Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto create a linux kernel IR remote keytable for Jivelite on piCorePlayer 5

2019-08-12 Thread TheHypnoToad

ralphy wrote: 
> KEY_LEFTBRACE  (go_now_playing)

Thanks, that worked perfectly. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto create a linux kernel IR remote keytable for Jivelite on piCorePlayer 5

2019-08-09 Thread TheHypnoToad

I've just finished setting this up and it's working great with a generic
17 key remote. 

I did try it with another remote with more buttons but it just did not
work, it appeared as 'necx' protocol, whatever that is!

So for anyone else trying to get this working, try a different remote if
it doesn't work at first. :cool:

Also, is it possible to have a remote button that cycles thru the
different display modes in the 'now playing' screen, so it goes to VU
meter, then album cover, etc.?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-09 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> It should be and the soundcard control page.   Button right by the
> soundcard selection drop down on the squeezelite page.
Thanks, I did't think to check card control, I've disabled onboard sound
now. :)

Also, I may have a solution to the whole log file filling up memory

This shellscript monitors the size of the logfile then truncates it if
it gets too large:


  # Log Monitor - Used to monitor the size of a logfile
  # Will truncate log file if it gets too large
  # Start of script
  # Set max size of logfile here, in bytes. Default = 1 Megabyte
  # Delete this file if you want script to stop running
  touch "$RUNFILE"
  # Log file to monitor
  while [ -f "$RUNFILE" ]; do
  # Get filesize in bytes
  LOGSIZE=$(ls "$LOGFILE" -l | awk '{print $5}')
  # Compare
  if [ "$LOGSIZE" -gt "$MAXSIZE" ]; then
  echo "Filesize $LOGSIZE is too large, truncating at $(date)" | tee "$LOGFILE"
  echo "Filesize $LOGSIZE is OK"
  # Wait 1 min
  sleep 60
  exit 0
  # End of script

I've added it to my $HOME dir, called it '' and load it on
boot using the User command setting:


Adjust MAXSIZE to however large you want to log file to get before it
gets truncated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-07 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> all=debug is probably what we need.   But that is going to create a huge
> file, so we need to be sure we don't fill up the memory on the device.
I've set my squeezelite to all=debug also just in case the issue comes
back for me. 

It may be possible to have a small script that runs once a minute in the
background that can check the size of the logfile, and if it's over a
certain size, it wipes or cuts out the earliest part of the log. A sort
of crude version of 'logrotate' I guess.

I've also tried disabling the onboard audio on my pizero, some
installation guides for my DAC say onboard sound should be disabled:

> Disable on-board audio by commenting out dtparam=audio=on:
> #dtparam=audio=on

edwin2006 this may be worth trying, I had to do it manually by editing
the config.txt file as I couldn't see an option to disable on-board
audio in the PCP webinterface.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Trying to add GPIO controls - anyone managed to build/run/use PiKeyD on PiCorePlayer?

2019-08-06 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> I think I would look at the gpio-key overlay.

Thanks, I've managed to get a few buttons working using the gpio-key
overlay, it's working great for the buttons.

I do have a rotary-encoder also, and there seems to be rotary_encoder
kernel module also, documented 'here'
once I get the module added it won't emulate a keyboard however so I may
have to tinker with jivelite a little in order for it to see the

Even just having the buttons working for now it great however. :)

chill wrote: 
> I added a couple more 'convenience' functions to use up all six buttons
> on my button board:

Thanks, the examples are big help. I'll add a few extra I'm using also:


dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=12,keycode=57 # KEY_SPACE - play/pause
  dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=26,keycode=16 # Q - power on/off

So far so good and seems for more responsive than sbpd too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Trying to add GPIO controls - anyone managed to build/run/use PiKeyD on PiCorePlayer?

2019-08-05 Thread TheHypnoToad

chill wrote: 
> There's a tool called sbpd ('SqueezeButtonPi Daemon'
> (
> available in pCP.  It can call specific LMS functions, as well as
> calling scripts to do non-LMS functions.
Hi, thank yes I've tried SqueezeButtonPi Daemon and I was able to get it
do LMS functions, I could control the volume OK.

However I didn't know it could calling scripts to do non-LMS functions,
is there a script or functions that could simulate a keyboard keypress?

