Re: Combo boxes in background groups

2006-07-22 Thread James Spencer

On Jul 22, 2006, at 12:37 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

James Spencer wrote:

Does anyone know of an easy way to include a combo box in a  
background but permitting each card to have a different value.  I  
can simulate it a couple different ways, e.g. storing a custom  
property with the card on closing and reset it on opening but it  
seems it should be as easy as it is for regular input text fields.

Unfortunately, that's the way you have to do it. I usually use a  
custom property as you describe, and set up the combo box in a  
preOpenCard handler.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Thank you Jacque (and Stephen and Dar) for confirming I wasn't  
missing something and for some ideas for how to work around the problem.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Combo boxes in background groups

2006-07-21 Thread James Spencer
Maybe there's no easy way to do this but it surprised me a bit: I  
would like to have a combobox in a background group with what would  
be its sharedText property set to false, assuming it had a sharedText  
property.  Being a button, it of course does not so I hoped its  
sharedHilite property would have the same effect but unfortunately  
no; changing the text in the field portion of button, whether by  
typing in the box or by selecting a menu choice, changes every card  
with that background on it.

Does anyone know of an easy way to include a combo box in a  
background but permitting each card to have a different value.  I can  
simulate it a couple different ways, e.g. storing a custom property  
with the card on closing and reset it on opening but it seems it  
should be as easy as it is for regular input text fields.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: What's The Verdict, Web or Not?

2006-07-02 Thread James Spencer

On Jul 2, 2006, at 9:22 PM, GregSmith wrote:

Though I've only been reading this forum for a short time, I've now  
got the
definite impression that the Revolution environment is for  
developers  -
hard core developers . . .   well, programmers  -  hard core  
programmers . .
.   not weak, infantile users like myself, who could never program  
their way
out of a paper sack.  O.K., I was profoundly mistaken in thinking  
there was
any validity to creating simple, in-browser content made with  
It is obviously a much more sophisticated tool intended for a much  

sophisticated audience.

I think you may have gotten the wrong impression; Revolution, while  
not HyperCard, is, IMHO, very usable by reasonably competent users as  
well as by hard core programmers to make what it was intended for,  
desktop software.  I have no doubt that you could create a useful Rev  
stack in a short time if you decided you wanted to even if you have  
never written a program before.  There is no doubt that Rev is a  
powerful environment that can and is used by sophisticated hard core  
programmers to create sophisticated software but that doesn't make  
it unusable by us lesser mortals.

However, Rev is not software for rendering in-browser content.   
That's not what it's intended for.  It might be very cool if someday  
someone created a browser plugin to render Rev window content in a  
browser but the fact that it is not available today does not mean  
that it is only intended for a much more sophisticated audience.   
Nor does the fact that its programming language can be used by  
relatively sophisticated users for scripting CGI's mean that it's  
suitable for rendering html whether by hard core programmers or by  
weak, infantile users (although anyone who really is a weak,  
infantile user would be unlikely to have ever found there way here in  
the first place.)

In concluding that because Rev is not a good tool for creating  
simple, in-browser content and therefore it is only for hard core  
programmers, you are comparing apples and oranges.  Such a conclusion  
makes no more sense that complaining than would condemning Word  
because it can't be used to do photoediting; there are lots of  
reasons to complain about Word but that would not be one of them.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Valentina external on OS X

2006-07-01 Thread James Spencer
I'm trying to try out the demo Valentina external without success so  
far.  Attempts to initialize with:

get Valentina_Init( 10 * 1024 * 1024  )

fails with a syntax error, I assume because the external is not being  
seen by Rev. I've set my stack's exteral property to:

/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.7.2-gm-1/Externals/Database  

which appears to be the correct path to the external.  Any guesses as  
to what is wrong here?

G5 running OS 10.4.7 and Rev Studio 2.7.2.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Valentina external on OS X

2006-07-01 Thread James Spencer

On Jul 1, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Jul 1, 2006, at 10:22 AM, James Spencer wrote:

I'm trying to try out the demo Valentina external without success  
so far.  Attempts to initialize with:

get Valentina_Init( 10 * 1024 * 1024  )

fails with a syntax error, I assume because the external is not  
being seen by Rev. I've set my stack's exteral property to:

/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.7.2-gm-1/Externals/Database  

which appears to be the correct path to the external.  Any guesses  
as to what is wrong here?

G5 running OS 10.4.7 and Rev Studio 2.7.2.


It appears that you are trying to load the RevDB valentina driver  
as an external which won't work.  If you want to use the Valentina  
external itself you need to download it from the  Valentina 2 has instructions for  
installation.  If you want to use the Valentina 1 external you can  
put that into the:

~/Documents/My Revolution Studio/Externals/

folder and the next time you launch rev the external will be  
available in the Revolution development environment.  To check type  
this in the msg box:

put the externalPackages of stack home

and you should see Valentina XCMD (or something like that) in the  


Thank you Trevor.  That is exactly what I was trying to do.  Am I  
correct then that the default installation permits access to  
Valentina databases (with the 10 minute timeout) only through the rev  
database library (or through a third party library such as yours) in  
the absence of the Valentina XCMD?


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: [OT (slightly) ] Re: Please confirm your message

2006-06-20 Thread James Spencer

On Jun 20, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Every time I send a message to the use-rev list, I get an email  
such as the one below. It's from a list member who hasn't had the  
good grace to set up his spam filters to accept mail from the list  
that he (or she) joined. Seems to me it's kind of impolite to join  
a list and then expect every other contributor to take extra action  
to accommodate your spam filters.

I haven't yet taken the action suggested, and in fact, I'm not ever  
going to take it, because it violates my idea of how things  
should work, so pretty soon, I'll get around to blacklisting  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] domain  in my filters so I don't see these  

Am I the only grumpy old man who doesn't like this ?
Is it reasonable to ask the guilty party to fix their filters if  
they wish to remain on the list ?
   (Yes, I do realize he or she is probably not seeing this  
message  :-)

In fact, would it be reasonable to ask the list maintainer to  
*ensure* he fixes it ?

While I share others' grumpiness, we should all remember that the  
member may not even have been aware that this was happening.  The  
real blame for all this goes to the spammers who have forced us all  
to extreme measures in efforts, some misguided, to keep our email  
usable.  We will be seeing more and more of this as the deluge of  
crap continues particularly as ISP's do more and more at the server  
to try to protect their clients.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: stack crashes Rev

2006-06-10 Thread James Spencer

On Jun 10, 2006, at 4:24 PM, Byron Turner wrote:

The current version of a stack crashes rev as do the last 2  
versions of the stack. Versions 3 generations ago are fine. It  
probably would only take me half a day to recreate what was lost,  
but I'd sure like to avoid that. Is there some trick to opening  
stacks that might make a crash less likely (at least to recover  

Suppress messages which you can do most easily by clicking on the  
Messages button in the toolbar (looks like an envelope with a little  
lock in front of it.  It should now show the lock open but when you  
click the button, the lock will be shown as, well, locked.)  You can  
now open your stack and edit the scripts but none of the scripts will  
actually run.

You will probably want to turn messages back on almost immediately  
after opening your stack as this suppresses ALL messages including  
ones needed for the IDE to run properly.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Location of cloned stack

2006-05-09 Thread James Spencer
Thanks Phil.  That explains it.  If I set the defaultstack to stack  
to be cloned, it appears offset from the right location.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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On May 8, 2006, at 10:39 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

Hi James,

When you clone a stack:

- The topLeft of the defaultStack is the point of reference for  
placing the clone, *no matter which stack that may be*. I've had it  
be a palette when I meant for it to be a regular stack. To avoid  
that, just set the defaultStack immediately before cloning.

- When created, the topLeft of the clone will be offset 32 pixels  
from the topLeft of the defaultStack. I don't think you can stop  
that from happening.

Phil Davis

James Spencer wrote:
This is a curiosity question.  OS X 10.4.6 and Rev 2.7.1.  My   
application contains a substack which I clone as needed for a   
multiple windows.  I had thought a cloned stack inherited all of  
the  properties of the original (other than it's name) but for  
some  reason, the location of my cloned stack is apparently  
unrelated to  the original stack's location.
I was was starting to look at this issue because I was going to   
create some code to do offsets for new windows but the problem  
became  critical with 2.7.1 however because with the new version  
(I don't  think anything else changed), the cloned window is  
appearing with its  top at -33 which of course means the title bar  
is under the menu bar  and of course, the window can't be moved by  
the user outside the  development environment.
Obviously, this is a minor problem as I can move the window in my   
preOpenStack handler where I do the staggering code but I'm  
curious  as to why this is happening?  Bug? or am I missing  

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Location of cloned stack

2006-05-08 Thread James Spencer
This is a curiosity question.  OS X 10.4.6 and Rev 2.7.1.  My  
application contains a substack which I clone as needed for a  
multiple windows.  I had thought a cloned stack inherited all of the  
properties of the original (other than it's name) but for some  
reason, the location of my cloned stack is apparently unrelated to  
the original stack's location.

I was was starting to look at this issue because I was going to  
create some code to do offsets for new windows but the problem became  
critical with 2.7.1 however because with the new version (I don't  
think anything else changed), the cloned window is appearing with its  
top at -33 which of course means the title bar is under the menu bar  
and of course, the window can't be moved by the user outside the  
development environment.

Obviously, this is a minor problem as I can move the window in my  
preOpenStack handler where I do the staggering code but I'm curious  
as to why this is happening?  Bug? or am I missing something?

