Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Robert Brenstein
Hi All,

I need to get this working for a demo tomorrow and, as Murphys Law 
Predicts, the one Stack I have the Save problem with is the one that 
everyones will be looking at with a magnifying glass!

I tried everything I can think of to rid myself of this message 
dialog. I have set destroyStack to true, I have sereral other 
stacks that are basically the same as the one in question but do not 
put up the do you want to save dialog and can see no real 
difference between the ones that don't and the *one* that does!

I can the Stack files if this would be of help.

RIght now, I just don't know where to even start looking for how to 
fix this problem, any ideas would really be helpful. I really don't 
want to have to answer the question Why does this window produce a 
Save FIle Dialog?, because the only answer I can give is I don't 
know. Also the question Can you stop it from appearing? would be 
quite bad too, since the answer to this would be no and nor does 
anyone else.

It would just make RunRev look really bad as a development tool.

Thanks a lot
And saving the stack shortly before closing it (but not in the 
closestack or closestackrequest) does not work?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- David Burgun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I need to get this working for a demo tomorrow and,
 as Murphys Law 
 Predicts, the one Stack I have the Save problem with
 is the one that 
 everyones will be looking at with a magnifying
 I tried everything I can think of to rid myself of
 this message 
 dialog. I have set destroyStack to true, I have
 sereral other 
 stacks that are basically the same as the one in
 question but do not 
 put up the do you want to save dialog and can see
 no real 
 difference between the ones that don't and the *one*
 that does!
 I can the Stack files if this would be of help.
 RIght now, I just don't know where to even start
 looking for how to 
 fix this problem, any ideas would really be helpful.
 I really don't 
 want to have to answer the question Why does this
 window produce a 
 Save FIle Dialog?, because the only answer I can
 give is I don't 
 know. Also the question Can you stop it from
 appearing? would be 
 quite bad too, since the answer to this would be no
 and nor does 
 anyone else.
 It would just make RunRev look really bad as a
 development tool.
 Thanks a lot

Hi Dave,

First of all : these Save dialog boxes will only
happen in the IDE ; so either demo a stand-alone app
or suspend the developmetn environment during the
If for some bizarre reason you have to demo inside the
IDE and people wouldn't accept seeing this basic
question, you'll have to change the global
'gREVStackStatus[tShortName]' where tShortName is the
short name of your stack, so that it no longer equals
But I would advise against it, as tinkering the IDE
data is not a good idea.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun
Hi All,

I need to get this working for a demo tomorrow and, as Murphys Law 
Predicts, the one Stack I have the Save problem with is the one 
that everyones will be looking at with a magnifying glass!

I tried everything I can think of to rid myself of this message 
dialog. I have set destroyStack to true, I have sereral other 
stacks that are basically the same as the one in question but do 
not put up the do you want to save dialog and can see no real 
difference between the ones that don't and the *one* that does!

I can the Stack files if this would be of help.

RIght now, I just don't know where to even start looking for how to 
fix this problem, any ideas would really be helpful. I really don't 
want to have to answer the question Why does this window produce a 
Save FIle Dialog?, because the only answer I can give is I don't 
know. Also the question Can you stop it from appearing? would be 
quite bad too, since the answer to this would be no and nor does 
anyone else.

It would just make RunRev look really bad as a development tool.

Thanks a lot
And saving the stack shortly before closing it (but not in the 
closestack or closestackrequest) does not work?
Not sure what you mean by but not in the closestack or 
closestackrequest. The stack scripts are as follows:

on preOpenStack
set the destroyStack of this stack to true
set the CustomSaveStackFlag of this stack to true
pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack
on closeStack
if theCustomSaveStackFlag of this stack is true
save this stack
end if
pass closeStack
end closeStack
This is basically the same as the other stacks that do not display 
the dialog. I am not sure where to put the save this stack if not 
in the closeStack handler. I want the Stack to be saved just before 
it is closed.

Here's what I do to show the problem:

Open the Stack in the IDE, Save It and close it.
Select Browser Mode in the IDE.
Run the Dummy Stack that has the Menubar and Menu handlers.
Select a Stack that does not exhibit this problem (via the Menubar).
Press buttons etc in the Stack and press Close Box (Button at 
top/left of window on MacOS) - Stack closes no problem.
Select the Stack that does exhibit this problem (via the Menubar).
Press Close Box (Button at top/left of window on MacOS) - I get the 
Do you want to save this stack? dialog.

