Re: customizing answer dialogs

2004-10-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Hi - just break up the prompt line with a return before using in the dialog.
answer 012345678901234567890  return  SECOND LINE with yes or no
I know this has been asked before but I can't remember the answer, and I
can't search the list archives because I can't remember how (which I know
has also been answered before). :-)
I want to be able to adjust the width of the answer dialog before it's
displayed on the screen.  How can I do that?  My app window is 750 pixels
wide.  I have a fairly longish message to display, but the answer dialog
comes up wider than my window, which is a lot wider than I want it to be.
And if someone can tell me again how to search the archives, I promise I
won't repeat questions like this again. :-)
Chris Sheffield
use-revolution mailing list

Re: customizing answer dialogs

2004-10-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
it seems odd that one can't get at least the local IP, router and 
ethernet info through system calls - I mean the control panel in OS X 
and Windoze both have this information. I guess the machines using 
NAT wouldn't know the real IP seen by the net unless done from the 

I use IPNETMONITOR by Peter Sichel, and I see his app grabbed all the 
info I'd need about the networking in my machine in the 'info' panel, 
however there was a tell-tale sign he was using some outside server 
to deliver the Public IP Address:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: QUESTION: How to get a remote directory file listing

2004-10-05 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Thanks to Andre Garzia for his little stack which answered most of my 

For me, the main question answered is that the directory info back 
from the URL command needs to be called twice and PARSED (we don't 
get a simple list right away) and also the libURLSetFTPListCommand 
libURL call must be used.

ALSO  everyone was quite right in saying that, of course, the FTP URL 
is going to be a different path than an HTTP one.   Ideally, I'd like 
to get everything through HTTP calls without sending pass/user but 
then I'd have to parse the HTML that is happily provided by the web 
server when a directory only request is made (and might be different 
between server OS's.??)

Is that the way that all FTP clients work, by parsing plain text 
returned from the FTP server?

I'm asking if FTP servers have no 'binary' mode for transferring 
directory listings? -- it's all text except when exchanging data?

 Stephen Barncard
   record production and surround mixing
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Trevor, thanks for your efforts to shine a light on this.
Wayne and Frank: thanks for the step-by-steps.
Tuviah, thanks for your pointing me to the library.
This is truly a helping community. Thanks.
stephen barncard
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Gee, was it something I said? Was I gone too long?
Doesn't anyone here work with the dynamic (sql) stuff in rev?

So I didn't get a response. I guess my post was too long and rambling.
I'll boil it down to this:
Does Rev's Database Builder have some issues? I seem to run up 
against some limitations such as integer variables being displayed 
in a field with unwanted leading zeroes (which caused problems when 
written back to MySQL) and the fields not being refreshed after 
being changed.

 Do the database primitives work better than to use the builders?
I mean, is the only way I'm going to really get control of the data 
and change it going in and out is to do it directly? And does that 
mean that the 'binding' would have to be done with put statements 
from variables?

Finally, does someone have a good example of recent stacks that 
demonstrate how the primitives are used?

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-16 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
So I didn't get a response. I guess my post was too long and rambling.
I'll boil it down to this:
Does Rev's Database Builder have some issues? I seem to run up 
against some limitations such as integer variables being displayed in 
a field with unwanted leading zeroes (which caused problems when 
written back to MySQL) and the fields not being refreshed after being 

 Do the database primitives work better than to use the builders?
I mean, is the only way I'm going to really get control of the data 
and change it going in and out is to do it directly? And does that 
mean that the 'binding' would have to be done with put statements 
from variables?

Finally, does someone have a good example of recent stacks that 
demonstrate how the primitives are used?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Latitude and longitude and HIG

2004-02-14 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard

And *why* did Apple drop something as useful as the Map control panel?


For the same reason the geeks from NEXT got not invented here 
syndrome, fired Tog and the Human Interface Group, and changed about 
200 conventions and features that worked real well.

I really despise what they've done to the interface. Every day, I 
cringe at the stupid things they've done and the cycle wasting eye 
candy garbage. I hate the way the windows work, and the loss of the 
Applications menu...

I'm a hard core Apple guy and the dark side is worse to me but there 
is no reason for that except arrogance and an attempt to out do MS 
with useless flash.

Having said that, OSX is fairly stable and fairly fast but they 
didn't have to wreck that interface.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trying to buy Dan's book

2004-02-14 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Perhaps Kinko's will get better - FEDEX just bought the company.

 Post if you find a good solution. There has got to be a service 
online somewhere that does binding of color PDFs. I usually get 
terrible service at Kinko's, and if you use their DIY workstations, 
often they are crashed or virus infested, or wrong printer drivers 
installed, etc. And they are expensive.

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: itemDelimiter

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I'm not sure about more than one character being a delimiter, however 
you could use the Replace function first to substitute the desired 
phrase with a delimiter character such as tab before selecting items.

Hello everybody,

I was wondering if the itemDelimiter can be more than one character? 
I mean instead of , or : can it be !--display paragraphs-- ?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RR as a browser plugin?

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
ummm there is no such thing as 'Mac Emulation Software' - Apple 
would never license the firmware...and if I had such Draconian 
requirements for a class, I'd change schools...

And universities... IT departments in universities can be just as 
strange.  My professor, a mac user for a particular program 
(Accordance), instead of being permitted to bring in his own 
computer at his own expense was given a very very very bottom of the 
barrel PC gray-box and some Mac emulation software.

use-revolution mailing list

hypercard virus

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Ha ha the hypercard 'virus' -- written in Hypertalk!!

there hasn't been a real mac virus of any kind for about 6 or 7 
years... I don't bother with any anti-virus software...I've got 
enough problems with spam clogs

I did see some information about homestacks being infiltrated by a 
HyperCard virus, but that seems unlikely to be anymore dangerous 
than, for example, MS Office or Windows in general.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RR as a browser plugin?

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
But it's under Linux/PPC! If I had a Power PC processor, why bother, 
I'd just run Mac OS.

Sure there is!

Among others.

ummm there is no such thing as 'Mac Emulation Software' - Apple 
would never license the firmware...and if I had such Draconian 
requirements for a class, I'd change schools...
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: emulators

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
OK, Ok, if one wants to go through hoops to use this stuff. I just 
know I have old macs lying around that I can't give away that would 
be easier to use than buying into this emulator package, ROM cards, 
etc. And it's no good for OSX. I was wrong before... pre OS 9 
software is really dead; Apple's making sure it is going away fast.

