Re: How to add Database Library to CGI engine?

2004-08-03 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/2/04 4:36 PM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 Uh... my MC engine for Linux is failing on revOpenDatabase, I assume
 this is due to a lack of the library itself for the error is like
 handler unknown... is there any trick to add DB support to a CGI?
 Man... I should know better...

Andre, how about downloading and connecting to the Valentina DB externals
directly (i.e. attach them to a stack which you open from the CGI to make DB

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] Conductor libiTunes for Rev Developers

2004-08-03 Thread Yves COPPE
Le 03-août-04, à 02:13, Scott Rossi a écrit :
Greetings Rev Developers:
After saying goodbye to the nice folks at the Rev Master's Summit and
spending many hours arguing with AppleScript, Tactile Media is happy to
announce a beta demo of Conductor, a Revolution stack that provides 
over virtually all playback features of Apple's iTunes music player on 

Hi Scott,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Animation library - libRMC

2004-08-03 Thread Malte Brill
Hi Erik,

do you move multiple objects simultaneously?

Yes, I do. The main concept is to have handlers that calculate the next
point on the path. So if you call the handlers just once it will move the
object to the next point. You can easiely create a handler that calls itself
in a send in time structure.

In this handler you call the handlers that animate your objects.
You can have all animations in one place if you like. (mind that you must
start using stack libRMC to make it work.)

e.g. in a button:

on mouseUp
  if the flag of me is empty then
set the flag of me to -1
  end if
  set the flag of me to the flag of me*-1
end mouseUp

on hereWeGo
  lock screen
  send moveCircular to img myImage
  send moveElliptical to grc myGraphic
  send moveLinear to fld myField
  unlock screen
  if the flag of me=1 then
send hereWeGo to me in 4 milliseconds
  end if
end hereWeGo

Now you can use the inspector and set the custom properties created by the

There will be a custom property set moveCircular for image myImage with
the following properties:

centerX - the x location of the circular paths center point
centerY - the y location
isAngle - the arcAngle
isRadius - the radius of the circle
step - the speed and direction the object moves on the path

Each handler creates its own Custom properties set, so its easy to play with
it. :-)

Of course you can set these properties by script:


set the moveCircular[isRadius] of img myImage to 80
set the moveCircular[step] of img myImage to -0.5

If you happen to find the time, download my ERCSneak preview stack to see
libRMC in action.

I´ll be updating libRMC from time to time (next update will follow at the
end of August)



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Web Solutions?

2004-08-03 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 2 août 04, à 18:56, Hershel Fisch a écrit :
On Monday, August 2, 2004, at 06:18 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Le 2 août 04, à 06:24, Hershel Fisch a écrit :
On Sunday, August 1, 2004, at 07:45 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Le 1 août 04, à 23:32, Hershel Fisch a écrit :
On Saturday, July 31, 2004, at 04:56 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Take care about the fact that the way i expose don't use the RevDB  
lib but direct shell() calls to the psql PostgreSQL's server-side  
Now technical what is the difference between the two methods ?
1.- worked fine years before the introduction of the RevDB lib
2.- those MC/Rev applications servers are only doing what they are  
doing the best : working on the data presentation layer, in beetwin  
the Web server (one side) and (second side) the shell() + psql  
connector to the ACID compliant PostgreSQL RDBMS.
3.- works fine and very fast in all situations, including  
administration tasks alike new databases and tables creations or  
automatic pg_dump (backups) operations without stopping the  
production statu of the PostgreSQL server.
4.- least but not least : i didn't, at this time, got enought time to  
test RevDB and see if it's mature in about handling critical  
production tasks (over 400 connections/secs, 75% write mode  
Well the the db library in my opinion is good and fast , I do all kind  
of SQL work without any problems.
That's a good news reminding me that i will have to test and learn how  
to use it as soon as possible ;)

but I'd still like to try out and see how to work with shell() for  
other things as you mentioned above for maintenance purposes . The  
question, where I can get some education on that .
About general PostgreSQL + Metacard/Revolution posts : 
About handling a PostgreSQL back-end from Revolution in CGI mode : 
About handling a PostgreSQL back-end from Revolution set up as a  
web/eai applications server : 

The main site for PosrgreSQL stuffs, news, events :
Cool PostgreSQL news :
About PostgreSQL specifics to the MacOSX platform :

Best, Pierre
Thanks, Hershel
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services  ACID DB over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services  ACID DB over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Advise on enterprize application.

2004-08-03 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Andre,
I will answer to your post tonight. In short, the way is to have all 
your stuff binded to the standard Apache's 80 port trought sockets 
translators/listeners able to use the 80 port to provide the 
requests/replies over the web and to have your server-sided Rev apps 
connectables to the Apache default port from they own private/protected 
( 1024) port. I use, for my own, a 10 lines .PHP script as the sockets 
translator. You can find it in searching the archives.

Because lots to do until 21 PM, more detals tonight :)
Le 2 aot 04,  22:36, Andre Garzia a crit :
Hi Folks,
I was hired to build a simple app here in brazil, I should take care 
of managing contacts and projects for a small company. As a common 
practice here in the country, they changed the project as the game was 
going and now the only thing it doesn't do is to babysit the CEO 
daughter, but okay, I could cope with the spec changes, it's just a 
huge db anway. Now the sky has fallen, they want their app to talk to 
the other franchise apps, meaning theres a company here at Rio de 
Janeiro, another at Sao Paulo and yet another at Porto Alegre, and 
they want to exchange data, they want the program to run everywhere 
and they've got lot's of firewalls since they are inside a university.

I was going like this, client app in Rev, MySQL running in a server, 
everyone access the server. This ain't working They can't open 
connections to the server running at my ISP, I can, I tested it in 
three machines on different networks they can't change their 
firewalls policies and they want to share data

I am now thinking in doing the other way, I make the server using my 
webserver stack and valentina, and they access it by the web, they can 
pass thru the firewall to do webrequests... but that's ugly I hate 
deploying apps using web interface. It's just simple DBs with 6 tables 
and couple joins... should be easy

I look forward to some advise for I must deliver this yesterday, and 
they just phoned to say that the other companies will use the program, 
that's why I am in a hurry... that's also the money that should take 
me to malta. And since they are publishing and marketing company they 
know nothing of IT they think that for them to use an app and for 
outside-of-lan-ambient people to use the same app is trivial 
hell! firewalls!!! fake IPs!!

anyone here got an advise or idea, I am begining again from the 
scratch so any advise is good.

