Re: Newbie - DataBase

2004-07-30 Thread Paul Barry
I think why you would want to do it is pretty obvious, you need to get data from the database to display on your page, 
such as a list of items.  A better question is why would you not want to.  That answer to that question is that it would 
be better to encapsulate your database query in a Data Access Object(DAO) and have your action call the DAO.  Here is a 
sample of the execute method for doing it with the DAO:

private ItemDAO dao = DAOFactory.getItemDAO();
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);
The idea would be that ItemDAO is an interface and the getItems method returns a collection of items.  You would write 
an implementation of the ItemDAO where the getItems method does the database query.  DAOFactory.getItemDAO() is a static 
method that returns an instance of an object that implements the ItemDAO interface.

As your application gets more complicated, you may want to have the action call a service, which in turn calls the dao, 
but if your page is pretty simple, that step probably won't be needed.

Peng Tuck Kwok wrote:
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:07:36 -0400, Bussie, Andre D
Is there a way in the Jakarta Struts framework to perform a database
query in an Action class w/o using a Action Form Class?

It sure is. 
The next question would be: why would you want to do that in the action ? :D

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Re: DAO Resource Suggestions

2004-07-30 Thread Paul Barry
Here is another one:
Bussie, Andre D wrote:
Does anyone know of good resources on implementing a DAO and service
within a struts application

Andre' D. Bussie
Sourcing Rotational Program 

532 Fellowship Rd
Moorestown, NJ 08057

856.952.7325 - Cell


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Re: Session size

2004-05-27 Thread Paul Barry
Sounds like a good idea.  I suggest that you look into using something 
like ibatis to handle the caching for you, and it definately won't take 
you a week to implement, even with the learning curve of ibatis.

Riyad Kalla wrote:
Good suggestions. I was dealing with something like this recently and decided 
that for me, adding caching at the DAO level:

e.g. List userList = UserDAO.getAllUsers();
would offer the biggest performance benefit since it would be:
(a) application wide, instead of per session
(b) returned Lists are 4-byte pointers to the actual list object cached in the 
(c) The DAO itself handles all manipulation of those types, so it knows when 
to invalid its own cache (on inserts/updates/removes)

What do people think about this strategy? (Before I spend a week implementing 
it :)

On Thursday 27 May 2004 08:49 am, Mike Zatko wrote:
I personally think its too big. Large amounts of data like that should
be put in request scope so that it gets flushed out of memory right
away. If you need the data to be persistent through the user's session
lifetime, mabye try serializing it to a database. Of course, different
situations call for different solutions. Also, I would try and replace
your Vector with a non-synchronized Collection like an ArrayList or
LinkedList unless you have some sort of mutlithreaded access to this
Riyad Kalla wrote:
Good question. I am curious what others think about this situation as
On Thursday 27 May 2004 08:24 am, Zhang, Larry (L.) wrote:
It is apparent true that if the session size is big, the performance will
be negatively affected. The question is that how to actively control the
size of session.
Let's discuss this question:
I have a page which displays all the subordinates of a manager, for some
reasons I want to create a List or a Vector containing all the
subordinates and put this List or Vector to the session. Each element in
the List or Vector is a Java object, Employee( each Employee object has
200 String attributes, among which 5 are needed to be displayed on the
A picture of this situation is:
Vector allSubordinates = new Vector();
Do you think this actually makes the session very big?
Then what will be the improvement of the following? Instead of add all
the employee objects, we create a very small object called
DisplayObject, which just contains the 5 attributes required on the
Vector allSubordinates = new Vector();
Your sharing of opinion is appreciated!

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Re: nl2br equivalent?

2004-05-25 Thread Paul Barry
Another way to do it is to create a wrapper method in your form that 
does the replacing.  So if you have a text property in the form, create 
a textAsHTML method that return the test property with the line breaks 
replaced.  That could get ugly if you have lots of fields like that, so 
I would then suggest using a taglib.  What's the downfall in adding 
another taglib?  I think it is certainly cleaner than the scriplet 
method you have below.

