Re: Correct Prepopulate Method

2005-03-13 Thread Nic Werner
Is what I am doing calling JSP pages directly? From my struts-config
below I show them being mapped to Actions.
My question was that I have to set the html:form action to be the
calling Action in order to populate it, but I want it to submit to a
different page, and if I follow the Apache struts example as below, it
doesn't follow correctly.
Ollie wrote:
We NEVER call jsp pages directly. We use actions to show the jsp and actions to save the data from the forms and then the forward from the save goes to the show action. 

That way we control how the ActionForm object is populated with different actions for new form and edit forms. The same save actions then work either way. 

-Original Message-
From: Nic Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:13:05 
To:Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Correct Prepopulate Method

Okay, from the FAQ:
   * Both the |/editRegistration| and |/saveRegistration| actions use
 the same form bean.
   * When the |/editRegistration| action is entered, Struts will have
 pre-created an empty form bean instance, and passed it to the
 |execute()| method. The setup action is free to preconfigure the
 values that will be displayed when the form is rendered, simply by
 setting the corresponding form bean properties.
   * When the setup action completes configuring the properties of the
 form bean, it should return an |ActionForm| that points at the
 page which will display this form. If you are using the Struts JSP
 tag library, the |action| attribute on your  tag will
 be set to |/saveRegistration| in order for the form to be
 submitted to the processing action.
The only  way for my form to pre-populate from the 'editRegistration' 
page is to set my html:form action to the 'editRegistration'. However, I 
can't submit to 'saveRegistration' then!

Maybe I'm doing this incorrectly: the first page loads the data from the 
DB, and then forwards to a JSP, which displays that data using 
HTML:FORM. Upon submit, it should go to the second page, which saves the 
data. Am I missing something?

- Nic.
My struts-config:



Jesse Clark wrote:

Here is a short description from the FAQ that starts to describe the 
alternative that Jack mentioned below:

This approach basically means that you end up with two actions per 
form/jsp which will increase your maintenance work a little but it 
provides clean entry points into the work flow and clearly illustrates 
what responsibilities an action has by its naming scheme. In the FAQ 
their example actions are called /editFoo and /saveFoo but when I use 
this approach I usually name my action DisplayFooAction and 
ProcessFooAction where Foo indicates the primary function of the 
jsp/form that these actions handle, i.e DisplayEditProfileAction and 
ProcessEditProfileAction for my editProfile.jsp and EditProfileForm.

Then the DisplayFooAction is responsible for gathering the data needed 
to prepopulate the Form from the business service, populating the Form 
and placing it in scope for the jsp. I request that a business service 
prepare the View necessary for the Foo page and then either, populate 
the Form from POJOs in the view or use collections from the view 
directly in the jsp to populate drop-down lists & etc. The Form is 
already available to you in the Action because it is declared in the 
action mapping for both the DisplayFoo and ProcessFoo actions.

Just to qualify my advice, I am still relatively new to this myself 
and this approach seemed like the simplest way to go for now, but I 
kinda feel like having 2 actions per page might end up being too much 
extra baggage and there might be other implications of which I am not 
yet aware.

Hope this helps, anyhow,
Schuster Joel M Contr ESC/NDC wrote:

Ok, I understand. I'm just really trying to understand this.
Here's a link to a little picture that I put together because that 
to be how I think.

Please tell me what I'm missing in my understanding of what struts is 
1. Standard login process.
   a) request to website from browser, we redirect to the login.jsp via
an action or forward.
   b) Submit is clicked and system encapsulates the data from the
request into a form which is then given to the action.execute which
   c) then determines if the values are correct and forwards to the
right place depending.

2. Now, If I want to have the main menu simply go from one screen to 
then I have a link. But the second screen needs to be 'populated' 
(for lack
of a better word) with data.
3. To do it the struts 'way' is to link to an action instead. This 
fills the framework 

Re: session and request scope

2005-03-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 23:56:08 +0100, Günther Wieser

> as long as you don't have a clustered environment or session persistence
> enabled in your servlet container, there shouldn't be much difference in
> adding an object to a session or request.

That is almost, but not quite, accurate.

The physical act of storing and retrieving the object into request
scope or session scope can have a minor performance difference (in
request scope, the container doesn't have to synchronize because it
knows only one thread is accessing the underlying HashMap).  The more
important issue, though, is that session scope attributes will occupy
memory space in between HTTP requests (request scope attributes become
eligible for garbage collection as soon as the request completes) --
that's fine if you need the underlying information, but flagrantly
wasteful if you do not.  On apps with lots of users, this can become a
mission critical issue.

For a developer, though, you should train yourself to good habits in
the first place -- use request scope for *everything* unless it
absolutely must be saved, on the server side, in between requests from
the same user.


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RE: Anybody who can answer this ?

2005-03-13 Thread nitin dubey

Thanx for you reply.  I will try to explain you with
an example.

>From A.jsp we are forwarding the request to B.jsp. 
B.jsp has some data that should come pre-populated in
the form.  For populating the ActionForm for B we need
to write some code.  My question is where can we write
that ? In A's Action or in B's Action ?  Any simple
pattern that can be used for this ?

Will it not be better if we use some method in B's
action itself that will be called and its form wud be
populated there only.  In such a case we will have a
clear seperation of logic for two pages.


Nitin Dubey

--- Ruben Cepeda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nitin,
> I am unsure of you quesiton.  Yet if you need help
> with the DispachAction 
> here is a very helpfull link: 
> *
> Ruben Cepeda
> *
> Original Message Follows
> From: nitin dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Anybody who can answer this ?
> Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:04:01 -0800 (PST)
> --- nitin dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > When using DispatchAction can we somehow
> configure
>  > the
>  > framework to use the unspecified() method for
>  > loading
>  > the page contents from database ?
>  >
>  >
>  > Regards,
>  >
>  > Nitin Dubey
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > __
>  > Do you Yahoo!?
>  > Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail
> SpamGuard.
>  >
>  >
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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread NetSQL
Larry Meadors wrote:

After all that, I have to ask: Why should I bother?
I tried it, I really did. In fact, I tried it several times. Each
time, I got a little further before deciding there was too much pain
involved to make it "easier" for me. So I switched to iBATIS .

+1 for iBatis as faster!
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Re: Correct Prepopulate Method

2005-03-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:31:33 -0800, Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you do this, you won't think of the ActionForm as some sort of
> mirror of the JSP/HTML form which stands between the Action and the
> form.

