Re: Best way to set up an idle timer

2003-08-16 Thread Edwin Gore
I should probably point out at this point, I did not mention using a
frontscri[t because I am a callow youth, and forgot to mention that that was
the proper way to implement this.

All Hail Sarah -- Who deserves i!

Oh...and Dar. Who does to...I guess. :)

- Original Message - 
From: "Dar Scott"

> Sniff.  I mentioned frontScripts, too.  Sniff.  Sniff.

use-revolution mailing list

How to implement a Agree/Disagree E.U.L.A.

2003-08-16 Thread fatal error
Hello fellow Revolutionaries,

OmniLotto, for those who are familiar is finished except I need the user to
accept my End User License Agreement.

A boilerplate EULA with a "not liable for any financial losses as a result
of using this software" statement to cover my butt.

You see them in commercial software all the time.

I only want the card (main stack?) to appear once, when they first run it.
Then if they agree, it never appears again.

Should the software write something into the program or somewhere? What
about re-installs?

How do they do that?

Any advice?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: button resize

2003-08-16 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Andrew and Graham,

On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 12:33 PM, Andrew wrote:

Say I create a cartoon of a man in
 photoshop and I paste him into Revolution.  Then my little man 
 an "image" in Revolution language.  However, when I paste him in, the
 rect of the image is the size of the entire card!  How can I get the
 rect of my little man to be exactly the size of him?
I was about to suggest pasting into a locked (size and position) image 
object, because
I thought this would resize the picture to the image size like it does 
in SuperCard, but a
quick experiment shows that it doesn't. Must Andrew therefore do the 
resizing either
outside RunRev or inside via script?
a general rule: images look best 1:1...

Means they look best (at least in RR) when they are NOT resized in any 

In Andrews case i am almost sure that the resolution is something else 
but not 72 dpi.

Only image-editors and layout-applications "know" what image resolution 
other than
72 dpi really means...

All other apps, including RR, will always display images at this 
They tend to "think" in pixel...

Means if you saved an image in Photoshop with 144 dpi it will appear 
double-sized in RR.

So you will have to set the correct resolution (72 dpi, in case you 
forgot) before importing/using
this image in RR to get the best results possible...

I am interested in a RunRev internal solution myself - can anyone 
suggest the
most efficient one? I know there have been previous discussions about 
thumbnails, but I couldn't find an actual recipe for importing an 
picture into a fixed-size image (and reducing the resolution on the 
This way you are going to have the original sized image only displayed 
a little smaller,
means the filesize (the number of bytes occupied in your stack) is the 

This is the way i do this:

import an image, resize it as desired and THEN import a snapshot of the 
area of the scaled image.
Will end in a smaller (size and bytes) image...

Hope that helps...

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-16 Thread Brian K. Maher
Hi Folks,

I am trying to properly format the text in an 'answer ... as sheet' 
command.  I need to message text to conform to OS X's UI guidelines 
which state that the 'message text' should use the emphasized bold 
system font and the 'informative text' should use the small system 
font.  Below is my command so far but the fonts don't seem to be 

answer warning "message 
textinformative text" with "Continue" as sheet

Can anyone help me get this working properly?

Thanks, Brian
use-revolution mailing list

Re: HyperGASP

2003-08-16 Thread John Tenny
Monte -

It's an automatic scripting program, great for beginners. The utility 
creates the scripts from a series of choices you make. You can then 
look at the scripts and change/learn from them.

Here's a url for the beginning of an online tour. Note the testimonials 
at the end. Note also that the web pages and the cards were all created 
in HyperGASP.  You can also find info through Google (HyperGASP)

What folks are doing here is well beyond this, but for a tool that 
would easily allow beginners to get involved it might be a useful 
model. I have no idea if the owners are interested in getting back into 
the business.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: HyperGASP

2003-08-16 Thread John Tenny
I downloaded the free light version and it will run on Sys X (classic), 
but can't get it to create new stacks.j I suspect it needs to run in 
Sys 9, not classic. Anyway, playing with it as is would give one an 
understanding of what a real 'beginner support tool' would look like. 
With something like this I could get 8 year olds involved (or childish 
older folks).

