Re: LiveCode external/plugin question

2010-11-04 Thread Henk van der Velden
Hi William,

last year I've done a museum project where I had to put pc's into kiosk mode. 
Unfortunately the rawKeyDown approach didn't work since you can't capture key 
combinations like CTRL-ALT-DEL etc. The only way I could find was changing the 
On the other hand, I seem to remember that Director offers an option to run 
applications in true kiosk mode. So what you are looking for should be possible 
in some way or another.

Kind regards,

On Nov 4, 2010, at 18:00 , wrote:

 I was looking for true kiosk mode so Marks advise using IE isn't the
 right thing for me.
 I need all keys to be blocked. Editing the registry seems the only way
 but it needs the computer to reboot.
 I need my app on startup to block these keys without rebooting the machine.
 After closing the app  the keys need to function again.
 Is this even possible?
 Have you tried putting in a rawKeyDown handler that doesn't pass the 
 message? That should block all keystrokes, and won't affect any other 
 apps. You probably will need to add a way to enable the keyboard again 
 while you are working on the stack, otherwise you won't be able to type 
 anything. Something like this:
 on rawKeyDown pKey
   if the environment is development then pass rawKeyDown
 end rawKeyDown

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Re: Resizable grid of thumbnails

2010-06-10 Thread Henk van der Velden
Hi Simon,

I don't think there is an option like that in Rev, unless of course you put 
your pictures in a textfield ('imagesource' in Rev Dictionary).

But showing your thumbnails in a grid doesn't need to be that difficult. When 
every picture is contained in a square, all you need to do is divide the width 
of the stack by the width of the square, and then truncate the resulting value. 
That way you get the number of pictures on a row, and then, using a double 
loop, every picture is positioned.


On 09 Jun 2010, at 06:05, wrote:

 One of my many faults is a lack of intense math skills.  So when I hit
 the math *wall* I ask for help or samples...
 In this case, I'm looking for a sample stack that can show 20+
 thumbnails and be resizable.  As the stack is scaled up (wider) the
 top row of thumbnails increases thus reducing the overall number of
 rows which displays the thumbnails.
 Ironically, in HTML I only have to assign the style float: left; to
 each thumbnail to achieve this.
 Is there something similar or does it require gobs of math to
 calculate the loc of all thumbnails?  If so, anyone have a good

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Re: send problem

2010-06-03 Thread Henk van der Velden
Maybe put double quotes around 'mouseUp'?

On 03 Jun 2010, at 01:45, wrote:

 In my stack's opencard handler the last line is send mouseUp to field
 x . There's other things happening in the handler before then, too.
 Problem is, after the stack opens, the message box appears, displays
 the word exit, and field x's mouseUp doesn't run. But if I click on
 field x, then the mouseUp handler works.

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Re: RevBrowser Crash

2010-04-07 Thread Henk van der Velden
Hi Mark,

last year I've built an application on RunRev 3.5, displaying Google Maps. 
Although it was built for Win XP, several people have used it on Win Vista, 
without any problems. I do have a Win Vista machine here, so send me your file 
off list if you want me to test it.

Kind regards,

Henk van der Velden
Ludis studio
Magda Janssenslaan 36
3584 GR  Utrecht

0031 (0)30 262 66 89
0031 (0)61 602 43 37

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Re: OT: Edu Users Interested in Art/3D Art and Rev

2008-12-04 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Lynn,

Right now I'm using Unity for 3D work. There's also 3D in Flash  
(FreeSpin3D for instance) that I'm going to take a look at.

If Rev can offer something different, I'm certainly interested.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)30 262 66 89
0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 3-dec-2008, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Without going into great NDA busting detail, Mirye has picked up  
worldwide rights to a 3D software product (Windows and Mac, both)  
should be announced in time for MacWorld. Though Rev has little to  
do with

3D, Rev is a superior multimedia system for content aggregation.

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Re: locking, permissions, data

2008-07-23 Thread Henk van der Velden
We have seen this issue two times when an existing installation of  
one of our apps was copied to a new server. I didn't understand how  
it could happen, but probably Peter is right and using the on-off  
switch instead of properly shutting down the application is the cause.

Maybe we could check for the existence of a .rev~ file, and if one  
exists, remove the corresponding .rev file and change the extension  
from rev~ to rev.

Kind regards,

On Jul 23, 2008, at 06:34 , [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Yes, this could be it.  They do every so often close it down using  
the on-off
switch, which invokes the shutdown procedure, but too fast for rev  
to close
and save properly.  Could be.  Thanks - at least it frees one from  

that someone is trying to use a text editor on it.

Now what to do about it!  At least it is fairly easy to recover from.


Martin Baxter-4 wrote:


I believe the .rev~ file is made by the revolution engine  

when you do a stack save. It is a backup of the exisiting stack file
prior to the save command. If the save is successful it is  
deleted, so

you only see it if something went wrong.

Assuming this is correct, this would suggest that the stack save
operation is failing part way through, for some reason.

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Re: Passing variables between Flash and Rev

2008-07-14 Thread Henk van der Velden
But if you also want to accept data from the Flash element,  
doesn't the Flash script need to reset the connection prior to  
sending data otherwise Rev doesn't know when to read from the  
socket. In the example above, Rev closes the socket each time  
after sending the data, forcing the Flash component to reconnect.  
Is there a cleaner approach to this?

I believe that when I've done this in the past, I've just polled  
the socket for data.

Hello Dave, Troy, and others,

if I may ask another question about this one:
Just polling the socket for data, does that mean doing a 'read from  
socket' say every second?

Dave's solution is to close the socket every time. But that means you  
can't keep the connection to the Flash movie open, isn't it? I hoped  
I could open a Flash movie, set the initial variable values of it by  
sending them from Rev, and read these variables from the Flash movie  
before leaving the Rev card.

