Re: [OT-Rodeo] Still waiting for the aha moment

2010-07-21 Thread Richard K. Herz
Jerry, Are there sample Rodeo apps posted on the web as pages that can 
be viewed with a webkit browser? Links? Thanks.

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HyperCard was huge in its day, Jobs said

2010-06-01 Thread Richard K. Herz
Blog report on interview of Steve Jobs at D: All Things Digital, June 1, 

at 6:31 in blog:
HyperCard was huge in its day, Jobs said.. Jobs suggests it was bigger 
than Flash.

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Re: revWeb - revlet - examples please

2010-05-26 Thread Richard K. Herz

Robert Mann wrote:

nice initiative! I really wonder how large is revTalk community... Anyway
good opportunity to be able to test what actually work and what does not.

1) audio on revlet seems to be problematic :
# RGB Music RENGA  by Kenji
Kojima : no sound (macBook mac os x 10.5 / on safari and firefox)

Click on the image on the right side of the link above - or go directly to
and click Allow Once in the security notice. Then, on the lower right 
of the window, there is set of Play, Pause, Stop buttons - click the 
Play button - I hear music on Mac on Firefox OK.

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Re: revWeb - revlet - examples please

2010-05-26 Thread Richard K. Herz

Thank you Pierre - I've added your link to my list.

Pierre Sahores wrote:

Here is one more, a simple secret sentence game. The revlet is getting its 
contents from an on-rev mysql db.



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Re: revWeb - revlet - examples please

2010-05-25 Thread Richard K. Herz
A few days ago I asked for links to web pages with revlets - here is my 
list so far:

# Link 4 Game by John Dixon
# Guess game by Jacqueline 
Landman Gay
# Chance lab and physics impulse lab by 
George Brackett
# Color puzzle by Bernd 
# K12 educational example by Judy Perry
# Language and History educational 
revlets by L. Kirk Hagen

# RGB Music RENGA by Kenji Kojima
# University staff database by Rolf 
Kocherhans, - click allow once to allow network communication to 
database, then revlet opens as iPhone emulator, click on slider button 
(don't drag), type rolf without return, etc.
# Developer's examples by Sarah 

# Chemical reactors by Rich Herz

Thanks to everyone who sent their own links, or recommendations. One 
thing I learned is that my graphics aren't up to par - the others are 

The speed at which graphics are updated in a revlet, as displayed in a 
browser, is slower than in a desktop app, not surprisingly. But that is 
the only limitation I have encountered so far in converting stacks to 
revlets, and that may only affect a relatively large number of objects 
updating rapidly.

I hope that the number of web pages with revlets grows fast. Revlets 
seem to have a lot of potential.

Rich Herz

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revWeb - revlet - examples please

2010-05-22 Thread Richard K. Herz
Do you have web pages with revlets? I would appreciate receiving a link 
to your site.

I plan to present a talk about making interactive simulations with 
revMedia at an on-line learning conference in July. My revlets are 
math-oriented. I would like to provide links, with attribution, to 
revlets that also demonstrate graphics, multimedia, database use, etc. 
So far, I know of Sarah's page and that of Kirk Hagen.

Rich Herz
Sarah's revlets
Kirk Hagen's revlets
My revlets
Link to talk abstract: 

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Re; Custom Widget Technique Question

2009-09-15 Thread Richard K. Herz

Len Morgan wrote:

 I'm working on a new project and I'd like some advice on how to create
 controls to use on a graphical process display.  This will
 display a water pipeline system with all it's tanks, pipe, valves, ...

Len, In addition to the comments by Richard Gaskin and Roger Guay, there 
is a stack by Glenn Fisher - Flow Analysis - posted on RevOnline that 
you should check out, if you haven't already. You might also be 
interested in my stack Dynamic Simulation v.2 and stacks by Roger 
Guay, also at RevOnline.