PS: and if I tell I need more time, they just dump me and use another 
contractant pretty cool ain't it.

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services  ACID DB over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Callbacks

2004-08-03 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Barry,
I am a newbie with Revoloution and would like to get some information 
about using callbacks with Revolution to support QuickTime movies. I 
would like to have information displayed during playback by attaching 
callbacks to the movie's chapter tracks times so that the message the 
callback contains is displayed. I have 2 questions. How are callbacks 
created? Does one type into the callbacks option screen (of the 
Property Inspector Window) when the quicktime movie is selected and 
enter the numbers and messages there? I have tried that, but upon 
typing them in and then selecting another option such as basic 
properties and then going back to the callback list, I see the 
callbacks are now gone. I have the callback handler on the card script 
so that when the message is tagged in the movie, the script for the 
message should display in the field I tell it to.

Please help me establish callbacks to use in conjunction with 
quicktime playback of text/chapter tracks.
please check the user contribution page on the RR website, there is a 
small stack of mine
concerning and explaining the callbacks:

The Mistery of the callbacks v1.0
Way down the page :-)
And please spread the word that there are LOTS of these nice thing on 
that page!!! ;-)

Barry Sieber
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Saving and Talking

2004-08-03 Thread Greg Wills
Thanks Kurt, Malte and Sarah for your responses to my question. Your 
replies helped me to understand why it would not work. I misunderstood 
that the sub-stacks would be linked to the revSpeak external in the 

I have not tried your suggestions, but understand why they would work.
I have done another search in the Rev archives and came across a very 
simple solution from Klaus which I tried and it works in both Mac OS X 
and Windows builds. Here it is; (Thanks Klaus.)

Put this into the script of the store-data-stack
on preopenstack
   start using stack the standalone one ## well, you guess
end preopenstack
on closestack
stop using stack the standalone one
end closestack
This way not only handlers and functions of stack the standalone one
are accessible but also its externals/libraries, which are missing
otherwise as you just experienced :-)
Hope that helps...

On 02/08/2004, at 10:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Greg,
I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will 
changes (button names).

I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will
speak the button name.

BUT not in the same build.
I guess the stack you are saving does not know that it needs to use the
revspeak external. Try having the script that does the speak in the
standalones mainstack and call that script from the stack you are 

e.G. declare a global or custom prop  that holds the text to be spoken 
speak that global / custom prop from the main stack.

Hope that helps,

On Aug 2, 2004, at 1:02 AM, Greg Wills wrote:
I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will 
changes (button names).

  How do you do that?  I was under the impression that any persistent
changes had to be made to a substack when running from a standalone.
What I usually do is to open a small stack (which does nothing except
allow me to initialize the Revolution runtime), immediately make it
invisible,  and then open a secondary stack which allows changes to be
saved (and in effect does all the work).

Kurt maybe I didn't make it clear. It is saving to a sub-stack of the 
standalone. It has taken me ages to understand how to do this properly. 
Having now got to the point that I can actually do it gives me such a 
sense of freedom. Now I feel I can do whatever I want and get users to 
alter info in the stack as they want (yeh basic I know, but a 
satisfying breakthrough for me). It actually works, works reliably and 
not complicated - now!!

I am no expert on this, but if you want my explanation of how I have 
done this, I will be happy to share.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 2.5 public beta?

2004-08-03 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 6:50 PM +0100 8/2/2004, Kaveh Bazargan wrote:
Is this a public beta? If so which is the url? If not, why are the
discussions on this list? ;-)
It is a public beta. You might have missed Kevin's announcement with 
the download link, but here it is:

I'm delighted to announce Revolution 2.5 Beta for Windows and Mac OS X.
Linux and Mac Classic will follow shortly.
By definition, a beta test release is a test version and may not be
reliable.  As such you should back up your work before using this version
and not use it with any sensitive projects.
Existing license keys will unlock this beta test version.
The URL for Windows:
Or without an installer:
Mac OS X:
An FAQ on the changes to Express can be found here:
The testing of this version is being restricted to our existing customers so
please do not give these URLs out outside this list.
Please report any issues with this release directly on Bugzilla.
Kind regards,
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

My 2.5 beta 1 review

2004-08-03 Thread curry
Here's my take on 2.5b1. (A bit late; I finally had a chance to try it!)
- The new tool cursor:
No, its appearance is not right. A pointer should be something fairly 
stable to look at, such as pointing in a direction (arrow, hand) or 
marking a location (cross, i-beam). This thing is chaotic; it has 
arrows pointing in five directions. Having the small crossed four 
arrows would tend to suggest resizing or moving things, and this is 
not the case. Is this intuitive, or misleading and confusing? Even it 
we were moving things, four crossed arrows would not be something to 
overuse; as a dragging icon it would be appropriate. Using it all the 
time is radical. They are separated from the main pointing portion of 
the cursor, and this enhances the confusing effect. Solution: a 
cursor-designing contest?

(Reading the Readme, I assume that hand will still be hand and 
arrow will still be arrow, and there will be another keyword for 
the tool icon--if so, good. Also, while defaulting to arrow is best 
for many apps, educational and some games are just as well done with 
the hand. This will be fine if it's easy to set the defaultcursor to 
the hand when desired.)

- The tool palette:
Yes and no. The advantage of dragging out a control is that you see 
its exact shape and position all the time while placing it. So, it 
has its good points as a method, and it's pretty smooth. However, it 
does have its limitations. It requires constant pressure on the mouse 
button; one-click creation is cleaner in a way. But even more 
importantly, the other old capability of dragging to create and size 
at the same time is superior in terms of what can be achieved with 
your motions. Lacking anything like this makes the new tool palette 
pretty clumsy. Double clicking to create a centered control is really 
too basic for an easy-to-use yet advanced tool like Rev. (It's more 
like what we would expect in Hyperstudio.) Rev would do better with a 
power feature, which is what we have with double-clicking the old 
tool palette.

Form should follow function. This is form striking out on its own 
with function stumbling along behind. It could be a step forward in 
both respects if the old and new palette capabilities were combined; 
after all, if you click and don't drag in the new tool palette, you 
get no result. This is wasted and unintuitive. Use the new way when 
the user drags, use the old way when he clicks or double-clicks. 
Simple, and then you have a truly superior interface, not just one 
that's in fashion.