Daniel Perry wrote:
though it adds yet another tag library to my pages!
best i came up with is:
% pageContext.setAttribute(lf, \n); %
c:out value=${fn:replace(employee.contactAddress,lf, 'br')}
is there really no escape sequence for new line in el?
Would seem like a rather big shortfall to me!

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 May 2004 18:17
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: nl2br equivalent?
- Original Message -
From: Daniel Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:50 PM
Subject: nl2br equivalent?

I am a bit surprised, but there doesn't seem to be an
equivalent to php's
incredibly useful nl2br in jstl...
Is there an easy method I'm missing that will output a string after
converting line breaks to br tags?
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Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

2004-05-07 Thread Paul Barry
Sorry if this is confusing, I'll explain what I am trying to do.  I want 
to give the use a form with a number of interests and I want to track 
which ones they check off.  The way I thought to do it is have a form 
with a List property called interests.  I would have an action 
prepopulate the interests property with Interest objects.  I guess the 
Interest object would have to have a boolean selected property that is 
initially set to false, which would make all the options appear 
unchecked, and then when the user submits the form to a different 
action, I would store the interests in the database where selected is 
true.  Is that how you normally handle an indexed property like this?  I 
haven't really gotten very far in figuring this out yet because of the 
problem with the indexed attribute.

I just made up this JSP example because it illustrates the point that no 
matter what I do, I seem to get the must be in an interate tag 
exception.  I put your code into my jsp page:

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
   java.util.ArrayList interests = new java.util.ArrayList();
   java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
  c:forEach var=interest items=${interests}
 pInterest: html:text indexed=true name=interest
Still get the same exception.

Niall Pemberton wrote:

No worries. Your stuff's a bit confusing. On your html:form you have an
action named interest and you don't specify a name attribute on your
html:checkbox. That means the checkbox tag is going to try and get the
form associated with your interest action (if it doesn't exist, it'll try
and create it) and then try to retrieve the property you named which is
${interest.code}, plus the fact you are storing a interests object in
request scope.
I changed your code and the following worked for me, the only difference is
I don't use the el versions of the struts tags - just the standard ones:
   java.util.ArrayList interests = new java.util.ArrayList();
   java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
  c:forEach var=interest items=${interests}
 pInterest: html:text indexed=true name=interest
... and it produced:

 pInterest: input type=text name=interest[0].code

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

Sorry for replying directly to you Niall.  I meant to reply to the whole
list.  I think when you reply to a message you are replying to the user
list and me individually, because I get two copies of each message that
you post.  The reply-to on one of them it set to the struts user list,
and the reply-to on the other is set to your address, so I guess I
replied to the wrong one.
Anyway, here is the full code:

%@ taglib uri=;
prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=;
prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
  java.util.ArrayList interests = new java.util.ArrayList();
  java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
html:form action=interest
  c:forEach var=interest varStatus=loop items=${interests}
html:checkbox indexed=true property=${interest.code}/
The JSP scriplet fakes what normally happens in a action before getting
to the JSP.  Here is the exceptioin I get:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: indexed=true is only valid within an
enclosing iterate tag
at _test__jsp._jspService(/test.jsp:14)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
Is it possible that this problem has

Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

2004-05-06 Thread Paul Barry
Sorry for replying directly to you Niall.  I meant to reply to the whole 
list.  I think when you reply to a message you are replying to the user 
list and me individually, because I get two copies of each message that 
you post.  The reply-to on one of them it set to the struts user list, 
and the reply-to on the other is set to your address, so I guess I 
replied to the wrong one.

Anyway, here is the full code:

%@ taglib uri=; 
prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=; 
prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
  java.util.ArrayList interests = new java.util.ArrayList();
  java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
html:form action=interest
  c:forEach var=interest varStatus=loop items=${interests}
html:checkbox indexed=true property=${interest.code}/

The JSP scriplet fakes what normally happens in a action before getting 
to the JSP.  Here is the exceptioin I get:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: indexed=true is only valid within an
enclosing iterate tag
	at _test__jsp._jspService(/test.jsp:14)
	at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
	at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
	at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
	at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(

Is it possible that this problem has something to do with me using 
resin?  Guess I could download and setup tomcat to test...

