Filter command not working with tabs??

2010-06-02 Thread Bob Sneidar
Hi all. I cannot see what I am doing wrong here. Try this yourselves. In the 
message box put:

put test  tab  tab  return  \
sw_  tab  tab  return  \
sw_test3  tabtab  return into theDropData
put tab  tab into theFilter
filter theDropData without theFilter
put theDropData

I get:

NOTICE if you will, that lines 1  2 have 2 tabs together, and 3 does not. The 
filter command here should give me just line 3 shouldn't it??

Perhaps I do not understand the filter command or regular expressions very 
well, but the command reference seems to indicate that I should filter out all 
the lines that do not contain two tabs, but it is not doing this. It looks for 
all the world like the filter command is completely ignoring tabs in the 


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Re: Filter command not working with tabs??

2010-06-02 Thread Mark Wieder


 filter theDropData without *  theFilter  *

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Filter command not working with tabs??

2010-06-02 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Bob,

filter theDropData without *  theFilter  *

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a  
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On 3 jun 2010, at 00:18, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Hi all. I cannot see what I am doing wrong here. Try this  
yourselves. In the message box put:

put test  tab  tab  return  \
sw_  tab  tab  return  \
sw_test3  tabtab  return into theDropData
put tab  tab into theFilter
filter theDropData without theFilter
put theDropData

I get:

NOTICE if you will, that lines 1  2 have 2 tabs together, and 3  
does not. The filter command here should give me just line 3  
shouldn't it??

Perhaps I do not understand the filter command or regular  
expressions very well, but the command reference seems to indicate  
that I should filter out all the lines that do not contain two tabs,  
but it is not doing this. It looks for all the world like the filter  
command is completely ignoring tabs in the expression!


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Filter command not working with tabs??

2010-06-02 Thread Bob Sneidar
Dangit! I think I already asked this one a couple weeks ago! sigh I remember 


On Jun 2, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

 filter theDropData without *  theFilter  *
 -Mark Wieder
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

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Re: Filter command not working with tabs??

2010-06-02 Thread Jim Ault

The filter command works on wildcards, not regex

Your filter definition = keep lines that are not exactly tabtab

You might be thinking
put *  tab  tab  * into theFiliter
= which means keep lines that do not have at least two tabs in sequence

On Jun 2, 2010, at 3:18 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Hi all. I cannot see what I am doing wrong here. Try this  
yourselves. In the message box put:

put test  tab  tab  return  \
sw_  tab  tab  return  \
sw_test3  tabtab  return into theDropData
put tab  tab into theFilter
filter theDropData without theFilter
put theDropData

I get:

NOTICE if you will, that lines 1  2 have 2 tabs together, and 3  
does not. The filter command here should give me just line 3  
shouldn't it??

Perhaps I do not understand the filter command or regular  
expressions very well, but the command reference seems to indicate  
that I should filter out all the lines that do not contain two tabs,  
but it is not doing this. It looks for all the world like the filter  
command is completely ignoring tabs in the expression!


Jim Ault
Las Vegas

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Jérôme Rosat


Yes, it is right. But I have noticed that the display of the list in  
the field takes time. I made tests by displaying the result of the  
filtering only after having typed the third letter and it is enough  
fast for not slow down the typing of the user.

Jerome Rosat

Le 21 oct. 2009 à 20:07, David Glasgow a écrit :

How about the filter with only kicks in after the second or third  
character is typed? The first two characters take a disproportionate  
amount of time, and probably don't reduce the list size substantially.

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread DunbarX
Yesterday I went back to an old HC stack that filtered just such a list. I 
tried a Rev version of it on a list of 400,000 lines and it seems to run 
reasonably responsively. If this has already been dealt with better, then just 

There is a search field and another field named results. I put the list 
in a global called clientlist, so one could just go and type into the 
search field at any time. In the search field script:

on rawkeyUp tkey
if length(line 1 of me)  4 then pass rawkeyUp
put line 1 of me into tofind   --lose errant returns
get revFullFind(clientList,toFind,lineNum,false)
repeat with y = 1 to number(lines of it)
   put line line y of it of clientlist  return after temp1
end repeat
if temp1 =  then put No such  quote  tofind  quote  found 
into fld results
else put temp1 into fld results
end rawkeyUp

function revFullFind theText,toFind,form,exactly

repeat for each line theline in thetext
   add 1 to counter
   if exactly = true then
  if toFind = theLine then
 if form = lineNum then x
put counter  return after temp22
 else   if form = txt then
put theLine  return after temp22
 end if
  end if
  if toFind is in theLine then
 if form = lineNum then
put counter  return after temp22
 else   if form = txt then
put theLine  return after temp22
 end if
  end if
   end if
end repeat

return temp22
end revFullFind

revFullFind was one of my earliest Rev efforts; it duplicates much of 
Rinaldi's fullFind. It gives here a return delimited list of line numbers of 
all occurrances of a string found in another string, which is then mapped to 
the riginal data.

Craig Newman
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Jérôme Rosat


Le 22 oct. 2009 à 05:41, Jim Ault a écrit :
your asking a lot of a chunking function to scan a large body of  
text between key strokes.

Start with the following steps to see if these help.
-1-  Showing a list of more than 50 hits may not be useful

Good idea.
-2-  Doing an filter operation with less than 3 chars may not be  

Filter a list with less than 3 chars reduce the list.
-3-  Showing the number of lines (hits) at the top of the field is  

Good idea.
-4-  Most likely you will need to pre-index the 400K lines to get  
more speed
Indexing is what data bases do to boost speed.  You need to decide  
what the logic is, such as any char in any string, or words  
beginning with the user input, etc.

I should think to this solution.

Is the 400K set of lines dynamic or static?

Static for my tests. Dynamic from 0 to about 400k lines in production.

Does the user type logical words, or phrases?


eg.  santos  -- single word
eg.  Gourgas  -- single word
eg.  dos santos  -- phrase in order
eg.  rue Gourgas  --phrase in order
If link tables are required, then you should consider a database,  
since this is something they do well.

Hope this helps.

Yes, thank you.

If some body in the list is looking for a file with names and address  
(400K lines), I create a file with french name, French, Spanish,  
Italians, Portuguese first name and address of Geneva in Switzerland.  
It is possible to download here:

In the state of my tests, here the my “fastest” code:

on keyUp
   set the itemdelimiter to tab
   Switch the number of chars of me
  Case 1
 put empty into vListe
 repeat for each line theLine in vNoms
if item 2 of theLine contains me then put theLine  cr  
after vListe

 end repeat
  Case 2
 put vListe into maListe
 put empty into vListe
 repeat for each line theLine in maListe
if item 2 of theLine contains me then put theLine  cr  
after vListe

 end repeat
 put vListe into maListe
 put empty into vListe
 repeat for each line theLine in maListe
if item 2 of theLine contains me then put theLinecr  
after vListe

 end repeat
 delete the last char of vListe
 put Number of lines =  (the number of lines of vListe)  
into theOutput

if the number of lines in vListe  60 then
put theOutput  cr  line 1 to 60 of vListe  cr  ...  
into field fListe

put theOutput  cr  vListe into field fListe
 end if
   end Switch
end keyUp

Jerome Rosat___
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Jérôme Rosat


Thank you for your message. I'm not very at ease with messages and the  
command send but I will test your code. I think it is the good way  
to not slow down the typing of the user.

Jerome Rosat

Le 23 oct. 2009 à 00:33, Alex Tweedly a écrit :

Would it be practical to break your list into 26 sublists by first  

That's a pragmatic approach - but I think it's the wrong one.

The fundamental problem is that the idea of scanning an entire list  
at keystroke speed is not robust. Even if splitting into multiple  
lists works for now, there's no guarantee that it will work tomorrow  
- when the database doubles in size, or the data becomes skewed  
because it contains too many people with the same first letter,  
or  or the users demand a similar feature for address as well as  
surname, or they want to match string anywhere within the name,  

What you ought to do (imnsho) is to change the algorithm to one  
which is inherently responsive, using either 'send' or 'wait-with- 
messages' to ensure that this matching process does not interfere  
with responsiveness. In this case, I think it's easier to use wait- 

So in outline

each time the match data changes, you restart the matching process

the matching process checks a fixed, and relatively small, number of  
possible matches

updates the field showing the user what matches have been found
and then allows other things to happen before continuing with  
the matching.

I'd have a single handler that is always called when any changes  
happens to the user input, which can kick off a new matching process  
(by sending to the match handler). Then within the handler, I'd  
periodically check whether there is a pending message to restart a  
new handler.

So a brief version of the whole script would be

local sShow, sStart, sData, sFound,sMatch
global gData

on keyUp
  pass keyUp
end keyUp

on matchStringHasChanged
  send processamatch to me in 0 millisecs
end matchStringHasChanged

on processamatch
  local tCount
 put gData into sData
  put the text of field Field into sMatch
 put empty into field Show
  put empty into sShow
 repeat for each line L in sData
 add 1 to tCount
 if L begins with sMatch then
put L CR after sShow
 end if
 if tCount mod 100 = 0 then
put sShow  .  CR into field Show
wait 0 millisecs with messages
if the pendingmessages contains ,processamatch, then
   put exiting  CR after field StatusLog
   exit processamatch
end if
 end if
  end repeat
  put sShow into field Show
  put Completed  the number of lines in sShow CR after field  

end processamatch

Note the use of .. to give an indication that work is still in  
progress and there may be more matches to come.

