Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-29 Thread William Overington
David Starner wrote as follows.


What good would a private use character do here? The private use area is
good for Tengwar, Cirth and Shavian (all of which have multiple fonts
using the same private use area encoding.) But there's no huge demand to
interchange data with these characters, and the few users are probably
going to use something less complex then the private use area. Assuming
I scan this book in for Project Gutenberg, I'll probably use something
like [3], [4], [4,] and [4,h] for the characters, at least in the ASCII
version (and there'd be no reason to post a Unicode version if these
characters aren't in Unicode.) It's simple, readable and precise,
something your solution only has one of.

end quote

The size of the "demand" does not affect my suggestion.  It is a matter of
research in encoding scripts.

Using the Private Use Area is not at all complex.  If one has a font
containing some Private Use Area characters the font can be used quite
straightforwardly from within a program such as Microsoft Word using the
Insert | Symbol facility which that program provides.  Characters can also
be accessed fairly straightforwardly from a program such as some issues of
Microsoft WordPad using an Alt sequence, by holding down the Alt key and
entering a decimal code point value using the number keys at the right of a
PC keyboard, then releasing the Alt key.

Project Gutenberg is a very valuable project.  I have recently started
reading the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci which is available at Project
Gutenberg.  For a file using ASCII text, using [3], [4], [4,] and [4,h] for
the characters is probably the only type of method available for the work
and probably quite suitable as it gets the job done within the limits of the
available technology.

However, consider that that file could be processed using a short Pascal
program using a eutocode typography file.  The Pascal program would read in
ASCII text and output a Unicode text file, converting certain character
sequences or individual characters.

The particular eutocode typography file for the conversion of the format
which you suggest would only need five lines of a few characters each,
provided that the figures 3 and 4 were only used within the file for those
symbols and not as digits, unless you intend using the [ and ] characters as
well as the digits.  However, a Private Use Area encoding of the special
symbols would be needed and a font to display them.

If a Private Use Area encoding is produced for the special symbols used by
missionaries in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, then a few fonts,
from various fontmakers, might include the special symbols.  Thus your
suggested ASCII file for Project Gutenberg could be used to produce print
outs using the correct special symbols if desired.

The eutocode typography file format is described in the following document.

You suggest that using a Private Use Area encoding has only one of the three
attributes of simplicity, readability and precision.

I feel that a Private Use Area encoding could be reasonably simple.  Care
could be taken to make it as logically structured as possible within the
limits of an on-going, a bit done now and then type activity, of adding in
code point allocations as symbols are found in the literature.  The
experience gained could be useful when promotion to regular Unicode is
considered formally, when the order of encoding used in the Private Use Area
character set could be changed around as desired so as to produce a formal

Certainly, without a suitable font readability would be a great problem.
Yet once a Private Use Area encoding is published, font support may follow.

A Private Use Area encoding can be precise provided that both the originator
of a document using the encoding and the user of that document both know
what is the encoding and that both have suitable facilities for applying the
file which contains the document.  In such circumstances the Private Use
Area can be of great precision and very useful.  For example, readers might
like to have a look at the font COURTCOL.TTF which is described in, and
downloadable from, the following web page.

Readers might like to have a look at the way in which I have expressed the
colours in monochrome then perhaps search at and other
search engines using the two words Petra Sancta together for the search.

I have tried some offline experiments with a Java applet and the results are
good.  I have also produced a font with 51 glyphs which includes those 19
glyphs and others for four sizes of type, various object replacement
characters, various wait for push button push codes and various markers for
producing a programmed learning package encoded within a text file using
WordPad.  Precision is essential for such an activity and the Private Use
Area is used to provide that precision.


Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-29 Thread David Starner
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 03:00:33PM -0800, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> > But I do find, in the vocabulary and
> > index, words starting with tz are sorting after quatrillo con coma (it
> > goes z, tresillo, quatrillo, quatrillo con coma, tz). So even for this
> > text, a tz ligature is marginal. 
>  irrelevant to the sorting issue
> Whether this text element is spelled "tz" or "t-ezh" or something
> else, and whether the characters are ligated or not, is irrelevant
> to the issue of sorting the "tz" at the end of lists. 

True, but it indicates that "tz" is treated as a letter, and that tz is
not different in meaning from the tz ligature in the text.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Einstein once said that it would be hard to teach in a co-ed college since
guys were only looking on girls and not listening to the teacher. He was
objected that they would be listening to _him_ very attentively, forgetting
about any girls. But such guys won't be worth teaching, replied the great

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Peter_Constable

I have documented some recent usage of cuatrillo and tresillo in
linguistics publications at
 (This page has a mechanism for leaving comments; I welcome anyone to
provide comments or leave additional information there.)

