Re: [poll] Java 5 as minimum requirement for Cocoon 2.2

2006-08-14 Thread Bruce Atherton

Count this as a big +1 from me. We only run cocoon in a Java 5 VM anyway.

The Concurrency package alone is a big reason to adopt Java 5. The speed 
of many algorithms can be vastly improved, as well as being made more 
thread-safe.  Then there is the enhanced type safety you get with 
generics. You can even get significant code reduction while maintaining 
type safety when generics are properly applied, by removing duplicated 
code that changes only by its type.

If you wait until after 2.2 is released to upgrade the required JVM for 
cocoon, you then have to worry about how many existing 2.2 users you 
leave high and dry. By making the move at this time, there is a logical 
break. Any users that want to use an earlier VM can still use the 2.1 
branch. Presumably the 2.1 branch will be maintained as a bug-fix 
branch, which probably wouldn't be the case for some 2.2.x release if 
you decided to up the required JVM for the 2.2.x+1 release.

Also, there are projects around that let you run Java 5 code on earlier 
VMs, so if someone really needed to run Cocoon 2.2 on an older JVM they 
could look into that.

In summary: Just Giv'er!

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

On [EMAIL PROTECTED] we have started to dicuss whether we can make Java 5 
becoming the minimum requirement for Cocoon 2.2. Note that this 
discussion is completly unrelated to Cocoon 2.1 which needs JDK 1.3.

The arguments pro Java 5 which was officially releases almost 2 years 
ago, are the support of generics, annotations, build-in JMX, simpler 
loop syntax, and many small improvements to a lot of classes.

As Cocoon 2.2 hasn't been released yet, there is no existing user 
base. Hence people are not forced to use Java 5 just because of a new 
patch release. We plan to do a release based on the 2.1.X branch 
within the next months, which might be the last one of this series.

The question now is whether making Java 5 the minimum requirement is a 
hurdle for people who plan to migrate or not.

Your opinion is appreciated!

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RE: External redirect thru reverse proxy (was Re: action to action redirect)

2006-08-14 Thread Ard Schrijvers

> On Aug 14, 2006, at 1:17 AM, Ard Schrijvers wrote:
> > (redirect-to via the browser is quickly a bad option, because 
> > normally, you will have something like httpd with mod_cache 
> or squid 
> > running in front of cocoon. Then, for example, the site runs in 
> >, and cocoon listens for example to 
> > http://mysite.localhost:. Now, a redirect-to with 
> cocoon redirects 
> > the browser to http://mysite.localhost:/foo/bar.
> But not if the proxy is configured correctly, e.g. 
> ProxyPassReverse in 
> apache, right?  I do browser redirects all the time (where 
> appropriate), and I never have this problem.

Hmmm, I do not know enough about this, but think it is interesting. I will ask 
how we do it and if we can solve it your way. 

Regards Ard

> cheers,
> —ml—
> -
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FAQ? Help with Tomcat5, JDK1.5 and Cocoon2.1.9 playing nice together

2006-08-14 Thread Owen Scott Medd
I have a system I am porting from Cocoon pre-2.0beta, currently running
under Tomcat3 and jdk1.3, to later and greater (Tomcat 5.0.30, JDK, Cocoon 2.1.9). (Don't ask...)

I've read the "upgrading older" document and using ParanoidCocoonServlet
did solve a big issue we had.  However, even after doing that, we have a
pesky ClassCastException that we can't resolve.

My question is whether there is a newer "how to" document somewhere that
addresses getting Cocoon 2.1 running with jdk1.5 and Tomcat5?  Or will
all our problems be solved by moving to the bleeding edge development
version?  I am assuming there is a generic solution to this problem and
I just haven't read enough google results.

Or should we just head straight to the bar and give it up for the week?

Thanks for any ideas, encouragement or tips on good bars.

eePulse, Inc.

