over five years for electricity 
generation, is a large amount of money for Malawi, whose annual budget 
is about $2 billion. 
“We are in the hands of the government of Malawi, and what they do right now 
will be critical to restoring the confidence of the M.C.C. and its 
board,” said Ms. Herrling, a vice president at the corporation, whose 
mission is to give large antipoverty grants to well-governed developing 

Mr. Mutharika has rejected accusations that the police force under his 
command used excessive force against demonstrators and blamed his 
political opponents and civic leaders who organized the protests for the 
violence. His spokesman, Hetherwick Ntaba, said the police had to 
contend with looters, vandals and rioters. Peaceful demonstrators were 
protected, not harmed, he said. 
Mr. Ntaba said he was disappointed that the United States announced its 
decision on the grant so quickly. “We would have expected them to wait 
for independent investigation and the government’s side,” he said. 

But the government’s critics say they are afraid. Undule Mwakasungula, 
who organized the protests last week, said by cellphone that he had gone into 
hiding since the president named him as one of those to blame for 
the violence. Mr. Mwakasungula said his lawyer told him the police had 
prepared charges against him. 

“We are being hunted so we can’t expose ourselves,” he said. “We’re a target of 
ruling party agents.” 
The protests themselves were fueled by what the government’s critics see as its 
mismanagement of the economy and its antidemocratic ways. Malawi has had a 
rapidly growing economy, but this year brought a collapse of 
tobacco exports — a major foreign exchange earner for the country — to 
about one-third of last year’s level. 

“It’s a huge calamity for an export to fail that way,” Janet Stotsky, 
the International Monetary Fund’s mission chief for Malawi, said in a 
telephone interview. 

As the country has faced an acute shortage of foreign exchange along 
with rising international fuel prices, Mr. Mutharika has resisted advice from 
the International Monetary Fund to devalue the local currency, the kwacha. The 
lack of foreign currency to pay for imports has worsened 
fuel shortages, leading to long lines at gas stations and leaving 
businesses struggling to operate with unreliable electricity and a lack 
of diesel to power private generators. 

The protests themselves seem to have created more discontent. Kondwani 
Munthali, a political reporter for The Nation and a former Neiman Fellow at 
Harvard, said photographers, as well as radio, freelance and 
newspaper journalists — including himself — were beaten by the police 
with gun butts, whips and sticks. He wrote on his blog that the police took 
turns beating Mr. Mwakasungula, one of the 
protest’s chief organizers, “one after another whipping him with gun 

As he fell asleep last Wednesday night with images of people being tear 
gassed, beaten and shot in his mind, Mr. Munthali said he wondered “is 
this part of the legacy President Bingu wa Mutharika would like to 
leave.” ___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Recommended: Auditor General wants Shs140b pay to Basajjabalaba stopped

2011-07-28 Thread musamize
LOOTING Uganda continues with impunity.

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: Buganda Discussion ; Baana 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 

Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Recommended: Auditor General wants Shs140b pay to 
Basajjabalaba stopped

Mw. Senkayi:
It has been said that "The best way to rob a bank is to own one". Museveni 
thinks that he owns Uganda: lock, stock and barrel; (recall his quip that he 
'hunted his animal' now it is time to feed his family). Through fronts like 
Basajja B. he has proceeded to systematically strip-mine Uganda of its 
resources and assets. Now he wants another $57.6M -- (in addition to $60M that 
he wants to run State House for part of the year, at least $470M left over from 
buying Russian jet-fighters to fight nobody, at least $500M left over from 
building & furnishing the State House, at least an extra $50M in the deal to 
'digitize tv broadcasts', millions more extra dollars in the ID Card deal, etc, 
etc ad infinitum).
The summary of the market deal is as follows:
%%%In Summary
What city businessman wants
Victoria International Trade Company Ltd wants Shs23.5b for losing Owino Market 
Sheila Investment Ltd seeks Shs47.8b for the terminated Nakasero Market deal
First Merchant Trading Co. Ltd has billed the government Shs19.7b for the 
cancelled Shauriyako Market contract
Yudaya Investments Ltd wants Shs55.4b for breach of the Constitution Square deal
The Auditor General has stopped payment of more than Shs142 billion in 
compensation to city businessman, Hassan Basajjabalaba, for lack of 
reasonability, legal basis and supporting documents to the claims. 
Instead of Shs142.6 billion the city businessman says is due to him from 
government, the Auditor General in a new verification report issued on Tuesday, 
July 26, recommends that Mr Basajjabalaba’s Haba Group of Companies actually 
owes the government a net amount of Shs994m. 
The debt arises from money transferred to Haba in payment of what has turned 
out to be false claims and breach of contract.
“The assessment has determined that instead of an amount of Shs142.6 billion 
claimable by Haba Group, Haba owes government a net amount of Shs994 million,” 
a report arising from a forensic audit done by KPMG Kenya, an international 
auditing firm and signed by the Auditor General, Mr John Muwanga, reads in 
It adds: “Investigations/inquiries be immediately instituted to establish those 
responsible for any loss so far suffered and any contingent loss that is likely 
to arise and appropriate and necessary action undertaken.” 
Assuming that Haba Group of companies includes  Vic Int. Trade Co Ltd, Sheila 
Inv. Ltd, 1st Merchant Trading Co, & Yudaya Inv. Ltd, Basajja (read 
Museveni) wants to relieve the pizanti tax-payer of nearly $60M.
This kind of kleptocracy puts even Mobutu to shame!  And it is why I urge every 
Uganda who will listen that we need to fight to take our country back from 
these thieves: nobody else will do it, except you and me together.
People, you had better wake up to this ugly reality: thievery is thievery, no 
matter how you dress it up. 
Tuve mu kwekubagiza: tukole! i.e. It is our action, rather than self-pity, that 
will liberate us.
James Ssemakula

From: "senk...@yahoo.com" 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 2:49 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] Recommended: Auditor General wants Shs140b pay to 
Basajjabalaba stopped


The following article has been recommended: 
Auditor General wants Shs140b pay to Basajjabalaba stopped
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[Ugnet] Fw: fwd: M7 to visit his ancestral land on Friday

2011-07-28 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:57 PM
Subject: fwd: M7 to visit his ancestral land on Friday



Museveni to visit Rwanda on Friday
Local News— 27 July 2011 
President Yoweri Museveni, accompanied by a high-level delegation, is scheduled 
to arrive in Kigali on Friday for a four-day State visit. 
According to the Rwandese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the purpose of the visit 
is to further advance the ongoing multi-sectoral co-operation between the two 
countries, The New times has reported. “Uganda and Rwanda enjoy strong and 
historical ties, including shared membership in the East African Community as 
well as the Commonwealth; and we are constantly looking for ways the people of 
our two countries can continually benefit from that relationship,” Louise 
Mushikiwabo, Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in a statement. “The 
upcoming visit by President Museveni fits in that perspective.”
The State visit will be preceded by a two-day Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) 
meeting led by both countries’ Foreign Ministers, Mushikiwabo and Sam Kutesa of 
Building on the March 2010 Joint Permanent Commission, held in Kampala, Uganda, 
this year’s discussions will focus on ways to enhance mutually beneficial 
bilateral programs and upgrade existing ones in various areas including, trade, 
customs, security, infrastructure and ICT.
On the first day of the visit, Presidents Kagame and Museveni will have a joint 
meeting with both Foreign Ministers to validate the outcomes of the bilateral 
meeting. On Saturday, President Museveni will join hands with the Rwandan 
people in the monthly “Umuganda” community service.
Museveni will also tour the recently established free trade zone, visit the 
Ugandan community in Rwanda and hold a joint press conference with President 
Kagame, before his return. 
Related posts:
1. Rwandan 1st lady on Private Visit In Uganda
2. Uganda, Rwanda to meet over prostitution
3. Exiled Rwandan King on a Private Visit in Uganda
4. Bashir asks Museveni to help resolve Abyei town crisis
5. Rwanda Denies Connection to Muzoora
6. Museveni`s Cabinet List Shocks Many. Sebaggala Appointed Minister
7. Rwanda Senator Feared Poisoned
8. Rwandan refugees reluctant to go home
9. DGP Issue Point By Point Action Plan for Change in Rwanda
10. Rwanda Opposition Democratic Green PartyLeader Receives Democracy 
(1) Reader Comment
July 27, 2011 at 5:28 PM
I hope you enjoy the PORTHOLE free roads so much that you do something about 
your back yard!!
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[Ugnet] Fw: Museveni advised to stop abuse of military courts

2011-07-28 Thread musamize


- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 8:27 PM
Subject: Museveni advised to stop abuse of military courts

HRW urges Uganda to stop court martialling civilians 
(AFP) – 15 hours ago   

KAMPALA — Human Rights Watch on Wednesday called on Uganda to stop using 
military courts to prosecute civilians. 
More than 1,000 civilians have been court martialled since 2002 despite 
Uganda's constitutional court ruling that the military cannot try civilians 
charged with common crimes, the New York-based rights group said in report. 

"Prosecuting civilians in military courts may have been a matter of convenience 
and expediency for President Yoweri Museveni's government," said Maria Burnett, 
an Africa researcher with the watchdog. 
"But it is unjust and unlawful under both Uganda's constitution and 
international and African human rights law," Burnett added in a statement. 
The rights group highlighted a case in which a 20-year-old woman was sentenced 
to death in 2010 by a military court for killing her husband who was a soldier. 

The court said that the death penalty "should serve as an example to all women 
married to soldiers to desist from plotting to kill their husbands over petty 
issues," the report said. 
Military courts in Uganda do not meet international legal standards for 
independence and impartiality and have in the past handed out severe 
punishments, including the death penalty, the report added. 
Although the Ugandan military has indicated that it is considering altering the 
practice, at least 341 civilians are currently awaiting trial by military 
courts, HRW said. 

"At the moment, the military leadership is in talks with the office of the 
attorney general and the prison services about transferring the prisoners to 
face civilian courts," army spokesman Felix Kulayigye told AFP. 

"It must be a gradual process... we cannot just release all of the suspects 
onto the streets," he added. 
However, Burnett said: "If the Ugandan military is to live up to its 
much-proclaimed professionalism, it should abandon subjecting civilians to a 
military jurisdiction, which is a stark violation of professionalism and 
international law." 

For more information about this see: 
Uganda: End Trials of Civilians in Military Courts 
or click your way thru 
Righting Military Injustice 
James Ssemakula 
Thanx to DS___
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[Ugnet] America's most expensive costs under $200: Why does Uganda's cost over $0.5B?

2011-07-25 Thread musamize
... and counting. Recent Mu7 asked for over $60M (supllementaty budget demands 
to come), inculding billions of shillings for "new furniture"m while the Itesot 
& Karamajong are eating cattle hides, the Basoga are dying of jiggers, Ugandans 
are eating fish bones and skins, sewegae is flowing freely in Kampala, etc.
America's Most Expensive Home is for Cowboys 
By Morgan Brennan, Forbes.com 
July 25, 2011 
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This $175 million luxury cutting horse and cattle ranch is in a valley next to 
the town of Jackson, WY.
Photo: Forbes Images 
Even as so many Americans struggle under the weight of their underwater 
mortgage loans, in the high-rolling world of billionaire real estate, 2011 has 
been a year of record-breaking uber expensive properties. In March billionaire 
investor Yuri Milner plunked down $100 million for a Silicon Valley estate, 
breaking previous purchase price records in the U.S. Just last week, 
billionaire heiress Petra Ecclestone became the new owner of the Spelling Manor 
— an estate whose $150 million asking price had garnered it the title of 
America’s most expensive home for sale. Just days later, a new property is 
taking over that “most expensive” title: the $175 million Jackson Land & Cattle 
Jackson Land & Cattle hit the sale block this week, listed with John C. Pierce 
of Hall & Hall, a ranch real estate firm. The property’s owner is Richard 
Fields, chief executive of Coastal Development, LLC, a gaming and resort 
development company. Fields’ $175 million compound encompasses more than 1,750 
acres of rolling, green land just outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in Teton 
County. The expansive ranch hosts cattle and horses. Aspen, evergreen and 
timber trees stud the hills interspersed with large hay meadows. There are 
three fishing ponds, a spring creek and over 800 acres of irrigated meadows. 
The Teton Range of the Rocky Mountains rise up in the distance.
In Pictures: America's Most Expensive Home for Sale
The ranch’s biggest draw is certainly not the residence. The home itself is an 
old barn that’s been converted into a quaint three bedroom residence. There’s 
also a four bedroom guest house and two employee apartments. No, the real draw 
is the world -class 52-stall equestrian center.
View of the Tetons from the stable grounds.
Photo: Forbes Images 
The equestrian center started life as an English-style riding center. Fields 
had it retrofitted for cutting horse training, a Western style of riding in 
which a rider and his horse separate an animal out from a herd (think of the 
horseback maneuvers ranchers in western movies do). The center is designed by 
renowned western architect Jonathan Foote, perhaps most famous for his use of 
distressed woods, glass and Montana moss rock. Fields convinced the architect 
to come out of retirement and re-skin the center with rough-cut stone and 
barnwood. There’s an outdoor riding rink and an indoor one from which you can 
gaze out windows onto the mountains.
The 52-stall equestrian center was designed by Jonathan Foote.
Photo: Forbes Images 
“You can fish and ride and hunt and you’re still only three minutes from 
downtown Jackson Hole,” says Jonathan Pierce, the property’s listing agent. And 
for billionaires — the prospective buyers of this pricey piece of nature — the 
locale comes with benefits. Most notably on taxes. Wyoming doesn’t have a state 
income tax or an estate tax; even property taxes are low. Jackson and its 
neighboring areas host a plethora of secondary homes since taxes also don’t 
have to be paid on out-of-state retirement income. In response, the area draws 
a substantial number of ultra wealthy residents like Walmart billionaire 
Christy Walton, the world’s richest woman. Indeed Teton County is one of 
America’s wealthiest counties per capita.
A notable factor contributing to Jackson Land & Cattle’s price is the fact that 
it carries entitlements for up to 35 homesites. In other words, if a buyer 
doesn’t want all that land for himself, he can subdivide and sell parcels of 
it. Even so, there are hopes that the estate’s buyer won’t find it necessary to 
do that. “We are dealing with a very capable seller who is hoping for a 
conservation outcome on the property, although certainly not dictating that,” 
explains Pierce. “It’s a signature property that the entire community would 
love to see someone come along that shares Mr. Fields’ appreciation for the 
open space.”
More than 800 acres of irrigated meadows add to the unrivaled views.
Photo: Forbes Images 
That aspiration aside, Pierce acknowledges that that subdivision opportunity 
definitely contributes to the hefty price tag. Though he chooses not to compare 
the two properties, neighboring 1,840-acre Walton Ranch is asking a mere $100 
million. Despite the two ranches’ com

[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Uganda: Secret ID Deal Leaks -- LOOTING Uganda, Again!

2011-07-22 Thread musamize
Kleptocracy in Uganda has deep roots!

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] Uganda: Secret ID Deal Leaks -- LOOTING Uganda, Again!

Ms. Semwogerere:
Uganda is being economically raped  via over-pricing by those who are in power, 
for over 25 years. This caught my eye:
"However, sources familiar with the project have told us that the Shs 181 
billion (64 million Euro) cost is "highly inflated" when compared to what 
neighbouring countries, some with bigger populations, are spending on similar 
For example, Kenya, with a population of 40 million, will before the end of 
this year launch a new and more sophisticated National ID card at a cost of 
KShs 2 billion (about Shs 53 billion), according to a report in the Sunday 
Nation of March 16, 2008.
Tanzania, which has a population of 43 million, and is in the process of 
implementing a similar project, has budgeted for $20 million (about Shs 41 
billion). The first botched project by Face Technologies was supposed to have 
cost Shs 93.4 billion, according to someone knowledgeable about the matter.
The source, who preferred anonymity, however, admitted that due to changed 
circumstances, the figure could have gone up.
According to our sources, the project could have been executed at a cost of not 
more than Shs 80 billion had some items not been over-priced.
He pointed at the Shs 97 million for some of the equipment manuals to be 
translated from German to English and the Shs 6.3 billion on local onsite field 
support staff for 45 days--an average of Shs 147 million per day, as examples."
 I wonder what the response of Movement apologists will be this time round.

Whatever they say, it is time we Ugandans faught off these leeches, because 
they are bankrupting us!

James Ssemakula

From: diana semwogerere 
To: unaa...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: [UNAANET] Uganda: Secret ID Deal Leaks


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will be at 
*Sri chirnmony Ghoose*

To: unaa...@yahoogroups.com
From: sbh_di...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:18:14 +
Subject: [UNAANET] Uganda: Secret ID Deal Leaks



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[Ugnet] Fw: E. A. Famine Forecast -- due to incompetence and govt neglect.

2011-07-22 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Cc: Chairman UDII 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 4:39 PM
Subject: E. A. Famine Forecast -- due to incompetence and govt neglect.

In Uganda, 18% of the surface area is freshwater in the form of lakes and 
rivers. Further, beneath the extensive swamp cover is water -- all those 
papyrus  plants are floating on water, just a meter below. In addition, Uganda 
is also the source of one of the mightiest rivers in the world, the River Nile. 
There are also other large rivers, e.g. Achwa, Semliki, Mayanja, Sezzibwa, 
Suam, Kabi, Kagera, Kafu, Katonga, Lamia, Victoria Nile,  White Nile, Nkusi, 
Pager, Ora, Okot etc, and a plethora of minor or mid-size rivers, e.g. 
Maya, Namaya, etc etc. Most of the flow all year round, and have done so for 
hundreds of years. 
The lakes of Uganda are numerous: Nnalubaale (a.k.a Victoria), George, Kyoga, 
Mwitanzige (a.k.a. Albert), Wamala, Bunyoni -- a shallow lake in reality but I 
will discuss that elsewhere, Katwe, Opeta, Mutanda, Kabaka, Nabugabo, Bugondo, 
Kwania (some are branches of L. Kyoga), Bisinia, etc etc.
Clearly, famine in Uganda cannot be due to lack of water or sources of it. btw: 
Did I mention the annual floods in Kampala, which turn it into a lake, and what 
passes for roads into rivers?
Further, Uganda has a LOT of money. So much that she buys multi-million, 
ultra-modern Gulf- Stream Jet for the President every 10 years, at the dop of a 
hat - she can afford to pay $740M for jets  which cost LESS than $270M (leaving 
the balance to float on a river all the way to Rwakitura, she can also afford 
over pay and tripple pay for any project in the country -- while our people are 
dying of jiggers in plain sight, having been sucked dry of blood!, etc, etc.
In addition, Uganda's officialdom is festooned with all sorts of 'engineers', 
doctors, professors, and experts galore.
So, how come Uganda has not dug any irrigation canals to carry water to places 
where it is needed? How come no dams have been built to store water? That is, 
other than the invisible "Valley Dams"?
Is it because only the poor, the ignorant, the powerless, the useless 
biological substances or whatever live there? Or is it because irrigation 
technology or knowhow is unknown in Uganda, yet ANCIENT Egyptians practiced it 
over 4,000 year ago?
Have yourself a great weekend!
&East Africa's famine - Disunited in hunger
Fighting famine is complicated by old rivalries and alliances
Jul 21st 2011 | NAIROBI | from the print edition 

FOR the first time since the 1980s, the UN has declared a famine in Africa. An 
exceptionally severe drought is the main cause. More than 10m people are 
directly affected. The epicentre is in Somalia and Ethiopia—as aid agencies 
have made abundantly clear in their funding appeals—but the situation in 
neighbouring Eritrea is almost as desperate and politically much more 

True to form, the Eritrean government is mostly keeping mum on food shortages. 
Since winning independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year civil war, the 
country has changed from a poster child for liberty to Africa’s most autocratic 
and reclusive country. Ethiopian officials claim that almost half of Eritrea’s 
5.3m inhabitants are in need of food assistance, though that is likely to be an 
exaggeration. The hungriest bits of the country are in the Danakil depression, 
where nothing grows and only small numbers of Afar nomads live. It is the 
harvest in the highlands that really matters; the Eritrean government insists 
that people there have enough food.
See our interactive guideto drought and famine in east Africa

Farming in the highlands depends on water from small dams that local 
communities built for themselves as part of an official self-reliance campaign. 
Almost alone on the continent, Eritrea turns away foreign aid. That would be 
fine if President Isaias Afwerki were benign and competent. Reports of 
human-rights abuses are hard to verify, but a stream of Eritreans fleeing the 
country bears witness to a thoroughly demoralised people. This month has seen a 
series of high-profile defections: football players absconding at an away match 
in Tanzania; medical workers seeking refuge in Sudan; naval ratings escaping to 
Yemen. Even a senior government propagandist has bolted. The punishment of 
family members and the occasional execution of failed escapees may only 
accelerate the flow as it makes the granting of asylum abroad more likely.
* A muddy few months ahead 
* »Disunited in hunger 
* A road to somewhere 
* Up the spout 
* Laying waste to humble Homs 
* Might some stay? 
ReprintsRelated topics 
* Afric

[Ugnet] Fw: How to loot Ugandan Tax Payers. Again and Again, and Again ....