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Open stack in safe mode

2006-04-15 Thread James Spencer
Or even easier, click the Messages button up in the toolbar before  
opening the stack and then click it again once it is open.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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On Apr 14, 2006, at 11:49 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

On 4/14/06 9:23 PM, Robert Sneidar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well I figured this out pretty quickly. I put this into a button of a
new stack:

on mouseUp
   answer file Edit the script of this stack:
   put it into myStack
   edit the script of stack myStack
end mouseUp

and then removed the offending code. All's well. :-)

A way could be

--the multi-line message box

set the lock messages to true
go stack problemStack

--or in the multi-line message box

 answer file Edit the script of this stack:
 edit the script of stack myStack


Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Window staggering

2006-04-12 Thread James Spencer
Richard and Jim thank you both.  It was because I was well aware that  
there were these exceptions not listed and because it is not a  
trivial task that I asked my question.  A sick part of me is glad to  
see I have not missed some obviously, and trivially easy solution.   
Now off to code a fully comprehensive solution (using your  
suggestions to start) for my own library.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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On Apr 12, 2006, at 2:46 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

But that's not enough. :(   There are some exceptions not listed
in Apple's description but evident in all of their multi-window apps:

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Window staggering

2006-04-11 Thread James Spencer
This should be really easy and I don't want to rediscover gravity so  
I'll ask first: does anyone here have a simple algorithm for  
staggering new windows in a multiwindow app?  I've gotten spoiled by  
Cocoa, etc. which takes care of this for me but cloning a template  
window in Rev does not.  Obviously, I could just move my new window a  
bit but I'm not sure how far and in any case, if the number of  
windows is large enough, we need to restart at the top.  I figure  
someone has written this already??


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Revolution software to black listed nations

2006-04-09 Thread James Spencer

On Apr 8, 2006, at 8:53 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Has anyone studied out carefully the issue of shipping Rev stacks  
to countries on the US state department embargo list?  These being  
currently (found in many typical EULA's)

Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, military or  
police entities in South Africa, or any other country to which the  
United States has embargoed goods.

Would there not be a difference between

1) the Rev IDE which give users tools to build software.
2) a standalone which does not.

in terms of the embargo? Where do we find the precise definition of  
software that should not be shipped to these countries?

Could a Standalone be conceived of as a product of software, like  
a PDF is a Product of Acrobat, but not Acrobat itself. I mean I  
can't imagine Adobe is breaking laws when some North Korean  
downloads a PDF from the web. Similalry, I'm wondering, if somone  
downloads a standalone application built with Revolution if this is  
a violation of the embargo or not.

Unlike kee, I am a lawyer but know nothing about security law, ITAR,  
international law, or any other issue directly related to this  
question other than what I quickly looked up at the State Department  
web site so what I'm saying here is NOT legal advice.  If you are  
close enough to the edge to really have a question about this, you  
are nuts if you don't go hire a real lawyer to check it out.

kee has addressed the general issues and I am writing to make four  

1) ITAR and the other law I looked at this morning, doesn't play  
games around whether the item or service is software or a product  
of software.  It is generic and covers items and information that can  
be used for military purposes.

2) Forget US law for a moment, your Revolution license prohibits the  
distribution of Created Software to embargoed countries.  Created  
Software includes stacks and files created using Revolution so  
again, it doesn't matter whether you try to call your stacks a  
product of software or whether it is a standalone.  Note that the  
license applies whether you are in the United States (and therefore  
subject to US export restrictions) or not.

3) A PDF contains no executable code and in fact contains nothing  
that would violate the embargo other than the information contained  
in the PDF.  Thus the example of Acrobat as versus PDF's created with  
Acrobat is not on point.  The same may or may not be true for a Rev  
stack not compiled as a standalone but again, the license  
nevertheless prohibits you exporting the stack to Iran.

4) In any case, if you export a prohibited item to an embargoed  
country, say a PDF that shows how to build an atomic bomb, it is you  
that has a problem if anyone does.  Adobe would not be breaking the  
law assuming they have distributed Acrobat under the terms of the G- 
DEST; you would.  Similarly, if you use Rev to create a stack that  
controls an air defense system and sell it to the North Korean Air  
Force, big brother will come looking for you, not Revolution, not  
because Revolution is in Scotland and not subject to US law, but  
because they aren't the one exporting to North Korea.

Whether you are in the United States and are subject to the embargo  
or are not in the US and thus are only subject to the Rev license,  
the question becomes how much you have to do to comply.  I would  
suggest that is going to depend on what your product is.  If you have  
produced a stack that you are distributing as freeware and which only  
contains pictures of yourself that you took with your new iMac and  
it's built in camera, I would probably not pay any attention at all  
other than to refuse to reply if I got an order with a return address  
in P'yongyang.  If, on the other hand, you have written a stack for  
using your iMac to shoot down US spy satellites I probably would  
consult an attorney, regardless of how I intended to distribute the  
stack.  In between, use your judgment.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-04-02 Thread James Spencer

On Apr 2, 2006, at 12:33 AM, Jerry Daniels wrote:

In Constellation's var watcher I fastidiously check each temp var  
and global to see if they have keys...if they do, then they are  
shown as arrays with keys, etc. I neglected to do this with params!  
I'll get this fixed tomorrow and put the fix up. James, if you  
could report back after the fix is in and let me know if it's  
working for you, that'd be great.



Of course it works!  Fixed less than 12 hours after the bug report  
was filed.  It wasn't even anything pressing as it was easy to work  
around once you knew it was happening.  Jerry, you are amazing!


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-04-01 Thread James Spencer

On Apr 1, 2006, at 3:25 AM, David Burgun wrote:

There's really no need to copy it entry by entry, you can just copy  
the whole array as in:

put LibGetArray() into myArray1

put LibAnotherFunction(myArray1) into myArray2  --Here you could  
put it back into Array1

I do this all the time.

What you can't do is this:

put LibAnotherFunction (LibGetArray()) into myArrayX

Just to bring this full circle, I finally figured out what was going  
on.  I'm going to take the time to sum up what I figured out because  
it may save someone else some frustration.

Being more specific than I have been, I am testing for someone else a  
library of routines for accessing a MySQL database, something similar  
to Blue Mango's libDatabase (it's not mine which is why I've been a  
little careful about including any code from the library here).  The  
test involves a simple database containing records of books, things  
like Title, Author, ISBN, etc.  I was trying to get a record  
(representing a single book) from a database, modify it and then  
insert the modified record back into the database as a new record.   
The call to insert the record into the database was failing silently.

My original problem:
In my code, I was doing exactly what Dave suggests above.  I called  
the equivalent of LibGetArray(), specifically calling a library  
function which returned the current record in the form of an array  
where each element of the array is a field of the record.  I was  
putting this array into a local variable as Dave suggests above and  
the debugger showed that the local variable correctly contained a  
valid array.  I then modified one element, the title of the book, in  
the array (in the local variable) and then passed the local variable  
to the equivalent of LibAnotherFunction(), specifically a handler  
which inserts a record in the database with the values contained in  
the array passed to it.  My specific code which was failing:

on mouseUp

-- duplicates the current record in the database, appending
-- (DUPLICATE) to the book title.

local tRecordSet, tCurrentRecord, tTitle
local tErrorNo,tErrorString

-- cRecordSet is a custom property containing a reference to
-- to the current database cursor, i.e. a set of records
-- from the database
put the cRecordSet of this stack into tRecordSet

-- the following puts the current record data into a
-- Rev array using the database column names as the indices
put dbGetRecordData(tRecordSet) into tCurrentRecord

-- alter the title so we can see this is a duplicate book
put tCurrentRecord[Title] into tTitle
put (DUPLICATE) after tTitle
put tTitle into tCurrentRecord[Title]

-- dbInsert expects the name of a MySQL table and a Rev
-- array containing the new record data, indexed by
-- database column names.  This fails
dbInsert books, tCurrentRecord

-- code to update the display omitted

catch pException
-- the above fails silently: we never catch an error here
put item 1 of line 1 of pException into tErrorNo
put item 2 of line 1 of pException into tErrorString
answer ERROR: Unable to copy the book.  Error =
tErrorNo  \

 (  tErrorString  )!
end try

end mouseUp

What made this VERY frustrating was that I would walk through the  
above code and step into dbInsert in the debugger and what it showed  
was that tCurrentRecord was correctly being set by dbGetRecordData,  
the Title of the book was correctly getting changed in tCurrentRecord  
and tCurrentRecord was valid in the line calling dbInsert but in  
dbInsert, the second parameter was showing in the debugger as empty.

The solution:
In the end, the problem was NOT with the array passing but rather  
three unrelated bugs.

The first arose because I was using Constellation's debugger and  
variable display.  There is apparently a minor bug in how it shows  
arrays passed as  parameters: in dbInsert it was showing the second  
parameter as empty even though I knew I was passing a valid array.   
In fact, while Constellation's display showed the parameter as empty,  
Rev's variable watcher, which I finally opened this morning, shows  
that the parameter is valid containing exactly what I passed.

The other two bugs are related and I'm not sure if they are in the  
library I'm testing or in the Rev database library.  First, some of  
the elements in the array returned from dbGetCurrentRecord were empty  
and I was passing those empty elements back to dbInsert.  This causes  
the insertion to fail with a MySQL syntax error, although I haven't  
completely figured out why.  Whatever, just to complete the perfect  
storm, dbInsert has a bug in that it looks for revdberr in the  
result of the SQL command which did the insert and as the error  
returned by MySQL did not contain this, no 

Re: Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-03-31 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 30, 2006, at 10:44 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

James Spencer wrote:

My problem is that while the debugger shows tArray in my mouseUp   
handler to be valid and shows it to have been correctly modified,   
when I step into the library code for LibUseDifferentArray, it  
shows  pArray as empty and the processing fails.  In order to get  
it to work  I have had to copy tArray to a new array, element by  

Here's an old discussion that may help:

Basically, sometimes you can pass an array and sometimes you can't.

Thanks Jacque.  This helped and I believe it has to be describing the  
source of my problem although I haven't completely worked out the  
semantics for my particular case.  Bottom line, it is not a bug per  
se but an artifact of how variables work.  (What I will be playing  
with this weekend is why the sometimes you can pass an array  
doesn't seem to include

put functionThatReturnsAnArray(tNonArrayParameter) into tArray
put tArray into tAnotherArray
handlerThatExpectsAnArray tAnotherArray

although in all fairness, this may just be me being sloppy in how I  
tried variations on a theme.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-03-31 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 31, 2006, at 8:59 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

If all else fails, you can always declare a local script variable  
to hold the array and then just use that. No passing of anything  
required. Or you could try passing the variable by reference (add  
an @ sign in front of the parameter) which seems like it should  
work but I haven't tried it.

I think both would probably work but the issue at the moment is that  
I did not write the library that is creating the original array and  
that eventually expects me to pass an array back.  The author had no  
reason to know that the output from their function creating the array  
would be passed back to the other handler as there is no necessary  
connection between the two and I don't want to mess with the library  
code myself mostly because I'm being pedantic.

