FW: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework

2004-09-08 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter A. Pilgrim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 September 2004 07:12
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
 I have been quietly working on my own Inversion of Control lightweight
 framework over the last couple of months.
 My itch was scratched when I suddenly realised that ``Commons 
 and ``Common Digester'' could be simply combined together into a
 bean assembly factory. An assembly factory could manage service beans
 in a lightweight container. Services could then be retrieved
 by name, and one doesn't have to worry about connecting
 different services together. Experiments showed that this idea
 was pretty cool and have implemented property and method dependency
 injection (aka ``BeanUtils'' and ``MethodUtils''). [Constructor
 injection is on the todo list. ]
 I am at the point where the current codebase is stable enough 
 for development,
 but if I want the container to be more useful, then I need to open-
 source the project. It would allow others to write Dynamic proxy
 service beans, integrate with Struts 1.2/2+, or extend with 
 AOP library,
 or whatever persistence layer EJB 3.0 decides to become. It 
 cannot be down
 by just one man writing software. As an independent 
 consultant I simply
 have not got the time to build everything.
 Moreover, I intend to follow the Struts style ``open integration''
 philosophy that should allow Bridgetown IoC container to be added
 any other framework. (I intend add support to the Expresso 
 Framework in
 the near term, since I am a core committer there)
 So my simple IoC Test Container became ``Bridgetown IoC''. I 
 uploaded the
 source code to ``Sourceforge'' and slapped on it an Apache License 2.0
 badge. The software is ALPHA quality but it compiles and run
 with Eclipse SDK 3, and there are junit test and a couple of examples.
   `` http://bridgetown.sf.net ''  is the hook.
 I'd like publicly thank the man, Craig McClanahan, for his 
 two inventions
 `BeanUtils' and `Digester'. Without those two components it 
 just wouldn't
 have happened.
 Enjoy baby bop#
 Peter Pilgrim
 __ _ _ _
/ //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
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Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
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RE: html:cancel usage

2004-09-08 Thread andy wix
Has anyone else had a problem with this?
I am using Struts 1.1 but presume it has worked in this and previous 
versions as it must come up in almost every project.
I cannot switch validation to false as my submit button does require 
I suppose I could put the cancel and submit buttons inside seperate form 
tags but this seems a little contrived.

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Re: A couple of questions

2004-09-08 Thread Lionel
Marco Tedone wrote:
 Interesting, I also build commercial apps, and try to use wizards
 possible to keep things simple for my users

 We prefer to keep things easy for us also for maintainability as we
 look at the project long life term.

Doing and maintain wizards with struts is really easy , specially for long
life projects.

 Can you see how easily one
 simple field propagates the amount of activities just because of the
 ActionForm in the middle?

ActionForm are really usefull when a lot of forms that use the same fields
(select menu or textfield or whatever).
I create an ActionFormBase which contain all dropdown menus contents and
basic validation, extend it when neeeded to add specific fields, and never
have to bother with the common fields again in the whole application.

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RE: Proper place for validation

2004-09-08 Thread Janne Mattila
Hmm, not a lot of comments on this. I guess there is a consensus on the 
matter (that, or no-one really gives a damn).

A quick followup on this; how could I achieve both
a) decoupling of my business classes from Struts
b) internationalization
if I validate in my business class?
if (alreadyExists(email)) {
  throw new MyAppException(E-mail address already exists);
achieves a) but not b), and
if (alreadyExists(email)) {
  throw new MyAppException(errors.email.duplicate);
achieves b) but not a)

From: Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:21:09 -0400

From: Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:21:09 -0400
I would avoid putting any business logic in the action
class. Place this type of logic in the business class as it
most likely is validation that is valid across all application
logic and not for just one use case.
 -Original Message-
 From: Janne Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 8:15 AM
 Subject: Proper place for validation

 I am wondering what would be the propert place for some validation code.
 Let's say I have a registration page where user inputs his/her 
 for a new user account. There's a field for e-mail address. On one level
 that information is validated on the ActionForm, for things such as

 - field is not left empty, if it is required
 - field is a valid e-mail address

 That much seems quite clear. But where should I put a check that ensures
 that same e-mail address is not already used by an existing account?

 On the other hand, I could put it in the registration action, because
 checking that is (kind of) user-input validation, and action is a 
 place to do this.

 On the other hand, I could put it in my business class. The pros for 
 would be smaller and simpler action code, and reuse if same check is 
 with different actions.

 Any suggestions? Intuitively, I think I would put that check in the 
 but I am happy to hear any arguments in favor or opposing that.

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Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks 
Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

I now have a multi-page form backed by an ActionForm and an Action that 
appears to work fine (stepping from one page to the next, accepting 
input, validating it, storing it in an object in a session) except for 
the fact that the JSP pages do not retrieve the accumulating data from 
the object stored in the session, other than the first piece of data 
entered and the last.  So I get a growing number of blank fields in the 

I have built and run a multi-step unit test with Struts Test Case that 
works fine.  The Action creates the required object, stores it in the 
session, and adds the data piece by piece as the unit test simulates 
stepping through the wizard.

This has at my wits end.
Below is the code from the Action and one of the JSP pages that fails. 
Note: Only the first four pages are currently processed by business 
logic.  The rest just return success regardless.

I can't see what I am doing wrong.  It seems like the object stored in 
the session isn't being updated properly (although the unit test 
disproves this), so perhaps its something I have messed up in the JSP, 
or don't fully understand?

Any assistance anyone can offer would be greatfully received.
package adamh;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: langdons
 * Date: 18/08/2004
 * Time: 18:44:41
 * To change this template use Options | File Templates.
public class StudentRegistrationWizardAction extends Action{
private static Log log = 

public static final String STUDENT_KEY = 

public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
log.trace(In execute of StudentRegistrationWizardAction);

if ((request.getSession().getAttribute(STUDENT_KEY)) == null) {
Student newStudent = new Student();
request.getSession().setAttribute(STUDENT_KEY, newStudent);
/* Check to see if the user cancellend the registration process */
if (isCancelled(request)) {
log.debug(Cancel Button was pushed!);
return mapping.findForward(welcome);
/* Get the form data */
StudentRegistrationWizardForm studentForm = 
(StudentRegistrationWizardForm) form;

int page = studentForm.getPage();
if (page == 1) {
return processRegReferrer(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 2) {
return processEmailAddress(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 3) {
return processPassword(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 4) {
return processNickname(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 5) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 6) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 7) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 8) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 9) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
return processRegReferrer(mapping, studentForm, request, response);

public ActionForward processRegReferrer(
ActionMapping mapping,
StudentRegistrationWizardForm studentForm,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception
log.trace(In processRegReferrer of 
String referrerId = studentForm.getReferredById();
Student student = (Student) 

if (student == null) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException(
Missing student in session scope);
} else {
if (referrerId != null) {
 * TODO: Check the databse to see if the referrer id is 
valid, if so then add the id to the student object, if not, then dump it

Database Mapping

2004-09-08 Thread Shailender Jain
Hai All,

Will it be possible in the Struts to do some mapping between the form
fields and
underlining database by writing queries in the xml file.
I want to develop a prototype with some functionality and do not want to
coding for this or minimal

I saw similar functionality with JDBC Connection Servlet Framework (jcs)
But the problem is that the support for this seems to have been removed.
If someone has got the JAR file
concerning this framework then please send it to me.

Any indication on this will be very helpful.

Shailender Jain

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Re: Database Mapping

2004-09-08 Thread James Mitchell
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking.  If you asking if Struts supports
putting sql in the configuration files, then the answer is no.  If you
wanting some automatic framework to write your sql for you, then the answer
is yes and no.  No, you can't do it with Struts config files, but yes, it
can be done and easily used by your classes with the Struts framework.

There are an infinite number of ways to connect your Struts application with
a database.  It all depends on your requirements.

Give us more detail and you might get a few recommendations..thx.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

- Original Message -
From: Shailender Jain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Anusharan Tiwari [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tapas Tiwari
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: Database Mapping

 Hai All,

 Will it be possible in the Struts to do some mapping between the form
 fields and
 underlining database by writing queries in the xml file.
 I want to develop a prototype with some functionality and do not want to
 coding for this or minimal

 I saw similar functionality with JDBC Connection Servlet Framework (jcs)
 But the problem is that the support for this seems to have been removed.
 If someone has got the JAR file
 concerning this framework then please send it to me.

 Any indication on this will be very helpful.

 Shailender Jain

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Re: tiles ForwardAction

2004-09-08 Thread Michael McGrady
is ther any way I can forward to a tile-definition?

That is the only way you can ever get to a page at all in Struts, so the

answer has to be Yes.
Wrong, you can forward to a JSP page or to a servlet (used in StrutsCX) or
to another action or to nothing at all (e.g. if you build the HttpRequest
Antonio Petrelli
You mean that you build the HttpServletRequest manually on the client as 
a hack?  Please give an example, for example.  Ciao2!

Michael McGrady
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Re: tiles ForwardAction

2004-09-08 Thread Michael McGrady
is ther any way I can forward to a tile-definition?

That is the only way you can ever get to a page at all in Struts, so the

answer has to be Yes.
Wrong, you can forward to a JSP page or to a servlet (used in StrutsCX) or
to another action or to nothing at all (e.g. if you build the HttpRequest
Antonio Petrelli
I do suspect that, when you build the HttpServletRequest manually, you 
are not doing so with Struts.  Can you please tell me how building an 
HttpServletRequest manually is doing it in Struts?  Ciao3!

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Re: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
Bill, this is for sure a disadavantage. Do you see
Actually, we're suceptible to this avantage in all
forms, but i agree with you that if i have a base form
with all atributes the chances of things getting
messed up is a log bigger.

 --- Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Are all of your getters and setters public? If so,
 (which I assume is 
 true), one disadavantage is that request parameters
 can be passed in 
 that set stuff on the form that you may not be
 expecting. For example, 
 suppose your uber form supports properties for 'foo'
 'bar' and 'baz'.
 Let's say one form sets the first two properties --
 from a GET you would 

 Now suppose some hacker comes along and does the

 Now, the property for baz has been set when you
 weren't expecting it to.
 - Bill Siggelkow
 Leandro Melo wrote:
  i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
  answered me, i trying it again with a more
  sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
  Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
  Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
  have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
  decided to this.
  I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
  some methods that i need in my application. I
  use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
  validation  ligth business logic.
  Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
  i have in my application as private members of
  Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
  This classes have validate methods for all fields
  my application. These classes can access the
  they need for each method because all my action
  extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
  and WebReset classes can call the setters and
  of an y action form to validate with the light
  business logic i need.
  I got with this approach a centralized way and
  component responsible for the validation. All my
  action forms delegate the validate and reset
  to the classes i mentioned.
  I'd like to briefly describe some nice
  benefits of this approach.
  - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
  problem that i posted on question 1:N
 relationships -
  ActionForm x DTOs.
  - With this approach i got no coupling between my
  ActionForm and DTOs.
  - With this approach i have a centralized validate
  unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
  validating the same field, what may causes some
  duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
  of validation and resetting suits this problem
  - With this approach i can perform light business
  validation that must be done in java code. So, for
  or more situation i could access some util classes
  that do some validation for me.
  - With this approach i have very small action
  that basically has a validate and reset methods
  just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
  - With this approach i also have a central unit of
  fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
  them, i don't need to go through all the action
  that have these fields. 
  This approach will only work correctly if you
  have fields with the same name in your
  Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces
  to use a nice use of software engineering forcing
  to give significant names for the fiels.
  Well, i'd appreciate comments (bad or nice ones)

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Re: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
Bill, wait a minute, i just thought on something.
I wouldn't matter if a hacker set a attributes in my
BaseActionFomr, if i don't use it to build my DTOs. I
mount my DTOs case specific, so i'd just ignore the
hacker set attribute.
But if this hacker set attribute is in my DTO, i agree
that i could get problems. But if this attribute is
present in the DTO it means that even if i was using
the traditional way this attribute would present in
the traditional ActionForm and, consequently, would be
suceptible to the same problem.
Got the point???

 --- Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Are all of your getters and setters public? If so,
 (which I assume is 
 true), one disadavantage is that request parameters
 can be passed in 
 that set stuff on the form that you may not be
 expecting. For example, 
 suppose your uber form supports properties for 'foo'
 'bar' and 'baz'.
 Let's say one form sets the first two properties --
 from a GET you would 

 Now suppose some hacker comes along and does the

 Now, the property for baz has been set when you
 weren't expecting it to.
 - Bill Siggelkow
 Leandro Melo wrote:
  i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
  answered me, i trying it again with a more
  sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
  Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
  Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
  have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
  decided to this.
  I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
  some methods that i need in my application. I
  use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
  validation  ligth business logic.
  Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
  i have in my application as private members of
  Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
  This classes have validate methods for all fields
  my application. These classes can access the
  they need for each method because all my action
  extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
  and WebReset classes can call the setters and
  of an y action form to validate with the light
  business logic i need.
  I got with this approach a centralized way and
  component responsible for the validation. All my
  action forms delegate the validate and reset
  to the classes i mentioned.
  I'd like to briefly describe some nice
  benefits of this approach.
  - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
  problem that i posted on question 1:N
 relationships -
  ActionForm x DTOs.
  - With this approach i got no coupling between my
  ActionForm and DTOs.
  - With this approach i have a centralized validate
  unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
  validating the same field, what may causes some
  duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
  of validation and resetting suits this problem
  - With this approach i can perform light business
  validation that must be done in java code. So, for
  or more situation i could access some util classes
  that do some validation for me.
  - With this approach i have very small action
  that basically has a validate and reset methods
  just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
  - With this approach i also have a central unit of
  fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
  them, i don't need to go through all the action
  that have these fields. 
  This approach will only work correctly if you
  have fields with the same name in your
  Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces
  to use a nice use of software engineering forcing
  to give significant names for the fiels.
  Well, i'd appreciate comments (bad or nice ones)

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 conexão de qualidade! 

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Adding Tags Dynamically

2004-09-08 Thread Hadeel Rashad

Can I add struts tags dynamically after loading the page, using
javascript probably???

