Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: SMS message ids

2005-02-04 Thread Peter Beckman
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Davy Chan wrote:
Answers inline...
**>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:20:22 -0500 (EST)
**>From: Peter Beckman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>To: Davy Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>Subject: Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: SMS message ids
**>In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Davy Chan wrote:
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[wsc_wireless_services]: Got
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x81a00a0 dump:
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG:   type_name: submit_sm_resp
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG:   command_id: 2147483652 =
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 1154 =
**>>**>2005-01-26 09:02:43 [394] [7] DEBUG:   message_id: "F39E35D"
**>>**>I was hoping that Kannel 1.4.0 would send me the message_id value when
**>>**>I used the escape code %I, however I'm seeing this instead.
**>>**>What is "da03662a-731a-4e22-8a18-2d982663eb4f" from?  I can't find it
**>>**>anywhere in bearerbox.log.
**>>**>  Is there a way to get Kannel to send me the message_id value of
**>>Kannel's dlr-url will only return the message-id embedded in the
**>>deliver_sm, not from the submit_sm_resp. Kannel's bearerbox will
**>>use the message-id from the submit_sm_resp to generate and entry
**>>in its own dlr-url lookup table.  But, again, this information is
**>>not forwarded to you via the dlr-url.
**> That's the question.  Why, if the in submit_sm_resp does the message_id
**> come over in, does the generated URL by kannel for the dlr report (type=8
**> is generated by kannel, NOT the SMSC) not include the message_id, passed
**> exactly how the SMSC passed it?  Let the user handle the conversion from
**> hex to decimal, or a string or whatnot.  Why does kannel not pass it then
**> if it stores it in the DLR db?
 I've explained this in another email to the list, but, just in
case a search on this topic does not return my other email...
The message-id retrieved from a submit_sm_resp is on available to
the bearerbox.  Once the information is persisted into storage
(be it SQL database or bearerbox memory store) it is thrown away
and not passed to the smsbox.
Since the smsbox does not have the message-id, it cannot put the
information into an HTTP_GET generated from the dlr-url parameter.
 But I don't care about the message-id at the HTTP GET/POST -- I want it in
 the DLR message generated by kannel's bearerbox once the remote SMSC has
 accepted the message (if it is rejected, no message-id is available).
**>>Therefore, if your SMPP operator is not returning the message-id
**>>in the short_message part of the deliver_sm (i.e. message body
**>>of a regular SMS...I call it the old embedded method), then the
**>>information must be conveyed through the Tag-Length-Value (TLV)
**>>optional parameters (specifically TLV 0x001E [receipted_message_id]).
**> This problem has NOTHING to do with the SMPP operator.  Kannel in version
**> 1.3.2 and later calls the DLR URL with type=8 when the SMPP operator
**> accepts (ACK/'s) the message.  KANNEL generates the above message, not the
**> SMPP operator.
Sorry...myoptic vision made me focus only on the message-id stuff.
I overlooked the fact that the poster was talking about the
value returned via an '%I' parameter.
The '%I' escape code just prints out a human-digestible form it the UUID.
Working on it...
 Sweet. Sorry for the delay in reply, I was in Tobago . Sun.
Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] logs

2005-04-14 Thread Peter Beckman
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
I greped through the files and after log level was changed to 0 from then
onwards i can see all the logs inside those files. Thx.
 So it's working now?  Cool.
One more question, bearerbox and smsbox print everything on the screen,
any ways to avoid it ? so i can send both bearerbox and smsbox in
background and just exit ssh.
 add "-v 5" to the command line -- sets the stdout loglevel to the highest,
 so you see nothing (or almost nothing).
 Anand -- Please make use of the documentation.  While I and others on the
 list don't mind answering questions, it does get annoying when people ask
 questions before reading the manual or searching the mailing lists.  Many
 of your questions are found in the documentation and the mailing lists.
 Search "Command Line" in the documentation here:
 to learn more about command line switches.
 That way when you have a difficult question, people believe that you've
 already exhausted the existing documentation, and that your question
 either hasn't been answered or hasn't been asked before.
Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] logs

2005-04-14 Thread Anand Gupta
>   So it's working now?  Cool.

yes its working. Thx for your help.

>   add "-v 5" to the command line -- sets the stdout loglevel to the
> highest,
>   so you see nothing (or almost nothing).
>   Anand -- Please make use of the documentation.  While I and others on
> the
>   list don't mind answering questions, it does get annoying when people
> ask
>   questions before reading the manual or searching the mailing lists.
> Many
>   of your questions are found in the documentation and the mailing lists.
>   Search "Command Line" in the documentation here:
>   to learn more about command line switches.
>   That way when you have a difficult question, people believe that you've
>   already exhausted the existing documentation, and that your question
>   either hasn't been answered or hasn't been asked before.

I completely understand and will keep it in mind. Thx for all the help you
have provided. I really appreciate it.

May i ask if you are a kannel code hacker as well, since you know so much
on kannel ? I see the message_id feature is required by other users as
well however no one seems to have gotten to it. I was kind of interested
to explore the possibility of getting it done and then perhaps submit it
to kannel development team for review. This way who so ever wants the
feature will benefit from this.



> On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
>> I greped through the files and after log level was changed to 0 from
>> then
>> onwards i can see all the logs inside those files. Thx.
>> One more question, bearerbox and smsbox print everything on the screen,
>> any ways to avoid it ? so i can send both bearerbox and smsbox in
>> background and just exit ssh.
>   add "-v 5" to the command line -- sets the stdout loglevel to the
> highest,
>   so you see nothing (or almost nothing).
>   Anand -- Please make use of the documentation.  While I and others on
> the
>   list don't mind answering questions, it does get annoying when people
> ask
>   questions before reading the manual or searching the mailing lists.
> Many
>   of your questions are found in the documentation and the mailing lists.
>   Search "Command Line" in the documentation here:
>   to learn more about command line switches.
>   That way when you have a difficult question, people believe that you've
>   already exhausted the existing documentation, and that your question
>   either hasn't been answered or hasn't been asked before.
> Beckman
> ---
> Peter Beckman  Internet
> Guy
> ---

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: Link DLR - SMS

2005-04-15 Thread Peter Beckman
On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
  What most people do in this situation is use a database to store
  information about a message with a unique ID (primary key, auto
  incremented).  This way when they send the message to kannel with a DLR
  URL, they can include this in the DLR URL, ie:
 insert into log values (NULL, 2125551212, now(), "this is a test
 get the insert_id
 dlr url:
  This way your URL already has your internal tracking ID associated with
  it, so when it is called you can do whatever you need.
I understand inside kannel.conf when mysql is defined as the storage area
for dlr, they are all stored there. But how does one issue the insert like
you mention above ? Is it inside the dlr.cgi we do this ?
 Instead of using dlr-url in the config file, use it per message.  It can
 be passed as a parameter to sendsms
Thx and regards,
On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Julien Buratto wrote:
Or is there a ready-to-use solution in Kannel that would permit to make
link between a sent SMS and the reception of a delivery report? And how
should I proceed? Is there anyone who still resolved this problem?
Did u set the DLR-URL ?
In the URL you can include any id you want.

Peter Beckman  Internet

Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: dlr mysql entries

2005-04-15 Thread Peter Beckman
On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
Thx for the nice explanation. I was trying to out ways to get to the ts
field ;) If you recall my earlier message in which i mentioned about the
script which is called in using dlr-url to check for the unique id in
kannel table to get to the ts field ? There is one problem to it, if the
message is delivered before my script gets to it then the script has no
way to get the ts field hence i was trying to get something on that.
Getting another insert was basically to get those values in another table
for the same work and then remove them at leisure, says once a day or
 If you are having the problem of entries in your store being deleted, then
 you are probably recieving the message_id from the smsc in DLR reports.
 Look through your bearerbox.log (whatever has the most data) and look for
 a message that starts with " id:" -- these are delivery receipt messages,
 specialized SMS messages with delivery info.
 Here's what I do:
Step 1.  Put the contents of the message into a table.  ie. phone
number, message.  This table has an auto-incrementing id.  It also has
a field for "dlr" which is a small int, defaults to 0.
Step 2.  I get the unique ID that the DB has given me for that row.
THAT is my internal message ID.  For example, this is ID 42.
Step 3.  I select the info from the DB for that row/ID, generate a DLR
URL with one line that has this info in it:
Step 4.  When my dlr.cgi is called, I see that the message referenced
is #42.  I go back to my DB, update that row with the type of message,
as well as any other information.
Step 5.  Add ALL the %x escape codes you can and have your script email
you the output when a DLR report is called so you can see what
information is available to you when the DLR report is done.
 Try that out.
Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: dlr mysql entries

2005-04-16 Thread Anand Gupta
Dear Beckman,

>   If you are having the problem of entries in your store being deleted,
> then
>   you are probably recieving the message_id from the smsc in DLR reports.

I was just exploring that possiblity since i am trying to get another smsc
link which will allow me online reports, thus the entries should be
deleted. Anyways i think the best would be to test it out when the new
smsc link is up and see how it goes from there.

>  Step 1.  Put the contents of the message into a table.  ie. phone
>  number, message.  This table has an auto-incrementing id.  It also
> has
>  a field for "dlr" which is a small int, defaults to 0.
>  Step 2.  I get the unique ID that the DB has given me for that row.
>  THAT is my internal message ID.  For example, this is ID 42.

Hmm.. its similar way what i have in place right now. The php script
stores the info inside the db, gets the unique id (which is an auto
incrementing field ;)) and then calls sendsms with the dlr-url setup as
http://x.x.x.x/a.php?id=XXX where XXX is the auto incrementing field.

If you recall i had posted earlier, using the same id i was planning to
get the ts value from inside the kannel dlr table.

>  Step 5.  Add ALL the %x escape codes you can and have your script
> email
>  you the output when a DLR report is called so you can see what
>  information is available to you when the DLR report is done.

I am doing that now, adding all the escape codes.

Thx for all the help Beckman.



