Re: Checking Server Results If Return is HTML

2003-12-20 Thread Dan Shafer
Thanks, Brian. I should have seen that. You're right, of course. The 
problem is that the serverReturn field was being read by RR as a 
variable with a value. Correctly so. I've quoted those strings now 
(like I keep teaching people to do...duh!) and all is well.

Gotta stop coding so late at night.

On Dec 19, 2003, at 8:38 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

It looks like you have a variable that has the same name as your field.
When you do this:
put User successfully created into field serverReturn

Revolution is actually putting the message into field 1, which is what 
serverReturn evaluates to.
In the second case, Revolution is trying to find a field with a name 
that matches a long html string- bad news.

Put quotes around your field name (or change it's name) and you should 
be good to go.



If the outcome is successful, the server in this case returns a value 
of 1. This works in my code. But if an error is created, I never get 
the second display. Instead, the debugger tells me Chunk: No Such 
Object and the hint has the first two HTML tags of the return value.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

debug an External with XCode on OS X

2003-12-20 Thread Alex Rice
1) Copy and supporting files and folders into the build 
folder of your XCode project. The layout will look like:

The reason for this layout so can locate External.bundle 
*and* the Xcode working directory, build/, happens to be a folder where 
Revolution can find it's license file.

2) Open your external.pbproj file in XCode.

3) Make *absolutely sure* that your target's debugging symbols are ON 
and optimizations are OFF. This tripped me up badly because the 
settings look different depending if your target is a legacy bundle or 
a xcode carbon bundle. Also XCode has a bazillion places to set 
compiler linker settings. To be sure, do Project menu | Edit Active 
Target and make the settings there. If you do something else like Get 
Info on your Project styles- you are setting something else- who knows 
what :-/

4) Add into your project. Project menu | New Custom 
Executable. Select (make sure to select the one you 
copied in your build/ folder)

5) clean  build your external (to get the debug build)

6) Set some breakpoints in external.c or other source files

7) Choose Debug menu | Debug executable. Revolution will launch and 
then in Revolution you open a Rev stack that loads the external.bundle. 
The external.bundle used will be the one the build directory. The Xcode 
debugger already has that bundle loaded and the XCode debugger should 
be hitting your breakpoints now!

Hopefully having a real debugger should make writing xternals *much* 
more enjoyable. :-)

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Christmas stocking stuffer ideas?

2003-12-20 Thread Malte Brill

As for other people's programming, how about including Yibbah, if
that's OK with Malte.

Definitely OK. ;-)

Please let us know what you collected when you´re finished Dar.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Small Diversion - DeskZolo

2003-12-20 Thread Ian Wood
Try this one with Exposé, especially if you hold down Shift at the same 
time.  Whoosh!

Ian Wood
Panoramic photography, from web to billboard, sunrise to moonrise
On 20 Dec 2003, at 02:25, Scott Rossi wrote:

On 12/19/03 5:56 PM, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gotta PC version for those of us without .sit?
Not yet.  OSX has all the nice window dropshadows built into the OS 
which is
why we used this system for the demo.  Stay tuned.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Apple script problems

2003-12-20 Thread Bruce Robertson
 I don't have FileMaker so I can't test this, but what do you get if you
 get every record as string
 in the AppleScript?
 AppleScript has decided to give you a list and that may end up easiest
 to process, but try coercing it to a string and see what happens.
 You are a champ, proving the superiority of string theory! It returns
 a tab/return delimited string.
 Unfortunately, for a big file, I get an execution error. But I got
 that without the as string. I don't think this is a Run Rev
 capacity problem. I am able to import the file into a varaibe (or a
 field). I  suspect that AppleScript has limits on string lengths.
 Back to the tried-and-true--importing a text file.

1. You seem to be having difficulty with applescript 101 text handling.

2. You are making FileMaker operate inefficiently and do multiple operations
when it isn't necessary.

3. You haven't described any detail about the scope of this operation? How
many records, how many fields?

2. You aren't describing the runrev end of things. What is the applescript
in RR to make your new record? What data do you need to feed to it?

Tell app FileMaker Pro
Copy every record of document xyz.fp5 to mydata
-- result is a list
-- do NOT coerce to string yet
End tell
-- we're through with FileMaker

Set applescript's text item delimiters to tab
Copy count of myDate to rowCount
Repeat with num from 1 to rowcount
Copy (item num of mydata) at text to temp
-- 1 tab delimited record
-- what do you want to do with it?
End repeat

On myRevmagic(theData)
-- well now what?
End myRevmagic

use-revolution mailing list

French revolution's Mailing list

2003-12-20 Thread Thomas Luquet
I have creat a french mailing list for Revolution.
you can access it to

or subscribe in sending a mail at
Thanks :-)

revolution is great !


___...,,,===::: zobi8225 :::===,,,...___
___...,,,===:::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  :::===,,,...___
King of M0N!3y
lord of Kéké LanD
¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? ¿?¿?¿?