Niall Pemberton wrote:

Well it works fine for me - so I'm at a loss to explain. Maybe you should
post the actual jsp code you are using - you said the jsp code looked like
 c:forEach var=item items=${items}
   html:text name=item property=code/
but the exception you show is for the EL version of the checkbox tag.

Also its better if you post to the struts user list rather than directly to
me - someone who knows more than me or has experienced your problem may jump
in if you post to the list.

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

I am using Struts 1.1, I just copied jstl.jar, struts.jar and
struts-el.jar into my project lib directory to be sure.  Still getting
the exception:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: indexed=true is only valid within an
enclosing iterate tag
I checked the source code around line 663 of BaseHandlerTag, here is
what it looks like:
// Look for JSTL loops
if (iterateTag == null) {
   Integer i = getJstlLoopIndex();
   if (i != null) {
index = i.intValue();
found = true;
} else {
   index = iterateTag.getIndex();
   found = true;
if (!found) {
// this tag should only be nested in iteratetag, if it's
not, throw exception
JspException e = new
RequestUtils.saveException(pageContext, e);
throw e;
Seems as though getJstlLoopIndex() isn't doing it's job, any ideas why?
 I have tried it with declaring the Loop Status in the c:forEach with
varStatus=loop and without, still get the exception.
Niall Pemberton wrote:

Hmmm. The thinking behind my suggestion was is jstl working properly

you or is the indexed thing just hinding some other root cause

I'm out of ideas - the only other thing I can think of is what version

Struts are you using - I believe jstl was only catered for from Struts
1.1 -

so if you were using a version before that you would get the message



- Original Message - 
From: Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate

Yeah, if I remove the indexed=true, my JSP code looks like this:

c:forEach var=item items=${items}
 html:text name=item

indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

2004-05-05 Thread Paul Barry
I am trying to use indexed properties in a form, as described in James 
Turner's Article Succeeding With Struts: Indexed Properties and Beans 
as Properties at

The example shows you can use c:forEach with html:text 
indexed=true/, like this:

c:forEach var=lines items=${} 
  TRTDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines 
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines property=quantity//TD
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines property=price//TD/TR

But when I try to do that, I get this error:

indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

Is my code wrong or is the example wrong?

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Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

2004-05-05 Thread Paul Barry
If I do this:

c:forEach var=item varStatus=loop items=${items}
html:text property=items[${loop.index}].code/
It gives me the results I want:

input type=text name=interests[0].code value=ABC /
input type=text name=interests[1].code value=BCD /
But I can't get indexed=true to work with c:forEach

Paul Barry wrote:

Yeah, if I remove the indexed=true, my JSP code looks like this:

c:forEach var=item items=${items}
  html:text name=item property=code/
I get a bunch of HTML inputs like this:

input type=text name=code value=ABC /

With different values but all named code.  Code is a property of item, 
and each item in items has a different code.

Niall Pemberton wrote:

What happens if you remove the indexed attribute from all the
html:text - does it work properly then (except for the name 
is the html page generated OK?


- Original Message - From: Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

I am trying to use indexed properties in a form, as described in James
Turner's Article Succeeding With Struts: Indexed Properties and Beans
as Properties at
The example shows you can use c:forEach with html:text
indexed=true/, like this:
c:forEach var=lines items=${} 
  TRTDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines property=quantity//TD
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines 

But when I try to do that, I get this error:

indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

Is my code wrong or is the example wrong?