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SV: Adding Tags Dynamically

2004-09-08 Thread hermod . opstvedt
Simple answer :  no - Struts tags are converted to HTML tags during

-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Hadeel Rashad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 9. september 2004 01:10
Til: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Emne: Adding Tags Dynamically

Can I add struts tags dynamically after loading the page, using
javascript probably???

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Re: Adding Tags Dynamically

2004-09-08 Thread Nicolas De Loof

- JSP tags are translated into java code during JSP compilation BEFORE any request 
- Javascript is executed by browser AFTER reponse has been built by server.

Tags must be 'statically' set in JSP

What do you ant to do ?


 Can I add struts tags dynamically after loading the page, using
 javascript probably???
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RE: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework

2004-09-08 Thread Robert Taylor
Peter, this sounds interesting, but what would Bridgetown offer
over a more mature IoC container like Spring?


 -Original Message-
 From: Pilgrim, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:52 AM
 To: Struts User Apache (E-mail)
 Subject: FW: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
  -Original Message-
  From: Peter A. Pilgrim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 08 September 2004 07:12
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
  I have been quietly working on my own Inversion of Control lightweight
  framework over the last couple of months.
  My itch was scratched when I suddenly realised that ``Commons 
  and ``Common Digester'' could be simply combined together into a
  bean assembly factory. An assembly factory could manage service beans
  in a lightweight container. Services could then be retrieved
  by name, and one doesn't have to worry about connecting
  different services together. Experiments showed that this idea
  was pretty cool and have implemented property and method dependency
  injection (aka ``BeanUtils'' and ``MethodUtils''). [Constructor
  injection is on the todo list. ]
  I am at the point where the current codebase is stable enough 
  for development,
  but if I want the container to be more useful, then I need to open-
  source the project. It would allow others to write Dynamic proxy
  service beans, integrate with Struts 1.2/2+, or extend with 
  AOP library,
  or whatever persistence layer EJB 3.0 decides to become. It 
  cannot be down
  by just one man writing software. As an independent 
  consultant I simply
  have not got the time to build everything.
  Moreover, I intend to follow the Struts style ``open integration''
  philosophy that should allow Bridgetown IoC container to be added
  any other framework. (I intend add support to the Expresso 
  Framework in
  the near term, since I am a core committer there)
  So my simple IoC Test Container became ``Bridgetown IoC''. I 
  uploaded the
  source code to ``Sourceforge'' and slapped on it an Apache License 2.0
  badge. The software is ALPHA quality but it compiles and run
  with Eclipse SDK 3, and there are junit test and a couple of examples.
  `` http://bridgetown.sf.net ''  is the hook.
  I'd like publicly thank the man, Craig McClanahan, for his 
  two inventions
  `BeanUtils' and `Digester'. Without those two components it 
  just wouldn't
  have happened.
  Enjoy baby bop#
  Peter Pilgrim
  __ _ _ _
 / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
/ /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
   / // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
__/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
   /___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
  On Line Resume  http://jroller.com/page/peter_pilgrim
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 Peter Pilgrim
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[OT] RE: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework

2004-09-08 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
This is off topic to the Struts list.

Also not forgetting Avalon, PicoContainer, etc from my POV. Admittedly
these mature containers have been around for sometime.

Here are my motivations:

1) To scratch the itch. Build a tiny container/kernel that
I could experiment with in Expresso / Struts. The idea is make
an assembler that can be merged into another toolkit.
(My goal is to make Bridgetown a first class citizen in Expresso, but
I am still scratching my head about this issue.)
2) I wanted to implement ``method injection''.
3) Build a pizza base, that I could extend later with a 
dynamic proxy generation / interceptors.  
Maybe directly support or use the Commons Chain (this is still
very fuzzy in my mind.)
4) Eventually make services beans and service oriented 
architecture first class citizen of a ioc framework.
5) Fun: I wanted to experiment with Jakarta technologies.
6) Learning: I wanted to build something small and wonderful and 
it will be always free and open source.

I enabled the sf.net mailing lists, so if you want to discuss
further I suggest we take this thread over there.

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 September 2004 14:10
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
 Peter, this sounds interesting, but what would Bridgetown offer
 over a more mature IoC container like Spring?
  -Original Message-
  From: Pilgrim, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:52 AM
  To: Struts User Apache (E-mail)
  Subject: FW: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
   -Original Message-
   From: Peter A. Pilgrim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 08 September 2004 07:12
   To: Struts Developers List
   Subject: [ANN] Bridgetown IoC Framework
   I have been quietly working on my own Inversion of 
 Control lightweight
   framework over the last couple of months.
   My itch was scratched when I suddenly realised that ``Commons 
   and ``Common Digester'' could be simply combined together into a
   bean assembly factory. An assembly factory could manage 
 service beans
   in a lightweight container. Services could then be retrieved
   by name, and one doesn't have to worry about connecting
   different services together. Experiments showed that this idea
   was pretty cool and have implemented property and method 
   injection (aka ``BeanUtils'' and ``MethodUtils''). [Constructor
   injection is on the todo list. ]
   I am at the point where the current codebase is stable enough 
   for development,
   but if I want the container to be more useful, then I 
 need to open-
   source the project. It would allow others to write Dynamic proxy
   service beans, integrate with Struts 1.2/2+, or extend with 
   AOP library,
   or whatever persistence layer EJB 3.0 decides to become. It 
   cannot be down
   by just one man writing software. As an independent 
   consultant I simply
   have not got the time to build everything.
   Moreover, I intend to follow the Struts style ``open integration''
   philosophy that should allow Bridgetown IoC container to be added
   any other framework. (I intend add support to the Expresso 
   Framework in
   the near term, since I am a core committer there)
   So my simple IoC Test Container became ``Bridgetown IoC''. I 
   uploaded the
   source code to ``Sourceforge'' and slapped on it an 
 Apache License 2.0
   badge. The software is ALPHA quality but it compiles and run
   with Eclipse SDK 3, and there are junit test and a couple 
 of examples.
 `` http://bridgetown.sf.net ''  is the hook.
   I'd like publicly thank the man, Craig McClanahan, for his 
   two inventions
   `BeanUtils' and `Digester'. Without those two components it 
   just wouldn't
   have happened.
   Enjoy baby bop#
   Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
   On Line Resumehttp://jroller.com/page/peter_pilgrim
   \\===  `` 
http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/no-it-striker.html ''
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 [ Not subscribed to the users list at home ;-( ]
 Peter Pilgrim
 Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
 10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
 Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

Re: How to resolve label in ActionMessage?

2004-09-08 Thread Hubert Rabago
You might be able to.  Action.getResources() is actually implemented as 

return ((MessageResources) request.getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY));

So try that to get the message resources, then call getMessage() on that.

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 09:59:03 -0400, White, Joshua A (HTSC, CASD)
 Are you unable to do this from an ActionForms validate method?
 -Original Message-
 From: Hubert Rabago [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:50 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: How to resolve label in ActionMessage?
 The first parameter of the ActionMessage constructor is the message
 key.  The rest (which are optional), are the actual parameters to the
 message.  If your parameter is itself in need of evaluation, you'll
 need to do that yourself before you pass that on to ActionMessage.
 For that, you can call
 getResources(request).getMessage(activity.description) in your
 action.  There are also getMessage() methods that take in a locale and
 On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 09:43:00 -0400, White, Joshua A (HTSC, CASD)
  Hello all,
  The following piece of code appears in my validate method of an
  How can I make work correctly?
  errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
  where activity.description is a key in my messages.properties file, just
  like errors.required.  I would like to have activity.description
  resolved to its value.
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ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils to
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific DTOs.
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing a
problem, not a big one.

I've allways been confused about working with dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a date in
the following format.

Date: dd/mm/  

That's how we use dates in Brazil: the day, month and

I'd like to make a validation if the user input the
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input comes
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways of
doing this date validation (even the deprecated ones),
how should a do the date validation Which one is
the best way??? I just want to check if the user input
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2 digits,
a slash and a year with 4 digits.

Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my DTO 
for this date??? 


Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade! 

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Re: Validating single fields in multi-page forms

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Well, if I recall from your original post you only wanted to validate 
the fields on the current page only. Validator provides support for a 
page attribute that you can use for wizard-style forms. Validator will 
use that attribute to validate form fields on the current page and any 
previous pages. The reason it does the previous page is primarily for 
security since you cannot guarantee that form properties were set from 
the intended page.

- Bill Siggelkow
Langdon Stevenson wrote:
Hi Bill
Thanks for your suggestion.  I have switched to ValidatorActionForm for 
my validation and now get the desired result (validation of only the 
fields that appear on the specific page).  So problem solved!

I am curious though about your interpretation of wizard style.  The 
form is indeed wizard like, would you do things differently because of 

Bill Siggelkow wrote:
If I understand you correctly, you are using a form for multiple-pages 
but not in a wizard fashion. The best way to do this is to use 
path-mapping for validator -- in this case your form extends
ValidatorActionForm (or DynaValidatorActionForm) and you specify the 
path to the action for the form name in the validation.xml ...

form name=/Foo/Bar
  ... for this action, only these fields will be validated...
Bill Siggelkow
Langdon Stevenson wrote:
I have a multi-page form (about 8 pages total) that take just a few 
fields per page that I am implementing in Struts (this is my first 
Struts project).

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Re: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
True -- some people use bulk property setters like those provided by 
BeanUtils to move data from the ActionForm to the DTO -- I think that is 
primarily where you would need to be careful. Personally, I am not fond 
of the use of an uber form; it doesn't seem very object-oriented; 
however, I can see advantages for small applications.

- Bill Siggelkow
Leandro Melo wrote:
Bill, wait a minute, i just thought on something.
I wouldn't matter if a hacker set a attributes in my
BaseActionFomr, if i don't use it to build my DTOs. I
mount my DTOs case specific, so i'd just ignore the
hacker set attribute.
But if this hacker set attribute is in my DTO, i agree
that i could get problems. But if this attribute is
present in the DTO it means that even if i was using
the traditional way this attribute would present in
the traditional ActionForm and, consequently, would be
suceptible to the same problem.
Got the point???
 --- Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Are all of your getters and setters public? If so,
(which I assume is 
true), one disadavantage is that request parameters
can be passed in 
that set stuff on the form that you may not be
expecting. For example, 
suppose your uber form supports properties for 'foo'
'bar' and 'baz'.

Let's say one form sets the first two properties --
from a GET you would 

Now suppose some hacker comes along and does the

Now, the property for baz has been set when you
weren't expecting it to.
- Bill Siggelkow
Leandro Melo wrote:

i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
answered me, i trying it again with a more
sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to

Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
decided to this.
I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
some methods that i need in my application. I
use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
validation  ligth business logic.
Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
i have in my application as private members of
Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
This classes have validate methods for all fields
my application. These classes can access the
they need for each method because all my action
extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
and WebReset classes can call the setters and
of an y action form to validate with the light
business logic i need.
I got with this approach a centralized way and
component responsible for the validation. All my
action forms delegate the validate and reset
to the classes i mentioned.
I'd like to briefly describe some nice
benefits of this approach.
- With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
problem that i posted on question 1:N
relationships -
ActionForm x DTOs.
- With this approach i got no coupling between my
ActionForm and DTOs.
- With this approach i have a centralized validate
unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
validating the same field, what may causes some
duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
of validation and resetting suits this problem
- With this approach i can perform light business
validation that must be done in java code. So, for
or more situation i could access some util classes
that do some validation for me.
- With this approach i have very small action
that basically has a validate and reset methods
just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
- With this approach i also have a central unit of
fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
them, i don't need to go through all the action
that have these fields. 

This approach will only work correctly if you
have fields with the same name in your
Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces
to use a nice use of software engineering forcing
to give significant names for the fiels.
Well, i'd appreciate comments (bad or nice ones)

Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com
conexão de qualidade! 


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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your 
struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

- Bill Siggelkow
Langdon Stevenson wrote:
Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks 
Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

I now have a multi-page form backed by an ActionForm and an Action that 
appears to work fine (stepping from one page to the next, accepting 
input, validating it, storing it in an object in a session) except for 
the fact that the JSP pages do not retrieve the accumulating data from 
the object stored in the session, other than the first piece of data 
entered and the last.  So I get a growing number of blank fields in the 

I have built and run a multi-step unit test with Struts Test Case that 
works fine.  The Action creates the required object, stores it in the 
session, and adds the data piece by piece as the unit test simulates 
stepping through the wizard.

This has at my wits end.
Below is the code from the Action and one of the JSP pages that fails. 
Note: Only the first four pages are currently processed by business 
logic.  The rest just return success regardless.

I can't see what I am doing wrong.  It seems like the object stored in 
the session isn't being updated properly (although the unit test 
disproves this), so perhaps its something I have messed up in the JSP, 
or don't fully understand?

Any assistance anyone can offer would be greatfully received.
package adamh;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: langdons
 * Date: 18/08/2004
 * Time: 18:44:41
 * To change this template use Options | File Templates.
public class StudentRegistrationWizardAction extends Action{
private static Log log = 

public static final String STUDENT_KEY = 

public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
log.trace(In execute of StudentRegistrationWizardAction);

if ((request.getSession().getAttribute(STUDENT_KEY)) == null) {
Student newStudent = new Student();
request.getSession().setAttribute(STUDENT_KEY, newStudent);
/* Check to see if the user cancellend the registration process */
if (isCancelled(request)) {
log.debug(Cancel Button was pushed!);
return mapping.findForward(welcome);
/* Get the form data */
StudentRegistrationWizardForm studentForm = 
(StudentRegistrationWizardForm) form;

int page = studentForm.getPage();
if (page == 1) {
return processRegReferrer(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 2) {
return processEmailAddress(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 3) {
return processPassword(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 4) {
return processNickname(mapping, studentForm, request, 
} else if (page == 5) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 6) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 7) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 8) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
} else if (page == 9) {
return mapping.findForward(success);
return processRegReferrer(mapping, studentForm, request, response);

public ActionForward processRegReferrer(
ActionMapping mapping,
StudentRegistrationWizardForm studentForm,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception
log.trace(In processRegReferrer of 
String referrerId = studentForm.getReferredById();
Student student = (Student) 

if (student == null) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException(
Missing student in session scope);
} else {
if (referrerId != null) {
 * TODO: 

500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

2004-09-08 Thread Viral_Thakkar
Hi All,


I am trying to call a method on ejb through business delegate which in
turn is called by struts action class.