Be Redy for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the web
AIM : zobi8225
Yahoo MS : zobi8225
ICQ : 136704092
B3l!Ve In t0mOroW
¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ ¿?¿?¿?
		@LL VV3 N33D !Z 10V3

use-revolution mailing list

Capturing Audio and Video with RevRun

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Wills

I was wondering if there is any information that I could be pointed to 
about RunRev's abilities and stability in doing audio and video capture. 
We are debating between RealBasic and RunRev. I have a freeware app 
created with RealBasic for recording sound using Quicktime but for 
RunRev I have only found issues listed online with previous Metacard and 
perhaps earlier Rev versions. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks you,


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Capturing Audio and Video with RevRun

2003-12-20 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Michael,


I was wondering if there is any information that I could be pointed to 
about RunRev's abilities
and stability in doing audio and video capture. We are debating 
between RealBasic and RunRev.
I have a freeware app created with RealBasic for recording sound using 
Quicktime but for RunRev
I have only found issues listed online with previous Metacard and 
perhaps earlier Rev versions.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I personally have not yet recorded sound in RR so i cannot tell how 
good this build-in
capability does its job...

But for video capturing RR is a good choice.

Check the stack  Video_Input.rev inside the Sample stacks folder.

Does even work with iSight right out of the box :-)

Thank you,
You're welcome :-)

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: French revolution's Mailing list

2003-12-20 Thread Dom
Thomas Luquet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have creat a french mailing list for Revolution.

May I talk of HCP which is a List dealing of HyperCard (not so often)
MetaCard and Revolution?

Vous avez aussi une liste francophone (pas tres frequentée, bon...) :


Digital photos (nature, garden) :
Scripting :
use-revolution mailing list

High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
Hi All,

I'm in the process of writing a keyboard filter for SDB, and I would
be interested in anyone's feedback regarding any missing desirable
edit ranges in general and high-order ASCII alphabetic characters in
The present Data Dictionary design supports the following basic edit
types (character ranges are expressed as ASCII [numToChar] values):
 -~ =  32-126
 - =  32-256
09- =  48-57, + 45 + decimal separator if decimal precision is
greater than 10^0
0-9 =  48-57,  + decimal separator if decimal precision is greater than 10^0
0-Z =  48-90
0-z =  48-147, less 91-96
0-Ù =  48-134 , less 91-127--Should be + 203-205 + 217 + 229-239 +241-244?
0-ü =  48-159 , less 91-96, less 123-127--Should be + 203-205 +
216-217 + 229-239 + 241-244?
A-Z = 65-90
A-z = 65-122, less 9196
A-Ù = 65-90 + 12 -134--Should be + 203-205 + 217 + 229-239 + 241 244?
A-ü =  65-159 , less 91-96, less 123-127--Should be + 203-205 +
216-217 + 229-239 + 241-244?
a-z  = 97-147
a-ü = 97-147 + 135-159--Should be + 216?
*** = None [field stores non-keyboard input]
As noted, my issues are with edit ranges that include high-order characters:

0-Ù =  High  low order uppercase Alphabetic characters + numerals
0-ü =  High  low order uppercase  lowercase Alphabetic characters + numerals
A-Ù =  High  low order uppercase Alphabetic characters
A-ü =  High  low order uppercase  lowercase Alphabetic characters
a-ü =  High  low order lowercase Alphabetic characters
I would greatly appreciate any responses that alleviate my ignorance
of the standard high-order alphabet, ASCII and ANSI, and will happily
evaluate any suggestions for other useful edit ranges.
Please note that the Data Dictionary includes the capability to
create a list of characters within the specified edit range that are
invalid for a particular field.  Example: to limit input to odd
digits, one would set the edit range to 0-9 and designate 02468
as invalid keys.
TIA and happy holidays to all.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
A-z = 65-122, less 9196
A-Ù = 65-90 + 12 -134--Should be + 203-205 + 217 + 229-239 + 241 244?
Oops! Should be:

A-z = 65-122, less 91-96
A-Ù = 65-90 + 128-134--Should be + 203-205 + 217 + 229-239 + 241 244?

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Setting IP-properties

2003-12-20 Thread Alejandro Tejada

on Fri, 12 Dec 2003
Dar Scott wrote in response to this question of Gunnar Wailler:
 I want to create an application that can set the IP-adress, netmask
 and default gateway of my own computer. Can this be done with
I have not done this, but this looks like a useful capability, Gunnar.
I would welcome (on this list or direct) hearing how this works out.

So, I think the answer is yes.  Now, how is another question.

(BTW, the IP address, netmask and default gateway are all TCP/IP
properties of an adaptor and a computer might have more than one

This question is somehow related to security issues and a quick search
in google confirm this (search for fake ip address).
The more common methods found in these web
pages requires the use of proxys to connect to the internet.
Runrev could use proxies to connect, but I never have worked before in this
area. We have knowledgeable experts in network computing in this list
so, insist in your question to call their attention.
I will start to manage the distribution of files in the network of the 
computer lab,
so my questions on network issues will come to this list too.


use-revolution mailing list

XP doesn't read a custom property from an encrypted stack

2003-12-20 Thread Glasgow David
Hello folks,

Its a long time since my last post. (Forgive me Father?)