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Re: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

2004-05-05 Thread Paul Barry
I meant

input type=text name=items[0].code value=ABC /
input type=text name=items[1].code value=BCD /
Paul Barry wrote:

If I do this:

c:forEach var=item varStatus=loop items=${items}
html:text property=items[${loop.index}].code/
It gives me the results I want:

input type=text name=interests[0].code value=ABC /
input type=text name=interests[1].code value=BCD /
But I can't get indexed=true to work with c:forEach

Paul Barry wrote:

Yeah, if I remove the indexed=true, my JSP code looks like this:

c:forEach var=item items=${items}
  html:text name=item property=code/
I get a bunch of HTML inputs like this:

input type=text name=code value=ABC /

With different values but all named code.  Code is a property of item, 
and each item in items has a different code.

Niall Pemberton wrote:

What happens if you remove the indexed attribute from all the
html:text - does it work properly then (except for the name 
is the html page generated OK?


- Original Message - From: Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

I am trying to use indexed properties in a form, as described in James
Turner's Article Succeeding With Struts: Indexed Properties and Beans
as Properties at
The example shows you can use c:forEach with html:text
indexed=true/, like this:
c:forEach var=lines items=${} 
  TRTDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines property=quantity//TD
  TDhtml:text indexed=true name=lines 

But when I try to do that, I get this error:

indexed=true is only valid within an enclosing iterate tag

Is my code wrong or is the example wrong?

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Re: [OT] Oracle JDev 10g Final ( build 1605) is out!

2004-04-19 Thread Paul Barry
I have been using Eclipse for a while now.  It is a little slow a times, 
but overall works pretty well.  Have any eclipse users tried JDeveloper? 
 Any reason to switch?  Is JDeveloper free?

Amjad Shahrour wrote:

Just wanted to say my toughts about Jdeveloper10g.

Simply it is GREATE!!.  

And there is no other IDE that can even compete with it.
*It has everything that I need.
* extraordinary performace ( I cant believe its pure java ;) )
* very very very organized. 
* I feel very comfortable when I use it.
* this what IDEs should be.
* IMO it is far better than

good work Jdeveloper10g team.

I am Looking forward a plugin that simplyfies the JSF development

Amjad Shahrour
Application Developer
Tel: +966.2.653.3334 ext 213

-Original Message-
From: Duncan Mills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 11:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Oracle JDev 10g Final ( build 1605) is out!

Eric it's a pure Java App - you can run it on Mac, Linux or whatever - 
plenty of people did run the Preview on Mac without too many problems - 
if you have any problems or issues just post them on OTN.


Duncan Mills
Senior Principal Product Manager
Oracle Application Development Tools

Erik Price wrote:

On Apr 14, 2004, at 4:24 AM, Christian Bollmeyer wrote:

Finally! (249MB)

-- Chris

No MacOSX version?


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html:text for Date property

2004-04-09 Thread Paul Barry
What is the best way to deal with a Date property in an ActionForm?  My 
ActionForm has a object that has a Date property that I want to set.

So I have


If I populate the that property in the Action like this:

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.setDate(new Date());
The html:text tag does a toString() on the property.  How 
can I get it to display in the MM/DD/ format instead?  Likewise, how 
do I make it so the user can enter a date in the format of MM/DD/ 
and have it correctly set the Date property?

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Re: html:text for Date property

2004-04-09 Thread Paul Barry
Yeah, I guess I could do that.  I think need 2 properties.  I would 
create a dateAsString property, have the form get and set that, and then 
have the getters and setters set and convert the actual Date.  This way 
I can call getDate to get a Date and getDateAsString to get it as a 
formatted String.

Are their other ways to handle this, so I don't need 2 properties?

Slattery, Tim - BLS wrote:

ActionForm has a object that has a Date property that I want to set.

So I have


If I populate the that property in the Action like this:

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.setDate(new Date());
The html:text tag does a toString() on the property.  How 
can I get it to display in the MM/DD/ format instead?  
Likewise, how 
do I make it so the user can enter a date in the format of MM/DD/ 
and have it correctly set the Date property?