I have created a project in Jdeveloper and this is working fine.


When I created an ear file using ant script and deployed this in oc4j903
then I got following error


500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError


Any inputs...








Re: 500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

2004-09-08 Thread James Mitchell
I have your solution:

Find out which method is being called and do not call that method, it does
not exist.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

- Original Message -
From: Viral_Thakkar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: 500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Hi All,

I am trying to call a method on ejb through business delegate which in
turn is called by struts action class.

I have created a project in Jdeveloper and this is working fine.

When I created an ear file using ant script and deployed this in oc4j903
then I got following error

500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Any inputs...




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RE: 500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

2004-09-08 Thread Viral_Thakkar
Method exists both in BD and EJB still this error is coming... 
 Below is the stack trace..

500 Internal Server Error
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for
at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for
at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for
at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for
at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 8:43 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: 500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I have your solution:

Find out which method is being called and do not call that method, it
not exist.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

- Original Message -
From: Viral_Thakkar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: 500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Hi All,

I am trying to call a method on ejb through business delegate which in
turn is called by struts action class.

I have created a project in Jdeveloper and this is working fine.

When I created an ear file using ant script and deployed this in oc4j903
then I got following error

500 Internal Server Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

Any inputs...




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Re: Struts XDoclet examples

2004-09-08 Thread David Durham
That's good information; I read it with vigor...  As you can tell, I'm 
excited by the prospects of using XDoclet instead of insert proprietary 
tool here.

And, I think I get the gist of Struts related support provided in 
XDoclet, but I have a couple of questions.  1 -- How good is the 
DynaValidatorForm support?  I saw the announcement: 
http://www.systemmobile.com/code/xdoclet-dynaform-README.txt.  That 
looks well and good, but there appear to be some discrepancies:

Class Level Tags:
name- The name of the form bean in the config. [required]
type- The type of DynaForm. [required]
description - Descriptive string. [optional]
className   - The config class. [optional]
validate- If set, the validator code will generate a form definition
 for this dynaform.  [optional]
Method Level Tags:
name  - The name of the form field.  If not specified, the property name
   of the method is used. [optional]

What method?  I thought this was a dynaform?
type  - The type of field.  If not specified, the return type of the
   getter is used. [optional]

Again, we're talking about dynaforms...
I'm going to put these XDoclet tags in an Action, I presume.  Is there support for 
I'm just starting to dig into this tool.  I may end up adding some code of my own to 
these projects, just so I don't sound like a whiner.

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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:48 PM
 To: struts jakarta
 Subject: ActionForm with all application attributes
 i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
 answered me, i trying it again with a more
 sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
 Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
 Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
 have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
 decided to this.
 I already have a MyBaseActionForm which incorporates
 some methods that i need in my application. I don't
 use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
 validation  ligth business logic.
 Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
 i have in my application as private members of this
 Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
 This classes have validate methods for all fields in
 my application. These classes can access the fields
 they need for each method because all my action
 extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this WebValidation
 and WebReset classes can call the setters and
 of an y action form to validate with the light
 business logic i need.
 I got with this approach a centralized way and
 component responsible for the validation. All my
 action forms delegate the validate and reset methods
 to the classes i mentioned.
 I'd like to briefly describe some nice
 benefits of this approach.
 - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
 problem that i posted on question 1:N relationships -
 ActionForm x DTOs.

Didn't see this post, but yes there could be 1 to many between ActinForm and DTO's, 
and this is not a problem.  ActionForms directly represent what is on the screen, 
while DTO's represent your data.  You have a 1-to-many relationship between screens 
and tables.

 - With this approach i got no coupling between my
 ActionForm and DTOs.

What do you mean by coupling?  You still have to transfer data to and from the DTO.

 - With this approach i have a centralized validate
 unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action form
 validating the same field, what may causes some
 duplication and a harder maintenance. A central unit
 of validation and resetting suits this problem very

The strtus validate stuff is centralized, and easier to configure.  Doing it all in 
one class, means that at some point your going to have logic to handle special 
cases The more of these you have hte more complex the logic... Complex logic is 
directly related to the stability of your code.
In addition I don't have to code the validations myself.  Just specify what I want 
validated and I'm done.  You could do the same thing, however you still have to glue 
it all together.

 - With this approach i can perform light business
 validation that must be done in java code. So, for one
 or more situation i could access some util classes
 that do some validation for me.

You can do this with custom validation classes and still achieve centralizations.  
Depending on what you mean by light business validation.  I like consistency in where 
things are.  Business rules in business layer, and validation in the view tier.  A 
newcomer to the app would have to guess (yeah, sure they'll ask, maybe) where the code 
is supposed to go.

 - With this approach i have very small action forms
 that basically has a validate and reset methods that
 just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset

With the standard struts approach I have even smaller action classes no validate 
or reset methods.

 - With this approach i also have a central unit of
 fields and their types, so if it's necessary to chance
 them, i don't need to go through all the action forms
 that have these fields. 

You can do this with a base action form.

 This approach will only work correctly if you don't
 have fields with the same name in your application.
 Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces you
 to use a nice use of software engineering forcing you
 to give significant names for the fiels.

Not entirely true.  I have several fields that get validated differently based on 
where they come from, or where the data is going (some customers will accept a phone 
number that is 10-30 numbers, -() and '.', others want a US phone number).  Right now, 
I use a different form bean for each, and use a common base class for everything.  The 
different child class allows for different completely different validations, which is 
what I need.  Doing it your way would make this customization much harder, since I 
would have to sublcass the validation class too.
With struts 1.2, I can use inheritance and make this even easier then the copy and 
paste I use now.

 Well, i'd appreciate comments (bad or nice ones) on

RE: Proper place for validation

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Janne Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:49 AM
 Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
 Hmm, not a lot of comments on this. I guess there is a 
 consensus on the 
 matter (that, or no-one really gives a damn).
 A quick followup on this; how could I achieve both
 a) decoupling of my business classes from Struts
 b) internationalization
 if I validate in my business class?
 if (alreadyExists(email)) {
throw new MyAppException(E-mail address already exists);
 achieves a) but not b), and
 if (alreadyExists(email)) {
throw new MyAppException(errors.email.duplicate);

Simple, you throw EmailAlreadyExists( email), and catch that, or use the exception 
handling ability of struts to give an appropriate error message to the user.  For 
system level stuff (ie DB is missing etc) you inlcude a cause, but don't necessarily 
show it to the user.

 achieves b) but not a)
 From: Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
 Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:21:09 -0400
 From: Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
 Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:21:09 -0400
 I would avoid putting any business logic in the action
 class. Place this type of logic in the business class as it
 most likely is validation that is valid across all application
 logic and not for just one use case.
   -Original Message-
   From: Janne Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 8:15 AM
   Subject: Proper place for validation
   I am wondering what would be the propert place for some 
 validation code.
   Let's say I have a registration page where user inputs his/her 
   for a new user account. There's a field for e-mail 
 address. On one level
   that information is validated on the ActionForm, for 
 things such as
   - field is not left empty, if it is required
   - field is a valid e-mail address
   That much seems quite clear. But where should I put a 
 check that ensures
   that same e-mail address is not already used by an 
 existing account?
   On the other hand, I could put it in the registration 
 action, because
   checking that is (kind of) user-input validation, and action is a 
   place to do this.
   On the other hand, I could put it in my business class. 
 The pros for 
   would be smaller and simpler action code, and reuse if 
 same check is 
   with different actions.
   Any suggestions? Intuitively, I think I would put that 
 check in the 
   but I am happy to hear any arguments in favor or opposing that.
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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 5:40 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: ActionForm with all application attributes
 Bill, wait a minute, i just thought on something.
 I wouldn't matter if a hacker set a attributes in my
 BaseActionFomr, if i don't use it to build my DTOs. I
 mount my DTOs case specific, so i'd just ignore the
 hacker set attribute.
 But if this hacker set attribute is in my DTO, i agree
 that i could get problems. But if this attribute is
 present in the DTO it means that even if i was using
 the traditional way this attribute would present in
 the traditional ActionForm and, consequently, would be
 suceptible to the same problem.
 Got the point???

Why give them any hooks you don't have to?
  Sure today you're not using the field, what about tomorrow?  If the field isn't 
there in the form, then struts won't copy the attacking value into it, and you won't 
have to worry about it at all.

  --- Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Are all of your getters and setters public? If so,
  (which I assume is 
  true), one disadavantage is that request parameters
  can be passed in 
  that set stuff on the form that you may not be
  expecting. For example, 
  suppose your uber form supports properties for 'foo'
  'bar' and 'baz'.
  Let's say one form sets the first two properties --
  from a GET you would 
  Now suppose some hacker comes along and does the
  Now, the property for baz has been set when you
  weren't expecting it to.
  - Bill Siggelkow
  Leandro Melo wrote:
   i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
   answered me, i trying it again with a more
   sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
   Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
   Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
   have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
   decided to this.

   I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
   some methods that i need in my application. I
   use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
   validation  ligth business logic.
   Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
   i have in my application as private members of
   Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
   This classes have validate methods for all fields
   my application. These classes can access the
   they need for each method because all my action
   extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
   and WebReset classes can call the setters and
   of an y action form to validate with the light
   business logic i need.
   I got with this approach a centralized way and
   component responsible for the validation. All my
   action forms delegate the validate and reset
   to the classes i mentioned.
   I'd like to briefly describe some nice
   benefits of this approach.
   - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
   problem that i posted on question 1:N
  relationships -
   ActionForm x DTOs.
   - With this approach i got no coupling between my
   ActionForm and DTOs.
   - With this approach i have a centralized validate
   unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
   validating the same field, what may causes some
   duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
   of validation and resetting suits this problem
   - With this approach i can perform light business
   validation that must be done in java code. So, for
   or more situation i could access some util classes
   that do some validation for me.
   - With this approach i have very small action
   that basically has a validate and reset methods
   just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
   - With this approach i also have a central unit of
   fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
   them, i don't need to go through all the action
   that have these fields. 
   This approach will only work correctly if you
   have fields with the same name in your
   Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces
   to use a nice use of software engineering forcing
   to give significant names for the fiels.
   Well, i'd appreciate comments (bad or nice ones)
   Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com
  conexão de qualidade! 
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Re: Struts XDoclet examples

2004-09-08 Thread David Durham
I should probably post this stuff on XDoclet's list ...
David Durham wrote:
That's good information; I read it with vigor...  As you can tell, I'm 
excited by the prospects of using XDoclet instead of insert proprietary 
tool here.

And, I think I get the gist of Struts related support provided in 
XDoclet, but I have a couple of questions.  1 -- How good is the 
DynaValidatorForm support?  I saw the announcement: 
http://www.systemmobile.com/code/xdoclet-dynaform-README.txt.  That 
looks well and good, but there appear to be some discrepancies:

Class Level Tags:
name- The name of the form bean in the config. [required]
type- The type of DynaForm. [required]
description - Descriptive string. [optional]
className   - The config class. [optional]
validate- If set, the validator code will generate a form definition
 for this dynaform.  [optional]
Method Level Tags:
name  - The name of the form field.  If not specified, the property name
   of the method is used. [optional]

What method?  I thought this was a dynaform?
type  - The type of field.  If not specified, the return type of the
   getter is used. [optional]

Again, we're talking about dynaforms...
I'm going to put these XDoclet tags in an Action, I presume.  Is there support for 
I'm just starting to dig into this tool.  I may end up adding some code of my own to 
these projects, just so I don't sound like a whiner.

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RE: Proper place for validation

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Hubert Rabago [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 6:39 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Proper place for validation
 Maybe there weren't a lot of comments because people agreed 
 with Robert.  :)
 For your followup, the reason you get one of (a) and (b) is because
 you're thinking that the error message should come from the business
 tier.  I like to think that it shouldn't.  

In fact, not only shouldn't it just come from the business tier, it can't.  What 
happens if your DBA accidently fat fingers your DB (drop table or db, deletes a 
column, marks it read only)?  or your SQL?  What happens if your cleaning 
lady/cow-orker/boss kicks the network cable out of the DB?  Or the network cable goes 
bad?  Where do these kinds of things get handled?[1]
Which is why I like chained exceptions.  The DAO layer has an issue, that's a specific 
message that the business layer wraps up in an exception that get tossed up to 
presentation, where the struts exception handler decides what to dispaly, and how to 
dispaly it.

Error messages are a
 presentation tier responsibility.  In the business tier, the exception
 should be able to communicate with other objects what the error was. 
 The way I do this is with specific exception types or with error
 codes.  If the exception is caught by another business tier object, it
 can check the error code to see what exactly happened.  If it bubbles
 up all the way to the presentation tier, it can do the same, and then
 select an i18n error message to show, or other take other action as

I agree... handle the right exception at the right time, but never ignore.

[1] Yes these have all happened in production with highly competent people.

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RE: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Desai, Sunny
BeanUtils.copyProperties() method does not work with date fields.

One needs to copy it manually using DateFormatter ot something. To avoid
garbage getting into date variable in domain object, one should name it
other way.

For example, if domain object has : Date paymentDate; you should rename the
variable for this date in form as datePayment so that it does not get copied
to domain object. 

-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils to
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific DTOs.
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing a
problem, not a big one.
I've allways been confused about working with dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a date in
the following format.
Date: dd/mm/  
That's how we use dates in Brazil: the day, month and
I'd like to make a validation if the user input the
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input comes
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways of
doing this date validation (even the deprecated ones),
how should a do the date validation Which one is
the best way??? I just want to check if the user input
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2 digits,
a slash and a year with 4 digits.
Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my DTO 
for this date??? 

Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade! 

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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bryce Fischer
You can register a different converter that BeanUtils uses to copy from 
a string to a date. Write your own converter, using the date format you 
need, then use ConvertUtils.register(...) to register it.

That's what I do anyhow.
-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates
i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils to
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific DTOs.
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing a
problem, not a big one.
I've allways been confused about working with dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a date in
the following format.
Date: dd/mm/  
That's how we use dates in Brazil: the day, month and
I'd like to make a validation if the user input the
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input comes
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways of
doing this date validation (even the deprecated ones),
how should a do the date validation Which one is
the best way??? I just want to check if the user input
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2 digits,
a slash and a year with 4 digits.
Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my DTO 
for this date??? 