I emailed the owners and they quit supporting it when Apple quit 
supporting Hcard. They still sell the original version and the lastest 

Hope someone downloads the light version (Mac only) and will provide a 
more advanced perspective.


use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-16 Thread Yves COPPE
Hi Heather,

I write this quesiton to the list because it can show interests for 
much Revolution users :

Will you be present at the Apple Expo in Paris as previous year ??


use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-16 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Brian,

Hi Folks,

I am trying to properly format the text in an 'answer ... as sheet' 
command.  I need to message text to conform to OS X's UI guidelines 
which state that the 'message text' should use the emphasized bold 
system font and the 'informative text' should use the small system 
font.  Below is my command so far but the fonts don't seem to be 

answer warning "message 
textinformative text" with "Continue" as sheet

Can anyone help me get this working properly?

Thanks, Brian
You have 2 choices (maybe more...)

1. Set the texsize of these lines of fld 1 of cd 1 of stack "Answer 

set the textsize of line 1 to (the num of lines of messagetext) of fld 

2. Create your own "Answer Dialog" :-)
(Its is nothing more than a "modal" stack...)
Then you can use the global property "the dialogdata" to set
and get the value clicked in your custom "Answer Dialog"...
Drop a line if you need more info/assistance :-)


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?-serial number?

2003-08-16 Thread John Tenny
And maybe related to this, how does one implement a serial number 
system? That is, a person enters the serial number the first time and 
never sees that screen again.

And is there a random serial number generator out there? Do they HAVE 
to be as long as the Rev serial numbers?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: button resize

2003-08-16 Thread Jim Lyons
Andrew (and any other new recruits from HC days),

Andrew wrote recently:
> ...I'm new to revolution, but I have much experience with
> Hypercard. I was wondering if you fine folks could give
> me some tips on how to deal with images and animation in
> Revolution.

First, pace yourself! There's lot's of new, really great stuff to learn
about. Start with "About Revolution for Hypercard Developers" in the
Docs, and then "About Groups and Backgrounds". Making the switch from
thinking about cards and backgrounds to cards and groups took me a while
but it is fundamental to understanding the Revolution way. You'll like
it. Learn about custom properties early on, too. You'll like them.

> The main problem that I'm having with Revolution is getting
> an image's rect to be the right size. ...

Other folks answered about this. You'll definitely want to do all your
image work in PhotoShop and "Save for Web" in the size and quality you
want. And if you don't already know how to use ImageReady, get out the
book -- sounds like you'll be wanting to use some animated GIFs too. ;^)

> Now a slightly more complicated question: I used to make
> games in Hypercard by animating the icons of buttons. The
> buttons could move around the screen while their icons were
> changing simultaneously.  Revolution has me excited because
> of its capability to handle large, colorful images.

... and transparency, and animated GIFs, and graphic objects, and
built-in animations, and  I can't wait to see what you make! Note
that there's an important difference between showing an image and
showing a button whose icon is set to an image. Check the docs and the
list archives for the best info about this.

> In trying to animate these images, the only thing I can
> figure out is to have a new image for each "frame" of the
> animation.  Then I would program the script to hide one
> image (the first frame) and show the next image (the
> second frame) in the same place.

You can also place multiple frames in an "animated" GIF that you just
set to which frame you want. You can use this technique if you don't
need to show different frames of the GIF on different buttons at the
same time, and that probably would apply to your main character. In the
stack contributions at the RunRev site is an example of controlling
animated GIFs from a script.

> ... [need multiple images available on several cards] ...
> Is there any way to have these images somehow "belong" to
> the stack so they could be referenced from any card?

This was answered in another message too, involving using a group and
the backgroundBehavior property. Like I said, lots to learn and enjoy.
(I am just now grokking the frontscripts and the backscripts. Oh, boy!)

Jim Lyons
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?-serial number?