> On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
>> Thx for the nice explanation. I was trying to out ways to get to the ts
>> field ;) If you recall my earlier message in which i mentioned about the
>> script which is called in using dlr-url to check for the unique id in
>> kannel table to get to the ts field ? There is one problem to it, if the
>> message is delivered before my script gets to it then the script has no
>> way to get the ts field hence i was trying to get something on that.
>> Getting another insert was basically to get those values in another
>> table
>> for the same work and then remove them at leisure, says once a day or
>> something.
>   Look through your bearerbox.log (whatever has the most data) and look
> for
>   a message that starts with " id:" -- these are delivery receipt
> messages,
>   specialized SMS messages with delivery info.
>   Here's what I do:
>   Try that out.
> Beckman
> ---
> Peter Beckman  Internet
> Guy
> ---

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: dlr mysql entries

2005-04-18 Thread Peter Beckman
You need to urlencode your dlr-url.
That will change all of the & to %65 or something (can't remember what) so
the sendsms script doesn't try and take &slid=8 as a parameter to itself.
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
Dear Naren,
I have been following this thread (regarding DLR) for a
while. I just want to know if i can get a sample script for
handling the DLRs (the one u have mentioned above).
I have started using kannel recently, i would be very
much grateful if get this favour. From ur discussion
i gained a good knowlege of that a DLR actually is and for
what it is used.
When calling sendsms, use the dlr-url to call any php/asp/perl/cf
(basically any language you use to code) with the escape codes mentioned
in the kannel docs
Table 6-9. Parameters). You can pass all those escape codes to the script,
make the script send you a mail with the values of those parameters. Send
a sms using the sendsms and call the script using dlr-url, see the
response from the script and you will understand which all escape code is
returning what values.
lynx --dump
I just typed all the escape codes in the above link (please do check
before using it as it is).
Hope it helps.
K Naren,MeTel Team.

Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: dlr mysql entries

2005-04-18 Thread Anand Gupta
Thx for mentioning that Beckman. I missed that part.



> You need to urlencode your dlr-url.
> That will change all of the & to %65 or something (can't remember what) so
> the sendsms script doesn't try and take &slid=8 as a parameter to itself.
> see
> Beckman
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Anand Gupta wrote:
>> Dear Naren,
>>> I have been following this thread (regarding DLR) for a
>>> while. I just want to know if i can get a sample script for
>>> handling the DLRs (the one u have mentioned above).
>>> I have started using kannel recently, i would be very
>>> much grateful if get this favour. From ur discussion
>>> i gained a good knowlege of that a DLR actually is and for
>>> what it is used.
>> When calling sendsms, use the dlr-url to call any php/asp/perl/cf
>> (basically any language you use to code) with the escape codes mentioned
>> in the kannel docs
>> (,
>> Table 6-9. Parameters). You can pass all those escape codes to the
>> script,
>> make the script send you a mail with the values of those parameters.
>> Send
>> a sms using the sendsms and call the script using dlr-url, see the
>> response from the script and you will understand which all escape code
>> is
>> returning what values.
>> Example:
>> lynx --dump
>> "";
>> I just typed all the escape codes in the above link (please do check
>> before using it as it is).
>> Hope it helps.
>> --
>> regards,
>> Anand
>>> --
>>> K Naren,MeTel Team.
> ---
> Peter Beckman  Internet
> Guy
> ---

Aw: Re: Re: Re: SQLBOX doesnt store SMS in database

2013-05-22 Thread hans joachim

I don't want to use INSERT statement.

I send my messages via HTTP call.


I get this messages when i try to start SQLBOX:


2013-05-22 15:41:23 [19204] [1] ERROR: connect failed

2013-05-22 15:41:23 [19204] [1] ERROR: System error 111: Connection refused
2013-05-22 15:41:23 [19204] [1] ERROR: error connecting to server `localhost' at port `13001'



1st I start kannel itselt (bearerbox)

2nd I start SQLBOX 

3rd I want to start smsbox.



Here are my config files (perhaps something is worng with my ports?):




# Sample configuration file for Kannel bearerbox on Debian.
# See the documentation for explanations of fields.

# HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the
# password if you enable it.


group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = 123
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/sms-trace.log"
access-log-clean = true
access-log-format= "SMS ID="%F" TS="%t" TYPE="%l" SMSC="%i" FROM="%p" TO="%P" ENCODING="%c" TEXT="%b" UDH="%u""
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 0
dlr-storage = mysql
include = "/etc/kannel/sqlbox.conf"


#Fake SMSC for Testing
#group = smsc
#smsc = fake
#smsc-id = Fake smsc
#port = 13009
#connect-allow-ip =


group = smsc
smsc = at
smsc-id = gsm1 
modemtype = auto 
device = /dev/ttyS0
sim-buffering = true
log-file= "/var/log/kannel/smsc.log"


group = smsc
smsc = http
smsc-id = hexonet 
system-type = generic
port = 13004
send-url = "">
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/hexo.log"
status-success-regex = "code: 100"


group = modems
id = SIEMENS MC35i 
name = "Siemens MC35i"
detect-string = "SIEMENS"
detect-string2 = "MC35i"
init-string = "AT+CPMS="SM""
speed = 19200


group = smsbox
smsbox-id = smsbox1
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13003
bearerbox-port = 13010
log-file= "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"


group = sendsms-user
username = user
password = pass



group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = root 
password = root 
database = kannel
max-connections = 10


group = dlr-db
id = mydlr



and the sqlbox.conf:


group = sqlbox
id = sqlbox-db
smsbox-id = sqlbox1
#global-sender = ""
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 13001
smsbox-port = 13010
#smsbox-port-ssl = false
sql-log-table = sent_sms
sql-insert-table = send_sms
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/sqlbox.log"
log-level = 0
#ssl-client-certkey-file = ""
#ssl-server-cert-file = ""
#ssl-server-key-file = ""
#ssl-trusted-ca-file = ""


# Database connection examples. Please uncomment as needed

# Example MYSQL Connection
group = mysql-connection
id = sqlbox-db
host = localhost
username = root
password = root
database = kannel




Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013 um 13:43 Uhr
Von: spameden 
An: "hans joachim" 
Cc: "" , "Florian Klein" 
Betreff: Re: Re: Re: SQLBOX doesnt store SMS in database

You need to use INSERT statement and directly insert into send_sms table or alternatively you can put sqlbox between smsbox and bearerbox, this way message sent through smsbox (HTTP call) should be logged into sqlbox.

2013/5/22 hans joachim <>




I know what the different fields in sent_sms table mean.

But there is no data in the fields when I send a message via HTTP-Call.


The database table is not filled. That is the problem.



Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013 um 12:08 Uhr
Von: spameden <>
An: "hans joachim" <>
Cc: "Ali Kashif" <>, "" <>, "Florian Klein" <>
Betreff: Re: Re: SQLBOX doesnt store SMS in database

2013/5/22 hans joachim <>

Hello Ali,


I am aware of the feature of bulk message sending with SQL Injection of SQLBOX.


But that is not the feature I want. I only need the storing of information about outgoing messages for accounting purposees.

That means I want the following information in the database (Just like the information in the access.log):


- Date

time field in sent_sms table

- Recipient





- Message

msgdata (url-encoded)


I don't know how to accomplish this goal. If SQLBOX i

Re: Re: Routing failed, re-queued. with established smsc connection.

2014-03-06 Thread Valdas Petrulis
Hello Mohammed, Aleksandr,

I have exactly the same problem with Kannel 1.4.3.
SMPP SMSC is succesfully running, but messages is queued. SMSC does not
restart until I do it mannualy.
Did You find sollution for this problem?

*Valdas Petrulis*
Skype: petrulis.valdas
[image: Inline image 1]

Re: re : Setting the TON/NPI..

2010-10-25 Thread XEN-Housing s.r.o.

there are only 2 ways to handle TON/NPI that i know. Fixed settings on 
config, or source-addr-autodetect = 1.

Dňa 25. 10. 2010 16:35, Jignesh Gandhi wrote / napísal(a):


I am using Kannel 1.4.3  and am in a need of assistance regarding TON/NPI.

Here is the use case.

In certain call scenarios we want to be able to swap the source and destination 
This TON/NPI values would be different than the configured values.

Is there a way to set the TON/NPI besides the core configuration parameters 
which are used on every SMS going out ?

thank you in advance,
--Jignesh Gandhi

Re: re : Setting the TON/NPI..

2010-10-25 Thread Alvaro Cornejo

No, there is currently no way to change ton/npi values in a per
message basis. Only on a per smsc.


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On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Jignesh Gandhi
> Hello,
> I am using Kannel 1.4.3  and am in a need of assistance regarding TON/NPI.
> Here is the use case.
> In certain call scenarios we want to be able to swap the source and 
> destination TON/NPI.
> This TON/NPI values would be different than the configured values.
> Is there a way to set the TON/NPI besides the core configuration parameters 
> which are used on every SMS going out ?
> thank you in advance,
> --Jignesh Gandhi

Re: Re: Link to download Gateway

2010-11-20 Thread shaikh basha
Thank you very much for your quick reply and guidance.

What I actually want is, I want to send free SMS messages to any mobile either 
National or International. Is it possible with Kannel? 

Please guide me the right software, if it is not possible with Kannel. Thank 
you very much for your favourable reply. 


On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 00:23:41 +0530  wrote


Hi. This is a simple process.

1- download application 

or get latest version from trunksvn co

replace  with gateway

svn co

thencd gatewayand 

svn up

2- Please full fill the requirements to compile kannel

3- in gateway folder do./configuremakemake install

4- I don't know what you will do with kannel :P

Read UG for smskannel.conf 

5- start bearerbox and smsbox 

cd gw ./bearerbox -v 1 smskannel.conf

./smsbox    -v 1 smskannel.conf

and don't be panic!!!

6- you can send sms'Hi!
 This is basha! I have configured kannel :)'

or via command line lynx -dump 
 This is basha! I have configured kannel :)'"

Welcome to kannel users.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:34 PM, shaikh basha  wrote:

Dear All Good Morning,

I have just joined this forum and I am very new to this software. Though I have 
spent a few days on how to download, but could not succeed as I am not much IT 
skilled person.

Hence, may I request every one to send me the link to download and 
Installation / configuration guide on how to install/ configure. An early reply 
in this regard would be very much appreciated. Thanking in advance. Regards,




Abdul Basit | +92 32 1416 4196

Re: Re: Link to download Gateway

2010-11-21 Thread Nikos Balkanas
You are living in the real world. You pay for everything you need except for 
the air that you breathe. Kannel is free. But it cannot send SMS to a 
mobile. For that you will need a connection to an SMSc or a mobile modem 
with a SIM card. And these will charge you for each SMS sent.

- Original Message - 
From: shaikh basha

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Link to download Gateway

Thank you very much for your quick reply and guidance.

What I actually want is, I want to send free SMS messages to any mobile 
either National or International. Is it possible with Kannel?

Please guide me the right software, if it is not possible with Kannel. Thank 
you very much for your favourable reply.


On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 00:23:41 +0530 wrote


Hi. This is a simple process.
1- download application 

or get latest version from trunksvn co

replace with gateway
svn co

thencd gatewayandΒ

svn up
2- Please full fill the requirements to compile kannel

3- in gateway folder do./configuremakemake install
4- I don't know what you will do with kannel :P

Read UG for smskannel.conf 

5- start bearerbox and smsboxΒ
cd gwΒ ./bearerbox -v 1 smskannel.conf

./smsbox Β  Β -v 1 smskannel.conf
and don't be panic!!!
6- you can send sms'Hi! 
This is basha! I have configured kannel :)'

or via command lineΒ lynx -dump 
This is basha! I have configured kannel :)'"

Welcome to kannel users.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:34 PM, shaikh basha wrote:

Dear All Good Morning,

I have just joined this forum and I am very new to this software. Though I 
have spent a few days on how to download, but could not succeed as I am not 
much IT skilled person.