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Re: Proper place for validation

2004-09-08 Thread Michael McGrady
Jim Barrows wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Janne Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:49 AM
Subject: RE: Proper place for validation
Hmm, not a lot of comments on this. I guess there is a 
consensus on the 
matter (that, or no-one really gives a damn).

A lot of these sort of questions are, I think, badly framed.  They are 
asked as if there is some definitive thing that is always right.  The 
important thing, I think, is to get the principles and to use them to 
good effect depending on your needs.  There are too many knee jerk 
decisions based on principles not really understood.  I think, for 
example, that exceptions should be handled as soon as possible /as a 
rule/ but not always.  I don't understand questions like how do I 
decouple X from Y?.  Does that mean: (1) How do I decouple? or (2) 
How should I decouple in this case?.  When the question are badly 
framed, they lead to meandering and I tend to disengage myself from 
the discussion because it is too time consuming to follow.  This is what 
I think happened in this case.

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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
Jim, all the code i`m talking about is inside a Base
Action Form. It seems the you`re thinking that my code
is inside a action, aren`t you?? Maybe a
misundertanding, maybe mine, maybe yours.

So, i agree with some of your comments, but not on all
of thems. In fact, i`m gonna to take a look about this
customized classes to use with validator.


 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
  -Original Message-
  From: Leandro Melo
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:48 PM
  To: struts jakarta
  Subject: ActionForm with all application
  i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
  answered me, i trying it again with a more
  sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
  Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
  Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
  have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
  decided to this.
  I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
  some methods that i need in my application. I
  use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
  validation  ligth business logic.
  Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
  i have in my application as private members of
  Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
  This classes have validate methods for all fields
  my application. These classes can access the
  they need for each method because all my action
  extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
  and WebReset classes can call the setters and
  of an y action form to validate with the light
  business logic i need.
  I got with this approach a centralized way and
  component responsible for the validation. All my
  action forms delegate the validate and reset
  to the classes i mentioned.
  I'd like to briefly describe some nice
  benefits of this approach.
  - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
  problem that i posted on question 1:N
 relationships -
  ActionForm x DTOs.
 Didn't see this post, but yes there could be 1 to
 many between ActinForm and DTO's, and this is not a
 problem.  ActionForms directly represent what is on
 the screen, while DTO's represent your data.  You
 have a 1-to-many relationship between screens and
  - With this approach i got no coupling between my
  ActionForm and DTOs.
 What do you mean by coupling?  You still have to
 transfer data to and from the DTO.
  - With this approach i have a centralized validate
  unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
  validating the same field, what may causes some
  duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
  of validation and resetting suits this problem
 The strtus validate stuff is centralized, and easier
 to configure.  Doing it all in one class, means that
 at some point your going to have logic to handle
 special cases The more of these you have hte
 more complex the logic... Complex logic is directly
 related to the stability of your code.
 In addition I don't have to code the validations
 myself.  Just specify what I want validated and I'm
 done.  You could do the same thing, however you
 still have to glue it all together.
  - With this approach i can perform light business
  validation that must be done in java code. So, for
  or more situation i could access some util classes
  that do some validation for me.
 You can do this with custom validation classes and
 still achieve centralizations.  Depending on what
 you mean by light business validation.  I like
 consistency in where things are.  Business rules in
 business layer, and validation in the view tier.  A
 newcomer to the app would have to guess (yeah, sure
 they'll ask, maybe) where the code is supposed to
  - With this approach i have very small action
  that basically has a validate and reset methods
  just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
 With the standard struts approach I have even
 smaller action classes no validate or reset
  - With this approach i also have a central unit of
  fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
  them, i don't need to go through all the action
  that have these fields. 
 You can do this with a base action form.
  This approach will only work correctly if you
  have fields with the same name in your
  Naturally, this is not a drawback because forces
  to use a nice use of software engineering forcing
  to give significant names for the fiels.
 Not entirely true.  I have several fields that get
 validated differently based on where they come from,
 or where the data is going (some customers will
 accept a phone number that is 10-30 numbers, -() and
 '.', others want a US phone number).  Right now, I
 use a different form bean for each, and use a common

Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Jason King
Could you point us at some code that does this?  Do you customize in the 
action, the form or the DTO?
Bryce Fischer wrote:

You can register a different converter that BeanUtils uses to copy 
from a string to a date. Write your own converter, using the date 
format you need, then use ConvertUtils.register(...) to register it.

That's what I do anyhow.
-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates
i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils to
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific DTOs.
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing a
problem, not a big one.
I've allways been confused about working with dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a date in
the following format.
Date: dd/mm/  That's how we use dates in Brazil: the day, month and
I'd like to make a validation if the user input the
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input comes
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways of
doing this date validation (even the deprecated ones),
how should a do the date validation Which one is
the best way??? I just want to check if the user input
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2 digits,
a slash and a year with 4 digits.
Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my DTO for this 
date??? Thanks,

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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
I also would like to see this converter code and how
to use it!!!

 --- Jason King [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
 Could you point us at some code that does this?  Do
 you customize in the 
 action, the form or the DTO?
 Bryce Fischer wrote:
  You can register a different converter that
 BeanUtils uses to copy 
  from a string to a date. Write your own converter,
 using the date 
  format you need, then use
 ConvertUtils.register(...) to register it.
  That's what I do anyhow.
  -Original Message-
  From: Leandro Melo
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
  To: struts jakarta
  Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils -
 using Dates
  i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils
  copy the data from ActionForms to the specific
  I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing
  problem, not a big one.
  I've allways been confused about working with
 dates in
  Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a
 date in
  the following format.
  Date: dd/mm/  That's how we use dates in
 Brazil: the day, month and
  I'd like to make a validation if the user input
  date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
  using traditional validation and the user input
  in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways
  doing this date validation (even the deprecated
  how should a do the date validation Which one
  the best way??? I just want to check if the user
  a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2
  a slash and a year with 4 digits.
  Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data
 to my
  DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my
 DTO for this 
  date??? Thanks,

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Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade! 

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[OT] How to sort with c:forEach?

2004-09-08 Thread Craig Dickson

Is there an easy way to have the JSTL forEach tag sort the collection of
items before looping through them? Currently I have a scriptlet doing it
before the loop tag, but this is pretty ugly.


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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Kind of being picky here, but I wouldn't switch the property name like 
that -- instead; since the form field would be a String I would use

String getPaymentDateString() {...} in the ActionForm and
Date getPaymentDate() {...} in the domain object.
Desai, Sunny wrote:
BeanUtils.copyProperties() method does not work with date fields.
One needs to copy it manually using DateFormatter ot something. To avoid
garbage getting into date variable in domain object, one should name it
other way.
For example, if domain object has : Date paymentDate; you should rename the
variable for this date in form as datePayment so that it does not get copied
to domain object. 

-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates
i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils to
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific DTOs.
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing a
problem, not a big one.
I've allways been confused about working with dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a date in
the following format.
Date: dd/mm/  
That's how we use dates in Brazil: the day, month and
I'd like to make a validation if the user input the
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input comes
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways of
doing this date validation (even the deprecated ones),
how should a do the date validation Which one is
the best way??? I just want to check if the user input
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2 digits,
a slash and a year with 4 digits.
Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my DTO 
for this date??? 
Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade! 

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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:48 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application attributes
 Jim, all the code i`m talking about is inside a Base
 Action Form. It seems the you`re thinking that my code
 is inside a action, aren`t you?? Maybe a
 misundertanding, maybe mine, maybe yours.

No, I understood you to have it in a Base Action.

 So, i agree with some of your comments, but not on all
 of thems. In fact, i`m gonna to take a look about this
 customized classes to use with validator.

Another trick, is to use the same AcitonForm class, but call it different things.  
Since validator will work by name, and not by class you can customize based on that 
alone.  You can also validate a form by action mapping, rather then by form name.

  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
   -Original Message-
   From: Leandro Melo
   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:48 PM
   To: struts jakarta
   Subject: ActionForm with all application
   i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
   answered me, i trying it again with a more
   sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
   Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd like to
   Keeping in mind that more than one action form may
   have to validate and/or reset the same fields, i
   decided to this.

   I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
   some methods that i need in my application. I
   use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes for
   validation  ligth business logic.
   Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
   i have in my application as private members of
   Then i created classes WebValidation and WebReset.
   This classes have validate methods for all fields
   my application. These classes can access the
   they need for each method because all my action
   extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
   and WebReset classes can call the setters and
   of an y action form to validate with the light
   business logic i need.
   I got with this approach a centralized way and
   component responsible for the validation. All my
   action forms delegate the validate and reset
   to the classes i mentioned.
   I'd like to briefly describe some nice
   benefits of this approach.
   - With this approach i definetly solve my earlier
   problem that i posted on question 1:N
  relationships -
   ActionForm x DTOs.
  Didn't see this post, but yes there could be 1 to
  many between ActinForm and DTO's, and this is not a
  problem.  ActionForms directly represent what is on
  the screen, while DTO's represent your data.  You
  have a 1-to-many relationship between screens and
   - With this approach i got no coupling between my
   ActionForm and DTOs.
  What do you mean by coupling?  You still have to
  transfer data to and from the DTO.
   - With this approach i have a centralized validate
   unit. It's very usual to have more than 1 action
   validating the same field, what may causes some
   duplication and a harder maintenance. A central
   of validation and resetting suits this problem
  The strtus validate stuff is centralized, and easier
  to configure.  Doing it all in one class, means that
  at some point your going to have logic to handle
  special cases The more of these you have hte
  more complex the logic... Complex logic is directly
  related to the stability of your code.
  In addition I don't have to code the validations
  myself.  Just specify what I want validated and I'm
  done.  You could do the same thing, however you
  still have to glue it all together.
   - With this approach i can perform light business
   validation that must be done in java code. So, for
   or more situation i could access some util classes
   that do some validation for me.
  You can do this with custom validation classes and
  still achieve centralizations.  Depending on what
  you mean by light business validation.  I like
  consistency in where things are.  Business rules in
  business layer, and validation in the view tier.  A
  newcomer to the app would have to guess (yeah, sure
  they'll ask, maybe) where the code is supposed to
   - With this approach i have very small action
   that basically has a validate and reset methods
   just delegate to the WebValidation and WebReset
  With the standard struts approach I have even
  smaller action classes no validate or reset
   - With this approach i also have a central unit of
   fields and their types, so if it's necessary to
   them, i don't need to go through all the action

Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Leandro Melo wrote:
I also would like to see this converter code and how
to use it!!!
 --- Jason King [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 

Could you point us at some code that does this?  Do
you customize in the 
action, the form or the DTO?
Bryce Fischer wrote:

You can register a different converter that
BeanUtils uses to copy 

from a string to a date. Write your own converter,
using the date 

format you need, then use
ConvertUtils.register(...) to register it.
That's what I do anyhow.

-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:21 AM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils -
using Dates
i believe that a lot of developers use BeanUtils
copy the data from ActionForms to the specific
I've used this approach, but right now i'm facing
problem, not a big one.
I've allways been confused about working with
dates in
Java. I got a jsp where the user must input a
date in
the following format.
Date: dd/mm/  That's how we use dates in
Brazil: the day, month and
I'd like to make a validation if the user input
date in the correct manner in the ActionForm (i'm
using traditional validation and the user input
in a String). So, keeping in mind the variou ways
doing this date validation (even the deprecated
how should a do the date validation Which one
the best way??? I just want to check if the user
a day with 2 digits,  a slash, a month with 2
a slash and a year with 4 digits.
Also, after that i'd like to copy this form data
to my
DTO with BeanUtils. Which type should i use in my
DTO for this 

date??? Thanks,

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RE: [OT] How to sort with c:forEach?

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig Dickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:51 AM
 To: Struts List
 Subject: [OT] How to sort with c:forEach?
 Is there an easy way to have the JSTL forEach tag sort the 
 collection of
 items before looping through them? Currently I have a 
 scriptlet doing it
 before the loop tag, but this is pretty ugly.

If you use some of the jakarta commons collection stuff you could call a setter and 
have the collection auto-sort.  I'm assuming your talking about allowing dynamic 
resort of a table by column, as opposed to not doing it coming out of the database.

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strange random problem

2004-09-08 Thread calandraca
Since I have rewrited an important part of my application using struts
I've had this problem several times. It didn't happen in development
environment, with only one or two users using the application at the
same time. It happends in production with 20 or 30 users.

* Development environment: Debian GNU/Linux, Jonas 4.1.2 application
server with Tomcat 5.0.25, J2SE 1.4.2, Struts 1.1, MS SQL Server (on
different Win2000 machine)

* Production environment: Win2000 SP4, Jonas 4.1.2 application server
with Tomcat 5.0.25, J2SE 1.4.2, Struts 1.1, MS SQL Server.

 All forms are request scoped (I think I don't need session, probably
I'm saving memory). Every of them have implemented the reset method
setting variables to their initial values, this is made in
constructors too.

* This is a bit more complex so I'll try to simplify the explanation
with a generic example:

 1. I have one object wich instances can be edited and updated by
users, saving its instance values to a database. I have two actions:
EditObjectAction and UpdateObjectAction, each of them with their forms
(EditObjectForm and UpdateObjectForm).

2. EditObjectForm has only one String attribute that contains the
primary key (id) of the object we want to edit, submitted from a jsp

3. EditObjectAction gets the primary key from the form, instances the
object and call the necesary methods on it in order to load the rest
of object data from database. Then the action put the object in the
request using request.setAttribute(objectName, object) method and
makes a forward (using mapping.findForward(...)) to the page data.jsp.

4. Into the data.jsp page I render the view using struts-html,
struts-html-el and c (JSTL) taglibs, extracting the necessary
information from the request object using JSTL expressions like:
c:out value=${objectName.attribute}/. The html:form/ tag has
this content:
  a) Primary key: html-el:hidden property=id value=${objectName.id} /
  b) Rest of object data using html_el:text/ and other useful
tags like loops etc.

5. When the user change and submits the data, UpdateObjectForm is
created and filled by struts, content validated, and passed to
UpdateObjectAction. The action takes the id from the form and
instances the object again from database, it updates object values
from the form in memory and database, puts the object into request and
forward to data.jsp again.

