Subject: Re: Christmas Special - we'll even solve your christmas shopping problem

2004-12-12 Thread Heather Nagey
 The bears are priceless ;-)
 One question, however.  Christmas is a mere 2 weeks away. Will US
 customers really get their bear by Christmas if ordered now?

Yes, but you must order now, without delay. They will arrive by Royal Mail
small packet delivery, which should take 4-5 days. (DHL delivery proved to
be unviable as it would cost £43 just for the shipping...)





** For a faster response to all licensing, support, and technical issues,
please now send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

Heather Nagey ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 870 747 1165 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 23:32 11/12/2004 -0700, Dar Scott wrote:

On Dec 11, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
I just think it should do what it says in the docs - make all the code 
between that line and the
end myHandler be ignored / have no effect, equivalent to 
block-commenting the whole handler.
I'm not comfortable with this.
To do this, it would have to ignore everything from the commented out 'on' 
or 'function' line down to the 'end', including 'local', 'global' and 
'constant' lines.  To do this, it would have to know the line is a 
commented out 'on' or 'function'.  To do this, it would have to look 
inside and parse the contents of comments.  This violates the trust 
between the compiler and me.  That which is in a comment belongs to 
me.  And besides, what if I have a temporary first line commented out, or 
for some reason include on Christmas morning in some line of a comment.
Yeah - it certainly has some difficulties. In some ways I don't care 
whether they change the docs or the app - I just don't like them disagreeing.

It is straightforward to select the entire handler and select Comment 
from the script menu.  An alternative might be to temporarily change the 
spelling of the name.
That's what I've always done (since I didn't know about this feature), 
and what I intend to keep on doing - so I'll never (deliberately) use this 
feature, and hopefully I will never be affected by it.

In this case, I don't think it's good enough to change the docs to reflect 
what the code does - because the current behaviour is a trap for the 
unwary. Often, I'll use the same (local) variable names within multiple 
handlers (e.g. tLine is a favourite of mine :-)  If I were to use this 
feature, it would then change all those occurrences of tLine from 
handler-local to script-local - i.e. they are all the same variable - so 
hard-to-find bugs are all too possible.

I'd prefer if they removed the feature entirely, or as you suggested used 
disabled or some such keyword rather than a comment, preceding the first 
line of the handler.

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

mySQL Dreamcard

2004-12-12 Thread docmann
My first attempt at posting this to the list apparently didn't work,
so hopefully this does not end up as a duplicate... my apologies if it

A couple of weeks ago I licensed Dreamcard as a learning/development
tool prior to a final move to Rev Studio, thinking that others could
assist with the testing process using the free player. (which I
thought was functional for any type of application.)

I've been working on a mySQL database app hosted on a remote server
and can access the db without problems from my development box.
However, when I tried testing the app on other computers (Linux  XP),
I learned that the player apparently requires some additional files.

The Linux box clearly shows that the player application cannot load the needed
library file(s), although I've manually copied them into the player's directory.

I've searched the download section at the web site without luck, so
maybe someone can point me to the additional files that are required
for both O/S's?

Thanks in advanced for any help. :)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Delete card loop crashes Rev

2004-12-12 Thread Robert Brenstein
I have a stack that I use to download entire sites, Card one is set 
to cantDelete... I download the Table of contents page to that card, 
then run a script that parse the page and downloads every page on 
that has an href in the Table of Contents page... then dump to my 
hard drive.. and viola... locally accessible tutorials..  When I go 
to download a different site... I intend to delete the previous one 
with this script:

on mouseup
  Answer You are about to delete all data except card 1! This is 
unrecoverable! with Cancel or Proceed
  if it is Cancel then exit mouseup
  lock screen
  put the number of cards of this stack into tLoops
  go to card tLoops
  repeat (tLoops-1) times
   delete this card
  end repeat
end mouseup

which consistently causes Rev to crash on Mac OSX
Any clues? looks like a bug to me as I've used this script before 
successfully for years in Supercard, Metacard and in earlier 
renditions of Rev.

a) comment out the lock screen to see what is going on
the go to card tLoops takes you to the last card. When you delete it, 
you end up on the next which is the first card of the stack. Then you 
delete it. And I think that is where your script and the button 

b) try changing the loop
  repeat while the number of cards of this stack  1
   go to the last card
   delete this card
  end repeat
this should also work and be more efficient
  repeat while the number of cards of this stack  1
   delete the last card of this stack
  end repeat
c) I would change the logic of the program to avoid this altogether
keep the cards to be deleted in a substack which is a clone of a 
template substack, so you simply delete that entire substack. This 
may allow you to actually retain and support multiple sets in 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
On Dec 12, 2004, at 11:19 AM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi All
I've yet again been trawling the google search for a hint on a runrev 
topic (I cant get it in the video tutorials at the moment because I 
have not bought the video tutorials yet, only just bought studio).

Anyway. I develop for palmOS and the IDE I use is supported via a BBS.
Is there any chance of this thing being used instead of a list. I 
think it is far superior.
This is list is the superior thing!!! ask something, we will answer 
my answer will take sometime for i've got a broken arm. One thing you 
might want is archivesearch plugin made by mark, it will help you 
search old threads


All the best
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 13:19 12/12/2004 +, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi All
I've yet again been trawling the google search for a hint on a runrev 
topic (I cant get it in the video tutorials at the moment because I have 
not bought the video tutorials yet, only just bought studio).
I thought the video tutorials came as part of any license - though I must 
admit I've not tried to look at them (dial-up at 28.8 makes that am 
unappealing prospect :-)

Anyway. I develop for palmOS and the IDE I use is supported via a BBS.
Is there any chance of this thing being used instead of a list. I think it 
is far superior.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like a traditional mailing list like this one. 
As long as it has good search tools (Mark's one already mentioned - I don't 
have a URL for it, sorry; or Google - ),  the main 
thing that matters is the responsiveness and helpfulness of the other 
people on the list/forum.

I haven't seen many lists or forums as fast and as thorough as this one in 
giving replies. Occasionally an email falls through the cracks - but 
repeating the request, maybe from a different angle, is usually all it 
takes to fix that.

So - what's your question Bob ?
-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Dear Revolutionaries

I have created a little generic library stack with a
button that I am using the custom properties of, to
store global variables.

In the stack script, I have 2 small functions
setGlobal and getGlobal that set and get the
custom properties of the button.

I have tried having other stacks go to this stack
and then start using this stack, but I am unable to
get the setGlobal and getGlobal handlers to be
visible in the calling stacks (I get handler not
found type messages).

I have also tried having the library stack insert its
own script into back in its own onPreOpenStack handler
or having the calling stack do this - to no avail in
any case.

The built in docs are rather scant and disorganized
and I am still waiting for my rev manuals and Dan's
book, so I don't have much to work from.

Do I first go to the library stack file or can I
just start using the stack file directly. I don't
want to statically build it in to my main app as I
want it to be a kind of reusable plugin.

What am I missing here? What is the procedure I need
to get this to work?




:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Gordon,
Dear Revolutionaries
I have created a little generic library stack with a
button that I am using the custom properties of, to
store global variables.
In the stack script, I have 2 small functions
setGlobal and getGlobal that set and get the
custom properties of the button.
I have tried having other stacks go to this stack
and then start using this stack, but I am unable to
get the setGlobal and getGlobal handlers to be
visible in the calling stacks (I get handler not
found type messages).
I have also tried having the library stack insert its
own script into back in its own onPreOpenStack handler
or having the calling stack do this - to no avail in
any case.
The built in docs are rather scant and disorganized
and I am still waiting for my rev manuals and Dan's
book, so I don't have much to work from.
Do I first go to the library stack file or can I
just start using the stack file directly. I don't
want to statically build it in to my main app as I
want it to be a kind of reusable plugin.
What am I missing here? What is the procedure I need
to get this to work?
you only need to start using stack xyz once, no need to go there!
If it is a substack this line in the mainstack should be sufficient:
on openstack
  start using stack my library
end preopenstack
Then all the handlers of that substack are available to all objects ind 
any stack...

