Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Scott Morrow
Hello Scott,
Sorry to clutter things with another post but there was one thing I forgot to 
include:  the actual content of the variables.  Sometimes the exact form of a 
string is what trips me up so perhaps this will be helpful.  I walked through 
the debugger as this section of code was running and copied out the contents of 
each variable.  (disclaimer: actually I *retyped* what I saw in the debugger 
window... there is probably a way to copy/paste but I couldn't recall it.)
-Scott Morrow

tProgramFilesFolderPath --C:/Program Files/Report Card Pro
tAppFolder -- C:/Program Files/Report Card Pro
tAppName --  Report Card Pro.exe
tAppExecutablePath --C:\Program Files\Report Card Pro\Report Card 
tDocFileExtension --.rcp
tAppDocAssoc --  Report Card Pro document
tDefaultIconString -- C:\Program Files\Report Card Pro\Report 
Card Pro.exe,1
tSubKeyDblClickDocString -- C:\Program Files\Report Card Pro\Report Card 
Pro.exe %1

local lErrorLog

on SetWindowsRegistry
  put empty into lErrorLog

  put Setting the registry into fld progressInfo of cd install of stack 
  wait 1 sec
  set the customPropertySet of stack elsoInstaller to empty
  set the customPropertySet of stack elsoInstallerLib to empty
  -- tProgramFilesFolderPath  -- the path to the Programs folder --  
C:/Program Files 
  put fld installPath of cd destination of stack elsoInstaller into 
  -- tAppFolder -- the name of OUR folder that contains the application we are 
installing --  Report Card Pro 

  set the itemDel to /
  put item -1 of tProgramFilesFolderPath into tAppFolder
  -- put the uEnclosingFolderName of stack elsoInstaller into tAppFolder -- 
the user has control over this part of the path

  -- tAppName -- the name of the executable application we are installing --  
Report Card Pro 
  put the uAppName of stack elsoInstaller into tAppName
  -- tAppExecutablePath -- the fileName (Full Path) of the .exe
  put tProgramFilesFolderPath / tAppName into tAppExecutablePath
  -- save the full path in case we need to launch the app just before quiting 
this installer
  set the uLaunchPath  of stack elsoInstaller to tAppExecutablePath 
  replace / with \ in tAppExecutablePath
  -- tDocExtension -- the dot extension that is associated with the 
application we are installing --  .rcp 
  put the uFileExtention of stack elsoInstaller into tDocExtension
  if tDocExtension is empty then
 put Ther was an error attempting to set the Registry because file 
extension information was missing cr after lErrorLog
 return file extension missing
 exit SetWindowsRegistry
  end if

  -- Set the Windows Registry if necessary 
  -- Check to make sure the Windows Registry is set to associate the .rcp file 
extension with ReportCard_Pro
  if queryRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tDocExtension\)  tAppFolder then 
-- there is no Registry key for the file extension
 -- so let's set it up
 --1. Create a key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for the extension, and use the 
default value to point to the name of the application
 -- get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.tst\,TestApp)
 get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tDocExtension\,tAppFolder)
 put the result into tResult
 if tResult is not empty then
put setRegistry error 1  tResult cr after lErrorLog -- Custom 
error reporting
return tResult
 end if

 if lErrorLog is empty then
--2. Create a key in HKCR for the application itself, using the default 
value to point to a descriptor of the kind of document used by the app 
-- this will be used in list views to show the kind of file a document 
of TestApp is:
-- get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TestApp\,TestApp document)
put tAppFolder  document into tAppDocAssoc
get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tAppFolder\,tAppDocAssoc)
put the result into tResult
if tResult is not empty then
   put setRegistry error 2  tResult cr after lErrorLog -- Custom 
error reporting
   return tResult
end if
 end if -- lErrorLog is empty

 if lErrorLog is empty then
--3. Create a subkey of HKCR\TestApp to hold the default icon for the 
application. Rev document icons are in the first position
-- get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TestApp\DefaultIcon\,C:\Program 
put tAppExecutablePath  COMMA  1 into tDefaultIconString
put the result into tResult
if tResult is not empty then

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Andre Garzia

Folks, this kind of stuff should be easy. Can we abstract that code into a
library? Also, Scott, did you solved it for Mac?