Something like this:
1. open Flash movie, Flash movie connects to socket, Rev writes  
values to socket, Flash movie reads them and uses them to  
'initialise' movie
2. user changes all sorts of values by clicking, dragging etc in  
Flash movie
3. when user clicks a Save button (in Rev), Rev writes  
returnVariables or something to socket, Flash reads it and then  
writes the variable values back to the socket. Rev reads them and  
saves them to a file.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: Passing variables between Flash and Rev

2008-07-11 Thread Henk van der Velden

 In the end, it works like this... you have Rev start listening for a
 socket connection, you have Flash connect to it, and you start
 communicating back and forth.

I had trouble working out how to manage the connection from the Rev
side. If you want Rev to push data to the Flash element at arbitrary
times, you need to keep the connection open. But if you also want to
accept data from the Flash element, doesn't the Flash script need to
reset the connection prior to sending data otherwise Rev doesn't know
when to read from the socket. In the example above, Rev closes the
socket each time after sending the data, forcing the Flash component
to reconnect. Is there a cleaner approach to this?

I'm trying to build something like this, but I run into some issues I  
don't understand.

The setup:
A Rev app opening a socket connection 1987, starts listening at it.
A flash movie displayed within a Rev window by revBrowser.
Flash movie connects to the socket.

First strange thing:
when I open socket 1987 in Rev, and then have the Flash app connect  
to it, a second socket is opened. From Terminal lsof -i -P:

Flash\x20 5051 username   13u  IPv4 0x03d6594c  0t0  TCP *:1987  
Flash\x20 5051 username   22u  IPv4 0x03d64200  0t0  TCP  
localhost:51733-localhost:1987 (ESTABLISHED)
Flash\x20 5051 username   23u  IPv4 0x03d71740  0t0  TCP  
localhost:1987-localhost:51733 (ESTABLISHED)

Rev also lists 51733 in opensockets. Why is that? Is that normal?

Second issue:
Then I start sending from Flash to Rev by clicking a button in Flash  
movie. First time everything is OK: message is received by Rev. Then  
I try to send a second time, but nothing is received by Rev. How can  
that be?

Third issue:
when clicking on a Flash button to write to a socket, I need to click  
outside the browser image before I can click that button again.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: Passing variables between Flash and Rev

2008-05-19 Thread Henk van der Velden

OK, thanks a lot.

Flash versions have different capabilities.
Early versions (MX MX2004) could read files, send and receive  
packets from

servers, and listen for packets from servers (variable strings or XML
format) using GET or POST methods.

... and later versions can just use a local socket connection.

I'm new to the socket stuff. Can I ask a few questions about it?

1. So I can have a Flash file played through revBrowser in a Rev  
application, and have that Flash file communicate with the very same  
Rev application through a local socket connection?

2. A local socket, is that something like port number?

3. Does this approach require a specific setup of the computer?

4. Does this approach work in case of a proxy server being used on  
the local network?

5. And the last one, although it is Flash related it might be of  
interest to some more Rev developers: I need to use XMLSocket()?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: Passing variables between Flash and Rev

2008-05-19 Thread Henk van der Velden

Thanks a lot; I'll dive into this.

On 19-mei-2008, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the end, it works like this... you have Rev start listening for  
a socket connection, you have Flash connect to it, and you start  
communicating back and forth.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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RE: Passing variables between Flash and Rev

2008-05-14 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

picking up an old discussion about Flash variables and Rev:

One of our apps has a Flash movie played through a player object.
Flash variables are read and set through Trevor's QTExternal.
However the latest releases of QuickTime player don't support Flash  
playback anymore, so we have to look for another solution.

So my question is how can I read and write Flash variables from  
within a Rev application?

The application is used on school networks. Children use the Flash  
movie to create characters and save them by saving a couple of  
variables. I used to save these variables in an XML file using  

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Rotate and scale images

2008-03-06 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

I'm having a hard time rotating and scaling images.
When scaling an image and then rotating it (set the angle), the scale  
is 'lost'. Whenever the angle is changed, the image size is reset to  
the formattedheight / width.

How can I handle this?
Do I have to recalculate the minimal circumscribing rectangle every  

And what in case the image is rotated already and then I want to  
scale it? When using the normal horizontal / vertical scaling, the  
image gets skewed. Do I need to script the whole mathematics of this?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: Quicktime and Encoder

2007-11-19 Thread Henk van der Velden

On 19-nov-2007, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2. Has anybody a personal quality comparison between the Sorenson  
3 codec
and the new H.264? Is H.264 actually now the state of the art?  
Which codec
is the best quality choice in your eyes for offline content, no  

not worrying of the file size?

Sorry, no idea :-)
If file size really doesn't matter, then why compress at all? Use DV- 
PAL or the like..

5. If you use a flash codec in a mov file. Has the output the same  

as a native flash movie? - In your personal experience

No experience, sorry.
I'm no expert on flash video, but I seem to remember that Flash  
initially used the Cinepak codec, and now also supports the H.264  
codec. But QT can't play Flash movies. QT supports Flash files only  
up to Flash 5 and Flash 5 only had very poor support of video.

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Re: Multiuser or not multiuser

2007-11-15 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi William,


Indeed, the other question is how to approach the multi-user issue in  
this case.
Blocking clients like this can be a bit unfriendly, and it also poses  
issues when the 'inuse' variable isn't saved properly. You could end  
up with a completely blocked application.

One approach could be to use a database. Database engines have their  
own record blocking mechanisms, so one user can't overwrite the  
record of another user.