I'd have the getter format the Date as a string (use
SimpleDateFormat.format(), you can specify any of a wide variety of
formats). Likewise, the setter should accept a string and use
SimpleDateFormat.parse() to turn it into a Date. If parse() returns null
then the String could not be turned into a Date, and you need to display an
error message.
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Re: html:text for Date property

2004-04-09 Thread Paul Barry
This seems to work pretty well:

private Date dateOfBirth;
private static final DateFormat dateOfBirthFormat =
new SimpleDateFormat(MM/dd/);
public Date getDateOfBirth() {
return dateOfBirth;
public void setDateOfBirth(Date dateOfBirth) {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
public String getDateOfBirthString() {
return dateOfBirthFormat.format(dateOfBirth);

public void setDateOfBirthString(String dateOfBirthString)
throws ParseException {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirthFormat.parse(dateOfBirthString);  
And then I use dateOfBirthString as the property in the html:text tag. 
 I'll also create a rule in the validator to make sure that 
dateOfBirthString is the right format, so the ParseException never happens.

Christian Bollmeyer wrote:

On Friday 09 April 2004 21:19, Paul Barry wrote:

Generally, it's a good idea to have only String and boolean
properties in an ActionForm and convert the information
gathered for further processing lateron. For complex
validations (like Dates), I usually check in validate() if
the value entered can be successfully converted via
SimpleDateFormat and do the actual conversion when
populating the VO bean. But you can have 2 properties
in the form as well. 

-- Chris.
BTW, as such conversions are needed quite often,
it's a good idea to write a small utility function that
does the conversion check and put it in either
your BaseActionForm or some general utility class.

Yeah, I guess I could do that.  I think need 2 properties.  I would
create a dateAsString property, have the form get and set that, and
then have the getters and setters set and convert the actual Date. 
This way I can call getDate to get a Date and getDateAsString to get
it as a formatted String.

Are their other ways to handle this, so I don't need 2 properties?

Slattery, Tim - BLS wrote:

ActionForm has a object that has a Date property that I want to
So I have


If I populate the that property in the Action like this:

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.setDate(new Date());
The html:text tag does a toString() on the property. 
How can I get it to display in the MM/DD/ format instead?
Likewise, how
do I make it so the user can enter a date in the format of
MM/DD/ and have it correctly set the Date property?
I'd have the getter format the Date as a string (use
SimpleDateFormat.format(), you can specify any of a wide variety of
formats). Likewise, the setter should accept a string and use
SimpleDateFormat.parse() to turn it into a Date. If parse() returns
null then the String could not be turned into a Date, and you need
to display an error message.
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validator one of multiple fields required

2004-04-07 Thread Paul Barry
Is there an easy way to check that at least one of multiple fields is 
filled in with the validator?  Kind of like:

if(username != null || firstname != null || lastname != null)

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Re: Problem with Formbean validate method forwarding to input page

2004-04-07 Thread Paul Barry
Make your input action an error page, which just has the error and no 
sensitive data and make a success forward that you only send the user to 
if everything checks out.

Todd Bryant wrote:

I have need for every page in my web app to be secure. What I originally did
was extend the Action class to make a secure action class. The
SecureAction's perform method validates that the user is logged in and if
not, sends them to the login page. All actions in my app extend
SecureAction. To protect my jsp's, I put them in a subfolder of WEB-INF,
WEB-INF/jsp. This way a user cannot directly access any jsp. They can only
be accessed through a forward in an action. This completely secures all
resources in my application. 


This is where I run into a problem. If I use the validate() method of the
formbean and it returns a non-empty ActionErrors object, then the request is
diverted to resource that is set as the input, in this case a jsp. Because
of this, if a user were to put in some bogus field values in the url, she
would be able to cause the formbean to no validate and get the jsp to
display, bypassing the secure action. I can secure each jsp, but this is
redundant if I have them in the WEB-INF folder in the first place. I would
rather avoid this fix. 


I know that overriding the default action class is a common way to secure
your app as I have read about it more than one place, however, I have never
seen this problem addressed. Has anyone else ran across this problem before
and come up with a solution? Thanks in advance. 