You could easily add refinements to this

1a.  if a matching process has completed (rather than exited), and  
if previous match string was a substring of the new matchstring,  
then instead of starting with

put gData into sData
you could instead do
put sShow into sData
(i.e. re-use the filtered list - but be sure to remember that if you  
exit before completing, or if the matchstring changes in any other  
way you need to restart with the whole of gData)

1b. If you do 1a, then if you are *nearly* complete with a match  
when the matchstring changes, then just go ahead and complete it, so  
you get to work on the subset.

(good luck deciding what *nearly* means :-)

btw - I don't think there is any magic 'split'-based method possible  

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jérôme Rosat wrote:


Thank you for your message. I'm not very at ease with messages and the  
command send but I will test your code. I think it is the good way  
to not slow down the typing of the user.

IMO well worth the time to try it.

Alex Tweedly regularly comes up with non-obvious but highly effective 
solutions.  His inventiveness has made many helpful contributions to 
algorithms explored on this list.

My only disappointment with his latest contribution is that it wasn't a 
three-liner as he usually comes up with.

Alex, you're slipping. :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 23, 2009, 8:51:18 AM, you wrote:

 If some body in the list is looking for a file with names and address
 (400K lines), I create a file with french name, French, Spanish,  
 Italians, Portuguese first name and address of Geneva in Switzerland.
 It is possible to download here:

 In the state of my tests, here the my “fastest” code:

Since you seem to want to limit the display to 60 lines, here's a much
faster version. This takes roughly 90 milliseconds to do an entire
list, irrespective of the number of chars. Note as well that your text
file is actually delimited by commas rather than tabs.

-- time of the filtered list
on keyUp
local vListe
local tTime

put the milliseconds into tTime
put test1(vNoms) into vListe
put the milliseconds - tTime into field fElapsedTime
put vListe into field fListe
end keyUp

function test1 pNoms
local vListe
local x

set the itemdelimiter to comma
put empty into vListe
put 1 into x
repeat for each line theLine in pNoms
if item 2 of theLine contains me then
put theLine  cr after vListe
add 1 to x
if x  60 then
put ...  cr after vListe
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
return vListe
end test1

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Jérôme Rosat


My text file is a raw file. When I open a stack, I create a simpler  
tab list.

Your code is much better for the 1 to 3 chars. But, if the name you  
search is at the end of the list (for example rosat) it takes more  
time than my code.

Jerome Rosat

Le 23 oct. 2009 à 19:13, Mark Wieder a écrit :


Friday, October 23, 2009, 8:51:18 AM, you wrote:

If some body in the list is looking for a file with names and address
(400K lines), I create a file with french name, French, Spanish,
Italians, Portuguese first name and address of Geneva in Switzerland.
It is possible to download here:

In the state of my tests, here the my “fastest” code:

Since you seem to want to limit the display to 60 lines, here's a much
faster version. This takes roughly 90 milliseconds to do an entire
list, irrespective of the number of chars. Note as well that your text
file is actually delimited by commas rather than tabs.

-- time of the filtered list
on keyUp
   local vListe
   local tTime

   put the milliseconds into tTime
   put test1(vNoms) into vListe
   put the milliseconds - tTime into field fElapsedTime
   put vListe into field fListe
end keyUp

function test1 pNoms
   local vListe
   local x

   set the itemdelimiter to comma
   put empty into vListe
   put 1 into x
   repeat for each line theLine in pNoms
   if item 2 of theLine contains me then
   put theLine  cr after vListe
   add 1 to x
   if x  60 then
   put ...  cr after vListe
   exit repeat
   end if
   end if
   end repeat
   return vListe
end test1

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-23 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 23, 2009, 10:55:26 AM, you wrote:

 Your code is much better for the 1 to 3 chars. But, if the name you
 search is at the end of the list (for example rosat) it takes more
 time than my code.

Well, of course. There's no rosat in the data set, so you have to go
through the entire thing 400,000 lines than limiting it to 60 hits. In
that case yours is faster because you've already trimmed your data set
down by the first three chars. But you lose that advantage the first
three times through.

You might try something like

put test1(vNoms) into vListe
-- add this:
if the number of lines in vListe  60 then
put vListe into vNoms
end if

so that you only go through the whole list once.

Search optimization would require foreknowledge of the data set.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-22 Thread Alex Tweedly

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Jérôme Rosat wrote:
I explained in my message that I wish to filter a list of names and  
addresses dynamically when I type a name in a field. This list  
contains 400'000 lines like this:  Mme [TAB] DOS SANTOS albertina  
[TAB] rue GOURGAS 23BIS [TAB] 1205 Genève

I made various tests using the repeat for each loop and the  
filter ... with command. Filtering takes the most time when I type  
the first and the second letter. That takes approximately 800  
milliseconds for the first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  
second char. The repeat loop with the contains operator is a 
little  beat slower (about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ... 
with. There  is no significant difference when the third char or 
more is typed. Of  course I filter a variable before to put it in the 
list field.

Obviously, 800 milliseconds to filter a list of 400'000 lines, it is  
fast. But it is too slow for what I want to do. It would take a time  
of filtering lower than 300 milliseconds so that the user is not  
slowed down in his typing.

Would it be practical to break your list into 26 sublists by first 

That's a pragmatic approach - but I think it's the wrong one.

The fundamental problem is that the idea of scanning an entire list at 
keystroke speed is not robust. Even if splitting into multiple lists 
works for now, there's no guarantee that it will work tomorrow - when 
the database doubles in size, or the data becomes skewed because it 
contains too many people with the same first letter, or  or the 
users demand a similar feature for address as well as surname, or they 
want to match string anywhere within the name, or 

What you ought to do (imnsho) is to change the algorithm to one which is 
inherently responsive, using either 'send' or 'wait-with-messages' to 
ensure that this matching process does not interfere with 
responsiveness. In this case, I think it's easier to use wait-with-messages.

So in outline

each time the match data changes, you restart the matching process

the matching process checks a fixed, and relatively small, number of 
possible matches

 updates the field showing the user what matches have been found
 and then allows other things to happen before continuing with the 

I'd have a single handler that is always called when any changes happens 
to the user input, which can kick off a new matching process (by sending 
to the match handler). Then within the handler, I'd periodically check 
whether there is a pending message to restart a new handler.

So a brief version of the whole script would be

local sShow, sStart, sData, sFound,sMatch
global gData

on keyUp
   pass keyUp
end keyUp

on matchStringHasChanged
   send processamatch to me in 0 millisecs
end matchStringHasChanged

on processamatch
   local tCount
   put gData into sData

   put the text of field Field into sMatch
   put empty into field Show

   put empty into sShow
   repeat for each line L in sData

  add 1 to tCount
  if L begins with sMatch then
 put L CR after sShow
  end if
  if tCount mod 100 = 0 then
 put sShow  .  CR into field Show
 wait 0 millisecs with messages
 if the pendingmessages contains ,processamatch, then
put exiting  CR after field StatusLog
exit processamatch
 end if
  end if
   end repeat
   put sShow into field Show
   put Completed  the number of lines in sShow CR after field 

end processamatch

Note the use of .. to give an indication that work is still in 
progress and there may be more matches to come.

You could easily add refinements to this

1a.  if a matching process has completed (rather than exited), and if 
previous match string was a substring of the new matchstring, then 
instead of starting with

 put gData into sData
you could instead do
 put sShow into sData 

(i.e. re-use the filtered list - but be sure to remember that if you 
exit before completing, or if the matchstring changes in any other way 
you need to restart with the whole of gData)

1b. If you do 1a, then if you are *nearly* complete with a match when 
the matchstring changes, then just go ahead and complete it, so you get 
to work on the subset.

(good luck deciding what *nearly* means :-)

btw - I don't think there is any magic 'split'-based method possible here.

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-22 Thread Alex Tweedly

Alex Tweedly wrote:
Note the use of .. to give an indication that work is still in 
progress and there may be more matches to come.

Hmmm  that's a bit of a cheap way to do it.

Much better to put the number of lines in sData into tDataSize, and then do

 put 20 - (20 * tCount / tDataSize) into t
 put sShow  char 1 to t of ...  CR 
into field Show

-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-21 Thread Jérôme Rosat

Thank you Jim, Richard, Brian and Mark,

Please excuse me to answer so tardily, I posted a message yesterday,  
but it was not published in the list. I make a new attempt.

I explained in my message that I wish to filter a list of names and  
addresses dynamically when I type a name in a field. This list  
contains 400'000 lines like this:  Mme [TAB] DOS SANTOS albertina  
[TAB] rue GOURGAS 23BIS [TAB] 1205 Genève

I made various tests using the repeat for each loop and the  
filter ... with command. Filtering takes the most time when I type  
the first and the second letter. That takes approximately 800  
milliseconds for the first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  
second char. The repeat loop with the contains operator is a little  
beat slower (about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ... with. There  
is no significant difference when the third char or more is typed. Of  
course I filter a variable before to put it in the list field.

Obviously, 800 milliseconds to filter a list of 400'000 lines, it is  
fast. But it is too slow for what I want to do. It would take a time  
of filtering lower than 300 milliseconds so that the user is not  
slowed down in his typing.