2003-08-16 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 07:58 AM, John Tenny wrote:

And is there a random serial number generator out there? Do they HAVE 
to be as long as the Rev serial numbers?
No, it doesn't have to be as long.  It includes embedded info and I 
would guess it is double what it might be even then.

Here is a very short verification code generator (off the top of my 

-- keep this secret somehow and share it between the product and 
local secret = "John Tenny's Blaster 4000 LE"

function verificationCode userEmailAddress
  return char 1 to 5 of base64Encode(md5digest(userEmailAddress&secret))
end verificationCode
function isValidCode userEmailAddress code
  set caseSensitive to true
  return code = verificationCode(userEmailAddress)
end isValidCode
Gotta run; you may need to repair this.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Yves COPPE wrote:
Hi Heather,

I write this quesiton to the list because it can show interests for much 
Revolution users :

Will you be present at the Apple Expo in Paris as previous year ??


use-revolution mailing list

Same question. It would be really cool to meet us, there :-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to implement a Agree/Disagree E.U.L.A.

2003-08-16 Thread FlexibleLearning
What we do here is write the date and time the user clicked "I Agree'" to a Preferences file (Mac) or Registry entry (PC). You can get the Mac prefs folder using specialFolderPath, and use SetRegistry and QueryRegistry on a PC.

When the program launches again, it checks to see if there is a prefs file or a registry entry. If not, the user gets the EULA screen, otherwise it continues.

This allows program upgrades to be time- or feature-sensitive if necessary by comparing data written to something in the new release such as a version number or the current date.


Eggplant from Redstone Software

2003-08-16 Thread Jim Armstrong

I would like to take a moment to introduce you to a cross-platform 
testing and automation tool
that has been developed for use on Mac OS X. It is written in Cocoa, 
and contains a scripting
language called SenseTalk, that you would be familiar with because it 
is based on
HyperTalk and AppleScript.

My name is Jim Armstrong, and I have been involved with HyperCard since 
its beginning in
1986. I have been following this list since its early days, and really 
like features and power
of Runtime Revolution. Especially version 2.1.

If you are passionate about scripting, please take a look at Eggplant. 
It allows cross-platform
scripting, testing and control applications. I think you will agree it 
makes a nice compliment to
Run Rev for developing multi-platform and internet applications using 
OSXvnc and other flavors
of Virtual Network Computing.

Our website is at http://www.redstonesoftware. com  Take a look at the 
QuickTime movie of Eggplant,
and if you are interesting in evaluating it, send me an email, and I 
will get you going with a 30-day
evaluation copy.

Jim Armstrong
Redstone Software, Inc.
San Jose, CA office

use-revolution mailing list

Re: button resize

2003-08-16 Thread Ludovic Thébault
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 12:33:16 -0700, Andrew wrote:
> The main problem that I'm having with Revolution is getting an 
> image's rect to be the right size.  Say I create a cartoon of a man 
> in photoshop and I paste him into Revolution.  Then my little man 
> becomes an "image" in Revolution language.  However, when I paste him 
> in, the rect of the image is the size of the entire card!  How can I 
> get the rect of my little man to be exactly the size of him?

I've made this little script to resize an image :

set the lockloc of image "image" to false
get the rect of image "image"
 put (item 3 of it-item 1 of it) into hor
 put (item 4 of it-item 2 of it) into ver 
-- i use a square in background to have "square border" even if the 
rect of image is not a square :
 put the rect of graphic "tbackground"  into trect
-- to see the border :
 repeat with i=3 to 4
   subtract 2 from item i of trect
 end repeat
if hor >= ver and hor > (item 3 of trect-item 1 of trect)  then set the 
rect of image "image" to (item 1 of trect, item 2 of trect, item 3 of 
trect, (item 2 of trect+(ver*(item 3 of trect-item 1 of trect))/hor))
if ver > hor and ver > (item 4 of trect-item 2 of trect) then set the 
rect of image "image" to (item 1 of trect, item 2 of trect, (item 1 of 
trect+(hor*(item 4 of trect-item 2 of trect))/ver), item 4 of trect)
end if
set the loc of image "image" to the loc of graphic "tbackground" 
set the lockloc of image "image" to true
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?

