Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Judy Perry
Still, you will have those who are learning it for the first time (e.g.,
my heart surgeon previously mentioned, children, etc.) for whom  a single
buttoned mouse is preferrable.

Also -- for how many of the 'average' users will right-clicking be well

 While learnability is important, learning happens exactly once.  From
 then on it's all about productivity for the rest of one's computing life.

-Yup, which goes on to translate as if learning doesn't happen... hence
the importance of the uni-button mouse.  It is agreed that 2- and 3- and
n-button mice are for advanced audiences' and their productivity
enhancements...  if they don't learn uni-button mice, well, ... you have
Chipp's proposition.

 By providing a mouse that people's productivity can grow with, Apple may
 indeed be risking the learning curve for a subset of their market.  But
 given Apple's dedication to learnability I have to trust their judgement
 on this.

--I agree with this.  It functions as a uni-button mouse but adapts for a
multi-button mouse user.  Very Apple.

 Besides, even if I disagreed with them, would they listen to me?

--In singular, I don't know.  In aggregate, yes (witness the furor over
the 'candy' apple doing nothing in the menu bar in the OS X beta).

  Another issue I have with the right-clicking is that it sometimes
  seriously violates Schneiderman's articulation of the direct manipulation
  paradigm in that the user can sometimes right-click on nothing in the
  middle of nowhere.

 Where in a modern GUI is nowhere?  Even the Desktop is a place, and
 has properties.

--That's an abstraction, not a concrete thing.  Right-clicking on
_nothing_ violates the concept.  The articulation is 'visible items of
interest' in which nothing is not an item of interest.

--And, in any case, the purpose (unless anyone can correct me; corrections
clearly sought) is that right-clicking is for a short-cut.  The problem is
that on Window side, too often it is suggested as the ONLY route.

--I have no problems with short-cuts.  As long as more conventional
solutions are provided.  That way, both (or all) camps are provided for.

 Apple's new mouse a multi-button mouse in terms of functionality.
 Whether Apple succeeds in a cleaner design to provide that
 functionality, or instead confuses people by making the delineation
 between left and right unclear, remains to be seen.  Sometimes they get
 it right (the iPod wheel) and sometimes not (the hockey puck iMac mouse).

--I sincerely doubt that Apple can make left versus right-clicking any
more confusing than it already is.  What is important is that it remain a
secondary access rather than a primary access to commands, info., etc.

--Here's the gist of my argument:

(1) You see something of interest;
(2) You click on it;
(3) Something happens.

You (and/or others) would seem to suggest that it's better that:

(1) You see something
Or a void
(2) You click on something
Or the void
(3) Something happens
Or something else happens

And, for the user, either what they want happens or they get confused.

It is inarguable that, for expert users, anything exceeding 1 mouse button
is 'expert' and hence more productive (even up to an 8-button chording
device for court reporters).

The question is that, where for x = 1 + n, what does n equal?  For
Windows (semi-expert) users, the answer is clearly n=1.  But for unix
users, it is n=2.  For other expert  users, it us n=7.

Where is the line to be drawn? Clearly as n gets larger, so does the
possibility for error/confusion.

More simply put, how would the legion of Windows users feel about the
imposition of a mouse button = 3 feel?

My Windows students indicate tha N=1 (thus, x= 1+1) is the correct number
of buttons.  Less than that is lame, more than that is confusing.

Unix students indicate that n should = 2 (thus, 1 +2 = 3) mouse buttons.
Less restricts expert usage, more would be confusing.

Hence my argument.


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Re: right-click on Macs

2005-08-03 Thread Judy Perry
I think it is option-click.

At least, that's the way I've done it using a uni-button mouse (because,
you can, of course, get a true right-click using a 3rd party mouse on a
Mac should you so need).


On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Charles Silverman wrote:

 Is there a way to get the right-click when Rev is running on Mac OS X
 machines to bring up Apple's Application wide contextual menu? It
 makes sense to let the user access these features... I've gotten used
 to the built-in dictionary feature, spell-checking and highlighting a
 word or phrase and right-clicking to go directly to google and would
 imagine that most Mac users are coming to expect these features in
 all applications.

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Dom
Alex Tweedly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And the one-key keyboard. Hardly any typing mistakes using that  :-)

The one you write on it with a pen?

Revolutionario (not so much)
With a Newton MP130, waiting for syncing between [Newton] Notes and my
[Rev] Journal

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Tabbed button colour, Win XP

2005-08-03 Thread Martin BLACKMAN
I have a tabbed button in Rev 2.6 whose background color is set to dark grey.  
In XP with the theme set to 'windows classic' it appears as dark grey.
With the theme set to 'Windows XP' the background of the button
becomes off-white, and setting the background color of the button has
no effect.

I use this button effectively as the background for most of my card,
and switch between cards using the tabs.

Can someone suggest a way to force the colour to grey ?  I could put a
grey rectangle on top but that would still leave the tabs...

Martin Blackman
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Re: open drawer bug 3026

2005-08-03 Thread Éric Miclo


I did report that bug (#2921) on 2005/06/22 and it is stated as fixed/ 
I got a message telling me it was fixed in build 114 that should have  
been released some times ago, but the latest build is still 108.

Does somebody know if a new build is in the pipeline?



Le 3 août 05 à 03:23, Scott Morrow a écrit :

Using Rev 2.6 I noticed that when opening a stack as a drawer it  
does not slide open smoothly (as in Rev2.5.1) but simply snaps  
open.  It does close with the standard drawer effect.  I've  
submitted a BugZilla report,  3026, if anyone else would care to  
cast a vote.

-Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)

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-- My NeXT computer will Be a Mac too! --

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Chipp Walters


You're confusing how hard something is to learn, versus how hard it is 
to use day in and day out.

It's proven highly modal systems are the easiest to learn (ATM machine), 
but you wouldn't want a bank teller to have to use one 8 hours a day! In 
fact, when the Mac first came out (I purchased the first one in 
Houston), it was unique in it's mostly non-modal approach, and NOT 
intuitive in the least to use. Of course, once one took the time to 
'learn' the interface, productivity soared.


Judy Perry wrote:

Every day there are people who are new to computers who are learning to
use them.  I once had a retired cardiac surgeon take the 'how to turn it
on' class.  It happened to be on the PC platform.  He got so confused over
the two buttons that he ended up dropping the class.

Clearly, he was not a stupid man.  And then there's children still
learning their left from their right.  And then there's the elderly, with
perhaps diminishing fine motor control (this was one of several issues at
play with respect to the surgeon).

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More on SecondLife system requirements

2005-08-03 Thread Kat
After reading James/Cazzj's comments to the SERUG Google Group about Mac 
vs Windows for Second Life (SL,, where we plan 
to hold virtual meetings), I borrowed my dad's new 3.2 GHz HP laptop to 
see if it really was so much better.  I regret to announce that it is.  
But some caveats:

* I know that the RAM on both my Macs is insufficient for simulation 
gaming, which is what SL is. RAM and VRAM are probably the biggest 
trouble-makers on the block in this realm.

* The HP laptop is much faster and cleaner than either of my Macs. One 
is a 1.5 GHz G4 laptop with 768 MB of RAM (which runs ok in most modes, 
but not as well as the HP). The other is an older G4 tower, 867 MHz Dual 
Processor, with only 512 MB of RAM.  It is not as good as the laptop, of 
course, but it has a 19 CRT monitor that is infinitely more SL-friendly 
than the 12 laptop's screen.

* The biggest trouble area is the Appearance editor, which is what 
brought down Jonathan's computer.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has a G5 with a lot 
of RAM and an advanced video card, to see what your experience with the 
SecondLife software is.  A lifetime basic account is just US$9.95, and 
there's a 7-day free trial, so if you have such a system and a few 
moments to give it a whirl, please do let me (us) know what you think.

