revPrintField and DreamCard Player

2006-01-16 Thread André . Bisseret
In the app. I am just completing, I have a button on each card with 
witch the user can print a field.
After some lines that format the text (font, size, color etc), the last 
two lines of the button script are :

revShowPrintDialog true,true
revPrintField ("field" && quote & "MyField" & quote)

This works nicely with Revolution on Mac ;  the two dialog boxes 
("setup" and "print") are displayed one after the other, allowing to 
print the field.
I event discovered that the first line is not necessary ; if I suppress 
it, the "revPrintField" does all the work, displaying the two dialog 
boxes, and I can print.

But, it does not work so well when I launch my app. with DreamCard 
Player (for Mac).
With the player, only the setUp dialog box appear, and when I click on 
"OK" nothing else happens ; the second box is not displayed and I can't 

Thanks in advance for any advice,

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set the cursor to hand when on links

2006-01-18 Thread André . Bisseret
I would like the cursor become "hand" instead" of "arrow" when the 
mouse is on the links I have in locked flds.

(just like it happens in the "see also" in the Rev documentation).

For buttons I succeeded with the following handlers in the stack script 

on mouseEnter
  if word 1 of the target is "button" then
set the lockCursor to true
set the cursor to hand
  end if
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
  if word 1 of the target is "button" then
  set the lockCursor to false
end if
end mouseLeave

(is there a simpler way to do that ?)

But I don't find how to do the same for the links in my locked fields ;
My last trial was :

on mouseWithin
  if word 1 of the target is "field" then
if the style of the mouseText is "link" then
  set the lockCursor to true
  set the cursor to hand
end if
  end if
end mouseWithin

but it does'nt work

thanks in advance for any help !


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Re: Sharing applications

2006-01-19 Thread André . Bisseret
I have had the same problem recently  (somebody from RunRev helped me, 
so its my turn !)

Here are some possibilities :
1- The DreamCard Player is not multiPlatforms ;  your friend needs the 
DreamCard Player for PC (those for Mac does not work on Windows)
2 - Try to set the DreamCard Player on "Run in non-secure mode" (the 
default setting is "secure mode"). To do that, clic on the little 
"Revolution" icon, on top right of the window "revOnline Viewer" that 
appear when you launch the player. There, you get a little dialog box 
"Preferences" wher you can choose "non-secure mode".
3 If you keep having trouble with DreamCard Player, then try 
StackRunner ; it is more simple, it has no secure mode, and it works 

 You can download it at :
here again, choose the right version (for windows).

good luck

Le Saturday, 7 Jan 2006, à 22:34 Europe/Paris, David Mendriski a écrit :

I wrote an application to drill Italian verbs. I wanted to share it 
with a lady in my class.  I gave her a copy of my application and a 
copy of the Dreamcard Player.  I have a Macintosh (iMac) on which I 
developed the app.  She has a PC.  She said she cannot get the program 
to open or function.  What do I not know?  (Not in general, but about 
this problem) Thanks.


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Re: set the cursor to hand when on links

2006-01-19 Thread André . Bisseret

Bonjour Éric,
and thanks a lot for your quick answer ; "magnifique"  ; your set of 
handlers is very nice and works perfectly.
I must familiarize with "switch, case and break" which, if I am not 
wrong, did not exist in HyperCard.

Le Wednesday, 18 Jan 2006, à 13:27 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

FYI: Your script does not work because the mouseText can be empty then 
the style of the mouseText = the style of nothing and you get an error 

Not really ! because when I put the following handler directly in the 
script of a fld that includes links it works well :

on mouseWithin
if the textStyle of the mouseText is "link" then
set the lockCursor to true
set the cursor to hand
 set the lockCursor to false
end if
end mouseWithin
I mean, the "else" part include (and accepts without error) the case 
where the mouseText is empty.
It was when I put such an handler in the stack script (with "if word 1 
of the target is "field") that it did'nt work !!??

Anyway my problem is solve and again, thank you very much !

"Bien cordialement" from Grenoble

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Re: set the cursor to hand when on links

2006-01-19 Thread André . Bisseret

Hello Éric,
and thank you for your kind attention to my problem.

In fact, there is a problem with the new script : as soon as the mouse 
enter any field, I get an error message ; it seems to concern the line  
"case "field" is in the target and "link" is in the textStyle of the 
mouseText" ; meanwhile, as expected, the cursor is keeping the default 
form except  on a link in the field, where it takes the hand form.  Il 
will study that a bit later.

Anyway, my problem is solved with the first script you send to me ; it 
works well.
I am learning a lot about "mouseMove" and the "switch" structure which 
I didn't use before.

Thanks again
All the bests from Grenoble,

Le Wednesday, 18 Jan 2006, à 16:39 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Hi André,

Your reply made me understand that, when empty, the mouseChunk could 
pop up an error while the mouseText does not.

Then here a simplified script:

on mouseMove
  case "button" is in the target
ShowHandCursor #
  case "field" is in the target and "link" is in the textStyle of the 

ShowHandCursor #
ResetCursor #
  end switch
end mouseMove
on mouseLeave
  ResetCursor #
end mouseLeave
on ShowHandCursor
  set the cursor to hand
  lock cursor
end ShowHandCursor
on ResetCursor
  unlock cursor
end ResetCursor

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

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How to avoid that "3" be in "34" ?

2006-01-21 Thread André . Bisseret


If I have “AB-b3” in myVar and “AB-b34” in a fld “myField”
when I script :
If myVar is not in fld “myField” then put cr & myVar after fld “myField”
AB-b3 is not added to myField !! It is “considered” as being already in 
fld “myField” ; well, I understand why ((AB-b3)4)

But how could I avoid that ?

Thanks in advance for help !

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How to avoid that « 3 » be in « 34 » ?

2006-01-22 Thread André . Bisseret

I wrote :
If I have “AB-b3” in myVar and “AB-b34” in a fld “myField”
when I script :
If myVar is not in fld “myField” then put cr & myVar after fld
 First of all: A lot of thanks to Mark1, Mark2, Mark3 and Jim for their 

Ok, Mark1 and Mark3, « if myVar is not among the lines » solves my 

The solution of Mark2:
Also, assuming that there are no spaces in the values in the field:
if (myVar & space) is not in fld "myField" then put cr & myVar after 
fld "myField"

Does not do what I am trying to do. Yes, there are no space in the 
field ; so because (myVar & space) is never in the field, myVar is 
always put after myField regardless of its value (so even if its value 
is already in myField).

The solution of Jim :
answer wordoffset("AB-b3", fld 1)
set the wholematches to true
answer  wordoffset("AB-b3", fld 1)
set the wholematches to true
if wordOffset(myVar,fld 1) < 1 then --it is not found

it works well but in my current case, I would like the users not to 
have to click « OK » in anwer boxes. Then I tried :

set the wholematches to true
if wordOffset(myVar,myField) < 1 then put myVar & cr after myField
that works as well.


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How to find words and phrases as well

2006-01-27 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi ! and thanks for help,

Every card in my app are including a fld « theText » which displays  
In a special fld « keyWords » the user can write one or several words 
separated by spaces, say, theKeyWordsList.
A button « search » executes « find words theKeyWordsList in fld « 
theText » such as the list of cards whose text includes all the words 
of theKeyWordsList is displayed to the user in a specific results field.

I would like to be able to find not only words but also phrases. For 
example, the users should be able to enter « user interface » as a 
whole, while now they only can enter the two words « user » and « 
interface ». (not sure I am clear enough ?!).
How to distinguish, for a find command, « user interface » as a phrase 
from « user interface » as two words.

from Grenoble

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Re: How to find words and phrases as well

2006-01-28 Thread André . Bisseret
Thanks a lot Wilhelm for your answer and your website I am discovering 
; it is including very useful tools and I am learning a lot from it.

However, I am worrying about using the offset function for several 
reasons :
- actually, I have several fields to search in (what I should have 
mention in my question, sorry);
- the user should be allowed to write several words or phrases that 
should  be search in this several fields;
- I would like to find each occurrence of each word and phrases in the 
fields (I am highlighting each of them when the user arrives on one of 
the found card, starting from the results list).
- In order to be retain, a card should include alls the words or 
phrases written by the user (in other words, I would like an implied 
"AND", not an "OR".

With the "find" function it is rather easy and fast, and currently, my 
app works well but with the restriction that the user can ask only for 
single-word keywords, not phrases.

I keep feeling that I can't easily use the offset function to obtain 
what I want to ; Likely, I am missing something ?

best regards
from Grenoble

Le Friday, 27 Jan 2006, à 22:40 Europe/Paris, Wilhelm Sanke a écrit :

On Fri Jan 27, André.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at wrote:

  Every card in my app are including a fld « theText » which displays 

In a special fld « keyWords » the user can write one or several words
separated by spaces, say, theKeyWordsList.
A button « search » executes « find words theKeyWordsList in fld «
theText » such as the list of cards whose text includes all the words
of theKeyWordsList is displayed to the user in a specific results 

I would like to be able to find not only words but also phrases. For
example, the users should be able to enter « user interface » as a
whole, while now they only can enter the two words « user » and «
interface ». (not sure I am clear enough ?!).
How to distinguish, for a find command, « user interface » as a phrase
from « user interface » as two words.

from Grenoble

Try the offset function.

One of the many examples where this is implemented are my stacks for 
searching the Rev documentation "searchDocs XML".

See page "Tools and Samples for Development" of my website 


Wilhelm Sanke

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Re: How to find words and phrases as well

2006-01-29 Thread André . Bisseret

I was just about posting an answer to Éric, when I read the messages 
from Jeanne, Wilhelm, and Jim. Thanks a lot to all of you for your 
attention ; that makes me much more serene for this week-end !
First of all, I will send the answer I wrote for Éric after having 
completed it, thanks to the others’ questions or suggestions. (
After that I will study more utterly the messages from Jeanne, Jim and 

Wilhelm, after a quick reading of the script I understand that you used 
3 nested “repeats” . In each field of each card you have a repeat 
lineOffset ; I am glimpsing there a way for me ; but, hum ! I should do 
that for several keywords …, likely a fourth nested repeat ? Well, I 
have to look at more deeply !

Now, I am trying to better explain my problem, taking into account your 
questions (sorry, it seems too long !)

My app. contains, in a main stack, about three hundred cards.
Each card has a code (written in a small specific field).
Each card presents texts (mainly by means of three fields) :
- one display the reference of a cognitive sciences paper (mainly from 
psychological research in the domain of man-machine interfaces and 
multimedia documents, often learning documents)

- the second presents the title of the third
- the third includes the text itself (equivalent to one or two A4 
pages). It is an analytical summary of the relevant points of the 
referred paper ( tasks, methods, results…) completed by practical 
recommendations inferred from the results of the paper).

So, t is a textual database (for the practitioners in the domain).

In a substack (a smaller window which appears on request) I have 
developed a (very) simple “search engine”

In one field the users write one or several keywords, separated by 
Near this field is a button “Search”, a click on which launches a 
script. The core of this script is a find :

“find words keywordsList”.
As you now, this instruction is enough to get immediately (without any 
repeat etc.) the subset of the cards that include all the keywords (AND 
is implied, not OR).
Then, the list of these found cards (the results) is returned into two 
columns: one contains the codes of the cards (one per row), and the 
second, the titles of the texts.
Each code is clickable, leading the users to the corresponding card ; 
there, they found their keywords highlighted, everywhere and anywhere 
they are in any of the three fields).

For example, if the user writes, in the keywords field : [learning 
multimedia children], s(he) obtains the cards which include, at least 
once (but often several times), each of this 3 words, and this, 
anywhere in the three textual fields.

Thus, the user can navigate among the selected cards supposed to 
pertain to one same specific theme (those induced by the keywords).

 This works well,
BUT I would like to improve the selectivity of the filter:
 In order to get more precise and better selected results, I would like 
to be able to search not only single words, but possibly phrases (may 
be this word is ambiguous as it is for French people ; simply I mean 
“expressions” or “compound-words”), such as “multimedia learning” or 
“speech recognition” or “touch screen display” etc. but as wholes, not 
as two or three different single words. Actually, a text including 
“speech” somewhere and “recognition” elsewhere could well not pertain 
at all to the subject “speech recognition”. (but, currently, it would 
be returned by my script).

So, I much would like that the request of a user could include such 
expressions and/or single words as well.
For example, [children image “multimedia learning”]; (I quote here only 
to mean that the third keyword is not two words but one expression).

I think that the problem is right here. If I had to search for only one 
word or one “expression”, I could easily do it by means of “find whole” 
or find “string” as you are suggesting.
But I have to search for the list of keywords and/or keyExpressions. I 
want to select the cards that include simultaneously each word and 
expressions requested by the user, regardless of their order and their 
location in the 3 fields.
I feel that nested “repeat” like in the script of Wilhelm might be the 
way ; I glimpse it for one word or expression but not yet for several.

Really sorry for my long message, but I tried to be clearer (not sure 
!??!). And could be, I am missing something simple ?

all the best and thanks to the four of you,
from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 28 Jan 2006, à 16:49 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Hi Andre,

Would "find whole" instead of "find words" help?

On the other hand I have realized complex search scripts that parse a 
text to retrieve, for instance, all phrases (paragraphs) that contain 
pStr1 AND pStr2, etc.

Could you be more precise about your needs?
Then I might be able to help.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing li

Re: How to find words and phrases as well (solved)

2006-01-31 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Éric,
Your script is superbe ! it works very well and  very fast (on more  
than three hundred cds).
In order to adapt your script to my app., I had only to replace "the  
long name" by "theCode" of my cards ! Great! :-))
Nevetheless, I worked on this script to well understand it and  I  
learned a lot specially on how to use mark and unmark and also  
"intersect" , with which I was not yet familiarl.