Todd Bryant


University of Nebraska Foundation




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Re: Problem with Formbean validate method forwarding to input page

2004-04-07 Thread Paul Barry
Maybe you should be handling your security in the request processor. 
Have a method like this:

protected ActionForward processActionPerform(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Action action,
ActionForm form,
ActionMapping mapping)
throws IOException, ServletException {
try {
return (action.execute(mapping, form, request, response));
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return (processException(request, response,e, form, mapping));
Where validateSession throws a SecurityException if the user is not 
logged in and processException knows where to send the user to log in. 
There are different ways to do it, but the basic principle is to 
authenticate the user's session before the Action executes, so you don't 
have to worry about that in the Action.

Todd Bryant wrote:

That is a good suggestion, and I had thought of that, but the problem is
that a user would have to go from the error page back to the page they were
on. This would make it prohibitively difficult to interact with this
particular app (too many clicks). 

-Original Message-
From: Paul Barry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 4:07 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem with Formbean validate method forwarding to input page

Make your input action an error page, which just has the error and no 
sensitive data and make a success forward that you only send the user to 
if everything checks out.

Todd Bryant wrote:

I have need for every page in my web app to be secure. What I originally

was extend the Action class to make a secure action class. The
SecureAction's perform method validates that the user is logged in and if
not, sends them to the login page. All actions in my app extend
SecureAction. To protect my jsp's, I put them in a subfolder of WEB-INF,
WEB-INF/jsp. This way a user cannot directly access any jsp. They can only
be accessed through a forward in an action. This completely secures all
resources in my application. 

This is where I run into a problem. If I use the validate() method of the
formbean and it returns a non-empty ActionErrors object, then the request

diverted to resource that is set as the input, in this case a jsp.

of this, if a user were to put in some bogus field values in the url, she
would be able to cause the formbean to no validate and get the jsp to
display, bypassing the secure action. I can secure each jsp, but this is
redundant if I have them in the WEB-INF folder in the first place. I would
rather avoid this fix. 

I know that overriding the default action class is a common way to secure
your app as I have read about it more than one place, however, I have

seen this problem addressed. Has anyone else ran across this problem

and come up with a solution? Thanks in advance. 

Todd Bryant


University of Nebraska Foundation


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Re: ORM Tools (Ibatis, Hibernate, OJB....)

2004-04-06 Thread Paul Barry
I don't know much about ORM toools, but I can say that iBatis SQL Maps 
is not an ORM tool.  As I understand it, ORM tools map java object to 
database tables, whereas SQL Maps map java objects to SQL statements. 
iBatis just makes using JDBC much easier, whereas ORM tools hide the 
JDBC from you, doing the persistence work for you.  Hibernate and OJB 
might be useful depending on your project, but SQL Maps will be an 
easier transition for you if you are used to working with JDBC, 
especially in a place where you may have people that specifically work 
on writing and tuning SQL queries.

Marcelo Epstein wrote:

Thanks everybody!
Now I am convinced to use an ORM tool. The big problem is whitch one? Hibernate? Ibatis ?OJB?
Whitch one is preferable to use with Struts?? 

Macelo Epstein

On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 11:29:21 -0600, Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

De: Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 11:29:21 -0600
Assunto: Re: Connection Pooling (How i use...)
I have yet to see a *good* example of how to do jdbc on the net. 

Most are very simple one-off throws SQLException examples that don't
seem to take into consideration little things like stability and
releasing resources. :)
That is why I think tools like iBATIS are so powerful - you get all the
power of JDBC without the pain.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/06/04 11:15 AM 
Now I am closing the connection in the finally block.
The exemple...
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Re: BeanUtils.copyProperties() throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No origin bean specified

2004-04-02 Thread Paul Barry
Yeah, it was actually my dao that returning a null UserBO.  Makes since, 
sense user is the origin.

