Re: Configuration of smskannel.conf ..!

2010-12-04 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:01 PM, msc pune  wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 8:26 PM, msc pune  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I use following command in browser
>> username=foo&password=bar&to=mobile no.&text=Hello+world
>> I get message unknown host

you have to change the with the ip adress or host of
your machine where smsbox is running.

>> Wether I have to run following commands before executing commands
>> ./bearerbox -v 1 smskannel.conf
>> ./smsbox -v 1 smskannel.conf
>> But When I run these command I get following Error
>> Error : Bind Failed
>> Error : System Error 98 : Address already in use

This means that the bearerbox is running already.
If you want to restart them, first execute:

ps -ef|grep bearerbox
ps -ef|grep smsbox

to find the pid of the bearerbox and smsbox
then to stop them:
kill -9 
kill -9 

After this you can start them again with
./bearerbox -v 1 smskannel.conf
./smsbox -v 1 smskannel.conf

BR, Jovan

Re: Configuration of smskannel.conf ..!

2010-12-04 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 5:10 PM, msc pune  wrote:
> Hi,
> I restarted the bearer box & sms box. Its now running fine.
> Now I used "" instead of ""
> But it gives message as "3: Queued for later delivery"
> & I am able to send message through GSM Modem using minicom.

You have to configure the bearerbox to use your gsm modem for delivery.
See the
and the modems.conf for example configrations.

BR, Jovan

Re: routing dlrs to original boxes

2010-12-06 Thread Jovan Kostovski
2010/12/6 Miroslav Šulc :
> hello,
> is it possible to route dlrs always to the box where the original
> message came from? i would like to run bearerbox with two sqlboxes, each
> running over different database. and to update status of the messages in
> the databases, i need to receive the dlrs at the same database from
> which the original message came. i read the documentation several times
> and googled too, but i did not find how to do this.
> thanks for any help.
> miroslav

Yes it's possible.
When setting the dlrs you configure on which url is located its handler.
So, when setting up the sms-service set the proper dlr-mask and dlr-url
paremeters. When the dlr is received it will be passed to the dlr-url hanlder.
In the hanlder parse the dlr parameters, connect to the database you want
and store the needed data.

Don't get confused by the dlr database which is for kannel internal use.
That database is used when kannel is configured with external dlr storage
and it is used to store the message parameters for which kannel hasn't
received dlr status.

BR, Jovan

Re: problem in installation of kannel??

2011-06-18 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 8:40 PM, amritpal pathak
>                                    Now i tried to run the bearbox  by using
>       ./bearerbox -v 1 [config-file] configuration file to be
> mention was suggested either smskannel.conf or i
> tried first with smskannel.conf ..i issued
> ./bearerbox -v 1 smskannel.conf .but it gave follwoing error
> bash: ./bearerbox: No such file or directory
>   please somebody help.:)
> thanks

Your config file is not in the same directory as the bearerbox :)
Check to see if the file is in the same directory in which bearerbox
is, if not set the correct path to the config file.

BR, Jovan

Re: My kannel installation procedure ??

2011-06-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:50 AM, amritpal pathak
> This is my whole proecdure what i have done till now for enabling the kannel
> to work.

What's your question? Did you try running kannel with this
configuration? Is it working?

As far as I can see you've compiled kannel without database dlr
support so you don't need the database dlr configuration.

If you want to compile kannel with database dlr support check the user guide.
For example, you should issue "./configure --with-mysql" for mysql dlr
storage . After compiling it that way you have to set "dlr-storage =
mysql" in the core group.

BR, Jovan

Re: My kannel installation procedure ??

2011-06-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:49 AM, amritpal pathak
>      Please help me here.Actually most of coding part made   my friend so i
> have a little bit problem in configuration part.

What kind of coding? What king of help do you need? Maybe it will a
good starting point to read the user guide ;)

>> group = core
>> admin-port = 13015
>> admin-password = abc
>       is it the admin password of  ubuntu pc ? should i change it according
> to my pc?

No, this is a password which you'll use for kannel administration commands.
Once again read the user guide the sections about core configuration
and http administration interface:

>> modemtype = Nokia 3110c
>> device= /dev/ttyUSB0
>       how to know about port to which mine phone is connected ?
>       or is it will same as it is ?

Here is a link where it is described how to get the device

BR, Jovan

Re: My kannel installation procedure ??

2011-06-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:49 AM, amritpal pathak
>> smsc-id = Nokia 3110c
>> smsc = at
>> modemtype = Nokia 3110c
>> device= /dev/ttyUSB0
>       how to know about port to which mine phone is connected ?
>       or is it will same as it is ?

You can follow the procedure described in this list message:

BR, Jovan

Re: Accessing kannel from a remote server

2011-06-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Joseph Koech  wrote:
> I have been actively developing kannel on my local machine. Since I don't
> have much experience with accessing it remotely, could someone point out on
> how this can be achieved?

Just set a public IP address to your server, or if your machine is
behind a router in your private network add IP forwarding.

Now you are accessing the sendsms like
Let's say that your kannel machine's IP address is so
from your local network you can access it like

If your kannel machine is behind a router and you have static public
address on it, you'll have to configure IP forwarding.
For example is the public IP address of the router – is the private  IP address of the kannel machine
1 is the port on which you want to access the kannel machine from
the Internet.

You'll have to configure the router so that the requests on the WAN
port (the Internet side) on port 1 are forwarded to

This way you'll access the kannel machine like the following

HTH, Jovan

Re: receive multiple sms at one particular time

2011-06-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 8:19 AM, parimal naigaonkar
> Hi,
> My gateway works fine when we send sms one by one, but when we send 10 sms
> simultaneously from different sources it is able to receive only 2 or 3, how
> can i improve this ?

Do you really need to access kannel's cgi-bin/sendsms at once?
If you don't, you can create a queue. All sources will send their
messages in a database queue.
You can call some http listener script which will save the messages
toa database, or the programs which need to send sms will
write their messages directly to the database. Then you will have
another scipt/program which will read the data from the database
and send http requests to kannel's cgi-bin/sendsms one by one.

BR, Jovan

Re: regarding mysql configuration;

2011-07-06 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Vijay kumar Dadhich
>> cd /usr/local/gateway/trunk
>> ./configure
>> at there database engine is disabled
>> cd /usr/local/gateway/sqlbox/trunk
>> ./configure
>> make shows error at least one dbengine is needed.
>> so plese guide me how i connected the mysql with kannel.
>> thanks in advance.

you need to configure kannel to be compiled with mysql dlr support
./configure --with-mysql

BR, Jovan

Re: Regarding sqlbox configueration;

2011-07-06 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Vijay kumar Dadhich
> ./bearerbox show these error
> ERROR: Group 'sqlbox' is no valid group identifier
> ERROR: Error found on line no 10 of the file 'kannel.conf.
> PANIC: Couldn't read configuration from 'kannel.conf etc...

If you are not using sqlbox
just comment out the "group = sqlbox" lines from the config file ;)

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel Feature

2011-11-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 6:37 AM, angel eyez  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reading the user guide and i'm stuck on one point about which is
> "Kannel's biggest feature is to abstract each SMSC protocol to a well-known
> HTTP protocol, simplifying service deployment". what does that mean? pLz
> sumbody explain.

It means that Kannel is SMS Gateway, it "speaks" SMPP (Simple Message
Point to Point) protocol from one side and HTTP from the other. The
SMPP functionalities have their HTTP equivalents and the users use
simple HTTP requests for sending/receiving messages, instead to write
the requests using SMPP protocol. It's a middleware between
Telecommunications SMPP network and HTTP. It's an SMPP client which
connect to the SMSC and lets you interact with it via HTTP.

BR, Jovan

Re: using OTA for simbased operations

2009-09-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 8:14 AM, narendra reddy
> Hi list ,
>   i am using  kannel from last six months for text  messages .but
> now i am trying to use OTA part in kannel for sim based operations. is it
> possible to in kannel gateway .can any one give me some responce to my mail.

