Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 04:34, Kay C Lan wrote:

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Peter Alcibiades  wrote:

Some very wise comments on this issue:

Yes, many of the reader 'comments' made about this article are very wise.
Unfortunately the article itself seems to be written by someone who believes
they live in an idealistic world where people are forced to buy Apple

Well; nobody is forced to buy Apple products, but there is a tremendous
amount of peer pressure among the 20-40 year olds (who make up the
majority of the tech consumers) which almost amounts to compulsion.

Steve Jobs, like it or not, does have dictatorial tendencies, and, like it
or not, he does have tremendous power.

It is entirely possible, of course, to pop round the corner, buy a cheapo
PC and run whatever form of Linux grabs your fancy for next to nothing -
I know because that is very much my bag; but I'm a 48 year-old
non-conformist who has had people being rude to and about him for so
long that he has ceased to care; having a sufficiently self-confident ego
that it hasn't been crushed over the years.

Unfortunately (at least from my point of view) the world that buys new
computers (i.e. North America, Europe, Australia and the Pacific Rim) 
does not consist

of lots of goats; it consists of sheep mainly.

Last year, in Edinburgh the most informative thing for me (even more than
the conference) were the looks my wife's 7 year old G4 iBook was getting
in the Student halls of residence from Japanese students; several of them
came over and asked me why I didn't have a whizz-bang, spiffy-bananas
macBook - I don't think any of them could understand my reply:

When it breaks down completely I will buy a new laptop, if I still need

I have a similar problem with 3 spoilt rich kids I teach English to who
cannot understand why I have a G3 iMac at the front of the class
rather than some newer machine attached to a monster flat-screen
VDU. I have told them that when I put my fees up from £4 for 90
minutes to £40 I will get a flat-screen for myself upstairs; but that the
G3 is just the ticket for the school.
Yes, there are many wise remarks; but they are probably
tempered by a realisation that most of the spending public
are fairly foolish and prone to the winds of fashion.

The woman who helps my younger son with his Bulgarian literature
came round to borrow some money the other day because she had
seen a whopper flat-screen TV at half price in some trade mag a week
earlier and spent the month's food-and-bills money on it so she
could be just like the people next door (who enjoy a much larger income):
I forwent the temptation to give her a suitably pompous lecture . . .  :)

Quod erat  demonstrandum (kept the pomposity for here).

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[OT] MicroSheep follow a bad Apple

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Adobe must be sweating:

Well; happy RunRev developers; it is proabbaly better in the long run if 
Flash becomes less all-pervasive,

especially if the revWeb plugin for Linux can get sorted out.
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades

The article starts out by endorsing Jobs' criticism of Flash and agreeing
with him that the problem with Flash is that it is proprietary, and that an
Internet in which much of the content is coded in a proprietary format which
requires a particular software package from one vendor to access it, is a
bad thing.

By 'a bad thing' people who make this argument usually mean that an outcome
may result from the rational, informed and independent choices of the
individuals who make up a society.  But were they collectively to be asked
whether it they like or approve of it or prefer it, they would say no.  The
ensemble of choices rational for the indiviiduals, when taken as a whole,
diminishes utility for all.  We might prefer there to be clean fuel
regulations, but if there are not any, coal is cheaper and its rational for
us as individuals to burn it, because going to coke is more expensive for
us, and will make no difference to total emissions.

Now consider revWeb.  Jobs would have the same objection to it.  If it were
simply an easy and cheap way to write apps which run in a browser, that
would be fine.  But if it were to get out and be, like Flash, a medium in
which much public Internet content was coded, everyone would have to install
the revWeb plug-in, and that would be only available from one vendor.  Both
Jobs and the EFF would object to this even if, as with Flash, its adoption
resulted from free individual choices by content developers and web users.

Jobs is then strongly critical of cross-platform development suites.  Rev
is, or is trying to be, fully cross platform, and revWeb makes it cross
platform in spades:  it makes it possible to compile to a browser
application, as well as a standalone desktop application.  So this is cross
platform between desktop and web browser app, and it also tries to be cross
platform across browsers, and finally it is cross-platform in the
traditional sense, between different operating systems.

The article points out that the grounds on which Jobs objects to Flash are
also applicable to much of Apple's own conduct, and it points out in
addition that the real problem for Jobs with cross platform development
tools is that they allow 'write once run everywhere', whereas what Jobs
would like is to have total control over applications and content on 'his'
platform, and so would like to have writing for Apple be a dedicated
exercise tailored to their platform.  Rev is clearly in the sights on this

There is an odd idea, in some recent defenses of Apple, and in the comments
on Ars, that the only legitimate reply to a company doing something whose
effects on society one does not approve of, as a citizen, is to refrain from
buying their products.  This makes as much sense as the idea that if one
disapproves of the potentially catastrophic effect of the mass adoption of
financial derivatives in the finance sector, one should restrict one's
action to not buying them.

The EFF is pointing out that proprietary content formats on the Net are a
Bad Thing for everyone who wants to see information in non-proprietary
formats, on grounds of intellectual freedom.   People who feel this, like
me, often feel it because of hard experience of orphaned data.  There are
cases in which nationally important content has simply vanished in
electronic form, because of proprietary coding.  Now, we may not have been
the authors or copyright owners of it.  But we have an interest in there
being continued access to our cultural heritage, as readers and customers,
yes, and as citizens.  The EFF would have the same problem with revWeb if it
became adopted in the same way that Flash has been, for the same reasons. 
Unless the approach of the company were to change.

Its then going on to point our that Apple achieves the same end, restriction
of availability of content and of what people can do with their platforms,
by different and additional means. 

So the bottom line of the article is:  Adobe and Apple are two versions of
closed and proprietary, and for one to criticize the other for being
proprietary is rather hilarious, and both are bad for society.  

The lesson for us however should be that Rev meets two of Jobs' criteria for
being linked to the Anti-Party clique:  One, its proprietary and on the net. 
Two, its cross platform.  So watch out:  the next stop is a knock on the
door at 3am and a long holiday in sunny Siberia.
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Kay C Lan
I guess someone else agrees with Apple:,microsoft-announces-ie9-will-not-support-flash.aspx

What a hoot :-))
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 10:34, Kay C Lan wrote:

I guess someone else agrees with Apple:,microsoft-announces-ie9-will-not-support-flash.aspx

What a hoot :-))

Is that person's name really Hachamovitch?

Hack - em - over - itch.

Must be the lack of sleep last night . . .  :)
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades

I don't like or approve of Flash either!   But it is hilarious to see the
people who are opposing it and why.  To an outside observer it seems like
MS, Adobe, Apple are all about as alike as Coke and Pepsi on this one. 
Maybe Apple is a bit worse but there's not much in it. 

HTML5 is not open.  Its a different flavor of proprietary, by the way.  H264
is proprietary.

Its like Italy and Portugal should suddenly express pious horror about the
fact that Greece is running large deficits.

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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Kay C Lan
If this were April 1st I'd certainly think you were on to something, but a
Google search of 'Dean Hachamovitch' reveals he really is who they say he

Bye Bye Flash... Almost seems like a Tech Lynching. Now let me guess,
there'll be a whole bunch of rumours surrounding this event, followed by
legal action, accusations, investigations;  but inevitably a slow an painful

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

  On 01/05/2010 10:34, Kay C Lan wrote:

 I guess someone else agrees with Apple:,microsoft-announces-ie9-will-not-support-flash.aspx

 What a hoot :-))

 Is that person's name really Hachamovitch?