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Stefan Persson
Stefan Persson wrote:

Michael Everson wrote:

Shavian has graduated to encoded status, and Tengwar and Cirth will 
likely also do so.
Really? I thought that it would not until Unicode 4.0 is published.
Shavian, that is.


Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Kenneth Whistler
Stefan asked:

> Michael Everson wrote:
> > Shavian has graduated to encoded status, and Tengwar and Cirth will 
> > likely also do so. 
> Really? I thought that it would not until Unicode 4.0 is published.

The Unicode 4.0 release is imminent -- we are anticipating
mid-April for finalization of the data files and formal
announcement of the version.

The publication of the book will take a little longer -- September,

But Shavian is already standardized -- neither WG2 nor the
UTC can change it now. It is merely waiting on the publication train.

As for Tengwar and Cirth -- well, those are, of course, still
open issues. Neither committee has made any decisions on
those yet.


> Stefan

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Michael \(michka\) Kaplan
From: "Kenneth Whistler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> and any such sequences as "quatrillo con coma" or "tz" which
> need to be handled as units simply get contractions defined
> for them in the collation element weighting tables.

Or other, analogous methods to obtain the same results (for products
that do not use the UCA).


MichKa [MS]

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Stefan Persson
Michael Everson wrote:

Shavian has graduated to encoded status, and Tengwar and Cirth will 
likely also do so. 
Really? I thought that it would not until Unicode 4.0 is published.


Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Kenneth Whistler
> But I do find, in the vocabulary and
> index, words starting with tz are sorting after quatrillo con coma (it
> goes z, tresillo, quatrillo, quatrillo con coma, tz). So even for this
> text, a tz ligature is marginal. 
 irrelevant to the sorting issue
Whether this text element is spelled "tz" or "t-ezh" or something
else, and whether the characters are ligated or not, is irrelevant
to the issue of sorting the "tz" at the end of lists. That
is handled by a different mechanism than character encoding,
and any such sequences as "quatrillo con coma" or "tz" which
need to be handled as units simply get contractions defined
for them in the collation element weighting tables.


Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread Michael Everson
At 14:03 -0600 2003-03-28, David Starner wrote:
What good would a private use character do here? The private use area is
good for Tengwar, Cirth and Shavian (all of which have multiple fonts
using the same private use area encoding.)
Shavian has graduated to encoded status, and Tengwar and Cirth will 
likely also do so.

Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread David Starner
On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 10:00:30AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> For modern use, perhaps the tz could be represented just 
> as such, "tz", perhaps rendered with a ligature. Perhaps, though, it could 
> be argued that this should be encoded as a distinct (non-decomposible) 
> digraph character, comparable to U+02AB LATIN SMALL LETTER LZ DIGRAPH. 

Looking at my source more closely, I find only one other example of the
tz ligature in the text. But I do find, in the vocabulary and
index, words starting with tz are sorting after quatrillo con coma (it
goes z, tresillo, quatrillo, quatrillo con coma, tz). So even for this
text, a tz ligature is marginal. (If Unicode encodes the tresillo and
quatrillo, and I transcribe this text, I may toss a ZWJ between the
ligatured tz's. But I'm afraid that this will show up as an unknown
character on some systems.)

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Einstein once said that it would be hard to teach in a co-ed college since
guys were only looking on girls and not listening to the teacher. He was
objected that they would be listening to _him_ very attentively, forgetting
about any girls. But such guys won't be worth teaching, replied the great

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread David Starner
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:36:19PM -, William Overington wrote:
> For example, as a first suggestion, if U+E400 and
> upwards were used for that purpose, would that be a suitable choice for the
> various font makers who might like to consider adding such characters into
> their existing fonts?  

What good would a private use character do here? The private use area is
good for Tengwar, Cirth and Shavian (all of which have multiple fonts
using the same private use area encoding.) But there's no huge demand to
interchange data with these characters, and the few users are probably
going to use something less complex then the private use area. Assuming
I scan this book in for Project Gutenberg, I'll probably use something
like [3], [4], [4,] and [4,h] for the characters, at least in the ASCII
version (and there'd be no reason to post a Unicode version if these
characters aren't in Unicode.) It's simple, readable and precise,
something your solution only has one of.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Einstein once said that it would be hard to teach in a co-ed college since
guys were only looking on girls and not listening to the teacher. He was
objected that they would be listening to _him_ very attentively, forgetting
about any girls. But such guys won't be worth teaching, replied the great

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread William Overington
Phil Blair wrote as follows.