Kat Cochrane
a.k.a. Kat Lemieux in SecondLife

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SERUG group founded in SecondLife

2005-08-03 Thread Kat
To follow up on the message I just sent about using SecondLife as a 
virtual meeting place for SERUG (SouthEastern [US] Revolution User 
Group), I'd like to reiterate that this organization is open to any 
Revolution developers who are interested, and with some of our meetings 
taking place online instead of in a physical location, it's practical 
for anyone anywhere to join us.  However, to use the SecondLife system, 
you do need broadband and a reasonably powerful computer.

SecondLife is a serious simulation game that is ripe for exploitation as 
a business tool as well as for all those people who think games are for 
fun. Silly people! ;-)

Accounts for SecondLife basic users cost a one-time fee of US$9.95, 
after a 7-day free trial. Premium accounts (which are required to buy 
land in SL) start at $9.95/mo or $72/yr and go up from there based on 
the amount of (virtual) land you own. The software is cross-platform 
(Mac/Win/*nix/etc.), but does require broadband as well as a lot of 
computer power. (See my previous message about that.)

If you already belong to SecondLife or decide to try it, and would like 
to join the SERUG group there, please IM me your request in world.  If 
you have any questions about it, or about the RL (Real Life) SERUG 
group that is getting organized now, feel free to contact me, or (after 
Aug. 19) Ralph Forehand. Ralph will be on vacation till then, so it's 
better to ask me if you want a quicker answer.

Katherine Kat Cochrane
a.k.a. Kat Lemieux in SecondLife
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Cross-Platform default btn Geometry

2005-08-03 Thread FlexibleLearning
Something Richard said the other day, that Mac and Win display the OK and  
Cancel buttons differently. So it occured to me that there should be a handler  
that deals with this automatically so the buttons display correctly on either  
OS, preferably in a flexible way.

This is what I have come up with. Not  very elegant and a bit brute-force, so 
improvements welcome. Consider the  gauntlet thrown!

In a stack with three buttons called 'OK', 'Default' and  'Cancel' 
horizontally from left to right, add this to a 'TestMe'  button...

on mouseUp
setOSbtnGeometry  Cancel/D,OK,off,MacOS
end mouseUp

--| Cross platform button  geometry
--| This assumes that the default or main option should be on the  right in 
win32 and on the
--| left in macOS.
--| This handler takes the names of two buttons, then  sets their position 
and default state
--| accordingly. It also provides for over-riding the OS for testing  
--| Syntax:
--|setOSbtnGeometry  Btn1Name[/D],Btn2Name[/D],on|off 
--|   Param 1 and 2:
--|   The names of the two buttons  involved. Use /D to define which is 
the default  position
--|   Param 3:
--|   Define whether the default state  should be on or off
--|   Param  4:
--|   Optional, to force platform  over-ride for testing. Omit to use the 
current platform.
--|  Examples:
--|   setOSbtnGeometry  Cancel/D,OK,on
--|   setOSbtnGeometry  Cancel,OK/D,off
--|   setOSbtnGeometry  Yes,No/D,on,macOS

on setOSbtnGeometry pFirstBtnName,  pSecondBtnName, pState, pOS
if char -2 to -1 of pFirstBtnName is /D  then
delete char -2 to -1 of  pFirstBtnName
put pFirstBtnName into  tDefault
put pSecondBtnName into tOther
if char -2 to -1 of pSecondBtnName is /D  then
delete char -2 to -1 of  pSecondBtnName
end if
put  pSecondBtnName into tDefault
put pFirstBtnName into  tOther
end if

put the rect of btn pFirstBtnName  into rect1
put the rect of btn pSecondBtnName into rect2

if pState is on then set the default of btn tDefault to  TRUE
else set the default of btn tDefault to FALSE
set the  default of btn tOther to FALSE

if item 1 of rect1  item  1 of rect2 then
put rect2 into leftSide; put rect1 into  rightSide
put rect2 into rightSide; put  rect1 into leftSide
end if

if pOS  then  put pOS into tPlatform
else put the platform into tPlatform

if tPlatform=MacOS then
set the rect of btn  tDefault to rightSide
set the rect of btn tOther to  leftSide
set the rect of btn tDefault to  leftSide
set the rect of btn tOther to rightSide
end if
end setOSbtnGeometry

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OT iBook DVD can play internat'l movies?

2005-08-03 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Sorry for the completely off topic nature of this...but
Can my iBook's DVD play DVDs from any world zone?
I have a Japanese issued iBook (English system). So before I order any DVDs 
from Amazon, I thought I'd better check.


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RE: when can I set a substack's properties?

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
I recently found that if you tell an unopened substack to create a new
group within itself, it will give that group an ID of 0. If you tell it
to create more than one new group within itself, all of the groups will
have an ID of 0.

So, there must be at least some differences between open and unopen

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Phil Davis
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 8:53 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: when can I set a substack's properties?

One forgotten yet exciting (?) detail:

Phil Davis wrote:
-- snip --
 You can do all these same things to any unopened stack. But in the
 of an unopened stack that's not already in memory, the first thing
 happens when you touch it in any way is that is gets loaded into 
 memory. This means you can preload stacks into memory before opening 
 them by just referencing something about them.

You can reference something about the unloaded stack that doesn't 
actually exist, like this:

 get the fakeProperty of stack bigImages

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Re: OT iBook DVD can play internat'l movies?

2005-08-03 Thread Derek Bump

Thomas McCarthy wrote:

Sorry for the completely off topic nature of this...but
Can my iBook's DVD play DVDs from any world zone?
I have a Japanese issued iBook (English system). So before I order any DVDs 
from Amazon, I thought I'd better check.

Almost all DVD players (including those in computers) will allow you to 
play DVDs from any region.

Unfortunately, playing a DVD from another region will change the 
player's region code.  This code can only be changed 5 times before it 
locks and stays at that code.  You can get the drive reset, but only if 
you send it into the manufacturer and have it reset.

So if you are going to be ordering DVDs, stick to a region code and 
leave it there. :)  More information about this can be attained by doing 
a google search for DVD Region Codes.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Photos for the Web with JPEGCompress

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Re: global problems

2005-08-03 Thread Jon
Upon further reflection about the situation in Rev (as opposed to 
languages that are really compiled, and execute from the start of the 
program each time a change is made), I take your point.  In Pascal, the 
program/compiler must re-create each global each time the program is 
run.  In Rev, the program never actually stops running (in some sense, 
even though it does change as the programmer edits the scripts and 
modifies the properties), so there is never a time when Rev can properly 
re-evaluate the existence of the globals.  Removing all of the globals 
each time a script is edited would not work.

See: I'm still having problems getting my mind around all of the 
implications of a Rev-like IDE...



Richard Gaskin wrote:

Jon wrote:

I agree: it is unfortunate that the original language designers used 
the term global to mean persistent global.  Had they separated 
the concept of scope from the concept of variable duration/lifetime, 
the language would have been equally powerful while being easier to 

What is a non-persistent global?

In any language I've worked with, you declare a global and it stays in 
memory until you delete it or quit the program.

I don't know of any language that deletes globals automatically based 
on whether the app closes or opens files from disk.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
As someone who has not used a Mac in 12 years, and has never used any
system ending in 'nix'...

I have to say that right-clicking is completely ingrained in my
thinking. If I want to add a shortcut to the desktop, I right-click on
the desktop. If I want to open an explorer window, I right-click on the
Start button.

And this has translated to my programming. All of my software uses
right-clicking all over the place. My spreadsheet objects use
right-clicking on the row and column buttons to get row and column
options, and uses left-click and drag for moving the rows and columns

Other folks using my software have not complained about having to
right-click - but then, they are all using it on Windows as well, and
are undoubtedly used to right-clicking.

This sounds funny, but I think I would find it much more difficult to
create a convenient interface without using the right-click. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Perry
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:22 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

Still, you will have those who are learning it for the first time (e.g.,
my heart surgeon previously mentioned, children, etc.) for whom  a
buttoned mouse is preferrable.