Sorry to have been insufficiently precise in my first message. I  
continue my tests and I will publish the fastest code.

Jerome Rosat

Le 20 oct. 2009 à 03:41, Jim Ault a écrit :

First, what do you mean by 'slow' ?'slower' ?

There are many items to consider in the optimization of filtering.
-1- do you create the 300,000 lines yourself or inherit them
-2- are the lines long strings or short (how many chartacters)
-3- are the lines structured or more like descriptions or phrases
-4- is the part to be filtered at the beginning or the end of each  
-5- there are numerous other considerations depending on the exact  
task at hand

Your request is far to vague to give definitive answers.
As Mark Wieder said, please post some example lines of the data and  
the code you are trying.  There are many innovative ways to use the  
Rev chunking functions that make sure you get speed without  
sacrificing accuracy ( false hits, false misses )

Looking forward to more details.
It is fun to consider the variations possibilities  :-)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-21 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jérôme Rosat wrote:
I explained in my message that I wish to filter a list of names and  
addresses dynamically when I type a name in a field. This list  
contains 400'000 lines like this:  Mme [TAB] DOS SANTOS albertina  
[TAB] rue GOURGAS 23BIS [TAB] 1205 Genève

I made various tests using the repeat for each loop and the  
filter ... with command. Filtering takes the most time when I type  
the first and the second letter. That takes approximately 800  
milliseconds for the first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  
second char. The repeat loop with the contains operator is a little  
beat slower (about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ... with. There  
is no significant difference when the third char or more is typed. Of  
course I filter a variable before to put it in the list field.

Obviously, 800 milliseconds to filter a list of 400'000 lines, it is  
fast. But it is too slow for what I want to do. It would take a time  
of filtering lower than 300 milliseconds so that the user is not  
slowed down in his typing.

Would it be practical to break your list into 26 sublists by first letter?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-21 Thread David Glasgow

On 21 Oct 2009, at 6:00 pm, Jérôme Rosat wrotewrote:

Filtering takes the most time when I type  the first and the  
second letter. That takes approximately 800  milliseconds for the  
first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  second char. The  
repeat loop with the contains operator is a little  beat slower  
(about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ... with. There  is no  
significant difference when the third char or more is typed. Of   
course I filter a variable before to put it in the list field

How about the filter with only kicks in after the second or third  
character is typed? The first two characters take a disproportionate  
amount of time, and probably don't reduce the list size substantially.

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-21 Thread Jim Ault
your asking a lot of a chunking function to scan a large body of text  
between key strokes.

Start with the following steps to see if these help.

-1-  Showing a list of more than 50 hits may not be useful
-2-  Doing an filter operation with less than 3 chars may not be useful
-3-  Showing the number of lines (hits) at the top of the field is  
-4-  Most likely you will need to pre-index the 400K lines to get more  

Indexing is what data bases do to boost speed.  You need to decide  
what the logic is, such as any char in any string, or words beginning  
with the user input, etc.

Is the 400K set of lines dynamic or static?
Does the user type logical words, or phrases?
eg.  santos  -- single word
eg.  Gourgas  -- single word
eg.  dos santos  -- phrase in order

eg.  rue Gourgas  --phrase in order

If link tables are required, then you should consider a database,  
since this is something they do well.

 if the number of chars in userInput  3 then exit to top

   put Number of lines =   \
   the number of lines in filteredBlock into theOutput

if the number of lines in filteredBlock  50 then
  put  line 1 to 10 of block  cr  MORE after theOutput

The fewer characters in the block of lines to be filtered, the better.

Hope this helps.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Oct 21, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:

Thank you Jim, Richard, Brian and Mark,

Please excuse me to answer so tardily, I posted a message yesterday,  
but it was not published in the list. I make a new attempt.

I explained in my message that I wish to filter a list of names and  
addresses dynamically when I type a name in a field. This list  
contains 400'000 lines like this:  Mme [TAB] DOS SANTOS albertina  
[TAB] rue GOURGAS 23BIS [TAB] 1205 Genève

I made various tests using the repeat for each loop and the  
filter ... with command. Filtering takes the most time when I type  
the first and the second letter. That takes approximately 800  
milliseconds for the first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  
second char. The repeat loop with the contains operator is a  
little beat slower (about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ...  
with. There is no significant difference when the third char or  
more is typed. Of course I filter a variable before to put it in the  
list field.

Obviously, 800 milliseconds to filter a list of 400'000 lines, it is  
fast. But it is too slow for what I want to do. It would take a time  
of filtering lower than 300 milliseconds so that the user is not  
slowed down in his typing.

Sorry to have been insufficiently precise in my first message. I  
continue my tests and I will publish the fastest code.

Jerome Rosat

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How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Jérôme Rosat
I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines. I  
try the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to check only one item of the line and not the whole line  
with the filterPattern ?


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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Andre Garzia
Bonjour Jérôme,

you could achieve better results by converting this list to a SQLite

If you want to keep using strings for this, then I suppose you could use
some clever combination of sort by each to sort out things by specific

You can also use RegEx to find the chunks you want, but I believe it won't
be that fast.

And last but not least, if this is not a product but a tool for your use
only, or if you're only deploying on unix like systems, why not dumping this
to a text file and using the shell() with grep? That will be the fastest


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:

 I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines. I try
 the filter ... with command. It's slow.

 I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

 Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force RunRev
 to check only one item of the line and not the whole line with the
 filterPattern ?


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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Chris Sheffield


Are you applying the filter to a text field? If so, try temporarily  
saving the field to a variable, applying the filter to the variable,  
then saving the variable back to the field. The speed should increase  
dramatically. If you're already doing this, I'm afraid I don't have  
another suggestion.


On Oct 19, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:

I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines.  
I try the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to check only one item of the line and not the whole line  
with the filterPattern ?


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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:
 I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines. I try
 the filter ... with command. It's slow.

 I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

 Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force RunRev to
 check only one item of the line and not the whole line with the
 filterPattern ?

What filter pattern are you using? I have found filter to be very fast
even with large lists, provided the filter pattern is simple.
e.g. filter with *blue* is fast but filter with *  tab  * 
tab  *blue* will be slow.

If this is the sort of thing you are trying, then I suggest a
preliminary fast filter to get the overall length down, then maybe
changing to a repeat for each loop to refine the filter.
And as Chris said, make sure you are always operating on a variable,
not the contents of a field.

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Jérôme Rosat

Thank you Sarah, Chris and Andre,

I use already a variable and my filter pattern is *[' -]  myString  

I'm going to try with a SQLite database.

Le 19 oct. 2009 à 23:49, Sarah Reichelt a écrit :

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:
I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines.  
I try

the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to

check only one item of the line and not the whole line with the
filterPattern ?

What filter pattern are you using? I have found filter to be very fast
even with large lists, provided the filter pattern is simple.
e.g. filter with *blue* is fast but filter with *  tab  * 
tab  *blue* will be slow.

If this is the sort of thing you are trying, then I suggest a
preliminary fast filter to get the overall length down, then maybe
changing to a repeat for each loop to refine the filter.
And as Chris said, make sure you are always operating on a variable,
not the contents of a field.

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 19, 2009, 3:51:30 PM, you wrote:

 I use already a variable and my filter pattern is *[' -]  myString

Can you post the code you're using? Do you have enough physical memory
to hold the entire list without page swapping?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Brian Yennie
I would suspect that the leading * is causing the most slowdown.  
That is going to force the filter command to search the entire line  
every time, since the ['-] portion could be anywhere.

Switching to SQLLite could work, but you are going to have to  
completely reformat your data. If you just throw your lines into  
records in a database, the problem will be the same.

Maybe there is a higher level solution, for example:

1) Move your searchable strings to the beginning of each line (filter  
on myString* will be much faster)

2) Sort your data and process it in chunks, showing the results as  
they come in (total time will be the same, but better user experience)

3) Try using lineOffset() to find one match at a time?


Thank you Sarah, Chris and Andre,

I use already a variable and my filter pattern is *[' -]   
myString  *.

I'm going to try with a SQLite database.

Le 19 oct. 2009 à 23:49, Sarah Reichelt a écrit :

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:49 AM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:
I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000  
lines. I try

the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to

check only one item of the line and not the whole line with the
filterPattern ?

What filter pattern are you using? I have found filter to be very  

even with large lists, provided the filter pattern is simple.
e.g. filter with *blue* is fast but filter with *  tab  * 
tab  *blue* will be slow.

If this is the sort of thing you are trying, then I suggest a
preliminary fast filter to get the overall length down, then maybe
changing to a repeat for each loop to refine the filter.
And as Chris said, make sure you are always operating on a variable,
not the contents of a field.


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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jérôme Rosat wrote:
I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines. I  
try the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to check only one item of the line and not the whole line  
with the filterPattern ?

RegEx is a complex subsystem designed for ease of use more than performance.

Depending on what you want to do, you may find that repeat for each 
will be your fastest option (at least until Alex Tweedly chimes in with 
a three-line solution using split g).

What does your data look like, and what are you looking for in it?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-19 Thread Jim Ault

On Oct 19, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Jérôme Rosat wrote:

I wish to filter a list which contains approximately 300'000 lines.  
I try the filter ... with command. It's slow.

