Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc Function

2014-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Sorry, I accidentally sent my message to James instead of the mailing list.
 Let me recap what we discussed off-list.

James E Lang wrote:
>Correction: I meant SUMIF() rather than SUM().
>Corrected formula:
A7,A7,R$3:R7)-SUMIF(A$3:A7,A7,Q$3:Q7),"Error 4")

If I understand the formula correctly, you simply would not need a 3rd
argument.  As I see it, the formula is looking at the values in column A
and checking which of those values matches the condition in A7.  Then you
want the formula to count the cells in column Q where the match occurred.
 But it does not matter which cells you count, because you only count the
matches in column A (which has nothing to do with column Q or R).

It seems difficult to explain what I mean, let me try an illustration:
There are 5 apples (3 red and 2 green) and 5 pears.  Each apple has a
number from 1 to 5 and each pear has a number from 1 to 5.  Count the pears
that have numbers that corrospond to red apples.  The answer would be 3.
 But you could just have counted how many apples are red.

Maybe you just want something like this:
=IF(countif(Q$3:Q7,A7) = countif(R$3:R7,A7),SUMIF(A$3:
A7,A7,R$3:R7)-SUMIF(A$3:A7,A7,Q$3:Q7),"Error 4")

That said, it is difficult to visualise the goal of the formula.  I suspect
I don't quite know what you want.  If you could upload a sample document
(with sensitive data removed) it might be easier to understand.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [3.4.4/Windows] How to move cell with mouse?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Alan Boba wrote:
> 1. Move cell pointer to desired cell
> 2. Press Ctrl
> 3. Click on desired cell (note: Click, not Click and hold)
> 4. Release Ctrl
> 5. Click and hold to drag highlighted cell to new destination

For the sake of completeness, let me add that you could also use the
Shift key instead of the Ctrl key.  So then it would look like this:
1. Click on the cell you want to move
2. Shift+click on the same cell (hold shift, click on the cell, release shift)
3. Click and drag the cell to where you want it

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc bug involving drop-down boxes in grouped areas

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Jim Trigg wrote:
> Any suggestions?  Is there a bug tracking system into which I should
> submit this?

Tom Davies wrote:
> This link might help

Tom provided the link to information on reporting bugs in LibreOffice.
 If you want to get to the bug reporting system directly, you can go


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: re: So what's with LibO 3.5?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Onyeibo Oku wrote:
> Hmm, the callout leaders for comments didn't get reviewed. Sometimes comments 
> on a phrase overlap. It should be better to use highlights rather than 
> arrowheads for the 'comment' callout(balloon). I use this feature a lot :(

LibreOffice 3.5 is still in the beta phase and I think bug reports are
very welcome.  Please have a look whether or not a bug report (or
enhancement request, whatever you want to call it) has already been
filed at and add your comments to it.  If not,
feel free to file a new one, with a severity of "enhancement".  For
more info on bug reporting:


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [3.4.4/Windows] How to move cell with mouse?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Alan Boba wrote:
> 1. Move cell pointer to desired cell
> 2. Press Ctrl
> 3. Click on desired cell (note: Click, not Click and hold)
> 4. Release Ctrl
> 5. Click and hold to drag highlighted cell to new destination

I think this method is better than the one I described.  Thanks for
pointing it out.  Just make sure not to skip step 1.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Add a Text file to Calc?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Jay Lozier wrote:
> On 01/11/2012 05:37 PM, . wrote:
>> How do you add a text file to a Calc sheet?
> One method you could try is to create a *.txt file in Writer. Then import
> the file into Calc using Insert>>Sheet from File.
> [snip]

Something else you could also try is using Paste Special.  In Writer,
write some text.  Then select the text you want to insert into Calc
and *copy* it (right click -> copy, or Ctrl + c).  Then go to Calc and
*paste special* (right click -> paste special... or Ctrl + Shift + v).
 I just tried the first of the listed options (LibreOffice 3.4 Text
Document) which seems to do the job, but you're welcome to experiment
with different options.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [3.4.4/Windows] How to move cell with mouse?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Gilles wrote:
> Thanks, but it doesn't work. When I select A1, unclick (ie. remove my finger
> from the left button on the mouse) then move the mouse to A2, it simply
> selects A1 and A2, it doesn't move A1 to A2. I also tried keeping the left
> button clicked while I moved to A2, but it also selects the two cells
> instead of moving A1 to A2.

Are you sure you followed the steps I described carefully?  When you
select A1 and A2 (before releasing the button), drag the mouse back to
A1 and then release the button.  Then A1 should be blue.  Then you
drag A1 to A2.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [3.4.4/Windows] How to move cell with mouse?

2012-01-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Gilles wrote:
> I want to move cell A1 to A2 with the mouse:

This is easy enough.  You just select the cell, and then
click-and-drag it - you don't need to press any keys on the keyboard.
The trick is to actually *select* the cell.

Try this:
To move A1:A2 to B3:B4, simply select A1:A2 and click-and-drag A1:A2 to B3:B4.

To move A1 to A2 (which was your original question), click on A1
(don't release the mouse button yet).  Then drag the mouse down (or to
the side) to select more than one cell (still don't release the mouse
button).  Then drag the mouse back to A1 (while still holding the
mouse button).  When the mouse is over A1, you can release the mouse
button again.  Now A1 is actually *selected*.  You can now drag A1 to
A2 (or wherever you wanted it).

In the examples above, you could also use the keyboard to select the
cell.  To do this, hold down shift, press down, press up and release
shift.  Now you can drag the cell to wherever you want.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Modify a dot file with writer

2012-01-09 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Maxime de Roucy wrote:
> I have a client that want to modify a .dot file (Microsoft Word model
> file) with Writer.
> He don't want to convert it but to modify it : open, modify and save
> as .dot file.

As far as I know, there is no difference between a .dot and a .doc
file (except the extension).  I believe MS Word just treats a .dot
file as a template and a .doc file as a document.  So you should be
able to work with a .doc and just change the file extension after
you've saved.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] In Calc- keyboard shortcut to change font size?

2012-01-09 Thread Stephan Zietsman
.  wrote:
> Is there a keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease a font size?

I just had a quick look and it appears that there is no short-cut for this.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [SOLVED] Identifying the correct row in Spreadsheet formulas

2011-12-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Ian Whitfield wrote:
> 1) How do I work out what ROW NUMBER a given unique value is on?
> 2) How do I use this ROW NUMBER to make-up a valid CELL ADDRESS?
> 3) How do I get the VALUE in that CELL ADDRESS?
> [...]
> 2) For the CELL ADDRESS I have a cell that identifies each COLUMN that these
> values resides in (ie all my TOTALS are in COLUMN H), and I now have the ROW
> COUNT of the data I'm looking for. So I can use
> 3) The last step is to get the VALUE that is in the Cell at that location.
> For this I used

I prefer using OFFSET(), rather than INDIRECT().  Here's an example:

Column A contains the name of fruits, column B contains the quantity.
Let's say A2 contains "Apples", B2 contains "12", A3 contains "Pears"
and B3 contains "7".  If I want to know how many "Pears" I have, I
would use something like this:
= OFFSET(A2, MATCH("Pears", A2:A3, 0) - 1, 1)

The result would be "7" (the value in the second column).

Obviously, you can replace "Pears" with "Apples" or a cell reference.

> Perfect - PROBLEM SOLVED!!

Ok then.  Just thought I'd give you another suggestion.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Converting MS Office templates to Libre Office

2011-12-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Jay Lozier wrote:
> How many templates are you doing? I do not know of a batch method for
> converting a large number.

I believe the command line could be used for this purpose.  Something like:
soffice -headless -convert-to ott MyTemplateFile.dotx

It should not be too much trouble to modify this to perform a batch
operation.  But it seems this is not an issue for the originator as
there aren't many templates to convert.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Hiding paragraphs not working

2011-12-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Phil Reynolds wrote:
> I was using OpenOffice rather than LibreOffice last year, and
> constructed an address label file that could omit a blank field from a
> label, or omit it if it was equal to a certain value, and in fact it did
> one of each, quite successfully. However, when I came to use this file
> this year, with LibreOffice 3.4.3 (OOO340m1 (Build 302), as supplied in
> the Debian squeeze backports, I discovered that the hiding did not work
> any more.
> I tried reconstructing the conditions, using full Database.Table.Field
> names, but it made no difference.
> [...]
> Please get back to me (on the list is fine) if you need more information.