I am also interested in simulation of pipelines and other flow systems, 
and have a simulator under development. Download the app at - open SimzLab and go to course PureWaterLab, Division 
D3, Lab L2, then click the Simulations button. See the unit palette on 
the right side - these are groups which can be added to the flowsheet, 
where the script copies the group in the palette to the flowsheet. This 
was developed before Rev 3.5 behaviors, so the scripts are in library 

Please keep us informed of your developments in this area.

Rich Herz
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Re: Rev presentation tool - PowerPoint alternative?

2009-03-24 Thread Richard K. Herz
Need: A way to show presentation slides in one window along with a Rev 
stack or other media in another window.

The problem with PowerPoint is that it takes over the entire screen 
during a slide show, and switching to another window, e.g., with Mac 
Spaces, is distracting.

One solution is to write your slides in a Rev stack. But to get the 
formatting options of PowerPoint or Keynote, I also had success with this:

- create slide show in PowerPoint or Keynote
- capture slides to JPG images
- create a Rev stack and import images
- set image geometry so image scales as card is resized

JPG's appear to rescale without messing up text edges much. GIF's from 
PowerPoint's Save as Web Page did not rescale well. To capture to jpg, I 
viewed each slide full size (in PowerPoint, menu View  Slide), captured 
with Mac Grab to tiff, then resaved as jpg.

Rich Herz

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Rev presentation tool - PowerPoint alternative?

2009-03-21 Thread Richard K. Herz

Is there a good Rev alternative to PowerPoint?

I just attended a conference sponsored by the American Society for 
Engineering Education. Most talks said that traditional lectures are not 
effective and we need new methods. But almost all speakers gave that 
message in traditional lecture format using PowerPoint!

In my talk I wanted to show interactive software built with Rev. Waiting 
until the very last minute, I didn't have time to make slides in a Rev 
stack, so I used PowerPoint.

The biggest problem is that PowerPoint takes over the entire screen. 
It's hard to go back and forth to a Rev stack without distraction. I 
ended up saving the PowerPoint as web pages, then using Full Screen 
Slide Show option which puts slides (as gifs) in a popup window that can 
be resized smaller to allow access to the Rev stack with both windows 
for the slides and stack on screen at same time. Would be nice to have a 
Rev alternative that can do things like resize text to match screen 
size, allow full or partial screen mode, etc.

Rich Herz

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Re: Calculating Numbers

2007-05-22 Thread Richard K. Herz
Scott, See stack ease255 on RevOnline under user ReactorLab - a 
variation of the old ease in stack for graphics. Rich

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Re: Parallels Desktop

2007-02-19 Thread Richard K. Herz
For the week I've been running Windows XP on an Intel MacBook with the 
*free* beta of VMware's Fusion virtualization product. Works well so far.

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Re: OT: Simple Computer Simulator, Anyone??

2007-01-25 Thread Richard K. Herz
Judy, Intel has web pages which may be of interest, although I haven't 
seen a simulator there:

See for example, see page 3 of 7 of How Microprocessors Work:

Depending on how simple-minded you want to get, you might check out the 
animations in my program TB Ref
See Category Assignment, Topic sample programs # assign.
Also see, Category Arrays, Topic sample program # sort, a screen 
shot of which is shown on the web page.

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[OT] snowflakes for the season

2006-12-11 Thread Richard K. Herz
Check out Click Make your own 
snowflake. Clever. Might give someone ideas for a Rev game.

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Re: Making the move...

2006-03-17 Thread Richard K. Herz

 I had the pleasure of serving tiramisu

A gracious host, Richard G. is! Thanks for your full meal of a post as 
well as your deserts.

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Re: 2.6.1 very slow on Win XP?

2005-10-28 Thread Richard K. Herz

Kurt Kaufman wrote:

 Rev. 2.6.1 is *very* slow to startup on my 2 gHz Win XP box (at the
 point at which menus and plugins are loaded it appears to all but hang).

One change between 2.6 and 2.6.1 is that QuickTime is loaded during 
startup of 2.6.1 rather than on first switch from select to browse tool 
in 2.6.