Any Ideas?

Thanks a lot
All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun
Hi Dave,

First of all : these Save dialog boxes will only
happen in the IDE ; so either demo a stand-alone app
or suspend the developmetn environment during the
Ok, but I'm having (different) problems with Standalone and just 
wanted this to work 100% (or as close as possible!) in one 
environment. The thing is, the demo is more showing how the App works 
but also in the Development Environment. I suppose I can fudge it for 

If for some bizarre reason you have to demo inside the
IDE and people wouldn't accept seeing this basic
question, you'll have to change the global
'gREVStackStatus[tShortName]' where tShortName is the
short name of your stack, so that it no longer equals
But I would advise against it, as tinkering the IDE
data is not a good idea.
I don't think it's a good idea either, the real question is, what 
causes the dialog to appear? Just from looking at this, I would say 
that there is a flag that has got stuck, e.g. is not be cleared 
properly when the stack is saved.

What does gREVStackStatus actually contain? I can't find any 
information on this. What are the issues in changing it? I just don't 
want to leap in and change an internal without knowing a little bit 
more about it.

I just looked at gREVStackStatus from the Message Box and it's 
blank, is this to be expected?

I can send the Stacks if you that would be of help to anyone.

All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun
And saving the stack shortly before closing it (but not in the 
closestack or closestackrequest) does not work?
Not sure what you mean by but not in the closestack or 
closestackrequest. The stack scripts are as follows:

on preOpenStack
set the destroyStack of this stack to true
this is persistent property, so you can set it in IDE and you do not 
need to reset it each time the stack opens.
Right, but it doesn't cause any harm right? In some cases (in another 
Script) I was actually resetting it depending on what the user did. 
Not sure if I need that now.

set the CustomSaveStackFlag of this stack to true
I wonder whether the change of this flag during the execution does 
not prompt your problem dialog. May be the other stack does not 
change it for some reason. There is something different about their 
execution for sure.
The other stacks do set this value in the same way, so I can't see 
why it would affect this one stack. I will try taking this out and 
see what happens, although I am sure I've tried this before.

You could try using global instead of custom property. Global does 
not affect the dirty flag.
Do you mean just temparilly? I asked about this before and someone 
else told me it was better to use a Property. I will try taking it 
out altogether.

But apart from anything else destroyStack is true, so shouldn't 
this stop the dialogs from being displayed?
pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack
on closeStack
if theCustomSaveStackFlag of this stack is true
save this stack
end if
pass closeStack
end closeStack
This is basically the same as the other stacks that do not display 
the dialog. I am not sure where to put the save this stack if not 
in the closeStack handler. I want the Stack to be saved just before 
it is closed.
As I told you earlier, the check for dirty is done before closestack 
messages are sent. So to truly fix it (for running in IDE), you need 
to figure out what causes the change in your stack and do a 
pre-emptive save somewhere.
But this works just fine in all the other stacks! I can't seem to 
find the right message to issue a save before the check is performed. 
Is there a place?

Here's what I do to show the problem:

Open the Stack in the IDE, Save It and close it.
Select Browser Mode in the IDE.
Run the Dummy Stack that has the Menubar and Menu handlers.
Select a Stack that does not exhibit this problem (via the Menubar).
Press buttons etc in the Stack and press Close Box (Button at 
top/left of window on MacOS) - Stack closes no problem.
Select the Stack that does exhibit this problem (via the Menubar).
Press Close Box (Button at top/left of window on MacOS) - I get the 
Do you want to save this stack? dialog.