2011-07-22 Thread musamize
The modus operandi is simple: quadrupple bill for anything, and let no 
accountants or the public near the process ...
Lucky for Uganda, there is no honor among thieves: thery always go public 
whenever they are left out of a deal or are unsatisfied with their share of the 
loot. See below.

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:13 PM
Subject: How to loot Ugandan Tax Payers. Again and Again, and Again 

As you read the story below remember that Uganda has the following ministries: 
Minister of Communication & Information Communication Technology:  HON. DR. 
Minister of State for Information Technology  HON.NYOMBI THEMBO 
Minister of Information & National Guidance:  HON. MARY KAROORO OKURUT
(Is there a Minister of State for Information & National Guidance?) 
"“We don’t have any other instructions other than stopping it,” said 
Muhakanizi. He said the decision to restart the process would come from the 
Prime Minister’s Office where the project falls. ... “Also, according to the 
expert in this industry, the real value in this contract is between $20m and 
$28m, maximum $30m, even if the best US and EU equipment is to be used,” said 
Mafabi.  "    
Now ask: 
1. How come the Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business:  RT. HON. 
AMAMA MBABAZI (of Ttemangalo infamy) the one 
incharge of this "digitization of the TV"? 
AND: What is the job of the TWO ministers for Communication & Information 
Communication Technology, and what is the job of minister of Information & 
National Guidance? 
2. How badly does Uganda need this "digitization", GIVEN that Uganda is 
borrowing $74M for it (i.e. you are liable to pay it back -- with interest), 
   a) Our roads are broken
   b) teachers are not paid and are almost striking
   c) our schools are rotten and pupils study under trees
   d) eletricity reaches only atiny minority of the population (Intermitently 
at that) 
   e) The Karamajong are eating cattle hides or starving to death, etc etc 
3. If the prohect is worth at most $20M, in whose pockets will the extra $50M 
end up in?  Is it a wonder that Uganda is broke, a Failed State?  
  My fellow Ugandans, I keep telling you that the Uganda government is a 
government of thieves, by thieves, and for thieves. We must kick these bums out 
and take back our country NOW! Come on, Wake up people, We are being robbed and 
raped in broad daylight! 
Read on: 
Government stops sh193b digital TV migration deal 
Publication date: Wednesday, 20th July, 2011 
Muhakanizi says the process was stopped until further notice  
By David Mugabe The Government has stopped the acquisition of a $74m (about 
sh192b) loan from the Export & Import (EXIM) Bank of China over alleged 
procurement flaws and over-pricing. The loan was intended to fund the migration 
from analogue television to digital. Keith Muhakanizi, the deputy secretary to 
the treasury, pointed out this week that a memorandum of understanding had been 
signed, but the loan process had been halted. “We don’t have any other 
instructions other than stopping it,” said Muhakanizi. He said the decision to 
restart the process would come from the Prime Minister’s Office where the 
project falls. 
It was not clear whether the stopping of the loan was linked to concerns about 
the procurement process and the alleged cost inflation for the supply and 
installation of TV studio equipment. But Nandala Mafabi, the Leader of 
Opposition, faulted the procurement process and the cost of the project. He 
also questioned the cost for the different aspects of the project. “The list of 
equipment in tender is totally different from that on the contract. “Also, 
according to the expert in this industry, the real value in this contract is 
between $20m and $28m, maximum $30m, even if the best US and EU equipment is to 
be used,” said Mafabi. He also cited a technical process of establishing the 
main system to handle TV programmes for Kampala service area and to upcountry 
regions, which UBC TV quoted at $5.8m. “But in the market, to realise such 
function will need a maximum of 10 transmitters, which will cost $1.2m,” said 
Mafabi. He also questioned the cost of
 acquiring an outside broadcasting equipment, which UBC TV quoted at $1m. 
However, industry experts put the cost at $300,000 for a full set of in-built 
digital TV equipment. Mafabi noted: “By private negotiation, Huawei signed an 
agreement worth $74m with UBC, meaning the tender was awarded without 
advertising.” UBC last year invited bids for the installation of 28 digital 
television stations across the country. The migration to digital broadcasting 
is a mandatory requirement for countries to upgrade from analogue to digital by 
June 2015. Uganda’s target is December 2012. Simon Mayende, the director of 
information and national guidance, explaine

[Ugnet] Fw: Mystery Mega-Mansion Rises in the Ozarks

2011-07-20 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:11 PM
Subject: Mystery Mega-Mansion Rises in the Ozarks

This is one one the biggest mansion ever built in USA, which include the Hearst 
Mansion (open t the public and I have visited -- it was where Ben Hur was 
filmed), and the White House.  
James Ssemakula

- Forwarded Message -
From: "mail...@realestate.yahoo.com"  
To: james_ssemak...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 2:26 PM
Subject: Mystery Mansion Rises in the Ozarks
Mystery Mansion Rises in the Ozarks
Materials for this house cost $7M 
 but total cost will be under $100M.  
So WHY did Uganda's State House cost over $550M and who paid for the 
over-invoicing???  YOU did!___
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[Ugnet] Fw: State Dept: Promoting Openness, Security and Prosperity in a Networked World

2011-07-20 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:03 AM
Subject: State Dept: Promoting Openness, Security and Prosperity in a Networked 

International Cyber Diplomacy: Promoting Openness, Security and Prosperity in a 
Networked World
Fact Sheet

State Department,  
Bureau of Public Affairs

July 14, 2011

“We seek to maximize the Internet’s tremendous capacity to accelerate human 
while sharpening our response and our tools to deal with the threats…that are
part of cyberspace.” — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have 
identified cyber issues as a key priority
of American foreign policy. The President issued a National Cyberspace Policy 
Review in 2009. In May 2011, the
Administration released an International Strategy for Cyberspace, which lays 
out our foreign policy priorities regarding cyberspace. Secretary Clinton has 
described these priorities as “a new foreign policy imperative for which the 
State Department has been exercising and will continue to have a leading role.”

  The United States' International Cyber Policy Priorities
   * Promote innovative, open markets

* Enhance security, reliability, and resilience of
   global networks
* Extend law enforcement collaboration and the rule of
* Prepare for 21st century security challenges
* Promote effective and inclusive Internet governance
* Build capacity, security, and prosperity through
   international development
* Support fundamental freedoms and privacy

Vision for the Future 

As detailed in the International Strategy for Cyberspace, the United States
seeks a cyberspace environment that rewards innovation; empowers individuals;
strengthens communities; builds better governments; expands accountability;
safeguards human rights and fundamental freedoms; enhances personal privacy; and
 national and international security. As Secretary Clinton has said,
building a global consensus around this vision will take “patient, persistent
and creative diplomacy.”
Cyber Diplomacy 

The Department of State’s “cyber diplomacy” encompasses a wide range of U.S.
interests in cyberspace. These include not only cyber security and Internet
freedom, but also Internet governance, military uses of the Internet,
innovation, and economic growth. Cyberspace has also become a foreign policy
issue in multilateral fora, in our bilateral relationships, and in our
relationships with industry and
 civil society.
What the State Department Is Doing 
In partnership with other countries, the State Department is leading the
U.S. Government’s efforts to build consensus around international norms of
state behavior in cyberspace. To more effectively advance the full range of
U.S. interests in cyberspace, Secretary Clinton established the Office of the
Coordinator for Cyber Issues in February 2011. The office’s responsibilities
include bringing together the many elements in the State Department working on
cyber issues; coordinating the Department’s global diplomatic activities on
cyber issues; advising the Secretary on cyber issues and engagements; and
serving as a liaison to public and private entities on cyber issues.
Secretary Clinton and Cyber Policy 

Secretary Clinton is a leading voice in international cyber policy. Under her
leadership, the State Department is integrating cyber issues into programming
across the board, from our cooperation with other nations to stop criminal
cartels to our economic diplomacy to our support for women and girls worldwide.
The Department is sponsoring capacity-building efforts to help more countries
play a role in the development of the Internet. It is supporting the efforts of
human rights and democracy activists to ensure they have access to an open
Internet. And it has created a 21st century statecraft agenda to harness new
technologies to achieve our diplomatic and development goals.

For more information, go to www.state.gov/cyber.

James Ssemakula
Translation: Dictators Be Ware!___
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[Ugnet] Fw: US Foreign Policy of the Internet: Dictators take note.

2011-07-20 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 3:50 PM
Subject: US Foreign Policy of the Internet: Dictators take note.

From: U.S. Department of State   
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:35:18 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Economic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Foreign Policy of the 
Economic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Foreign Policy of the Internet
Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:16:03 -0500 
Foreign Policy of the Internet
Karen Kornbluh
U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and 
Daniel Weitzner, White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Internet Policy
The Washington Post
Washington, DC
July 14, 2011
Iran’s recent announcement that it plans to disconnect Iranian cyberspace from 
the rest of the world was another dramatic sign that the Internet is at risk of 
being carved up into national mini-Internets, each with its own rules and 
restrictions. In contrast, the United States has staked out a clear position of 
leadership in building a global consensus around the benefits of an open, 
interconnected Internet. 

In May, President Obama issued the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace, 
our agenda for safeguarding the single Internet. Secretary of State Hillary 
Rodham Clinton has developed a groundbreaking Internet freedom agenda, a 
principled approach to preserving the freedom to connect — the freedoms of 
expression, association and assembly online — and to ensuring that the Internet 
can be a platform for commerce, debate, learning and innovation in the 21st 
century. Senior government officials and stakeholders, meeting at the 
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) this month, took a 
major step toward these goals by committing to Internet policymaking 

The Internet is a powerful tool for innovation and expression because it allows 
information and ideas to flow freely. According to McKinsey, the Internet has 
generated as much growth over the past 15 years as the Industrial Revolution 
generated in 50 years. This is a clear jobs issue — particularly in the United 
States. Over the past five years, the Internet has been responsible for 21 
percent of the growth in mature economies and has created 2.6 jobs for every 
job it has displaced. Its power to generate innovation is rivaled only by its 
potential to help people realize their rights and democratic aspirations. 

The Internet is so productive — and powerful — because no centralized authority 
governs it and no nation owns it. You do not need permission to share ideas or 
associate with others around the globe. Instead, a decentralized system of 
public and private actors collaborates to ensure its function and expansion. 

But this means that nations that choose to take a heavy-handed approach to 
regulating the Internet can reduce its value for every other nation and user. 

For this reason, collective action is needed to safeguard this global treasure. 
A foreign policy that accounts for the Internet has become essential. We need 
to work with other countries and stakeholders to build a global consensus on 
the importance of open communications online among all users — everywhere in 
the world. And we must build consensus around norms and expectations of 
behavior essential to that vision. 

That’s why the president’s strategy calls for international partnership to 
support an open Internet that is secure and reliable. And it’s why the 
secretary of state has called for the global community to “join us in the bet 
we have made, a bet that an open Internet will lead to stronger, more 
prosperous countries.” 

The recent meeting called by the OECD (the international economics policy 
standards organization) assembled leaders from 40 governments, business and the 
Internet technical community. It produced a set of broad principles for 
safeguarding the open Internet that address three key international threats to 
the seamless, interconnected Web. 

The first threat is posed by some governments and international institutions 
intent on imposing pre-Internet-era telecommunications regulatory schemes to 
provide them control over the flow of information (and money) they enjoyed in 
the old days of the monopoly phone company. The OECD consensus principles 
provide Internet diplomats a rallying point of best-practice guidelines, 
including support for today’s multi-stakeholder approach as the pro-growth 
alternative to backward-looking controls over the Internet. 

The second challenge is how to address important concerns, including protection 
of personal data, children and consumers; intellectual property rights; and 
cybersecurity without balkanizing the Internet or restricting competition and 
the free flow of information. The OECD principles provide guidelines for how to 

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Uganda got $1.8 trillion by 2010 but all wasted/Europe got only $100 million Marshall Aid/See de difference

2011-07-20 Thread musamize
Mr. Miirima:
You have made a career of being a spear-catcher for Museveni. However, I think 
it is hightime you stopped shifting the blame to everyone, but Museveni.
Recently, we saw just a the tip of the iceberg when (BoU's?) Mutebile publicly 
and internationally  expressed his frustration with Museveni's pig-headedness 
about reckless expenditures that have resulted in sky-high inflation in Uganda.
Museveni's other advisors are all in the same boat, judging from their public 
and private communications.
Face it squarely: Museveni is the problem, not the advisers!

From: yowaana nyamutale 
To: "ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com" ; 
anthony_lwanga ; kiizajoseph 
; William Banage ; news 
; guestwriter ; David 
Kasanga ; kalundi ; eastafrican 
; cobbo 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 11:12 PM
Subject: {UAH} Uganda got $1.8 trillion by 2010 but all wasted/Europe got only 
$100 million Marshall Aid/See de difference

Dear Musamize;

You have reminded Uganda that by the end of 2010 the country had
received $1.8 trillion in aid, but today there is virtually nothing to
show what we did with that money.

Look at jiggers killing our people. Look at the mess brought by
endless traffic jam. Look at our best referral hospital,Mulago, with
patients sleeping in corridors. Look at P VII pupils unable to read
the alphabet.etc, etc.

It is worth noting that after world two Europe got only $100 million
in Marshall Aid, but today those countries are millions of miles ahead
of us.

Musamize you put the blame for misusing the $1.8 trillion on Museveni.
But be fair.

Yes, Museveni shares the blame, but the biggest share of the blame
goes to the professors in his successive governments. Look at the
brainy Museveni advisers who earn millions monthly. What kind of
advice do they give him.

Museveni's governments have had more learned people than Idi Amin's or
even Obote's governments.

Is the quality of the brain of our professors below that of the
Europeans? Or can we say that Ugandans, or Africans in general, are
poorer intellectually, than Europeans? If such a label is pinned on
the face of Ugandans or Africans, can we deny it?

Henry Ford Miirima

UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general. 
Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow UAH on 
Twitter at:http://twitter.com/#!/UAHFORUM.  To unsubscribe from this group, 
send email to                                                Ugandans-at-Heart 
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activities, click on:http://ugandansatheart.org/donate-to-uah/.   Buy our 
products at: http://ugandansatheart.org/products-to-buy/.  Also visit UAH 
extension at: http://jjanguonkwekule.blogspot.com/___
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[Ugnet] Fw: [UNAANET] Made in Karamoja

2011-07-20 Thread musamize
- Forwarded Message -From: Ssemakula To: "unaa...@yahoogroups.com" Cc: Buganda Discussion ; Baana ; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:37
 PMSubject: Re: [UNAANET] Made in KaramojaMw. Lugemwa:
Isn't Uganda's First Lady the Minister for Karamoja? What has she done about this? What about the Ministry for Rehabilitation (Disaster Relief?)? Yet, Uganda has millions of dollars to buy Russian jets for nearly THREE times over (tripple the invoice amount i.e. 740/270 = 2.7)! 
James Ssemakula

From: Lugemwa FN To: unaa...@yahoogroups.comSent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 8:17 AMSubject: [UNAANET] Made in Karamoja 

http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/world-africa-14194185   fnl
*13 Uganda Federal Union States* AcholiAnkoleBugandaBugisu-Sebei BukediBunyoroBusogaKaramojaKigeziLangoTesoTooroWest Nile-Madi  t g g g g g g g g g g g ___
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[Ugnet] Fw: State House Budget: $60M

2011-07-20 Thread musamize
Why does the State House spend at least $5M per month? And, that is not 
counting the supplementary spending they habitually bull-doze through 
parliament every year for the last 25 years?
Remember the $740M to buy 6, very non-productive,  Russian jet-fighters that in 
fact cost less than $300M (when new) -- and without accounting for the balance 
of $440M??
Remember the $500M loot allocated to build the State House during the CHOGM 
frenzy, AND the additional $5M they got from the rubber stamp parliament to 
'finish' that building?  Where are the audits of this $505M heist?
and on, and on, ad infinitum?

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:21 PM
Subject: Sate House Budget: $60M

$1 = Ushs2,500

Presidency budget shoots to Shs150b 
By Yasiin Mugerwa   (email the author) 
 Monitor, Posted  Wednesday, July 20 2011 at 00:00 

MPs have criticised as immoral a proposed Shs150 billion budget for State 
House, Office of the President and related departments, coming at a time when 
the country is facing difficult economic conditions. The expenditure estimates 
being questioned are contained in this year’s sector policy statement to be 
presented by Ms Kabakumba Masiko, the minister responsible for the Presidency.  

Needy cases
Ms Masiko’s statement, which will be scrutinised by the House committee on 
presidential affairs, says the money is necessary to provide logistical 
support, care and security to enable the Presidency perform its constitutional 
and administrative obligations. But highlighting the need to focus public 
spending in other critical areas, lawmakers cited a Tuesday Daily Monitor story 
in which it was reported that two people have so far died in Bulambuli District 
due to famine currently ravaging parts of eastern Uganda. 

Some MPs said yesterday that certain items in this budget appear to have been 
“inflated”. Others called for a review of the expenditure proposals to cut out 
what they called “sumptuous” spending. 

“Some items in the budget have been duplicated,” Mr Theodore Ssekikubo (NRM, 
Lwemiyaga) said. “State House people and their friends in the Office of the 
President should know that it’s no longer business as usual. We cannot keep 
spending lavishly as if the economy is all right. Why should Presidency spend 
on entertainment, donations and medals when famine is killing people?”  
Coming in for criticism is the Shs8.6 billion for buying medals, while 
suspicions of duplication were noted by Mr Haruna Kasolo (Independent, Kyotera) 
who pointed out the Shs3.5 billion requested for maintenance of vehicles for 
State House, another Shs106 million for maintenance of machinery and equipment 
and Shs2.3 billion for maintenance.  

The lawmakers also see duplication under telecommunications (Shs1.4b) and 
information and communication technology (Shs400m), travel inland and abroad 
under State House (Shs16.9b) and travel inland and abroad under President’s 
Office (Shs2.3b).  

This year, State House’s initial budget has increased from Shs64.8b last year 
to Shs66.6b. However, details in the ministerial policy statement to Parliament 
indicate that the actual figure spent by State House last year was Shs168.1b. 
“State House is a bottomless pit, they spend on luxuries and come back to 
Parliament for more,” Mr Ssebuliba Mutumba (DP, Kawempe South) said.  