Or, if you don't want to setup a database, you could probably create  
a folder on every day, and have each user add his / her own textfile  
to that folder. If you put both the username and the chosen lunch  
into the file, a user could eventually turn back and change his choice.
You could create another app that collects all the text files and  
creates a list out of it.

Kind regards,

On 15-nov-2007, at 15:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Because the app is put on a Server 2003 with XP clients it needs to be
multiuser or not.

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revBrowser and spaces in URLs

2007-10-10 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

I try to load some files in revBrowser that have spaces in their  
names (pdtex 1-2.jpg). revBrowser won't display these files. I  
don't get an error message either. This happens both with local files  
(file://) and files from a webserver (http://). Is there a workaround  
for this problem?

I have tested the same URL's in Safari, and they are handled OK.

This happens on Mac OS X 10.4.10, Safari 3.0.3. I haven't tested on  
Win yet.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media

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Re: revBrowser and spaces in URLs

2007-10-10 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Eric,

I've tried that already, but without succes.
Urlencode turns pdtex 1-2.jpg into pdtex+1-2.jpg. However this  
doesn't display the file and it doesn't produce an error message either.

In the mean time I've tested this on Win XP and there all works fine.

I try to load some files in revBrowser that have spaces in their  
names (pdtex 1-2.jpg). revBrowser won't display these files. I  
don't get an error message either. This happens both with local  
files (file://) and files from a webserver (http://). Is there a  
workaround for this problem?

I have tested the same URL's in Safari, and they are handled OK.

This happens on Mac OS X 10.4.10, Safari 3.0.3. I haven't tested  
on Win yet.

Just urlEncode the url first and it should work: see urlEncode/  
urlDecode entries in the docs.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media

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Re: sqlite and update

2007-08-06 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Ralle,

Next to Christian's reply, consider using an array.
Your input should read like this:
put fld name into data[1]
put fld vorname into data[2]
That way you don't need the long list of variables at the end of your  

And there's a typo you may have missed: ::16


On Aug 6, 2007, at 19:00 , [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  put field Name into tName
  put field Vorname into tVorname
  put field Strasse into tStrasse

  local tSQL
put UPDATE Schueler (Name, Vorname, Strasse, Hausnr, PLZ, Ort,  
Tel1, Tel2, Tel3, Geschl, Konf, Staatsang, Klasse, Nachname2,  
Email) Values ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, : 
13, :14,

:15: :16, :17) , tName, tVorname, tStrasse, tHausnr, tPLZ,
tOrt, tGebdatum, tTel2, tTel2, tTel3, tGeschl, tKonf,
tStaatsang, tKlasse, tName2, tName3, tEmail into tSQL
revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL
put the result into tResult

dont work, get an error near ( syntax error

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Re: mysql: troubles with insert

2007-07-20 Thread Henk van der Velden

Thanks Mark,

it is not an auto_increment field.

I think something is wrong in the way Rev creates a query out of my  

If I force Rev to put the right value in the query by doing this:
put INSERT INTO g2_Entity() VALUES('vars[1]',: 
2,:3,:4,:2,:3,:5,:4) into tsql

the record is inserted with the correct id.
But the standard way:
put INSERT INTO g2_Entity() VALUES(:1,:2,:3,:4,:2,:3,:5,:4)  
into tsql

inserts it with the wrong id.

I have double checked the values of my array vars[] - it is OK.

I was wondering if this might have something to do with the way Rev  
handles arrays. Rev 'does' only associative arrays, not numeric  
arrays, isn' t it? I was a bit surprised to find out that I had to  
use numeric arrays in order to build queries.

Just a thought..



Probably a silly question, but I don't suppose id is an auto_increment
If so, you want to specify null for the id and you won't be able to  


 Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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mysql: troubles with insert

2007-07-19 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

I'm having some troubles with inserting new records into a MySQL table.
The table consists of a number of columns, the first of which is a  
primary key (the id).
The table contains records with id's from 1 to 20. Some of the  
intermediate id's are missing, due to deleted records.

I want to add a new record with id=21.
This is my code:
put INSERT INTO g2_Entity() VALUES(:1,:2,:3,:4,:2,:3,:5,:4)  
into tsql

revExecuteSQL tConnection,tsql,vars -- puts 11 into g_id??
Vars is an array: Vars[1] = 21.
The above code inserts a new item into the table, but instead of  
setting the id of the new record to 21, it sets it to 11. 11 happens  
to be one of the missing / deleted record id's.

When I want to add another record, I get an error message because  
there is already a key with value 11 in the first column.

Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Utrecht, Netherlands
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XML Tree and spaces

2007-05-02 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Nic,

have you taken a look at Sarah's XMLDemo ( 

An XML node can contain spaces for sure.
What exactly do you do to display the value of a node?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 2-mei-2007, at 14:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I posted a question regarding XML trees and spaces some while ago  
but got no response so I thought I'd try again.

If I create an xml tree and I have spaces in one of the node  
values, it will only show the first part of the value before the  
space. Is there anything anyone can tell me here? Am I not allowed  
to use spaces here? It would seem a bit limiting if I did?!

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Re: How does ask file with type work?

2007-04-05 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Dave,

There is a sample stack FileFiltering at my userspace henk at  
Revonline, showing the different options of the answer file command.

If you know the extension of the file that is going to be saved, you  
could check whether an extension is added to the filename of not. If  
there's no extension, you could add it to the filename by script, and  
then do the file save.

Hope this helps,

How does ask file with type work?
Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:46:41 -0700


I have a script with the following ask statement:

ask file Enter Name of New Script File with myScriptFolderPath  
with type rev

What is this supposed to do?

This is what I want to happen:

The choose file dialog is displayed.
The user enters a file name with or without an extension (or is  
forced to enter an extension) and the extension appended to file name.
If the file exists they are prompted to replace the current file or  

At the moment, if the user enters a file without an extension this  
name is passed back. This is ok and it's easy to handle, but it  
means that I will have two different File Exists, Replace this  
file? dialogs which is messy and inconsistent.