2.The Jesuits and other missionaries of the Age of Exploration worked
and published intensively in then-exotic languages on four continents. There
are scholars and groups of scholars now attempting to look systematically at
that body of work. I suspect that there is no stange character that could
turn up in a Maya text from that period that wouldn't also turn up in texts
about South American, Asian, or African languages, and when we do deal with
these characters it would be best to do it in a systematic and comprehensive
way. They will all reflect a common origin in the missionary training
institutions of Europe.

end quote

That research sounds fascinating.  Do you have any details of who is doing
the research please?  I am not a linguist yet do have a great interest in
the typographical aspects of the way special characters were printed by the
early printers.  I also have an interest in history so such a project would
be doubly interesting for me.

I suggest that a good idea would be if those of us who are interested could
research the typography and printing aspects and that a Private Use Area
encoding could be made of the special characters.  Then various craft
fontmakers might all use the same encoding and start to produce fonts which
contain the characters.  For example, as a first suggestion, if U+E400 and
upwards were used for that purpose, would that be a suitable choice for the
various font makers who might like to consider adding such characters into
their existing fonts?  The long term goal would be to get the characters
promoted into regular Unicode, yet using the Private Use Area would allow
documents to be encoded rather sooner than if one needs to wait for encoding
into regular Unicode and any such documents encoded could be converted by an
automated process at a later date.  Indeed, using the Private Use Area in
this manner and having font availability might help the research.  My
suggestion of U+E400 is as a basis for discussion: does anyone happen to
know if the researchers have already started a Private Use Area encoding
please as that possibility needs to be checked before starting a new

Does anyone happen to know if any of the metal fonts, or matrices, of such
characters survive from the sixteenth century please?  From the general
history of printing there does seem to be a great lack of surviving early
printing type, which has always seemed strange to me, as well as

William Overington

28 March 2003

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-28 Thread jameskass
This PDF file, "Reference to space in colonial Quiché":

...has a reference to the cuatrillo and tresillo, uses a Greek lower case
"ε" (U+03B5) for tresillo and a "g" for cuatrillo.  

"The spelling in these three editions is based on the conventions of 
16th- and 17th-century Spanish.  It is defective..."

"Special graphemes are used inconsistently for glottalized consonants..."

Words like "cuatrillo" are also used for musical notation in Spanish,

>From this page, quadruplet is expressed as cuatrillo in Spanish:
ES: cuatrillo, I: quartina, F: quartolet, D: Quartole, NL: kwartool, DK: 
S: kvartol

Best regards,

James Kass

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread David Starner
All I have is "The Annals of the Cakchiquels", published in 1885. I
don't have any modern information.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 03:38:15PM +, Michael Everson wrote:
> Having said that, one would expect a good deal of research to be done 
> before approaching these. How many languages were they used for? 

At least Cakchiquel, Quiche, and Tzutuhil.

> What 
> sounds do they represent? 

The tresillo is a trilled guttural. The cuatrillo is a trilled palatal,
“between a hard _c_ and _k_”.  The cuatrillo con coma is pronounced
“somewhat like [...] ç, only more quickly and with greater force—_ds_
or _dz_.” The unnamed tz is “exactly the same as _tz_ in German.” And
the cuatrillo con coma followed by an h is “produced by combining the
cuatrillo with a forcible aspirate.”

> Do 
> they appear in casing pairs? 

Not in my book. There are examples of "I. 4atun 4hutiah qui [...]",
where a capital letter would have been used to start the sentence, but
the same form of the cuatrillo is used.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Einstein once said that it would be hard to teach in a co-ed college since
guys were only looking on girls and not listening to the teacher. He was
objected that they would be listening to _him_ very attentively, forgetting
about any girls. But such guys won't be worth teaching, replied the great

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
(Peter and I don't really disagree, but I'm playing devil's advocate here.)

At 13:45 -0600 27/03/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/27/2003 12:19:44 PM:

 >Is tresillo caseless? Yes.

 How do you know?
OK, I don't have first-hand evidence.
Then you don't say "Yes".

But, I think it's pretty unlikely that there is case on the basis that:

- this was clearly innovated from a caseless digit
We have seen that case often accrues to lettricized digits. Compare 
Zhuang letters.

- the source documenting this David mentioned apparently does not report a
case pair
I would not assume anything from one little pic like that about what 
the source actually documents.

- the cuatrillo is a very similar situation, and while I have seen recent
usage of that, I've not seen any evidence of a case pair
Yet in the MS it may in fact have had case. The Algonquin letter OU 
is in that situation. Many modern users just use digit 8. But the 
original evidence for the charcter showed that before it was 
reanalyzed as 8 it had case.