“Even the Shs66.6b for State House will not be enough.After three months, they 
will bring a supplementary. They know they have the numbers in Parliament and 
to them it’s always easy to get whatever they want. But we cannot keep spending 
on consumption when other critical areas like agriculture, education and health 
are underfunded.” 
Ms Kabakumba observes that “State House continues to suffer budget shortfalls 
due to underfunding hence a number of activities will remain unfunded e.g 
travel abroad, travel inland and donations.” She added that maintaining State 
House Entebbe and upcountry state lodges will require additional funding. 
Shs6.2 billion is budgeted to run State House Entebbe.  
According to Ms Kabakumba, another Shs5.9b will be required to construct a new 
state lodge whose details were not given while part of the money will be used 
to renovate Entebbe State House, which was completed just in time for the 2007 
Commonwealth summit.  
{RECALL: Museveni demanded and received $740M from Parliament to buy six (6) 
Russian Sukhoi SU-30MK2 fighter jets (see unit cost data 
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-30 below). Each of these jets costs 
no more than $45M fot the TOP model. So the total cost is 6 x $45M=$270M. So 
where is the balance of $470M? --- Ssemakula} 
Community outreach
“This is a logistical requirement to facilitate the effective performance of 
the Presidency,” she said. Another Shs22.5b will be needed un

[Ugnet] Fw: Kampala "Tycoons": Tinyefunza & Seya

2011-07-18 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 9:48 AM
Subject: Kampala "Tycoons": Tinyefunza & Seya

How NRM's head honchos loot 

James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

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[Ugnet] Fw: [UCOCA] Uganda: Aid Hits U.S.$1.8 Trillion in 2010: What did all this money do?

2011-07-18 Thread musamize


- Forwarded Message -
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: unaanet ; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 
; Buganda Discussion 

Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [UCOCA] Uganda: Aid Hits U.S.$1.8 Trillion in 2010: What did all 
this money do?

Agreed. If that money had just been divided equally among the people of Uganda, 
who numbered 33,999,000 in 2010, each would have recieved: $1,800,000,000,000 / 
33,999,000 = $53,894.00. (Mark you, an average Uganda would very much 
appreciate to receive even $50: remember the Uganda's annual per capita income 
is a meagre $300 -- and falling...)
Just imagine what you could have done with a windfall of $54K in 2010! But, it 
all ended in Museseveni's pockets, and those of his co-thieves.
To this add the balance of $470M from the recent purchase of 6 Russian jet 
fighters, which cost no more than $270M, and the at least $500M balance from 
the building of the State House during the pre-CHOGM days, plus all proceedings 
from UMEME, plus etc, etc.
This is why we must remove Museveni & family from power immediately: and, this 
is imperative. We urgently need to take our country back to stop such heists, 
which we can ill-afford!
The long we continue to hide our collective heads in the sand and pretend that 
everything is ok, the worse it will get. People wake up: we can not afford to 
slumber any more!

James Ssemakula

From: richard bwogi 
To: uc...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [UCOCA] Uganda: Aid Hits U.S.$1.8 Trillion in 2010: What did all 
this money do?

the problem is m7.

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Ssemakula  wrote:

>Uganda: Aid Hits U.S.$1.8 Trillion in 2010 
>Peter Nyanzi 
>12 April 2011   
>Uganda continues to be one of the top recipients of donor aid on the 
>continent, according to latest figures from the Organisation for Economic 
>Cooperation and Development (OECD) released on Wednesday. 
>However, development experts say Uganda's continued dependency on foreign aid 
>inflows needs to be curtailed if the country's internal potential to fight 
>poverty is to be enhanced. 
>Uganda received $1,786m in 2009, an increase of $145m over 2008, to make it 
>the 6th biggest recipient of official development assistance (ODA) on the 
>continent. ODA does not include aid from non-governmental organisations and 
>other institutions apart from the World Bank. 
>In the region, Tanzania ($2,934m) is the leading recipient of ODA in the 
>region, while Kenya ($1,778m) follows Uganda. Kenya however, saw the biggest 
>increase in ODA volumes ($415m) over 2008 figures. 
>The US has maintained its position as Uganda's largest donor; but regional 
>counterparts Kenya has displaced Uganda from the list of the US's top 10 aid 
>recipients in the world. 
>The main drivers of donor aid are humanitarian need, strategic importance, and 
>economic potential of the recipient country. But in recent years, it has also 
>been found out that the criteria for determining what countries should get the 
>most development assistance are often heavily dependent on bilateral relations 
>and the geo-interests of the specific donor countries. However, most donor 
>countries appear to tie their aid to good governance, aid effectiveness and 
>Last year, a group of 11 development partners cut aid to Uganda citing the 
>lack of government action to follow up on cases of grand corruption, which 
>they said was a key concern. 
>In recent years, President Yoweri Museveni has been a strong advocate of plans 
>to reduce dependency on foreign aid. Revenue collections have hit record 
>levels, and are expected to peak at over Shs5 trillion this year, which is 
>13.2 per cent of GDP. Currently, donor support accounts for about 26 per cent 
>of Uganda's budget down from 46 per cent five years ago. 
>However, the UN and the OECD say developing countries need more money if they 
>are to achieve the seemingly elusive MDGs by 2015. 
>However, Dr Augustus Nuwagaba, a development expert and professor at Makerere 
>University, dismissed claims that foreign aid was an altruistic tool designed 
>to bring about development in poor countries like Uganda. He said Uganda 
>continues to receive colossal sums of money in aid but development is still 
>elusive because economic transformation must come "from within not from 
>"The so called Asian tigers developed not because of aid but because of having 
>effective States, serious governance and positive attitudes of the people to 
>work," he said. "The little aid they received fell on fertile ground, which is 
>obviously not the case in poor countries like Uganda." 
>He said aid ends up crippling the recipient countries due to lack of strong 
>mechanisms to absorb it, which eventually breeds corruption. 
>"Development must be driven from within with donor aid just helping to propel 
>it," he said. 

[Ugnet] Fw: Kayihura Poisoned? How, by whom and why?

2011-07-14 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Baana 
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 8:35:31 PM
Subject: Kayihura Poisoned? How, by whom and why?


James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

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Re: [Ugnet] Bogere:{UAH}Gen. Tumwine Starts Anti Corruption Body!-we must join!!!

2011-07-14 Thread musamize
Dear General Tumwine:

Here is project for you and your body should undertake. Recently, Uganda 
six (6) Shukhoi SU-30MK2 jet fighters at $740M. The top model of this jet costs 
$45 (see costs at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-30). 

So 6 planes cost 6 x $45M = $270M,  leaving a balance of $740M - $270M = $470.

Assuming Uganda also got spares, training, transportation worth another $270M, 
that  still leaves at least $200M unaccounted for.

Then there is the State House. whi cost $500M to build!!! Plus another $5M to 
put finishing touches on!

Gen. Tumwine,  lets star with those 2 projects.

Thank you.

From: elijah ddungu 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 5:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: Bogere:{UAH}Gen. Tumwine Starts Anti Corruption Body!-we must 

Thanks General for the good thinking at this difficult time the world is facing 
in general,   Uganda in particular. My concern is if people are prosecuted 
are they going to be locked up or who is going to prosecute them?. 

The point is first and  tale care of the Justice system and especially the 
police personnel who will be doing the job of arresting and chaging those 
accordingily. Because there is No way a police officer is not going to take 
bribe from any one who apoproches him/her when she/was last payed 5/6 months 
ago, living in a shared mud so called quaters at Kibuli, Nagulu etc . 

For your attention general until you guys start to realise that those police 
men/women have blood as any of us and that it is really a shame to have such 
muddy huts opposite the American embassy to be existing at the era. 

My advice to concerned people is first Look after your workers (Justice system, 
Police) then they will do a better job for the country. 

Very simple for the government to allocate x number of building materials  and 
instruct  National housing,Roko, home builders, etc to construct decent one bed 
room flats in that same place (Kibuli, nagulu) then allocate them to the 
officers Not for free but take a certain figure each month from their wages  so 
long as they are still working for the police until the final payement. 

Alternatively Increase their pay and allow them to look for accomodation 
themselves anyway it is cheaper for the govenment as they will not incuring any 
expenses at all. Continue later

From: Kaka John 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Cc: williambog...@googlemail.com
Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 8:58
Subject: Re: Bogere:{UAH}Gen. Tumwine Starts Anti Corruption Body!-we must 

And Bwana Bogere why do you think it is a joke? I think you need to liberate 
yourself from the disease of pessimism. Instead of encouraging Gen Tumwine, you 
are busy powering cold water on the project. Many people need such an 
organisation to rally on and voice their concern about this cancer. And I know 
Gen Elly, he is surely a well meaning and intentioned person. Let's encourage 

Kaka John  

--- On Tue, 12/7/11, william bogere  wrote:

>From: william bogere 
>Subject: Re: {UAH}Gen. Tumwine Starts Anti Corruption Body!-we must join
>To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>Date: Tuesday, 12 July, 2011, 7:51
>Thiis a joke!
>On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Raymond Wamala  wrote:
>Gen. Tumwine Starts Anti Corruption Body!
>>Among all who went to the bush, Gen. Elly Tumwine is the cleanest.
>>And because he is scandal immune, the ever dark-shades wearing soldier is 
>>determined to wipe corruption off Uganda’s menu.
>>Hysteria unearthed an organisation Tumwine started called Volunteers 
>>Anti-Corruption Campaign Africa (VACOCA) which will train people with 
>>skills to nab the thugs. “VOCOCA seeks to expose and help prosecute all the 
>>corrupt,” snoops report the decorated General as telling pals at parliament.
>>Tumwine is said to be irked by people who sell their votes for items like 
>>and is determined to cause the recalling of people who used such tricks to 
>>to parliament. People stay warned, when you see a whole general standing up 
>>do something, you know things are really tight. -- 
>>UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general. 
>>Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow UAH 
>>Twitter at:http://twitter.com/#!/UAHFORUM. To unsubscribe from this group, 
>>email to Ugandans-at-Heart unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or 
>>abbeysemuwe...@googlemail.com. To donate to UAH activities, click 
>>on:http://ugandansatheart.org/donate-to-uah/. Buy our products at: 
>>http://ugandansatheart.org/products-to-buy/. Also visit UAH extension at: 
>The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may often assume the 
>appearance, and produce the effects,  of a treasonable correspondence with the 
>public enemy. 

[Ugnet] Fw: AG & Parliamentary Commission Sued in Misappropriation (heist) of ca. $2.5M

2011-07-14 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 6:32:44 PM
Subject: AG & Parliamentary Commission Sued in Misappropriation (heist) of ca. 

Those of you interested in the UGX20m that was stolen from Ugandan taxpayers 
paid to MPs on pretext of monitoring gvnt progs can now access the full 
to the constitutional court here (UGX20M = about $8,000  x 300MPs = about 


(thanx D.S.)___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Fw: Uganda Results: Once-daily AIDS pill can slash HIV infection risk

2011-07-14 Thread musamize


- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 7:44:33 PM
Subject: Uganda Results: Once-daily AIDS pill can slash HIV infection risk


James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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[Ugnet] Fw: Museveni's pea-brained ideas and their effects on Uganda's electricty production

2011-07-13 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 12:01:40 PM
Subject: Museveni's pea-brained ideas and their effects on Uganda's electricty 

  As you read this remember that Museveni's greedy family own Umeme, etc.

>Firms cut power over government debts
>Kampala at night. There will be 24-hour load-shedding countrywide. PHOTO BY 
>By Walter Wafula  (email the author)  Posted  Wednesday, July 6 2011 at 00:00
>Share This Story8Share
>Ugandans should brace for 24 hours of load-shedding starting today, as 
>government runs out of money to pay for power generated by private electricity 
>companies. The country’s sole electricity power supplier Umeme Limited 
>announced the resumption of load-shedding, starting 6am to 6pm during day and 
>from 6pm to 6am in the night.
>In a text message to consumers, Umeme said, “Dear customer, we regret to 
>you that UETCL has informed us of a generation shortfall of 50MW day and 120MW 
>peak resulting into both day and night emergency load-shedding.”
>In an interview yesterday, Mr Issa Ssekitto, the spokesman of Kampala City 
>Traders Association, said the new round of loadshedding was bound to cripple 
>business in Uganda. He said the power cuts just like the depreciating shilling 
>against the dollar will culminate in today’s strike by the traders.
>Umeme, however, said the situation is temporary and advises consumers to make 
>use of power when available. Power producer Aggreko switched off 50megawatts 
>based at Kiira, in Jinja while Electro-maxx Ltd switched off 22 megawatts 
>in Tororo District. Jacobsen Ltd is expected to shut down its 50-mw plant in 
>Namanve today, drastically cutting electricity supply to the national 
>grid. Emergency power cut “This shortfall means that the amount of electricity 
>that Umeme receives for distribution is greatly reduced thus prompting 
>load shedding to regulate the distribution of power,” said Mr Sam Zimbe, 
>general manager.
>Mr Erias Kiyemba, the chief executive officer of UETCL, yesterday said the 
>Independent Power Producers (IPPs), cut off supply to government due to 
>non-payment of arrears totalling Shs200 billion. “This is what we are 
>from government as arrears for March to June. Generators cannot buy fuel from 
>their suppliers because they cannot pay them,” he told Daily Monitor in an 
>Mr Kiyemba said the IPPs without good financial backup are under pressure to 
>stop generating power.  The power transmission company, which is the sole 
>of power in Uganda, said the IPP are demanding that the government first 
>the arrears for March and April amounting to Shs92 billion and pay the balance 
>within the next three months. IPPs contribute 40 per cent of the electricity 
>consumed in Uganda and other power demand is met by hydropower generated from 
>Nalubaale (180mw) and Kiira (200mw) power stations.
>However, the combined megawatts generated by the two stations have drastically 
>reduced to 185mw due to drought. According to Umeme, now there is a shortage 
>120mw during peak time and 50mw during day, resulting in both day and night 
>Last week, Parliament blocked a request by government for additional Shs92 
>billion to pay for power. Just in April, Parliament approved Shs92 billion to 
>pay for power. Government said this was used to settle power debts for January 
>and February. The request was part of Shs61.3 billion supplementary budget 
>requested for by Finance State Minister Fred Omach.
>Government currently pays about Shs50 billion per month to subsidise the cost 
>power. The power subsidies have risen from Shs8 billion per month in 2007, to 
>Shs50 billion this year. UETCL attributes the rise to depreciating shilling 
>against the dollar and rise in fuel prices. “We sell the energy in shillings 
>buy in dollars,” said Mr Kiyemba.
>The shilling has lost ground to the dollar by over Shs600, standing at 
>per dollar. For government to maintain power tariff at the current level, 
>government must give UETCL Shs488 billion in subsidies. 
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[Ugnet] Fw: The Umeme Crisis and Stanbic Bank (owned by a Museveni, of course)

2011-07-13 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "buganda...@listserv.tamu.edu" ; 
"gandat...@talklist.com" ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; unaanet ; Baana 

Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 5:42:17 PM
Subject: The Umeme Crisis and Stanbic Bank (owned by a Museveni, of course)

thinks they work for a Uganda government is, in effect, working as a servant to
the Museveni family"

"Employees working at Roofings Ltd., owned by
Janet Museveni, openly tell their colleagues about how they have been forwarded
to the company by State House and how it is owned by the Museveni family."

Saturday, 19th December 2009  E-mail article    Print article 
2009 in review: The Museveni family ownership of Uganda  
(look at the size of this parking lot for guests! or click on link below ...) 

Museveni family's J&M Hotel at Bwebajja on Entebbe-Kampala road. 
By  Timothy Kalyegira  
On March 11, 2009, the news magazine, the Independent, founded by Andrew 
published a cover story titled "Family rule in Uganda".

The article examined the structure of effective political power in Uganda today 
and explained: "Museveni has appointed his wife, Mrs Janet Museveni, as state 
minister for Karamoja; his brother, Gen. Salim Saleh, formerly a minister of 
state for micro finance, as Senior Presidential Advisor on defence, a job at 
same rank as a cabinet minister; his brother-in-law, Sam Kutesa, minister of 
foreign affairs; his son, Muhozi Keinerugaba, commander of the Special Forces, 
his daughter Natasha Karugire, Private Secretary to the president in charge of 

"Museveni has also appointed his nephew, Joseph Ekwau (son of his younger 
Violet Kajubiri), Private Secretary to the President in charge of Medical 
Services (HIV//AIDS); his sister Miriam Karugaba as Administrator at State 
(she is semi-literate) and her husband (therefore Museveni's brother-in-law), 
Jimmy Karugaba, as Officer in Charge (OC) of the Accounts Department at State 
House. Museveni has also appointed his sister-in-law, Jolly Sabune, Executive 
Director of Cotton Development Authority, his niece-in-law, Hope Nyakairu, 
Undersecretary for Administration and Finance at State House, his cousin Bright 
Rwamirama, State Minister for Animal Husbandry, his other cousin, Faith Katana 
Mirembe, Assistant Private Secretary in charge of Education and Social Services 
and Justus Karuhanga, Private Secretary to the President in charge of Legal 
Affairs who is a nephew to Mrs Museveni."

The article later added: "Many observers say that increasing family influence 
government has gone hand in hand with the informalisation of power. Thus, 
although formal authority is vested in official institutions, effective power 
wielded by this informal clique of family and kin. The official structure 
presents a semblance of national ethno-regional and religious diversity to win 
the regime legitimacy. The informal but highly powerful structure of the 
of the president's family and kin is the "real" government."

That edition of theIndependent became the best-selling edition they have ever 
published and it had to do an additional print run to quench the intense public 
interest in the story.

The day after the story was published, according to Mwenda, a furious President 
Museveni held a meeting of his family members at State House and said he was 
going to arrest the Managing Editor, Andrew Mwenda.

However, some of his family urged him not to make that move, as it would give 
the story greater publicity than it was already getting.

They settled on the idea of keeping watch on Mwenda and then one day, at the 
slightest opportunity, say if he drove past a red traffic light or his car road 
license expired, arrest him and claim that this was the real reason for the 

The story, of course, confirmed in print what many Ugandans knew in fact. 

However, it still came as a sensation to thousands of Ugandans who did not 
up to that point, the extent to which national power had been concentrated in 
the hands of one family, the Museveni family and that there was, in reality, no 
Uganda government in existence.

Whoever thinks they work for a Uganda government is, in effect, working as a 
servant to the Museveni family. 

How, then, did this Museveni family, pretending to be a government, really work?

The Umeme crisis and Stanbic Bank

In the middle of the year, a crisis erupted at the national electricity firm, 
Umeme, the successor to the Uganda Electricity Board (U.E.B).

There were all sorts of abuses at the company, the main one being that meters 
had been tampered with and Ugandans were paying much higher for their power 
they should. Also, Umeme, it was said, had been conning the Uganda government 
millions of shillings in the arrangement by which the Uganda government was 
supposed to be subsidizing Umeme each year.

When the crisis turned into a public outcry, President Yoweri Museveni as

[Ugnet] Fw: Fleecing Uganda: HUGELY overpriced fighter jets arrive in Uganda

2011-07-13 Thread musamize
Also see:




- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 11:41:26 AM
Subject: Fleecing Uganda: HUGELY overpriced fighter jets arrive in Uganda

Recently Uganda ordered 6 Shukhoi SU-30 jet fighters from Russia in a $740M 
'package' (i.e. heist). The top model of this plane costs $45M when NEW, while 
the lower model costs $30M (see link below). 

