Antwort: Re: AW: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003

2006-01-20 Thread Dietmar . Mueller
Unable to allocate 90112 bytes

Könnte das nicht heißen, daß der Prozessspeicher voll ist?

Win 32 hat bekanntlich die 2GB Grenze, wobei in manchen Fällen
diese Grenze sogar noch weiter unten ist und hier glaube ich bei
so einer großen Anzahl von Threads könnte das 2GB Limit erreicht

lg Dietmar

Henk Strobel/netwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] am 20.01.2006 11:00:24

Bitte antworten an

Thema:  Re: AW: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003

Guten Morgen,

  -   Wie steht's mit MaxKeepAliveRequests
  und KeepAliveTimeout?

Ersteres scheine ich schon mal hochgesetzt zu haben:

# geaendert 20051128, war: 100
MaxKeepAliveRequests 1000
KeepAliveTimeout 15

  -   Was steht im error.log fuer die Zeiten
  wo die Probleme auftreten?

Nichts, aber sporadisch (zu anderen Zeiten) treten solche Fehler auf:

FATAL:  erealloc():  Unable to allocate 90112 bytes
[Tue Jan 17 22:15:03 2006] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1 -- Restarting.

Danach läuft offenbar aber alles normal weiter, access-Log ist zu diesen
Zeiten unauffällig...

  -   Gibt's Informationen zur warteschlangenaus-

Wie komme ich da ran?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße

Henk Strobel

Heinrich C. Kuhn schrieb:
 Betreiben hier Apache auf ziemlich aehnlicher
 Basis. Ohne Probleme.
 Bedim Blick auf die http.conf: folgende
 -   Wie steht's mit MaxKeepAliveRequests
 und KeepAliveTimeout?
 (die habe ich beide hier deutlich hochgesetzt)
 -   Was steht im error.log fuer die Zeiten
 wo die Probleme auftreten?
 -   Aussergewoenliche Eintraege im access.log
 fuer diese Zeiten (gosse Uploads, Hacker-
 Angriffsversuche o.dgl.?)
 -   Gibt's Informationen zur warteschlangenaus-




 hier die Teile der httpd.conf, die ich für relevant halte:


 IfModule mpm_winnt.c

 # geaendert auf 1000 20051128, war: 250
 # geaendert auf 5000 20060118
 ThreadsPerChild 5000
 #ThreadLimit 5000
 MaxRequestsPerChild  0


 LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
 LoadFile c:/perl/bin/perl58.dll
 LoadModule perl_module modules/


 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl


 Es gibt einige virtuelle Hosts, auf einem wird SSL genutzt.
 Experimente mit ThreadsPerChild zusammen mit ThreadLimit haben zu
 merkwürdig instabilem Verhalten geführt (Der Serer hat nach kürzester
 Zeit keine Anfragen beantwortet, deshalb habe ich das erst einmal

 Viele Grüße

 Henk Strobel

 Meißner schrieb:
 wie sieht denn die config dazu aus ?
 bevor wir in die glaskugel blicken muessen ...
 fragende grüße

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Henk Strobel / netwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2006 12:06
 Betreff: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003


 ich habe ein Problem mit dem Apache 2.0.50 auf Windows Server 2003:

 Es kommt immer wieder vor - offenbar zu Stoßzeiten - das der Server
 nicht auf Anfragen reagiert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind in der
 Prozeßliste 3 Apache-Prozesse zu sehen. Wenn man versucht, den Apache
 neu zu starten, bleibt ein Prozess bestehen. Zu anderen Zeitpunkten
 (wenn der Server normal lief) habe ich bisher immer nur zwei
 Apache-Prozesse gesehen.

 Meine Theorie ist, das der Apache es aus irgendwelchen Gründen es
 nicht schafft, einen neuen Prozess zu starten, wenn ThreadsPerChild
 erreicht ist, bzw. sich dieser Prozess sofort aufhängt. In den Apache-
 und Systemlogs ist nichts zu finden. Habe ThreadsPerChild auf 1000
 erhöht, das Problem tritt trotzdem auf.

 Hat jemand eine Idee? Es handelt sich um eine Maschine mit 4
 Prozessoren und 4 GB RAM.

 Viele Grüße

 Henk Strobel

 Apache HTTP Server Mailing List users-de
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 Henk Strobel / webentwicklung
 netwood new media services GmbH
 Georgstr. 56
 30159 Hannover
 fon: +49 (0)511 28061 304
 fax: +49 (0)511 28061 310

 Apache HTTP Server Mailing List users-de
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Re: Antwort: Re: AW: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003

2006-01-20 Thread Henk Strobel / netwood
Merkwürdig dabei ist, das diese Problem nicht nur zu Stosszeiten 
auftritt, sondern auch z.T. nachts, wenn praktisch nichts los ist. 
Dieser Server ist extrem tagaktiv ;-)

Mit dem zuerst genannten Problem haben diese Fehler wohl nichts zu tun, 
da sie zu anderen Zeiten auftreten, deshalb würde ich das Thema Unable 
to allocate... gerne erstmal zurückstellen.