Including the paint and expanded draw tools is a good idea and will save time.
- The documentation window's dictionary:
Filter and Search are fine, but Scroll to term is a good thing and 
could still be included. I've used Filter many times (including every 
time I have to reset prefs, and also when I choose to use it for a 
purpose) and have always ended up setting it to Scroll as the default.

- Revolution online
Interesting way to get community going. Cool.
- The player
Yes and no.
It's great to have Rev stacks play on all platforms; I think that is 
just as it should be. And a player is an ideal way to do this, so 
when I read about the idea, I was enthusiastic.

However, this particular player is too radical. If someone wants to 
distribute their software, they do want people to actually look at 
their software, and the people downloading also want to actually see 
that software. This player prevents that, jumping to the front and 
offering other options with the opened stack shoved to the back. 
Worse, closing the online browser quits everything. At best the user 
will be completely distracted from the program they downloaded, at 
worst they may give up before even getting to it. Either way, any 
software distributed the traditional way will seem much less valuable.

This is one of the most self-promoting players I've seen so far. So, 
selling something made with DreamCard would be very unlikely, but 
even freeware distributed as a traditional download package would 
just seem like part of the background when opened up. Was it worth 

When browsing for online contributions it's not so bad, but on the 
other hand, this assumes a community point of view where the user 
is interested in trying whatever's out there, good and bad, big and 
small, all there together. What if a user downloads a distributed 
stack and just wants to see that stack and do whatever it does--not 
in community frame of mind, not interested in seeing other things? 
The DreamCard player is so IDE-centric and focused on the new 
community idea that it stops filling the original role of a player.

If there is still going to be any traditional distribution of stacks 
(on web pages and download sites) for use with the player, then the 
online browser should not take over. It could be available from a 
menu or button rather than popping out. And the Revolution 
message/promotion should be toned down and balanced. If someone 

Re: [ANN] Conductor libiTunes for Rev Developers

2004-08-03 Thread Chipp Walters
Pretty cool stuff. I look forward to trying it out :-)
Scott Rossi wrote:
Greetings Rev Developers:
After saying goodbye to the nice folks at the Rev Master's Summit and
spending many hours arguing with AppleScript, Tactile Media is happy to
announce a beta demo of Conductor, a Revolution stack that provides control
over virtually all playback features of Apple's iTunes music player on Mac
Conductor contains the libiTunes library, a collection of 42 Transcript-like
commands and functions for controlling and retrieving data from iTunes.  We
encourage developers who have a need for CD/music control alongside Rev, and
those into skins and faces, to have a go at the demo and see how it
performs.  Download and information is available here:
Please forward any questions/comments/problems off list.  Thanks in advance
for your participation and interest.
Best Regards,
Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: which engine for OS X CGI

2004-08-03 Thread Mark Smith
Wanting to try a bit of CGI stuff, and having a spare G3 in the corner, 
can anyone tell me which engine I should use with OS X?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Animation library+open source

2004-08-03 Thread Wolfgang M . Bereuter
On 02.08.2004, at 13:45, Kevin Miller wrote:
Would it make sense to open source it?
It is now open source.
correct me if I m wrong, but how can a part of rev be open source 
without a GPL License for rev?

As I understand I can make my scripted code free (open source), but 
every open Source developer has to buy a rev license to write code?
Will they do that? (How knows this guys?)

Is there any intention in RR to make the engine open source?
I m very interested in that, because I m changing my Trainingsmaps© to 
open source.

Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Trainingsmaps© -- speadlearning with Mindmaps!
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418 Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539
use-revolution mailing list

Can Rev Print Unicode?

2004-08-03 Thread Michael D Mays
Can Rev print unicode? And if it can how? I would like to be able to 
(Bprint mathmatical operators and such in a line of 'text' such as
(B  A $B"@(B B  (A 'union' B)
(BI can display the formula with the 'union' character in a field, but 
(Bnothing is printed
(Buse-revolution mailing list

Re: Can Rev Print Unicode?

2004-08-03 Thread Michael D Mays
I do not know what happened. I used Grab to copy an image of the 
(Boperator and pasted it on the card and printed it and the operators in 
(Bthe field appeared. 
(BIt seems that the image's rect must cover the unicode for the unicode 
(Bto print.
(BOn Aug 3, 2004, at 9:41 AM, Michael D Mays wrote:
(B Can Rev print unicode? And if it can how? I would like to be able to 
(B print mathmatical operators and such in a line of 'text' such as
(B  A $B"@(B B  (A 'union' B)
(B I can display the formula with the 'union' character in a field, but 
(B nothing is printed
(B Thanks,
(B Michael
(Buse-revolution mailing list

Re: Animation library+open source

2004-08-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 3, 2004, at 9:03 AM, Wolfgang M.Bereuter wrote:
correct me if I m wrong, but how can a part of rev be open source 
without a GPL License for rev?
The animation library is a stack. Written in Transcript.
As I understand I can make my scripted code free (open source), but 
every open Source developer has to buy a rev license to write code?
Will they do that? (How knows this guys?)
You would be able to edit it with Revolution, just like any other stack.
You need to consider that this really means, take it and edit it 
however suits you. This makes anyone with a Rev license have the 
capacity to make something better out of it. It is just a stack, like 
any other.

Is there any intention in RR to make the engine open source?
The engine is not a stack, and is not written in Transcript. Open 
sourcing the engine is a whole different topic, but I wouldn't expect 
that to happen any time soon. The engine is essentially where RunRev 
derives its income.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Animation library+open source

2004-08-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
Wolfgang M.Bereuter wrote:
On 02.08.2004, at 13:45, Kevin Miller wrote:
Would it make sense to open source it?
It is now open source.
correct me if I m wrong, but how can a part of rev be open source 
without a GPL License for rev?

As I understand I can make my scripted code free (open source), but 
every open Source developer has to buy a rev license to write code?
Will they do that? (How knows this guys?)

Is there any intention in RR to make the engine open source?
I m very interested in that, because I m changing my Trainingsmaps© to 
open source.
There may also be merit in dual licensing (see

Just as one can release open source wares that require a proprietary OS 
to run (like Mozillla on OS X or Windows), there are open source 
licenses that govern components which are free for use within systems 
that may not be.

The MetaCard IDE uses a variant of the X11 license (sometimes called the 
MIT license), but there's also the LGPL (Lesser GNU Public License) 
and others.

In the US, the creator of a work is the copyright holder and can release 
a work under any terms desired -- you can even make up a new license if 
there isn't one that covers your needs (enforcement, however, may be 
another matter g).