The reason is that I have discovered that writing software is not the hardest 
is installation and support.  OK, OK, so that is common knowledge, but it has come as 
a bit of a shock to me, I can tell you.

I have customer who can't get my software to run under XP, and I have just managed to 
replicate the problem.  The odd thing is that I wouldn't have thought there were any 
OS issues in what I am doing.  The situation is this:

I have an encrypted 'users' stack that contains the name of authorised users stored in 
a custom property 'cusers'. This is stored in a folder within the same folder as the 
standalone. When my standalone launches, a preopenstack handler opens the users stack 
(invisible) and puts cusers into gusers, a global.  In the openstack handler, gusers 
is put into an authorised users pop-up.  If the authorised users popup is empty, the 
buttons on the main screen are disabled.  If there are users present, the buttons are 

This works under OS9, Win 95 and 2000 (which I have easy access to), but not XP (which 
I don't).  Under XP the standalone launches, but no user names are put into the pop 
up, so the navigation buttons remain disabled.  Debugging this will mean borrowing 
machines and installing Rev on them, so I thought it was worth a post in case the 
gurus know what is going on.

I can't post the scripts from here, but could later if the answer isn't obvious.

Best wishes,

David Glasgow

Forensic Software and Services 

use-revolution mailing list

simulating a mouseclick on a certain line in a list field

2003-12-20 Thread rand valentine
 hello, dear revolution gurus. i have a list field that has a mouseUp script
attached to it, which does something based on the value of the clicked-on
line. But how do I simulate clicking on a particular line in a field, ie,
how do I send the listfield, in essence, a virtual click on a particular
line, so that the mouseUp script, which needs the clickLine to function,
works properly? I hope this is clear. Thanks.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

toggle development menus

2003-12-20 Thread Rodney Tamblyn
I'm developing an application, under OSX, which uses a custom menubar.

Can anyone tell me a simple way to toggle menubar display between a 
custom menubar and Revolution's development menus?  It's easy enough to 
change to the custom menus, but not so obvious how to change back.

I think it would be good if the the Revolution Suspend Development 
Environment option could be called from scripts, so one could write a 
handler to suspend development and turn on a custom menubar and visa 
versa.  Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks very much.

Rodney Tamblyn
44 Melville Street
New Zealand
+64 3 4778606
use-revolution mailing list

toggle development menubar?

2003-12-20 Thread Rodney Tamblyn
I'm developing an application, under OSX, which uses a custom menubar.

Can anyone tell me a simple way to toggle menubar display between a 
custom menubar and Revolution's development menus?  It's easy enough to 
change to the custom menus, but not so obvious how to change back.

I think it would be good if the the Revolution Suspend Development 
Environment option could be called from scripts, so one could write a 
handler to suspend development and turn on a custom menubar and visa 
versa.  Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks very much.

Rodney Tamblyn
44 Melville Street
New Zealand
+64 3 4778606
use-revolution mailing list

Re: intercept stack opening event in Windows

2003-12-20 Thread Rodney Tamblyn
problem solved.  You can intercept Windows open events using Windows  
DDE in the Externals Collection.  To register your application you need  
to make some modifications to the Windows Registry, for further info,  

~ Rodney

Rodney Tamblyn
44 Melville Street
New Zealand
+64 3 4778606
use-revolution mailing list

Linux kernel 2.6

2003-12-20 Thread dam-pro.girard

I want to know if Runtime Revolution 2.1.2 is compatible with the Linux
kernel ver 2.6 final.

And if a support for another player that Xanim can be do with Revolution
2.1.2 on Linux.

Please send me your respond to my Email.
Because, i didn't use the Runtime Revolution Mailing list.

Damien Girard

Sorry, i didn't have a good english.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: menus on the Mac

2003-12-20 Thread dom

 YES the menu stays in the menu bar 

Can't understand why there IS a menu bar as you deleted its group...

I will try this one!
menugroup on card 1; set as Mac OS menu = the window shrinks
properties of the group edited, NO background behaviour
created a new card 
= the window enlarges as one go from card 1 to card 2
the menus seems to be there...
but as one clicks on a menu item, an error arises no such
object ;-)))

By the way, if I remove the menu group (menu Object command), the very
same error arises ;-))

I think therefore (you will correct me) that the menu bar persists in
memory -- so it shows itself in the Mac menus bar; but in fact it is

Mes photos (nature, jardin) :
Scripting :
use-revolution mailing list

[no subject]

2003-12-20 Thread Robert Hartley
Hi Rod

I don't know what happened to my mail's text: I assume a script you wrote 
but just for the others her is my submission