Could you upload a simplified sample document (with all sensitive
information removed)?  This list does not support attachments, so
you'll have upload to internet (something like


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Comments removed when savin .docx

2011-11-28 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Advrk Aplmrkt wrote:
> However, I notice that any comments I add to a .docx document via
> LibreOffice Writer do not show up when opened in Micro$oft Word 2007,
> 2010, or 2011!
> Is this a known bug, or am I not doing it correctly?

I believe this is a known bug
(  It seems that
Libreoffice does not save comment when exporting (saving) to docx
format (other formats seem OK).  As a workaround, you could consider
saving to a different format, like odt.  Word 2007 and later supports
odf version 1.1, as far as I know.  Alternatively, you could also use
the legacy doc format, which is more supported than docx.

>From the bug report, it seems that a fix will be coming for this bug,
but I cannot say for sure.  If you have any valuable information to
contribute to the bug report, feel free to post a comment.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] The tone of thiese Lists (from a newbie)

2011-11-28 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Bob Houston wrote:
> If I understand the procedure correctly I just post the question to 
> (libreoffice-users)?

That's correct.   Just post to libreoffice-users
(, as you are doing right now.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] can I make Libre default to save as .rtf

2011-11-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
doug wrote:
> AFAIK, Microsoft can read rtf.  Two people whom I recently sent odf to said
> they
> couldn't read it.  I'm told by people familiar with MS Word that not all
> .doc files
> are compatible, there having been a change somewhere along about 1998 or so.
> (I don't use anything Microsoft when I can avoid it; I don't need the
> viruses.)
> If someone know that MS can _not_ read rtf, then please advise.

I think MS Office should read (and write) rtf.  If you don't have
complex documents, then I don't think there will be a problem.  But
adding tables, footnotes/endnotes, headers/footers, pictures etc. may
be a little unstable (you might get severe layout changes).

As regards doc files not being "compatible", I'd take that with a
pinch of salt.  Certainly, not all doc files are the same, and there
are cases where they don't work properly.  However, as far as I know,
rtf is less standardised and thus usually a little worse off.

If you've made your choice of format (and used it for a while), please
provide feedback to us.  It may help someone in future.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] can I make Libre default to save as .rtf

2011-11-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
doug wrote:
> I'd like to make LO Writer default to saving everything in .rtf format.  The
> .odf is not readable by people with
> Microsoft software, which is most of the world.  If so, how?  (Running
> version 3.4.4)

To change the default format when saving: "Tools" -> "Options..." ->
"Load/Save" -> "General".  Under the section "Default file format and
ODF settings" you can change the default file format for saving.
Under "Document type" click the drop-down and select "Text document".
Then under the "Always save as" drop-down, select the format you want.

I would suggest not using "Rich Text Format" (rtf), for various
reasons; it may be better to stick with the older "Microsoft Word
97/2000/XP/2003" (doc) format.  As far as I'm aware, "ODF Text
Document" (odt) is compatible with most word processors (including
Microsoft Office Word), but you are free to use the format you're
comfortable with.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] writer: business cards w/ tables - duplicate cells

2011-11-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Matthew Monaco wrote:
> As a secondary issue, the 5 cell rows are 2 inches high. The document is US
> Letter (11 inches long). And the top and bottom margins are set to .5 inches
> each. Therefore, everything should fit exactly. However, there is a blank
> second page which I cannot get rid of. Any suggestions?

You can remove the "extra line" after the table:  Place the caret (the
blinking vertical thing) at the end of the text in the last cell of
the table.  Then press Ctrl + Shift + Delete.  If you want to add the
extra line again, press Alt + Enter.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Styles not saving

2011-11-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
warutledge wrote:
> @Jack/Stephan -- I don't want to save the style to the csv, I'm aware that
> is not possible. I simply want to apply a style for editorial purposes while
> I am viewing the file. However, the issue is, I have to create the style in
> each individual document in order to apply it. That completely obliterates
> the efficiency of having a style.

Thanks for clearing that up.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Styles not saving

2011-11-17 Thread Stephan Zietsman
warutledge wrote:
> Are user defined styles only applicable to a document? I want to define a
> global style, specifically in Calc, so that when I open a certain type of
> csv, i can quickly format a set of columns for easy human readability. Thus
> far, I've been able to format a column, define the style from that selected
> column, but it does not save for any length longer than that specific file
> is open. Is there something I am missing?

I just want to confirm something: in which file format are you saving?
 Style information is not saved in csv format (it only stores data
without formatting).  From the rest of your post, it seems clear that
you are not saving in csv, I just want to make sure.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Spam, spam, spam

2011-11-16 Thread Stephan Zietsman
drew wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-11-16 at 19:51 +, Mike Moratz-Coppins wrote:
>> Since I subscribed to this list, the amount of spam e-mails going to
>> this account went from zero (in the years that I've had this address) to
>> nine over a 3-day period.  There were even a couple of 419 jobs in
>> there... I haven't seen one of those for at least a year on any of my
>> accounts.  There isn't anything silly going on with this list like a
>> publicly-accessible list of subscribers is there, or the entire e-mail
>> content including e-mail addresses available to view via web page?
> Multiple web pages.

Indeed, all emails sent to the list are archived and publicly
accessible.  You can access those archives here:

Email addresses are in clear text, so unfortunately, it is possible
that a company could get your address from these archives.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office quitting

2011-11-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:
> Tools > Customise > Keyboard . . . In the bottom-left panel, Functions >
> Category, choose Edit; in the right-hand panel, Function, go down to
> Paste Unformatted Text; then in the top panel scroll to Ctl+Shift+V (or
> whatever you want), select it, and then press the button “Modify.”

Oh, silly me.  I was looking for that under Calc, not Writer.  Thanks for that.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office quitting

2011-11-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:
> I always use “paste special” (in fact I have a keyboard shortcut for
> “paste unformatted text”)...

Just a quick question, slightly off topic:  how did you assign a
keyboard short-cut to "paste unformatted text"?


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Re: Fw: Re: [libreoffice-users] [PDF Import] LibreOffice extension for importing PDF documents -- pdfimport

2011-11-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Pedro wrote:
> In the case of Musescore, the font is internal to the program and is
> embedded in the PDF (which explains why the PDF looks good).  If you look at
> the document properties you will notice that MScore120 and MScore20 were
> embedded. If you could get these exact fonts your PDFimport would look
> better (I wont say perfect because that is highly unlikely :) )
> Bottom line: if the font is embedded in the PDF and you do not have the same
> font installed on your PC, importing from PDF will produce a Draw document
> with some font differences.

For this specific use-case, might it be possible to install the font?
I did a quick google search and it seems that the font is available
for download (MScore20 at least).  But it was only a quick look, I
might be wrong.

Seeing as the font is embedded in the pdf file, maybe it's possible to
extract and then install it?  Not sure how you would do that though.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice ~ JSON viewer / plugin

2011-11-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
bankadmin wrote:
> Is there any Libreoffice ~ JSON viewer / plugin ?

I don't know what JSON is so I looked it up on wikipedia.  As far I
can tell, it's just regular text (human readable code).  I think you
should be able to open it just like a text file.  Is my assumption


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug: Setting $DATA causes LibreOffice to crash

2011-11-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Keith Thompson wrote:
> Quick summary: Setting the environment variable $DATA causes
> LibreOffice to crash.
> [...]
> I also wonder whether some other seemingly innocuous environment
> variables might cause similar problems.

Thanks for the info.  I can only imagine what you had to go through to
track down that problem.  I suggest searching whether this bug has
been reported ( and adding your comments.  If
there is none, please create a new bug report.  Either way, let us
know the bug number (or the URL).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Math can't handle asterisk as superscript

2011-11-10 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Pedro wrote:
> Apparently this is a known limitation with a solution :)

For the benefit of those who might be following the thread, the
solution that was suggested is to include the asterisk in quotes.  So
instead of writing:
A ^ *
you should write:
A ^ "*"


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How to make a request for a change?

2011-11-07 Thread Stephan Zietsman
NoOp wrote:
> It's always a good idea if you filed a bug report to post a url to the
> report. That way other users on this list can review & comment if they
> have similar issues/requests. So, what is the link to the bug report
> that you filed?