Hope that helps...
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Rob Cozens
Do I first go to the library stack file or can I
just start using the stack file directly.
Morning Gordon,
There is no need to go to a stack before one starts using it.
In fact, going to the library may trigger open/preOpen handlers that 
do things that are unnecessary or interfere with its role as a 
library.  (If a Library needs to initialize when put in use, do it in 
a libraryStack handler.)

Have the stack that can't find the handlers list the stacksInUse for 
you just before making the call.  If your library stack is on the 
list and the handler called is in the library stack script, it should 
be found.

One possible gottcha: if you have a function, foo, in the library 
stack and call it as a command in the button script, you will get a 
handler not found error.  Likewise if you have a command, foo, and 
call it as a function.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
That is byfar the strangest request I ever saw on this list.  I really 
do not understand what you want to do. The term sexuality of Runtime 
Revolution is odd for me, I am sure transcript/metatalk creators were 
not thinking about sex when they created the language. As a general 
purpose language, you can create almost anything out of it, if you want 
to control vibrators, Lego RCX or blinking leds is up to you and your 
programming skills. I don't think trying to link the language to sex is 
a something that should be called real, you can however link 
programmers to sex, if you want to try making some research to try to 
probe how some programmers expose their sexual thoughts in their code, 
like in their comments, you might get somewhere.

Also, calling people stupid on public lists is not polite, you can call 
her stupid as long as you do that on her face and face the consequences 
of your act. Buddhism is a very wise and beautifull religion, learning 
more about it might enlight you about all aspects of life and human 
interaction. I am no PhD or DSc or whatever acronyms they are called 
these days, but I know that developers can create very complex 
universes  inside their code, each piece of code revealing a little 
information on how they face the world, programming as all the creative 
activities out there reveal much from the 
mind/soul/personality/whatever of their creator, if you want to see sex 
there, maybe, you're thinking too much about it, sex is a topic best 
served when you are not worried or rationally thinking about it 
(popular quote here in Brazil). Also if you think your secretary is not 
up to your standards you need another one. The secretary lives in a 
symbiosis (damn, is this how we spell this in english!?) with their 
boss, it's a vital job! He/She will organize your professional life and 
serve as interface with the rest of the world, beware of angry 
secretaries and buttlers, sometimes they are more important than their 
bosses do not treat her like that, programming is difficult and can 
only be learned by willing minds.


On Dec 12, 2004, at 12:51 PM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia wrote:
Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.
Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
person; only good for filing.
Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
The Think Different Store
For All Your Mac Gear
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Andre, old spanish buddy :-D
That is byfar the strangest request I ever saw on this list.
100% ACK!
I really do not understand what you want to do. The term sexuality of 
Runtime Revolution is odd for me, I am sure transcript/metatalk 
creators were not thinking about sex when they created the language. 
As a general purpose language, you can create almost anything out of 
it, if you want to control vibrators, Lego RCX or blinking leds is up 
to you and your programming skills. I don't think trying to link the 
language to sex is a something that should be called real, you can 
however link programmers to sex, if you want to try making some 
research to try to probe how some programmers expose their sexual 
thoughts in their code, like in their comments, you might get 

Also, calling people stupid on public lists is not polite, you can 
call her stupid as long as you do that on her face and face the 
consequences of your act. Buddhism is a very wise and beautifull 
religion, learning more about it might enlight you about all aspects 
of life and human interaction. I am no PhD or DSc or whatever acronyms 
they are called these days, but I know that developers can create very 
complex universes  inside their code, each piece of code revealing a 
little information on how they face the world, programming as all the 
creative activities out there reveal much from the 
mind/soul/personality/whatever of their creator, if you want to see 
sex there, maybe, you're thinking too much about it, sex is a topic 
best served when you are not worried or rationally thinking about it 
(popular quote here in Brazil). Also if you think your secretary is 
not up to your standards you need another one. The secretary lives in 
a symbiosis (damn, is this how we spell this in english!?) with their 
boss, it's a vital job! He/She will organize your professional life 
and serve as interface with the rest of the world, beware of angry 
secretaries and buttlers, sometimes they are more important than their 
bosses do not treat her like that, programming is difficult and 
can only be learned by willing minds.
I think this is just a joke and should be treated like that.
At least i find it very funny :-)
If it is not, then Mr. Batavia (is it you, Richmond? ;-) surely needs 
some professional help!

On Dec 12, 2004, at 12:51 PM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia wrote:
Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.
Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
person; only good for filing.
Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
Klaus Major (sic!)

Next time this strange person is making fun at you doesn't treat you 
just kick some of his naughty bits ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
On Dec 12, 2004, at 2:25 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
I think this is just a joke and should be treated like that.
At least i find it very funny :-)
If it is not, then Mr. Batavia (is it you, Richmond? ;-) surely needs 
some professiona

Klaus PALL Major,
i am taking to much medicine for my tonsils and broken arm, I first 
thought this guy is joking then I thought no, my medicine is making 
the world funny, he must be serious... then I acted as so... Richard 
told me not to release software while under heavy medication, maybe my 
mails are also compromissed! :-)

Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Bill
I agree with Andre. This could well be a serious college curriculum.
Although the sexist comments about the professor's secretary would surely
get him fired (perhaps he is tenured) at the least he will be suffering some
serious suing.

On 12/12/04 10:51 AM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
 course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
 mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
 filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
 Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
 people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
 Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
 PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
 subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
 Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
 vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.
 Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
 attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
 person; only good for filing.
 Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
 The Think Different Store
 For All Your Mac Gear
 use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /-
 ^ ^

24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Guys!!! This is so obviously bogus and as Marian
rightly says, offensive as well - I'm sure he's
enjoying the chatter he has created with his
ridiculous post - can't the moderators just boot him
off and/or suppress mail from his IP address (in case
he changes his name).



--- Marian Petrides [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey guys. I'd be really, really surprised if this
 isn't bogus--not to 
 mention highly offensive.
 First of all, a google search reveals a Carthage
 College in Kenosha WI 
 but none in Wyoming.  I'm not even sure there is a
 town named Coyote, 
 Second, check out the grammar and usage.  This
 purports to be from a 
 faculty member at a US university, yet it is replete
 with grossly 
 improper grammar.
 Not to mention, as someone has already done, the
 statements about his 
 secretary are not only demeaning but constitute
 blatant sexual 
 harassment. No self-respecting faculty member in his
 right mind, 
 tenured or not, would post such garbage in an open
 forum such as this.
 Overall, except for the fact that it is directed to
 this list and not 
 arriving as email from God-knows-where, this has all
 the earmarks of 
 some of the most vile spam out there.
 Oh, list mom, maybe this person should cautioned
 about the nature of 
 his posts and excluded from this list if he persists
 in posting 
 statements like:
  Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch
 break; not
  attending courses on programming - but she is
  person; only good for filing.
 Am I the only one who finds this offensive?
 On Dec 12, 2004, at 12:16 PM, Bill wrote:
  I agree with Andre. This could well be a serious
 college curriculum.
  Although the sexist comments about the professor's
 secretary would 
  get him fired (perhaps he is tenured) at the least
 he will be 
  suffering some
  serious suing.
  On 12/12/04 10:51 AM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia 
  Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer
 to give
  course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I
  mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has
  filing problems). Here at Carthage College in
  Wyoming, we are at the center of the community
 and want
  people to feel attracted by programming: and
  Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting
 lecturer with
  PhD to come to our College and give lectures on
  subject and real live demonstrations. Our program
 chief, Dr
  Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote
  vibrator; but stupid students want to study
  Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma

  The Think Different Store
  For All Your Mac Gear

  use-revolution mailing list
 )_)  )_)  )_)
  ---\   /-
   ^ ^
  24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
  fax: (787) 809-8426
  Blue Water Maritime
  P.O. Box 91
  Puerto Real, PR 00740
  use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Rob Cozens
Could you elaborate on the gotcha thing. I changed
my function from
   function setGlobal params
   on setGlobal params
and now I don't get the error message, but instead of
setting the cutom property myVar of the button to
23.6, it creates a cutom property called myVar,23.6!
What's the difference between a command and a
function- I even tried setting setGlobal back to a
function and returning something, but then I got the
old handler not found error again. I am confused
about commands and functions - why are my functions
not seen and which should I use and when?
A command starts with on; a function starts with function
When calling a function, the arguments to be passed are enclosed in 
parens (); when calling a command they are not--though individual 
arguments may contain ()..
A function must return a value; a command may return a value.