 Hack - em - over - itch.

 Must be the lack of sleep last night . . .  :)

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AW: how to zip a bundle, keeping all locked attributes

2010-05-01 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB

I am missing some Mac know-how. I tried different zip tools and with all my
locked file (inside a bundle) is unlocked after having the bundle zipped and
unzipped. So obviously it is not a matter of ditto, but of the system.
So Marks advice to set the locked of the file by program after having it
unzipped, seems to be the only solution.
Or am I missing something obvious?
Thanks for any advice

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [mailto:use-revolution-] Im Auftrag von Tiemo Hollmann TB
 Gesendet: Freitag, 30. April 2010 20:49
 An: 'How to use Revolution'
 Betreff: how to zip a bundle, keeping all locked attributes, was:
 need ditto zipping help
 I think I posted the wrong question to understand the problem.
 Is it a normal behavior on Mac, when zipping and unzipping a bundle
 that a
 containing file loses its locked attribute?
 Or does it depend on the zip tool or its parameters? Other way around,
 if it
 is a standard behavior for ditto and there is no other parameter to
 keep the
 status, is there a recommended zip tool, where all files keep their
 locked/unlocked attribute?
 Thanks for any advice
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: [mailto:use-revolution-] Im Auftrag von Tiemo Hollmann TB
  Gesendet: Freitag, 30. April 2010 14:23
  An: 'How to use Revolution'
  Betreff: need ditto zipping help
  still not very familiar with the Mac and its specialities I need some
  with zipping with ditto.
  I have a locked file in my App bundle. After zipping and unzipping
  bundle (in an update process) the locked file isn't locked anymore.
  The ditto parameters I am using for zipping are:
  Ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc
  Can anybody shed some light on this, how I can preserve the locked
  being locked?
  Thanks for any hints
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Re: Is rev Oracle support just a joke?

2010-05-01 Thread Sakari Ruoho
I still see that the RunRev website advertises that it works with 
Oracle. Last time I checked this was far from the thruth. Is this still 
the case?

Best Regards,

Sakari Ruoho
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Re: Is rev Oracle support just a joke?

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 12:45, Sakari Ruoho wrote:
I still see that the RunRev website advertises that it works with 
Oracle. Last time I checked this was far from the thruth. Is this 
still the case?

The documentation says that one can run RunRev on SPARC, HP-UX, SCO Open 
DeskTop, Silicon Graphics IRIX

and Solaris for x86 architecture:  (accessed today)

so I wouldn't put too much faith in the documentation.
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Re: Is rev Oracle support just a joke?

2010-05-01 Thread Sakari Ruoho

Ok :D

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 On 01/05/2010 12:45, Sakari Ruoho wrote:
I still see that the RunRev website advertises that it works with 
Oracle. Last time I checked this was far from the thruth. Is this 
still the case?

The documentation says that one can run RunRev on SPARC, HP-UX, SCO 
Open DeskTop, Silicon Graphics IRIX

and Solaris for x86 architecture:  (accessed today)

so I wouldn't put too much faith in the documentation.
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Re: [OT] MicroSheep follow a bad Apple

2010-05-01 Thread Colin Holgate

On May 1, 2010, at 2:20 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 Adobe must be sweating:

Not really. By saying that only H.264 is support, they mean that they are not 
going to directly support other HTML5 video formats, such as Ogg Vorbis ones. 
Flash video, On2VP6, was never due to be supported. You will still be able to 
play both On2VP6 and H.264 by using Flash, as you can now.

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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Colin Holgate

On May 1, 2010, at 3:34 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

 I guess someone else agrees with Apple:,microsoft-announces-ie9-will-not-support-flash.aspx
 What a hoot :-))

That article has been quoted all over the place, and fortunately most of the 
debate has been about what bad reporting it is, and not about IE9's support of 
Flash. The IE9 support mentioned in the original blog 
( is only talking 
about video formats, and not about Flash in general.

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Re: [OT] MicroSheep follow a bad Apple

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 15:10, Colin Holgate wrote:

On May 1, 2010, at 2:20 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Adobe must be sweating:

Not really. By saying that only H.264 is support, they mean that they are not 
going to directly support other HTML5 video formats, such as Ogg Vorbis ones. 
Flash video, On2VP6, was never due to be supported. You will still be able to 
play both On2VP6 and H.264 by using Flash, as you can now.

Expectng Microsoft to support something open source like Ogg Vorbis is 
expecting too much.

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How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB


since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file, when
zipping, I am now trying to follow Marks plan B, but am shipwrecking without
Mac experience.

I have the rev path of my file like: /foo/myfile in myFile. I have an
oneliner applescript set the locked of myFile to true. I stored the
applescript in a field and wanted to replace a placeholder for the filename
like filename in the applescript by the revfile path myFile. Now I
replaced slash with colon, so that I get  :foo:myFile.

But applescript doesn't likes it. Probably because applescript needs an
absolute path like Macintosh HD:foo:myFile. How do I achive that, without
knowing the name of the users HD?


Add: What user rights does a user needs to change the locked attribute by
applescript? Or what happens, if a user, without full rights, runs my prog
with this applescript?


Thanks for any help




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Re: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 14:50, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

 since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file,

Hi Tiemo,

This command did work for me on Snow Leopard :

ditto -v -rsrcFork /source /destination

I could keep all hidden and immutable flags !



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Re: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/5/1 Tiemo Hollmann TB

 since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file, when
 zipping, I am now trying to follow Marks plan B, but am shipwrecking without
 Mac experience.

 I have the rev path of my file like: /foo/myfile in myFile. I have an
 oneliner applescript set the locked of myFile to true. I stored the
 applescript in a field and wanted to replace a placeholder for the filename
 like filename in the applescript by the revfile path myFile. Now I
 replaced slash with colon, so that I get  :foo:myFile.

 But applescript doesn't likes it. Probably because applescript needs an
 absolute path like Macintosh HD:foo:myFile. How do I achive that, without
 knowing the name of the users HD?

 Add: What user rights does a user needs to change the locked attribute by
 applescript? Or what happens, if a user, without full rights, runs my prog
 with this applescript?

 Thanks for any help

Hi Tiemo,

Have you tried to use the POSIX path in applescript?

POSIX path of file Macintosh HD:foo:myFile


-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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Re: [Data Grid] Duplicate large amount of rows

2010-05-01 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/5/1 Trevor DeVore
 On Apr 30, 2010, at 2:04 PM, zryip theSlug wrote:

 However the Data Grid command AddData does more than a simple
 creation of a new index in an array. This is where I'm suspicious with
 my code.

 AddData has to update any caches that are created when setting the dgData.
 If you are updating the array and assigning the dgData then you are good to
 go (assuming the array is created properly).

Great, thanks Trevor!

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Oddly enough I see that RunRev are still marketing their
revMobile (which I understand to work with Windows mobile
as well as the iPhone OS):

We will be introducing a brand new product, revMobile,
which will initially support Maemo, Windows Mobile,
the iPhone and iPad.

However, as far as I can understand, while revMobile
supports iPhone and iPad; Apple doesn't support
revMobile on these platforms.

you'll be able to use revTalk rather than Objective-C

try telling that to Steve Jobs.