Also -- for how many of the 'average' users will right-clicking be well

 While learnability is important, learning happens exactly once.  From
 then on it's all about productivity for the rest of one's computing

-Yup, which goes on to translate as if learning doesn't happen...
the importance of the uni-button mouse.  It is agreed that 2- and 3- and
n-button mice are for advanced audiences' and their productivity
enhancements...  if they don't learn uni-button mice, well, ... you have
Chipp's proposition.

 By providing a mouse that people's productivity can grow with, Apple
 indeed be risking the learning curve for a subset of their market.
 given Apple's dedication to learnability I have to trust their
 on this.

--I agree with this.  It functions as a uni-button mouse but adapts for
multi-button mouse user.  Very Apple.

 Besides, even if I disagreed with them, would they listen to me?

--In singular, I don't know.  In aggregate, yes (witness the furor over
the 'candy' apple doing nothing in the menu bar in the OS X beta).

  Another issue I have with the right-clicking is that it sometimes
  seriously violates Schneiderman's articulation of the direct
  paradigm in that the user can sometimes right-click on nothing in
  middle of nowhere.

 Where in a modern GUI is nowhere?  Even the Desktop is a place, and
 has properties.

--That's an abstraction, not a concrete thing.  Right-clicking on
_nothing_ violates the concept.  The articulation is 'visible items of
interest' in which nothing is not an item of interest.

--And, in any case, the purpose (unless anyone can correct me;
clearly sought) is that right-clicking is for a short-cut.  The problem
that on Window side, too often it is suggested as the ONLY route.

--I have no problems with short-cuts.  As long as more conventional
solutions are provided.  That way, both (or all) camps are provided for.

 Apple's new mouse a multi-button mouse in terms of functionality.
 Whether Apple succeeds in a cleaner design to provide that
 functionality, or instead confuses people by making the delineation
 between left and right unclear, remains to be seen.  Sometimes they
 it right (the iPod wheel) and sometimes not (the hockey puck iMac

--I sincerely doubt that Apple can make left versus right-clicking any
more confusing than it already is.  What is important is that it remain
secondary access rather than a primary access to commands, info., etc.

--Here's the gist of my argument:

(1) You see something of interest;
(2) You click on it;
(3) Something happens.

You (and/or others) would seem to suggest that it's better that:

(1) You see something
Or a void
(2) You click on something
Or the void
(3) Something happens
Or something else happens

And, for the user, either what they want happens or they get confused.

It is inarguable that, for expert users, anything exceeding 1 mouse
is 'expert' and hence more productive (even up to an 8-button chording
device for court reporters).

The question is that, where for x = 1 + n, what does n equal?  For
Windows (semi-expert) users, the answer is clearly n=1.  But for unix
users, it is n=2.  For other expert  users, it us n=7.

Where is the line to be drawn? Clearly as n gets larger, so does the
possibility for error/confusion.

More simply put, how would the legion of Windows users feel about the
imposition of a mouse button = 3 feel?

My Windows students indicate tha N=1 (thus, x= 1+1) is the correct
of buttons.  Less than that is lame, more than that is confusing.

Unix students indicate that n should = 2 (thus, 1 +2 = 3) mouse buttons.

ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Jim Hurley

Message: 15
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 05:27:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alejandro Tejada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ANN Full justification
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hi Jim,

This handler works great! :-)

I noticed that you included two
justify buttons.
In the second button, this line
seems to hang my development environment:

put char tNum-10 to tNum of tOrig into tChars

Why does this happen?

Thanks a lot for sharing this handler! :-)


Al et al,

I have finished the plug-in version. This should be much easier to use.

Just select the  field to be justified and click on the Justify the 
selected field button.

It also stores the original text in a custom property of the field. 
(If you decide to change the field's width at some future point, the 
lines won't justify in the new field width. Best to restore the text 
and re-justify.)

In the message box:

 go stack url;

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Re: OT iBook DVD can play internat'l movies?

2005-08-03 Thread Kat

Thomas McCarthy wrote:

Can my iBook's DVD play DVDs from any world zone?

The answer is yes, but if you also want to play US zoned discs, you have 
to reset the DVD player. You can do this only a limited number of times 
(5) per machine.  Yes, it's a problem, but if you can completely remove 
all the DVD player's components from your computer after using up all 
the changes (something I've never tried to do), it may be possible to 
restart the clock by reloading the player engine.  There's probably some 
hidden files that only the superuser can delete, though. 'Nuff said.

Kat Cochrane
a.k.a. Kat Lemieux in SecondLife,
virtual meeting place of
SERUG  - South East Revolution User Group

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Re: OT iBook DVD can play internat'l movies?

2005-08-03 Thread Peter T. Evensen
It is my understanding that the region code is stored in the drive 
hardware/firmware, so reinstalling the driver won't help.   Going to About 
This Mac and More Info should show you the region code for your DVD player 
and how many changes you have left.  It's probably under the ATA section.

At 09:59 AM 8/3/2005, you wrote:

Thomas McCarthy wrote:

Can my iBook's DVD play DVDs from any world zone?

The answer is yes, but if you also want to play US zoned discs, you have 
to reset the DVD player. You can do this only a limited number of times 
(5) per machine.  Yes, it's a problem, but if you can completely remove 
all the DVD player's components from your computer after using up all the 
changes (something I've never tried to do), it may be possible to restart 
the clock by reloading the player engine.  There's probably some hidden 
files that only the superuser can delete, though. 'Nuff said.

Kat Cochrane
a.k.a. Kat Lemieux in SecondLife,
virtual meeting place of
SERUG  - South East Revolution User Group

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subscription preferences:

Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

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Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 03-août-05 à 16:37, Jim Hurley a écrit :

Al et al,

I have finished the plug-in version. This should be much easier to  

Just select the  field to be justified and click on the Justify  
the selected field button.

It also stores the original text in a custom property of the field.  
(If you decide to change the field's width at some future point,  
the lines won't justify in the new field width. Best to restore the  
text and re-justify.)

In the message box:

 go stack url 


Hi Jim

Excellent but

How can I save this stack in my plugIn folder ???

Thank you.



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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread FlexibleLearning
I use both PC's and Mac's so I believe I have a balanced view. As far as I  
am concerned, right-clicking is an extra. Anything in a contextual menu must be 
 also available under the normal menus. The contextual right-click simply 
throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal. You can happily 
ignore  right-clicking and live without them (like ignoring keyboard 
shortcuts), but  life is much easier with them IF they are well designed.

My father started on his first computer (a Mac) aged 78 . After 2  years he 
still didn't use keyboard shortcuts. Then he got a PC. After only  a couple of 
hours he decided he liked right-click contextual menus because  [1] they are 
visual and [2] show him what's important at that point. He still  doesn't use 
keyboard shortcuts on either machine!


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Re: Tabbed button colour, Win XP

2005-08-03 Thread subzero569
Maybe try:

set the lookandfeel to Windows 95

I have used this successfully before with tabs.


On 8/3/05, Martin BLACKMAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a tabbed button in Rev 2.6 whose background color is set to dark grey.
 In XP with the theme set to 'windows classic' it appears as dark grey.
 With the theme set to 'Windows XP' the background of the button
 becomes off-white, and setting the background color of the button has
 no effect.
 I use this button effectively as the background for most of my card,
 and switch between cards using the tabs.
 Can someone suggest a way to force the colour to grey ?  I could put a
 grey rectangle on top but that would still leave the tabs...
 Martin Blackman
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Inch by inch, life is a cinch.
Yard by yard, life is very hard.
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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Dan Shafer
Ah, yes, the famous VIECAWP -- Vertically Integrated Easy-Correcting  
Analog Word Processor. AKA pencil.

On Aug 3, 2005, at 12:16 AM, Dom wrote:

Alex Tweedly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And the one-key keyboard. Hardly any typing mistakes using  
that  :-)

The one you write on it with a pen?