While there are competing factions in the open source world with varying 
opinions about licenses, I personally admire the work and dedication of 
Richard Stallman and tend to use licenses considers 
compatible.  A good overview of various open source licenses is at:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread william griffin
Catching up on all the list I missed for a month.
As long as one person is in the chat room runrev the room will exist 
to join.
If no one is in the room and attempts to join, the room will be created.
Once you see people in the ichat room, you can drag them to your buddy 
and iChat provides groups so you can easily create a runrev specific 
This is probably the best method to see when there is activity.

If you are on broadband and happen to leave your machine running,
you can lurk in the room for days and log everything said to keep up to 
I logged three to four months of chats, even while I was asleep.

The ichat room used for iDevGames during last years uDevGames contest
was extremely successful, much alpha, beta, and final testing as well
as idea and knowledge sharing took place, along with lots of laughs.
After a couple of ichat network issues they switched to IRC and the
large community created in ichat disintegrated into only a small 
handful of
hard core geeks, with nothing much to talk about but code.

I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved and 
implemented into a user community builder.
I had put his stack scripts into iGame3D with the hopes of using it as 
a base of community based game dev,
but without anyone on the network to test it and while doing trouble 
shooting I removed them.
It would seem a RunRev based solution to chatting would be the best 
method of
building a real time RunRev community. This could more likely occur 
once something
starts happening in iChat, then folks can know who is online to test 
networking apps made in runrev.

Well I'll be lurking in the chat room, see you there.
Mr Bill
use-revolution mailing list

Bulk mail sorting

2004-08-03 Thread Jim Hurley
Has anyone worked on creating software to sort mail to achieve US 
Post Office bulk rates, in particular sorting by carrier route?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Nonsanity
Besides a live chat location, judging by the activity on this mailing 
list, a static web forum would be ideal. There may be one I don't know 
about (if so, share) but if there isn't, this would be a very good thing 
to start.

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsnaity
 ~ iChat/AIM: FluffAndSuch
william griffin wrote:
Catching up on all the list I missed for a month.
As long as one person is in the chat room runrev the room will exist 
to join.
If no one is in the room and attempts to join, the room will be created.
Once you see people in the ichat room, you can drag them to your buddy list
and iChat provides groups so you can easily create a runrev specific group.
This is probably the best method to see when there is activity.

If you are on broadband and happen to leave your machine running,
you can lurk in the room for days and log everything said to keep up to 
I logged three to four months of chats, even while I was asleep.

The ichat room used for iDevGames during last years uDevGames contest
was extremely successful, much alpha, beta, and final testing as well
as idea and knowledge sharing took place, along with lots of laughs.
After a couple of ichat network issues they switched to IRC and the
large community created in ichat disintegrated into only a small handful of
hard core geeks, with nothing much to talk about but code.
I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved and 
implemented into a user community builder.
I had put his stack scripts into iGame3D with the hopes of using it as a 
base of community based game dev,
but without anyone on the network to test it and while doing trouble 
shooting I removed them.
It would seem a RunRev based solution to chatting would be the best 
method of
building a real time RunRev community. This could more likely occur once 
starts happening in iChat, then folks can know who is online to test 
networking apps made in runrev.

Well I'll be lurking in the chat room, see you there.
Mr Bill
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:20 PM, william griffin wrote:
I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved and 
implemented into a user community builder.
I had put his stack scripts into iGame3D with the hopes of using it as 
a base of community based game dev,
but without anyone on the network to test it and while doing trouble 
shooting I removed them.
It would seem a RunRev based solution to chatting would be the best 
method of
building a real time RunRev community. This could more likely occur 
once something
starts happening in iChat, then folks can know who is online to test 
networking apps made in runrev.
I think a system like that within the IDE would be pretty awesome. Talk 
about immediate feedback. It would be like being able to ask the IDE 
questions and getting a community response.
RPSystems, Ltd.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: which engine for OS X CGI

2004-08-03 Thread Brian Yennie
You'll want the Darwin engine. Sorry don't have a URL handy but if 
you can't find on on, it's worth looking on 

Wanting to try a bit of CGI stuff, and having a spare G3 in the 
corner, can anyone tell me which engine I should use with OS X?

use-revolution mailing list

Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Kenji Kojima
I am trying to create a card and save stack using CGI script on Mac OSX.
But I cannot save a stack.
I made a stack createCd which had a card and a field,
and set permissions to 777.
CGI script was.
#! /Library/webServer/CGI-Executables/revolution
on startup
open stack createCd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
put the time into fld 1
put fld 1 of cd 1 br after buffer  
create cd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
save stack createCd 
put the result after buffer
close stack createCd
put Content-Type: text/html  cr
 put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
 put buffer 
end startup

Browser showed
12:20 PM
can't open stack backup file
CGI script was working and made a card, but could not save a stack.
What is can't open stack backup file?
What was wrong?
Kenji Kojima

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved
 and implemented into a user community builder.

I agree. iChat is nice, but the Rev community is very cross-platform. We 
need something that runs on ALL of the supported platforms that RunRev 
supports (with no code changes). It needs to share a common protocol and 
be capable of working from behind firewalls too. We would be like a Borg 
hive, continually working together to make our apps better until the day 
comes that we can no longer discern a difference between the reality 
around us and the code that makes it seem so real.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bulk mail sorting

2004-08-03 Thread kee nethery
On Aug 3, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Jim Hurley wrote:
Has anyone worked on creating software to sort mail to achieve US Post 
Office bulk rates, in particular sorting by carrier route?
no but the CD the USPS puts out is very easy to parse so if you have 
the data, you can combine with the addresses and then just sort. Should 
be a simple matter of coding  :-)  .