Hence, may I request every one to send me the link to download 
and Installation / configuration guide on how to install/ configure. An 
early reply in this regard would be very much appreciated. Thanking in 
advance. Regards,


Abdul Basit | +92 32 1416 4196 

Re: Re: newbie - swisscom by IP

2011-03-30 Thread info

I am in the UG ! no ?
I want to connect by IP as I wrote.
Therefore I must wait for answers ...

J-Ph. Constantin
ITS3 Genève

RE: Re: newbie - swisscom by IP

2011-03-30 Thread Toby Phipps
I think you are confused.  To send messages to Swisscom via IP (and by that I 
assume you mean via TCP/IP over the Internet and not via a GSM modem), you will 
need to contact Swisscom to negotiate a connection to their SMSC. 

Or,  you could instead negotiate a connection with any of the SMS aggregators 
who have connectivity to Swisscom. There are lots of those – just Google “SMS 
aggregator” to get started. How each of them wants you to connect (e.g. via 
http, SMPP etc.) is something you’ll have to negotiate with them, and then you 
will configure Kannel accordingly. Once you have the connectivity details in 
hand, read the Users Guide (UG).


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:06 AM
To: Mfawa Alfred Onen
Cc: users
Subject: Re: Re: newbie - swisscom by IP




I am in the UG ! no ?

I want to connect by IP as I wrote.

Therefore I must wait for answers ...


J-Ph. Constantin

ITS3 Genève

Re: Re: newbie - swisscom by IP

2011-03-30 Thread Singularnet
I always thought that UG was the user guide, but it seems is a
country. So where is it? :-)

2011/3/30, info :
> Hello,
> I am in the UG ! no ?
> I want to connect by IP as I wrote.
> Therefore I must wait for answers ...
> J-Ph. Constantin
> ITS3 Genève

Enviado desde mi dispositivo móvil

Re: Re: sqlbox greek gsm-7

2011-05-11 Thread Mike Nakos

Hello Tania.
I use the below settings on my kannel.conf file

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = 
host = 
port = 
receive-port = 
smsc-username = 
smsc-password = 
source-addr-ton = 0
source-addr-npi = 1
dest-addr-ton = 1
#dest-addr-np = 1
bind-addr-ton = 0
bind-addr-npi = 1
system-type = "VMA"
enquire-link-interval = 30
reconnect-delay = 10
throughput = 20
validityperiod = 1340
alt-charset = "UTF-8"

I don't use alt_dcs and set charset field on sms_send table to UTF-8 also.

Of course, any Greek character like Δ must be written %10 to msgdata field.
Personally, I encode every single character to its gsm value. Always 
with % in front of it.

DB field and table encoding is utf-8 also.

Try these settings and follow the thread with title
SMS from sqlbox - Problem when sending more that 160 char with greek letters
on May 2011.
I think this will help you.

Best Regards
Mike Nakos

RE: Re: sqlbox greek gsm-7

2011-05-11 Thread Rene Kluwen
Exactly. Try to urlencode your data.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Mike Nakos
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 19:15
Subject: Re: Re: sqlbox greek gsm-7

Hello Tania.
I use the below settings on my kannel.conf file

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = 
host = 
port = 
receive-port = 
smsc-username = 
smsc-password = 
source-addr-ton = 0
source-addr-npi = 1
dest-addr-ton = 1
#dest-addr-np = 1
bind-addr-ton = 0
bind-addr-npi = 1
system-type = "VMA"
enquire-link-interval = 30
reconnect-delay = 10
throughput = 20
validityperiod = 1340
alt-charset = "UTF-8"

I don't use alt_dcs and set charset field on sms_send table to UTF-8 also.

Of course, any Greek character like Δ must be written %10 to msgdata field.
Personally, I encode every single character to its gsm value. Always 
with % in front of it.

DB field and table encoding is utf-8 also.

Try these settings and follow the thread with title
SMS from sqlbox - Problem when sending more that 160 char with greek letters
on May 2011.
I think this will help you.

Best Regards
Mike Nakos

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Re: sqlbox greek gsm-7

2011-05-12 Thread Πετσούκα Τάνια

Thank you Mike,
i send greek properly using your settings.

The only problem i came up with is symbol '@'.

E.g :   For greek letter Phi, Φ,   i use : chr(hexdec( '0x12' )) 
( or chr(hexdec( '%12') )
 For greek letter Lamda, Λ,  i use : chr(hexdec( '0x14' )) 
( or chr(hexdec( '%14') )

 For euro sign €  i use :  chr(hexdec('0x1B')).chr(hexdec('0x65'))

When it comes to '@'   if i replace it to chr(hexdec( '0x00' ))  according 
to gsm mapping,

the message after this character disappears.
I tried to replace it with chr(hexdec( '%40' )) , and i got 'i' in its 
position  to the received message.

So, do you know which is the proper way to send  '@'?

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Nakos" 

Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: Re: sqlbox greek gsm-7

Hello Tania.
I use the below settings on my kannel.conf file

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = 
host = 
port = 
receive-port = 
smsc-username = 
smsc-password = 
source-addr-ton = 0
source-addr-npi = 1
dest-addr-ton = 1
#dest-addr-np = 1
bind-addr-ton = 0
bind-addr-npi = 1
system-type = "VMA"
enquire-link-interval = 30
reconnect-delay = 10
throughput = 20
validityperiod = 1340
alt-charset = "UTF-8"

I don't use alt_dcs and set charset field on sms_send table to UTF-8 also.

Of course, any Greek character like Δ must be written %10 to msgdata 
Personally, I encode every single character to its gsm value. Always with 
% in front of it.

DB field and table encoding is utf-8 also.

Try these settings and follow the thread with title
SMS from sqlbox - Problem when sending more that 160 char with greek 

on May 2011.
I think this will help you.

Best Regards
Mike Nakos

Re: Re : random charset in kannel ?

2011-09-29 Thread Alvaro Cornejo

This seems a bug.

I noticed an issue similar some time ago but didn't get as far as you
did and just modify my application in order to replace all accented

I'm coping devel list so they can verify if it is really a bug.



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On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Bertrand Dupont
> Hi all,
> I still have my random accents problem when sending my SMS, and I think I've
> found the circumstances in wich it appends : it's when kannel is requeuing
> the sms.
> For all SMS received without accents, I found in my kannel log that the sms
> have been sent a first time with correct PDU (I mean if I decode the PDU,
> I've got my accents) but as modem was not available, ("send command status :
> -1" in the log ) Kannel is requeing the sms and when the sms is sent (with
> success) for the second time, the PDU I've in the log doesn't contain
> anymore accent.
> Does anyone know how work the requeing process ?
> I've try to inspect the source code and found that smsc_at.c was calling
> this function :
> bb_smscconn_send_failed(privdata->conn, msg,SMSCCONN_FAILED_TEMPORARILY,
> octstr_create("ERROR"));
> then this function in bb_smscconn.c is calling the following function :
> gwlist_produce(outgoing_sms, sms);
> and finally this function is calling in list.c
> gwlist_append(List *list, void *item)
> wich seems to "add" the sms item to the bearbox queue I supposed. But I
> can't see any charset parameters or something like that.
> Does anyone already face this issue ?
> Thanks for your help
> Regards,
> Bertrand

Re: Re: Regarding mysql table crash;

2011-11-16 Thread Mohammed Saleem
I had this problem, too. dug a lot without any luck, eventually solved it
by a cronjob which repairs the table every certain time (like 2,3 hours) my
tables were created using MyISAM Engine.

Didn't see this problem since

Best Regards,
Mohammed M I Sleem  - Personal blog

2011/11/16 Para 

> you need to log in mysql cli, repair table x to fix database issue at
> first
> BR/Para
> At 2011-11-15 21:41:22,"Alejandro Guerrieri" <
>> wrote:
> This is not a Kannel problem, you need to get to the root cause for the
> table crash and fix it. I'd start by running a check on the hard drive.
> Regards,
> Alex
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Vijay kumar Dadhich  > wrote:
>> Hello to all ,
>> I am using gateway-1.4.3 tar and sqlbox, and today my
>> mysql's all table crash and this error message show in mysqld log
>> file, after that i check and repair the table, but after send the 3
>> lacs message it was in same condition, and i am  again. repaired.
>> mysqld error log:
>> 15 14:05:15 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:05:15 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:05:48 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:05:48 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:15:42 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table
>> './sms_dlr/kannel_dlr' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:15:42 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table
>> './sms_dlr/kannel_dlr' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
>> 15 14:52:28 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
>> table './SQLBOX/send_sms.MYI'; try to repair it
>> 15 14:52:28 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
>> table './SQLBOX/send_sms.MYI'; try to repair it
>> 15 14:52:28 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
>> table './SQLBOX/send_sms.MYI'; try to repair it
>> 15 14:52:28 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
>> table './SQLBOX/send_sms.MYI'; try to repair it
>> 15 15:11:24  mysqld started
>> 15 15:11:25  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43655
>> 15 15:11:25 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
>> Version: '5.0.77'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306
>> Source distribution
>> 15 15:12:13 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
>> 15 15:12:13 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
>> 15 15:12:23 [Note] Found 845 of 0 rows when repairing
>> './SQLBOX/send_sms'
>> my mysql version is
>> [root@localhost sbin]# mysql --version
>> mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.77, for redhat-linux-gnu (x86_64) using
>> readline 5.1
>> so please guide me what i will do for best performance.
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> -Vijay Kumar Dadhich
>> Plot No.40 , F.I.E., 1st Floor Patparganj
>> Industrial Area, Delhi - 110092 ( INDIA)
>> Cell No.:- 09891993899

Re: Re: R: Kannel MySQL problem

2012-06-23 Thread spameden
What about sqlbox ? Is it from latest SVN as well? You need to compile it
after you've installed kannel from trunk.

Also try dropping kannel's database tables, sqlbox should re-create them
upon startup.

'MySQL server has gone away' generally means something wrong with your
MySQL setup, not with kannel.