Thanks a lot to Jeanne, Jim and Wilheim for their ideas, questions and  
suggestions. I learned a lot thanks to them too and sure I will use  
them here or there. I much appreciate the tools I found in the site of  

all the best from Grenoble

Le Sunday, 29 Jan 2006, à 13:40 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :


I wrote my last mail from memory...
You noticed that obviously it could not work :-(
So, I dug in the "mark" solution for fun (a little bit longer but fast  

function FindCards,pList
  local tList1,tList2,tFirstList,tSecondList
  unmark all cds
  mark cds by finding whole item 1 of pList
  if the number of marked cds = 0 then return empty
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of marked cds
put the long name of marked cd i & cr after tList1
  end repeat
  if the number of items of pList > 1 then
repeat with i = 2 to the number of items of pList
  unmark all cds
  mark cds by finding whole (item i of pList)
  if the number of marked cds = 0 then return empty
  repeat with j = 1 to the number of marked cds
do "put the long name of marked cd j & cr after tList" & i
  end repeat
end repeat
put CommonLines(tList1,tList2) into tFirstList
repeat with i = 3 to the number of items of pList
  do "put tList" & i && "into tSecondList"
  put CommonLines(tFirstList,tSecondList) into tFirstList
  if tFirstList = empty then return empty
end repeat
return tFirstList
  else return tList1
end FindCards
function CommonLines pFirstlist,pSecondlist
  local tFirstArray,tSecondArray
  repeat for each line thisLine in pFirstlist
put true into tFirstArray[thisLine]
  end repeat
  repeat for each line thisLine in pSecondlist
put true into tSecondArray[thisLine]
  end repeat
  intersect tFirstArray with tSecondArray
  return the keys of tFirstArray
end CommonLines

Le 29 janv. 06 à 12:30, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Hi Andre,

First you could use a comma as the delimiter in your list: this would  
allow to have words and "phrases" at the same time.

Then just an idea I use often:

  unmark all cds
  mark cds by finding whole item 1 of fld "Keywords"
  repeat with i = 2 to the number of items of fld "Keywords"
mark cds by finding whole (item i of fld "Keywords") AND the mark  
of this cd

  end repeat

Elegant and very fast ;-)
The process marks cards where all "items" are found at least one time.
The trick: you can specify more than one condition to mark cards...

Then you can easily get the list of current marked cards or just  
navigate through the marked cards only:

go next/prev marked cd

Hope this helps.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

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how to click at a link in a handler

2006-02-02 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
 In a substack, I have a button "Search" that, starting from keywords,  
searches for a subset of cards in the main stack.
Then, it put the found list of cards in a field of the substack. Each 
card (say, its short name) on one line, set as link.
When clicking such a link,  the user is sent to the corresponding card 
in the mainStack.

At the end of the script, in order to show immediately the first found 
card, I would like to click automatically, in place of the user, on the 
first link of the list.

I tried this 2 statements :

find line 1 of fld "FoundCards"
 click at the foundLoc

When they are in the script, It does what I want (the right card 
appears) but I get the error "click: expression is not a point" !??

Meanwhile, if I try exactly the same 2 statements in the message box, 
it works well !!!

Thanks in advance for any explanation and help !

best regards

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Re: how to click at a link in a handler

2006-02-02 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Thursday, 2 Feb 2006, à 19:14 Europe/Paris, Jim Ault a écrit :

On 2/2/06 10:03 AM, "André.Bisseret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

find line 1 of fld "FoundCards"
  click at the foundLoc

When they are in the script, It does what I want (the right card
appears) but I get the error "click: expression is not a point" !??

If you know what the link does, why not just execute that step and  

about clicking on the link?
It's because, in fact, a click on a link of the list of cards does not  
only show the corresponding card to the user but does others actions on  
this card (looking for keywords, highlighting them by setting their  
backgroundColor, making visible a button (which allow to set the  
backgroundColor to empty, …).
So I would like to simply click on the link to avoid to duplicate the  
scripting of these actions.

Thanks for your kind attention
from Grenoble

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 2/2/06 10:03 AM, "André.Bisseret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi !
  In a substack, I have a button "Search" that, starting from  

searches for a subset of cards in the main stack.
Then, it put the found list of cards in a field of the substack. Each
card (say, its short name) on one line, set as link.
When clicking such a link,  the user is sent to the corresponding card
in the mainStack.

At the end of the script, in order to show immediately the first found
card, I would like to click automatically, in place of the user, on  

first link of the list.
I tried this 2 statements :

find line 1 of fld "FoundCards"
  click at the foundLoc

When they are in the script, It does what I want (the right card
appears) but I get the error "click: expression is not a point" !??

Meanwhile, if I try exactly the same 2 statements in the message box,
it works well !!!

Thanks in advance for any explanation and help !

best regards

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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches :

site peinture :

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Re: how to click at a link in a handler

2006-02-03 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Thursday, 2 Feb 2006, à 21:43 Europe/Paris, Jim Ault a écrit :

On 2/2/06 11:39 AM, "André.Bisseret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Le Thursday, 2 Feb 2006, à 19:14 Europe/Paris, Jim Ault a écrit :

On 2/2/06 10:03 AM, "André.Bisseret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

find line 1 of fld "FoundCards"
  click at the foundLoc

When they are in the script, It does what I want (the right card
appears) but I get the error "click: expression is not a point" !??

If you know what the link does, why not just execute that step and
about clicking on the link?

It's because, in fact, a click on a link of the list of cards does not
only show the corresponding card to the user but does others actions 

this card (looking for keywords, highlighting them by setting their
backgroundColor, making visible a button (which allow to set the
backgroundColor to empty, …).
So I would like to simply click on the link to avoid to duplicate the
scripting of these actions.

Thanks for your kind attention
I guess my point is that if the link click initiates some handler or 
set of

actions, why not just call that handler directly?  Maybe I just don't
understand what your link actually does when you click it.

Maybe I should ask...
Is the link click calling a handler?


If so, is the handler located at the field, card, or stack level?

it was at the field level

Is the handler different for each line/field/card?

no, it is the same for each line in the field

Placement of "the scripting of these actions" might make future 

easier and more powerful.
So I placed the handler (a part of it), as a custom command, at the 
stack level and it works well. Thanks Jim, but…
it remains that I don't understand why clicking at the foundloc of a 
link (in a handler) triggers this error message.

well, I sleep well anyway :-)),  it is only one more mystery !
all the best from Grenoble

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How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I have a background field that displays different texts on the 
different cards of the background.
I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one card 
only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the backgroundColor).
So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card, I 
must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.

Here is my current solution :

on highlightString thisCard
Global myWords -- several words or strings separated by commas
  put the name of this cd into currentCard
  repeat for each item i in myWords
  find whole i
  if the name of this cd is currentCard then
set the backgroundColor of the foundText to "Burlywood1"
go to currentCard
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
end highlightString
Seems to work but not very nice ! because each time the "find" proceeds 
to another card I must « lead it back » to the right card (« go to 
currentCard »).

It seems to me that using « offset » would lead to a rather heavy 
handler  :-((

Any better idea welcome !

all the bests from Grenoble

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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 15:34 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

You could have a look at the way by which this problem is handled in 
the IDE (searching in a script): the answer is there :-)

Bonjour Éric,
I am really sorry, but I don't catch what you are suggesting to me by 
that first sentence ; where should I have had a look to find how this 
problem is handled in the IDE? I get the feeling that I am missing some 
information source !?

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find
Anyway thanks a lot for the function ; I am going to study it before 
choosing (likely more "pro" than my handler, but it is a bit complex 
isnt' it ?)

all the best from Grenoble

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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 16:59 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

As you know it the IDE is built with Rev.
THIS is of great value: it means that you can modify it and first 
study it :-)
To access all IDE scripts, check the "Contextual menus work  in 
Revolution windows" in the General pane of the Preferences.

Then use a right/control click to open this world :-)

Really GREAT ! I did not know about this possibility !
"Merci beaucoup" Éric for this very useful information.
and also for your idea (and work) about simplifying the function

all the best from Grenoble

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find
Anyway thanks a lot for the function ; I am going to study it before 
choosing (likely more "pro" than my handler, but it is a bit complex 
isnt' it ?)

It's very complete but you can simplify it:

local lDidFind,lStartChar
function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find

  local tNotFound,tOffset,tOChar
  put false into lDidFind
  put true into tNotFound
  if lStartChar = empty then put 0 into lStartChar
  repeat while tNotFound
put offset(field "Find", field "Result", lStartChar) into tOffset
if tOffset is 0 and lStartChar is not 0 then
  put offset(field "Find", field "Result") into tOffset
  if tOffset >= lStartChar then put 0 into tOffset
  put 0 into lStartChar
end if
add tOffset to lStartChar
if tOffset is 0 or lStartChar is tOChar then return false
if tOChar is empty then put lStartChar into tOChar
  end repeat
  if pDoSelect then
select char lStartChar to (lStartChar + the length of field "find" 
- 1) of field "Result"

  end if
  put true into lDidFind
  return true
end FindNext

Sorry: I forgot the two local script variables in my previous post
Here field "Result" is the searched field and field "Find" contains 
the string to find.

And the function is used in a handler as the following:

on MakeMySearch -- mouseUp in a button, etc.
  if not FindNext(true) then beep
end MakeMySearch

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-06 Thread André . Bisseret

Hello !
I much appreciate your answer (those from Éric and Jim too. (I got new 
insights about using Rev). Thanks a lot to the three of you.

Jacqueline, I like your tricky "dontsearch" solution. I tried it ; 
currently I have 320 cards and it works well and is very fast.
I am hesitating to use it because, at the end, after resetting the 
dontsearch of all cds to false, I must reset the dontsearch of certain 
cards to true ; well, anyway, the whole thing is running very fast !
Also, the number of cards in my app. is going to grow each years, so 
this solution could be provisional ; well, why not !
I have to make a decison, but, thanks to this list,  it is really 
comfortable to can choose among several solutions !

Best regards

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 18:27 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

André.Bisseret wrote:

Hi !
I have a background field that displays different texts on the 
different cards of the background.
I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one 
card only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the 
So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card, I 
must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.

If your stack does not have too many cards, this works:

repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds
  set the dontsearch of cd x to true
end repeat
set the dontsearch of this cd to false
-- now use "find" to do the search here

The "dontsearch" property disallows any searches in any fields. The 
above script just sets all the cards so they are not searchable, then 
reverts the current card so that it is searchable.

This is fast enough if the stack doesn't have a lot of cards. You'll 
have to experiment to see if your stack is small enough to make the 
delay unnoticeable.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Comparing two versions of a RunRev app

2006-02-08 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Éric,
I  have exactly the same problem as Graham's.
I just tried this morning on Mac :
I duplicated Rev. (I obtained a  "Revolution copie")
Then, opened two versions of my app. each with one different Rev  
instance. But,  I get the message "A stack with the same name is  
already etc. etc" with "SAVE, PURGE or CANCEL. So I can't open the  
two versions of my app. simultaneously :-((

Where is my mystake ?
thank you in advance

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Sunday, 5 Feb 2006, à 20:59 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Hi Graham,

Instead of renaming anything, I'm used to open two different instances  
of Rev.

That's all :-)

Easy on Windows and just a clone in your app folder with Mac OS.

Le 5 févr. 06 à 20:56, graham samuel a écrit :

Given the well-known limitation of RR in that stack names are not  
fully scoped but have to be unique within the whole IDE, how would I  
set about comparing two versions of an app containing a mainstack and  
several substacks? My main idea would be to compare versions of  
scripts, but I'd also like to do a visual comparison of cards etc. To  
clarify the idea, suppose I have a stack and substacks like


and I have two .rev files, each with a different version of the app,  
say the latest, which has shown itself to be a bit flaky, and an  
older one, which was stable but lacked certain functionality. I want  
to look at the differences between the two, and maybe transfer some  
code or controls from one to the other. To effect ANY comparison, I  
want to have two versions of each stack and substack in the machine  
at the same time, but this isn't possible.

Has anyone any suggestions about how to do the comparisons?

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-08 Thread André . Bisseret

Bonjour Éric,
Thank you very much for this nice "decision tool" !
Actually, the 10 tests on 2000 cards  are extraordinarily fast (good  
for me, all the more so that I am even far from getting 2000 cards in  
my app. !).

I like your "repeat for each line tCd in the cardNames of this stack"  
to work around the impossibility in Rev to use "repeat for each card".

And of course, I appreciate a lot your "set to random(100) > 50" (quite  
intriguing at first glance !) :-)))

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Monday, 6 Feb 2006, à 17:46 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

To make your decision, just do a test :-)
In a brand new stack:

on mouseUp
local tStart, tNumOfCards = 2000, tNumOfTests = 10
put "Creating" && tNumOfCards && "cards"
lock screen
repeat tNumOfCards
new card
set the dontSearch of this cd to random(100) > 50
end repeat
  unlock screen
put "Now testing"
put the milliseconds into tStart
repeat tNumOfTests
repeat for each line tCd in the cardNames of this stack
set the dontSearch of tCd to true
end repeat
end repeat
put (the milliseconds - tStart) div  tNumOfTests && "milliseconds  
for" && tNumOfCards && "cards"

end mouseUp

I have just modified Jacque very clever idea by using a repeat for  
each form that usually is far faster than repeat with i = 1 to x.
Actually my purpose was to show how it's easy and quick to write a  
little script to make one's decision:
The test takes here about an average of 100 milliseconds for 2000  
cards :-)

Le 6 févr. 06 à 13:55, André.Bisseret a écrit :

Jacqueline, I like your tricky "dontsearch" solution. I tried it ;  
currently I have 320 cards and it works well and is very fast.
I am hesitating to use it because, at the end, after resetting the  
dontsearch of all cds to false, I must reset the dontsearch of  
certain cards to true ; well, anyway, the whole thing is running very  
fast !
Also, the number of cards in my app. is going to grow each years, so  
this solution could be provisional ; well, why not !
I have to make a decison, but, thanks to this list,  it is really  
comfortable to can choose among several solutions !