Habe jetzt erstmal EnableMMAP und EnableSendfile deaktiviert, mal sehen, 
ob das was bringt. Stochern im Nebel...


Unable to allocate 90112 bytes

Könnte das nicht heißen, daß der Prozessspeicher voll ist?

Win 32 hat bekanntlich die 2GB Grenze, wobei in manchen Fällen
diese Grenze sogar noch weiter unten ist und hier glaube ich bei
so einer großen Anzahl von Threads könnte das 2GB Limit erreicht

lg Dietmar

Henk Strobel/netwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] am 20.01.2006 11:00:24

Bitte antworten an

Thema:  Re: AW: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003

Guten Morgen,

  -   Wie steht's mit MaxKeepAliveRequests
  und KeepAliveTimeout?

Ersteres scheine ich schon mal hochgesetzt zu haben:

# geaendert 20051128, war: 100
MaxKeepAliveRequests 1000
KeepAliveTimeout 15

  -   Was steht im error.log fuer die Zeiten
  wo die Probleme auftreten?

Nichts, aber sporadisch (zu anderen Zeiten) treten solche Fehler auf:

FATAL:  erealloc():  Unable to allocate 90112 bytes
[Tue Jan 17 22:15:03 2006] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1 -- Restarting.

Danach läuft offenbar aber alles normal weiter, access-Log ist zu diesen
Zeiten unauffällig...

  -   Gibt's Informationen zur warteschlangenaus-

Wie komme ich da ran?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße

Henk Strobel

Heinrich C. Kuhn schrieb:

Betreiben hier Apache auf ziemlich aehnlicher
Basis. Ohne Probleme.
Bedim Blick auf die http.conf: folgende
-   Wie steht's mit MaxKeepAliveRequests
und KeepAliveTimeout?
(die habe ich beide hier deutlich hochgesetzt)
-   Was steht im error.log fuer die Zeiten
wo die Probleme auftreten?
-   Aussergewoenliche Eintraege im access.log
fuer diese Zeiten (gosse Uploads, Hacker-
Angriffsversuche o.dgl.?)
-   Gibt's Informationen zur warteschlangenaus-




hier die Teile der httpd.conf, die ich für relevant halte:


IfModule mpm_winnt.c

# geaendert auf 1000 20051128, war: 250
# geaendert auf 5000 20060118
ThreadsPerChild 5000
#ThreadLimit 5000
MaxRequestsPerChild  0


LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
LoadFile c:/perl/bin/perl58.dll
LoadModule perl_module modules/


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl


Es gibt einige virtuelle Hosts, auf einem wird SSL genutzt.
Experimente mit ThreadsPerChild zusammen mit ThreadLimit haben zu
merkwürdig instabilem Verhalten geführt (Der Serer hat nach kürzester
Zeit keine Anfragen beantwortet, deshalb habe ich das erst einmal

Viele Grüße

Henk Strobel

Meißner schrieb:

wie sieht denn die config dazu aus ?
bevor wir in die glaskugel blicken muessen ...
fragende grüße

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Henk Strobel / netwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2006 12:06
Betreff: Apache Prozesse unter Windows Server 2003


ich habe ein Problem mit dem Apache 2.0.50 auf Windows Server 2003:

Es kommt immer wieder vor - offenbar zu Stoßzeiten - das der Server
nicht auf Anfragen reagiert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind in der
Prozeßliste 3 Apache-Prozesse zu sehen. Wenn man versucht, den Apache
neu zu starten, bleibt ein Prozess bestehen. Zu anderen Zeitpunkten
(wenn der Server normal lief) habe ich bisher immer nur zwei
Apache-Prozesse gesehen.

Meine Theorie ist, das der Apache es aus irgendwelchen Gründen es
nicht schafft, einen neuen Prozess zu starten, wenn ThreadsPerChild
erreicht ist, bzw. sich dieser Prozess sofort aufhängt. In den Apache-
und Systemlogs ist nichts zu finden. Habe ThreadsPerChild auf 1000
erhöht, das Problem tritt trotzdem auf.

Hat jemand eine Idee? Es handelt sich um eine Maschine mit 4
Prozessoren und 4 GB RAM.