You can use kannel to send OTA settings, check the userguide

But for SIM-based operations you should check which of them are
enabled on the SIM card and
which of them are enabled by your service provider...
Check the book: Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM
Toolkit from Scott B. Guthery and Mary J. Cronin

You can always test and share the results with us on the list ;)

BR, Jovan

Re: SMSC reconnecting problem

2009-09-29 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 6:09 AM, khurram jaffery  wrote:
> Hi All
> I have 5 session of a single SMSC on 5 different ports. out of from these 5
> session only 2 at  a time are online and remaing three are in re-connecting
> state. But the problem is that these 5 session keeps on change their state
> and all of them have recieved and sent sms. I think the problem could be
> keepalive. i have set this value to 30. below is my configuration.

It might be the keep alive but you shuld ask your SMSC provider how many
simultaneous SMPP connections are allowed as well.

The two connections that are always connected, are they rotating or you
are getting problems always on the same port?
If you have problems on the same connections than it might be the
SMPP configuration on the SMSC side.

BR, Jovan

Re: problem with gsm modem

2009-10-07 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Elvis Manuel Jorge
> If some of you have a modem like that please help me, I'm having the
> fallowing error with my modem:
> 2009-10-07 14:40:53 [3007] [6] ERROR: AT2[modem]: Generic error: ERROR
> 2009-10-07 14:40:53 [3007] [6] ERROR: AT2[modem]: Initialization of
> device failed

check the init-string, it is clear that the gsm modem is not
initialized correctly.
In the kannel modem.conf file only the detect-string is defined, check the modem
manual and set the init-string according to your needs.

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel and Mobile Phonebook

2009-11-21 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 6:40 AM, Emmanuel CHANSON
> Maybe I will ask a stupid question but I would like to know if it would be
> possible using Kannel (and others tools) to retrieve and restore a mobile
> phonebook? (using vcard?)

You can use Kannel to send contacts (vcard) via SMS, but you can not use it
as a phone backup solution.

You can try Wammu - for phonebook, calendar, messages management

BR, Jovan

Re: DLR issue

2009-12-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Sandesh Waman // Viva
> Dear All,
> I am using kannel with SMPP account. I am not getting Delivery reports from
> server. Previously I was getting following error check with PDU.
> 2009-12-19 11:18:31 [] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[]: Couldnot parse DLR string
> sscanf way,fallback to old way. Please report!
> 2009-12-19 11:18:31 [] [7] ERROR: SMPP[]: got DLR but could not find
> message or was not interested in it id<> dst, type<1>

I think that the format of the DLR that you are receiving can not be
parsed correctly
and the parsed content can not be found in the DLR queue.

Start Kannel in debug mode and send us part of log where you receive the DLR.
You can also ask your provider about the format of the DLR and check the
ethernet communication between kannel and the SMSC (take a ethernet sniffer
such as Wireshark, and observe the tcp/ip communication).

BR, Jovan

Re: MySql Script for kannel for storing response from SMPP

2009-12-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 9:56 AM,
> Hi All,
> The mysql database structure for storing kannel response from SMPP ?

What kind of response? SMS? DLR?
What kind of data do you need to store in the database?

BR, Jovan

Re: MySql Script for kannel for storing response from SMPP

2009-12-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:07 PM,
> Hi Jovan,
> I created Mysql tables a below.And also can any one please check my kannel
> configuration if any mistake is there please let me know what is wrong. I
> want to test message priority and message response (dlr-mask).

The dlr table is a temporary table used by Kannel to store dlr data
for the message for which it hasn't received delivery status.
If you want to check the DRL statuses, you should define dlr-url and
dlr-mask for the messages that you are sending.

> Database name kannel:
>    CREATE TABLE dlr (
>  smsc varchar(40),
>  ts varchar(40),
>  destination varchar(40),
>  source varchar(40),
>  service varchar(40),
>  url varchar(255),
>  mask int(10),
>  status int(10),
>  boxc varchar(40)
>    )

The correct configuration for the dlr table which you have created is:

# DLR table structure
group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

> Send SMS URL
> priority and message response&dlr-mask=31&priority=3

The dlr-url is missing in the request.
This url is called when kannel receives the message status. Set the
parameters of the dlr-url which you are interested in
and set some messageid. Check the userguide for details ;)

BR, Jovan

Re: MySql Script for kannel for storing response from SMPP

2009-12-31 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 10:45 AM,
> And please provide me kannel configuration which should work for fake smsc (
> My kannel Version is 1.4.3)
> but with my kannel configuration my fake smsc is not working please help me
> regarding this.

I've never used fakesmsc with dlrs, to be honest I don't know if
fakesmsc has support for dlrs.

BR, Jovan

Re: MySql Script for kannel for storing response from SMPP

2010-01-03 Thread Jovan Kostovski
> I am totally confused with MySql DLR part. :-(

DLRs are used for tracking the status of the sent messages.

A proper http get request for sending sms and requesting dlr report would be:


This means:
Send message from 12334 to 3455 with text "A message from me to you"
and when you receive one of the delivery statuses defined by the
dlr-mask (3 means successful delivery or failure) call the url defined
with dlr-url parameter
(http://localhost/kannel/dlr-hanlder.php?type=%d&msgid=1234 in this

The message text and the dlr-url have to be url encoded.
In the dlr-url:
type=%d   -   delivery report value will be stored sent to the
requested dlr-url as  parameter type
msgid=1234   -  an ID of the message that is sent. This is generated
by the sender (the application which generates the http request)

This free parameter (you can call it whatever you like and its value
is alphanumeric) is sent with the delivery report.
To store delivery reports your application should generate the sendsms
request and write the msgid in a db table. When you receive the
delivery report the dlr-url script should find the proper message (by
its id which was sent in the sendsms request) and update it's status.

As me and Nikos alredy wrote, the DLR table mentioned in the user
guide is for kannel internal use, it is used to store delivery report
temporary data for the sent messages until the delivery report is
received. When the delivery report is received the record is deleted
from this table. If you want to  store the DLRs you should create
separate db/table.

> what is the use of dlr-storage = internal ?

this means that the temporary data for delivery reports is stored in
the bearerbox's memory space

> what is the use of dlr-storage = mysql ?

this means that the temporary data for the delivery report is stored
in mysql database.

> group = sendsms-user
> dlr-url = "http://someurl?";

> Send SMS URL

>  Txt message&dlr-mask=31&priority=3

If you are not sending the dlr-url in the sendsms request, you should
define the dlr-url parameter in the sendsms-user group to point to a
valid url. To be able to receive DLRs you mus define both drl-mask and

BR, Jovan

Re: MMS with Kannel

2010-01-05 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Dennis Low Weng Kin
> Hi,
> Thanks man.
> BTW, is it true that I must have a WML editor and compiler to create the
> MMS? Any suggestion or terms that I should google for to have a better
> understanding on how to send the MMS?

WML editor is needed if you create WAP pages, not for MMS.

I would suggest that you check the following books:
Developing MMS applications: multimedia messaging services for
wireless networks By Scott B. Guthery, Mary J. Cronin, Mary Cronin
Multimedia messaging service: an engineering approach to MMS By Gwenaël Le Bodic
MMS: technologies, usage and business models By Daniel Ralph, Paul Graham

For sending MMS messages you'll need and application and a MMSGW
(MM7), you can check
mbuni (open source MMS Gateway)

BR, Jovan

Re: Best Kannel front-end

2010-01-05 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Nyasha Chasakara  wrote:
> I can now receive and send messages via my Siemens Modem. I am not
> very technical. I have tried Playsms as a frontend to receive messages
> but all i can do is send messages. In my kannel logs i can see all
> messages sent and received including delivery reports. I have visited
> a lot of sites in search of a solution but found none. Thanks

Writing your own front-end would be the best thing to do.
No one knows your exact needs can not write the front-end the way you like it.
You can get all the relevant parameters of the messages with the get-url and
can easily do some processing based on the sender, recipient, message text...

BR, Jovan

Re: smpp support in kannel

2010-01-06 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:03 PM,
> What and where is all this handled in the code?

You can check the architecture and design document

and the doxygen source code documentation

and of coarse browse the source code and send questions to the list ;)

BR, Jovan

Re: OTA XML file

2010-01-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 12:55 PM, aftab hussain
> Dear All,
>  According to the userguide OTA can be sent as an XML document
> to the sendota utility.
> But how do I specify MyURLEncodedXMLdocument in PHP. Does any one have done
> similar bit, I will highly appreciate any help.

You can use the rawurlencode php function
You should encode the url of the XML file, not the file content.