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We would be like a Borg
hive, continually working together to make our apps better until the 
comes that we can no longer discern a difference between the reality
around us and the code that makes it seem so real.
OK. Maybe I'm rethinking this ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Determining type of drive a file is on

2004-08-03 Thread kee nethery
On Aug 2, 2004, at 4:32 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
On Aug 2, 2004, at 4:26 PM, kee nethery wrote:
How about:
Get a list of all the attached volumes, names and sizes
See if the USB drive that you initialized is visible and see if it is 
the same size as what you configured it to be.
Then see that you are running from that volume.
Not fool proof but it's a start.
If you have a way to read a specific block on the drive, you could 
use that data to provide yet another check. Put a tiny 1K file on the 
drive, add your file to the drive. Delete the 1K file. It will look 
like there is just your drive but if they duplicate the whole thing 
to another USB key, that 1K blank space won't be there.
That sounds like a great idea.  Any suggestions on how to read a 
specific block on a drive?  Does Rev have a built in way to do this or 
would it require an external?
No idea how to do it but I don't think it is a USB thing, I think it 
would be an access the disk drive thing and your code would probably 
need to be aware of which OS it was running. Might be custom code to 
extend Rev per platform using standard OS calls, might be some access 
using a shell script. No idea.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Brian Yennie
My guess is that you don't have write permission to that directory. 
You'll need to save the stack to another directory, or grant write 
access to the CGI-Executables folder, (the latter being a bit of a 
security no-no).

Hope that helps,
I am trying to create a card and save stack using CGI script on Mac 
But I cannot save a stack.

I made a stack createCd which had a card and a field,
and set permissions to 777.
CGI script was.
#! /Library/webServer/CGI-Executables/revolution
on startup
open stack createCd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
put the time into fld 1
put fld 1 of cd 1 br after buffer  
create cd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
save stack createCd 
put the result after buffer
close stack createCd
put Content-Type: text/html  cr
 put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
 put buffer 
end startup

Browser showed
12:20 PM
can't open stack backup file
CGI script was working and made a card, but could not save a stack.
What is can't open stack backup file?
What was wrong?
Kenji Kojima

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved
and implemented into a user community builder.
I agree. iChat is nice, but the Rev community is very cross-platform.
iChat uses the AIM service, for which there are compatible clients for 
Mac, Win, and AFAIK Linux.

I guess Rev's Irix users may be out of luck. ;)
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: corruption from images

2004-08-03 Thread pkc
Graham Samuels' experience very closely parallels mine, except that 
we couldn't open the app on any Windows machines and so never had a 
chance to crash.  I wonder if our 0,0 error and his no resources 
error are the same?

Graham wrote:
Clearly one could blame Windows for being sensitive to corruption and
having no error-reporting mechanism...
Yes, let's do!  OS X handled the corruption with grace and 
generosity, while Windows tore up everybody's life over it.  Typical.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 iChat is nice, but the Rev community is very cross-platform. We
 need something that runs on ALL of the supported platforms that RunRev
 supports (with no code changes).

Seems to me a client that supports multiple services would be useful.  Chipp
Walters introduced me to Fire, a multi-service chat client for OSX.  So far
it has worked well for me with iChat.

Also came across this, though I haven't used it.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 iChat uses the AIM service, for which there are compatible clients
 for Mac, Win, and AFAIK Linux.
 I guess Rev's Irix users may be out of luck. ;)
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation

You say Irix users (plural)??? There is actually an Irix port of the 
Linux gAim chat thingie. It works, but its gui looks terrible because of 
font issues. The text is unreadable. Irix aside though, I primarily use 
Windows 2000 from behind a corporate firewall. Aim is blocked. Streaming 
is blocked. Downloading MP3 or WAV files is blocked. It's like a giant 
fun filter to force work to happen. Anyway, as Troy suggested, something 
built-in to the dev environment would be great. And having it communicate 
over the standard port 80 with a new rev-chat-specific protocol would 
accommodate the firewall requirement and prevent it from being filtered 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Check out AIM's web site: there is a Java client that runs from inside 
a web browser.

Very cross-platform (I think I've seen it in use under Solaris, for 

On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:56, Richard Gaskin wrote:
I'm curious why Tuviah's chatter stacks haven't been improved
and implemented into a user community builder.
I agree. iChat is nice, but the Rev community is very cross-platform.
iChat uses the AIM service, for which there are compatible clients for 
Mac, Win, and AFAIK Linux.

I guess Rev's Irix users may be out of luck. ;)
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

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10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Marian Petrides
Resistance is futile. ;-)
On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:49 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We would be like a Borg
hive, continually working together to make our apps better until the 
comes that we can no longer discern a difference between the reality
around us and the code that makes it seem so real.
OK. Maybe I'm rethinking this ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can Rev Print Unicode?

2004-08-03 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Michael D Mays [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can Rev print unicode? And if it can how? I would
 like to be able to 
 print mathmatical operators and such in a line of
 'text' such as
   A ¢À B  (A 'union' B)
 I can display the formula with the 'union' character
 in a field, but 
 nothing is printed

Hi Michael,

Have you tried using the revPrintField command to
print the contents of the field ?
Also, is this on Windows, Mac, ... ?

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Error message running Drawers

2004-08-03 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Bruce Laidlaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I downloaded your Drawers stack but get an error
  executing at 6:44:26 PM
 TypeHandler: can't find handler
 Linedrawer DROP
 I'm running Rev 2.0 on Mac OSX 10.2.8
 What am I doing wrong?

Hi Bruce,

The 'drawer' command was introduced in Revolution 2.1
so the stack won't work under Revolution 2.0

Sorry to disappoint you,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to add Database Library to CGI engine?

2004-08-03 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 Uh... my MC engine for Linux is failing on
 revOpenDatabase, I assume 
 this is due to a lack of the library itself for the
 error is like 
 handler unknown... is there any trick to add DB
 support to a CGI? 
 Man... I should know better...

Hi Andre,

The last published Revolution cgi-engines can be found
at :

These should support revdb calls ; the only tricky
part may be that you'll have to copy the database
drivers from a full Linux distribution, and use the
revSetDatabaseDriverPath command to point to the right

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
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use-revolution mailing list

How to set version number for Win standalone?

2004-08-03 Thread Marian Petrides
I am having a problem with the displayed version number in my Windows 
standalone, created using v 2.1.2 on Mac OSX and then transferred to 
Win XP.

The following is what I did when I set up the standalone in 
Distribution Builder, Windows tab:

File description:  Version 1.0
Then clicked button: other version info
and entered the following
Comments: Version 1.0
File version: Version 1.0
Product version:  Version 1.0
Built the distribution, took it to Win XP and then examined it under 
Win XP

When I simply look at file on Win XP desktop, says Version 1.0 (dimmed 
text) below name.
With a mouse rollover over the filename the following is displayed:
		Description: Version 1.0
		File version Huh

If I then right click on the icon and select properties:
Right click-- properties--
Type of file: application
Description: Version 1.0
File version
Description: Version 1.0
In scrolling list
Highlighted (selected item)   What is shown
Comments: Version 1.0
File version: Version 1.0
Product version:  Version 1.0
Where is the version coming from and, more importantly, how do 
I get rid of it?
This was reported as a bug by one of my beta testers (who was trying to 
figure out what version he had in order to report another problem) and 
I'll be darned if I can figure out how to fix it.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to set version number for Win standalone?