The alternative is to do my own choose file dialog, but it will be  
a lot of work to replicate the OS Version, especially when running  
on multiple platforms.

Any ideas or suggestions?

All the Best

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unknown software exception

2007-03-21 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

Currently we are testing a new application on a couple of schools. On  
some of these schools we get a system error (Win XP):

unknown software exception (0xc094) has occurred on location  

I thought maybe I could trap a handler or function that causes the  
bug. Strange thing is handlers seem to run nicely even though the  
system has thrown up this error message??

Searching the internet didn't help me much. Although the error has  
1000 hits on Google, there is no clear answer as to what causes this  
error or how to fix it.

So my question to the list:
- is anyone acquainted with this specific error? Any tips?
- what's the best way to go on from here? Is there any general advice  
as to how this sort of error can be debugged (remember these are  
school computers, so messing up with the configuration is no option)?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: 2 dimensional Arrays

2007-03-14 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Otto,

Rev doesn't support 2 dimensional arrays, so you have to kind of fake  
them. That can be done by naming the keys the way you do. But if you  
want to get the value of a specific  key, you should use:

myArray[x  comma  y]
instead of

Hope this helps.

You can also take a look at

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

I have a two dimensional array in my program and I am having some  

getting values to come out of it.

The array is keyed in both dimentions by entries such as s1,s1  
etc. (the quotes are included in the key for various reasons but  
they could

potentially be removed)

the values in the array are either empty or 1

if I call for a value using something like:
answer myArray[s1,s2]
I will get the value returned to me but if I try to use variables  
it doesnt

work right.
If I have a variable leftVar that contains s1 and rightVar that  

s2 (both with quotes) and I say
answer myArray[leftVar,rightVar]
I get returned an empty message.

I dont seem to have this problem when calling a single dimension  
array, only

in my 2-dimension one.

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[ANN] MediaMaatje 1.1 released

2007-02-24 Thread henk
Hi list,

On is a fully functional demo version of MediaMaatje 1.1
available for download. The application is part of a course in media literacy,
targeted at primary schools. It is in Dutch, but I think you can get the idea
of it nonetheless.

The application is built using Revolution. So everyone is invited to take a
look. Any comments are welcome.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
henk (at)
iGlow Media
Utrecht, the Netherlands

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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game navigation: some advice

2007-02-09 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

we have started development of a small game in which players move  
through a historical map of a city (the Dutch city of Delft,  
actually). The player has to be able to 'walk' through the streets as  
they are drawn on the map. The map is drawn in a projective view,  
much alike this map of Blaeu:

Does anyone have any general advice on how to move a character around  
this map?

One question has to do with how the roads are represented.
Should I use some kind of collision detection? For example, I have  
drawn a couple of polygons to represent the areas between the  
streets, and whenever a character moves I detect whether it collides  
with one of these polygons. If that happens, the movement is stopped.
I've also tried a different approach with paths, where every segment  
of a road - that is every part of it between two crosspoints -  
consists of a path. The character moves along the points of that  
path. On a crosspoint a player has to choose a direction, a new road  
that one wants to enter.

Are there any other options to consider? Is there perhaps a proven  
approach that one should take?

The other question - of course related to the previous one - is to  
how the movement of the character is to be controlled. Should one use  
keys? I have tried to use two keys for forward / backward movement,  
and two other keys for left / right rotation of the direction of  
movement. This approach can be used in combination with collision  
detection the way I described before. But it turns out that the  
player needs a lot of attention to choose the right direction,  
otherwise one bumps into areas outside the street and the movement is  
Another option, in combination with the aforementioned paths, is to  
use simple start / stop keys, and whenever one is on a crosspoint of  
paths, one can use the arrow keys to choose a direction.

Again my question: which approach would people suggest? Should I  
consider using the mouse for navigation?

Any insights welcome!

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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multiplayer game on LAN

2007-02-09 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

I have a question about a multiplayer game we are going to develop.
It is going to be used on a LAN in schools. Four children play  
against each other. The game will be turn based.

Now I would like to know if there is any general advice, or some  
considerations I should take into account, on how to set this up. I  
see an option to use socket communications, like in chatservers and  
clients. Or I could perhaps use communication between standalones,  
with every client communicating with a kind of 'game server'.

Any opinions?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: Display a text on a movie (Ludovic Th?bault)

2007-01-15 Thread henk
Hi Ludovic,
set the alwaysbuffer of your movie to true and you can put text fields on top of

Thanks, but i want add text in Rev.

I've made a little stack to sync subtitles, and there is a video
preview, but actually, subtitles are outside the video because i can't
put it on the video.
Look here (it's in french) :


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Copy group to new stack

2006-12-18 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

Here is a link to a stack that creates a new stack, creates an extra  
card in that stack and then copies a group of text fields into that  
new card.
Something strange happens: the contents of an editable field are not  

As you can see in this stack, all works OK if you don't create an  
extra card. But as soon as you create one, the copying fails.

Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

The stack can be downloaded here:

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: copy group to new stack

2006-12-18 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi André,

The stack is a stripped down version of a print function.

I want to print a number of groups from a stack to different pages.  
In the stack all these groups are on one and the same card.
So I create an invisible stack, create the number of cards that is  
needed and copy the groups to these cards. Now it turns out that the  
contents of certain fields are not copied.

It took me some time to find out why that happened.
I think I have pinpointed the problem to this one factor: if I create  
a stack, then create new cards in that stack, and then copy fields to  
it, the text is not copied (at least the text of editable fields). If  
I create a stack, but don't create new cards in that stack, than the  
copying works fine.