BR, Jovan

Re: OTA XML file

2010-01-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:19 PM, aftab hussain
> 2010-01-15 21:24:49 [18727] [5] INFO: sendsms used by 
> 2010-01-15 21:24:49 [18727] [5] DEBUG: OTA service with XML document
> 2010-01-15 21:24:49 [18727] [5] ERROR: OTA: No document to parse. Probably
> an error in OTA source
> 2010-01-15 21:24:49 [18727] [5] DEBUG: Status: 400 Answer:  source, cannot compile

You have an error in the ota xml file or you specified wrong location
for the ota file.
The server returns HTTP Error 400 Bad request.

My bad:
Excerpt from the user guide "text   XML document An URL encoded XML
document, containing either settings or bookmarks"
Encode the contents of the xml file and test again.

1. check the contents of the ota file
2. check the url for the xml document is correct, try to access the
file from a web browser
3. encode the xml file
4. just for debugging you can test without ssl to eliminate the
possibility of sending malformed https requests

BR, Jovan

Re: sending to a port other than native

2010-01-16 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Quintin Par  wrote:
> Sorry if this has been answered before (I couldn’t find the archives).
> Can some answer this?
> Help much appreciated.

Here is a tutorial how to do it with kannel:

BR, Jovan

Re: IGNORE Non-Alphabetic characters

2010-01-20 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Irfan Malik  wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> I was wondering if I can ignore SMS request that is in language other than
> English with some appropriate message like we do not support this language.
> I am receiving lot of requests that are not in English and my application
> fails to process them.
> Can I reject these request at Kannel so such requests are not forwarded to
> the application?

You can set the "keyword-regex" parameter in your "sms-service" group
and define which messages are
accepted by the service. Note that the keyword is the first word of the message.

I understand that you are paying for every sent message and you don't
want to process message
with wrong message text, but from a user point of view, if the user
sends a message and it is
accepted by the sms-service it would be nice to get a response even
though that he/she send wrong message text ;)

BR, Jovan

Re: Multiple sms

2010-01-31 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:34 PM, kani yarasu  wrote:
> we need to send sms to list of number(max of 15) at a time.
Table 6-16, read the description of to parameter

BR, Jovan

Re: Problems with @ character

2010-02-08 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:58 AM,   wrote:
> Try to use charset=utf-8&coding=2

This is a bad solution, because if you use unicode the payload of the
message (in number of characters) is much lower.
For sending @ character you don't need unicode encoding.

If you want to send @ character try sending %00 or %40
depending on your alt-dcs parameter setting in the smsc group

%00 - if you use gsm 03.38 character set
%40 - if you use ascii

BR, Jovan

Re: Request Delivery

2010-02-18 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:20 PM, LoLoVioLo  wrote:
> Moreover, I am submitting to kannel using url (see dlr=1) :

If by "request delivery" you mean delivery reports (DLRs) you have to
use dlr-ulr and dlr-mask parameters.

Check the user guide and this thread:

BR, Jovan

Re: Help needed for sending Utf-8 characters using Kannel

2010-02-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:05 AM, preeteesh kakkar
> Hi Kiran,
> I have already read this document & have played with setting alt-dcs as 1 as
> well as alt-charset i can get ññ to work fine but not the Euro Sign.

The Euro sign is not defined in the defaut 7bit GSM 03.38. For the Euro sign
you have to use ISO-8859 charset.
This means you'll have to use ISO-8859 encoding for the message text.
alt-dcs = 0 and set the proper codes for these characters.

BR, Jovan

Re: Help needed for sending Utf-8 characters using Kannel

2010-02-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:06 AM, preeteesh kakkar
> Nikos,
> Yes correct but then would Jovan suggestion work for Greek, Chinese, Hindi &
> lets say any other character set?

As Nikos pointed out, If you want to save on payload (number of
characters that you can send in one sms)
and use the same service to send in different character sets the
wisest solution would be to
set alt-dcs, coding, charset and every other relevant parameter on per
sms basis. Just specify these
parameters in the cgi-bin/sendsms url.

This means when you want to use Greek characters you'll use the
default GSM 7 alphabet (alt-dcs = 0
or alt-dcs = 1 depending on the default alphabet used by the SMSC),
for Chinese and Hindi use UTF-8
encoding (charset =utf-8 coding = 2).

BR, Jovan

Re: SMS from phone to another through smsc

2010-02-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Antti Rikman  wrote:
> I wonder if it is possible to send messages from one phone to another
> through my smsc?

What do you refer to as "my smsc"? Kannel is SMPP client (SMS
gateway), not a SMSC.

When you are sending a message the flow is:
Sender's phone -> Sender's SMSC -> Receivers SMSC -> Receiver phone

When you use Kannel for the same scenario:
Sender's phone -> Sender's SMSC -> Receivers SMSC -> GSM Modem or SMPP
connection -> Kannel -> Application for processing of the messages

The message flow is the same in both cases (kannel acts like
receiver's mobile phone from the first case).

If you just want to send a message from one to another mobile phone do
it directly ;)

Can you explain what do you want to achieve?

BR, Jovan

Re: SMS from phone to another through smsc

2010-02-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Antti Rikman  wrote:
> Well, I'm trying to ask if I could use Kannel and my mobile phone acting
> like SMSC, but I guess that is not possible, right? :)

Yes, you can use your mobile phone like na smsc.
See the "GSM modem" part in the user guide.

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel for Italian mobile operator

2010-03-10 Thread Jovan Kostovski
> From: Francesco Perfetto 

> I would like to use Kannel as SMS Gateway, before to subscribe a
> contract with an Italian provider (like Telecom), may someone tell me
> if there are some restrictions? there is someone that already has
> subscribed a contract with Telecom?

What do you want to use kannel for?
What's your use case?

BR, Jovan

Sending messages with pid parameter when using gsm modem

2010-03-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski

I know that there are some limitations which parameters can be sent
when using gsm modem vs smpp connection.

Can anyone tell me if I can use/set the pid parameter when sending
messages using gsm modem? For example: sending silent sms (pid=64)
If it's possible to use pid when using gsm modem does it depend on the
provider's configuration if it will be propagated to the MT device?

BR, Jovan

Re: Redirecting HTTP response as SMS to a port

2010-03-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:07 PM, PradeepChandar Rajarathnam
> Hello,
> Please suggest how to redirect the Http response to the users as SMS, and 
> also the SMS has to be sent to a particular port number, please find the 
> attached bearerbox and the smsbox conf files and kindly help.

HTH, Jovan

Re: Operator don't use udh for http smsc, is there an alternative?

2010-03-19 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Kidi Kidi  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to send sms with udh through my http smsc but my operator don't use
> udh parameter.
> How can i do to send rich sms like ringtone, wap push, ... (which use udh) ?

Talk to your operator, maybe they have to enable usage of udh for your
account (phone number).

BR, Jovan

Re: Escape characters

2010-05-05 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Innocent Muchedzi  wrote:
> Hi
> How can I use escape chars like "new line" in an sms and other special char
> your can get on an ordinary cell phone.

What do you mean by escaping them?

If you want to add them in the message body (message text) check the
GSM 03.38 7bit alphabet

For example line feed is 10 dec (0x0Ahex).
Just url encode the message text.

BR, Jovan

Re: MySQL not storing

2010-05-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Barry Murphy  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've setup Kannel to use mysql for storage, see setup below. When I check
> the status page it shows no errors and that mysql is being used for DLR,
> select queries seem fine, but when sending a message from smsbox it doesnt
> appear to add an entry to DLR, see debug info below:

Kannel can not locate the message for which the DLR is received.

There can be 2 issues:
1. Do you have access to the database with the user/pass configured.
Check if kannel writes anything in the dlr table when you are
sending the messages

2. The requests for sending messages are bad.
How are you sending the messages? Please send the sendsms url that
you are using.

BR, Jovan

Re: MySQL not storing

2010-05-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Barry Murphy  wrote:
> Here is a complete copy of my kannel.conf, am I missing something?

There is nothing wrong with your config file.

What I told you to do is:
1. from the machine where kannel is running try to connect to the database

Re: MySQL not storing

2010-05-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Barry Murphy  wrote:
> Here is a complete copy of my kannel.conf, am I missing something?

There is nothing wrong with your config file.