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:


André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches :

site peinture :

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Comparing two versions of a RunRev app

2006-02-08 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Wednesday, 8 Feb 2006, à 11:06 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

It works!
Probably you tried to open the same stack twice in the same instance  
of Rev.

Both instances are exactly similar and it's easy to be wrong :-)
Open the first one and create a new stack with a field "This is the  
first instance!" point size 36 ;-)
Open the second and create a new stack with a field "This is the  
second instance!"

So, there will be a real difference on-screen

I made exactly what you suggested and yes, it works well ! I can open  
two versions of one same app. without getting the msg "a stack with the  
same name "
It remains that it is nearly impossible to distinguish them (except  
putting one to the left of the screen and the other to the right AND to  
keep this in (my) memory !
 and, above all, mask one when you switch to the other (command/option  
H) or you will have the same scripts windows on-screen without knowing  
which is which.
Right, the two versions of the script appear in the middle of the  
But what I would like to be able to (and I suppose it is the same for  
Graham) would be to keep visible simultaneously the two versions of   
the same script  in order to compare them, and for example, to modify  
one starting from the other (cut, copy and paste etc.).
It seems that the only way to do that, is again to put one script  
window on the left and the other on the right of the screen, and pay  
attention to keep this in (my) memory ! (a bit risky isn't it ?).
It seems that otherwise,it is necessary to change the name of one of  
the version of the same stack (and of all its substacks) :-(((

Best regards from Grenoble

Let me know...

Le 8 févr. 06 à 10:55, André.Bisseret a écrit :

I  have exactly the same problem as Graham's.
I just tried this morning on Mac :
I duplicated Rev. (I obtained a  "Revolution copie")
Then, opened two versions of my app. each with one different Rev  
instance. But,  I get the message "A stack with the same name is  
already etc. etc" with "SAVE, PURGE or CANCEL. So I can't open  
the two versions of my app. simultaneously :-((

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Comparing two versions of a RunRev app

2006-02-09 Thread André . Bisseret

Merci Éric,

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Wednesday, 8 Feb 2006, à 14:11 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :


As you say: a bit risky...
I would say by experience: certainly risky :-)
Duplicate the stack and write a little script that will rename (and  
back) one of the stacks and its substacks:

on RenameStacks
  answer file "Choose a stack:"
  if it = empty then return "Cancel"
  lock messages
  go invisible to stack it
  if the short name of this stack contains ".original" then
set the name of this stack to char 1 to -10 of the name of this  

repeat for each line tSubStack in the substacks of this stack
  set the name of stack tSubStack  to char 1 to -10 of the name of  
stack tSubStack

end repeat
put "All renamed without suffix"
set the name of this stack to the name of this stack & ".original"
repeat for each line tSubStack in the substacks of this stack
  set the name of stack tSubStack  to the name of stack tSubStack  
& ".original"

end repeat
put "All renamed with suffix"
  end if
  save this stack
  delete this stack
end RenameStacks

Le 8 févr. 06 à 13:57, André.Bisseret a écrit :

It seems that the only way to do that, is again to put one script  
window on the left and the other on the right of the screen, and pay  
attention to keep this in (my) memory ! (a bit risky isn't it ?).
It seems that otherwise,it is necessary to change the name of one of  
the version of the same stack (and of all its substacks) :-(((

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:


André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches :

site peinture :

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-09 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Éric,
In order to find several words or expressions in a set of texts (each  
on one card) and to highlight each occurence of each of them, I had a  
handler (say, "hiliteWords") that worked well, but that I did not like  

I got :
- one clever suggestion based on "dontSearch"  from Jacqueline,  
modified (speeded up, see below)  by Éric,

and another clever suggestion (with push and pop) from Jim.

I adapted them to my app. The two of them are very fast, without any  
noticeable difference. Times measures  (thank you Éric  for the script  
below) on 100 trials of each solution,  returned the following means   
(in millisecs) : 611 for Jim and 604 for JacqÉric  :-))
These results concerns a bigger process in which the "hiliteWords"  
handler is included.

So the choice remains "Cornéllian" !!
That's why, now, my app. is making random choices :-)))  when it needs  
to hilite words found on a card, it chooses randomly between two  
handlers that I named "Jim", and "JacqÉric" :-)o))
And, of course, for each one, it is totalizing the number of times it  
was used and the time it took (In 4 fields of a substack).

This funny race started this afternoon !

Again, a lot of thanks to  Éric, Jacqueline and Jim,

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Monday, 6 Feb 2006, à 17:46 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

To make your decision, just do a test :-)
In a brand new stack:

on mouseUp
local tStart, tNumOfCards = 2000, tNumOfTests = 10
put "Creating" && tNumOfCards && "cards"
lock screen
repeat tNumOfCards
new card
set the dontSearch of this cd to random(100) > 50
end repeat
  unlock screen
put "Now testing"
put the milliseconds into tStart
repeat tNumOfTests
repeat for each line tCd in the cardNames of this stack
set the dontSearch of tCd to true
end repeat
end repeat
put (the milliseconds - tStart) div  tNumOfTests && "milliseconds  
for" && tNumOfCards && "cards"

end mouseUp

I have just modified Jacque very clever idea by using a repeat for  
each form that usually is far faster than repeat with i = 1 to x.
Actually my purpose was to show how it's easy and quick to write a  
little script to make one's decision:
The test takes here about an average of 100 milliseconds for 2000  
cards :-)

Le 6 févr. 06 à 13:55, André.Bisseret a écrit :

Jacqueline, I like your tricky "dontsearch" solution. I tried it ;  
currently I have 320 cards and it works well and is very fast.
I am hesitating to use it because, at the end, after resetting the  
dontsearch of all cds to false, I must reset the dontsearch of  
certain cards to true ; well, anyway, the whole thing is running very  
fast !
Also, the number of cards in my app. is going to grow each years, so  
this solution could be provisional ; well, why not !
I have to make a decison, but, thanks to this list,  it is really  
comfortable to can choose among several solutions !

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-10 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Thursday, 9 Feb 2006, à 21:12 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

André.Bisseret wrote:

when it needs
to hilite words found on a card, it chooses randomly between two   
handlers that I named "Jim", and "JacqÉric" :-)o))
And, of course, for each one, it is totalizing the number of times it  
 was used and the time it took (In 4 fields of a substack).

From a previous message:

Jacqueline, I like your tricky "dontsearch" solution. I tried it ;   
currently I have 320 cards and it works well and is very fast.
I am hesitating to use it because, at the end, after resetting the   
dontsearch of all cds to false, I must reset the dontsearch of   
certain cards to true ; well, anyway, the whole thing is running  
very  fast !

There is another way to do this, if you will always have the same  
cards searchable. Assume you always want to search three cards named  
"card1", "card2", and "card3". You also want to search the current  
card, whatever it may be.

Actually, it's the contrary : as a regular state, only few cards (the 4  
first ones in the stack) must remain non searchable ; while all the  
others must remain searchable.

So, the user write a small set of keywords ; I search all the cards  
(except 4) to find those where this set is present ; I display the list  
of this cards to the user ;  when the user click on one line of this  
list, I go to the corresponding card ; there I use the JacqÉric' script  
(or the Jim' one :-)) in order to find all occurrences of each keywords  
and highlight them on this current card.

In order to never search in the four first cards, I used the Éric' idea  
( using cardNames that allow to use the repeat for each form) :

put the cardNames of this stack into CardList
delete line 1 to 4 of CardList
repeat for each line tCd in CardList
set the dontSearch of tCd to true
end repeat
set the dontSearch of this cd to false --the only one that remains  
-- then I search keywords in this current cd, highlight them  
--and again on CardList, I set the dontSearch to false

Of course the race I quickly programmed is just for fun (I mean, the  
fact that my app. is currently (and temporarily)  choosing at random  
between Jim' and JacqÉric' solution).
In any case, my problem is solved ; the two scripts are very fast : for  
the user, the display of a card with the keywords highlighted is  
practically instantaneous ! (I set the cursor to watch, but, it is  
nearly to perceive it !!!), even though the two handlers are included  
in a quite larger one.
And I think that I am far from the moment when the number of cards in  
my app. will entail a noticeable delay !

Again a lot of thanks to you (and to Éric and Jim)

Best regards from Grenoble

The first thing to do, during development, is run my original script  
that sets all cards to "dontsearch". You only need to do that once.

Then add scripts like this to your stack script:

on preOpenCard
 set the dontsearch of this cd to false
end preOpencard

on closeCard
 if the short name of this cd is not among the items of \
 then set the dontsearch of this cd to true
end closeCard

This will automatically adjust the dontsearch of every card when it  
opens and closes. The cards which are in your exceptions list will not  
be changed; they will remain searchable.

These scripts will be very fast and are not affected by how many cards  
are in the stack.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:


André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches :

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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-13 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Friday, 10 Feb 2006, à 17:58 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

But just to be complete for anyone who is following this, you could 
also do this:

on preOpenCard
  if the number of this cd > 4
  then set the dontsearch of this cd to false
end preOpencard

on closeCard
  set the dontsearch of this cd to true
end closeCard

This would be the fastest way to do what you want. Before you run 
these scripts, make sure you have set all the cards to dontsearch. The 
above handlers just make the current card searchable, unless it is one 
of the first four.

Hi Jacqueline,
I tried that of course ; actually, it is  the fastest way !! (from 2000 
measures on each solution, I found a mean about 15 times faster than 
the mean of the preceeding solution :-)))

Meanwhile, before searching in the current card only, I have to search 
among the cards (to find those which include the keywords).

 So I can't set, once and for, all the dontsearch to true.
Thus, I have to switch  the dontsearch (of all cards) from true to 
false (and resume true) in a couple of places in my whole program.

It works very well.

Thanks a lot for your attention to this problem and your very nice 

Best regards from Grenoble

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: drag 'n' drop reordering

2006-02-18 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Josh,
Drawn from an HyperCard stack I developed a long time ago (but that I  
am still using).

You could try this :
on mouseWithin
  pass mouseWithin
end mouseWithin

on MoveOption
  if  "card button" is not in the target then exit MoveOption -- In HC  
I had card and bg btns
  if the shiftKey is down and the optionKey is down then -- I don't  
remember why I used two keys :-)

  repeat until the shiftKey is up or the optionKey is up --
 set loc of the target to the mouseLoc --
  end repeat
   end if
end moveOption

No sure it corresponds to your problem, but could be an idea ?

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 02:54 Europe/Paris, Josh Mellicker a écrit :

I have a set of buttons that I'd like the user to be able to reorder  
by dragging and dropping

a la

I can think of several ways to approach this... but I think my noob  
brain is overcomplicating things.

Does anyone have a more elegant way to achieve this?

(I also need to know the final order once the user is done sorting)
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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches  

site peinture :

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Re: drag 'n' drop reordering

2006-02-18 Thread André . Bisseret

Bonjour Éric,
Excellent :-)) I haven't noticed yet this grab command ! I just tried  
it ; very simple ; with mouseMove as well as with mouseDown.
I kept  "if shiftKey is down" . And, in order to avoid the actions  
launched by mouseUp, I put "if the shiftKey is down then exit mouseUp",  
in the mouseUp handler.

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 13:44 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

Mousewithin (like the old idle HC message) is a message sent  
automatically by the engine every 200 milliseconds.
You might prefer to use messages less *intrusive* like mouseMove that  
is sent repeatedly only if the mouse is moved.
As for moving objects, have a look at the grab command that makes the  
job efficiently :-)

Le 18 févr. 06 à 11:39, André.Bisseret a écrit :

Drawn from an HyperCard stack I developed a long time ago (but that I  
am still using).

You could try this :
on mouseWithin
  pass mouseWithin
end mouseWithin

on MoveOption
  if  "card button" is not in the target then exit MoveOption -- In  
HC I had card and bg btns
  if the shiftKey is down and the optionKey is down then -- I don't  
remember why I used two keys :-)

  repeat until the shiftKey is up or the optionKey is up --
 set loc of the target to the mouseLoc --
  end repeat
   end if
end moveOption

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:


André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches  

site peinture :

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

2006-02-18 Thread André . Bisseret

The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a field that 
displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an horizontal 
one, because some titles are  longer than the width of the field.
I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an 
ergonomical point of view.
So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to reading 
the ends of the longs titles.
Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So Smart 
Software of Éric Chatonet,  I discovered «  How to create contextual 
toolTips on-the-fly ».

Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».

Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :

local tLine

on mouseDown
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
  set the tooltip of me to empty
  set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the toolTip of me to empty
end mouseUp
I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there for a 
certain time that is constant before disappearing.

I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration is 
sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs titles in the 
There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration of 
toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of course) 
but I did not find any answer to this question.

Thanks in advance for any idea,

Best regards from Grenoble

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

2006-02-18 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 18:13 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Re Bonjour André,

Afraid there is no way to master the duration for which a tooltip is  

The only thing you can do is to re-display the tooltip repeatedly...
But flickering would probably appear...

Re Bonjour Éric,
OK, I will see...

Not a very good answer :-(
Just a bit disappointing but yes, "good", thus I may stop searching for  
it :-)

Thanks and nice weekend

Le 18 févr. 06 à 18:05, André.Bisseret a écrit :

The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a field  
that displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an horizontal  
one, because some titles are  longer than the width of the field.
I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an  
ergonomical point of view.
So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to reading  
the ends of the longs titles.
Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So  
Smart Software of Éric Chatonet,  I discovered «  How to create  
contextual toolTips on-the-fly ».

Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».

Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :

local tLine

on mouseDown
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
  set the tooltip of me to empty
  set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the toolTip of me to empty
end mouseUp
I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there for a  
certain time that is constant before disappearing.

I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration is  
sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs titles in the  
There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration of  
toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of course)  
but I did not find any answer to this question.