Hi Henk,
Not sure to understand precisely your problem ; seems to be that you
should group  your fld fld_conclusion  and set it to behave like a
background. So your fid would be there on the second card.

just one first idea

Best regards from Grenoble

Le 18 déc. 06 à 16:09, Henk van der Velden a écrit :

 Good day all,

 Here is a link to a stack that creates a new stack, creates an
 extra card in that stack and then copies a group of text fields
 into that new card.
 Something strange happens: the contents of an editable field are
 not copied.

 As you can see in this stack, all works OK if you don't create an
 extra card. But as soon as you create one, the copying fails.
 Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

 The stack can be downloaded here:

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Re: copy group to new stack

2006-12-18 Thread Henk van der Velden
I did some further testing to find out what is the simplest way to  
reproduce this behaviour (I sort of consider it to be a bug).

Essentially it comes down to this:

1. there are two stacks, A and B
2. in stack A a command is issued, consisting of:
2a: create a new card in stack B
2b: copy an editable text field from stack A to stack B

It turns out that the text of the editable text field is not copied  
to stack B, only the (empty) field.
If you skip step 2a, both the editable field and its content are  
copied to stack B.

Any opinions on this?


Hi André,

The stack is a stripped down version of a print function.

I want to print a number of groups from a stack to different pages.
In the stack all these groups are on one and the same card.
So I create an invisible stack, create the number of cards that is
needed and copy the groups to these cards. Now it turns out that the
contents of certain fields are not copied.

It took me some time to find out why that happened.
I think I have pinpointed the problem to this one factor: if I create
a stack, then create new cards in that stack, and then copy fields to
it, the text is not copied (at least the text of editable fields). If
I create a stack, but don't create new cards in that stack, than the
copying works fine.


 Hi Henk,
 Not sure to understand precisely your problem ; seems to be that you
 should group  your fld fld_conclusion  and set it to behave  
like a

 background. So your fid would be there on the second card.

 just one first idea

 Best regards from Grenoble

 Le 18 déc. 06 à 16:09, Henk van der Velden a écrit :

  Good day all,
  Here is a link to a stack that creates a new stack, creates an
  extra card in that stack and then copies a group of text fields
  into that new card.
  Something strange happens: the contents of an editable field are
  not copied.
  As you can see in this stack, all works OK if you don't create an
  extra card. But as soon as you create one, the copying fails.
  Can anyone tell me what's going on here?
  The stack can be downloaded here:

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Re: [ANN] New PenTool Script

2006-11-22 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Alejandro,

i've tested your new script on OS 10.4.
It works perfectly.

The only issue is with the file import. I replaced the button script  
answer file Import an image with type (JPEG Images|jpg|JPEG  
return \

PNG Images|png|PNGf return GIF Images|gif|GIFf)
This way the file filtering is cross platform.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 22-nov-2006, at 19:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ANN] New PenTool Script
Alejandro Tejada
Tue, 14 Nov 2006 14:40:26 -0800

Hi All,

Download the Stack New PenTool Script from:

This new script for PenTool is closer to the
functionality of similar vector drawing tools in
drawing programs. The script is simpler,compared
with previous versions.
It works in all Linux versions i had tested and
Windows. Please report if this works in Mac OS X.

Use doubleclicking (sending a mousedoubleup message)
to stop drawing or editing the graphic. Use the
direct selection tool (white arrow) to edit vertex
and control points of new graphics created.

The script is in the card, enclosed in a switch
structure. Feel free to use as you like.
Just include an updated link to my website in
your software.  I´ll use this handler in the next
version of stack PenToolv0.3.2h and MaskBitmap03.

Please report if this works in Mac OS X.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Where Rev could be going...3D?

2006-11-22 Thread Henk van der Velden
I've looked into this before, but couldn't find any way to contact  
the developers, download a beta or anything.
It would be a pity if all this work simply vanished. I, for my part,  
would be very willing to provide some help with the further  
development of this thing.
Right now it looks like the only way to do 3D in Rev, since Axel is  

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 22-nov-2006, at 19:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 22 november 2006 18:12:27 GMT+01:00
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Where Rev could be going...3D?
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

And fortunately for us here on this list, Google Earth is the
type of thing that's easier for us to build.

Google Earth heavily relies on its 3D engine loading all the complex
textures and objects on a sphere. I tried QT 3D capabilities (not  
reality moves, but the real 3D graphics like axel plugin, etc...),  
so far
all they seem broken in MS Windows, meanwhile axel provides own  
plugin... And any potential 3D programming adventure like creation  
of Google

Earth remains impossible with Revolution.

Some time ago Bill from iGame3D tried desperately to attract  
attention of
Revolution community or maybe Revolution Ltd suggesting full  
fledged 3D

OpenGL engine.
Go to to see it...

Here is an excerpt for those who don't read the forum:
While this happens iGame3D sits on the shelf month after month and the
probability of it ever reaching the rev community gets smaller and  
Next term i begin learning Maya, my need/excuse/time for building  
my own 3D
modelling/animation program will come to a complete end at that  
point. -

Posted by Bill from iGame3D in April, 2006...

Is anything constructive going on between Revolution Ltd and  
iGame3D or just



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proxy authentication

2006-11-16 Thread henk

Good day all,

One of our applications is used with a proxy server and I need to authenticate
with the proxy server.
It uses various schemes: kerberos, NTLM.
In the archives I found references to a .dll that handles NTLM authentication
made available by Chipp Walters .

What I would like to know: is that .dll still needed? Rev's own libURL doesn't
support this scheme?

In one posting on the list a reference was made to a handler
'libUrlSetAuthToken', but in the documentation I can't find anything about it.
Can anyone tell me more about this one?