Rev 2.6.1 opens fast on my two Win XP machines.
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Re: OT: Looking for a cheap web hosting ISP

2005-10-20 Thread Richard K. Herz

andre wrote:

I use and never had any problem. It's cheap, fast, their

 support crew is fantastic and I am running Rev fine.

I also use and have done Rev CGI on it with no problem. 
Some history - I started using just because the 
MetaCard web site was on it at some point, then jaguarpc bought 
aletiahosting. Scott Raney made some recommendations concerning ISPs on 
the MC email list, including having your domain name registered at a 
different company than your web site host - he had some problems once.

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Re: Windows Command Code Resolved

2005-07-29 Thread Richard K. Herz

Something to be wary of...
If the file path to your document contains spaces, it might confuse
the start command.

Also see the entries under Command Line/Shell Info at

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Re: Greek text in Rev fields under Linux

2005-04-01 Thread Richard K. Herz
Dar wrote:
Try a simple test like this (with or without setting the font):
on mouseUp
  set the useUnicode to true
  set the unicodeText of field field to numToChar(0x222A)
end mouseUp
You should get a union symbol.
Didn't work. Got a dashed box in the field.  Thanks.
use-revolution mailing list

Greek text in Rev fields under Linux

2005-03-31 Thread Richard K. Herz
For scientific notation, I need to display Greek text characters in Rev 
fields in Linux using a font in a standard Linux distribution. On Win and 
Mac, one simply uses Symbol font in a Rev field. This doesn't display 
properly in Rev under Linux (Redhat Core distribution). The Rev docs suggest 
this involves using UTF-16 unicode font. The standard fonts on Linux appear 
to be UTF-8 and my experiments have been unsuccessful.

Does anyone have a stack with a field which displays Greek text on Linux 
they can share?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Suggestions?

2005-03-07 Thread Richard K. Herz
Richard Miller asked:
I've got a dedicated Mac server available, on which I want to place a
Rev application to gather and disseminate the required information. The
first 100 computers will continually inform that central application of
their status, and the other 100 will continually ask this application
for the status of the first 100 users.
I suggest having a Rev stack running permanently on the server that 
communicates with clients using TCP/IP sockets. This should work since the 
data sent in each of your messages is small (socket messages are around 1400 
KB max).  For example scripts see the Rev site  Video Tutorials  Sample 
Projects  Internet Chat (also the chatRev examples in Rev Online, User 
Spaces, General).  The alternative of sending posts to a Rev CGI causes an 
instance of Rev to open for each post, as I understand things, so would seem 
to be more resource intensive.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Math wizardry

2005-03-02 Thread Richard K. Herz
Richard Miller asked:
I've got two line graphics drawn on the screen. I need to find out if
they intersect and, if so, what the angle is that is formed by their
intersection. Any simple way to do this?
See, e.g.,
for each line defined by endpoints x1,y1 and x2,y2
st line equation y = m*x + b (m = slope, b = y intercept at x = 0)
m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = slope of line
b = y1 - m*x1 = intersection of line with y axis at x = 0
for two lines, get m1 and m2, b1 and b2
Any two nonparallel lines (m1 not m2) intersect
find x such that y's are equal
m1*x + b1 = m2*x + b2
x = (b2 - b1)/(m1 - m2)  = x at intersection
y at intersection = m1*x + b1 = m2*x + b2
slope m1 = tangent of angle A1 between line 1 and x-axis
angle A1 = inverse tangent(m1) = atan(m1) in Rev
angle A2 = inverse tangent(m2)
A2 - A1 = one pair of the two pairs of angles formed by the intersection of
two straight lines, with the other pair being pi radians (180 degrees) minus
this angle
Note that Rev and most other languages refer to angles in radians rather
than degrees in their trig functions.
Of course, work out a few examples and graph them to double-check this and
to understand the angle values returned.
Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

how to download and install externals

2004-12-28 Thread Richard K. Herz
are brief instructions for downloading externals from a server and using 
them on a client in a Rev application. The instructions are trivial for 
Windows but nontrivial for Mac OS X. In my application, I wanted a client 
Rev app without the revxml external to be able to download and use stacks 
which require the revxml external. The instructions should apply to other 

Rich Herz 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New RunRev site...