Just did a search, looks like it's this one:


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Re: [libreoffice-users] name-define-edit causes crash in LO Calc v3.4.3

2011-11-06 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Gérard FARGEOT wrote:
> Searching with "name" & "ctash", bug with many duplicates are found.
> No need to post another bug.
> Plus, this bug is solved in future 3.4.4

Looks like it's this bug:


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to make a request for a change?

2011-11-03 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Cor Nouws wrote:
> For the component field, you may choose LibreOffice.

And for the severity field, you may choose "enhancement".


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Re: [libreoffice-users] The guts of ODF files

2011-11-03 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> The Zip-related message may be a warning, not a fatality. It also may be
> related to up-/down-level compatibility among the PKWare Zip specifications.
> When I use WinZip 9.0 SR-1, there are no problems reported.  I haven't checked
> the files against the PKWare APPNOTE 6.2.0 to see if there is an issue at that
> level.
> [...]
> The validator message appears to be completely correct but LO does not fail
> when that is the only flaw.  LO accepts the apparently-incorrect .docx from
> Word 2010.  It apparently fails on the Zip itself, not the .rels file inside
> the Zip.
> [...]
> It is clear that the problem for LO is the discrepancy in the Zip though.
> When that is removed, LO opens the file just fine.

A possible work-around might be to open the .docx file as a zip file,
and then using a zip program to (re)compress it as a zip.  If you try
this, let us know what is the result.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] in Calc: Keyboard trouble with Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow

2011-11-01 Thread Stephan Zietsman
David S. Crampton wrote:
> I don't think the "bugs" described in those 2 articles are the same behavior
> issue. Those descriptions and the discussion of "is it a bug or is it
> emulating Excel" are too dense for my brain at least this evening.
> [...]
> In short, I think I'm reporting something different.

Please file a bug report (  But first make sure
to check if someone has not reported it already.  Please let us know
when you've reported (or found) the bug, along with the bug number;
I'd like to add my comments.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] in Calc: Keyboard trouble with Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow

2011-11-01 Thread Stephan Zietsman
David S. Crampton wrote:
> The keystokes:
> In L154: Ctrl+C
> Down Arrow: moves to L155
> Ctrl+V: paste
> Esc: terminate the "dotted border" focus on L154
> F2: make the small edit
> Enter: terminate the edit
> Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow: SHOULD extend to AB156 where it finds the next filled
> cell in the row.
> ~: ACTUALLY extends selection to the entire column L.
> ()

I just tried your example (after I posted my reply).  I find that the
selection is actually extended to K1:L155, which means it selects
column K and column L (but not the entire column, only up to row 155).
 This is very strange behaviour, as it actually extends the selection
to the *left*, although I pressed Ctrl + Shift + RightArrow.  If
you've found the bug report that describes your behaviour best, let me
know so I can also add my comments to it.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] in Calc: Keyboard trouble with Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
David S. Crampton wrote:
> The keystokes:
> In L154: Ctrl+C
> Down Arrow: moves to L155
> Ctrl+V: paste
> Esc: terminate the "dotted border" focus on L154
> F2: make the small edit
> Enter: terminate the edit
> Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow: SHOULD extend to AB156 where it finds the next filled
> cell in the row.
> ~: ACTUALLY extends selection to the entire column L.
> ()
> This unexpected column selection is, of course, very disorienting to one's
> eyeballs and brain.

This behaviour sounds similar to a bug that I've come across before.
Please have a look through these bug reports and let us know if this
is what you're talking about:

If these bugs address your problem, please add your comments to them.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO Conflicts with OOo

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Harold Fuchs wrote:
> The conflict I reported was between a
> non-portable OOo installed to the C: drive on the machine and a portable LO
> installed on a USB key. I don't think they'd be using the same folder for
> user settings.

As far as I know, the portable version uses the profile on the USB key
(as you mention).  It seems to be located here:
Z:\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\Data\settings (where "Z:\" is the
USB key's drive letter).

Please check your attribution.  I believe it was Regina Henschel who
said you could use different user settings.  From your post, it seems
like NoOp.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem LO Calc not copying formulae LMDE X64

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Tom Davies wrote:
> LMDE is "Linux Mint"

Sorry, I didn't pay much attention to the subject heading, only
concentrated on the content.  My bad.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: Converting Formula to Value

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stefan Weigel wrote:
> Am 31.10.2011 08:26, schrieb Stephan Zietsman:
>> Select the relevant cell and click in the formula bar.  Press F9 (the
>> default short-cut for recalculate) followed by ENTER.  This should
>> replace the formula with the result.
> This will work for a single cell, but will take you very long for a
> whole column. ;-)

Good point.  Using Paste Special method would work better in that
case.  As a side note, I think the Paste Special method is more
intuitive (in general); I just wanted to mention an alternative.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem LO Calc not copying formulae LMDE X64

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Steve Fisher wrote:
> Enter "X" in B1, then enter following formula in A1 then copy formula to A2
> =if(b1="X","AAA","BBB"), it copies the value "AAA" and not the formula
> =if(b2="X","AAA","BBB").

If I copy the formula from A1 to A2, the formula works as I would
expect; the formula in A2 is =IF(B2="X","AAA","BBB").  How exactly do
you copy the formula from A1 to A2?  Do you use:
- (on Cell A1) Right Click > Copy (and then on Cell A2) Right Click > Paste
- Select A1, click and drag (down) the bottom left corner of the cell
- Select A1, Ctrl+C, select A2, Ctrl+V
- Some other method?

Also, I see you are using LibreOffice version 3.4.3; on which
operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac)?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: Converting Formula to Value

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Rich Shepard wrote:
>  I have a column where the cells display the sum of two other columns. I
> want to change the contents from formula to value but cannot find the
> relevant information in the help pages. Please point me to instructions on
> how to do this.

Select the relevant cell and click in the formula bar.  Press F9 (the
default short-cut for recalculate) followed by ENTER.  This should
replace the formula with the result.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Combining Two Columns In-Place

2011-10-31 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Rich Shepard wrote:
>  In an Excel spreadsheet saved in .ods format are column pairs representing
> data that can be combined into a single column because rows have a value in
> one column or the other, but never both.
>  In Xess I was able to put the cursor in a cell (e.g., N2) and enter the
> formula
> '+n2+o2' and have the sum of the two columns in N2. LO doesn't like this. It
> told me to turn on iteration (error 522), but that just moved the error to
> 523.

Your formula is referencing itself.  Try typing exactly the same
formula in a different cell.  For example:
in Cell P2 type the formula '+n2+o2' and let us know if this solves
your problem.

Tom Davies wrote:
> I think the only problem is a missing = sign at the start of the formula?
> =n2+o2
> rather than +n2+o2 should do the trick

Having a plus (+) at the beginning of the formula rather than an equal
sign (=) should not be a problem (this is accepted syntax).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Math does not export properly

2011-10-30 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Jacques Malaprade wrote:
> Please someone help. I am trying to export a long formula to PDF from lo
> math and it only exports the text in the input window (%sigma etc.). I need
> to export the proper formulas.
> I  have rebooted, tried to convert and import from different formats but no
> luck.

Could you please let us know which version of LibreOffice you are
running?  Also, which operating system (Windows 7 or Ubuntu 11.10


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Re: [libreoffice-users] cannot open rtf files

2011-10-28 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Uwe Koch Kronberg wrote:
> I can not open the accompanied file [...]

The mailing list removes all attachments.  You can upload the file to
the internet and then share the link on the list.  You can use a site


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Dictionary in LO 3.4.3

2011-10-27 Thread Stephan Zietsman
lecban wrote:
> I would like to report that Polish dictionary does not work in LibreOffice 
> 3.4.3
> if the suite is installed in English version of Windows 7 64 bit Home.

webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
> See if this one works.  If it does then there is something wrong with how the
> included one placed in it.  If it does not work, then it has something to do
> with the dictionary itself.

lecban, have you been able to test this dictionary?  Did it work?  If
it's still not working, I think you should file a bug report:  Just make sure to check whether or not it has
already been filed.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] what is the relationship between latex and libreoffice?

2011-10-27 Thread Stephan Zietsman
soumalya ray wrote:
> few days back,there was a mail about an extension (probably math) for
> libreoffice to integrate latex with it.
> what is latex
> could anybody give me some idea about it?how to use it with libreoffice?