Kind regards,
Henk v.d. Velden

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Re: proxy authentication

2006-11-16 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Dave,

The supported schemes are Negotiate, NTLM and Kerberos - no Basic  
scheme. It's a Windows system.
I would be very glad if you could send me the package with the dll  
and the sample. You can contact me off list.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 16-nov-2006, at 16:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

curl, eh?  :-)

Henk, if Basic is not listed among the supported schemes, you will  
need an external to use in conjunction with libUrlSetAuthToken.  
There is an external that provides NTLM support, created by Chipp   
Chris at Altuit. I have a package that includes this external,  
along with a sample implementation. Let me know if you need it, and  
I'll mail it to you.

The external is for Windows only. If you need NTLM support on  
another platform (or kerberos on any platform), you may need to  
look at curl.

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2006-11-07 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day,

One of my applications downloads some stuff from a website. It all  
works OK, except that some of the users are behind a corporate  
firewall, and they can't connect to the website.

I've studied the mail archives and found some stuff about setting  
HTTPProxy manually to the IP of the proxy server.
So I made a field where the IP of the proxy server could be entered.  
In this case it is something like But  
this didn't help.

Next I tried to log the download proces.
I get reports like this:
socket selected:|6925
GET HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Revolution (Win32)

I must admit that I am not an expert in network matters. So could  
anyone perhaps give me a clue as to what I can do in this situation?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: App integration - anyone done this?

2006-10-28 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi James,

are you aware of altBrowser, which lets you display web pages in RR?  
To a certain level you can interact with these pages, too. It uses  
the image element to display web pages.

On the other hand there is the possibility of having QuickTime play  
Flash files. The enhancedQT external of Trevor deVore gives some  
possibilities to interact with Flash / Actionscript.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 28-okt-2006, at 19:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone have much experience with integrating RR with other  
major applications,

such as Flash/Actionscript or Javascript/HTML/XML?

While it seems that external functions can be called, it looks like  
use of these other apps
would require containing it within a subset of the view area, like  
it is a distinct media element,

or am I mistaken?

I guess it comes down to embedding different file types into the RR  
app, or not?

Thanks much.

James Goss

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Re: Multimedia Authoring - Quicktime Dead?

2006-10-21 Thread Henk van der Velden

Ehm, I feel some need to correct this.

I have been using LiveStage Pro for many years, and at least as far  
as the buttons are concerned, it's just a matter of telling which  
images (or movies) you want for each roll over state. Next to that  
there are many so called behaviors that can be attached to objects.  
For example if you want an object to bounce inside a box, you can  
just attach the behavior to it, fill in some parameters and you're done.

Of course LSP has it's limitations, but they are (at least) as much  
QuickTime's limitations as they are LSP's.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 21-okt-2006, at 17:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


No I have not and the Qscript does look very much like javascript  
so I can see what you mean.


On Oct 21, 2006, at 11:10 AM, GregSmith wrote:


LiveStage would be the premiere QuickTime authoring environment,  
but have
you tried authoring in it?  I find it extremely confusing, at  
best.  As far
as I can tell, even the simplest interactivity must be scripted in  

which looks to me, like another javascript clone.  This is great for
programmers, but not for me.


Greg Smith

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 37, Issue 37

2006-10-20 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day Josep,

Since you are talking about a price list, the simplest way would  
probably be to export the Excel file to a text file - for example a  
tab delimited one. That text file can easily be opened in Rev: just  
put the contents of it into a table field.

If you want to read directly from the .xls file, you will run into a  
lot of difficulties, I think. These files contain lots of data that  
you are probably not interested in, so you have to filter the data.  
And in order to do that, you have to understand the file format.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 20-okt-2006, at 10:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Josep M Yepes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19 oktober 2006 19:45:49 GMT+02:00
Subject: Reading Excel files on Mac OS X
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

Hi to all,

My name is Josep from Barcelona, Spain. I'm new in Revolution and I  
have a lot of questions in my mind :)

Now I need to read form a excel file. The excel file is pre- 
formated with two columns data. It's a price list.
Any tip to aboard the file? I'm developing on Mac OS X, but the  
application must be run also on Windows.

I need to load and insert the data into mySQL table ckecking the  
data that was changed from the last import.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: shortcut problems

2006-10-20 Thread Henk van der Velden

Thanks Klaus, Mark, Dave,

I turned out the Start in field of the shortcut files was empty. As  
soon as I put the proper URL into this field, everything worked OK.

Shortcuts can be created by using New  shortcut. One can also  
create a shortcut by right clicking on a file and selecting Copy to  
 Desktop. In the last case the 'Start In field gets its proper  
value automatically. In the first case it is left blank. I still have  
to check whether short cuts created by Revolution have this property  

Thanks for your help,

On 16-okt-2006, at 16:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 16 oktober 2006 13:02:14 GMT+02:00
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: shortcut problems
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

On 16 Oct 2006, at 10:47, Henk van der Velden wrote:
We did some testing. It turns out that the program sometimes  
thinks the defaultURL is the URL of the desktop where the shortcut  
is located (C:/Documents and Settings/carels/Bureaublad) instead  
of the folder where the program is located (//Bellefleur/M-schijf/ 
Leerlingen/de dijk/hardinxveld.exe). How can this be? What can be  
done about it?

Klaus and Mark have given good tips about how to get round the  

The original cause of the problem probably lies in the shortcut  
files. If you check the properties of the shortcut files from  
Windows Explorer, you will find a Start In field. This field  
determines the working directory (i.e. default directory) when your  
application starts. This should normally point to the directory  
where the linked file is located. But depending on how the  
shortcuts are made, it may just point to the desktop.

Some installer maker programs that make shortcuts require you to  
set this property specifically. I've been caught out a number of  
times by forgetting to set it.