Of course, none of this is certain -- I'm making a conjecture (but one I
feel is almost certainly true). I was not assuming that any character
proposal was going to be based on my comments. I was merely suggesting for
David's benefit what I think may be appropriate.
Heh. You said "Yes"
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Peter_Constable

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/27/2003 12:19:44 PM:

> >Is tresillo caseless? Yes.
> How do you know?

OK, I don't have first-hand evidence. But, I think it's pretty unlikely
that there is case on the basis that:

- this was clearly innovated from a caseless digit
- the source documenting this David mentioned apparently does not report a
case pair
- the cuatrillo is a very similar situation, and while I have seen recent
usage of that, I've not seen any evidence of a case pair

Of course, none of this is certain -- I'm making a conjecture (but one I
feel is almost certainly true). I was not assuming that any character
proposal was going to be based on my comments. I was merely suggesting for
David's benefit what I think may be appropriate.

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
At 11:17 -0600 27/03/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Michael Everson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/27/2003 10:53:31 AM:

 Because, Peter, we do not encode things without knowing what they are
 > for and how and by whom they are used. Questions regarding use are
 > part of the Proposal Summary Form.
But the question of use can be answered without specifying all the
languages and phonemes.
Sorry. I would never agree to encode a letter for which we had no 
idea of its use. "What languages is it used in" does not imply an 
exhaustive list, and "what sound was it intended to represent" allows 
comparison between the original use of the letter and modern 
orthographies. Such information is relevant.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
At 11:36 -0600 27/03/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is tresillo caseless? Yes.
How do you know?
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Peter_Constable

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/27/2003 10:36:13 AM:

> >Perhaps, though, it could  be argued that this should be encoded as
> >a distinct (non-decomposible) digraph character, comparable to
> Not without seeing evidence of how it's used, Peter.

Agreed. I wasn't suggesting otherwise.

> >One might represent the tresillo as U+025B LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E
> >or its uppercase counterpart U+0190, though that's probably not a
> >good choice as the tresillo is caseless.
> Is it?

Is it caseless? Yes.

> What does it mean?

What phoneme was it used to represent, I do not know.

> >Perhaps there are historiographers of Mayan linguistics that want to
> >encode historic texts, or perhaps some Mayanists that, on occasion,
> >want to be able to quote from these historic texts.
> As I say, one would like to see critical editions of those texts to
> see what people are doing.

Of course. I was not saying I think any of these things should be encoded
yet, except perhaps the cuatrillo, which I have seen in relatively recent
linguistics publications.

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Peter_Constable

Michael Everson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/27/2003 10:53:31 AM:

> Because, Peter, we do not encode things without knowing what they are
> for and how and by whom they are used. Questions regarding use are
> part of the Proposal Summary Form.

But the question of use can be answered without specifying all the
languages and phonemes.

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Peter_Constable
David Starner wrote on 03/27/2003 12:54:18 AM:

> I've found these characters in a book called "The Annals of the
> Cakchiquels", by Daniel G. Brinton.

Thanks for this sample. I have seen the cuatrillo in some (relatively) 
recent linguistics publications. Unfortunately, it was not explained in 
the one source I have actually collected (I haven't actively gone looking 
for it yet, but just happened upon it while looking for other things -- 
IJAL vol. 65, p. 456) so I appreciate the info.

> Are these still in use anywhere? Are they
> appropriate suspects for Unicode?

There still appears to be *some* use of the cuatrillo, though not a huge 
amount. I'm inclined to think it's a candidate for encoding, and I've 
already considered proposing it.

I have not seen the others in use, though. If the cuatrillo were encoded, 
the two variants could be represented using existing combining marks and 
modifier letters. For modern use, perhaps the tz could be represented just 
as such, "tz", perhaps rendered with a ligature. Perhaps, though, it could 
be argued that this should be encoded as a distinct (non-decomposible) 
digraph character, comparable to U+02AB LATIN SMALL LETTER LZ DIGRAPH. One 
might represent the tresillo as U+025B LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E or its 
uppercase counterpart U+0190, though that's probably not a good choice as 
the tresillo is caseless. So, it should be encoded as a distinct, if it's 
to be encoded. So, perhaps two letters, LATIN LETTER TRESILLO and LATIN 
SMALL LETTER TZ DIGRAPH, are candidates for encoding, but only if there's 
a user need, and I'm not aware of any. Perhaps there are historiographers 
of Mayan linguistics that want to encode historic texts, or perhaps some 
Mayanists that, on occasion, want to be able to quote from these historic 

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
At 10:43 -0600 27/03/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 > How many languages were they used for? What sounds do they represent? [...]