-- All We Do Is Code.
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Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Scott Morrow

Hello Scott,
The relaunch handler (in the stack script of the executable) should  
still be in the message path even if you close the stack... unless I  
misunderstand the design, the executable that stack is attached to  
would still be in memory and running.

-Scott Morrow
Is it possible that the relaunch message is failing for me because  
I'm using a splash/data arrangement for my standalone? My splash  
executable launches a data stack and then closes the launching  
stack. Could this be why any subsequent launches of the EXE don't  
trigger the relaunch handler?

Regards, Scott Rossi
Creative Director Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Scott Morrow wrote:

 This post has the scripting I use for Relaunch so that multiple instance of
 the app won't launch.  I'm using it with a Splash-screen design as well. There
 are 2 script blocks, the first of which has to go at the stack level.
 [ snip ]

Thanks Scott.

I'm part way to a solution.  Apparently relaunch only works with the stack
bound to the engine in the splash standalone.  I was trying to use it with
the main stack opened by the splash app (the splash stack was immediately
closed after launch).

I also learned how to get the path of a double-clicked document using the
environment variable $1 at startup, so if my app is launched by a document,
it will load the document after launching.

But I'm still facing the disassociated file issue.  Documents saved by my
app with a custom file extension continue to show up with the generic
Windows document icon, instead of the custom icon in my standalone, and
bring up the choose application dialog when double-clicked. I tried your
suggestion of manually assigning the icon via file properties, and it did
change (to the icon of an app somewhere else on the drive), but I'm not sure
where in the registry this was updated (if at all).

[sigh] Hours being sucked away by these details...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread J. Landman Gay

Andre Garzia wrote:

Folks, this kind of stuff should be easy. Can we abstract that code into a
library? Also, Scott, did you solved it for Mac?

The problem of multiple instances doesn't happen on Macs, so you don't 
have to do anything on that OS. The file associations are all handled in 
the plist file inside the application bundle, so that isn't usually an 
issue either.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Scott Rossi
Is it possible that app name entries in the registry need to be in 8.3
format?  My app name is 31 chars long, including spaces.  Maybe Vista is
choking on this?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Mar 3, 2010, at 3:17 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Is it possible that app name entries in the registry need to be in 8.3
format?  My app name is 31 chars long, including spaces.  Maybe  
Vista is

choking on this?

You could try wrapping the name in quotes. I think you mentioned you  
are using INNO Setup. You will need to double-up the quotes to escape.  
Here is an example from my .iss file:

Root: HKCR; Subkey: ScreenSteps\shell\open\command; ValueType:  
string; ValueData: {app}\ScreenSteps.exe %1; Flags:  

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Releasable Revolution Resources for Developers:
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Re: File Associations?

2010-03-03 Thread Mark Schonewille


It is right that you need to catch the relaunch message in the stack  
script of the stack that is opened first. This is always the stack  
that is embedded in the executable. It can't be any other stack. In  
your case, it is the splash stack. As far as I know, this is all  
explained in the documentation, even though it might be a bit brief.

I referred to this example before. It works  
perfectly for me, on Win 98 up to and including Vista. I don't know  
about Win 7 (yet).

I do always use very short names for my executables. The paths always  
end in 8.3 DOS file names. The application names, as displayed in the  
Add/Remove Software control panel and in other palces, can be longer  
than that.

I wonder whether something has changed in 4.5. I haven't used Rev 4.5  
for my installer yet. Something has changed with regard to icons of  
Windows executables and perhaps it affects the icon that needs to be  
associated with your file extension. RunRev should be able to tell you  

Maybe you should post your script.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new software development  
projects. Feel free to contact me for a quote.

Op 3 mrt 2010, om 19:07 heeft Scott Rossi het volgende geschreven:

Recently, Scott Morrow wrote:
Thanks Scott.

