exporting snapshot with cursor visible?

2007-05-19 Thread Joel Guillod
is there a way to make the cursor visible on the image with the  
export snapshot with rect command?

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Robert Brenstein

I'm with Richard on this one. I can't imagine any features in a post
2.6version of Rev you'd *NEED* for Classic. Of course, I may be
missing some.


It is not only about new features. What about having to keep two 
different versions of Rev as a developer? As Enterprise customer, I'd 
rather use the same version for all my development work instead of 
switching depending on the project. What about people who don't 
upgrade (and thus give money to RR) on that account? Have you noticed 
how many people mention staying still with 2.6.1 (makes me wonder how 
many more don't mention that).

RR kept saying that newer version for OS9 is coming, for whatever 
that is worth, but haven't delivered. Just like you want RR to fix 
your favorite bugs, Linux users want to get Linux version up to date, 
people who are stuck with OS9 want to get a newer version. The fact 
that my favorite bug does not affect you can't be a reason for RR 
ignoring it, and this is what some people seem to be saying.

Ending full OS9 support would be easier if RR did proper branching of 
their releases, so they could continue to fix critical bugs in 
whatever is the last OS9 release. But they do a single-trunk 
releases, so to get any bug fixes we have to upgrade. We don't expect 
RR to support OS9 for ever, but it is in RR's interest to leave it at 
a feature-rich and low-bug release, particularly if they stay with a 
single-trunk release model.

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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-19 Thread Michael Binder

Hi Jacqueline,
Nice work investigating this bug!  Now we have three types of
work-arounds, my the recentcards approach, your explicit
stack reference approach, and your set the defaultstack
approach. I have tested the latter in myBigComplexApp and it
seems to work. I most prefer your defaultstack approach.
Thank you so much!

Now, would you go one step further and agree that this bug
is very serious because it causes data loss?  Let me explain...

Jacqueline wrote:
 If a second answer dialog is executed immediately after
 the first, subsequent lines of code in my handler do not
 execute. What's odd, however, is that the pass
 shutdownrequest line at the very end of the handler *does*
 run -- but that seems to be the only thing.

Upon Quitting myBigComplexApp, the user is offered a chance
to Save, Do Not Save, or Cancel.  If the user Saves,
the only part of my handler that executes correctly is
the pass shutdown request.  Thus the app quits without
saving the data.

One other thing... I do not feel that this bug has been
fully characterized.  In the simple example that I first
posted (and that Jacqueline tested), the bug crops up
only when the Quit dialog is cancelled and then called up
again.  In myBigComplexApp the bug occurs on the *FIRST*
Quit dialog.  That, by the way, is how I discovered this
bug (data loss upon quitting).   I doubt that I would
have discovered this bug if I had to Quit, Cancel, and Quit
again to elicit it.  I don't (yet) know why it behaves
differently in myBigComplexApp.  Until I do learn more
about it, I cannot be 100% confident that the work-arounds
will always work (but I am 99% confident in Jacqueline's
diagnosis and work-around.

And one last thought for today... upon rereading this
thread and rerereading the documentation I have an
hypothesis to try and test...

From the dictionary: The topStack is the frontmost stack
with the lowest mode.

From the documentation: A stack that is closed, but loaded
into memory has a mode property of Zero.

If the rev engine closes a dialog stack but fails to
remove it from memory, its mode would be zero.  I don't
see how it could also be frontmost if it is closed, but the
behavior of the bug (usually occurring on the second dialog),
suggests that the dialog must be loaded into memory once
before it can cause problems.  Perhaps when the dialog
is called a second time the engine makes it frontmost
*before* the engine changes its mode from 0 to 5.  In that
instant the dialog could become the topstack and the defaultstack.

--Michael Binder

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Re: WOW -New Features in 2.8.1

2007-05-19 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 I was just going over the new features article in the Rev newsletter.
 Wow! Now I get how 'Private Handlers' and the 'split by row and column'
 features could really be useful..  speed..
 very well done explanatory article. Thanks Marcus and Oliver. Nice to get
 details from the coder/designers!

Double WOW!!

Okay this may seem as a VERY VERY good feature for experienced coders. And
it is.
Howerver, this is the one thing that will enable novices and intermediaries
like myself write apps a lot faster adn easier. 
Rather than have to declare things all over the place and wonmder if you
have missed something elsewher ethat may conflict. Simply make it private to
the object.

I've not done anything recently, however, I expect I'll be back in June and
hammering away and grabbing rev by the privates. I know, I know, I couldnt
resist. :-)

Bob; sunny Scotland
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Message box history menu (was: Re: ctrl-y does a paste on Mac?)