Revolutionario (not so much)
With a Newton MP130, waiting for syncing between [Newton] Notes and my
[Rev] Journal

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Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought
From, Click My Stuff

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Decompile Windows RR application

2005-08-03 Thread Ton Kuypers

Hi gang,

I've had a disk-crash a couple of months ago and lost almost all  
files on that disk.
Among the lost files is also the RR source of a program I've created.  
The only thing I have is the windows exe file.

Is there a way to decompile this back to a working RR project (or  
even just parts of it) or do I just start all over again?

Ton Kuypers

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Re: numToChar(28) in list field

2005-08-03 Thread J. Landman Gay

Scott Morrow wrote:
I have a list field where the items on each line are delimited with 
numToChar(28).  This works fine when I edit the content of the list 
field using a script.  However, when I edit it using an object inspector 
window the item delimiters all change to numToChar(215).  This is easy 
enough to work around but I'm curious about what the heck is going on.  
There is probably a good reason but I can't think of it.

This is just a guess, but maybe it has something to do with how the 
inspector translates all field content to html. Is 215 the html 
substitution for 28?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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how to print landscape

2005-08-03 Thread Ban Nguyen

How to set to print the cd in landscape?

I have an image.  I grouped this image and set a vertical scroll bar.
How to print this image?  Could anyone know please help?

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Peter T. Evensen
A number of times I have been called on to help novice computer users 
with problems on their PCs.  When I ask them to right click on something, 
they invariable had never used the right mouse button.  From then on, every 
time I ask them to click on something, they ask right or left 
button?   There is a lot to be said for simplicity.  Apple did a lot of 
user testing to determine a one-button mouse is less confusing, but as 
Richard points out, computer novices are becoming more and more extinct...

At 07:17 PM 8/2/2005, you wrote:

Judy Perry wrote:

Whew!  I'm feeling better already.
I'm in agreement with Raskin on the uni-button mouse being preferrable for

Three factors come into play, with error-reduction being one of them. The 
other is productivity, and a third being learnability.

I have no doubt Raskin got it right with error-reduction, and of course a 
single-button mouse will score higher on learnability by virtue of having 
less to learn.

But the question manufacturers face in the 21st century is:

  Does our audience today have enough experience with
   mice to use a multi-button mouse more productively
   than a single-button mouse?

Apple seems to have answered that question well.

The single-button mouse was revolutionary for adoption of modern GUIs -- 
thank you Mr. Engelbart.

But the majority of today's computer purchasers have previous experience 
with computing, are quite comfortable with mice, and can take advantage of 
the productivity gains of multi-button mice with far less trouble than 
yesterday's newbies.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Peter T. Evensen
This reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) tech support story of the 
woman who bought her first computer, brought it home, and called in because 
she couldn't get it to do anything.  She said she kept pressing on the foot 
pedal (like a sowing machine), but nothing would happen...

At 10:06 PM 8/2/2005, you wrote:


I use two-button mice when I teach on the PC platform.  I've played
around with 3-button mice a bit.  I have a 4-button programmable
Kensington trackball (and a two-button Stingray trackball that offers true

In addition to reading and agreeing with Raskin (although I think he was a
bit of a nutter on the whole modality issue), my observations are partly
based on nearly a decade of teaching new computer users how to use a
computer.  And it's definitely been a problem.

I'm not certain I understand your argument about not using a computer
reducing errors.  Of course that's true. But that's not the issue.  It's
which is easier to learn?  A one-button mouse or a two button mouse or a
three button mouse... or an n-button mouse?

Englebert, of course, ultimately ended up preferring something else
altogether to a uni-button mouse.  I think it was a foot-based control.  I
once had an English teacher stricken by polio in his youth who steered his
car using a foot-based device...


On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Chipp Walters wrote:


 Good duck and cover ;-)

 Never using a computer in the first place reduces errors to nill...does
 that make it preferrable? Just wondering, how much experience do you
 have with multi-button mice?

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Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Mark Swindell

On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The contextual right-click simply
throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal.


The whole how-many-buttons argument is dizzying to me.  A two button  
mouse has ADDED functionality, not supplanted or changed  
functionality.  Click a two button mouse with your index finger only,  
and its a one-button mouse.  Nothing could be simpler.  Don't use the  
scroll wheel, same thing... one button functionality without a  
scroll. If you're smart enough to use a computer, you're smart enough  
to simplify your experience by using your index finger to click, if  
that's what you need to do.   If you don't want scrolling and  
contextual menus, just use your index finger. (JUYIF!) I just don't  
get it.

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Judy Perry
Or the one about the woman whose cupholder on her computer was broken??



On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

 This reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) tech support story of the
 woman who bought her first computer, brought it home, and called in because
 she couldn't get it to do anything.  She said she kept pressing on the foot
 pedal (like a sowing machine), but nothing would happen...

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Construyendo una especie de PowerPoint

2005-08-03 Thread rsarabia

Hola Alejandro,

Estuvimos hablando hace tiempo cuando estaba evaluando Revolution y  
ahora ya tengo la versión Enterprise.

Voy a tratar de desarrollar algo parecido a un powerpoint, mucho más  
sencillo, pero con la misma filosofía. Quiero proporcionar a mis  
clientes una aplicación con la que puedan construir pantallas y  
dentro de cada pantalla, ubicar cuadros con distintos tipos de  
información en ellos (textos, animaciones, películas quickt time, etc.).
En una primera fase la aplicación puede funcionar sin conexión a  
MySQL, pero en un desarrollo inmediatamente siguiente, estaría  
subiendo la información a MySQL, para trabajo remoto y compartido.

¿Tienes ganas y quieres participar en este proyecto?, por supuesto,  
los costes de desarrollo que tengas yo los pagaría.

¿Puedes indicarme tus posibilidades?.


Rufino Sarabia

RS  Asociados
629 444 710; fax 902 120 880; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
correo alternativo y envío de ficheros a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Facilitamos el desarrollo científico-técnico y financiero de  
personas, sociedades y congresos

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Re: Decompile Windows RR application

2005-08-03 Thread Bill Vlahos
If you didn't encrypt it or remove the source code then you should be  
able to get it back. More difficult if you did those things.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:29 AM, Ton Kuypers wrote:

Hi gang,

I've had a disk-crash a couple of months ago and lost almost all  
files on that disk.
Among the lost files is also the RR source of a program I've  
created. The only thing I have is the windows exe file.

Is there a way to decompile this back to a working RR project (or  
even just parts of it) or do I just start all over again?

Ton Kuypers

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Bill Vlahos
What really drives me crazy is when a left handed person customizes  
their mouse and switches the buttons. The left button becomes the  
contextual button and the right button is for selecting.

Since it is all done in software there are no hints that the mouse is  
different other than it is almost always left of the keyboard.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:56 AM, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

A number of times I have been called on to help novice computer  
users with problems on their PCs.  When I ask them to right click  
on something, they invariable had never used the right mouse  
button.  From then on, every time I ask them to click on something,  
they ask right or left button?   There is a lot to be said for  
simplicity.  Apple did a lot of user testing to determine a one- 
button mouse is less confusing, but as Richard points out, computer  
novices are becoming more and more extinct...

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RE: Decompile Windows RR application

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
Does the compiled program run any separate rev stacks?

If so, you could replace that stack with a stack that contains a script
that clones the stack that is contained within the executable file.

Or maybe... Don't know if this would work, but just maybe...

You could create a stack that clones the stack contained within the exe
file... and save that stack with some unused extension, like '.qzq'

Then, set the file association in windows so that all .qzq files are run
with your executable file.

Then double click on the .qzq file to run it.

This would force the .exe file to startup, and open your .qzq stack at
the same time.

If your .qzq stack has an openstack handler like this:

On openstack
  Clone stack myStack...
  Save stack myClonedStack
End openstack

I never use clone stack, so I don't know the precise wording on using it
- but I bet this approach could work!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:08 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Decompile Windows RR application

If you didn't encrypt it or remove the source code then you should be  
able to get it back. More difficult if you did those things.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:29 AM, Ton Kuypers wrote:

 Hi gang,

 I've had a disk-crash a couple of months ago and lost almost all  
 files on that disk.
 Among the lost files is also the RR source of a program I've  
 created. The only thing I have is the windows exe file.