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Re: Use of Flash animations in Revolution

2006-10-20 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Steve,

only as long as the interactivity is Flash 5 compatible.

You can also use altBrowser, which actually displays your Flash movie  
in Revolution through the browser. That way you can have Flash  
content displayed up to the current Flash version.

Kind regards,

Stgoldberg at Stgoldberg at
Fri Oct 20 07:00:54 CDT 2006

I see that one can import Flash animation .swf files into the Rev  
player.   However, is it also possible to   import a Flash game  
with all its

interactivity as well?   Thanks.
Steve Goldberg

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Re: enable flash

2006-10-17 Thread Henk van der Velden

Sorry Ken, I should have been more specific.
Trevor DeVore told there was a workaround on the Quicktime-api list:
However the workaround is beyond my understanding. Can I use this in  
Revolution? How?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

On 17-okt-2006, at 8:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/16/06 2:13 PM, Henk van der Velden [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Good day,

 From QuickTime 7.1.3 on Flash playback is an option, and it's
default is off.
Is there any way to change this to 'on' programmatically?

Well, there *is*, but I haven't taken the time to look at it... the  
is stored in the file Quicktime Preferences in the ~/Library/ 

folder. It is binary, though, so figuring it out will take time.

I'm unaware of anyone who's posted an automated fix, but if someone  

I'm sure they'll be held in high regard. :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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shortcut problems

2006-10-16 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

One of our apps is installed on a school's local network. The sys  
admin has created shortcuts to the program on the desktops of all the  
computers. Double clicking the shortcut will start the program, but  
the program can't find other stacks it should open.

The program consists of a stand alone application, which is actually  
a splash screen with options for the user to select. Each option will  
open another stack. These other stacks are located in the same folder  
as the stand alone application.

We did some testing. It turns out that the program sometimes thinks  
the defaultURL is the URL of the desktop where the shortcut is  
located (C:/Documents and Settings/carels/Bureaublad) instead of the  
folder where the program is located (//Bellefleur/M-schijf/Leerlingen/ 
de dijk/hardinxveld.exe). How can this be? What can be done about it?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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enable flash

2006-10-16 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day,

From QuickTime 7.1.3 on Flash playback is an option, and it's  
default is off.

Is there any way to change this to 'on' programmatically?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 36

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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edit xmp metadata: developers needed

2006-09-27 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

Can anyone help me with editing XMP metadata in image files (JPEG)?

I've searched the archives and I've found some messages about EXIF  
data and IPTC metadata. But it looks like no one has done XMP  
reading / editing yet. It wouldn't perhaps be too difficult, since  
XMP data is 'just' an XML tree put somewhere into the JPEG binary  
data. But I have no knowledge of binary data, so I can't figure out  
how to add these metadata to a (JPEG) file.

Another option might be Image Magick. If an external could be built  
around the Image Magick libraries, that would provide another way to  
read and edit XMP data.

I need this facility for a new application we are going to build for  
a couple of local cultural institutions. We need to describe lots of  
historical photographs, and it looks like the best way to store these  
descriptions is as metadata inside the files. These images are also  
to be used in educational applications, where children can read - and  
eventually edit - the metadata.

There will be a budget to develop this kind of thing. So what I would  
like to know is:

- who feels able to develop this?
- how would you build this kind of functionality
- an estimation of the costs

You can contact me off list.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 44

0031 (0)6 16 024 337

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Re: quicktime 3D

2006-07-11 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hello Viktoras,

You could take a look at AXELedge, (ahem, I just  
saw that AXELedge is no longer available..)
They have a QT plugin that allows QT player to play interactive 3D  
content. However, I don't know whether it's possible to create .axs  
files on the fly.

Another option is FBX for QuickTime ( 
servlet/index?id=6837478siteID=123112). I have never used that, but  
maybe someone else can tell you more about this.

If you want to create 3D surfaces out of a collection of data, maybe  
VRML / X3D is a better option ( X3D's file  
format is XML, so it would be easy to create these files on the fly.  
These files can be played in a web browser using plug ins (for  
example Cortona VRML client: 
cortona/ - supports only VRML however, no X3D; but VRML is also a  
text based file format). So the best thing would probably be to use  
altBrowser to display web pages inside Revolution, and have your 3D  
files played in the web page.

Kind regards,

On 10-jul-2006, at 18:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10 juli 2006 17:12:44 GMT+02:00
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: quicktime 3D
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

can anyone suggest a method to put 3d shape into a quicktime pane.   
What I
want to do is to generate 3d landscape from data and put it  
there... Is this

possible ? What data format should I use? How?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Associating Icons with Standalone Applications.

2006-06-08 Thread Henk van der Velden

Nitesh, Mark,

I also had some troubles with creating custom icons for Windows on  
Mac. In my case Revolution said all the 16 and 256 color icons were  
missing. In the past I used Apple's Icon Composer and an app called  
Pixadex to create custom icons. But in some way I can't get this  
combination to work properly now.

In the end I have created custom icons on Windows using  
IconDeveloper, and these are OK.

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 44

06 16 024 337

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Re: launch QT installer

2006-06-07 Thread Henk van der Velden

Danke Klaus, thanks Ken,

Dag Henk,

Good day all,

My application launches the QuickTime 7.1 Installer on Windows XP.  
The installer starts and then I get an error message:
This is the QT standalone installer, saved locally and called with  
either launch QuickTimeInstaller.exe or get shell(start  

The same method works OK with the QuickTime 6.5 standalone installer.

Anyone any ideas about what's happening?
What can be done to fix this?

I'm not sure if this helps, but did you try with the complete  
(absolute) pathname

to the installer?