2004-08-31 Thread Richard K. Herz
The pages at the new site load slowly here (fast connection at university in 
western US on 2.2GHz PC).  Maybe it's slow because we are all hitting the 
site today or, hopefully, all the new customers are hitting it...

Also would expect rollover effects on the main navigation links but don't 
see them.

Rich Herz 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is Rev too Mac focused?

2004-08-09 Thread Richard K. Herz
Chipp wrote:

 Also, as you recall at the Rev Summit in CA, Chris Bohnert demonstrated 
 how easy it is to create an external for RR. One which can call a 
 Win32API if needed. So, it seems to me, an interim step would be a 
 really good primer for creating externals for RR. 'Cause even with a 

An externals primer would be a great contribution!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Program Testing and Persistent Properties - Thread Conclusion

2004-08-09 Thread Richard K. Herz
Bob Warren wrote:

 Some days ago I published a worst case scenario account of what it might
 be like for a VB programmer to make the switch to the Rev IDE and the
 confusions he might encounter when presuming that the setup of distinct
 project design /project testing existed as he had been used to. For those
 you who might have missed the thread, the original  illustrated story of
 VB programmer's demise is at .

A small aspect of this is related to the design of the tools palette.  I
suggest that better graphics be added to show that the browse and pointer
(edit) tool buttons toggle each other. The current design in 2.5b1 of making
the selected button's arrow icon black is bad since the selected cursor icon
doesn't look like the active cursor!.  In addition, there should be a
stronger graphical connection between the pointer tool and the control
selection buttons below on the tools palette.  Perhaps the browse and
pointer buttons should be over/under each other, with the browse button on
top and the pointer on bottom next to the control selection buttons - or
have some other graphical feature connecting the pointer button to the
control buttons.  Perhaps the control selection buttons should dim when the
browse tool is selected.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Performance Testing of Rev CGI?

2004-05-26 Thread Richard K. Herz
Dan Shafer asked:
Are there any other limitations of using Rev engines as CGI
environments that you've encountered that i should know about?

In a bubbling first attempt at doing chat, I used posts to Rev CGI on a
shared Linux server at a commercial web host.  It worked well but the host
shut it down because of too big a load on the server.  My understanding is
that each CGI post starts up a new instance of the Rev engine, producing the
excessive load in my case.  It seems that Rev CGI on a shared server is good
for things that don't produce a lot of simultaneous posts, like web forms.
It appears the way to do chat is to open one Rev CGI engine instance which
runs continuously and communicates with multiple clients over sockets,
though I haven't tested it with a a lot of users yet.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating bulletin boards, chat rooms...

2004-05-09 Thread Richard K. Herz
My second version of a Rev chat/message board uses multiple socket
connections to a single Rev engine/server stack instance.  It was developed
starting with Tuviah's SimpleChat, the very first (at the very bottom)
contribution on Rev's web site user contributions page.  The first client
connecting, when it finds it can't establish a socket, sends a cgi post to
the server which starts the Rev engine/server stack which then starts
accepting sockets.  The server stack shuts down when there is no activity.
On a dedicated server, you could leave it running.

When a client first connects, the Rev server stack sends it a portion of the
log file.  When a client sends a message, the server stack appends it the
the log file, broadcasts it to all connected clients, and also broadcasts a
separate status message with the number of current connections for display
at the client stacks.

My first version worked well but my web host shut it down.  It relied solely
on individual cgi posts for all communications (hey, I'm an amateur at this)
and my web host said all the Rev engine instances starting up was too big a
load on the shared web server.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Web design software

2004-02-19 Thread Richard K. Herz
Richard Gaskin wrote:

Since you'll have to deliver a player app for users to run them, why not
save them the extra step of using a Web browser and build a directory
 right into your app which can download and run your stack files?