The fact that ActionForm was designed originally *precisely* to be a
container for the server side state of a JSP/HTML form is totally
beside the point :-).

Jack doesn't like using it that way, and that's fine -- but that was
exactly the original intent.  And this is why his ideas don't always
resonate with people who use Struts the way it was originally created.


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Struts Menu

2005-03-13 Thread Vijaya S

Has anyone successfully implemented Struts Menu in your application? I am
getting an error as
'The displayer mapping for the specified MenuDisplayer does not exist'.

I have done the following
1. In my struts-config I have included the plugin
2. I have placed my menu-config.xml under WEB-INF.
3. My jsp has the corresponding taglibs included
4. struts-menu jar is placed under the lib directory of my application.

Am I missing anything else? I posted my problem in struts-menu user list but
no replies. If anyone of you is successful with struts-menu, can you please
tell me what I am doing wrong?


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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread Larry Meadors
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:26:24 -0500, David G. Friedman wrote:
> Larry,
> > In my experience, Hibernate works best when two criteria are met:
> > 1) You are creating a database for a specific purpose, from scratch
> > 2) You are creating the ONLY application that will access that database
> I disagree with this and recommend you post this statement on
>  I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers to the
> contrary.

Disagree away. I love to disagree with people. That is how I learn.
Besides, you are free to be wrong if you want to be. ;-)

> > The time to draw that screen changed from over 10
> > minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
> > sure how long it would have run unchecked)
> Did you bother doing one of the following:
> 1) Check your SQL server logs to see what exact statement was being
> executed?  You could have tuned your query using hibernate's SQL shortcut
> language OR used a native SQL call (method names I cannot recall at this
> moment because I use HSQL).  The native SQL calls can be invoked in both the
> 2.1.X series AND the 3.0 rc sets of releases.  You can also see the SQL
> query by setting "show_sql=true" in your or
> hibernate.cfg.xml files to have the generated SQL query get printed to your
> application log.

It was using native SQL...which made me wonder why the original author
bothered to use Hibernate. I thought it was supposed to make the bad
SQL all go away

> 2) Make sure your connection properties were set properly?

It was running with a NATIVE driver with direct access to the network latency here.

> 3) Enable lazy loading as necessary to reduce database joins and calls?

It was using lazy loading.

> 4) Request cache tweaking assistance by posting your scenario and caching
> ideas to for feedback from those highly experienced in
> using caching with Hibernate?  There could have been "quirks" to the version
> of caching you were using or HOW you configured caching.

I cannot use caching because the database is shared by multiple
systems (see criteria #2).

> Regards,
> David, a happy hibernate user

After all that, I have to ask: Why should I bother?

I tried it, I really did. In fact, I tried it several times. Each
time, I got a little further before deciding there was too much pain
involved to make it "easier" for me. So I switched to iBATIS and have
not looked back, except when I was looking for another bottleneck to

Larry, a happy (and reasonably disagreeable) iBATIS user

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RE: Struts Layout:treeview problems

2005-03-13 Thread David G. Friedman
I've done a cursory glance at both Struts:Layout and JSF.  Does anyone else
feel like JSF is something like Struts:Layout on steroids?  I'll know more
after I read this "Core Java Server Faces" book as I prepare to Shale
myself. ;)


-Original Message-
From: David Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Struts Layout:treeview problems

I've seen Struts:Layout recommended in a couple of places, and it looks
like a very useful library, but I'm having a Bad First Experience with
using the Treeview tag to replace an aging nav-bar element. I'd love
some help as I'm out of prototyping time, and about to have to throw
Layout away in favour of Something Else.

(1) When I install Layout I've to copy in an /images and /config
directory, then some   elements to web.xml; these include
'struts-layout-image' for the image directory. As I already have an
images directory, I'm not using the defaults. However, at runtime the
generated source keeps looking for images in /config which is a) not
where I specified b) not where they'd be by default anyway! Anyone
familiar with this issue?

(2) I'm using the Treeview to replace a bad nav-bar implementation;
therefore I'll want to have entries in the list which refer to a forward
or an action. However, the menuItem tag only offers a simple link
attribute? Am I missing something, or how do I use a Treeview for
navigation without the ability to connect it to Struts Forwards/Actions?

(3) If I do get the basics working, the styling looks
sensible-but-basic. Does anyone know a good way or satisfying the
requirement that the current menu item (ie, current page) and menu
category are highlighted in the tree?

David Kennedy
Swan Labs

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RE: TILES Exception

2005-03-13 Thread David G. Friedman

Have you checked your webapp's log file (or the standard log if you don't
have special logging enabled for your application) to make sure the log
files show that tiles initialized properly and that there were no errors
suggesting Struts or Tiles failed to start up/initialize properly?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: TILES Exception

To all,
  I get the following error when I try to acces my website which utilizes
Tiles.  It was working perfectly on one server and all I did was deploy to a
different server copying the root web server directory(Tomcat), which
contained all the files necessary.

  Any help would be appreciated.


type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from context.




root cause

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.





note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.4 logs.

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RE: Tiles def not recognized by ForwardAction

2005-03-13 Thread David G. Friedman

I think the forward in v1.2 is supposed to be more like this:


-Original Message-
From: Les Dunaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:28 PM
Subject: Tiles def not recognized by ForwardAction 

I'm moving a running app from Struts1.1 to Struts 1.24. 
My problem is with the deprecation of NoOpAction and it's replacement 
with ForwardAction.
I've crawled through the forums enough to see that there's been some 
problems in this area - ForwardAction doesn't understand that a 
parameter containing ".fred"  points to a Tiles def named .fred
I haven't found any solution.
Can someone point me in the right direction?

 >> Tiles Def (one of a bunch that all worked just fine)";>

 > struts-config entry


L.W.(Les) Dunaway
GL Services
770-974-4289 / 888-243-9886
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds 
discuss people." - Admiral Hyman Rickover

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RE: Anybody who can answer this ?