The Rev script parser looks for the ( in a handler call to 
determine whether it is a function or command.  If it sees setGlobal 
params it generates a command message; if it sees 
setGlobal(params) it generates a function message.

So if one had a command setGlobals and scripted setGlobals (the 
short name of the target), one would get a handler not found 
[expecting a function]; whereas scripting.

get the short name of the target
setGlobals it
will work.

Here are the setGlobal and getGlobal functions
on setGlobal tname, tvalue
  set the tname of button Button of stack
EZGlobals to tvalue
end setGlobal
function getGlobal tname
  return the tname of button Button of stack
end getGlobal
I don't see any obvious error.  How are tname  tvalue set before the 
setGlobal command is called.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Brownell

On Dec 12, 2004, at 2:25 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
I think this is just a joke and should be treated like that.
At least i find it very funny :-)
I did that once. This guy submitted his biographical info  contact 
information to a directory of clinical therapists and psychologists. He 
was mostly promoting a retreat property on some island somewhere in the 
Mediterranean Sea.  His name was Bent Johnson. The fact that there was 
not much mention of his credentials and much about my suspecting his  
love shack on an island somewhere led me to ask the moderator of the 
directory to get more info from him. The guy was so offended after 
hearing what his name meant in american slang  that he fired back at 
us. Luckily all this took place off-list. I will never forget old Bent 
Johnson in helping me with internet etiquette.

Have you considered turrets syndrome?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 8:41:46 AM, you wrote:

AG the world funny, he must be serious... then I acted as so... Richard
AG told me not to release software while under heavy medication, maybe my

Wait... we are *not* supposed to release software while under heavy
medication? Uh oh...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder
I ran PhD through Microsoft Word's spell checker, and while it wasn't
in there as typed, it suggested that I might have meant pH.

In addition, Bhatt was not found, but the kind folks in Redmond
suggested Beat, Boat, Blat, and Brat. I'm not sure quite what a Blat
is, but I rather like the sound of Dr. Beat.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Brownell
feeding the trolls... 25cents a post
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 7:07:33 AM, you wrote:

AT Call me old-fashioned, but I like a traditional mailing list like this one.
AT As long as it has good search tools (Mark's one already mentioned - I don't
AT have a URL for it, sorry; or Google - 
AT ),  the main

AT I haven't seen many lists or forums as fast and as thorough as this one in

I enthusiastically second that. And while the online list archive
software leaves a lot to be desired, the amount of help available here
is absolutely awesome. I remember a couple of attempts to set up
runrev fora, but as far as I can tell they died from lack of interest.
Maybe I'm misremembering and they're actually in use somewhere, in
which case someone will set me straight about this.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Thanks for explaining the first line to me. Now I get it. I'm not in
a panic anymore, but it's still bizarre. I'm sure someone thought it
was a good idea at the time... more heavy medication, maybe?

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: me missing in actions...

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Aubergines blow up in the oven? I always thought pricking them with a
fork would prevent that. Always one more thing to worry about...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, December 10, 2004, 11:26:15 AM, you wrote:

AT function StripComments theLine
ATlocal theResult
ATput token 1 to -1 of theLine into theResult
AT if quote is in token -2 to -1 of theLine then put quote after theResult
ATreturn theResult
AT end StripComents

Thanks for that. It pretty much does the job for me, although I have
to handle C-style comments and line-continuation characters externally
before the tokenizer has a chance to work.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 11:16 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
I would, too, now that Ken has set me straight on what the first
line is. However, now that I understand what's involved in this, I'm
rather apathetic to the whole thing since I don't intend to use this
feature at all. I'm changing my bz comment to suggest removal.
The feature is a by-product of the compiler ignoring top level lines 
that are not top level constructs or commands in Transcript.

The problem is that local, global and constant in the handler that is 
disabled this way are pushed to the script level.

Any attempt to fix that based on the comment syntax will have the 
compiler looking into comments.  That means that though you do not 
intend to use this, you might accidently.


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: mySQL Dreamcard

2004-12-12 Thread Stephen Barncard
Database access is a major feature reserved for those who buy the 
higher level software. I really don't think Dreamcard is supposed to 
offer database access.

My first attempt at posting this to the list apparently didn't work,
so hopefully this does not end up as a duplicate... my apologies if it
A couple of weeks ago I licensed Dreamcard as a learning/development
tool prior to a final move to Rev Studio, thinking that others could
assist with the testing process using the free player. (which I
thought was functional for any type of application.)
I've been working on a mySQL database app hosted on a remote server
and can access the db without problems from my development box.
However, when I tried testing the app on other computers (Linux  XP),
I learned that the player apparently requires some additional files.
The Linux box clearly shows that the player application cannot load the needed
library file(s), although I've manually copied them into the 
player's directory.

I've searched the download section at the web site without luck, so
maybe someone can point me to the additional files that are required
for both O/S's?
Thanks in advanced for any help. :)
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Connecting to PostGreSQL on same machine: Mac OSX

2004-12-12 Thread Hershel Fisch
On Friday, December 10, 2004, at 11:51 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:
Alright... I've successfully installed PostGreSQL on my mac... in the  
terminal it's up and running, I've created a database and just now did

select * from taskroster
and got my two test rows returned... but..
in the Mac's activity monitor... i don't see a process named Postgres
just the tcsh shell I have open to talk to Postgres...
And also, in rev, this fails:

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host localhost and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Hi , in order to run thru a tcp/ip connection it has to be enabled  
first , to do so eithre you enable the tcp/ip or you start it
with an -I flag.
su - postgres
postgres% /usr/local/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data I (  
this is the -I flag you enter)
Hershel Fisch

my computer name on the lan is  but

does not work either..
I'm sure this must be simple...
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Making a Rev-built app hoist itself to the foreground

2004-12-12 Thread Geoff Canyon
Is there a simple way I'm missing to create a Revolution app that, when 
called from the command line (and thus starts in the background) hoist 
itself to the foreground to be in front of the user? I'm looking for 
the cross platform transcript equivalent of AppleScript's activate

Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread James Cass
Rev-Dudes and Dudettes -
I'm putting this Magnus character on permanent IGNORE.  Anything more 
is a waste of time.

- James
On Dec 12, 2004, at 9:51 AM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia wrote:
Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.
Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
person; only good for filing.
Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
The Think Different Store
For All Your Mac Gear
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Hershel Fisch
It looks like all of us are on vacation.
Every body get back to work . There are more important to discuses 
over-here on this list.
On Sunday, December 12, 2004, at 01:09 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

feeding the trolls... 25cents a post
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Forget it!

I see what I'm doing wrong - customProperties refers
to a customPropertySet - I just substituted return
the tname of button  in getGlobal and it works.

Please Mr Postman look and see (oh yeah)
If there's a manual,
a rev manual for me ... 



--- Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, thanks to the help of Rob and others, I have a
 setGlobal function that works
 Here it is:
 on setGlobal tname, tvalue
   set the tname of button Button of stack
 EZGlobals to tvalue
 end setGlobal
 - When I hit a button on the calling stack, it
 custom properties just fine in the button on my
 library stack.
 But when I ty to poll the values of these custom
 properties (which I can see in the inspector), they
 are empty but I get no error.
 Here's the retrieving function in the library stack
 function getGlobal tname
   return the customProperties[tname] of button
 Button of stack EZGlobals
 end getGlobal
 So for example, I set a global called myVar to
 I can see it in the custom properties of the button
 my library stack. When I do answer
 getGlobal(myVar) either from the calling stack or
 the message box, it works without an error but I get
 an empty value.
 Any ideas?
 --- Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you elaborate on the gotcha thing. I
  my function from
  function setGlobal params
  on setGlobal params
  and now I don't get the error message, but
  setting the cutom property myVar of the button
  23.6, it creates a cutom property called
  What's the difference between a command and a
  function- I even tried setting setGlobal back
  function and returning something, but then I got
  old handler not found error again. I am
  about commands and functions - why are my
  not seen and which should I use and when?
  A command starts with on; a function starts with
  When calling a function, the arguments to be
  are enclosed in 
  parens (); when calling a command they are
  not--though individual 
  arguments may contain ()..
  A function must return a value; a command may
  a value.
  The Rev script parser looks for the ( in a
  call to 
  determine whether it is a function or command.  If
  it sees setGlobal 
  params it generates a command message; if it
  setGlobal(params) it generates a function
  So if one had a command setGlobals and scripted
  setGlobals (the 
  short name of the target), one would get a
  not found 
  [expecting a function]; whereas scripting.
  get the short name of the target
  setGlobals it
  will work.
  Here are the setGlobal and getGlobal functions
  on setGlobal tname, tvalue
 set the tname of button Button of stack
  EZGlobals to tvalue
  end setGlobal
  function getGlobal tname
 return the tname of button Button of stack
  end getGlobal
  I don't see any obvious error.  How are tname 
  tvalue set before the 
  setGlobal command is called.
  use-revolution mailing list
 :: Gordon Webster ::
 use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 10:39:19 AM, you wrote:

DS The feature is a by-product of the compiler ignoring top level lines
DS that are not top level constructs or commands in Transcript.