2007-05-19 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Jim,

Le 18 mai 07 à 01:57, Jim Ault a écrit :

Actually, in Hypercard 1.0, one of the things that Kevin Altis  
created and I
(in my Portland, Oregon days) expanded on was a msg box and command  
menu.  Very cool to have the most recent commands in a menu that  
was easy to


You might have a look at Message Box Picker: http:// 

Additional functionalities for the message box:
This utility reorganizes the message history and puts the messages  
into chronological order, deletes any doubles and installs in the  
message box a drop-down menu that can be completely personalized and  
that makes it possible to bring up or to send a message with one  
mouse click.

Bilingual utility (installer and uninstaller.) Help stack included.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.


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problems with standalone maker in 2.8.1

2007-05-19 Thread Christian Langers


with that new release I have very annoying problems :

everytime I want to compile my project I get these warnings :

-- a stack answer dialog in file xxx is already in memory... etc.

then REV saves my project again with the answer dialog stack which  
I DO NOT have incorparated in my stack...

then REV continues the building process and comes up again with this  
message :

-- a stack revMacCursors (which I do not have included neither  
into my project) is already in memory

same story as above : saving and continuing process...

...after the process I have my project modified : now these stacks  
mentioned above are in my project...


Another thing I remarked is that actions (here : like hiding objects)  
which work in the development environment don't in the standalone...  
very strange
(I tried to trace every action in the button script and it seemed  
that it stopped at the middle of the script wihtout reason... no  
there is  no exit whatever...)

I'll continue trying to find out what this is ; perhaps you have  
similar problems ?


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Re: problems with standalone maker in 2.8.1

2007-05-19 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Christian,

I reported this bug before. Feel free to add your comments, including  
those concerning revMacCursors, I will change the summary  
accordingly. Don't forget to vote, if you have any votes left.


The second problem sounds like an error in your script. You might  
want to post your script here.




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Op 19-mei-2007, om 15:13 heeft Christian Langers het volgende  


with that new release I have very annoying problems :

everytime I want to compile my project I get these warnings :

-- a stack answer dialog in file xxx is already in memory... etc.

then REV saves my project again with the answer dialog stack  
which I DO NOT have incorparated in my stack...

then REV continues the building process and comes up again with  
this message :

-- a stack revMacCursors (which I do not have included neither  
into my project) is already in memory

same story as above : saving and continuing process...

...after the process I have my project modified : now these stacks  
mentioned above are in my project...


Another thing I remarked is that actions (here : like hiding  
objects) which work in the development environment don't in the  
standalone... very strange
(I tried to trace every action in the button script and it seemed  
that it stopped at the middle of the script wihtout reason... no  
there is  no exit whatever...)

I'll continue trying to find out what this is ; perhaps you have  
similar problems ?



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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread SimPLsol
We had to make the OS 9/OS X decision on the business system we sell. We 
estimate there are about 500 OS 9 computers still in use by our customers. But 
decided to support OS X only with the new version. The thought was: those who 
are satisfied with the old OS are satisfied with the old version of our 
I suspect this is true in education as well. One could make an Apple II 
version of a program but even schools still using A IIs will be unlike to buy 
All of the local schools, public and private, here in San Dimas use modern 
computers. Of course, with the exception of the Looney household, SD is an 
affluent community so it may not be typical.
Still, as a business person, I think it better to invest time, talent, and 
expertise in building software for those who are ready, willing, and able to 
it. And, in my experience, those who are running really old hardware and 
OSes are not looking to upgrade other software. There may be a lot of classic 
computers in education but that doesn't mean there is a big market for classic 
I, too, agree with Richard: OS 2.6.1 provides almost everything a classic 
programmer is likely to need. Let Rev deploy its resources elsewhere.
Paul Looney

 See what's free at 
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Private commands

2007-05-19 Thread David Bovill

Sounds kind of pornographic doesn't it :) Hope it doesn't get trapped in you
spam filters!

A little complex this one -  changing a command to a private command has
stopped a script working for a reason I can't work out. The situation is:

 1) I have a getprop handler layout_Outline that calls a...
 2) Recursive command
 3) The recursive command hander uses a call by reference parameter

Nothing else. No call to any other handlers inside or outside of the script.
Now it works as a straight command but not when changed to private

Does anyone know if private command handlers fail with either getprops,
recursive, or call-by-reference thingies ?
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Re: problems with standalone maker in 2.8.1

2007-05-19 Thread Christian Langers

Hi Mark,


 I added my comments and addionnally this I forgot to mention :

 after the building process 
I do refresh the application browser and see that the revMacCursors  
stack is there as a main stack ; I remove it from memory and refresh  
the app browser again ; now it appears as a substack of my mainStack  
and additionnally there is a stack revExternalLibrary as a substack  
of my project ; so I delete these intruders and finally save my stack...