2004-08-03 Thread FlexibleLearning
This refers to the metaCard version upon which Rev is built. I am unaware  of 
a way of modifying it.

Hugh Senior
The Flexible Learning  Company
T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27

Where is the version coming from and, more importantly, how  do 
I get rid of it?
This was reported as a bug by one of my beta  testers (who was trying to 
figure out what version he had in order to  report another problem) and 
I'll be darned if I can figure out how to  fix it.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to set version number for Win standalone?

2004-08-03 Thread Marian Petrides
Ok.  At least I can stop trying. Thanks.
On Aug 3, 2004, at 3:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This refers to the metaCard version upon which Rev is built. I am 
unaware  of
a way of modifying it.

Hugh Senior
The Flexible Learning  Company
T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27

Where is the version coming from and, more importantly, how  
I get rid of it?
This was reported as a bug by one of my beta  testers (who was trying 
figure out what version he had in order to  report another problem) 
I'll be darned if I can figure out how to  fix it.

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Chatters? Revisited

2004-08-03 Thread Nonsanity
 On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We would be like a Borg
 hive, continually working together to make our apps better until the
 day comes that we can no longer discern a difference between the
 reality around us and the code that makes it seem so real.
Puts me in mind of Second Life (, a Windows and Mac 
3D world simulation. It happens to be the focus of my first Rev project. 
The game has auctions for its (virtual) land and there have been 
discussions in SL over how those are changing. (Land Barons buying up 
all the land, prices climbing, sky is falling, yadda, yadda, yadda...)

My project parses through the HTML auction result pages to strip out all 
the available information and formats it for input into a MySQL 
database. Then I can query the DB from Rev to datamine for interesting 

Right now, the stack only parses and queries... But I see that the tools 
to do EVERY step are in there. I'll have to code it to fetch the HTML 
pages and add the data to the DB to keep the data up-to-date.

Anyone have a prefab data graphing tool? If a great one exists I might 
use it, but I've got no problem making my own. I've done it before in 
Hypercard, so it should be trivial in Revolution.

Oh and if anyone checks out Second Life (7-day free trial, one-time 
$9.95 price to play for life) look me up there. I'm Tiger Crossing. 
Its combination of graphics and scripting might feel very familiar to 
Rev users, though the graphics are 3D and the coding is in a different 

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsanity
 ~ ( Tiger Crossing )

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Kenji Kojima
Thanks, your advices.
It does not work on Mac OSX, but works on Windows.
I made a new stack and put it into the CGI-Executables folder. And 
tried CGI script, but did not work.
How can I make grant write access to the CGI-Executables folder? I 
wanted to make a address book which was written from Web browser.

I installed same CGI script and a stack onto Windows XP and Apache 2 
I changed only one line that was:
#! C:/Apache Group/apache2/bin/revolution.exe
And did not set permissions of the stack.
It worked.

I want to use Mac OSX, because Windows server is not mine.
Can anybody explain why I cannot save a stack on Mac OSX?
Kenji Kojima

On Aug 3, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:
My guess is that you don't have write permission to that directory. 
You'll need to save the stack to another directory, or grant write 
access to the CGI-Executables folder, (the latter being a bit of a 
security no-no).

Hope that helps,
I am trying to create a card and save stack using CGI script on Mac 
But I cannot save a stack.

I made a stack createCd which had a card and a field,
and set permissions to 777.
CGI script was.
#! /Library/webServer/CGI-Executables/revolution
on startup
open stack createCd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
put the time into fld 1
put fld 1 of cd 1 br after buffer  
create cd
put the num of cds of this stack br after buffer
save stack createCd 
put the result after buffer
close stack createCd
put Content-Type: text/html  cr
 put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
 put buffer 
end startup

Browser showed
12:20 PM
can't open stack backup file
CGI script was working and made a card, but could not save a stack.
What is can't open stack backup file?
What was wrong?
Kenji Kojima

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Bulk mail sorting

2004-08-03 Thread Dave LeYanna
If you are trying to get the best possible rates you need a lot more than
CR. You also have to have your addresses PAVE  certified and CASS processed.
Barcodes for labels and tray/sack tags need to be generated. Government
style reports created, and sorting rules beyond measure. Just take a look at
the bulk rate section of the Domestic Mail Manual at the USPS site. The USPS
does provide data bases (at a subscription cost) and the software created
using the tables needs to be approved by a post office testing procedure.
It's all very ugly. We plan on attempting it sometime in the future but for
now we use commercial software. A couple of providers are Melissa Data and
Datatech Smartsoft.

If you plan to go ahead let me know as we may be able to work together as
this is a future project for us also...

Dave LeYanna

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kee nethery
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 12:41 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Bulk mail sorting

On Aug 3, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Jim Hurley wrote:

 Has anyone worked on creating software to sort mail to achieve US Post 
 Office bulk rates, in particular sorting by carrier route?

no but the CD the USPS puts out is very easy to parse so if you have the
data, you can combine with the addresses and then just sort. Should be a
simple matter of coding  :-)  .

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: which engine for OS X CGI

2004-08-03 Thread Mark Smith
Brian, thanks, I'll go looking...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to set version number for Win standalone?

2004-08-03 Thread Richard Gaskin
This refers to the metaCard version upon which Rev is built. I am unaware  of 
a way of modifying it.

Where is the version coming from and, more importantly, how  do 
I get rid of it?
This was reported as a bug by one of my beta  testers (who was trying to 
figure out what version he had in order to  report another problem) and 
I'll be darned if I can figure out how to  fix it.
The standalone builder in versions prior to Rev 2.2 had never modified 
the binary form of the version number, only the textual form.  In Rev 
2.2 and later this is fixed, thanks to Monte's dilligence.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Kenji Kojima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, your advices.
 It does not work on Mac OSX, but works on Windows.
 I made a new stack and put it into the
 CGI-Executables folder. And 
 tried CGI script, but did not work.
 How can I make grant write access to the
 CGI-Executables folder? I 
 wanted to make a address book which was written from
 Web browser.
 I installed same CGI script and a stack onto Windows
 XP and Apache 2 
 I changed only one line that was:
 #! C:/Apache Group/apache2/bin/revolution.exe
 And did not set permissions of the stack.
 It worked.
 I want to use Mac OSX, because Windows server is not
 Can anybody explain why I cannot save a stack on Mac
 Kenji Kojima

Hi Kenji,

It is probably working on Windows because Windows is
not as strict as MacOSX when it comes to permissions.