Assume (charitably) that UPDF orderd the top model. The cost'd be: 6 x 45 = 
$270M, leaving a difference of$740M - $270M = $470M.
Further assume that they ordered spares and training, plus transportation to 
Uganda etc,  totaling $100M. That would leave AT LEAST $370M, burning a serious 
hole in Museveni's pocket, especially if UPDF ordered the lower cost model:  6 
jets x $33M = $198M, leaving a balance of: 

$740 - $198 = $542M or at least $442M swishing around in some one's pockets. 
Aaaah, the folly of clueless Western "donors", who perennially supply >50% of 
Uganda's budget!
The media and all Ugandans need to do a little arithmetic and then start asking 
some pointed questions. As someone else has noted in todays Monitor: these 
wildly over-priced jets won't protect Ugandans from proverty, hunger or even 
(btw: Uganda actually ordered the SU-30MK2 [a.k.a. SU-30MKK] model, which is 
modified for anti-ship duties, from Rosboronexport according to 
Now, what is all that noise on Museveni caring deeply about the falling 
shilling, govt not being able to pay electric bill to geothermal generators, 
rotting roads, dilapidated schools, etc?
Indeed, the best way to rob a country is to own it 
(with apologies to William Black author of: The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to 
One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry).
New Russian-built jet fighters arrive
By Tabu Butagira & Martin Ssebuyira military equipment and 
is confidential information “since it has a security element.”  

Monitor Wednesday, July 13 2011 at 00:00
The Shukoi Su-30 fighter jets that government bought from Russia at $740 
(Shs1.8 trillion) have arrived in the country, military sources confirmed last 
UPDF Airforce yesterday used one of the fighter planes to conduct test flights 
over Entebbe, sparking panic among residents with the din of the roaring 

People residing in or around Entebbe town said the deafening noise took them 
unawares and disrupted peaceful living. Lugonjo, Katabi, Kitooro, and Kiwafu 
were the most affected areas. “I am a poultry farmer and earn my living by 
rearing layers. The jets being tested on Sunday and Monday caused a setback in 
the way the birds lay their eggs,” said Ms Rose Namagara, a resident. Airforce 
Spokesman, Capt. Tabaro Kiconco, however, said the test flights are “normal and 
people should not get scared whenever we fly our aircrafts”.

He said: “Areas in close proximity of military installations or airbases the 
world over are synonymous with such noise.”

Defence officials declined to state when the jets were shipped into the country 
on grounds movement of
Su-30 of the Russian Air Force in flight over Russia 
RoleMultirole fighter[1] 
First flight31 December 1989 
Primary usersPLA Air Force (China)
Indian Air Force
Venezuelan Air Force
See Operators section for others 
Unit costUS$33–45 million 
Developed fromSukhoi Su-27 
VariantsSukhoi Su-30MKI
Sukhoi Su-30MKK 

also see: http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/su_30mk/

James Ssemakula
ps. Uganda ordered SU-30 MK2 model
The acquisition, at Shs1.8 trillion, of the military jets on the backdrop of 
soaring inflation stirred public anger with critics questioning the cost, 
and necessity - especially that Uganda is not known to be on the edge of war 
with any country. Mr Emmanuel Mutebile, the central bank governor, threw the 
Ugandan shilling into its worst volatility in 17 years, when he told UK’s 
leading business newspaper, the Financial Times, that President Museveni 
technical advice to raid the country’s meagre foreign exchange reserves to buy 
the jets. 

The reserves that could last at least six months consequently diminished to a 
probable four months, he said. The statements triggered commotion in the local 
financial market, plunging the Ugandan shilling, which is now showing signs of 
recovery, to trade at 2, 700 to a US dollar.

The Russian-built Shukoi SU-30 jet fighter, which the UPDF is understood to 
acquired, is a twin-engine, multi-purpose aircraft for all-weather, air-to-air 
and air-to-surface deep int

[Ugnet] Fw: Change of plan: The Hague can have Gaddafi, say rebels

2011-07-05 Thread musamize


- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Tue, July 5, 2011 3:50:29 PM
Subject: Change of plan: The Hague can have Gaddafi, say rebels

Change of plan: The Hague can have Gaddafi, say rebels
BENGHAZI, LIBYA - Jul 04 2011 13:40

Muammar Gaddafi (AP)

The head of Libya's rebel council said on Monday that there was now no 
possibility of Muammar Gaddafi being granted internal exile in Libya, following 
an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant for his arrest. 

Mustafa Mohammed Abdel Jalil, chairperson of the National Transitional Council 
(NTC), said: "There is absolutely no current or future possibility for Gaddafi 
to remain in Libya."

Jalil confirmed that such an offer had been made but said it was now null and 

"There is no escape clause for Gaddafi -- he must be removed from power and 

As news surfaced of the prospect of the NTC allowing Gaddafi to stay in Libya, 
there was anger on the streets of the rebel capital of Benghazi on Sunday.

Around 100 people gathered in front of a hotel where a top NTC member was 
a press conference, a rare show of opposition against the council, which has 
steered the east of the country since Gaddafi's troops were pushed out four 
months ago.

While all senior members of the NTC insist that Gaddafi must leave power, there 
is less unity about whether or not there should be talks to give the veteran 
ruler a way out.

Insiders said there was a split between former members of the regime, who 
believe talks could help moderate members of Gaddafi's inner circle advocate 
departure. Some long-time opposition members, including many who have lived in 
exile, are opposed to any kind of talks. 

Oil security
Libya's rebel council also said on Monday that it would honour oil contracts 
inked under Muammar Gaddafi's regime, at least during the country's transition 
to democracy.


James Ssemakula___
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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Re: [Ugnet] Kampala: School found using bomb as bell

2011-07-05 Thread musamize

From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Tue, July 5, 2011 3:54:30 PM
Subject: Kampala: School found using bomb as bell

School found using bomb as bell

KAMPALA | Tue Jul 5, 2011 9:40am EDT  
KAMPALA (Reuters) - A mine awareness team in Uganda was horrified to find an 
unexploded bomb being used as a bell when they visited a school to teach 
children how to spot bombs, a local newspaper reported.

The Anti-Mine Network organization saw teachers banging the bomb with stones to 
call children to lessons in a 700-pupil school in a rural area, the Daily 
Monitor said.

"Its head was still active, which means that if it is hit by a stronger force, 
it would explode instantly and cause untold destruction in the area," Wilson 
Bwambale, coordinator of the organization, told the newspaper.
Bwambale said they would explode it in a cordoned off area.

The Ugandan military has fought two rebel insurgencies over the last two 
and mines and bombs still litter former battlefields around the country.

This is the second bomb that the Anti-Mine Network have found in a Ugandan 
school in the last six months. Another was found being used by children at 
lunchtime as a toy and put away in a storeroom during lessons.

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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] In Uganda, a Bitter Rivalry Is Played Out on the National Stage

2011-07-05 Thread musamize

June 25, 2011
In Uganda, a Bitter Rivalry Is Played Out on the National Stage
Todd Heisler/The New York Times
Winnie Byanyima speaking during a campaign event in February for her husband, 
Kizza Besigye, right, an opposition leader in Uganda. He has run for president 
the last three elections.
KAMPALA, Uganda — Like many war stories, this one began with love. 
Before the tear gas and street riots, the violent arrests and hospital visits, 
Yoweri Museveni and Kizza Besigye were close friends, a future president and 
doctor to whom he entrusted his life. They fought together to free their 
from dictatorship. 

Some say they even fell for the same woman. 
Now, as Uganda undergoes its most raucous political convulsion in years, with 
broad-based demonstrations and dissenting officials testing President 
25-year hold on power, the passions from a feud that began long ago between the 
friends are playing out on the national stage. 

Unlike the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, which were borne of popular 
uprisings, the protest movement in Uganda has been driven by a single man, Mr. 
Besigye, who may know the president — and how to get under his skin — better 
than any politician. 

Mr. Besigye did not light himself on fire, like the Tunisian man who set in 
motion the Arab Spring, or take up arms like the rebels in Libya. Instead, 
losing badly to the president in yet another election — he has run the last 
three times — Mr. Besigye simply said he was going to walk to his office, 
than use his car, to protest rising commodity prices and corruption. 

The resulting demonstrations were meek — Mr. Besigye was practically alone on 
the first day — but President Museveni’s government responded with overwhelming 
force, eventually locking up hundreds of opposition supporters, killing others 
and at times using tear gas and water cannon to disperse as few as six 
protesters at a time. 

With each clampdown, the protests became larger, fueled by outrage over the 
repression. Mr. Besigye, once seen as a political dud, was suddenly credited as 
an alchemist, and President Museveni, long seen by the United States as a 
liberal ally, exhibited a more draconian side. 

The protests have since fizzled, but the political row has not. Opposition 
lawmakers boycotted the president’s recent inaugural address, Mr. Besigye has 
appeared in court on numerous charges, and the police remain heavily deployed. 

Many have wondered why the president would inflate such a seemingly insipid 

His critics, some of whom were once close to him, say this is the real Mr. 
Museveni, an arrogant and at times ruthless ruler who has silenced political 
opponents to stay in power this long. 

But they also say that the feud is personal, tied to the president’s 
relationship with Mr. Besigye and his wife, Winnie Byanyima, whom Mr. Museveni 
has known since childhood and, many say, once wanted to marry. 

The history may shed light on the depth of the political movement. It was the 
winter of 1980, after nearly a decade of Idi Amin’s brutal dictatorship, when 
Mr. Besigye, then a young doctor, started attending rallies for a popular and 
charismatic new political figure, Mr. Museveni. 

“He was a young person who in himself attracted us as young people,” Mr. 
said. “He was saying the right things that struck a chord with us, about what 
kind of government Uganda deserved. We started to see him as one of the shining 

When Mr. Museveni’s new political party came in third in general elections that 
year, he started a guerrilla movement in the bush. Activists like Mr. Besigye 
were hunted down, and Mr. Besigye says he and others were locked in the 
of a popular Kampala hotel. 

He escaped and in 1982 found the rebels in the bush and was welcomed by Mr. 
Museveni, who made him his personal doctor. “I lived next to him in a tent,” 
Besigye said, “and stayed close by him until the end of the war.” 

Mr. Besigye said he also met Ms. Byanyima. She was a young rebel officer close 
to Mr. Museveni in the bush while his wife and children were living in Sweden. 
Years later, Mr. Besigye and Ms. Byanyima would marry. 

Mr. Besigye said that at times Mr. Museveni and Ms. Byanyima were involved in a 
romantic relationship, and that as a doctor he treated both of them, gradually 
becoming a trusted counsel to the rebel leader. After Mr. Museveni triumphed 
became president in 1986, Mr. Besigye was named minister of internal affairs. 

But trouble soon began. Mr. Besigye said that when he challenged the president 
on corruption or constitutional issues, the relationship soured. 

Ms. Byanyima also fell out with the president, as did her father, Mzee Boniface 
Byanyima — an elder statesman and a one-time surrogate father to President 
Museveni. Mr. Byanyima said he rejected the president when he asked for his 
daughter’s hand, of

[Ugnet] Fw: State Department: Uganda notorious for human trafficking

2011-07-04 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Baana ; 
Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 8:28:16 PM
Subject: State Department: Uganda notorious for human trafficking

”Oman is also a destination and transit country for women from China, India, 
Morocco, Eastern Europe, Uganda, Kenya, and other parts of South Asia who may 
forced into commercial sexual exploitation, generally by nationals of their own 
countries. Male Pakistani laborers, and others from India, Bangladesh, Sri 
Lanka, and East Asia, transit Oman en route to the UAE; some of these migrant 
workers are exploited in situations of forced labor upon reaching their 

 “Unscrupulous labor recruitment agencies and their sub-agents in migrants’ 
original communities in South Asia, as well as labor brokers in the United Arab 
Emirates (UAE), Oman, and Iran, may deceive workers into accepting work that in 
some instances constitutes forced labor. Many of these agencies provide false 
contracts for employment either with fictitious employers or at fictitious 
and charge workers high recruitment fees (often exceeding $1,000) at usurious 
rates of interest, leaving workers vulnerable to trafficking. Oman is also a 
destination and transit country for women from China, India, Morocco, Eastern 
Europe, Uganda, Kenya, and other parts of South Asia who may be forced into 
commercial sexual exploitation, generally by nationals of their own countries. 
Male Pakistani laborers, and others from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and East 
Asia, transit Oman en route to the UAE; some of these migrant workers are 
exploited in situations of forced labor upon reaching their destination.”
“Many Pakistani women and men migrate voluntarily to the Gulf States, Iran, 
Turkey, South Africa, Uganda, Greece, and other European countries for 
low-skilled employment such as domestic work, driving, or construction work; 
once abroad, some become victims of labor trafficking.”
“Brothel owners reportedly supply girls and young women in prostitution to 
clients staying at hotels for conferences. Rwandan children also are recruited 
and transported to Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, where they are subjected to 
forced agricultural labor, domestic servitude, and child prostitution, 
after being recruited by peers.”
“Agents recruit young women from Ethiopia’s Oromia region with promises of 
high-paying employment as domestic workers in Sudan, only to collect their 
salaries or force them into prostitution in brothels in Khartoum or near 
oil fields and mining camps. Some Ugandan girls in Juba’s prostitution trade 
be controlled by a third party.”
“The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) continued to abduct Sudanese children and 
harbor enslaved Sudanese, Congolese, Central African, and Ugandan children in 
southern Sudan’s Western Equatoria and Western Bahr el-Ghazal States for use as 
cooks, porters, concubines, and combatants; some of these children are also 
taken back and forth across borders into Central African Republic or the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo.”
… etc
UGANDA (Tier 2)
Uganda is a source and destination country for men, women, and children 
subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Ugandan children are exploited 
forced labor within the country in fishing, agriculture, mining, stone 
quarrying, brick making, road construction, car washing, scrap collection, bars 
and restaurants, and the domestic service sector, and are exploited in 
prostitution. Ugandan children are taken to other East African countries for 
similar purposes, and are also forced to participate in illegal border 
of various goods, including counterfeit items and illicit drugs. Karamojong 
women and children are subjected to domestic servitude and forced cattle 
in Karamoja, and are transported to Kampala and other urban areas by 
who force them to beg in the streets, or engage in prostitution or domestic 
servitude. During the reporting period, Ugandan sex trafficking victims were 
discovered in Denmark, Oman, and Malaysia. Security companies and employment 
agencies in Kampala continued to recruit Ugandans to work as security guards, 
laborers, and drivers in the Middle East; some workers reported conditions 
indicative of forced labor, including passport withholding, nonpayment of wages 
and lack of food. South Asian and Chinese migrant workers are subjected to 
forced labor in Uganda in construction, transportation, trade, and service 
activities, and South Asian crime networks transport South Asian children to 
country for prostitution. Children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
(DRC), Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Sudan are subjected to forced 
agricultural labor and prostitution in Uganda. Until August 2006, the Lord’s 
Resistance Army (LRA) abducted children and adults i

Re: [Ugnet] Secretary Clinton on Human Trafficking

2011-07-04 Thread musamize

From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 9:04:22 PM
Subject: Secretary Clinton on Human Trafficking

Interview With Jim Clancy of CNN International's Freedom Project

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

June 27, 2011

QUESTION: Protection, partnership, all of those things are really important, 
Hillary Clinton, you bring action to this. How and what – how do you get others 
to share?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, Jim, I have been caring about and working on this now 
for longer than a decade, and the passion is there because it’s such a 
of human rights and human dignity. To see men, women, and children forced into 
bondage, slavery, in the 21st century is just absolutely unforgettable and 
unforgivable. So we do take seriously the mission that the United States, along 
with many international partners, has undertaken, which is to prevent and to 
prosecute and to do everything we can in our efforts to stop modern-day 
And that means we have to have partnerships, which is very important, and we 
have to protect those who are at risk and those who are put into it. So we went 
from three Ps to four Ps, but passion underlies all of them.
QUESTION: When the United States took it upon itself through the Trafficking 
Victims Protection Act to do a report like this, when it also set itself up for 
criticism by those who would say, “This is politicized,” how tough do you see 
this year’s report in comparison to others?
SECRETARY CLINTON: It’s both tough and it’s encouraging, because on the one 
hand, when we started, we couldn’t even get this issue on agendas with other 
countries. I remember back in the late 90s, as First Lady, raising this issue 
a number of countries, and I was really just politely dismissed. It was not 
something they wanted to talk about; they weren’t going to do anything about 
they viewed it as cultural, not criminal. And it only has been in the last 
several years that we have seen in – I would argue, in some measure, because of 
the U.S. report – that countries take it seriously, and that we have made 
cause with activists at the grassroots level in so many countries who use this 
report to push their own governments for greater commitment.
QUESTION: Some governments like Saudi Arabia remain right on the bottom. Kuwait 
this year went down to Tier 3. When you look at that – how do you engage 
diplomatically to tell people who won’t even recognize that they have a 
how do you engage them to make a change, a real change, not just passing a law?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I think we have to look at the progress that we’ve 
made. Yes, there are countries that have not done, by any means, enough to even 
be taken seriously in addressing this. But there are many others who not only 
did pass laws, but have begun to put resources behind the implementation of 
those laws. So what we have is an international snapshot. There are some 
countries that are going up because what they have done is worthy of that, and 
there are some countries that are going down because they have backslid and 
maybe they’ve had a change in administration or they’ve just decided it’s not a 
priority for them. And then there are countries that are not making progress 
way or the other.

We try to use this report to encourage change. I mean, the report in and of 
itself is a tool. It’s not an end in itself. It’s not some kind of giant report 
card and then we put it away and then dust it off and upgrade it the next year. 
All through the year, what we’re trying to do is to work with countries that 
willing to take some action. We’re trying to work with advocates so that they 
know they’re not alone. And we’re trying to shine a very bright light on people 
everywhere who are still unwilling to admit that 27 million enslaved people is 
rebuke to everyone everywhere; it’s not just a Western phenomena. I think human 
rights are universal rights, and therefore, we have to keep working with these 
countries and encouraging them, and frankly, naming and shaming to some extent 
to get them to change.
QUESTION: Does naming and shaming – do you think it works?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes. It does work. I mean, there --
QUESTION: But some countries are down on the bottom, Tier 3, every year.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we can look at the glass as half empty or half full, 
and that’s true that some countries are on the bottom, but other --
QUESTION: Are we pushing them hard enough or is this something where, “They’re 
our friends, we don’t want to push too hard?”
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we push pretty hard. I mean, it’s pretty hard to turn 
your eyes away from a report that is on the internet and that everybody can 
access. But I also like to

[Ugnet] Land Grab or Development?

2011-06-23 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Sent: Wed, June 22, 2011 3:42:41 PM
Subject: Land Grab or Development?

ps. IFAd is where Museveni stole $60M that funded the BIDCO vegetable (palm) 
White Elephant that saw small farmers swindled out of their land in a major 
bait-and-switch heist. 
James Ssemakula
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[Ugnet] Fw: Museveni's lies catch up with him

2011-06-23 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; Buganda Discussion 
; "gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" 
; Baana 

Sent: Tue, June 21, 2011 5:52:50 PM
Subject: Museveni's lies catch up with him

Uganda opposition: president lies about his age
The Associated Press

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | 10:48 a.m.
Ugandan opposition groups are accusing the longtime president of lying about 
age to avoid constitutional age limits.
Free Uganda Now leader Brenda Nabukenya said Tuesday during a demonstration in 
Kampala that President Yoweri Museveni is 73, not in his mid-60s as he claims. 
She says he is trying to avoid the 75-year-old cutoff for 2016 presidential 
Nabukenya says the group consulted school records and Museveni's former 
and longtime acquaintances.
Museveni has long been vague about his age, saying he was born around 1945 and 
is either 66 or 67. Museveni seized power in 1986 and is now in his 26th year 
Presidential spokesman Mande Kintu said the leader has always declared his true 
age and that the group has no capacity to make "appropriate investigations," 
is only seeking 

James Ssemakula___
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[Ugnet] Intro to the IFAD-funded land swindle in Uganda

2011-06-23 Thread musamize
If you are not aware of this thievery, you need to wake up at how Museveni will 
leave you ensalved and in debt to international financiers --LONG AFTER he is 

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: "uc...@yahoogroups.com" ; unaanet 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
"gandat...@gandatalk.talklist.com" ; Baana 

Cc: "i...@ifad.org" i...@ifad.org; 
Sent: Wed, June 22, 2011 4:07:14 PM
Subject: Intro to the IFAD-funded land swindle in Uganda

In this bait-and-switch heist Museveniborrowed $60M under pretense of helping 
small farmers grow palm trees for vegetable oil. He then used $320,000 from it 
to "buy" land from the same smallholder farmers at under-market prices, and 
proceeded to give it to his family owned company BIDCO (U) Ltd company to 
the palm trees.
Bottom line: To add insult to injury, the now landless  peasant farmer owes 
some $60M plus interest. IFAD helped set up this heist for the "smallholder 



 Uganda: US$ 52 million IFAD loan to boost vegetable oil development in Uganda 
US$ 52 million IFAD loan to boost vegetable oil development in Uganda

A successful public/private partnership: vegetable oil production in Uganda

etc etc

James Ssemakula
Copies of documents of loan agreement, though marked "confidential" (why is 
so?), are available to any one at cost of reproduction + shipping.___
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[Ugnet] Fw: Financial mismanagement and thievery by Museveni's undisciplined regime

2011-06-23 Thread musamize

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
To: unaanet ; "uc...@yahoogroups.com" 
; Buganda Discussion ; 
Sent: Thu, June 23, 2011 4:39:33 PM
Subject: Financial mismanagement and thievery by Museveni's undisciplined regime

Taxpayer money "overdrawn", "shs 40 trillion missing", "BOU expenses have 
increased byshs66 billion in one year", "interest eaning have decreased by 
billion in one year, a decrease of 67%", "Basajjabalaba (i.e. Museveni) owes 
$11M": who is accountable for all these misdeeds and crimes?