2005-03-13 Thread Ruben Cepeda
I am unsure of you quesiton.  Yet if you need help with the DispachAction 
here is a very helpfull link:

Ruben Cepeda

Original Message Follows
From: nitin dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Anybody who can answer this ?
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:04:01 -0800 (PST)
--- nitin dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> When using DispatchAction can we somehow configure
> the
> framework to use the unspecified() method for
> loading
> the page contents from database ?
> Regards,
> Nitin Dubey
> __
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Re: Correct Prepopulate Method

2005-03-13 Thread Nic Werner
Okay, from the FAQ:
   * Both the |/editRegistration| and |/saveRegistration| actions use
 the same form bean.
   * When the |/editRegistration| action is entered, Struts will have
 pre-created an empty form bean instance, and passed it to the
 |execute()| method. The setup action is free to preconfigure the
 values that will be displayed when the form is rendered, simply by
 setting the corresponding form bean properties.
   * When the setup action completes configuring the properties of the
 form bean, it should return an |ActionForm| that points at the
 page which will display this form. If you are using the Struts JSP
 tag library, the |action| attribute on your  tag will
 be set to |/saveRegistration| in order for the form to be
 submitted to the processing action.
The only  way for my form to pre-populate from the 'editRegistration' 
page is to set my html:form action to the 'editRegistration'. However, I 
can't submit to 'saveRegistration' then!

Maybe I'm doing this incorrectly: the first page loads the data from the 
DB, and then forwards to a JSP, which displays that data using 
HTML:FORM. Upon submit, it should go to the second page, which saves the 
data. Am I missing something?

- Nic.
My struts-config:



Jesse Clark wrote:
Here is a short description from the FAQ that starts to describe the 
alternative that Jack mentioned below:

This approach basically means that you end up with two actions per 
form/jsp which will increase your maintenance work a little but it 
provides clean entry points into the work flow and clearly illustrates 
what responsibilities an action has by its naming scheme. In the FAQ 
their example actions are called /editFoo and /saveFoo but when I use 
this approach I usually name my action DisplayFooAction and 
ProcessFooAction where Foo indicates the primary function of the 
jsp/form that these actions handle, i.e DisplayEditProfileAction and 
ProcessEditProfileAction for my editProfile.jsp and EditProfileForm.

Then the DisplayFooAction is responsible for gathering the data needed 
to prepopulate the Form from the business service, populating the Form 
and placing it in scope for the jsp. I request that a business service 
prepare the View necessary for the Foo page and then either, populate 
the Form from POJOs in the view or use collections from the view 
directly in the jsp to populate drop-down lists & etc. The Form is 
already available to you in the Action because it is declared in the 
action mapping for both the DisplayFoo and ProcessFoo actions.

Just to qualify my advice, I am still relatively new to this myself 
and this approach seemed like the simplest way to go for now, but I 
kinda feel like having 2 actions per page might end up being too much 
extra baggage and there might be other implications of which I am not 
yet aware.

Hope this helps, anyhow,
Schuster Joel M Contr ESC/NDC wrote:
Ok, I understand. I'm just really trying to understand this.
Here's a link to a little picture that I put together because that 
to be how I think.

Please tell me what I'm missing in my understanding of what struts is 
1. Standard login process.
a) request to website from browser, we redirect to the login.jsp via
an action or forward.
b) Submit is clicked and system encapsulates the data from the
request into a form which is then given to the action.execute which
c) then determines if the values are correct and forwards to the
right place depending.

2. Now, If I want to have the main menu simply go from one screen to 
then I have a link. But the second screen needs to be 'populated' 
(for lack
of a better word) with data.
3. To do it the struts 'way' is to link to an action instead. This 
fills the framework provided form (because it is defined in the 
mapping) and
forwards to the edit screen.

4. The update action uses the same form which is now filled with changed
values from the jsp.
--- I keep getting the impression that I've missed something in my
understanding of how and more importantly why --- I want to 
understand, not
just do things blindly.

I understand that the ActionForm is intended to STORE and VALIDATE
USER-ENTERED data (off the struts page)... but then there seems to be 
a big
hole in the functionality of struts. How do you get to the point of 
having a
person select inventory and purchase it if you can't first display that

- Joel
-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 
11, 2005 12:02 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Correct Prepopulate Method

I may be wron

Tiles def not recognized by ForwardAction

2005-03-13 Thread Les Dunaway
I'm moving a running app from Struts1.1 to Struts 1.24. 
My problem is with the deprecation of NoOpAction and it's replacement 
with ForwardAction.
I've crawled through the forums enough to see that there's been some 
problems in this area - ForwardAction doesn't understand that a 
parameter containing ".fred"  points to a Tiles def named .fred
I haven't found any solution.
Can someone point me in the right direction?

>> Tiles Def (one of a bunch that all worked just fine)";>


> struts-config entry

L.W.(Les) Dunaway
GL Services
770-974-4289 / 888-243-9886
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds 
discuss people." - Admiral Hyman Rickover

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Re: [OT] CSS site/forum ?

2005-03-13 Thread Graham Reeds
Sorry about the delay between your last and this post - been away from 
the list for a few days.

The first thing I have in my CSS files is
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
just to make sure we are on a (fairly) level playing field.
Hopefully IE7's CSS support will be so similar to the standard that it 
will be transparent to FF's.  Knowing MS they will add their 'helpful' 
extensions in but if designers keep away from them you should be okay.

One of my favourite sites for CSS/browser compatibility issues is A List 
Apart (

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RE: RE: Struts - Page Centric Framework

2005-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I miss the "Front Controller" part, the taglibs and the simplicity. I miss the 
real MVC (Model 2)
from it.  I've seen "Front Controller" examples on MSDN, but these are awkward.

We are using a base page now that act as a controller, but I still think that 
developing with
ASP.NET is slower than it is with struts. User Controls and Server Controls are 
neat things; but in
general, I think MS just wanted to bring web development closer to Windows UI 

Ted: how do you use ASP.NET? Do you have a framework you use? Did you settle 
down with the "Page
Controller" model? If you think this would be off topic, you can email me 

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 5:17 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts - Page Centric Framework

I work in ASP.NET myself. 

What is it about Struts that you miss when working in ASP.NET, Attila?


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:00:31 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I guess if you guys think Struts is a page centric framework, you 
> should check out what
> ASP.NET has to offer with it's code behind/"Page Controller" model.
> BTW: I've been using Struts and ASP.NET and I was wondering if any of you 
> knew a Struts like
> framework in the .NET world. Any idea is appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Attila Domokos

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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
No. I'm using it correctly. Maybe I said it wrong but I don't think so :-)

I want the properties in UserEntity that correspond to the properties in
User (a UserEntity subclass) copied onto the User. User *is* my intended
destination. UserEntity is my source. 