And there is also

If you already own the Mac hardware, it is perfectly legal to emulate your
Mac on another machine (although not running simultaneously). We had a
68040 Mac Quadra that died years ago, so we used its ROM in an emulator.
When you are porting HyperCard stacks to Revolution on a Windows machine,
it is nice to be able to run HyperCard in OS 8.1 so I can visually see the
Of course Apple would not be at all happy if OS X were being emulated.


 Sure there is!

  Among others.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: viruses

2004-02-12 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
That's not true AT ALL. The PC virus can't execute and 'read your 
address book' and go somewhere else on a Mac. There is no way (unless 
you're using a Windoze emulator and getting mail in it) .exe, .bat, 
.com, etc code can run in a PPC environment. It just ends up being a 
useless file in your attachments folder. You'd have to forward it 
intentionally to infect someone else. I dumped megabytes of this crap 
the other day. I've got my filters in Eudora to trash the email and 
attachments now...

There are some advantages of a niche platform! ha ha

I'm kind of guilty of that too (I do have some AV products onboard), but
someone I converse with who uses Windows reminded me that, while I may not
get a virus, I can still pass one.
Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy problems

2004-02-11 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I have had problems using the clipboard between Classic and OSX 
Panther. Seems to be a big wall therecan you get a copy of Nisus 
for OSX?

There seems to be a problem with copying from another application to Rev.
I am trying to transfer Chinese text step by step into a Rev application
use-revolution mailing list

Re: import tools

2004-02-11 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Nick, this is so simple, it would be an excellent exercise in coding..
you could do it in less than 10 lines of code...
I used to use the import/export tools stack in HyperCard and wonder 
if anyone has a similar tool for RR?
I am trying to get a routine to import comma separated or tab 
separated text into separate fields in RR.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windows appearance issues

2004-02-10 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
That's funny, I had a version for OS9 about a year agoand it was free...

Button Gadget is only for Windows AFAIK, but I'm developing on a Mac.

All the best,
Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is Transcript's English orientation a plus or minus? (was Andy's comments and positioning...)

2004-02-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I imagine it would be a nightmare to 'localize' the syntax to French, 
Germanand prone to more bugs... it's human nature...

Though I like the syntax for my own use and for teaching junior 
associates (it does help), I think the English orientation might be 
somewhat of a weakness in an global sense.  I don't really know and 
I don't think I'm much of a judge.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: xTalk JPEG parser?

2004-02-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I've tried. I've downloaded the specs and tried to follow them but I 
couldn't get my code to reliably work on every JPEG. It's harder than 
it looks.

Basically the numbers are in jump tables after the beginning of the 
file, but there's a few things in the spec I couldn't figure out. 
There used to be an XCMD for that in HC days, and I know it's 
possible... I gave up after a while. Also there's new additions to 
the spec : EXIF which deals with camera info.

THere are some fixed bytes at the beginning of the file that point to 
the next header, then another jump, and another until the end of the 

Some attempts were based on simple PERL code examples I found on the 
net, but those didn't work well reliably. There's something missing 
in the info...

Has anyone written parser in xTalk that will parse a JPEG file and 
get things like the dimensions, EXIF info, etc.?

-- Frank
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tagging certain objects with contact, copyright, etc

2004-02-07 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Those params would be strings as ? or ! -- so that wouldn't be 
bad syntax or reserved would it?  With HC externals I always included 
the quotes just in case. It was a good convention


On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 06:32 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

getPixel(?) -- getPixel(theXY [,theMonitor]);returns: RGB triplet
getPixel(!) -- Copyright 2004, JarJar Binks
In Revolution one is reserved and the other is bad syntax, but 
having this info in a regular way from externals would be good.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Supercard Conversion

2004-02-07 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
So I tried to use the Supercard project converter today... it's a 
mess. It's a SC 3.x project and uses externals. It also had trouble 
recognizing SC filetypes. I fixed the filetype part (same old OSX 
problem) but then tried to run (what I think is an external) CopyFile 
it failed.

has anyone upgraded or fixed it recently? Or do I have to find a OS 9 
version and try that. At this point it's easier just to cut and paste 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Port Question

2004-02-05 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
This is called IP Tunneling. You can designate your outside world IP 
to map any port number to any one local IP number/machine. This is 
done with the router software. On Lynksys and many other routers they 
are web based.

Different port numbers can go to one machine or several, but only one 
port of that number can be seen by the outside world, where the 
router looks like one computer. In other words, you can only have one 
default numbered http server, one ftp server, one real server, etc 
that is visible to the outside world.


All the routers I've owned allow you to assign one system on the network a
DMZ (demilitarized zone) address which I believe allows pretty much any
traffic in and out.  Maybe this is what has to be set up by the game
Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond Does the MetaCard Interface

2004-02-02 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Why is there a swastika on the toolbar?? To contact white supremacists?

Dear xTalk Afficionados,
   Rampaged all over the MetaCard GUI this winter hols -
download it, try it, write me abusive e-mails.. its on
my website at the RR GUI HACKS page
   Best Regards Richmond Mathewson
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Porting PrintReport (was: Re: Windowscript)

2004-01-29 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I don't know about the Report stack mentioned, but Printreport wasn't 
a collection of WYSIWYG tools, it was a programming language that 
allowed complete control of what gets printed on the page through 
graphic primitives and also allowed as complete an access to the 
mysterious apple print drivers to the point where you could exchange 
a printer configuration with the system. But it was up to the user 
how to manage it.

It was all based on text contained in the data sent to the printer 
through the XCMD. See below for a code dump generated for use by 
Printreport - Backslashes are the escape character, obviously. Tabs 
stops are handled as well as line circle and rectangle primitives and 
some insertion of pict format images. Later when color inkjets 
appeared, I was pleased to find out that the spec included basic 
color... although only through a placed graphic.

I thought that there was a later version; one that included color for text.

This is good. Two actual users of Printreport that
could answer this question:
How different is PrintReport from the stack named
Report that you could download from stack?
Thanks in advance.


An example of Printreport code is shown below...
First is a statement of margins, then CT = tab stops, stops at 0,30 
and 85 mm, then a region is created then text is drawn inside it, 
etc, etc.

Pretty screwy, but you could do almost anything with it. I have the 
manual around somewhere.