The question I have is not about revMobile's capabilities
as such, but why it is still being touted for iPhone and
iPad after everything that wasn't built Steve's way
was excluded from the App store.
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
Dear Richmond,
I think it is possible to create application for iPad without putting it into 
the App Store.
For my own it is enough... My application (my project are not to be sold)
But how many people (here) make application
1. for themselves
2. directly for a company (App store  not necessary...)
3. free (gratuit !)
That is the question
Bon souvenir de Paris

Le 1 mai 2010 à 15:54, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

 Oddly enough I see that RunRev are still marketing their
 revMobile (which I understand to work with Windows mobile
 as well as the iPhone OS):
 We will be introducing a brand new product, revMobile,
 which will initially support Maemo, Windows Mobile,
 the iPhone and iPad.
 However, as far as I can understand, while revMobile
 supports iPhone and iPad; Apple doesn't support
 revMobile on these platforms.
 you'll be able to use revTalk rather than Objective-C
 try telling that to Steve Jobs.
 The question I have is not about revMobile's capabilities
 as such, but why it is still being touted for iPhone and
 iPad after everything that wasn't built Steve's way
 was excluded from the App store.
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
In 1987 this was the primary purpose of HyperCard (oh Bill [Atkinson] where are 
you !?)

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:02, René Micout a écrit :

 Dear Richmond,
 I think it is possible to create application for iPad without putting it into 
 the App Store.
 For my own it is enough... My application (my project are not to be sold)
 But how many people (here) make application
 1. for themselves
 2. directly for a company (App store  not necessary...)
 3. free (gratuit !)
 That is the question
 Bon souvenir de Paris
 Le 1 mai 2010 à 15:54, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :
 Oddly enough I see that RunRev are still marketing their
 revMobile (which I understand to work with Windows mobile
 as well as the iPhone OS):
 We will be introducing a brand new product, revMobile,
 which will initially support Maemo, Windows Mobile,
 the iPhone and iPad.
 However, as far as I can understand, while revMobile
 supports iPhone and iPad; Apple doesn't support
 revMobile on these platforms.
 you'll be able to use revTalk rather than Objective-C
 try telling that to Steve Jobs.
 The question I have is not about revMobile's capabilities
 as such, but why it is still being touted for iPhone and
 iPad after everything that wasn't built Steve's way
 was excluded from the App store.
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Colin Holgate
On May 1, 2010, at 10:02 AM, René Micout wrote:

 I think it is possible to create application for iPad without putting it into 
 the App Store.

While that is true, it would also break the SDK agreement. The agreement 
doesn't say that you can only use certain languages for Store apps, it says you 
can only use certain languages. Same with the interpreter, you can't make 
things with an interpretive layer. No mention of whether it's intended for the 
App Store or not.

Now, it is unlikely that Apple would track you down, but if you ever mentioned 
the application online, Apple could revoke your iPhone developer status.

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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Mark Schonewille
Bill is making photographs now. He also published an iPhone  
application called PhotoCard :-)

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

We have updated TwistAWord. Download TwistAWord 1.1 at

Op 1 mei 2010, om 16:06 heeft René Micout het volgende geschreven:

In 1987 this was the primary purpose of HyperCard (oh Bill  
[Atkinson] where are you !?)

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause is 
not possible.
I think it is a juridic debat...

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:24, Colin Holgate a écrit :

 On May 1, 2010, at 10:02 AM, René Micout wrote:
 I think it is possible to create application for iPad without putting it 
 into the App Store.
 While that is true, it would also break the SDK agreement. The agreement 
 doesn't say that you can only use certain languages for Store apps, it says 
 you can only use certain languages. Same with the interpreter, you can't make 
 things with an interpretive layer. No mention of whether it's intended for 
 the App Store or not.
 Now, it is unlikely that Apple would track you down, but if you ever 
 mentioned the application online, Apple could revoke your iPhone developer 
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Colin Holgate
On May 1, 2010, at 10:31 AM, René Micout wrote:

 I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause is 
 not possible.
 I think it is a juridic debat...

Perhaps Europe could sue Apple like they sued Microsoft!

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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
Yes, I know, but in French Où es-tu ... ? is an expression to invoque 
somebody to remind the present greatness of the past...

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:29, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

 Bill is making photographs now. He also published an iPhone application 
 called PhotoCard :-)
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 We have updated TwistAWord. Download TwistAWord 1.1 at
 Op 1 mei 2010, om 16:06 heeft René Micout het volgende geschreven:
 In 1987 this was the primary purpose of HyperCard (oh Bill [Atkinson] where 
 are you !?)
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
If I develop MY application for MY iPad and if I dont put it into the App 
Store, Apple cannot do anything against me
The only possibility for Apple to prohibit other language that C, C++ and 
Objective C is when you submit an application for App Store approbation...
How can they do otherwise ?
There is enough work with the App Store application, then the others...

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:36, Colin Holgate a écrit :

 On May 1, 2010, at 10:31 AM, René Micout wrote:
 I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause is 
 not possible.
 I think it is a juridic debat...
 Perhaps Europe could sue Apple like they sued Microsoft!
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
And if I do that and Apple make me a procedure. In France (it is not USA) the 
court, if I am wrong, condamn me, perhaps, ONE euro (symbolistic) in damages...

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:40, René Micout a écrit :

 If I develop MY application for MY iPad and if I dont put it into the App 
 Store, Apple cannot do anything against me
 The only possibility for Apple to prohibit other language that C, C++ and 
 Objective C is when you submit an application for App Store approbation...
 How can they do otherwise ?
 There is enough work with the App Store application, then the others...
 Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:36, Colin Holgate a écrit :
 On May 1, 2010, at 10:31 AM, René Micout wrote:
 I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause 
 is not possible.
 I think it is a juridic debat...
 Perhaps Europe could sue Apple like they sued Microsoft!
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Colin Holgate
On May 1, 2010, at 10:40 AM, René Micout wrote:

 The only possibility for Apple to prohibit other language that C, C++ and 
 Objective C is when you submit an application for App Store approbation...
 How can they do otherwise ?

They can change the iPhone OS to not run apps that were made from other 
languages, or make iTunes automatically delete those apps when you connect the 

My guess is that they will allow some tools, like Rev, to work, even in the 
store, and that it will all continue to just be a vendetta against Flash. 
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 17:36, Colin Holgate wrote:

On May 1, 2010, at 10:31 AM, René  wrote:

I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause is 
not possible.
I think it is a juridic debat...

Perhaps Europe could sue Apple like they sued Microsoft!
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 17:48, Colin Holgate wrote:

On May 1, 2010, at 10:40 AM, René  wrote:

The only possibility for Apple to prohibit other language that C, C++ and 
Objective C is when you submit an application for App Store approbation...
How can they do otherwise ?

They can change the iPhone OS to not run apps that were made from other 
languages, or make iTunes automatically delete those apps when you connect the 

My guess is that they will allow some tools, like Rev, to work, even in the 
store, and that it will all continue to just be a vendetta against Flash.

Let's hope so; although having made a blanket statement I don't quite see
how Apple will get out of part of it without having to rescind all of it.