The reason it fails at the point of making a backup
file, is that when the engine saves a stack, it first
makes a copy of the original stack, so that if
corruption occurs, you can retrieve your last saved
version from thart backup file.
But if the engine doesn't have the right to write
files in the directory where the stack resides, it
cannot create the backup.

It is strongly recommended not to give write access to
(a folder in) the cgi-excecutables folder. It is best
to keep the data stack in a separate folder that isn't
shared with the rest of the world, and set the right
owner and permissions.

You cazn do this from the Finder using the 'Get Info'
item in the 'File' menu. In this window you will see a
section 'Owner  Privileges' where you can change the
owner (if you happen to be the administrator of the

If my memory serves me well, you'll want to set the
owner to the internal 'www' user, which is what the
web server process Apache is running as.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Kenji Kojima
I will try.
Kenji Kojima
On Aug 3, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- Kenji Kojima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, your advices.
It does not work on Mac OSX, but works on Windows.
I made a new stack and put it into the
CGI-Executables folder. And
tried CGI script, but did not work.
How can I make grant write access to the
CGI-Executables folder? I
wanted to make a address book which was written from
Web browser.
I installed same CGI script and a stack onto Windows
XP and Apache 2
I changed only one line that was:
#! C:/Apache Group/apache2/bin/revolution.exe
And did not set permissions of the stack.
It worked.
I want to use Mac OSX, because Windows server is not
Can anybody explain why I cannot save a stack on Mac
Kenji Kojima
Hi Kenji,
It is probably working on Windows because Windows is
not as strict as MacOSX when it comes to permissions.
The reason it fails at the point of making a backup
file, is that when the engine saves a stack, it first
makes a copy of the original stack, so that if
corruption occurs, you can retrieve your last saved
version from thart backup file.
But if the engine doesn't have the right to write
files in the directory where the stack resides, it
cannot create the backup.
It is strongly recommended not to give write access to
(a folder in) the cgi-excecutables folder. It is best
to keep the data stack in a separate folder that isn't
shared with the rest of the world, and set the right
owner and permissions.
You cazn do this from the Finder using the 'Get Info'
item in the 'File' menu. In this window you will see a
section 'Owner  Privileges' where you can change the
owner (if you happen to be the administrator of the
If my memory serves me well, you'll want to set the
owner to the internal 'www' user, which is what the
web server process Apache is running as.
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Save Stack Problem

2004-08-03 Thread Kenji Kojima
It is strongly recommended not to give write access to
(a folder in) the cgi-excecutables folder. It is best
to keep the data stack in a separate folder that isn't
shared with the rest of the world, and set the right
owner and permissions.
You cazn do this from the Finder using the 'Get Info'
item in the 'File' menu. In this window you will see a
section 'Owner  Privileges' where you can change the
owner (if you happen to be the administrator of the
Yes, I did.
I've been struggling this since last week.
Thanks you very much,
Kenji Kojima

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to set version number for Win standalone?

2004-08-03 Thread Marian Petrides
If the rest of my stacks (non-standalone, driven from the standalone 
splash screen) are all created in version 2.1.2, would there be any 
negative consequence to my using 2.2 to create the standalone that 
drives the others? (The standalone has no content except for a card 
that says Loading. Please wait.)  I can't think of any problems this 
would introduce but wanted to be sure.

On Aug 3, 2004, at 4:17 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
The standalone builder in versions prior to Rev 2.2 had never modified 
the binary form of the version number, only the textual form.  In Rev 
2.2 and later this is fixed, thanks to Monte's dilligence.
use-revolution mailing list

chat client

2004-08-03 Thread pkc
Scott Rossi wrote;
Seems to me a client that supports multiple services would be useful.  Chipp
Walters introduced me to Fire, a multi-service chat client for OSX.  So far
it has worked well for me with iChat.
Also came across this, though I haven't used it.

I've used all those, and Adium (AIM only).  If you need to include 
Yahoo chat for some reason, these are the choices for Mac users.  The 
Fire bunch was at it first and then have progressed from a pleasant 
and imaginative application that didn't work to an even more pleasant 
and imaginative one that does. Proteus is alright too, but they have 
been following Fire so my sympathies are with Fire.

But if you don't really need Yahoo (do you?), Netscape will run 
across AIM and ICQ, which is marginally more useful.

I have put Tuvah's stack into several applications and it works like 
a charm.  Very simple. Everybody can use it to make their own 
clients. But it is P2P, somebody has to run the server all the time 
(or a tracker, anyway).
use-revolution mailing list

unresponsive menus

2004-08-03 Thread moe2
im an old HC¹er, using OS 9 on an iMac. i have just downloaded the RR trial
version. RR opens fine. i select the ³Help² menu
... then i see menuItem  ³Documentation   cmd-?²
so i try cmd-? ... nothing happens
but  cmd-shift-?  works ... is this a bug?

i see there is no ³checkmark² beside the menuItem ³Documentation² in ³Help²
menu when the ³Documentation² window is open. is this a bug?
... the menuItems in the ³View² menu have checkmarks!

so then i select menuItem ³Transcript Dictionary² in menu ³Help²  ...
nothing happens. is this a bug?

i close the Documentation window. select menuItem ³Transcript Dictionary² in
menu ³Help² ... this works ... and very nice too i might add ... but no
checkMark beside the menuItem. is this a bug?

then i select menuItem ³Documentation² in the ³Help² menu
   ... nothing happens ... is this a bug?

is someone going to address these in the current beta version ?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can Rev Print Unicode?

2004-08-03 Thread Michael D Mays
I'm on a Mac.
revprintField prints everything in the filed except for the unicode.
The way I put the unicode into the field is via Apple's Character 

On Aug 3, 2004, at 1:57 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- Michael D Mays [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can Rev print unicode? And if it can how? I would
like to be able to
print mathmatical operators and such in a line of
'text' such as
  A ¢À B  (A 'union' B)
I can display the formula with the 'union' character
in a field, but
nothing is printed
Hi Michael,
Have you tried using the revPrintField command to
print the contents of the field ?
Also, is this on Windows, Mac, ... ?
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
use-revolution mailing list

How do I allow quotation marks in input text?