I'm trying to control Jivelite. :)

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Trying to add GPIO controls - anyone managed to build/run/use PiKeyD on PiCorePlayer?

2019-08-05 Thread TheHypnoToad

If so how did you do it? I'm trying to use GPIO controls for Jivelite as
seen here:

But pikeyd is required.

I have no idea where to start, I could probably manage to build it on
Rasbian, but with PiCorePlayer I'm not sure what the build / compile
process is.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-05 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> I would call that severely overloaded for a zero.  Shairport sync can
> definitely cause squeeze lite to crash, as only one player can have the
> audio output open at a time.
> I would disable shairport for a while and see if that helps.   There is
> a LMS plugin for shairport that integrates much better.
Just a quick follow up on this, I've disabled Shairport sync on the
PiZero and so far so good.

I've also stopped streaming from Deezer as I've found it can cause
issues on any device using LMS, even the Squeezebox Boom. It would cause
devices to freeze if the stream doesn't work and LMS can become slow to

I have not had the PiZero crash/freeze/vanishing device since, I'll
check out the LMS plugin for shairport also. :) I only use AirPlay

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-01 Thread TheHypnoToad

Ok, I've had my player apart today and double checked my GPIO solders,
and all are measured OK with multimeter with continuity test, so
hardware side is good.

paul- wrote: 
> Which hifiberry board are you guys using?

I'm using a board which is essentially the same as the hifiberry DAC+
Zero - It's the Pimoroni Phat DAC, it uses the same components, and same
hardware overlay, more info about it is here:


pHAT DAC uses the same hardware as HiFi Berry, so we're borrowing their
device-tree overlay!"

sbp wrote: 
> Another question: are you using the normal kernel or the rt kernel?

Normal kernel, uname -a shows this:
Linux PiZero 4.19.40-pcpCore #1 Sat May 11 13:40:46 EDT 2019 armv6l

paul- wrote: 
> You can go into card control and check the 384k parameter and that will
> enable 384k sample rates for your card.or just ignore the message.
I'll ignore the message I think, I don't have any audio files over 96K
so I'll leave 384k turned off.

paul- wrote: 
> Is your zero just a player.  Or have you added alot of "extras" that we
> offer with pCP.

I am running a few extras, I'm using JiveLite with a 7" HDMI
touchscreen. It's not quite as smooth as it pins on a RPi3 but it's
usage, and 'top' is showing Jivelite is using around 50-60% CPU.

I'm also using 'sbpd' which allows me to have rotary encoder up to the
GPIO runs, and gives me a non-touchscreen volume control and play/pause

Finally I've also added in the PWM kernel module for backlight dimming
of the screen, however I only added this recently and before that I
still experienced this issue.

Here's my squeezelite command string:

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "Orange" -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a
80:4::1 -v -C 15

I'm not running Equalizer but I am running Shairport-sync, most of my
settings are defaults apart from the above mentions tweaked. :)

I have other Squeezebox devices and 2 other picoreplayer devices, and
not had this issue with any other device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-07-31 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> The fat error is pretty harmless, and would be unrelated.
Nice, I was going to try and somehow start messing about with fsck, glad
I don't have to now. :)

paul- wrote: 
> I'm not sure why that message is being repeated so many times, normally
> you might see that only at startup.   Seems like to me the card is
> disappearing.  Perhaps you guys might want to check your connections on
> the GPIO header.
I will double and triple check my connections and soldering next time
the pi is onbolted, I do need do re-do some cabling also so it will be
the perfect time to do so. I'm running a normal header connection for
the DAC.

However I've found I always get the:
'Limiting sample rate support to 192kHz MAX'
Message whenever I turn the player on in the LMS webinterface.

I've just turned it off then on again in LMS webinterface, this is the
last message:

[ 5453.232414] pcm5102a-codec pcm5102a-codec: pcm5102a_dai_startup:
Limiting sample rate support to 192kHz MAX

'uptime' shows:
16:32:09 up  1:31,  2 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.11, 1.09

1hr 31min = 5460 seconds, above message is at 5453 seconds which is
around the same time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-07-31 Thread TheHypnoToad

I've just had this exact thing happen to me, Also running PiZero, with
HifiBerry Dac Zero, on PcP 5.0, I was originally running 4.1 and
upgrades have been with the card in the Pi.