The whole thing looks as crude as gang warfare between Apple and Adobe;
but, as in all cases of gang warfare, others get injured by flying glass 
and so


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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
In some areas (mainly trade), it is true that multinationals are sometimes more 
powerful than states, but in other cases (and freedom is part of it) states 
and their legislation is far more powerful than the companies .

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:54, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

 On 01/05/2010 17:36, Colin Holgate wrote:
 On May 1, 2010, at 10:31 AM, René  wrote:
 I think it is not legal (clause leonine)... In France I think this clause 
 is not possible.
 I think it is a juridic debat...
 Perhaps Europe could sue Apple like they sued Microsoft!
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
For now, I dont see the color of an iPad...
:-) or :-( 
at the end of this month ?)

Le 1 mai 2010 à 16:58, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

 On 01/05/2010 17:48, Colin Holgate wrote:
 On May 1, 2010, at 10:40 AM, René  wrote:
 The only possibility for Apple to prohibit other language that C, C++ and 
 Objective C is when you submit an application for App Store approbation...
 How can they do otherwise ?
 They can change the iPhone OS to not run apps that were made from other 
 languages, or make iTunes automatically delete those apps when you connect 
 the phone.
 My guess is that they will allow some tools, like Rev, to work, even in the 
 store, and that it will all continue to just be a vendetta against Flash.
 Let's hope so; although having made a blanket statement I don't quite see
 how Apple will get out of part of it without having to rescind all of it.
 The whole thing looks as crude as gang warfare between Apple and Adobe;
 but, as in all cases of gang warfare, others get injured by flying glass and 
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RE: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 I guess someone else agrees with Apple:,microsoft-announces-ie9-w

I could be wrong, but I believe several sites are quoting this link:

I don't think he is saying Flash won't work in IE 9, only that H.264 is the
only native video format that will run. Did IE 9 drop the IE 8 plugin

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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Re: Is rev Oracle support just a joke?

2010-05-01 Thread Devin Asay

On May 1, 2010, at 3:45 AM, Sakari Ruoho wrote:

 I still see that the RunRev website advertises that it works with 
 Oracle. Last time I checked this was far from the thruth. Is this still 
 the case?

What version of Rev do you have? Integrated support for Oracle database 
connectivity is only available in Rev Enterprise. See:



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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RE: [OT] MicroSheep follow a bad Apple

2010-05-01 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 Not really. By saying that only H.264 is support, they mean 
 that they are not going to directly support other HTML5 video 
 formats, such as Ogg Vorbis ones. Flash video, On2VP6, was 
 never due to be supported. You will still be able to play 
 both On2VP6 and H.264 by using Flash, as you can now.

Im glad to see someone else went back to read the source, Colin :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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AW: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
Bon soir Thierry,

your proposal seems to be half the way.
Doing it your way, ditto creates a folder as the output, containing the app
and the file within the app is still locked. That looks good, beside the
output is a normal folder and isn't a zip file anymore. Using the parameter
Ditto -c - k -rsrcFork the output is a zip file, but the locked flag of my
file within the app is gone.
It seems I don't understand ditto and it's handling of files, folders and

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [mailto:use-revolution-] Im Auftrag von Thierry D.
 Gesendet: Samstag, 1. Mai 2010 15:46
 An: How to use Revolution
 Betreff: Re: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?
 Le 1 mai 2010 à 14:50, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :
  since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file,
 Hi Tiemo,
 This command did work for me on Snow Leopard :
 ditto -v -rsrcFork /source /destination
 I could keep all hidden and immutable flags !
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Re: [OT] MicroSheep follow a bad Apple

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 If Messrs Jobs and Gates (et al) really cared about
open standards for the internet and so on, they would
not be restricting Flash or code-bases; quite the
opposite; they would be falling over each other to
implement support for absolutely everything -
whether proprietary (such as Flash) or open
(such as Ogg Vorbis).

While buying a computer or an operating system
is a fairly free choice, there is only one internet.

However, knowing that Apple and Microsoft are
what they are I shall make sure that my website
continues to be fairly basic (no moving parts to
start with) so that it is in with a chance of being seen
by the maximum number of people from their
machine, OS and browser of choice.

It seem that by investing in expensive proprietary
software to spice up our websites with wiggly bits
that in the long run we are only shooting ourselves
in the foot.

My recipe is cheap, effective and cheerful:

GIMP + KompoZer
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Ian Wood

On 1 May 2010, at 08:55, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

HTML5 is not open.  Its a different flavor of proprietary, by the  
way.  H264

is proprietary.

H264 is proprietary, but h264 is NOT part of HTML5. HTML5 just  
specifies a video tag without specifying the type of video.

HTML5 is no more proprietary than previous versions of HTML.

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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 19:24, Ian Wood wrote:

On 1 May 2010, at 08:55, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

HTML5 is not open.  Its a different flavor of proprietary, by the 
way.  H264

is proprietary.

H264 is proprietary, but h264 is NOT part of HTML5. HTML5 just 
specifies a video tag without specifying the type of video.

HTML5 is no more proprietary than previous versions of HTML.

Maybe I'm being a bit stupid, but it does seem as if the word 'open' as 
used in
phrases such as 'open source' and 'open standards' is a bit hard to pin 

what is one person's open-ness seems to be a bit closed to another person
and vice-versa.

Also; for the sake of argument: I offered to Ubuntu, a few years back, Linux
builds of a couple of Phonetics programs I had cobbled together (and at that
time my level of skill was such that they were literally 'cobbled') with 
RunRev 2.0.1.

Ubuntu refused them on the basis that I had made them using non-open source
code (which annoyed me). Now how far back does one push things? Is there 

a thing as really 'open' code?
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Peter Haworth

Here's a thought for Rev - put revMobile on Android.

Pete Haworth

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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread René Micout
But what about iPad ?

Le 1 mai 2010 à 19:09, Peter Haworth a écrit :

 Here's a thought for Rev - put revMobile on Android.
 Pete Haworth
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

Colin Holgate wrote:
 On May 1, 2010, at 10:02 AM, René Micout wrote:

 I think it is possible to create application for iPad without
 putting it into the App Store.

 While that is true, it would also break the SDK agreement. The
 agreement doesn't say that you can only use certain languages
 for Store apps, it says you can only use certain languages. Same
 with the interpreter, you can't make things with an interpretive
 layer. No mention of whether it's intended for the App Store or not.

 Now, it is unlikely that Apple would track you down, but if you ever
 mentioned the application online, Apple could revoke your iPhone
 developer status.

Actually, according to John Sullivan of the EFF in his Ars Technica 
article, that would be a criminal act, implying that it if convicted one 
could face fines and jail time:

Jobs has hit the nail on the head when describing the
problems with Adobe, but not until after smashing his
own thumb. Every criticism he makes of Adobe's
proprietary approach applies equally to Apple, and
every benefit attributed to the App Store can be had
without it being a mandatory proprietary arrangement.
Apple can offer quality control and editorial selection
over available free software, and encourage users to
exclusively—but voluntarily—use their store. Instead,
Apple chooses to enforce legal restrictions, the
transgression of which is punishable by criminal law,
on users who want to make changes to their own computers,
like installing free, non-Apple, software.

Who wants to be the next Gizmodo?

Go ahead, choose your own tools.  But if you don't get them from the 
company store they'll send the Pinkertons around

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 20:09, Peter Haworth wrote:

Here's a thought for Rev - put revMobile on Android.