2004-08-03 Thread Stephen Paul McNutt
I've got a field into which users enter questions for a game, but 
single and double quotation marks don't display properly later when 
they appear in the game.  They become boxes.  Is this a font issue?  
I've tried several fonts.  I thought it was because the quotation marks 
were reserved characters, but they don't end the display of the string 
as I'd expect if they were.

use-revolution mailing list

Corrupted Files in OS X

2004-08-03 Thread Gregory Lypny
Hello everyone,
I apologize in advance if this, being observed with MC, is not directly 
relevant to Rev, but I suspect it is.

A week or so ago I wrote in about corrupted MC stack files, where a 
tilde (~) was being appended to the mc extension of the file residing 
in the Mac OS folder of the application package of a standalone (what a 
mouthful that was...).  One of the list members, Wouter, responded that 
mc~ files are temps or backups the engine makes when there is a crash 
or corruption.  In my case, it appears that the problem was caused by 
an attempt to write output to the Shared folder.  Redirecting output to 
another folder within the current account fixed it.

My question now is whether it is possible to write to the Shared 
folder.  It has read-write permission assigned to everyone.  So, why 
the problem?

Gregory Lypny
Associate Professor of Finance
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MoireX 2.0

2004-08-03 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Sun Aug 1 2004
MisterX wrote:

Hi again, I updated the links,
Added the executable...

Made a couple last changes to the stack regarding the

and a few more tricks ;)

Great work! Xavier :-))

I'll like that the instructions were
in a flat color. Multicolored letters
are somewhat difficult to read over some 
colored backgrounds

Would you include the handlers to
export the vector graphics as svg,adobe
ilustrator or pdf?
In this way the user could have the option to
export the screen content.

By the way, the beautiful radial gradations, 
Are vectors graphics too?

Keep up your good work!


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] vector to pdf

2004-08-03 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 I just ask for feedback on PDF readers error messages
 on linux and mac os x


I for one am very appreciative of your work in this area. PDF output needs 
to become as easy as printing. As a matter of fact, that is one way of 
getting a PDF out of a Rev stack (if you own Adobe Acrobat - not reader). 
That is a costly solution, and cannot be bundled as a part of our own 
creations, making it even more important to achieve this capability within 

I tested your vector2pdf with Acrobat 5 (full) and Acrobat Reader 6 on Win2000. In 
both cases the 
PDF files opened and displayed correct color filled objects. I look 
forward to text functionality, even in its simplest form would be S 
useful! Let me know if I can assist with testing or providing sample PDF 
files created with various programs.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] vector to pdf

2004-08-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 3, 2004, at 10:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As a matter of fact, that is one way of
getting a PDF out of a Rev stack (if you own Adobe Acrobat - not 
Or, a Mac.  ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] vector to pdf

2004-08-03 Thread Roger . E . Eller
 As a matter of fact, that is one way of
 getting a PDF out of a Rev stack (if you own Adobe Acrobat - not
 Or, a Mac.  ;-)
 RPSystems, Ltd.

Yet another cost-prohibitive factor.   ;-p
Also, did you know that PDF files from the rendering engine bundled in OS 
X are not Adobe compliant? For simple document exchange, they are ok. but 
in commercial prepress we have to rely on Adobe Distiller to convert 
postscript files to a usable format.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] vector to pdf

2004-08-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 3, 2004, at 10:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yet another cost-prohibitive factor.   ;-p
Also, did you know that PDF files from the rendering engine bundled in 
X are not Adobe compliant? For simple document exchange, they are ok. 
in commercial prepress we have to rely on Adobe Distiller to convert
postscript files to a usable format.
Oh yeah. I have Acrobat Pro for those instances too. I know what you 
mean. But the ability to just print a pretty decent PDF from anything 
that can print is pretty handy.

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: rawkeydown rawkeyup (was : 2 more questions aboutoperationson text in fields)

2004-08-03 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/2/04 4:21 PM, jbv wrote:

 J. Landman Gay a *crit :

On 8/2/04 1:56 PM, jbv wrote:

  BTW rawkeydown and rawkeyup both work, but then, how do you
  map the raw keynumber with the corresponding char ?
  the numtochar can't be used in this situation...

Good question. I usually only use it when I need to trap specific keys,
and I build a switch statement around those. If you need to trap every
key then you may be better off with your other solution. What is the
goal for this handler?

 Well, it would be a bit too long to explain...
 I guess an example is better (please note that I finally used
 a third option - it is not fully implemented yet, but it'll give
 you an idea).
I see. That's kind of cool. I think you are right though that trapping 
rawkeydown wouldn't work too well. I'm glad you found another solution 
because I can't think of a better one.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] vector to pdf

2004-08-03 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Tue Aug 3 2004
Roger.E.Eller wrote:

 I tested your vector2pdf with Acrobat 5 (full) and

 Acrobat Reader 6 on Win2000. In both cases the 
 PDF files opened and displayed correct color filled 

This is great to know! Thanks!

Did you try to print or save as pdf from

These are my results in informal test:

In Acrobat 5, when i modify and try to save the file
it warns about an error that could not be repaired.
And the file do not save...

In Adobe ilustrator, this pdf is dismissed as
damaged and is not opened.

Freehand opens this pdf without problems.

 I look forward to text functionality, even in its 
 simplest form would be S useful! 

I agree. Because of the encodings required by text
it takes more time to test and implement correctly.

 Let me know if I can assist with testing or 
 providing sample PDF 
 files created with various programs.

Of course, if you could save these same set of vectors
graphics as pdf from other applications, like
ghostscript, corel, indesign, open office, etc..., 
you could compress all of them and send to my mail 
for inspection.

If we want to make this adaptation happen faster, 
everybody could grab a copy of the pdf reference and 
start reading and experimenting. ;-)

Thanks in advance.


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use-revolution mailing list

New version of Revolution, Same standalone problems

2004-08-03 Thread Andrew
Hello, kind and smart people of the Revolution list.  I wonder if you 
could lend me a hand with a little head-scratching puzzler of a problem 
that I've been experiencing.
When I create standalones, I'm getting problems with both Windows and 
Mac versions.
The Windows standalone works except that it doesn't seem to recognize 
my Keyup handler (or Keydown for that matter).
The Mac standalone doesn't work at all.  When I double-click to open 
it, it just does nothing.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much for your help!

use-revolution mailing list