Just to be clear, Latex is a completely different program from
LibreOffice.  LibreOffice (Math) does not need Latex.  So if you want
to use LibreOffice Math (or any other component of LibreOffice), you
don't need to know about Latex.  But I'm sure the ability to import
Latex equations would be much appreciated by people that use Latex


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Conflicts with OOo

2011-10-27 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Harold Fuchs wrote:
> I installed the new portable LO
> ( on a USB stick.
> When I try to run it, it complains that there is another copy running. It
> seems that this is because OpenOffice's (non-portable) Quickstarter is
> running on the machine. Of course, OOo's Quickstarter is running for
> multiple users who happen to be logged on to the machine (Win XP Pro) so,
> although I can kill mine, I can't kill the others.

I don't know much about multiple user logins, but the behaviour you
describe is obviously undesirable.  Just as a test, you could try to
open Task Manager (Ctrl+  Shift + Esc) and kill all the LO/OOo
processes.  I don't know the name of the quickstarter process, but the
"main" process(es) is/are usually "soffice.bin" and/or "soffice.exe".
There should be a tick-box at the bottom "Show processes from all
users"; can you see the other user's quickstarter if that is ticked?

> Is it right that a *portable* version should be prevented from running by a
> mere office application (not anti virus or lock-down software or parental
> control or anything similar) installed on the machine? Is it right that a
> *portable* program should be prevented from running by some process owned by
> another *non-admin* user? Is it right that LO is interfered with by OOo? Or
> is at least one of these a bug?

I may be mistaken but as far as I know, LO and OOo are not expected to
run at the same time (so I don't think it is a bug).  But if they are
both installed on the same computer, they should both work (though not
at the same time).  Same would apply to the portable version(s).

> Why should I not be able to run LO and OOo at the same time on the same 
> machine?

Anyone care to comment?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Font attributes will not save in Calc

2011-10-25 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Dean Chia wrote:
> And if I can compound to this problem - same thing applies to say page
> formatting in Writer - I reconstruct margins and header/footer stuff, and it
> doesn't appear when I open a new document...

Margin changes, as well as header/footer stuff will not appear in a
new document because Writer always opens the default template.  If you
want a new document to have different margins etc. you should save it
as the default template.

To change the default template (, click on File ->
Templates -> Edit...
Just be sure to save when you're done.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Sel-defined formulas insertng in Calc

2011-10-24 Thread Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> I get in Calc using the formula VOL(aA1;B1;C1) only the message #NAAM?
> This will mean that the name of the function is not recognized by Calc.
> What is wrong in what I have done, following the instructions in the report  
> Calc/user-defined Functions?

Not sure if it was just a typo, but it should be "VOL(A1; B1; C1)"
(without the quotes), and not "VOL(aA1; B1; C1)".  But I don't think
that's the problem here (it shouldn't give you the #NAAM? error).
Could you possibly upload the file to and send us the


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Re: [libreoffice-users] A small annoying problem with the formula editor

2011-10-17 Thread Stephan Zietsman
John Bijnens wrote:
> I've a small annoying problem with the formula editor in libreoffice.
> I had the same problem with go oo.

Just a quick question to get some clarification:  which component of
LibreOffice are you talking about (Calc or Math)?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: to bug or not to bug that is the question

2011-10-14 Thread Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> The problem is not about being able to select a range of cells it is merely 
> to move down to a certain cell which reference has to be inserted into a 
> formula. I have not tried, but I assume that if Crtl+Down does not behave 
> properly then Ctrl+Shift+Down won't (I'm sorry I forgot to bring my laptop's 
> power supply with me today so I won't be able to test Ctrl+Shift+Down today 
> nor to send you the *.ods file - which could have made things easier).

Sorry, I misunderstood your problem.  Yes, I can confirm the behaviour
you are describing.  Using Ctrl+DownArrow when editing a formula, the
selection jumps to the end of the spreadsheet, which is unexpected.
I'm using LibO 3.4.3 Windows 7 x64.  I've checked LibO 3.3.3, the
problem does not seem to occur in the older version.

> I guess I will be opening a bug issue on freedesktop very soon. Please tell 
> me if you are able to reproduce it in your environment first.

If you've filed a bug report, mention the bug number here.  I'll add
my comments to the report.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: to bug or not to bug that is the question

2011-10-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> You are right, Ctrl+ArrowKey is enough, my mistake.
> Ctrl+ArrowKey works this way for me too, except when I am editing a formula 
> and want to add a cell's reference, in which case it brings the cursor 
> directly to the first/last coloumn/line of the document.

Have you tried Ctrl+Shift+ArrowKey?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] to bug or not to bug that is the question

2011-10-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> I couldn't find a changelog of LO3.4.3 on (results returned 
> by seeks using the "" keyword are irrelevant)

A little off topic, but when searching for LibreOffice documentation,
you might want to include "inurl:libreoffice" instead of
"". wrote:
> So what should I do ?

The behaviour you're describing sounds like a bug to me.  I think you
should check if the bug has already been filed.  If not, file a new
one (


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: cut/paste removes and renames protected field references - is this a bug?

2011-10-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Brian Jamison wrote:
> Steps to reproduce:
> On Sheet1 put data in fields A1, A2
> On Sheet2 reference A1 and A2 in cells (e.g. =$Sheet1.$A$1, =$Sheet1.$A$2)
> Protect Sheet2
> Cut the data in cell A1
> Paste the data into A2
> Cut the data in cell A2
> Paste the data into A1
> Both field references in Sheet2 will now reference Sheet1.A2.

I think you meant to say that both fields reference Sheet1.A1 (and not
Sheet1.A2).  If so, I can verify the behaviour as described (just
tested).  I can't comment on whether it's a bug or intended behaviour
though, as I really don't know.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] converting ppt documents to pptx in headless mode

2011-10-09 Thread Stephan Zietsman
aneesh.vemuri wrote:
> I searched for documentation of converting ppt documents to pptx format in
> headless mode and I only saw examples of converting to pdf.
> Can someone please help me with the parameters to be passed for this. I have
> ppt files coming in and I want to save them as pptx files.

I believe the "-convert-to" parameter accepts any file type that "Save
as..." accepts.  So just replace the "pdf" with "pptx" in the command
line.  So, it might look something like this:
soffice -headless -convert-to pptx TestFile.ppt


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem installing on Windows 7, with workaround

2011-10-06 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Op Ed wrote:
> They do, however, have USB ports locked down for anything that's not "human
> interface" (i.e., mouse, keyboard, drawing tablet), so no portable apps - no
> external drives or memory...

Just to clarify:  the portable version does not require a flash disk.
It can be "installed" onto the PCs internal drive.  So even if the
ports are locked, it should still work.

Op Ed wrote:
> Problem mostly resolved now.
> [...]
> But after latest tweak, I'm able to assign programs that don't appear in the
> primary list, including LibO, and all is (mostly) good.

Glad to hear your problem is resolved.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] need help how to save file into text file or CSV file

2011-10-06 Thread Stephan Zietsman
toto wrote:
> I want to save file from Calc into CSV file or text file using macro, but
> before that I want to change the content and use semicolon as delimiter.
> Anyone can help or have some reference on it?

Not sure if I understand you correctly, but you can save a file as CSV
with "File > Save As...(Ctrl + Shift + s)".  Then in the "Save as
Type" drop-down select "Text CSV (.csv)".  Then if you click the
"Save" button, you are given the option to select the delimiter.

Hope this helps.  If I misunderstood your question, please rephrase or
explain it a little more.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Problem installing on Windows 7, with workaround

2011-10-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Op Ed wrote:
> Anyway, I downloaded LibO_3.4.3_Win_x86_install_multi.exe and ran it.
> Had to get "mommy" to come to my desk and authenticate as admin, but
> otherwise the installation proceeded with no errors or obvious hiccups.

I've also had trouble with administrative privileges on a Windows 7
PC.  What I've done is to bypass the whole installation process
entirely by using the portable version of LibreOffice.  It is meant to
run from a flash drive (but can run off a hard drive as well) and
therefore has no registry entries.  The advantage being that you can
have it on a PC without admin privileges.