Marco Mistroni wrote:

Make sure that the userForm is not null..
I m using BeanUtils.copyProperties all the time and it
Just work fine
Hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Paul Barry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 April 2004 00:12
Subject: BeanUtils.copyProperties() throws
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No origin bean specified

I am trying to use BeanUtil.copyProperties() as described in 5.6.7 in 
Struts in Action (Husted).  I have an Interface UserBO which my 
ActionForm implements.  I also have a standard JavaBean UserBOImpl which

implements the Interface.  I have a DAO that returns a UserBOImpl.  I 
would like to use BeanUtils.copyProperties() to copy all of the 
UserBOImpl properties into the ActionForm.  So I am trying this code in 
the execute method of my Action:

UserBO user = dao.getUser(myForm.getId());
UserBO userForm = (UserBO)form;
myForm is just the ActionForm cast into the ActionForm I wrote that 
implements UserBO.  This code compiles, but when it runs I get a 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No origin bean specified.  Does 
anyone know why I am getting this error?  Is anyone else doing something

like this?  Anyone getting this error?

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validator integer required

2004-04-01 Thread Paul Barry
I have an ActionForm with an int property called id.  If I use the 
validator required validation, it always passes the validation, even 
if there is no request parameter called id.  Is this is correct 
behavior, or am I doing something wrong?

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Re: [OT] UI Suggestion Request

2004-04-01 Thread Paul Barry
I have seen people create a link to a pop-up window next to the a text 
input box.  The pop-up window has a scrolling, possibly paged list of 
the descriptions you want the users to be able to select from.  Each 
description is a hyperlink and when the user clicks on one of the 
descriptions, the pop-window closes and uses javascript to update the 
input text field with the code corresponding to the link the user 
clicked on.

Avinash Gangadharan wrote:

Hello All,
   I have a field in a form which expects a predefined set of data existing
in the database. The dataset is of type code-description, where the user is
expected to select or enter a description and the form passes back a code
for it. This can be presented best in the form of a dropdown list. But my
problem is that this set of data is huge ( around 200 rows ) and the
descriptions for each code is also pretty long. What do you guys think could
be a good replacement of the drop down list to prevent any bad data entry. 
I want to force the users to do something like a search and select kind of


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Re: validator and dispatch action

2004-03-31 Thread Paul Barry
Ah, I got you now.  No, I didn't try that, I will give it a try.

Adam Hardy wrote:

I mean, try changing it in the code in your action when you want to 
validate,  change it back afterwards to its previous value when done. 
Is that what you tried?

String oldName = mapping.getName();
form.validate(mapping, request);

On 03/31/2004 05:52 PM Paul Barry wrote:

The name of the action-mapping has to correspond to the name of the 

Adam Hardy wrote:

If I really wanted to stick with your set-up, I see a way it might be 
possible, although I have not done this myself.

Try changing the 'name' attribute of the mapping to the validation 
that you defined in the validation.xml, e.g. 'widget-update' or 
'widget-edit' and then call the validate() method.

My main worry is that ActionMapping may not like being changed, but 
if so, you could instantiate a new one.


On 03/31/2004 05:18 PM Paul Barry wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am using the validator and dispatch actions and I am wonder what 
the best way to do this is.  Consider that I have the following 
method in a dispatch action:

add- populates collections for drop-down lists, forwards to jsp 
create - needs to do validation and store in database
edit   - needs to populate form with the data to edit, forward to 
jsp page
update - needs to do validation and update database
delete - needs to delete a record from the database

You can see how the validation would be different for these actions. 
Let's say this is a dispatch action related to administrating 
users.  So for add, there would be no validation, it just gets the 
data need to build the form.  For create, there might be a password 
and verify password field that need to be validated, but update 
wouldn't have those fields.  Edit and delete would have to have a 
parameter for the primary key of the record to edit or delete.