New queries over BoU’s cash operations
By Yasiin Mugerwa   (email the author) 

Posted  Thursday, June 23 2011 at 00:00
A new report by the Auditor General shows that the country’s capital reserves 
Bank of Uganda have declined by 48 per cent due to the bank’s rising expenses 
and unrelenting government spending pressures.
Mr John Muwanga has noted in his latest report that various government accounts 
held in Bank of Uganda were also overdrawn to a tune of Shs3.188 trillion 
through unexplained circumstances and without the authority from Minister of 
Finance contrary to the Public Finance and Accountability Act.
Dipping foreign reserves
“We didn’t not see any evidence of the ministers’ approval for any of the 
government’s overdrawn accounts we reviewed,” Mr Muwanga said. “I advised the 
management (at the Bank of Uganda) to investigate all government overdrawn 
accounts to ascertain the cause and corrective action be immediately taken to 
normalise these accounts.”
The new report further shows that the Bank’s capital reserves, including 
unutilised foreign exchange gains reducedfrom Shs1,080 trillion to Shs1,046 
trillion. At the same time, Bank of Uganda’s expenses have also increased from 
Shs138 billion for the year ended June 2009 to Shs204 billion as of June 2010.
“The trend of the Bank’s operating results indicates that the Bank’s capital 
reserves, excluding foreign exchange gains have been significantly eroded,” Mr 
Muwanga said. “This is expected to continue as thebank is projecting to make a 
loss   the Bank’s capital might be impaired in the near future and may require 
government intervention as per Article 14(4) of the Bank of Uganda Act.”
Governor’s concerns
The latest AG report to Parliament comes after the Bank of Uganda Governor, Mr 
Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, told the Financial Times newspaper that he had 
disagreed with Mr Museveni over the decision to spend $740 million on jet 
fighters, which has pushed reserves down from six to four months of import 
“He gave me some promises which he has not kept – like a way to redress the 
reserves,” Mr Mutebile told the FT recently. Already under pressure to deal 
the double-digit inflation- currently standing at 17 per cent and the 
depreciation of the shilling, the Auditor General said Bank of Uganda has 
suffered from cash flow problems partly due to effects of the global financial 
For example, interest income has significantly decreased from Shs114 billion 
the year ended June 2009 to only Shs38 billion in June 2010, representing a 
decrease of over 67 per cent.
The revelation is, however, likely to affect the Bank’s efforts to ease the 
depreciation of the shilling and inflationary pressures on the economy.
On the solution to the crisis at Bank of Uganda, Mr Muwanga said: “I advised 
management that the Bank’s operations should be critically monitored with a 
of improving the operating results i.e. improve earnings and minimise operating 
He added: “The Bank should also consider reassessing its investment policy with 
a view of improving and widening the source of income. There is also need to 
control both operating costs and capital expenditure to minimize further 
of capital reserves.”
When contacted yesterday, Mr Elliot Mwebya, the director communications Bank of 
Uganda, said he had not yet read the Auditor General’s findings and promised to 
get back to this newspaper after reading the report.
In the recent past, however, BoU management has said they were considering ways 
and means of enhancing the Bank’s income and controlling expenditure. However, 
they said they were constrained by the low interest rates still prevailing in 
the international markets.
Action promises
Bank of Uganda said the Accountant General promised to resolve the 
surrounding all the government’s overdrawn accounts. Mr Muwanga also asked BoU 
to recover $11 million from city businessman Hassan Basajjabalaba or demand the 
money from the government, the guarantor of the loan to Hides & Skins Ltd, a 
private company. In 2003, the government undertook to pay the money in the 
that the company fails to repay the 
loan. http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/-/688334/1187620/-/c07v74z/-/
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[Ugnet] NYTimes.com: U.S. to Speed Deportation of Criminals in Jail

2008-01-18 Thread musamize
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NATIONAL | January 15, 2008
U.S. to Speed Deportation of Criminals in Jail
Federal authorities expect to identify and deport more than 200,000 immigrants 
this year who are convicted criminals serving time in prisons across the 



This e-mail was sent to you by a friend through NYTimes.com's E-mail This 
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Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company
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[Ugnet] NYT OP-ED: Federalism is the way to go in Africa

2008-01-07 Thread musamize
New York Times, Op-Ed Contributor
No Country for Old Hatreds 
Published: January 6, 2008
Nairobi, Kenya
THIS thing called Kenya is a strange animal. In the 1960s, the bright young 
nationalists who took over the country when we got independence from the 
British believed that their first job was to eradicate “tribalism.” What they 
really meant, in a way, was that they wanted to eradicate the nations that made 
up Kenya. It was assumed that the process would end with the birth of a 
brand-new being: the Kenyan. 
Compared with other African nations, Kenya has had significant success with 
this experiment. But it has not been without its contradictions, though they 
had never really turned lethal until now.
Our Kenyan identity, so deliberately formed in the test tube of nationalist 
effort, has over the years been undermined, subtly and not so subtly, by our 
leaders — men who appealed to our histories and loyalties to win our votes. 
You see, the burning houses and the bloody attacks here do not reflect 
primordial hatreds. They reflect the manipulation of identity for political 
So what was different about this election? What brought Kenya’s equilibrium to 
an end?
Five years ago, we voted for a broad and nationally representative government. 
Inside this vehicle were the country’s major tribes: the Luo, the Luhya, the 
Kikuyu, many Kalenjin — all the people now killing one another. 
We wanted this arrangement to quickly introduce a new and more inclusive 
Constitution, deal firmly with corruption and start a process of defining the 
nation in terms that include everybody.
Tragically, President Mwai Kibaki instead steered a course away from the 
coalition and cultivated the support of his Kikuyu community. He did a good job 
rebuilding the civil service and managing the economy, but he did it within a 
framework that was not sustainable.
When it came time to conduct our most recent election, Raila Odinga had built a 
movement on the back of President Kibaki’s betrayal of the spirit of 2002. His 
political party, the Orange Democratic Movement, was the big ethnic tent 
similar to the one that had first brought President Kibaki to office. 
On the day we cast our vote, we thought that our optimism and desire for an 
inclusive and broad government would prevail. Instead, three days later — after 
reports that votes were being “cooked” in Kikuyu strongholds, after skirmishes 
in the room where the results were being announced, after the news media were 
ejected — Mr. Kibaki was announced the winner and a haphazard swearing-in took 
place. And Kenya exploded.
Mr. Odinga and President Kibaki are not really ethnic leaders, but in the days 
since the disputed election they have stoked tribal paranoia and used it to 
cement electoral loyalty. 
Mr. Odinga and his fellow party leaders are now determined to avenge the wrong 
they believe they have suffered. Sadly, this leadership now appears to believe 
that the violence spreading across the country might be a valuable bargaining 
My further suspicion is that Mr. Odinga wants to sell to Kenyans and the world 
a sort of Ukrainian “people’s revolution” — where protesters take to the 
streets and change the order of things, and are seen to be throwing happy pink 
petals on television, so America can say, ah, the people have spoken. 
But rather than matters leading to a popular but peaceful uprising against a 
flawed election, we are likelier to suffer an escalation of retaliations and a 
descent to that special machete place that nations rarely recover from.
Yet all is not lost. Nations are built on crises like this. If there is such a 
thing as Kenya, it should be gathering energy right now. Two leaders can sit 
down, form a power-sharing agreement and put together a system to handle 
elections and transition. A Constitution that names and recognizes the tribal 
nations within our nation, that decentralizes some power and that includes us 
all in the process is possible. 
For 40 years we have been dancing around each other, a gaseous nation circling 
and tightening. The moment is now to make a solid thing called Kenya. 
Binyavanga Wainaina, a writer in residence at Union College in Schenectady, 
N.Y., is the editor of Kwami?, a literary magazine.

i.e. a call for federalism to take root in Africa -- js.


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[Ugnet] Fwd: Its Time to Rise Up Against The Museveni Kleptocracy

2007-10-08 Thread musamize


  - Original Message 
From: Operation Source of the Nile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:27:33 PM
Subject: Its Time to Rise Up Against The Museveni Kleptocracy

  Its Time to Rise Up Against The Museveni Kleptocracy
  For twenty years now, Ugandans have seen their dignity, property and human 
rights violated by the National Resistance Movement Organisation (NRMO) 
government that came to power claiming it had brought a fundamental change to 
Ugandan politics. Their guiding principles were a ten-point economic and 
political program. 
  These included: (I) democracy and a decent standard of living so ordinary 
people could resist the blandishments of unprincipled politicians; (ii) 
politicize the army and police, and end corruption at the top; (iii) eliminate 
sectarianism by ending politics based on religion, language or ethnic origin; 
(iv) stop the interference of foreign interests in domestic affairs; (v) 
establish an independent, integrated, and self-sustaining economy to curtail 
the leakage of national wealth abroad; (vi) restore basic social services - 
clean water, health clinics, literacy, housing, etc; (vii) eliminate corruption 
in the public service; (viii) return property and land seized by previous 
administrations and government mistaken development projects to rightful 
owners; (ix) create larger markets and a rational use of national resources; 
(x) maintain and promote a mixed national economy. 
  In is obvious that the ten-point program was a dismal failure. Immediately 
after coming to power, the NRMO government embarked on a campaign to dehumanise 
and disenfranchise our country men in the north, central and eastern Uganda. 
The northerners were relegated to concentration camps for 20 years, destroying 
an entire generation. These once proud and productive citizens in a fertile 
part of the country were turned into beggars and much of their land taken by 
the ruling NRMO class. The war in northern Uganda dragged on for so long 
because the NRMO political and military class were siphoning donor funds 
intended to "combat terrorism". 
  The current torrential rains and subsequent floods in this region have been a 
blessing in disguise for the NRMO government policy of destituting citizens of 
northern Uganda. This is evidenced by the governments' delayed response to 
provide emergency assistance to the region. It took the government almost a 
week to come out with a statement on the deteriorated situation and declare a 
state of emergency. Further more, much of the foreign assistance for the flood 
victims remains un-disbursed for fear that the NRMO government would loot it or 
use it on "unrelated projects". 
  Further south in the central region, the government is once again 
antagonising people in Mpingi, Mukono, Luweero and Kiboga districts. The 
government is making concerted effort to disposes people of their land by 
bringing "balaalo" with their herds to occupy other peoples land by force. This 
is the "Bonna Bagaggawale" policy of enriching the selected few. The legitimate 
land owners have been rendered helpless because the "balaalo" are armed and 
protected by the NRMO security establishment. The government has deliberately 
started land wrangles all over the country. Unfortunately for the NRMO, this is 
one war it will not be able to win. 
  We would like to inform our fellow countrymen, that we do not have to 
tolerate a government that has no respect or concern for its citizens. It is 
time that we stand together and resist the Museveni kleptocracy. Politicians 
are supposed to be our servants, serving out of our own goodwill to them. The 
political, social and economic conditions in the country are no longer tenable, 
the social fabric and moral fibre of our nation has been seriously eroded. 
Uganda has failed as a state. It is our responsibility my fellow countrymen to 
rise up to the occasion, protect our life , property, and culture for posterity 
by any means necessary. Kaguta and his NRMO cabal have to and must go! We would 
like to appeal to our brethren in the diaspora to join hands with us in Uganda 
as we prepare to clean house, the struggle has began. 
  For God and Our Country
  Robert Wasswa Mukisa Ph.D.
  Operation Source of the Nile
  Kampala, Uganda

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[Ugnet] The Afrigo Band: October 5th in Santa Monica, CA, October 6th in Sherman Oaks, CA

2007-10-05 Thread musamize

  - Forwarded Message 
From: Afrodicia E-Blast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 9:11:40 AM
Subject: The Afrigo Band: October 5th in Santa Monica, CA, October 6th in 
Sherman Oaks, CA

   Radio Afrodicia Proudly Announces:
The Afrigo Band
Direct from Kampala, Uganda
with Guest Artist Zani 
(Lady Chocolate) 
  Two Shows: 
  Friday, October 5th, 2007
At Temple Bar
1026 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 
  Show starts at 9 PM 
  Call for Reservations: 310 393 6611 

Saturday, October 6th, 2007
At Jewish Community Center
13164 Burbank Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 
  Show starts at 9 PM 
  Ticket Info: 818 605 3129 

  Presented By: 
  UG Flava & Mugandu Pearls  

Come listen, come see, come buy at RADIO AFRODICIA, streaming 24/7 

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[Ugnet] Foreskin’s Lament

2007-10-05 Thread musamize
“The people who raised me will say I am not religious,” he writes. “They are 
mistaken.” He adds: “I am painfully, cripplingly, incurably, miserably 
religious, and I have watched lately, dumbfounded and distraught, as around the 
world, more and more people seem to be finding Gods, each more hateful and 
bloody than the next, as I’m doing my best to lose Him. I’m failing miserably.” 
  Shalom Auslander in “Foreskin’s Lament” 
  Man and God (and God’s Sick Punch Lines)
  New York Times, October 1, 2007

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
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[Ugnet] Evolution of Ugandan Art

2007-10-05 Thread musamize

Note: forwarded message attached.
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.--- Begin Message ---
Painting on Glass:Muwonge Transforming an alien art form:  E-mail 
By Lugonvu Moses

For a couple of centuries, the art of painting on glass has been entirely for 
religious architectural settings, especially churches. You could hardly find 
stained glass art works in Uganda in any building with no religious 
inclination. All this is now history, as a revolution is on to introduce this 
art form into secular environments as championed by Muwonge Mathias Kyazze.

Muwonge has been a practicing artist for nearly two decades. He holds a 
Masters’ Degree in Fine Art and a higher Diploma in Stained Glass. To him, 
stained glass is just another form/medium for artistic expression through which 
he has executed works on diverse subjects both religious and secular. Muwonge’s 
mission is to create awareness that this art form exists outside religious 
environments by which it has been imprisoned for centuries.
He has put up several solo and group exhibitions in Uganda, Europe and America. 
His Stained glass works done from Nsambya  Stained glass workshop, a Catholic 
Church founded project, have been installed in various churches across the 
great lakes region. However, his most outstanding works were installed in Biina 
Church – Luzira Kampala in 2000. In these works, he skillfully presented 
Biblical stories using Ugandan cultural forms like “Ekyoto” (fire place) which 
is just a small unit of a several metre artistic story line.

Away from Stained glass glazing, Muwonge also commands an incredible mastery of 
painting with oils on canvas. For both media (stained glass and oils), he 
derives his subjects from Ugandan life styles.  “ I always want my stained 
glass paintings to look Ugandan to reflect the rich social-cultural Ugandan art 
forms” says Muwonge. This ideology is tremendously manifested in his works like 
“Busuuti” (Ganda attire), “Bakisiimba” (ganda dance),  “Okwanjula” 
(Introduction) and “Mothery”.

Muwonge is not bound by any specific palette but rather works with a prolific 
mastery of colour themes based on subject matter. However, he uses very bright 
colours to make the works attractive and inviting, which reflect the life 
styles of Ugandans and the warm weather. In his works “self” and “style”, he 
creates an exciting mood using semi-abstract forms and lovely colours.

All said and done, Muwonge Kyazze is a man on a mission to “bring home” stained 
glass  and in so doing, is producing many portable art works for various 
architectural setting as a way of exposing this art form. He is also teaching 
this subject at a University level in order to tap fresh talent. Muwonge is 
slowly transforming the once alien Christian art into a contemporary medium of 
artistic expression. 

Keep the fire burning, Mwami Muwonge! 


ps: if you buy a $100 Buganda certificate from me, you get this issue of The 
Promota free as a thank you gift. Here is the cover:


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[Ugnet] Uganda¢s 1962 constitution evolved from revenge and deceit

2007-10-05 Thread musamize


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[Ugnet] Re: Uganda takes it on the chin, again

2007-09-19 Thread musamize

  Ugandan government undermines independence of judiciary, says report 
The Associated Press 
  Tuesday, September 18, 2007 
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  KAMPALA, Uganda: President Yoweri Museveni's administration has seriously 
undermined the independence of the Ugandan judiciary, a global lawyers' group 
said in a report released Tuesday.
  The government politicized the appointment of judges, defied court orders, 
singled out judges when criticizing judicial decisions and interfered in the 
working of the courts, the London-based International Bar Association said in a 
  The courts have a backlog of cases because the judicial system is short of 
judges and is poorly funded, said the report, entitled "Judicial independence 
undermined: A report on Uganda."
  "I urge the Ugandan Government to respect Uganda's judges and refrain from 
interference or intimidation," said Jo Salsbury of the association's human 
rights institute in a statement.
  Government spokesman Kirunda Kivejinja denied that that the government 
interfered with the work of judges.
  "The judiciary is absolutely free to go about its business in Uganda," the 
spokesman said.
  The report said its research team talked to Ugandans who judged their 
government "leniently" since they compared the Museveni administration with 
past military dictatorships.
  "Judging the government by the poor standards of previous regimes is not a 
proper benchmark against which to assess its performance ... A history of past 
atrocities should not limit the horizons of Ugandan society or the aspirations 
of the government in bringing about democracy," the report said.
  The report is based on a visit by an International Bar Association team to 
Uganda in May to investigate allegations of government interference in a 
treason trial of opposition leaders and supporters.
  On two occasions, in November 2005 and March 2007, High Court judges granted 
the suspects bail and armed officers prevented their release. On the second 
occasion, the officers also stormed the court and held the suspects captive 
before later re-arresting them on fresh treason charges.
  The trial still continues.

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[Ugnet] Kampala's public in-conveniences -- How Museveni and the Movement ruined Uganda

2007-09-19 Thread musamize
Kampala's public in-conveniences 

Joseph Mmali 
BBC News, Kampala 

  In Katanga slum in Kampala, a visit to a public convenience is a luxury which 
comes at a price.   The 'long drop' solution at a price

Next to a makeshift shebeen where men drink ajono, the local liquor, there's an 
equally makeshift papyrus structure leaning against a tree.   Inside is a pit 
with a pile of stones as the target for men to hit when they need to answer a 
call of nature.  There is no drain-away hole or channel, but Shaban Herman, 
one of the young men drinking in the bar, tells me that the stones help channel 
the streams of urine down the pit.   I ask him where people go for what here 
they term "a long call".  Shaban points to another place, 50m away, where 
customers must pay to use the facility.   "That is why we use the papyrus 
structure for the short call," he explain.   We save our money for the big one 
- the long call."  Money in muck What used to quaintly be called 
"spending a penny" here costs 100 Ugandan shillings (six US cents). 
 I want to advise people here and in Africa that they should not look down 
upon jobs like this one. 