\LM0in;TM0in;RM0in;BM0in\ \CT;ST0m;ST30m;ST85m\

1.  Born Too Late   02:59
2.  SUV 03:31
3.  Got to Get the Boy Back 04:19
4.  Star-Crossed03:11
5.  Living in the World 03:39
6.  Hungry Heart of Love03:21
7.  Backwards   05:04
8.  Sanguine03:55
9.  Moment to Moment04:00
10. Meltdown03:28
11. Born Too Late (Reprise) 00:45
	Total Time:	38:40\XX\\sr0p,-1p,340p,340p;pp2;fr\
\GFG4_BARNCARDIA_PB:Users:sbarncar:Documents:   Most Important Data 
Files:development:sqb HC apps:TC Lable System:Logo PICTS:Civil 

1.  Born Too Late   02:59
2.  SUV 03:31
3.  Got to Get the Boy Back 04:19
4.  Star-Crossed03:11
5.  Living in the World 03:39
6.  Hungry Heart of Love03:21
7.  Backwards   05:04
8.  Sanguine03:55
9.  Moment to Moment04:00
10. Meltdown03:28
11. Born Too Late (Reprise) 00:45
	Total Time:	38:40\XX\\sr0p,339p,340p,680p;pp2;fr\
\GFG4_BARNCARDIA_PB:Users:sbarncar:Documents:   Most Important Data 
Files:development:sqb HC apps:TC Lable System:Logo PICTS:Civil 
Defense_300dpiCOL.pict;pp3;CX131p,611p,205p,677p\\LM1inch;TM.5inch;FNGeneva;FS9\
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] PC-ing A Mac

2004-01-29 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The spoiled brat should be painfully spanked on the buttocks for that 
travesty. And he complains about his lack of SATA and a good video 
card. What a moron.

A painfully amusing read:

At least the leftover parts might be used for something.


Scott Rossi
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windowscript

2004-01-28 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
With all due respect, Ray, I think you must be thinking of something 
else. I used Windowscript for years but it had no report generator.

Windowscript was a GUI layer that ran on top of 
Hypercard...brilliantly I might add. Using Windowscript, Compilit, 
Printreport and a few others, one could make a real double clickable 
app completely in Hypercardyes I used Hyperbasic as well...


Remember WindowScript?  It was *almost* MetaCard, but a lot slower.

It had an excellent report generator, altho the script was rather 
arcane. The creator of WS had two to four ways of doing the same 
task. He's (or was) the prof of a computer dept at Utah State, I 

The report generator was quasi-postscript: Very fast and reliable.

Meebee he would be interested.

Ray G. Miller
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windowscript

2004-01-28 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I'd be happier if he'd bring Printreport to the OSX world, otherwise 
I'd still be using his XCMDs... actually for some stacks to difficult 
to convert right now, I do and use it every day in Classic.

Even better would be to develop a library for Rev, then everybody 
would be happy.

It got to the point that Hypercard was an ideal interface and glue; 
but the XCMDs did most of the work.  I would often have over 50 in a 
project and still have thousands of them on a CD. Too bad they can't 
run in X. It's still PPC code resource - but calls the old APIs... 

But Compilit! - Whoa, Tom Pittman, what a genius...maybe he could 
make a cross platform XCMD generator that runs Transcript...

My confusion... I used Windowscript, Compilit, and PrintReport as a 
unit with HC. Users never saw the HyperCard itself.
PrintReport was written by John A. Nairn. I talked with John a 
number of times about expanding PrintReport to the PC world. He 
would, he said, if there was a usuable HC there to receive it.

Ray G. Miller
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Burning Desire stack - shell command problem

2004-01-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
just saw this: If one is really serious about packing CD/DVD burning 
code into your app, there's always the SDK from Gear for all 

Remove the space between shell and the first bracket. I ran into 
the same sort of problem a couple of days ago and that was what 
fixed it.

On 22 Jan 2004, at 8:55 am, Barry Levine wrote:

I have a field named theImageToCreate containing the following text:

hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname MyDisk -size 100m ~/Desktop/MyDiskImage2.dmg

I have a button with the following script:

on mouseUp
  shell (field theImageToCreate)
end mouseUp
When the script executes, I get an error. Here's the error dialog info:

TypeHandler: can't find handler
Object  Create disk image file
Lineshell (field theImageToCreate)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT/ANN] Now I'm a father

2004-01-06 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
There seems to be a few minutes of extreme lucidity in newborns right 
after birth. My son immediately grabbed my glasses after I picked him 
up, held onto them, and laughed at me, looking me right in the eyes.

Put your face in front of your baby and stick out your tongue. What 
happens is that they stick out their tongue.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT Re: Interfaces: PC and MAC ------OT

2004-01-05 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
ummm... how can iTunes be a BETAMAX when it's cross platform?

You mean it only uploads into an iPod? Or they're not using MP3 ? 
That will changeOr shareware will appear.

Anyway, currently for online music for PCs you have proprietary 
softwares and no VHS analogy.


Well said. I enjoyed reading the article as well. In fact, it echos 
something I've been talking about for awhile. I-Tunes is the 
'BETAMAX' to the rest of the online Music 'VHS'.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating windowShapes in Rev

2003-12-31 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I agree. Graphic Converter is the best shareware deal ever... and now 
is included with new Macs...


Have you tried GraphicConverter?

I have PhotoShop 7, rarely use it.  I create sliced graphics and UI elements
in Firewoks, but for simple touch-ups and convrsions I've not found anything
as efficient as the modestly-priced GraphicConverter. Best $35 investment I
ever made.
 Richard Gaskin
use-revolution mailing list

Re: extract/export audioclips

2003-12-31 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The only app I could get to work for this purpose is to use the old 
SoundEdit 16 for system 9. It's a swiss army knife for old sound 
formats. Last manufacturer was Macromedia but they stopped selling it 
almost 10 years ago.


What are my options for extracting audioclips from an old HyperCard 
stack into separate .wav files?  (I'm working on a Mac.)

I tried using the old SoundApp utility, but it was only able to 
extract 9 out of the 120 snds.  This was the error:  An unexpected 
error (ID=-38, File Manager - file not open - fnOpnErr) has occurred.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Calendar and notes app

2003-12-14 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Check out NOW UP TO DATEit has a calendar and contact server.. 
and cross platform now...


In this particular case they all are using Macs. However, iCal won't 
let multiple users modify the same calendar. I want all of the 
secretaries to be able to schedule the rooms.

I also don't think iCal can do the notes that I'm thinking of.