Ah - so this feature is actually tied into your postings about junk
in scripts?

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 10:09:20 AM, you wrote:

MB feeding the trolls... 25cents a post

Not exactly, just joining Richmond in the fun. I'm sure he didn't
intend anyone to take that posting seriously.

Well, mostly sure he didn't.

Actually, I don't really know what prompted him to do that. More heavy

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder
MW Actually, I don't really know what prompted him to do that. More heavy
MW meditation?

...sorry ...make that medication...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
OK, thanks to the help of Rob and others, I have a
setGlobal function that works

Here it is:
on setGlobal tname, tvalue
  set the tname of button Button of stack
EZGlobals to tvalue
end setGlobal

- When I hit a button on the calling stack, it creates
custom properties just fine in the button on my
library stack.

But when I ty to poll the values of these custom
properties (which I can see in the inspector), they
are empty but I get no error.

Here's the retrieving function in the library stack

function getGlobal tname
  return the customProperties[tname] of button
Button of stack EZGlobals
end getGlobal

So for example, I set a global called myVar to 144.
I can see it in the custom properties of the button on
my library stack. When I do answer
getGlobal(myVar) either from the calling stack or
the message box, it works without an error but I get
an empty value.

Any ideas?



--- Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you elaborate on the gotcha thing. I
 my function from
 function setGlobal params
 on setGlobal params
 and now I don't get the error message, but instead
 setting the cutom property myVar of the button to
 23.6, it creates a cutom property called
 What's the difference between a command and a
 function- I even tried setting setGlobal back to
 function and returning something, but then I got
 old handler not found error again. I am confused
 about commands and functions - why are my functions
 not seen and which should I use and when?
 A command starts with on; a function starts with
 When calling a function, the arguments to be passed
 are enclosed in 
 parens (); when calling a command they are
 not--though individual 
 arguments may contain ()..
 A function must return a value; a command may return
 a value.
 The Rev script parser looks for the ( in a handler
 call to 
 determine whether it is a function or command.  If
 it sees setGlobal 
 params it generates a command message; if it sees
 setGlobal(params) it generates a function
 So if one had a command setGlobals and scripted
 setGlobals (the 
 short name of the target), one would get a handler
 not found 
 [expecting a function]; whereas scripting.
   get the short name of the target
   setGlobals it
 will work.
 Here are the setGlobal and getGlobal functions
 on setGlobal tname, tvalue
set the tname of button Button of stack
 EZGlobals to tvalue
 end setGlobal
 function getGlobal tname
return the tname of button Button of stack
 end getGlobal
 I don't see any obvious error.  How are tname 
 tvalue set before the 
 setGlobal command is called.
 use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Dear Rob

Could you elaborate on the gotcha thing. I changed
my function from 

   function setGlobal params


   on setGlobal params

and now I don't get the error message, but instead of
setting the cutom property myVar of the button to
23.6, it creates a cutom property called myVar,23.6!

What's the difference between a command and a
function- I even tried setting setGlobal back to a
function and returning something, but then I got the
old handler not found error again. I am confused
about commands and functions - why are my functions
not seen and which should I use and when?

Here are the setGlobal and getGlobal functions

on setGlobal tname, tvalue
  set the tname of button Button of stack
EZGlobals to tvalue
end setGlobal

function getGlobal tname
  return the tname of button Button of stack
end getGlobal

I don't mind having to pay for the rev manual, but
couldn't they send it electronically to help users
while they're waiting the 3-4 weeks it takes for the
paper versions to arrive by snail mail. It's really
hard trying to figure all this out from the
documention window that comes with rev. It doesn't
give any kind of overview of the Transcript language
that one would need to understand enough to really get
going. I am praying for my manuals to arrive a.s.a.p.



--- Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do I first go to the library stack file or can I
 just start using the stack file directly.
 Morning Gordon,
 There is no need to go to a stack before one starts
 using it.
 In fact, going to the library may trigger
 open/preOpen handlers that 
 do things that are unnecessary or interfere with its
 role as a 
 library.  (If a Library needs to initialize when put
 in use, do it in 
 a libraryStack handler.)
 Have the stack that can't find the handlers list the
 stacksInUse for 
 you just before making the call.  If your library
 stack is on the 
 list and the handler called is in the library stack
 script, it should 
 be found.
 One possible gottcha: if you have a function, foo,
 in the library 
 stack and call it as a command in the button script,
 you will get a 
 handler not found error.  Likewise if you have a
 command, foo, and 
 call it as a function.
 Rob Cozens
 CCW, Serendipity Software Company
 And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Dear Revolutionaries

Is this feasible or just a crazy notion ...?

Is there a way to create a catch-all backscript that
would catch any unknown handler error and then look
through a list of e.g. custom properties to see if it
could be evaluated, and then returning the value.

This would make it possible to create custom
properties with names like and then
just use them in your code where a handler would
normally be.

E.g. instead of writing:


:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Gordon
Dear Revolutionaries

Is this feasible or just a crazy notion ...?

Is there a way to create a catch-all backscript that
would catch any unknown handler error and then look
through a list of e.g. custom properties to see if it
could be evaluated, and then returning the value.

This would make it possible to create custom
properties with names like and then
just use them in your code where a handler or a
function would normally be.

e.g. instead of writing:

  put getGlobal( into myDatabase

you could use:

   put into myDatabase

catching the thrown error and looking for this name in
a list of customproperties that would be globally
available within the program.



use-revolution mailing list

OT: Postgresql Docs for your hard drive

2004-12-12 Thread Sivakatirswami
[darma, london: trash the last postgresql docs from xCalibre site.. 
they are 2 years old and these are the latest from for 
7.4 and there is a *lot* more info here]

In case anyone is interested in putting a copy of the entire Postgresql 
docs (7.4) on their hard drive... I *think* my spider got all the 

go to
and download Download Site
[excuse the very rough UI which is a typical in house RAD thing where I 
put together something in a few minutes to get a specific job done...)

click on the button export all to disk and create a new folder and 
save the docs (over 500 files!)

thescripts in here are open source, so for newbies... I don't consider 
myself anything of an expert (the wizards on this list generally show 
me a better way to do just about anything I can cook up. ;-) but you 
might from some interesting stuff in there.  caveat: the URL root stem 
for the site being crawled and downloaded is hard coded into the script 
of Parse TOC

Once you have them downloaded, load the index.html into your browser 
and it will run the documentation locally. All href's have been change 
to local.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Judy Perry
You never know with higher ed these days.



On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Bill wrote:

 I agree with Andre. This could well be a serious college curriculum.
 Although the sexist comments about the professor's secretary would surely
 get him fired (perhaps he is tenured) at the least he will be suffering some
 serious suing.

 On 12/12/04 10:51 AM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
  course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
  mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
  filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
  Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
  people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
  Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
  PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
  subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
  Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
  vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.
  Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
  attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
  person; only good for filing.
  Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
  The Think Different Store
  For All Your Mac Gear
  use-revolution mailing list

)_)  )_)  )_)
 ---\   /-
  ^ ^

 24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
 fax: (787) 809-8426

 Blue Water Maritime
 P.O. Box 91
 Puerto Real, PR 00740

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ins and outs

2004-12-12 Thread Richard Gaskin
Judy Perry wrote:
 Richard, what is the possibility of either a separately-sanctioned
 Yahoo discussion group or the merging of the improve-docs thread
 along with an improve-UI thread for the existing group?