2003-08-16 Thread Ken Norris
> From: "yoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?
> Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 19:43:36 -0400

> Should I do the EULA in an Installer capsule like Vise or similar?
You know, I would like to reimplement my *HC Payload Stack for Light
Aircraft in Rev, but I certainly don't want any liability for its use, so
I'm interested in this thread. I'd also enjoy feedback/questions from any
pilots out there in Rev territory.

Anyway, I like your suggestion. The EULA should be like a password
encryption in an installer file, not the operational stack. IOW, you can't
load the app at all unless the terms of use are agreed to.

This way, if the app has a problem, you can reinstall by making another
agreement. The new app would simply replace the old one.

Thus, there would be no need to have a disappearing page, the user would
just trash the installer (if they want to).

I don't know about server installations, though.

Ken N.

*See a new post about the Payload Chart under "Payload Charts for Light
Aircraft" -- K.N.

use-revolution mailing list

Help - my RunRev IDE has slowed to a crawl

2003-08-16 Thread Graham Samuel
I remember this happening to other people maybe when RunRev 2.0 came 
out, but I can't find the messages using the Google search.

Today I was editing a set of stacks which I've been working on for a 
very long time using both Mac and Windows environments. In this case 
I was using a Mac running OS9.2.2 to power RR 2.0r2, and very soon 
after opening my mainstack in the IDE, things slowed to a crawl to 
the extent that it takes tens of seconds for RunRev to react to 
clicks or even to give up control to another app. I don't think I've 
changed my own stuff in other than a trivial way since it was working 
without problems (just a few iterations ago).

Can anyone suggest something I should be doing to bring the IDE back to life?

(I ought maybe to say that most of my recent development has been 
done using a Windows XP system and I've only just got back to the Mac 
- nevertheless I have built some working apps using the Dist Builder 

Just can't think how to proceed...

TIA for any advice

 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France
use-revolution mailing list

Payload Charts for Light Aircraft

2003-08-16 Thread Ken Norris
This chart generator was originally created in HyperCard on a Mac SE about
14 years ago. It was co-authored by myself and Roger Peard, Col., USMC, Rtd.
Both of us were members of the Blackhawk Sqdn (Lake Tahoe) of the Civil Air
Patrol at the time. I want to rewrite it with an entirely new UI in Rev.

It came from a concern for the safety of high Density Altitude departures at
Lake Tahoe Airport. We had seen several crashes due to high DA conditions
which resulted in the death of people we knew, and many other close calls,
even after a specially instituted policy for ATC Ground Control to say
"check density altitude" among the usual information given at first contact,
and also a lighted DA display on the taxiway.

The chart generator uses an algorithm that utilizes aircraft takeoff
performance plus Weight and Balance data derived from the Pilot's Operating
Handbook and Aircraft Log for a specific aircraft (not just Type and
Category), the Lift Formula, modified for light aircraft, Density Altitude,
and values from the Air Density Tables of the Standard Atmospheric Tables.

It makes an aircraft-specific chart which shows Horsepower and Rate Of Climb
vs. Density Altitude and Payload, i.e., it tells you how much weight in
passengers, baggage, and fuel, the aircraft can have aboard to achieve a
predetermined departure ROC at the current Density Altitude. The pilot will
still need to correctly calculate DA (note: as I mentioned before, at Lake
Tahoe, ATC gives this number routinely), and to determine a safe ROC for
clearing obstacles and terrain before using the chart.