Pete Haworth

 Can we?
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 20:12, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Colin Holgate wrote:
 On May 1, 2010, at 10:02 AM, René Micout wrote:

 I think it is possible to create application for iPad without
 putting it into the App Store.

 While that is true, it would also break the SDK agreement. The
 agreement doesn't say that you can only use certain languages
 for Store apps, it says you can only use certain languages. Same
 with the interpreter, you can't make things with an interpretive
 layer. No mention of whether it's intended for the App Store or not.

 Now, it is unlikely that Apple would track you down, but if you ever
 mentioned the application online, Apple could revoke your iPhone
 developer status.

Actually, according to John Sullivan of the EFF in his Ars Technica 
article, that would be a criminal act, implying that it if convicted 
one could face fines and jail time:

Jobs has hit the nail on the head when describing the
problems with Adobe, but not until after smashing his
own thumb. Every criticism he makes of Adobe's
proprietary approach applies equally to Apple, and
every benefit attributed to the App Store can be had
without it being a mandatory proprietary arrangement.
Apple can offer quality control and editorial selection
over available free software, and encourage users to
exclusively—but voluntarily—use their store. Instead,
Apple chooses to enforce legal restrictions, the
transgression of which is punishable by criminal law,
on users who want to make changes to their own computers,
like installing free, non-Apple, software. 

Who wants to be the next Gizmodo?

Go ahead, choose your own tools.  But if you don't get them from the 
company store they'll send the Pinkertons around

Bully-boys Rule, OK!

This just confirms my feelings that the ONLY reason I won't abandon Mac 
as my 'development platform
of choice' when my current Macs go 'bang' (i.e. go 100% Linux) is 
because RunRev for Linux still cannot do

what the Mac and Windows versions can.

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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, May 1, 2010, 7:29:52 AM, you wrote:

 Bill is making photographs now. He also published an iPhone  
 application called PhotoCard :-)

Bill's also *very* involved with Numenta:

but when I talked with him a couple of years ago he wasn't aware of

-Mark Wieder

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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, April 30, 2010, 10:34:00 PM, you wrote:

 In the first rev lesson on externals at,
 after saving the stack this statement is issued:

 send revert to me in 5 ticks -- the equivalent of quit then restart.

 When I use this under rev 4.0.0 on  Mac OS X 10.6.3, it causes
 the card to go into strobe mode. Any

Try looking in the externals instead of the externalPackages.

-Mark Wieder

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RE: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Randall Lee Reetz
don't you guys get it?  Adobe is the biggest creep in techdom.  Do you remember 
how they screwed apple over post script?  They are the patent hogs who have 
stymied computational evolution for 30 years.   The only company worse then 
them was micromedia and adobe acquired flash by buying them outright.  Apple 
and microsoft aren't against flash!  They are pressuring adobe to lighten up on 
the use agreements.  Maybe something so core as graphics description shouldn't 
be proprietary?
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Re: [ANN] Control tRev's Browser default action via Magic Menus

2010-05-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades

I'd love to use it.  However, Jerry does not make a version for Linux, and
has no intention of doing so.  Meanwhile, over on Planet Python, there are
lots of fabulous editors that don't crash on cut and paste.  Maybe Jerry's
is better than any of them, probably is.  

But they exist for my OS, his does not, and never will.
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Re: Is rev Oracle support just a joke?

2010-05-01 Thread Sakari Ruoho

Hi Devin,

I got Rev Enterprise.

This is an old mail chain, which I just did revive today. Some info
should be available if you track back the chain.


Sakari Ruoho

Devin Asay wrote:

On May 1, 2010, at 3:45 AM, Sakari Ruoho wrote:

I still see that the RunRev website advertises that it works with 
Oracle. Last time I checked this was far from the thruth. Is this still 
the case?

What version of Rev do you have? Integrated support for Oracle database 
connectivity is only available in Rev Enterprise. See:



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: AW: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 17:47, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

 Bon soir Thierry,
 your proposal seems to be half the way.

Bonsoir Tiemo,

So, did check with your specs.
add a bundle folder in my dir, hide and lock a test file inside the bundle 
and did this :

-- create a zip file keeping all specifics macos flags

 ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder

-- check what is inside the zip file
 unzip -l

  Length Date   TimeName
 6148  04-23-10 19:05.DS_Store
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/
   82  04-23-10 19:05   __MACOSX/._.DS_Store
0  04-18-10 07:32   .localized
   13  05-01-10 15:32   f1
   82  05-01-10 15:32   __MACOSX/._f1
   15  05-01-10 15:32   f2
0  05-01-10 21:10tdzx.bundle/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/
 1225  04-27-10 11:26 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
0  04-29-10 09:17tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
   216920  04-29-10 09:17   tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/tdzimgdatafilter
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
   92  04-27-10 11:22   
   13  05-01-10 21:10   tdzx.bundle/test
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/
   82  05-01-10 21:10   __MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/._test

-- You can see these __MACOSX/ files. they store the flags values.

 ditto -x -k Z

Done !

Tres belles fetes du muguet :)


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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 On 01/05/2010 22:23, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

don't you guys get it?  Adobe is the biggest creep in techdom.  Do you remember 
how they screwed apple over post script?  They are the patent hogs who have 
stymied computational evolution for 30 years.   The only company worse then 
them was micromedia and adobe acquired flash by buying them outright.  Apple 
and microsoft aren't against flash!  They are pressuring adobe to lighten up on 
the use agreements.  Maybe something so core as graphics description shouldn't 
be proprietary?

Nonsense: there is nothing to choose between Apple, Microsoft and Adobe;
and Macromedia wasn't any better, but for companies to survive they have
to eat smaller ones. While simple Darwinian theory may not make all that
much sense for explaining biology it seems pretty good for describing
certain aspects of corporate behaviour.

All these companies remind me of Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia:
sign a treaty of 'eternal friendship' for as long as it serves your 
needs and

then turn around and kill each other's foot soldiers when the wind blows
the other way.

The ones who really fuss me are characters like Mark Shuttleworth, who
looks, on the surface, a bit too good to be true. How long is it until 
he makes

his move?


Maybe something so core as graphics description shouldn't be proprietary? 

Well, err, yes . . . but who did the donkey work and shouldn't they get some
sort of reward for their labours?


Maybe something so core as graphics description shouldn't be proprietary? 

Yup; maybe everything should be FREE and we can all run around wreathed in
garlands of pansies singing paeons of praise to the mysterious forces 
that labour

without a thought in their pretty little heads about their own needs.


Patent hogs . . .  oink!

I wonder if the hard working folk who are employed by Adobe to do all
the marvellous things they have done would have done any of that work
if, by not having legal protection for the end products of their labours,
Adobe would have been unable to pay them a living wage because
every person with some sort of knowledge of programming would have
been churning out 'Fotoshop', 'Photoboutique', 'Snapshop' and so forth
based on pinched ideas.

I am a great believer in Open Source software, but I am also well aware
that in almost all cases a proprietary bit of stuff came first.

Without Photoshop we would have no GIMP,

Without Illustrator we would have no Inkscape,

Without Microsoft Office we would have no Open Office,

and so on.
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2010-05-01 Thread François Chaplais
There has been a number of threads about Apple and revMobile that really 
tempted be to go trolling and flaming...
I have let some time pass, and I think it is time to reverse the question and 
forget about Steve Jobs.