 I am quite certain that all the real geeks have long since tired  of
 reading our comments/rants/other regarding the usability of

 Perhaps if comments similar to those which have been offered on the
 improve-docs group could be offered up and backed up with sound
 research or reasoning, the company would be willing to take a look?
I think that's an excellent idea.
I just added a summary of current Transcript-related lists to my Rev 

I'd be happy to add a new group to that list, or as you suggest it might 
be worthwhile integrating that discussion into the RevDocs list.  The 
RevDocs discussion is rather sparse these days, and the two issues -- 
documentation and learnability -- are closely related.

You might run the idea by the othes on the RevDocs list to see if there 
are any objections, but expanding the discussion there gets my vote.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
At 14:12 12/12/2004, you wrote:
On Dec 12, 2004, at 11:19 AM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi All
I've yet again been trawling the google search for a hint on a runrev 
topic (I cant get it in the video tutorials at the moment because I have 
not bought the video tutorials yet, only just bought studio).

Anyway. I develop for palmOS and the IDE I use is supported via a BBS.
Is there any chance of this thing being used instead of a list. I think 
it is far superior.
This is list is the superior thing!!! ask something, we will answer my 
answer will take sometime for i've got a broken arm. One thing you might 
want is archivesearch plugin made by mark, it will help you search old 

Hi Andre and others.
I'm not getting at the list people but was looking at a better way of 
searching the list, rather than a google search and clicking on the next 
link etc. Doing a search, on google, I couldn't find a post that I knew was 
there. I downloaded the archive search but it doesn't seem to run on my 
machine. I'll try it again.

I would like you all to know I appreciate help on the list but I don't want 
to bother you all the time when a search of the documentation or archive 
would give the answer. I just don't seem to be able to find anything on the 
helpfile (because it is so comprehensive and I'm a novice) or find google 
list searching as good as other forums. Not a criticism of the list people 
in any way.


All the best
use-revolution mailing list
Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

The question was Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
At 15:07 12/12/2004, you wrote:
So - what's your question Bob ?

Hi Alex. I want to call a stack from a standalone but I'm stuck right at 
the begining.

All I want to make is a simple card database, have a new card created when 
I ad a new entry (naturally) and have this saved. I realise that the way to 
do this would be to have a template.rev file, then have the standalone 
launch this no startup.

Even a one field card would get me started.
Ironically this is for my beginners database series nas I cant even do it 
myself (been away from rev for too long)


-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Richard Gaskin
Bob Hartley wrote:
I just don't seem to be able to find 
anything on the helpfile (because it is so comprehensive and I'm a 
novice) or find google list searching as good as other forums. 
Google's search technology generally provides more flexibility than is 
possible with the less robust technology driving most forums.

Could I trouble you for an example of a search with Google that failed 
to turn up a post you were looking for?  We may be looking at an 
indexing problem or some other issue with Google that is correctable.

Thanks in advance -
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

help need to read from file until xxxx OR yyyy OR zzzz

2004-12-12 Thread Randy Padawer
Hi, I would appreciate any help anyone may offer. Let's say a text 
file occasionally includes the words dogs, cats, and fleas. I need to 
read until any of these words without skipping any. I tried the 
following instruction, but of course that doesn't work:

open file FileName
read file FileName until dogs or cats or fleas
-- (do something with it in found order)
if it is empty then exit repeat
close file FileName
Unfortunately though, so far as I can tell, this script as-is 
(obviously so wrong) reads in the whole file and doesn't stop on any 
of the words.

I played with the seek to  command but that requires a number 
afterward... otherwise I would seek to all three of the keywords in 
question and then read to whichever came soonest and then repeat.

Can anybody point the way? Thanks again,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making a Rev-built app hoist itself to the foreground

2004-12-12 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Is there a simple way I'm missing to create a Revolution app that, 
when called from the command line (and thus starts in the background) 
hoist itself to the foreground to be in front of the user? I'm looking 
for the cross platform transcript equivalent of AppleScript's 

I wonder what happens if you set the relevant window to be a 
systemWindow and then set it back again? Presumably it would come to 
the front when set to systemWindow, but will it stay there?

Just an idea,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
At 21:57 12/12/2004, you wrote:
Bob Hartley wrote:
I just don't seem to be able to find anything on the helpfile (because it 
is so comprehensive and I'm a novice) or find google list searching as 
good as other forums.
Google's search technology generally provides more flexibility than is 
possible with the less robust technology driving most forums.

I too think google is great and I certainly use all the 
time. I was just trying to search for a post that I knew I had participated 
in (on another machine). I couldn't see a way to search for author.

Could I trouble you for an example of a search with Google that failed to 
turn up a post you were looking for?  We may be looking at an indexing 
problem or some other issue with Google that is correctable.
It is not an indexing fault, it is just that I don't find it intuitive to 
search web-page after webpage for one post. I know what the answer to my 
problem is.

Download all the mails to my HD and use my mail programme to search for 
posts. I can also change my mail prefs in my work machines to not delete 
from server. I'm going back to try and get this app started.

I'll mail you all if I can't find an answer after searching the google or 
archive search way.


Thanks in advance -
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: help need to read from file until xxxx OR yyyy OR zzzz

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Randy Padawer wrote:
Let's say a text file occasionally includes the words dogs, cats, and 
fleas. I need to read until any of these words without skipping any.
Unless the file is huge, read it in in one piece with the URL method.
Then repeatedly parse it with matchText or matchChunk.  Match with a 
pattern includes what you want and also allows you to obtain the rest 
of the data for processing more.  I'm guessing that the pattern you 
want includes the front of the string, a bunch of characters, and then 
either one of the words.  The rest is everything after that.  If you 
need help with the regex pattern, just ask.

It would be nice to give a char # offset to matchText or matchChunk, 
but I don't know how.


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: help need to read from file until xxxx OR yyyy OR zzzz

2004-12-12 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/12/04 4:09 PM, Randy Padawer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I would appreciate any help anyone may offer. Let's say a text
 file occasionally includes the words dogs, cats, and fleas. I need to
 read until any of these words without skipping any.

Is there some reason you don't want to read the entire file into a variable
and then work with the data from there?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
Got the Search app from Mark to work (previous download was only the 1st 
20K) and it looks pretty neat.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: simple applescript?

2004-12-12 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Hi Chipp,
As others have said, you need to include the word file or alias 
before the file path in your AppleScript. Also, AppleScript file paths 
are different to the Unix style paths used by Rev. e.g. for the same 
test file, AppleScript gives me this path  Sarah 
HD:Users:sarah:Desktop:test.txt and Rev gives me this: 
, with the crucial difference being that one path includes the hard 
disk name and the other doesn't. To convert from one to the other, you 
can use the AppleScript POSIX file description, but the easiest way is 
to use the revMacFromUnixPath function.

Editing your script, I get:
on mouseUp
  answer file 
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put revMacFromUnixPath(it) into pPDFpath
  put tell application  quote Finder  quote  cr into tScript
  put set the file type of alias  quote pPDFpath quote \
   to  quote PDF  quote cr after tScript
  put end tell after tScript
  do tScript as Applescript
  put the result into sError
end mouseUp
On 10 Dec 2004, at 8:05 pm, Chipp Walters wrote:
on mouseUp
  answer file 
  if it is empty then exit to top
  put it into pPDFpath
  replace / with : in pPDFpath
  if char 1 of pPDFpath is : then delete char 1 of pPDFpath
  put tell application  quote Finder  quote  cr into tScript
  put set the file type of  quote pPDFpath quote \
 to  quote PDF  quote cr after tScript
  put end tell after tScript
  do tScript as Applescript
  put the result into sError
end mouseUp
use-revolution mailing list

Re: The question was Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
On Dec 12, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi Alex. I want to call a stack from a standalone but I'm stuck right 
at the begining.

yeah! I'll answer that first with only one hand use the:
 go stack URL file:/yourFolder/yourStack.rev
look for go in the docs

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] young developer

2004-12-12 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Anyone who wants to have a look can go to I'm sure he would
welcome any
Hi Sarah,
Never announce that sort of thing while I'm having
breakfast : I was almost late for work, trying to
defeat that puny Jedi !
Nice job ; one remark though : in the version with
music, if you close the window, the exe doesn't quit
and the music keeps playing.
Jan Schenkel.
Thanks Jan,
Jack was thrilled to hear that someone was actually playing his game!
He's fixed the music thing now.
use-revolution mailing list

opening stack from subfolder

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All
I'm finally getting there.
OK I can call an external stack from a standalone.
i used a button in a stabndalone (called start.exe) with the script
on mouseUp
  go to stack test.rev
end mouseUp
to open a stack called test.rev
This works when test.rev is in the same folder as start.exe, however, when 
I put test.rev in a folde called bits and use the script
on mouseUp
  go to stack bits\test.rev
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
  go to stack bits/test.rev
end mouseUp

The test.rev file is not opend by the standalone.
How do I get it to open this file.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Heather Nagey
 Hey guys. I'd be really, really surprised if this isn't bogus--not to
 mention highly offensive.