On my LMS webinterface, the player called 'Orange' simply vanished.
Music stopped straight away. Listening to a 128KBps radio station at the

I was already logged in on SSH and can still access the webinterface,
here's what the diagnostics has to say:

[ INFO ] Squeezelite process:
/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n Orange -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80 4 
1 -v -C 15

Squeezelite still seems to be running:


  tc@PiZero:~$ ps -A | grep squeeze
  2121 root  3:07 /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n Orange -o 
hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80 4  1 -v -C 15

My network connection seems OK:


  tc@PiZero:~$ iwconfig wlan0
  wlan0 IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"xx"  
  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.447 GHz  Access Point: 
  Bit Rate=65 Mb/s   Tx-Power=31 dBm   
  Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Power Management:off
  Link Quality=50/70  Signal level=-60 dBm  
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:282  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

dmesg did show this at the end however:


  [ 2105.052866] pcm5102a-codec pcm5102a-codec: pcm5102a_dai_startup: Limiting 
sample rate support to 192kHz MAX
  [ 3454.877425] FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some 
data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.

Complete dmesg is at:

The Volume was not properly unmounted error seemed to occur around the
same time as the player vanished from LMS, but I'm not really sure how
to run fsck under PCP, but I can try if this may stop this from

After around 5-10 mins the player has reappeared on the LMS
webinterface, and is now playing music again, this time some FLAC's
without issue, I did not reboot it.

Could this be some of sort SD card issue? Next time I have the player
apart I can try restarting PCP with a different SD card and see if it
happens again, but it takes a while for me to take the player out as
it's bolted into a case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Touch off with Jivelite/Waveshare 5" on piCorePlayer

2019-07-31 Thread TheHypnoToad

I've finally managed to get screen dimming using a PWM GPIO in on my Pi,
works great with a few modifications in the Lua files.

Just a quick question about what changes I've made, I did find this in
the DisplayOffApplet.lua:


  -- enable backlight on on a timer because the first revision of the official 
Pi display
  -- isn't fast enough to handle backlight on directly/has a hardware 
bug/something else?
  local timerOn = Timer(600,

I'm guessing the 600 here is 600 millisecond delay? If so, I've changed
it to 6ms in my modificatons and so far it seems to be working OK. I've
not used LUA before however, so I don't really know how to completely
remove the timer without breaking something.

After changes the screen does turn on and off much quicker when the
player is turned on and off, but I was wondering if this will cause any
issues doing it this was as it does seem a little hacky!

The only changes I did other than that was changing the paths to the
files in /sys/class, and the values from 0-255 to 0-100 and so far it
seems to be working great. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-07-29 Thread TheHypnoToad

Ah, that would explain why the module isn't appearing when I do 'lsmod'

I am indeed using a Pi Zero, here's my kernel info:
Linux PiZero 4.19.40-pcpCore #1 Sat May 11 13:40:46 EDT 2019 armv6l

I'll have a look into adding the pwm driver/module in, hopefully once
that is done it should start to work.

>  If you need more help getting this driver loaded, please start a new

Sure no problem. :) Thanks for you help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-07-27 Thread TheHypnoToad

Hi is there a recommended method or docs on how to use hardware overlays
in PCP?

I'm trying to use the PWM dtoverlay, and I've got it functioning in
raspbian, however in PCP it doesn't seem to work. I have the exact same
line in my config.txt:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-07-27 Thread TheHypnoToad

edwin2006 wrote: 
> I will try as soon I've got the problem  but it could take some time
> before this happens.

If SSH connection fails, try just 'PINGing' the Pi if you know it's IP
address or hostname, sometimes my PiZero will freeze, no SSH access but
I'm still able to PING it so it still has network access.

It doesn't happen often, if it did I may look into the hardware watchdog
for some sort of auto-reboot when this happens.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-07-26 Thread TheHypnoToad

edwin2006 wrote: 
> I got lost in the PcP 5.x thread were i posted a problem with a Pi-zero
> with hifiberry dac
> So this is the original post
> Today again player disappeared. When looking at PcP the dac is still
> visible and PcP also say's that squeezelite is running but when i
> restart Squeezelite  it gives an error. Only way to get it running is by
> rebooting the pi.
> So that's what i did for now. What would be the next step when the
> failure happens again?