Any Ideas?
As a workabout, try using not the close box but add a button that 
does save (it can check the flag or not) and then issues close this 
In all the other stacks I don't have this problem! They basically do 
the following:

on mouseUp
set the CustomSaveStackFileFlag of this stack to true
close this stack
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
set the CustomSaveStackFileFlag  of this stack to false
close this stack
end mouseUp
The the closeStack handler is as above. This works just fine is all 
other stacks! This dialog doesn't have such a button though. Sure I 
can add one for testing, but I don't want/need a button in the real 

The problem is that I just want one place where the Stack is Saved, I 
opted for the closeStack handler, but if this isn't the correct place 
to do this, then which message to I handle. The user may press the 
Close Stack Button which doesn't have any code to save the stack, I 
therefore thought to handle in the one place where all close stacks 
end up, namely the closeStack handler.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun

Ok more information on this!

In the Stack that brings up the Save Dialog, I have taken out the 
preOpenStack handler (well dummied it, I now just have a beep in it), 
so no Properties (or anything else) get set at all. The dialog still 
appears when the Close Box is pressed.

I tried this:

Enter Browse Mode.
Call up the dialog in question.
In the Application Browser, select the Stack and Control+Click to 
get the Menu up and then Save the Stack in question. Saves ok.
Now without doing anything else and without having pressed any 
controls in the Stack, I hit the Close Box and I STILL get the Do 
you want to save this Stack? dialog.

I just cannot beleive that RunRev is so buggy and so hard to work 
with! Surely there is a way to track this down?

Is there *anything* I can do get get this resolved? Can anyone at 
RunRev help me? I've been working on this for the best part of 12 
hours yesterday and today and am really running out of ideas and time.

All the extra productivity gain I might have received by using RunRev 
is fast slipping away.

Thanks to everyone that has helped in this.

All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Dan Friedman

I have this very same problem.  Here's what I do...  When I get the Do you
want to save this Stack? dialog, I simply click Save and move on.  It may
be a little annoying, but in my opinion, it's not worth spending over 12
hours on.  Revolution is an amazing product!  I certainly hope you don't
stop using it over something that can be solved by a single click.


 Ok more information on this!
 In the Stack that brings up the Save Dialog, I have taken out the
 preOpenStack handler (well dummied it, I now just have a beep in it),
 so no Properties (or anything else) get set at all. The dialog still
 appears when the Close Box is pressed.
 I tried this:
 Enter Browse Mode.
 Call up the dialog in question.
 In the Application Browser, select the Stack and Control+Click to
 get the Menu up and then Save the Stack in question. Saves ok.
 Now without doing anything else and without having pressed any
 controls in the Stack, I hit the Close Box and I STILL get the Do
 you want to save this Stack? dialog.
 I just cannot beleive that RunRev is so buggy and so hard to work
 with! Surely there is a way to track this down?
 Is there *anything* I can do get get this resolved? Can anyone at
 RunRev help me? I've been working on this for the best part of 12
 hours yesterday and today and am really running out of ideas and time.
 All the extra productivity gain I might have received by using RunRev
 is fast slipping away.
 Thanks to everyone that has helped in this.
 All the Best

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun

Some more info. I did this:

From the IDE, saved the Stack.
From the Finder, duplicated the Stack.
From the IDE, Enter Browse Mode.
Called up the offending Stack via the MenuBar.
Hit the Close Window Button, get the save stack dialog, say yes.
From the IDE, Enter Pointer Mode.
Then using a programmers tool, did a compare of the two stack files

There are differences, in the one that just got saved as a result of 
the Save Stack? dialog, there are ares that contain text like:

breakpoints, tempScript

that doesn't appear in the one I saved and copied.

Looking more now, but is this a clue?

The thick plottens...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Klaus Major
Hi David,


I have this very same problem.  Here's what I do...  When I get the 
Do you
want to save this Stack? dialog, I simply click Save and move on.  
It may
be a little annoying, but in my opinion, it's not worth spending over 
hours on.  Revolution is an amazing product!  I certainly hope you 
stop using it over something that can be solved by a single click.

Well it isn't actually solved by a single click is it? Really it's 
swept away under the carpet by a single click. If something as 
simple as this doesn't work relaibly, then what else doesn't work? 
What else has been swept under the carpet?