Folks, I'm sorry I didn't catch this sooner - was on the road and out of
contact for most of the day.

This is clearly a bogus mail, and will not be tolerated. The person
concerned will be put on strict moderation or banned from the list - I'm not
yet sure which.



** For a faster response to all licensing, support, and technical issues,
please now send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

Heather Nagey ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 870 747 1165 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Richard Gaskin
Ken Ray wrote:
On 12/12/04 2:41 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Revolutionaries
Is this feasible or just a crazy notion ...?
Is there a way to create a catch-all backscript that
would catch any unknown handler error and then look
through a list of e.g. custom properties to see if it
could be evaluated, and then returning the value.

This would make it possible to create custom
properties with names like and then
just use them in your code where a handler would
normally be.

Well, you can do this now:
  set the of this stack to 90034
  put the of this stack
  -- 90034
Does this not do what you want?
That's perfectly valid syntax, but Scott Raney advised me against using 
dot notation in property and handler names in anticipation of future 
exhancements which may support OOP syntax.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 16:41 12/12/2004 -0600, Ken Ray wrote:
Well, you can do this now:
  set the of this stack to 90034
  put the of this stack
  -- 90034
Does this not do what you want?
Very nearly but not quite - Gordon's first email on a related thread was 
about providing and using this in a library stack - so presumably these 
values should be retrievable from any stack within a multi-stack 
application.  Make the tiny change to

  set the of stack everywhere to 90034
where everywhere is the name of the library stack, where other stacks 
must first start using it, and that should be what is needed.

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: The question was Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
At 22:39 12/12/2004, you wrote:
On Dec 12, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi Alex. I want to call a stack from a standalone but I'm stuck right at 
the begining.

yeah! I'll answer that first with only one hand use the:
 go stack URL file:/yourFolder/yourStack.rev
look for go in the docs

Hi Andre
I found go in the docs and used
on mouseUp
  go to stack test.rev
end mouseUp
Thsi is ok as long as it is in the same folder but in a subfolder bits it 
wont open.
I tried modifying your URL suggestion
 go stack URL file:/bits/test.rev but the file wont open in the standalone.

I'll spend more time on it tomorrow.
Thanks for the help.
Hope your arm gets better soon.


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: opening stack from subfolder

2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
At 22:59 12/12/2004, you wrote:

Hi Andre and Bjoernke
I used
on mouseUp
 go to stack bits/test.rev
end mouseUp
It is perfect now

PS: andre is not a code snipet!
I'm sorry I don't understand.

Thanks for the help in this very simple request. I can now get to designing 
the real app. I really appreciate it.

All the best
Bob; Sunny Scotland

use-revolution mailing list

Re: opening stack from subfolder

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
go stack URL file:bits/test.rev
PS: andre is not a code snipet!
On Dec 12, 2004, at 8:58 PM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Hi All
I'm finally getting there.
OK I can call an external stack from a standalone.
i used a button in a stabndalone (called start.exe) with the script
on mouseUp
  go to stack test.rev
end mouseUp
to open a stack called test.rev
This works when test.rev is in the same folder as start.exe, however, 
when I put test.rev in a folde called bits and use the script
on mouseUp
  go to stack bits\test.rev
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
  go to stack bits/test.rev
end mouseUp

The test.rev file is not opend by the standalone.
How do I get it to open this file.
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: opening stack from subfolder

2004-12-12 Thread Richard Gaskin
Andre Garzia wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2004, at 8:58 PM, Bob Hartley wrote:

 Hi All

 I'm finally getting there.

 OK I can call an external stack from a standalone.

 i used a button in a stabndalone (called start.exe) with the script
 on mouseUp
   go to stack test.rev
 end mouseUp

 to open a stack called test.rev

 This works when test.rev is in the same folder as start.exe, however,
 when I put test.rev in a folde called bits and use the script
 on mouseUp
   go to stack bits\test.rev
 end mouseUp
 on mouseUp
   go to stack bits/test.rev
 end mouseUp

 The test.rev file is not opend by the standalone.
What is the value of the result immediately after attempting to open 
the file?


 go stack URL file:bits/test.rev
Bob may want to use binfile instead of file, as the latter will 
convert line endings which may invalidate the binary stack data.

Also, the two forms of opening stacks accomplish different things: 
using the URL form copies it into RAM in a way that disassociates its 
file name.  If the stack is to be discarded or have some other file name 
assigned to it that will be fine, but if I understand this correctly 
attempting to use save on a stack opened with go URL will put an 
error in the result.

Bob, I would put the stack path in quotes to be safe.  Or perhaps 
simpler, make an entry in the main stack's stackFiles property for this 
other stack file:

...where MyStack is the name of the stack object in that stack file.
Then you can use the short form:
  go stack myStack
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Trail version to small to read

2004-12-12 Thread Muaadh Salih
I downloaded a limlted period (windows xp)version to try.
Tha main menu is too small and I fail to alter it.
I use to have and still have an old full version for the mac which is in a 
resonable size and felxible to tailor .
While all other programms run in a readable size this version refuse to so. How 
can I set the menubar to fit the screen (non microscopically11)?
please help

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 2:04:10 PM, you wrote:

DS And it also ties to recent discussion on parsing scripts.  Should a
DS preprocessor allow for uncommented junk at the top level, or should it
DS assume a clean script?

Well, for my own preprocessing purposes, anything not rigorously
syntactically correct is an error. I suppose others may have differing
needs. If nobody's said it yet, let me be the first to say that I
think uncommented junk is still junk.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 5:19 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
I'd prefer if they removed the feature entirely, or as you suggested 
used disabled or some such keyword rather than a comment, preceding 
the first line of the handler.
My preference is to allow nothing at the top but but top level things, 
currently local, global, constant, on...end, function...end and 
comments.  I'm ok with 'disabled' being at that top level if the 
handler is parsed or partially parsed.

Currently, if I have a typo in funtion, then the script might compile 
without errors, but I'd be missing a function (and maybe a different 
one used) and have some constants and variables in script local that I 
didn't intend.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 12/12/04 6:19 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
Yeah - it certainly has some difficulties. In some ways I don't care 
whether they change the docs or the app - I just don't like them 

It is straightforward to select the entire handler and select 
Comment from the script menu.  An alternative might be to 
temporarily change the spelling of the name.

That's what I've always done (since I didn't know about this feature), 
and what I intend to keep on doing - so I'll never (deliberately) use 
this feature, and hopefully I will never be affected by it.
I see the point people are making, but I'd sure miss the current 
behavior if it changed. The ability to comment out an entire handler by 
commenting the first line has been in xtalk for 18 years. I have become 
dependent on it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 2:27:11 PM, you wrote:

BH I too think google is great and I certainly use all the
BH time. I was just trying to search for a post that I knew I had participated
BH in (on another machine). I couldn't see a way to search for author.

Hint #1: put your name into the exact phrase field, either on Google's
advanced search page or in my plugin.

Hint #2: if you're using my plugin and you're reading a post from
someone, clicking on their name in the author field will do a new
search on the author's name.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Widgets in Tiger Dashboard

2004-12-12 Thread Jesse Sng
Has anyone figured out whether it would be possible for Revolution to 
be used in creating Dashboard Widgets for Apple's upcoming Tiger 
operating system release?