I try the Repeat for each loop but it's slower.

Is it possible to use the filter ... with command and to force  
RunRev to check only one item of the line and not the whole line  
with the filterPattern ?

First, what do you mean by 'slow' ?'slower' ?

There are many items to consider in the optimization of filtering.
-1- do you create the 300,000 lines yourself or inherit them
-2- are the lines long strings or short (how many chartacters)
-3- are the lines structured or more like descriptions or phrases
-4- is the part to be filtered at the beginning or the end of each line
-5- there are numerous other considerations depending on the exact  
task at hand

Your request is far to vague to give definitive answers.
As Mark Wieder said, please post some example lines of the data and  
the code you are trying.  There are many innovative ways to use the  
Rev chunking functions that make sure you get speed without  
sacrificing accuracy ( false hits, false misses )

Looking forward to more details.
It is fun to consider the variations possibilities  :-)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Filter by Item and What gives with my field?

2009-07-27 Thread Robert Brenstein

On 26.07.09 at 16:23 -0700 Tom Cole apparently wrote:

Dear Group,

I have two items that I hope someone can help on. One is very 
straightforward: I need to filter a field by the items.
That is, I have a field with zillions of records with four items 
(comma delimited)



Second, I have a field that is full of TAB delimited records like this:

Southern Arizona Trip TAB 5/27/1973 TAB This was the trip when we 
got two flat tires in the middle of nowhere.


If you have zillions of records, then you should possibly consider 
using a real database engine to store the data. Then fetching 3 
columns in specific order or any sort of filtering and data selection 
becomes trivial.

You don't say how many records you have in the second case, but here 
database could also make things simpler, particularly the searching. 
In this case, displaying one record at a time with each item in its 
own field could be most optimal. For list view, you could have a 
truncated version of the long text with ellipsis (...) at the end.

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Filter by Item and What gives with my field?

2009-07-26 Thread Tom Cole

Dear Group,

I have two items that I hope someone can help on. One is very  
straightforward: I need to filter a field by the items.
That is, I have a field with zillions of records with four items  
(comma delimited)


I want itemfour to disappear after I put the field into a variable.  
The problem is that item four is never the same, so I can't filter by  
a specific string. I'm sure there must be a way to just have all of  
item four go poof.

Second, I have a field that is full of TAB delimited records like this:

Southern Arizona Trip TAB 5/27/1973 TAB This was the trip when we got  
two flat tires in the middle of nowhere.

Just three items each. Sometimes, however, item three is a whole ten- 
page essay with paragraph returns but no tabs of course.

When I pasted all of these records in a field, not everything appears  
there if you scroll through it. However, if you script: answer fld  
journal, you see the complete version. If you copy the journal field  
to the clipboard it is also complete. But you cannot SEARCH the field  
for the things in it because they're hidden. Is there some field  
property that is truncating the field in various places? I feel that I  
am back to hypercard with the 30,000 character limit. What gives?

I want to see all of the stuff I wrote without copying it and pasting  
it somewhere. It's so strange to see only a small part of what you  
wrote and then to copy the text and find that it is, indeed, there.


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Re: Filter by Item and What gives with my field?

2009-07-26 Thread Sarah Reichelt
 I have two items that I hope someone can help on. One is very
 straightforward: I need to filter a field by the items.
 That is, I have a field with zillions of records with four items (comma


 I want itemfour to disappear after I put the field into a variable. The
 problem is that item four is never the same, so I can't filter by a specific
 string. I'm sure there must be a way to just have all of item four go poof.

   set the columnDelimiter to comma
   split tData by column
   delete variable tData[4]
   combine tData by column

 Second, I have a field that is full of TAB delimited records like this:

 Southern Arizona Trip TAB 5/27/1973 TAB This was the trip when we got two
 flat tires in the middle of nowhere.

 Just three items each. Sometimes, however, item three is a whole ten-page
 essay with paragraph returns but no tabs of course.

 When I pasted all of these records in a field, not everything appears there
 if you scroll through it. However, if you script: answer fld journal, you
 see the complete version. If you copy the journal field to the clipboard it
 is also complete. But you cannot SEARCH the field for the things in it
 because they're hidden. Is there some field property that is truncating the
 field in various places? I feel that I am back to hypercard with the 30,000
 character limit. What gives?

A couple of things:

If you want to keep one record per line, you will need to replace the
returns in item 3 with something else.
Use a single weird character or *CR* or whatever you like. Then you
can replace it back again for viewing  editing.

Fields have a maximum number of characters per line - I think it is 65535.
After that, you will start seeing weird things happening to the
display, although as you say, the data is still there.
The best solution is to store the data in a custom property instead of
a field and have the data for a single record displayed in 3 different
fields when required. If the third item still ends up with lines
longer than 65535 it may not matter if the field wraps. If it still
does mess up the display, then you might have to add some extra
returns when displaying it.

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Re: Filter by Item and What gives with my field?

2009-07-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, July 26, 2009, 4:23:36 PM, you wrote:

 I want itemfour to disappear after I put the field into a variable.
 The problem is that item four is never the same, so I can't filter by
 a specific string. I'm sure there must be a way to just have all of
 item four go poof.

I'm a bit caffeine-deprived today, so I can't think of how to do this
in a single line of code. I'd go with the obvious:

put field someField into tTempVar -- for speed
repeat for each line tLine in tTempVar
  put item 1 to 3 of tLine  cr after tVar
end repeat

Hopefully someone else will come up with something more clever.

 Second, I have a field that is full of TAB delimited records like this:

Maybe check the dontWrap of the field?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Filter by Item and What gives with my field?

2009-07-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, July 26, 2009, 5:22:50 PM, you wrote:

delete variable tData[4]

! That was the part I couldn't come up with...

The only danger with this is that the first three items in each line
have to define a unique key - any duplicates will be dropped, but
that's the array-based approach I was aiming for.

-Mark Wieder

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filter not working

2009-07-10 Thread pwf
I am having a problem with 'filter'.

I'm passing this tab  return delimited data (as an array)...

*SAMPLE*7/2/09  2   We don't ship kitties to Hong Kong
No dogs 7/2/09  1   we don't do dogs
This one7/2/09  3   This one is that oneAnd this one has 
paragraphs in
the field.

using this command

put justThese(gSnips,1) into tList

to this function:

function justThese pSnips,pWhich
   combine pSnips by return and tab
   put tabpWhichtab into tThing
   filter pSnips with tThing
   split pSnips by return and tab
   return the keys of pSnips
end justThese

which always returns empty because the filter command always puts
empty back into the variable.

What am I missing?

I confirmed that the error still occurs without the numToChar(8)
(which apparently won't show up here), which I'm using to swap out CRs
in that third record.

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Re: filter not working

2009-07-10 Thread Mark Smith
Paul, the filter command may need some wildcards, otherwise it will  
filter out any lines which contain more than just the filter  
expression, so:

filter pSnips with *  tThing  *



On 3 Jul 2009, at 20:39, pwf wrote:

I am having a problem with 'filter'.

I'm passing this tab  return delimited data (as an array)...

*SAMPLE*7/2/09  2   We don't ship kitties to Hong Kong
No dogs 7/2/09  1   we don't do dogs
This one7/2/09  3   This one is that oneAnd this one has 
paragraphs in
the field.

using this command

put justThese(gSnips,1) into tList

to this function:

function justThese pSnips,pWhich
   combine pSnips by return and tab
   put tabpWhichtab into tThing
   filter pSnips with tThing
   split pSnips by return and tab
   return the keys of pSnips
end justThese

which always returns empty because the filter command always puts
empty back into the variable.

What am I missing?

I confirmed that the error still occurs without the numToChar(8)
(which apparently won't show up here), which I'm using to swap out CRs
in that third record.

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Filter Image Without Type on OSX?

2009-07-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Hello List:

Is it possible to use any kind of wildcard with file filtering on OSX?

I have several JPEG images that show no file type (just the empty boxes)
which often happens when Preview gets ahold of them.  Then when trying to
filter a list of images in an answer file dialog using JPEG, the
aforementioned JPEGs are grayed out and not selectable.  Is there any way to
work around this?  (Rev 3.5)

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Filter Image Without Type on OSX?

2009-07-07 Thread Scott Rossi
Answering my own question:

 Is it possible to use any kind of wildcard with file filtering on OSX?
 I have several JPEG images that show no file type (just the empty boxes)
 which often happens when Preview gets ahold of them.  Then when trying to
 filter a list of images in an answer file dialog using JPEG, the
 aforementioned JPEGs are grayed out and not selectable.  Is there any way to
 work around this?

Guess I have to use answer file with type


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Filter Image Without Type on OSX?

2009-07-07 Thread Rick Harrison

Hi Scott,

If you are absolutely sure that all of the files
are going to be JPEG then just rename
the files so that they all have .jpg put onto
the end of them.  Then perform your process.

I hope this helps!


On Jul 7, 2009, at 6:54 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Answering my own question:

Is it possible to use any kind of wildcard with file filtering on  

I have several JPEG images that show no file type (just the empty  
which often happens when Preview gets ahold of them.  Then when  
trying to

filter a list of images in an answer file dialog using JPEG, the
aforementioned JPEGs are grayed out and not selectable.  Is there  
any way to

work around this?