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Ask Answer dialogs

2007-05-19 Thread LunchnMeets
Hi Everyone,

I’m always in the IDE of Revolution and I use Mac OSX. It seems to me that 
the ask and answer dialog boxes come up VERY slowly. Also, I can’t seem to get 
beep to sound simultaneously with those dialogs. Is there a way to address 
this simply?

Joe in Orlando Florida

 See what's free 
at http://www.aol.com.
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Stephen Barncard
Branching would require Rev to use an old, outdated compiler. Not 
gonna happen. The inclusion of OS9 at this time is depends on 
parallel development. Separate code for 9 would be a total waste of 

Ending full OS9 support would be easier if RR did proper branching 
of their releases, so they could continue to fix critical bugs in 
whatever is the last OS9 release. But they do a single-trunk 
releases, so to get any bug fixes we have to upgrade. We don't 
expect RR to support OS9 for ever, but it is in RR's interest to 
leave it at a feature-rich and low-bug release, particularly if they 
stay with a single-trunk release model.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: Ask Answer dialogs

2007-05-19 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Joe,

I completely agree with you. The answer dialog comes up way too slow  
in Revolution, compared to e.g. AppleScript, SuperCard, or Apple's  

Interesting is that the problem doesn't go away if I use a really  
fast Mac with a CPU speed of 2.5Ghz or thereabout. Also, if I make my  
own dialog window and show that window as a modeless stack using my  
own script, the problem doesn't occur.

I suspect that there are so many scripts executed to make the answer  
dialog look right, that slow down the disaply of the dialog in a  
noticeable way.

I did a test and noticed that Rev 2.0.3 does not have this problem,  
which means that it must be possible to solve this.

I have reported this as a bug. You can find the report here:





Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Download at http://www.salery.biz

Op 19-mei-2007, om 16:46 heeft [EMAIL PROTECTED] het volgende  

Hi Everyone,

I’m always in the IDE of Revolution and I use Mac OSX. It seems to  
me that
the ask and answer dialog boxes come up VERY slowly. Also, I can’t  
seem to get a
beep to sound simultaneously with those dialogs. Is there a way to  

this simply?

Joe in Orlando Florida

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-19 Thread J. Landman Gay

Michael Binder wrote:

Hi Jacqueline,
Nice work investigating this bug!  Now we have three types of
work-arounds, my the recentcards approach, your explicit
stack reference approach, and your set the defaultstack
approach. I have tested the latter in myBigComplexApp and it
seems to work. I most prefer your defaultstack approach.
Thank you so much!

No problem. I like that approach best too.

Now, would you go one step further and agree that this bug
is very serious because it causes data loss? 

I've entered the bug into the Quality Control Center, but marked it as 
minor. There are specific requirements listed for rating a bug's 
status, and if there is a work-around available (and we have three) then 
that's the correct rating.

If you would like to add your comments, you can do it here:


One other thing... I do not feel that this bug has been
fully characterized.  In the simple example that I first
posted (and that Jacqueline tested), the bug crops up
only when the Quit dialog is cancelled and then called up
again.  In myBigComplexApp the bug occurs on the *FIRST*
Quit dialog.  That, by the way, is how I discovered this
bug (data loss upon quitting).   I doubt that I would
have discovered this bug if I had to Quit, Cancel, and Quit
again to elicit it.  I don't (yet) know why it behaves
differently in myBigComplexApp.  Until I do learn more
about it, I cannot be 100% confident that the work-arounds
will always work (but I am 99% confident in Jacqueline's
diagnosis and work-around.

I'm pretty confident about it, I think you can implement the change 
without worry. I agree that my bug report, based on my tests, may not 
represent the full extent of the problem but I think it's probably 
enough for the engineers to see what's going on and fix it. If you have 
other examples though, it would be great if you could add them to the 

If the rev engine closes a dialog stack but fails to
remove it from memory, its mode would be zero.  I don't
see how it could also be frontmost if it is closed, but the
behavior of the bug (usually occurring on the second dialog),
suggests that the dialog must be loaded into memory once
before it can cause problems.  Perhaps when the dialog
is called a second time the engine makes it frontmost
*before* the engine changes its mode from 0 to 5.  In that
instant the dialog could become the topstack and the defaultstack.

Maybe, who knows what's going on in the engine. What I suspect is that 
the engine is losing track of the defaultstack, and it may be that the 
report you got about this stack was based on an earlier value which is 
no longer valid, or else the engine is just reporting a spurious result.