The portable version is available from or

> Further little problem.  Not yet solved.
> Because the program does not appear in the programs list, it is not an
> option
> when trying to open a .odt file (or any kind of file) from the file system.
> That is, I cannot simply right-click a .odt file or a .docx file and click
> "Open with..." .
> The resulting list does not include LibO, so I can't select it.
> Is there a quick-and-dirty way to add it without tinkering with the
> Registry?

I'm curious, are you not able to select LibreOffice from the "Choose
default program..." dialogue at all?  Are you not able to browse to
the exe file(s)?

I am able to assign LibreOffice as the default for various files.
However, as there is no installation, it has no short-cuts on the
desktop or start menu or anything, would have to do those manually.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Symbols: alpha

2011-10-04 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Sigrid Carrera wrote:
> You can insert a Math object in any other component like Writer,
> Calc, Impress...
> I don't know of a way to type %alpha and get then the greek letter
> within "plain" Writer.

Just to add to what you've mentioned: To insert a Math object into
Writer you can do the following:
Insert > Object > Formula

You can actually type the formula first, select what you've typed, and
then insert a formula object (this "converts" the text to a formula).
You can also assign a short-cut key to "Insert > Object > Formula" if
you don't want to use the mouse every time.  Just be careful, there
are 2 "insert formula" commands in Writer.  The other (assigned to F2)
creates a Calc-style formula that actually calculates an equation,
rather than displaying a formula.

Another alternative is to type the letters "fn" (without the quotes)
on a new line and press F3 (Run Autotext Entry).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline & Numbering

2011-09-09 Thread Stephan Zietsman
William Honeywell wrote:
> Is there a plug in or later version in which
> Outlining behaves? I am using Libreoffice 3.3.2. Suggestions, advice, or
> help would be appreciated. Is there a user's group or a website?

There is indeed a newer version of LibreOffice available.  You can
have a look at the download page here:

You will notice that there are two versions avaialble: 3.3.4 and
3.4.3.  The earlier version (3.3.4) is based on code that has been
around for longer and is still supported.  However, I would advise
using the newer version (3.4.3) as it contains extra features (both
versions are considered stable).

I don't know if updating your installation would solve your problem,
but I think it's worth a shot.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] New Calc Document Appearance

2011-09-02 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Rich Shepard wrote:
>  Yes, the scale factor was set at 35% rather than at 100%. I used XessSE
> for more than a dozen years and moved my data to OO.o in the switch from
> 32-bit to 64-bit. Never saw a scale factor before. Strange. Hope it stays at
> 100% now.

Rather than a scale factor, it's more of a zoom factor.  It doesn't
actually change the size of the text, it just zooms in and out (so it
appears larger).  The zoom is not a function of the document, so it
doesn't change the file when you zoom out and save.

Accidentally zooming usually happens when a person tries to scroll up
or down.  If you hold the CTRL (STRG in German) key while using the
mouse wheel, it will zoom rather than scroll.  I think most office
applications have the same shortcut.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] HELP WITH CODE excel

2011-08-18 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Joseph Da Silva wrote:
> I was wondering if someone could help me with this code it works in excel but 
> not with libra office.

What exactly do you mean by the code "working"?  Do you mean that in
LibreOffice you get some kind of error?  Or do you not get the result
that you were expecting?

If you could give a little details as to what you want this code to
do, it might help as well.  There may be a completely different
(easier) way to do what you want.

> =INDIRECT(CELL("ADDRESS",INDEX($P$28933:$P$29998,MATCH(MIN(Q28931:Q29998),Q28931:Q29998,

I notice that your references are a little strange.  The first
argument in the INDEX() formula starts from a different row than all
the other references, but ends on the same row as the other references
(starts at 28933 instead of 28931).  Is this intentional?  Could you
explain what the purpose of the code/formula is?

As this is a slightly older post, I suspect that my reply may be unnecessary.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Ability to change currency as neededacross a spreadsheet in Calc?

2011-07-15 Thread Stephan Zietsman
floridabrits wrote:
> thanks Twayne - I'm actually not interested in 'coverting' from USD to  your currency> so exchange rates don't matter at all...  all I really need
> to do is be able to say "hey, here's a spreadsheet that's in USD... if you
> click on this button you can change the currency to  and
> then input the financial/risk information"...

Not having to convert the data makes it a lot easier.

> So basically the numbers are going to be static based on the formulae and
> what the person inputs; I just want them to be able to do this in their
> local currency.

When you say you want them to be able to do this in their local
currency, what exactly does that mean?  Do you just want the currency
symbol to display in the cell?  Or do you want the locale settings to
change for the sheet (including what is used as decimal symbol)?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Problems with Find in 3.4.0

2011-07-12 Thread Stephan Zietsman
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
> Are these shortcut key strokes written down some place for printout?
> It would be nice to have a sheet with the clearly spelled out and grouped.
>  I know several people who hate using the mouse to go to the menu/navigation
> bars to go to the needed dialogs.

I don't know if someone has compiled a list of short-cut keys.  But
what you could do is to have a look at the assigned keys.  If you open
the "customise" window (in Windows: "Tools" -> "Customise..." ->
"Keyboard" tab) you can see a list of all the short-cuts.  It's not
really a user friendly list (if you're just browsing short-cut keys)
but I think it's pretty comprehensive.  You may need to toggle between
the master "LibreOffice" and the individual "Writer", "Calc" etc.
components to see all of the short-cuts (there's a radio button,

As far as I know, the short-cut commands are also shown next to the
commands in the menus.  So, if you click on "File", it shows that the
short-cut for "Open" is "Ctrl+O".  Something I really appreciate, I
must say.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problems with Find in 3.4.0

2011-07-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> You can change the keyboard short-cut.  The following instructions are
> for Windows, they may differ slightly for Ubuntu.
> Click Tools > Customise...
> Select the "Keyboard" tab.
> In the "Shortcut keys" pane, scroll down to "Ctrl + F" and select it.
> In the "Category" pane select "Edit"
> In the "Function" pane select "Find & Replace"
> Then click "Modify" and then "OK"

Correction:  After you've selected the "Keyboard" tab, make sure to
select the "LibreoOffice" radio button (top-right of window) as the
"Find".  I also notice that you should rather select the "Category"
and "Function" *before* selecting the "Shortcut keys".

So it should actually go like this (in Windows):
Click Tools > Customise...
Select the "Keyboard" tab
Select the "LibreOffice" radio button (top-right of window)
In the "Category" pane select "Edit"
In the "Function" pane select "Find & Replace"
In the "Shortcut keys" pane, scroll to "Ctrl + F" and select it.
Then click "Modify"
In the "Keys" pane, select "Ctrl + Alt + F"
Click "Delete"
Close the window by clicking "Ok"


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problems with Find in 3.4.0

2011-07-11 Thread Stephan Zietsman
MR ZenWiz wrote:
> Find and Replace (which used to be the same window as Find, shortcut
> F) is not F, and F does nothing except activate
> the toolbar for finding text, which doesn't actually do a find at all.

You can change the keyboard short-cut.  The following instructions are
for Windows, they may differ slightly for Ubuntu.
Click Tools > Customise...
Select the "Keyboard" tab.
In the "Shortcut keys" pane, scroll down to "Ctrl + F" and select it.
In the "Category" pane select "Edit"
In the "Function" pane select "Find & Replace"
Then click "Modify" and then "OK"

As far as I can tell, it should then work pretty much identically to
the previous versions.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] RE: Inserting Info - Move in a 'Z' formation...

2011-07-07 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> [...] please do a mock-up of what you need and what you want it to look
> like.
> [...]
> I'll email you directly so that you can get my email address.  I will try to 
> keep the list posted if I think something's relevant.

Behind the scenes Llweyn sent me the mock-up of what is needed.  I've
uploaded my solution, it is available here:

Please take note that the macros included in the file are very
purpose-built.  I have not made them very general; I doubt anyone
would find them useful except the requester.

A few notes:
1.  There are 2 (two) macros included: insertAndMoveInZFormation and
2.  insertAndMoveInZFormation inserts a single cell and moves the
other cells right (wrapping at column 7)
3.  deleteAndMoveInZFormation deletes a single cell and moves the
other cells left (wrapping at column 2)
4.  Neither the insert nor the delete macro can handle multiple cells
at a time (select only one cell)
5.  If you run either macro, you can't undo
6.  The "insert..." macro doesn't work well if there are blank cells
later on (try to keep blank cells to a minimum)
7.  The "delete..." macro only works if the next cell is not empty
8.  The "delete..." macro warns you (basically every time you use it)
that you can't undo

I've only spent about an hour on this, so it is not thoroughly tested.
 Please use it on a dummy sheet and test it until you understand how
it works.  I recommend having backups and saving often.  I don't think
these macros are harmful, but you never know.