What definitely works is to copy the array myself, element by  
element, to a local variable and then pass that back to the library.   
This works fine in this limited situation because the number of  
entries in these arrays (I hate the name; in this context, they are  
really a dictionary or a hash) is limited and is predetermined so  
doing the extra copying works fine.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-03-30 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 30, 2006, at 10:00 AM, David Burgun wrote:


Depending on how you have coded it, there will be 2 copies of the  
array, e.g.

if you do this in the library:

local sgLibArray

function LibGetArray
return sgLibArray
end LibGetArray

function LibChangeArray theArray,theKey,theData
put theData into theArray[theKey]
end LibChangeArray

on mouseUp
put LibGetArray() into myArray

get LibChangeArray(myArray)
end mouseUp

Then there will be one copy of the array stored in gLibArray (in  
the library stack) and one stored in myArray (in the client stack).  
LibChangeArray() will change the copy in myArray and then return,  
the mouseUp handler will return and myArray will be destroyed.

In order to fix this you'd have to add the following line to  

put theArray into sgLibArray

AFAIK, this means the array is copied twice, there may be a way to  
save this copying by use of the @ keyword but if so I haven't  
been able to figure out how to do it.

Thanks Dave but I didn't explain my problem well and while I will  
give the idea of different local variables existing in different  
handlers both in the library and in my code, I don't think this is  
the problem.  To try and explain again:

Assume LibGetArray() is a function like you have it above which  
returns an array.  Assume LibUseDifferentArray is a handler which is  
passed an array as a parameter and does something with it.  As far as  
the library is concerned there is no necessary connection between the  
two arrays. LibUseDifferentArray is defined as :

on LibUseDifferentArray pArray
  -- process the array
  -- ...

I have been trying to call these handlers as follows:

on mouseUp

  local tArray

  put LibGetArray() into tArray

  -- simplified modification of array:
  put tArray[Title] into tTitle
  put  (DUPLICATE) after tTitle
  put tTitle into tArray[Title]

  LibUseDifferentArray tArray
end mouseUp

My problem is that while the debugger shows tArray in my mouseUp  
handler to be valid and shows it to have been correctly modified,  
when I step into the library code for LibUseDifferentArray, it shows  
pArray as empty and the processing fails.  In order to get it to work  
I have had to copy tArray to a new array, element by element:

on mouseUp

  local tArray, tNewArray
  put LibGetArray() into myArray

  -- simplified modification of array:
  put myArray[Title] into tTitle
  put  (DUPLICATE) after tTitle
  put tTitle into tNewArray[Title]

  put tArray[SecondKey] into tNewArray[SecondKey]
  put tArray[ThirdKey] into tNewArray[ThirdKey]

  LibUseDifferentArray tNewArray
end mouseUp

One thing that I'm still exploring is that some of the elements of  
the array returned by LibGetArray() can be empty.  I'm not sure if  
the problem is related to this but its the best I've come up with.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Can't pass array function result as parameter

2006-03-29 Thread James Spencer
Can anyone confirm this problem.  I'm getting an array from a  
function in a library.  I modify that array and then pass it to a  
handler also in the library.  The debugger is showing that the  
modified array is valid and contains what it should but the parameter  
in the library is shown as empty.  I've found a work around by  
copying the elements of the array to a new array and passing that but  
obviously this should not be necessary.

Bugzilla shows a bug in the Windows version of 2.7 that is probably  
the same bug, #3411, but there, the poster stated that they could  
resolve the problem by simply placing the array they are getting from  
the function into a temporary variable and then passing that where  
I'm seeing the problem even when I put it into a temp (as I'm  
necessarily doing as I modify the array before passing back to the  
library again.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Can a constant be global?

2006-03-27 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 27, 2006, at 11:42 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Graham Samuel wrote:

Yup, that's what I've always done in the past: I just thought   
constant declarations might help,

Custom properties can act like global constants.

This may be true but it strikes me as an expensive means of  
creating a global constant.  The whole idea of constants in most  
languages is that they can be substituted by the compiler so they are  
a zero runtime cost.  This would not be true for a property which as  
to be extracted from somewhere at run time.

James P. Spencer
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Re: Making the move...

2006-03-20 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 20, 2006, at 9:01 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

I think the point is that when a variable is passed to a function/ 
handler 'normally', the data in it is duplicated, and if the data  
is big, this is not as efficient as passing it by reference -  
obviously, if you need to change the data in the called function/ 
handler, this may have unwanted side-effects, in  which case  
passing it normally is going to be better.

The problem you raise here is handled in more traditional languages  
by declaring the reference to be constant.  It strikes me that it  
would not be a big change to expand the use of the constant  
keyword.  Then in situations such as Sarah was talking about the  
handler/function would be declared as not changing the referred to  
variable, something like

on myHandler constant @pByReferenceParameter
  -- following then should cause compiler error
  add 1 to @pByReferenceParameter
end myHandler

There is, of course, another use for references besides the  
efficiency of not having to copy large data structures: returning  
more than one value.  This use doesn't suffer from the concern Sarah  
raises about having external effects as, when used this way, the  
parameter passed in should be empty.  There isn't, of course, any  
guarantee of this other than the caller being careful and writer of  
the called function being careful to document that the parameter is  
used for output only.


James P. Spencer
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Re: switch

2006-03-18 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 18, 2006, at 9:39 PM, John Tregea wrote:


Just a question regarding the form many of you use for naming  
variables. I see a lot of variable names starting with 't' and  
wondered what it indicates. I use 'g' as a prefix for my global  
variables but that is all.

John (Ready to say Duh...) T

See for  
a good set of guidelines which answer, among other things, your  
question but the short answer:

t = temporary or local variable
p = parameter
k = constant
s = static (or script local in xTalk)

James P. Spencer
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Re: Pass - is it really needed

2006-03-17 Thread James Spencer

On Mar 17, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I agree. There is a very small list of handlers where I usually have a
pass: openStack, preOpenStack, openCard, preOpenCard. Apart from that
I almost never use pass, so I would  prefer it if Constellation left
it out and I added it manually when needed.

You could add another preference:
  add pass to all new handlers
  add pass to system messages only
  never add pass

... and to be really perfect, a fourth preferences to add pass to  
system handlers selected from a list!

Seriously, an option to add pass to system messages only would be  
very nice.


James P. Spencer
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Re: Transcript and Dot Notation

2006-02-24 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 24, 2006, at 2:02 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

I am an object-oriented programmer by training and disposition. Every
single object oriented programming language that I've used (and I have
admittedly not used them all) with the single exception of Smalltalk
(which I actually think got it right) uses dot notation. Java.
JavaScript. Lingo. Ruby. Python. All of them. It is an accepted
convention in OO languages where it is essential to identify methods
and attributes with object namespaces.

I'll let the rest of you hash this out but just to point out the  
other obvious exception to the implication that dot notation is  
somehow essentially ubiquitous in the OO world, I would point out  
that, ironically (because it is the primary language for the Mac at  
the moment), Objective C (which has some obvious Smalltalk influence)  
does not use dot notation for accessing instance variables.

James P. Spencer
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Re: System menus

2006-02-20 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 20, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Klaus Major wrote:

Buongiorno Paul,
Someone knows if the new Rev. 1.7 give some new chance to create  
a system

menu on Mac Os X (the menus visible by all applications, as
MenuCalendarClock, MenuMeters, iKey, etc.)?

sorry, I'm afraid that is not possible with Rev :-/

It may be worth noting that there is no sanctioned API for that, as  
Apple considers those menus to be exclusively for their own use:

Reserved for use by Apple, the right side of the menu bar
may contain items that provide feedback on and access to
certain hardware or network settings. 

Third-party programs which make such menus for themselves do so by  
violating Apple's design mandate and effectively hacking the system.

As already said, Rev does not provide such facilities so this is  
getting off-topic but the info here is not really correct.  While it  
is true that there is no Apple sanctioned API for specifically Menu  
Bar Extras as referred to in the HIG material quoted above, Cocoa  
does provide an Apple sanctioned public API for the creation of  
Status Items (NSStatusItem).  These are sort of weaker Menu Bar  
Extras (weaker in that the underlying application needs to be running  
for them to appear and you can't reorder them like you can Extras)  
but they are there regardless of which app is in front and they have  
the advantage that they can't bring the system down either.  While a  
public API, Apple still discourages their use unless there is no  
alternative (say a Dock menu), ostensibly to save menu bar real  
estate.  (I think it's also to avoid creating the nightmare of a  
Windows system tray.)

The point is that not every third party program that is putting up  
one of these menus is hacking the system.  I don't like these  
things so I don't have many up there but I note that Kensington's  
MouseWorks uses status items, not menu bar extras.  The only way I  
could tell (short of looking at what processes are running) was to  
try to Cmd-drag the icon.


James P. Spencer
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Re: System menus

2006-02-20 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 20, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

As already said, Rev does not provide such facilities so this is  
getting off-topic but the info here is not really correct.  While  
it is true that there is no Apple sanctioned API for specifically  
Menu Bar Extras as referred to in the HIG material quoted above,  
Cocoa does provide an Apple sanctioned public API for the creation  
of Status Items (NSStatusItem).  These are sort of weaker Menu  
Bar Extras (weaker in that the underlying application needs to be  
running for them to appear and you can't reorder them like you can  
Extras) but they are there regardless of which app is in front and  
they have the advantage that they can't bring the system down  
either.  While a public API, Apple still discourages their use  
unless there is no alternative (say a Dock menu), ostensibly to  
save menu bar real estate.  (I think it's also to avoid creating  
the nightmare of a Windows system tray.)
The point is that not every third party program that is putting up  
one of these menus is hacking the system.  I don't like these  
things so I don't have many up there but I note that Kensington's  
MouseWorks uses status items, not menu bar extras.  The only way I  
could tell (short of looking at what processes are running) was to  
try to Cmd-drag the icon.

Thanks for the clarification, James.

As long as Apple's backtracked from their original position, maybe  
a Bugzilla request is in order?

It's hard to know how far Apple has backtracked: I get the sense that  
there is some internal differences.  The HIG quote you gave is still  
very much valid showing a last update date of 2006-02-07 obviously  
long after NSStatusItem was made available (I think in OS X 10.1).