Bill Vlahos

On Dec 13, 2003, at 3:36 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Are the folks who need this system on Mac machines?  If so, perhaps iCal
could be an option.  It's supposed to allow web-based syncing of
dates/events and I would expect there to be some way to manage notes.  This
may be an option assuming you don't want to create something yourself.

Scott Rossi
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Networking Mac/PC Windows XP

2003-11-26 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Don't waste your time trying to make Rev do this -- shareware to the rescue!

Get IPNETROUTER for your Mac. It will allow it to be a router for up 
to 256 machines on your home network.

I used an old Mac SE30 as a router for years on a DSL line and it 
worked great. The 68k version is $50; the OSX version is about $90.

For that much money, one also might consider a hardware router which 
is a better solution for me - I like the Linksys models, with built 
in hub and web-based setup.



I have a problem I believe can be solved, but I'm looking for advice.

I want to network these two machines, with only one online dialup
connection, i.e., networked to where one can serve the internet to the
other. Both machines have Cat 5 cable connectors (comm card in the PC), and
I have a crossover cable. What I'd like to do is serve the PC from the Mac
to where I access the internet from the PC,  D/L and install software.

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

. Re: cross-stack globals, also, file inclusion

2003-10-25 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
This is the best argument I've seen for global constants. I get it.


The major difference I don't think anybody has mentioned is that since the
value of a constant is known at compile time, it can be inserted directly
into the resulting object code. So the value has only to be looked up once
- at compile time - whereas a variable always has to be re-evaluated at
runtime. A variable that's got from an accessor would seem to be even more
work because a handler has to be run to determine which variable to look up.
use-revolution mailing list

. Re: cross-stack globals, also, file inclusion

2003-10-25 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
this is exactly what Compilit! gave to Hypercard -- and allowed one 
to create externals to do Hypertalk code.

Tom Pittman, where are you now?

It occurs to me that, for what I want to accomplish, perhaps my 
focus should be more on compiler directives or symbol tables than 
a generalized include capability.  In essence, what I want is the 
ability to declare symbol names  values to the compiler.  If 
support for data structures and tool box names were included in such 
symbol tables, we would be one step closer to supporting direct 
access to system calls via Transcript.

Rob Cozens
use-revolution mailing list

Re: newsgroup vs. mailing list

2003-10-25 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The new Eudora 6.0 now has threading and a killer spam catcher. Cross platform.
Back in July there was a discussion about starting a newgroup- and 
some people argued that newsreaders can display message threads 
better than mail readers. My response was - well get a mail reader 
program that doesn't suck :-) Now in Mac OS 10.3 (Cheetah), 
1.3 has message threading view! Woohoo! View menu / Organize By 

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Mac OS X have a registry?

2003-10-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Mac OS X's 'registry' is part of the Finder and file system, and is 
not accessible by mere mortals.

And since the Windoze registry is routinely accessed by machine and 
people, I would think it would be a quite poor place to put this 

Encription should handle this level of security -- hiding it like you 
suggest won't make it any better...

Can anyone tell me if Mac OS X has a registry, like Windows?  I
basically need a place to store an encrypted password, and I need
someplace to store it where people would be unlikely to find it.
Putting it in the preferences folder would be too obvious.  My
PC-buddies were telling me that the registry might be a good option, but
I don't recall reading anywhere that Mac OS X has such a thing.
This password just needs to be stored, and then the user reboots their
Mac, and then in the startup folder will exist a .rev app that reads the
password and acts upon it, and then deletes it, so it doesn't need to
hang around after that point.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cross-stack globals, also, file inclusion

2003-10-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Please excuse the obvious, but can't a custom property, say in the 
main stack, act as a global constant?  Set it in the IDE and it will 
persist through standalone creation forever...


On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, at 09:23 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

Like global, it would be usable in all scripts.
Unlike global, it would not have to be declared in each handler using it.
Like constant, it would be directly usable in any handler that wants it.
Would each script that uses it, but not define it, have a line in 
the script like this?

   global constant ageOfUniverse

And then the script for the mainstack have something like this?

   global constant ageOfUniverse = 1

I wonder if this would work as well:

global ageOfUnivere
on startup
   put 1+0 into ageOfUniverse
end startup
BTW, the Transcript Dictionary entry for 'global' is a little 
confusing and you have to scroll down to get the full picture.  It 
says it must appear in each handler that uses it and then later 
says you can also place a global command in a script, but outside 
any handlers.

Dar Scott
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cross-stack globals, also, file inclusion

2003-10-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
But wouldn't a custom property, which can only be modified using the 
IDE, a script or the message box be more of what you want than a 
constant (which would have to be defined anyway in a script which 
would have to be run) ?

The property is just there, with nothing to do to set it, and 
nothing's going to accidentally clear or change it. All you have to 
do is read it. Just make the script only read, not write. Voila! a 
fake constant. How more 'constant' can a user property be?? -- 
we're just moving data around in a stack, whether it's a script, a 
field, or a property, it doesn't matter what it's called if it works.

You could even load it in on startup..

global arnoldConstant

on openstack
  put the arnold of this stack into arnoldConstant
  pass openstack
end openstack
doesn't this make a 'constant global'? -- One has to trust one's own 
code somewhere, even if you had constants in Rev, they wouldn't be 
any different than a variable as far as Rev cares -- it's still 
places data in memory, and if memory gets screwed up, it's over 
anyway and we restart...

On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, at 05:36  PM, Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:

Please excuse the obvious, but can't a custom property, say in the 
main stack, act as a global constant?  Set it in the IDE and it 
will persist through standalone creation forever...
Nope, the custom property can be modified in the standalone. You 
just can't *save* the standalone stack. I wasn't sure about this, so 
this was my test script that I built into a standalone:

But we can use custom properties or globals as constants, if we 
trust ourselves not to break their constant-ness by modifying them. 
But actual constants would be better because they are idiot-proof 
(referring to myself there)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Where is the 2.1.1 list of bug fixes?

2003-10-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Some of the major stuff is covered in the built-in documentation. 
Select New In Version 2.1.1 or Changed in 2.1.1


Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knows where the list of bug fixes for 
version 2.1.1 is.  The release notes simply tell us to look at 
Bugzilla, but I honestly do

Igor de Oliveira Couto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: .mp4 Mac file type?

2003-10-07 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard

iTunes MP3 are:
SJAM -- SoundJam?