Thanks in advance for any idea,

Best regards from Grenoble

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

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subscription preferences:


André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
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Re: Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

2006-02-19 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Tom,
Thank you for your "Longer toolTip" stack. I would very much get  
durations like those of button 2 or even button 3, that work very nicely

But, in my case I can't, I am afraid ! I must manage lines of text in a  
field ; I can't use "on mouseEnter" ; I must use "mouseDown" because I  
need to get the text of the line on which the cursor is located, and  
this, ONLY starting from an intended action  from the user.

I tried diverse solutions inspired by your button 3 script, but without  
any success (Could be I miss some way)

As Éric told me, the best I obtained was flickering tooltips :-((

Anyway thanks a lot Tom ; I keep your solution in memory

Bests regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 20:11 Europe/Paris, Thomas McGrath III a  
écrit :


I have uploaded a sample stack to my user space that will display a  
tooltip for a longer period of time than the standard tooltips using  
standard tooltips. It also shows how to display a multiple tooltip but  
that part does not always work for some reason.

User space: mcgrath3
Stack: Longer Tooltips in Revolution



Any ides why the second button only shows the second tooltip  

On Feb 18, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Re Bonjour André,

Afraid there is no way to master the duration for which a tooltip is  

The only thing you can do is to re-display the tooltip repeatedly...
But flickering would probably appear...
Not a very good answer :-(

Le 18 févr. 06 à 18:05, André.Bisseret a écrit :

The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a field  
that displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an  
horizontal one, because some titles are  longer than the width of  
the field.
I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an  
ergonomical point of view.
So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to  
reading the ends of the longs titles.
Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So  
Smart Software of Éric Chatonet,  I discovered «  How to create  
contextual toolTips on-the-fly ».

Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».

Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :

local tLine

on mouseDown
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
  set the tooltip of me to empty
  set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the toolTip of me to empty
end mouseUp
I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there for a  
certain time that is constant before disappearing.

I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration is  
sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs titles in  
the toolTip.
There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration of  
toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of  
course) but I did not find any answer to this question.

Thanks in advance for any idea,

Best regards from Grenoble

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

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Thomas J McGrath III

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Re: Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

2006-02-20 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Martin and Tom,

Le Monday, 20 Feb 2006, à 13:29 Europe/Paris, Martin Blackman a écrit :

Why not have your own 'tooltip' field that you show for as long as
required. Set its layer so it is above the other field(s), update its
contents and move it to the mouseloc or nearby before showing it. Then
hide it when ready eg, send 'disappear' to field "theTooltip" in 1
second . (The disappear handler being : hide me)
You are right ! I thought to this solution and I was keeping it in  
reserve, in case of no success with the tooltip !
I kept trying the tooltip solution, because, In my current case, (or if  
my current case then :-))), using the tooltip has an advantage that has  
not a normal field : it possibly overshoots the (right) edge of the  

Currently, after studying the Tom' stacks,  I scripted a tooltip  
solution  that consists (in summary) in calling twice the tooltip,   
waiting 5 sec between the two ; and,just before the second call, I  
reduce the tooltipdelay to the minimum (1) (resuming the default value  
on mouseUp); thus, there is a very short interruption between the two  
presentations, actually nearly unnoticeable.

Thanks a lot for your attention to my problem

Best regards from Grenoble

On 20/02/06, André. Bisseret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Tom,
Thank you for your "Longer toolTip" stack. I would very much get
durations like those of button 2 or even button 3, that work very  

But, in my case I can't, I am afraid ! I must manage lines of text in  

field ; I can't use "on mouseEnter" ; I must use "mouseDown" because I
need to get the text of the line on which the cursor is located, and
this, ONLY starting from an intended action  from the user.

I tried diverse solutions inspired by your button 3 script, but  

any success (Could be I miss some way)

As Éric told me, the best I obtained was flickering tooltips :-((

Anyway thanks a lot Tom ; I keep your solution in memory

Bests regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 18 Feb 2006, à 20:11 Europe/Paris, Thomas McGrath III a
écrit :


I have uploaded a sample stack to my user space that will display a
tooltip for a longer period of time than the standard tooltips using
standard tooltips. It also shows how to display a multiple tooltip  

that part does not always work for some reason.

User space: mcgrath3
Stack: Longer Tooltips in Revolution



Any ides why the second button only shows the second tooltip

On Feb 18, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Re Bonjour André,

Afraid there is no way to master the duration for which a tooltip is
The only thing you can do is to re-display the tooltip repeatedly...
But flickering would probably appear...
Not a very good answer :-(

Le 18 févr. 06 à 18:05, André.Bisseret a écrit :

The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a field
that displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an
horizontal one, because some titles are  longer than the width of
the field.
I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an
ergonomical point of view.
So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to
reading the ends of the longs titles.
Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So
Smart Software of Éric Chatonet,  I discovered «  How to create
contextual toolTips on-the-fly ».
Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».

Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :

local tLine

on mouseDown
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
  set the tooltip of me to empty
  set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  set the toolTip of me to empty
end mouseUp
I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there for  

certain time that is constant before disappearing.
I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration is
sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs titles in
the toolTip.
There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration of
toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of
course) but I did not find any answer to this question.

Thanks in advance for any idea,

Best regards from Grenoble

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit 

Re: Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable

2006-02-20 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Monday, 20 Feb 2006, à 17:09 Europe/Paris, Thomas McGrath III a 
écrit :


Would you care to share your script? Thanks.


It's my pleasure, Tom
---In the script of the field :
Remind you : the field contains titles of texts (not wrapped lines) ; 
some lines are too long to be entirely visible. To avoid the use of the 
horizontal scrollBar (I maintained it anyway) the user can maintain the 
mouseDown on a line, must have enough time to read the all line in the 
toolTip or, at any time during the toolTip display, s(he) must be able 
to stop displaying the toolTip.

on mouseDown
  set the toolTipDelay to 150
  wait 5 seconds with messages
  set the toolTipDelay to 1
end mouseDown

on seeToolTip
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
set the tooltip of me to empty
set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
end seeToolTip

on mouseUp
  set the toolTip of me to empty
  set the toolTipDelay to 500
  exit to top
end mouseUp
Any idea to improve it welcomed :-)
Thanks again for your help (I learned much with your stacks).

Best regards from Grenoble

On Feb 20, 2006, at 9:45 AM, André.Bisseret wrote:

Hi Martin and Tom,

Le Monday, 20 Feb 2006, à 13:29 Europe/Paris, Martin Blackman a écrit 

Why not have your own 'tooltip' field that you show for as long as
required. Set its layer so it is above the other field(s), update its
contents and move it to the mouseloc or nearby before showing it. 

hide it when ready eg, send 'disappear' to field "theTooltip" in 1
second . (The disappear handler being : hide me)
You are right ! I thought to this solution and I was keeping it in 
reserve, in case of no success with the tooltip !
I kept trying the tooltip solution, because, In my current case, (or 
if my current case then :-))), using the tooltip has an advantage 
that has not a normal field : it possibly overshoots the (right) edge 
of the window.

Currently, after studying the Tom' stacks,  I scripted a tooltip 
solution  that consists (in summary) in calling twice the tooltip,  
waiting 5 sec between the two ; and,just before the second call, I 
reduce the tooltipdelay to the minimum (1) (resuming the default 
value on mouseUp); thus, there is a very short interruption between 
the two presentations, actually nearly unnoticeable.

Thanks a lot for your attention to my problem

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: Index for Revolution PDF Document & switch vs. if/then/else

2006-02-21 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi Judy,
Would it not be interesting too, to carry out such an experiment in 
order to compare two groups having to script multichoice situations 
presented in plain english (or any natural language):
- one group would have to translate it using " switch case" structure 
and the other using "if then else" structure.
Measures could be time and precison (errors) completed, may be, with 
subjective evaluations of difficulty, workload, understandability...

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Monday, 20 Feb 2006, à 19:27 Europe/Paris, Judy Perry a écrit :

This reminds me of an ACM article I'm having the students read this 

(It's something like 'Text vs Hypertext: Which is easier to use to find
information' or some such thing).

It involved two groups with reference material on Sherlockiana -- one
group had all the info in a Hypercard stack and the other had the same
material in a book/encyclopedic reference format.

The test subjects were given a list of questions and timed as they 

the answers.

It would be interesting to repeat it with my students -- one group 

the built-in docs and the other using Dave's indexed PDF...

(considering the idea...  anybody got any good questions?)


On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, David Burgun wrote:

It depends on if you are "using" the document or just proof reading
it. If you are using it, then it makes finding things really easy.
All you do it enter a word or phrase like "mouseStack" and it will
return a list of all the occurrences with a rating bar similar to
spotlight. Then you just double click the line you want to see and it
instantly pops up in the PDF file.

I'm "using" the document and have found it makes finding things much


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Re: Delete data in delimited string

2006-02-26 Thread André . Bisseret

Hello Garrett,
Let me mention that in some other problem, you could need to keep room 
for a further value of an item 3; then it would be :

put "item 1,item 2, item 3, item 4" into tmp
put empty into item 3 of tmp
put tmp

tmp = item 1,item 2,, item 4

Thus later, you can do :
put "new value" into item 3 of tmp
then getting tmp = tem 1,item 2,new value, item 4

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Sunday, 26 Feb 2006, à 09:27 Europe/Paris, Garrett Hylltun a écrit :

On Feb 26, 2006, at 12:06 AM, Martin Baxter wrote:

Garrett Hylltun wrote:

How do I delete one field of data from a delimited string?  Such as:
item 1,item 2, item 3, item 4
And I want to delete "item 3" from the delimited string so that I 
end  up with:

item 1,item 2, item 4

put "Ya,boo,hoo" into tmp
delete item 2 of tmp
put tmp

Figures it was something as obvious and simple as that!  :-)

Thanks a bunch :-)
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preOpenStack ignored when opening Rev by doubleClicking a stack file

2006-02-27 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !,
This is not actually a major problem, but I just would like understand :
In the script of one stack, on  "preOpenStack"  I have a handler that 
set the stack at the locScreen and hide fields that could have remain 
when the stack was closed.
- If Rev is already open, when doubleClick on the stack file in the 
defaultFolder, my handler works well,
- It works well also, if I open the stack by mean of the "open Stack…" 
item in the File menu
- but, if Rev is not already open, if I doubleClick on the stack file 
in the defaultFolder, then my handler does not work : it seems as if 
the "preOpenStack" message was not sent :-(

Of course, with StackRunner it is running well.
(Mac G4, OS Xn 10.2.8)
Any explanation would be welcomed.

Bests regards from Grenoble

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resizable stack with Mac unresizable with Windows

2006-03-03 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I have a stack whose resizable property is set to true.
I used the geometry manager to set position or scale of all the objects 
for which it was necessary (thanks to the very clear tutorial from Éric 
Chatonet (So Smart Software), and the demo he recommends  from Chipp 
Walters, from Altuit.

The decorations are : Title, menu, minimize, maximize, close, metal.
Live Resizing is set to false

All is working very well on my Mac (G4, OS X, 10.2.8).
But on Windows (2000 or XP) the stack is not resizable (no button in 
the bottom right corner).

Well, I suppose I could work around that by covering  the normal 
"internal" button (that appears with Mac)   by another one including 
the script proposed by Éric Chatonet in his tutorial and which runs 
very well. (I hope it would not disappear on Windows system !!! :-))).

But, frankly, I would prefer a more regular "internal" solution ;-)

 Any help would be very much appreciate

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: resizable stack with Mac unresizable with Windows

2006-03-04 Thread André . Bisseret
Thanks a lot Mark, I set the decorations to "default". I will have it  
tried next week by colleagues (infortunately, I havn't a PC myself).

I should catch a glance to BugZilla more often :-))

Best regards

Le Friday, 3 Mar 2006, à 16:00 Europe/Paris, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

Hi André,

I didn't test this in 2.7, but in earlier versions there used to be a  
problem that involved changing the decorations and affected the  
resizable of the stack on all Windows platforms. This is a Revolution  
bug that has already been reported to BugZilla:


Since you're including all default decorations plus metal while there  
is no metal on Windows available, why don't you set the decorations to  
"default"? That should "solve" your problem.



André.Bisseret wrote:

Hi !
I have a stack whose resizable property is set to true.
I used the geometry manager to set position or scale of all the  
objects for which it was necessary (thanks to the very clear tutorial  
from Éric Chatonet (So Smart Software), and the demo he recommends   
from Chipp Walters, from Altuit.

The decorations are : Title, menu, minimize, maximize, close, metal.
Live Resizing is set to false
All is working very well on my Mac (G4, OS X, 10.2.8).
But on Windows (2000 or XP) the stack is not resizable (no button in  
the bottom right corner).
Well, I suppose I could work around that by covering  the normal  
"internal" button (that appears with Mac)   by another one including  
the script proposed by Éric Chatonet in his tutorial and which runs  
very well. (I hope it would not disappear on Windows system !!! >> :-))).

But, frankly, I would prefer a more regular "internal" solution ;-)
 Any help would be very much appreciate
Best regards from Grenoble


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on Windows parts of text printed repeatedly instead of once

2006-03-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
In the app. I am developping, each card includes several fields 
(author, title,  texte, références). In a printing procedure I wrote a 
function (formatfldToPrint) that picks the texts of these fields (with 
their htmlText) and arranges them as a single document in a hidden 
field « fldToPrint » (not all with the same font and size).

Thanks to the Dan Schafer’ SmartEBook on printing I have improved my 
first draft and the following script is working very well now on Mac :

 on imprimer
  set the cursor to watch
  set the printmargins to 72,25,25,50
  revShowPrintDialog true,true
  put tab & "Page " & "<%pageNumber%>"  into footer
  revPrintText (the htmlText of fld "fldToPrint"),,footer
  reset cursors
end imprimer

But I got problems when testing on Windows. I hope I will solve several 
of them thanks to insights I collected on the Mail Archive, but I did 
not find anything on the following problem :

For a document that is printed on 2 pages with Mac, I get 7 pages with 
Windows. With Windows, the text is repeated something like 5 times.