Jim Hurley replied:

My thought was to simply create a standalone consisting of the entire
stack (it won't be large) and store that on a web site with the url
to be cited in the book.

From my own experience, I recommend Richard's approach - something similar
to his RevNet.  This will give you a way to get corrected or revised stacks
to users easily, as well as new stacks you think up later.  A user can
download your existing standalone set of stacks in a single archive file.
Then, when a web connection is available, the standalone can check for
updates.  My approach is described at .

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is Transcript's English orientation a plus or minus?

2004-02-11 Thread Richard K. Herz
Kevin wrote,
The syntax is neither amateurish, nor only for beginners.  The...
We're not about to spend time making our virtually self-commenting code...


Rich Herz
Mechanical  Aerospace Engineering Dept.
University of California, San Diego

use-revolution mailing list

Dan Shafer's comments on positioning...

2004-02-07 Thread Richard K. Herz
Dan Shafer wrote:

 That said, I also tired quickly as I did that study for Intel of
 educational institutions and educators who (not universally but often
 enough to come to my attention): (a) demanded free or low-cost stuff
 even though they recommend textbooks that cost hundreds of dollars,
 some of which the recommending profs wrote; (b) garnered substantial

I'll speak here about getting profs to use software in regular
non-programming courses.  Even today there's a big hurdle to get profs
to use software in courses.  It's easy for a prof to fill out the textbook
form the bookstore sends over each term, let students provide all money
involved, then assign them to work the odd-numbered problems at the end of
chapters.  It takes a lot more energy, and is something many profs don't
know how to start doing, to get software budgeted and licensed, installed in
a lab, and then tested to make sure everything works.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Sculley on lost opportunity with HyperCard

2003-10-03 Thread Richard K. Herz
Interesting comment from John Scully on lost opportunity with HyperCard at

Interview with John Sculley, former CEO of Apple Computer, October 2, 2003,
4:00 AM PDT, By Dawn Kawamoto, Staff Writer, CNET

Any missed opportunities that you wish you could do over?

As I look back on things that I wished we would have done differently when I
was at Apple, I think one of the biggest missed opportunities, and it was on
my watch, so I feel responsible and disappointed that we didn't do more with
it, was Hypercard. It was created back in 1987 by Bill Atkinson, Apple's
first software programmer. We could never figure out exactly what it was...

We weren't insightful enough to recognize that what we had inside of
Hypercard, essentially, was everything that later was developed so
successfully by Tim Berners-Lee with HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Way to cache stacks from web and update when changes?

2003-08-20 Thread Richard K. Herz
Rob Gould wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out a way to write an app that automatically updates
 itself from the web when it determines that a stack on the web-site
 Has anyone done this before?

I do something related in the new net version at
The approach is described at (link
Building a Rich Client or Internet App in Revolution).

Version info is kept in text files on the server and client, rather than
using a script to get file info automatically.  Disadvantage is that you
have to hand-edit list on server when a new stack is posted, advantage is
that you can keep drafts or backup stacks in the directories and not have
them presented to client.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dragging a line between points

2003-07-31 Thread Richard K. Herz
T. R. Ponn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been fiddling with this all afternoon...and I have to be missing
 something obvious.  How do I click on one button (representing a Pin
 on a connector) and have a straight line follow the mouse until I click

Well, I didn't exactly as you asked but this should get you started
(irritating technique I use on my students ;-)

Rich Herz

# script of stack with a graphic Pin 1
global gWireEnds, gDrawWire, gWires

on mouseDown
  if the mouseLoc is within the rect of graphic Pin 1 then
put the mouseLoc into gWireEnds
set the style of the templateGraphic to line
# increment wire count
if gWires is not a number then
  put 1 into gWires
  add 1 to gWires
end if
put wire  gWires into tWire
create graphic tWire
put true into gDrawWire
  end if
end mouseDown

on mouseRelease
  # use mouseRelease since mouse may go up outside graphic
  if gDrawWire is true then
put false into gDrawWire
# create a new pin
  end if
end mouseRelease

on mouseMove
  if gDrawWire is true then
put the mouseLoc into line 2 of gWireEnds
put wire  gWires into tWire
set the points of graphic tWire to gWireEnds
  end if
end mouseMove

use-revolution mailing list

Re: double-clicking stack on desktop

2003-07-16 Thread Richard K. Herz
Thanks to Jackie and others for suggestion to change double-clicking stack
on desktop behavior of Rev stacks to that of MetaCard by renaming
application file.  Here's the details, at least on Windows OS:

I have many personal stacks (calendar, database, address) that I, or
family, normally just want to double-click and use rather than edit. In
MC, double-clicking a stack on the desktop opens the stack in Player, and
ctrl-double-click opens stack in Development - opposite behavior to Rev. MC
behavior is preferrable for these personal stacks you want to simply use
most of the time.

Would be nice if Rev had an option in Preferences for double-click behavior.
Here's fix, at least for Windows OS:

In Revolution distribution folder, copy Revolution.exe to a new file whose
name doesn't start with rev, e.g., Copy of Revolution.exe or mc.exe or
mcrev.exe (but not revmc.exe). In Windows Folder Options (file types)
control panel, create a new file type for personal stacks, e.g., RV (.rv
extension) and then click Advanced button to specify they are to be opened
by the renamed copy of Revolution.exe in Revolution distribution folder.

Now, double-clicking an .rv stack on the desktop opens the stack in Player
mode (with MC hand cursor and default font size but with Rev title-bar
icon). Ctrl-double-click opens file in licensed MC Development if you have a
licensed MC home stack somewhere on disk, or opens file in Starter Kit MC
Development if you have an unlicensed MC home stack somewhere, or opens file
in Player if there is no MC home stack on disk.

Change extension of .rv file to .rev to edit file in Rev Development, then
change it back to .rv to open in Player with double-click.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

double-clicking stack on desktop

2003-07-15 Thread Richard K. Herz
OK, starting to convert from using MC to Rev...

In MC, double-clicking a file on the desktop opens the file in Player
environment; command-double-click opens stack in Development.  The reverse
is true in Rev.  I prefer MC's way for personal stacks (calendar, addresses,
etc.) used by myself and family - who definitely don't expect to see the
Development stacks open (and will refuse to remember to hold command key

Is there a way to change this behavior in Rev to the way it works in MC?  My
current fix is to hide the development stacks in openStack of the
douible-clicked stack.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

MC hand when command-double-clicking stack

2003-07-15 Thread Richard K. Herz
When command-double-clicking a Rev stack on the desktop to open the stack in
Player environment, the hand cursor that appears (here at least) is
MetaCard's, not Rev's, and the font size in the answer stack is the larger
MC default size, not the smaller Rev size.  Apparently the Rev cursor and
default font sizes get applied to Player environment during the standalone
build process at some point.

Does anyone have an explanation of what is going on?

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: safe shell command

2003-02-21 Thread Richard K. Herz
On Friday, February 21, 2003 9:51 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

 On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 11:18  PM, Richard K. Herz wrote:

  My understanding is that you need to get the path to the directory
  where your exe is, e.g., from parsing get the long name of this
  stack, and then have the shell cd to that directory before running
  the exe.  This is what the script I sent does.  The path to the
  directory the exe is in gMyappPath originally.

 I'm probably missing something, but I don't think that is necessary.
 shell() runs from the defaultFolder, and the only time the
 defaultFolder is not equal to the path of the main stack, is when you
 running in development platform, and in that case you can just fix up
 the defaultFolder property. So you don't need to cd to a path to
 execute a shell command, unless the command is actually located in an
 entirely different directory.