Not that I think Rev should be artificially limited so as to act as a  
big brother in complying with good practices, I'm not convinced  
that this deserves a bugzilla request; IMHO even Status Items should  
be limited to hardware based stuff, system level programming that,  
again IMHO, Rev is not really suited for.  Now dock menus on the  
other hand

James P. Spencer
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Re: Switch versus if/then/else ( was: Main menu puzzle, Klaus)

2006-02-19 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 19, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Glenn E. Fisher wrote:

As a historical note, (I'm a very old programmer since 1962) back  
when I was writing compilers and emulators in B and C in the line  
editing mode ;-), the switch case statements were really needed.   
In these kinds of programs many many cases was the norm and the  
nested if..then..else just didn't cut it.  So it depends on the  
scope of the problem which is the best.

I can only claim to go back to '71 with Basic on a PDP-8 but let me  
say amen.  It can be shown that switch statements are not necessary  
in the sense that you can always simulate a switch with an if/else  
construct but if the options are based on a single value which has  
more than two possible values, a switch is MUCH less subject to error  
than is if/else if/else if.  It's not a strong argument against its  
use that beginners have trouble understanding the concept (although  
I'm not understanding what is so difficult about the concept).   
Beginners have terrible time getting the concepts of object oriented  
programming or exception handling too but these concepts have  
certainly resulted in much clearer, more maintainable code.

BTW, IMHO the conversation about whether this is how we think in  
everyday life is not very helpful: we don't think with the binary  
logic of computer programs at all.  E.g. we generally do not have a  
rigid list of who it might be at the door with a predetermined  
intention to take particular action depending on who it is.  This  
kind of rigidity, however, is part and parcel of computer programming  
whether it be xTalk or C or Basic.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: 2.7 Consensus

2006-02-19 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 19, 2006, at 11:13 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, February 18, 2006, 9:05:32 PM, you wrote:

As one of the folks who has gone back to 2.6.1, I'd say there's no
problem with using 2.7. The things that bother me about the new
release revolve around the inability to use the documentation in any
reasonable fashion, the fact that IDE preferences don't get saved
properly, and the disconnect between the stack file formats. If these
don't get in your way then I don't see any reason not to move ahead.
The 2.7 release seems stable, produces solid code, has a lot of nifty
new features, and I really really really like the way the structure of
the IDE is heading with the separation of components to allow for
smooth upgrading.

Just for a slightly dissenting opinion, I LIKE the new documentation  
and consider it a VAST improvement, both in terms of searching the  
dictionary for explicit terms (what I mostly need it for so I can see  
the syntax) and for the User Manual.

I agree with your comments about the general stability of the IDE as  
well as the comments on saving the IDE perferences and the file  
formats.  These latter two are serious enough problems however that I  
hope there is a 2.7.1 just to fix these two bugs sometime in the next  

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Minimum Mac specs for Rev 2.6.1?

2006-02-12 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 12, 2006, at 5:00 AM, Ken Apthorpe wrote:

However, it would resolve one uncertainty for me
if someone could say whether I have enough RAM to run it (and Finder).


Mac is a G4 400 with 448MB RAM, OS 10.3.8

Jacque has been directly trying to assist in your problems but just  
to confirm that it's not your system, until fairly recently, I ran  
2.6.1 on a G4 400 with 384 MB of RAM and it worked fine.  The  
documentation was slow as has been noted but I wasn't getting  
unexplained freezes.  Incidentally, I ran it under both an older  
version of 10.3.x and then Tiger.  There's no question I prefer my  
new machine but mostly because of it's bigger monitor.

BTW and for what it's worth, when I've had the system freeze while  
using RR, it has tended to be because I've got some script that's  
hung, typically because, idiot that I am, I've created some kind of  
infinite loop, very often involving preOpenCard or preOpenStack!


James P. Spencer
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Re: How return an error ?

2006-02-11 Thread James Spencer

On Feb 11, 2006, at 12:32 PM, Girard Damien wrote:

I am making some useful library for my softwares, and I have got  
one problem.

How I return an error ?

Because when I use return, this doesn't work very great.

on hellotest theNumber
  if isnumber(theNumber) is false then
return error
  end if
end hellotest

I don't understand the problem; you can return whatever you want:

on hellotest pTheNumber
if not isnumber(pTheNumber) then
return ERROR: '  pTheNumber  ' is not a number.
end if
end hellotest

then in the calling handler, just test the result:

hellotest someValue
if the result is not empty then
handleError the result
end if


James P. Spencer
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Re: Discontinued Software, The Law, Morals and Hypercard

2006-01-22 Thread James Spencer

On Jan 22, 2006, at 4:19 AM, Mathewson wrote:

Recently I had an interesting correspondence with a lawyer
in the US stimulated by my earlier posting re Apple and

The reasons behind my previous posting were:
sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

This is off-topic and massively embarrassing to me personally but I  
feel I need to apologize to the list as I'm the dimwitted lawyer that  
this turkey is referring to.  In mitigation, I was trying to help out  
someone who I thought was acting in good faith, not some ass from a  
banana republic who wants to promote software piracy in a developers  
group.  I certainly never suggested to him that should he offer to  
distribute HC for free on the internet that it would be legal much  
less morally OK.  Just to make the record clear (after all I am a  
lawyer :)), I offer the following and then I will drop this  
conversation altogether.

Mathewson wrote the list asking about whether HC had become  
abandonware.  I assumed he was asking the question in good faith  
but as this has been discussed ad nauseum here and in related forums,  
I answered him off list, clearly and unambiguously stating

there is no such thing as  abandonware and Apple still
holds the copyright to HC which they  are actively
protecting.  They are doing so because HC contains
 technology that Apple is apparently still using or
intending to use  and which they do not wish to put into
the public domain.

He replied privately saying:

Thank you very much for your message: although it does not
excite me I thought that was the case. Presumably then, it
would be illegal for me to send a copy of my licensed
version of Hypercard to a friend?

For right or wrong, I took this to be a real question from someone  
trying to do the right thing.  My reply contained the disclaimers he  
mentions, specifically that a) despite being a lawyer, we had no  
attorney/client relationship and so he should not consider what I was  
saying as legal advice, and b) that I had no particular expertise in  
intellectual property law so he should take my comments as being for  
educational purposes only.  With that, what I said was that if he  
privately gave a copy to a friend, Apple wasn't going to do  
anything about it, that as Apple wasn't even selling the product  
anymore, their concern would be anyone who openly and notoriously  
copied it such as putting it up for download on their web site or  
publicly offering to sell copies as such activities could impact  
their rights in the code.  I finished with

Yes, it is technically illegal to make the copy and as a programmer  
I suppose we should be telling you not to do it but as you can't  
buy the product and normally I'm pretty hostile to illegal copying  
but it's really hard to get too wrapped up about this.

Beyond the lousy grammar, I did not in any way suggest, or at least  
didn't mean to suggest, that making a private copy for a friend would  
include publicly offering to copy for everyone on the internet who  
asked because after all aren't we all friends.  Apple legally owns  
the rights to HC and they can do with it what they want whether some  
yahoo in Bulgaria (or Minnesota for that matter) thinks its OK or not.

Again my apologies for wasting the list's time and, if inadvertently,  
encouraging this guy.  I won't make the same mistake again.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Bundle Identifier

2006-01-14 Thread James Spencer
I suspect that the tooltip is not only not terribly helpful but is  
also a typo and should be CFBundleIdentifier which is used by the  
preferences system.  From Apple's documentation:
This key specifies a unique identifier string for the bundle. This  
identifier should be in the form of a Java-style package name, for  
example com.mycompany.myapp. The bundle identifier can be used to  
locate the bundle at runtime. The preferences system uses this string  
to identify applications uniquely.

(The key referred to here is the key in the info plist)


James P. Spencer
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On Jan 14, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Marty Knapp wrote:

Hi all,

In the standalone setting for an OSX build, there's a piece of  
information refered to as the Bundle Indentifier and the tooltip  
says NSBundleIdentifier.

I don't see anything in the Docs about it. What is this and do I  
need to be concerned with it?

Marty Knapp
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Re: show vs visible

2005-12-04 Thread James Spencer

On Dec 4, 2005, at 8:35 AM, Marty Billingsley wrote:

Just asking if Transcript, which has been made English-like in the
first instance (the setting of the property by using the verb hide)
can be extended to be English-like in the second instance (accessing
the state of the property by using the adjective hidden).

The thing that prevents any programming language from completely  
matching English (and I suspect any other language although I'm not a  
linguist so maybe this is wrong) is that English is not a precise  
language; English statements are unambiguous.  Context helps but does  
not resolve the issue.  Programming languages, at least until such  
time as someone comes up with one which is capable of divining what  
we want the computer to do w rather than what we told it to do, MUST  
be unambiguous.

The ambiguity here is that is generally essentially means  
equivalence  or identity but you want to use it here to mean has  
the property of.  Thus the issue is not really the problem of hide  
versus hidden, verb vs. adjective, but rather the explicit nature  
of is.  Field xxx is NOT hidden, it is Field xxx or some other  
designation which defines the same.  I am Jim Spencer or Employee  
2137 or the man who lives at a particular address in Rochester; I  
am not fat even if I am and even if that would be correct  
conversational English.

Yes, you can special case particular words like hidden but that may  
be worse: now you have to remember or look up to see if this is one  
of the verbs that sets a property that you can refer to by its  
adjective.  I personally prefer linguistic consistency even if it  
sometimes requires a statement form which would be awkward (but note:  
not incorrect) in conversational speech.

James P. Spencer
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Re: tmalign in gadgetbar

2005-11-13 Thread James Spencer

On Nov 13, 2005, at 11:22 AM, Bob Hartley wrote:

Hi All.

i have tmalign in the gadgets folder but refreshing the gadgetbar  
to the

gadgets folder does not show tmal;igh in the gadgetbar grouping.