The little chart may have saved my own life on a very hot day at an airport
in eastern Nevada. We had incorporated the use of the chart in our preflight
inspection checklists. We had had our CAP corporate bird refueled (to the
inlet collars by direction) by airport personnel. During the subsequent
preflight inspection, we determined the ROC performance we would get wasn't
adequate. Using the chart, and wanting to carry the passengers and bags, we
decided we could make it back home safely on less fuel, so we drained 25
gallons of fuel (not wasted, but used in another of the aircraft on the same
mission), about 150 lbs., which gave us a good caution-side (something more
than we needed) ROC. The departure was normal and without incident, the
guages showed the numbers we expected.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Payload Charts for Light Aircraft

2003-08-16 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 08:35  AM, Ken Norris wrote:

This chart generator was originally created in HyperCard on a Mac SE 
14 years ago. It was co-authored by myself and Roger Peard, Col., 
USMC, Rtd.
Both of us were members of the Blackhawk Sqdn (Lake Tahoe) of the 
Civil Air
Patrol at the time. I want to rewrite it with an entirely new UI in 

It came from a concern for the safety of high Density Altitude 
departures at
Lake Tahoe Airport.
Ah, the Lake Tahoe Airport. That is where I finished off my 
qualifications for high performance aircraft in mountainous terrain. As 
I recall the Beachcraft Bonanza was topped of with fuel with three on 
board and was in the hot 95+ F degrees. At least as I recall it the 
pressure altitude was around 10,000 feet. We used 5000 feet of the 
seven thousand foot runway. At 11:00 AM that same morning we used 90% 
of Mammoth's shorter runway. I watched a Citobria use all 100% of the 
Mammoth Airport to get into the air right after we took off.

So are you going to make this app available for hot pilots?


use-revolution mailing list

easy way to do itemoffset and lineoffset simultaneous

2003-08-16 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I have a list of lines which each contain a certain amount of items. I 
need to find a certain line based on the first two items it contains.

I know about the line which begins with 3,18 and now I need to get all 
lines which are nearby (x/y grid).  That means I need to get the  lines 
which begin with: 2,17 2,18 2,19 3,17 3,19 4,14 4,18 4,19
I don't know how to get these lines with that information because I 
can't do itemoffset (I need lines) and I cant do lineoffset (I got 
If there just where a command like : lineoffset(item 1 to 2 of the line 
to find,container to search) :-(

use-revolution mailing list

Re: easy way to do itemoffset and lineoffset simultaneous

2003-08-16 Thread Mark Brownell
Saturday, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

I know about the line which begins with 3,18 and now I need to get all 
lines which are nearby (x/y grid).  That means I need to get the  
lines which begin with: 2,17 2,18 2,19 3,17 3,19 4,14 4,18 4,19
I don't know how to get these lines with that information because I 
can't do itemoffset (I need lines) and I cant do lineoffset (I got 
If there just where a command like : lineoffset(item 1 to 2 of the 
line to find,container to search) :-(
If I were going to do this I would not use lines as a delimiter if that 
is possible. I'd store information as (3,18) 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1, (3,19) 
1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,  (3,20) 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, (4,1) 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 
(4,2) 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1 (4,3) 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 where "(" is the 
delimiter. I'm no expert at this but you could use offset(), regEx, or 
split to extract your needed grid coordinates from a single delimited 
string. This way x/y grid numerical values in parentheses would not 
conflict with equivalent numerical values in the rest of each delimited 
data if they were to occur.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help - my RunRev IDE has slowed to a crawl

2003-08-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Graham Samuel wrote:
I remember this happening to other people maybe when RunRev 2.0 came 
out, but I can't find the messages using the Google search.

Today I was editing a set of stacks which I've been working on for a 
very long time using both Mac and Windows environments. In this case I 
was using a Mac running OS9.2.2 to power RR 2.0r2, and very soon after 
opening my mainstack in the IDE, things slowed to a crawl to the extent 
that it takes tens of seconds for RunRev to react to clicks or even to 
give up control to another app. I don't think I've changed my own stuff 
in other than a trivial way since it was working without problems (just 
a few iterations ago).

Can anyone suggest something I should be doing to bring the IDE back to 

(I ought maybe to say that most of my recent development has been done 
using a Windows XP system and I've only just got back to the Mac - 
nevertheless I have built some working apps using the Dist Builder today).

Just can't think how to proceed...

TIA for any advice

Hi Graham,

I had such kind of "slowing down" problems when i switched my first app 
from MC 2.5 to Rev 2.0.1 (Linux and Jaguar platforms). The only 
workaround i found to resolve the problem has been to avoid to put more 
than 100 different objects (buttons, fiels, groups,...) per card.