2012/6/23 Julien Buratto 

> Why don't you try to measure how long that happens from start of
> connection ?
> Ie: start kannel and see what happens after x seconds until it goes to
> error.. Maybe is a timeout.. 120 secs is short if kannel is not keepaliving
> the connection..
> Also check your my.cnf file as the compiled mysql libs us such conf file
> And check that libs are same version of server..
> Test another mysql server instance and see if it happens again
> Julien Buratto
> Linkas SRL
> Tel.02 30321419
> --
> *From: * Moazzam Ali 
> *Date: *Sat, 23 Jun 2012 18:41:13 +0500
> *To: *spameden
> *Cc: *; ; <
> *Subject: *Re: R: Kannel MySQL problem
> already upgraded to latest snapshot  but error still persists
> 2012-06-23 13:29:59 [14633] [6] ERROR: MYSQL: database check failed!
> 2012-06-23 13:29:59 [14633] [6] ERROR: MYSQL: MySQL server has gone away
> On 06/23/2012 4:43 PM, spameden wrote:
> Why don't you use latest from the trunk? There were lots of fixes since
> 1.4.3.
> 2012/6/23 Moazzam Ali 
>>  complied kannel 1.4.3 stable with mysql support from source on  CentOS
>> 6  64-bit
>> //moazzam
>> On 06/23/2012 4:40 PM, spameden wrote:
>> How did you install kannel? Is it from debian's packages?
>> Try to install latest from SVN.
>> 2012/6/23 Moazzam Ali 
>>> wait_timeout is set to 120, is it the case?  there is no firewall
>>> between mysql and kannel as they are both on localhost
>>> //moazzam
>>> On 06/23/2012 2:38 AM, Julien Buratto wrote:
>>>> Ali,
>>>> Check also timeouts values in mysql.. Are you using a custom configured
>>>> mysql ?
>>>> Do you have any firewall/proxy/etc in between ?
>>>> Julien Buratto
>>>> Linkas SRL
>>>> Tel.02 30321419
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Moazzam Ali 
>>>> Sender: users-bounces@kannel.orgDate: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 23:33:00
>>>> To: 
>>>> Subject: Kannel MySQL problem
>>>> I am facing one issue with the kannel 1.4.3 and MySQL,  due to some
>>>> unknown reason sometime kannel throw following error in the log
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] ERROR: MYSQL: database check failed!
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] ERROR: MYSQL: MySQL server has gone away
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] DEBUG: DBPool has too few connections,
>>>> reconnecting up to maximum...
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] INFO: MYSQL: Connected to server at
>>>> localhost.
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] INFO: MYSQL: server version 5.1.61-log,
>>>> client version 5.1.61.
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] INFO: MYSQL: Connected to server at
>>>> localhost.
>>>> 2012-06-22 17:14:50 [18671] [6] INFO: MYSQL: server version 5.1.61-log,
>>>> client version 5.1.61.
>>>> i have already tried increasing the max_connection both in kannel db
>>>> connection setting and in my.cnf but still same

Re: Re: RapidPro integration with Kannel

2021-12-15 Thread Norbert Kwizera
Hey All,

Rapidpro has support of a Kannel channel type, all you need is to add the
configuration to the kannel instance from the URL on the RapidPro instance

Hope that helps,

Re: Re: RapidPro integration with Kannel

2021-12-15 Thread Norbert Kwizera
Hey All,

Rapidpro has support of a Kannel channel type, all you need is to add the 
configuration to the kannel instance from the URL on the RapidPro instance 

Hope that helps,

Re: Re: RapidPro integration with Kannel

2021-12-15 Thread Norbert Kwizera
Hey All,

Rapidpro has support of a Kannel channel type, all you need is to add the 
configuration to the kannel instance from the URL on the RapidPro instance 

Hope that helps,

Re: Re[2]: TON 1-3

2009-09-29 Thread Nikos Balkanas
Re[2]: TON 1-3Hi,

One problem that I see, is that you need to define an smsbox-id in your smsbox 
group. You reference it in smsbox-route, but you define it nowhere. This will 
keep all your MOs in Q.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Willy 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:22 PM
  Subject: Re[2]: TON 1-3

  Yes, here it is (!!! edited):

  group = core

  admin-port = 13000

  admin-password = "!!!"

  admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

  admin-allow-ip = "!!!"

  status-password = "!!!"

  log-file = "/home/m/kannel/logs/kannel.log"

  log-level = 0

  access-log = "/home/m/kannel/logs/access.log"

  box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

  box-allow-ip = ""

  store-type = file

  store-location = /home/m/kannel/

  smsbox-port = 13001

  group = smsbox-route

  smsbox-id = smsbox

  smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

  shortcode = 12345!!!

  group = sms-service

  keyword = default

  catch-all = true

  omit-empty = true

  exec = /etc/lighttpd/php/bin/php /home/m/kannel/sms_forwarder.php %p %P "%a" 
"%i" "%I" "%t" %T "%d" "%A" "%c"

  group = smsc

  smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

  smsc = smpp

  host = !!!

  port = !!!

  receive-port = !!!

  smsc-username = 12345!!!

  smsc-password = !!!

  system-type = "VMA"

  address-range = ""

  group = smsbox

  bearerbox-host = localhost

  Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:18:21 PM, you wrote:

   Can you share us your configuration file? 


Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIAβ„Ά X1.


Sent: 29 September 2009 19:04


Subject: TON 1-3


I'm sending SMS from my mobile phone with text: test , to number: 1234

After i look in my bearerbox, and i'm looking for my mobile phone 
number, BUT, 

i don't see it, I only see the following string: AQSnW%2BucTVsllC21NwUI

What is it ? How do i tell operator, to send me the mobile phone 
number, not this strange string: AQSnW%2BucTVsllC21NwUI.

Thanks !


  Best regards,

Re: Re[4]: TON 1-3

2009-09-29 Thread Nikos Balkanas
Re[4]: TON 1-3Hi,

Please read Iser's guide about smsbox configuration. Very detailed, contains 
many examples.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Nikos Balkanas 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:04 PM
  Subject: Re[4]: TON 1-3

  How it should be ? can you correct my cfg please, i don't understand a bit..

  Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:57:02 PM, you wrote:


One problem that I see, is that you need to define an smsbox-id in your 
smsbox group. You reference it in smsbox-route, but you define it nowhere. This 
will keep all your MOs in Q.



- Original Message - 


To: Willy 


Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:22 PM

    Subject: Re[2]: TON 1-3

Yes, here it is (!!! edited):

group = core

admin-port = 13000

admin-password = "!!!"

admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = "!!!"

status-password = "!!!"

log-file = "/home/m/kannel/logs/kannel.log"

log-level = 0

access-log = "/home/m/kannel/logs/access.log"

box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

box-allow-ip = ""

store-type = file

store-location = /home/m/kannel/

smsbox-port = 13001

group = smsbox-route

smsbox-id = smsbox

smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

shortcode = 12345!!!

group = sms-service

keyword = default

catch-all = true

omit-empty = true

exec = /etc/lighttpd/php/bin/php /home/m/kannel/sms_forwarder.php %p %P 
"%a" "%i" "%I" "%t" %T "%d" "%A" "%c"

group = smsc

smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

smsc = smpp

host = !!!

port = !!!

receive-port = !!!

smsc-username = 12345!!!

smsc-password = !!!

system-type = "VMA"

address-range = ""

group = smsbox

bearerbox-host = localhost

Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:18:21 PM, you wrote:

 Can you share us your configuration file? 


  Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIA� X1.



  Sent: 29 September 2009 19:04


  Subject: TON 1-3


  I'm sending SMS from my mobile phone with text: test , to number: 

  After i look in my bearerbox, and i'm looking for my mobile phone 
number, BUT, 

  i don't see it, I only see the following string: 

  What is it ? How do i tell operator, to send me the mobile phone 
number, not this strange string: AQSnW%2BucTVsllC21NwUI.

  Thanks !


Best regards,


  Best regards,

RE: Re[2]: TON 1-3

2009-09-29 Thread Karan Zaveri
Yes you are going to need the latest CVS version. Look at the documentation it 
has examples and
sample configuration file.

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:34 PM
To: Illimar Reinbusch
Subject: Re[2]: TON 1-3


I read here , that i 
can download latest sources, 1.5 , and there is Meta data variable, which 
contain all what i need.. or something that.. what do you think ?


Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 7:27:16 PM, you wrote:




U can add custom LMT SMPP parameters in your config BUT u also will need to add 
custom PDU to your Kannel and it will require coding and recompiling your 






Please read Iser's guide about smsbox configuration. Very detailed, contains 
many examples.




- Original Message - 

From:  <> 

To:  <> Nikos Balkanas 

Cc:  <> 

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:04 PM

Subject: Re[4]: TON 1-3


How it should be ? can you correct my cfg please, i don't understand a bit..



Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:57:02 PM, you wrote:




One problem that I see, is that you need to define an smsbox-id in your smsbox 
group. You reference it in smsbox-route, but you define it nowhere. This will 
keep all your MOs in Q.




- Original Message - 

From:  <> 

To:  <> Willy 

Cc:  <> 

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:22 PM

Subject: Re[2]: TON 1-3


Yes, here it is (!!! edited):


group = core

admin-port = 13000

admin-password = "!!!"

admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = "!!!"

status-password = "!!!"

log-file = "/home/m/kannel/logs/kannel.log"

log-level = 0

access-log = "/home/m/kannel/logs/access.log"

box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

box-allow-ip = ""

store-type = file

store-location = /home/m/kannel/

smsbox-port = 13001


group = smsbox-route

smsbox-id = smsbox

smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

shortcode = 12345!!!


group = sms-service

keyword = default

catch-all = true

omit-empty = true

exec = /etc/lighttpd/php/bin/php /home/m/kannel/sms_forwarder.php %p %P "%a" 
"%i" "%I" "%t" %T "%d" "%A" "%c"


group = smsc

smsc-id = MY_DAMN_OPERATOR!!!

smsc = smpp

host = !!!

port = !!!

receive-port = !!!

smsc-username = 12345!!!

smsc-password = !!!

system-type = "VMA"

address-range = ""


group = smsbox

bearerbox-host = localhost




Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:18:21 PM, you wrote:


Can you share us your configuration file? 




Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIA� X1.




From:  <>

Sent: 29 September 2009 19:04

To:  <>

Subject: TON 1-3





I'm sending SMS from my mobile phone with text: test , to number: 1234


After i look in my bearerbox, and i'm looking for my mobile phone number, BUT, 

i don't see it, I only see the following string: AQSnW%2BucTVsllC21NwUI


What is it ? How do i tell operator, to send me the mobile phone number, not 
this strange string: AQSnW%2BucTVsllC21NwUI.


Thanks !






Best regards,

 Waza123 <>




Best regards,

 Waza123 <>

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2399 - Release Date: 09/29/09 

Re: Re[2]: 3 Operators - /sendsms/

2009-10-04 Thread Cezary Siwek
Re[2]: 3 Operators - /sendsms/I suggest you also adding denied-smsc-id to each 
smsc group. This will prevent from sending SMSs through other centres in case 
of connectivity, etc problems with chosen smsc.

smsc-id = a
allowed-smsc-id = a
denied-smsc-id = b;c


  - Original Message - 
  To: Cezary Siwek 
  Sent: 04 October 2009 18:38
  Subject: Re[2]: 3 Operators - /sendsms/

  Thanks !!