What I told you to do is:
1. from the machine where kannel is running try to connect to the database
# mysql -h -P 3306 -u dbuser -p dbpass

then try to select the database 'dbname' and insert something into the
'dlr' table:
# use dbname;
# select * from dlr;
# insert into dlr .

If this test is ok, than the user name and the password for the
database are ok, if not check what privileges are given
to the user which is use by kannel.

2. check what is yout sendsms url, what parameters are you sending
write the url which you are using for sending sms messages

BR, Jovan

Re: how to implement servlt to kannel to add the utf-8 codaging

2010-07-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:16 PM, gasmen  wrote:
> HI all
> i am using kannel 1.4.3 and i see that kannel dont support some characters
> like the frensh .for this i am looking ho to add servlet to implement utf-8
> encoding ;that means i am using myeclipse to devoleop it and i ask exactly
> how is the form of the request and the respons i will use for this
> servlet???

When you send the http request to kannel you have to URL encode all
the text fields.
This means that you will set the message text as utf-8 text, and then
do URL encoding before
creating the sendsms url for kannel.

for example:

String messageText = URLEncoder.encode("UTF-8 encoded text", "UTF-8")
String sendsmsURL =
+ messageText;

BR, Jovan

Re: DLR Help(sorry to post agian due to subcription problem)

2010-08-21 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 6:27 PM, dafodil  wrote:
> Hi List,
> I m new to kannel and the forum.
> I installed kannel successfully and kannel runs fine.when i try to send any
> message through HTTP sendsms interface.I just get 0: Accepted for
> delivery.To make sure that the message is dellivered i tried with DLR.
> seems no way DLR is getting called.sms submit and response are
> excahnged.even i see in smsnox.log 2010-08-21 07:23:19 [13976] [9] DEBUG:
> Parsing URL `':.
> First thing my DLR handling php is not called and i allways get dlr value 8
> in log.I tried several ways but with no success.I get submit response with
> group = sendsms-user
> username = tester
> password = foobar
> #user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> max-messages = 15
> concatenation = true
> forced-smsc = B
> dlr-url = "";

Check the userguide, you have to set dlr-mask and dlr-url to receive DLRs.
The dlr-mask parameter tells kannel on which message states it should
call the dlr-url.

Here is a list message describing the usage of dlr-urls:

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel Redundant Setup

2008-01-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
2008/1/14 Mathieu Bruneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  We are looking into making our current Kannel setup more redundant that
> what we currently uses and I was wondering what were other people solutions
> to this problem.

Just few thoughts:

If you are setting up two server nodes in the cluster why don't you
double all the processes?
Two nodes with installed apache, mysql, bearerbox, smsbox
The cluster nodes will have separate IP addresses but for the outside
world they will share one IP address
which is "attached" to the active node.

Both severs will have one system partition and there will be one partition
with config and data files which will be mounted to the active node.

When ever the active node fails the software which makes the fail over will
transfer the running processes to the standby node and mount the
data partition to the standby node.

This way you will not have problems with the smsbox connecting to the
bearerbox, you'll have one
connection to the SMSC, and there will be no pending messages if one
bearerbox fails the other one
on the second node will take over and will read the same data files

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel Redundant Setup - Shared Partitions

2008-01-16 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Jan 15, 2008 3:55 PM, Mathieu Bruneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Question on the side:
> What is your preferred solution to have such a shared Partition (specifically 
> for Kannel here)?

drbd + heartbeat

drbd  ( will create a raid 1 over network. each
server will have the same partitions, from which one will be
synchronized with drbd, and will be mounted only on the active node.

heartbeat ( will perform the failover functions

Here are some links on setting drbd wiith heartbeat:  - drbd howto

If the work of the server depends on many software components you may
want to use some
software to monitor the state of those process, such as monit or mon.
If you choose this I suggest you to run drbd as a kernel module and to
configure heartbeat to cooperate with
monit (
or mon (

Here is a link for setting heartbeat and monit to work together:

Here is a link for setting heartbeat and mon to work together:

BR, Jovan

Re: encoding-problem

2008-03-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 4:09 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>  U need to use alt-charset="UTF-8" and sent the coding to 2 for
> unicode sending.

You don't need to set alt-charset="UTF-8" since the umlaute characters
are present in the standard gsm 7 alphabet defined by gsm 3.38 [1].

If only the umlautes are problematic set alt-charset ="GSM" and check
the table [1] to see how they are coded.


BR, Jovan

Re: encoding-problem

2008-03-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:39 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  ERROR: Failed to convert string from  to  - probably 
> broken type names.
>  2008-03-13 17:36:54 [12883] [3] DEBUG: Status: 400 Answer:  misformed, rejected>
>  I get this error when i try to set alt-charset ="GSM".

My bad :(
Yes,  iconv utility reports an error since it doesn't have character
scheme called "GSM"

Try commenting the alt-charset parameter and set alt-dcs=1

In this case Kannel will use the default GSM coding and hopefully the
SMSC is set to use the same encoding too

BR, Jovan

Re: limit the call of dlr-url

2008-04-04 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Mickael - System Administrator (WebD
Services) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  How to limit the call of dlr-url to 2 or 3 pages / sec requests?

Did you set the dlr-mask parameter?
With this parameter you can define on which state of the SMS, Kannel
will call the dlr-url.
Usually is sufficient to set the dlr-mask to 3 which means (dlr-url
will be called when the
message is delivered or not to the recipient.

 from the kannel docs:
dlr-masknumber (bit mask)Optional. Request for delivery reports
with the state of the sent message. The value is a bit mask composed
of: 1: Delivered to phone, 2: Non-Delivered to Phone, 4: Queued on
SMSC, 8: Delivered to SMSC, 16: Non-Delivered to SMSC. Must set
dlr-url on sendsms-user group or use the dlr-url CGI variable.

HTH, Jovan

Re: Urdu / Arabic / UTF-8 Messages (French also ..)

2008-04-18 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Mickael - System Administrator (WebD
Services) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  By default, the characters "éèê etc. .." Not working.

You can try using the default GSM7 alphabet.
The only character that is missing in this aphabet is ê.

> Here is the error:
>  Charset or body misformed, rejected
>  My PHP code: (the $content and the PHP script is UTF-8 encoded)
>  $text = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-2', $content);
>  $url =
> "http://localhost:1425/outgoing/reports_kannel.php?number=%p&senderid=%P&smsc=%i&dlr-type=%d&time=%t&msgid=";
> . $msgid;
>  $gateway = "username=" . urlencode('myuser')."&";
>  $gateway .= "password=" . urlencode('mypass')."&";
>  $gateway .= "to=" . urlencode($number)."&";
>  $gateway .= "from=" . urlencode($senderid)."&";
>  $gateway .= "text=" . urlencode($content)."&";
>  $gateway .= "dlr-url=".urlencode($url)."&";
>  $gateway .= "dlr-mask=23&"; // 31 = All
>  $gateway .= "charset=UTF16-BE&";
>  $gateway .= "coding=2&";
>  $gateway .= "smsc=1";
>  Thank you !
>  Mickael

Kannel uses iconv internaly. You don't have to convert the message
text in your script.

comment the line :
 $text = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-2', $content);

and set
$gateway .= "charset=UTF-8";
$gateway .= "coding=2";

BR, Jovan

Re: Urdu / Arabic / UTF-8 Messages (French also ..)

2008-04-20 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Mickael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Ok good !
> Accents spend up correctly on GSM like that!
>  But I have more 160 characters ... :-(

Yes that's right. Using UTF-8 character means more space for storage
and less than 160 character per message. You can not avoid that :/

Try to optimize the message text and send SMSs with
charset=UTF-8 and coding=2 only if the message text
contains character which can not be represented
in the default GSM7 alphabet.

BR, Jovan

Re: How to Send a SMS Flash ?

2008-04-26 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Mickael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  How to Send a SMS Flash ?
>  flash number Deprecated. See mclass.
>  mclass number Optional. Sets the Message Class in DCS field. Accepts values
> between 0 and 3, for Message Class 0 to 3, A value of 0 sends the message
> directly to display, 1 sends to mobile, 2 to SIM and 3 to SIM toolkit.
>  mclass=0  

>From version 1.3.2 Kannel uses mclass 0-3  (mclass=0 is the Flash message)

For older versions:
Message class 0 to 3 maps to mclass=1 to 4
mclass=0 (or if mclass is undefined) means that kannel should use

 mclass = 1 is the flash SMS

Which version are you using?