Not sure I will be enough clear because it is difficult to explain 
(especially with my english, not really fluent :-((, but well, I am 
doing my best :-))

On the first two pages, the text is printed only up to a certain line 
(near the end of the text) then, reprinted, but starting from a certain 
line in the middle of the text up to the end, then, again, reprinted 
from another line in the middle of the text up to the end, etc (4 

Moreover, on the first page, last line is crunched and on the second 
page the first one is also crunched ; it is the same line (same 
content) that appears as if it has been cut in two slices( in length), 
the upper slice printed at the bottom of page one (juste before the 
footer) the inferior slice printed at the top of page 2.
This slicing does not appear again on the following pages (3 to 7) that 
begin and end normally.

I cant imagine why such repetitions are occuring ??

I would much appreciate if someone could help me understand this 
phenomenon ? (and of course better along with a suggested solution :-).

Best regards from Grenoble

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Is style a kind of font ?

2006-03-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
With a field "thisFld" of which textFont is set to, say, "courier"

If I write in msg :
 put the textFont of line 1 of fld "thisFld"
If every word of this line are in "plain" style
then I get "courier"

if the style of at least one word in the line 1 is "italic"
then textFont is  said "mixed"

well, my feelings are mixed too :-))

How can we get the textFont without this interference ?

Thanks in advance for any explanation

Bests regards from Grenoble

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Re: Is style a kind of font ?

2006-03-05 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 4 Mar 2006, à 21:25 Europe/Paris, Jerry Muelver a écrit :

Klaus Major wrote:

I, personally, consider this a bug!

From the docs about "textfont":
If the chunk contains more than one font, the chunk's textFont 
property reports "mixed".

But even if the textfont is identical and only the styles are "mixed" 
I get

put the textfont of line 1 of fld 1 -> "mixed

Or am I missing something obvious?

Thank you Klaus for your attention and your kind answer.

Technically, every size, style, and weight of a typeface is different 
"font". Arial Bold is a different font from just plain Arial. In CSS, 
note that the font selection is for font-family (like, all the the 
Arials), font-size, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, and 
font-weight. So, if you have the same family (Arial), but several 
styles (bold for a few characters, bold-italic for the rest), you will 
have a "mixed" property report.

 Jerry Muelver
Thanks a lot Jerry for this clear explanation. Like Klaus, I better 
understand now.

Anyway, I’m not sure that Rev takes this precise definition fullly into 
account. I keep needing to be able in REV to get the name of the « font 
family » for some such part of text, regardless of styles, size, 
stretch etc.

In Rev, assume that I have a text, say, « My taylor is rich » in « 
courier », with « My » and « is » in plain, « taylor » in  italic and 
rich underlined :
I can set the textFont of this text to « Times », the differents words  
keeping their differents styles. So with « set » the textFont exists 
independently of the styles.
But, then, with « get the textFont » it reports « mixed ». So with « 
get » the textFont does not exist independently of the styles.
I am not a linguist, but would it not seem to be somehow a bit 
inconsistent ;-)))

In the current state of Rev (2.6.1), to get the textFont (family) of a 
line,  I understand that we have to get the textFont of one single word 
in this line, or, may be better, of one single char in the line (in 
case the choosen word would have several things like « styles » in it).

Best regards from Grenoble

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copy from a locked, focusable fld under Windows

2006-03-10 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I have fields that are set to "lock text", "focusable" and "auto hilite 
I want that users be able to select a part of text and to copy it in 
order to paste it elsewhere (for ex. in a Word document).

All works well with Mac :
1 - draging or (clicking at the beginning of the text and  
shift-clicking at the end) >  the text is selected
2 then,  "Copy" in the "Edit" menu, or "Apple C" put the text into the 

With Windows system, friends who are testing my app.  report that Ctrl 
C does not work.

I tried a button "bCopy" ( do the name of me) with the following 
handler in the stack script :

on bCopy
  if there is no selection then
   answer "Nothing selected"
   exit bCopy
   copy the selectedText
   answer "Your selected text is in the clipboard"
   end if
end bCopy

It works well on Mac but not on Windows.

Any idea to get it on Windows

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: Interesing bug with word elements

2006-03-11 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 11 Mar 2006, à 00:20 Europe/Paris, Arthur Urban a écrit :

The following code produces what I think is a bug:

  put "a" into word 1 of test
  put "b" into word 2 of test

Examining test shows "ab" in word 1, not two words as requested. If 
you change the code from "word" to "line" or to "item" Rev correctly 
produces the lines or items needed to fulfill the command. I'm seeing 
this on Win32, don't know about OSX.

Hi Arthur,
On my Mac G4 0SX, 10.2.8 I get the same. Putting "a" in line 5 of test 
creates 4 empty lines before ; it works  for items too. But not with 
words :

In msg :
put "a" into word 1 of test
put "b" into word 2 of test
put "c" into word 3 of test
put test --> abc
put word 1 of test -> abc

So it's just like you had written :
put "a" into word 1 of test
put "b" after word 1 of test
put test -> ab

Now :
put "b" into word 2 of test
put "a" into word 1 of test
put test -> a

And :
put "b" into  word 2 of test
put "a" into word 2 of test
put test -> ba

Well,  fortunately :-)
put "a " into word 1 of test -- space after a (could be a solution ?)
put "b" into word 2 of test
put test -> a b
put cr & word 1 of test after msg -> a
put cr & word 2 of test after msg -> b

Likely a lot of more possible amusing tests !;-)))

Bug, or no?
Could be not, if it is documented as Peter said ; I did'nt read this 
documentation ;
but I imagine it was difficult to explain that,  if "test" includes "a" 
as word 1, putting "b" in word 2 appends "b" after  "a" in word 1  :-)))

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: copy locked text

2006-03-13 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I just had the same problem as Jerry and I posted a question a couple 
of days ago ;

Have a look at the thread "copy from a locked, focusable fld under 

Nice ideas and solutions have been posted there, from Jonathan Linch, 
Wilhelm Sanke, Jim Ault and Chipp Walter.

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Monday, 13 Mar 2006, à 00:38 Europe/Paris, Mark Schonewille a écrit :


I know this problem was posted a month ago, but it appears that it was 
never answered.

There is a bug in the Revolution IDE that may cause the copy command 
to unhighlight any selected text. This seems not to happen in a 
standalone, though. So, before you try to create a workaround, build a 
standalone and see if the problem persists.



Jerry Muelver wrote:
For a helpdesk application, I have fields with hyperlinks in their 
text. The
fields have lockText and traversalOn both set to true, so the links 
work. The user can mouse-drag to select text, Ctrl-C to copy 
disappears... oh, well...), and Ctrl-V in another app to paste. 

Just what I need for helpdesk and CRM applications.
However, only the first such select-and-copy works. Select another, 
and when
you paste you get the first selection. Select another, even from the 

after is is blanked and rewritten, and you can paste only the first
selection. Less than perfect
I've tried "How do I allowing copying from lockText" in the Help 
file, which

got me this far. Now I need, "How do I copy again?" to keep me going.

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Re: copy from a locked, focusable fld under Windows

2006-03-13 Thread André . Bisseret

Thanks a lot to Jonathan, Wilhelm, Jim and Chipp for their very useful 
ideas and solutions.

I confirm that here (G4, OSX, 10.2.8 -RR 2.6.1) neither "command c" nor 
"command C" is working (; but as Wilhelm said "Copy text" from Edit 
menu works.

Meanwhile, "command v" as well as "command V" works.

The following handler works on Mac, keeping the html form :

on copySelection
  if the selection is empty then   -- there is no selection then
   answer "No selected text"
   exit copySelection
   copy the selectedText
   answer "The selected text is in the clipboard"
   end if
end copier

In order to try on Windows, I made another button, and I intercepted 
"command c"  using the handler of Jonathan (below).

Nevertheless, I needed to replace  the line "if the selectedfield <> 
empty then" by "if the selection is empty then" (or "if the 
selectedText is empty" as well).
The reason is that a single click in the field (without any text 
selected) is setting "the selectedfield <> empty" to true (so that it 
is reporting "The selected text is in the clipboard" and then copying 

I have not had the opportunity to test that on Windows yet.
I will inform you about the results as soon as I would have done it :-)

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 11 Mar 2006, à 00:16 Europe/Paris, Jonathan Lynch a écrit :

This is how I would up doing it:

on RawKeyDown pKey
  if (pKey = 99 or pKey = 67) and the commandkey is down then
if the selectedfield <> empty then
  put the selection into tSel
  put the htmltext of the selection into tSelHtml
  set the clipboarddata["text"] to tSel
  set the clipboarddata["html"] to tSelHtml
  select the selectedchunk
  exit rawkeydown
end if
  end if
  pass rawkeydown
end rawkeydown

This is adapted from a the rawkeydown handler in taskmage, which does a
bunch of other stuff that does not need to be included here.

I find this script works well, and allows you to copy both formatted 
unformatted text so that it can be copied from a rev application and 

into any other application.
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Printing fields with images included by « set t he imageSource of such char »

2006-03-16 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
On each card of an App. I have differents texts ; some are including 
images that are put there by means of one char on a line (ex. : £,§,€…) 
whose imageSource is set to an image number (the images are in a 
special substack).

I want the user be able to print the text of this fld.

My first method is the following :
I created a hidden field (in the main stack), say field « toPrint » in 
which I am composing (from several fields in a card) and formating the 
text to print.

The core of it is :
put fld « theText » into fld « toPrint »
set the HTMLText of fld « toPrint » to the HTMLText of fld «theText ».

Then I print with
revShowPrintDialog false,true
put tab & "Page " & "<%pageNumber%>"  into footer
  revPrintText (the htmlText of fld "toPrint"),,footer

That works very well on Mac, The field « toPrint » is printed exactly 
as I want, including printing the images nicely.

But testers got problems with Windows (mainly, repetitions of part of 
the text on new pages).

So I am trying another method using a special PrintingStack with two 
fields, one, say, the « bufferField » the other the fldToPrint : 
filling in the second while emptying the first, line after line (thanks 
to the explanations I founded in the SmartEBook on Printing by Dan 

.Mainly :
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "fldToPrint" of cd cardNum >= 

set the htmlText of line lineToAdd of fld "fldToPrint"\
to the htmlText of line 1 of fld "bufferField" of cd 1
delete line 1 of fld "bufferField" of cd 1

All works well if there is no image.

When there is an image, the image appears normally.
BUT  it is followed by an incredible mess (a lot of chars such as 
squares, apples, and so on) which could take several pages if it was 
not  remaining on the same card where the image appears.

Then the normal text is following, normally on another created card.

Is it possible to manage to avoid such a mess ?
Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestion

Best regards from Grenoble

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When closed, does a substack whose destroyStack is true remains in memory ?

2006-03-22 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !

As far as a substack is concerned,
from the Doc (on save, close, destroyStack…)
I understand that :
even if its destroyStack property is set to true,
If I save and close this substack while the main stack remains opened,
then this substack remains in memory.

If this is true, then I understand that it is not judicious to set « 
formatForPrinting » to true for this substack.

So, for a specific « printing stack » I have to use a second main 
stack, instead of a substack.

Am I right ?
Thanks a lot in advance for validating (or invalidating) these claims.

P.S. : by the way, is it a means to check if a closed stack (or 
substack) is still in memory ?

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: clipboarddata["html"] problem

2006-03-22 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006, à 17:21 Europe/Paris, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
écrit :

I am using a button to put a text field on the clipboard. I set the 
clipboarddata["html"] to the htmltext of the field, then when I try to 
paste into MS Word, my field formatting does not come through. 
Instead, the default textFont and textSize for the stack is what 
determines the format of the pasted text -- I have experimented with 
this, and changing the field properties has zero effect on the paste, 
whereas changing the stack properties changes the paste. As an added 
complication, though, setting the textFont of the stack works 
perfectly, but when I set the textSize of the stack to 10, it comes 
through as 12. All other sizes work the way they are supposed to: 
stack textSize of 9 results in size 9 text in the paste, stack 
textSize of 14 comes through as 14, etc. Only stack textSize of 10 
comes through as 12.

here's the relevant portion of the script:

put fld "wordPath" into wordpath
put fld "letterPath" into letterPath
put theHdr into fld "formatPrintText"
set the textFont of fld "formatPrintText" to "Bookman Old Style"
set the textSize of fld "formatPrintText" to "10"
set the clipboarddata["html"] to the htmltext of fld "formatPrintText"
set the clipboarddata["text"] to theHdr -- * see below
launch letterPath with wordpath

* (I've tried not setting the clipboarddata["text"] and it makes no 

I'm puzzled. The clipboarddata["html"] clearly is not getting set 
properly. I am using Dreamcard v2.6.1 build 152 on a Mac iBook running 
OSX v10.4.5, and Word for Mac v11.2.3. The problem with the size 10 
getting seen as size 12 appears to be a Word problem, since the paste 
into another text app comes through as expected.

Hi Peter,

Why doesn't the htmlText of the field get onto the clipboard?

I recently discovered that, after "select text of fld "suchField" :

1 - put the selectedText into fld "essai"  -->> doesn't keep format 
when paste

2 - put the selection into fld "essai" -- >> idem
3 - set the clipboardData["text"] to the selectedText -->> idem
4 - set the clipboardData["text"] to the selection -- >> idem
5 - copy the selectedText -->> paste in Word remains formatted
6 - copy the selection -- >> remains formatted
(Mac G4 ; 0SX 10.2.8 ; RR ; Word 10.1.0)

Best regards from Grenoble

Why in the world should the default text properties of the stack have 
any effect here?

Peter M. Brigham
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Re: When closed, does a substack whose destroyStack is true remains in memory ?