  The solution was:

  Set "allowed-smsc-id=" for every smsc group..


  group = smsc

  smsc-id = a

  allowed-smsc-id = a

  group = smsc

  smsc-id = b

  allowed-smsc-id = b

  group = smsc

  smsc-id = c

  allowed-smsc-id = c

  Sunday, October 4, 2009, 8:28:01 PM, you wrote:



Read the documentation again. Try to focus on:  smsc-id, denied-smsc-id 
and allowed-smsc-id  in 'SMS centres' section



- Original Message - 



Sent: 04 October 2009 18:07

Subject: 3 Operators - /sendsms/

I have 3 operators, 3 smsc groups, every group has it's own smsc-id=a, 
smsc-id=b, smsc-id=c

I'm trying to send sms


As you can see, i set: &smsc=b

So this sms will have to go through smsc-id=b operator, but it's not, 
it's randomly choosing smsc..

Every time i send sms, it's randomly choosing smsc, one time "a" other 
time "c" , some times it's choosing "b" and sms came to me normally.

Any ideas why it's choosing random smsc ?

Re: Re[2]: dlr-url confirmation

2010-02-23 Thread Kenny

Please, what is the current default interval between the 3 retries?


2010/2/23 Arkadiy Kulev 

> Hello Nikos,
> Thanks, that's what I meant.
> Would it be too much to ask the developers to keep retrying DLR
> delivery to URL in case it's down? Or make it configurable?
> Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:11:19 PM, you wrote:
> > You are wrong. Dlr-url is called whenever a DLR is received from the
> SMSc.
> > SMSc will send a DLR whenever there is a status change on the SMS
> > (Delivered, Rejected, etc.)  depending on your dlr-mask.
> > If your web server is out, then you still get the DLR message in access
> logs
> > and an error in your smsbox log. It is retried 3 times in a series, if
> there
> > is a problem with the connection, but then it is discarded.
> > BR,
> > Nikos
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Arkadiy Kulev" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:46 PM
> > Subject: dlr-url confirmation
> >> As far as I understand, dlr-url is called when there is a status
> >> change on the message sent.
> >>
> >> But what if the dlr-url is not available (webserver down for
> >> instance)? Do I loose the status change forever? Or the dlr-url gets
> >> called again some time later?
> >>
> >>
> >> Arkadiy Kulev
> >> +7 495 5070602
> >> Moscow, Russia
> >>
> >>
> Arkadiy Kulev
> +7 495 5070602
> Moscow, Russia

Re: Re[2]: dlr-url confirmation

2010-02-23 Thread Nikos Balkanas
Sorry, my mistake. It doesn't retry. It just tries once. Nor it would make 
sense to try more times if the webserver is down. It would be just wasted time. 
The mechanism is there, but is disabled. Look for

#define HTTP_RETRY_DELAY 10 // seconds

in gw/smsbox.c. This controls all smsbox http client connections. There is a 
reason it was disabled after it was used, and I don't think they will activate 
it again. Getting it to configuration, should be easy.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kenny 
  To: Arkadiy Kulev 
  Cc: Nikos Balkanas ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:20 PM
  Subject: Re: Re[2]: dlr-url confirmation


  Please, what is the current default interval between the 3 retries?


  2010/2/23 Arkadiy Kulev 

Hello Nikos,

Thanks, that's what I meant.

Would it be too much to ask the developers to keep retrying DLR
delivery to URL in case it's down? Or make it configurable?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:11:19 PM, you wrote:

> You are wrong. Dlr-url is called whenever a DLR is received from the SMSc.
> SMSc will send a DLR whenever there is a status change on the SMS
> (Delivered, Rejected, etc.)  depending on your dlr-mask.

> If your web server is out, then you still get the DLR message in access 
> and an error in your smsbox log. It is retried 3 times in a series, if 
> is a problem with the connection, but then it is discarded.

> BR,
> Nikos
> - Original Message -
> From: "Arkadiy Kulev" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:46 PM
> Subject: dlr-url confirmation

>> As far as I understand, dlr-url is called when there is a status
>> change on the message sent.
>> But what if the dlr-url is not available (webserver down for
>> instance)? Do I loose the status change forever? Or the dlr-url gets
>> called again some time later?
>> Arkadiy Kulev
>> +7 495 5070602
>> Moscow, Russia

Arkadiy Kulev
+7 495 5070602
Moscow, Russia

Re: Re: Recover Delivery to URL

2010-04-27 Thread Alan McNatty
>From the logs you have sent I can't tell. I'd recommend re-submitting
with full debug logs with information about what driver you are using
(SMPP, AT, etc) and maybe someone can help.

>From what I can see you are looking in the smsbox logs - you have
triggered a DLR (failure?) and you want the reason code to be submitted
back your app? Just guessing here.



Alberto Antillon wrote:

>   Alan, thanks for your response. I work with Sergio, we need to do it
> on a per message basis so checking the logs it's not an option. Is
> there another way? Thanks.
> Alan McNatty wrote:
>> Hi Sergio,
>> Is this a one-off problem or something you wish to do on a per
>> message basis (on-going)? If it's for debugging only you could you
>> run tcpdump or equivalent to capture raw traffic. Otherwise try
>> setting log-level=0 in your kannel config and see if you can find the
>> information you are after in the logs (or include the full logs in
>> reply to the list for more help).
>> HTH's,
>> Alan
>> Sergio Gallegos wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   i hope can u help me with this problem , i need recover the answer
>>> of the operator , but i can't, the answer is of type message , the
>>> log is this:
>>> 2010-04-23 13:17:20 [14852] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
>>>  from <>
>>> 2010-04-23 13:17:20 [14852] [3] INFO: sendsms used by 
>>> 2010-04-23 13:17:20 [14852] [3] INFO: sendsms sender:(outis:>
>>> ( to:(11> msg:( Respuesta desde la >
>>> 2010-04-23 13:17:20 [14852] [4] INFO: Starting delivery report
>>>  from 
>>> 2010-04-23 13:17:26 [14852] [4] INFO: Starting to service >> STAT: false AUTH: 13> from  to <11>
>>> Needed sending to URL the value of  AUTH  , but i dont know how to.

Re: Re[2]: DLR parameter variables

2008-03-29 Thread Bibek Shrestha
this should be really helpful

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 7:00 PM, seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the sms-service url is not of big use ..
>  instead set unique dlr-url value for each MT message along with dlr-mask 
> value to 31
>  something like
> "";
>  the smsID is your unique internal ID so you mya keep track on the status
>  -Original Message-
>  From: Bibek Shrestha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: 29  2008 ?.
>  To: seik
>  Subject:DLR parameter variables
>  > How did i miss it?
>  > thanks a lot
>  > On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:01 AM, seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> Table 6-9. Parameters (Escape Codes)
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>  
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>  -Original Message-
>  >>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >>  Sent: 28  2008 ?.
>  >>  To: seik
>  >>  Subject:DLR parameter variables
>  >>
>  >>  > Can someone explain the parameters accepted by
>  >>  > dlr-url in the sendsms-user,
>  >>  > i checked the userdocs but it wasn't there
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>

Bibek Shrestha
YoungInnovations Pvt. Ltd.
GPO 8976 EPC 241
Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal

Re: Re[2]: wap push project

2008-04-15 Thread Juan Nin
On that Wap Push you're sending an SI (Service Indication) which
contains the URL of the content to download
So you must serve your content on a webserver

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 6:50 AM, seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the rich media content can not be sent to the mobiles
>  you send the location of the content via WAP PUSH sms
>  regarding the wap push creation, sending and delivery reports search the 
> mailing list,
>  there are several very detailed explanations for.
>  -Original Message-
>  Sent: 15 Април 2008 г.
>  To: seik
>  Subject:wap push project
>  > thanks but how can i send the contant to mobile and how i can
>  > tell him where contant location ?
>  > seik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > in short,
>  > you do not send directly any content to the recipient via wap push
>  > its binary sms providing the receiver's mobile device
>  > with information about the URL of web server hosted content
>  > so in general, via the wap push sms you send the location, i.e. the URL
>  > of a particular file to the client.
>  > its their choice to download the content or not.
>  > -Original Message-
>  > From: mohmmad jarwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > Sent: 15 ? 2008 ?.
>  > To: seik
>  > Subject:wap push project
>  >> Hi
>  >>
>  >> i want to do wap push project to send ringtone and pictuer to mobile
>  >>
>  >> this is my kannel config
>  >>
>  >> /
>  >> group = core
>  >> admin-port = 15000
>  >> admin-password = ros123
>  >> admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>  >> admin-allow-ip = ""
>  >> wapbox-port = 13002
>  >> wdp-interface-name = "vas"
>  >> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
>  >> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>  >> box-allow-ip = ""
>  >> group = wapbox
>  >> bearerbox-host = localhost
>  >> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> group = ppg
>  >> ppg-url = /wappush
>  >> ppg-port = 8080
>  >> concurrent-pushes = 50
>  >> users = 52
>  >> ppg-allow-ip =;
>  >> trusted-pi = false
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> group = wap-push-user
>  >> wap-push-user = picom
>  >> ppg-username = "vas"
>  >> ppg-password = ros123
>  >> allow-ip =
>  >> /
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> and this is my code
>  >> 
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> $host = 'localhost';
>  >> $port = '8080';
>  >> $url = "http://$host:$port";;
>  >> $wap_push_id = 1;
>  >> $xx="http://ci/uploads/$name";;
>  >> //$file= bin2hex($xx);
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> $body = "--multipart-boundary\r\n".
>  >> "Content-type: application/xml\r\n\r\n".
>  >> ' '."\r\n".
>  >> '> '""; >'."\r\n".
>  >> ' '."\r\n".
>  >> ' '."\r\n".
>  >> '
>  >> address-value="WAPPUSH='.$phone_no.'/TYPE=PLMN"/>'."\r\n".
>  >> ' bearer="SMS"/>>'.
>  >> " \r\n".
>  >> " \r\n\r\n".
>  >> "--multipart-boundary\r\n".
>  >> "Content-type: text/\r\n\r\n".
>  >> ' '."\r\n".
>  >> '> '"";>'."\r\n".
>  >> " \r\n".
>  >> ' > href="'.$push_url.'">'.$text.' '."\r\n".
>  >> " \r\n".
>  >> "--multipart-boundary--\r\n";
>  >> $post = "POST /wappush HTTP/1.1\r\n".
>  >> "Host: $host:$port\r\n".
>  >> "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$ppg_user:$ppg_pass")."\r\n";
>  >> "X-Kannel-SMSC: $smsc_id\r\n".
>  >> 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=multipart-boundary;
>  >> type="application/xml"'."\r\n".
>  >> "Content-Length: ".strlen($body)."\r\n"."\r\n".$body;
>  >> //echo $url;
>  >> $ch = curl_init();
>  >> curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
>  >> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
>  >> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
>  >> curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST , $post);
>  >> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
>  >> $reply = curl_exec($ch);
>  >> curl_close ($ch);
>  >> if (empty($reply))
>  >> {
>  >> print "Sorry, are a bunch of poopy-heads.
>  > ";
>  >> }
>  >> else
>  >> {
>  >> print $reply;
>  >> }
>  >>
>  >> ///
>  >>
>  >> the problem is where and how i put the contant ( ringtone or pictuer 
> . ) and i don't use sms gatway that effect on sending ( must i use it to 
> send mms ).
>  >> can any one help me and thanx.
>  >> between -00-00 and -99-99
>  > Yahoo! for Good helps you
>  >> 
> href="**";>make
>  a difference
>  > between -00-00 and -99-99  Yahoo! for Good helps you   > 
> href="**";>make
>  a difference

Juan Nin
3Cinteractive / Mobilizing Great Brands

RE: [Fwd: Re: Receive binary sms]

2008-05-08 Thread info.ubichip
I will try but it doesn't explain the strange parenthesis :
do you have any example of code ?