Cheers, Jovan

Re: How to Send a SMS Flash ?

2008-04-26 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 9:39 PM, Mickael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Kannel bearerbox version `1.4.1'.

Than you should set mclass = 0

Does mclass=0 work for you or you
have a problem?

BR, Jovan

Re: Checking phone's modem type

2008-04-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Benmute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Is there a way of checking a mobile phone's modem type like an at command or
> something.


Activity status of the mobile phone.

0 Ready.
1 Unavailable.
2 Status unknown.
3 Ringing.
4 Call in progress.
5 Asleep.

check this links for more info:

HTH, Jovan

Fwd: Send Push message to configure Mobile set for using GPRS

2008-05-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:16 AM, zillur rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Dear helper,
 > Pleaese send the configuration details of how i send push sms to configure
 > mobile set for using GPRS?. I have already installed bearerbox and smsbox in
 > Linux . I can send and receive message. i use smpp3.4 to conect with the
 > smsc. The data needed at handset for accessing internet :

 Check the Kannel documentation

 BR, Jovan

Advice for software developers and horse racing enthusiasts: Avoid hacks

Re: install kaneel gateway ..

2008-05-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Veera Venkata Chandra Sekhar Murthy
Molli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> where I can find libxml2 file , current operating system is hp unix

Download the library from

BR, Jovan

Re: Issue with DLR being destroyed

2008-05-28 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi Brent,

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Brent Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am testing connectivity with a new provider and there is an issue when we
> receive a buffered DLR back due to absent subscriber where even though the
> SMS isn't delivered it removes the DLR record from the database.  I have
> been debugging and found that "message_state" in those examples is set to 7,
> where as with our other providers that work fine set message_state to 6.  Is
> this what is causing the issue?

According to the SMPP 3.4 specs[1] the message_state values:
6 = ACCEPTED - Message is in accepted state (i.e. has been manually
read on behalf of the subscriber by customer service)
7 = UNKNOWN  - Message is in invalid state

I don't think that this is the issue. The provider's SMSC sent
notification that it accepted the message.

Did you check the file access.log? Are there any DLRs in it? Whats the
dlr-mask which you are using
for sending the sms. How are you sending the sms?

Can you post the config file and the logs?


BR, Jovan

Re: How can I send an Operator Logo

2008-06-02 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Joe Kannel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, can somebody send a working url, which send out an Operator logo?

found this one in the list archive:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02082.html

BR, Jovan

Re: Kannel SMS service queue

2008-06-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Eduardo Raad
> Dear List,
> I have noted that when an SMS service fails to connect to the provided URL,
> the SMS message in question is discarded. Is there any way to queue this
> message until the SMS service URL becomes available?

Not in Kannel, but you can create retry mechanism on your own.

Write a url handler (php script for example) on your local machine, that will
prepare the URL to which the SMS should be forwarded.
After the url is prepared try to connect to it, if the you get an
error (url is not available)
then store the whole url to database.

Write another script which will read from the database and try to
execute the url.
If the execution is successful delete that url from the database.
Schedule(cron for i.e.) this
script to execute on some time interval. Be aware that the interval should be
long enough so that there will be no overlapping in script execution,
script should not
be stared if there is one already running. This way some of the
messages won't be
are sent twice or more times.


Re: Simulate kannel

2008-06-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 3:10 AM, info.ubichip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would like my kannel gateway saw this script as another kannel gw.

What are you trying to achieve?
Do you want to make some bridge connection between the Kannel GW
and you php script, so they can communicate between each other?

BR, Jovan

Re: SMPP How to add alt-host

2008-06-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Madan KN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me how to add alternative SMPP SMSC Host. My Operator is
> providing me with 2 hostname.
> 1. Primary.tar
> 2. Failover.

Interesting  one ;)
There is no way to do this automatically by Kannel.
In order to do this you'll  have to change the configuration
and restart the bearerbox and smsbox (if you use Kannel as smsgw).
You should monitor the bearerbox state, if it fails to connect to the
primary node, change the smsc configuration and restart the bearerbox and

When you loose the connection with the SMSC in the bearerbox.log
you'll get something like:
 2006-08-23 14:39:16 [32448] [40] ERROR: SMPP[SMSC_ID]: I/O error or
other error. Re-connecting.
 2006-08-23 14:39:16 [32448] [40] ERROR: SMPP[SMSC_ID]: Couldn't
connect to SMS center (retrying in 10 seconds).

Maybe by monitoring the log file for this messages, especially the
second one, counting the number of apereances and
calling a shell script would do the trick. I was using this[1] php
script to monitor log files. It's easy configurable, you
set the log file, string (log line) and it can send e-mail and call
shell script. In the shell script you should change the
smsc settings from primary to failover and restart the bearerbox and
smsbox. The script runs as daemon and you
can set the time interval on which it checks the logs.


HTH, Jovan

Authorization failed for sendsms

2008-06-23 Thread Jovan Kostovski

I've experienced weird problem:
After adding another kannel gw user: (group = sendsms-user block) I got
the "Authorization failed for sendsms" error for one of the existing/old users.
I created the user by coping and editing the configuration from one of
the existing users:

group = sendsms-user
username = srv
password = wwr
user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
max-messages = 4
concatenation = 1
split-chars = "#!"

I didn't change anything else in the existing configuration.
After commenting the new added user the error disapired.

I configured 4 users excluding the one I want to add.
Is there some restriction on the number of users which can be configured?

Any ideas how to solve this would be apriciated.

BR, Jovan

Re: Authorization failed for sendsms

2008-06-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Jovan Kostovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've experienced weird problem:
> After adding another kannel gw user: (group = sendsms-user block) I got
> the "Authorization failed for sendsms" error for one of the existing/old 
> users.
> I created the user by coping and editing the configuration from one of
> the existing users:
> group = sendsms-user
> username = srv
> password = wwr
> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> max-messages = 4
> concatenation = 1
> split-chars = "#!"
> I didn't change anything else in the existing configuration.
> After commenting the new added user the error disapired.
> I configured 4 users excluding the one I want to add.
> Is there some restriction on the number of users which can be configured?
> Any ideas how to solve this would be apriciated.
> BR, Jovan

I solved the issue. It was bad configured username and password,
they both had space at its end.

BR, Jovan

bearerbox mysql dlr routing problem

2008-07-01 Thread Jovan Kostovski

I'm using Kanel 1.3.1 as SMS gateway and trying to make it work with
I can not upgrade it due to the whole system structure, the server on
which its working
and the systems to which it connects. The server that works on it's
suse 9.3 with mysql 5.0.45

I had to hack the code a bit due to MySQL 5 list functions. I changed the
gwlib/list.h and gwlib/list.c definitions and all their apperiances
from list_ to gwlist_
(the convention that I saw in 1.4.x) and recompiled Kannel from source using:
./configure --enable-mysql --with-dlr=mysql

I can send and receve SMSs but when it comes to DLRs I've experienced a problem.

When bearerbox writes the DRL data to the database the box-id value
which is written in the database is "("
and bearer box gives error:

ERROR: Could not route message to smsbox id <(>, smsbox is gone!

Seems to me that there is an error in the parsing of the smsbox id.

Any ideas or patches to solve this issue?

The config file is:

group = core
admin-port = 4000
smsbox-port = 4001
admin-password = gwyadmin
status-password = gwyadmin
box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
unified-prefix = ""
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 1
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
store-file = "/var/log/kannel/"
dlr-storage = mysql

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
host =
smsc-id = smsc1
port = x
receive-port = 
smsc-username = xxx
smsc-password = x
system-type ="VMA"
address-range = ""
source-addr-ton = 0
source-addr-npi = 0
dest-addr-ton = 0
dest-addr-npi = 1
interface-version = 34
enquire-link-interval = 15
reconnect-delay = 30
msg-id-type = 1

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 4004
sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/smsboxaccess.log"
mo-recode = 1

group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
mysql-username = kannel
mysql-password = kannel
database = kannel_dlr

#parameters of the dlr storage database
group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = timestamp
field-destination = destination
field-service = service
field-source = source
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc_id

The mysql script for the drl table is:

  timestamp VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  destination VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,

Any help would be appreciated.