Anyone know the problem. I'm on winXP

Because you are on winXP, there may be something else but make sure  
you have the latest version of tmalign.  It's only in recent versions  
that the necessary object has been present to permit tmalign to  
appear on gadgetbar.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Constellation's Great, But the Rev IDE Doesn't Suck

2005-10-17 Thread James Spencer

On Oct 17, 2005, at 8:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I, for one, think you are being way too kind to the Rev IDE. The  
debugger opens at random sizes. Buttons and bits of buttons float  
around the script editor. Opening the Variable Watcher opens the  
Object Inspector (on top of the VW window on my system). The  
Variable Watcher doesn't watch variables reliably (the clickLine is  
a particular problem in my work). Hard to believe a Version 2.x  
product could have so many basic flaws and rough edges and quirks.

Go Jerry, go!
Paul Looney

I disagree.  We are not at version 2.x, we are 2.6.1.  At 2.1 your  
comment was valid but in its current incarnation, I find the IDE, at  
least the OS X IDE, to be a solid useable product.  It is not perfect  
but it's close enough for government work.  The fact is that Rev is  
an incredibly complicated product and perfection is not to be  
expected.  I'm always astounded at how well it works.

That having been said, one of the really, really cool things about  
Rev is that the IDE is infinitely extendable and modifiable: if its  
work flow bugs you, then change it.  In this regard, I completely  
agree with Dan's comments.  As good as the standard IDE is, for me  
Constellation is a great, great tool, one that for my purposes really  
enhances Rev and makes me just want to write applications and lets me  
do so faster.  This environment, enhanced with Constellation and its  
related tools, is simply a blast and I think I'll go write some code.


James P. Spencer
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Re: another beginning SQL/Rev question

2005-10-09 Thread James Spencer

On Oct 9, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Charles Hartman wrote:

Something I don't understand about the revExecuteSQL command. I  
open my MySQL database and get an id. Now, to make later steps more  
general purposes, I'd like to ask the database for the structure of  
one of its tables (number of columns, column names) rather than  
hardwiring that into the Rev front-end. So I should be able to  
create a

global myArray
and then with my dbID in hand,
revExecuteSQL dbID, show columns in myTable, myArray
(taking care to put quotes around myArray as the docs say).

Trouble is, nothing shows up in myArray, or anywhere else as far as  
I can see. Using a variable (or several) instead of myArray doesn't  
help, neither does putting some dummy stuff () into myArray[1],  
myArray[2], etc., ahead of time.

What am I not understanding?

I'm not sure why this isn't working but then I find proper use of  
revExecuteSQL to be a black art but what may work better in any case  
is to use revDatabase (ColumnCount, ColumnNames, etc) rather than  
using revExecuteSQL.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: CS Notification Center

2005-09-20 Thread James Spencer

On Sep 20, 2005, at 1:32 AM, Paul Claude wrote:

Anyone have idea about how to use the Apple's CSNotificationCenter ( 
tionCenterRef/index.html) to read informations of other  
applications from a

Revolution stack?

Take a look at XcodeClientServer Sample Code from Apple for a real  
simple example of how it works but the basic idea is your other  
application posts notifications to the distributed notification  
center and your client program can register to receive them.  The  
other applications necessarily need to be written so as to post those  
notifications and your application needs to be written to receive them.


James P. Spencer
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Re: Bad Idea To Disable an 'Edit' Menu

2005-08-20 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 20, 2005, at 1:16 AM, MisterX wrote:

Hi Ken

This seems more like an OS behavior
than a Rev problem doesn't it?

It sure should be made aware for those
developping on PCs hoping to deploy on osx...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Ray
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 08:04
To: Use Revolution List
Subject: Bad Idea To Disable an 'Edit' Menu

Just passing along an interesting tidbit of information that
I just ran

If your application has an 'Edit' menu AND it has a
'Preferences' menu item AND you deploy to Mac OS X, then you
should never disable the entire Edit menu (you should leave
the menu itself enabled, but individually disable the items
you want to prevent users from executing).

The reason is that under OS X, the Preferences menu item
disappears from the bottom of the Edit menu and appears under
the Application menu. This item is
*always* appears enabled under the Application menu, but if
you've disabled the Edit menu, selecting Preferences from the
Application menu *won't work*.

Now, this may just be a bug (I'll log it as such), but until
it's fixed or documented, you should disable the individual
items in the menu and not the menu itself.

Ken, have you logged this yet so I can go vote for it.  Personally I  
think it is clearly a bug.  MisterX is incorrect, this is not OS  
behavior.  The placement of the preferences item at the end of the  
Edit menu and then moving it on OS X is pure Rev.

Whatever, thank you for pointing it out.  I  had not noticed it but I  
have a couple of stacks where the problem exists and I am glad to fix  
it before my users find it.

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Re: Bad Idea To Disable an 'Edit' Menu

2005-08-20 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 20, 2005, at 2:18 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Ken Ray wrote:

Well, actually it's not as common to do that in Windows apps as in  
Mac -

they usually don't have Preferences under the Edit menu; they have
Options under the Tools menu, or if it does have Preferences,  
it's not

under the Edit menu (I've seen it under Configure, or File, etc.).

And here we enter the Windows World of Sometimes:

Amen.  I certainly would not look to Windows for how to handle  
preference items as there is NO consistency not even within  
Microsoft's products.  That said, I have been convinced by the  
discussion here that I should not be disabling the Edit menu in its  
entirety but rather should disable the individual items.  I am glad  
this problem was pointed out as it is making me fix my app.

That said as well, I still think the way Rev is handling the  
Preference item, i.e. disabling it even though it has been moved on a  
Mac OS X system, is a bug.  I understand how it occurs but the  
special handling that moves the menu item should also handle enabling  
the item as well.

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Re: Error description: recursionLimit: Recursion limit reached

2005-08-07 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 7, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Hershel Fisch wrote:

Hi all what is the meaning for this error Error description:
recursionLimit: Recursion limit reached
Thans, Hershel

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Recursion is when a function (or handler in the case of Rev) calls  
itself.   There are many situations where recursion is a pretty good  
way to solve a problem, the classic example being calculating a  
factorial which can be calculated as:

function factorial number
if number = 1 then
return 1
return number * factorial(number - 1)
end if
end factorial

The error message arises because each time you recurse, information  
is stored in the memory of the computer so it can no how to return  
back up the chain once it gets to the beginning (where number = 1 in  
the example).  Obviously, there is a limit to how many times you can  
call factorial() without breaking the program.  The actual limits are  
variable depending on the parameters passed etc.

More typically, the problem arises because you accidentally have a  
handler that is calling itself in an endless loop.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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2005-08-06 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 6, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

While I'm not sure this can be characterized as a bug, I'd call it  
a surprising feature. And it has a particularly intriguing problem  
if you have multiple background groups. In that case, the  
background groups live in layers, of course, each of which is the  
effective size of the card. So the topmost background intercepts  
all mouseUps (and presumably other such messages) that fall outside  
the bounds of any object or other group on the card. I can see  
where that might cause a programming dilemma or at least confusion.

I don't think it's necessary to avoid putting scripts in groups,  
but it is necessary to be careful what messages you write scripts  
for in the groups so that you can handle the flow of messages  

I'm actually surprised to hear you, as a HyperCard user, say this,  
i.e. that is a surprising feature.  I may be wrong about this but I  
had thought the background property was implemented in large part for  
compatability with HyperCard.  And while it's been years since I've  
used HC, as I recall in HC, a click outside any other objects would  
go through to the background which covered the entire card.   
Personally, the feature that  I found surprising when I started using  
rev was that you could have more than one background.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: a few geometry questions...

2005-08-06 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 6, 2005, at 8:53 PM, TJ Frame wrote:

Hi everyone,
 1) If I have the points A and B, how would I determine point C  
that lies
along the slope but is X units in length from the origin (which  
will always

be point A)
 I can find the total distance between A and B or the midpoint  
using the
distance and midpoint formulas, but I'm not sure how to plug in a  

distance value.

It's late and I'm fuzzy so I'm sure this can be optimized  
particularly as I'm not sure how good Rev is at geometric functions  
but without using them, given distance A to C is X assuming you have  
calculated that the distance from  A to B is Y and (continuing to use  
these letters as variable names)

put X / Y into tRatio
put tRatio * (item 1 of B - item 1 of A) into Cx
put tRatio * (item 2 of B - item 2 of A) into Cy
put Cx  comma  Cy into C

 2) I also need to be able to find out where a circle of a given  
whose orgin is at A intersects that imaginary line. Given that A  
will always
be the origin of the circle and I only want the single intersection  
towards point B I wouldn't need to check for all possible solutions  
such as

non-intersection etc.

This is exactly the same problem as 1).  Just substitute the radius  
of the circle for distance X

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: global problems

2005-08-02 Thread James Spencer

On Aug 2, 2005, at 6:13 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

In any language I've worked with, you declare a global and it stays  
in memory until you delete it or quit the program.

I don't know of any language that deletes globals automatically  
based on whether the app closes or opens files from disk.

This of course brings us back to the real issue here.  What is  
different about Rev as versus other most other languages from Think  
Pascal through Xcode Objective C is that when you are running a stack  
in the IDE, the IDE IS the app and as you note, globals stick around  
until the app exits or you delete them.

The remarkably tight integration between the projects we are building  
and the IDE itself requires a concept change in many areas, not just  
globals, e.g. messaging.  When I send an Objective C message in an  
Xcode program, even with ZeroLink on, that message is not going to  
get to Xcode itself.  But system messages that I don't handle can get  
to all kinds of places I didn't expect.

Rev is just different in this regard and because of that difference,  
you need and want the behavior to be exactly what it is because the  
only way the IDE could tell that you want a certain group of stacks  
to be considered an app would be by limiting the flexibility we  
have now.  Yes, this requires that the programmer be aware of  
possible side effects in and from other stacks but that is no more  
true for globals than it is for say the preopenstack message.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: [ANN] Scripter's Scrapbook 5.02 upgrade

2005-07-28 Thread James Spencer

On Jul 28, 2005, at 6:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Existing Users should update from the Help menu. The update will be
located in a 'new version' folder for you. (Version 5 Users will  
find that all
their existing Entries, settings, preferences and personal plugins  
will be

automatically transfered for them.)

Except it reports no new version from 5.01 so doesn't do the download.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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Re: Rev 2.6 docs slow?