6. Data.jsp is rendered from the request object again with the new
submitted data.

Note that the object is NEVER stored into the session. Forms are
request scoped. The only information I keep into session is the logged
user. I don't use application scope.

The problem is that sometimes (about 10% more or less), once the
object is updated, the next view shows data from another different
object instance that is currently being managed by other user. The
forward or the render fails. I thought about a possible coding or
design error, but is it not impossible to access data from other
session? moreover the object is stored into request. Am I using struts
in a correct way? Could it be a taglibs or struts bug or configuration
error? What do you think about trying struts 1.2.2 or using linux in
production? I think probably is much more easy but I don't see it.

Thank you in advance

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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bryce Fischer
The custom converter is done independently of the action, form or DTO.
First step is to implement the interface 

Keep in mind that the converter you are writing uses the appropriate 
converter for the original class. So, if you were converting from a 
String to a Date, you would create a String converter. And vice versa, 
if you were converting from a Date to a String you would create a Date 
converter. Example below

Then, to override the standard converters, you call:
ConvertUtils.register(Your converter class, class to use converter 

First parameter is your new converter, and the second is the class its 
used for. I call this in a static initializer of a utility class, you 
just need to make sure its called before any validations occur, and it 
only needs to be done once.

Since we are interested in customizing conversions from String to Date, 
I override the String converter:

public class StringConverter implements Converter{
  public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
 Object returnObj = null;
 if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof Date){
   returnObj = dateFormatter.format((Date)value);
} else if (value instanceof BigDecimal){
   returnObj = decimalFormatter.format((BigDecimal)value);
} else {
   returnObj = value.toString();

 return returnObj;

I've left out some properties, their getters and setters, but I think 
you get the gist of what I'm doing. Now, I register this converter as such:

ConvertUtils.register(new StringConverter(), String.class);
I actually have a utility class, where the register is done in the 
static initializer. I suppose another way would be to use a servlet that 
loads prior to Struts.. Or if your Actions have a base class, etc...

Maybe there's a more elegant way of doing that. This is what I've come 
up with. If someone has a better way, post please, I'm always looking 
for more elegant ways of accomplishing stuff like this.

Jason King wrote:
Could you point us at some code that does this?  Do you customize in 
the action, the form or the DTO? 

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RE: strange random problem

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: calandraca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:04 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: strange random problem
 Since I have rewrited an important part of my application using struts
 I've had this problem several times. It didn't happen in development
 environment, with only one or two users using the application at the
 same time. It happends in production with 20 or 30 users.


 The problem is that sometimes (about 10% more or less), once the
 object is updated, the next view shows data from another different
 object instance that is currently being managed by other user. The
 forward or the render fails. I thought about a possible coding or
 design error, but is it not impossible to access data from other
 session? moreover the object is stored into request. Am I using struts
 in a correct way? Could it be a taglibs or struts bug or configuration
 error? What do you think about trying struts 1.2.2 or using linux in
 production? I think probably is much more easy but I don't see it.

you have a multithreading issue, probably between your action class and the DAO 
classes.  I'm guessing that you're reading of other peoples data is occuring when two 
users are using the app at the exact same time, doing the exact same thing (with 
different data).  That should be easy to re-create.  This could be caused by:
1) You are using the same DAO class for all sessions.  Bad programmer, no caffeine.
2) You are using the same business object class for all sessions. Bad programmer, no 
3) Someting the DAO classes use is the same between sessions, that you are using to 
transfer data.  Bad Programmer, no caffeine.

I've found,  that most of the above is done to avoid a perceived performance hit.  It 
is never a good idea to code for performance before the codeing is done, ESPECIALLY on 
the web.  You usually end up creating a bottleneck, or end up in a multi-threading 

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RE: strange random problem

2004-09-08 Thread David G. Friedman
How are you doing the database interactions with your MS SQL Server? JDBC
with some ODBC connectivity kit or some other way?


-Original Message-
From: calandraca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:04 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: strange random problem

Since I have rewrited an important part of my application using struts
I've had this problem several times. It didn't happen in development
environment, with only one or two users using the application at the
same time. It happends in production with 20 or 30 users.

* Development environment: Debian GNU/Linux, Jonas 4.1.2 application
server with Tomcat 5.0.25, J2SE 1.4.2, Struts 1.1, MS SQL Server (on
different Win2000 machine)

* Production environment: Win2000 SP4, Jonas 4.1.2 application server
with Tomcat 5.0.25, J2SE 1.4.2, Struts 1.1, MS SQL Server.

 All forms are request scoped (I think I don't need session, probably
I'm saving memory). Every of them have implemented the reset method
setting variables to their initial values, this is made in
constructors too.

* This is a bit more complex so I'll try to simplify the explanation
with a generic example:

 1. I have one object wich instances can be edited and updated by
users, saving its instance values to a database. I have two actions:
EditObjectAction and UpdateObjectAction, each of them with their forms
(EditObjectForm and UpdateObjectForm).

2. EditObjectForm has only one String attribute that contains the
primary key (id) of the object we want to edit, submitted from a jsp

3. EditObjectAction gets the primary key from the form, instances the
object and call the necesary methods on it in order to load the rest
of object data from database. Then the action put the object in the
request using request.setAttribute(objectName, object) method and
makes a forward (using mapping.findForward(...)) to the page data.jsp.

4. Into the data.jsp page I render the view using struts-html,
struts-html-el and c (JSTL) taglibs, extracting the necessary
information from the request object using JSTL expressions like:
c:out value=${objectName.attribute}/. The html:form/ tag has
this content:

  a) Primary key: html-el:hidden property=id value=${objectName.id}
  b) Rest of object data using html_el:text/ and other useful
tags like loops etc.

5. When the user change and submits the data, UpdateObjectForm is
created and filled by struts, content validated, and passed to
UpdateObjectAction. The action takes the id from the form and
instances the object again from database, it updates object values
from the form in memory and database, puts the object into request and
forward to data.jsp again.

6. Data.jsp is rendered from the request object again with the new
submitted data.

Note that the object is NEVER stored into the session. Forms are
request scoped. The only information I keep into session is the logged
user. I don't use application scope.

The problem is that sometimes (about 10% more or less), once the
object is updated, the next view shows data from another different
object instance that is currently being managed by other user. The
forward or the render fails. I thought about a possible coding or
design error, but is it not impossible to access data from other
session? moreover the object is stored into request. Am I using struts
in a correct way? Could it be a taglibs or struts bug or configuration
error? What do you think about trying struts 1.2.2 or using linux in
production? I think probably is much more easy but I don't see it.

Thank you in advance

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Re: [OT] How to sort with c:forEach?

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Do it in the business layer that fetches the collection -- or in the 
database -- or store the data in a sorted collection (like SortedTreeMap 
or some similar animal).

Craig Dickson wrote:
Is there an easy way to have the JSTL forEach tag sort the collection of
items before looping through them? Currently I have a scriptlet doing it
before the loop tag, but this is pretty ugly.

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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
  -Original Message-
  From: Leandro Melo
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:48 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application
  Jim, all the code i`m talking about is inside a
  Action Form. It seems the you`re thinking that my
  is inside a action, aren`t you?? Maybe a
  misundertanding, maybe mine, maybe yours.
 No, I understood you to have it in a Base Action.
  So, i agree with some of your comments, but not on
  of thems. In fact, i`m gonna to take a look about
  customized classes to use with validator.
 Another trick, is to use the same AcitonForm class,
 but call it different things.  Since validator will
 work by name, and not by class you can customize
 based on that alone.  You can also validate a form
 by action mapping, rather then by form name.

Would you mind showing an example on how to do that?

   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:48 PM
To: struts jakarta
Subject: ActionForm with all application

i sent this question yesterday, but as nowbody
answered me, i trying it again with a more
sifinificant title (sorry for the re-post).
Also, if i'm doing something terrible, i'd
 like to

Keeping in mind that more than one action form
have to validate and/or reset the same fields,
decided to this.
I already have a MyBaseActionForm which
some methods that i need in my application. I
use Validator, as i prefer to use java classes
validation  ligth business logic.

Now, i decided to add ALL fileds (setters and
i have in my application as private members of

Then i created classes WebValidation and
This classes have validate methods for all
my application. These classes can access the
they need for each method because all my
extend the MyBaseActionForm, thus this
and WebReset classes can call the setters and
of an y action form to validate with the light
business logic i need.

I got with this approach a centralized way and
component responsible for the validation.
 All my
action forms delegate the validate and reset
to the classes i mentioned.

I'd like to briefly describe some nice
benefits of this approach.

- With this approach i definetly solve my
problem that i posted on question 1:N
   relationships -
ActionForm x DTOs.
   Didn't see this post, but yes there could be 1
   many between ActinForm and DTO's, and this is
 not a
   problem.  ActionForms directly represent what is
   the screen, while DTO's represent your data. 
   have a 1-to-many relationship between screens

- With this approach i got no coupling between
ActionForm and DTOs.
   What do you mean by coupling?  You still have to
   transfer data to and from the DTO.

- With this approach i have a centralized
unit. It's very usual to have more than 1
validating the same field, what may causes
duplication and a harder maintenance. A
of validation and resetting suits this problem
   The strtus validate stuff is centralized, and
   to configure.  Doing it all in one class, means
   at some point your going to have logic to handle
   special cases The more of these you have hte
   more complex the logic... Complex logic is
   related to the stability of your code.
   In addition I don't have to code the validations
   myself.  Just specify what I want validated and
   done.  You could do the same thing, however you
   still have to glue it all together.

- With this approach i can perform light
validation that must be done in java code. So,
or more situation i could access some util
that do some validation for me.
   You can do this with custom validation classes
   still achieve centralizations.  Depending on
   you mean by light business validation.  I like
   consistency in where things are.  Business rules
   business layer, and validation in the view tier.
   newcomer to the app would have to guess (yeah,
   they'll ask, maybe) where the code is supposed

- With this approach i have very small action
that basically has a validate and reset
just delegate to the WebValidation and

RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to Do Global Forward)

2004-09-08 Thread Caroline Jen
Thanks for your reply and help.

if I have 
html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link

In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
mapping like this:

What if I do a global forward:

html:link forward=/RegisterRegister/html:link

what kind of mapping should I specify in the
struts-config.xml file?

--- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your reply and help.
 if I have 
 html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
 In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
 mapping like this:
 What if I do a global forward:
 html:link forward=/RegisterRegister/html:link
 what kind of mapping should I specify in the
 struts-config.xml file?
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 2:25 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
  JSP (Now, the
   Hyperlink Is Not Working)
   Now, I do not even get the hyperlink working.
   In my JSP 1, which is home.jsp, I have this
   (something is wrong with it):
  html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
  However, upon further reflction...
  If what you really want is
  a href=/Register.doRegister/a 
  generated, then you could do it with an action
  forward too.  Which is what you tried to do above,
  you just need a global forward call /Register, or
  rather Register.
  The difference between the two?  Not much in terms
  of basic functionality.  Lots in terms of re=use.
  I tend to like the start of my use cases as global
  action forwards, that way I can change how to get
  into them action wise.
   In my struts.config.xml file, I have this action
   where the .frame.Enrollment is a piece tile.
   I got the following message in the browser: 
   [ServletException in:/frame/content/home.jsp]
   create rewrite URL:
   Cannot retrieve ActionForward named /Register'
   What is wrong with my code?
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:03 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
 What is the answer?
 Do you mean
 where .frame.Enrollment is the tile that
 JSP 2.

 action path=/saveSubscription
name=yourForm scope=request


 action path=/saveSubscription
name=yourForm scope=request

The name, scope and input of course being

 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Hubert Rabago
   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:52
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Action Mapping From a JSP
   I think Jim meant to say


  I did say that :) The fingers on the other
  hand.. :)
   On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 12:49:49 -0700, Jim


 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
  12:46 PM
 Subject: Action Mapping From a JSP

 I have two JSPs: JSP 1 and JSP 2

 JSP 1 has a hyperlink (register). 
  click on
 the 'register' hyperlink, the users
  suppose to
 have JSP 2 displayed in the browser.
  to say,
 there is no action to be performed
  to JSP

 How do I specify the action mapping
=== message truncated ===

RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:25 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application attributes
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
   -Original Message-
   From: Leandro Melo
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:48 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application
   Jim, all the code i`m talking about is inside a
   Action Form. It seems the you`re thinking that my
   is inside a action, aren`t you?? Maybe a
   misundertanding, maybe mine, maybe yours.
  No, I understood you to have it in a Base Action.
   So, i agree with some of your comments, but not on
   of thems. In fact, i`m gonna to take a look about
   customized classes to use with validator.
  Another trick, is to use the same AcitonForm class,
  but call it different things.  Since validator will
  work by name, and not by class you can customize
  based on that alone.  You can also validate a form
  by action mapping, rather then by form name.
 Would you mind showing an example on how to do that?

As opposed to ValidatorForm.  
The following is from memory, but should be close.
Assuming the following struts-config.xml
blah blah
form-bean name=ChangeAddressForm 
blah blah
action path=/changeAddress 

forward name=success path=changeAddress/forward


Normaly, your validation.xml would look like:
form name=ChangeAddressForm
blah blah.

Using the path mapping you would have the following in your validation.xml:
blah blah
form name=/changeAddress
blah blah.

AND, don't forget inherit from ValidatorActionForm, as oppposed to ValidatorForm.

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RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to Do Global Forward)

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:34 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to 
 Do Global
 Thanks for your reply and help.
 if I have 
 html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
 In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
 mapping like this:
 What if I do a global forward:
 html:link forward=/RegisterRegister/html:link
 what kind of mapping should I specify in the
 struts-config.xml file?

!-- Default forward to Welcome action --
!-- Demonstrates using index.jsp to forward --
forward name=Register 


 --- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for your reply and help.
  if I have 
  html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
  In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
  mapping like this:
  What if I do a global forward:
  html:link forward=/RegisterRegister/html:link
  what kind of mapping should I specify in the
  struts-config.xml file?
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 2:25 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
   JSP (Now, the
Hyperlink Is Not Working)

Now, I do not even get the hyperlink working.