I'm part way to a solution.  Apparently relaunch only works with  
the stack
bound to the engine in the splash standalone.  I was trying to use  
it with
the main stack opened by the splash app (the splash stack was  

closed after launch).

I also learned how to get the path of a double-clicked document  
using the
environment variable $1 at startup, so if my app is launched by a  

it will load the document after launching.

But I'm still facing the disassociated file issue.  Documents saved  
by my

app with a custom file extension continue to show up with the generic
Windows document icon, instead of the custom icon in my standalone,  
bring up the choose application dialog when double-clicked. I  
tried your
suggestion of manually assigning the icon via file properties, and  
it did
change (to the icon of an app somewhere else on the drive), but I'm  
not sure

where in the registry this was updated (if at all).

[sigh] Hours being sucked away by these details...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Rossi
I'm still trying to get Windows file associations on Vista worked out over
here and am looking for suggestions.

I've set up registry entries based on Ken Ray's tips: and everything appears to in place.  But
documents created by my app continue to show up as generic icons.
Double-clicking them brings up the What program do you want to use to
open...? dialog and my app is listed there, but I can't get Vista to
properly display the document icon contained in the standalone.

Also, I don't understand how to implement the following so that
double-clicked documents open my app:

on openStack
  put $0 into theAppPath
  put $1 into theDocToOpen
  -- stuff here to launch the doc in my app?
end openStack

Currently double-clicking my documents launches multiple instances of my
app.  I'm using a splash/data stack app setup, and I've tried to pass the
doc name to an Open File menu routine.  Does the above need to go in the
splash standalone, or can it go in card script of my data stack?  Am I right
in passing the doc name to my Open File handler?  Do I need to do something

Thanks for any advice...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Morrow

Are you trying to set the registry under Vista without administrative 
privileges? (If UAC is enabled, and it is by default, then even if you are the 
primary admin user of the system you won't have sufficient privileges to set 
the registry.  If you are testing this from the IDE, before launching, right 
click Rev and choose to Run as administrator)  

If this isn't the trouble then I would be happy to send you code that I'm using 
in an application, though I struggled with Ken's directions (I think his 
directions are fine and I was glad to have the advice but my previous 
experience with the subject was nil) and still have no great understanding 

For documents launching multiple instances see  relaunch   in the dictionary 
where there is a note to look at an example stack.

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)


On Mar 2, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 I'm still trying to get Windows file associations on Vista worked out over
 here and am looking for suggestions.
 I've set up registry entries based on Ken Ray's tips: and everything appears to in place.  But
 documents created by my app continue to show up as generic icons.
 Double-clicking them brings up the What program do you want to use to
 open...? dialog and my app is listed there, but I can't get Vista to
 properly display the document icon contained in the standalone.
 Also, I don't understand how to implement the following so that
 double-clicked documents open my app:
 on openStack
  put $0 into theAppPath
  put $1 into theDocToOpen
  -- stuff here to launch the doc in my app?
 end openStack
 Currently double-clicking my documents launches multiple instances of my
 app.  I'm using a splash/data stack app setup, and I've tried to pass the
 doc name to an Open File menu routine.  Does the above need to go in the
 splash standalone, or can it go in card script of my data stack?  Am I right
 in passing the doc name to my Open File handler?  Do I need to do something
 Thanks for any advice...
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Scott Morrow wrote:

 Are you trying to set the registry under Vista without administrative
 privileges? (If UAC is enabled, and it is by default, then even if you are the
 primary admin user of the system you won't have sufficient privileges to set
 the registry.  If you are testing this from the IDE, before launching, right
 click Rev and choose to Run as administrator)

I am using an installer (Inno Setup) to modify the registry and I am running
as administrator.  I believe the keys are being set correctly because I can
view them using RegEdit.

 If this isn't the trouble then I would be happy to send you code that I'm
 using in an application, though I struggled with Ken's directions (I think his
 directions are fine and I was glad to have the advice but my previous
 experience with the subject was nil) and still have no great understanding

If you don't mind, I would like to see your code.  Very little is working
for me compared to what folks have explained in the mail list archives.