The topic is: one of the reasons of the success of the iPhone is the AppStore.
Here, law abiding developers can find a place to market their product. If the 
software is free, the developer is not charged for anything; if it is not, 
Apple takes 30%, if I recall correctly. For that amount, Apple takes cares of 
credit card handling, manages the currency exchange rates for you, pays 
relevant taxes like VAT, etc...

Now let us forget about the iPhone and concentrate on the App Store.
What does RunRev do to promote, distribute and sell software that has been 
developed with revolution? I mean the traditional stuff: desktop applications.
The answer: nothing (as far as I know).

And its stupid. Because the best way to promote a development environment is to 
promote/ sell the apps that have been coded with it.
I am waiting to see a revStore. With everything on it. This way John Doe (not 
to mention Steve Jobs)  will be able to judge if apps developed with revolution 
can be great, inspiring, or if it's all crap. An the more apps there will be, 
the better it will be for everybody.

Heather, I put you on copy as I think you are the best person in the rev team 
to ponder on that.

Best regards

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[OT] Semantics

2010-05-01 Thread Richmond Mathewson

 Speed and standards.,2817,2361444,00.asp

All the 'stuff' that we have been chewing over re Steve Jobs, Apple, Adobe
and, now Internet Explorer 9, come down to Speed and standards.

The question is not really about Apple's, Adobe's or Microsoft's motivation
(their motivation is to compete with each other and make money);
it is about who defines what constitutes 'speed' and who should define
'standards' and how to force the maximum of people to adopt those
'standards' so that is what they become by /force majeur /even if for no
other reason.

We, as supporters of RunRev ought to be worrying about how to help,
urge, kick RunRev to get their 'standards' adopted by more people;
because if we don't, and Runrev doesn't, we will all wake up one day to
find that we and RunRev have become either 'substandard' or
'nonstandard', at which point we can either adapt or pop along to
the local main road with a will work for food notice; neither of
which exactly thrill my gorilla.

Apparently Runrev's chances on the iPhone and the iPad have just
got trampled on in Steve Jobs' elephantine squishing of Adobe; now
maybe just the time to start pushing the mobile platform capabilities
of RunRev like Billy-Oh so that there is a chance that when/if Apple
caves into pressure with some sort of compromise (that excludes Adobe Flash)
RunRev is one of those who get a backdoor pass to rejoin the party.
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Re: iPhone?

2010-05-01 Thread Roger . E . Eller
Richmond asked Can we?:
  On 01/05/2010 20:09, Peter Haworth wrote:
 Here's a thought for Rev - put revMobile on Android.

 Pete Haworth

  Can we?

Yes, we can (someday, maybe).   Rev's FAQ used to say not at this time,
but we will keep an eye on it.  Now, it says We do intend to support
Android but it will not be available in version 1.0 of revMobile..

~Roger Eller

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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

François Chaplais wrote:

 What does RunRev do to promote, distribute and sell software that
 has been developed with revolution? I mean the traditional stuff:
 desktop applications.
 The answer: nothing (as far as I know).

What are RevOnline and RevSelect?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

Graham  Heather Harrison wrote:

In the first rev lesson on externals at,
after saving the stack this statement is issued:

send revert to me in 5 ticks -- the equivalent of quit then

When I use this under rev 4.0.0 on  Mac OS X 10.6.3, it causes the
card to go into strobe mode. Any

Sounds like some kind of script loop. Try omitting the revert command. 
Just close your stack (removing from memory,) go back to the Finder, and 
re-open it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread François Chaplais

Le 1 mai 2010 à 23:24, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

 François Chaplais wrote:
  What does RunRev do to promote, distribute and sell software that
  has been developed with revolution? I mean the traditional stuff:
  desktop applications.
  The answer: nothing (as far as I know).
 What are RevOnline and RevSelect?

RevOnline (the one I know from studio) requires revolution and has a crappy 
interface. Plus you cannot do business there. : just have a look at the top downloads and the 
the screen shot: it's ugly. Plus it does not sell.

I assume revselect is
15 apps: ha! Is that all?

The revstore should be accessible  directly from the store tab of the runrev 
site. At this time, unless you *know* that the pages for revonline and 
revselect exist, there is no chance to find them.

The truth is that runrev does not help the promotion of its customers'apps. The 
result is that it gives the impression that it his a second class development 

I have never been aggressive towards runrev, I have a 5 year mac renewal Studio 
license, a 5 year renewal revmobile license. I do not like saying what I said 
about runrev. But if were a newbie to runrev, I would say yechh when looking 
at the two previously mentioned pages, provide I can find them.

An thanks for the feedback, Richard.

Best regards

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RE: [OT] Semantics

2010-05-01 Thread Randall Lee Reetz
Standards only work to the extent that they apply protocol at the most 
effective strata in the stack.  When adobe restricts graphics protocol that 
should live down near the lower reaches of the OS or below, to above the 
application level, they create an unstable and ultimately untenable imbalance 
in the stack that only serves to put the breaks on innovation and forward 
looking change.  In any evolving system, progress towards optimization must 
supersede temporary success. Unstable awkward architectures act as dams that 
prevent natural flow.  Only putrification and stagnation will result.  And the 
dam will eventually burst as it is digested by its own content or overwhelmed 
by less artificially restrained flows that have found their own way towards 
progress despite the unnatural abomination in their way.  Standards and optimal 
hierarchical placement thereof.  Nothing else succeeds in the long run.  Is rev 
or any xtalk solution really the future?  The future belongs to those who 
optimize the stack.  Adobe has a better mix of language and graphics than 
anyone else.  That is why apple and microsoft are focusing their angst at 
adobe.  If adobe didn't hold the ball, there would be no reason for such big 
players to throw such a tantrum... they would just join together and create 
their own protocol.  The idea that rev should go its own and build towards less 
awkward standards is simply laughable.  Rev is the poster boy for companies  
that hang on the coat tails of the work of others.  Bottom feeders.  Which 
isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't where you would go looking for red 
hot trail blazing innovation and standards.  Hilarious.
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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread Jerry Daniels
RevSelect is really about add-ons to Rev. 

I considered opening a stack store and ran the business case. A lot of work and 
sizable risk. Still can't get it out of my head,tho. I would be as dictatorial 
as Steve Jobs, probably. 