What's happening is a Map that part of User (but not UserEntity) IS IN FACT
getting overwritten in the call to copyProperties(). It's getting blown away
in the same fashion it would be if the User() constructor was called. 

Making sense now?

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:03 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:33 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >That's the behavior I'd expect too. This did work at one point. No, it's
> not
> >unintuitive. Least not for C programmers :-)
> >
> >But I've got smoking gun evidence though that's not what's happening. I'm
> >now wondering what's happening in these setters...
> >
> >Tx for making sure I wasn't spacing.
> um.  maybe you are? ;-)
> You wrote:
> >  > >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm
> watching a
> >>  map
> >>  >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> >>  getting
> >>  >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> >  > reconstructed).
> I wrote:
> >  > So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> >  > according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> user is having its properties set -- it is getting reconstructed --
> because you have it in the first position, the "destination" position.
> If you want to populate the UserEntity, you should use
> PropertyUtils.copyProperties(userEntity, user)
> which is the opposite of what you're saying that you are using.
> Joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex
> -
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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
No. I'm using it correctly. Maybe I said it wrong but I don't think so :-)

I want the properties in UserEntity that correspond to the properties in
User (a UserEntity subclass) copied onto the User. User *is* my intended
destination. UserEntity is my source. 

What's happening is a Map that part of User (but not UserEntity) IS IN FACT
getting overwritten in the call to copyProperties(). It's getting blown away
in the same fashion it would be if the User() constructor was called. 

Making sense now?

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:03 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:33 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >That's the behavior I'd expect too. This did work at one point. No, it's
> not
> >unintuitive. Least not for C programmers :-)
> >
> >But I've got smoking gun evidence though that's not what's happening. I'm
> >now wondering what's happening in these setters...
> >
> >Tx for making sure I wasn't spacing.
> um.  maybe you are? ;-)
> You wrote:
> >  > >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm
> watching a
> >>  map
> >>  >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> >>  getting
> >>  >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> >  > reconstructed).
> I wrote:
> >  > So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> >  > according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> user is having its properties set -- it is getting reconstructed --
> because you have it in the first position, the "destination" position.
> If you want to populate the UserEntity, you should use
> PropertyUtils.copyProperties(userEntity, user)
> which is the opposite of what you're saying that you are using.
> Joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex
> -
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Re: Struts - Page Centric Framework

2005-03-13 Thread Ted Husted
Getting into J2EE and .NET might start to veer off topic. (Though, you
might have a look at GetType.)

I was thinking in terms of the Struts framework and the ASP.NET
framework, rather than the underlying platforms.


On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:12:32 + GMT, Ollie
> For me the single most valuable capability is Class.byName(). I haven't found 
> a corresponding feature in any.NET language.
> Ollie
> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:16:43
> To:Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: Struts - Page Centric Framework
> I work in ASP.NET myself.
> What is it about Struts that you miss when working in ASP.NET, Attila?
> -Ted.
> On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:00:31 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Well, I guess if you guys think Struts is a page centric framework, you 
> > should check out what
> > ASP.NET has to offer with it's code behind/"Page Controller" model.
> > BTW: I've been using Struts and ASP.NET and I was wondering if any of you 
> > knew a Struts like
> > framework in the .NET world. Any idea is appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Attila Domokos
> -
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> Mike Oliver
> CTO, Alarius Systems LLC
> Las Vegas, Nevada USA

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TILES Exception

2005-03-13 Thread Jim Douglas
To all,
 I get the following error when I try to acces my website which utilizes 
Tiles.  It was working perfectly on one server and all I did was deploy to a 
different server copying the root web server directory(Tomcat), which 
contained all the files necessary.

 Any help would be appreciated.
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it 
from fulfilling this request.

javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from context.



root cause
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.




note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/5.5.4 logs.

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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Germuska
At 2:33 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
That's the behavior I'd expect too. This did work at one point. No, it's not
unintuitive. Least not for C programmers :-)
But I've got smoking gun evidence though that's not what's happening. I'm
now wondering what's happening in these setters...
Tx for making sure I wasn't spacing.
um.  maybe you are? ;-)
You wrote:
 > >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a
 >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
 >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
 > reconstructed).
I wrote:
 > So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
 > according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
user is having its properties set -- it is getting reconstructed -- 
because you have it in the first position, the "destination" position.

If you want to populate the UserEntity, you should use
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(userEntity, user)
which is the opposite of what you're saying that you are using.
Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
Found the problem.

Apparently the object I was passing into copyProperties() did some
initializations in it's constructor (notably of the Map that was getting
blown away).

And the destination object that comes out of copyProperties() is not
precisely the same one as the one that got passed in. Or at least the
constructor seems to have been called again.

Should I submit a bug against copyProperties()? I can't decide how bad of an
idea that constructor initialization was..., but it seems that
copyProperties should be able to handle it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:15 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned
> at
> >what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can
> explain
> >the behavior.
> >
> >Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).
> >
> >I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of
> >UserEntity.
> >
> >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a
> map
> >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> getting
> >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> reconstructed).
> >
> >Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have
> to,
> >but I'm hoping someone can explain this...
> Perhaps unintuitively, the order of arguments to copyProperties are
> (dest, orig) i.e. (to, from)
> ls/BeanUtils.html#copyProperties(java.lang.Object,%20java.lang.Object)
> So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
Found the problem.

Apparently the object I was passing into copyProperties() did some
initializations in it's constructor (notably of the Map that was getting
blown away).

And the destination object that comes out of copyProperties() is not
precisely the same one as the one that got passed in. Or at least the
constructor seems to have been called again.

Should I submit a bug against copyProperties()? I can't decide how bad of an
idea that constructor initialization was..., but it seems that
copyProperties should be able to handle it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:15 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned
> at
> >what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can
> explain
> >the behavior.
> >
> >Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).
> >
> >I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of
> >UserEntity.
> >
> >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a
> map
> >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> getting
> >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> reconstructed).
> >
> >Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have
> to,
> >but I'm hoping someone can explain this...
> Perhaps unintuitively, the order of arguments to copyProperties are
> (dest, orig) i.e. (to, from)
> ls/BeanUtils.html#copyProperties(java.lang.Object,%20java.lang.Object)
> So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Struts Layout:treeview problems

2005-03-13 Thread David Kennedy
I've seen Struts:Layout recommended in a couple of places, and it looks 
like a very useful library, but I'm having a Bad First Experience with 
using the Treeview tag to replace an aging nav-bar element. I'd love 
some help as I'm out of prototyping time, and about to have to throw 
Layout away in favour of Something Else.