By the way, I was talking to Richard Gaskin about this and he noted that 
he'd seen a similar problem in his stacks with the answer dialog (not on 
quitting, just in general use.) It just cropped up recently; previously 
the same scripts worked fine. He thinks the bug was introduced when RR 
fixed a separate window layering problem. That makes sense and fits the 
data, including your observation that sometimes the problem occurs on 
the first iteration of the dialog.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Re: Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-19 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Fri, 18 May 2007, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

 While trying to add the creation date to the filename in a thumbs
 application I noticed that the creation date is actually item 5 of the
 detailed files rather than item 4, number 4 really containing the
 modification date.

 Since the detailed files was introduced in Rev version 1.0 and
 modified in 1.1 nobody seems to have made use of the creation date 

 the last years?

On my OS X machine, it's the way the docs say. What OS are you using?

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED] HyperActive 
Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

I observed this while working on a WindowsXP machine, and I have now 
checked what happens on MacOS (still 10.3.9 on my G4 Powerbook).

For the testing I used two JPG-images, both taken on March 4 with a 
digital camera. I modfied one of these images today - May 19 - by 
changing the contrast with PaintshopPro 11 and saving the image under 
the same name. For purposes of comparison, let's call this image M for 
I did not touch or change the second image  in any way, let's call it 
O for original.

I copied both images to the Powerbook using an USB stick.

Looking at the EXIF data of the images (with PaintshopPro on Windows) I 
get this information:

Image M:  date and time : May 19
   original date   : March 4
   digitalized:  : March 4

Image O:  date and time : March 4
   original date   : March 4
   digitalized:  : March 4

Loading the two images into my thumbs application and using the 
detailed files I get

with item 5 of the detailed files

image M: May 19, and for image O: March 4.

With item 4 of the detailed files I get March 15 for both images, 
which is apparently the date I transferred the images from my camera to 
the computer, a value not contained in the EXIF data.

On my Mac:  The photo information in iTunes reads

for image M: created (aufgenommen in German): March 4
  digitalized: March 4
  modified  : March 4
  imported : May 19

for image O: created:March 4
  digitalized: March 4
  modified  : March 4
  imported : May 19

Now the corresponding image information in  the thumbs stack on the 

With item 5 of the detailed files I get May 19 for image M and March 
4 for image O.

With item 4 of the detailed files I get Jan 18, 2038 for both 
images!(?); maybe this is an effect of the USB stick? (The date 
information in the systems folder shows correctly the date of today May 

Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the 
image name field under the thumb:
  put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum

   convert Datum from dateitems to long date
   put Tabitem 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld


- modification and creation dates are not exactly corresponding to 
EXIF or iTunes information
- using item 4 of the detailed files which somehow returns a transfer 
date is not really useful. It probably only returns a creation date 
when an image was created on the computer and not transferred from 

Wilhelm Sanke

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-19 Thread 00bioarchimed


Le 19 mai 07 à 01:26, Luis a écrit :

Oh Essex 10.4.9

Judging from Devin Asay's post this may point to a processor issue,  
as his worked ok on an Intel box, whereas Thierry's crashed too  
(assuming PowerPC as he didn't mention otherwise).

I did try on MacBook  ( Intel Core 2 Duo ) / Mac OSX 10.4.9 / 2 GRam

Didn't do anything special, only walk through the Demo
and stay playing  with the google link but it crashes quite  
quickly ( the last 2 pages )

Sorry, no time to investigate more precisely  at the moment.




It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a couple
of seconds later boom!


On Windows XP, the page begins to load, but then presents an error  
that says there is a problem executing scripts on this page, then  
it loads

and looks normal. Probably just badly formed javascript.

What platform is experiencing the crash?

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Richard Gaskin

Robert Brenstein wrote:
It is not only about new features. What about having to keep two 
different versions of Rev as a developer?

Indeed, if they spent tens of thousands of dollars a handful of their 
customers could enjoy the relatively minor convenience of clicking one 
Build button rather than two.

But think about it:  Even if they gave us a Classic engine today, the 
feature parity would be short-lived.  Soon after there would be a new 
version of Rev, and we all understand they can't support forever an OS 
Apple themselves abandoned long ago.

Within weeks of any new Classic engine the parity convenience would be 
gone as the engine continues to move forward.

RR kept saying that newer version for OS9 is coming, for whatever 
that is worth, but haven't delivered. Just like you want RR to fix 
your favorite bugs, Linux users want to get Linux version up to date, 
people who are stuck with OS9 want to get a newer version.

I think the order you listed them makes good business sense. 
Fortunately that also seems to be the order in which they're being 

The fact that my favorite bug does not affect you can't be a reason
for RR ignoring it, and this is what some people seem to be saying.