Jerry Daniels

Use tRev's buy link during your free trial to get 20% off:

On May 1, 2010, at 5:09 PM, François Chaplais wrote:

 Le 1 mai 2010 à 23:24, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
 François Chaplais wrote:
 What does RunRev do to promote, distribute and sell software that
 has been developed with revolution? I mean the traditional stuff:
 desktop applications.
 The answer: nothing (as far as I know).
 What are RevOnline and RevSelect?
 RevOnline (the one I know from studio) requires revolution and has a crappy 
 interface. Plus you cannot do business there. : just have a look at the top downloads and the 
 the screen shot: it's ugly. Plus it does not sell.
 I assume revselect is
 15 apps: ha! Is that all?
 The revstore should be accessible  directly from the store tab of the 
 runrev site. At this time, unless you *know* that the pages for revonline and 
 revselect exist, there is no chance to find them.
 The truth is that runrev does not help the promotion of its customers'apps. 
 The result is that it gives the impression that it his a second class 
 development tool.
 I have never been aggressive towards runrev, I have a 5 year mac renewal 
 Studio license, a 5 year renewal revmobile license. I do not like saying what 
 I said about runrev. But if were a newbie to runrev, I would say yechh when 
 looking at the two previously mentioned pages, provide I can find them.
 An thanks for the feedback, Richard.
 Best regards
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Re: [OT] Semantics

2010-05-01 Thread Jerry Daniels


Jerry Daniels

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On May 1, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

 Standards only work to the extent that they apply protocol at the most 
 effective strata in the stack.  When adobe restricts graphics protocol that 
 should live down near the lower reaches of the OS or below, to above the 
 application level, they create an unstable and ultimately untenable imbalance 
 in the stack that only serves to put the breaks on innovation and forward 
 looking change.  In any evolving system, progress towards optimization must 
 supersede temporary success. Unstable awkward architectures act as dams that 
 prevent natural flow.  Only putrification and stagnation will result.  And 
 the dam will eventually burst as it is digested by its own content or 
 overwhelmed by less artificially restrained flows that have found their own 
 way towards progress despite the unnatural abomination in their way.  
 Standards and optimal hierarchical placement thereof.  Nothing else succeeds 
 in the long run.  Is rev or any xtalk solution really the future?  The future 
 belongs to those who optimize the stack.  Adobe has a better mix of language 
 and graphics than anyone else.  That is why apple and microsoft are focusing 
 their angst at adobe.  If adobe didn't hold the ball, there would be no 
 reason for such big players to throw such a tantrum... they would just join 
 together and create their own protocol.  The idea that rev should go its own 
 and build towards less awkward standards is simply laughable.  Rev is the 
 poster boy for companies  that hang on the coat tails of the work of others.  
 Bottom feeders.  Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't where you 
 would go looking for red hot trail blazing innovation and standards.  
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RE: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Randall Lee Reetz
To look at photshop or illustrator as chronos as perfect form in their 
categories is like looking to some awkward plated dinosaur as pattern for the 
future of land animals.  If the target of open source is restricted to the 
application layer we should expect nothing more than crippled duplicates of 20 
year old ideas.  And from this you push innovation?  I have yet to hear an open 
source advocate talk to the evolution of technology.  It is largely an ayn rand 
anarchist after school club for all white mall arcade raised nerds lacking in 
any real vision.  That said, adobe kicks itself in the same profit seeking foot 
when it can't imaging a more profitable means of leveraging its IP than a suite 
of software in boxes and a hyper-aggressive junk yard dog approach to market 
access.  Profit seeking isn't the devil... Stupid profit seeking is.  
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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

François Chaplais wrote:

 RevOnline (the one I know from studio) requires revolution and has
 a crappy interface. Plus you cannot do business there. : just have a look at the top downloads
 and the the screen shot: it's ugly. Plus it does not sell.

 I assume revselect is
 15 apps: ha! Is that all?

The number of products in RevSelect isn't a RunRev problem; that's a 
developer problem.  Like that AppStore, that's where developer sell 
their wares, so if you want to see more there write some.  :)

Ugly can be fixed, and since the RevSelect stuff is already sold through 
their store, linking it from the front page of the store is a two-minute 
job for someone there.

Have you considered writing RunRev with your suggestions?

I agree they're useful ones.  When people look at a tool like Rev they 
want to see there's a sizable afternarket as an indicator of viability. 
  So it benefits RunRev more than anyone else to improve the 
presentation of third-party offerings all over their site.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:

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Re: Webinar Client (like Dim-Dim) | ITunes Alternative (like Song Bird)

2010-05-01 Thread Alejandro Tejada

Hi Scott,

Scott Rossi wrote:
 I've built many music and video players over the years with RunRev.
 The one major limitation you will find is that media support will be
 limited to
 those media that are supported by Apple's QuickTime (and QT must be
 installed on the user's system). 

Have you build a FLV and MP3 player using Flash plugin
running inside a revBrowser window?

Just curious to know if this combination works as
smooth as Quicktime players.

Have a nice weekend!

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Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp
I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed that 
when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy that the 
image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every setting that 
allows underlaying objects to show through the white bounding box of my 
jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all seems 
to suffer when set to (for example) blendMultiply.

Thanks for any input,
Marty Knapp
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RE: logistic example of Runrev Revolution?

2010-05-01 Thread Alejandro Tejada

Hi Shani,

Shani-2 wrote:
 Hi, thanks for your reply.

You are welcome! :-)

Shani-2 wrote:
 I am talking about trucks, fields, plants. 
 Simulation. Trucks bids to the field or plant and go for loading, etc. 

A simulation like Harvest Moon or FarmVille?
No, i have not seen anything like this, but
in this platform, Runrev, there is a game
named Gladiator Trials.

The game's creator posted the source code on the
Rev forums. Please, visit the forum and look for 
the keywords Gladiator Trials and you could find
the stack file.
Maybe someone could point you directly to
the message where he posted his stack.

To create an agriculture simulation in Rev,
you will need many sprites.
If you are not going to draw them, collect
from the web and start experimenting.

Download too these stacks
that could be useful:

and a revlet to run in your browser:

Have a nice weekend!


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[Demo] The Slug's Data Grid Library is on the road

2010-05-01 Thread zryip theSlug
Hi all,

As soon as I have started to study seriously the Data Grid object, I
fallen in love for it.
Again, a big thanks to Trevor to have built this powerful object!

The last week, I have found time to really work on it in my Lab.

I started to try different things, and step by step I built a sort of library.

This is the list of the features I have implemented in this library:
- add / delete / duplicate rows.
- import / export in CSV or XML.
- mark / unmark lines.
- search in Data Grid columns with operators : is, is not, begins
with, not begins with, ends with, not ends with, contains, not
contains, =, , =, , =, 
- select lines after a search in the Data Grid.
- populate a Data Grid Table with another Data Grid Table by selecting
lines in the first datagrid. Only same columns names are copied. Order
of columns can be redefined.
- populate a Data Grid Form with a Data Grid Table.
- create a datatree (a node and a child level). Nodes and childs are
rows of the Data Grid.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do exactly with this library.
For the moment I still working on it and I have a lot of features to implement.

Can I have your feedback and impression on it, please? 8-)

I created a dictionary and demo stack. You can tried it. Just open
your Rev's msg box and copy paste this line.

go to url;

For the moment, I only put some brief descriptions of functions
written. The demos should be more talking.

Thanks a lot for testing ;)

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-01 Thread Graham Heather Harrison
Mark Wieder wrote:

 Try looking in the externals instead of the externalPackages. 

It wasn't me looking in the externalPackages, Guv. Honest to God. Never went 
near 'em. Swelp me.