Now I found something related at this link:

Which says to set validate to false in the struts-config.xml and 
then call validate method within each method of the dispatch action, 
like this:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors = form.validate(mapping, request);
// Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
saveErrors(request, errors);
return  new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
This seems like a really good solution to me, but there is one 
problem.  How do you call a different set of validation rules, based 
on which method you are in?  Doesn't this need to be something like 

edit() {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors = form.validateEdit(mapping, request);
update() {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors = form.validateUpdate(mapping, request);
Because the rules for validating edit and update are different.  You 
could define different action-mappings in your struts config for 
each dispatch method, and then a form in your validation.xml for 
each action-mapping, where the form name is the same as the path 
property of the action-mapping, but doesn't this defeat the purpose 
of the dispatch action?  Why not just have separate actions at that 
point?  I think the answer is to just not use the dispatch action 
with the validator, but I wanted to know if others had found a way 
to do it.

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Re: validator and dispatch action

2004-03-31 Thread Paul Barry
Yeah, I guess that would work, but seems kludgey.  Wouldn't it be easier 
to just have separate actions for each operation?  The struts books that 
I have read (Struts in Action, Husted and Programming Jakarta Struts, 
Cavaness) claim that the dispatch action makes the application easier to 
maintain by grouping related operations together, but it seems that it 
makes using the validator more difficult.  Have others found this to be 
the case?

Adam Hardy wrote:

Sorry, that's the only property you do NOT want to copy! I mean all the 

On 03/31/2004 06:44 PM Adam Hardy wrote:

It's worth trying it with a new mapping then. Copy across the relevant 
bits from the real mapping, in pseudocode:

newMapping = new Mapping();

On 03/31/2004 06:37 PM Takhar, Sandeep wrote:

I thought there used to be a way in the struts-config to say use 
this form name even though we are using the same class

It would still require a different mapping...if it is true


-Original Message-
From: Paul Barry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: validator and dispatch action
I get this exception:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Configuration is frozen

Adam Hardy wrote:

I mean, try changing it in the code in your action when you want to 
validate,  change it back afterwards to its previous value when 
done. Is that what you tried?

String oldName = mapping.getName();
form.validate(mapping, request);

On 03/31/2004 05:52 PM Paul Barry wrote:

The name of the action-mapping has to correspond to the name of the 

Adam Hardy wrote:

If I really wanted to stick with your set-up, I see a way it might 
be possible, although I have not done this myself.

Try changing the 'name' attribute of the mapping to the validation 
that you defined in the validation.xml, e.g. 'widget-update' or 
'widget-edit' and then call the validate() method.

My main worry is that ActionMapping may not like being changed, 
but if so, you could instantiate a new one.


On 03/31/2004 05:18 PM Paul Barry wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am using the validator and dispatch actions and I am wonder 
what the best way to do this is.  Consider that I have the 
following method in a dispatch action:

add- populates collections for drop-down lists, forwards to 
jsp page
create - needs to do validation and store in database
edit   - needs to populate form with the data to edit, forward to 
jsp page
update - needs to do validation and update database
delete - needs to delete a record from the database

You can see how the validation would be different for these 
actions. Let's say this is a dispatch action related to 
administrating users.  So for add, there would be no validation, 
it just gets the data need to build the form.  For create, there 
might be a password and verify password field that need to be 
validated, but update wouldn't have those fields.  Edit and 
delete would have to have a parameter for the primary key of the 
record to edit or delete.

Now I found something related at this link:

Which says to set validate to false in the struts-config.xml and 
then call validate method within each method of the dispatch 
action, like this:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors = form.validate(mapping, request);
// Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   return  new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
This seems like a really good solution to me, but there is one 
problem.  How do you call a different set of validation rules, 
based on which method you are in?  Doesn't this need to be 
something like this:

edit() {
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
   errors = form.validateEdit(mapping, request);
update() {
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
   errors = form.validateUpdate(mapping, request);
Because the rules for validating edit and update are different.  
You could define different action-mappings in your struts config 
for each dispatch method, and then a form in your validation.xml 
for each action-mapping, where the form name is the same as the 
path property of the action-mapping, but doesn't this defeat the 
purpose of the dispatch action?  Why not just have separate 
actions at that point?  I think the answer is to just not use the 
dispatch action with the validator, but I wanted to know if 
others had found a way to do it.


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