 Is there a way to decompile this back to a working RR project (or  
 even just parts of it) or do I just start all over again?

 Ton Kuypers

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Judy Perry

Or when, in a teaching situation, some little gremlin geek-in-training
does likewise with scattered mice in the lab and you're trying to teach
computer novices...


On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Bill Vlahos wrote:

 What really drives me crazy is when a left handed person customizes
 their mouse and switches the buttons. The left button becomes the
 contextual button and the right button is for selecting.

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Re: how to print landscape

2005-08-03 Thread Mark Talluto

On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:52 AM, Ban Nguyen wrote:


How to set to print the cd in landscape?

I have an image.  I grouped this image and set a vertical scroll bar.
How to print this image?  Could anyone know please help?

Take a look at the printRotated property in the dicitonary:

set the printRotated to true
print this card

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Peter T. Evensen
I heard of one company that removes all the CD drives to eliminate this 

At 12:03 PM 8/3/2005, you wrote:

Or the one about the woman whose cupholder on her computer was broken??



On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

 This reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) tech support story of the
 woman who bought her first computer, brought it home, and called in because
 she couldn't get it to do anything.  She said she kept pressing on the foot
 pedal (like a sowing machine), but nothing would happen...

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Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

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RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan

I think maybe the problem arises with inconsiderate programmers (I am
referring to myself here, none of you guys) who create functionalities
that can only be accessed by right-clicking.

This leaves one-button mouse users out in the cold. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:02 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The contextual right-click simply
 throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal.


The whole how-many-buttons argument is dizzying to me.  A two button  
mouse has ADDED functionality, not supplanted or changed  
functionality.  Click a two button mouse with your index finger only,  
and its a one-button mouse.  Nothing could be simpler.  Don't use the  
scroll wheel, same thing... one button functionality without a  
scroll. If you're smart enough to use a computer, you're smart enough  
to simplify your experience by using your index finger to click, if  
that's what you need to do.   If you don't want scrolling and  
contextual menus, just use your index finger. (JUYIF!) I just don't  
get it.

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Re: numToChar(28) in list field

2005-08-03 Thread Martin Baxter

isotomac() does this.

Are you using isotomac() at all?

Or Maybe rev is doing so behind the scenes for some reason ?

Perhaps you moved the stack across platforms ?

( isotomac() and mactoiso() should never be used on texts containing 
certain CO control chars (ie ascii  32) as many of them will be 
remapped. Only use these functions on genuine human-readable data strings. )


J. Landman Gay wrote:

Scott Morrow wrote:

I have a list field where the items on each line are delimited with 
numToChar(28).  This works fine when I edit the content of the list 
field using a script.  However, when I edit it using an object 
inspector window the item delimiters all change to numToChar(215).  
This is easy enough to work around but I'm curious about what the heck 
is going on.  There is probably a good reason but I can't think of it.

This is just a guess, but maybe it has something to do with how the 
inspector translates all field content to html. Is 215 the html 
substitution for 28?

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recursion limits

2005-08-03 Thread Chris Sheffield
I know recursion has been discussed in the past, and I'm wondering if  
anyone has ever run into any limits (i.e. memory problems) with  
recursion in Rev.  I am working on a little backup utility for my own  
use, and I'm wondering what would happen if I decided to back up my  
entire hard drive?  Would Rev choke on that?  I realize it could  
potentially take hours.  Would I start getting out of memory errors?   
The utility uses a directory walking function to create a list of all  
sub folders and files to be backed up.

Anyone have some detailed results with this type of thing?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Martin Baxter
It's worth remembering that since system 8, Mac single-button mouse 
users can control-click to get the equivalent of a right mouse-button 
click. Revolution handles this fine, treating both actions as a mouse 
button 3 event. If you use a 2 button mouse on a mac you can 
right-click. With a one button mouse you just control-click to get the 
same result. So there is usually no real need to duplicate the 

Still it can be a pain when writing the documentation.

Martin Baxter

Lynch, Jonathan wrote:


I think maybe the problem arises with inconsiderate programmers (I am
referring to myself here, none of you guys) who create functionalities
that can only be accessed by right-clicking.

This leaves one-button mouse users out in the cold. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:02 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The contextual right-click simply
throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal.


The whole how-many-buttons argument is dizzying to me.  A two button  
mouse has ADDED functionality, not supplanted or changed  
functionality.  Click a two button mouse with your index finger only,  
and its a one-button mouse.  Nothing could be simpler.  Don't use the  
scroll wheel, same thing... one button functionality without a  
scroll. If you're smart enough to use a computer, you're smart enough  
to simplify your experience by using your index finger to click, if  
that's what you need to do.   If you don't want scrolling and  
contextual menus, just use your index finger. (JUYIF!) I just don't  
get it.

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RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
Ah, good point - and by playing around I see that the little key with
the windows symbol allows for the same thing on a PC.

Only, when that key is released it brings up the start menu - so I
should see if I can block that.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:00 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

It's worth remembering that since system 8, Mac single-button mouse 
users can control-click to get the equivalent of a right mouse-button 
click. Revolution handles this fine, treating both actions as a mouse 
button 3 event. If you use a 2 button mouse on a mac you can 
right-click. With a one button mouse you just control-click to get the 
same result. So there is usually no real need to duplicate the 
Still it can be a pain when writing the documentation.

Martin Baxter

Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
 I think maybe the problem arises with inconsiderate programmers (I am
 referring to myself here, none of you guys) who create functionalities
 that can only be accessed by right-clicking.
 This leaves one-button mouse users out in the cold. 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:02 PM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly
 On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The contextual right-click simply
throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal.
 The whole how-many-buttons argument is dizzying to me.  A two button  
 mouse has ADDED functionality, not supplanted or changed  
 functionality.  Click a two button mouse with your index finger only,

 and its a one-button mouse.  Nothing could be simpler.  Don't use the

 scroll wheel, same thing... one button functionality without a  
 scroll. If you're smart enough to use a computer, you're smart enough

 to simplify your experience by using your index finger to click, if  
 that's what you need to do.   If you don't want scrolling and  
 contextual menus, just use your index finger. (JUYIF!) I just don't  
 get it.
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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Alex Tweedly

Martin Baxter wrote:

It's worth remembering that since system 8, Mac single-button mouse 
users can control-click to get the equivalent of a right mouse-button 
click. Revolution handles this fine, treating both actions as a mouse 
button 3 event. If you use a 2 button mouse on a mac you can 
right-click. With a one button mouse you just control-click to get the 
same result. So there is usually no real need to duplicate the 

Still it can be a pain when writing the documentation.

What's even more of a pain is that Ctrl-click is a common usage on 
Windows (add/subtract single item to/from selection), so the naive 
Windows programmer (that's me) designs this into his apps. And his Mac 
users have no way to access this function :-(

I guess one approach is to use Shift-click instead - but that means 
something different on Windows (extend existing selection up to this 
clicked item), darn it !!  About once a day I curse this mis-feature 
of Rev's IDE on Windows. 
(Not that I have a solution - but it still gets a curse :-)

Alex Tweedly

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.9/62 - Release Date: 02/08/2005

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RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan
The ctrl key on windows is not the same key as on mac...

Remember, to check if the ctrl key is down, on windows, you use this

If the commandKey is down...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alex
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:10 PM
To: Brad Allen; How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

Martin Baxter wrote:

 It's worth remembering that since system 8, Mac single-button mouse 
 users can control-click to get the equivalent of a right mouse-button 
 click. Revolution handles this fine, treating both actions as a mouse 
 button 3 event. If you use a 2 button mouse on a mac you can 
 right-click. With a one button mouse you just control-click to get the

 same result. So there is usually no real need to duplicate the 
 Still it can be a pain when writing the documentation.

