Re: DownloadAction and concurrent threads

2006-09-14 Thread David Grundberg
I see no reason why the DownloadAction would be programmed to 
synchronize against anything, especially for the whole download, that 
would be a real showstopper! If you don't use instance variables, and 
only read from a database (with a connection for each download) or a 
filesystem, you wouldn't need to synchronize either.

Oliver Meyn wrote:

Hi all,

My app needs to allow downloads of relatively large files (10MB). 
Because Struts can/will reuse Actions for different threads, I'm 
worried that when multiple requests attempt to download these big 
files that a single BigFileDownloadAction will block until a 
download is complete thereby slowing all downloads (effectively making 
them serial).  Am I missing something?

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Re: FormFile arrays

2006-09-12 Thread David Grundberg
You are right about the jakarta commons fileupload and struts, you can't 
use commons fileupload in an action, because struts have already taken 
care of the multi-part parsing. You do have the option to make a servlet 
and commons fileupload, where you will have total control of the form 
data. I'm not certain about your way of making the files go into an 
array. Is that the way to do it with for example html:text? One would 
expect it to work in a similar fashion.
This link suggests that you use the same name all over again for each 
entry, like notworkingfile, notworkingfile, and so on...

Jeremiah Johnson skrev:
I would like to upload multiple files on a single web page by having 
multiple html:file elements. The exact number of these are different 
depending on the user who is using the application. So I want to store 
this in an array (FormFile[]) in order to have N number of files 
uploaded. When I try to use html:file/ tags in an iterate loop (with 
indexed=true) I get an error about requiring property attribute. 
There's isn't a good way of doing that so I just rendered the the HTML 
with scriplets. It looks something like:

input type=file name=workingfile/
input type=file name=notworkingfile[0]/
input type=file name=notworkingfile[1]/
input type=file name=notworkingfile[2]/

The form has getters and setters for workingfile (of type FormFile) 
and notworkingfile ( of type FormFile[] that is 3 elements). 
workingfile is assigned an instantied object however each element of 
notworkingfile[] is null after submit.

I then attempted to use commons-fileupload-1.1.1 in a struts action 
(struts 1.2.9) to read the uploaded data but it does not recognize 
that any files are being uploaded (including workingfile). I tried 
this code:

   List items = new ServletFileUpload(
   new DiskFileItemFactory()).parseRequest(request);

items results in an empty collection (but not null). I've read that 
you can not use commons-fileupload in a struts action which may be why 
that doesn't work. Anyone know how to have variable number of file 
upload boxes? I know I could have properties for each file 
(file1,file2,file3 and so on) instead of array but I'd rather not 
implement it that way. Thanks!


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Re: Constructor of Action is executed but getting a blank screen

2006-09-11 Thread David Grundberg

Try overriding execute, not excecute :)

krishan rathi wrote:

hi all
 Infact the constructor of Action is called but i am getting a blank screen and in the log file just getting the SOP in the constructor not even getting the Sop in the Exceute method.
 plz help

krishan rathi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

I am trying to use struts with netbeans 5.0 but having strange problems.

I have wrtten One ActionForm i.e EmployeeForm ,one action i.e AddEmpAction.

then in the struts-config.xml provided following entries:

and using /addEmployee.jsp as welcomefile.

But when i run my application it is displaying the addemployee.jsp correctly 
but when i click on the submit button it just displays a blank screen showing in the address bar.

can anybody provide what i am missing.

the listing of my formbean and action class is following.

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
* @author admin
public class AddEmpAction extends Action{

public ActionForward excecute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm 
form,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response){
System.out.println(inside action**);
EmployeeForm empForm=(EmployeeForm)form;
String name=empForm.getName();
float salary=empForm.getSalary();
String address=empForm.getAddress();
Employee emp=new Employee(name,salary,address);
EmployeeDao dao=new EmployeeDao();

catch(Exception e){
return mapping.findForward(success);


* Created on September 11, 2006, 11:52 AM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
package com.myapp.struts.forms;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
* @author admin
public class EmployeeForm extends ActionForm {
private String name;
private float salary;
private String address;

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping,HttpServletRequest request){
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,HttpServletRequest request){
return null;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public float getSalary() {
return salary;
public void setSalary(float salary) {
this.salary = salary;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;


Krishan rathi. 