There's a new paper that's released on how to write widgets and I'm 
wondering if someone's been thinking about it?

Jesse Sng
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Widgets in Tiger Dashboard

2004-12-12 Thread Richard Gaskin
Jesse Sng wrote:
Has anyone figured out whether it would be possible for Revolution to be 
used in creating Dashboard Widgets for Apple's upcoming Tiger operating 
system release?
If memory serves, I believe those are spec'd as JavaScript only.
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Start Using

2004-12-12 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 12/12/04 11:10 AM, Gordon wrote:
What's the difference between a command and a
function- I even tried setting setGlobal back to a
function and returning something, but then I got the
old handler not found error again. I am confused
about commands and functions - why are my functions
not seen and which should I use and when?
Commands and functions are almost exactly the same, except that a 
function formally returns a value. Commands can return values too, but 
don't worry about that yet. When you call a function in a script, it 
acts just like a variable. For example:

function myTime
 return the time
end myTime
Now I can use that function in a script just as though it were a variable:
  put myTime() into fld 1
I have an old essay on functions; if I can find it, I will post it here 
under its own topic heading.

I don't mind having to pay for the rev manual, but
couldn't they send it electronically to help users
while they're waiting the 3-4 weeks it takes for the
paper versions to arrive by snail mail. It's really
hard trying to figure all this out from the
documention window that comes with rev. It doesn't
give any kind of overview of the Transcript language
that one would need to understand enough to really get
going. I am praying for my manuals to arrive a.s.a.p.
The manuals are printed versions of the online docs, and there isn't 
much difference. For an overview of transcript/stack concepts, the 
Shafer book is good. There is also quite a bit of information in the Rev 
docs if you look beyond the dictionary; try the FAQ, the object topics, etc.

About your original question regarding in use stacks:
When you put a stack in use, only the stack script itself gets shared. 
If your scripts are in a button or a card, putting the stack in use 
won't cause them to be seen. There are two ways you can fix this.

The first way: put all the handlers you want to share into the script of 
the stack, not in any other place. Then when the stack is put in use, 
its stack script is available everywhere and all open stacks can use it.

The second way: insert the script of the object that has your shared 
handlers into the message hierarchy. If you are storing the handlers you 
want to share in a button script, then:

  insert script of btn myLibScripts of stack mySharedStack into back
This places the button script into the back of the message path and all 
your other scripts can use it.

Either method works. There are some subtle reasons to choose one method 
over the other, but it probably doesn't matter in this case.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/12/04 5:05 PM, Alex Tweedly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very nearly but not quite - Gordon's first email on a related thread was
 about providing and using this in a library stack - so presumably these
 values should be retrievable from any stack within a multi-stack
 application.  Make the tiny change to
   set the of stack everywhere to 90034
 where everywhere is the name of the library stack, where other stacks
 must first start using it, and that should be what is needed.

True, but for a library, it might be better served by an accessor function:

put libMyLib_GetZip() into tZip

and in the library:

function libMyLib_GetZip
  return (the of this stack)
end libMyLib_GetZip

Of course, Richard's comments about dot notation not withstanding...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Widgets in Tiger Dashboard

2004-12-12 Thread Jesse Sng
Jesse Sng wrote:
Has anyone figured out whether it would be possible for Revolution 
to be used in creating Dashboard Widgets for Apple's upcoming Tiger 
operating system release?
If memory serves, I believe those are spec'd as JavaScript only.
It is designed to work with also code bundles. The test environment 
is apparently Safari, where the stuff is invoked via some Javascript. 
But you can also have html code to specify a bundle to be loaded 

They are already talking about being able to load Shockwave 
(basically anything that can be loaded into Safari) as a widget also.

use-revolution mailing list

What's a function

2004-12-12 Thread J. Landman Gay
I said elsewhere that I'd post my article about the differences between 
a function and a command handler. For anyone interested, I've put it 
online here:
This is specifically aimed at new Transcripters, so I've tried to keep 
the jargon to a minimum and the example handlers a bit more verbose.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 6:22 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
I see the point people are making, but I'd sure miss the current 
behavior if it changed. The ability to comment out an entire handler 
by commenting the first line has been in xtalk for 18 years. I have 
become dependent on it.
As Alex pointed out, it is really only an illusion for Transcript.  It 
doesn't work.

As for Hypertalk, my copy of Hypercard Script Language Guide: The 
HyperTalk Language says Statements always appear in handlers in a 
script.  Any part of a statement following HyperTalk's double-hyphen 
comment character (--) is ignored by HyperCard.  I read this as saying 
that the ability was not intended to be part of HyperCard.

I am curious if others use the technique of commenting out a handler by 
commenting out the first line.  Maybe there is a way to rescue this 
kind of thing in a clean way.


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list


2004-12-12 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All
I've yet again been trawling the google search for a hint on a runrev topic 
(I cant get it in the video tutorials at the moment because I have not 
bought the video tutorials yet, only just bought studio).

Anyway. I develop for palmOS and the IDE I use is supported via a BBS.
Is there any chance of this thing being used instead of a list. I think it 
is far superior.

All the best
use-revolution mailing list

Ins and outs

2004-12-12 Thread steve messimer

  As you will by now be aware, I am particularly interested
in usability - specifically for non-computer types, and to
that end made rather over-the-top tool bars for both RR 
MC, and then went to one particular extreme with my thesis.

  I do believe that far too little attention is paid to the
end-user experience and wonder if now is not the time to
start a use-list specifically dedicated to this - and keep
the current - MC and RR lists for xTalk related matters
only. The nature of RR/MC readily lends itself to the rapid
development of a wide variety of user interfaces  - and,
owing to the cross-platform nature of RR/MC, is, to my
mind, one of the better RADs for UI development and

I have been interested in this since Hypercard first appeared on the market.
On first glance rapid educational development using xTalk seemed the way to
go.  But what I found at least was that from scratch development of useful
educational applications could take months.  Part of the problem ( and there
are many others besides is that higher order development tools were not
available ) To build these was very time consuming. Now if you are an
instructor at any level time is not a commodity that is available in great
supply.  I started working on preceptortools  back in the late 80's. While
it was never a commercial success I think that some of the ideas still have

If you have never looked at it you are welcome to do so by going to my
website which is still up and running.

I would welcome the opportunity to participate in a dialog regarding methods
of improving the usability of development environments for educational


Steve Messimer, PA

use-revolution mailing list

Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Magnus Hippolyte Batavia
Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism. 

Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
person; only good for filing.

Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
The Think Different Store
For All Your Mac Gear
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Subject: Re: Christmas Special - we'll even solve your christmas shopping problem

2004-12-12 Thread Marian Petrides
On Dec 12, 2004, at 4:53 AM, Heather Nagey wrote:
Yes, but you must order now, without delay.
At $30 sh included these are a real bargain! Scarf 'em up while you 
can folks!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Arrays in Rev

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, December 11, 2004, at 06:42 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
Nope. But I've paid more bills and bought more toys using its tools 
than all the others combined. Basically, it all comes down to what 
makes me money, as this is my profession. Rev-based tools have helped 
me solve a few problems, but Director has consistently paid the 
mortgage. While its true that there are a few things that Rev does 
which Director doesn't (though not many if you include available 
xtra$), my clients want the things that Director does which Rev 
doesn't - of which there is a very long list. That's all. They are 
different tools, and really don't compete as much as people think.

I agree, they do offer different benefits.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Marian Petrides
Hey guys. I'd be really, really surprised if this isn't bogus--not to 
mention highly offensive.

First of all, a google search reveals a Carthage College in Kenosha WI 
but none in Wyoming.  I'm not even sure there is a town named Coyote, 

Second, check out the grammar and usage.  This purports to be from a 
faculty member at a US university, yet it is replete with grossly 
improper grammar.

Not to mention, as someone has already done, the statements about his 
secretary are not only demeaning but constitute blatant sexual 
harassment. No self-respecting faculty member in his right mind, 
tenured or not, would post such garbage in an open forum such as this.

Overall, except for the fact that it is directed to this list and not 
arriving as email from God-knows-where, this has all the earmarks of 
some of the most vile spam out there.