BR,  Jovan

Re: Kannel will not read configuration file?

2008-07-13 Thread Jovan Kostovski

On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Kasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there.
> I have been struggling to get kannel to work as an http to sms gateway
> these last couple of days.
> Suddenly kannel refuses to use my kannel.conf file, if i run bearerbox
> manually with /etc/kannel/kannel.conf it PANICS and tells me that it
> could'nt read my conf file.

Check if the file exists.

What command line are you using to run the bearerbox?
Try running bearerbox like this:

bearerbox -v 0 [PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]

-v option defines the verbosity level. 0 means info.

> If I comment everything but the core group in my file, it tells me the file
> is corrupted.

that's normal. there are some config params which must be in the config file ;)

Cheers, Jovan

Re: Kannel will not read configuration file?

2008-07-14 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi Kasper,

Can you send your config file and logs so we can see what's happening?

Cheers, Jovan

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:22 AM, Kasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jovan
> After a reboot everything seems to be working just fine. Though I still get
> a message on the smsc log that it cannot da a hardware handshake.
> But I am able to send messages just fine.
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 01:12:06 +0200, "Jovan Kostovski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Kasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi there.
>>> I have been struggling to get kannel to work as an http to sms gateway
>>> these last couple of days.
>>> Suddenly kannel refuses to use my kannel.conf file, if i run bearerbox
>>> manually with /etc/kannel/kannel.conf it PANICS and tells me that it
>>> could'nt read my conf file.
>> Check if the file exists.
>> What command line are you using to run the bearerbox?
>> Try running bearerbox like this:
>> bearerbox -v 0 [PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]
>> -v option defines the verbosity level. 0 means info.
>>> If I comment everything but the core group in my file, it tells me the
>> file
>>> is corrupted.
>> that's normal. there are some config params which must be in the config
>> file ;)
>> Cheers, Jovan

Advice for software developers and horse racing enthusiasts: Avoid hacks

Re: Kannel will not read configuration file?

2008-07-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi Kasper,

It seems that your modem doesn't support the default hardware
handshake command. You need to check the AT commands for
Siemens C35i, find the hardware handshake command and set
the "enable-hwhs=XX" parameter properly.
The default value "AT+IFC=2,2" does not apply to your modem.

Here are some links:

Cheers, Jovan

Alphanumeric sender character encoding

2008-07-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski

Can anyone tell me whats the character encoding of the sender if its
alphanumeric and send with sendsms utility?

I've done some tests and I noticed that the alt-dcs parameter affects
the SMS text only and the sender is always
encoded as ASCII. Is this true?

BR, Jovan

Re: Alphanumeric sender character encoding

2008-07-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski

Ton is 5, otherwise I can not send alphanumeric senders and I'll
get an error "0x000A - invalid source address"  from the SMSC ;)

I'm asking about the character encoding scheme for the sender
when using the sendsms utility. What's the character encoding
for the sender:  ASCII, GSM, ISO8859..
That's what I'm interested in.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 1:02 PM, shehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Set TON-type OF Number as 5 (Alpha Numeric)
> -Original Message-
> From: Jovan Kostovski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:21 PM
> To: Kannel User
> Subject: Alphanumeric sender character encoding
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me whats the character encoding of the sender if its
> alphanumeric and send with sendsms utility?
> I've done some tests and I noticed that the alt-dcs parameter affects
> the SMS text only and the sender is always
> encoded as ASCII. Is this true?
> BR, Jovan

Advice for software developers and horse racing enthusiasts: Avoid hacks

Re: Message ID

2008-07-19 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 10:47 AM, James Mubhoyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> info.ubichip> writes:

> I toyed with this idea but realised that it will only be the last message I
> will be able to trap. Only being able to trap the last message is the gotcha! 
> I
> am trying to workaround, as recipients will receive any number of messages and
> reply to any in the list sent.

I don't want to sound discouraging, but this is to complicated and it depends
on too many things: your connection to the SMSC - SMS Center (if you are using
cell phone I don't see how you can do this), the structure of the
operators SMSC
and the operators policy.

The SMSC marks every message with a different ID. In the thing that you want to
accomplish the only parameters that are the same are the numbers of
the recipient
and the sender but they are switched in the reply messages.

Therefore the pairing should be first done on the SMSC side and then
on the SMPP
(Simple message point-to-point protocol [1]) client side (Kannel in this case).

Theoretically speaking, to track the messages the way you want to, you
need to have
SMPP connection to the SMSC so you can send optional PDU (protocol data unit)
parameters to tag the sending message. You'll send the message to the
SMSC with some SMPP
optional parameter, the SMSC will deliver the message to the
recipient, the recipient will
send reply message, the SMSC will somehow pair the messages and set
the same optional
parameter which you send with the original message and when Kannel
receives the reply
message you'll check the value of the optional parameter sent and pair
the messages.

I know it sounds complicated, but from my experience that's the only
way it could be done.
The whole chain goes through one part  where you don't have access,
the operator SMSC.
Talk to your operator and check if you can accomplish this.

If you don't really need it, just forget about this, because it gonna
cost you ;)


BR, Jovan

Re: Message ID

2008-07-21 Thread Jovan Kostovski
2008/7/21 seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> use the MO kannel_ID, or create your OWN unique ID as unique DLR id for each 
> MT.
> then its simple sql to match them
> in case you use sqlbox and pgsql/oracle it is not so complicated task,
> dont know for sqlbox backed by mysql
> we went a bit further and patched the sqlbox in a view to inject some 
> additional data
> like our unique ID in a view to match MT-MO traffic and to control the MT/MO 
> ratio

Ok,  I admit I've never used sqlbox ;)

>From what you have written, the MT messages sent from Kannel should be
marked with a unique
DLR id, sent to the SMSC and delivered to the subscriber. When the
subscriber sends reply MO
message, the SMSC attaches the same unique ID and sends the data to
Kannel. Right?

What additional data is sent to the SMSC for this purpose?
Some SMPP optional parameters?

BR, Jovan

Re: Re[2]: Message ID

2008-07-21 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 2:38 PM, seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> NO,
> there is NOT such functionality,
> Reason: it has to be implemented at the SMSC side ...

That's what I think too ;)

So there is no way to track the messages if we first send the MT message.

BR, Jovan


2008-07-25 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi Karen,

You should add %20 - url encoded space only , the + is another way to
code space.
So your url should be:


Check the sendsms-chars parameter value in the smsbox group if you can send
the space character as a part of the to field. If it's not defined it
will accept the
following characters "0123456789 +-" which is the default value.

Cheers, Jovan

Re: coding UCS2

2008-07-29 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:50 PM, bahassi rim hajar
> hi ,
> i would  like to send a sms coding with UCS2 ,but i have a problem i don't 
> understand why.
> i have add a variable "coding=2" to the request HTTP and what i have when the 
> message arrive is nothing.
> Could someone help me.

add coding=2 and charset=UTF-16BE

BR, Jovan

Re: Help in setting Kannel as SMPP client

2008-07-29 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Chen Alkabets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> group = smsc
> smsc = smpp
> smsc-id = smpp
> host =
> receive-port = 3700
> smsc-username = "8"
> smsc-password = "test"
> system-type = "kannel"

You are not connecting the transmitter.

Add "port=X" to the smsc group to define the port for the transmitter.

BR, Jovan

Re: dlr-mysql clarification

2008-08-16 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:21 AM, James Mubhoyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I receive an sms message via my GSM modem, no record insertion is
> made into the dlr table and likewise when I send an sms message through a 
> python
> script no record insertion is made either as I thought would happen.

drl record insertion is done only for the sent messages

> p = urllib.urlencode({'username': 'smsman', 'password': 'karooland', 'to': t,
> 'text': x, 'dlr-mask': 31, 'dlr-url':
> ''})

The drl-rurl look fine, but you are not calling the sendsms cgi-bin to
send the sms.

For example if you are using the sendsms cgi-bin than the complete url would be:


All string parameters should be url encoded.

The above url tells to Kannel to send a sms to some MSISDN using some
user, and to set delivery report handler on the url drl-url which will
be triggered on the dlr-mask events.

You have to pass the dlr-mask  and dlr-url parameters for each message
that you want to receive delivery report.