These macros aren't signed or anything.  If you don't trust me or the
macros, don't run them (I don't take offence if you don't trust me).
I've written these macros in MS Excel's VBA and just made them work in
LibO (sorry, I'm not really used to StarBasic yet).

@Llweyn, I've also attached the file to this email (on bcc), so you
don't have to download it from the link provided.  If you have any
questions, or you don't know how to run macros, feel free to ask
(either on the mailing list/nabble or via personal email).

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Re: [libreoffice-users] xls file causing crash

2011-07-07 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Cor Nouws wrote:
> Stephan wrote:
>> I was hoping that I could narrow down the possibilities to file a
>> proper bug report, but I can make no sense of this.
> Well, pls do. Since a developer with a debug-environment can prolly find out
> what the problem is.

I've created a bug report
(  If anyone has
something useful to contribute, please do so.

The report does reference this discussion thread, so you don't have to
repeat everything you've posted here.  However, I think it would be
useful to add a comment to the bug report stating your Operating
System and LibreOffice version (and whether or not the file crashes).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] xls file causing crash

2011-07-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Sigrid Carrera wrote:
> I can open it with:
> LibreOffice 3.3.2
> OOO330m19 (Build:202)
> Ver:
> whereas
> LibreOffice 3.3.3
> OOO330m19 (Build:301)
> tag libreoffice-
> crashes repeatedly.

Dave Griffiths wrote:
> I just tried and found no problem opening the file.
> I run openSUSE 11.4 64 bit with:
> LibreOffice 3.3.3
> OOO330m19 (Build:301)
> tag libreoffice-

El Cico wrote:
> I can open the file and see data and chart.
> LibreOffice 3.3.2
> OOO330m19 (Build:202)
> tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5

Thanks for all your replies.  It seems that the responses are pretty
varied, and not really consistent.  For instance, it crashed my LibO
3.3.2 in Win7, and Sigrid Carrera's LibO 3.3.3 (not sure what OS).
But it worked on El Cico's LibO 3.3.2 and Dave Griffiths' LibO 3.3.3.
I've tested it again today, and I found it working in both OOo 3.2.0
and LibO 3.3.2 (which didn't work yesterday).

Also, I notice that sometimes it maintains the chart data, but other
times it loses it (my own case, OOo 3.2.0 maintained the data, LibO
3.3.2 lost it).

I was hoping that I could narrow down the possibilities to file a
proper bug report, but I can make no sense of this.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] xls file causing crash

2011-07-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Steve Edmonds wrote:
> If I take your file, edit the chart data series (which appears blank in
> LO3.4.1) and add
> sheet1.A1:A3, sheet1.A5
> I get the correct chart.
> My assumption is that there is a bug in the import filter for the .xls file
> and the chart is importing blank data series. A bug could be filed.

A report has already been filed for that particular bug
(  But what I'm
experiencing is LibO crashing when trying to open the file, for which
there is no bug (that I'm aware of).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] xls file causing crash

2011-07-05 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Steve Edmonds wrote:
> How have you defined the data series in your original file, as a data range
> A1:A5 or as a named range.

I defined it as a data range, however it is non-contiguous.  As far as
I remember, it should be "sheet1.A1:A3, sheet1.A5" (without quotes).


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[libreoffice-users] xls file causing crash

2011-07-04 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Hi all,
I have a file (saved in the xls format) that crashes LibO 3.3.2.  It's
a fairly straightforward file, only has 4 data points and a chart.  MS
Office 2007 opens it just fine.  Could anyone comment whether they can
open this file or not?  I'm curious to find out whether the issue
causing this crash has been resolved in the 3.4.x branch (or maybe
3.3.3).  I've uploaded the file, it's available here:

This is just a dummy file which I created to test for another bug
( and  Unfortunately, I
can't remember the exact steps I used to create the file, so I can't
easily narrow down to what causes the crash.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: prevent line breaks between parentheses and formula object

2011-07-04 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Zak McKracken wrote:
> Am 01.07.2011, 15:17 Uhr, schrieb Brian Barker :
>> An obvious workaround may be to include any such parentheses in the
>> formula itself.
> Not quite, I'm afraid. Because in the parentheses, I have some regular text
> behind the formula, and a non-closed parenthesis in a formula object messes
> it up. Also, I'm using different fonts in formulae and regular text, so that
> would be visible.

You could include the leading parenthesis as "text" by including it
between quotes.  Something like:
"(" E = m c^2 " extra text after formula"

Or you could close off the parenthesis with a "none" at the end, something like:
left ( E = m c^2 right none " extra text after formula"

The two methods mentioned above won't help for the different fonts used though.

> Anyway, I did find a solution by using a protected space and scaling the
> width down to 1% or something.

If you found something that works, great.  You can safely ignore my
post if you want.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-07-01 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Ryan Jendoubi wrote:
> LO macros would definitely be a good skill to learn eventually, even if it's
> not at the top of my todo list at the moment. I haven't yet searched for any
> tutorials or the like, but I'd be interested to hear if you have any
> personal favourites which you think would suit someone who knows general
> programming and just needs an intro to the syntax, conventions and
> frameworks / objects involved in LO scripting.
> That said, I've noticed there are at least four different languages one can
> use. I don't know if any of them would allow writing scripts which are
> broadly cross-compatible with other office suites (even if a little tweaking
> is needed) but my preference would be for that, so I could help non-LO-using
> friends and such.

The "standard" scripting language used in LO is StarBasic (as far as I
know), which is very much like VBA (visual basic for applications).  I
actually learned the language while writing VBA macros in MS Excel.
Unfortunately I don't know of a good manual/tutorial for either.

I personally dislike the Basic language, but it is useful sometimes.
I'm not enthusiastic about it, but I think sticking to Basic would be
the more "cross-compatible".  I've imported a few Excel files into LO,
and the VBA macros imported just fine (minor modifications are done to
the code when imported).  I have no idea about the other direction
though (LO file to Excel).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] RE: Inserting Info - Move in a 'Z' formation...

2011-07-01 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Llweyn wrote:
> Ok - I don't mind sending the info to you directly however I'm not sure 
> exactlywhat it is that you're wanting. I can do mock-ups of
> what I need and what I want it to look like. Is that what you want? Also, 
> I'll need your email so I can bypass the forum and use the
> attachments to send that to you.
> Thanks,Sally Ann

Yes, please do a mock-up of what you need and what you want it to look
like.  I'll have a look through it and then just contact you if I need
more information.

I notice you are using the nabble interface (which would explain why
you can't see my email address).  From my experience, the nabble
interface hides email addresses (that are included in text), so I'll
email you directly so that you can get my email address.  I will try
to keep the list posted if I think something's relevant.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-07-01 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Ryan Jendoubi wrote:
> This is set up pretty much how I'd like it to work (without the looong list
> of input on the first sheet).
> I wasted half my day Googling this and trying various things, and the IRC
> channel has declared it impossible without a macro.
> If you've thought of a winning formula I'll be hugely grateful!

I've had a look at the spreadsheet, and tried a few formulas.  It
seems that to do this with formulas is quite tricky and unfortunately
I couldn't get it done.  I tried a few different approaches and I
think it is technically possible.  However, I also think that it would
take quite some time to write such a formula (if it is indeed

As was mentioned before, it can be done with macros.  Would you
consider using a macro instead?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-06-30 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Ryan Jendoubi wrote:
> Is the operation in the subject line possible?
> More info (maybe I'm asking the wrong question):
> I have a (long) list of URLs, and want to categorise them. The categories
> themselves could be pretty broad: news sites, search engines, music sites,
> etc. Similar URLs (different pages on the same site) come up many times. So
> what I'd like to do is define regexes to say "If the URL has
> '' in it, make it a 'News' site".

Hi Ryan,
could you possibly upload a sample file to look at?  I have a possible
idea of what to do, but I think the best way for me to check would be
by using an example.