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External redirect thru reverse proxy (was Re: action to action redirect)

2006-08-14 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Aug 14, 2006, at 1:17 AM, Ard Schrijvers wrote:

(redirect-to via the browser is quickly a bad option, because 
normally, you will have something like httpd with mod_cache or squid 
running in front of cocoon. Then, for example, the site runs in, and cocoon listens for example to 
http://mysite.localhost:. Now, a redirect-to with cocoon redirects 
the browser to http://mysite.localhost:/foo/bar.

But not if the proxy is configured correctly, e.g. ProxyPassReverse in 
apache, right?  I do browser redirects all the time (where 
appropriate), and I never have this problem.


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RE: Executing CocoonPipelineCronJob only once

2006-08-14 Thread Ard Schrijvers
I think 

0 0 0 0 0 ? 0

will only run at startup, but you should be able to 

1) test this easily 
2) find it in quartz documentation

Regards Ard

> Hi
> I need to execute a pipleline at startup only once. Based on the
> documentation, I found out that it is possible to do use s cron job
> that executes a pipeline using CocoonPipelineCronJob.
> However how do I have this cron job executed only once. I need to do
> some initialization at startup by calling a pipeline.
> Thanks
> Sanket
> -
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Executing CocoonPipelineCronJob only once

2006-08-14 Thread Sanket Pattekar


I need to execute a pipleline at startup only once. Based on the
documentation, I found out that it is possible to do use s cron job
that executes a pipeline using CocoonPipelineCronJob.

However how do I have this cron job executed only once. I need to do
some initialization at startup by calling a pipeline.


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RE: Performance and Sitemaps

2006-08-14 Thread Stewart, Gary

> -Original Message-
> From: Ard Schrijvers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 26 July 2006 15:56
> To:
> Subject: RE: Performance and Sitemaps
> Anyway, I don't use profilers to find my slow pieces. I do it 
> from a 10.000 kilometers above view. In my opinion this works 
> best. I record a page request with solex (eclipse plugin) and 
> count the time it takes to get the file again (after a clear 
> cache or before, just what you want to measuer). Then, I 
> start commenting sitemap parts. Within 30 sec you will find 
> any performance flaw, guaranteed.
> Then, I don't know what you consider slow. Are you talking 
> about slow the first time, slow when cached? Slow = 2 sec or 200 ms? 

Sorry about it taking me so long to reply. I thought I'd experiment more first 
to come back with a better answer and then I seemed to have saved this as a 

Slow was about 7 seconds for a response. It turns out that it was a very poor 
query on the database (that then returns XML to the cocoon pipe). I've worked 
on speeding that up and the rest of the pipe seems fine. Thanks for the advice; 
I replaced the generator on the sitemap with a dummy one and it showed the flaw 
from a 10.000 kilometer view :D.

Thanks again,


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RE: [poll] Java 5 as minimum requirement for Cocoon 2.2

2006-08-14 Thread Stewart, Gary

> -Original Message-
> From: Reinhard Poetz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On [EMAIL PROTECTED] we have started to dicuss whether we can make 
> Java 5 becoming the 
> minimum requirement for Cocoon 2.2. 

I've been using Java 5 for deployment for some time so it isn't a problem for 
me. There will probably be people still using older versions of Java who will 
want to migrate but if you can reduce development time or speed up the system 
by using features in Java 5 then I say go for it.


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Looking for suggestion on auto backup cocoon form fields

2006-08-14 Thread Chris

This is the scenario in a cocoon forms/flow webapp.  A user is presented with a 
cocoon form that has a few text fields on it, assume at some point in the 
this could be an html editor widget.  At some regular interval of time I want 
to be 
able to save what has been entered in case the browser gets closed or a session 
times out.  I would like to do this save server-side and without a 
This sounds like ajax would help.  So if there is a failure, when the user goes 
back they see the contents from the last auto-save.

Has anyone done something like this?