2005-06-06 Thread James Spencer
Yea, I think there's something wrong here.  Expanding topic's is  
similarly slow.  I thought we had the documentation problems licked.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN


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On Jun 6, 2005, at 9:24 PM, Michael J. Lew wrote:

I've downloaded 2.6 and LOVE seeing array content in the debugger.  
However, the docs have become impossibly slow (a minute or so to  
show the topics). Anyone else see that?

Michael J. Lew

Senior Lecturer
Department of Pharmacology
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010

Phone +613 8344 8304

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Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-02 Thread James Spencer
On May 2, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
Setting those aside, Rev lacks several characteristics most people  
consider inherent to OO. That doesn't make it bad or good,  

When this thread started, my reaction was because of these missing  
characteristics, I would have said that Rev is not OO except in a way  
that doesn't reflect the general benefits of OOP.  But the more I  
think about it, with the benefit of the comments here, I've come to  
the conclusion that while it is missing some OO characteristics, it  
also possesses some very significant features that are missing from  
languages that are considered (at least by some) to be more  
traditionally OO.  Specifically, the more I use Objective C with its  
dynamic messaging, which is very similar in many ways to Rev's  
messaging, the more I realize C++'s lacks in this regard.  For  
another example, one cannot write handlers except in the context of  
an object: an instance of a button, a group, a card, a stack, or  
whatever; it simply doesn't permit non-OO programming.

Having said all that, it really doesn't matter and as you say, none  
of this is, in itself, good or bad.  Rev (and it's related  
environments such as HC, SC, etc.) can't even be analyzed using  
traditional computer science analysis.  It's just different which is  
what makes it so damn great!

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-04-30 Thread James Spencer
On Apr 30, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
But that's moot. Nobody's going to do either. Java is good for some  
things for which Rev is not suited (mostly apps requiring lots of  
interaction with system-level resources and multi-programmer  
projects) and Rev is good for some things for which Java is either  
overkill or cumbersome (almost everything else...LOL).

Amen.  Everytime I see one of these language wars start up I'm  
always amazed that folks have forgotten that these are TOOLS and like  
hardware tools, each tool has certain jobs that it is best suited  
for.  There are lots of different hammers out there but I would not  
use a tack hammer for the same job that I would use an 8 lb maul.   
That does not mean that a tack hammer is better or worse than a  
maul.  (This is not to say there are personal preferences; IMHO, for  
things that Rev is not good for, I would use almost anything rather  
than Java which I don't much care for.)

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Re: [ANN] Reminder - online scripting conferences

2005-04-29 Thread James Spencer
On Apr 29, 2005, at 8:47 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 4/29/05 5:49 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
 J. Landman Gay wrote:

 We're on Daylight Savings Time right now, so everything shifted one
 hour. EST right now is -4. This fall, it will be -5 again. At  
least, I
 think so, because I'm in Central time zone and we are at -5  
right now.

 Actually, EST never changes - right now the East Coast states are  
on EDT
 (Eastern Daylight Time) which is UTC-4
 EST is (and always will be) UTC-5.

Ack. There is no denying your logic. ;) And here Heather even got  
in touch with me to double-check the time conversion, and I was,  
like, Yeah, that's right...oh wait, no, it should be an hour  
earlier...oh! no wait, I'm wrong, it's, um...yeah, okay, that's  
right. I was so busy figuring out the numbers I forgot to look at  
the letters.

 UTC is close enough to GMT for our purposes (they can vary by up  
to 0.9
 of a second !!)

Okay, that's it. I have the solution. We all stay online for 24  
hours nonstop so we don't miss anybody. And no fair sleeping.
For those of us who can't do this (stay online for the next 24  
hours) :), what time is the conference: 3:30 GMT or 11:30 EST?   
Actually what I really want to know is whether it is at 11:30  
Minneapolis time or 10:30 Minneapolis time (just in case you have  
problems converting from Minneapolis to Rochester time zones).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseDown/mouseUp problem

2005-03-16 Thread James Spencer
On Mar 16, 2005, at 12:40 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 3/15/05 9:16 PM, James Spencer wrote:
I've got a button which, when it is pressed and held, I want to do 
some things (brief and repetitive) and then do some other things once 
it is released.  I've got handlers in the button script:
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
-- do stuff repeatedly while mouse is down
end repeat
-- do some quick cleanup code before exiting
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
-- do stuff now that the button as been released
end mouseUp
My mouseUp handler is not being called.  Well that's not really true; 
it has been called exactly once in maybe a couple of dozen trials.
This all used to work the same as it does in HyperCard back in the 
Beginning Of MC Time, but the behavior changed a few years ago. 
Tracking mouseup within a loop was CPU-intensive and Scott Raney 
wanted to change the behavior to make MetaCard more efficient. There 
was some discussion on the mailing list about it (and about how it 
would break legacy stacks,) but eventually it was decided that mouseup 
would no longer be cached in the event queue; instead it would only be 
sent if the mouse were actually going up at exactly the moment the 
script encountered the test command.

The HC-style loop polling is strongly discouraged in MC/Revolution. It 
was sort of okay to do in OS 9 because there wasn't really any 
multi-tasking, but with modern OS architecture, polling the mouse can 
bring some systems to their knees if the loop goes on long enough.

So what you need to do instead, which is much more efficient and 
friendly, is this:
I think it was Chipp who posted a briefer response with the same 
technique, but this web page may give you some additional ideas.
Thank you (and Chipp and PL) for the answer to the question which was 
more of a matter of curiosity than anything else.  I had planned to 
change this to not use polling anyway but was fiddling and couldn't 
make this work and was simply wondering why.  Interestingly, Dan 
Shafer, while being clear about the downside of using the polling 
functions (and citing your article Jacque), actually has code almost 
identical to mine in his laboratory exercise on page 129 asserting tht 
this approach would work fine.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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mouseDown/mouseUp problem

2005-03-15 Thread James Spencer
I've got a button which, when it is pressed and held, I want to do some 
things (brief and repetitive) and then do some other things once it is 
released.  I've got handlers in the button script:

on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
-- do stuff repeatedly while mouse is down
end repeat
-- do some quick cleanup code before exiting
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
-- do stuff now that the button as been released
end mouseUp
My mouseUp handler is not being called.  Well that's not really true; 
it has been called exactly once in maybe a couple of dozen trials.  I 
haven't been able to repeat this and I have no idea what was different 
the one time that the mouseUp message was sent.  To mention the 
obvious, the message watcher shows me that the mouseUp message simply 
isn't being sent.  I assume I am running into some well-documented 
process where my repeat in the mouseDown handler eats the mouseUp but 
I'm not seeing it.  Can someone give me some guidance?

For what it is worth this is under Mac OS X 10.3.8
James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Re: Standard Images

2004-11-21 Thread James Spencer
On Nov 20, 2004, at 11:15 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 11/20/04 3:12 PM, James Spencer wrote:
OK, one last stupid question and I'll have this thing beat.  My 
button icons are all working fine but what aren't are icons for the 
answer dialogs: generally I've called for answer question My 
prompt? with Yes or No but it doesn't matter if the iconType 
parameter passed to answer is question, information, or nothing.  I 
get a good icon when I run the app in the RR environment but nothing 
as a standalone.  Any guesses?
Sounds like the images aren't getting copied over to the standalone; 
what happens if you specifically set the gRevAppIcon to an existing 
image in the stack (just for testing)?
Actually, if I had bothered to read the documentation (although I will 
take the opportunity to once again whine about the crappy nature of the 
documentation; you have to be an absolute mind reader to find things), 
with reference to gRevAppIcon and gRevSmallAppIcon, it really answers 
my question.  As you guessed, it appears that the standard RR icons are 
not copied over.  Interestingly, I haven't been able to get them to 
copy over even if I make a button that uses one of them as the icon (I 
was going to just use standard RR icons for this quick and dirty app 
but it appears that is not easily possible).  But I can set these 
globals to any other images in my open stacks and then things work 

Thank you again for the help.
James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Re: Standard Images

2004-11-21 Thread James Spencer
On Nov 21, 2004, at 1:15 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
All the docs and learning materials are a huge improvement.  Perhaps 
it is
the sheer complexity of the language that makes one feel as if a
mindreader's services are necessary.

I disagree; I regularly write applications with Cocoa using Objective C 
and Xcode.  I'm also fairly fluent in C++ and Java and have over the 
years used a lot of different environments and languages.  Cocoa and 
Xcode have been heavily criticized for their documentation but frankly, 
they put RR's to shame.  RR's scripting language and environment are 
complex but not inordinately so.  The problem is that while the 
documents as provided are pretty good REFERENCES if you know what key 
word to look for, there is no overview or conceptual documents.  It's 
as though Apple produced Cocoa with literally nothing but the class 
library documentation.  These kinds of conceptual documentation are 
critical considering the unusual nature of the RR environment.  The 
tutorials are in the right direction but they don't cover an awful lot 
of subjects.   Dan Shafer's books also might serve this purpose if they 
are ever published and if they are available at reasonable cost (i.e. 
they should come in electronic form with the license fee).

All of this, of course, is just one person's opinion.  Please note, I'm 
not complaining just to hear myself rant.  I think RR is a great 
product, I will continue to use it and I hope it has wild success.  I 
just think it would be more successful and certainly more useful  if it 
were a little easier to step into.  It is difficult to use even for 
experienced programmers and/or those coming to RR with a HyperCard 
background.  The documentation as it exists does not make it easier.

(BTW, as an aside I join in Stephen's complaint about the sheet that 
advises that there are no matches in searching for documentation; it is 
very irritating trying to get rid of it if you manage to quickly type 
several characters past the last match).

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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Re: Standard Images

2004-11-21 Thread James Spencer
On Nov 21, 2004, at 12:16 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

As you guessed, it appears that the standard RR icons are not copied 
over.  Interestingly, I haven't been able to get them to copy over 
even if I make a button that uses one of them as the icon (I was 
going to just use standard RR icons for this quick and dirty app but 
it appears that is not easily possible).  But I can set these globals 
to any other images in my open stacks and then things work fine.
This sounds like something that ought to go into Bugzilla. It seems to 
me that these images should get placed into standalones if ask or 
answer is used in the stack. If you don't want to submit it, let me 
know and I'll do it. Bugzilla is here:
I'm glad to submit it; I just wanted to be sure that it is in fact a 
bug before doing so.