In my JSP 1, which is home.jsp, I have this
(something is wrong with it):

   html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
   However, upon further reflction...
   If what you really want is
   a href=/Register.doRegister/a 
   generated, then you could do it with an action
   forward too.  Which is what you tried to do above,
   you just need a global forward call /Register, or
   rather Register.
   The difference between the two?  Not much in terms
   of basic functionality.  Lots in terms of re=use.
   I tend to like the start of my use cases as global
   action forwards, that way I can change how to get
   into them action wise.

In my struts.config.xml file, I have this action


where the .frame.Enrollment is a piece tile.

I got the following message in the browser: 
[ServletException in:/frame/content/home.jsp]
create rewrite URL:
Cannot retrieve ActionForward named /Register'

What is wrong with my code?
--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:03 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
  What is the answer?
  Do you mean

  where .frame.Enrollment is the tile that
  JSP 2.
  action path=/saveSubscription
 name=yourForm scope=request
  action path=/saveSubscription
 name=yourForm scope=request
 The name, scope and input of course being
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Hubert Rabago
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:52
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Action Mapping From a JSP

I think Jim meant to say


   I did say that :) The fingers on the other
   hand.. :)

On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 12:49:49 -0700, Jim
  -Original Message-

RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to Do Global Forward)

2004-09-08 Thread Caroline Jen
Thanks a lot for being around and helping us.

--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:34 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another
 JSP (How to 
  Do Global
  Thanks for your reply and help.
  if I have 
  html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
  In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
  mapping like this:
  What if I do a global forward:
  what kind of mapping should I specify in the
  struts-config.xml file?
   !-- Default forward to Welcome action --
   !-- Demonstrates using index.jsp to forward --
   forward name=Register 

  --- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks for your reply and help.
   if I have 
   In my struts.config.xml file, I should have
   mapping like this:


   What if I do a global forward:
   what kind of mapping should I specify in the
   struts-config.xml file?
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 2:25 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
JSP (Now, the
 Hyperlink Is Not Working)
 Now, I do not even get the hyperlink
 In my JSP 1, which is home.jsp, I have this
 (something is wrong with it):


However, upon further reflction...
If what you really want is
a href=/Register.doRegister/a 
generated, then you could do it with an action
forward too.  Which is what you tried to do
you just need a global forward call /Register,
rather Register.

The difference between the two?  Not much in
of basic functionality.  Lots in terms of
I tend to like the start of my use cases as
action forwards, that way I can change how to
into them action wise.

 In my struts.config.xml file, I have this

 where the .frame.Enrollment is a piece tile.
 I got the following message in the browser: 
 create rewrite URL:
 Cannot retrieve ActionForward named
 What is wrong with my code?
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen
   Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:03
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP
   What is the answer?
   Do you mean

   where .frame.Enrollment is the tile that
   JSP 2.
   action path=/saveSubscription
  name=yourForm scope=request
   action path=/saveSubscription
  name=yourForm scope=request
  The name, scope and input of course being
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: Hubert Rabago
=== message truncated ===

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RE: ActionForm with all application attributes

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
Thanks, i`ll take a look at that in the next days!!

 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
  -Original Message-
  From: Leandro Melo
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:25 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
-Original Message-
From: Leandro Melo
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: ActionForm with all application

Jim, all the code i`m talking about is inside
Action Form. It seems the you`re thinking that
is inside a action, aren`t you?? Maybe a
misundertanding, maybe mine, maybe yours.
   No, I understood you to have it in a Base

So, i agree with some of your comments, but
 not on
of thems. In fact, i`m gonna to take a look
customized classes to use with validator.
   Another trick, is to use the same AcitonForm
   but call it different things.  Since validator
   work by name, and not by class you can customize
   based on that alone.  You can also validate a
   by action mapping, rather then by form name.
  Would you mind showing an example on how to do

 As opposed to ValidatorForm.  
 The following is from memory, but should be close.
 Assuming the following struts-config.xml
 blah blah
 form-bean name=ChangeAddressForm

 blah blah
 action path=/changeAddress 
   forward name=success
 Normaly, your validation.xml would look like:
 form name=ChangeAddressForm
 blah blah.
 Using the path mapping you would have the following
 in your validation.xml:
 blah blah
 form name=/changeAddress
 blah blah.
 AND, don't forget inherit from ValidatorActionForm,
 as oppposed to ValidatorForm.

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RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to Do Global Forward)

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:56 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (How to 
 Do Global
 Thanks a lot for being around and helping us.

You're welcome.. and thank you for helping me, not only directly but by asking 
questions and making me dig through code and documentation to find the answers.  I 
learn a lot by answering questions.

 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:34 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another
  JSP (How to 
   Do Global
   Thanks for your reply and help.
   if I have 
   html:link action=/RegisterRegister/html:link
   In my struts.config.xml file, I should have action
   mapping like this:


   What if I do a global forward:
   what kind of mapping should I specify in the
   struts-config.xml file?
  !-- Default forward to Welcome action --
  !-- Demonstrates using index.jsp to forward --
  forward name=Register 
   --- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks for your reply and help.

if I have 

In my struts.config.xml file, I should have
mapping like this:

What if I do a global forward:


what kind of mapping should I specify in the
struts-config.xml file?

--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 2:25 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
 JSP (Now, the
  Hyperlink Is Not Working)
  Now, I do not even get the hyperlink
  In my JSP 1, which is home.jsp, I have this
  (something is wrong with it):
 However, upon further reflction...
 If what you really want is
 a href=/Register.doRegister/a 
 generated, then you could do it with an action
 forward too.  Which is what you tried to do
 you just need a global forward call /Register,
 rather Register.
 The difference between the two?  Not much in
 of basic functionality.  Lots in terms of
 I tend to like the start of my use cases as
 action forwards, that way I can change how to
 into them action wise.
  In my struts.config.xml file, I have this

  where the .frame.Enrollment is a piece tile.
  I got the following message in the browser: 
  create rewrite URL:
  Cannot retrieve ActionForward named
  What is wrong with my code?
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:03
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP

What is the answer?

Do you mean


where .frame.Enrollment is the tile that
JSP 2.
action path=/saveSubscription
   name=yourForm scope=request
action path=/saveSubscription
   name=yourForm scope=request

RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble Again!!!)

2004-09-08 Thread Caroline Jen
OKay, I see what you mean now.  I am a kind of dumb.

Before I clicked on the link, it shows:

a href=/DHSInfo/do/ContentMgmtManage the

in the browser.

DHSInfo is the name of my application in the
$TOMCAT/webapps directory.
--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:18 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another
 JSP (In Trouble
  The html:link  is not generating anything.  
  None of my tiles or content is displayed.  I only
  error message HTTP Status 400. blah, blah. 
  View Source does not show anything but the html
  of the error message.
 Even before you click on the link?
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:09 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
   JSP (In Trouble

I do not fully understand.  Do you want me to
code a href   instead of 

html:link action=/ContentMgmtManage the

in my links.jsp file?
   No, I want to know what the html your html:link
--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:45
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
 JSP (In Trouble
  I have tried both 
  action=/ContentMgmt   and
  They do not make any difference.  Error
   message is
  same.  And it is HTTP Status 400.
  Nothing gets displayed in the browser but
  message.  I tried right-click View
  my code appears in the View Source.
 No, but the html:link will get translated
 to a
 href, that's what I was asking about.  What
 generated?  I'm thinking that something is
 with the link.  The error message, and the
 code would indicate that the browser is
 something wrong.  Which leaves to
 possibilies 1)
 link is a bit wonky 2) Your using IE and
 decided to no longer funciton correctly.
 Leaving my opinions of MS aside... it's
 link.  If I could see it I might be able to
 out what's going on with it.  I don't really
 it's a config error, because your conifg
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP
   JSP (In Trouble

Hi, I am in trouble again.  

I am using tiles.  I have three piece
upperbar, sidelinks, and lowerbar. 
are displayed with contents shown in
(toward right hand side) of the web

Now, I click on one of the links
'sidelinks' tile and I got this error


Http Status 400
Invalid path /ContentMgmt was

description The request sent by the
syntactically incorrect (Invalid path
   The path concerns me a little, if you
   pasted it.  It should be
   that would generate a 404, not a 400.


The link that I clicked on in the
coded this way:

   Okay, what does the html look like?

=== message truncated ===

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RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble Again!!!)

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:28 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble
 OKay, I see what you mean now.  I am a kind of dumb.

No you're not... I confuse myself from time to time.

 Before I clicked on the link, it shows:
 a href=/DHSInfo/do/ContentMgmtManage the

When the jsp page gets executed, it's mapping the action /do and not *.do.  I'm 
wondering if any of your links are working.

Try typing in the browser /DHSInfo/do/ContentMgmt and /DHSInfo/ContentMgmt.do and see 
which works.
I'm wondering if something is tweaked wrong in web.xml.

 in the browser.
 DHSInfo is the name of my application in the
 $TOMCAT/webapps directory.
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:18 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another
  JSP (In Trouble
   The html:link  is not generating anything.  
   None of my tiles or content is displayed.  I only
   error message HTTP Status 400. blah, blah. 
   View Source does not show anything but the html
   of the error message.
  Even before you click on the link?
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:09 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
JSP (In Trouble
 I do not fully understand.  Do you want me to
 code a href   instead of 
 html:link action=/ContentMgmtManage the
 in my links.jsp file?

No, I want to know what the html your html:link

 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:45
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
  JSP (In Trouble
   I have tried both 
   action=/ContentMgmt   and
   They do not make any difference.  Error
message is
   same.  And it is HTTP Status 400.
   Nothing gets displayed in the browser but
   message.  I tried right-click View
   my code appears in the View Source.
  No, but the html:link will get translated
  to a
  href, that's what I was asking about.  What
  generated?  I'm thinking that something is
  with the link.  The error message, and the
  code would indicate that the browser is
  something wrong.  Which leaves to
  possibilies 1)
  link is a bit wonky 2) Your using IE and
  decided to no longer funciton correctly.
  Leaving my opinions of MS aside... it's
  link.  If I could see it I might be able to
  out what's going on with it.  I don't really
  it's a config error, because your conifg
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP
JSP (In Trouble
 Hi, I am in trouble again.  
 I am using tiles.  I have three piece
 upperbar, sidelinks, and lowerbar. 
 are displayed with contents shown in
 (toward right hand side) of the web
 Now, I click on one of the links
 'sidelinks' tile and I got this error

 Http Status 400
 Invalid path /ContentMgmt was
 description The request sent by the
 syntactically incorrect (Invalid path

The path concerns me a little, if you
pasted it.  It should be
that would generate a 404, not a 400.



RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble Again!!!)

2004-09-08 Thread Caroline Jen

 Sorry for bothering so much.  My code, mapping,
path, ., etc. are correct.  Problem is with the
Tomcat server.

--- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OKay, I see what you mean now.  I am a kind of dumb.
 Before I clicked on the link, it shows:
 a href=/DHSInfo/do/ContentMgmtManage the
 in the browser.
 DHSInfo is the name of my application in the
 $TOMCAT/webapps directory.
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:18 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
  JSP (In Trouble
   The html:link  is not generating anything. 
   None of my tiles or content is displayed.  I
   error message HTTP Status 400. blah, blah. 
   View Source does not show anything but the
   of the error message.
  Even before you click on the link?
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:09 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
JSP (In Trouble
 I do not fully understand.  Do you want me
 code a href   instead of 
 html:link action=/ContentMgmtManage the
 in my links.jsp file?

No, I want to know what the html your

 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Caroline Jen
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP
  JSP (In Trouble
   I have tried both 
   action=/ContentMgmt   and
   They do not make any difference.  Error
message is
   same.  And it is HTTP Status 400.
   Nothing gets displayed in the browser
   message.  I tried right-click View
   my code appears in the View Source.
  No, but the html:link will get translated
  to a
  href, that's what I was asking about. 
  generated?  I'm thinking that something is
  with the link.  The error message, and the
  code would indicate that the browser is
  something wrong.  Which leaves to
  possibilies 1)
  link is a bit wonky 2) Your using IE and
  decided to no longer funciton correctly.
  Leaving my opinions of MS aside... it's
  link.  If I could see it I might be able
  out what's going on with it.  I don't
  it's a config error, because your conifg
   --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a
JSP (In Trouble
 Hi, I am in trouble again.  
 I am using tiles.  I have three
 upperbar, sidelinks, and lowerbar. 
 are displayed with contents shown in
 (toward right hand side) of the web
 Now, I click on one of the links
 'sidelinks' tile and I got this

 Http Status 400
 Invalid path /ContentMgmt was
 description The request sent by the
 syntactically incorrect (Invalid
=== message truncated ===

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Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
If you know what I am saying then we're both in trouble. Primarily,  I 
am just being weird. Comes from a combination too much overexposurer to 
the wild life when I was younger and too much exposure to the family 
life now that I am older -- in other words, stick a fork in me -- I'm 
done :)

Brain spouts sludge
Mouth obeys brain
White coats come.
Jim Barrows wrote:

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Siggelkow
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: is strut a good choice in my case.
Well, make sure you use more than one Strut -- you will want to scale 
the number of Struts to the number of users.  For each 
request, you will 
have one Strut. Does this make sense? ;)

No, and I think I know what you're saying :)

Vitalii wrote:

I have a question about struts. I know Strut is good
framework for designing a large website. It has a lot
of classes that help to design well scaled websites.
What about performance? Does it slow the processing of
request. if speed is the main issue is it good idea to
use strut?if website needs to handle about 200,000
request per hour would you advice to use strut?

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RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble Again!!!)

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:51 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to Another JSP (In Trouble
  Sorry for bothering so much.  My code, mapping,
 path, ., etc. are correct.  Problem is with the
 Tomcat server.

Okay... if that's where you traced it to.

 --- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OKay, I see what you mean now.  I am a kind of dumb.
  Before I clicked on the link, it shows:
  a href=/DHSInfo/do/ContentMgmtManage the
  in the browser.
  DHSInfo is the name of my application in the
  $TOMCAT/webapps directory.
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:18 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
   JSP (In Trouble

The html:link  is not generating anything. 