 For documents launching multiple instances see  relaunch   in the dictionary
 where there is a note to look at an example stack.

In my stack, the relaunch message is apparently not being called for some
reason.  I've tried placing it in the stack script and in a stack script
behavior, and still nothing is happening.  Still trying to figure out what's
going on.

Thanks Scott.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

 Elementary Software
 (Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
 On Mar 2, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
 I'm still trying to get Windows file associations on Vista worked out over
 here and am looking for suggestions.
 I've set up registry entries based on Ken Ray's tips: and everything appears to in place.  But
 documents created by my app continue to show up as generic icons.
 Double-clicking them brings up the What program do you want to use to
 open...? dialog and my app is listed there, but I can't get Vista to
 properly display the document icon contained in the standalone.
 Also, I don't understand how to implement the following so that
 double-clicked documents open my app:
 on openStack
  put $0 into theAppPath
  put $1 into theDocToOpen
  -- stuff here to launch the doc in my app?
 end openStack
 Currently double-clicking my documents launches multiple instances of my
 app.  I'm using a splash/data stack app setup, and I've tried to pass the
 doc name to an Open File menu routine.  Does the above need to go in the
 splash standalone, or can it go in card script of my data stack?  Am I right
 in passing the doc name to my Open File handler?  Do I need to do something
 Thanks for any advice...
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX Design
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, I wrote:

 For documents launching multiple instances see  relaunch   in the
 where there is a note to look at an example stack.
 In my stack, the relaunch message is apparently not being called for some
 reason.  I've tried placing it in the stack script and in a stack script
 behavior, and still nothing is happening.  Still trying to figure out what's
 going on.

Is it possible that the relaunch message is failing for me because I'm using
a splash/data arrangement for my standalone?  My splash executable launches
a data stack and then closes the launching stack.  Could this be why any
subsequent launches of the EXE don't trigger the relaunch handler?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

RE: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Paul D. DeRocco
 From: cott Rossi

 I'm still trying to get Windows file associations on Vista worked out over
 here and am looking for suggestions.

 I've set up registry entries based on Ken Ray's tips: and everything appears to in place.  But
 documents created by my app continue to show up as generic icons.
 Double-clicking them brings up the What program do you want to use to
 open...? dialog and my app is listed there, but I can't get Vista to
 properly display the document icon contained in the standalone.

Works on my XP system, but I didn't use those function calls to set it up.
Instead, I manually created the association by right-clicking a file,
selecting Open With, and navigating to my program. You might try removing
all the keys you created with Regedit, manually create the association, and
then see what the OS put there, so that you can make your program do the
same thing.

As to your second question, I've never tried the splash/data paradigm, so I
can't help.


Ciao,   Paul D. DeRocco

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Morrow
Hello Scott

This post has the scripting I use for Relaunch so that multiple instance of 
the app won't launch.  I'm using it with a Splash-screen design as well. There 
are 2 script blocks, the first of which has to go at the stack level.  The pile 
of comments indicates how insecure I was with the code.  Below the Relaunch 
script is additional code I placed at the card level of the Splash-screen stack 
(I'm not sure it needs to be there)  I'll post again about registry.

- Scott Morrow

-- --  In the main stack script of the Splash-screen (executable) and in fact 
can't be placed at the card level.