Stephen Barncard raised an interesting, perhaps definitive point:

  Branching would require Rev to use an old, outdated compiler.

I believe he's right:  AFAIK, there's no compiler which will let you 
build for both Intel Macs and Classic.  All modern compilers have 
abandoned Classic.  This would mean that not only would building for 
Classic require forking throughout the codebase, but would require 
forking every element in their process, and maintaining a separate set 
of outdated headers, some of which may be incompatible with modern 
replacements and require additional forking.

In short, an extremely costly mess.

And all to deliver 15 minutes of feature parity for people who can't 
really use most v2.7 and 2.8's new features in Classic anyway.

I hadn't thought about the compiler angle before, but if it's as hairy 
as I guess it would REALLY benefit RunRev to just have a frank 
discussion here about the disproportionate costs, encourage people to 
use v2.6.1 for Classic builds, and move on with their busy day.

Ending full OS9 support would be easier if RR did proper branching of 
their releases, so they could continue to fix critical bugs in 
whatever is the last OS9 release.

We're currently seven years past Apple's kill date for OS 9.  Apple 
themselves no longer provides any patches for it, and haven't for more 
than half a decade.

Exactly how long do you feel it would be reasonable for a third-party 
vendor to exceed Apple's commitment to the OS they abandoned?

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com
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Re: Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-19 Thread J. Landman Gay

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

with item 5 of the detailed files

image M: May 19, and for image O: March 4.

This is correct, yes?

With item 4 of the detailed files I get March 15 for both images, 
which is apparently the date I transferred the images from my camera to 
the computer, a value not contained in the EXIF data.

I see that on my Mac sometimes too. It seems to happen when copying a 
file between volumes (like when you transfered the file from the USB stick.)

On my Mac:  The photo information in iTunes reads

for image M: created (aufgenommen in German): March 4
  digitalized: March 4
  modified  : March 4
  imported : May 19

for image O: created:March 4
  digitalized: March 4
  modified  : March 4
  imported : May 19

Now the corresponding image information in  the thumbs stack on the 

With item 5 of the detailed files I get May 19 for image M and March 
4 for image O.

This also looks right to me. Item 5 is the modification date.

With item 4 of the detailed files I get Jan 18, 2038 for both 
images!(?); maybe this is an effect of the USB stick? (The date 
information in the systems folder shows correctly the date of today May 

Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the 
image name field under the thumb:

put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum
   convert Datum from dateitems to long date
   put Tabitem 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld

Shouldn't line 2 be convert Datum from seconds to long date? Does it 
work if you change that line?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-19 Thread Michael Binder

Jacqueline wrote:

I was talking to Richard Gaskin about this and he noted that
he'd seen a similar problem in his stacks with the answer dialog (not 

quitting, just in general use.) It just cropped up recently; previously
the same scripts worked fine. He thinks the bug was introduced when RR
fixed a separate window layering problem.

How long ago does he think this bug was introduced?  If its the same
bug that Steve Wagenseller reported to this list on Jan 19, 2006 at
10:35, then its been around for a while:

I'm trapping the Quit message from the menubar via a shutdownrequest
handler, but in the standalone, something curious occurs. The first
time I choose Quit I can get the trap script to run (basically, an
Are you sure? prompt along with some save options). The second time
I choose Quit from the menu, the trap is not implemented.

I am not passing the handler along, it sits at the stack level, and I
am using an exit to top to get out of the shutdownrequest handler
when Cancel is chosen.

Have any of you experienced this strange problem -- that the trap
only works once -- and do you have suggestions?


Being only 6 weeks into revolution I don't have any old versions
of rev to test this bug on.

--Michael Binder
(who's ready to move on from this thread and try out some of these 
exciting new private commands)

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Re: Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-19 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the
 image name field under the thumb:
 put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum
convert Datum from dateitems to long date
put Tabitem 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld

Shouldn't line 2 be convert Datum from seconds to long date? Does it
work if you change that line?

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED] HyperActive Software

With from seconds to long date I get the same results as with 
dateitems, namely March 15 for item 4 of the detailed files - which is 
the transfer date, i.e. *not* the creation date that is part of the 
EXIF information.

Same for item 5, May 19, and March 4 who could indeed be construed 
as modification dates.

But then, it seems there is no reliable procedure to get at the creation 
dates when you use the detailed files - meaning the docs are not fully 
correct here.