Testing now with MC on Win XP, it does look like the cmd.exe shell's default
directory is the same as Rev/MC (engine's location or by setting the
directory).  For example, start Rev/MC and from the msg box, answer
shell(dir) lists the contents of the directory where the Rev/MC engine is
located and answer shell(dir ..\) lists the directory above.  So you're
right, you don't have to shell cd with the complete path to the exe to
start the exe as I did in my original script, just start it with a
relative name, e.g., get shell(start \appfolder\app.exe) for an exe in
folder appfolder below the current Rev/MC default directory.  If I'm
understanding you right, a shell cd with the full pathname has problems of
potential path differences between Rev/MC and Windows.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: URL Trouble

2003-01-13 Thread Richard K. Herz
Roger Kingston (OmniBus - Stanford) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on mouseUp
  get URL;
 put it into lvData
 put lvData  cr  the result
 end mouseUp

 This works fine the first time.  Then I have to wait something like
 minutes (or exit RunRev and reload) before it, or any other file will
 download again.  In the meantime I get Timeout Error in the result.

I've had a problem with get/load url with the following configuration: Win
XP with Norton Internet Utilities (NIS) installed, MetaCard 2.4.3, libUrl
1.0.8b1.  The problem occurs if NIS is installed, even if it is
turned off.  NIS on Win 98 works OK.  The problem I've seen is:  after 1st
socket of session times out, 2nd socket connection attempt fails, although
after wait of approx. 7 minutes with MetaCard (v. 2.4.3, libUrl 1.0.8b1)
still open, a second connnection can be made.

From previous email to the MetaCard list by Ernst M. Reicher
[EMAIL PROTECTED], the product zoneAlarm may also cause problems on Win XP.

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using Fortran or C code in Rev

2002-11-06 Thread Richard K. Herz
Bill Vlahos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A co-worker asked me how to use existing fortran or C code within a
 Revolution application (or called by a Revolution application)?

There are two options I'm aware of: (1) communicate between Rev and compiled
program via disk files (acceptable if the compiled program takes at least a
second or two to run), (2) build an external (if running on locked volumes
or if compiled program executes very fast).

Option (1) I'm doing this with MC and a Fortran program on Windows.  The MC
GUI writes inputs to a disk file, tells the system shell to run the Fortran
exe, then reads in the output files and displays results.  To get the
Windows OS shell command, get the shellCommand in Rev.

For on, e.g., Win 98, use start command's /m option to
minimize the shell console window, plus set hideConsoleWindows to true in
Rev. For list of start options, enter start in console window.

For cmd.exe on, e.g., Win XP, use start command's /min or /b option to
hide the shell console window, plus set hideConsoleWindows to true in Rev.
for list of start options, enter help start in cmd.exe console window.
( also available but different behavior than on Win 98)

Combine two or more shell commands in one Rev get shell() by using the 
character, as you have to do with a path with spaces in the name.  For
example, for the shellCommand cmd.exe, in order to execute C:\Path with
spaces in name\myprog.exe, sincecd is immune to spaces in path but
start isn't, use

get shell(cd C:\Path with spaces in name  start /min /high /wait
myprog.exe) on Win 98 returns executable output to the console (e.g., print
* from Fortran and STOP) to the Rev it variable on completion so that you
can check for a good run.  Cmd.exe on Win XP doesn't seem to return anything
to Rev, so I delete old output files before a run and then check for new
good output files after the run.

AppleScript should do the job on Macs.

Option (2):  I've only found the glue files needed to build XCMDs and
XFCNs written in C, C++ and Pascal.  To make a Fortran program into an XCMD,
the thing to do would be to write a C program that calls the Fortran
executable and then build that package into an XCMD using the C glue files.
I you translate the glue files into Fortran, please let us know!

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stacks delivered via the web?

2002-09-17 Thread Richard K. Herz

 Could someone describe to me, on or off-list depending how much you
 anticipate everyone's gonna groan, just how the below works?  I am not
 certain I am understanding it well enough to present it as a potential
 solution to the department...


My version of doing this is posted at

The stacks could be designed to look like web pages, if that's what your
instructors need to see.  Note the link to the engine source just above
the screen shots.

With load and get url, I've encountered problems on Win XP, only, in trying
to make a second socket connection after the first times-out.  If anyone
else is sees that problem, please report it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rich Herz

use-revolution mailing list