It's not so much that this problem exists that is worrying, but rather 
that know one seems to know how to even start to know where to look to 
even try and fix it!  And your advice is to ignore it! Jeez

This is supposed to be a Professional software development package - 
I don't think that ignoring a problem like this is in any way 

And you are right, it's not worth spending 12 hours on, it's not 
worth spending even 10 minutes on, but if I can't make it work then I 
there will be no confidence in RR as development tool and there will 
be no confidence that there is any support to get problems like this 

Sorry to be sound tetchy but I am, I just cannot beleive that we have 
paid over $400 for something that has basic problems like this in it. 
I mean if you can't save reliably (and then know you have saved) then 
what's the point?
Do you also experience that AFTER building a standalone?

There are some build-in flags in the IDE and simply switching from 
browse to pointer tool
and doing a simple click will set that flag and thus you might be asked 
to save on closestack...

All the Best

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- David Burgun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dave,
 First of all : these Save dialog boxes will only
 happen in the IDE ; so either demo a stand-alone
 or suspend the developmetn environment during the
 Ok, but I'm having (different) problems with
 Standalone and just 
 wanted this to work 100% (or as close as possible!)
 in one 
 environment. The thing is, the demo is more showing
 how the App works 
 but also in the Development Environment. I suppose I
 can fudge it for 

Well I'd rather have an 'overactive' IDE that offers
to save every time I close a stack, then lose my work
because it didn't keep track well enough.
As Klaus noted, changing from browse mode to edit mode
is enough to trigger the IDE into 'edited' mode.

 If for some bizarre reason you have to demo inside
 IDE and people wouldn't accept seeing this basic
 question, you'll have to change the global
 'gREVStackStatus[tShortName]' where tShortName is
 short name of your stack, so that it no longer
 But I would advise against it, as tinkering the IDE
 data is not a good idea.
 I don't think it's a good idea either, the real
 question is, what 
 causes the dialog to appear? Just from looking at
 this, I would say 
 that there is a flag that has got stuck, e.g. is
 not be cleared 
 properly when the stack is saved.
 What does gREVStackStatus actually contain? I
 can't find any 
 information on this. What are the issues in changing
 it? I just don't 
 want to leap in and change an internal without
 knowing a little bit 
 more about it.
 I just looked at gREVStackStatus from the Message
 Box and it's 
 blank, is this to be expected?
 I can send the Stacks if you that would be of help
 to anyone.
 All the Best

The global 'gREVStackStatus' is an array, that's why
it looks empty in the variable watcher. However, you
can check its content using :
  global gREVStackStatus
  answer gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]
and then you can change it :
  global gREVStackStatus
  put empty into gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Dan Friedman

Your absolutely right - without question, RR should fix this issue.  I guess
I'm more lenient about small issues like this.  I get upset about the big
issues.  Several years ago there was a bug in the toolTip property.  If you
had a toolTip assigned to ANY object, the standalone would crash when you
issued a quit command on Macintosh systems.  This got me to stand up and
shout.  Not so much because there was a bug, but because the bug wasn't
documented anywhere.  At the time, I was not skilled enough to track down
the problem.  I ended up hiring an outside consultant to track down the
problem - which they did.  RR fixed the problem in the next release.  And,
RR is getting better about fixing problems and it's support policy.  Then
again, this list is better than ANY support you'll find anywhere!!!

Let's not forget that no application is 100% bug free.  Not WindowsXP, not
OSX, not Word, not Photoshop, not RR, and certainly not my applications!
But, we all continue to do our best and hammer out the bugs.

I have used RR for 3 years now.  I know it well enough to know it's
stability.  And, I can tell you, in my experience, it's pretty strong.  I'll
admit that RR's IDE is a bit quirky.  There are some things (like the save
prompt) you just have to let go by [until RR fixes them].  In my case, I'm
not so concerned about RR's IDE as I am my final product.  I deploy all my
products as standalones.  So, I test as a standalone, not in the IDE.  If it
works as a standalone, then I move on to the next thing I can make money

I used to work in C++.  The problems I ran into with Metrowerks' IDE and
their libraries (Not to mention C++ builder - Jeez!!) are FAR more
devastating and catastrophic than I have ever seen in RR.  And, as an added
bonus, I write way less code, in literally a fraction of the time!