2006-03-23 Thread André . Bisseret

Thank you very much Ken for your answers ; I am taking them into 
account immediately :-)


Le Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006, à 23:42 Europe/Paris, Ken Ray a écrit :

On 3/22/06 6:32 AM, "André.Bisseret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi !

As far as a substack is concerned,
from the Doc (on save, close, destroyStack…)
I understand that :
even if its destroyStack property is set to true,
If I save and close this substack while the main stack remains opened,
then this substack remains in memory.

Yes, this is true - actually when you loaded the mainstack, all of its
substacks get loaded into memory automatically and can't be purged 
until the

mainstack itself is closed.

P.S. : by the way, is it a means to check if a closed stack (or
substack) is still in memory ?

Well, as I mentioned above, closed substacks are still in memory if the
mainstack is, so you could check for the mainstack in "the windows" or 

"the stacks" to see if it is in memory.

You can also use "the mainstacks" to get a list of stacks that are in

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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copy from a locked, focusable fld under Windows (results & one question)

2006-03-26 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I tested on Windows. So, I report my results as Jim Ault wanted me to 

1 - Intercepting "command 'c' and/or 'C'" :
The handler suggested by Jonathan (below) works  on Windows as well as 
on Mac.

Also, this simpler handler works on Windows as well as on Mac. :

on copySelection
copy the selectedText -- the html form is kept :-)
end copySelection

2 - BUT, if these handlers are triggered from a button :
on Mac, it is OK
on Windows, that does not work with the mouse "left button", but does 
work with the "right button"  (discovered by chance by one testor) !
It seems as if the click on the button using the left mouse button on 
Windows deselects the text that was selected in the field.

Now, Windows users told me that this should be done using the left 
button :-((

I tried, in the script of the button:
set the menuMouseButton of me to 1
No success ! it keeps working only with the right button.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion,

Best regards from Grenoble

De: André.Bisseret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon 13 Mar 2006  11:53:10 Europe/Paris
À: How to use Revolution 
Objet: Rép : copy from a locked, focusable fld under Windows

Thanks a lot to Jonathan, Wilhelm, Jim and Chipp for their very useful 
ideas and solutions.

I confirm that here (G4, OSX, 10.2.8 -RR 2.6.1) neither "command c" 
nor "command C" is working (; but as Wilhelm said "Copy text" from 
Edit menu works.

Meanwhile, "command v" as well as "command V" works.

The following handler works on Mac, keeping the html form :

on copySelection
  if the selection is empty then   -- there is no selection then
   answer "No selected text"
   exit copySelection
   copy the selectedText
   answer "The selected text is in the clipboard"
   end if
end copier

In order to try on Windows, I made another button, and I intercepted 
"command c"  using the handler of Jonathan (below).

Nevertheless, I needed to replace  the line "if the selectedfield <> 
empty then" by "if the selection is empty then" (or "if the 
selectedText is empty" as well).
The reason is that a single click in the field (without any text 
selected) is setting "the selectedfield <> empty" to true (so that it 
is reporting "The selected text is in the clipboard" and then copying 

I have not had the opportunity to test that on Windows yet.
I will inform you about the results as soon as I would have done it :-)

Best regards from Grenoble

Le Saturday, 11 Mar 2006, à 00:16 Europe/Paris, Jonathan Lynch a écrit 

This is how I would up doing it:

on RawKeyDown pKey
  if (pKey = 99 or pKey = 67) and the commandkey is down then
if the selectedfield <> empty then

---prefer "if the selection (or the selectedText) is empty (see above)

  put the selection into tSel
  put the htmltext of the selection into tSelHtml
  set the clipboarddata["text"] to tSel
  set the clipboarddata["html"] to tSelHtml
  select the selectedchunk
  exit rawkeydown
end if
  end if
  pass rawkeydown
end rawkeydown

This is adapted from a the rawkeydown handler in taskmage, which does 

bunch of other stuff that does not need to be included here.

I find this script works well, and allows you to copy both formatted 
unformatted text so that it can be copied from a rev application and 

into any other application.

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Printing fields with images included by « set t he imageSource of such char » (some insights)

2006-03-26 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
As far as printing is concerned, I am a newbie. I used to develop a 
number of stacks in HyperCard, but without having to ever print any.
So I don't know how it was with HyperCard ! But I am discovering that 
printing in RR is not easy at all (at least for me!).

Well, I did not receive any answer to the questions below (neither to 
another previous one).

Printing seems not to be a very exciting theme ;-))

Anyway, in case of at least one other newbie in printing be interested, 
I am reporting on how I managed to figure out my problems.

De: André.Bisseret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu 16 Mar 2006  13:33:11 Europe/Paris
Objet: Printing fields with images included by « set the imageSource 
of such char »

Hi !
On each card of an App. I have differents texts ; some are including 
images that are put there by means of one char on a line (ex. : 
£,§,€…) whose imageSource is set to an image number (the images are in 
a special substack).

I want the user be able to print the text of this fld.

My first method is the following :
I created a hidden field (in the main stack), say field « toPrint » in 
which I am composing (from several fields in a card) and formating the 
text to print.

The core of it is :
put fld « theText » into fld « toPrint »
set the HTMLText of fld « toPrint » to the HTMLText of fld «theText ».

Then I print with
revShowPrintDialog false,true
put tab & "Page " & "<%pageNumber%>"  into footer
  revPrintText (the htmlText of fld "toPrint"),,footer

That works very well on Mac, The field « toPrint » is printed exactly 
as I want, including printing the images nicely.

But testers got problems with Windows
mainly: repetitions of parts of the text on new pages, large white 
areas between lines; lines being cut (while there is no cr) etc.

After a lot of trials and errors I discovered that it was a problem of 
Font and FontSize.
First, I had several lines whose TextFont was set to "Geneva" ; A 
friend who knows Windows quite well suggested to me to replace Geneva 
(does not exist on Windows) by "Verdana"; this only change eliminated 
nearly all problems.

But some were remaining and I tried
another method using a special PrintingStack with two fields, one, 
say, the « bufferField » the other the fldToPrint : filling in the 
second while emptying the first, line after line (thanks to the 
explanations I founded in the SmartEBook on Printing by Dan Schafer).

.Mainly :
repeat until the formattedHeight of fld "fldToPrint" of cd cardNum >= 

set the htmlText of line lineToAdd of fld "fldToPrint"\
to the htmlText of line 1 of fld "bufferField" of cd 1
delete line 1 of fld "bufferField" of cd 1
Now, after that, I had to format again (due to the fact that sometimes, 
the last line of fldToPrint is not entirely visible, so it is necessary 
to delete it and put it on the top of next cd).
Then, I had to suppress (as far as they are detectable) the "isolated 
lines" (? "ligne orpheline" in French) at the end of fld "fldToPrint" : 
for example and mainly when last line is a title; then I have to delete 
it and paste it at the top of next card.

All works well if there is no image.

When there is an image, the image appears normally.
BUT  it is followed by an incredible mess (a lot of chars such as 
squares, apples, and so on) which could take several pages if it was 
not  remaining on the same card where the image appears.

Then the normal text is following, normally on another created card.

The solution I found and adopted is to script:
copy line 1 of fld "bufferField" of cd 1 -- instead of "set the 
htmlText of line 1… etc.

and then (in fld "fldToPrint")  paste
In case of an image line, as well as for a normal line, all is OK (with 
Windows and Mac as well); not any more  "incredible mess" :-))).

COPY AND PASTE is the best way I have found : very simple, it works 
with images and it keeps html formating of the text.

One problem was remaining : one line was set in Verdana 9:  when 
printed it was often cut under the right edge of the field.  I set the 
fontSize to 10 instead of 9  and it  worked normally  (well, I 
would have prefer to keep a smaller fontSize, but in this case it is 

And, eventually, I print ;-))
Here again I got troubles ! not any with Mac with which several 
different scripts work well.
but with Windows a lot of disappointments :-(((. (in particular, I 
tried to play with the "formatForPrinting" property (save, close, set 
formatForPrinting to true, re-open stack, print, set formatForPrinting 
to false, and so on.

At last, the script I adopted, because it works on Windows as well as 
on Mac is :

on PrintTheReport
  go to stack "PrintingStack"
  set the printmargins to 72,50,50,72
  put the cardNames of stack "PrintingStack" into cardsToPrint
  answer printer
  open printing with dialog
if the result is "Cancel" then exit PrintTheReport
   repeat for each 

Re: copy from a locked, focusable fld under Windows (results & one question, now answered )

2006-03-27 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Monday, 27 Mar 2006, à 00:27 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

André.Bisseret wrote:

Also, this simpler handler works on Windows as well as on Mac. :
on copySelection
copy the selectedText -- the html form is kept :-)
end copySelection
2 - BUT, if these handlers are triggered from a button :
on Mac, it is OK
on Windows, that does not work with the mouse "left button", but does 
work with the "right button"  (discovered by chance by one testor) !
It seems as if the click on the button using the left mouse button on 
Windows deselects the text that was selected in the field.

Set the traversalOn of the button to false. With it on, it removes the 
selection. Macs generally don't respond to button traversal, so it 
doesn't affect them, but Windows OS does respond to it.

Great :-)))
Up to now I had not noticed that buttons depended on the traversalOn 
property. I understand from your answer that it is likely because I am 
working on Mac.
Well, I have just discovered that I could have get the answer if I had 
better read the Doc ! (under "Important", on the TraversalOn page !). I 
am a bit ashamed!

Actually, It was the last (known) problem I had to figure out, as for 
the adaptation of my app. to Windows.

I thank you very much for helping me once more :-)


Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: When closed, does a substack whose destroyStack is true remains in memory ?

2006-03-27 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Monday, 27 Mar 2006, à 14:09 Europe/Paris, Martin Blackman a écrit :

The original thrust of this thread still puzzles me a little - how
does one satisfy the requirement stated in the docs that a stack be
closed and not in memory before setting 'formatforprinting'  to true ?
  eg a typical application has a printing substack that gets cloned
(thereby opening it) and filled with data before printing.  I can set
formatforprinting to true before cloning, but then the text fields
will be edited before printing -which is also a no-no according to the
docs, if I understand correctly.
If I don't misunderstand your problem, you want to use 
"formatForPrinting" in the frame of a specific printing stack.

Here is how I understood what is the necessary procedure :
If you want to use the "formatForPrinting" property (setting it to true 
before printing), your printing stack must be a main stack, not a 
substack of your main stack.
That's because, when your main stack is open, all its substacks are 
also in memory (even if they are not visible).

If your printing stack is a main stack then,
You can set its "destroyStack" property to true ("purge stack on close" 
in the Inspector, or in a handler, or in the msg box).
After editing the fields of your printing stack, you saved and  closed 
it (then it is removed from memory).
At this time, it is possible to set its "formatForPrinting" to true 
(even while it is not open) and then print.

After printing, set again its "formatForPrinting" to false.

I recently tried this procedure, but without success I must say ! So I 
came back to the printing substack solution (hence, without  
I posted information on the solution I adopted in my last message in 
the thread "Printing fields with images included by « set the 
imageSource of such char » (some insights).

Hope that help
Best regards from Grenoble

Martin Blackman
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Re: When closed, does a substack whose destroyStack is true remains in memory ?

2006-03-28 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Monday, 27 Mar 2006, à 20:07 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

Martin Blackman wrote:
Thanks Andre thats what I was suspecting if following the docs to the  

It doesn't seem like it should be necessary to save a file to disc
though just to print out !
For the printing which I have done, mostly unstyled text, I haven't
found any difference whether formatforprinting is on or off anyway.

With some fonts, the difference in sizing is so minimal that the  
output appears the same whether formatForPrinting is set or not. But  
with other fonts, there can be a dramatic difference. On Windows  
machines, it is usually a good idea to set formatForPrinting to true.

One way to get around the save-close-open restriction is to make a  
substack that will be used specifically for printing only, set its  
formatForPrinting to true, and save it with the mainstack. From then  
on, when you dump text into the substack's fields, they should use  
printer fonts rather than screen fonts.

Thanks Jacque, but seems to me that I miss something :
I had understood from the Doc that if the subStack has its  
formatForPrinting set to true,  we must avoid to edit it (dump text in  
it) ?


Another way to deal with it, if you want to create printing stacks on  
the fly, is to set the formatForPrinting of the templateStack to true.  
Then when you create a new stack for printing, the property will  
already be set and will not require closing and reopening. This is how  
the Rev printing library does it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches  

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Re: Avoiding line cut-off in a multipage printout

2006-03-28 Thread André . Bisseret
; and\
the number of chars of last line of fld "champDImpression" < 50 --  
small lines in lists

copy last line of fld "champDImpression"
go next
put cr before fld "champDImpression"
select before fld "champDImpression"
go previous
delete last line of fld "champDImpression"
  end switch
end replacerLesLignesIsoléesEnBas

Le Monday, 27 Mar 2006, à 19:38 Europe/Paris, Graham Samuel a écrit :

Well, so far my experiments have been somewhat unsatisfactory. My  
surmise that you can't scroll beyond the bottom of the last page was  
correct: if say 60 lines fit on the first page and you have a total of  
80 lines, scrolling the pixel equivalent of 60 lines won't make line  
61 come to the top of the field: in fact AFAIK line 21 or thereabouts  
will come to the top of the field, so I will have to deal with the  
last page in a different way (for example by deleting all the lines  
except the ones that are meant to be on the last page, and printing  
what remains). The other odd thing that happened is that when I  
scrolled by the amount suggested in the pageHeights, the last line of  
page n was repeated at the top of page n+1. Probably my error, but so  
far I don't see how. A further point is that the RR docs (dictionary)  
suggests you print the field the text is in, but actually you can't  
print a field, only a card: so first you have to get the field to be  
the right size to fill the printable area on the page (to which there  
is no general solution) and then you have to print the card.