 Begin Relaunch Block -

-- -- If the applications mainstack (not sent to the card) has a 'relaunch' 
handler, then Revolution will treat
-- -- it as a 'single-instance' application. This means that if a second 
instance is launched
-- -- the original instance will be sent a 'relaunch' message before the new 
instance starts up.
on relaunch
   --   -- The parameters for relaunch are the command-line arguments passed 
when invoking the
   --   -- new instance. Revolution does the same processing of these as it 
does for the $n
   --   -- global variables. i.e.
   --   --   1 )  It splits the command-line up into Words
   --   --   2 )  Removes quotes bracketing any quoted argument
   --   --   3 )  Replaces '\' with '/'
   put empty into tParamList
   repeat with tIndex = 1 to the paramCount
  -- get Log( param(  tIndex  ) =   param(tIndex))
  put param(tIndex) CR after tParamList
   end repeat
   put token 1 to -1 of tParamList into tParamList
   -- -- Passing the relaunch message will cause the new instance to continue 
to load.
   --   if the hilite of btn Pass Relaunch then
   --  get Log(Passing Relaunch)
   --  pass relaunch
   --   end if
   -- -- Returning background will cause the existing instance to remain in the 
   -- -- and the new instance to quit.
   --   if the hilite of btn Remain in Background then
   --  get Log(Relaunch and Remaining in background)
   --  return background
   --   end if
   --   get Log(Relaunch Processed)
   --   -- Try to keep processing in the relaunch handler to a minimum as the 
new instance
   --   -- waits for a reply. In particular, you must not open any windows 
(especially modal
   --   -- dialogs) as this will cause an automatic pass.
   --   -- Therefore, it is best to do the main part of the processing after 
relaunch has
   --   -- sent back its acknowledgement. To do this we send a message to be 
executed as soon as
   --   -- the current handler stack resolves.
   -- send processRelaunch param(1) to me in 0 millisecs
   send processRelaunch   tParamList to cd 1 of me in 0 millisecs
   --   -- Returning empty will cause the existing instance to be brought to 
the front, and
   --   -- the new instance to quit.
   return empty
end relaunch

-- As described above, it is best to do all the processing of the relaunch 
-- the relaunch message has been acknowledged.
-- Here we just open an open-file dialog with the path passed to the 
-- Note that when a modal dialog is being displayed, you can still receive the 
-- message. However, using messages as we have here will result in them being
-- automatically queued.

 End Relaunch Block ---

-- --  Card Level of the Splash-screen stack

-- this handler recieves a list of files that caught by the Relaunch handler 
in the stack script
-- multiple instances of this Splash executable were not allowed to launch
-- and the file paths were passed along to the currently running instance of 
the Splash executable
-- were we can open them
-- this handler is nearly the same as the esOpenAppleEventDoc handler
on processRelaunch tFilesPathsToOpen   
 if tFilesPathsToOpen  empty then -- there was a relaunch message handled 
by the stack script

 repeat for each line tNewDataPath in tFilesPathsToOpen -- could be 
multiple files
VerifyClassFile tNewDataPath -- Mr. Rossi can ignore this line, I'm 
just verifying a file before trying to open it
send PreOpenStack to stack tNewDataPath
 end repeat

   end if
end processRelaunch
On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:48 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Recently, I wrote:
 For documents launching multiple instances see  relaunch   in the
 where there is a note to look at an example stack.
 In my stack, the relaunch message is apparently not being called for some
 reason.  I've tried placing it in the stack script and in a stack script
 behavior, and still nothing is happening.  Still trying to figure out what's
 going on.

Re: File Associations?

2010-03-02 Thread Scott Morrow
Hello Scott,

I'm not using Inno Installer but a custom installer application made with Rev.  
Before trying to set the registry my installer has elevated itself to have 
administrative privileges (by adjusting the manifest with Resource Tuner as 
described by Trevor DeVore)

I believe this is all the pertinent code from my installer application and I'm 
sure you will recognize Ken's instructional outline as the foundation.  I've 
left in some code specific to my app and referenced custom properties that you 
would need to substitute your own data in for.