Toilet attendent

''Sometimes if you really cannot pay, they may let you use it free of charge - 
but not all the time," Shaban says.   Katanga slum is a rickety collection of 
hovels reached by dirt tracks, with almost no chance of finding a home with a 
flushing toilet.  The lucky handful have pit latrine structures - but these 
can be precarious, littered with human waste and held together by sticks and 
old tins which threaten to give way at the worst possible moment.   I came 
across another public toilet that serves the families of thousands of slum 
dwellers, also costing 100 shillings per visit.  How can the residents of 
Katanga afford it? I asked John Opiyo, the toilet attendant, what he does if 
people can't pay.   ''You have to let them use the toilet and pay when they get 
the money", he explained.   "Most people here are poor, so we have to 
understand. Children below 18 don't pay. We only charge adults,'' he says.  
At the Old Taxi Park, the busiest bus terminus and departure
 point in the city, I met another toilet attendant who was coy about giving me 
his name.  "When I tell you I quit teaching to become a public toilet 
keeper, you should be able to understand the level of unemployment and poor 
labour reward in this country,'' he told me.   The alternative 
- but only for men 

  His new job may not have the same status but he says he's doing rather well 
out of it: "I want to advise people here and in Africa that they should not 
look down upon jobs like this one."  The Old Taxi Park attendant would no 
longer even consider going back to teaching - in fact he feels pity for those 
still trapped in a profession that does not pay them a living wage, but he 
reserves the greater pity for the unemployed and ignorant.  "Worse still, I 
pity those who look down upon people like me yet they don't have jobs at all.'' 
  At least some clients are duly appreciative: "These attendants are doing a 
great job. When you think about what they have to do throughout the day to keep 
this place clean, we should be paying even more than this," one happy customer 
told me. 
  Wednesday, 19 September 2007, 11:41 GMT 12:41 UK 

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[Ugnet] Re: Important message for Baganda in LA: Okwanjula ebyaava mu Ttabamiruka '07

2007-09-19 Thread musamize

Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Bannange,
  Mbalamusizza nnyo. Mbategeeza mu butongole nti ku Saturday nga Sept 22, 2007 
nja kubanjulira era mbalombojjere ebimu ku byaliwo mu Lukiiko Ttabamiruka '07 e 
New Brunswick, NJ. Kino nja kukikola nga tusisinkanye ku Sears Park, e North 
Hollywood ku ssaawa 9 ez'olweggulo, era nja kuyambibwaako Mw. ne Muky. Kasozi, 
ne Mw. Nick Sengendo bonna abaaliyo ku mukolo ogwo.
  Mu kiseera kyekimu nja kubatusaako ne Certificate  za Buganda  zensigazzaawo 
ezantumibwa Muky. Namutebi, akulira Ensawo  eyimirizzaawo e mirimu 
gy'oBawakabaka, nzibaguze. Eziriwo kati ze zino: $50 -- 5, $100 -- 7.
  Waliwo n'akatabo ka magazini akayitibwa  Entanda kopi 9, nga buli emu eri ku 
$5, ne pini  taano (5) eziriko ekifaananyi kya Ssaabasajja nga buli emu eri ku 
  Ssente zonna ezinavaamu nja kuziweereza butereevu ku akawunti ya Buganda mu 
  Abanaagula certificate eza $100 bajja kufuna kopi ya magazini Promota (eriko 
ekifaananyi kya Naabagereka) ne kopi ya magazini Eyecon, awamu n'Empapula Za 
Kakobe, n'akatabo ka pulogulaamu ya Ttabamiruka okubeebaza okuwagira Buganda. 
Era abasatu abanasooka okugula emigabo gino nja kubawa kopi ya budget ya 
  Abanaagula emigabo e gya  $50 bakwebazibwa ne kopi ya magazini Eyecon, awamu 
n'Empapula Za Kakobe, n'akatabo ka pulogulaamu ya Ttabamiruka. 
  Ninawo n'obutabo bw'Oluganda (kopi emu oba bbiri buli kamu) nga Zinunula 
Omunaku, Amannya Aganda ne Nnono Zaago, Basajja Mivule, Gulama w'Oluganda 
Omusengejje, etc n'ekitabo ekyawandiikibwa Ssekabaka Muteesa II, The 
Desecration of My Kingdom.
  (Abange mwegendereza ne mutanvulubanya masavu ga nnayama kuba nja kuba mu 
saati yange eya Ttabamiruka eya sipensulo... wabula zzo empi nga nkozesa 
omukono Beene gweyakwatamu nja kubawujja za bweerere eri buli ayagala)
  Yitirako wano: www.ttabamiruka.com/general/index.php
  This coming Saturday Sept 22, 2007 at Sears Park, North Hollywood, CA at 3pm, 
I'll present a summary of some of what transpired at Ttabamiruka '07. I'll be 
assisted by Mr & Mrs Kasozi, & Mr. Nick Sengendo.
  A few certificate of the Buganda Kingdom in the denominations of $50 & $100 
will be available for sale, as will some pins with the Kabaka's photo, and 
copies of th Entanda magazine.
  Proceeds of that sale will be banked directly in Buganda's account in USA.
  Some Luganda books, and Ssekabaka Muteesa II's The Desecration of My Kingdom 
will also be available for sale and some other books on Uganda like Search for 
a National Consensus: The Making of the Ugandan Constitution by Benjamin J. 
  Social Origins of Violence in Uganda, 1964-1985 by Kasozi et al (a copy or 2 
  Ttabamiruka proceedings and photos are at: 

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[Ugnet] Mali’s Farmers Discover a Weed’s Pote ntial Power

2007-09-10 Thread musamize
New York Times, September 9, 2007
  Mali’s Farmers Discover a Weed’s Potential Power   By LYDIA POLGREEN
KOULIKORO, Mali — When Suleiman Diarra Banani’s brother said that the 
poisonous black seeds dropping from the seemingly worthless weed that had grown 
around his family farm for decades could be used to run a generator, or even a 
car, Mr. Banani did not believe him. When he suggested that they intersperse 
the plant, until now used as a natural fence between rows of their regular 
crops — edible millet, peanuts, corn and beans — he thought his older brother, 
Dadjo, was crazy. 
  Candace Feit for The New York Times
  Suleiman Diarra Banani is now growing jatropha on his family farm in 
Koulikoro, Mali. 
  “I thought it was a plant for old ladies to make soap,” he said.
  But now that a plant called jatropha is being hailed by scientists and policy 
makers as a potentially ideal source of biofuel, a plant that can grow in 
marginal soil or beside food crops, that does not require a lot of fertilizer 
and yields many times as much biofuel per acre planted as corn and many other 
potential biofuels. By planting a row of jatropha for every seven rows of 
regular crops, Mr. Banani could double his income on the field in the first 
year and lose none of his usual yield from his field. 
  Poor farmers living on a wide band of land on both sides of the equator are 
planting it on millions of acres, hoping to turn their rockiest, most 
unproductive fields into a biofuel boom. They are spurred on by big oil 
companies like BP and the British biofuel giant D1 Oils, which are investing 
millions of dollars in jatropha cultivation. 
  The New York Times
  Jatropha grows in places like Koulikoro with little rainfall.
  Countries like India, China, the Philippines and Malaysia are starting huge 
plantations, betting that jatropha will help them to become more energy 
independent and even export biofuel. It is too soon to say whether jatropha 
will be viable as a commercial biofuel, scientists say, and farmers in India 
are already expressing frustration that after being encouraged to plant huge 
swaths of the bush they have found no buyers for the seeds. 
  But here in Mali, one of the poorest nations on earth, a number of 
small-scale projects aimed at solving local problems — the lack of electricity 
and rural poverty — are blossoming across the country to use the existing 
supply of jatropha to fuel specially modified generators in villages far off 
the electrical grid. 
  “We are focused on solving our own energy problems and reducing poverty,” 
said Aboubacar Samaké, director of a government project aimed at promoting 
renewable energy. “If it helps the world, that is good, too.”
  Jatropha originated in Central America and is believed to have been spread 
around the world by Portuguese explorers. In Mali, a landlocked former French 
colony, it has been used for decades by farmers as a living fence that keeps 
grazing animals off their fields — the smell and the taste of the plant repel 
grazing animals — and a guard against erosion, keeping rich topsoil from being 
blown away by the harsh Sahel winds. The Royal Tropical Institute, a nonprofit 
research institution in Amsterdam that has been working to develop jatropha as 
a commercial biofuel, estimates that there are 22,000 linear kilometers, or 
more than 13,000 miles, of the bush in Mali. 
  Jatropha’s proponents say it avoids the major pitfalls of other biofuels, 
which pose significant environmental and social risks. Places that struggle to 
feed their populations, like Mali and the rest of the arid Sahel region, can 
scarcely afford to give up cultivable land for growing biofuel crops. Other 
potential biofuels, like palm oil, have encountered resistance by 
environmentalists because plantations have encroached on rain forests and other 
natural habitats. 
  But jatropha can grow on virtually barren land with relatively little 
rainfall, so it can be planted in places where food does not grow well. It can 
also be planted beside other crops farmers grow here, like millet, peanuts and 
beans, without substantially reducing the yield of the fields; it may even help 
improve output of food crops by, among other things, preventing erosion and 
keeping animals out. 
  Other biofuels like ethanol from corn and sugar cane require large amounts of 
water and fertilizer, and factory farming in some cases consumes substantial 
amounts of petroleum, making the environmental benefits limited, critics say. 
But jatropha requires no pesticides, Mr. Samaké said, little water other than 
rain and no fertilizer beyond the nutrient-rich seed cake left after oil is 
pressed from its nuts.
  The plant is promising enough that companies across the world are looking at 
planting millions of acres of jatropha in the next few years, in places as far 
flung as Brazil, China, India and Swaziland. A company based in Singapore 

[Ugnet] Bird-Brained African "genius" dead at 31

2007-09-10 Thread musamize
New York Times, September 10, 2007
  Alex, a Parrot Who Had a Way With Words, Dies   By BENEDICT CAREY
He knew his colors and shapes, he learned more than 100 English words, and 
with his own brand of one-liners he established himself in TV shows, scientific 
reports, and news articles as perhaps the world’s most famous talking bird. 
  But last week Alex, an African Grey parrot, died, apparently of natural 
causes, said Dr. Irene Pepperberg, a comparative psychologist at Brandeis 
University and Harvard who studied and worked with the parrot for most of its 
life and published reports of his progress in scientific journals. The parrot 
was 31.
  Scientists have long debated whether any other species can develop the 
ability to learn human language. Alex’s language facility was, in some ways, 
more surprising than the feats of primates that have been taught American Sign 
Language, like Koko the gorilla, trained by Penny Patterson at the Gorilla 
Foundation/Koko.org in Woodside, Calif., or Washoe the chimpanzee, studied by 
R. Allen and Beatrice Gardner at the University of Nevada in the 1960s and 
  When, in 1977, Dr. Pepperberg, then a doctoral student in chemistry at 
Harvard, bought Alex from a pet store, scientists had little expectation that 
any bird could learn to communicate with humans. Most of the research had been 
done in pigeons, and was not promising. 
  But by using novel methods of teaching, Dr. Pepperberg prompted Alex to learn 
about 150 words, which he could put into categories, and to count small 
numbers, as well as colors and shapes. “The work revolutionized the way we 
think of bird brains,” said Diana Reiss, a psychologist at Hunter College who 
works with dolphins and elephants. “That used to be a pejorative, but now we 
look at those brains — at least Alex’s — with some awe.”
  Other scientists, while praising the research, cautioned against 
characterizing Alex’s abilities as human. The parrot learned to communicate in 
basic expressions — but it did not show the sort of logic and ability to 
generalize that children acquire at an early age, they said. “There’s no 
evidence of recursive logic, and without that you can’t work with digital 
numbers or more complex human grammar,” said David Premack, a professor 
emeritus of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. 
  Dr. Pepperberg used an innovative approach to teach Alex. African Greys are 
social birds, and pick up some group dynamics very quickly. In experiments, Dr. 
Pepperberg would employ one trainer to, in effect, compete with Alex for a 
small reward, like a grape. Alex learned to ask for the grape by observing what 
the trainer was doing to get it; the researchers then worked with the bird to 
help shape the pronunciation of the words. 
  Alex showed surprising facility. For example, when shown a blue paper 
triangle, he could tell an experimenter what color the paper was, what shape it 
was, and — after touching it — what it was made of. He demonstrated off some of 
his skills on nature shows, including programs on the BBC and PBS. He famously 
shared scenes with the actor Alan Alda on the PBS series, “Look Who’s Talking.” 
  Like parrots can, he also picked up one-liners from hanging around the lab, 
like “calm down,” and “good morning.” He could express frustration, or apparent 
boredom, and his cognitive and language skills appeared to be about as 
competent as those in trained primates. His accomplishments have also inspired 
further work with African Grey parrots; two others, named Griffin and Arthur, 
are a part of Dr. Pepperberg’s continuing research program. 
  Even up through last week, Alex was working with Dr. Pepperberg on compound 
words and hard-to-pronounce words. As she put him into his cage for the night 
last Thursday, Dr. Pepperberg said, Alex looked at her and said: “You be good, 
see you tomorrow. I love you.” 
  He was found dead in his cage the next morning, and was determined to have 
died late Thursday night.

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[Ugnet] Africanc suffering mercilessly -- again

2007-09-10 Thread musamize
September 10, 2007
  Drugs Banned, Many of World’s Poor Suffer in Pain   By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
WATERLOO, Sierra Leone — Although the rainy season was coming on fast, 
Zainabu Sesay was in no shape to help her husband. Ditches had to be dug to 
protect their cassava and peanuts, and their mud hut’s palm roof was sliding 
  Ruth Fremson/The New York Times
  Zainabu Sesay, at her home in Sierra Leone, receives hospice care, but no 
morphine is available to ease the pain of breast cancer
  But Mrs. Sesay was sick. She had breast cancer in a form that Western doctors 
rarely see anymore — the tumor had burst through her skin, looking like a 
putrid head of cauliflower weeping small amounts of blood at its edges.
  September 10, 2007
The New York Times

  “It bone! It boooe lie de fi-yuh!” she said of the pain — it burns like 
fire — in Krio, the blended language spoken in this country where British 
colonizers resettled freed slaves.
  No one had directly told her yet, but there was no hope — the cancer was also 
in her lymph glands and ribs.
  Like millions of others in the world’s poorest countries, she is destined to 
die in pain. She cannot get the drug she needs — one that is cheap, effective, 
perfectly legal for medical uses under treaties signed by virtually every 
country, made in large quantities, and has been around since Hippocrates 
praised its source, the opium poppy. She cannot get morphine.
Ruth Fremson/The New York Times

A SEARING BURN Momoh Sesay, 2, with his mother, Marie, at the Ola During 
Children’s Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He was badly burned by boiling 
  That is not merely because of her poverty, or that of Sierra Leone. Narcotics 
incite fear: doctors fear addicting patients, and law enforcement officials 
fear drug crime. Often, the government elite who can afford medicine for 
themselves are indifferent to the sufferings of the poor.
  The World Health Organization estimates that 4.8 million people a year with 
moderate to severe cancer pain receive no appropriate treatment. Nor do another 
1.4 million with late-stage AIDS. For other causes of lingering pain — burns, 
car accidents, gunshots, diabetic nerve damage, sickle-cell disease and so on — 
it issues no estimates but believes that millions go untreated.
  Figures gathered by the International Narcotics Control Board, a United 
Nations agency, make it clear: citizens of rich nations suffer less. Six 
countries — the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Britain and Australia — 
consume 79 percent of the world’s morphine, according to a 2005 estimate. The 
poor and middle-income countries where 80 percent of the world’s people live 
consumed only about 6 percent. 
  Some countries imported virtually none. “Even if the president gets cancer 
pain, he will get no analgesia,” said Willem Scholten, a World Health 
Organization official who studies the issue. 
  In 2004, consumption of morphine per person in the United States was about 
17,000 times that in Sierra Leone.
  At pain conferences, doctors from Africa describe patients whose pain is so 
bad that they have chosen other remedies: hanging themselves or throwing 
themselves in front of trucks.
  Westerners tend to assume that most people in tropical countries die of 
malaria, AIDS, worm diseases and unpronounceable ills. But as vaccines, 
antibiotics and AIDS drugs become more common, more and more are surviving past 
measles, infections, birth complications and other sources of a quick death. 
They grow old enough to die slowly of cancer.
  About half the six million cancer deaths in the world last year were in poor 
countries, and most diagnoses were made late, when death was inevitable. But 
first, there was agony. About 80 percent of all cancer victims suffer severe 
pain, the W.H.O. estimates, as do half of those dying of AIDS.
  Morphine’s raw ingredient — opium — is not in short supply. Poppies are grown 
for heroin, of course, in Afghanistan and elsewhere. But vast fields for 
morphine and codeine are also grown in India, Turkey, France, Australia and 
other countries.
  Nor is it expensive, even by the standards of developing nations. One hospice 
in Uganda, for example, mixes its own liquid morphine so cheaply that a 
three-week supply costs less than a loaf of bread.
  Nonetheless, it is still routinely denied in many poor countries.
  “It’s the intense fear of addiction, which is often misunderstood,” said 
David E. Joranson, director of the Pain Policy Study Group at the University of 
Wisconsin’s medical school, who has worked to change drugs laws around the 
world. “Pain relief hasn’t been given as much attention as the war on drugs 
  Doctors in developing countries, he explained, often have beliefs about 
narcotics that prevailed in Western medical schools decades ago — that they are 
inevitably addictive, carry high risks of k

Re: [Ugnet] Mobile library delivers books to remote Venezuela

2007-08-14 Thread musamize
Mr. Zake,
  Thank you for this article. I think Africans need to look at approriate 
technology that suit and serves their needs. 
  It is not that difficult to train cows & goats to do this. Cows & oxen have 
been known to pull all sorts of wagons, and even plow fields, in Africa before. 
And, the cost is just right.

Semei Zake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Quite an interesting article - Semei


Venezuela's four-legged mobile libraries 

A university in Venezuela is using a novel method to take books into remote 
communities and encourage people to read. As James Ingham reports, the scheme 
is proving a great success.   
  The village children love reading the books that the mules bring

  Enlarge Image

  Chiquito and Cenizo greet me with a bit of a snort and a flick of the tail. 
  Mules are too tough to bother being sweet. They do a hard job which no other 
animal or human invention can do as well. 
  But these mules are rather special. 
  They are known as bibliomulas (book mules) and they are helping to spread the 
benefits of reading to people who are isolated from much of the world around 
  My trek started from the Valley of Momboy in Trujillo, one of Venezuela's 
three Andean states. 
  These are the foothills of the Andes but they are high enough, especially 
when you are walking. 
  Slow but steady 
  The idea of loading mules with books and taking them into the mountain 
villages was started by the University of Momboy, a small institution that 
prides itself on its community-based initiatives and on doing far more than 
universities in Venezuela are required to do by law. 
 Spreading the joy of reading is our main aim 

Christina Vieras, project leader

  Accompanying us was local guide Ruan who knows a thing or two about mules. 
  He was their boss, cajoling them carefully as they started up the hill at a 
slow-but-steady, no-nonsense plod. 
  The deeply rutted, dry and dusty path snaked its way up. The sun beat on the 
back of my neck. 
  We were all breathless, apart from Ruan. 
  Diving for books 
  A break came when it was my turn to ride a mule. I enjoyed a great view of 
the valley but held on tight as Chiquito veered close to the edge. 