Guess I have to use answer file with type


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Rick Harrison

You can buy my $10 music album Funny Time Machine digital CD on the  
iTunes Store Now!

To visit the iTunes Store now to listen to samples of my CD please  
click on the
following link.  (Please note you must have iTunes installed on your  
computer for this link to work.)

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2009-05-21 Thread Tom Cole
Does anyone know why I get no data in a variable when I filter more  
than once?
In the following, either of the filters works alone with the other  
commented out, but together I get no data.

on mouseup
  put fld sortfield into cat

  --FILTER #1
  put 12/15/1971 into rat
  filter cat with *rat*
  put cat into fld sortfield

  put elliot and cooper roads into dog
  filter cat with *dog*
  put cat into fld sortfield
  put fld sortfield into cat

end mouseUp

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Re: filter

2009-05-21 Thread Bernard Devlin
put one  cr  two  cr  owl into tList

filter tList with o*

gives you


Filtering that 2 line list with

filter tList with t*

will give you an empty list.  The first filter removed anything that
would match the 2nd filter, therefore the list is empty.


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Tom Cole wrote:
 Does anyone know why I get no data in a variable when I filter more than
 In the following, either of the filters works alone with the other commented
 out, but together I get no data.

 on mouseup
  put fld sortfield into cat

  --FILTER #1
  put 12/15/1971 into rat
  filter cat with *rat*
  put cat into fld sortfield

    --FILTER #2
  put elliot and cooper roads into dog
  filter cat with *dog*
  put cat into fld sortfield
  put fld sortfield into cat

 end mouseUp

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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-03 Thread David Bovill
Thanks Jim - good to confirm that there is no way to escape chars for filter
expressions. I guess this is the sort of thing that should be posted as a
note to the dictionary.

2009/5/2 Jim Ault

 The technique I have used in the past is to do a

 replace [ with † in blockOfLines
 replace ] with ^ in blockOfLines
 filter blockOfLines without tr††*^^
 --and in case there are kept lines that had the '[]' chars
 replace † with [ in blockOfLines
 replace ^ with ] in blockOfLines
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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-03 Thread Bernard Devlin
I think this does what you require:

put tr[1]  cr after tList
put tr(2)  cr after tList
put tr[3]  cr after tList
put tr[a]  cr after tList
put td[1]  cr after tList
put tra[1]  cr after tList
filter tList without [t][r]?[0-9]]
put tList

Try playing around with the 2nd letter of the filter expression, and
using with/without.  It seems to work for me.  Unless I really don't
understand the problem :-)


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:11 PM, David Bovill wrote:
 Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned a
 list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr elements
 which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
 [ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping? Any

 2009/4/24 David Bovill

 Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns for the
 filter expression?

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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-03 Thread David Bovill
This would usually work :

put theader[1]  cr after tList
put th(1)  cr after tList
put th(2)  cr after tList
put th[3]  cr after tList
put tbody[1]  cr after tList
put tr[1]  cr after tList
put td[2]  cr after tList
put tra[3]  cr after tList
put tr[11]  cr after tList

filter tList without th?[0-9]]
put tList

But it is possible that there are more than 9 rows - in which case it will
fail. What you really want to do is filter for tr[*] but can't because you
can't escape the [ using \[. Thanks for the input - just wanted to check
as there may be extra syntax not listed in the docs. I think the only real
solution is a simple repeat loop - it may even be faster than filter, as
many test have shown previously.


repeat for each line testLine in tList
if token 1 of testLine is th then
put testLine  CR after filteredList
end if
end repeat
put filteredList

Tip:  the use of token instead of word is often really useful for
parsing output from computers - think of tokens as the equivalent of works
but for the way Rev thinks about scripts.

2009/5/3 Bernard Devlin

 I think this does what you require:

 put tr[1]  cr after tList
 put tr(2)  cr after tList
 put tr[3]  cr after tList
 put tr[a]  cr after tList
 put td[1]  cr after tList
 put tra[1]  cr after tList
 filter tList without [t][r]?[0-9]]
 put tList

 Try playing around with the 2nd letter of the filter expression, and
 using with/without.  It seems to work for me.  Unless I really don't
 understand the problem :-)
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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-02 Thread Bernard Devlin
does this work?

filter tXmlText with *tr[[2]]

When you wrote to the list about this problem before, I did a quick
test and that seemed to work, so I thought maybe I don't get the

I'm not sure if it will work using [[*]]


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:11 PM, David Bovill wrote:
 Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned a
 list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr elements
 which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
 [ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping? Any

 2009/4/24 David Bovill

 Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns for the
 filter expression?

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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-02 Thread David Bovill
Afraid not :(

2009/5/2 Bernard Devlin

 does this work?

 filter tXmlText with *tr[[2]]

 When you wrote to the list about this problem before, I did a quick
 test and that seemed to work, so I thought maybe I don't get the

 I'm not sure if it will work using [[*]]


 On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:11 PM, David Bovill wrote:
  Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned
  list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr
  which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
  [ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping?
  2009/4/24 David Bovill
  Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns for
  filter expression?
  use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:
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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-02 Thread Jim Ault

The technique I have used in the past is to do a

replace [ with † in blockOfLines
replace ] with ^ in blockOfLines
filter blockOfLines without tr††*^^
--and in case there are kept lines that had the '[]' chars
replace † with [ in blockOfLines
replace ^ with ] in blockOfLines

Hope this helps

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On May 2, 2009, at 4:26 AM, David Bovill wrote:

Afraid not :(

2009/5/2 Bernard Devlin

does this work?

filter tXmlText with *tr[[2]]

When you wrote to the list about this problem before, I did a quick
test and that seemed to work, so I thought maybe I don't get the

I'm not sure if it will work using [[*]]


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:11 PM, David Bovill  
Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've  


list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr

which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*],  
but as
[ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for  



2009/4/24 David Bovill

Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns  


filter expression?

use-revolution mailing list
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Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-01 Thread David Bovill
Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned a
list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr elements
which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
[ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping? Any

2009/4/24 David Bovill

 Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns for the
 filter expression?

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-01 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 6:11 AM, David Bovill wrote:
 Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned a
 list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr elements
 which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
 [ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping? Any

I had a similar case where I needed to include * in my filter string.
I ended up doing a replace, then filtering, then putting the *'s back again.

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Re: Must be a way: escaping filter patterns

2009-05-01 Thread David Bovill
OK - thanks!

2009/5/1 Sarah Reichelt

 On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 6:11 AM, David Bovill wrote:
  Still trying to figure this out - my hack ends up failing - I've returned
  list of child names from XML, and wish to filter out all the tr
  which appear like tr[1], tr[2]. So I want to filter using tr[*], but as
  [ is a special char... andthe usual \[ does not work for escaping?

 I had a similar case where I needed to include * in my filter string.
 I ended up doing a replace, then filtering, then putting the *'s back
use-revolution mailing list
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Escaping filter patterns

2009-04-24 Thread David Bovill
Any one know the way to escape characters such as [ in patterns for the
filter expression?
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-02 Thread Luis

Gotta love reframes!



On 2 Feb 2009, at 01:03, Randall Reetz wrote:

Sorry.  I love this stuff.  Do you remember the indiana jones scene  
where the ninja guy is comming at him with swinging knives... And  
he just pulls out a gun and shoots him?  That is what great ideas do.

-Original Message-
From: Luis
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 2/1/2009 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

No wonder I wake up with a headache.



Randall Reetz wrote:
The problem with fractal compression is that it like all  
compression schemes is usually applied indiscriminately to a whole  
file.  A scheme that works best for some data doesnt always work  
best for others.  The real breakthrough will involve an entropy  
metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to regions and  
others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of  
compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that  
and you can selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any  
other data set) to more general terms.  For instance, if a filter  
were able to extract obects (humans, plants, buildings, furnature,  
infrastructure, land use, animals, equipment) into semantic  
primitives, it sould describe and store reality the way our brains  
do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression ratios.

-Original Message-
From: stephen barncard
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 2/1/2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably  
not.  PC


2009/2/1 viktoras d.

received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals,  

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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-02 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, February 2, 2009, 10:00:44 AM, you wrote:

 This is the AI stuff from the Palm guy... correct?  I have looked at
 this.  And yes, Jff Hawkins (co-author of On Intelligence) gets it!

A lot of cognitive science at work here. And Bill Atkinson is on board
as well. He bent my ear about Numenta for half an hour straight a
while back.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-02 Thread Randall Lee Reetz
This is the AI stuff from the Palm guy... correct?  I have looked at  
this.  And yes, Jff Hawkins (co-author of On Intelligence) gets it!

Compression in this context means the reduction towards general or  
prototypical forms that are then stored with modifiers that enumerate  
the delta between a specific incarnation and that prototype.


On Feb 1, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Sunday, February 1, 2009, 12:40:58 PM, you wrote:

The problem with fractal compression is that it like all
compression schemes is usually applied indiscriminately to a whole
file.  A scheme that works best for some data doesnt always work
best for others.  The real breakthrough will involve an entropy
metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to regions and
others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of
compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that
and you can selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any other
data set) to more general terms.  For instance, if a filter were
able to extract obects (humans, plants, buildings, furnature,
infrastructure, land use, animals, equipment) into semantic
primitives, it sould describe and store reality the way our brains
do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression ratios.