None of my tiles or content is displayed.  I
error message HTTP Status 400. blah, blah. 
View Source does not show anything but the
of the error message.
   Even before you click on the link?
--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:09 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP to
 JSP (In Trouble
  I do not fully understand.  Do you want me
  code a href   instead of 
  html:link action=/ContentMgmtManage the
  in my links.jsp file?
 No, I want to know what the html your
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a JSP
   JSP (In Trouble

I have tried both 

action=/ContentMgmt   and

They do not make any difference.  Error
 message is
same.  And it is HTTP Status 400.

Nothing gets displayed in the browser
message.  I tried right-click View
my code appears in the View Source.
   No, but the html:link will get translated
   to a
   href, that's what I was asking about. 
   generated?  I'm thinking that something is
   with the link.  The error message, and the
   code would indicate that the browser is
   something wrong.  Which leaves to
   possibilies 1)
   link is a bit wonky 2) Your using IE and
   decided to no longer funciton correctly.
   Leaving my opinions of MS aside... it's
   link.  If I could see it I might be able
   out what's going on with it.  I don't
   it's a config error, because your conifg
--- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  -Original Message-
  From: Caroline Jen
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Action Mapping From a
 JSP (In Trouble
  Hi, I am in trouble again.  
  I am using tiles.  I have three
  upperbar, sidelinks, and lowerbar. 
  are displayed with contents shown in
  (toward right hand side) of the web
  Now, I click on one of the links
  'sidelinks' tile and I got this
  Http Status 400
  Invalid path /ContentMgmt was
  description The request sent by the
  syntactically incorrect (Invalid
 === message truncated ===
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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Hi Bill

Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.  When unit
testing in debug through IDEA I can see the object in the session being
populated step by step, however when I run the compiled web app under Struts
with JWebUnit, or a browser, I get the problem.  I am up against my limits
of debugging knowledge here :-)

I will look into more debugging and see where that takes me.

Thanks once again for your input.


From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your
 struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

 - Bill Siggelkow

 Langdon Stevenson wrote:

  Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks
  Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Hi Bill

Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.  When unit
testing in debug through IDEA I can see the object in the session being
populated step by step, however when I run the compiled web app under Struts
with JWebUnit, or a browser, I get the problem.  I am up against my limits
of debugging knowledge here :-)

I will look into more debugging and see where that takes me.

Thanks once again for your input.


From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your
 struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

 - Bill Siggelkow

 Langdon Stevenson wrote:

  Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks
  Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Hi Bill

Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.  When unit
testing in debug through IDEA I can see the object in the session being
populated step by step, however when I run the compiled web app under Struts
with JWebUnit, or a browser, I get the problem.  I am up against my limits
of debugging knowledge here :-)

I will look into more debugging and see where that takes me.

Thanks once again for your input.


From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your
 struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

 - Bill Siggelkow

 Langdon Stevenson wrote:

  Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks
  Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Hi Bill

Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.  When unit
testing in debug through IDEA I can see the object in the session being
populated step by step, however when I run the compiled web app under Struts
with JWebUnit, or a browser, I get the problem.  I am up against my limits
of debugging knowledge here :-)

I will look into more debugging and see where that takes me.

Thanks once again for your input.


From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your
 struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

 - Bill Siggelkow

 Langdon Stevenson wrote:

  Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks
  Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
Hi Bill

Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.  When unit
testing in debug through IDEA I can see the object in the session being
populated step by step, however when I run the compiled web app under Struts
with JWebUnit, or a browser, I get the problem.  I am up against my limits
of debugging knowledge here :-)

I will look into more debugging and see where that takes me.

Thanks once again for your input.


From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you setting scope=session for the actions in your
 struts-config.xml?  If so, I'd take it through a debugger.

 - Bill Siggelkow

 Langdon Stevenson wrote:

  Having overcome my validation problem with help from the list (thanks
  Bill) I now find myself banging my head against another wall.

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Preventing Page Caching

2004-09-08 Thread Irfandhy Franciscus
Hi All,
I am developing some pages with struts. When I was testing my pages, I 
realize that if I click the back and forward button, my browser (IE or 
Firefox) will load the cached page, instead of retrieving the latest 
data from the database.

Is there anyway to prevent this caching, or is there a way to tell the 
browser to always load the a new page instead of the cache ?

Irfandhy Franciscus
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RE: Preventing Page Caching

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Irfandhy Franciscus
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 8:18 AM
 Subject: Preventing Page Caching
 Hi All,
 I am developing some pages with struts. When I was testing my 
 pages, I 
 realize that if I click the back and forward button, my 
 browser (IE or 
 Firefox) will load the cached page, instead of retrieving the latest 
 data from the database.
 Is there anyway to prevent this caching, or is there a way to 
 tell the 
 browser to always load the a new page instead of the cache ?

Sarch the archives, all kinds of info.   The manual has it too!

 Irfandhy Franciscus
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Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

2004-09-08 Thread James Mitchell
You are such a smart ace!!!  Are you taking lessons from me?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

 Well, make sure you use more than one Strut -- you will want to scale 
 the number of Struts to the number of users.  For each request, you will 
 have one Strut. Does this make sense? ;)
 Vitalii wrote:
   I have a question about struts. I know Strut is good
  framework for designing a large website. It has a lot
  of classes that help to design well scaled websites.
  What about performance? Does it slow the processing of
  request. if speed is the main issue is it good idea to
  use strut?if website needs to handle about 200,000
  request per hour would you advice to use strut?
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Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
You are the master -- BTW, how come Struts doesn't work with Flex? ;)
James Mitchell wrote:
You are such a smart ace!!!  Are you taking lessons from me?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx
- Original Message - 
From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

Well, make sure you use more than one Strut -- you will want to scale 
the number of Struts to the number of users.  For each request, you will 
have one Strut. Does this make sense? ;)

Vitalii wrote:

I have a question about struts. I know Strut is good
framework for designing a large website. It has a lot
of classes that help to design well scaled websites.
What about performance? Does it slow the processing of
request. if speed is the main issue is it good idea to
use strut?if website needs to handle about 200,000
request per hour would you advice to use strut?

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Re: Easy Struts

2004-09-08 Thread Bill Siggelkow
My apologies -- I wasn't aware of the problem.
-Bill Siggelkow
Darryl Pierce wrote:
On Tuesday 07 September 2004 09:39 am, Bill Siggelkow wrote:
Darryl Pierce wrote:
On Monday 06 September 2004 07:49 am, James Holmes wrote:
As far as I know, Easy Struts does not work with Eclipse 3.  Struts
Console does though.  It provides similar functionality (Easy Struts is
based on Struts Console) and more.
But, be warned: if you're working on Linux then you have to upgrade to
J2SDK 1.5; Struts Console won't work with J2SDK 1.4. This sucks for me
since I work in Debian and can't easily upgrade my Linux boxes to 1.5
(nor do I want to now); why the author createdd this dependancy is beyond
Struts Console works just fine with JDK 1.4.

Re-read my message: I was talking about J2SDK 1.4 for *Linux*. Holmes 
acknowledges the problem and said that the only workaround is to upgrade to 
1.5 for Linux.

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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
I got one doubt in your code when used in a situation
that i mentioned (transforming data from action form
to dto).
When date comes from action form, they usually come in
Strings, but in your method you verify 

value instanceof Date...

This will never happen, as the value comes in String.

Am i saying something stupid???

I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not appropriate
for the situation in question.

Am i right?

 --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The custom converter is done independently of the
 action, form or DTO.
 First step is to implement the interface 
 Keep in mind that the converter you are writing uses
 the appropriate 
 converter for the original class. So, if you were
 converting from a 
 String to a Date, you would create a String
 converter. And vice versa, 
 if you were converting from a Date to a String you
 would create a Date 
 converter. Example below
 Then, to override the standard converters, you call:
 ConvertUtils.register(Your converter class, class
 to use converter 
 First parameter is your new converter, and the
 second is the class its 
 used for. I call this in a static initializer of a
 utility class, you 
 just need to make sure its called before any
 validations occur, and it 
 only needs to be done once.
 Since we are interested in customizing conversions
 from String to Date, 
 I override the String converter:
 public class StringConverter implements Converter{
public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
   Object returnObj = null;
   if (value != null) {
  if (value instanceof Date){
 returnObj =
  } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal){
 returnObj =
  } else {
 returnObj = value.toString();
   return returnObj;
 I've left out some properties, their getters and
 setters, but I think 
 you get the gist of what I'm doing. Now, I register
 this converter as such:
 ConvertUtils.register(new StringConverter(),
 I actually have a utility class, where the register
 is done in the 
 static initializer. I suppose another way would be
 to use a servlet that 
 loads prior to Struts.. Or if your Actions have a
 base class, etc...
 Maybe there's a more elegant way of doing that. This
 is what I've come 
 up with. If someone has a better way, post please,
 I'm always looking 
 for more elegant ways of accomplishing stuff like
 Jason King wrote:
  Could you point us at some code that does this? 
 Do you customize in 
  the action, the form or the DTO? 

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RE: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Leandro Melo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates
 I got one doubt in your code when used in a situation
 that i mentioned (transforming data from action form
 to dto).
 When date comes from action form, they usually come in
 Strings, but in your method you verify 
 value instanceof Date...

Bi-directional conversion.  Look at what he does if it is a date.  This isn't just for 
ActionForm to DTO, it's for any other time you have to convert a string to a date 
using BeanUtils.

 This will never happen, as the value comes in String.
 Am i saying something stupid???

Not really... just not being generic enough for the solution.

 I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not appropriate
 for the situation in question.
 Am i right?

Sorta :)

  --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The custom converter is done independently of the
  action, form or DTO.
  First step is to implement the interface 
  Keep in mind that the converter you are writing uses
  the appropriate 
  converter for the original class. So, if you were
  converting from a 
  String to a Date, you would create a String
  converter. And vice versa, 
  if you were converting from a Date to a String you
  would create a Date 
  converter. Example below
  Then, to override the standard converters, you call:
  ConvertUtils.register(Your converter class, class
  to use converter 
  First parameter is your new converter, and the
  second is the class its 
  used for. I call this in a static initializer of a
  utility class, you 
  just need to make sure its called before any
  validations occur, and it 
  only needs to be done once.
  Since we are interested in customizing conversions
  from String to Date, 
  I override the String converter:
  public class StringConverter implements Converter{
 public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
Object returnObj = null;
if (value != null) {
   if (value instanceof Date){
  returnObj =
   } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal){
  returnObj =
   } else {
  returnObj = value.toString();
return returnObj;
  I've left out some properties, their getters and
  setters, but I think 
  you get the gist of what I'm doing. Now, I register
  this converter as such:
  ConvertUtils.register(new StringConverter(),
  I actually have a utility class, where the register
  is done in the 
  static initializer. I suppose another way would be
  to use a servlet that 
  loads prior to Struts.. Or if your Actions have a
  base class, etc...
  Maybe there's a more elegant way of doing that. This
  is what I've come 
  up with. If someone has a better way, post please,
  I'm always looking 
  for more elegant ways of accomplishing stuff like
  Jason King wrote:
   Could you point us at some code that does this? 
  Do you customize in 
   the action, the form or the DTO? 
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Re: [OT] is strut a good choice in my case.

2004-09-08 Thread James Mitchell
What do you mean?  It works just fine as long as you are running Windows
3.1.1 SP8002.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

- Original Message -
From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: is strut a good choice in my case.

 You are the master -- BTW, how come Struts doesn't work with Flex? ;)

 James Mitchell wrote:
  You are such a smart ace!!!  Are you taking lessons from me?
  James Mitchell
  Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
  EdgeTech, Inc.
  AIM: jmitchtx
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: is strut a good choice in my case.
 Well, make sure you use more than one Strut -- you will want to scale
 the number of Struts to the number of users.  For each request, you will
 have one Strut. Does this make sense? ;)
 Vitalii wrote:
  I have a question about struts. I know Strut is good
 framework for designing a large website. It has a lot
 of classes that help to design well scaled websites.
 What about performance? Does it slow the processing of
 request. if speed is the main issue is it good idea to
 use strut?if website needs to handle about 200,000
 request per hour would you advice to use strut?
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RE: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
 --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
  -Original Message-
  From: Leandro Melo
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils -
 using Dates
  I got one doubt in your code when used in a
  that i mentioned (transforming data from action
  to dto).
  When date comes from action form, they usually
 come in
  Strings, but in your method you verify 
  value instanceof Date...
 Bi-directional conversion.  Look at what he does if
 it is a date.  This isn't just for ActionForm to
 DTO, it's for any other time you have to convert a
 string to a date using BeanUtils.

Yes Jim, to convert a String to a Date, so if i use 

value instanceof Date

i will allways fail!!! Because value is a String, you
just said that.

  This will never happen, as the value comes in
  Am i saying something stupid???
 Not really... just not being generic enough for the
  I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not
  for the situation in question.
  Am i right?
 Sorta :)
   --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The custom converter is done independently of
   action, form or DTO.
   First step is to implement the interface 
   Keep in mind that the converter you are writing
   the appropriate 
   converter for the original class. So, if you
   converting from a 
   String to a Date, you would create a String
   converter. And vice versa, 
   if you were converting from a Date to a String
   would create a Date 
   converter. Example below
   Then, to override the standard converters, you
   ConvertUtils.register(Your converter class,
   to use converter 
   First parameter is your new converter, and the
   second is the class its 
   used for. I call this in a static initializer of
   utility class, you 
   just need to make sure its called before any
   validations occur, and it 
   only needs to be done once.
   Since we are interested in customizing
   from String to Date, 
   I override the String converter:
   public class StringConverter implements
  public Object convert(Class type, Object
 value) {
 Object returnObj = null;
 if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof Date){
   returnObj =
} else if (value instanceof
   returnObj =
} else {
   returnObj = value.toString();

 return returnObj;
   I've left out some properties, their getters and
   setters, but I think 
   you get the gist of what I'm doing. Now, I
   this converter as such:
   ConvertUtils.register(new StringConverter(),
   I actually have a utility class, where the
   is done in the 
   static initializer. I suppose another way would
   to use a servlet that 
   loads prior to Struts.. Or if your Actions have
   base class, etc...
   Maybe there's a more elegant way of doing that.
   is what I've come 
   up with. If someone has a better way, post
   I'm always looking 
   for more elegant ways of accomplishing stuff
   Jason King wrote:
Could you point us at some code that does
   Do you customize in 
the action, the form or the DTO? 