From: Mihai Zsigmond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: jeudi 8 mai 2008 02:49
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Receive binary sms]

Dear info.ubichip,
Your problem is in coding of the original message + urlencode or the
So, use %s to tell you the coding of the message and %r to actually read the
content. Please note that the sequence you see 

%3F(%A3%40%E9%24%40%40%40%40%40%40%40  is urlencoded

If the coding is UTF16-BE use iconv routine of your system to convert it to
its actual content.

I'm using this trick to convert SMS containing national characters to plain

Hope it helps.


info.ubichip wrote: 

Any people got experience of sms service with %b ?

>From the kannel guide, we got :

%b the original SMS message, in a binary form 

I was using it but unfortunelty for me the result was the same as %a !

If someone got some ideas on this issue ?



-Original Message-

From: info.ubichip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: mercredi 7 mai 2008 16:25


Subject: RE: Receive binary sms

Hello all,

I forget to precise that the originator sms was in hex and it looks like the

folliwng line when I sent it with another modem application :








My need is to get the same hexa result transmit by kannel throug the sms

service to the target web application.

Does someone got any idea ?


-Original Message-

From: info.ubichip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: mercredi 7 mai 2008 13:18


Subject: Receive binary sms


I'm looking to receive binary sms and I would to forward them to an external

application web. 

I'm using sms service but the content of the sms is not I was looking for :

2008-05-07 21:44:45  QueryString:








Here are the string I received from access.log of kannel :

2008-05-07 21:47:31 Receive SMS [SMSC:GSM0] [SVC:] [ACT:] [BINF:]

[from:+xx] [to:yyy] [flags:-1:0:-1:0:-1]

[msg:160:?([EMAIL PROTECTED]?è&Qòéì?%



As you could see there is some tricky characters at the beginning of the

content. How to tell kannel to send them as binary (I already tried to put

&b=%b but with same wrong result).

Hope someone got the answer

Best regards


Mihai Zsigmond
Telemedia Consult srl
tel: +40 21 316 0577
mobil: +40 746 091 360 

Mihai Zsigmond
Telemedia Consult srl
tel: +40 21 316 0577
mobil: +40 746 091 360 

Re: Re[2]: problem with sqlbox

2008-05-30 Thread Alejandro Guerrieri

Thanks for the pointer. I think it could be fixed more or less easily on
sqlbox, I'll give it a few shots on the weekend.



2008/5/30 Thomas Göttgens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Alejandro and all,
> i have come across this before, the same problem, strings terminating after
> a NULL character. From what i have found out, the strings are handled
> correctly as octstr in the code, but the actual mysql insert does not encode
> the payload to a binary insert and hence the 00 clipping occurs within the
> mysql driver.
> There is no easy fix because the representation of data needs to be
> converted to a binary safe syntax for the mysql insert. That's where i
> stopped, cause i am not that firm in c, and used the method of repeating the
> port in the UDH sequence like described earlier.
> a pointer for fixing this in sqlbox would be
> Thursday, May 29, 2008, 4:38:48 PM, you wrote:
> The hex values as a string? Could you paste a sample query of what you're
> doing?
> Regards,
> Alejandro
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried with sqlbox-standalone also but the same thing happened again.
> Can u tell me in what form I should submit the udhdata and msgdata into
> database. Currently I am inserting the hex values only.
> Thanks and regards,
> Tushar Chauhan
> From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
> Well, looks a lot like a bug. Maybe the string is treated as a null
> terminated C string instead of an Octstr somewhere on sqlbox code. That
> would explain that behaviour, but more testings are needed to confirm that.
> Furthermore, the sqlbox patch is quite outdated and deprecated, you should
> try running the sqlbox-standalone package along with latest stable kannel
> (the cvs branch is quite stable as well). sqlbox-standalone works
> independently from kannel, so no patching is necessary on kannel's tree.
> Maybe the problem was fixed on newer releases, try updating and if the
> problem persists then let us know.
> Regards,
> Alejandro
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:15 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have already done that …. After putting 1581 instead of  I got the
> UDH right but the message data part was still trimmed after "00" as I have
> shown below.
> I need to send the full message. Please help me with this/
> Thanks and regards,
> Tushar Chauhan
> From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 8:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
> Try putting 1581, instead of , should work...
> Regards,
> Alejandro
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No my sms is not exceeding 160 chars. The size of the message pasted below
> is also 91. so I don't think there is any problem with the size of the
> message.
> Moreover the same message is getting delivered when I send it thru' the
> http url of kannel.
> Tushar Chauhan
> From: Kashif Ali Bukhari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:41 PM
> To: Tushar
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
> may be you sms is exceeding 160 characters and telco doesn't support
> concatenation .
> Tushar wrote:
> Hello all,
>I am running kannel version 1.4.1 with sqlbox patch and TLV
> patch. I am having following problem with sqlbox :
> Whenever I am trying to submit monotone or any other binary message with
> UDH, e.g, let us consider a monotone with
> UDH =  0605041581
> And
> 024A3A515195C9940400791CC512495412424E314492550490938C512495412424E314488498498518520552560520498498498518520552560520498939039038C512612814494812824E20E4144985205D855A51A55849854A00
> Now whenever I am trying to send this message through sqlbox. I am getting
> nothing on my phone when I checked the logs I found out that
> Sqlbox sent the message with following details:
> UDH= 0605041581
> And
> DATA = 024A3A515195C99404
> I don't know what's happening but I think sqlbox is removing everything
> after it gets "00" in UDH or data part.
> If somebody got the same problem, Please help me to fix this.
> Thanks and regards,
> Tushar Chauhan
> --
> Best regards,
>  Thomasmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[2]: problem with sqlbox

2008-05-30 Thread Alejandro Guerrieri
 BTW, you're inserting the records into send_sms, or are you inserting them
into the sendsms interface?



On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Alejandro Guerrieri <

> Thomas,
> Thanks for the pointer. I think it could be fixed more or less easily on
> sqlbox, I'll give it a few shots on the weekend.
> Regards,
> Alejandro
> 2008/5/30 Thomas Göttgens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Alejandro and all,
>> i have come across this before, the same problem, strings terminating
>> after a NULL character. From what i have found out, the strings are handled
>> correctly as octstr in the code, but the actual mysql insert does not encode
>> the payload to a binary insert and hence the 00 clipping occurs within the
>> mysql driver.
>> There is no easy fix because the representation of data needs to be
>> converted to a binary safe syntax for the mysql insert. That's where i
>> stopped, cause i am not that firm in c, and used the method of repeating the
>> port in the UDH sequence like described earlier.
>> a pointer for fixing this in sqlbox would be
>> Thursday, May 29, 2008, 4:38:48 PM, you wrote:
>> The hex values as a string? Could you paste a sample query of what you're
>> doing?
>> Regards,
>> Alejandro
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I tried with sqlbox-standalone also but the same thing happened again.
>> Can u tell me in what form I should submit the udhdata and msgdata into
>> database. Currently I am inserting the hex values only.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Tushar Chauhan
>> From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:52 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
>> Well, looks a lot like a bug. Maybe the string is treated as a null
>> terminated C string instead of an Octstr somewhere on sqlbox code. That
>> would explain that behaviour, but more testings are needed to confirm that.
>> Furthermore, the sqlbox patch is quite outdated and deprecated, you should
>> try running the sqlbox-standalone package along with latest stable kannel
>> (the cvs branch is quite stable as well). sqlbox-standalone works
>> independently from kannel, so no patching is necessary on kannel's tree.
>> Maybe the problem was fixed on newer releases, try updating and if the
>> problem persists then let us know.
>> Regards,
>> Alejandro
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:15 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have already done that …. After putting 1581 instead of  I got the
>> UDH right but the message data part was still trimmed after "00" as I have
>> shown below.
>> I need to send the full message. Please help me with this/
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Tushar Chauhan
>> From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 8:46 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
>> Try putting 1581, instead of , should work...
>> Regards,
>> Alejandro
>> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No my sms is not exceeding 160 chars. The size of the message pasted below
>> is also 91. so I don't think there is any problem with the size of the
>> message.
>> Moreover the same message is getting delivered when I send it thru' the
>> http url of kannel.
>> Tushar Chauhan
>> From: Kashif Ali Bukhari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:41 PM
>> To: Tushar
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
>> may be you sms is exceeding 160 characters and telco doesn't support
>> concatenation .
>> Tushar wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>I am running kannel version 1.4.1 with sqlbox patch and TLV
>> patch. I am having following problem with sqlbox :
>> Whenever I am trying to submit monotone or any other binary message with
>> UDH, e.g, let us consider a monotone with
>> UDH =  0605041581
>> And
>> DATA=
>> 024A3A515195C9940400791CC512495412424E314492550490938C512495412424E314488498498518520552560520498498498518520552560520498939039038C512612814494812824E20E4144985205D855A51A55849854A00
>> Now whenever I am trying to send this message through sqlbox. I am getting
>> nothing on my phone when I checked the logs I found out that
>> Sqlbox sent the message with following details:
>> UDH= 0605041581
>> And
>> DATA = 024A3A515195C99404
>> I don't know what's happening but I think sqlbox is removing everything
>> after it gets "00" in UDH or data part.
>> If somebody got the same problem, Please help me to fix this.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Tushar Chauhan
>> --
>> Best regards,
>>  Thomasmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re[2]: problem with sqlbox

2008-06-02 Thread Tushar
Hi all,

   Any updates on this problem. I went through the mysql link but I am

Thanks and regards,
Tushar Chauhan

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Göttgens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:57 PM
To: Alejandro Guerrieri
Subject: Re[2]: problem with sqlbox

Hello Alejandro and all,

i have come across this before, the same problem, strings terminating after
a NULL character. From what i have found out, the strings are handled
correctly as octstr in the code, but the actual mysql insert does not encode
the payload to a binary insert and hence the 00 clipping occurs within the
mysql driver.