Sounds like you may be interested in what Numenta's up to...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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[ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread viktoras d.
received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals, 
etc...). Fractalius plugin for photoshop extracts hidden fractal texture 
of an image. The effect is really cl!

Now I wonder what is the algorithm behind this... Any ideas ;-)?

Best wishes
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread stephen barncard
I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably not.  PC

2009/2/1 viktoras d.

 received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals, etc...).
 Fractalius plugin for photoshop extracts hidden fractal texture of an image.
 The effect is really cl!

 Now I wonder what is the algorithm behind this... Any ideas ;-)?

 Best wishes
 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread Colin Holgate

On Feb 1, 2009, at 2:42 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably  
not.  PC


Yes, it's in their FAQ page, there are no plans to make Mac versions.

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RE: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread Randall Reetz
The problem with fractal compression is that it like all compression schemes is 
usually applied indiscriminately to a whole file.  A scheme that works best for 
some data doesnt always work best for others.  The real breakthrough will 
involve an entropy metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to regions 
and others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of 
compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that and you can 
selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any other data set) to more 
general terms.  For instance, if a filter were able to extract obects (humans, 
plants, buildings, furnature, infrastructure, land use, animals, equipment) 
into semantic primitives, it sould describe and store reality the way our 
brains do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression ratios.

-Original Message-
From: stephen barncard
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 2/1/2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably not.  PC

2009/2/1 viktoras d.

 received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals, 
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, February 1, 2009, 12:40:58 PM, you wrote:

 The problem with fractal compression is that it like all
 compression schemes is usually applied indiscriminately to a whole
 file.  A scheme that works best for some data doesnt always work
 best for others.  The real breakthrough will involve an entropy
 metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to regions and
 others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of
 compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that
 and you can selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any other
 data set) to more general terms.  For instance, if a filter were
 able to extract obects (humans, plants, buildings, furnature,
 infrastructure, land use, animals, equipment) into semantic
 primitives, it sould describe and store reality the way our brains
 do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression ratios.

Sounds like you may be interested in what Numenta's up to...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread Luis

No wonder I wake up with a headache.



Randall Reetz wrote:

The problem with fractal compression is that it like all compression schemes is 
usually applied indiscriminately to a whole file.  A scheme that works best for 
some data doesnt always work best for others.  The real breakthrough will 
involve an entropy metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to regions 
and others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of 
compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that and you can 
selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any other data set) to more 
general terms.  For instance, if a filter were able to extract obects (humans, 
plants, buildings, furnature, infrastructure, land use, animals, equipment) 
into semantic primitives, it sould describe and store reality the way our 
brains do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression ratios.

-Original Message-
From: stephen barncard
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 2/1/2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably not.  PC

2009/2/1 viktoras d.

received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals, 

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: [ot] fractal graphic filter

2009-02-01 Thread Randall Reetz
Sorry.  I love this stuff.  Do you remember the indiana jones scene where the 
ninja guy is comming at him with swinging knives... And he just pulls out a gun 
and shoots him?  That is what great ideas do. 

-Original Message-
From: Luis
To: How to use Revolution
Sent: 2/1/2009 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter

No wonder I wake up with a headache.



Randall Reetz wrote:
 The problem with fractal compression is that it like all compression schemes 
 is usually applied indiscriminately to a whole file.  A scheme that works 
 best for some data doesnt always work best for others.  The real breakthrough 
 will involve an entropy metric that can be used to self optimize a scheme to 
 regions and others other other regions... Setting up a topograhic mapping of 
 compressions as directed by the morphology of that data.  Do that and you can 
 selectively and accurately reduce an image (or any other data set) to more 
 general terms.  For instance, if a filter were able to extract obects 
 (humans, plants, buildings, furnature, infrastructure, land use, animals, 
 equipment) into semantic primitives, it sould describe and store reality the 
 way our brains do while we sleep.  Achieving million-to-one compression 
 -Original Message-
 From: stephen barncard
 To: How to use Revolution
 Sent: 2/1/2009 11:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [ot] fractal graphic filter
 I wonder if they're cross platform. If they didn't say, probably not.  PC
 2009/2/1 viktoras d.
 received this link from yet another list (chaos theory, fractals, 
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
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Filter JPEG files in MACOSX

2008-12-27 Thread paolo

Filter jpeg files in MACOSX

How can I filter the files created by the application Preview  and  
saved as JPEG?
According to the Rev documentation I should use either there two  

   answer file SELEZIONA of type JPEG

   answer file SELEZIONA with filter JPEGs,*.jpg

Unfortunately both of them do not work .As far as I know, the first  
one does not work because  the application  Preview from Apple does  
not set the filetype to JPEG even if you choose to save the image as  
JPEG.  (crazy)

The second one does not work because  even if the file has the  
extension .jpg,  in the contextual menu the extension of that file  


To me, this file type thing in MacOSX is a mess. 

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Re: Filter JPEG files in MACOSX

2008-12-27 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Paolo,

answer file Select the images you wish to view: with type JPEG  
works well here even with files saved in Preview that, effectively,  
lets the filetype empty as it is visible using File Buddy.
Suppressing file extension and turning off 'Show extensions' in  
Finder prefs still allows to have this kind of file showing up in the  
answer file dialog.

I think it's due to the formulation abobe that adds 'JPEG Images'.

Le 27 déc. 08 à 16:24, paolo a écrit :

Filter jpeg files in MACOSX

How can I filter the files created by the application Preview  and  
saved as JPEG?
According to the Rev documentation I should use either there two  

   answer file SELEZIONA of type JPEG

   answer file SELEZIONA with filter JPEGs,*.jpg

Unfortunately both of them do not work .As far as I know, the first  
one does not work because  the application  Preview from Apple does  
not set the filetype to JPEG even if you choose to save the image  
as JPEG.  (crazy)

The second one does not work because  even if the file has the  
extension .jpg,  in the contextual menu the extension of that file  


Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:

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answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Thierry

Hi all,

After having checked the doc, and drink 2 coffees,
I'm stuck this morning with this simple one line of code:

  answer file Choose a ICS file... with filter ICS,*.ics

the filtering doesn't work at all ?
Well, did try with different suffix and same behavior...

Rev 3.0 on Tiger

Any hints ?


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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Thierry,

On Mac, a file type is expected, while on Windows a file extension is  
expected. You need to check the platform and then use the right command.

For example, for Mac:

answer file Choose a ICS file... with filter ICS,ICS 

I have put a space after the ICS file type, because file types always  
have to be 4 characters long. The first item in the filter is just a  
command, which appears in a menu if you use multiple filters.

On Windows:

answer file Choose a ICS file... with filter ICS,*ics.

A much easier way is to use the answer file with type command:

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|ICS 

This form can be used on both Mac and Windows. Note the space after  
the file type again.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

Color Converter has been updated! Get it at !

On 19 nov 2008, at 09:50, Thierry wrote:

Hi all,

After having checked the doc, and drink 2 coffees,
I'm stuck this morning with this simple one line of code:

 answer file Choose a ICS file... with filter ICS,*.ics

the filtering doesn't work at all ?
Well, did try with different suffix and same behavior...

Rev 3.0 on Tiger

Any hints ?


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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Thierry

Le 19 nov. 08 à 10:43, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

Hi Thierry,

On Mac, a file type is expected, while on Windows a file extension  
is expected.

You need to check the platform and then use the right command.

Thanks Mark !

Here is about the confusion:

From the Dictionary Doc: -

example topic:
   answer file (field Prompt) of type RSTK
   answer file empty with filter JPEGs,*.jpg

a bit further, we can read:

The way file types are specified depends on the platform:
Filtering for Mac OS:  You can use either with filter or of type..

But, your examples do not help me in this case :-(

In fact, the files *.ics I'm looking for in a file open dialog, can  
come from

different apps and from different systems. ( just to make it easy )
and, these .ics files are by now, just plain text files coming from a  
Linux system.
Looking the file Creator and Type with FileInfo, I only have   

So, does this means I have the choice to *not* do any filtering ?


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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Mark Schonewille


As I wrote in my previous e-mail, you should use WITH type and not OF  

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|ICS 

You can add additional filters:

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|ICS  or type All Files|*|*

I believe that the ICS type defined as ICS|*ics|ICS  should work  
fine, because the file extension is right, but if that doesn't work,  
you can choose All Files from the option menu in the file dialog.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

Color Converter has been updated! Get it at !

On 19 nov 2008, at 11:45, Thierry wrote:

Thanks Mark !

Here is about the confusion:

From the Dictionary Doc: -

example topic:
  answer file (field Prompt) of type RSTK
  answer file empty with filter JPEGs,*.jpg

a bit further, we can read:

The way file types are specified depends on the platform:
Filtering for Mac OS:  You can use either with filter or of type..

But, your examples do not help me in this case :-(

In fact, the files *.ics I'm looking for in a file open dialog, can  
come from
different apps and from different systems. ( just to make it  
easy )
and, these .ics files are by now, just plain text files coming from  
a Linux system.
Looking the file Creator and Type with FileInfo, I only have   

So, does this means I have the choice to *not* do any filtering ?


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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Klaus Major

Bonjour Thierry,

Le 19 nov. 08 à 10:43, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

Hi Thierry,

On Mac, a file type is expected, while on Windows a file extension  
is expected.