Like with the EXIF image information in PaintshopPro, Alex Tweedly's 
libEXIF stack correctly returns the creation dates of the same images 
in question, i.e. the very same images at the same place which return 
transfer dates when you use the detailed files
I will take a closer look at Alex's stack to see whether part of the 
functions could be incorporated into my thumbs stack to display 
reliable creation.data, depending, of course, on Alex's agreement.


Wilhelm Sanke

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OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Derek Bump
I'm looking for a descent FTP Client for Windows XP.  I loved Transmit
on the Mac, but I'm unable to find anything that compares to it's

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm looking for something that supports Drag  Drop, Queuing, and
Multiple Sockets.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

Compress photos easily with JPEGCompress

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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
SmartFTP (http://www.smartftp.com/) ?.. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Derek Bump 
Date: 05/20/07 00:10:06 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows? 
I'm looking for a descent FTP Client for Windows XP. I loved Transmit 
on the Mac, but I'm unable to find anything that compares to it's 
Does anyone have any suggestions? 
I'm looking for something that supports Drag  Drop, Queuing, and 
Multiple Sockets. 
Derek Bump 
Dreamscape Software 
Compress photos easily with JPEGCompress 
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Chipp Walters


The thought was: those who
are satisfied with the old OS are satisfied with the old version of our


I suspect this is true in education as well. One could make an Apple II
version of a program but even schools still using A IIs will be unlike to buy 
There may be a lot of classic
computers in education but that doesn't mean there is a big market for classic

Excellent points Paul. I hadn't thought of it that way, but of course
you're right. If you're not interested in upgrading hardware, why
would you upgrade software?

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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Chipp Walters

I like portable FileZilla, which can be put on a thumbdrive (or
ANYWHERE on your computer) and does all that you're looking for...plus
it's free.

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Re: Message box history menu (was: Re: ctrl-y does a paste on Mac?)

2007-05-19 Thread Jim Ault
Excellent utility!
I find that with Rev I don't use the message box as often as I used to  (in
the HCard days)  I was much more into using stacks rather than creating

I will check this out.


On 5/19/07 5:52 AM, Eric Chatonet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Jim,
 Le 18 mai 07 à 01:57, Jim Ault a écrit :
 Actually, in Hypercard 1.0, one of the things that Kevin Altis
 created and I
 (in my Portland, Oregon days) expanded on was a msg box and command
 menu.  Very cool to have the most recent commands in a menu that
 was easy to
 You might have a look at Message Box Picker: http://
 Additional functionalities for the message box:
 This utility reorganizes the message history and puts the messages
 into chronological order, deletes any doubles and installs in the
 message box a drop-down menu that can be completely personalized and
 that makes it possible to bring up or to send a message with one
 mouse click.
 Bilingual utility (installer and uninstaller.) Help stack included.
 Best regards from Paris,
 Eric Chatonet.
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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Martin Baxter

Chipp Walters wrote:

I like portable FileZilla, which can be put on a thumbdrive (or
ANYWHERE on your computer) and does all that you're looking for...plus
it's free.


Also of course there's a regular version of FileZilla which is at:


Martin Baxter

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Re: Error in docs about file creation date

2007-05-19 Thread J. Landman Gay

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

With from seconds to long date I get the same results as with 
dateitems, namely March 15 for item 4 of the detailed files - which is 
the transfer date, i.e. *not* the creation date that is part of the 
EXIF information.

I think Rev just makes a call to the OS to get the info. If the detailed 
file info matches the Finder (or the info in Windows Explorer) then I 
think the behavior is correct. Rev doesn't actually read any of the 
files itself, it just gets whatever the OS returns.

Same for item 5, May 19, and March 4 who could indeed be construed 
as modification dates.

But then, it seems there is no reliable procedure to get at the creation 
dates when you use the detailed files - meaning the docs are not fully 
correct here.

See if they match what the OS thinks they should be. If they do, then I 
think it's working. If you need to read the stored EXIF data instead, 
then you'd need to use Alex's utility or something similar.

When I copy files to my Windows box, it too changes the creation date 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Re: Quitting standalone, is this a bug?

2007-05-19 Thread J. Landman Gay

Michael Binder wrote:

Jacqueline wrote:

I was talking to Richard Gaskin about this and he noted that
he'd seen a similar problem in his stacks with the answer dialog (not on
quitting, just in general use.) It just cropped up recently; previously
the same scripts worked fine. He thinks the bug was introduced when RR
fixed a separate window layering problem.

How long ago does he think this bug was introduced?  If its the same
bug that Steve Wagenseller reported to this list on Jan 19, 2006 at
10:35, then its been around for a while:

Can't remember when that was, maybe Richard does. I don't think it was 
as long ago as January 2006 though.

Being only 6 weeks into revolution I don't have any old versions
of rev to test this bug on.