Oh, list mom, maybe this person should cautioned about the nature of 
his posts and excluded from this list if he persists in posting 
statements like:

Melanie says she prefers me to do her in lunch break; not
attending courses on programming - but she is stupid
person; only good for filing.
Am I the only one who finds this offensive?

On Dec 12, 2004, at 12:16 PM, Bill wrote:
I agree with Andre. This could well be a serious college curriculum.
Although the sexist comments about the professor's secretary would 
get him fired (perhaps he is tenured) at the least he will be 
suffering some
serious suing.

On 12/12/04 10:51 AM, Magnus Hippolyte Batavia 

Here at Carthage College we are wanting lecturer to give
course on sexuality of Runtime Revolution (when I say
mousedown to my secretary Melanie, she has spontaneous
filing problems). Here at Carthage College in Coyote,
Wyoming, we are at the center of the community and want
people to feel attracted by programming: and Runtime
Revolution is very sexual. So we are wanting lecturer with
PhD to come to our College and give lectures on said
subject and real live demonstrations. Our program chief, Dr
Bhatt, has written Transcript program to remote control
vibrator; but stupid students want to study Buddhism.

Magnus  Hippolyte Batavia, PhD, DSc, Sarvabhauma
The Think Different Store
For All Your Mac Gear
use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /-
 ^ ^
24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426
Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sexuality and Runtime Revolution

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Brownell
On Sunday, December 12, 2004, at 09:30 AM, Marian Petrides wrote:
Am I the only one who finds this offensive?
No, but I cuss like a drunken sailor. I mean I know it's  offensive to 
others that is. So what part of troll baiting don't you like?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: THESIS now available

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, December 9, 2004, 11:52:35 AM, you wrote:

M   My Thesis in the form that I have submitted it is now
M available in HTML format via the FILES page of my website.

Well, I'm working my way through it and it's fascinating so far - I'm
looking forward to the prototype software. I'm disappointed that you
didn't mention either ProGraph or VIP-C, though. Maybe for volume 2,
or when you decide to go for the PhuD.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 4:19:27 AM, you wrote:

AT I'd prefer if they removed the feature entirely, or as you suggested used
AT disabled or some such keyword rather than a comment, preceding the first
AT line of the handler.

I would, too, now that Ken has set me straight on what the first
line is. However, now that I understand what's involved in this, I'm
rather apathetic to the whole thing since I don't intend to use this
feature at all. I'm changing my bz comment to suggest removal.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing comments in scripts

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 1:29 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
DS The feature is a by-product of the compiler ignoring top level 
DS that are not top level constructs or commands in Transcript.

Ah - so this feature is actually tied into your postings about junk
in scripts?
And it also ties to recent discussion on parsing scripts.  Should a 
preprocessor allow for uncommented junk at the top level, or should it 
assume a clean script?


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating a catch-all for unknown handlers

2004-12-12 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/12/04 2:41 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Revolutionaries
 Is this feasible or just a crazy notion ...?
 Is there a way to create a catch-all backscript that
 would catch any unknown handler error and then look
 through a list of e.g. custom properties to see if it
 could be evaluated, and then returning the value.

 This would make it possible to create custom
 properties with names like and then
 just use them in your code where a handler would
 normally be.

Well, you can do this now:

  set the of this stack to 90034


  put the of this stack
  -- 90034

Does this not do what you want?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: opening stack from subfolder

2004-12-12 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On Dec 12 2004, at 23:58, Bob Hartley wrote:
on mouseUp
  go to stack bits/test.rev
end mouseUp
The test.rev file is not opend by the standalone.
How do I get it to open this file.
on mouseUp
 go to stack bits/test.rev
end mouseUp
It's always a good idea to quote strings,
hope that helped!
official ChatRev page:
Chat with other RunRev developers:
go stack URL;
use-revolution mailing list

Re: help need to read from file until xxxx OR yyyy OR zzzz

2004-12-12 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 15:26 12/12/2004 -0700, Dar Scott wrote:

On Dec 12, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Randy Padawer wrote:
Let's say a text file occasionally includes the words dogs, cats, and 
fleas. I need to read until any of these words without skipping any.
Unless the file is huge, read it in in one piece with the URL method.
Then repeatedly parse it with matchText or matchChunk.  Match with a 
pattern includes what you want and also allows you to obtain the rest of 
the data for processing more.  I'm guessing that the pattern you want 
includes the front of the string, a bunch of characters, and then either 
one of the words.  The rest is everything after that.  If you need help 
with the regex pattern, just ask.

It would be nice to give a char # offset to matchText or matchChunk, but I 
don't know how.
Can't you just do
 matchText(char currOffset to -1 of theString, tRegEx, tVars)
Or, if that won't work,
  put .  currOffset  tRegEx into tempRegEx
  matchText(theString, tempRegEx, tVars)
(so the first match is the .N where N is the offset ) ?
(Ugly, but I've seen something like this used before in Perl, where 
ugliness seemed natural :-)

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: The question was Re: forum

2004-12-12 Thread Andre Garzia
anyone know if this require libURL?
On Dec 12, 2004, at 9:08 PM, Bob Hartley wrote:
Thsi is ok as long as it is in the same folder but in a subfolder 
bits it wont open.
I tried modifying your URL suggestion
 go stack URL file:/bits/test.rev but the file wont open in the 

I'll spend more time on it tomorrow.
Thanks for the help.
Hope your arm gets better soon.
Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Connecting to PostGreSQL on same machine: Mac OSX

2004-12-12 Thread Sivakatirswami
;-( things are getting worse instead of better. Now I seemed to have 
shot myself in the foot and cannot even get the postmaster/server to 
start up at all...let alone connect with rev... OK, following all the 
advice as bes as I can and also the postgres docshere's where i 

OK first of all Pierre was correct, after initdb on installtion, the 
pg_hba file was in fact automatically installed with two client 
authenticate records as follows:


local   all all 
# IPv4-style local connections:
hostall all   

# I infer from this that localhost should work automatically, 
assuming we can start the server and tcp/ip connections are allowed...

So I then edited postmaster.conf and uncommented only three lines, 
tcpip, max_connections and port

# - Connection Settings -
tcpip_socket = true
max_connections = 50
# note: increasing max_connections costs about 500 bytes of 
# memory per connection slot, in addition to costs from 
# and max_locks_per_transaction.
#superuser_reserved_connections = 2
port = 5432
#unix_socket_directory = ''
#unix_socket_group = ''
#unix_socket_permissions = 0777 # octal
#virtual_host = ''  # what interface to listen on; defaults 
to any
#rendezvous_name = ''   # defaults to the computer name

# - Security  Authentication -
#authentication_timeout = 60# 1-600, in seconds
#ssl = false
#password_encryption = true
#krb_server_keyfile = ''
#db_user_namespace = false lines
(and more lines, all commented out)

OK, that seems to fulfill everyone's guidance... but:
katir:/usr/local/pgsql/data postgres$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data 
-i -l logfile start
katir:/usr/local/pgsql/data postgres$

katir:/usr/local/pgsql/bin postgres$ ./psql katir_test
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432?
katir:/usr/local/pgsql/bin postgres$
So, no I cannot even start up the server at all.

On Dec 12, 2004, at 9:08 AM, Hershel Fisch wrote:
Hi , in order to run thru a tcp/ip connection it has to be enabled 
first , to do so eithre you enable the tcp/ip or you start it
with an -I flag.
su - postgres
postgres% /usr/local/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data I ( 
this is the -I flag you enter)
Hershel Fisch
use-revolution mailing list

Re: help need to read from file until xxxx OR yyyy OR zzzz

2004-12-12 Thread Dar Scott
On Dec 12, 2004, at 4:19 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
Can't you just do
 matchText(char currOffset to -1 of theString, tRegEx, tVars)
Yes, but that doesn't avoid copying of the rest part in repeated 

Or, if that won't work,
  put .  currOffset  tRegEx into tempRegEx
  matchText(theString, tempRegEx, tVars)
(so the first match is the .N where N is the offset ) ?
(Ugly, but I've seen something like this used before in Perl, where 
ugliness seemed natural :-)
If this is fast, then I like this kind of approach.

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

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