As this mailing list does not support attachments, you would need to
upload it to the internet (something like or similar).
 Please remove all personal or sensitive data first.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Inserting Info - Move in a 'Z' formation...

2011-06-30 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Llweyn wrote:
> That would prefect, you'll just have to walk me through it. I'm familiar
> with
> what macro is, however I have never had the occasion to use such parameters.
> I'm a quick study though. :-) Let me know what is the next step and thank
> you!

Ok, if a macro would work, I'll just need some information from you so
I can make it fit your needs.

I think for a start, please upload an example of what you want.  I
assume you have some specific reason for wanting this kind of insert
feature.  If I can get a sample of a file where you want this feature
in, I'll know a little better how it should work.

Unfortunately, this mailing list does not support attachments (they'll
get removed), so you'll need to upload it to the internet (or email me
directly).  If you don't have a preferred upload site, you could use (you don't need to register or anything).  Then just
let us know what the URL (web address) is of the file you uploaded
(the upload website will give that to you).  Just make sure that you
don't include any sensitive or personal information in the file, as it
will be available to anyone on the internet.


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Re: [libreoffice-users][windows] Calc: Text & numbers

2011-06-29 Thread Stephan Zietsman
John B wrote:
> this where, say,  you enter text into a cell in column E  say at E16  the
> text would be something >   8,000 btus (or 2.34kw) Machines
> now if you type in the same column above or below it, say at E7 the number
> 8, the whole of  "8,000 btus (or 2.34kw) Machines" appears.

That is called "AutoInput"

> I would like to turn this feature off.

On Windows it is under:  Tools -> Cell Content -> AutoInput


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Inserting Info - Move in a 'Z' formation...

2011-06-29 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Llweyn wrote:
> Need to know if this program has the capability to allow a user to have a
> full worksheet, insert another cell and have the previous information moves
> cells in a 'Z' formation.
> Is this feature already available and if so where can I locate it - how do I
> utilize it?

Off the top of my head, I can't think of an easy way to do it.  But
it's definitely possible with a macro.  Would you be willing to use a
macro?  If a macro might work for you, let us know.  I think someone
might be willing to write one for you (maybe even me).

If you aren't willing to use a macro, then I can think of another way
to do it, though it's not quite as "pretty".  You can have all the
data (all the words) in a single column (or row).  Then you can
display those data (words) in the style you described.  To add one
more, you just add it to your column (or row).

If you think one of these two methods might work for you, just let us
know which one.  Then I'll describe it a little more.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice won't start

2011-06-29 Thread Stephan Zietsman
ian_mcquay wrote:
> So it was something in the user profile that caused the problems.
> There is a .tmp file in the old *3\user* directory. I moved it to the new
> directory but id did not affect the starting.

If you feel like it, you could copy some of the files/folders in the
old profile to the new profile.  After copying some files, test to see
if the problem is back.  If it seems stable (not crashing again) then
you can go on to copy the next few files/folders.  That may help to
track down which files were causing the problem.  Narrowing it down
like that, you could probably get most of your old settings back.
Almost like cutting out the bad part of an apple, without throwing the
whole apple away.

But if you don't mind losing your previous settings (and just
configuring LibO again), then I guess you don't need to go through the


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Command line (convert) parameter(s)

2011-06-28 Thread Stephan Zietsman
leif wrote:
> *Hi,
> For some reason I coulnd't make the *.doc to work. Instead I managed to
> create a batch file:

Hi leif,
apparently, the * (star) character won't work properly in Windows,
according to

[PS: wildcards wouldn't work correctly on windows specify the file
names (list) instead.]

and here

[Eg. we cannot expand wildcards on Windows, if I am not

If you're running Windows, this may explain why it wasn't working.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Command line (convert) parameter(s)

2011-06-27 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Nuno J. Silva wrote:
> According to the code, only UNIX systems get the help text written to
> the console. Everything else gets a dialog box.
> ,[desktop/source/app/cmdlinehelp.cxx, line 154]
> | #ifdef UNX
> |         // on unix use console for output
> |         fprintf(stdout, "%s%s",
> | [...]
> | #else
> |         // rest gets a dialog box
> |         CmdlineHelpDialog aDlg;
> `

Thanks Nuno.  I must admit, I was suspecting Win7 of acting strangely.
 Thanks for clarifying the behaviour.

Does anyone know a workaround to get the commands listed to the
console rather than the dialogue box (in Windows)?  Or maybe how to
get *all* of the text from the help dialogue (not truncated)?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Command line (convert) parameter(s)

2011-06-26 Thread Stephan Zietsman
NoOp wrote:
> Not sure about Windows, but here is the output of the '--help' command
> in linux. I suspect that the same commands are also available in Windows.

Thanks NoOp, that's what I was looking for.  The message window I
described only lists the options up to "-infilter=" along with
its description.  I suspect that the message window just truncates the
text at some arbitrary value.

Tom wrote:
> I think on Windows you can "pipe" commands although it's a bit different from
> gnu&linux or bsd.  I htink there is a way of piping output into a text-file 
> but
> i don't know how.  This might work tho
> soffice.exe -? | more

The "|more" option does work when listing help for other types of
commands (such as "help |more"), but unfortunately it doesn't work in
this case.  The main difference in this case is that the help text is
not echoed to the prompt (terminal), but it is rather displayed in a
message pop-up, which truncates (cuts off) the text at some point.

Nuno J. Silva wrote:
> Lee, try with only one dash. (Yes, I'd not expect only a single dash for
> long options, but it seems that this was, until recently, the way
> LibO/OOo did it.)

Just for interest's sake, on the Win7 system I'm using (running
LibreOfficePortable 3.3.2), the help options specify single dashes,
not double dashes.  Not sure if it is OS or LibO-version specific.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice won't start

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> You could also try to bypass the recovery process.  In a command
> interface (Start -> Run -> cmd), try the following:
> soffice -norestore

Sorry, in Win7 it's not "Start" -> "Run" -> "cmd", but rather just
"Start" -> "cmd" (click "Start" and then you just type "cmd" and press


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice won't start

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Sigrid Carrera wrote:
> If you see the recovery assistant again, instead of saying "yes, recover my 
> files" just click on "cancel" and LibO should start anew with a new document 
> or at least with the startcenter open.
>> If I try and start Calc again nothing visible happens. It duplicates the
>> processes in Task Manager.
>> If I kill off the processors and start again. I get the LibreOffice Document
>> Recovery dilog again.
> I can see that this is frustrating - please try the above mentioned methods 
> and report back if it has helped you.

You could also try to bypass the recovery process.  In a command
interface (Start -> Run -> cmd), try the following:
soffice -norestore

It might be necessary navigate to the directory where soffice resides
(if there is no environment set) before you try the above command, but
I'm really not sure.  I haven't personally tried it, but from what I
read it should skip the recovery process, which seems to be giving you
some trouble.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Linux synonem and language tool

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
lee wrote:
> Stephan Zietsman writes:
>> I believe it should be Modify -> Restore Default Command
> Cool, that works, thanks :) Perhaps this option needs to be renamed to
> "Restore Default Icon"?

I believe that "Restore Default Command" restores both the icon as
well as the command name (they can be renamed).  So maybe calling it
"Restore Default Icon" would be a little misleading.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Command line (convert) parameter(s)

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Nuno J. Silva wrote:
> I found out about that parameter while reading the development mailing
> list:

Yes, I also found out about it from reading a mailing list or
something.  I also found it mentioned here:

I was hoping that someone could give a little more detail on it.  Or
maybe someone knows of a more complete list of LibO command line
parameters (and switches) than those mentioned in the wiki.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Linux synonem and language tool

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
lee wrote:
> The ability to unassign an icon from a function seems to be a missing
> feature, so be careful.