  Hot and slightly bothered after two hours, we reached Calembe, the first 
village on this path. 
  Anyone who was not out working the fields - tending the celery that is the 
main crop here - was waiting for our arrival. The 23 children at the little 
school were very excited. 
  "Bibilomu-u-u-u-las," they shouted as the bags of books were unstrapped. They 
dived in eagerly, keen to grab the best titles and within minutes were being 
read to by Christina and Juana, two of the project leaders. 
  "Spreading the joy of reading is our main aim," Christina Vieras told me. 
  "But it's more than that. We're helping educate people about other important 
things like the environment. All the children are planting trees. Anything to 
improve the quality of life and connect these communities." 
  Internet plans 
  As the project grows, it is using the latest technology. 
 I love reading books and we get told some really nice stories 

Jose Castillo
12 years old

  Somehow there is already a limited mobile phone signal here, so the 
organisers are taking advantage of that and equipping the mules with laptops 
and projectors. 
  The book mules are becoming cyber mules and cine mules. 
  "We want to install wireless modems under the banana plants so the villagers 
can use the internet," says Robert Ramirez, the co-ordinator of the 
university's Network of Enterprising Rural Schools. 
  "Imagine if people in the poor towns in the valley can e-mail saying how many 
tomatoes they'll need next week, or how much celery. 
  "The farmers can reply telling them how much they can produce. It's blending 
localisation and globalisation." 
  Local enthusiasm
  The book mule team played noisy games with the children, listened to them 
read and lunched with the adults, discussing over a hearty soup and corn bread 
how the community can develop the scheme. 
 This four-legged mobile library is not just keeping this place 
alive but making it thrive 


  One idea was using the mules to transport medicines which can be so hard to 
get hold of here. 
  Everyone I spoke to - both adults and children - was full of enthusiasm. 
  "It's great," said 12-year-old Jose Castillo. "I love reading books and we 
get told some really nice stories." 
  Looking up from reading her book about Harry the cat and his trip to the vet, 
Gesenae Guerdo told me she loved reading too. 
  "We share a lot of these books," she said. 
  Javier Sulveran, a young, bright man in his twenties, tells me that the 
village is very supportive of the project: 
  "The children are really motivated to read and we are too. A

[Ugnet] fwd: Important message for the Baganda 1/2

2007-08-14 Thread musamize

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- Forwarded Message 
From: Ttabamiruka '07 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 5:44:06 AM
Subject: Discounted Hotel Rate of US$109/Room Extended to August 15, 2007

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Discounted hotel rate of US$109/room extended to August 15, 2007. 
Reserve your hotel room now ! 
After August 15, 2007 the discount will end and you will have to pay the 
regular rate of $129/room.
REMEMBER: You don't have to pay when you make the reservation. And you can 
cancel anytime before August 30th 2007 at no charge.
Omwangu y'atta enswa!
Tell everyone please. 

Register immediately to avoid disappointment. Reserve you hotel room now - the 
Conference Discount stops on August 8, 2007.
Don't miss this epic event. Don't miss Kabaka wo! 
(Registration is CLOSED if you need invitation for a US visa from Kampala) 

Hotel Reservations:

Travel Details
(Airport is Newark Liberty International):
More Information:
Contact Us :


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[Ugnet] ttabamiruka '07: Be There with Other Baganda All Over the World

2007-07-26 Thread musamize
Title: Ttabamiruka '07 - Evite

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  Abaganda getting together to review the state of their motherland, get to 
  know each other, discuss their future, and celebrate their
culture and achievements.

The 3rd Baganda Ttabamiruka International Event 

  New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
  August 31 - September 2, 2007 
The program is still under development but the following  topics seem to be highly popular, based on the emails and other input we have received:

  Lubiri Redevelopment Concepts - presentation of papers and selection of the best ideas for developing the Lubiri (Kabaka's palace) 

  Buganda Capital Fund - launch of a professionally managed US based capital fund to invest in Buganda friendly businesses 

  Ekisaakaate - Buganda culture workshop and an Adulthood Initiation ceremony for youths in the 15-30 year age bracket  

  Asenguka (One Who Moves) - launch of an institution to promote Baganda international success, starting with facilitating them to benefit from the US Visa Lottery program 

			Kola ebyafaayo!
Weetabe n'Abaganda okuva ebule n'ebweeya!

(Make history! Join Baganda from around the world!)


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[Ugnet] IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR BAGANDA: Kabaka will be at Ttabamiruka

2007-07-24 Thread musamize

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Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. --- Begin Message ---

- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:45:30 AM
Subject: Lukiiko informed that Kabaka will be at Ttabamiruka

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Kabaka Mutebi is coming to Ttabamiruka '07 

On Monday July 16, 2007, the Katikkiro officially informed ‘Obuganda’ of 
Ttabamiruka '07 during his address to the Lukiiko, and that Ssabasajja Kabaka 
‘asiimye’ okuba omugenyi omukulu for the event.

Register immediately to avoid disappointment. Reserve you hotel room now - the 
Conference Discount stops on August 8, 2007.
Don't miss this epic event!
Katonga ajjula! 

Hotel Reservations:

Travel Details
(Airport is Newark Liberty International):
More Information:
Contact Us :


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[Ugnet] Fwd: Fw: Ttabamiruka Call for Papers - Time is running out

2007-07-09 Thread musamize

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with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started.--- Begin Message ---
- Forwarded Message 
From: Ttabamiruka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 1:17:45 PM
Subject: Ttabamiruka Call for Papers - Time is running out

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Be a part of history! Make your mark at Ttabamiruka ‘07
Submit your paper!
Time is running out if you want to submit a paper for presentation at 
Ttabamiruka ’07 and/or inclusion in the Ttabamiruka '07 Conference Proceedings.
Your fellow Baganda have written papers on Kabaka’s Lubiri, Buganda’s economy, 
growing up outside Buganda, raising children outside Buganda, and other topics
You still have some time to have a say in the future of Buganda by putting your 
great ideas and suggestions in a short paper.
For instructions to authors, visit: www.ttabamiruka.com/presenters/index.php

Register now and beat the rush!

Ttabamiruka '07: August 31, 2007 to September  02, 2007

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[Ugnet] Re: UNAA 2007 and Ttabamiruka '07 to be held over the same weekend!

2007-07-06 Thread musamize

Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Mr. Ndyabahika:
  I have addressed this issue before, and here is a re-cap: There are well over 
50,000 Uganda-born people living in North America. 
  Each year about 1,000 (2% of the total) of us get together at the Uganda 
Convention, where issues affecting Uganda are addressed. 
  Now, what should the other 98% of the Uganda-born population in North America 
who can not for one reason or another, or who choose not to (now, here is 
something really worth discussing!), attend the Uganda Convention do?
  Ttabamiruka '07 has a very narrow focus, and narrow target audience. It is 
focused specifically on Buganda. Only issues peculiar to Buganda will be 
discussed, e.g. 
  - The Balaalo who were chased from Buliisa and who now want to steal our land 
-- with the active aid of Museveni's government, in spite of the fact that many 
Baganda are landless, 
  - How to look after our cultural burial sites,  
  - How to teach our children our language & culture, 
  - How to make bark cloth,  
  - How to prepare enswa & ensenene properly according to type, 
  - What young Baganda girls need to know before getting married, 
  - What young Baganda boys need to know before getting married, 
  - What needs to be done to ensure the availability of safe drinking water on 
Nsangi and Nakawuka villages, 
  - How to help schools in Buganda
  - Introduce our children to their Kabaka, who will be in attendance
  Etc, etc,
  As you can see, we the Baganda, have issues that concern only us, which we 
need to address directly.
I am sure that you can see that Ttabamiruka will not, and is not designed to, 
cater to the entire remaining 98% of the Uganda-born North American population.
  Lastly, I am also sure that you realize that there are not that many "free & 
traditional" 3-day weekends in a year in USA, and hence the need to share the 
Labor Day weekend with UNAA.
  Ps: Usual disclaimers 
  {i.e. these are my personal view, and I do NOT speak for; nor do I represent; 
Ttabamiruka. For the official view, visit www.ttabamiruka.com} 

  - Original Message 
From: Apolo Ndyabahika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2007 10:12:42 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] UNAA 2007 and Ttabamiruka '07 to be held over the same 


Would someone please explain the logic behind having these two events at the 
same time!   

  All Ugandans in the USA know that the annual UNAA meeting takes place over 
the labor day weekend.  So why schedule a significant Ugandan event at the same 


  On 7/5/07, musamize < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


  - Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula 
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2007 12:47:23 PM
Subject: Kabaka and Katikkiro to attend Ttabamiruka '07

  Sources in Kampla indicate that the Kabaka and the Katikkiro will lead a 
powerful delegation to the Ttabamiruka '07 Conference in New Jersey on August 
31 to September 2, 2007. 
  The official announcement will probably be forthcoming sometime in the next 
week or two at www.ttabamiruka.com.
  It is advisable for those intending to attend Ttabamiruka to register for 
Ttabamiruka and to make Hotel reservations  as soon as possible> This is  
because the organizers did not block off a lot of rooms at the New Brunswick 
Hyatt Regency Hotel, since they are planning for only about 300 people, and 
they don't appear to be inclined to increase the number for logistic reasons. 
  Buli awulidde ategeeze munne.




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[Ugnet] Fw: Kabaka and Katikkiro to attend Ttabamiruka '07

2007-07-05 Thread musamize


  - Forwarded Message 
From: Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2007 12:47:23 PM
Subject: Kabaka and Katikkiro to attend Ttabamiruka '07

  Sources in Kampla indicate that the Kabaka and the Katikkiro will lead a 
powerful delegation to the Ttabamiruka '07 Conference in New Jersey on August 
31 to September 2, 2007. 
  The official announcement will probably be forthcoming sometime in the next 
week or two at www.ttabamiruka.com.
  It is advisable for those intending to attend Ttabamiruka to register for 
Ttabamiruka and to make Hotel reservations  as soon as possible> This is  
because the organizers did not block off a lot of rooms at the New Brunswick 
Hyatt Regency Hotel, since they are planning for only about 300 people, and 
they don't appear to be inclined to increase the number for logistic reasons.
  Buli awulidde ategeeze munne.

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[Ugnet] Re: ttabamiruka '07: Be There with Other Baganda All Over the World

2006-11-28 Thread musamize

Mumbowa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
Abaganda getting together to review the state of their motherland, get to 
know each other, discuss their future, and celebrate their
culture and achievements.

The 3rd Baganda Ttabamiruka International Event 
DOUBLETREE® Hotels and Executive Meeting Center 
Somerset, New Jersey, USA
August 31 - September 2, 2007 

Kola ebyafaayo!
Weetabe n'Abaganda okuva ebule n'ebweeya!
(Make history! Join Baganda from around the world!)

Sponsor: Ggwangamujje NY/NJ  
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[Ugnet] Outcomes: Circumcision May Reduce Risk of S.T.D.’s

2006-11-28 Thread musamize
New York Times November 28, 2006
  Vital Signs
  Outcomes: Circumcision May Reduce Risk of S.T.D.’s   By NICHOLAS BAKALAR
Men who are circumcised may have a significantly reduced risk of acquiring 
a sexually transmitted disease compared with those who are not, a New Zealand 
study has found.
 Stuart Goldenberg

  Researchers followed a group of 510 boys born in 1977, giving them frequent 
periodic medical examinations until they were 25. Thirty percent of them had 
been circumcised by age 15. A little less than 3 percent reported a medically 
diagnosed sexually transmitted disease at age 21, and an additional 6.6 percent 
reported one at 25.
  After statistically adjusting for family education, socioeconomic status, 
number of partners and self-reported unprotected sex, researchers concluded 
that the odds of acquiring a subsequent S.T.D. were 3.19 times higher for men 
who were uncircumcised. The study was published this month in Pediatrics.
  David M. Fergusson, the lead author of the study and a professor of medical 
psychology at Christchurch School of Medicine, warned that the results were not 
conclusive. “We are cautious about the findings,” he said. “They depend on 
self-reports, and not all studies agree with ours. But our results definitely 
suggest that circumcision may reduce rates of S.T.D.’s. We think we’re correct, 
but it’s best not to be dogmatic about it.” 
  Dr. Fergusson declined to offer advice to parents. “Decisions to circumcise 
children should not be made on the basis of one study,” he said. “They should 
be based on all the evidence. 
  There is certainly evidence of benefit, but the complicated decision parents 
face is weighing the benefits against the risks of a surgical procedure. 
  Even if we assumed all the evidence favored circumcision, most children 
wouldn’t benefit from it. We estimate that you would have to circumcise 20 boys 
to prevent one case of sexually transmitted disease.”

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[Ugnet] The Claim: Spicy Foods Increase Metabolism

2006-11-28 Thread musamize
  The Claim: Spicy Foods Increase Metabolism  By ANAHAD O’CONNOR 
  New York Times: November 28, 2006
  THE FACTS This being the season of dreary, mucky, frigid weather, there is 
good reason to indulge in foods that carry some extra kick. But is it true, as 
has long been held, that spicy foods not only heat you up but also speed up the 
  Leif Parsons

  Over the years, various studies have examined the claim and suggested that 
certain spices can in fact increase metabolic rate by raising body temperature, 
though to what extent and for how long is unclear. Capsaicin, the compound that 
gives red chili pepper its powerful kick, creates the largest bump in heat 
generation, which helps burn more calories immediately after a meal. Black 
pepper and ginger have similar effects.
  Generally, studies have shown that on average a meal containing a spicy dish, 
like a bowl of chili, can temporarily increase metabolism by about 8 percent 
over a person’s normal rate, an amount considered fairly negligible. But 
besides a slight uptick in metabolism, spicy foods may also increase feelings 
of satiety.
  One study by Canadian researchers this year looked at a group of adult men 
and found that those who were served hot sauce with appetizers before a meal 
went on to consume on average about 200 fewer calories at lunch and in later 
meals than their peers who did not have anything with capsaicin. 
  The researchers suggested that capsaicin may work as an appetite suppressant. 
But take heed: spicy foods can also worsen symptoms of ulcers and heartburn.
  THE BOTTOM LINE Research suggests that spicy foods can increase metabolism, 
though only to a minor extent.

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[Ugnet] African parents sell their children into slavery to other Africans

2006-11-28 Thread musamize
  Why do Africans beget children they can not afford to feed?

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[Ugnet] Why do African Governments Neglect Their People?

2006-11-28 Thread musamize
November 22, 2006
  Counting African Lives Lost in First Weeks   By CELIA W. DUGGER
More than a million babies die across Africa every year in their first 
month of life, a tragedy neglected by donor countries and African governments 
and hidden from view because the deaths often occur in societies where mothers 
and their babies are secluded after birth and the children go unnamed for 
weeks, according to a report by dozens of medical and public health experts 
released today.
  “Look at the reaction in the U.S. or the U.K. if even one baby dies, 
particularly if there is malpractice,” said Dr. Joy Lawn, a lead author of the 
report, “Opportunities for Africa’s Newborns.” “Families get very upset and 
there’s a big hoo-ha. In Africa, there’s a taboo around mourning a baby.”
  Major international efforts to reduce child mortality from measles, malaria 
and diarrhea have largely benefited older babies and young children who have 
survived the trials of being a newborn. The 60 scientists and doctors who 
collaborated on the report say they hope to bring a new focus to the care of 
infants in Africa during the first days and weeks of life.
  Countries where newborns have the highest risk of dying — among them, 
Liberia, Ivory Coast, Mali and Nigeria — also have the most easily preventable 
deaths, according to the report, which was financed by Save the Children, the 
United States Agency for International Development and the World Health 
Organization. Following are some of the most significant findings:
  ¶Many of the more than 300,000 babies who die because they are not breathing 
at birth could have been saved if birth attendants knew a simple resuscitation 
technique that relies on a mask and plastic bag device that can be sold for as 
little as $10.
  ¶Some 70,000 babies die of tetanus infections that could have been prevented 
if mothers had been given two 20-cent tetanus shots when they were pregnant.
  ¶Many of the babies born prematurely who die could have survived if they had 
been kept warm and snug against their mother’s chests, skin to skin, and 
wrapped in place with a cloth.
  This technique, called kangaroo mother care, uses the mother’s body heat to 
care for a small premature baby suffering from low body temperature. It has 
been found as effective as incubator care, the report said. Lacking an 
understanding of their babies’ need for warmth, poor mothers often give them 
cold baths.
  Dr. Lawn, a senior researcher and adviser to a project on newborns at Save 
the Children USA, said it was only in recent years that researchers have 
analyzed data collected in large-scale surveys, documenting the number and 
patterns of newborn deaths. “There wasn’t anybody interested to pull the data 
for newborns,” she said.
  The new report breaks down newborn death rates by country and finds that some 
of the poorest ones have made impressive strides, a sign that even with minimal 
resources notable improvements can be made. Eritrea, Malawi, Tanzania and 
Ethiopia have significantly reduced the risk of newborn deaths in recent years.
  But there is a long way to go, the report says. Though a majority of newborn 
deaths occur in the first week of life, most health care providers across 
sub-Saharan Africa advise mothers to return with their babies for a checkup 
only after six weeks.
  “This is a visit for survivors,” the report said.
  This study of Africa, which has the highest rates of newborn deaths globally, 
builds on a Save the Children report released in May addressing the four 
million newborn deaths that occur annually around the world. The Bill and 
Melinda Gates Foundation, which finances Save the Children’s work, years ago 
identified the gap in attention to newborn health.
  In the United States, 4.7 newborns die for every 1,000 born, compared with 66 
per 1000 in Liberia, which has the highest rate in the world.
  There is never a shortage of money to buy $40M jet for the president, build 
him a $150M lodge, $400K to buy him a Range Rover, pay for mambas to tear gas 
the populace, etc, etc.
  But, somehow,  there is always a shortage of money to buy drugs, pay health 
workers, teachers, etc.
  Life sucks in Africa!

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[Ugnet] Demographic Changes in Los Angeles: Blacks leave, Latinos move in

2006-11-28 Thread musamize

New York Times, November 28, 2006
  Watts Changes, and a Mainstay Bids It Farewell   By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 27 — The pint-size White Sox beat the A’s 6-0, ending the 
baseball season the other day at Ted Watkins Park in Watts. James Dawson hauled 
out the trophies and T-shirts and some final words of direction and discipline.
  “Win or lose, be sportsmen,” Mr. Dawson told the losing players, 11- and 
12-year-olds fidgeting with bitterness under his towering gaze. “Nobody is 
better than anybody. If he strikes you out, he struck you out.”
  A folding table appeared at home plate, and before handing out the awards — 
everyone got one — he thanked the players and the coaches and, about himself, 
offered this: “I have been running this league for five years and I hope to do 
it for another five years.”
  J. Emilio Flores for The New York Times
  With the baseball season over, it was time for James Dawson, a coach, to hand 
out trophies to the players earlier this month at a park in Watts.
  This is the same league that one of Mr. Dawson’s sons coached in, and it was 
after a basketball game three years ago that the young man was shot and killed, 
yet another victim, it seemed, of the neighborhood’s persistent violence. 
  So Mr. Dawson’s words this month were offered as assurance as much to the 
club as to himself, for change has come both to Watts and to the Dawsons, now 
formerly of East 105th Street.
  November 28, 2006
J. Emilio Flores For The New York Times
Mr. Dawson and his family lived in Watts for more than 25 years. Three years 
after a son was killed there, they decided it was time to move.