Application Name: ABcitation
Version: 1
Availablility: February
Publisher: Armbase
Contact Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
OS X Native?: No (but in th future)
Demo available: Full application shareware
Price: 5 dollars
Description (30 words or less) Bibliography manager for scientific journal 
references. There are many Free apps that are better. But they have a 
steep learning curve. ABcitation is simple, and simple to use. :-)

Bob; Sunny Glasgow

Dr. Robert Hartley, Spinal Cord Group, West Medical Building,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow. G12 8QQ
Phone +44 141 330 4367 

use-revolution mailing list

copy progress bar; windows

2003-12-20 Thread Robert Hartley
Hi All

I created an application for seeking and transferring files from a folder 
to another.

and get it from
the code for the copy button is:-
on mouseUp
  answer folder Please choose a folder:
  put it into destFolder
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  put field 1 into theFiles
  repeat for each line f in theFiles
put destFolder  /  last item of f into newFile
revCopyFile f, newFile
  end repeat
end mouseUp
Now when I click the button to transfer the files listed, it works 
perfectly, however, there is no indication of the progress of the copy.
When you copy files using windows explorer you get a progress bar; is there 
a way to show the progress of the copy-action in revolution?

Dr. Robert Hartley, Spinal Cord Group, West Medical Building,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow. G12 8QQ
Phone +44 141 330 4367 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: debug an External with XCode on OS X

2003-12-20 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Dec 20, 2003, at 3:33 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

Hopefully having a real debugger should make writing xternals *much* 
more enjoyable. :-)
This is great.  I just tried it out and it works perfectly (actually 
used it to track down a problem).

I just created a general debug build folder that has the Rev app in it 
I can target debug builds to so I don't have to duplicate the Rev debug 
stuff for every external.

Thanks for figuring this out Alex.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: debug an External with XCode on OS X

2003-12-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 03:33 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

Hopefully having a real debugger should make writing xternals *much* 
more enjoyable. :-)
Thanks Alex!  I need to start making coding errors so I can use this!  


use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 09:03 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

I'm in the process of writing a keyboard filter for SDB, and I would 
be interested in anyone's feedback regarding any missing desirable 
edit ranges in general and high-order ASCII alphabetic characters in 
Perhaps the reason you are having trouble finding info on high-order 
ASCII is that there is no high-order ASCII as obnoxious purists like me 
are quick to point out.

Here is a document that has helped me get my bearings on character code 

You might be interested in using ISO-8859-1 which includes ASCII as a 
subset and does define higher-end coding.  Or the characters in common 
of 1-byte (in UTF8) Unicode and ISO-8859-1.  Or limit yourself to those 
in common of those and some other ISO-8859.

I wonder if there are keyboard standards for Unicode...

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: simulating a mouseclick on a certain line in a list field

2003-12-20 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Rand,

 hello, dear revolution gurus. i have a list field that has a mouseUp 
attached to it, which does something based on the value of the 
line. But how do I simulate clicking on a particular line in a field, 
how do I send the listfield, in essence, a virtual click on a 
line, so that the mouseUp script, which needs the clickLine to 
works properly? I hope this is clear. Thanks.
set the hilitedlines of fld your field here to your_line_number_here
send mouseup to fld your field here
Just tested and it looks like this does trigger a mouseup but the 
is not respected...?

Hope that helps though...

Try using the hilitedlines or the selectedtext or whatsoever, as 
long as
it works with send mouseup... ;-)

rand valentine
Enjoy your christmas holidays :-)


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Christmas stocking stuffer ideas?

2003-12-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 03:40 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

As for other people's programming, how about including Yibbah, if
that's OK with Malte.
Definitely OK. ;-)

Please let us know what you collected when you´re finished Dar.
Where do I find this?  ...whatever it is...

I think we are going to a Christmas story book for the main creation, 
though I want to throw other apps in.  Because of time limitations, 
I'll probably use my Primer foundation.  I can then give credit to 
gadgets at the end.

It would be cooler to have a book look with a windowShape border, but I 
am limited in time.  Maybe I can try windowShape to cut a hole in a 
window illustration.  That way, if it does not work on some platforms, 
it won't break things.  I'm not sure what problems I will have with the 
title bar and windowShape, though; maybe I will have to lose the title 

This can be a silly story that includes photos, pictures and other 
things about family around the world.

I'm thinking of including my loupe in an illustration.

Anybody have clocks (analog and seven-segments)?  Maybe I can have 
clocks work in the time-zone of the illustration.

Dialtone and DTMF sounds for an imaginary phone?  Maybe I can allow 
dialing 9 to get to the real world and dial via modem.

What is a good site for clip art and sounds?

What gadgets might I include in illustrations?
What silly things might this book do?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
Perhaps the reason you are having trouble finding info on high-order 
ASCII is that there is no high-order ASCII as obnoxious purists like 
me are quick to point out.

Here is a document that has helped me get my bearings on character 
code issues:
Hi Dar,

I visited the URL and a few links (unfortunately the one that sounded 
most promising, Guide to the Use of Character sets in Europe, 
returned Page not found.); but my ignorance is not alleviated.