I believe it should be Modify -> Restore Default Command


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[libreoffice-users] Command line (convert) parameter(s)

2011-06-22 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Hi all,
I've been looking into the command line parameters for LibO.  Using
these, it is possible to do some interesting things, such as
converting from one format to another without having to run the LibO
gui.  An example of what I'm talking about is to convert your odt file
to docx:
soffice.exe -headless -convert-to docx Document_name.odt

My problem is that I can't find this "-convert-to" parameter in any
proper documentation.  The best I can find is some web post or
something that mentions it (but not discussed in detail), such as

On the wiki pages I found references to some of the command line
parameters for LibO (and OOo):

Most of these commands can also be seen by typing "soffice.exe -?".
But neither the wiki pages nor the command line help (see below)
mention the "-convert-to" parameter.  Does anyone know where to find
more information?  I just have a sneaking suspicion that there might
be other parameters that I'm not aware of (yet) that could prove

On a second point, "soffice.exe -?" is a little tricky.  Instead of
listing the available command parameters to the console, it opens up a
"Help Message..." window (this is in Windows7 x64).  Not all of the
text fits into this window, and I can't scroll or resize the window.
So in all fairness, it is possible that the "-convert-to" parameter is
mentioned there, I just can't see it in the window.  Does anyone know
how I can get the help info to display properly?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] default type and setting for pasting

2011-06-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> How did you create an icon like that?  At first I thought it should be
> fairly easy, but when I tried, I couldn't find a way.

Never mind, I found it.  Right-click on any toolbar -> Customise
toolbar... -> Toolbar tab -> Add... -> (Category) Edit -> (Commands)
Paste Unformatted text -> Add -> OK

I can't find a way to assign middle mouse to it though, sorry.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] default type and setting for pasting

2011-06-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> So in lee's case, he would probably prefer
> something else.  And it looks like he found a solution that works for
> him.

Sorry, lee.  I assumed your gender (by saying "he" and "him"), which
is generally considered bad etiquette.  I apologise.

lee wrote:
> Hm. Perhaps I can find a way to put an icon into the toolbar that pastes
> unformatted text? ... YES! I just did :) It´s not an icon, it makes a
> big field in the toolbar, labled "Unformatierten Text einfügen" ("insert
> unformatted text"). That makes a nicely big field easy enough to click
> :) I´ll use that now.

How did you create an icon like that?  At first I thought it should be
fairly easy, but when I tried, I couldn't find a way.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] default type and setting for pasting

2011-06-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Hi Roxy and John,
I believe you two are using different parts of LibO.  It sounds like
John is using Calc, while Roxy is using Writer.  The paste special
options in these two modules are different.

your "drop-down arrow paste special" method works well.  But it does
not work well in all cases.

For instance, go to a blog or website with a lot of text.  Now, to
paste a paragraph into Writer you would normally select the paragraph,
copy (Ctrl+C), select the point in Writer where you want to paste it,
click the "paste special" drop-down arrow, select "unformatted text"
and it's done.  In this case it works well.

But now, copy and paste every second or third word from 3 or 4
paragraphs.  Now you need to do 100 or so paste specials, then 1 or 2
extra mouse clicks make it fairly tedious.  From what I read, it seems
that lee is copying and pasting a few words at a time, but it is done
quite frequently.  So in lee's case, he would probably prefer
something else.  And it looks like he found a solution that works for

I think it should be possible to assign a short-cut key to the icon
you created.  As you probably don't want a keyboard button, maybe you
can try to assign it to the middle mouse button?  Just a thought, I
could be wrong.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Enabling Macros - misleading labelling

2011-06-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Roxy Robinson wrote:
> And just why would Macros be considered experimental features Macros have 
> been
> around forever.

Macros are not considered an experimental feature.  They work even if
"Enable experimental (unstable) features" is unticked.  However,
*recording* macros is not a fully polished feature, so it's considered
experimental.  There are other ways to create macros, such as opening
the Macro editer (ALT+F11) and typing code in Basic.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] how to move text string into formula, from another cell

2011-06-21 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Tom Cloyd wrote:
> * changing the original formulat to =IF($E10="x",&"K4",0) or
> =IF($E10="x",&K4,0) - where K4 is the cell with the calculated text string.
> Either of these result in an error 510.

I notice the part &"K4"
I think you may have confused your syntax here.  In Calc formulas, the
ampersand (&) symbol is actually the concatenation operator.  I
suspect you're coming from a C/C++ environment.

> Here's the calculation formula for the string: 
> =CONCATENATE("'",K2,K1,"-",K3,"',N$4")

Another way of doing this would be:
= "'" & K2 & K1 & "-" & K3 & "',N$4"
It should do the same as your concatenate example, just another way of
writing it


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Disable macro in an open document

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Frieder wrote:
> As far as I know there is no possibility  without having to close and re-open 
> the file

Thanks, that answers my question.

> But you can stop a running macro.

Thank you for the advice.  I do know how to stop a running macro, but
thanks for giving the suggestion any way (might help someone else on
the mailing list).

> But way do you want to disable a macro, after you allowed to run it?

It's not really something that you would normally require, I know
that.  It's just that I opened a document with macros in it (which I
had created myself, nothing malicious in there).  Some of the macros
that are assigned to events were broken (some syntax errors or
something, long story).  Every time I selected a different cell (in
Calc) it tries to execute a macro, which fails with an error.  It
annoyed me, and I didn't want to debug that macro at the time.  I just
wondered if anyone knew if I could disable the macro without closing
and reopening (more for future reference).

I agree with your sentiment that disabling macros should be done when
opening the file.  It is only curiosity that sparked my question, not
a real need.

Thanks for your response.


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[libreoffice-users] Disable macro in an open document

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Does anyone know of a way to disable a macro in a document that has
already been opened?  Just to clarify, I don't mean "when opening a
document".  After I've opened a document and allowed macros to run, is
there a way to disable them later on, without having to close and
re-open the file?  A quick google search didn't answer my question.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How can I reset all settings?

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Hi all,
just to mention it explicitly: you don't need to uninstall and
re-install if you've renamed the user profile directory.  It is
already mentioned in the tutorial
and most of the posts here did imply that.  I just wanted to state it
clearly, in case there is someone reading this thread that might get
the wrong impression and think that it's required to rename the user
profile *and* re-install LibO.

Just renaming is sufficient, LibO will create a new user profile
directory the next time you launch it.  The renamed user profile will
not be modified.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Side by side install of LibO and OOo

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
aqualung wrote:

> Thank you, a reasonable suggestion (but see the bug referenced upthread,
> about conflict between LibO Portable and OOo.)

The bug refers to *running* LibO Portable and OOo at the same time.
They can peacefully co-exist, as long as you don't try to have an
instance of both running at the same time (I note that there is also a
work-around to get that working in the bug report).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Side by side install of LibO and OOo

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
aqualung wrote:

> "Registering" means of course, entries in the registry which, when a file
>> such as .odt or .ods is clicked, opens whatever program has been
>> registered
>> to open it. Depending on where in the REgstry these program-choosings lie,
>> and which it comes to first, and with both LO and OOo iinstalled to take
>> the
>> same file extensions, it's a crap shoot AFAIK which one wiil be seen
>> first,
>> and used to open that file.
> It should not be the case, ever, that both LibO and OOo are registered for
> the same file extensions. If that happens (if it is even possible at all),
> then someone has messed up somewhere.

I believe there may be some slight issues due to the fact that both
LibO and OOo have the same process name (soffice.exe).  I vaguely
remember hearing/reading that Windows gets slightly confused in the
"Open with..." dialogue, in that it doesn't "remember" the default
correctly when you try to change it.  But like I said, I don't
remember the details very well.

You could download LibreOfficePortable
(  It doesn't involve any
registry entries as it is made to run from a flash-disk (all the
"settings" are contained in sub folders rather than the registry).
Version 3.3.2 is available.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Double clicking .ODT file opens it in WordPad!

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Bazsl wrote:
> I uninstalled Open Office and installed LibreOffice. Now if I click on a .ODT
> file it opens in WordPad instead of Writer. How can I easily fix this for
> all LibreOffice apps on Win7 Pro 64 bit? Thanks.

There's another way to do it, which looks pretty straightforward:

The first half of the instructions indicate how to associate the file
types *during* installation.  The second half of the instructions tell
you how to change that *after* installation.

I believe it should work the same for LibreOffice as for, but unfortunately I can't test it at this time.  If
you try this method, let us know if you succeed or not.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] default type and setting for pasting

2011-06-20 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Roxy Robinson wrote:
>  From what I know you have to use Paste Special for what you want to do. 
> Paste Special
> has several options that you must choose from, so you cannot "set it" to do 
> only one

Just to elaborate:  you can perform a "Paste Special" by pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+V (instead of the regular paste, which is CTRL+V).  There
should then be an option "Unformatted text".


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