Viele Grüße

Henk Strobel


Apache HTTP Server Mailing List users-de
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Apache HTTP Server Mailing List users-de
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Henk Strobel / webentwicklung
netwood new media services GmbH

Apache 2.2.0 auf Linux mit einem Limit-, LimitExpect-Problem

2006-01-20 Thread grafik

auf einem GNU/Linux (64bit) habe ich mir einen Apache 2.2.0 kompiliert
und scheitere nun daran die HTTP-Methoden zu beschränken. In der
httpd.conf habe ich folgendes aufgenommen:

Directory /
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride   None
Order   Deny,Allow
Denyfrom all
LimitExcept GET
Order   Deny,Allow
Denyfrom all

Bei einem Apache 1.3.x führt ein POST-Request bei dieser Konfiguration
zu etwa folgendem Response-Header:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 20:55:12 GMT
Server: Apache
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Leider nicht beim neuen Apache 2.2.0:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 20:58:23 GMT
Server: Apache  
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 1201
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Per Post übergebene Daten werden auch an Scripte weitergereicht, auch
ein OPTIONS-Request zeigt, daß die Konfiguration zum teil keine Wirkung

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 21:03:09 GMT
Server: Apache
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 1425
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Es wird also kein Allow gesendet, aber Status 200 ist mir jedenafallse
nicht OK.

Folgende Module sind eingebunden:

 authn_file_module  (static)
 authn_default_module   (static)
 authz_host_module  (static)
 authz_groupfile_module (static)
 authz_user_module  (static)
 auth_basic_module  (static)
 auth_digest_module (static)
 dumpio_module  (static)
 include_module (static)
 deflate_module (static)
 log_config_module  (static)
 logio_module   (static)
 expires_module (static)
 headers_module (static)
 ssl_module (static)
 mpm_worker_module  (static)
 dav_module (static)
 dav_fs_module  (static)
 negotiation_module (static)
 dir_module (static)
 alias_module   (static)
 so_module  (static)

Weiß jemand Rat, oder ist von einem Bug auszugehen?

Gruß Aus Berlin!

Apache HTTP Server Mailing List users-de 
  unsubscribe-Anfragen an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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AW: Re4: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

2006-01-20 Thread Oliver.Schaudt
hi dom,
seems strange.
Can it be any of the following issues from the bugzilla of apache
url encoding cookie
ProxyPassReverse doesn't change cookie paths
or this on which was changed in mod_proxy_balancer.c around 14.12
this i have in my actual running apache.


Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 18.01.2006 17:44
Betreff: Re4: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

dear oliver,

hmm.. that was i guessd as well at the beginning, so i added the cookie
[%{sessionkey}C] into the apache-log-file, and it looks exactely like it have
to [12345678.A_]! :-(

strange is that when i access the balancing module (the summary where all the
members are shown, etc..) on stickysession is no entry, the route is shown..
when i manually add sessionkey to 'stickysession' it's shown but same

i'm going stupid soon.. ;-)


 Hi dom,

 so than it seems that the definitions which you had in your apache
 configuration don't match your session cookie

 Can you use tamper data
 or iehttpheaders to see whar you have in your headers sent by the
 server when he sends you the cookie [the line sith set-cookie] .
 Upon this set-cookie your Browser should send back every time a
 headerline beginning with cookie.
 If this is the case than the cookie should look like
 12345678.A_ oder 12345678.B_ . Otherwise you have to change your

 If you don't want to run in a timeout or if you have a firewall
 inbetween the apache and the backend web server than you can add
 keepalive=on behind the route.




 Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Mi 18.01.2006 12:27
 Cc: Schaudt, Oliver
 Betreff: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

 Hi Oliver,

 1. no, i don't.. thats the strange thing.. just see in the accesslog:
 [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(41): proxy: BALANCER: canonicalising URL
 [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(803): proxy: Entering byrequests for BALANCER
 [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(396): proxy: BALANCER (balancer://prod) worker
 ( ) rewritten to
 [debug] mod_proxy.c(736): Running scheme balancer handler (attempt 0)

 2. don't really understand your question. my 'backendservers' produce
 a cookie
 with teh attribute 'sessionkey' and use this for the own
 sessiondeclaration, so
 i thought to use that one. i (the webserver) just added .A_ at the
 end of the
 sessionkey for identify the 'route' to apache, but i guess thats not the only
 thing i need to do? i can produce every cookie-attribute you like, thats not
 the problem.. whats jvmroute? i'm not using tomcat, we use a self written

 i thought it should be easy: a have allready a sessionkey, so thats
 nice. then
 the backendwebserver now which server he is, so he set another attribute, and
 add this to the sessionkey (sessionkey.route) and this route is
 definied on the
 BalanceMember.. but i guess i missunderstand the topc.. :-(



 Hi dom,

 1. Do you see some lines like proxy: BALANCER: Found value
 12721798.A_ for stickysession sessionkey in the error_log ?
 2.Do you have set your session-identifier nameinside your servers
 behind Apache to sessionkey and the route alias jvmroute to your
 A_ and B_ ? If not than it won't work.




 Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Di 17.01.2006 16:23
 Betreff: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer


 i'm using apache 2.2 because of the balancing module, but i can't
 figure out why
 the 'stickyness' doesn't work.

 LogLevel debug
 ProxyPass / balancer://prod/ stickysession=sessionkey nofailover=On
  Proxy balancer://prod
   BalancerMember  route=A_
   BalancerMember  route=B_

 the sessionkey-coockie is set to something like 12721798.A_

 after a few clicks (depends from 2 to 15) i get connectet to the
 second Member,
 but don't see why! any ideas?

 when i have a look at the logfile, i never see some information about the
 coockie or so.. :-(

 thanks in advance


Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Solaris SIGBUS and core on changes to mmap'd files

2006-01-20 Thread Joe Orton
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 06:08:21PM -, Matt Willsher wrote:
 I have a set up where by Apache serves static content from an NFS share.
 This works ok most of the time but we have been getting occasional BUS
 signals, resulting in core dump, when reading files. This apparently occurs
 because the requested file changes between it being mmap'd and the memcpy. 

This is a known issue with 1.3.  Upgrade to 2.0, and the server will 
usually use sendfile(), which avoids the problem, and the EnableMMAP and 
EnableSendfile directives are available to control it precisely.

In general if files on your site are modified in-place you will 
sometimes be serving corrupt content, so this situation is generally 
better avoided in the first place.



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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] php_admin_flag question

2006-01-20 Thread Joe Orton
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 08:13:00PM -0600, Graham Frank wrote:
 I am trying to restrict a open_basedir to the document root of the domain.
 So I have the following in httpd.conf.
 Location /
   php_admin_value open_basedir /

open_basedir takes a filesystem path, that directive has no effect at 
all.  open_basedir itself is not a reliable security barrier in any 
case, see


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] php_admin_flag question

2006-01-20 Thread Graham Frank
Heh, what's funny is that the PHP docs actually suggest that (but using 

Anyway, I've come up with another solution, so this is resolved.

-Graham Frank

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Follow symbolic links: report symbolic link names vs. real names

2006-01-20 Thread David Knecht
I would like to configure Apache 2.0.52 on Linux to follow symbolic 
links to directories.

The directory names I am using are defined as symbolic links on the file 
system. The FollowSymLinks parameter is configured in httpd.conf.

According to /var/log/httpd/error_log the symbolic links are followed 
correctly, but the log file shows the real directory names not the 
symbolic ones (which is why my CGI script fails to run).

How do I configure Apache to follow symbolic links to directories 
without internally using/reporting the file system's real directory names?

Thanks, David

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] AddOutputFilterByType MIME wildcards?

2006-01-20 Thread Olaf van der Spek

The documentation contains the sample AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE
text/html text/plain
But is it also possible to use text/*?

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual directories

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/20/06, Muhammad Rizwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to add more then one Alias entry in one Virtual host,
 Alias /AliasDirectory /to/my/path/in/DD
 Alias /AliasDir /to/my/path/in/EE

Yes. You need to list the most specific entry first.


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Follow symbolic links: report symbolic link names vs. real names

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/20/06, David Knecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to configure Apache 2.0.52 on Linux to follow symbolic
 links to directories.

 The directory names I am using are defined as symbolic links on the file
 system. The FollowSymLinks parameter is configured in httpd.conf.

 According to /var/log/httpd/error_log the symbolic links are followed
 correctly, but the log file shows the real directory names not the
 symbolic ones (which is why my CGI script fails to run).

Please be more specific about exactly what your CGI scripts expect and
exactly what they get.


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AddOutputFilterByType MIME wildcards?

2006-01-20 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
I never managed to make AddOutputFilterByType work properly for DEFLATE. There 
is a Bugzilla report that basically says that it does not work and is beyond 

You should try using mod_filter; that's what I ended up doing. Although 
mod_filter is an Apache 2.2 module, it is perfectly compatible with Apache 2.0 
- just takes a few tricks to compile it. I seem to remember that Nick Kew 
describes how to compile it for Apache 2.0 on his site. 


-Original Message-
From: Olaf van der Spek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 3:09 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AddOutputFilterByType MIME wildcards?

The documentation contains the sample AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATEtext/html 
text/plainBut is it also possible to use text/*?

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re6: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

2006-01-20 Thread dom

hi all,

thanks, but have allready the newest one.. all patches allready included.. :-(

it looks like he never checks the cookie for route! (there should be a few
entrys into the log) no idear anymore..

[debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(41): proxy: BALANCER: canonicalising URL
[debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(438): proxy: BALANCER (balancer://prod) worker
( rewritten to ...

nice weekend


hi dom,

seems strange.