All the best,

 Well it isn't actually solved by a single click is it? Really it's
 swept away under the carpet by a single click. If something as
 simple as this doesn't work relaibly, then what else doesn't work?
 What else has been swept under the carpet?
 It's not so much that this problem exists that is worrying, but
 rather that know one seems to know how to even start to know where to
 look to even try and fix it!  And your advice is to ignore it!
 This is supposed to be a Professional software development package
 - I don't think that ignoring a problem like this is in any way
 And you are right, it's not worth spending 12 hours on, it's not
 worth spending even 10 minutes on, but if I can't make it work then I
 there will be no confidence in RR as development tool and there will
 be no confidence that there is any support to get problems like this
 Sorry to be sound tetchy but I am, I just cannot beleive that we have
 paid over $400 for something that has basic problems like this in it.
 I mean if you can't save reliably (and then know you have saved) then
 what's the point?
 All the Best

 I have this very same problem.  Here's what I do...  When I get the Do you
 want to save this Stack? dialog, I simply click Save and move on.  It may
 be a little annoying, but in my opinion, it's not worth spending over 12
 hours on.  Revolution is an amazing product!  I certainly hope you don't
 stop using it over something that can be solved by a single click.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Chipp Walters

Sorry you're having so many problems.

Here's a couple things to you might try (if you haven't already):

1) Check the prefs - Files  Memory. Click the radio button which says 
Close the file

2) Just a thought, both stacks have different filenames, but do they 
have different stack names? If not, then I would change them so they do.

As an aside:

The RR IDE isn't really meant to be the app runtime environment. If what 
you're wanting is to demo the product, you may consider making yourself 
a standalone launch stack exe with a single button which launches your 
stack. That way, you don't have to rebuild a standalone each time you 
make changes to your stack. Just launch the launch stack exe and press 
the button. Things should work better that way.

Good luck!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun

Your absolutely right - without question, RR should fix this issue.  I guess
I'm more lenient about small issues like this.
Unfortunately, I (and more importantly the people that pay my salary 
and buy licenses for tools like RunRev) don't see this as a small 
issue! It has to do with Stack/Save integrity and the status of 
whether something has been saved or not.

I am not so worried that RR haven't fixed it, I am more worried that 
having got the Stack file into a state that causes this to happen, 
that no one seems to know what to do to undo it!

As I see it there are two issues:

1.  The fact that the IDE lets the Stack (or, more correctly, lets 
the user get the Stack) into a state where this happens. This does 
need looking at by RR. There do seems to be many holes in the IDE 
where things like this can happen.

2.  The fact that now that it has happened, there seems to be no tool 
or method for fixing it. At the very least just knowing what the 
*exact* test that causes the dialog to appear would help. Also the 
*exact* conditions that cause Edited to be set as the Stack State 
would be nice. Source code would be even better.

If and when I do find a fix for this, I will (maybe with the help of 
others on this list??) produce a Stack or at least some documentation 
on how to fix it.

More Clues:

I have been looking back over what I did over the past 7 days or so 
in an effort to re-create the steps that caused this to happen.

This Stack started off life as a Sub-Stack of a multi-stack file. I 
used the Save in Seperate File command from the IDE to make it into 
a seperate file. Not sure if this is significant, but every little 
helps, right?

The following could have happened after this.

I renamed the Stack Name Property, I could have done this with the 
Stack or an Object Script open. IOW, I was editing the Stack Script 
and then remembered that I needed to change the Stack Name Property, 
so I called up the Stack Inspector and changed it's name and saved it 
*while* I had an un-applied Edited Stack Script open. Also I may have 
had breakpoints in the Script before I saved it.

The reason I mention this is because in the file compare I did, it 
looked like the differences were to do with script names (not really 
sure what they are), the Stack name (I saw the old StackName in the 
file, although it doesn't appear in any of the script's) and 
breakpoints. All of which I changed just before this started 

I have used RR for 3 years now.  I know it well enough to know it's
stability.  And, I can tell you, in my experience, it's pretty strong.  I'll
admit that RR's IDE is a bit quirky.  There are some things (like the save
prompt) you just have to let go by [until RR fixes them].  In my case, I'm
not so concerned about RR's IDE as I am my final product.  I deploy all my
products as standalones.  So, I test as a standalone, not in the IDE.  If it
works as a standalone, then I move on to the next thing I can make money
Sure, that's fine, but I'm selling runrev to the powers that 
be If it were something less probematic as this, it 
wouldn't be so bad (you know, like a slider not working 100%), but in 
the case of a Save it just looks bad. The thing is that this Stack is 
the largest of them all, otherwise I'd just have put it all back in 
again by hand! The other statcks are not finished yet.