Hopefully this will shed a light of Ray.  (pun intended)

-Scott Morrow
Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)

local lErrorLog

on SetWindowsRegistry
   put empty into lErrorLog
   put Setting the registry into fld progressInfo of cd install of stack 
   wait 1 sec
   set the customPropertySet of stack elsoInstaller to empty
   set the customPropertySet of stack elsoInstallerLib to empty
   -- tProgramFilesFolderPath  -- the path to the Programs folder --  
C:/Program Files 
   put fld installPath of cd destination of stack elsoInstaller into 
   -- tAppFolder -- the name of OUR folder that contains the application we 
are installing --  Report Card Pro 
   set the itemDel to /
   put item -1 of tProgramFilesFolderPath into tAppFolder
   -- put the uEnclosingFolderName of stack elsoInstaller into tAppFolder -- 
the user has control over this part of the path
   -- tAppName -- the name of the executable application we are installing -- 
 Report Card Pro 
   put the uAppName of stack elsoInstaller into tAppName
   -- tAppExecutablePath -- the fileName (Full Path) of the .exe
   put tProgramFilesFolderPath / tAppName into tAppExecutablePath
   -- save the full path in case we need to launch the app just before quiting 
this installer
   set the uLaunchPath  of stack elsoInstaller to tAppExecutablePath 
   replace / with \ in tAppExecutablePath
   -- tDocExtension -- the dot extension that is associated with the 
application we are installing --  .rcp 
   put the uFileExtention of stack elsoInstaller into tDocExtension
   if tDocExtension is empty then
  put Ther was an error attempting to set the Registry because file 
extension information was missing cr after lErrorLog
  return file extension missing
  exit SetWindowsRegistry
   end if
   -- Set the Windows Registry if necessary 
   -- Check to make sure the Windows Registry is set to associate the .rcp file 
extension with ReportCard_Pro
   if queryRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tDocExtension\)  tAppFolder then 
-- there is no Registry key for the file extension
  -- so let's set it up
  --1. Create a key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for the extension, and use the 
default value to point to the name of the application
  -- get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.tst\,TestApp)
  get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tDocExtension\,tAppFolder)
  put the result into tResult
  if tResult is not empty then
 put setRegistry error 1  tResult cr after lErrorLog -- Custom 
error reporting
 return tResult
  end if
  if lErrorLog is empty then
 --2. Create a key in HKCR for the application itself, using the 
default value to point to a descriptor of the kind of document used by the app 
 -- this will be used in list views to show the kind of file a document 
of TestApp is:
 -- get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TestApp\,TestApp document)
 put tAppFolder  document into tAppDocAssoc
 get setRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tAppFolder\,tAppDocAssoc)
 put the result into tResult
 if tResult is not empty then
put setRegistry error 2  tResult cr after lErrorLog -- Custom 
error reporting
return tResult
 end if
  end if -- lErrorLog is empty
  if lErrorLog is empty then
 --3. Create a subkey of HKCR\TestApp to hold the default icon for the 
application. Rev document icons are in the first position
 -- get 
 put tAppExecutablePath  COMMA  1 into tDefaultIconString
 put the result into tResult
 if tResult is not empty then
put setRegistry error 3  tResult cr after lErrorLog -- Custom 
error reporting
return tResult
 end if
  end if -- lErrorLog is empty
  if lErrorLog is empty then
 --4. Create 

Re: File Associations?

2010-02-13 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Scott,

It looks like you found all the information you need. I'm using the  
same for an installer, which I use for quite a few different projects.

There are several intresting posts about this subject in the archives  
of this list. On of them can be found here You  
probably have that info already, since it is Ken's.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Buy flowers for your Valentine and get the computer game TwistAWord  
for free. Visit or

Op 13 feb 2010, om 21:12 heeft Scott Rossi het volgende geschreven:

Hi List:

Are there any pages/docs out there that deal with setting up file
associations on Win/Mac?

It's been years since I've built an app that reads/writes files and  
forgotten how to manage this stuff (my knowledge was probably out of  
anyway).  I found Ken Ray's dev page that talks about setting up  
file associations (still trying to get my head around using  
variables), and been through the mail archives trying to locate info  
Mac app signature codes, but I'm wondering if this stuff has been  

somewhere that I don't know about.

Thanks for any pointers.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: File Associations?

2010-02-13 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 There are several intresting posts about this subject in the archives
 of this list. On of them can be found here You
 probably have that info already, since it is Ken's.