I can understand the necessity of these questions except for the first two.
Why would it be needed for encoding to know just what languages / phonemes
these pertained to? Of course, if this info is available, it's nice to have
Because, Peter, we do not encode things without knowing what they are 
for and how and by whom they are used. Questions regarding use are 
part of the Proposal Summary Form.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Peter_Constable

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/27/2003 09:38:15 AM:

> Having said that, one would expect a good deal of research to be done
> before approaching these. How many languages were they used for? What
> sounds do they represent? How do modern scholars producing critical
> editions present them? (If they use digit 4, I would consider that to
> be a fault in the character set or font, and, in my opinion, a Latin
> letter should be added, because the quatrillo is not a quatro.) Do
> they appear in casing pairs? On the face of it tz looks like a
> ligature of t and z.

I can understand the necessity of these questions except for the first two.
Why would it be needed for encoding to know just what languages / phonemes
these pertained to? Of course, if this info is available, it's nice to have

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Doug Ewell

> 1.They are not in use in current (and official and
> endorsed) Maya orthographies, and there is no pressing need for them.
> Their importance lies mostly in dealing with the history of Maya
> studies, and in reprinting or transcribing old texts.

Characters that were used in historically important orthographies are
legitimate candidates for encoding.  If the need for them is not urgent,
then there is plenty of time to analyze and discuss them instead of
rushing them through.

> Since the days of de la Parra and Brinton there have been some
> singularly ugly accomodations to the typewriter, like "7" for a
> glottal stop, which I'd also like us to let moulder for a while too.

This seems like a good argument *for* encoding the de la Parra letters,
so modern-day transcribers won't have to resort to "4" and "4 with
combining comma" and "ezh reversed" to represent them.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
At 10:00 -0600 27/03/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Perhaps, though, it could  be argued that this should be encoded as 
a distinct (non-decomposible) digraph character, comparable to 
Not without seeing evidence of how it's used, Peter.

One might represent the tresillo as U+025B LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E 
or its uppercase counterpart U+0190, though that's probably not a 
good choice as the tresillo is caseless.
Is it? What does it mean?

Perhaps there are historiographers of Mayan linguistics that want to 
encode historic texts, or perhaps some Mayanists that, on occasion, 
want to be able to quote from these historic texts.
As I say, one would like to see critical editions of those texts to 
see what people are doing.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Everson
At 00:54 -0600 27/03/2003, David Starner wrote:
I've found these characters in a book called "The Annals of the
Cakchiquels", by Daniel G. Brinton. They have a little history, as noted
by the tag in the picture. The tz is for a tz sound, and is probably
just a glyph variant of that character. The 4 is called a cuatrillo, the
reversed three is called the tresillo, and the 4 with a comma is
cuatrillo con coma. Are these still in use anywhere? Are they
appropriate suspects for Unicode?
In principle they are candidates for Unicode, as it is probable that 
there is a significant body of historical literature containing them, 
rather like yogh in Middle English.

Having said that, one would expect a good deal of research to be done 
before approaching these. How many languages were they used for? What 
sounds do they represent? How do modern scholars producing critical 
editions present them? (If they use digit 4, I would consider that to 
be a fault in the character set or font, and, in my opinion, a Latin 
letter should be added, because the quatrillo is not a quatro.) Do 
they appear in casing pairs? On the face of it tz looks like a 
ligature of t and z.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

Re: Characters for Cakchiquel

2003-03-27 Thread Pblair

I think these characters you have caught in de la Parra (as reported by Brinton)
can best be left on the side-tracks for a while. Two reasons:

1.They are not in use in current (and official and Maya-themselves-endorsed)
Maya orthographies, and there is no pressing need for them. Their importance
lies mostly in dealing with the history of Maya studies, and in reprinting or
transcribing old texts. Since the days of de la Parra and Brinton there have
been some singularly ugly accomodations to the typewriter, like "7" for a
glottal stop, which I'd also like us to let moulder for a while too.

2.The Jesuits and other missionaries of the Age of Exploration worked and
published intensively in then-exotic languages on four continents. There are
scholars and groups of scholars now attempting to look systematically at that
body of work. I suspect that there is no stange character that could turn up in
a Maya text from that period that wouldn't also turn up in texts about South
American, Asian, or African languages, and when we do deal with these characters
it would be best to do it in a systematic and comprehensive way. They will all
reflect a common origin in the missionary training institutions of Europe.