There is an alphabet for every language.  There must be a way to 
filter keyboard input to reject keys that are not part of the 
alphabet, or a subset thereof.

This is not an issue of key translation between two computers; rather 
the focus is on filtering keyboard input on the user's computer to 
reject keystrokes that are defined as illegal for the current input 

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 10:11  AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

There is an alphabet for every language.  There must be a way to 
filter keyboard input to reject keys that are not part of the 
alphabet, or a subset thereof.

This is not an issue of key translation between two computers; rather 
the focus is on filtering keyboard input on the user's computer to 
reject keystrokes that are defined as illegal for the current input 

Rob Cozens

I use a trick to find characters that are higher than ascii 127. I use 
a repeat loop to place all 255 numToChars(i) separated by a space into 
an off screen field. I then put the HTMLText of that field into a 
variable. I now have escape-sequences for these chars that I can use in 
an array created with the split function.

From this :
Š š ¦ ­ ² ³ ¹  	
 ¼ ½
 ¾ Ð × Ý Þ ð ý þ             !  # $ %  ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;  =  ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 
U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x 
y z { | } ~  Ä Å Ç É Ñ Ö Ü á à â ä ã å ç é è ê ë í ì î ï ñ ó ò ô ö õ ú 
ù û ü † ° ¢ £ § • ¶ ß ® © ™ ´ ¨  Æ Ø  ±   ¥ µ      ª º  æ ø ¿ 
¡ ¬  ƒ   « » …   À Ã Õ Œ œ – — “ ” ‘ ’ ÷  ÿ Ÿ  ¤ ‹ ›   ‡ · ‚ „ ‰ 
Â Ê Á Ë È Í Î Ï Ì Ó Ô € Ò Ú Û Ù  ˆ ˜ ¯  Ž  ¸   ž

I get this :
p#138; #154; brvbar; shy; sup2; sup3; sup1; #8; #9; /p
p frac14; frac12; #13; frac34; ETH; times; Yacute; THORN; 
eth; yacute; thorn; #22; #23; #24; #25; #26; #27; #28; #29; 
#30; #31;   ! quot; # $ % amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
9 : ; lt; = gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } 
~ #127; Auml; Aring; Ccedil; Eacute; Ntilde; Ouml; Uuml; 
aacute; agrave; acirc; auml; atilde; aring; ccedil; eacute; 
egrave; ecirc; euml; iacute; igrave; icirc; iuml; ntilde; 
oacute; ograve; ocirc; ouml; otilde; uacute; ugrave; ucirc; 
uuml; #134; deg; cent; pound; sect; #149; para; szlig; reg; 
copy; #153; acute; uml; #14; AElig; Oslash; #15; plusmn; #16; 
#17; yen; micro; #18; #19; #20; #21; #22; ordf; ordm; #23; 
aelig; oslash; iquest; iexcl; not; #24; #131; #25; #27; 
laquo; raquo; #133; nbsp; Agrave; Atilde; Otilde; #140; #156; 
#150; #151; #147; #148; #145; #146; divide; #28; yuml; #159; 
#29; curren; #139; #155; #30; #31; #135; middot; #130; #132; 
#137; Acirc; Ecirc; Aacute; Euml; Egrave; Iacute; Icirc; Iuml; 
Igrave; Oacute; Ocirc; #128; Ograve; Uacute; Ucirc; Ugrave; 
#129; #136; #152; macr; #141; #142; #143; cedil; #144; #157; 
#158; /p

With that I can create a char map for conversion between OS 
differences. Perhaps a char mapping process can help you set up a key 
control handler. This works for me because I'm using HTMLText to store 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: simulating a mouseclick on a certain line in a list field

2003-12-20 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/15/03 2:27 PM, rand valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hello, dear revolution gurus. i have a list field that has a mouseUp script
 attached to it, which does something based on the value of the clicked-on
 line. But how do I simulate clicking on a particular line in a field, ie,
 how do I send the listfield, in essence, a virtual click on a particular
 line, so that the mouseUp script, which needs the clickLine to function,
 works properly? I hope this is clear. Thanks.


set the hilitedLines of fld myListField to 6
send mouseUp to fld myListField

-- Acts like a click on line 6 of the field


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Showing lines in a text field

2003-12-20 Thread Jim Carwardine
How do I show lines in a text field?  The field properties inspector doesn¹t
seem to have that choice.  Can I do a custom property?  Jim

OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
Thanks much for your example, Mark.

I sure hope I don't have to go to those lengths to achieve what I
need accomplished.:{`)
What happens if one scripts, for example:

put empty into keysAllowed
repeat with x = 128 to 255
get numToChar(x)
if it = Ù and  it = ü  then put it into keysAllowed
end repeat
Does this or does this not return the same values on all Rev
platforms  all fonts?
Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Showing lines in a text field

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
How do I show lines in a text field?
Hi Jim,

Check out the hGrid property.
Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Apple script problems

2003-12-20 Thread Bruce Robertson
 Yes, I am bound to use  FMP. All the volunteers at the campaign
 headquarters use FMP to do data entry and construct walking lists,
 I am still surprised that AppleScript doesn't do the normal thing and
 just return a comma/return (or tab/return) delimited text file
 instead of the  curly brackets. Thank God there are not curly
 brackets in the database.