I used to work in C++.  The problems I ran into with Metrowerks' IDE and
their libraries (Not to mention C++ builder - Jeez!!) are FAR more
devastating and catastrophic than I have ever seen in RR.  And, as an added
bonus, I write way less code, in literally a fraction of the time!
Yes, me too, but at least with the MW Libs you could put a breakpoint 
and find out what was going on! With this it's something that has 
been set in a file that you can't reset! The eqivilent problem in CW 
would be that the Project file had a setting that was stuck. In 
this case there were many ways in which you could get back to square 
one, e.g. remove the data folder, remove the Prefs file and if all 
else failed, you could always just export the Project file to XML and 
rebuild the project file.

With RR, since the problem is actually inside the file, even if RR 
stop it happening in the IDE in the future, the problem will still be 
around in all the stacks that contain it now!

Is there anyway I can build a new Stack from the Cards of the 
Original Stack? If I do this, will all the Scripts (except for ths 
Stack Script, which I will cut+paste over manually) be kept intact?

I am hoping that the problem is not inside any of the object scripts 
(there are no Card Level Scripts), since I don't have to use alter 
any controls to make this happen.

All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun
Hi Chipp,

Thanks for this, I changed the preference (was set to don't close) 
but it made no difference.

Yes, the files have different Stack Names.

One other thing I noticed that is odd and it may have something to do 
with what is going wrong.

When I have the Stack Window open in the IDE (with Pointer mode 
selected) the IDE's menu is showing. If I then select the Stack 
Inspector and then click anywhere within the Inspector window, the 
menu bar changes to my App's menu bar!

This is with the Dummy Place Holder Stack open which holds the 
menubar and calls other stacks depending on the menu item selected by 
the user.



Sorry you're having so many problems.

Here's a couple things to you might try (if you haven't already):

1) Check the prefs - Files  Memory. Click the radio button which 
says Close the file

2) Just a thought, both stacks have different filenames, but do they 
have different stack names? If not, then I would change them so they 

As an aside:

The RR IDE isn't really meant to be the app runtime environment. If 
what you're wanting is to demo the product, you may consider making 
yourself a standalone launch stack exe with a single button which 
launches your stack. That way, you don't have to rebuild a 
standalone each time you make changes to your stack. Just launch the 
launch stack exe and press the button. Things should work better 
that way.

Good luck!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread David Burgun
Well I'd rather have an 'overactive' IDE that offers
to save every time I close a stack, then lose my work
because it didn't keep track well enough.
As Klaus noted, changing from browse mode to edit mode
is enough to trigger the IDE into 'edited' mode.
The problem is that it should 100% NOT save it in this case!
The global 'gREVStackStatus' is an array, that's why
it looks empty in the variable watcher. However, you
can check its content using :
  global gREVStackStatus
  answer gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]
and then you can change it :
  global gREVStackStatus
  put empty into gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]
Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.
Yes, it helped a lot. I will look at this now. Do you mean that I 
should change this once in the Message Box to fix the problem 
forever, or do you mean to add this code into my stack?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Chipp Walters

I have a plugin called AltClean which will removes the rev the 
cREVGeneral custom property set from existing stacks. It might help 
'reset' your stack (it won't harm it, but you should still always backup 
your stack before using). You might wish to try it. It's at:

You'll probably want to install the altPluginToolbar as well.



David Burgun wrote:


Your absolutely right - without question, RR should fix this issue.  I 
I'm more lenient about small issues like this.

Unfortunately, I (and more importantly the people that pay my salary and 
buy licenses for tools like RunRev) don't see this as a small issue! It 
has to do with Stack/Save integrity and the status of whether something 
has been saved or not.

I am not so worried that RR haven't fixed it, I am more worried that 
having got the Stack file into a state that causes this to happen, that 
no one seems to know what to do to undo it!