You are missing to set the url of the kannel sendsms in your Python script.
I've just added a line in it defining the url for sendsms and changed
the urlopen, try this one:


import sys
import urllib
import re

u = 'http://localhost:14000/cgi-bin/sendsms'
p = urllib.urlencode({'username': 'smsman', 'password': 'karooland', 'to': t,
'text': x, 'dlr-mask': 31, 'dlr-url':
f = urllib.urlopen(u, p)

HTH, Jovan

Re: Question about Kannel's function, need your help

2008-08-24 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:33 AM, fu maoyu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our Question
> I think Kannel can handle this work, right?
> Do we need to write a seperate moduel to handle the communication or
> transfer job between our SMS moduel and Kannel (we have config bearerbox and
> smsbox as the User Guide) ? Or the our SMS module can work with Kannel
> directly as long as we config the Kannel fine?

You can use Kannel both in test and production phase. You'll just have to
configure kannel to work with mobile phone in test phase,  and
reconfigure it to
communicate with your partners sistem via SMPP in the production phase.
Your SMS module will be the same in both cases. It should just generate the
apropriate URL if you are using sendsms cgi-bin for sending SMSs and parsing
the received http URL for receiving SMSs.

BR, Jovan

Re: Question about Kannel's function, need your help

2008-08-25 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Aaron (MaoYu) Fu
> Hi Jovan,
> So do you mean, our SMS Module can use SMPP protocol communicate to Kannel 
> directly as long as we config it right?

No, you could use Kannel to connect via SMPP to your service provider
and use HTTP for communication between your SMS Aggregator
and Kannel as you will do in the test phase or your SMS Aggregator
could connect to your service provider directly via SMPP.

BR, Jovan

Re: Question about Kannel's function, need your help

2008-08-25 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Aaron (MaoYu) Fu
> But if the mobile send a SMS to the GSM Modem, how can our server get this 
> SMS? By composing another HTTP request to query the Kannel? Or Kannel 
> supports some notifications functions? Or the Push Proxy Gateway is designed 
> for this situation?

To send message you need to compose HTTP GET request for example like this:


All the parameters should be url encoded.
You can even use delivery reports for the sent messages by passing the
dlr-url and drl-mask parameters.
Check the "Using the HTTP interface to send SMS messages" section in
the Kannel docs [1]

To receive a message you need to configure sms-service. Check the
"SMS-service configurations" section in the Kannel docs [1]
There are parameters called get-url, post-url and post-xml. You will
have to create http listener in and define its URL to one of this
depending on the form in which you want to receive the SMS data: as
GET parameters, POST parameters or as XML POST.


BR, Jovan

Re: Send sms

2008-08-28 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi James,

I think it's a matter of your python interpreter, because the message is
returned by the python's socket class[1]. To check this,  try to evoke
the url for sending messages from a web browser and see what will
you get as a response from the sendsms cgi-bin.
If it's "0: Accepted for delivery" and messages are send and received
successfully I don't think that this is a Kannel issue.


BR, Jovan

Re: Error reported for sending msgs

2008-09-01 Thread Jovan Kostovski
2008/9/1 Daniel Camacho - PA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> someone can explain me what NACK/67/Invalid esm_class field data DLR SMS
> apparently error stands for?  Randomly most of my messages aren't delivered.

It means that some of the needed data for the SMS is missing or its
bad formatted.
What does Kannel log say?
Can you send messages without DRL successfully?
If that is the case check if the operator has enabled DLRs.

HTH, Jovan

Re: Authorization Failed When Sending Text SMS

2008-09-03 Thread Jovan Kostovski
Hi Kent,

Connection between the bearerbox and the SMSC is ok.

> group = sendsms-user
> username = kent
> password = testpass

user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
max-messages = 4

user-allow-ip sets the IPs which are allowed to issue sendsms requests
max-message defines globally how many messages can be sent in one
session by this smsbox
Check the user guide[1] the sendsms section for more info.

If that doesn't help check the username and password. It happened to
me once when editing them with vim,
vim to add some junk (not printable characters) at the end of the lines.


Re: Help on setting up SMSC correctly

2008-09-05 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Joyce Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
>  from <>
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] INFO: sendsms used by 
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] INFO: sendsms sender:
> ( to:<09156000795> msg:
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
> 4f92f84b-a6f8-4404-9859-946aeb36295f
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] DEBUG: message length 11, sending 1 messages
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: 
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (3) of
> 4f92f84b-a6f8-4404-9859-946aeb36295f
> 2008-09-05 15:06:07 [11672] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
> `'.
> 2008-09-05 15:07:07 [11672] [1] DEBUG: Timeout for fd:24 appeares.

Seems like the bearerbox can not send the message. smsbox sends the
message to the bearerbox,
bearerbox gets it and fails to send it to your gsm modem.

Check your configuration of the gsm modem.
Please send the bearerbox.log file so we can have a look at it too.

BR, Jovan

Re: Help on setting up SMSC correctly

2008-09-05 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Joyce Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The AT+CMGS up to send command status: -1 keeps on repeating,,,

This command sends the sms message to the gsm modem.
I've seen some people reporting different errors with gsm modem communication,
which were usually solved by changing the gsm modem initialization string.

I've never configured Kannel to work with gsm modem/mobile phone.
Sorry can't help further :(

I would suggest you to connect to the gsm modem via telnet and try to
execute the very same
sequence of AT command as bearerbox does and see what are the results.
If you get the same
error than you definitely have problem with your gsm modem, most
possibly with it's initialization.

I hope someone else will take over to tell you how to configure the gsm modem ;)

HTH, Jovan

Re: Result could not be represented as an sms message

2008-09-08 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Têvi Rodrigue Lawson
> The problem : as reply, kannel send this message "Result could not be
> represented as an sms message"

This means that Kannel can not fetch message text from your phenom.php script.

It seems to me that the $_REQUEST['prenom'] is not set, and your
script doesn't return any string.
Change the $_REQUEST['prenom'] with $_GET['prenom']

Change your script like this:


//  echo $List_pren[$_GET['prenom']];

//for testing purposes
 echo " Hi ".$_GET['prenom']."! How are you?";
   echo "No name specified";

If this test passes if send sms "prenom Tevi" and you get reply sms
"Hi Tevi! How are you?" and if you send "prenom" and you get reply "No
name specified", then the sms handling is good.

Comment out the "echo $List_pren[$_GET['prenom']]" line, and try
sending SMSs "prenom prenom1" and "prenom prenom2" you will get reply
SMSs "signif1" and "signif2" repectivly.

HTH, Jovan

Re: mysql storage

2008-09-09 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Iain Dooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> and then created a database kannel, with username kannel and password
> kannel.

I'm using a table with all the fields as varchars. Works without any problems.


Re: How to post the "text" send by user to a web-page using get-url ??

2008-09-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
As Theo wrote set

and in your handler script:
> get-url = "http://localhost/jaroka/wahib/Kannel/yahoo.php?sender=%p&msg=%a";

add code to insert the message text in a mysql database,
than use another script to read them from the database web page using
another script.

HTH, Jovan

Re: urldecode sms text and post to web application

2008-09-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:07 PM, naj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How would go about solving this? I know I need to urldecode it, but
> how?. If I use a script, how would I call it in the post-url?

I did quick url decoding of the received data:

It seeems that is ascii data ;)

Depending on the programming language you should be able to url decode
the contents of the message. If really must use post-url, find a way to get the
raw post data (in php there is a variable $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])
this method is usually used to get contents of a file, xml for example.

Try using the get-url parameter in the sms-service configuration its
much simpler and cleaner ;)


then in your script you can use $_GET['text'] in php to get the contents
if you are using php than you can get the sms text decoded like this:

$text = rawurldecode($_GET['text']);

HTH, Jovan

Re: FW: urldecode sms text and post to web application

2008-09-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Nad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Jovan
> I'll have a crack at it.
> Can I then post the decoded string to my webserver within the same script

Yes, just add the code for record insertation after the part where you
decode the message

Cheers, Jovan

Re: Maintaining White LIst

2008-09-26 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 9:29 AM, creeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there any way to tell kanel just to read  the configuration of that white
> list after i update.

No, there isn't. You must restart the complete gw

Cheers, Jovan

Re: Couldnot parse DLR

2008-10-03 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Kyriacos Sakkas
> 2008-10-03 15:12:16 [6363] [20] ERROR: SMPP[SMSCID]: got DLR but could
> not find message or was not interested in it id<> dst<3069">,
> type<2>

>From the logs I see that you're using sql as a DLR storage.