Hope this can help.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: easy way to do itemoffset and lineoffset simultaneous

2003-08-16 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 02:25 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

I have a list of lines which each contain a certain amount of items. I 
need to find a certain line based on the first two items it contains.

1.  Use a regex you make each call.
2.  Switch to arrays.
3.  Use offset and include the "return" in the charsToFind (put extra 
return at start).
For example:  put return & x , y into charsToFind
4.  Use fixed length data and place it in the string based on x & y 
5.  Switch to arrays.
6.  Switch to arrays.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-16 Thread Dar Scott
I'm getting frustrated with fonts on multiple platforms.

I tried using Ariel and Courier New thinking those would be most 
portable.  Just between OS X and Windows there are gross differences, 
both in metrics and--it seems--in the characters.

In some cases I can go to a fixed line height to force some metrics to 
be the same, but that will not work in most cases.  I would like to 
avoid a lot of formatting calculations.

I'd like to avoid tweaking a lot of profile parameters for platforms.

Why are fonts with the same names so different?

Are there fonts that have exactly the same metrics on different 

Do other applications have such gross differences when the same font is 

If that shows a gross ignorance of font metrics and platforms, I would 
like to learn more.  Well, actually, I would like to learn more anyway, 
but my immediate goal is to address fonts on multiple platforms.  If it 
requires a break to get educated, please point me to the right 

I'm talking about very big differences.

(Maybe this is a bug and I'm too ignorant to tell.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-16 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 05:30  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

Maybe when the stack is opened I can try a bunch of fonts and sizes 
until formatedHeight and formatted Width of test strings look right.

Or, and this is what you said, Mark, I can run experiments that create 
the map I need.  If it is automatic my stack might look OK on exotic 
platforms or maybe go bananas.
That's it! Get a comparison program to create the maps. I sometimes 
forget that computers are supposed to make life easier. I'll need to 
work on this. Once I have one that works I can even try to intercept 
htmlText issues. My experience is to use font maps of known fonts that 
map well. If there is no comparison that fits well then I guess I'll 
just let it go. I'm storing the html in the saved documents so when 
they are opened by the other than creator platform I will have to use 
the font map to rewrite the html text. Lots of fun.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-16 Thread Terry Vogelaar
Dar Scott heeft op zaterdag, 16 aug 2003 om 23:45 het volgende 

I'm getting frustrated with fonts on multiple platforms.
Why don't you try OpenType fonts? They install fine on both OSX and 
newer Windows versions. You will not use fonts 'like' the ones on the 
other platforms; but simply the same ones. Both Adobe and Microsoft 
have plenty of them that install fine on both platforms. And OpenType 
gives full Unicode possibilities.

Read all info at and fall 
in love, like I did.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-16 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 10:36  PM, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

Read all info at and fall 
in love, like I did.

I was just here several hours ago searching for font maps;

Installation note: OpenType fonts purchased and downloaded from the 
Adobe web site are in the .zip format which can be unpacked with WinZip 
for Windows and StuffIt Expander™ for Macintosh.

I can't expect users to get this so that my software will look right in 
cross-platform file systems. Maybe I'm missing something here. Does 
this mean that these fonts become native to my distributed software?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-16 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 11:36 PM, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

I'm getting frustrated with fonts on multiple platforms.
Why don't you try OpenType fonts? They install fine on both OSX and 
newer Windows versions.
I recently read that OS X can use Windows TrueType fonts, too.  
However, since I'm seeing different behavior on Windows XP and OS X, 
something must be different.  Either fonts of the same name are really 
different depending on the target platform or they are interpreted 

Something seems hideous about this.  Is there some good reason for this 
or was this planned from the start to torture me?

However, something good might come of this.  Maybe I can get fonts 
exactly like those on my Windows system, rename them slightly, and then 
put them on my OS X.  Then I can see "Courier New" as those on OS X 
would see it and see "Courier New" as Windows users would see it.  

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list