Thanks Mark.  The one (?) item I'm unclear on is the script example:

on openStack
  put $0 into theAppPath
  put $1 into theDocToOpen
  answer The doc to open is:   theDocToOpen
end openStack

Wouldn't this execute only when the app is first launched?  What message is
sent to the app while the app is running?  Or am I just not understanding
the way this works?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations?

2010-02-13 Thread Mark Schonewille


That's right. You double-click a file in Windows and Windows starts  
another instance of the executable for that file. In that executable,  
you catch the relaunch message. If file $1 exists, don't return any  
value from the relaunch handler. The new instance will be terminated  
and the message is passed on to the already running instance.

Note that the message is sent to the already running instance. The  
already running instance decides whether the new instance of the  
executable is to be terminated or not.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Buy flowers for your Valentine and get the computer game TwistAWord  
for free. Visit or

Op 13 feb 2010, om 22:15 heeft Scott Rossi het volgende geschreven:

Recently, Mark Schonewille wrote:

There are several intresting posts about this subject in the archives
of this list. On of them can be found here You
probably have that info already, since it is Ken's.

Thanks Mark.  The one (?) item I'm unclear on is the script example:

on openStack
 put $0 into theAppPath
 put $1 into theDocToOpen
 answer The doc to open is:   theDocToOpen
end openStack

Wouldn't this execute only when the app is first launched?  What  
message is
sent to the app while the app is running?  Or am I just not  

the way this works?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: File Associations Auto-Open with OS X

2005-05-11 Thread Thierry Arbellot
Hi Peter,
Add the following handler to the main stack script:
on appleEvent pClass, pID, pSender
  switch pClass  pID
  case aevtodoc
request appleEvent data  -- extract the path of the file to open
-- put here the code to process the file
pass appleEvent
  end switch
end appleEvent
On 2005, May 10, , at 23:55, Peter Reid wrote:
I've got a standalone developed with Rev 2.5.1 that I want to 
associate with a particular file extension for both OS X and Windows. 
On both platforms I can specify that all files with the extension 
.xyz is to be opened by a particular program.  This works fine with 
Windows, but not with OS X (v10.3.9 by the way, in case it's 

In my preOpenStack handler I'm looking at the $0, $1 parameters and 
find that $1 is set to the name of the file I double-clicked on (.xyz) 
for Windows but is empty for OS X.  So with OS X when the user 
double-clicks a .xyz data file, it opens my standalone OK but not the 
file itself.

Is there a known solution for this for OS X so my users can simply 
double-click a file to cause it to open my standalone AND THEN the 
file they clicked on?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: File Associations Auto-Open with OS X

2005-05-11 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Thierry
Thanks very much for an excellent solution - just the job!
With best regards
Add the following handler to the main stack script:
on appleEvent pClass, pID, pSender
  switch pClass  pID
  case aevtodoc
request appleEvent data  -- extract the path of the file to open
-- put here the code to process the file
pass appleEvent
  end switch
end appleEvent
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-27 Thread Richard Gaskin
Ian Wood wrote:

On 27 Feb 2004, at 01:01, Mark Talluto wrote:

On Feb 26, 2004, at 1:08 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I'm using the same standalone building process I've used for the last 
year, only now on Panther my standalones won't recognize my custom 
document types.

Also, when I modify the core engine name within the MacOS folder and 
then edit my plist to match, in earlier versions of OS X this was how 
I got the process name to match the bundle name, only in Jaguar the 
same steps I'd used successfully before no longer work -- now the app 
simply doesn't launch.

Have any of you successfully assigned custom document types to a Rev 
standalone under Panther w/ Rev 2.1?  If so, what are you doing 
differently than you had done under Jaguar?