The error that you are reporting usualy happens when kannel looses the track of
the message (restarting kannel when using internal dlr storage or not
inserting the dlr data
in the database)

First make sure that the drl data is wirtten to the database. Turn off
the phone send a message,
and check if the dlr is inserted in the database ;)

> 2008-10-03 15:12:16 [6363] [20] DEBUG: SMPP[SMSCID]: Couldnot parse DLR
> string sscanf way,fallback to old way. Please report!

It seems to me that you are not receiving the complete DLR message
from the operator
or it is in some format that kannel doesn't know how to parse.

Monitor your http traffic towards the SMSC and check if you are
receiving complete
DLR report from the operator and check its form. You can use wireshark
(ethereal) [1]
to monitor the traffic. here is a nice tutorial [2] how to do it.



Re: Ubuntu trouble

2008-10-15 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Villada, Gustavo
> Guillaume,
> Kannel 1.4.1 are in repositories... are divided into 3 packages...
> I download and compile from CVS too... with Ubuntu 8.04
> I just need install libxml2-devel...

Yes, its much better to download the stable version from
and compile it the way you needed.

I've compiled it and used it successfully to connect to another SMSC
and with mobile phone.

BR, Jovan

Re: Brand new to this list but am very interested in this project

2008-10-22 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:16 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm brand new to this list but am very interested in this project.  I
> have two questions if anyone would be so kind as to give me guidance:
> 1. If building a SMS gateway from scratch, can you recommend GSM
> hardware?  Preferably not the phone on a cable option.  I'm looking to
> build a highly reliable production SMS gateway.

The most reliable solution is to make a contract with a TELCO operator and
get a SMPP connection and ask them to enable you the message parameters
which you want. You'll connect your SMSGW directly to their SMSC.
The other solution is to use a mobile phone or GSM modem. In this case you'll
use regular subscriber rate plan/SMSC options which can be fairly
restricted since
they are for general SMS usage.

> 2. Can anyone give me guidance (documents, resources etc) on how format
> an SMS message for Message Waiting Indication?  In other words, I'm
> looking to raise and lower the message waiting indicator on a mobile
> phone.

Check the Kannel user guide:

BR, Jovan

Re: alt-charset // coding pages

2008-10-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Alexander Eckert
> i get the äöü but not the Euro € ...

Did you check the iso8859-15 character encoding table[1]?
It says that the euro sign is encoded as  0xA4, which means that you
should send %A4 for Euro sign.

If you don't need any particular characters that are present in
iso8859-15 I would suggest that you use
the default GSM7[2] encoding. In this case for sending Euro sign you
have to use two bytes %1B%56,
and try to play with the alt-dcs parameter. Try setting it to 1 (one)


HTH, Jovan

Re: Is it possible to cancel an SMS using the HTTP command?

2008-10-30 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:02 AM, Kent Walker
> Hello Stipe,
> Yes, I am using SMPP. I think the difficulty here is that you would have to 
> return some sort of unique message ID in the sendsms
> response (correct me if you are already doing this and I have not seen it). 
> Without this unique message ID, I cannot specify which
> message to cancel.

The submit_sm_resp contains field message_id which is set by the SMSC
which can be used to check the status, cancel or replace
the message.

Than when sending the cancel_sm you just have to pass the message_id
of the message which should be canceled,
or if you pass null for message_id you can cancel messages by
source/destination address (msisdn of the sender/receiver),
ton (type of number) of npi (national prefix indicator)

The SMSC works as store and forward mechanism, which means that it
first stores the arrived messages in a database and then
tries to send them, but the SMSC can be configured to send the
messages as they arrive, so you can not cancel any messages
other than the once that are pending.

> -Original Message-
> From: Stipe Tolj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> At least SMPP allows "cancellation" of pending MTs via it's cancel_sm PDU. Not
> sure how our other protocols see it. At least AT (GSM modem) is out of scope 
> by
> it's nature.

I don't think that there is other way different than SMPP to do this
since direct
interaction with the SMSC is needed.

> The "benefit" from the cancelsms URI at smsbox is that we would pass a
> corresponding msg to bearerbox of new type, i.e. mt_cancel. And we then can
> lookup first our internal queues if the messages is yet not passed to the 
> and if it has then escalate to the SMSC.

That would be the right way to do this.

> Opinions please?!

I don't know how would I get the message_id from the submit_sm_resp.
Is there an interface/command to do this?

I also think that adding message_id in the DLR report table if db
storage is used would be nice. This way we can check if there
are pending messages, read their ids and do something with them.

BR, Jovan

Re: Is it possible to cancel an SMS using the HTTP command?

2008-10-31 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 2:01 AM, Jovan Kostovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> npi (national prefix indicator)

correction: npi stands for numbering plan indicator
i guess i was to tired list night :)

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Falko Ziemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If we stay with this idea, (which would be a really cool feature) kannel has
> to generate his own unique transaction ids and needs the function to assign
> the smsc message_id to it's own ones. If you want to cancel a sms that isn't
> delivered to a smsc yet, you simply don't have a message_id.

That's the way it should be done. Kannel will have internal lookup
table for the messages.
Having the message_id if it's available, might be useful in some cases as well.

> Would be really
> great, but this is definitly a new major release.
> Giving kannel an internal unique id is also a nice idea to implement a
> traceable billing, so a really nice function.

You can do this now, by parsing the access.log and searching for sent messages
and their delivery reports and comparing them, but querying Kannel for message
status would be great.

But there are really much
> things to consider (you post a request to kannel and it creates 2 concat
> message, are this 2 trans-ids? Just one example)

The multipart messages are sent as separate SMS messages but are
connected to each other by special UDH values. I'm sure that the sm_submit must
have different sequence_number for each message, but i'm not sure if
the SMSC will return different
message_id for each part or it will be the same one. The only
parameter that shows
to the device that it has to concatenate all the messages is the UDH field.
It would be nice If anyone who has access to a SMSC makes a trace what will be
returned by the SMSC in the submit_sm.message_id field for multipart message.

BR, Jovan

Re: DLR & message_id

2008-10-31 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Kyriacos Sakkas
> Is there some conf parameter that will switch the Id in one of the two
> places to match the other?

Check the "msg-id-type" parameter

BR, Jovan

Re: Is it possible to cancel an SMS using the HTTP command?

2008-10-31 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Falko Ziemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/10/31 Jovan Kostovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> The multipart messages are sent as separate SMS messages but are
>> connected to each other by special UDH values. I'm sure that the sm_submit
>> must
>> have different sequence_number for each message, but i'm not sure if
>> the SMSC will return different
>> message_id for each part or it will be the same one. The only
>> parameter that shows
>> to the device that it has to concatenate all the messages is the UDH
>> field.
>> It would be nice If anyone who has access to a SMSC makes a trace what
>> will be
>> returned by the SMSC in the submit_sm.message_id field for multipart
>> message.
>> BR, Jovan
> Yes, I have a couple of SMSC conns (and one real SMSC ;-) )
> You get a new message_id for each concat part. In theory you could cancel
> only one part of a multipart message (but the handset will behave strange
> then...)

In this case, Kannel would have to check the UDH field of the message to see if
the message a part of bigger concatenated message and when receiving the
submit_sm_resp to link all the message_id values to a single id of the
internal queue.
In case of cancel_sm it will have to send cancel request for all the
message_id which
are linked to a particular id  in the internal queue.

BR, Jovan

Re: why data in the dlr table is inserted only when dlr-mask is used ?

2008-11-01 Thread Jovan Kostovski
On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 6:46 AM, wahib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am still unclear about the significance of dlr-mask and dlr-url and the
> connection between these two. Plz its necessary to clear this confusion.
> Kindly help !!

Delivery reports work as event driven mechanism which informs you
about the state of the message.
This means that you have to specify the events (delivered to phone,
not delivered to phone, queued on SMSC, rejected by the SMSC)
for which you want to be informed. That's the role of the dlr-mask.
With it we are specifying which events are we
interested in. It's a bit mask, every bit is assigned to specific event.
When you don't specify the dlr-mask the SMSC doesn't know if you want
to receive delivery report and for
which event you want to receive it.

HTH, Jovan

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