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Re: using bean tag in scriptlet

2006-09-11 Thread David Grundberg
I would try using  instead of ' as value delimiter. (key=test.hello 
instead of key='test.hello') Have you set up the resource bundle in 


Hi Everybody,

i have a struts application which gives multilanguage support.
And i want to a assign a property file key value to a string in scriptlet.

Here is the example jsp:
   String str=bean:message key='test.hello'/;
When i want to print str value, there is no output shown at the page.
In addition, I do not have any error message 
Any other solutions please?

Best Regards.


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How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg


I want to do something like this:
1. User enters http://localhost/appname/
2. PlaceAction forwards to
3. In ListAction, I want to retrieve the URL the user entered 

The problem: when I run getRequestURI in the ListAction, all I get is 
/appname/ I guess this is a sort of natural thing for it to 
do, but how do I get the original URI? (/appname/

Any help appreciated!

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Re: Double Execution of Struts Actions

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg

Daniel Chacón Sánchez skrev:
I understand all that, but It not have to happen, fot me its a bug, 
the action don´t have to be call twice, no matter that the property of 

td was wrong

Use td bgcolor=#ff instead of td background=#ff.

When you ask the browser to request the background image #ff, the 
browser will call the action again, because that is simply how it is 
designed. If you want to change to background color you must use the 
bgcolor attribute of td, not the background one.

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Re: How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg

Martin Gainty skrev:,%20org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,%20javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,%20javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
The second parameter of the Action execute method is 'ActionForm'


I want to retrieve the original request URL. I don't see how the 
ActionForm would help me with that.


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Re: How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg
You are absolutely right about that, I could modify PlaceAction to save 
the URL somewhere. But you see, I'm doing a lot of forwarding to the 
ListAction, and I don't want to change every Action that forwards to 
ListAction. Come on! There's got to be a way to find the original URL.

Adam J Samere skrev:
You could call getRequestURI in PlaceAction and set the result into a 
request attribute (assuming PlaceAction forwards to, not a 
redirect) which would then be available to ListAction. If you are 
redirecting you would need to either set the value into the session, 
or append it as a request parameter to Not sure if there is a 
better way though.


David Grundberg wrote:


I want to do something like this:
1. User enters http://localhost/appname/
2. PlaceAction forwards to
3. In ListAction, I want to retrieve the URL the user entered 

The problem: when I run getRequestURI in the ListAction, all I get is 
/appname/ I guess this is a sort of natural thing for it to 
do, but how do I get the original URI? (/appname/

Any help appreciated!

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Re: How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg


I'm sorry, but I'm not asking about how to assemble an URL.

I want to retrieve the original URL sent by the browser in the request. 
The request.getRequestURL() is wrapped and modified with each forward, 
and I want the first, by the browser, requested URL.

Since so many seem to misunderstand me:
1. User inputs http://localhost/appname/; in browser.  (Mapped 
to InputAction)
2. InputAction's request.getRequestURL() is 

3. InputAction forward to OtherAction.
4. The OtherAction's request.getRequestURL() is 
http://localhost/appname/;. -- THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANT.

I want to retrieve the URL http://localhost/appname/; in the 
OtherAction WITHOUT modifying InputAction. How do I do this?

Rimzim Sinha skrev:

   getContextPAth + gathRequestURL...

Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:,%20org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,%20javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,%20javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
The second parameter of the Action execute method is 'ActionForm'
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Subject: How do I get the original RequestURI?



I want to do something like this:
1. User enters http://localhost/appname/
2. PlaceAction forwards to
3. In ListAction, I want to retrieve the URL the user entered 

The problem: when I run getRequestURI in the ListAction, all I get is 
/appname/ I guess this is a sort of natural thing for it to 
do, but how do I get the original URI? (/appname/

Any help appreciated!