Can it be any of the following issues from the bugzilla of apache
url encoding cookie

ProxyPassReverse doesn't change cookie paths

or this on which was changed in mod_proxy_balancer.c around 14.12
this i have in my actual running apache.



Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 18.01.2006 17:44
Betreff: Re4: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

dear oliver,

hmm.. that was i guessd as well at the beginning, so i added the cookie
[%{sessionkey}C] into the apache-log-file, and it looks exactely like it have
to [12345678.A_]! :-(

strange is that when i access the balancing module (the summary where all the
members are shown, etc..) on stickysession is no entry, the route is shown..
when i manually add sessionkey to 'stickysession' it's shown but same

i'm going stupid soon.. ;-)


Hi dom,

so than it seems that the definitions which you had in your apache
configuration don't match your session cookie

Can you use tamper data
or iehttpheaders to see whar you have in your headers sent by the
server when he sends you the cookie [the line sith set-cookie] .
Upon this set-cookie your Browser should send back every time a
headerline beginning with cookie.
If this is the case than the cookie should look like
12345678.A_ oder 12345678.B_ . Otherwise you have to change your

If you don't want to run in a timeout or if you have a firewall
inbetween the apache and the backend web server than you can add
keepalive=on behind the route.



Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 18.01.2006 12:27
Cc: Schaudt, Oliver
Betreff: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer

Hi Oliver,

1. no, i don't.. thats the strange thing.. just see in the accesslog:
[debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(41): proxy: BALANCER: canonicalising URL
[debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(803): proxy: Entering byrequests for BALANCER
[debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(396): proxy: BALANCER (balancer://prod) worker
( ) rewritten to
[debug] mod_proxy.c(736): Running scheme balancer handler (attempt 0)

2. don't really understand your question. my 'backendservers' produce
a cookie
with teh attribute 'sessionkey' and use this for the own
sessiondeclaration, so
i thought to use that one. i (the webserver) just added .A_ at the
end of the
sessionkey for identify the 'route' to apache, but i guess thats not 
the only

thing i need to do? i can produce every cookie-attribute you like, thats not
the problem.. whats jvmroute? i'm not using tomcat, we use a self written

i thought it should be easy: a have allready a sessionkey, so thats
nice. then
the backendwebserver now which server he is, so he set another 
attribute, and

add this to the sessionkey (sessionkey.route) and this route is
definied on the
BalanceMember.. but i guess i missunderstand the topc.. :-(



Hi dom,

1. Do you see some lines like proxy: BALANCER: Found value
12721798.A_ for stickysession sessionkey in the error_log ?
2.Do you have set your session-identifier nameinside your servers
behind Apache to sessionkey and the route alias jvmroute to your
A_ and B_ ? If not than it won't work.



Von: dom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Di 17.01.2006 16:23
Betreff: [EMAIL PROTECTED] stickysession at mod_proxy_balancer


i'm using apache 2.2 because of the balancing module, but i can't
figure out why
the 'stickyness' doesn't work.

LogLevel debug
ProxyPass / balancer://prod/ stickysession=sessionkey nofailover=On
 Proxy balancer://prod
  BalancerMember  route=A_

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

2006-01-20 Thread Sturgis, Grant
No luck on this thread.  Let me ask a different question:

Is anyone using ldaps authentication - or ldap for that matter?  

Anyone using ldaps to AD?



 -Original Message-
 From: Sturgis, Grant 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:12 PM
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication
 Greetings List,
 I have seen this question posted several times, but have not seen a
 resolution.  If it is in the archives, I apologize for not seeing it
 I have ldap authentication working using mod_auth_ldap, but I want to
 enable ldaps to avoid transmitting passwords in clear text.  
 This is the
 configuration so far:
 Directory /home/httpd/ldap_test
AuthType basic
AuthName ldap test
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=nobody,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
AuthLDAPBindPassword password
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
require group cn=ldap_test_group,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
 however, to enable ldaps, I add these lines (outside the 
 Directory, of
 LDAPTrustedCA /etc/httpd/conf/cacerts/dc1.cer
 and then change ldap to ldaps in the AuthLDAPUrl line
 and it stops working.
 I have used this cert successfully in pam_ldap and ldapsearch.  
 Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?  
 The details:
 Thanks for any suggestions,
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] problem with mod_auth and mod_auth_pam working together

2006-01-20 Thread Jason Keltz

I'm running Apache 1.3.34 along with mod_auth and mod_auth_pam.
I am trying to make a link available to anyone in /etc/passwd or VIA
mod_auth basic authentication.