(1) When I install Layout I've to copy in an /images and /config 
directory, then some   elements to web.xml; these include 
'struts-layout-image' for the image directory. As I already have an 
images directory, I'm not using the defaults. However, at runtime the 
generated source keeps looking for images in /config which is a) not 
where I specified b) not where they'd be by default anyway! Anyone 
familiar with this issue?

(2) I'm using the Treeview to replace a bad nav-bar implementation; 
therefore I'll want to have entries in the list which refer to a forward 
or an action. However, the menuItem tag only offers a simple link 
attribute? Am I missing something, or how do I use a Treeview for 
navigation without the ability to connect it to Struts Forwards/Actions?

(3) If I do get the basics working, the styling looks 
sensible-but-basic. Does anyone know a good way or satisfying the 
requirement that the current menu item (ie, current page) and menu 
category are highlighted in the tree?

David Kennedy
Swan Labs
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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
That's the behavior I'd expect too. This did work at one point. No, it's not
unintuitive. Least not for C programmers :-)

But I've got smoking gun evidence though that's not what's happening. I'm
now wondering what's happening in these setters...

Tx for making sure I wasn't spacing.

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:15 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned
> at
> >what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can
> explain
> >the behavior.
> >
> >Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).
> >
> >I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of
> >UserEntity.
> >
> >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a
> map
> >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> getting
> >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> reconstructed).
> >
> >Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have
> to,
> >but I'm hoping someone can explain this...
> Perhaps unintuitively, the order of arguments to copyProperties are
> (dest, orig) i.e. (to, from)
> ls/BeanUtils.html#copyProperties(java.lang.Object,%20java.lang.Object)
> So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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RE: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
That's the behavior I'd expect too. This did work at one point. No, it's not
unintuitive. Least not for C programmers :-)

But I've got smoking gun evidence though that's not what's happening. I'm
now wondering what's happening in these setters...

Tx for making sure I wasn't spacing.

> -Original Message-
> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: Joe Hertz; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: BeanUtils hates me...
> At 2:15 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
> >I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned
> at
> >what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can
> explain
> >the behavior.
> >
> >Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).
> >
> >I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of
> >UserEntity.
> >
> >I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a
> map
> >that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity)
> getting
> >blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting
> reconstructed).
> >
> >Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have
> to,
> >but I'm hoping someone can explain this...
> Perhaps unintuitively, the order of arguments to copyProperties are
> (dest, orig) i.e. (to, from)
> ls/BeanUtils.html#copyProperties(java.lang.Object,%20java.lang.Object)
> So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set
> according to their equivalent values in userEntity.
> joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Re: BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Germuska
At 2:15 PM -0500 3/13/05, Joe Hertz wrote:
I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned at
what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can explain
the behavior.
Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).
I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of
I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a map
that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity) getting
blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting reconstructed).
Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have to,
but I'm hoping someone can explain this...
Perhaps unintuitively, the order of arguments to copyProperties are 
(dest, orig) i.e. (to, from),%20java.lang.Object)

So, by your example, user should be having all its properties set 
according to their equivalent values in userEntity.

Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned at
what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can explain
the behavior.

Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).

I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of

I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a map
that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity) getting
blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting reconstructed). 

Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have to,
but I'm hoping someone can explain this...

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BeanUtils hates me...

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Hertz
I'm sorry about how lame this question seems. I'm staring quite stunned at
what I'm seeing in my debugger right now, and I'm hoping someone can explain
the behavior.

Using Struts 1.2.4 (BeanUtils 1.7).

I have two objects: A UserEntity and a User. The User is a subclass of

I call PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, userEntity) and I'm watching a map
that was an element of the user object (and not of the userEntity) getting
blown away (almost as if the User Object itself was getting reconstructed). 

Why does this happen? (I can post to commons-user if I absolutely have to,
but I'm hoping someone can explain this...

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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Taylor
This solution has been discussed, but for now the expectation is 
real-time data.

BTW, thanks for your input on this, but I don't want to hijack this 
thread for my own particular production issues.

I wanted to propose that both ORM (Hibernate, JDO, iBatis) and straight 
JDBC can/should be used together when one may be better than the other, 
instead of "trying to fit a square peg into a round hole".

Don't get me wrong, I would love to use ORM all the time, but sometimes 
I don't think its appropriate.


Leon Rosenberg wrote:
Moving the implementation is out of my hands.
JDO for RDBMS is an ORM solution which doesn't necessarily 
answer the question, why not use both (JDBC and ORM)? I think 
both solutions have merit and I think that many try to make 
one solution work for both OLAP and OLTP.

Ok, in this case, how about splitting the databases? Keeping OLTP part as
is, and creating the OLAP part on daily (hourly or whatever) import basis as
a separate DB, where you can create fast indexes, which you can't afford in
the OLTP part. 
Or do you always need to analyse the data instantly?

We once made it for a project, where the customer wanted to create new
queries for statistical purposes from scratch. Like, today i'd 
like to know, whether the 50.000 users registered in last month were more
female of male, and how many of male users came from north dakota... 
We created a table, which was imported every night, and contained all the
information about a user, which was available in different 
parts of the system. So the customer was able to analyse everything, without
running queries against the live-system.


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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC [WAS- BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?]

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Germuska
For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why not 
use both types of solutions?
Is this not a reasonable solution? Am I missing something?
It is indeed a reasonable solution; I don't do much heavy duty data 
munging, but I've had decent results using views to back beans which 
model "report rows"; in some cases also I have processes which build 
a reporting table as a sort of an index, and then use that as a 
source for report row beans.  Yes, it involved making objects which 
are otherwise irrelevant to the domain, but it really simplified 
things and avoided the need to move data around between objects and 
some reporting output.

For real heavy duty data crunching, this may not work, but so far 
it's been good for me on two projects.

Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Moving the implementation is out of my hands.
> JDO for RDBMS is an ORM solution which doesn't necessarily 
> answer the question, why not use both (JDBC and ORM)? I think 
> both solutions have merit and I think that many try to make 
> one solution work for both OLAP and OLTP.

Ok, in this case, how about splitting the databases? Keeping OLTP part as
is, and creating the OLAP part on daily (hourly or whatever) import basis as
a separate DB, where you can create fast indexes, which you can't afford in
the OLTP part. 
Or do you always need to analyse the data instantly?

We once made it for a project, where the customer wanted to create new
queries for statistical purposes from scratch. Like, today i'd 
like to know, whether the 50.000 users registered in last month were more
female of male, and how many of male users came from north dakota... 
We created a table, which was imported every night, and contained all the
information about a user, which was available in different 
parts of the system. So the customer was able to analyse everything, without
running queries against the live-system.


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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Moving the implementation is out of my hands.
> JDO for RDBMS is an ORM solution which doesn't necessarily 
> answer the question, why not use both (JDBC and ORM)? I think 
> both solutions have merit and I think that many try to make 
> one solution work for both OLAP and OLTP.

Ok, in this case, how about splitting the databases? Keeping OLTP part as
is, and creating the OLAP part on daily (hourly or whatever) import basis as
a separate DB, where you can create fast indexes, which you can't afford in
the OLTP part. 
Or do you always need to analyse the data instantly?

We once made it for a project, where the customer wanted to create new
queries for statistical purposes from scratch. Like, today i'd 
like to know, whether the 50.000 users registered in last month were more
female of male, and how many of male users came from north dakota... 
We created a table, which was imported every night, and contained all the
information about a user, which was available in different 
parts of the system. So the customer was able to analyse everything, without
running queries against the live-system.


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Re: AW: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Taylor
Moving the implementation is out of my hands.
JDO for RDBMS is an ORM solution which doesn't necessarily answer the 
question, why not use both (JDBC and ORM)? I think both solutions have 
merit and I think that many try to make one solution work for both OLAP 
and OLTP.


Leon Rosenberg wrote:
And you can't move it to oodbms? 

Btw, there are JDO implementation for RDBMS (for example KODO JDO by
Makes moving easier...

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. März 2005 16:19
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
Leon Rosenberg wrote:
I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.

It was an answer :-)
Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?

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RE: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Jason Long
Use hibernate 3.0 it rocks.  It is now part of JBoss and professionally
supported by them.

Thank you for your time, 

Jason Long
CEO and Chief Software Engineer
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering 

-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 9:17 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: AW: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

And you can't move it to oodbms? 

Btw, there are JDO implementation for RDBMS (for example KODO JDO by

Makes moving easier...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. März 2005 16:19
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)
> An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
> /robert
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> >>Leon,
> >>
> >>I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> >>
> >>I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.
> > 
> > 
> > It was an answer :-)
> > 
> > Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?
> > 
> > leon
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
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RE: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Jason Long
Use hibernate 3.0 it rocks.  It is now part of JBoss and professionally
supported by them.

Thank you for your time, 

Jason Long
CEO and Chief Software Engineer
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering 

-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 9:17 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: AW: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

And you can't move it to oodbms? 

Btw, there are JDO implementation for RDBMS (for example KODO JDO by

Makes moving easier...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. März 2005 16:19
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)
> An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
> /robert
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> >>Leon,
> >>
> >>I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> >>
> >>I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.
> > 
> > 
> > It was an answer :-)
> > 
> > Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?
> > 
> > leon
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
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> > 
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AW: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
And you can't move it to oodbms? 

Btw, there are JDO implementation for RDBMS (for example KODO JDO by

Makes moving easier...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. März 2005 16:19
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)
> An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
> /robert
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> >>Leon,
> >>
> >>I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> >>
> >>I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.
> > 
> > 
> > It was an answer :-)
> > 
> > Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?
> > 
> > leon
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
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> > 
> > 
> > 
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AW: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
And you can't move it to oodbms? 

Btw, there are JDO implementation for RDBMS (for example KODO JDO by

Makes moving easier...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 13. März 2005 16:19
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)
> An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
> /robert
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> >>Leon,
> >>
> >>I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> >>
> >>I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.
> > 
> > 
> > It was an answer :-)
> > 
> > Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?
> > 
> > leon
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
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Re: AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Taylor
An existing production RDBMS implementation :)
Leon Rosenberg wrote:
I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.

It was an answer :-) 

Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?

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AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Leon,
> I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.

It was an answer :-) 

Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?


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AW: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Leon,
> I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
> I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.

It was an answer :-) 

Do you have any real requirements which forces you to use rdbms?


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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Taylor
I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.
I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.
Leon Rosenberg wrote:
For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why 
not use both types of solutions? For example, let's say I 
have a master-detail type report which does a lot of number 
crunching and is very complex which returns rows where each 
row represents a record detail. Clicking on a row is a simple 
query returning the contents of that row to a detail page. 
For the report query, I may use a stored procedure or an 
optimized query. When I click on a row, I leverage my ORM 
solution retrieving the details with a primary key.

It seems like this would solve both problems:
1. Use ORM to handle the simple CRUD operations. Reduce the 
amount of SQL which has to be hand written and maintained.

2. Use straight JDBC to handle complex/optimized data retrievals.

Why not use OODBMS for those cases? You have JDO for simple CRUD operations,
which is better, easier and faster than any ORM,
and have OQL to handle compex data retrievals.

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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Question:
> For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why 
> not use both types of solutions? For example, let's say I 
> have a master-detail type report which does a lot of number 
> crunching and is very complex which returns rows where each 
> row represents a record detail. Clicking on a row is a simple 
> query returning the contents of that row to a detail page. 
> For the report query, I may use a stored procedure or an 
> optimized query. When I click on a row, I leverage my ORM 
> solution retrieving the details with a primary key.
> It seems like this would solve both problems:
> 1. Use ORM to handle the simple CRUD operations. Reduce the 
> amount of SQL which has to be hand written and maintained.
> 2. Use straight JDBC to handle complex/optimized data retrievals.

Why not use OODBMS for those cases? You have JDO for simple CRUD operations,
which is better, easier and faster than any ORM,
and have OQL to handle compex data retrievals.