And you could also try this syntax:

open process QuickTimeinstaller.exe for neither

Also with the complete pathname.
Another thought: Provide the shortfilepath() to shell...

At least worth a try I think :-)

You were right about the absolute path.
I have tested both the launch and open process method, and both  
launch the QT 7.1 standalone installer properly.

Strange thing is the QT 6.5 standalone installer doesn't need an  
absolute path. I don't understand what difference there is for an  
application like the QT installer to be launched through a relative  
or an absolute file path. But at least my problem is solved.


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launch QT installer

2006-06-06 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

My application launches the QuickTime 7.1 Installer on Windows XP.  
The installer starts and then I get an error message:
This is the QT standalone installer, saved locally and called with  
either launch QuickTimeInstaller.exe or get shell(start  

The same method works OK with the QuickTime 6.5 standalone installer.

Anyone any ideas about what's happening?
What can be done to fix this?

Kind regards,

Henk v.d. Velden
iGlow Media
Magda Janssenslaan 44

06 16 024 337

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Re: imagedata in Word XML

2006-03-22 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hello Rob e.a.

On 19-mrt-2006, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed does the text of an image contain binary data, but it  
looks like it's in the PNG format.

I will do some testing.
If the text of an image is PNG binary data, and the Word file  
contains only PNG images, I would be able to set the text of an  
image to the decoded text from the WordXML node.

one could also try to simply put the data into an image!

- put url(binfile:image.png) into img 1
does work, so this is a least worth a try :-)

My assumption is that, just as changing an object's top property  
automatically changes other related properties (eg:  
topLeft,bottomRight, loc, etc.), changing an image's text property  
will automatically change imageData and other text-related  
properties of the image.  I'm a few days away from testing this  
issue myself.

I've done some testing, here are my results:
- when an image is loaded, it's text property is not set; when it is  
imported, it is.
- when the text property of an image is changed, the imageData,  
width, height etc also change.

So now I can use the binary data from the Word XML file,  decode  
them, create a new, empty image on the card and set the text of that  
image to the decoded binary data.

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Re: imagedata in Word XML

2006-03-22 Thread Henk van der Velden


putting binary data from a Word XML file into an image on a Rev card  
is quite straightforward.

There is a node w:binData containing the image data.

put revXMLNodeContents(treeID, node) into theData
create img
put it into theImg
set the text of image theImg to base64Decode(theData)

The hard part of course is to parse Word XML in a proper manner. I'm  
working on that right now. I'll see where I get. If it works OK, I'm  
willing to share my code, of course.


On 22-mrt-2006, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've done some testing, here are my results:
- when an image is loaded, it's text property is not set; when it is
imported, it is.
- when the text property of an image is changed, the imageData,
width, height etc also change.

So now I can use the binary data from the Word XML file,  decode
them, create a new, empty image on the card and set the text of that
image to the decoded binary data.

Henk, is this code that can be shared with the Rev community? If  
so, that

would be great...

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Re: Integrating Revolution and Flash

2006-03-19 Thread Henk van der Velden

Hi Pradeep,

you can also take a look at Trevor deVore's Enhanced QuickTime External:

Kind regards,

On 18-mrt-2006, at 15:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Pradeep,

First, i would say yes, as long as flash can be handled trough  
javascript calls we can bind to transcript handlers (i do that* all  
the time, for my own *.js stored/used as global vars from inside my  
rev-based web applications servers).
Second, i would recommand to use AJAX (prototype.js framework and  
accessories) as long as AJAX let us code all what can be managed  
from within flash without making us depend from the Macromedia  
proprietary solution.

Just as a small example illustration of the AJAX potential http://

All the Best to You and Albert,

Le 17 mars 06 à 10:14, MITTAL Pradeep Kumar a écrit :


Is there any way to integrate revolution and flash ?

Some way of placing  Flash UI on top of Rev Card.
On top of revolution Object (lets say button ) one can put the flash
button. And when one clicks then revoluion button script is called.
Rev can create the XML file and then XML Data can be sent to flash  

and vice versa.

What do you think ? Is there anyone who has tried integrating rev an

Best Regards

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Re: imagedata in Word XML

2006-03-19 Thread Henk van der Velden


Indeed does the text of an image contain binary data, but it looks  
like it's in the PNG format.

I will do some testing.
If the text of an image is PNG binary data, and the Word file  
contains only PNG images, I would be able to set the text of an image  
to the decoded text from the WordXML node.


On 18-mrt-2006, at 19:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, even though you decode the information from the WordML file,  
now you have a binary representation of a PNG or JPEG, etc., and  
that is not in a format proper for imageData, which is an array of  
4-byte integers, each integer representing one pixel.  You will  
have to base-64 decode the information in the WordML file and then  
read it in as if you were reading an image file off a disk, etc.   
This will decompress the information that is encoded in the file  
and then you can use the result as imageData.

Are you sure the result should be used as the imageData of an image  
rather than its text?

I don't know exactly what is stored in WordML; but my understanding  
is that the text of an image is the actual binary content of the  
image file, while the imageData is a Rev-proprietary representation  
of the image as currently displayed.

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imagedata in Word XML

2006-03-17 Thread Henk van der Velden

Good day all,

Word 2003 and newer can save as XML. If there is an image in the doc,  
it's binary data are saved in one of the nodes of an XML tree (body/p/ 

Now I want a Revolution stack to read these XML documents. I assumed  
the binary image data to be base-64 encoded. But when I decode the  
content of the node containing the binary image data, and set the  
imageData of an image in the Rev stack to it, I get a messy picture.
I have also tried to base-64 encode the imageData of an image in a  
Rev stack and paste it into a node containing binary image data in a  
Word XML file. But then Word doesn't understand the data.

Is there anyone who knows how Word's binary image data can be used in  

Kind regards,
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