You need to check the platform and then use the right command.

Thanks Mark !

Here is about the confusion:

From the Dictionary Doc: -

example topic:
  answer file (field Prompt) of type RSTK
  answer file empty with filter JPEGs,*.jpg

a bit further, we can read:

The way file types are specified depends on the platform:
Filtering for Mac OS:  You can use either with filter or of type..

But, your examples do not help me in this case :-(

In fact, the files *.ics I'm looking for in a file open dialog, can  
come from
different apps and from different systems. ( just to make it  
easy )
and, these .ics files are by now, just plain text files coming from  
a Linux system.
Looking the file Creator and Type with FileInfo, I only have   

So, does this means I have the choice to *not* do any filtering ?

If you opmit the FILETYPE part, the system will only show files that  
have the supplied suffix,

even on OS X:

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|

Will work for you :-)



Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Klaus Major

Bonjour, Thierry:

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|

Will work for you :-)

Hmmm, try differents solutions from Mark and You,
and always get it wrong 

So, it's not my day :-(

I think i'm going to check the answer dialog stack...
May be corrupted ?

No no, just a typo we did not notice so far :-)

Please omit the asteriks * in the suffix:
answer file  with type ICS|ics|

Merci beaucoup

A votre service!



Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Thierry

Please omit the asteriks * in the suffix:
answer file  with type ICS|ics|

and even few chars less:

answer file Select a ICS file... with  type |ics

Et voila ... It works  :-)

Hmm, do I need to say that having the solution
I don't see how one could come to it by reading the Docs ?

Anyway, great list once again and thanks to all
to be here.

Herzlichen Dank, Klaus !

Dann habe ich mir jetzt eine Kaffeepause verdient :-)


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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Klaus Major

Bonjour Thierry,

Please omit the asteriks * in the suffix:
answer file  with type ICS|ics|

and even few chars less:
answer file Select a ICS file... with  type |ics
Et voila ... It works  :-)

Please also check bug #6433

Hmm, do I need to say that having the solution
I don't see how one could come to it by reading the Docs ?

This is in the docs (more or less clearly ;-)

Anyway, great list once again and thanks to all
to be here.

Herzlichen Dank, Klaus !

Dann habe ich mir jetzt eine Kaffeepause verdient :-)

Jawohl :-)



Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: answer file with filter ???

2008-11-19 Thread Thierry

answer file  with type ICS|*ics|

Will work for you :-)

Hmmm, try differents solutions from Mark and You,
and always get it wrong 

So, it's not my day :-(

I think i'm going to check the answer dialog stack...
May be corrupted ?

Merci beaucoup

use-revolution mailing list
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evaluated string for filter doesn't work

2008-07-28 Thread Sivakatirswami

Field extension contains .jpg

script has

  put (*  fld extension) into tFilter
  filter tFiles with (quote tFilter  quote)
  put tFiles into fld Listing

result nada!


filter tFiles with *.jpg works


put tFilter



I tried this too:

  put (quote  *  fld extension  quote) into tFilter
filter tFiles with tFilter
  put tFiles into fld Listing

still nada


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Re: evaluated string for filter doesn't work

2008-07-28 Thread Jim Ault
You are adding quote chars to the filter string so that

quote .jpgquote would have to actually be in the the line to be a 'hit'
Most file names do not contain quotes.

--  try 

filter tFiles with tFilter

filter tFiles with  (*  fld extension)

or if you want to get more confused  ---

 put music.jpg into tFiles
  put *.jpg into tFilter
  get ( filter tFiles with   quote  tFilter  quote)
  do  filter tFiles with   quote  tFilter  quote
  put tFiles

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 7/28/08 8:25 PM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Field extension contains .jpg
 script has
put (*  fld extension) into tFilter
filter tFiles with (quote tFilter  quote)
put tFiles into fld Listing
 result nada!
 filter tFiles with *.jpg works
 put tFilter
 I tried this too:
put (quote  *  fld extension  quote) into tFilter
 filter tFiles with tFilter
put tFiles into fld Listing
 still nada
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Re: evaluated string for filter doesn't work

2008-07-28 Thread Andre Garzia
Aum Swami,

I use this all the time in our stacks, I use double asterisks like:

put *.jpg* into tFilter
filter tFiles with tFilter

and it works.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Field extension contains .jpg

 script has

  put (*  fld extension) into tFilter
  filter tFiles with (quote tFilter  quote)
  put tFiles into fld Listing

 result nada!


 filter tFiles with *.jpg works


 put tFilter


 I tried this too:

  put (quote  *  fld extension  quote) into tFilter
 filter tFiles with tFilter
  put tFiles into fld Listing

 still nada


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-- All We Do Is Code.
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Re: evaluated string for filter doesn't work

2008-07-28 Thread Sivakatirswami
yep that was it... I was using the detailed files and forgot to add 
the * on the end

Andre Garzia wrote:

Aum Swami,

I use this all the time in our stacks, I use double asterisks like:

put *.jpg* into tFilter
filter tFiles with tFilter

and it works.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Field extension contains .jpg

script has

 put (*  fld extension) into tFilter
 filter tFiles with (quote tFilter  quote)
 put tFiles into fld Listing

result nada!


filter tFiles with *.jpg works


put tFilter


I tried this too:

 put (quote  *  fld extension  quote) into tFilter
filter tFiles with tFilter
 put tFiles into fld Listing

still nada


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ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file with 
filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file Save as, 
and now am first asking user to select the type of a desired output 
(i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm image) and next opening 
ask file dialog to get the path for saving the data. But I know this is 
not good, because users are used to a single dialog for file saving 
where they choose save as type and the data is processed without any 
additional disturbances... The problem is that the selection of ask file 
dialog is returned in 'it' variable but the selected type of file in the 
dropdown list of that dialog is not returned in any readable way, or is 

Best regards
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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

viktoras didziulis wrote:
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file with 
filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file Save as, 
and now am first asking user to select the type of a desired output 
(i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm image) and next opening 
ask file dialog to get the path for saving the data. But I know this is 
not good, because users are used to a single dialog for file saving 
where they choose save as type and the data is processed without any 
additional disturbances... The problem is that the selection of ask file 
dialog is returned in 'it' variable but the selected type of file in the 
dropdown list of that dialog is not returned in any readable way, or is 

Check the result after the user selects a file. The tag is in there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably contain 
something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path stored in 
'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types it in, or 
chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is there. But 
otherwise if user provides file name without an extension, script has to 
check what was the file type selected, appends correct extension and 
directs output to a necessary processing handler. It knows file type 
just because it asked about it before asking for the path. Now I guess 
if I wish to avoid displaying a chain of dialogs, I have to design own 
custom askFile() function or handler. The only role of ask file with 
type or ask file with filter that is described in the dictionary seems 
to be limited to displaying existing filenames whose types match the one 
selected in the file type list...

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file with 
filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file Save 
as, and now am first asking user to select the type of a desired 
output (i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm image) and next 
opening ask file dialog to get the path for saving the data. But I 
know this is not good, because users are used to a single dialog 
for file saving where they choose save as type and the data is 
processed without any additional disturbances... The problem is that 
the selection of ask file dialog is returned in 'it' variable but the 
selected type of file in the dropdown list of that dialog is not 
returned in any readable way, or is it?..

Check the result after the user selects a file. The tag is in there.

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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

viktoras didziulis wrote:

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably contain 
something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path stored in 
'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types it in, or 
chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is there. But 
otherwise if user provides file name without an extension, script has to 
check what was the file type selected, appends correct extension and 
directs output to a necessary processing handler.

I misread your post, I didn't notice you were using filter. But I just 
did a test using with type and it works.

on mouseUp
  ask file Export picture as: with type JPEG File|jpg|JPEG or type 
GIF File|gif|GIFf

  put the result into tResult
  put it  tResult
end mouseUp

I typed in a file name without an extension. The message box contained 
the path to the file and JPEG File.

Will that work for you?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks A LOT! With type it  the result works now!

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably 
contain something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path 
stored in 'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types 
it in, or chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is 
there. But otherwise if user provides file name without an extension, 
script has to check what was the file type selected, appends correct 
extension and directs output to a necessary processing handler.

I misread your post, I didn't notice you were using filter. But I 
just did a test using with type and it works.

on mouseUp
  ask file Export picture as: with type JPEG File|jpg|JPEG or type 
GIF File|gif|GIFf

  put the result into tResult
  put it  tResult
end mouseUp

I typed in a file name without an extension. The message box contained 
the path to the file and JPEG File.

Will that work for you?

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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke
You have to use the ask file with type form to know the file type  
selected within the dialogue, for example:

on mouseUp
ask file  with type PNG file|png|PNGf or type Plain file|txt|TEXT
put it  the result
end mouseUp

message box:
/Users/bvg/Desktop/file.txt Plain file

Most likely ask file with filter will be marked as obsolete or  
discontinued in a not too distant future...

Have Fun

On 10 Jun 2008, at 17:57, viktoras didziulis wrote:

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably  
contain something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path  
stored in 'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types  
it in, or chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is  
there. But otherwise if user provides file name without an  
extension, script has to check what was the file type selected,  
appends correct extension and directs output to a necessary  
processing handler. It knows file type just because it asked about  
it before asking for the path. Now I guess if I wish to avoid  
displaying a chain of dialogs, I have to design own custom askFile()  
function or handler. The only role of ask file with type or ask file  
with filter that is described in the dictionary seems to be limited  
to displaying existing filenames whose types match the one selected  
in the file type list...