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Re: [OT] ORM vs JDBC vs OODBMS (was [OT] ORM vs JDBC)

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Question:
> For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why 
> not use both types of solutions? For example, let's say I 
> have a master-detail type report which does a lot of number 
> crunching and is very complex which returns rows where each 
> row represents a record detail. Clicking on a row is a simple 
> query returning the contents of that row to a detail page. 
> For the report query, I may use a stored procedure or an 
> optimized query. When I click on a row, I leverage my ORM 
> solution retrieving the details with a primary key.
> It seems like this would solve both problems:
> 1. Use ORM to handle the simple CRUD operations. Reduce the 
> amount of SQL which has to be hand written and maintained.
> 2. Use straight JDBC to handle complex/optimized data retrievals.

Why not use OODBMS for those cases? You have JDO for simple CRUD operations,
which is better, easier and faster than any ORM,
and have OQL to handle compex data retrievals.


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[OT] ORM vs JDBC [WAS- BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?]

2005-03-13 Thread Robert Taylor
I've been lurking on this thread for a while and had some observations 
and questions.

It seems like for most OLAP applications; those applications where the 
majority of the requirements are real-time read operations (reporting, 
searching, number crunching, etc... where data cannot necessarily be 
cached) may be best suited for a JDBC type solution as opposed to using 
an ORM solution. I think this is because an optimized query or stored 
procedure can retrieve data faster than drilling into an object graph 
and its respective relationships (n+1 problem).

It seems like for most OLTP applications; those applications where the 
majority of the requirements are write operations (CRUD) are best suited 
for an ORM solution. This is because the SQL required for executing 
these operations is easily extrapolated from meta data and therefore 
eliminates the mundane task of having to write and maintain.

For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why not use 
both types of solutions? For example, let's say I have a master-detail 
type report which does a lot of number crunching and is very complex 
which returns rows where each row represents a record detail. Clicking 
on a row is a simple query returning the contents of that row to a 
detail page. For the report query, I may use a stored procedure or an 
optimized query. When I click on a row, I leverage my ORM solution 
retrieving the details with a primary key.

It seems like this would solve both problems:
1. Use ORM to handle the simple CRUD operations. Reduce the amount of 
SQL which has to be hand written and maintained.

2. Use straight JDBC to handle complex/optimized data retrievals.

Is this not a reasonable solution? Am I missing something?

Larry Meadors wrote:
We eliminated lazy loading (it was creating literally thousands of
queries), and replaced it with a single stored procedure that we
mapped to objects with a RowHandler.
No outer joins + highly optimized data access = happy users.
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 08:32:58 -0500, N G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:18:36 -0700, Larry Meadors
For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a screen
that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw that screen
changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
sure how long it would have run unchecked) to under one. In the case
of smaller sets of data, we went from several minutes to sub-second
You mean changing the app from using Hibernate to iBatis changed the
performance from 10 min to under 1 and so on? Is that correct?
Why do you think there was SUCH a drastic change???
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RE: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread David G. Friedman

> In my experience, Hibernate works best when two criteria are met:
> 1) You are creating a database for a specific purpose, from scratch
> 2) You are creating the ONLY application that will access that database

I disagree with this and recommend you post this statement on  I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers to the

> The time to draw that screen changed from over 10
> minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
> sure how long it would have run unchecked)

Did you bother doing one of the following:

1) Check your SQL server logs to see what exact statement was being
executed?  You could have tuned your query using hibernate's SQL shortcut
language OR used a native SQL call (method names I cannot recall at this
moment because I use HSQL).  The native SQL calls can be invoked in both the
2.1.X series AND the 3.0 rc sets of releases.  You can also see the SQL
query by setting "show_sql=true" in your or
hibernate.cfg.xml files to have the generated SQL query get printed to your
application log.

2) Make sure your connection properties were set properly?

3) Enable lazy loading as necessary to reduce database joins and calls?

4) Request cache tweaking assistance by posting your scenario and caching
ideas to for feedback from those highly experienced in
using caching with Hibernate?  There could have been "quirks" to the version
of caching you were using or HOW you configured caching.

David, a happy hibernate user

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Re: pager-taglib.tld with Struts

2005-03-13 Thread Yen
I changed the pagerURL to load (jsp) instead of the 
(the points to the respective JSP)

Now I've got another error where it cant retrieve the mapping for 

in the jsp--

String url = request.getContextPath() + "/";

any idea?
- Original Message - 
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 8:28 PM
Subject: pager-taglib.tld with Struts

I wonder how could I use the pager-taglib with struts ?
I did a search page, searching by alphabets, let say the user choose 'C'
The links for the next page is as below, when I click on it, it give 
javascripts error:

"Object doesnt support this property or method"
DOes that means, I need to have the pager.offset in the FormBean ?
Thanks in advanced.

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Anybody who can answer this ?

2005-03-13 Thread nitin dubey

--- nitin dubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> When using DispatchAction can we somehow configure
> the
> framework to use the unspecified() method for
> loading
> the page contents from database ?
> Regards,
> Nitin Dubey
> __ 
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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread Larry Meadors
We eliminated lazy loading (it was creating literally thousands of
queries), and replaced it with a single stored procedure that we
mapped to objects with a RowHandler.

No outer joins + highly optimized data access = happy users.


On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 08:32:58 -0500, N G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:18:36 -0700, Larry Meadors
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a screen
> > that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw that screen
> > changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
> > sure how long it would have run unchecked) to under one. In the case
> > of smaller sets of data, we went from several minutes to sub-second
> > responses.
> You mean changing the app from using Hibernate to iBatis changed the
> performance from 10 min to under 1 and so on? Is that correct?
> Why do you think there was SUCH a drastic change???
> NG.
> -
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Re: Is There a Tool for JSF?

2005-03-13 Thread N G
I haven't had experience with it myself, but I've heard that Sun's
Studio is very good.


On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 10:07:13 +0530, Rajaneesh
> Try WSAD if the cost is not too high for the project
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:16 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Is There a Tool for JSF?
> We use Exadel's Eclipse4Web
> Michael Oliver
> Alarius Systems LLC
> 3325 N. Nellis Blvd, #1
> Las Vegas, NV 89115
> Phone:(702)643-7425
> Fax:(702)974-0341
> *Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Original Message-
> From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 6:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: Is There a Tool for JSF?
> There are many tools that help developing the Struts;
> for example, EasyStruts, StrutsConsole, StrutsBox.
> We also have the NitroX, Lomboz, etc. that help
> debugging.
> Is there any tool available for JSF?
> __
> Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday!
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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a 
> screen that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw 
> that screen changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after 
> that, and are not sure how long it would have run unchecked) 
> to under one. In the case of smaller sets of data, we went 
> from several minutes to sub-second responses.