MP4 appear to be just Quicktime Movies with the common filetype:
Ha ha   TVOD was a early song by DEVO !! (Backed with 'Warm Leatherette')
and Moof was the sound of Clarus the dogcow..
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-05 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I don't think that's what Júlio meant. I think he 
wants his app to *look like* aqua  when it runs 
in Windoze, not just in development.

I suppose one could create 'aqua like' graphic 
objects such as invisible buttons, but the 
scrollbars in fields would be a problem, not to 
mention menus. There also might be some 'look and 
feel' copyright issues with Apple, depending on 
how far one went.

Besides, it would probably be disconcerting for a 
Windoze user to see what he is not used to

At 10:44 PM -0300 10/4/2003, Júlio César Ködel wrote:
My question was: it is possible to make this look and feel of Classic
MacOS in a Rev. application running in Windows (i.e. I make a application,
that is distributed for Windows machines, and want to apply ClassicMacOS
style on it, as it is possible in the development stage)

Set the lookAndFeel property to Macintosh to 
get the Platinum appearance. (This is what the 
menu item in the development environment does.)
Jeanne DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Off Topic! Auto-opening scocket

2003-10-02 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Check out IPNETMONITOR to keep an eye on things...

Sustainable Softworks - great products designed by Peter Sichel, a 
foremost authority in Mac networking.


I have a poltergeist or gremlin running my Mac (MOS 9.9.2).

I have DSL with SBC and I always close the DSL when I go off-line. 
Since yesterday afternoon, something is opening a socket to my 
server. Every 15 minutes, a socket is opened to SBC.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Off Topic! Auto-opening scocket

2003-10-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Could be spyware, but most don't bother with Macs.
Could it be the auto-time setting, or perhaps software update checking in?
and of course Adobe and M$ products 'check in with headquarters' 
sometimes, but you said those were not running.


I have a poltergeist or gremlin running my Mac (MOS 9.9.2).

I have DSL with SBC and I always close the DSL when I go off-line. 
Since yesterday afternoon, something is opening a socket to my 
server. Every 15 minutes, a socket is opened to SBC.

At first I thought it was errant script dribbled into the stack I 
was working on or into the home stack. Today, I closed all apps 
except Launcher and Stickies and the dohicky strip at the bottom. At 
precisely 12:45 the socket opened. Every 15 minutes it opened again!

I cleared all the cookies. I just check the cookie jar and appears 
normal except for a site called

Anyone got an inkling what's happening?

Ray G. Miller
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Comunication COM1: and a CNC milling machine (timeout?)

2003-09-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Welcome to the world of machine interface. I've done this sort of 
thing a lot, in fact my first hypercard project was a 
software-hardware interface to a bank of 128 cassette machines in 
1988. And I built the hardware end as well and it was still difficult 
to get them to talk to each other.

It's a bitch.

Even at slow rates, you'll find yourself ripping your hair out at the 
unresponsiveness of old serial interfaces. Many of them run without 
handshaking of any kind. Sometimes the connections fail and you have 
to restart both the target machine and the computer. You'll find 
yourself padding commands with delays just to get stuff to work.

And if you don't know the right commands, you could be out of luck.

One thing I might suggest is that you hook up the machine with it's 
regular controller, but tap the send line with a breakout box and 
attempt to view the commands that are sent with a terminal program 
(instead of Rev for now). If echo is set on the target device you 
should see both ends of the 'conversation'. This will give you a 

After that testing commands using a terminal program rather than rev 
will speed up your development. Sometimes people who write the 
imbedded software for controllers will put in a help menu - try 
sending an H to the controller.

And if you have to develop this thing with your dad in the room, it 
will take forever. What you need is your own machine on your own 
bench to do this in your own time. I've found that working at a 
distance is almost impossible with this kind of project.

Plan on spending a LOT of time on this one. The REV interface will be 
the fun and easy part.

good luck


Hi Dar, Sarah and all,

Developing this stack is a bit complicated, as I need to write it in my
office, compile it and then test it in the company of my father.
I got the manual of the machine today but have not found any useful hints on
communication with a PC.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Chunk Expressions (see if my solutions is bad)

2003-09-11 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I don't see why 'seeing' ascii 11 is bad anyway, it helps 
troubleshooting. It's not meant to be displayed, just a way to 
substitute returns


Rev on OS X displays a character for ASCII 11 that looks like a 
curved arrow. ASCII 29 doesn't display any character in a field (I 
tried several fonts) and seems to work OK as an invisible delimiter.

The definition is group separator according to the ASCII 
definition ( Does anyone see a problem 
using ASCII 29? I can't imagine what it would be used for these days.
Bill Vlahos
use-revolution mailing list

reveal file/folder in Finder

2003-09-10 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Does anyone have the recipe for 'revealing' a folder in the Finder 
(OSX) from a Rev script? This used to be a snap in Apple Events. I 
can't find the syntax anywhere


stephen barncard
use-revolution mailing list

Re: HyperCard and Revolution stacks

2003-09-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
WHOA, dude, it's just his signature, not unlike many others on this 
list...such as yours!!



Perhaps you can find a justification for blatant commercial advertising on the
list, but I don't see it. If you insist on continuing, at least mark 
the subject
line with an obvious identifier (e.g. [ADV] ) so I can readily skip such



Updated the SVP HyperCard and Revolution download pages. Much more to come in
the future as we have time to convert and update.
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

use-revolution mailing list

Re: HyperCard and Revolution stacks

2003-08-30 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
WHOA, dude, it's just his signature ...such as yours, not unlike many 
others on this list...



Perhaps you can find a justification for blatant commercial advertising on the
list, but I don't see it. If you insist on continuing, at least mark 
the subject
line with an obvious identifier (e.g. [ADV] ) so I can readily skip such



Updated the SVP HyperCard and Revolution download pages. Much more to come in
the future as we have time to convert and update.
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

use-revolution mailing list

Re: On line stores

2003-08-27 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I've been using for years - they take about 25% cut, but 
are prompt and give phone support. They also let you imbed code to 
call their servers in your pages so it looks like it's all on your 
site. They sell anything that's legal not just CDs.


Anyone marketing through one of the on-line stores? If so, any 
recommendations or pitfalls?
I'm particularly interested in the education market, K-12 and college.



Flowing Thought Educational Solutions
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Launch command alternatives

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The 'www.' prefix won't always work to detect a web address... I 
NEVER use www. anymore on noting my web sites makes the URL too 

  if (char 1 to 4 of tURL is www.) then put http://; before tURL
use-revolution mailing list

LICENSE 2.0 - help!