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file  
with filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file  
Save as, and now am first asking user to select the type of a  
desired output (i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm  
image) and next opening ask file dialog to get the path for saving  
the data. But I know this is not good, because users are used to  
a single dialog for file saving where they choose save as type and  
the data is processed without any additional disturbances... The  
problem is that the selection of ask file dialog is returned in  
'it' variable but the selected type of file in the dropdown list  
of that dialog is not returned in any readable way, or is it?..

Check the result after the user selects a file. The tag is in there.

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Filter command

2008-05-25 Thread David Bovill
How do you escape chars with the filter command? Specifically what do you do
if you want to filter lines that contain the * character?
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Re: Filter command

2008-05-25 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 8:59 AM, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you escape chars with the filter command? Specifically what do you do
 if you want to filter lines that contain the * character?

I replace them with something else, then filter, than change them back again.

replace * with () in myData
filter myData with *  myFilter  *
replace () with * in myData

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Re: Filter command

2008-05-25 Thread David Bovill
I think this works as well?

filter shellResult with *[*]*

2008/5/26 Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 8:59 AM, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  How do you escape chars with the filter command? Specifically what do you
  if you want to filter lines that contain the * character?

 I replace them with something else, then filter, than change them back

 replace * with () in myData
 filter myData with *  myFilter  *
 replace () with * in myData

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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-21 Thread Len Morgan
Just in case you want to hear more of George, you can visit his site at  I've posted some of the new stuff we are working on 
for the 2nd CD (full band this time).

Don't mean to advertise here but while we were on the subject of music


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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-20 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Wieder wrote:


Klaus:  no MP3s at your site?

...and no mp3s on my site either... apparently JaguarPC has been fiddling 
with server things again and lost all my website files so I'll have to 
upload them again, but I've got some at if 
anyone cares...

Wow!   About half my collection is world music, and your wonderful tunes 
will fit right in.  Great stuff, Mark!

Is there an option to purchase a download rather than wait for a 
physical CD?

PS: Really nice cover art.  Gorgeous.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Wieder

 Klaus:  no MP3s at your site?

...and no mp3s on my site either... apparently JaguarPC has been fiddling 
with server things again and lost all my website files so I'll have to 
upload them again, but I've got some at if 
anyone cares...

 Mark Wieder

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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Wieder

 Is there an option to purchase a download rather than wait for a physical 

Not that I'm aware of. I don't think cdbaby has that capability, but then 
I've never really followed up on it to find out.

 PS: Really nice cover art.  Gorgeous.

Yes, thanks. I'm quite pleased with the way that turned out. Couple of 
spectacular designs from Hossein's father, who's a rug designer in Iran.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-18 Thread Kay C Lan
On Feb 19, 2008 10:22 AM, Judy Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just bought myself a new (used) open hole, sterling head
 flute ('cuz I always wanted one)

Sorry, but the mention of jazz and flute in the same thread immediately
brings to mind the scene from Anchorman with Will Ferrell.
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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-18 Thread Judy Perry
You (all) should!

I played flute  piccolo (and recorder... and piano for about a year
and a half) from 5th grade through high school and am just now picking
it up again.  Just bought myself a new (used) open hole, sterling head
flute ('cuz I always wanted one) and had my picc serviced and am
working up the courage to call a local teacher to begin private
lessons again.

It feels good... the chops do come back (and for playing the picc,
THAT'S really saying something!).

Musically yours,


On Feb 15, 2008 4:55 AM, J. Downs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 ...  I really should start again.  Good for the soul.

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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-15 Thread J. Downs

Cool bass site! I believe Mark Wieder is also an earth shaker - any
others here?

Did both my undergrad and master's in music, so I was playing quite a  
variety of instruments.  Played upright bass for a bit: poorly.  :P   
Spent more time with the electric bass—some jazz, mostly rock—but  
haven't had the time to continue for the last decade.  It's still in  
a closet somewhere.  I really should start again.  Good for the soul.


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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-15 Thread Len Morgan

J. Downs wrote:

Cool bass site! I believe Mark Wieder is also an earth shaker - any
others here?

Well I built a recording studio.  Let's see...we've got a bass or two, a 
drummer...  any guitarist and/or keyboard players?  Maybe we can create 
a virutal gig using Rev?

len morgan
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filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Klaus Major

Hi there,

just spend some hours debugging some otherwise clean code
for a couple of hours just to discover that:

put one  numtochar(0)  two into newstring
filter newstring without empty
put newstring

gives: one!

I just wanted to remove empty lines, so is this correct behaviour?
Or should I bugzilla this one?

No problems with numtochar(1).


Klaus Major

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Re: filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Mark Smith
I think using engine opertaions on data that contains nulls is a bit  
of a no-no. I believe (though happy to be corrected) that Rev uses C- 
style null terminated strings internally, so nulls will often produce  
'unexpected results'.



On 14 Feb 2008, at 12:45, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi there,

just spend some hours debugging some otherwise clean code
for a couple of hours just to discover that:

put one  numtochar(0)  two into newstring
filter newstring without empty
put newstring

gives: one!

I just wanted to remove empty lines, so is this correct behaviour?
Or should I bugzilla this one?

No problems with numtochar(1).


Klaus Major

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Re: filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Mark,

I think using engine opertaions on data that contains nulls is a  
bit of a no-no. I believe (though happy to be corrected) that Rev  
uses C-style null terminated strings internally, so nulls will  
often produce 'unexpected results'.

Hm, I have been using numtochar(0) quite often in the past, especially
as an itemdelitimter with other numtochar(1) delimited items in it,  
and this

is he first time that I encountered problems.

Any other opinions before I remove this potential troublemaker from  
my scripts?

Thanks Mark :-)




Klaus Major

Mark, maybe you as a bassplayer would like to take a look at my new
bass dept. on my website? See signature. Still work in progress!

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Re: filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Mark Smith
Oh well, my theory is clearly flawed - though I remember having some  
trouble with nulls a few years ago and so have avoided using them since.

Cool bass site! I believe Mark Wieder is also an earth shaker - any  
others here?



On 14 Feb 2008, at 13:06, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Mark,

I think using engine opertaions on data that contains nulls is a  
bit of a no-no. I believe (though happy to be corrected) that Rev  
uses C-style null terminated strings internally, so nulls will  
often produce 'unexpected results'.

Hm, I have been using numtochar(0) quite often in the past, especially
as an itemdelitimter with other numtochar(1) delimited items in it,  
and this

is he first time that I encountered problems.

Any other opinions before I remove this potential troublemaker from  
my scripts?

Thanks Mark :-)




Klaus Major

Mark, maybe you as a bassplayer would like to take a look at my new
bass dept. on my website? See signature. Still work in progress!

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Re: filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Jim Ault
I know for sure that null does not work with the filter command.

I have posted code in the past for extracting data from sources that you do
not create and one of the steps I put in before any filter commands is

replace null with empty in dataBlock

Sorry it works that way.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 2/14/08 4:45 AM, Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 just spend some hours debugging some otherwise clean code
 for a couple of hours just to discover that:
 put one  numtochar(0)  two into newstring
 filter newstring without empty
 put newstring
 gives: one!
 I just wanted to remove empty lines, so is this correct behaviour?
 Or should I bugzilla this one?
 No problems with numtochar(1).

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Re: filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Jim,

I know for sure that null does not work with the filter command.

well, that's what I know now, too :-)

I have posted code in the past for extracting data from sources that  
you do

not create and one of the steps I put in before any filter commands is

replace null with empty in dataBlock

Sorry it works that way.

And it's YOUR FAULT! :-D
Just kidding, already have a workaround for my situations.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas


Klaus Major

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way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Mick Collins
Yep, except I am a bass violin player (unless you count the Ashbory  
which, in my book really isn't a bass guitar, although it does have  
some things in common).  I have played classical, now I play jazz,  
avante-garde, meditational (all the previous improv), and some fiddle  
music, but that I mostly play the fiddle parts (in Edgar Meyer  
wannabe style).   I do an acoustic version of Hendrix's Star Spangled  
Banner, using the bow and harmonics to emulate the feedback, etc.

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:31:33 +
From: Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cool bass site! I believe Mark Wieder is also an earth shaker - any
others here?



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Re: way OT bass players ... was filter without empty

2008-02-14 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Smith wrote:

 Klaus Major

 Cool bass site! I believe Mark Wieder is also an earth shaker - any
 others here?

I haven't been in a band since college.  These days, with music I'm more 
of an end-user (though I have a couple friends trying to coax me back 
into picking up my drum sticks).

But as an end-user, I've always loved the bass.  And the Chapman Stick. 
 I just picked up Tony Levin's latest solo album, Stick Man, from 
iTunes the other day, and while it's all Stick there's plenty there for 
bass fans to enjoy (and perhaps feel a touch of envy for the Stick's 
range, and the almost unbelievable things it can do in hands like Levin's).

Klaus:  no MP3s at your site?

I'd love to hear what you've been working on.

Okay, back to scripting for me (booting up iTunes for background 

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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