What's even more of a pain is that Ctrl-click is a common usage on 
Windows (add/subtract single item to/from selection), so the naive 
Windows programmer (that's me) designs this into his apps. And his Mac 
users have no way to access this function :-(

I guess one approach is to use Shift-click instead - but that means 
something different on Windows (extend existing selection up to this 
clicked item), darn it !!  About once a day I curse this mis-feature

of Rev's IDE on Windows. 
(Not that I have a solution - but it still gets a curse :-)

Alex Tweedly

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.9/62 - Release Date: 02/08/2005

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RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Lynch, Jonathan

It seems that trying to trap either rawkeyup or rawkeydown still does
not prevent the start menu from being displayed when one releases the
key with the little windows symbol on it.

If there is no way to block it, then PC users with a single mousebutton
would find it very annoying to do the pc equivalent of ctrl-clicking.

Then again, maybe that would serve as an incentive for them to go and
buy a better mouse.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lynch,
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:09 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; How to use Revolution
Subject: RE: [OT] Pigs Fly

Ah, good point - and by playing around I see that the little key with
the windows symbol allows for the same thing on a PC.

Only, when that key is released it brings up the start menu - so I
should see if I can block that.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:00 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

It's worth remembering that since system 8, Mac single-button mouse 
users can control-click to get the equivalent of a right mouse-button 
click. Revolution handles this fine, treating both actions as a mouse 
button 3 event. If you use a 2 button mouse on a mac you can 
right-click. With a one button mouse you just control-click to get the 
same result. So there is usually no real need to duplicate the 
Still it can be a pain when writing the documentation.

Martin Baxter

Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
 I think maybe the problem arises with inconsiderate programmers (I am
 referring to myself here, none of you guys) who create functionalities
 that can only be accessed by right-clicking.
 This leaves one-button mouse users out in the cold. 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:02 PM
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: [OT] Pigs Fly
 On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The contextual right-click simply
throws  up immediate access to a choice selection. No big deal.
 The whole how-many-buttons argument is dizzying to me.  A two button  
 mouse has ADDED functionality, not supplanted or changed  
 functionality.  Click a two button mouse with your index finger only,

 and its a one-button mouse.  Nothing could be simpler.  Don't use the

 scroll wheel, same thing... one button functionality without a  
 scroll. If you're smart enough to use a computer, you're smart enough

 to simplify your experience by using your index finger to click, if  
 that's what you need to do.   If you don't want scrolling and  
 contextual menus, just use your index finger. (JUYIF!) I just don't  
 get it.
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Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Jim Hurley


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 17:41:44 +0200
Subject: Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; 
	charset=ISO-8859-1;	delsp=yes; 

Le 03-aošt-05 ý 16:37, Jim Hurley a Ècrit :

 Al et al,

 I have finished the plug-in version. This should be much easier to

 Just select the  field to be justified and click on the Justify
 the selected field button.

 It also stores the original text in a custom property of the field.
 (If you decide to change the field's width at some future point,
 the lines won't justify in the new field width. Best to restore the

  text and re-justify.)

 In the message box:

  go stack url


Hi Jim

Excellent but

How can I save this stack in my plugIn folder ???

Thank you.




That's easy. First save the file to your drive. 
Then drag the file to the Plug-in folder inside 
the folder with your current version of Run Rev. 
From this point on it will appear among your 
plug-ins under the Development menu when you 
start up.

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: recursion limits

2005-08-03 Thread Pierre Sahores


In about recursive tasks, the send message in x seconds can  
efficiently be replaced by an on idle message if the soft has to  
work for days, weeks or months. Because the idle message is only send  
when no one thread is running, it's an helpfull way to avoid mrmory  
troubles. I used this design years ago under Hypercard 2.35 and 2.41  
with very good results.

Le 3 août 05 à 19:59, Chris Sheffield a écrit :

I know recursion has been discussed in the past, and I'm wondering  
if anyone has ever run into any limits (i.e. memory problems) with  
recursion in Rev.  I am working on a little backup utility for my  
own use, and I'm wondering what would happen if I decided to back  
up my entire hard drive?  Would Rev choke on that?  I realize it  
could potentially take hours.  Would I start getting out of memory  
errors?  The utility uses a directory walking function to create a  
list of all sub folders and files to be backed up.

Anyone have some detailed results with this type of thing?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

skype : psahores


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33

WEB/VoD/ACID-DB services over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

a peeve regarding saving scripts

2005-08-03 Thread Timothy Miller

If I click on the apply changes button when I'm ready to save a script then
   if the script won't compile because it contains an error then
   Answer It is so irritating because I have to drag the script window/
   down and hunt for the error window that lies somewhere behind it/
   so I can find out what I did wrong and possibly identify the/
   offending line with Yer so right, dude!
end if
end if

Wouldn't it be more user friendly for Rev to give me a different 
dialog box at these times?

The different dialog box would, among other things, give me access to 
the error window, or the information in it, with a simple mouseclick 
on a button in the dialog box. Maybe it would provide another button 
that would identify the offending line, if it could be identified.

Of course, that dialog box would also give me the usual options of 
Don't Apply and Cancel and such.

Just a thought.


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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-03 Thread Dom
Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah, yes, the famous VIECAWP -- Vertically Integrated Easy-Correcting
 Analog Word Processor. AKA pencil.

I didn't knew this one ;-)

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Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Yves COPPE

That's easy. First save the file to your drive. Then drag the file  
to the Plug-in folder inside the folder with your current version  
of Run Rev. From this point on it will appear among your plug-ins  
under the Development menu when you start up.


Hi Jim

that's my problem, I cannot save, the save menuItem is dimmed !



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Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Howard Bornstein
On 8/3/05, Yves COPPE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's easy. First save the file to your drive. Then drag the file
  to the Plug-in folder inside the folder with your current version
  of Run Rev. From this point on it will appear among your plug-ins
  under the Development menu when you start up.
 Hi Jim
 that's my problem, I cannot save, the save menuItem is dimmed !


You can't save it because it's currently a palette. What I did is type
this command into the message box: toplevel  stack justifyTextPlugin

This turns it back into a stack. Now you can save it normally. 



Howard Bornstein
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: recursion limits

2005-08-03 Thread Chris Sheffield
Thanks, Pierre, but I don't think that's quite what I'm after.  My  
backup program won't be something that will run consistently for  
weeks at a time.  I'm talking about recursion as in calling the same  
handler/function from within itself.  I'm guessing there could be  
issues with this if the folder to back up has a large directory  
structure, as in many sub folders and files.

On Aug 3, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:


In about recursive tasks, the send message in x seconds can  
efficiently be replaced by an on idle message if the soft has to  
work for days, weeks or months. Because the idle message is only  
send when no one thread is running, it's an helpfull way to avoid  
mrmory troubles. I used this design years ago under Hypercard 2.35  
and 2.41 with very good results.

Le 3 août 05 à 19:59, Chris Sheffield a écrit :

I know recursion has been discussed in the past, and I'm wondering  
if anyone has ever run into any limits (i.e. memory problems) with  
recursion in Rev.  I am working on a little backup utility for my  
own use, and I'm wondering what would happen if I decided to back  
up my entire hard drive?  Would Rev choke on that?  I realize it  
could potentially take hours.  Would I start getting out of memory  
errors?  The utility uses a directory walking function to create a  
list of all sub folders and files to be backed up.

Anyone have some detailed results with this type of thing?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

skype : psahores


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33

WEB/VoD/ACID-DB services over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Decompile Windows RR application

2005-08-03 Thread Pat Trendler


This was on the list some time ago, can't remember who, I think it was 

I've used this myself a couple of times.

on mouseUp
 answer file Standalone
 if it is cancel then exit to top
 put url (binfile:it) into tStack
 repeat forever
 -- there's more than one stackfile in there which isinteresting ;-)
   put offset(#!/bin/sh,char 10 to -1 of tStack) into tOff
   if tOff = 0 then exit repeat
   put char tOff+9 to -1 of tStack into tStack
 end repeat
 ask file Stack
 if it is cancel then exit to top
 set the fileType to RevoRSTK
 put tStack into url (binfile:it)
 answer conversion finished with OK
end mouseUp

When finished rename the stack with a rev extension.