Looks to me like you're doing a pretty good job after only 6 weeks.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
I hate to raise yet another point; but what about brand new,  
inexpensive software targeted specifically at young children with  
eduction more in mind than profit?

Joe Wilkins

On May 19, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:


The thought was: those who
are satisfied with the old OS are satisfied with the old version  
of our


I suspect this is true in education as well. One could make an  
Apple II
version of a program but even schools still using A IIs will be  
unlike to buy it.

There may be a lot of classic
computers in education but that doesn't mean there is a big market  
for classic


Excellent points Paul. I hadn't thought of it that way, but of course
you're right. If you're not interested in upgrading hardware, why
would you upgrade software?

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
But think about it:  Even if they gave us a Classic engine today, 
the feature parity would be short-lived.  Soon after there would be 
a new version of Rev, and we all understand they can't support 
forever an OS Apple themselves abandoned long ago.

Richard, Chipp, Paul, and others

Those tirades for uselessness of OS9 and its support are missing the 
point. Nobody is arguing that effort in producing OS9 version could 
not be used better, although whatever RR does, somebody won't be 
happy. It is a business decision of RR what they do.

Let me just remind that what started this thread was an innocent 
inquiry whether we can expect 2.8.1 for OS9 since 2.7 was promised 
but never materialized. This is along the same lines as the other 
thread discussing RR starting public beta for 2.7.5 but releasing 2.8 
and 2.8.1 instead. Inquiring minds want to know about OS9, but 
obviously this is a wrong forum to ask this, and thus this whole 
discussion is waste of time and electrons.

I believe he's right:  AFAIK, there's no compiler which will let you 
build for both Intel Macs and Classic.  All modern compilers have 
abandoned Classic.  This would mean that not only would building for 
Classic require forking throughout the codebase, but would require 
forking every element in their process, and maintaining a separate 
set of outdated headers, some of which may be incompatible with 
modern replacements and require additional forking.

I don't know how Rev is building different releases, so there is no 
point to speculate as to what is involved and what stalled them from 
releasing 2.7 build for OS9.

And all to deliver 15 minutes of feature parity for people who can't 
really use most v2.7 and 2.8's new features in Classic anyway.

To be honest, feature parity is not it. If something makes no sense 
for OS9, there is no reason to have it included. There is no and has 
never been full feature parity for all platforms anyway. However, 
considering a decent number of fairly old bugs being fixed in 2.8.1, 
I suspect that many of these are present in 2.6.1, so it may be 
prudent for RR to make 2.8.x the end of life for Rev for OS9.

We're currently seven years past Apple's kill date for OS 9.  Apple 
themselves no longer provides any patches for it, and haven't for 
more than half a decade.

Microsoft does not provide upgrades for W98 anymore, so by the same 
measure, you should also advocate for RR to abandon supporting 
Windows versions prior to XP. W98 is more buggy than OS9 I dare say.

Exactly how long do you feel it would be reasonable for a 
third-party vendor to exceed Apple's commitment to the OS they 

As I said earlier, if RR announced in due time that 2.6.1 was the 
last OS9 version, we could have lived with that. The only thing I 
would expect of them would be to retain a capability to release a 
OS9-specific fix should any critical bugs (yes, critical not just any 
bugs) need addressing later on. That simply requires keeping one 
computer that can produce 2.6.2 build for OS9 from the 2.6.1 codebase 
(or whatever the last OS9 release is).

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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Bill Marriott
Whether you go for the standard or the portable edition, FileZilla is the 
best, bar none.

 I like portable FileZilla, which can be put on a thumbdrive (or
 ANYWHERE on your computer) and does all that you're looking for...plus
 it's free.


 Also of course there's a regular version of FileZilla which is at:

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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Thank you, Robert. You've got the essence, which I feel can be  
summarized with a single word: predictability.

Joe Wilkins

On May 19, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Richard, Chipp, Paul, and others

Those tirades for uselessness of OS9 and its support are missing  
the point. Nobody is arguing that effort in producing OS9 version  
could not be used better, although whatever RR does, somebody  
won't be happy. It is a business decision of RR what they do.

Let me just remind that what started this thread was an innocent  
inquiry whether we can expect 2.8.1 for OS9 since 2.7 was  
promised but never materialized. This is along the same lines as  
the other thread discussing RR starting public beta for 2.7.5 but  
releasing 2.8 and 2.8.1 instead. Inquiring minds want to know about  
OS9, but obviously this is a wrong forum to ask this, and thus this  
whole discussion is waste of time and electrons.