The .htaccess is as follows:

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /cs/home/jas/passwords
AuthPAM_Enabled on
AuthPAM_FallThrough on
AuthAuthoritative Off
Require valid-user

Everything works except when the username that is entered does not exist 
in /etc/passwd AND does not exist in the basic password file.  When this

happens, the web server records:

configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user file?: /~jas/mylink

... but there is definately a user file there since valid username and 
password combos work.

I don't think the problem is mod_auth_pam .. it seems to be falling 
through correctly.
It is as if when mod_auth fails, it sends the request off into the bit 
bucket instead of realizing that it is at the end of the chain.

How can I tell Apache with AuthAuthoritative turned off to stop after 
mod_auth fails?  How can I determine if there is some other authentication 
it is secretly trying?

Thanks for any help you can provide..


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

2006-01-20 Thread Ricardo Stella

What do logs show ?

Also, do you know if you are establishing a connection ?

And, also, any permissions issue with the server reading the certificate ?

Sturgis, Grant wrote:
 No luck on this thread.  Let me ask a different question:

 Is anyone using ldaps authentication - or ldap for that matter?  

 Anyone using ldaps to AD?



 -Original Message-
 From: Sturgis, Grant 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:12 PM
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

 Greetings List,

 I have seen this question posted several times, but have not seen a
 resolution.  If it is in the archives, I apologize for not seeing it

 I have ldap authentication working using mod_auth_ldap, but I want to
 enable ldaps to avoid transmitting passwords in clear text.  
 This is the
 configuration so far:

 Directory /home/httpd/ldap_test
AuthType basic
AuthName ldap test
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=nobody,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
AuthLDAPBindPassword password
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
require group cn=ldap_test_group,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com

 however, to enable ldaps, I add these lines (outside the 
 Directory, of

 LDAPTrustedCA /etc/httpd/conf/cacerts/dc1.cer

 and then change ldap to ldaps in the AuthLDAPUrl line

 and it stops working.

 I have used this cert successfully in pam_ldap and ldapsearch.  

 Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?  

 The details:


 Thanks for any suggestions,


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fn:Ricardo Stella
org:Rider University
adr;dom:;;2083 Lawrenceville Rd;Lawrenceville;NJ;08648

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

2006-01-20 Thread Sturgis, Grant
 From: Ricardo Stella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What do logs show ?

The error_log shows this:

[Fri Jan 20 10:08:47 2006] [warn] [client] [2056]
auth_ldap authenticate: user jgood authentication failed; URI
/servers/smtp0/smtp0.htm [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind_s() failed][Can't
contact LDAP server], referer: http://mrtg/mail_servers.htm

 Also, do you know if you are establishing a connection ?

Yes, it appears that apache is trying to set up an ldaps session, but
failing.  Perhaps something analogous to the 'tls_checkpeer no' in

 And, also, any permissions issue with the server reading the 
 certificate ?

The cert file is owned by apache with a mode of 400.  All of the parent
directories are 755.

 Sturgis, Grant wrote:
  No luck on this thread.  Let me ask a different question:
  Is anyone using ldaps authentication - or ldap for that matter?  
  Anyone using ldaps to AD?

  -Original Message-
  From: Sturgis, Grant 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:12 PM
  Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication
  Greetings List,
  I have seen this question posted several times, but have not seen a
  resolution.  If it is in the archives, I apologize for not 
 seeing it
  I have ldap authentication working using mod_auth_ldap, 
 but I want to
  enable ldaps to avoid transmitting passwords in clear text.  
  This is the
  configuration so far:
  Directory /home/httpd/ldap_test
 AuthType basic
 AuthName ldap test
 AuthLDAPBindDN cn=nobody,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
 AuthLDAPBindPassword password
 AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
 require group cn=ldap_test_group,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
  however, to enable ldaps, I add these lines (outside the 
  Directory, of
  LDAPTrustedCA /etc/httpd/conf/cacerts/dc1.cer
  and then change ldap to ldaps in the AuthLDAPUrl line
  and it stops working.
  I have used this cert successfully in pam_ldap and ldapsearch.  
  Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?  
  The details:
  Thanks for any suggestions,
  Pardon this rubbish:

This electronic message transmission is a PRIVATE communication which contains
information which may be confidential or privileged. The information is 
to be for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the 
intended recipient, please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution 
or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. Please notify the
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

2006-01-20 Thread Ricardo Stella

The default for ldap over ssl is on port 636.  Is your ldap supporting
this or actually doing TLS on the standard port ?

Sturgis, Grant wrote:
 From: Ricardo Stella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What do logs show ?

 The error_log shows this:

 [Fri Jan 20 10:08:47 2006] [warn] [client] [2056]
 auth_ldap authenticate: user jgood authentication failed; URI
 /servers/smtp0/smtp0.htm [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind_s() failed][Can't
 contact LDAP server], referer: http://mrtg/mail_servers.htm

 Also, do you know if you are establishing a connection ?