  In the neighborhood best known, depending on one’s frame of reference, for 
the 1965 riots or the Watts Towers public art project, black families are 
moving out and Latinos are moving in, a migration taking place in many other 
once predominantly black neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
  Sooner or later many middle- and working-class black families debate whether 
they should continue to be the stable oaks of the community or the seeds of 
distant, safer ones in the far-flung Los Angeles suburbs.
  South L.A. or Moreno Valley? Watts or Lancaster? 
  One night not long ago, Mr. Dawson’s wife, Dorothy, turned to him in bed and 
popped the question he knew would eventually come: “What do you think about 
moving to Lancaster?”
  It was not a question, really. He knew her mind was made up. Their son Jihad, 
having given up on Watts, was already there, more than 50 miles north in the 
high-desert constellation of subdivisions. And who could begrudge his wife, Mr. 
Dawson remembers thinking, after all they had been through?
  Over 26 years they had raised their two boys in their split-level house and 
filled their lives with backyard barbecues, slumber parties and ballgames in 
the park.
  But an afternoon three years ago shattered their lives and set in motion 
their own stay-or-go tug of war, with Lancaster finally triumphing.
  On a recent drive to their old house on 105th Street, Mr. Dawson, 55, slowed 
a block or so away and nodded to an otherwise undistinguished spot on the 
street of bungalows.
  “This is where Salim was killed,” he said of his elder son, indicating a 
patch of sidewalk without stopping. “I heard the shots.”
  Salim Dawson had every opportunity himself to leave Watts, but came back.
  After graduating from Verbum Dei High School, a highly regarded Roman 
Catholic school in Watts, Salim went to Arizona State University but, Mr. 
Dawson said, felt dislocated there. Within a couple years he came back, 
continued his studies at a local college toward a degree in psychology, 
counseled young children and began coaching in the sports league he had once 
played in.
  Mr. Dawson recalled friendly arguments with Salim over African-Americans’ 
responsibility to community and over the decline in civility among children, in 
addition to endless debates about how the afternoon’s game was played.
  “We would talk about why parents don’t drop their kids off at the park, why 
parents are not as responsible as they should be,” Mr. Dawson said.
  On Feb. 22, 2003, Mr. Dawson and Salim coached games on the basketball court 
at Ted Watkins Park. 
  Mr. Dawson went home and thought Salim was not far behind. Jihad was in the 
house. And so when Mr. Dawson heard gunfire, he recalls, he was disturbed but 
not overly worried.
  “Glad my boys are not around there,” he recalls thinking.
  It did not take long for the knock on the door. Mr. Dawson ran to Salim, 
bleeding on the sidewalk. He searched frantically, and in vain, for a pulse.
  Salim was 23. The police theorized that he had been killed in a case of 
mistaken identity. As far as he knows, Mr. Dawson said, the shooter was never 
caught. He and his wife say they do not 


2006-11-27 Thread musamize

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Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get 
things done faster.--- Begin Message ---
Does any one know when and where the issue of forming a committee in the 
diaspora to debate "EAC Federation" took place?

Who, Where & When were "Al Hajji" Abbey Walusimbi (I had no idea he had 
undertaken the pilgrimage to Mecca) and Halima Namakula elected or appointed to 
represent us in this matter; and how knowledgeable are they in the area of 
matters involved in federalism?

Where do UNAA, Fedsnet stand on this?What of the Basoga Twegaite, Bamasaba, 
Ggwanga Mujje,  Banyakigezi, Acholi, etc?  Where do political parties in Uganda 
stand on this?

How come Kategaya is so gullible to duped by a known conman, hasn't he done 
even the most rudimentary of due process?  

People, Uganda - the land of fake investors - is in more danger than previously 

-Original Message-

Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 1:33 AM

Could you kindly pass this article to all Baganda/Ugandans on your list.

Ugandans abroad to debate EAC federation
Sunday, 26th November, 2006 

By Ahmed Kateregga

UGANDANS in the Diaspora have set up a consultative committee to mobilise East 
Africans to submit views on the proposed federation of the region.

The committee is headed by Al Hajji Abbey Walusimbi and his deputy is Fred 

Other members are Peter Magomu Mashate (secretary), Patrick Asiimwe (legal 
adviser) and Moses Watulo (spokesman).

The UK coordinator is Israel Alecho, Abdul Sempijja is for South Africa and 
Halima Namakula represents US.

Addressing journalists in Kampala last week, Walusimbi said the committee was 
formed in response to a call by the Minister in charge of the East African 
Community Affairs, Eriya Kategaya, to Ugandans in the Diaspora to be involved 
in the federation project.

“A consultative meeting is scheduled for January in London where Ugandans, 
Kenyans, Tanzanians, Rwandans and Burundians in the UK, USA, Canada, Europe, 
India, China, Australia, South Africa and elsewhere will submit views on 
regional integration,” he said.

Walusimbi said Kategaya is expected to officiate at the meeting in the UK.



You may have already see what I have observed: All the coordinators appointed 
are NRM USA/UK based, which brings bring me to my contacting you.

I am not very sure if this meeting is made only for the NRM supporters. 
However, this is not a private matter and therefore, we should not be 
intimidated in submitting our views particularly those views that pertain to 
Kabaka and  Buganda as well as our "agitation for FEDERAL. 

In my humble opinion, we all have the right to participate in the face of 
Uganda and I strongly believe that this meeting will give us a platform to 
express our views on this on-going debate, to which, we know very little about. 

I don't know about you guys but I am really worried about Buganda, I don't know 
whether this amalgamation of a Federation is right for Buganda. Where do we 
stand as Baganda? Will the Bakikuyu know or understand our values when we sing 
Ekitibwa Kya Buganda Kyava Dda? What of our language? What of our Ettaka? The 
Government is selling every inch of Buganda as if Buganda is the only region 
where mega industries need to be built. What will happen to our environment? 

As small as these issues may be to some people, they are of great concern to 
me. As a Uganda, I have a right to express my views and participate in this 

You may have read in the Bukedde news paper how some government Ministers 
referred Baganda to "Abana Abato abakabira obuntu obutono...when they cannot 
see what is ahead of them. Hmm! beats me.

Please!! we went through all that before. We were promised a lot. You must 
remember when the NRM decided to use Luwero as their base. They damn well 
knowingly knew that if they knocked at the door of every peasant and said 
"Ssabataka Atutumye", they would receive any assistance they needed. Its been 
twenty years now and we are still begging.

Anyway, you know where I am heading. My point here is that, let's use this 
grand opportunity to express our views, which may or may not change, the face 
of Uganda. It is of utmost urgency that we don't take the backseat this time 
around. Let's not let others make decisions that will change our destiny.

I therefore, urge you to kindly take this opportunity and mobilize as many 
people you know and make an informed contribution, whether in support or not in 
support of the EA Federation Debate.

I thank you for your time in advance, I look forward to a positive response.

Ssabasajja Kabaka Awangale.

Beatrice Babirye


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[Ugnet] Uganda: the good, bad and ugly (Has the matter been resolved?)

2006-11-27 Thread musamize

  Uganda: the good, bad and ugly: Michael Senyonjo reports live from 
London, UK Uganda protersters heckle Museveni in London

St. George's Hospital, Lo  

  2006-11-20  Ugandan protesters led by democratic activist of 
JEEMA Rashid Kasato made President Museveni’s evening with NRMO activists in 
London a night to remember.

As the president started his usual rhetoric of praising Ugandans in the 
Diaspora and their contributions to society; there were those who were not 
convinced of his bluster. Holding a banner ‘Amin and Obote never closed 
Makerere University’, Mr. Kasato told the president that: “Ugandans are sick 
and tired of your lies, leadership and indeed dictatorship”.

If Museveni stood up to Idd Amin and Obote, Rashid Kasato stood up against 
Museveni. Surely history will define this as a turning point in Museveni’s 
Kisanja Presidency.

“You have been killing children for 20 years. You talk about security in the 
country, what security? Uganda’s borders don’t end at Nakasongola”. At this 
point, a visibly shaken president Museveni intervened as his body guards tried 
to throw out Kasato. ‘Mumu wakye (leave him), this is democracy” said President 
Museveni. However, that sparked off Mr. Kasato as he went on to tell the 
president exactly the kind of democracy he has installed in Uganda.

“What democracy? yesterday you stopped a political party from launching just 
party cards., you kill people, our relatives and citizens are in prison. 
Detentions are the norm of your security operation. You have militarized the 
police force. You bribed to change the constitution to be life president”

At this point, the president realised that the function is becoming a public 
relations disaster. He gave an order ‘Mumu towe (remove him). It was at this 
time that the London Mambas man handled Mr. Kasato. Officers of the 
Metropolitan police arrived at the scene and took Kasato away from Museveni’s 
thugs. What the organisers did not know was that it is not an offence in 
England to voice your concerns to a diplomat, as long as you’re not causing any 
violence and there is not more than 4 of you. So Kasato was released to go back 
to the hall and started from where he had stopped.

“What economic successes are you talking about? The country has no electricity, 
businesses are failing, there is not water, you don’t pay people’s pensions, 
and our people are poor. There is a strike all the time. You’re interfering 
with everything in government operation and hindering people’s capacity to 
work”. … “You are a war criminal and not a freedom fighter”. At this point the 
audience was clapping for every sentence Kasato was saying. In effect, a 
considerable section of the audience turned against the guest. Embarrassment 
gripped the hall and scuffles started

On education; Kasato told the President: “You have created a country of primary 
and secondary school graduates. Show me which country has ever developed with a 
population of such poor education standards?”

“No lies, no lies” Kasato told the President, whose body guards had decided to 
remove The Protesters with or without the President’s consent. They assaulted 
Kasato out of the hall having cause grievous bodily harm to him. The 
metropolitan Police took Kasato to Hospital and recorded his statement. “You 
should arrest President Museveni because he’s the criminal and not waste your 
time with me”. Kasato told the London Metropolitan Police Officer who took him 

As Ugandans left the hall, they were applauding the bravery of a man. Kasato 
had told Museveni exactly what every democratic loving Ugandan would have told 
him. That Kasato cast the first stone desires admiration. Ugandans wherever 
they are need to do the same. We have got to stand up to tyranny and for our 
rights. Those seeking economic gain at the cost of blood of their kin will be 
harshly judged by the Lord. 

“We have too many dead people who fought for democracy to allow a tyrant with 
horns growing bigger, deeper and stronger by the day”, Rashid told UK Version 
from his hospital bed in Central London. “It is times like these that men stand 
stand out to be counted from boys.” …. I am proud of what I did” Kasato 
continued. “I wanted to dispel the false assumption at home that Ugandans 
abroad support this tyrant. Truth is that we don’t”

You can only get such exclusive stories in full from UK Version, the 
independent voice of Ugandans Living abroad. The first Ugandan Publication to 
Operate without influence from state spies.

Michael Senyonjo: Reporting from London

  more at: http://www.ukversion.co.uk/

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[Ugnet] Re: [UNAANET] Rwanda cuts Relations with France: Will Kagame's conondrum also engulf Museveni?

2006-11-27 Thread musamize

  Apparently, Museveni too, was  involved in the aerial assassination 
of Rwanda's & Burundi's presidents:
  ... "Garang, a one-time Marxist, may have outlived his usefulness to 
Washington and the Bush administration. He would join Savimbi, Mobutu, Kabila, 
and other African leaders as "throw aways" for the corporations that determine 
America's Africa policy.
  "U.S. oil and military policies in the Rift Valley are centered on Uganda's 
Museveni, Rwanda's Kagame, and Ethiopia's Meles. No others need apply.
  "According to a Secret United Nations memo from March 1997, Museveni's (and 
those of his ally, U.S. military client Paul Kagame of Rwanda) fingerprints 
were all over the aerial assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian Presidents 
in 1994, an event that triggered the worst genocide since World War II and the 
eventual dismemberment of Congo/Zaire.
  Museveni supplied the Russian-made Igla series surface-to-air missiles, 
captured by U.S. forces in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm and used by 
Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) to shoot down the Rwandan presidential 
  After seizing power in Rwanda, Kagame, with U.S. and British assistance, 
launched two invasions of Congo. Congo's fracture and the eventual 
assassination of Congolese President Laurent D. Kabila, with a wink and a nod 
from Washington and London, was a boon for U.S, British, and Israeli gold and 
diamond miners.
  "Kellogg, Brown & Root/Halliburton helped Angola track down and assassinate 
Ronald Reagan's 'George Washington of Africa,' Dr. Jonas Savimbi, Angola's 
UNITA rebel leader. That was a boon for U.S. oil companies and British and 
Israeli diamond and gold miners

  - Original Message 
From: Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: unaanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 2:47:15 AM
Subject: [UNAANET] Rwanda cuts Relations with France

Rwanda cuts relations with France 

 President Kagame has always accused France over the genocide

Rwanda has broken off diplomatic ties with Paris, in a row over a French 
inquiry related to the 1994 genocide.   The government has recalled its envoy 
to Paris and given the French ambassador to Kigali 24 hours to leave.   A 
French judge issued warrants two days ago for the arrest of nine aides of the 
Rwandan leader over his predecessor's killing - which sparked the genocide.   
Rwanda has accused Paris of trying to destabilise its government. France said 
it regretted Rwanda's move to cut ties.   Paris has insisted the French judge, 
Jean-Louis Bruguiere, acted on his own authority and in total independence.   
Issuing the warrants, Judge Bruguiere accused President Paul Kagame - who under 
French law has immunity as head of state - of ordering the former president's 
death. Mr Kagame has denied involvement.   More than 800,000 people died in the 
100-day massacres of Tutsis and moderate Hutus which followed the killing of 
the ethnic Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana.   'No
 pressure'   The French allegations have sparked anger in the Rwandan capital, 
Kigali, where about 25,000 people reportedly took part in a 
government-organised demonstration against France on Thursday.   
James Kabarebe, military chief-of-staff
  Charles Kayonga, army chief-of-staff
  Faustin Nyamwasa-Kayumba, ambassador to India
  Jackson Nkurunziza, working for presidential guard
  Samuel Kanyamera, RPF deputy
  Jacob Tumwime, army officer
  Franck Nziza, presidential guard officer
  Eric Hakizimana, intelligence officer
  Rose Kabuye, director general of state protocol


Profile: Paul Kagame 
  Decades of tension 

The Rwandan government has said the French ambassador to Kigali must leave 
within 24 hours. Other French diplomats have 72 hours to go.   Foreign Minister 
Charles Murigande earlier told AFP news agency that Kigali had recalled its 
ambassador to Paris as the ministry did not "see why he should be there at this 
point".   "France is intent on destroying our government, we do not see any 
need for keeping any relationship with a hostile country," Mr Murigande said.   
BBC world affairs correspondent Mark Doyle says the only surprise about 
Rwanda's decision to break off diplomatic relations with France is that it has 
not come earlier.   Mr Kagame's Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) - 
effectively the government - has had appalling relations with Paris for over 
two decades, he says, and whatever the quality of the French judge's evidence, 
the whole affair was always going to be deeply politicised.   The French 
foreign ministry said in a brief statement that Rwanda's
 decision to break off diplomatic ties would take effect from Monday.   "We 
regret this decision. We are making all necessary arrangements," it said.   
Speaking earlier on Friday, a spokesman had s

[Ugnet] Fwd: Re: [UNAANET] Fly into the future but remember your past

2006-11-27 Thread musamize

Note: forwarded message attached.
Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.--- Begin Message ---
Mr. Senkayi,

Given Museveni's government actions with regard Uganda's heritage I fear Mr. 
Posnansky afuuyira mbuzi mulere (i.e. whistling in the wind).

A case in point is Museveni's insistance on selling Mabira Forest to 
"investors" so they cut it don wo grow sugar cane! This, in spite of the fact 
that only 5% of Uganda's surce area is covered by forests, natural or otherwise.

We can be sure that Museveni will eventually 'sort out'  Posnansky -- he can 
always find investors to buy the monuments and move them to one or more of 
hotels currently mushrooming in Kampala ...

How come we native born Ugandans do not value our heritage?

Mr. Posnansky's roots in Uganda are quite deep: he taught and conducted 
research there in the 1960s, he was involved with the Uganda Museum for quite a 
while. And, Eunice Lubega, his late wife hailed from Buganda.

- Original Message 
From: Abu Senkayi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 6:17:47 PM
Subject: [UNAANET] Fly into the future but remember your past

Publication date: Friday, 24th November, 2006

Uganda in recent years has neglected its ancient and historical monuments. 
There are no brochures available to tourists or schoolchildren pointing out 
what monuments there are or where to find them. 

Foreign teams from Nairobi, the USA and the University of London have conducted 
excavations but few of the results have been fully reported in the popular 

A nation’s monuments are the visible clues to its history. We all associate 
distinctive monuments with certain cultures like the pyramids with Egypt or the 
Coliseum with Rome. Uganda has significant monuments but they are hardly known 
to the public and not always well preserved. Lugard’s fort, a symbol of the 
founding of the first colonial town in Old Kampala was sadly destroyed a few 
years ago to make way for a large mosque. 

An urgent need exists to protect Uganda’s visible past but first we have to 
recognise what it is that we should protect. 

There is accountable pride that the Buganda royal tombs at Kasubi have been 
declared a UNESCO World Heritage monument but much more needs to be done. 

There are monuments from all periods and of different varieties. They range 
from places of significance where Uganda’s heritage has been demonstrated such 
as sites in Karamoja where the ancestors of later apes and humans were 
discovered, to Nsongezi in southern Ankole where the earliest stone tools were 
found, to rock shelters whose walls are decorated with drawings of canoes at 
Nyero in Teso, of concentric circles on Dolwe island in Lake Victoria or of 
cattle on Mount Elgon. 

Other places of great human interest are the great earthen enclosures like Bigo 
bya Mugenyi in Masaka district associated with the Bacwezi legends. There; 
great ditches, some three metres deep, stretch across more than four kilometres 
of rolling country by the swamps of the Katonga river. Nearby at Ntusi there 
are the vestiges of a large settlement with mounds of ancient cattle dung and 
remnants of a once huge dam. 

The great “witch tree” at Mubende hill and earthen enclosures at places such as 
Munsa are all redolent of Uganda’s mythical ancestors. Closer to the present 
time there are Egyptian forts at Wadelai, Dufile and Patiko in northwestern 
Uganda where the earliest foreign imperialists interacted with local peoples 
some years before the first Protestant and Catholic missionaries came to Kabaka 
Mutesa’s court in 1877. 

More recent historical structures exist throughout Uganda. There are fine 
mission buildings and churches, with reed ceilings and drum towers, now a 100 
years old like those at Villa Maria, many classic buildings in Kampala and 
Mengo such as old chiefs’ houses on Kabaka Njagala. Nearer the present day 
there is the site where Uganda’s Independence was declared on the Kololo 
airstrip. Kampala has grown in a virtually uncontrolled manner and far too many 
buildings have been lost before they were even photographed or planned! We need 
to record our history. 

In 50 years’ time our children will want to know what Kampala or Entebbe looked 
like in the 1920s. In 1964 the Uganda Government in its wisdom established a 
national Commission of Historical Monuments in order to schedule monuments to 
be saved for posterity. 

Certain sites, like Nyero, were protected but in the uncertain times of the 
1970s and early 1980s preserving monuments was virtually ignored. 

It is time for Uganda to recollect its past. Among the Asante of Ghana the 
symbol of history is the Sankofa bird that has its head turned backwards, the 
meaning of which is “as we fly into the future look back and recollect your 


[Ugnet] Better back to Buganda to ask for forests ...

2006-11-21 Thread musamize

 MPs Odonga Otto and Hussein Godi have threatened to mobilise 
ordinary folks in Acholi to spear any investor who dares step on their land.
  Balunoonyezza mbazzi, lwo luli mu "Abeewo, kasita twebaka ku tulo."
  Lu kitawe luzze mu kuwoza, "Bonna bagaggawale". Terumanyi era teruraba nti 
lwo lwebanyagululako eby'obugagga byalwo, abalala n'ebeyanza! 

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