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I was under the impression that my license for 2.0 would also cover 
through bug fixes...

Downloaded 2.0.3 for OSX...

But with 2.0.3 the registration window does not accept the same code 
that made 2.0 work for me. It's also not as easy to enter -- one used 
to be able to paste an entire block of registration info between the 
*** .

There's no way to get to the 'Help' menu either to try to register 
that way, even though the README file says to do so...

Stephen Barncard   WEb duDe Record Producer and Mixer
1611 BRYDEN LANE Santa Rosa CA. 95404 USA
Phone: 707 542 6717Cell: 707 217 3039
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Barncard site
use-revolution mailing list

LICENSE 2.0 - help!

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I was under the impression that my license for 2.0 would also cover 
through bug fixes...

Downloaded 2.0.3 for OSX...

But with 2.0.3 the registration window does not accept the same code 
that made 2.0 work for me. It's also not as easy to enter -- one used 
to be able to paste an entire block of registration info between the 
*** .

There's no way to get to the 'Help' menu either to try to register 
that way, even though the README file says to do so...

use-revolution mailing list

the IDE does not appear on double click of project

2003-08-24 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
When I double click a project file in the finder to launch Rev, the 
edit environment does not appear. No menus, etc. Mac OS X, Rev 2

1. what is the call to start up the edit environment from a script?
2. is there a setting to 'start edit environment on application open' ?
This was not the way Rev functioned earlier. Something changed...or 
something *I* changed!!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: News from Mac OSX - Mysterious Serial Port

2003-08-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
All you want to know about MAC serial ports:
Hi Dar,

I'd like to try making one of these loop-back circuits. I'm pretty 
neat with a soldering iron, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I guess 
I just need the join the Tx pins to the Rx pins but which pins are 
they? How did you do it?

On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 12:29  pm, Dar Scott wrote:
It is also possible to make a loop-back circuit so that you can 
read what you write.  You might even still be able to buy one.  If 
you have any old Mac serial cables, you can make one from that.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: News from Mac OSX - Mysterious Serial Port

2003-08-22 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Rather than destroy a cable or mess with those horrible mini-dins, I 
would use a mini-din to DB-9 adaptor (still available), then wire a 
DB-9 Female (or male, i forgot). Those adaptors were originally made 
for the 128k mac, but for some reason are still around.

My first Hypercard project was a control system for up to 156 
cassette decks run by a little Mac SE (later a IIci) back in 1989 at 
AM Studios. The only way to do that was to use the serial port at 
the mac end and a CY232 chip from Cybernetics at the hardware end. I 
got serial XCMDs off of Genie and other BBs, and eventually used 
Hyperbasic and Compilit to speed things up...

Another mac in the room drove a printer system to make the cassette 
labels -- 6 Epson impact printers with buffers and switching. What a 
trip that was. It took a lot of delays and trickery to get those damn 
ports to work right. I also designed all the analog and digital 
hardware and scanning concept.

I don't know why I asked which one.

On DB9 and DB25, if you don't need handshaking, just connect pin 2 
to pin 3.  If you need handshaking on DB9, connect 7 to 8, and pin 4 
to 6 and 1.  If you need handshaking on DB25, uh, I forgot--I can 
look it up.

On the Mac DIN, you get an old mac serial cable and cut it.  Strip 
the wires.  Find those that go to certain pins and then solder or 
connect together like this:

Pin 3 to 5
Pin 6 to 8
This takes two because the signal is on two wires and not one.

If you need handshaking, try 1 to 2.  I have not done that.

If you blow something up, uh, somehow it is not my fault.  There are 
lots of web pages that have info on this; double check with those.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: News from Mac OSX - Mysterious Serial Port

2003-08-21 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
All you want to know about MAC serial ports:
Hi Dar,

I'd like to try making one of these loop-back circuits. I'm pretty 
neat with a soldering iron, but I'm not sure how to proceed. I guess 
I just need the join the Tx pins to the Rx pins but which pins are 
they? How did you do it?

On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 12:29  pm, Dar Scott wrote:
It is also possible to make a loop-back circuit so that you can 
read what you write.  You might even still be able to buy one.  If 
you have any old Mac serial cables, you can make one from that.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
In the old Hypercard, you could put FONT resources in the resource 
fork of the stack and they would be recognized by HC. It was a 
wonderful solution. We were told it wasn't 'kosher' to do that, but 
it worked great!!!

As the basic concept of fonts is not really platform specific, it 
seems like there should be some way to do this in Rev. Perhaps even a 
'special set' of fonts that could be included or sold separately.

 THE question! Very interesting...
I have heard of embedded fonts.  Not just acrobat and web, but also 
applications and documents on several operating systems.  I'd like 
to learn more of this.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Printing fonts were selected by the user in my apps. I'm talking 
about display, labels, etc. I didn't use HC printing anyway, I used 

Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:

 In the old Hypercard, you could put FONT resources in the resource
 fork of the stack and they would be recognized by HC. It was a
 wonderful solution. We were told it wasn't 'kosher' to do that, but
 it worked great!!!
...until you printed, then (with System 7 and later) it crashed the machine.

 Richard Gaskin
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image resize 2

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Clarisworks/Appleworks allows one to set the dpi of the painting.

Select FormatResolution  Depth

the default is 72 dpi

An amendment to my last posting.
Mark Talluto had asked if my image was 72 dpi, because if so, the 
image would be sized
larger that it may have been intended when imported in to Rev.
Sorry, I don't know what the dpi of my image is.  I'm simply drawing 
it in the paint program of an application called Claris Works and 
copy-pasting it into Revolution.  But again, the size of the image 
is not being effected, but rather the rect of the image.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Dynamic is the correct term to describe what you want.

There are many ways to do this and it's all do-able , just write or 
rip the code. The best way is to use a database file, either text 
file, or better yet, SQL.

For persistence between sessions, you'd need to factor in some kind 
of cookie code or set up a password system to access the database.

Check out online script collections for free PHP or PERL scripts that 
will do this, google for 'script archives'.

You will need a full-service web server account, which today are 
cheap and fast.

Dreamhost is a really good webhost among hundreds of providers that 
can give you a UNIX domained account with PERL, PHP, PYTHON and 
MYSQL. $10/month will give you the above and 300 mb of space, 
$20/month will give you more space and shell access.

I currently run 10 sites there.