They would have survived fine. Converting applescript lists to delimited
text is pretty trivial. 

use-revolution mailing list

Shell or Launch or HELP!!!!

2003-12-20 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
OK, I am now completely confused.

I am building an OSX and WIN standalone and need to include a button 
with a link that launches an .exe file on XP and 2000 BUT launches the 
same .exe in VirtualPC if present in OSX.

I have tried a bunch of things and can't get it figured out. Please 
help a desperate Revie.

Here is what I tried so far:
on MouseUp
  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat) this was code I found 
in the AUTORUN.INF from the PC CD, also is ClickMe.bat and ShellExe.exe 
then there is the actual installers that I need which are - PCSB101.exe 
and PCPF109.exe

  if the environment is Win32 then -- we are in XP or 2000
  get shell (start ShellExe.exe) -- can't figure out how to open 
ClickMe.bat in the ShellExe.exe
catch lerror
end try
  else -- we are in OSX
  --launch /media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe -- in OSX no luck
  --get shell (/media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe) -- in OSX no Luck
  --get shell (start /Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft 
PowerPoint) -- now I am confused
catch lerror
end try
  end if
end MouseUp

Thank you all I really need the help


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Rob Cozens
What happens if one scripts, for example:

put empty into keysAllowed
repeat with x = 128 to 255
get numToChar(x)
if it = Ù and  it = ü then put it into keysAllowed
end repeat
Does this or does this not return the same values on all Rev
platforms  all fonts?
At the risk of exposing more of my ignorance, let me rephrase that:

Rev will see the characters as numeric values and return the same
list of numeric values; but will the first character always display
as Ù and the last character as ü on all Rev platforms  all fonts?
I checked the Rev Dictionary for diacritical but the three
references (find, toLower, toUpper) weren't much help.
Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 12/20/03 3:55 PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

What happens if one scripts, for example:

put empty into keysAllowed
repeat with x = 128 to 255
get numToChar(x)
if it = Ù and  it = ü then put it into keysAllowed
end repeat
Does this or does this not return the same values on all Rev
platforms  all fonts?

At the risk of exposing more of my ignorance, let me rephrase that:

Rev will see the characters as numeric values and return the same list 
of numeric values; but will the first character always display as Ù 
and the last character as ü on all Rev platforms  all fonts?

I checked the Rev Dictionary for diacritical but the three references 
(find, toLower, toUpper) weren't much help.
If you mean, do you get the same glyph for each ascii number, then no, 
not even between fonts on the same platform. If you look in any font 
display program, you'll see the variations that occur in the high-ascii 
ranges in different fonts (the old Mac KeyCaps app was good for this.) 
And in dingbat and symbol fonts, even the low-ascii glyphs are different.

But you probably knew that, so maybe I don't understand what you're asking.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Visible Image

2003-12-20 Thread Jim Carwardine
This is a true newby question.  I¹m importing an image file (from the File
menu) into a card and after the action, all I can see are the handles, not
the picture.  I tried importing a .png then a jpeg with the same results.
What am I missing?  Jim

OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Shell or Launch or HELP!!!!

2003-12-20 Thread Thomas J McGrath III
Ok so here is my progress

I put in an if there is a file and get File Found and still no 
good. I tried Launch and get shell as in documents and nothing in OSX. 
But if I double click  the file in OSX it launches VirtualPC(or brings 
to front if open).

Any help is great.

on MouseUp
  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat)
  if the environment is Win32 then -- we are in Windows
  get shell (start ShellExe.exe)
catch lerror
end try
  else -- we are in OSX
  --launch /media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe
  --get shell (/media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
  --get shell (/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft 
  if there is a file media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe
	answer File Found
   	launch (media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
	get shell (media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
	get shell (binfile: media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
answer The file was not found.
  end if
catch lerror
end try
  end if
end MouseUp

On Dec 20, 2003, at 5:44 PM, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:

OK, I am now completely confused.

I am building an OSX and WIN standalone and need to include a button 
with a link that launches an .exe file on XP and 2000 BUT launches the 
same .exe in VirtualPC if present in OSX.

I have tried a bunch of things and can't get it figured out. Please 
help a desperate Revie.