As I see it there are two issues:

1.  The fact that the IDE lets the Stack (or, more correctly, lets the 
user get the Stack) into a state where this happens. This does need 
looking at by RR. There do seems to be many holes in the IDE where 
things like this can happen.

2.  The fact that now that it has happened, there seems to be no tool or 
method for fixing it. At the very least just knowing what the *exact* 
test that causes the dialog to appear would help. Also the *exact* 
conditions that cause Edited to be set as the Stack State would be 
nice. Source code would be even better.

If and when I do find a fix for this, I will (maybe with the help of 
others on this list??) produce a Stack or at least some documentation on 
how to fix it.

More Clues:

I have been looking back over what I did over the past 7 days or so in 
an effort to re-create the steps that caused this to happen.

This Stack started off life as a Sub-Stack of a multi-stack file. I used 
the Save in Seperate File command from the IDE to make it into a 
seperate file. Not sure if this is significant, but every little helps, 

The following could have happened after this.

I renamed the Stack Name Property, I could have done this with the Stack 
or an Object Script open. IOW, I was editing the Stack Script and then 
remembered that I needed to change the Stack Name Property, so I called 
up the Stack Inspector and changed it's name and saved it *while* I had 
an un-applied Edited Stack Script open. Also I may have had breakpoints 
in the Script before I saved it.

The reason I mention this is because in the file compare I did, it 
looked like the differences were to do with script names (not really 
sure what they are), the Stack name (I saw the old StackName in the 
file, although it doesn't appear in any of the script's) and 
breakpoints. All of which I changed just before this started happening.

I have used RR for 3 years now.  I know it well enough to know it's
stability.  And, I can tell you, in my experience, it's pretty 
strong.  I'll
admit that RR's IDE is a bit quirky.  There are some things (like the 
prompt) you just have to let go by [until RR fixes them].  In my case, 
not so concerned about RR's IDE as I am my final product.  I deploy 
all my
products as standalones.  So, I test as a standalone, not in the IDE.  
If it
works as a standalone, then I move on to the next thing I can make money

Sure, that's fine, but I'm selling runrev to the powers that 
be If it were something less probematic as this, it 
wouldn't be so bad (you know, like a slider not working 100%), but in 
the case of a Save it just looks bad. The thing is that this Stack is 
the largest of them all, otherwise I'd just have put it all back in 
again by hand! The other statcks are not finished yet.

I used to work in C++.  The problems I ran into with Metrowerks' IDE and
their libraries (Not to mention C++ builder - Jeez!!) are FAR more
devastating and catastrophic than I have ever seen in RR.  And, as an 
bonus, I write way less code, in literally a fraction of the time!

Yes, me too, but at least with the MW Libs you could put a breakpoint 
and find out what was going on! With this it's something that has been 
set in a file that you can't reset! The eqivilent problem in CW would be 
that the Project file had a setting that was stuck. In this case there 
were many ways in which you could get back to square one, e.g. remove 
the data folder, remove the Prefs file and if all else failed, you 
could always just export the Project file to XML and rebuild the project 

With RR, since the problem is actually inside the file, even if RR stop 
it happening in the IDE in the future, the problem will still be around 
in all the stacks that contain it now!

Is there anyway I can build a new Stack from the Cards of the Original 
Stack? If I do this, will 

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- David Burgun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well I'd rather have an 'overactive' IDE that
 to save every time I close a stack, then lose my
 because it didn't keep track well enough.
 As Klaus noted, changing from browse mode to edit
 is enough to trigger the IDE into 'edited' mode.
 The problem is that it should 100% NOT save it in
 this case!
 The global 'gREVStackStatus' is an array, that's
 it looks empty in the variable watcher. However,
 can check its content using :
global gREVStackStatus
answer gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]
 and then you can change it :
global gREVStackStatus
put empty into gREVStackStatus[MyStackName]
 Hope this helped,
 Jan Schenkel.
 Yes, it helped a lot. I will look at this now. Do
 you mean that I 
 should change this once in the Message Box to fix
 the problem 
 forever, or do you mean to add this code into my