Is there a way to have a web page either:

(1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

(2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.  Then save
the user editable fields back to the text file?
If either of these options is possible, how would you go about doing it?
Or, is there another way to accomplish this task?
Background: my application creates a questioner.  That questioner (or text
file) is posted to a web site.  A user then answers the questions by typing
in the form fields.  (Note that this could be a work in progress.  Meaning
that the user could put in some text, then come back the next day and
continue editing the fields.)  When the user is done, the application would
then query the web page (or text file) and compile a report.
Any thoughts?

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Saving changes

2003-08-14 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Because Mac OS (v 7 - 9) is not OS X !!!

  It's worth noting that even though Mac OS allows an app to write
 for itself,
 Apple recommends storing user data outside of the app in a user folder, so
 the following discussion would also benefit SC users looking to modernize
 their apps:
If OS X is based on UNIX and UNIX can't save to a running app then how is
Apple still supporting this?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Proposal - the use-revolution list

2003-07-31 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The forum software that is used for the sites you mentioned is made 
by Infopop and comes in various flavors, the most affordable and 
widespread is the Ultimate Bulletin Board or UBB Classic. It works 
really well and can even optionally be hooked up to a MySQL database 
for efficiency. I've installed and moderated one of these, and it 
almost runs itself. Nice features such as multiple forums,  email 
address masking, email verification, profiles, IP logging, searching 
etc. And it looks great.

A forum could be organized in chapters (the right word?)

And within each chaptor and its sub issues the users will start and 
add to threads.

Carsten Levin
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Filtering Strange characters in text

2003-07-29 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I should note in the old HC code that I had been using an XCMD called 
Replace2, which I patched using a handler that called Rev's internal 
Replace command instead of the old XCMD - a cheesy way to get my old 
code to work instead of changing all the instances (but I got up and 
running a lot quicker).

So my example should look like:

put Replace(theBlock,numToChar(230), ) into theBlock
put Replace(theBlock,Ê, ) into theBlock
something else is at work here as I copied the  Ê from my browser, 
pasted it into the Replace code. Then when I copied it back from the 
Rev script editor into the mailer for my example - it looked ok when 
I sent it, then it came back as  ñ. Perhaps I should filter for 
that char!

here's my usage:

put Replace(ñ, ,theBlock) into theBlock

this doesn't work either...
put Replace(numToChar(230), ,theBlock) into theBlock
I guess I'll try Regex next. But this should work!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Filtering Strange characters in text

2003-07-29 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
No, just plain text. Thanks! I solved the problem by filtering all 
chars with a value higher than ascii 127...


Did you by any chance set the useUnicode to true?  Because if you 
did, then the numToChar(230) will be æ (i.e. ligature ae), which 
might explain why Ê does not get replaced... But then again, it's 
probably not this easy... :)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Imageready

2003-07-28 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Gee, I didn't find ImageReady that hard to works like an 
animation stand with planes...

Build up the elements of animation with Layers then 'snapshot' each 
frame in the animation window. Make each frame look like you want 
with the layers, then move to the next frame - the last one shows the 
last state of what layers are switched on! Dissolves can be made by 
changing the transparency of intermediate frames. By switching the 
frames on in sequence, the animation is created.

You can even import short Quicktime movies, I think.

By the way, you can't select 'all the frames', you select 'all the 
layers', if that's what you want, but final transparency specs are 
determined in the compression palette. Your background (black?) 
should be your first layer.

There seems to be deep confusion between layers and frames, and it 
appears that a layer can 'have' several frames, while a frame can 
'have' several layers! Just selecting all the frames to make black 
the transparent color (for example) turns out to be impossible or 
massively counterintuitive...

 Stephen Barncard
   record production and surround mixing
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Universal GUI

2003-07-27 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
here's a start.

As far as I'm concerned, Tog is GOD when it comes to UI...
Bruce Tognazzini, that is...the former head of the Apple HUI 
team...he turned it into a science..

For the untutored... can you define/give some definition/list some 
aspects of the UI that are  schmutz  in the interests of newbies 
not following suit!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Need some help

2003-07-09 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I would suggest, gentlemen, that unless one has a lot of time on 
one's hands and needs the challenge, that using RunRev to make 
content management software for one site would be not a very good use 
of that time when there are numerous  packages written in Perl or PHP 
(such as pMachine) that already do that.


Hi James,

I have a book coming out, on July 30, on the military 
antiwar-movement which emerged
during the Vietnam War. I am currently thinking about a website to 
accompany the book.
The site will include approximately 500 images and I would like to 
make it searchable by content.

At the moment I am  playing with three possibilities:

1. to build a filemaker database and link to it with a web portal.

2. to build it with revolution and deploy the stack online and 
build a front page that would do the same thing. The latter appeals 
to me because it would enhance my programming skills

3. To use html.

Please advise me on what I should do
well, you might not be surprised that most, if not all users of this list
will recommend option 2 ;-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: open MS Word files

2003-06-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The 'gibberish' of course is the MS Word formatting.
M$ holds the formats it creates dearly to its wallet and changes them 
every couple of years to keep us in line to buy new versions of 
bloated software. The basic word format however has stayed the same 
from W97 thru the current version, including Mac, according to MS.

I was going to suggest using Applescripts to batch-convert all the 
files to .txt , but I see you're on a PC. Sorry.

I suppose it's possible to detect the version and hack out the text.

I want to open MS Word files and save the text for use in a Rev app.
If I open a MS Word doc I have the gibberish chars to deal with.
Is there any way to grab the text from a MS Word file without the gibberish?

Is there a way (with a PC) to have MS Word open a doc and then save it as
a text file but have it all done in the background...not require the 
user to do
this but have it done with a Rev app?

The text formatting is not crucial as these files will be used in an app
for the blind and read with the speech capability.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is beep zero-based?

2003-06-08 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Isn't there something like

wait until the sound is done

in Transcript?

On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 12:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cross-platform note:  Windows and OS X do not execute the beep command if
it's issued while a beep is playing. This means that if you specify a
numberOfTimes on a Windows or OS X system, the user might hear fewer beeps
because not all of them are sent to the speaker. To ensure that the user
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rotate and save JPEG images without compressing again

2003-06-05 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Don't forget Lemke's 'Graphic Converter' which claims to do 'lossless 
rotation' and has superb batch processing capabilities, and can 
convert even the most obscure graphic format.  $35 shareware, MacOS 
and OSX.

highly recommended by me.