Here is what I tried so far:
on MouseUp
  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat) this was code I found 
in the AUTORUN.INF from the PC CD, also is ClickMe.bat and 
ShellExe.exe then there is the actual installers that I need which are 
- PCSB101.exe and PCPF109.exe

  if the environment is Win32 then -- we are in XP or 2000
  get shell (start ShellExe.exe) -- can't figure out how to open 
ClickMe.bat in the ShellExe.exe
catch lerror
end try
  else -- we are in OSX
  --launch /media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe -- in OSX no luck
  --get shell (/media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe) -- in OSX no Luck
  --get shell (start /Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft 
PowerPoint) -- now I am confused
catch lerror
end try
  end if
end MouseUp

Thank you all I really need the help


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Visible Image

2003-12-20 Thread Thomas J McGrath III

Are you referencing the file as control or importing the file. I 
usually get this if it is a non supported image type and I am trying to 
import the file. Try as Quicktime referenced control and see if it 


On Dec 20, 2003, at 6:24 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

This is a true newby question.  Im importing an image file (from the 
menu) into a card and after the action, all I can see are the handles, 
the picture.  I tried importing a .png then a jpeg with the same 
What am I missing?  Jim

OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.
Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 3, Issue 76

2003-12-20 Thread Dan Friedman

I wouldn't have much use for it...  I already have a CODE/DLL/Bundle that I
use in Rev for spell checking.


 Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 11:31:04 -0800
 From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Apple spelling checker?
 To: Rev Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 How difficult/desireable would it be to have a means of using OS X's
 Spelling Checker application service within Rev?
 I have a client gearing up for a heavy production cycle and we're looking at
 options for incorporating QA conveniences into his workflow.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Capturing Audio and Video with RevRun

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Klaus,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately with our Logitech web-cam on 
Windows 2000, I couldn't get the build to work with it. I'm quite new to 
Revolution though so I may have missed something in the build process. I 
did check the Use Video for Windows option but none of the buttons 
responded. I'll keep trying though since I have a few days left on the 
trial version.

Would you happen to know if it matters that the web-cam we're using is USB?

Thanks again,


Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Michael,


I was wondering if there is any information that I could be pointed 
to about RunRev's abilities
and stability in doing audio and video capture. We are debating 
between RealBasic and RunRev.
I have a freeware app created with RealBasic for recording sound 
using Quicktime but for RunRev
I have only found issues listed online with previous Metacard and 
perhaps earlier Rev versions.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I personally have not yet recorded sound in RR so i cannot tell how 
good this build-in
capability does its job...

But for video capturing RR is a good choice.

Check the stack  Video_Input.rev inside the Sample stacks folder.

Does even work with iSight right out of the box :-)

Thank you,

You're welcome :-)

Hope that helps...



Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: High-Order ASCII Alphabet Other Keyboard Edits

2003-12-20 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 03:03  PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 12/20/03 3:55 PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

What happens if one scripts, for example:

put empty into keysAllowed
repeat with x = 128 to 255
get numToChar(x)
if it = Ù and  it = ü then put it into keysAllowed
end repeat
Does this or does this not return the same values on all Rev
platforms  all fonts?
At the risk of exposing more of my ignorance, let me rephrase that:
Rev will see the characters as numeric values and return the same 
list of numeric values; but will the first character always display 
as Ù and the last character as ü on all Rev platforms  all  fonts?
I checked the Rev Dictionary for diacritical but the three 
references (find, toLower, toUpper) weren't much help.
If you mean, do you get the same glyph for each ascii number, then no, 
not even between fonts on the same platform. If you look in any font 
display program, you'll see the variations that occur in the 
high-ascii ranges in different fonts (the old Mac KeyCaps app was good 
for this.) And in dingbat and symbol fonts, even the low-ascii glyphs 
are different.

But you probably knew that, so maybe I don't understand what you're 

Jacqueline Landman Gay

That's what I was thinking, the charNums are different by font and 
platform. I was eluding to creating font-maps on the fly to fit the 
current condition. Sounds good anyway, glad I don't need this, 


This is why I use htmlText in an off screen field. It returns an ascii 
escape-sequence that I can compare to ( = whatever). The part I don't 
like for your usage, maybe, is it would have to execute on key messages 
or at least just before usage and that could start to look ugly for the 
user if each key stroke where compared to a font-map.

I'm not sure what you are trying to restrict with key strokes. All I 
know is that the more you go exploring the more I seem to learn.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Visible Image

2003-12-20 Thread Jim Carwardine
I tried Importing As Control into the card.  Then I tried creating an Image
object and Importing as Control into that but it didn't seem to work.  I
first tried to import a pict.  Rev told me that the pict format was not
x-platform and to try a png.  So I did that with no luck, then I tried to
Import As Control with a jpeg.  Still no luck... Jim

on 12/20/03 7:57 PM, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:

 Are you referencing the file as control or importing the file. I
 usually get this if it is a non supported image type and I am trying to
 import the file. Try as Quicktime referenced control and see if it
 On Dec 20, 2003, at 6:24 PM, Jim Carwardine wrote:
 This is a true newby question.  I¹m importing an image file (from the
 menu) into a card and after the action, all I can see are the handles,
 the picture.  I tried importing a .png then a jpeg with the same
 What am I missing?  Jim
 OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.
 Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
 1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
 Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139
 use-revolution mailing list
 Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev
 Advanced Media Group
 Thomas J McGrath III€ 2003 €[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
 use-revolution mailing list


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Shell or Launch or HELP!!!!