Hi Dave,

I went digging through the IDE scripts, and found that
the global gREVStackSTatus isn' saved inside a custom
property or anything ; hence you must be doing
something that triggers the change to edited status
; in fact, it's enough to click in a field and not
even change anything, to chnge the status, since an
'openField' message will effectively change the stack
status to edited if I read the revFrontscript

Not sure how to remedy it at this point, but I hope
this clarified it a bit,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 4/26/04 3:05 PM, David Burgun wrote:

I am not so worried that RR haven't fixed it, I am more worried that 
having got the Stack file into a state that causes this to happen, that 
no one seems to know what to do to undo it!
I suspect that some people aren't responding because they don't see it 
as a terribly major problem. At least, I didn't, since the problem 
will only occur in the IDE and it won't affect your stack or any 
standalone you build. I am quite sure you don't have to rebuild the 
stack or even necessarily fix it. All you are trying to do is get rid of 
a cosmetic issue.

Chipp's plugin may help. Here's another thing you can do just to narrow 
things down:

Quit and relaunch Rev. Make sure the browse tool is selected. Open the 
problem stack. Do nothing. Immediately close the stack. Does it ask you 
to save?

If not, then some action you routinely take is triggering the change in 
the global that tracks this. If so, then your stack was saved with some 
property that triggers the behavior.

If it does ask you to save, then try removing all breakpoints from your 
scripts (since you noticed that in your comparison) and re-save the 
stack. Open it and immediately close it. Does it still ask to save?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Ken Ray
 I went digging through the IDE scripts, and found that
 the global gREVStackSTatus isn' saved inside a custom
 property or anything ; hence you must be doing
 something that triggers the change to edited status
 ; in fact, it's enough to click in a field and not
 even change anything, to chnge the status, since an
 'openField' message will effectively change the stack
 status to edited if I read the revFrontscript

That's not good... a stack isn't dirty unless something has changed in it,
and simply clicking in a field doesn't change anything.

I hope this is fixed in the next release...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Jim MacConnell
Okay.. I'm definitely not the person to be trying to help but...

I remember ages ago some issue with breakpoints not clearing when Debug Mode
turned off and stacks crashing as a result after being opened (in  earlier
versions). The fix was to clear breakpoints? on any stack that had
problems (even if you didn't think there were set breakpoints or even that
you had been in debug mode).

From the difs you found between the two saved versions... It sure seems
possible that RR thinks its got set breakpoints or is in debug mode and
while I don't know why that would cause it to always ask to save it might
since hitting a phantom breakpoint would mean the script was being phantomly
editted/examined and so you'd have to save your phantom changes?

Like I said, I should probably have kept my mouth shut but. I hate to
let frustrating problems lie unchallenged


James H. MacConnell
Consensus Technology, LLC
Tel: 206.524.8555
Fax: 206.524.3034 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Brian Yennie

This is supposed to be a Professional software development package - 
I don't think that ignoring a problem like this is in any way 
How many other professional tools let you demo in the IDE? Maybe you 
could let us know what standalone problems you are having, or run in 
the MetaCard IDE, or suspend the IDE. Or call the IDE's menu item for 
Save directly...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Demo Show Stopper - Save File Dialog

2004-04-26 Thread Sarah Reichelt
go to stack full-path/Stack1.rev

and in another place

go to stack full-path/Stack2.rev

Now, both Stack1.rev and Stack2.rev get displayed ok. They both have 
close boxes. When I press the Close Box on Stack1.rev when running 
from the IDE it displays the IDE Do you want to save this stack? 
dialog, but it doesn't for Stack2.rev.

I've tried to spot the differences between them, but there doesn't 
*seem* to be any real difference. They have similar controls on them 
and similar scripts.
1. Why does it happen? I would guess that something in the scripts 
(open or preOpen stack or card) is changing something (a field, a 
button hilite, a custom property) so the IDE thinks you have changed 

2. How to stop it happening? When I get sick of this happening in the 
IDE, I remove the close box and replace it with a Close button that 
saves the stack and then closes it. This avoids the problem while in 
the IDE, but even so, you would be much better to use a standalone for 
your demo. If you are actually demoing the IDE, then a Save stack 
dialog will be expected. If you are demoing an application, then you 
don't need to have the IDE running at the same time.

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