I'll carry on experimenting. Haven't tried it on the PC yet (with the  
stack opened in FormatForPrinting mode). But it all seems a lot more  
complicated than I had hoped. I'd really like to save a text file and  
get the user to print it using the local text editor, but I don't  
think that's in the spec...


I wrote:
Thanks to Ken Ray and Dave Cragg for pointing out the existence 'the  
pageHeights'. I had missed this. Although somewhat eccentric, i.e.

The value reported by the pageHeights property is a list of numbers  
separated by returns. Each number is the height in pixels of a page  
full of text.

You can use the pageHeights property to print the entire contents of  
a field by printing the field, setting the field's scroll to the  
first line of the pageHeights, printing the field again, setting the  
scroll to the current scroll plus line 2 of the pageHeights, and so  

The computations used by the pageHeights property assume the field's  
borderWidth property is set to zero and its margins is set to 6.

it does look like the answer. Thanks to you both. There does at first  
sight seem to be one problem, which is that if the last page isn't  
full of text, then AFAIK scrolling won't work, because the scroll  
will include stuff from the previous page... but as I've been wrong  
about everything else I'm probably wrong about this too. Also I'm not  
sure what the implications of the margins being set to 6 are... nor  
if this works when the formatForPrinting is set (I suppose so,  
otherwise what would be the use of it?). I'll experiment.

On 3/27/06 12:36 AM, "Graham Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It gets worse! I see now that the script can't know the exact number
of lines that will be printed without clipping on a properly
formatted page under Windows! What I can't understand (as with other
aspects of printing) is why so few developers seem to care about
this. Not everybody reads stuff on the screen: for example teachers,
I find, want to carry bits of paper away with them (such as student
reports) even if the actual app is a highly interactive screen-based

Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
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Re: When closed, does a substack whose destroyStack is true remains in memory ?

2006-03-28 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Tuesday, 28 Mar 2006, à 19:23 Europe/Paris, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

André.Bisseret wrote:

> I had understood from the Doc that if the subStack has its
> formatForPrinting set to true,  we must avoid to edit it (dump text 

> it) ?

You will have to try it because I can't remember now. But I think 
putting text into a field is okay. What you can't do is edit text 
after it is already in a field. The IDE does something similar when it 
sets the formatForPrinting of the templateStack, so it should work. 
But test it.
OK, for me, this looks like a usefull precision ; I will test it (on PC 
of course :-)

Thanks a lot

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Avoiding line cut-off in a multipage printout

2006-03-28 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Tuesday, 28 Mar 2006, à 16:25 Europe/Paris, Graham Samuel a écrit :

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 15:22:25 +0200, André Bisseret 

[Some very valuable stuff about the problem of multipage printing of 

André - this is just a preliminary 'thank you' for taking the trouble 
to send your script and to comment on it. My French is not quite at 
zero-level, but it needs all the help it can get! Anyway I am studying 
your solution and I may ask you some questions about it later on. I am 
interested in your 'orphan line' solution - this term is also used in 
English by the way (we also have 'widowed' lines - lignes veuves?? - 
which is the line before the orphan one,  left on the previous > page...)
You are right ; a "widowed line" ( "ligne veuve" or "une veuve") is 
isolated at the end of a page ; while an orphan line (ligne orpheline) 
is isolated at the top of a page.
So, I was wrong in my preceding post : the problem I was speaking about 
(and the corresponding script) relates to "the widowed lines", not the 
orphan lines.

Best regards

Anyway, thanks again


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France


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Re: revPrintText

2006-03-29 Thread André . Bisseret

Hello Graham
Below, a handler I tried while I was struggling with printing, and that  
worked well on Mac (but I got problems on Windows and I abandonned it).

on imprimer
  formatPourImprimer -- that is the handler that you have and I use to  
format my texte

  set the printmargins to 72,50,50,72
  revShowPrintDialog true,true
put tab & "Page " & "<%pageNumber%>"  into footer-- put "Page  
n" at the bottom of each page

  revPrintText (the htmlText of fld "PourImprimer"),,footer
end imprimer

I just tried it again, and this works well on Mac (without any printing  
substack). Only a special printing fld (where "formatPourImprimer"  
installs the text to print) This printingfield stays directly in my  
main stack.

Hope it help ;


Le Wednesday, 29 Mar 2006, à 15:47 Europe/Paris, Graham Samuel a écrit :

In my continuing search for a multi-page printing solution, I was  
amazed to find the following in the Dictionary for RR 2.7.0:


Syntax: revPrintText  

Library: Printing library

See also:   answer printer command , print command , revPrintField  
command , revShowPrintDialog command

Prints formatted or unformatted text.

revPrintText "Hello world"

[and a lot more besides, including headers and footers..]

What amazed me was that nobody had mentioned it before, while I was  
writing arcane enquiries to the list about counting lines, short final  
pages etc.

Anyway, early tests suggest that it mostly works, although clearly it  
is a bit limited, and it's also a bit temperamental (e.g. if you feed  
it a parameter it doesn't like - even one which is legal according to  
the documentation - it just puts up the print dialog and then fails to  
print anything, while 'the result' stays empty; sometimes it seems to  
refuse to print for no apparent reason, particularly if it is invoked  
twice in successive lines of script - a buffering problem?; and I have  
a feeling it likes to change the print margins without telling you  
about it), but I think it may well have solved a lot of problems that  
I was trying to solve in a very much more complicated way. I'm still  
testing. Much the same behaviour on the Mac so far, BTW.

Has anyone else any experience of this command (well, I suppose  
strictly it's a handler in the printing library)?


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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André Bisseret
Directeur de recherche émérite
Adresse : 140 rue E. Béthoux - 38220 Vizille
Tél. : 04 76 68 15 24
site Multifiches  

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Re: That annoying little resizer

2006-06-06 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Tuesday, 6 Jun 2006, à 00:04 Europe/Paris, Jack Tsu a écrit :

I figured there would be a way to change the resizer and titlebar 
without recreating them. I'd rather not do that, since I don't know 
how to script all the functionality :-\

Hello Jack,
On the site so Smart Software, you will find a tutorial by Éric 
Chatonet that explains how to script a resizer button
On : 
"How to manage resizing" ; it is in the "Tips and Tricks" part.

I tried it and it works perfectly.
Best regards from Grenoble

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In a table field, cells getting "not empty" while no text in them

2006-11-25 Thread André . Bisseret

On one card, I have several fields where the users will write textual  


For each field, I need to check for each line if it is empty or not.
(I would like that, if a line is not empty then a small check box  be  
shown so that the user could check it ; then the checked lines would  
be copied and then pasted elsewhere as a whole. )

One of the fields is a normal field ; all is working well with it.

But another field is a  table field (say, "theTable") with two  
editable columns and 9 editable lines.

First, I put empty into field theTable
Then, if I write something only in the top-left cell
when I test the lines, I get :
- line 1 not empty as expected;
- lines 2, 3 and 4 are empty as expected;
but, it happens that lines 5, 6,7,8 and 9 are not empty (seems they  
contains  one tab space).

Well, before sending this message, this time I did not forget to read  
again the tutorial from Éric Chatonet on "How to manage table  
fields". Thanks to it,  I used the "clearTable pFieldName" handler  
(instead of only putting empty into the field°

But this does not solve my problem.

Again, if I select some cells in the field (even if I dont write  
anything), lines  are becoming "not empty" (seems it is randomly). So  
that check boxes appear for lines in which there are no text; but  
something anyway :-((
It seems that some lines get "something" in them, not only while  
nothing has been written in them, but even while they have'nt been  

So the only solution I think about now, is to keep visible all check  
boxes of all lines of the field, even if they dont contain any text.  
But of course, it is not so good from an ergonomic point of view.

Is there a way to figure out this issue ?

Thanks for any help

Best regards from Grenoble

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Rép : [ANN] Data Grid Helper - What is it ? - Text rewrote

2010-10-11 Thread André Bisseret

Bonjour TheSlug,

I just bought your Data Grid Helper.
Congratulation for this very nice tool !

Very intuitive indeed, and very useful when installing new dataGrids  
or modifying old ones ;-))

The documentation is concise enough and very clear.

Un outil magnifique :-))

Best regards from Grenoble


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a card answering to a mouseUp of the script of one of its groups!!!

2010-10-11 Thread André Bisseret


On the cards of a stack I have a group of fields (with  
backgroundBehavior set to true).

Clicking on a line of any field of the group, open a substack (among  
others stuff)

For that I have a mouseUp handler in the script of the group (refering  
to the target to get the name of the field).

Worked normally up to now.

But this morning, the mouseUp handler is triggered, not only when  
clicking on a field of the group, but also when clicking anywhere on  
the card (in this case, If I ask for the target, I get the name of  
the card !!)

First time I get that; the only way I found to avoid that was to trap  
the mouseUp message in the script of the card!!

Not possible to keep such a trick!

Any idea on what I could have done wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: a card answering to a mouseUp of the script of one of its groups!!!

2010-10-11 Thread André Bisseret

Thanks a lot Dar for your prompt reply.

Le 11 oct. 10 à 18:13, Dar Scott a écrit :

A group with backgroundBehavior set to true shows up in the message  
path behind the card.  By "behind" I mean, the script is searched  
for matching handlers right after the card is searched and nothing  
is found.

Ouups! You are right! I should have pay attention to this fact.

Perhaps you can check that the name of the target is among those  
expected and pass mouseUp (or ignore it) if it is not.

Not easy for the fields that are grouped, as they are created by the  
user so that I can't easily foresee their number and their names (I  
could add a same prefix or suffix to their names,…
I will see. That makes me think that I could check that the name of  
the target is not among the card' names (there are only 13 cards, one  
for each months and one for the year)

In any case, thank you much for your idea.



On Oct 11, 2010, at 9:50 AM, André Bisseret wrote:


On the cards of a stack I have a group of fields (with  
backgroundBehavior set to true).

Clicking on a line of any field of the group, open a substack  
(among others stuff)

For that I have a mouseUp handler in the script of the group  
(refering to the target to get the name of the field).

Worked normally up to now.

But this morning, the mouseUp handler is triggered, not only when  
clicking on a field of the group, but also when clicking anywhere  
on the card (in this case, If I ask for the target, I get the  
name of the card !!)

First time I get that; the only way I found to avoid that was to  
trap the mouseUp message in the script of the card!!

Not possible to keep such a trick!

Any idea on what I could have done wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: [ANN] Simple RPN Calculator on RevOnline

2010-10-14 Thread André Bisseret

Le 14 oct. 10 à 12:17, Francis Nugent Dixon a écrit :

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


Nice, handy little calculator.
(I didn't check out all the possibilities !)

However, I think light grey commands on dark
grey buttons are hard to read, especially for
the +, -, * and /.

Maybe push the fontsize up to 18, or even 24
where possible ?

I have spent hours trying to find out the nicest
mix of "colour 1 on background 2", and although
not very imaginative, I am forced to admit that
black on white is close to the best, with dark

blue on very light yellow, close behind,

That's confirmed by results of researches in Ergonomics

Dark text on light background combination are recommanded; among these  
kinds of combinations the black on white one brings the best  
legibility (and users' judgement of pleasantness).

Infortunately very often ignored!

By force of professional habit, sorry :-)), I will refer to one (only  
one) paper :

Greco M., Stucchi N., Zavagno D., Marino B. (2008). On the portability  
of computer-generated presentations: The effect of text-background  
color combinations on text legibility. Human Factors, 50, 821-833.

Just my 2 cents!

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: Help please: can't get behavior script to work

2010-10-23 Thread André Bisseret

Bonjour Ian,

I just tried the following
- created:
- a stack
- a group "grButton" of 3 buttons: Button1, Button2, Button3
- another group "grBtn" of 3 buttons: Btn1, Btn2, Btn3
- grouped the two groups in a super group "grGlobal"

- a button "BtnBehavior"
- a field "fldTarget"

- put the following handler in the script of "BtnBehavior":
on mouseWithin
put the short name of the target into fld "fldTarget"
end mouseWithin

Finally i set the behavior of grp "grGlobal" to the long id of btn  
"btnBehavior" of this card.

Hoping that replicate your problem,
Does not work with mouseWithin

But that works with other messages: with mouseUp, with mouseDown, with  
mouseMove, with mouseEnter

Seems that the explanation is the last line of the doc on  
"mouseWithin" in the Dictionary:

Note:  If there is no mouseWithinhandler in the target object'sscript,  
no mouseWithinmessage is sent, even if there is a mouseWithinhandler  
in an object that's further along the message path.


Best regards from Grenoble


Le 23 oct. 10 à 13:19, Ian McKnight a écrit :


I have a number of buttons which are grouped together, and then this  
is grouped with other similar groups to form a super-group. I have  
in excess
of 300 buttons then that each represent a date. When I put the mouse  
any one of the buttons I want to access an array and display the  
information for that day in a separate field. I have a mouseWithin  

to access the data.

When the mouseWithin handler is in the script of the actual button  
all works

as it should.

When I move the script to a separate button and set the behavior of my
original button to it - nothing happens. The Inspector shows the  

location correctly.

There are no other mouseWithin handlers in the message path.

This is the line I used in the message box to set the behavior of  
the first

of my buttons.

set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of cd "calendar"  
to the

long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"

I even tried referencing all the groups but still nothing happened.

set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of grp  
"calendargrp" of

cd "calendar" to the long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"

This is the corresponding behavior entry from the Inspector

button id 1647 of stack "timeTable3"

which resolves to the button with my mousewithin script.

I can strip out the core of the script into a separate handler and  
place it
in the card script but I'd rather not replicate the remaining code  
times (even though it is only a dozen lines) if I can get behaviors  
to work.

I'm using LiveCode 4.5 Bld 1080

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?



Ian McKnight
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Re: Help please: can't get behavior script to work

2010-10-23 Thread André Bisseret

Le 23 oct. 10 à 16:29, Ian McKnight a écrit :

Hi Andre

It does help when you read the manual :) I did read it but I missed  

significance of the last line!