There is no easy fix because the representation of data needs to be
converted to a binary safe syntax for the mysql insert. That's where i
stopped, cause i am not that firm in c, and used the method of repeating the
port in the UDH sequence like described earlier.

a pointer for fixing this in sqlbox would be

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 4:38:48 PM, you wrote:

The hex values as a string? Could you paste a sample query of what you're



On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried with sqlbox-standalone also but the same thing happened again.
Can u tell me in what form I should submit the udhdata and msgdata into
database. Currently I am inserting the hex values only.
Thanks and regards,
Tushar Chauhan

From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
Well, looks a lot like a bug. Maybe the string is treated as a null
terminated C string instead of an Octstr somewhere on sqlbox code. That
would explain that behaviour, but more testings are needed to confirm that.

Furthermore, the sqlbox patch is quite outdated and deprecated, you should
try running the sqlbox-standalone package along with latest stable kannel
(the cvs branch is quite stable as well). sqlbox-standalone works
independently from kannel, so no patching is necessary on kannel's tree.

Maybe the problem was fixed on newer releases, try updating and if the
problem persists then let us know.


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:15 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have already done that …. After putting 1581 instead of  I got the UDH
right but the message data part was still trimmed after "00" as I have shown
I need to send the full message. Please help me with this/
Thanks and regards,
Tushar Chauhan

From: Alejandro Guerrieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 8:46 PM

Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
Try putting 1581, instead of , should work...


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No my sms is not exceeding 160 chars. The size of the message pasted below
is also 91. so I don't think there is any problem with the size of the
Moreover the same message is getting delivered when I send it thru' the http
url of kannel.
Tushar Chauhan

From: Kashif Ali Bukhari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:41 PM
To: Tushar
Subject: Re: problem with sqlbox
may be you sms is exceeding 160 characters and telco doesn't support
concatenation . 

Tushar wrote: 
Hello all,
I am running kannel version 1.4.1 with sqlbox patch and TLV
patch. I am having following problem with sqlbox :
Whenever I am trying to submit monotone or any other binary message with
UDH, e.g, let us consider a monotone with 
UDH =  0605041581
Now whenever I am trying to send this message through sqlbox. I am getting
nothing on my phone when I checked the logs I found out that 
Sqlbox sent the message with following details:
UDH= 0605041581
DATA = 024A3A515195C99404
I don't know what's happening but I think sqlbox is removing everything
after it gets "00" in UDH or data part.
If somebody got the same problem, Please help me to fix this.
Thanks and regards,
Tushar Chauhan

Best regards,
 Thomasmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[3]: smsc message ID

2008-06-13 Thread Tharanga
Hey guys,

Finally  i have successfully completed the "mission" of dilervery report
nottifications using the unique dlr-url for each sms. if any one need it i
can send my script.

special thank goes to the seik and the mailing list members . thanks guys


- Original Message -
From: "seik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:33 PM
Subject: Re[3]: smsc message ID

> each request, either to the send-sms interface, either the sql injection
in the sqlbox send_sms table
> should be with its unique dlr-url value
> you may achieve that with adding some extra parameters in the dlr-url ..
> as i am repeating myself , read the post bellow...
> / track the value of smsID, you will see its identical in all the dlr-url
values .. /
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 10 Юни 2008 г.
> To: seik
> Subject:smsc message ID
> > M. Seik,
> > How to set an unique drl-url per MT message 
> > Date : 09/06/08 22:43:46
> > A :
> > Sujet : Re: smsc message ID
> > you do not need the smsc id
> > all you need is to set YOUR unique dlr-url per MT message
> > to achieve that, add in the dlr-url something like
> > MysmsID=6be1268d3d7d99e6ec99e9138e77d6ea
> > make sure the value of the MysmsID sould is unique
> > and use it to trace the status of the MT message.
> > the db based dlr queue has nothing to do with the delivery reports per
message ...
> > it just saves the queue in a db, to avoid loss of data in case of OS
crash ...
> > example of dlr-url:
> >
> > resulting dlr-url:
> > - - [09/Jun/2008:22:45:37 +0300] "GET
> >
annel_id=a890dfe9-72a9-48db-b98d-cd7c533c5958 HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-"
> > - - [09/Jun/2008:22:45:45 +0300] "GET
> >
ad-4014-b08f-91d152fd0388 HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-" "Kannel/cvs-20070627"
> > i think you will deal from here
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 09 ??? 2008 ?.
> > To: seik
> > Subject:smsc message ID
> >> Hello everybody,
> >> I am currently working on getting delivery receipts on my dlr-url.
> >> When I query the sendsms cgi-bin interface :
> >>
> >> dlr-url looking like that:
> >> http://localhost/dlr.php?id=Ardn6l&state=%d&smsid=%I
> >> The %I only gives me the "internal" message ID kannel generated.
> >> I would like the actual (aggregator) smsc message ID
> >> On a side not, I am using a pgsql dlr queue, and I can see my message
> >> being stored into the ts (timestamp) field.
> >> Thank you for your help,
> >> Eric
> > My...o? ? You...quoi ? Face...qui ?... Vous ne savez plus comment ?tre
vous-m?me ?
> > Pour Cr?er, Partager et enfin Gagner ... D?couvrez iDOO en vid?o

Re: Re[3]: smsc message ID

2008-06-13 Thread Azaman Suleiman
Hi Tharanga,
Perhaps you can put the script here for others to use if the need arise.


On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Tharanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Finally  i have successfully completed the "mission" of dilervery report
> nottifications using the unique dlr-url for each sms. if any one need it i
> can send my script.
> special thank goes to the seik and the mailing list members . thanks guys
> --Tharanga-
> - Original Message -
> From: "seik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:33 PM
> Subject: Re[3]: smsc message ID
> > each request, either to the send-sms interface, either the sql injection
> in the sqlbox send_sms table
> > should be with its unique dlr-url value
> >
> > you may achieve that with adding some extra parameters in the dlr-url ..
> >
> > as i am repeating myself , read the post bellow...
> > / track the value of smsID, you will see its identical in all the dlr-url
> values .. /
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 10 Юни 2008 г.
> > To: seik
> > Subject:smsc message ID
> >
> > > M. Seik,
> > > How to set an unique drl-url per MT message 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Date : 09/06/08 22:43:46
> > > A :
> >
> > > Sujet : Re: smsc message ID
> > > you do not need the smsc id
> >
> > > all you need is to set YOUR unique dlr-url per MT message
> >
> > > to achieve that, add in the dlr-url something like
> >
> > > MysmsID=6be1268d3d7d99e6ec99e9138e77d6ea
> > > make sure the value of the MysmsID sould is unique
> > > and use it to trace the status of the MT message.
> >
> > > the db based dlr queue has nothing to do with the delivery reports per
> message ...
> > > it just saves the queue in a db, to avoid loss of data in case of OS
> crash ...
> >
> > > example of dlr-url:
> > >
> "
> http://localhost/dlr.pgsql.php?smscID=%i&dlr=%d&answer=%A&to=%p&from=%P&ts=
> %T&smsID=07fceb25372fcc4cb847c7099008500e&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I<http://localhost/dlr.pgsql.php?smscID=%i&dlr=%d&answer=%A&to=%p&from=%P&ts=%T&smsID=07fceb25372fcc4cb847c7099008500e&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I>
> "
> >
> > > resulting dlr-url:
> >
> > > - - [09/Jun/2008:22:45:37 +0300] "GET
> > >
> /dlr.pgsql.php?smscID=mtel&dlr=8&answer=ACK%2F&to=%2B3591&from=1916&
> ts=1213040737&smsID=nonfd9c1ff6b66bc510c785ffac6fb0b754&charset=ISO-8859-1&k
> annel_id=a890dfe9-72a9-48db-b98d-cd7c533c5958 HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-"
> "Kannel/cvs-20070627"
> > > - - [09/Jun/2008:22:45:45 +0300] "GET
> > >
> /dlr.pgsql.php?smscID=mtel&dlr=1&answer=id%3A0302419579+sub%3A001+dlvrd%3A00
> 1+submit+date%3A0806092245+done+date%3A0806092245+stat%3ADELIVRD+err%3A000+t
> ext%3ABlagodarim+Vi+za+Vas&to=%2B3591&from=1916&ts=1213040745&smsID=
> nonfd9c1ff6b66bc510c785ffac6fb0b754&charset=ISO-8859-1&kannel_id=41e9cd46-90
> ad-4014-b08f-91d152fd0388 HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-" "Kannel/cvs-20070627"
> >
> > > i think you will deal from here
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Sent: 09 ??? 2008 ?.
> > > To: seik
> > > Subject:smsc message ID
> >
> > >> Hello everybody,
> >
> >
> > >> I am currently working on getting delivery receipts on my dlr-url.
> >
> > >> When I query the sendsms cgi-bin interface :
> > >>
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/sendsms?user=username&pass=password&from=xxx&to
> =xxx&smsc=mysmsc&text=some+text&mclass=1&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=http%3A<http://localhost/cgi-bin/sendsms?user=username&pass=password&from=xxx&to=xxx&smsc=mysmsc&text=some+text&mclass=1&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=http%3A>
> %2F%2Flocalhost%2Fdlr.php%3Fid%3DArdn6lE4%26state%3D%25d%26smsid%3D%25I
> >
> > >> dlr-url looking like that:
> >
> > >> http://localhost/dlr.php?id=Ardn6l&state=%d&smsid=%I
> >
> > >> The %I only gives me the "internal" message ID kannel generated.
> >
> > >> I would like the actual (aggregator) smsc message ID
> >
> > >> On a side not, I am using a pgsql dlr queue, and I can see my message
> ID
> > >> being stored into the ts (timestamp) field.
> >
> > >> Thank you for your help,
> >
> > >> Eric
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > My...o? ? You...quoi ? Face...qui ?... Vous ne savez plus comment ?tre
> vous-m?me ?
> > > Pour Cr?er, Partager et enfin Gagner ... D?couvrez iDOO en vid?o
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2008-12-21 Thread creeds

Even i am in need of this solution.
Hope u have already got the solution as this post is quite a long time
so help me out to send a ringtones when one send sms with certain keywords
requesting ringtones.


mamunbabubd wrote:
> please answer me the following question:
> I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to
> use wap push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:
> 1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.
> 2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.
> To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify
> the keyword for ringtone in kannnel.conf for incoming message that will
> eventually pass the request for wap push SI.
> Thanks
> Mamun
> --
> This message was sent on behalf of at

View this message in context:
Sent from the Kannel - User mailing list archive at

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2008-12-21 Thread hafez ahmad
Hi creeds,

the below tutorial to send the content as wap push, hope it help you

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:42 PM, creeds  wrote:

> Even i am in need of this solution.
> Hope u have already got the solution as this post is quite a long time
> so help me out to send a ringtones when one send sms with certain keywords
> requesting ringtones.
> regards,
> mamunbabubd wrote:
> >
> >
> > please answer me the following question:
> >
> > I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to
> > use wap push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:
> >
> > 1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.
> > 2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.
> >
> > To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify
> > the keyword for ringtone in kannnel.conf for incoming message that will
> > eventually pass the request for wap push SI.
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> > Mamun
> >
> > --
> > This message was sent on behalf of at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Kannel - User mailing list archive at

Hafez A.Ahmad

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2008-12-21 Thread Nikos Balkanas

I would like to suggest an alternative approach, using wapbox's ppg:

1) Configure sms service by keyword:

group = sms-service
keyword = ringtone
get-url = "http://server1:15130/sms.php?user=xxx&pass=xxx&from=%p&to=%P&text=%r";

This should route your sms + keywords to your php web server. Now you are in 
the driver's seat.