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Moving a data object into a map inside a form?

2004-09-08 Thread David Erickson
Hi I've got a custom javabean that I want to move all of its public
properties directly into a map held in a form.
I've tried BeanUtils.copyProperties(myMap, myObject); as well as
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(myMap, myObject);
neither seem to do what I want, however if I reverse it for moving data from
the map to my object it works great.  I swear at one point I had it working
doing this but then it conked out.. (dont ask I dont know either :P).

Anyway is there an easy quick way to move everything from my object into a

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RE: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
I was taking a look at bean utils source and could see
myself how this is done. Then i understood that
acutally you use the

value instanceof SOMETHING

However, the BeanUtilsBean class is quite complex and
i didn't have the patience (and the brains) to try to
understand it.

Anyway, it seems to me that when the value goes to
the convert method it already has a defined data type
(that's way the instanceof). But can anyone tell me
how exactly is the flux of data?? When does exactly my
value assumes the destination type???

 --- Leandro Melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- Jim Barrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
   -Original Message-
   From: Leandro Melo
   Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:28 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils -
  using Dates
   I got one doubt in your code when used in a
   that i mentioned (transforming data from action
   to dto).
   When date comes from action form, they usually
  come in
   Strings, but in your method you verify 
   value instanceof Date...
  Bi-directional conversion.  Look at what he does
  it is a date.  This isn't just for ActionForm to
  DTO, it's for any other time you have to convert a
  string to a date using BeanUtils.
 Yes Jim, to convert a String to a Date, so if i
 value instanceof Date
 i will allways fail!!! Because value is a String,
 just said that.
   This will never happen, as the value comes in
   Am i saying something stupid???
  Not really... just not being generic enough for
   I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not
   for the situation in question.
   Am i right?
  Sorta :)
--- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The custom converter is done independently of
action, form or DTO.

First step is to implement the interface 

Keep in mind that the converter you are
the appropriate 
converter for the original class. So, if you
converting from a 
String to a Date, you would create a String
converter. And vice versa, 
if you were converting from a Date to a String
would create a Date 
converter. Example below

Then, to override the standard converters, you
ConvertUtils.register(Your converter class,
to use converter 

First parameter is your new converter, and the
second is the class its 
used for. I call this in a static initializer
utility class, you 
just need to make sure its called before any
validations occur, and it 
only needs to be done once.

Since we are interested in customizing
from String to Date, 
I override the String converter:

public class StringConverter implements
   public Object convert(Class type, Object
  value) {
  Object returnObj = null;
  if (value != null) {
 if (value instanceof Date){
returnObj =
 } else if (value instanceof
returnObj =
 } else {
returnObj = value.toString();
  return returnObj;

I've left out some properties, their getters
setters, but I think 
you get the gist of what I'm doing. Now, I
this converter as such:

ConvertUtils.register(new StringConverter(),

I actually have a utility class, where the
is done in the 
static initializer. I suppose another way
to use a servlet that 
loads prior to Struts.. Or if your Actions
base class, etc...

Maybe there's a more elegant way of doing
is what I've come 
up with. If someone has a better way, post
I'm always looking 
for more elegant ways of accomplishing stuff

Jason King wrote:

 Could you point us at some code that does
Do you customize in 
 the action, the form or the DTO? 


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   Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com
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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bryce Fischer
Leandro Melo wrote:
I got one doubt in your code when used in a situation
that i mentioned (transforming data from action form
to dto).
When date comes from action form, they usually come in
Strings, but in your method you verify 

value instanceof Date...
This will never happen, as the value comes in String.

Sorry, I had it backwards (thats what I get when I post in a hurry).  
The example I sent was converting a Date property to String. To convert 
other types to Date I have the following Converter:

public class DateConverter implements Converter{
  public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
  if (value == null) {
  return null;
  } else if (type == Date.class) {
  return convertToDate(type, value);
  } else if (type == String.class) {
  return convertToString(type, value);
  throw new ConversionException(Could not convert  +
value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
  protected Object convertToDate(Class type, Object value) {
  if (value instanceof String) {
  try {
  return df.parse((String) value);
  } catch (Exception pe) {
  throw new ConversionException(Error converting String to 

  throw new ConversionException(Could not convert  +
value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
To register:
ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(), Date.class);
Am i saying something stupid???
I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not appropriate
for the situation in question.
Am i right?
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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
I almost understand it in the other way, haha...

Now things are clear!!!

 --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Leandro Melo wrote:
 I got one doubt in your code when used in a
 that i mentioned (transforming data from action
 to dto).
 When date comes from action form, they usually come
 Strings, but in your method you verify 
 value instanceof Date...
 This will never happen, as the value comes in
 Sorry, I had it backwards (thats what I get when I
 post in a hurry).  
 The example I sent was converting a Date property to
 String. To convert 
 other types to Date I have the following Converter:
 public class DateConverter implements Converter{
public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (type == Date.class) {
return convertToDate(type, value);
} else if (type == String.class) {
return convertToString(type, value);
throw new ConversionException(Could not
 convert  +
 value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
protected Object convertToDate(Class type, Object
 value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
try {
return df.parse((String) value);
} catch (Exception pe) {
throw new ConversionException(Error
 converting String to 
throw new ConversionException(Could not
 convert  +
 value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
 To register:
 ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(),
 Am i saying something stupid???
 I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not
 for the situation in question.
 Am i right?

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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Bryce Fischer
Then you are doing better than I did. It took me several iterations to 
figure it out. I ended up testing with two differnt forms, putting 
breakpoints in my Converters to figure out what was going on...

Leandro Melo wrote:
I almost understand it in the other way, haha...
Now things are clear!!!
--- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Leandro Melo wrote:

I got one doubt in your code when used in a


that i mentioned (transforming data from action


to dto).
When date comes from action form, they usually come


Strings, but in your method you verify 

value instanceof Date...
This will never happen, as the value comes in



Sorry, I had it backwards (thats what I get when I
post in a hurry).  
The example I sent was converting a Date property to
String. To convert 
other types to Date I have the following Converter:

public class DateConverter implements Converter{
  public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
  if (value == null) {
  return null;
  } else if (type == Date.class) {
  return convertToDate(type, value);
  } else if (type == String.class) {
  return convertToString(type, value);
  throw new ConversionException(Could not
convert  +
value.getClass().getName() +  to  +

  protected Object convertToDate(Class type, Object
value) {
  if (value instanceof String) {
  try {
  return df.parse((String) value);
  } catch (Exception pe) {
  throw new ConversionException(Error
converting String to 

  throw new ConversionException(Could not
convert  +
value.getClass().getName() +  to  +

To register:
ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(),

Am i saying something stupid???
I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not


for the situation in question.
Am i right?



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Re: Bean tag and session data issue

2004-09-08 Thread Langdon Stevenson
My appology to the list.  Outlook Express and a weak wireless connection
confused me and I sent this message multiple times.


 Hi Bill

 Indeed I do have scope set to session in struts-config.xml.

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Validator exception

2004-09-08 Thread Betty Koon
Hi All,

I am getting the following exception from validator by doing a simple check
on required field (using struts 1.2.3).
I have no clue why this is happening and the stack trace didn't give me any
useful info.  Please help.  Thanks.


18:28:50,864 ERROR [ValidatorForm]
org.apache.commons.validator.Field, org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages,

org.apache.commons.validator.Field, org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages,



at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validateForRule(Field.java:811)

at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validate(Field.java:890)

at org.apache.commons.validator.Form.validate(Form.java:174)

at org.apache.commons.validator.Validator.validate(Validator.java:367)


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Re: ActionForm data type X BeanUtils - using Dates

2004-09-08 Thread Leandro Melo
That's because you don't know for how many hours i've
been sitting in from of my computer and screamming at
it, haha!!!

 --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Then you are doing better than I did. It took me
 several iterations to 
 figure it out. I ended up testing with two differnt
 forms, putting 
 breakpoints in my Converters to figure out what was
 going on...
 Leandro Melo wrote:
 I almost understand it in the other way, haha...
 Now things are clear!!!
  --- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Leandro Melo wrote:
 I got one doubt in your code when used in a
 that i mentioned (transforming data from action
 to dto).
 When date comes from action form, they usually
 Strings, but in your method you verify 
 value instanceof Date...
 This will never happen, as the value comes in
 Sorry, I had it backwards (thats what I get when I
 post in a hurry).  
 The example I sent was converting a Date property
 String. To convert 
 other types to Date I have the following
 public class DateConverter implements Converter{
public Object convert(Class type, Object value)
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (type == Date.class) {
return convertToDate(type, value);
} else if (type == String.class) {
return convertToString(type, value);
throw new ConversionException(Could not
 convert  +
 value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
protected Object convertToDate(Class type,
 value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
try {
return df.parse((String) value);
} catch (Exception pe) {
throw new
 converting String to 
throw new ConversionException(Could not
 convert  +
 value.getClass().getName() +  to  +
 To register:
 ConvertUtils.register(new DateConverter(),
 Am i saying something stupid???
 I'm not saying your code is wrong, but not
 for the situation in question.
 Am i right?

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 de qualidade! 

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Yahoo! Acesso Grátis - navegue de graça com conexão de qualidade! 

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Re: Validator exception

2004-09-08 Thread Niall Pemberton
My guess is that you haven't upgraded the validator-rules.xml - the method
signature changed with ActionMessages replacing ActionErrors


- Original Message - 
From: Betty Koon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 2:32 AM
Subject: Validator exception

 Hi All,

 I am getting the following exception from validator by doing a simple
 on required field (using struts 1.2.3).
 I have no clue why this is happening and the stack trace didn't give me
 useful info.  Please help.  Thanks.


 18:28:50,864 ERROR [ValidatorForm]






 at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validateForRule(Field.java:811)

 at org.apache.commons.validator.Field.validate(Field.java:890)

 at org.apache.commons.validator.Form.validate(Form.java:174)

 at org.apache.commons.validator.Validator.validate(Validator.java:367)


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Re: [OT] Setting up a struts project in IDEA

2004-09-08 Thread Rick Reumann
David Durham wrote:
Now you're forced into choosing from their modules.
You can basically almost always just choose the java module and then 
do as you say add what you need.. very easy. So you aren't really 
'forced' into anything and can always do things like you were used to.

The advantage of some of the other modules is that it does some adding 
for you... for example, if you choose web module it'll look in 
WEB-INF/lib and add those jars automatically. Stuff like that.

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Gracefully handling invalid paths

2004-09-08 Thread Andy Engle
Hi all,

I am wondering how I should handle invalid path situations within my
Struts application.  I want to be able to have a catch-all page
whenever someone enters an invalid path so that they don't see that
ugly Tomcat 404 page.  How might I go about doing something like that?

Thanks very much.


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Re: Gracefully handling invalid paths

2004-09-08 Thread Yves Sy
You can specify it in your web.xml:



On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 20:36:38 -0700 (PDT), Andy Engle
 Hi all,
 I am wondering how I should handle invalid path situations within my
 Struts application.  I want to be able to have a catch-all page
 whenever someone enters an invalid path so that they don't see that
 ugly Tomcat 404 page.  How might I go about doing something like that?
 Thanks very much.
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For me to poop on!

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found difficult in displaying hashtable in view

2004-09-08 Thread babu

herewith i enclosed the file which contains the actionclass,form bean,view part

in this enclosed file the  attachment and url are KEY and VALUE pairs in hashtable ie) 
which i got from DB.
and i've to display these value in textfiled[url] based on the key selected  in the 

i need help to identify.

This is my Form bean

package com.calsoft.ecm;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class AttachForm extends ActionForm{

 private Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
 private Collection webLink = null;
 private String linkVal = null;
 private String url = null;
 private String attachment = null;
 public void setValue(String attachment,Object url)
 public Object getValue(String attachment)
  return values.get(attachment);

 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping,HttpServletRequest request)
  values = new Hashtable();
  * @return Returns the linkVal.
 public String getLinkVal() {
  return linkVal;
  * @param linkVal The linkVal to set.
 public void setLinkVal(String linkVal) {
  this.linkVal = linkVal;
  * @return Returns the url.
 public String getUrl() {
  return url;
  * @param url The url to set.
 public void setUrl(String url) {
  this.url = url;
  * @return Returns the attachment.
 public String getAttachment() {
  return attachment;
  * @param attachment The attachment to set.
 public void setAttachment(String attachment) {
  this.attachment = attachment;
  * @return Returns the webLink.
 public Collection getWebLink() {
  return webLink;
  * @param webLink The webLink to set.
 public void setWebLink(Collection webLink) {
  this.webLink = webLink;
My Action Class

package com.calsoft.ecm;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class AttachAction extends Action {
  Hashtable hswebLink = new Hashtable();
Enumeration enu;
Collection collect = null;
ArrayList arrayCollect = new ArrayList();
String weblink = new String();
String attachment = null;
Object webUrl = null;
String userLink = null;
String userUrl = null;
 public ActionForward execute (ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)throws IOException, ServletException 
  try {
   hswebLink = new Hashtable();  
   AttachForm attachForm = (AttachForm) form;
   userLink = attachForm.getAttachment();
   WeblinkConfigDAO web = new WeblinkConfigDAO(); 
   hswebLink = web.getWebLinks();
   enu = hswebLink.keys();
 //  hswebLink.values();
weblink =(String) enu.nextElement();
arrayCollect.add(weblink); // here the pbms
collect = arrayCollect;
  webUrl = hswebLink.get(weblink);
//   webUrl = hswebLink.get(weblink).toString();
  System.out.println([weblink]+weblink); it works fine
  System.out.println([webUrl]+webUrl); it works fine
 attachForm.setWebLink(collect); // here the pbms 
  String userUrl = (String) attachForm.getValue(userLink);

  } catch (Exception e) {
  return (mapping.findForward(attachment));

my jsp 
TD width=144  class=td_oddrows div align=leftAttachment Name/div/TD
TD width=159  class=td_oddrows
html:select property=attachment name=attachForm
  html:options  property=webLink/

TD  class=td_evenrows div align=leftURL /div/TD
TD class=td_evenrows html:text property=url  //TD

in this enclosed file the  attachment and url are KEY and VALUE pairs in hashtable ie) 
which i got from DB.
and i've to display these value in textfiled[url] based on the key selected  in the 