 Yes, it appears that apache is trying to set up an ldaps session, but
 failing.  Perhaps something analogous to the 'tls_checkpeer no' in

 And, also, any permissions issue with the server reading the 
 certificate ?

 The cert file is owned by apache with a mode of 400.  All of the parent
 directories are 755.

 Sturgis, Grant wrote:
 No luck on this thread.  Let me ask a different question:

 Is anyone using ldaps authentication - or ldap for that matter?  

 Anyone using ldaps to AD?



 -Original Message-
 From: Sturgis, Grant 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:12 PM
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

 Greetings List,

 I have seen this question posted several times, but have not seen a
 resolution.  If it is in the archives, I apologize for not 
 seeing it

 I have ldap authentication working using mod_auth_ldap, 
 but I want to
 enable ldaps to avoid transmitting passwords in clear text.  
 This is the
 configuration so far:

 Directory /home/httpd/ldap_test
AuthType basic
AuthName ldap test
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=nobody,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
AuthLDAPBindPassword password
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
require group cn=ldap_test_group,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com

 however, to enable ldaps, I add these lines (outside the 
 Directory, of

 LDAPTrustedCA /etc/httpd/conf/cacerts/dc1.cer

 and then change ldap to ldaps in the AuthLDAPUrl line

 and it stops working.

 I have used this cert successfully in pam_ldap and ldapsearch.  

 Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?  

 The details:


 Thanks for any suggestions,


 Pardon this rubbish:


 This electronic message transmission is a PRIVATE communication which contains
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fn:Ricardo Stella
org:Rider University
adr;dom:;;2083 Lawrenceville Rd;Lawrenceville;NJ;08648

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] environment-only rewrite rule

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
 I'm struggling to create a mod_rewrite rule which *doesn't* modify the
 request - only changes an environment variable

 I tried -


 - but still it has some weird side effects

RewriteRule .* - [whatever-options]
The dash as the second argument indicates no rewriting.


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] problem with mod_auth and mod_auth_pam working together

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/20/06, Jason Keltz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can I tell Apache with AuthAuthoritative turned off to stop after
 mod_auth fails?  How can I determine if there is some other authentication
 it is secretly trying?

You always need one authoritative auth module.  If mod_auth is last in
the auth chain, then AuthAuthoritative should be on.


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication

2006-01-20 Thread Sturgis, Grant
 -Original Message-
 From: Ricardo Stella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The default for ldap over ssl is on port 636.  Is your ldap supporting
 this or actually doing TLS on the standard port ?

yes, our ldap server does ldaps over 636.  In httpd.conf, I have tried just 
changing the uri from ldap to ldaps as well as appending the port (:636) to the 
server.  Which approach would you recommend?

 Sturgis, Grant wrote:
  From: Ricardo Stella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  What do logs show ?
  The error_log shows this:
  [Fri Jan 20 10:08:47 2006] [warn] [client] [2056]
  auth_ldap authenticate: user jgood authentication failed; URI
  /servers/smtp0/smtp0.htm [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind_s() failed][Can't
  contact LDAP server], referer: http://mrtg/mail_servers.htm

  Also, do you know if you are establishing a connection ?
  Yes, it appears that apache is trying to set up an ldaps 
 session, but
  failing.  Perhaps something analogous to the 'tls_checkpeer no' in

  And, also, any permissions issue with the server reading the 
  certificate ?
  The cert file is owned by apache with a mode of 400.  All 
 of the parent
  directories are 755.

  Sturgis, Grant wrote:
  No luck on this thread.  Let me ask a different question:
  Is anyone using ldaps authentication - or ldap for that matter?  
  Anyone using ldaps to AD?

  -Original Message-
  From: Sturgis, Grant 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:12 PM
  Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldaps authentication
  Greetings List,
  I have seen this question posted several times, but have 
 not seen a
  resolution.  If it is in the archives, I apologize for not 
  seeing it
  I have ldap authentication working using mod_auth_ldap, 
  but I want to
  enable ldaps to avoid transmitting passwords in clear text.  
  This is the
  configuration so far:
  Directory /home/httpd/ldap_test
 AuthType basic
 AuthName ldap test
 AuthLDAPBindDN cn=nobody,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
 AuthLDAPBindPassword password
 AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
 require group cn=ldap_test_group,ou=Users-IT,dc=domain,dc=com
  however, to enable ldaps, I add these lines (outside the 
  Directory, of
  LDAPTrustedCA /etc/httpd/conf/cacerts/dc1.cer
  and then change ldap to ldaps in the AuthLDAPUrl line
  and it stops working.
  I have used this cert successfully in pam_ldap and ldapsearch.  
  Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?  
  The details:
  Thanks for any suggestions,
  Pardon this rubbish:
  This electronic message transmission is a PRIVATE 
 communication which contains
  information which may be confidential or privileged. The 
 information is intended 
  to be for the use of the individual or entity named above. 
 If you are not the 
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 Please notify the
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 your system.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auto Vhost question

2006-01-20 Thread Gary W. Smith
Based on the vhost questions, I have a small dilemma.  Overall the site
works as desired but some of the vhost's (using true vhost
configurations) have both www.domain.tld and domain.tld.  So to make it
work with mod_vhost_alias I need to create two directories.  But only
one directory has data (www.domain.tld).