It does appear that there is fact some kind of significant bug here.  I 
jumped the gun in saying things work fine if I set the globals to 
existing images.  The large icon will appear correctly in answer 
dialogs if the iconType is omitted but for the other types, which in OS 
X  should badge a standard icon with the small app icon, only the small 
icon is appearing, correctly located where the badge should be, but 
without the large standard icon.  The latter is not appearing, just a 
blank space.

Going along with this is the question of what the fields in the 
standalone settings for OS X mean.  I could swear that I saw somewhere 
(either an archived message or in the docs or a Bugzilla report) that 
one should be able to set gRevAppIcon and gRevSmallAppIcon in the 
dialog.  I can't find the source of that idea but certainly the 
language of the labels in the dialog, i.e. Icons to display on ask and 
answer dialogs would seem to indicate this.  However, it doesn't work 
for me.  If I want any icons at all in my answer dialogs in the 
standalone, I need to have the image somewhere in my application and 
need to explictly set the globals.

Whatever, unless someone here tells me that I'm screwing up (admittedly 
even with RR's bugs, that this is my own foolishness is a more likely 
prospect) I'll submit it to Bugzilla shortly.  I'm just surprised no 
one has complained about this if it is a bug.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Standard images

2004-11-20 Thread James Spencer
I know this question has been asked but in going through the archives, 
the only solution I've seen was very general and I didn't really 
understand the details.  I've got an old project that I've been working 
on short of on-and-off since Rev 2.0 or so.  I made the mistake of 
using Rev's standard icons from the Image Library.  Back when adding 
these to the stand-alone was no problem but I've just realized that 2.5 
doesn't provide a mechanism for automatically including the standard 
icons.  Short of prowling through stacks with low level tools (or worse 
IMHO considering the quick and dirty nature of this application) 
redoing all of the images, is there a way to bring the standard icons 
into my standalone?  I've tried adding revGeneralIcons to my standalone 
with no effect.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Standard images

2004-11-20 Thread James Spencer
On Nov 20, 2004, at 11:15 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 11/20/04 10:22 AM, James Spencer wrote:
I know this question has been asked but in going through the 
archives, the only solution I've seen was very general and I didn't 
really understand the details.  I've got an old project that I've 
been working on short of on-and-off since Rev 2.0 or so.  I made the 
mistake of using Rev's standard icons from the Image Library.  Back 
when adding these to the stand-alone was no problem but I've just 
realized that 2.5 doesn't provide a mechanism for automatically 
including the standard icons.  Short of prowling through stacks with 
low level tools (or worse IMHO considering the quick and dirty nature 
of this application) redoing all of the images, is there a way to 
bring the standard icons into my standalone?  I've tried adding 
revGeneralIcons to my standalone with no effect.
I think this is automatic now, and there is no longer an interface for 
it. The standalone builder will scan all your button icons and include 
those the stack is using. Is it not working that way?
Yes in fact it is working that way, thank you very much.  The problem 
was that the icons are in fact not needed by the standalone file but 
rather were needed by a couple of free standing stacks in separate 
files (so they can be modified by the standalone) so the icons weren't 
being copied.  The solution was simply to add an extra card to my 
splash card stack that never get's seen but contains copies of the 
buttons with their icons.  The package now works correctly.  Thanks 

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Standard Images

2004-11-20 Thread James Spencer
On Nov 20, 2004, at 11:15 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 11/20/04 10:22 AM, James Spencer wrote:
I know this question has been asked but in going through the 
archives, the only solution I've seen was very general and I didn't 
really understand the details.  I've got an old project that I've 
been working on short of on-and-off since Rev 2.0 or so.  I made the 
mistake of using Rev's standard icons from the Image Library.  
Back when adding these to the stand-alone was no problem but I've 
just realized that 2.5 doesn't provide a mechanism for automatically 
including the standard icons.  Short of prowling through stacks with 
low level tools (or worse IMHO considering the quick and dirty 
nature of this application) redoing all of the images, is there a 
way to bring the standard icons into my standalone?  I've tried 
adding revGeneralIcons to my standalone with no effect.
I think this is automatic now, and there is no longer an interface 
for it. The standalone builder will scan all your button icons and 
include those the stack is using. Is it not working that way?
Yes in fact it is working that way, thank you very much.  The problem 
was that the icons are in fact not needed by the standalone file but 
rather were needed by a couple of free standing stacks in separate 
files (so they can be modified by the standalone) so the icons weren't 
being copied.  The solution was simply to add an extra card to my 
splash card stack that never get's seen but contains copies of the 
buttons with their icons.  The package now works correctly.  Thanks 

OK, one last stupid question and I'll have this thing beat.  My button 
icons are all working fine but what aren't are icons for the answer 
dialogs: generally I've called for answer question My prompt? with 
Yes or No but it doesn't matter if the iconType parameter passed to 
answer is question, information, or nothing.  I get a good icon when I 
run the app in the RR environment but nothing as a standalone.  Any 

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list


2004-11-19 Thread James Spencer
Menus are just plain driving me nuts and I'm hoping someone can at 
least explain this behavior with the goal that maybe I can understand 
what is happening for future reference.

The particular project at hand uses four stacks, one of which is really 
nothing more than a splash screen although it also contains some 
utility stuff for manipulating the other stacks.  The actual 
application primarily consists of two other stacks.  The fourth stack 
is, at Sarah Reichelt's suggestion (thank you again Sarah) a stack I 
use just for menu development so I don't have to sweat the nonsense of 
how Mac menus are handled.   I created my main menu bar on that stack 
(the group is named Main Menu Bar) and I use it in the other three 
stacks by set menuBar of this stack to Main Menu Bar.  Then, because 
at one time, I had thought it would be helpful to have a different set 
of menus when the utilities in the first stack were displayed, I copied 
my Main Menu Bar, named this second bar Utility Menus and had a 
line in my preOpenStack handler in the utility stack to set MenuBar of 
this stack to Utility Menus.  Again, this worked fine and I could 
change back and forth with the correct menus being displayed.

I eventually decided I did not need this second set of menus, that the 
one set would work fine for all purposes just enabling and disabling 
items (as an aside I've reached the conclusion that one thing I don't 
like in Rev's development environment over working with say 
Xcode/InterfaceBuilder or other IDE's is how dramatically the menus 
change depending on context but that's just me) as appropriate.  So, I 
DELETED the Utility Menus group from my menu stack.  I've gone 
through all four stacks with the application browser and the group with 
it's corresponding buttons are definitely gone.

Now, here's what I don't get.  I forgot to delete out my line of script 
in the utility stack that set menuBar of this stack to Utility Menus 
and lo and behold, the old menu bar, the one that doesn't seem to be in 
the stack anywhere, continues to appear when the utility stack is in 
front.  How can this be?  I've got my application working correctly now 
by changing the set menuBar line to set the correct menu bar but how 
come I wasn't getting an error when I was setting the menuBar to a 
non-existent menu?  Inquiring minds simply would like to know.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
Badges??  We don't need no stinkin badges!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: More 2.5 weirdness

2004-09-27 Thread James Spencer
On Sep 27, 2004, at 5:18 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 9/27/04 4:39 PM, Howard Bornstein wrote:
Boy, V2.5 is now starting to act very squirly. I get into a situation
where combo and popup buttons will no longer pop open. Not only the
buttons on my stack, but also the buttons on the property inspector.
So the little Arrow button at the top-right of the inspector no longer
works, the popup, which show Basic Properties as its first choice
doesn't work, etc.
Most other things seem to work. This happens after my script sets the
labels of some combo-buttons in my stack. That's about the only thing
related that I'm doing that I can think of. Closing a stack and
re-opening it doesn't fix this. I have to quit and restart Rev.
Anybody seen this?
Yeah. In the property inspector, same as you describe, where the popup 
that lets you change from basic properties to the other sets doesn't 
pop down. I wasn't changing any labels on anything, so I have no clue 
what caused it. I haven't bugzilla'ed it yet because I can't figure 
out a recipe.
I saw this for a while but like you was never able to come up with a 
recipe so never Bugzilla'ed it.  I will say, however, that the problem 
arose at the same time that I created a really wierd infinite recursion 
through a preOpenStack handler in a main stack which did a time delayed 
call to another handler which opened a different stack which did not 
have a preOpenStack handler so the main stack's preOpenStack handler 
got called, etc. etc. etc.  When I got rid of the recursion, my 
property inspector worked again too although I can't begin to explain 
why the recursion would cause the behavior I saw in the inspector.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying Menus

2004-09-07 Thread James Spencer
On Sep 6, 2004, at 10:41 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
I suggest making a separate sub-stack and MOVING your original menu 
group to it, where it can be set to non-Mac style for easy editing. If 
you call it Menu1, then in your main stack's preOpenStack handler, 
you can say:
	set the menuBar of this stack to Menu1

Back to the menu editing stack, duplicate the group, edit the new one 
as you see fit, call it Menu2 or whatever you like, and use the same 
type of script to set the menubar for stack 2.

I have given up using the Mac-style menus in favor of having them in 
separate stacks. It makes them easier to edit and I don't have any 
problems with the objects being relocated or the stack window being 

Thanks for this suggestion.  While not directly taking care of the 
problems I was having, it is nice workaround that has solved all kinds 
of issues with respect to menu creation.

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Project Builder Question (External Related)

2004-09-06 Thread James Spencer
On Sep 5, 2004, at 12:38 PM, K wrote:
I am sorry for my Project Builder ignorance I am used to using Code 
Warrior (*NIX development) and Visual Studio (Win32 Development).  I 
seems to be experiencing linking problems with the stanard C/C++ 

Simple example:
NOTE: This is a C version I experience simular problems with may c++ 

#include stdlib.h
void somefunction( revolution/mc signature)
  int  result ;
  char *mcResult_ptr = calloc( (sizeof(int)*8+1), sizeof(char) ) ;
  //Do something..
  itoa( result, mcResult_ptr, 10 ) ;
Here even though itoa is included via stdlib.h the linker will be 
unable to locate it.  I assume the glibc/c-lib is  not being linked.  
How do I correct this in Project Builder?
You really should ask this in a basic C group or list as it not only 
has nothing to do with Rev but actually has nothing to do with 
ProjectBuilder (or Xcode which is what you should be using) or, for 
that matter, isn't really a linker error.  (It is also hard to give  
help when you don't give us the error messages but the immediate error 
is fairly obvious in the above).