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Re: How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg
He, I'm using Struts 1.2.7, and it's not there. :( Too bad for me. 
However, I think my problem must have been solved in some way, because 
what I'm trying to do isn't that remarkable.

Some actions require the user to be logged in. I want to direct them to 
a login screen. When they successfully logged in, I want  to return to 
where they came from. Is the only option to *redirect* to the login 
action and use the HTTP Referer-header to save where they came from? (Or 
send the returnurl as a GET-parameter to the login action)

I guess action chaining is kind of evil. Hey, it's not like there is any 
actual, factual documentation about struts out there waiting for me to 
find it? I'm having a very hard time finding any hints how to accomplish 

Adam J Samere skrev:
1.2 does not have this behavior. You could either use a filter as I 
mentioned, or to stay within the struts framework either create a 
common base Action subclass, or subclass RequestProcessor or 
ActionMapping to add the desired functionality. Either way would be a 
trivial task. I agree with Don, action chaining is bad! :)

Don Brown wrote:

Well, first of all, action chaing is bad ;), but second, Struts 1.3 at
least, and perhaps 1.2 automatically saves the original request uri
for you.  Look in the request under the
o.a.struts.Globals.ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URI key.


On 9/10/06, David Grundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You are absolutely right about that, I could modify PlaceAction to save
the URL somewhere. But you see, I'm doing a lot of forwarding to the
ListAction, and I don't want to change every Action that forwards to
ListAction. Come on! There's got to be a way to find the original URL.

Adam J Samere skrev:
 You could call getRequestURI in PlaceAction and set the result into a
 request attribute (assuming PlaceAction forwards to, not a
 redirect) which would then be available to ListAction. If you are
 redirecting you would need to either set the value into the session,
 or append it as a request parameter to Not sure if there 
is a

 better way though.


 David Grundberg wrote:

 I want to do something like this:
 1. User enters http://localhost/appname/
 2. PlaceAction forwards to
 3. In ListAction, I want to retrieve the URL the user entered

 The problem: when I run getRequestURI in the ListAction, all I 
get is
 /appname/ I guess this is a sort of natural thing for 
it to

 do, but how do I get the original URI? (/appname/

 Any help appreciated!


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Re: How do I get the original RequestURI?

2006-09-10 Thread David Grundberg

I got it working know, with no action chaining, and with redirects.

The reason why I'm not using roles and J2EE security is because I 
haven't been able to figure out it is meant to work, and I just thought 
it would be easier to do myself. Any tips on how to start with the 
standard security and how to make integrate it with struts would be 
appreciated, however.

Adam J Samere skrev:
You didn't mention what you were trying to do was login related. You 
*could* render the target (original) URL as an input parameter in the 
generated markup when redirecting to the login page. Is there a reason 
you can't use the standard J2EE security and login configuration? This 
does exactly what you are trying to do, and handles checking whether 
the user is logged in, has the correct roles etc. for you.

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Re: Token is wrapped by div/div

2006-09-05 Thread David Grundberg

Antonio Petrelli wrote:

MC Moisei ha scritto:

When I use html:form with tokens the hidden token is wrapped by div.
Is there a reason for that ? It messes up my layout and seems that
Firefox is most affected by the div...
form name=editForm method=post
divinput type=hidden name=org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN

I think you're right, AFAIK usually the div tag adds also a new-line.
I think that you should ask this question to Struts Developers list: 

Try to specify the stylesheet for this specific tag to display:none; 
It should remedy the problem.

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Re: Token is wrapped by div/div

2006-09-05 Thread David Grundberg

MC Moisei wrote:

That implies I cannot have divs without class or id...

David Grundberg wrote:

Try to specify the stylesheet for this specific tag to display:none;
It should remedy the problem.

Well, I suppose you'll have to  use some tricks to make it work.

div class=hidedivs
html:form ..
div class=workaround
html:text ../
divs with class or id attributes left unspecified

And stylesheets:
div.hidedivs {
div.workaround div {

Haven't tested it.


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