I believe he's right:  AFAIK, there's no compiler which will let  
you build for both Intel Macs and Classic.  All modern compilers  
have abandoned Classic.  This would mean that not only would  
building for Classic require forking throughout the codebase, but  
would require forking every element in their process, and  
maintaining a separate set of outdated headers, some of which may  
be incompatible with modern replacements and require additional  

I don't know how Rev is building different releases, so there is no  
point to speculate as to what is involved and what stalled them  
from releasing 2.7 build for OS9.

And all to deliver 15 minutes of feature parity for people who  
can't really use most v2.7 and 2.8's new features in Classic anyway.

To be honest, feature parity is not it. If something makes no sense  
for OS9, there is no reason to have it included. There is no and  
has never been full feature parity for all platforms anyway.  
However, considering a decent number of fairly old bugs being fixed  
in 2.8.1, I suspect that many of these are present in 2.6.1, so it  
may be prudent for RR to make 2.8.x the end of life for Rev for OS9.

We're currently seven years past Apple's kill date for OS 9.   
Apple themselves no longer provides any patches for it, and  
haven't for more than half a decade.

Microsoft does not provide upgrades for W98 anymore, so by the same  
measure, you should also advocate for RR to abandon supporting  
Windows versions prior to XP. W98 is more buggy than OS9 I dare say.

Exactly how long do you feel it would be reasonable for a third- 
party vendor to exceed Apple's commitment to the OS they abandoned?

As I said earlier, if RR announced in due time that 2.6.1 was the  
last OS9 version, we could have lived with that. The only thing I  
would expect of them would be to retain a capability to release a  
OS9-specific fix should any critical bugs (yes, critical not just  
any bugs) need addressing later on. That simply requires keeping  
one computer that can produce 2.6.2 build for OS9 from the 2.6.1  
codebase (or whatever the last OS9 release is).


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Re: Build for Classic

2007-05-19 Thread Scott Kane

From: Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Excellent points Paul. I hadn't thought of it that way, but of course 
you're right. If you're not interested in upgrading hardware, why

would you upgrade software?

Indeed!  It also applies to Windows.  In years past I used to survey my 
customers (who bought online) and of course read the server logs.  Most new 
customers came from OS versions current to one or two before.  According to 
developers of my acquaintance this has not changed with most clients buying 
(and we're talking 99% here) using currently XP and Win 2K (Vista is 
increasing but is still a small margin).  While the logs show Win 9x users 
visiting they are not buying.

Scott Kane
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start
today and make a new ending. -- Maria Robinson 

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Re: Browser Sampler: Crashing on 2.8.1 in the IDE

2007-05-19 Thread Luis

Well, that's that theory down the toilet!
Thanks for checking.



On 19 May 2007, at 17:35, 00bioarchimed wrote:


Le 19 mai 07 à 01:26, Luis a écrit :

Oh Essex 10.4.9

Judging from Devin Asay's post this may point to a processor  
issue, as his worked ok on an Intel box, whereas Thierry's crashed  
too (assuming PowerPC as he didn't mention otherwise).

I did try on MacBook  ( Intel Core 2 Duo ) / Mac OSX 10.4.9 / 2 GRam

Didn't do anything special, only walk through the Demo
and stay playing  with the google link but it crashes quite  
quickly ( the last 2 pages )

Sorry, no time to investigate more precisely  at the moment.




It loads ok, but then crashes: It renders the page and then a  

of seconds later boom!


On Windows XP, the page begins to load, but then presents an  
error dialog
that says there is a problem executing scripts on this page, then  
it loads

and looks normal. Probably just badly formed javascript.

What platform is experiencing the crash?

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Re: OT: Descent FTP Client for Windows?

2007-05-19 Thread Derek Bump
Well, I just got done trying out both SmartFTP and FileZilla.  I have to
say that FileZilla is a little more of what I was looking for.  Still,
the presence of a nice looking client like Transmit is still absent
from the Windows platform.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.  I really appreciate it!

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

Bill Marriott wrote:
 Whether you go for the standard or the portable edition, FileZilla is the 
 best, bar none.

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Re: Private commands

2007-05-19 Thread Shao Sean

Sounds kind of pornographic doesn't it :)

Nothing wrong with that ;-)  Take a look at the HTTP specs and the  
codes 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable and 417 Expectation  
Failed almost looks like the women of the working group were making  
fun of the men on the working group ;-)

Anyways, back to the topic at hand.. I too attempted to use a  
private command with parameters passed by reference and was just  
given a 417 as well (see above for the joke)

I also came across another problem with the new private command  
feature and have detailed it in bug report 4997, but the basic gist  
of it is you can't use private commands for socket callback  
messages which is too bad because those are basically the ones I  
personally want to hide from the public API of the libraries *sigh*


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