- Original Message - 
From: Ton Kuypers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: How to use Revolution
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:29 AM
Subject: Decompile Windows RR application

Hi gang,

I've had a disk-crash a couple of months ago and lost almost all  files on 
that disk.
Among the lost files is also the RR source of a program I've created.  The 
only thing I have is the windows exe file.

Is there a way to decompile this back to a working RR project (or  even 
just parts of it) or do I just start all over again?

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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how to print image in the field

2005-08-03 Thread Ban Nguyen

I have an image.  I grouped this image and set a vertical scroll bar. 
How to print this image?  Could anyone know please help?

I used revPrintField but it did not work.  revPrintField only prints
text in the field.

Thank you

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Re: recursion limits

2005-08-03 Thread Stephen Barncard
Chris, you might find a thread on this board in the last year about 
Directory Walker scripts interesting -- several folks doing what 
you describe: traversing an entire volume...

At 3:02 PM -0600 8/3/05, Chris Sheffield wrote:
Thanks, Pierre, but I don't think that's quite what I'm after.  My 
backup program won't be something that will run consistently for 
weeks at a time.  I'm talking about recursion as in calling the same 
handler/function from within itself.  I'm guessing there could be 
issues with this if the folder to back up has a large directory 
structure, as in many sub folders and files.

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Re: how to print image in the field

2005-08-03 Thread Mark Talluto

On Aug 3, 2005, at 2:43 PM, Ban Nguyen wrote:


I have an image.  I grouped this image and set a vertical scroll bar.
How to print this image?  Could anyone know please help?

I used revPrintField but it did not work.  revPrintField only prints
text in the field.

You have a few options.  If what you want to print is on the card you  
can just print the card with:  print this card

If there are other things on the card that you do not want to show up  
on the printout, then you can make another stack and copy the  
controls to be printed onto the new blank stack.  Then print the card  
from the new stack.  You can then delete this new stack when you are  
done.  The whole thing can be done without the user seeing any of  
these actions.  Let me know if you need more details.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Drag Drop of lines within fields

2005-08-03 Thread Ton Kuypers
I seem to recall that someone created a very nice example of drag   
drop of lines in listfields, but I cans seem to find it anymore... I  
just need to rearrange lines in a field by drag  drop...

Could anyone please point me in the right direction or to an example  

Many thanks in advance.

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers
Digital Media Partners bvba
Tel. +32 (0)477 / 739 530
Fax +32 (0)14 / 71 03 04

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Re: Drag Drop of lines within fields

2005-08-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Ton Kuypers  wrote:

 I seem to recall that someone created a very nice example of drag 
 drop of lines in listfields, but I cans seem to find it anymore... I
 just need to rearrange lines in a field by drag  drop...
 Could anyone please point me in the right direction or to an example

This might work for you (in your message box):

 go url;


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Drag Drop of lines within fields

2005-08-03 Thread Howard Bornstein
On 8/3/05, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Recently, Ton Kuypers  wrote:
  I seem to recall that someone created a very nice example of drag 
  drop of lines in listfields, but I cans seem to find it anymore... I
  just need to rearrange lines in a field by drag  drop...
  Could anyone please point me in the right direction or to an example

Scott's solution is very elegant. Wilhelm Sanke also came up with a
fairly simple solution that I find I use frequently for this purpose.
His script is below.

on mouseDown
  put word 2 of the clickLine into cl
  set the textstyle of line cl of me to bold
  put item 2 of the mouseLoc into starty
  put the effective textHeight of me into th
  repeat while the mouse is down
if item 2 of the mouseLoc - starty  (th/2) then
  lock screen
  put cr  line cl of me after line cl + 1 of me
  delete line cl of me
  add 1 to cl
  set the textstyle of line cl of me to bold
  add th to starty
  unlock screen
else if starty - item 2 of the mouseLoc  (th/2) then
  lock screen
  put line cl of me  cr before line cl - 1 of me
  delete line cl + 1 of me
  subtract 1 from cl
  set the textstyle of line cl of me to bold
  subtract th from starty
  unlock screen
end if
  end repeat
  set the textstyle of line cl of me to plain
end mouseDown


Howard Bornstein
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: recursion limits

2005-08-03 Thread Phil Davis

Hi Chris,

I've had apps quit due to recursion, but it's been a while ago. Unless 
there's a compelling reason to use true (nested) recursion, I always 
avoid it. You can accomplish the same effect by scheduling the next 
iteration of a handler from within itself in 0 seconds. It just means 
you can't have nested iterations of a handler, so you have to design 
your logic to accommodate that fact.

So instead of this:
on runMe
  -- do stuff
end runMe

You have this:
on runMe
  -- do stuff
  send runMe to me in zero seconds
end runMe

Side benefit: Because your processing isn't nested but effectively has 
idle time between handler runs, you can interrupt it with UI activity. 
That can't be said of nested iterative execution.

Phil Davis

Chris Sheffield wrote:
I know recursion has been discussed in the past, and I'm wondering if  
anyone has ever run into any limits (i.e. memory problems) with  
recursion in Rev.  I am working on a little backup utility for my own  
use, and I'm wondering what would happen if I decided to back up my  
entire hard drive?  Would Rev choke on that?  I realize it could  
potentially take hours.  Would I start getting out of memory errors?   
The utility uses a directory walking function to create a list of all  
sub folders and files to be backed up.

Anyone have some detailed results with this type of thing?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: a peeve regarding saving scripts

2005-08-03 Thread Jim Ault
Can't you just move it to one corner and it will stay there/reappear there
from then on?
I am on a Mac OSX with 2.5.1

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 8/3/05 12:52 PM, Timothy Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If I click on the apply changes button when I'm ready to save a script then
 if the script won't compile because it contains an error then
 Answer It is so irritating because I have to drag the script window/
 down and hunt for the error window that lies somewhere behind it/
 so I can find out what I did wrong and possibly identify the/
 offending line with Yer so right, dude!
  end if
 end if
 Wouldn't it be more user friendly for Rev to give me a different
 dialog box at these times?
 The different dialog box would, among other things, give me access to
 the error window, or the information in it, with a simple mouseclick
 on a button in the dialog box. Maybe it would provide another button
 that would identify the offending line, if it could be identified.
 Of course, that dialog box would also give me the usual options of
 Don't Apply and Cancel and such.
 Just a thought.
 use-revolution mailing list
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use-revolution mailing list
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Re: a peeve regarding saving scripts

2005-08-03 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 12:52:39 PM, you wrote:

It's been Bugzilla'd and already fixed for the next release.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: ANN: Full text justification plug-in

2005-08-03 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 1:44:41 PM, you wrote:

 that's my problem, I cannot save, the save menuItem is dimmed !

In the messagebox, type

set the style of stack JustifyTextPlugin to normal

then save it in your plugins folder.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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ANN: Datastructures Article.

2005-08-03 Thread Andre Garzia

Hi Folks,

continuing the job of presenting the community with cool articles, I  
just build an article entitled: CS Demo #1: Lists and its uses.  
where I delve on the topic of lists, queues, stacks. The article is  
full of shots, movies, code and all the bells and whistles. There's a  
stack available with all the code and in the end we build a RPN  

Hope everyone likes it.


use-revolution mailing list
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Mystery about file share on Mac OSX to Win client out there

2005-08-03 Thread Jim Ault
I am running the following:
Mac G5, OSX 10.3.9 with a static IP on Cox Cable system in Las Vegas, NV
static IP24.234.124.99 (.99 is not the correct ending)

After setting Windows Sharing ON
the Apple dialog box says
Windows users can access your computer at

but while using  WinXP,  network wizard immediately complains about this
Alternately, using \\\shareName results in a timeout, the
folder you entered does not seem to be valid.  Try another
I can get to this volume by IEftp://   , then login,
password, and move files + create folders

The goal is to be able to mount the Mac folder on the XP desktop.  How can I
do the share?