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RE: action to action redirect

2006-08-14 Thread Ard Schrijvers

> I have the following sitemap construct:
> where ActionA might redirect to ActionB and Action B might again 
> redirect to ActionA.
> My problem is, that the redirects always stop after the first 
> redirect 
> (I get a white screen, and the second redirect is always ignored...)

Hello,probably your {nextyPage} does not contain the cocoon:// or cocoon:/ 
protocol. When you just use a url without the cocoon protocol, you will get a 
browser-redirect to {nextPage}, which probably gives you the empty page. Try 
cocoon:/ or // todo a redirect without using the browser (redirect-to via the 
browser is quickly a bad option, because normally, you will have something like 
httpd with mod_cache or squid running in front of cocoon. Then, for example, 
the site runs in, and cocoon listens for example to 
http://mysite.localhost:. Now, a redirect-to with cocoon redirects the 
browser to http://mysite.localhost:/foo/bar. Obviously, this is behavior 
you don't want).


> can anybody help me?
> -
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Re: HTTP Status 500 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

2006-08-14 Thread Andrew
Ok,it seems as if no one can get to the bottom of this one. Should I file a bug report?regardsAndrewOn 08/08/06, Andrew <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Ok guys,what really is going on here?:
 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError	org.apache.cocoon.components.serializers.EncodingSerializer.configure(
(	org.apache.avalon.framework.container.ContainerUtil.configure(	org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.DefaultComponentFactory.newInstance(

:289)	org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.InstrumentedResourceLimitingPool.newPoolable(	org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.InstrumentedResourceLimitingPool.get(

:371)	org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.PoolableComponentHandler.doGet(	org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.ComponentHandler.get(

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.AbstractProcessingPipeline.setSerializer

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline.setSerializer(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.SerializeNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.SwitchSelectNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PreparableMatchNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PipelineNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PipelinesNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.ConcreteTreeProcessor.process(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.ConcreteTreeProcessor.handleCocoonRedirect

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.ConcreteTreeProcessor.access$000(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.ConcreteTreeProcessor$TreeProcessorRedirector.cocoonRedirect

(	org.apache.cocoon.environment.ForwardRedirector.redirect(	org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.AbstractInterpreter.forwardTo(

	org.apache.cocoon.components.flow._javascript_.fom.FOM_JavaScriptInterpreter.forwardTo(	org.apache.cocoon.components.flow._javascript_.fom.FOM_Cocoon.forwardTo(
org.apache.cocoon.components.flow._javascript_.fom.FOM_Cocoon.jsFunction_sendPage(	inv6.invoke()	org.mozilla._javascript_.FunctionObject.doInvoke
(	org.mozilla._javascript_.continuations.ContinuationInterpreter.interpret(	org.mozilla._javascript_.continuations.ContinuationInterpreter.interpret

(	org.mozilla._javascript_.continuations.ContinuationInterpreter.interpret(

:121)	org.apache.cocoon.components.flow._javascript_.fom.FOM_JavaScriptInterpreter.callFunction(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.CallFunctionNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PreparableMatchNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PipelineNode.invoke

(	org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.AbstractParentProcessingNode.invokeNodes(	org.

Re: Custom class that runs when cocoon starts up

2006-08-14 Thread Sanket Pattekar

Thanks for all your replies...'

Based on the replies, I think that cron job is the best available
solution, as I need to execute a pipeline, so I can use

However I would like to know how to write a cron job that is executed
only once and periodically. Having followed the documentation I noted
that the cron is periodic, but I need to execute a pipeline only once
after startup.


On 8/8/06, David Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sanket Pattekar schrieb:
> Hi
> Is it possible to have a custom class that runs when cocoon starts up.
> Using this class I need to run call a pipeline at startup.
> This feature I need is similar to that of overriding the init() method
> of any servlet.
> Sanket
> -
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For that purpose I have derive the CocoonServlet class and overrided the
init method.
In the WEB-INF/web.xml, make sure to point to your new class.

Hope this helps.


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