Ok :-) 
Our requirements was to have read (select) time under 10 ms, and
insert/update times on about 20-30 ms.
We have very plain data: userId | key | value, which is organized in virtual
pages, like there 
are about 500 different keys, but you are requesting a page of 50 keys at
time (same for updating).

Second requirement: Hot-Standby-DB, meaning one reader, two writers and
switch to second db, on failure, but also 
for maintenance.

Third requirement: No cross connections between tables. There is a table
user with same userId as in the above table somewhere,
but they are not connected at DB level (they are connected on the service
level, but the DB shoudn't know anything about it).
This is required to make the whole app scalaable. Clustering DBs is a
suicide, so we can reach more scalability by moving 
different db_instances( and therefore different tables) to many hardware
machines, which is better, as spliting a table across
multiple machines.

As far as we tested it, there was no chance for it with hibernate. I also
seriously doubt, it can be made with iBatis (maybe I'm wrong?)

But to be true, I don't see _any_ usage for hibernate. If my model is
simple, I don't need hibernate. If my model is complex, I take a OODB which
is faster and better then. So where is the place for hibernate?


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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a 
> screen that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw 
> that screen changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after 
> that, and are not sure how long it would have run unchecked) 
> to under one. In the case of smaller sets of data, we went 
> from several minutes to sub-second responses.

Ok :-) 
Our requirements was to have read (select) time under 10 ms, and
insert/update times on about 20-30 ms.
We have very plain data: userId | key | value, which is organized in virtual
pages, like there 
are about 500 different keys, but you are requesting a page of 50 keys at
time (same for updating).

Second requirement: Hot-Standby-DB, meaning one reader, two writers and
switch to second db, on failure, but also 
for maintenance.

Third requirement: No cross connections between tables. There is a table
user with same userId as in the above table somewhere,
but they are not connected at DB level (they are connected on the service
level, but the DB shoudn't know anything about it).
This is required to make the whole app scalaable. Clustering DBs is a
suicide, so we can reach more scalability by moving 
different db_instances( and therefore different tables) to many hardware
machines, which is better, as spliting a table across
multiple machines.

As far as we tested it, there was no chance for it with hibernate. I also
seriously doubt, it can be made with iBatis (maybe I'm wrong?)

But to be true, I don't see _any_ usage for hibernate. If my model is
simple, I don't need hibernate. If my model is complex, I take a OODB which
is faster and better then. So where is the place for hibernate?


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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread N G
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 06:18:36 -0700, Larry Meadors
> For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a screen
> that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw that screen
> changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
> sure how long it would have run unchecked) to under one. In the case
> of smaller sets of data, we went from several minutes to sub-second
> responses.

You mean changing the app from using Hibernate to iBatis changed the
performance from 10 min to under 1 and so on? Is that correct?

Why do you think there was SUCH a drastic change???


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Re: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?

2005-03-13 Thread Larry Meadors
I am willing to throw out some numbers. :-)

I am currently in the process of replacing Hibernate with iBATIS in a
web application.

The primary reason for this is performance.

I do not disagree with you that Hibernate can be made to perform well.

I do think however that it has been presented as a general purpose
persistence tool, and that it is not.

In my experience, Hibernate works best when two criteria are met:
 1) You are creating a database for a specific purpose, from scratch
 2) You are creating the ONLY application that will access that database

If your application does not meet those two criteria (ours did not
meet either), then Hibernate is not a good match.

With caching on and other people touching the data it is volatile at
best. Without caching, it is painfully slow.

For example, on the application I am working on, we changed a screen
that accessed a large amount of data. The time to draw that screen
changed from over 10 minutes (we killed it after that, and are not
sure how long it would have run unchecked) to under one. In the case
of smaller sets of data, we went from several minutes to sub-second


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 15:12:09 -0700, Kelly Harward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure that there is a lot of value in throwing around any kind of
> empirical numbers since they will certainly vary greatly depending on
> numerous factors (the query you're executing, network latency, the actual
> RDBMS underneath, the amount of data in the database, proper use of indexes,
> etc.). However, in benchmark scenarios we have worked on, it's more common
> than not with Hibernate to see response times on par with straight JDBC. The
> thing one may be tempted to discount in these kind of comparison benchmarks
> is that in a plain ol' JDBC scenario you still have to marshal the JDBC
> ResultSet to your domain objects (typically POJOs) if you really want to
> compare apples to apples. Remember, Hibernate gives you collections of Java
> objects - not a JDBC ResultSet (which, in my view, is a huge win in more
> complex J2EE architectures). Granted, there may very well be some of your
> existing queries that will appear slower with a generic Hibernate
> implementation. We picked a few of our nastiest ones and found that after
> some tuning we can get performance from Hibernate that is on par with
> straight JDBC.
> I'm not trying to make the case that Hibernate (or similar frameworks) will
> always be the best persistence solution for every J2EE app. Rather, I think
> it's a mistake to discourage their use as a rule on the grounds that these
> frameworks are not performant.
> HTH,
> -Kelly
> -Original Message-
> From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:24 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: BRANCH: Typical Struts development team and distribution of tasks?
> What are your response times?
> -
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pager-taglib.tld with Struts

2005-03-13 Thread Yen
I wonder how could I use the pager-taglib with struts ?
I did a search page, searching by alphabets, let say the user choose 'C'
The links for the next page is as below, when I click on it, it give 
javascripts error:

"Object doesnt support this property or method"


DOes that means, I need to have the pager.offset in the FormBean ?

Thanks in advanced.


Re: Struts - Page Centric Framework

2005-03-13 Thread Ted Husted
I work in ASP.NET myself. 

What is it about Struts that you miss when working in ASP.NET, Attila?


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:00:31 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I guess if you guys think Struts is a page centric framework, you 
> should check out what
> ASP.NET has to offer with it's code behind/"Page Controller" model.
> BTW: I've been using Struts and ASP.NET and I was wondering if any of you 
> knew a Struts like
> framework in the .NET world. Any idea is appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Attila Domokos

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