This has been rather confusing with little info out there to help me, but
lots of mis-direction.

Thanks in advance.
Jim Ault
Las Vegas

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: ANN: Datastructures Article.

2005-08-03 Thread Stephen Barncard

Beautiful work, Andre. I've bookmarked it. Thanks.


Hi Folks,

continuing the job of presenting the community with cool articles, I 
just build an article entitled: CS Demo #1: Lists and its uses. 
where I delve on the topic of lists, queues, stacks. The article is 
full of shots, movies, code and all the bells and whistles. There's 
a stack available with all the code and in the end we build a RPN 

Hope everyone likes it.


use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 23, Issue 13

2005-08-03 Thread Martin BLACKMAN
 Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 12:00:14 -0400
 From: subzero569 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Tabbed button colour, Win XP
 To: How to use Revolution
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Maybe try:
 set the lookandfeel to Windows 95
 I have used this successfully before with tabs.
 On 8/3/05, Martin BLACKMAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a tabbed button in Rev 2.6 whose background color is set to dark 
  In XP with the theme set to 'windows classic' it appears as dark grey.
  With the theme set to 'Windows XP' the background of the button
  becomes off-white, and setting the background color of the button has
  no effect.
  I use this button effectively as the background for most of my card,
  and switch between cards using the tabs.
  Can someone suggest a way to force the colour to grey ?  I could put a
  grey rectangle on top but that would still leave the tabs...
  Martin Blackman

Thanks Josh, that does the trick!
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: ANN: Datastructures Article.

2005-08-03 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/3/05 8:19 PM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 continuing the job of presenting the community with cool articles, I
 just build an article entitled: CS Demo #1: Lists and its uses.
 where I delve on the topic of lists, queues, stacks. The article is
 full of shots, movies, code and all the bells and whistles. There's a
 stack available with all the code and in the end we build a RPN
 Hope everyone likes it.

Awesome! Great work, Andre!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Mystery about file share on Mac OSX to Win client out there

2005-08-03 Thread Sarah Reichelt

I am running the following:
Mac G5, OSX 10.3.9 with a static IP on Cox Cable system in Las  
Vegas, NV

static IP24.234.124.99 (.99 is not the correct ending)

After setting Windows Sharing ON
the Apple dialog box says
Windows users can access your computer at

but while using  WinXP,  network wizard immediately complains about  

Alternately, using \\\shareName results in a timeout,  

folder you entered does not seem to be valid.  Try another

shareName has to be the name of the user folder you want to connect  
to and you have to login in using that user's name  password.

The way I do it is in the Network places, I go to Make new network  
connection. Windows looks for any available share points and then  
gives up and allows me to configure directly. You then get to a field  
where you can enter the address - forget browsing for it. Click in  
the link below the field to get some examples, so that you can make  
sure you get the correct back-slashes or forward-slashes. Enter the  
name as given to you by the OS X System Prefs, but making sure it is  
in the correct format, and see if that works.

I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment, so some of  
the terminology may be wrong, but that's the idea.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Mystery about file share on Mac OSX to Win client out there

2005-08-03 Thread Alex Tweedly

Jim Ault wrote:

I am running the following:
Mac G5, OSX 10.3.9 with a static IP on Cox Cable system in Las Vegas, NV
static IP24.234.124.99 (.99 is not the correct ending)

After setting Windows Sharing ON
the Apple dialog box says
Windows users can access your computer at

but while using  WinXP,  network wizard immediately complains about this
Alternately, using \\\shareName results in a timeout, the
folder you entered does not seem to be valid.  Try another

I can get to this volume by IEftp://   , then login,
password, and move files + create folders

The goal is to be able to mount the Mac folder on the XP desktop.  How can I
do the share?

This has been rather confusing with little info out there to help me, but
lots of mis-direction.

Jim - some guesswork here . (I touched a Mac a few years ago :-)

The static IP (24.234.124.xx) is presumably the address allocated to you 
by your ISP.

Are the Windows machines on the same network segment ?
Or are they on an internal network ?
(i.e. does the Mac connect to cable, and the other machines reside 
behind it on an internal network).

If they are on an internal network, you'd need to use the internal-side 
IP address on your Mac to do the share. You won't be able to do 
file-sharing over the public net (firewalls), but you will be able to 
ftp (which would explain why one works, not the other).

If that isn't clear - or doesn't help - give us a network picture (Win 
machine addresses, etc.)

Alex Tweedly

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Single Point Property Creation/Assignment

2005-08-03 Thread Stephen Barncard

Hi gang,
I'm creating a central management system for settings using user properties.
I want to use one central routine to access the preferences stack.

To do that, I am working with a handler that creates and sets a 
custom property INSIDE a custom property set - all set at once. I got 
the below code to work.

My question is -- is the use of 'do' the only or best way to 
accomplish the use of variables for assigning property names and 
data? Or am I missing the obvious?

Would SetProp be better for this?
any suggestions welcome... thanks

on test
  -- beep 5
  put cats into pPropSet
  put kadiska INTO pProp
  put kitten into pData
  put returnTheDefaultPrefsFileName() into pPath

  dataToProp pPropSet,pProp,pData,pPath
end test

on dataToProp pPropSet,pProp,pData,pPath
  if pPath is empty
put returnTheDefaultPrefsFileName() into pPath
  end if
  do set the  pPropSet  [   quote   pProp  quote  ] of 
stack   quote  pPath  quoteto   pData

end dataToProp

function returnTheDefaultPrefsFileName
  put specialFolderPath(Preferences) into sfp
  put /   preference.rev after sfp
  return sfp
end returnTheDefaultPrefsFileName
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Re: ANN: Datastructures Article.

2005-08-03 Thread Judy Perry
Cool, Andre!

I can't wait to read it!!


On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Andre Garzia wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 continuing the job of presenting the community with cool articles, I
 just build an article entitled: CS Demo #1: Lists and its uses.
 where I delve on the topic of lists, queues, stacks. The article is
 full of shots, movies, code and all the bells and whistles. There's a
 stack available with all the code and in the end we build a RPN

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Re: Single Point Property Creation/Assignment

2005-08-03 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/3/05 11:02 PM, Stephen Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi gang,
 I'm creating a central management system for settings using user properties.
 I want to use one central routine to access the preferences stack.
 To do that, I am working with a handler that creates and sets a
 custom property INSIDE a custom property set - all set at once. I got
 the below code to work.
 My question is -- is the use of 'do' the only or best way to
 accomplish the use of variables for assigning property names and
 data? Or am I missing the obvious?

Well, as long as the variable holds a value, you don't need to use do for
the *variable* part of it, i.e. this:

  put Test into tProp
  set the uPropSet[tProp] of this stack to Hello

is the same as:

  put Test into tProp
  do set the uPropSet[  quote  tProp  quote  ] of this stack to 
quote  Hello  quote

However you can't get away with it for property sets or values... so the
only way to do this is with do, as you've put in your email.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Single Point Property Creation/Assignment

2005-08-03 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Aug 3, 2005, at 10:03 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
Well, as long as the variable holds a value, you don't need to use  
do for

the *variable* part of it, i.e. this:

  put Test into tProp
  set the uPropSet[tProp] of this stack to Hello

is the same as:

  put Test into tProp
  do set the uPropSet[  quote  tProp  quote  ] of this stack  

quote  Hello  quote

However you can't get away with it for property sets or values...  
so the

only way to do this is with do, as you've put in your email.

Though you can't do something like this:

put uSet into tSet
put uProp into tProp

set the tSet[tProp] of me to test

You can do this:

set the customPropertySet of me to tSet
set the tProp of me to test

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

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