Can you log in to your pi over SSH when it disappears?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Touch off with Jivelite/Waveshare 5" on piCorePlayer

2019-07-21 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> We only include dimming/off support for the rpi display.   I'm sure you
> could write an applet to do it though.
> The DisplayOff and piCorePlayer applets cover it.
Thanks, looks like it may be possible then. Right now I'm still sorting
the hardware out in order to get my screen brightness control to work,
and once that is done, I'll see if I can do brightness control from

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2019-07-20 Thread TheHypnoToad

ralphy wrote: 
> Assuming you are using picoreplayer. 
> Try deleting /usr/local/etc/pointercal before running ts_calibrate.
> If that doesn't help, what is the contents of your
> /usr/local/etc/ts.conf ?

Hi yes I'm using PCP, I should have mentioned that :eek:

I've found that the ts_calibrate reads too quickly, I press the screen
once on the crosshair, and ts_calibrate thinks I've pressed the screen 3
or 4 times!

After searching it seems that the later versions of tslib, 1.18 onwards
I think, include a timeout setting for ts_calibrate, forcing it to wait
after each press on the screen. I tried installing the latest tslib on
Raspbian and it allows me to use ts_calibrate without issue.

Anyway after all that it turns out my screen does not need calibration.

I took the 'module linear' line out of my ts.conf file and it now works
great. :)

Every guide I've seen so far says you need to calibrate, but I guess I'm
lucky that I do not with my screen. :cool:

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Quick Question about JiveLite Skins

2019-07-19 Thread TheHypnoToad

Hi, I've got Jivelite up and running and it's working just about, I
still need to calibrate the touchscreen properly.

I'm usng 1024x600 skin and it looks nice but the VU meters don't full
the screen, it looks like they are for a lower resolution, is it
possible to edit them or change them to scale them up so they fill the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Touch off with Jivelite/Waveshare 5" on piCorePlayer

2019-07-19 Thread TheHypnoToad

nogauss wrote: 
> Works like a charm.
Great info;

I have GPIO 18 free and would like to try screen dimming, does PCP or
Jivelite have options for setting screen brightness using PWM?

Or would it be a case of making/modifying the software? I have the Rev C
7" screen and think I would like brightness control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2019-07-19 Thread TheHypnoToad

ianjh123 wrote: 
> Hello
> I have a Raspberry pi 2 with Jivelite.  My 7" USB touchscreen works well
> with ts_calibrate and ts_test.  The file /usr/local/etc/pointercal is
> produced and backed up (I checked in mydata.tgz).  Unfortunately the
> calibration is always off in Jivelite.
> The files /usr/local/share/libts/files/pointercal and
> /tmp/tcloop/libts/usr/local/share/libts/files/pointercal always contain
> different values to /usr/local/etc/pointercal.  Which pointercal file is
> used by Jivelite?
> thanks
> Ian

Did you ever fix this? I'm also using a 7" waveshare touchscreen and the
calibration fails every time.

It works great under Raspbian however without calibration, so I'd like
to use the Rasbian method if possible.

Did you do 'pcp bu' after calibrating?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] picoreplayer 3.11 +waveshare 3.5 TFT + jivelite + Raspberry Pi 2B+

2019-07-19 Thread TheHypnoToad

piPlayer wrote: 
> Searching for waveshare provided in 2 seconds this thread and these two
> instructions.
> 'Thread'
> (
> 'Waveshare 5\" SPI touchscreen'
> (
> 'Waveshare 5\" USB touchscreen'
> (
> Regards
> PiPlayer

Hi, thanks for providing these links.

I'm trying to get my 7" Waveshare screen working in the same way.

I'm following the instructions, and when I run the calibrate command I
get the following thing happen:


  sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 
  xres = 1024, yres = 600
  Took 1 samples...
  Top left : X =   15 Y =   21
  Took 1 samples...
  Top right : X =   15 Y =   21
  Took 1 samples...
  Bot right : X =   15 Y =   21
  Took 1 samples...
  Bot left : X =   15 Y =   21
  Took 1 samples...
  Center : X =   15 Y =   21
  ts_calibrate: determinant is too small -- 0.00
  Calibration failed.

It stops after I press the crosshair in the top left.

The odd thing is this screen works perfectly in Raspbian without any
calibration, touchscreen is very accurate.

Is there a way to use to the settings/calibration from Raspbian in PCP
for using Jivelite?

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