Anyway problem is solved all I need do is pass the mouseWithin  
message in

each button - not a great price to pay.


Just curious, why do you prefer mouseWithin to mouseEnter or mouseMove?
(with one of these, you should not have to "pay any price" ;-)),  
should you?


And thank you for your very quick reply.

On 23 October 2010 15:01, André Bisseret   

Bonjour Ian,

I just tried the following
- created:
- a stack
- a group "grButton" of 3 buttons: Button1, Button2, Button3
- another group "grBtn" of 3 buttons: Btn1, Btn2, Btn3
- grouped the two groups in a super group "grGlobal"

- a button "BtnBehavior"
- a field "fldTarget"

- put the following handler in the script of "BtnBehavior":
on mouseWithin
put the short name of the target into fld "fldTarget"
end mouseWithin

Finally i set the behavior of grp "grGlobal" to the long id of btn
"btnBehavior" of this card.

Hoping that replicate your problem,
Does not work with mouseWithin

But that works with other messages: with mouseUp, with mouseDown,  

mouseMove, with mouseEnter

Seems that the explanation is the last line of the doc on  
"mouseWithin" in

the Dictionary:

Note:  If there is no mouseWithinhandler in the target  
object'sscript, no
mouseWithinmessage is sent, even if there is a mouseWithinhandler  
in an

object that's further along the message path.


Best regards from Grenoble


Le 23 oct. 10 à 13:19, Ian McKnight a écrit :


I have a number of buttons which are grouped together, and then  
this group
is grouped with other similar groups to form a super-group. I have  

of 300 buttons then that each represent a date. When I put the  
mouse over
any one of the buttons I want to access an array and display the  
information for that day in a separate field. I have a mouseWithin  

to access the data.

When the mouseWithin handler is in the script of the actual button  

as it should.

When I move the script to a separate button and set the behavior  
of my
original button to it - nothing happens. The Inspector shows the  

location correctly.

There are no other mouseWithin handlers in the message path.

This is the line I used in the message box to set the behavior of  

of my buttons.

set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of cd  
"calendar" to

long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"

I even tried referencing all the groups but still nothing happened.

set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of grp  

cd "calendar" to the long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"

This is the corresponding behavior entry from the Inspector

button id 1647 of stack "timeTable3"

which resolves to the button with my mousewithin script.

I can strip out the core of the script into a separate handler and  

in the card script but I'd rather not replicate the remaining code  
times (even though it is only a dozen lines) if I can get  
behaviors to


I'm using LiveCode 4.5 Bld 1080

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?



Ian McKnight
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Ian McKnight
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How to reorder lines in a list field

2010-10-30 Thread André Bisseret


I am trying to get a list field where it would be possible to reorder  
the lines.

(is there somewhere any tutorial or any solution on this?)

I started from a script from Éric Chatonet that allow moving lines  
from field1 to field2, modifying it to drag lines in one field only.

I succeeded in a test stack:  in a list field, all works as expected  
with a dragImage).

My problem is that when I put exactly the same script in a field of an  
app. I am developing, it does not works any more:
The dragged line is deleted when releasing the mouse (except if I drag  
outside the field and then back in it: then that works

I am fighting with that for hours now, and can't find what is wrong.

My last surprise is that if I don't create (set) any dragImage, then  
all works as expected.

I am getting crazy
The worst thing is that the same script works well in a field on my  
test stack and not on the field on my other stack (the two fields have  
exactly the same properties).

Any idea on what could be wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: How to reorder lines in a list field

2010-10-30 Thread André Bisseret

Thanks a lot Björnke for your prompt reply, and your solution. It  
works well (and very fast ;-)


Le 30 oct. 10 à 15:42, Björnke von Gierke a écrit :

I can't help you with code from someone else that I have no  
intention of looking at. Most likely a mouseenter or mouseleave  
doesn't trigger, no clue. For reordering lines, there's no build in  
way, and there are many possible ways to do it. Here's mine. It uses  
just the list field, and is probably a bit simplistic (no floating  
line/drag image following the mouse cursor). But it works for a  
single selection list field.

on mousedown
put the selectedText of me into myDrag
put the mouseLine into mySelection
repeat while the mouse is down
  put the mouseLine into toSelect
  if mySelection <> toSelect and toSelect <> "" then
put the scroll of me into theScroll
put me into theText
put word 2 of toSelect into LinetoSelect
if lineToSelect = the number of lines of me then
  delete line (word 2 of mySelection) of theText
  put return & myDrag after line -1 of theText
  delete line (word 2 of mySelection) of theText
  put myDrag & return before line lineToSelect of theText
end if
put toSelect into mySelection
lock screen
put theText into me
set the scroll of me to theScroll
select line (word 2 of myselection) of me
unlock screen
  end if
end repeat
end mouseDown

On 30 Oct 2010, at 15:18, André Bisseret wrote:


I am trying to get a list field where it would be possible to  
reorder the lines.

(is there somewhere any tutorial or any solution on this?)


official ChatRev page:

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Re: How to reorder lines in a list field

2010-10-30 Thread André Bisseret

Le 30 oct. 10 à 17:49, Scott Rossi a écrit :

Recently, André Bisseret wrote:

I am trying to get a list field where it would be possible to reorder
the lines.
(is there somewhere any tutorial or any solution on this?)

GetInLine is one example.  Execute in your message box:

go URL " 


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

Thanks Scott for your reply.

Indeed, I know your very nice "GetInLine" (which was pointed out by  
Éric Chatonet in his tutorial "Managing Drag and Drop"

But, actually, I am trying to learn using the drag and drop features  
of livecode.

In fact starting from this tutorial, I have got a script which runs  
nicely in a test stack I made.

My problem arises when I put the same script in a field of an app. I  
am developping:  it does not works there.

Even If I copy the test field on my app. it does not work.

If I copy the field of my app. (which has the same script) on a brand  
new stack, then the script works!!

So the problem comes from the stack of my app.

I can't find any idea about what  could hinder the field and its  
script when it is on my app.

Thanks again for your reply

Best regards


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Re: How to reorder lines in a list field

2010-10-31 Thread André Bisseret

Thanks you much Wilhelm for your  reply.

I had got your very useful (and nice) stack, thanks to the tutorial  
from Éric Chatonet who pointed your stack out.

I am studying your solutions and those of Scott Rossi too

Very happy with all this material

Best regards


Le 30 oct. 10 à 23:13, Wilhelm Sanke a écrit :

Check out

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Re: How to reorder lines in a list field

2010-10-31 Thread André Bisseret

Le 30 oct. 10 à 15:39, Jacques Hausser a écrit :


Eric Chatonet also published a "how to" that does exactly what you  

Good luck


En effet ! exactement ce que je cherchais ;-))
I had not find this one!

I had written a similar solution which works on a test stack, but does  
not work on the stack of my app.
I got the same problem with the script of Éric (works well on a stack  
without any other script, does not work in my app.)

So, now I am sure I have handlers in the app. which interfere with  
this kind of solution. I am looking for (and will find) them.

Merci beaucoup Jacques


Le 30 oct. 2010 à 15:18, André Bisseret a écrit :


I am trying to get a list field where it would be possible to  
reorder the lines.

(is there somewhere any tutorial or any solution on this?)

I started from a script from Éric Chatonet that allow moving lines  
from field1 to field2, modifying it to drag lines in one field only.

I succeeded in a test stack:  in a list field, all works as  
expected with a dragImage).

My problem is that when I put exactly the same script in a field of  
an app. I am developing, it does not works any more:
The dragged line is deleted when releasing the mouse (except if I  
drag outside the field and then back in it: then that works

I am fighting with that for hours now, and can't find what is wrong.

My last surprise is that if I don't create (set) any dragImage,  
then all works as expected.

I am getting crazy
The worst thing is that the same script works well in a field on my  
test stack and not on the field on my other stack (the two fields  
have exactly the same properties).

Any idea on what could be wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble


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Prof. Jacques Hausser
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Biophore / Sorge
University of Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne
please use my private address:
6 route de Burtigny
CH-1269 Bassins
tel/fax:++ 41 22 366 19 40
mobile: ++ 41 79 757 05 24

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Re: How to reorder lines in a list field (understood!)

2010-11-03 Thread André Bisseret


Thanks to this "how to" I have understood why my drag and drop scripts  
is working on my test stack and not working in my app.
It is because, in my app; the field is part of a group (not in my test  

It is a bug (# 6823) exhibited by Éric Chatonet in 2008/07 with  
version 2.9.0 RC4:
In a grouped field, "dragLeave" is sent even if the mouse is within  
the field rect.

while If the field is not grouped it works as expected.

This bug is still there is 4.5.0
In my app.the field where I wanted to be able to reorder lines has to  
be grouped so that I can't use drag and drop for that -(((

Best regards from Grenoble

Le 30 oct. 10 à 15:39, Jacques Hausser a écrit :


Eric Chatonet also published a "how to" that does exactly what you  

Good luck


Le 30 oct. 2010 à 15:18, André Bisseret a écrit :


I am trying to get a list field where it would be possible to  
reorder the lines.

(is there somewhere any tutorial or any solution on this?)

I started from a script from Éric Chatonet that allow moving lines  
from field1 to field2, modifying it to drag lines in one field only.

I succeeded in a test stack:  in a list field, all works as  
expected with a dragImage).

My problem is that when I put exactly the same script in a field of  
an app. I am developing, it does not works any more:
The dragged line is deleted when releasing the mouse (except if I  
drag outside the field and then back in it: then that works

I am fighting with that for hours now, and can't find what is wrong.

My last surprise is that if I don't create (set) any dragImage,  
then all works as expected.

I am getting crazy
The worst thing is that the same script works well in a field on my  
test stack and not on the field on my other stack (the two fields  
have exactly the same properties).

Any idea on what could be wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: How to reorder lines in a grouped list field (workaround)

2010-11-13 Thread André Bisseret

Le 12 nov. 10 à 23:42, zryip theSlug a écrit :

In case it could be useful for someone, here is a possible workaround
to this problem. The script has been validated by André:

Thanks a lot again, TheSlug, for your workaround; very usefull indeed.  
I can now use it in my app. where the field must be included in a  
group :-))

Have a nice weekend



local lLineNo,tLaLigne,tStyle,lTrackDragMove -- script local variable
on mouseEnter
  set the dragDelta to 5 -- AU LIEU DE 10 : EMPÊCHE UN PEU ERREUR
end mouseEnter
on dragMove -- sent repeatedly when the dragdata is within the field
  local tContents,tHilitedText
  put (the mouseV - the top of the target) div the effective
textHeight of the target into lLineNo -- line number
  if lLineNo > the number of lines of the target then put the
number of lines of the target into lLineNo
  lock screen
  put StripCR(me) into tContents -- see below
  put the hilitedText of the target into tHilitedText -- stores
highlighted line
  put cr after line lLineNo of tContents -- creates a blank line
  set the text of the target to tContents
  set the hilitedLine of the target to
lineOffset(tHilitedText,tContents) -- restores highlighted line
  unlock screen
  delete line (the hilitedLine of the target) of the target --C'EST

if the dragSource contains the long ID of me and (the mouseControl
is not empty \
   and the long id of the mouseControl contains the long ID of  
me) then

   set the dragAction to "move" -- Change the dragAction in the
dragMove if we are in the group
end if
end dragMove

on DragLeave -- restores current contents
  local tHilitedLine
  lock screen
  put the hilitedLine of the target into tHilitedLine
  put StripCR(me) into the target --
  set the hilitedLine of the target to tHilitedLine

  put false into lTrackDragMove -- If we re-enter in the group,
cancel the need to force the dragDrop handler
  -- (we avoid to execute the handler two times)

  unlock screen
end DragLeave
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
  local tContents
  put StripCR(me) into tContents -- see below
  if lLineNo = 0 then
 put the dragdata["text"] & cr before tContents
 put cr & the dragdata["text"] after line lLineNo of tContents
  end if
  lock screen
  set the text of the target to tContents
  set the hilitedLine of the target to lLineNo + 1 -- sets
highlighted line to dropped line
  unlock screen
end dragDrop
function StripCR pText -- returns 'normal' field's contents
if char 1 of pText = cr then delete char 1 of pText
if char -1 of pText = cr then delete char -1 of pText
replace cr & cr with cr in pText
return pText
end StripCR
-- -
  --- put the textStyle of the selectedLine into tStyle -- 

put true into lTrackDragMove -- prepare the dragDrop handler to be  

set the dragData["text"] to the selectedText --to tLaLigne --the
selectedText -- plain text
put the selectedText of the target into fld "Temp" -- in order to
create the right image
set the dragImage to CreateDragImage() -- see below
set the dragImageOffset to the width of last image div 2,the height
of last image div 2 -- centered
end dragStart
-- set the dragData["html"] to the HTMLText of fld "telField"
on dragEnd
if (lTrackDragMove) then send "dragdrop" to me --> Force the  
dragDrop message

delete last image -- we no longer need the drag image
end dragEnd
function CreateDragImage -- creates drag image on-the-fly
local tRect,tempImage
put the rect of fld "Temp" into tRect
export snapshot from rect tRect of this cd to tempImage as jpeg
-- export image to a variable
lock messages -- important to speed up the process
create invisible image -- we don't want to see it
set the text of last image to tempImage
if there is an image ID 6001 then delete image ID 6001
set the ID of last image to 6001
-- setting dimensions
unlock messages
return the ID of last image -- we need it to set the dragImage  

end CreateDragImage

Now some explanations:

Not read the report, because it is necessary to have an account to
join the QCC. I have no account and I have not found the link to
create an account...

It seems that the dragEnter and dragDrop are not trapped in a group.
The dragDrop is trapped only if the mouse leaves the group and then
enter again in the group.

1) So I added a local variable named lT