Having said that, the problem in your example is that itoa() is NOT 
part of the standard lib and a basic search of stdlib.h will tell you 
that it is not declared there.  If  you try to build this code in 
CodeWarrior, with the standard settings, you will get a compile time 
error for failing to declare itoa.  (I don't know what Visual Studio 
will do; they may have defined itoa() in the environment; if not, then 
you will get some kind of error there but it could be a compiler error 
like CW or a linker error like Xcode.)  In XCode (and I assume PB but 
its been awhile since I've used it) the standard settings will permit 
the code to compile but then the linker complains that you haven't 
defined atoi and I assume this is what the error message you are 
getting tells you.  You can test that the std library is in fact being 
linked simply by commenting out the itoa line and the code should link 
even though you have a call to calloc() which is in the standard 

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Copying Menus

2004-09-06 Thread James Spencer
It strikes me that this should be easy but I'm a dolt and can't figure 
it out.  Nor can I find anything in the documentation (one more voice 
in the wilderness: the documentation is great for looking up specific 
Transcript elements but stinks for figuring out how to use the 
development environment).

I have a project based on three related stacks (at this point, they are 
arranged as a main stack and two substacks in a single file) which is 
intended to run exclusively under OS X (which matters only because the 
menus are intended to only be at the top of the screen and no space has 
been left in any of the stacks for a menu bar on the card).  All three 
have related but slightly different menus.  What I would like to do is, 
 having developed my menus for the main stack,  to be able to copy that 
menubar group from the main stack to the other two stacks where I want 
to be able to edit them without having to recreate the menus and their 
scripts from scratch for each substack.

I can copy the main stack's group by temporarily making it a windows 
style menu (on the card) selecting the group and copying it and then 
restoring the main stack's menu to the top of the screen.  I can then 
paste this into the substack but, of course, it appears on the card and 
when I set it to be at the top of the screen,  Rev moves my content up. 
 Problem, of course is that I didn't forsee a problem in copying the 
menu bar so I didn't leave space at the top of the card and I'm losing 
part of my content.  I've tried variations of this some of which at 
least show the menus but Menu Builder won't edit them.

I thought I might be able to copy and pasting the original menu bar 
group from the Application Browser but this doesn't seem to be 
permitted: when I paste the group, regardless of what is selected and 
displayed in the Browser, a second copy of the group is placed in the 
original stack.

Am I overlooking something obvious or does anyone have any suggestions?
James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Programming contest [Rev Physics masters]

2004-05-01 Thread James Spencer
On May 1, 2004, at 1:09 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Friday, April 30, 2004, at 10:23 PM, David Kwinter wrote:

So who's our physics master? I have experience backtesting  
optimizing systems once I've programmed them - but defining the 
environment following their specs looks extremely challenging.
I'm not sure how much this is a physics problem.  The simulator is 
spec'd out exactly and that takes care in doing the low level coding.  
Some physics might be handy in getting close to a solution.  However, 
this looks like a search problem to me.  Well, at first glance.

It is a nice problem in that it can be broken up into pieces and the 
pieces might be done in alternate ways.

You are right: last year's problem was a pure computer programming 
problem.  There was no physics involved at all as the contest 
organizers defined the physics of the problem completely and the math 
that was to be used to solve the physics.  I think you can expect the 
same this year.  The few past problems I've looked at did not require 
any knowledge of anything other than how to program.  The consistent 
theme seems to be that algorithm is paramount with processing time 
being secondary but not insignificant.  (When you have only 72 hours to 
write your program and submit your results, a brute force solution 
isn't likely to be successful as you won't find an optimum solution in 
that time, certainly without a supercomputer.)


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Saving substacks in stand alones

2004-03-14 Thread James Spencer
On Mar 13, 2004, at 10:31 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 3/13/04 2:40 PM, James Spencer wrote:

What I don't get and hope that some kind soul will tell me is:
a) Considering that the data stack is not a substack of the main 
stack but rather is  a completely separate entity in its own file, 
why does the doFileSave message get sent to the main stack?  I can 
surmise that the main stack of a stand alone application is always in 
the message chain but that doesn't explain to me why that works even 
within the Revolution Environment where I can have lots of stacks 
Rev has the ability to insert scripts of any object into either the 
front or the back of the hierarchy. If you look at the script on card 
1 of the data stack, you'll find an explanation of how the tutorial 
overcomes exactly the problem you describe. A preOpenCard handler 
inserts the script of the main stack into the back of the hierarchy. 
As you figured, in a standalone this script would always be available 
automatically, but while working in the IDE an insertion is necessary.
This is what I was looking for and in fact actually read without 
understanding its significance.  Thank you.  BTW, just in case someone 
else is reading this, the preOpenCard handler Jacque mentions here is 
in the script of card one of the main stack; the scripts of the data 
stack cards are empty.

b) How does the this work in the line above?  Does this stack 
refer to the stack from which the message was sent?
It refers to the current default stack, which is often, or even 
usually, the one that originated the message. It is possible to change 
which stack is the default stack though (set the defaultstack to...) 
at which point this stack means, um, that one.
...and my going back to reading the Transcript Dictionary entry for the 
default stack property makes this even clearer.  Thank you again.  (I 
would suggest that this is counterintuitive in this context: at least 
for me, I expect this to be the stack in which the script is found 
but now I'm whining.)

James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Upgrade version and pricing [was] Re: Fix it before moving ahead

2004-03-14 Thread James Spencer
On Mar 14, 2004, at 4:02 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

I'm cringing at jumping into this thread, because I DO NOT think  
RunRev has exactly been guilty of poor support or response to bugs.

HOWEVER, I can't quite agree with the Office OR OS comparisons. Both 
are consumer products, not developer products. Frankly, developer 
products need to be more bug-free than consumer ones (in general, 
don't shoot me).

I agree with you about RunRev's support and also cringe about jumping 
in but I think the second comment deserves response because I think 
this is somewhat behind some of the carping:

You may wish they were more bug free but in fact developer products are 
more complicated and function at lower levels than user software and as 
a consequence have, in my 30 years of using such software, consistently 
been MORE buggy, not less than consumer products.  There is no way for 
Revolution to ever even approach being bug free and it is unrealistic 
for anyone hear to think there is an obligation by RunRev to make bug 
fixes available forever for free just because there are bugs.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Saving substacks in stand alones

2004-03-13 Thread James Spencer
Newbie question just so I can understand what is happening.  I'm not 
understanding how message passing works or how this works in the 
context of substacks.

I've got some old stuff I'm converting to Rev. standalones to run under 
OS X and I've been wandering through the example Employee Data Base 
just to see how it is being done.  Being Unix based, the standalone 
can't save itself so I understand why a separate stack is used.  This 
separate stack, while cloned from the main stack is a completely 
separate file.  The main stack opens or creates this separate data 
stack, brings it to the front and hides itself (the main stack).  So 
far so good.

What I don't get is how the file saving code works.  The menu handler 
for file menu items in the data stack is in the card script for the 
currently displayed card; the Save menu choice calls doFileSave.  There 
is no doFileSave in the card script nor in that card's stack so it ends 
up going to the main stack where it is executed.  The file itself 
gets saved in the main stack's script where the handler calls, after 
some setup stuff:

save this stack

What I don't get and hope that some kind soul will tell me is:

a) Considering that the data stack is not a substack of the main stack 
but rather is  a completely separate entity in its own file, why does 
the doFileSave message get sent to the main stack?  I can surmise that 
the main stack of a stand alone application is always in the message 
chain but that doesn't explain to me why that works even within the 
Revolution Environment where I can have lots of stacks open.

b) How does the this work in the line above?  Does this stack refer 
to the stack from which the message was sent?

Thanks for the help.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Core dump on OS X?

2003-12-08 Thread James Spencer
On Dec 5, 2003, at 11:57 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I could use a core dump on OS X, but I can't figure out how to 
generate one.
Here's what I've been doing:

1. In the terminal:  limit coredumpsize unlimited
   (compensates for OS X's default value of 0)
2. Launch my app

3. In terminal:  kill -9 
   (or whatever the process ID is)
The app terminates as expected but there's nothing in /cores.  What 
else do
I need to do to generate a core dump?
I'm not going to be able to answer your question directly but I don't 
think the KILL signal that you are passing as -9 generates a core 
dump.  SEGV and QUIT do but in quickly checking this morning, I can't 
seem to be able to send those signals in a kill command.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Core dump on OS X?

2003-12-06 Thread James Spencer
On Dec 5, 2003, at 11:57 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I could use a core dump on OS X, but I can't figure out how to 
generate one.
Here's what I've been doing:

1. In the terminal:  limit coredumpsize unlimited
   (compensates for OS X's default value of 0)
2. Launch my app

3. In terminal:  kill -9 
   (or whatever the process ID is)
The app terminates as expected but there's nothing in /cores.  What 
else do
I need to do to generate a core dump?
I'm not going to be able to answer your question directly but I don't 
think the KILL signal that you are passing as -9 generates a core 
dump.  SEGV and QUIT do but in quickly checking this morning, I can't 
seem to be able to send those signals in a kill command.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Newby questions

2003-09-01 Thread James Spencer
1) Is there any convenient way to search the archives of this list 
other than downloading the entire mess and doing a text search?

2) What I was really looking for: is Menu Builder a one-time only tool. 
 I.e. can you use Menu Builder to edit a menu bar that you have 
previously created or once you quit Menu Builder do you have to work 
through the inspector?  I can't seem to find a way to get Menu Builder 
to recognize menus that I've already put in my stack.


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newby questions

2003-09-01 Thread James Spencer
On Monday, September 1, 2003, at 09:09  AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

1) Yes, and you have two options :
- either via an advanced Google search
- or via this search page, courtesy of Mindlube
2) You should be able to edit previouslyh created
menubars in your stack : while in the Menu Builder,
click the Edit... button, and select one you made
earlier in the same (or another) stack.
Hope this helped,
Very much; thank you!  I have no idea why I didn't figure out the menu 
editing question but that certainly does work.  (Duh!!!)


James P. Spencer
Rochester, MN

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use-revolution mailing list