Is there a way to setup a 404 command within the config in conjunction
with mod rewrite to forward them to www.domain.tld/whatever iif
domain.tld/whatever doesn't exist?  

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary W. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:47 AM
 Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auto Vhost question
 After some creative playing around with this it seems that it will
 in most cases.  There are a couple rare cases where I will need to
 manually create vhost entries but this should work great.  Before
 the question I took the time to look at additional modules over at but looking at the core documentation just slipped
 Anyways, thanks.
 Gary Wayne Smith
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joshua
  Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auto Vhost question
  On 1/15/06, Gary W. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Is this following possible and if so how could it be accomplished?
   We have a number of users on a web server that access the system
via (note that this isn't
   possible to configure a vhost in such a way that they are without having to modify the apache
   configuration or restart apache each time a user is added?
   We have 350 users and would like to be able to add them on the
  From a
   DNS perspective it's simple.  That site is using DNS with a mysql
   It would be nice if we could pull the vhost information directly
   as well.
  Read the docs on mod_vhost_alias.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auto Vhost question

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/20/06, Gary W. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Based on the vhost questions, I have a small dilemma.  Overall the site
 works as desired but some of the vhost's (using true vhost
 configurations) have both www.domain.tld and domain.tld.  So to make it
 work with mod_vhost_alias I need to create two directories.  But only
 one directory has data (www.domain.tld).

 Is there a way to setup a 404 command within the config in conjunction
 with mod rewrite to forward them to www.domain.tld/whatever iif
 domain.tld/whatever doesn't exist?

With mod_vhost_alias, the filesystem is your vhost database.  So make
use of filesystem tools to create your alias: a symbolic link.


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AddOutputFilterByType MIME wildcards?

2006-01-20 Thread Olaf van der Spek
On 1/20/06, Axel-Stéphane  SMORGRAV
 I never managed to make AddOutputFilterByType work properly for DEFLATE. 
 There is a Bugzilla report that basically says that it does not work and is 
 beyond salvation.

What's the URL of the report?
I've set it up on my server and it appears to work fine.

 You should try using mod_filter; that's what I ended up doing. Although 
 mod_filter is an Apache 2.2 module, it is perfectly compatible with Apache 
 2.0 - just takes a few tricks to compile it. I seem to remember that Nick Kew 
 describes how to compile it for Apache 2.0 on his site.


 -Original Message-
 From: Olaf van der Spek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 3:09 PM
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AddOutputFilterByType MIME wildcards?

 The documentation contains the sample AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATEtext/html 
 text/plainBut is it also possible to use text/*?

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Custom index page?

2006-01-20 Thread dthom
How can i customize the default apache page (when you allow directory browsing). I know i could use php and whatnot, but I would like to config apache to do it.Thanks.

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Custom index page?

2006-01-20 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/20/06, dthom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can i customize the default apache page (when you allow directory
 browsing). I know i could use php and whatnot, but I would like to config
 apache to do it.

Start here:


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Statically Linked Apache

2006-01-20 Thread Lyndon Tiu

What configure switch do I use to compile/link apache statically?

So that if I do a file httpd I get something like this:

ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, 
statically linked, stripped

Instead of what I an getting right now:

ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, 
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

Lyndon Tiu

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_auth_ldap TLS Authoriztion

2006-01-20 Thread Muthu

Hi all,

 I am trying to use LDAP authentication using mod_auth_ldap
module(ver 3.33) in apache 2.0.55.

 I have a .htaccess file like below,

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=net?cn
AuthLDAPStartTLS on
require valid-user

When I am accessing the page I am getting the below mentioned error in
the /var/log/apache2/error.log

[Sat Jan 21 13:07:41 2006] [debug] mod_auth_ldap.c(884): LDAP:
auth_ldap not using SSL connections
[Sat Jan 21 13:07:41 2006] [alert] [client]
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/test/.htaccess: Invalid command
'AuthLDAPStartTLS', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

If I remove the "AuthLDAPStartTLS on" directive from the
.htaccess, I am getting authenticated against LDAP server. I want to
use TLS authorization. Can somebody help me?.

Thanks  Regards,