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RE: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Randall Lee Reetz
Also, adobe isn't doing any of its code donkeys any favors when it under 
exploits the market through old world protectionist business practices and an 
avoidance of future looking technology. As with retirement pools, an entity 
will never be able to sustain old obligations on the profits of old ideas.  New 
ideas and new levels of profitability are the only way to pay the obligations 
owed to the inventors for efforts towards past innovations.  If adobe really 
wants to profit from its own past it will have to figure out how to generalive 
and subsume the salient aspects of its IP to a layer new products and markets 
can build on top of.  Holding on to software application markets born 20 years 
ago is a strategy born to fail.  I think IBM Is a good lesson on how a company 
needs to think about maturing.  Don't push your past solutions, push the human 
resources and resource management and infrastructure knowhow that your old 
product successes make evident.  Sell the ability to make solutions, not 
solutions themselves.  Give away the source as a way to market the minds.  More 
money will flow in.  Stock holders (the original innovators) will benefit more 
than thy would through draconian measures to extend the natural life of a 
product category.
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Re: Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

Marty Knapp wrote:
I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed that 
when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy that the 
image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every setting that 
allows underlaying objects to show through the white bounding box of my 
jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all seems 
to suffer when set to (for example) blendMultiply.

If I remember the change notes right, you bascially get a screen shot if 
there are blended inks on the image. The engine can't render those. Wish 
I could remember which set of notes to point you to, it was somewhere 
around when the revised image capabilities kicked in.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, May 1, 2010, 5:03:01 PM, you wrote:

 Mark Wieder wrote:

 Try looking in the externals instead of the externalPackages. 

 It wasn't me looking in the externalPackages, Guv. Honest to God. Never went 
 near 'em. Swelp me.

Hmmm. You sure we're looking at the same lesson?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:
When people look at a tool like Rev they 
want to see there's a sizable afternarket as an indicator of viability. 
  So it benefits RunRev more than anyone else to improve the 
presentation of third-party offerings all over their site.

But with caution. I'm in favor of keeping it out of the spotlight until 
there are many more apps available, hundreds hopefully. A few meager 
offerings is not inspiring.

And they have to be quality offerings. As someone who had to review and 
release hundreds of HC stacks to the AOL libraries, I know that 99% of 
what came in was pure crap. Because HC was so accessible, everyone 
thought they were a developer. Avoidance of even the suggestion of a HIG 
was the norm. Radio buttons used as checkboxes or pushbuttons (because 
I like how they look,) menus missing or out of order (I don't need an 
Edit menu,) known commercial app icons (MacWrite) used for private 
stack purposes (go cd images,) you name it. Virtually everything about 
these stacks was wrong. Outsiders scoffed. Rightfully.

And then there were the kids. I wavered between disgust and delight. 
Their stacks were invariably flip card animations done with crude line 
drawings, generally on topics humorous to nine year olds. Kill Barney 
was very popular, we had probably a dozen of those, not counting the 
rejected ones. The weapon of choice varied from guns (all models) to 
swords and knives; one stick man farted old Barney to death. We had to 
make a separate library for these and tag them with editorial code words 
like simple line drawings so that everyone else would know not to 
download them.

This lack of professionalism in HC stacks was one of the reasons it was 
rarely regarded as a serious tool, and it gave HC a bad name generally. 
The number of really good stacks was pretty small. Unfair as it is, the 
quality of the output often reflects on the tools used rather than the 
authors. If there is ever a Rev app store, it needs to have lots of 
files, all of which pass a certain standard of professionalism. That 
means someone has to check and verify every submission, which would open 
a whole other can of worms.

I confess though, in retrospect I really do wish I'd saved a copy of 
Man Gets Beheaded By a Ceiling Fan. You had to be there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Ink Settings and Printing

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp

I was afraid of that. Oh well - thanks for letting me know.


Marty Knapp wrote:
I'm trying to print a card with a jpeg image on it and have noticed 
that when I set the Ink to anything other than the standard  srcCopy 
that the image quality suffers noticeably. I think I tired every 
setting that allows underlaying objects to show through the white 
bounding box of my jpeg - which is what I need. Has anyone else tried 
something like this?

I've tried this also with png images and gif images as well- all 
seems to suffer when set to (for example) blendMultiply.

If I remember the change notes right, you bascially get a screen shot 
if there are blended inks on the image. The engine can't render those. 
Wish I could remember which set of notes to point you to, it was 
somewhere around when the revised image capabilities kicked in.

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Re: RevStore

2010-05-01 Thread Marty Knapp
My boys made games like that when they were younger! lol - that brings 
back some funny memories.


I confess though, in retrospect I really do wish I'd saved a copy of 
Man Gets Beheaded By a Ceiling Fan. You had to be there.

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An Erlang IDE and interactive shell

2010-05-01 Thread Jeff Massung
I'm not sure if anyone else here also happens to program in Erlang, but it's
something I do quite often and I really hate that there's no real good IDE
for it. Anyway, last weekend I decided to put one together in Rev... just
something simple that had syntax highlighting and would allow me to interact
with the Erlang shell like a simple REPL, but from the editor:

Current feature set:

* Scratchpad mode where nothing is saved
* Syntax highlighting (as you type)
* Tabbed editor let's you edit many files at once
* Compile modules directly to a running Erlang shell
* Send any line of code in the editor directly to the REPL
* Errors from the shell are captured and turn into links to the source files
* See a list of all running, named processes

If no one here programs Erlang, well, just know that this was another
shining point for Rev... an entire editor in a weekend, communicating with
another programming language's REPL shell. But, should someone here be
interested in trying it out to help offer some wishlist items, etc, please
feel free to email me and let me know your operating system and I'll send
you a compiled version to test.


Jeff M.
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Re: An Erlang IDE and interactive shell

2010-05-01 Thread Jerry Daniels
VERY cool!


Jerry Daniels

Use tRev's buy link during your free trial to get 20% off:

On May 1, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:

 I'm not sure if anyone else here also happens to program in Erlang, but it's
 something I do quite often and I really hate that there's no real good IDE
 for it. Anyway, last weekend I decided to put one together in Rev... just
 something simple that had syntax highlighting and would allow me to interact
 with the Erlang shell like a simple REPL, but from the editor:
 Current feature set:
 * Scratchpad mode where nothing is saved
 * Syntax highlighting (as you type)
 * Tabbed editor let's you edit many files at once
 * Compile modules directly to a running Erlang shell
 * Send any line of code in the editor directly to the REPL
 * Errors from the shell are captured and turn into links to the source files
 * See a list of all running, named processes
 If no one here programs Erlang, well, just know that this was another
 shining point for Rev... an entire editor in a weekend, communicating with
 another programming language's REPL shell. But, should someone here be
 interested in trying it out to help offer some wishlist items, etc, please
 feel free to email me and let me know your operating system and I'll send
 you a compiled version to test.
 Jeff M.
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User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-01 Thread Graham Heather Harrison
Jacque and Mark (W)

I started with the lesson I quoted but sort of diverged and only had a small 
section of the code. By the time I posted the question on revert I was more 
interested in just that, than the full externals bit.

Jacque: I was wondering in the back of my mind how rev could process my code 
without looping, without twigging that it was looping - Doh. So you were right 
on with the diagnosis. The cure is not so much trying a different approach but 
getting the current one right.

Mark: When I answered your message I had forgotten the original code had the 
test for externalPackages. When I put that together with Jacque's point the 
penny dropped. However, since then I have tested the existence of both 
externals and externalPackages and it doesn't seem to matter which.

Finally (for now), this problem is solved but I have not solved this approach 
to externals recognition. I may be 
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Re: Apples actual response to the Flash issue

2010-05-01 Thread Jerry Daniels
Great short article that I believe accurately describes the corporate culture 
behind Apple's platform lock down.

Mark Bernstein: Platform Control

(via Instapaper)


Jerry Daniels

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