I sometimes have to stuff the standalone.  Then delete the original.  
Then unstuff to get it all to work again.  On really bad cases, I file 
transfer the standalone to another mac and then bring it back.  This 
always does the trick.
As I mentioned recently on the list, deleting the standalone and then 
dragging it back out of the Trash does the same.
Curious.  Is this a Finder bug?  Is it a known issue?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-27 Thread Robert Brenstein
I sometimes have to stuff the standalone.  Then delete the 
original.  Then unstuff to get it all to work again.  On really 
bad cases, I file transfer the standalone to another mac and then 
bring it back.  This always does the trick.
As I mentioned recently on the list, deleting the standalone and 
then dragging it back out of the Trash does the same.
Curious.  Is this a Finder bug?  Is it a known issue?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
It is a long-standing (as long as OS7 at least) issue, although I 
would not call it a bug as such. The problem is to trigger Finder 
into updating its desktop database for a program that is already 

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-27 Thread Peter T. Evensen
Could you edit the finder flags and turned the Inited bit off and then open 
the folder again?

At 11:18 AM 2/27/2004, you wrote:

I sometimes have to stuff the standalone.  Then delete the 
original.  Then unstuff to get it all to work again.  On really bad 
cases, I file transfer the standalone to another mac and then bring it 
back.  This always does the trick.
As I mentioned recently on the list, deleting the standalone and then 
dragging it back out of the Trash does the same.
Curious.  Is this a Finder bug?  Is it a known issue?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
It is a long-standing (as long as OS7 at least) issue, although I would 
not call it a bug as such. The problem is to trigger Finder into updating 
its desktop database for a program that is already cataloged.

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list
Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-27 Thread Robert Brenstein
Yes, that is one of the tricks for MAc Classic. Not sure whether 
still works under OSX.


Could you edit the finder flags and turned the Inited bit off and 
then open the folder again?

At 11:18 AM 2/27/2004, you wrote:

I sometimes have to stuff the standalone.  Then delete the 
original.  Then unstuff to get it all to work again.  On really 
bad cases, I file transfer the standalone to another mac and 
then bring it back.  This always does the trick.
As I mentioned recently on the list, deleting the standalone and 
then dragging it back out of the Trash does the same.
Curious.  Is this a Finder bug?  Is it a known issue?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
It is a long-standing (as long as OS7 at least) issue, although I 
would not call it a bug as such. The problem is to trigger Finder 
into updating its desktop database for a program that is already 

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list
Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-27 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Actually I have this same problem with windows xp.
I have to close a folder (or go up one level) and then reopen it to see 
the 'correct' version of my rev standalones every time I build a new 
When I update my OSX standalones they are updated once the the folder 
window is brought to the front or is already open (after a slight 

NMEH (not my experience here)



On Feb 27, 2004, at 1:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been a Apple/Mac aficionado since the Apple ][ days.  And I have
defended Apple against the Evil Windows Users in some debates that 
like a verbal Aikido sparring match.  But here we are in Panther 20 
after the first Mac, and the Finder window STILL doesn't update to 
show a
programmatically copied file unless you tickle the window by clicking 
it (or using the AppleScript update folder' command)!  Now that's just
inexcusable.  This is not a characteristic, this is a major FLAW.  It 
these kinds of characteristics that provide ammo to those who 
the MacOS for not being a serious operating system.

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: File associations in Panther

2004-02-26 Thread Ian Wood
On 27 Feb 2004, at 01:01, Mark Talluto wrote:

On Feb 26, 2004, at 1:08 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I'm using the same standalone building process I've used for the last 
year, only now on Panther my standalones won't recognize my custom 
document types.

Also, when I modify the core engine name within the MacOS folder and 
then edit my plist to match, in earlier versions of OS X this was how 
I got the process name to match the bundle name, only in Jaguar the 
same steps I'd used successfully before no longer work -- now the app 
simply doesn't launch.

Have any of you successfully assigned custom document types to a Rev 
standalone under Panther w/ Rev 2.1?  If so, what are you doing 
differently than you had done under Jaguar?
I sometimes have to stuff the standalone.  Then delete the original.  
Then unstuff to get it all to work again.  On really bad cases, I file 
transfer the standalone to another mac and then bring it back.  This 
always does the trick.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
As I mentioned recently on the list, deleting the standalone and then 
dragging it back out of the Trash does the same.


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