2003-12-20 Thread Brian Yennie
On OS X, you want to use the open command with shell. Here's the 
beginning of the man page- I would get it working in To 
get the entire manual, type man open in

You want something like: get shell(open /folder/somefile)


 open - open files and directories
 open [-a application] file ...
 open [-e] file ...

 The open command opens a file (or a directory or URL), just as if 
you had
 double-clicked the file's icon. If no application name is 
specified, the
 default application as determined via LaunchServices is used to 
open the
 specified files.

 If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a 

Ok so here is my progress

I put in an if there is a file and get File Found and still no 
good. I tried Launch and get shell as in documents and nothing in OSX. 
But if I double click  the file in OSX it launches VirtualPC(or brings 
to front if open).

Any help is great.

on MouseUp
  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat)
  if the environment is Win32 then -- we are in Windows
  get shell (start ShellExe.exe)
catch lerror
end try
  else -- we are in OSX
  --launch /media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe
  --get shell (/media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
  --get shell (/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft 
  if there is a file media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe
	answer File Found
   	launch (media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
	get shell (media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
	get shell (binfile: media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe)
answer The file was not found.
  end if
catch lerror
end try
  end if
end MouseUp

On Dec 20, 2003, at 5:44 PM, Thomas J McGrath III wrote:

OK, I am now completely confused.

I am building an OSX and WIN standalone and need to include a button 
with a link that launches an .exe file on XP and 2000 BUT launches 
the same .exe in VirtualPC if present in OSX.

I have tried a bunch of things and can't get it figured out. Please 
help a desperate Revie.

Here is what I tried so far:
on MouseUp
  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat) this was code I found 
in the AUTORUN.INF from the PC CD, also is ClickMe.bat and 
ShellExe.exe then there is the actual installers that I need which 
are - PCSB101.exe and PCPF109.exe

  if the environment is Win32 then -- we are in XP or 2000
  get shell (start ShellExe.exe) -- can't figure out how to 
open ClickMe.bat in the ShellExe.exe
catch lerror
end try
  else -- we are in OSX
  --launch /media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe -- in OSX no luck
  --get shell (/media/Demos/demos/PCPF109.exe) -- in OSX no Luck
  --get shell (start /Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft 
PowerPoint) -- now I am confused
catch lerror
end try
  end if
end MouseUp

Thank you all I really need the help


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, 
Rev 2.1.2

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III 2003   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Post , UrlDecode and Ampersand

2003-12-20 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Context is a faceless CGI that starts like this:

on startup
## repeat read to get around bug in reading stnIn
  repeat until length(tIncoming) = $CONTENT_LENGTH
read from stdin until empty
put it after tIncoming
  end repeat
   put  urlDecode (tIncoming)  into tDataIn
   split tDataIn by  and =
Where the client http post urlEncoded string is issued from inside a 
Rev stack and not a browser.

This above works great until someone types an ampersand in the middle 
of field of text that is posted. This causes that field's text that is 
meant for a single element in the array to break out into another 
element. And worse, the subsequent element isn't named (there is no = 
in the text that is split off)

Now, there are obvious work arounds, such as, on the server/cgi side: 
taking the

+%26+ which is the encoded ampersand, and then replacing this with 
some place holder like a pipe |  (+%7C+) first, then split the data 
into the array and deal with the pipe later by replacing it back to an 

Or, on the client side; setting up the stack that issues the posted 
string to strip the ampersand out or change it to the word and. But 
something feels off about either of those options. So, before going 
down that road, since the ampersand character is the official concat 
character for urlEncoded form strings, I am wondering if any of you 
wonderful souls out there know if there is already an established 
internet IT spec for the proper way to handle this... or does everyone 
just do WHEW (WHatEver Works) ??

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Shell or Launch or HELP!!!!

2003-12-20 Thread Ken Ray
 I am building an OSX and WIN standalone and need to include a button
 with a link that launches an .exe file on XP and 2000 BUT launches the
 same .exe in VirtualPC if present in OSX.

How about something simple, like:

  open process pathToEXE for neither


I generally use this approach whenever I just need to launch an app and
don't need to pass it any command-line parameters.

  --get shell (OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat) this was code I found
 in the AUTORUN.INF from the PC CD, also is ClickMe.bat and ShellExe.exe
 then there is the actual installers that I need which are - PCSB101.exe
 and PCPF109.exe

Well, the OPEN=ShellExe.exe ClickMe.bat part of the AUTORUN.INF is
intended on running the ShellExe.exe application with the parameter
ClickMe.bat whenever the CD is inserted and auto-run takes place. But it
the main intention is to launch installers in sequence from the insert of a
CD, there are other ways to do it.

What is your primary intent? To launch PCSB101.exe and PCPF109.exe? If so,
will you be launching them one at a time, conditionally based on some
criteria, or in a sequence?

If you can fill in some gaps, I'm sure we can help...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list