On 4/6/03 8:31 AM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of a way to import a jpeg image and rotate that image
 save the file without re-compression of the data, and also maintaining
 the original file size?
 Most of the photo manipulation tools we have on the mac (OSX):
 Photoshop, iView, ImageReady can all do this. Unfortunately these tools
 each have their draw backs for a production schedule wherein one is
 trying to dispatch processing of anywhere between 15 and 70 incoming
  hi-res digital photos  from a camera in 10-15 minutes time.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: setting or HACKING creator codes in OS X

2003-06-04 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
there's the donationware Filetype for OS X - nicely done

also my old stand-by  A Better Finder Creators and Types' - cheap
both of these will do batch creator and types changes to files in osX

Is there a free or cheap way to change the creator and/or type codes in OS X ?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Active X support

2003-06-02 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Huh? My post was about inclusion, not taking out stuff. Please don't 
quote my words out of context for your own imagined conclusions.


  Active X -- Great for windoze folks, useless for Mac and Unix...
 Wouldn't this be against the 'cross platform concept of Rev?
 Exactly ... I think thera are a lot of Windoze only to do everything
 but nothing... tools, imho we dont need another one...
 Wolfgang M. Bereuter
So if you can't have it on the Mac, you don't want it to be possible on the
PC as well?
Then how about killing AppleScript support on the Mac?
Ton Kuypers
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Develloping a registrationsystem

2003-06-02 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
1. Privacy groups were in an uproar when Intel announces such a plan.
   (I agree with them - I don't like the idea)
2. Intel, contrary to common talk, is not the only manufacturer of micros.
3. Software piracy, like music piracy, is not the concern of hardware people.
4. The best copy protection is a USB dongle, like the iLok used with Pro-Tools.
Speculation: why don't other computer manufacturers (or Intel) 
include a call to uniquely identify a computer?  Is it perhaps 
because they DON'T WANT to discourage small scale software piracy?

Why hasn't the software industry pressed manufacturers for this 
simple solution instead of everyone trying to devise her/his 
uncrackable proprietary license scheme?

Rob Cozens
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re: Active X support

2003-06-02 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
There are rewards in 'not following the herd' which we mac users have 
enjoyedone of which is we get the new technologies first...

In this Darwinian evolution it is astonishing that there are still 
mac survivors they must have a special gene ;)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack and Substacks and user properties

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
I got it. The bummer is that user properties have much less 
usefulness for me in a standalone. I might as well just continue to 
use variables for transitory data and user properties as constants -- 
imbedded lists that don't change. What else are they good for? I 
guess they're easier to find, being attached to an object they relate 
to. Should I use properties in a substack, or would that get sucked 
in during standalone creation?


Only Macs have resource forks so files can automatically save to themselves,
i.e., the data, including any changes/updates, becomes part of the resource
fork of the stack (Hypercard) or project (SuperCard). RR uses the MetaCard
engine which is cross-platform. Since PC's under Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.,
do _not_ have resource forks, their files cannot save to themselves.
Therefore, in order to remain consistant across all platforms, RR stacks do
not save to themselves on Macs either.
Does that help?

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack and Substacks and user properties

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Thanks, Richard, a very useful and informative post. This list rocks 
with GREAT people and experience.


  imbedded lists that don't change. What else are they good for?

General data storage.  Keep in mind that custom prps can be altered at
runtime even in a standalne, just not saved.  If you need them persistent

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Active X support

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
The XCMD capability is there for backward compatibility - OS X 
doesn't work with the old XCMDs, only OS9.

Are you sure that what you want from  the PC-ONLY Active-X can't be 
done in native Transcript and custom made controls?

I once was quite attached to what I could do (had to do) with XCMDs 
in Hypercard as you are with 'Active-X' until I found Rev. So far I 
haven't needed any externals.

The more we use  'pure transcript' for applications, the better off 
we'll be -- as developers, users and sharers of a 
cross-platform way..


Edwin Gore [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Are there any plans to add ActiveX support to metaCard/RunRev? It 
seems like a no brainer since it would improve compatibility with 
legacy ToolBook apps, and since there is already support for the 
Mac-only XCMD standard. Adding ActiveX support would open up access 
to thousands of extremely useful ActiveX controls that have been 
developed for all sorts of purposes.
but only for those on Windoze PCs!

I decided to get RunRev because I wanted somethign that I could use 
to teach my daughter progamming concepts -
your daughter should learn Transcript! Active-X won't teach her anything!

 I have not idea how to *really* program though, so creating my own 
Rev externals is pretty much out of the question, even though a lot 
of the ActiveX things I am interested have source code and could 
probably be adapted to RunRevs externals architecture, I ddon't have 
the skill to do that myself..being able to access ActiveX would 
allow me to do a whole bunch of neat stuff that I can't do on my own.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Active X support

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Active X -- Great for windoze folks, useless for Mac and Unix...
Wouldn't this be against the 'cross platform concept of Rev?
And isn't there some kind of dll or xcmd support for PCs in Rev already?

Chipp, Tuviah, Kevin,

It is simply impossible to extend the engine with all functions... When
having Active-X support, we have access to so much more... COM, DLL's VB
API's a lot of Java-applets etc...
The biggest problem (and I really loovee working with
RR) is using external commands  methods... We can't take advantage of all
the work those very clever C++ or Java developers did, with Active-X support
we can.
No, I don't agree that it's not worth the coding, it will give us
scanning-capabilities, image-rendering capabilities, custom encription,
inter-application-communication, OCR, all usable from within RR projects...
WE NEED THIS!!! Now I have to do those things in Visual Basic, compile them
as executables, (collect a thousand VB DLLs etc) and run these small exe
files through the commandline. Exchange of info between these programs and
RR go via text-files and it works, but it is so tricky to do this...
Please gang, give us the Active X support, it would solve a whole lot of
Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Books on RunRev

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Why not? They do it! Some of Apple's best products have been cross-platform!
Laserwriters, Quicktime, Filemaker Pro, Firewire, iPod, soon iTunes

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wrote:

I dont think Apple will evangelize a product which is focussed in 
*crossplatform* developing...

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 21:18 Europe/Vienna, Richard Gaskin wrote:

If Apple (or any major OS vendor) wants to evangelize Rev, I think it would
be in their mutual interest to do so.  But until then, comparisons of
marketing any non-OS-vendor product to one built by an OS vendor will carry
implications that don't apply fairly.
use-revolution mailing list