2) Use wapbox ppg to push link

group = ppg
ppg-url = "/feedme"
ppg-port = 13007
default-smsc = smsc1
concurrent-pushes = 1000
trusted-pi = true
users = 1024
service-name = ppg
ppg-sm-id = dlrbox
default-dlr-url = 
#ppg-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
ppg-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"

# PPG USER SETUP, for authorizing a specific push user

group = wap-push-user
wap-push-user = wapuser
ppg-username = xxx
ppg-password = xxx
default-smsc = smsc1

This is all the setup needed to send the WAP push with the link through smsc1.

3) Program sms.php from (1) as the push initiator.

Basically you just need to do an XML POST to 
The post data should be:

Content-Type: application/xml";>

Content-Type: text/";>
Eminem: Cleanin' Out My Closet

You should also include the following MIME header:

Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=asdlfkjiurwghasf

All servers, server1 (php service), server2 (dlrs), kannel (bearerbox, wapbox & 
smsbox) can be on the same machine or different ones. You will definitely need 
bearerbox and wapbox, and if you want dlrs, smsbox. 

I consider simple POSTing more straightforward in php than sending wbxml 
through extending classes. You can also skip php altogether.
You can use the 'exec' field in sms-service to pipe sms to an executable 
(script or C) which by itself can create the POST request and push it to wapbox.

Hope it helps,
  - Original Message - 
  From: hafez ahmad 
  To: creeds 
  Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 3:30 PM
  Subject: Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

  Hi creeds,

  the below tutorial to send the content as wap push, hope it help you


  On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:42 PM, creeds  wrote:

Even i am in need of this solution.
Hope u have already got the solution as this post is quite a long time
so help me out to send a ringtones when one send sms with certain keywords
requesting ringtones.


mamunbabubd wrote:
> please answer me the following question:
> I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to
> use wap push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:
> 1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.
> 2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.
> To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify
> the keyword for ringtone in kannnel.conf for incoming message that will
> eventually pass the request for wap push SI.
> Thanks
> Mamun
> --
> This message was sent on behalf of at

View this message in context:
Sent from the Kannel - User mailing list archive at

  Hafez A.Ahmad

RE: Re[2]: 7bit encoded messages

2009-06-09 Thread Remon
Yes it works now. Thanks Guys J.


From: Thomas Göttgens [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 1:10 PM
To: Remon
Subject: Re[2]: 7bit encoded messages


Hello Remon,





the % in front of 05 is missing.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 11:55:32 AM, you wrote:


Hi I tried this but it says UDH is not correct L








From: Falko Ziemann [] 

Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 12:32 PM

To: Remon

Cc: 'Nikos Balkanas';

Subject: Re: 7bit encoded messages


Just add the field UDH.

So send the text als normal:








I could not test this currently, but should work.





Am 09.06.2009 um 11:12 schrieb Remon:



Thanks Falko,


I will tell you my problems, I need to send long concatenated messages from
kannel, I found that I should encode the messages to 7bit and add the header
before sending them, have been searching a while on this point with no
success, I need a working example to follow but unfortunately I’m unable to
find any.


Please note that I need to handle text message fragmentation from my
application and not from Kannel.






From: Falko Ziemann [ <>] 

Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:40 AM

To: Nikos Balkanas

Cc: Remon;  <>

Subject: Re: 7bit encoded messages


Nikos: use lynx for suspicious URLs ;-)


I think you (remon) make a major mistake in your thoughts how kannel works.
When you set coding=0 kannels _output_ is 7bit. The charset of the _input_
is defined in the HTTP-header of the client triggering kannel. So you can
use, let's say, UTF-16 in the URL and when you set coding=0 kannel makes it
7bit. But when you send something like "%E8%32%" and you client claims "this
is UTF-8" and then kannel tries to translate it to 7bit you get
strange results.





Am 09.06.2009 um 01:07 schrieb Nikos Balkanas:






I am very sceptic when using unknown URLs. Could you please describe in




- Original Message -

From:  <> Remon

To:  <> 'Nikos Balkanas'

Cc:  <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 1:49 AM

Subject: RE: 7bit encoded messages


The below URL is an example of 7bit encoded text, when I send it using
coding=0 I receive trash on my phone. I think I’m missing something here.





From: Nikos Balkanas [ <>] 

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 3:30 AM

To: Remon

Cc:  <>

Subject: Re: 7bit encoded messages




Use &coding=0 in your URL.




- Original Message -

From:  <> Remon

To:  <>

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 1:32 AM

Subject: 7bit encoded messages




How can I send 7bit encoded text messages using Kannel’s http send












Best regards,

 Thomas <>

Re: Re: [REPOST] DLR on wappushes ?

2005-09-15 Thread Julien Buratto

Aarno Syvänen wrote:

Can you brief me about issue. I have been out of Kannel list
some time, but can perhaps now help you.


I'm making a "POST" to wapbox attaching 2 XML files:
- pap
scope: to send a wappush sms with DLR (sms DLR, not wappush being 

No problems at all about the wappush message, just about the DLR it's 
not getting back even if I do set the dlr-mask to 31 and dlr-url correctly.

It seems to me that the WAPBOX cannot accept http parameters.

I'm not talking about the wappush being understood, just about the fact 
that the SID sms has been delivered to the phone.

In the past I used to send wappushes using smsbox and a http GET 
directed to smsbox just setting udh and encoded binary sms and the DLR 
was working fine.


Re: Was: Re: Destination and src_addr

2006-02-07 Thread Girts Legzdins
The routing I figured out.
But now I need, that SMSC1 changes the sender number to one I need.
The SMSC2 can leave the one that he knows and that is working now.

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 14:27:48 +0200, Girts Legzdins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So...
> I think this is a sms routing problem, or smth like that.
> So I have 2 SMSC's
> And I need to set it up so, that when a SMS comes in through SMSC1 a reply
> is sent out through SMSC1
> and so with SMSC2.
Girts Legzdins
Head Of IT Group
Latvia, Riga
Ventspils 56/58

Re: RE Authorization failed for sendsms

2006-03-07 Thread Leonardo Torrella
No, your includes are fine.
So in order to use the sendsms interface you must use one of the
sendsms-user defined on the smsbox.conf file.


> Hi Rene,
> Thanks. My kannel.conf uses 'Includes':
> include = /etc/kannel/modems.conf
> include = /etc/kannel/smsbox.conf
> include = /etc/kannel/wapbox.conf
> My 'group = sendsms-user' is actually in /etc/kannel/smsbox.conf, are
> you saying that it *must* be in kannel.conf?
> regards, Nooey.
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 00:25:49 +0100, "Rene Kluwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
> > User kannel & corresponding password have to exist in group =
> > sendsms-user
> > in kannel.conf.
> >
> > Rene Kluwen
> > Chimit
> --
> --
> - IMAP accessible web-mail

Re: Fwd: Re: About Delivery Report

2006-05-02 Thread Wayne Khan
Effectively received the message? If you're asking about charset and 
encoding, then no.

The smsc can only report on the delivery -- not content -- of the sms.


- Messaggio inoltrato da [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Data: Tue,  2 May 2006 11:07:44 +0200
 Oggetto: Re: About Delivery Report

Hi Wayne,
thank you for your help.
I have some other questions.
We can know if kannel send the message to the smsc.
But it is possible to know if the phone receiving the message it has
received the message?
THnak You!

Scrive Wayne Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


A status of 8 means "smsc submit"; i.e. submitted to the telco but not 
delivered to the recipient.

After you switch on the mobile, it should run the script again, this 
time with status 1, i.e. telco has delivered to the recipient.

So far I've never had status 4 before, only 1, 8 and 16. I suppose 2 
could occur when the recipient mailbox is full.


I've a problem with delivery report.

On the chapter 9 of the guide there are 5 types of delyvery report, one of


is : 4 - Message Buffered, that should happen when message is accepted by


but the phone is out of reach.

So, I've tried to send a message to my mobile phone but before send it,


switched my mobile off.

After I sent the message, I've received the delivery report status 8


Should I receive status 4 (BUFFERED)?
Thank You!


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Fwd: Re: About Delivery Report

2006-05-02 Thread supporto1
Hi wayne, tnx again,
I'm just asking for a report, yes or no, not for the content of the sms.
So, is it possible to know via kannel if the smsc effectively sent the message
to the receiving phone?
I'm always receiving status 8 on my reports that indicate "smsc submit" but not
that the smsc be delivered the sms. 
How to know this? How to be reported that the smsc delivered the message?
Thank you!

Scrive Wayne Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Effectively received the message? If you're asking about charset and 
> encoding, then no.
> The smsc can only report on the delivery -- not content -- of the sms.
> > - Messaggio inoltrato da [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> > Data: Tue,  2 May 2006 11:07:44 +0200
> > Rispondi-A:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  Oggetto: Re: About Delivery Report
> >
> > Hi Wayne,
> > thank you for your help.
> > I have some other questions.
> > We can know if kannel send the message to the smsc.
> > But it is possible to know if the phone receiving the message it has
> > effectively
> > received the message?
> > THnak You!
> >
> >
> >
> > Scrive Wayne Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >   
> >> Hi,
> >> A status of 8 means "smsc submit"; i.e. submitted to the telco but not 
> >> delivered to the recipient.
> >>
> >> After you switch on the mobile, it should run the script again, this 
> >> time with status 1, i.e. telco has delivered to the recipient.
> >>
> >> So far I've never had status 4 before, only 1, 8 and 16. I suppose 2 
> >> could occur when the recipient mailbox is full.
> >>
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Hi, 
> >>> I've a problem with delivery report.
> >>> On the chapter 9 of the guide there are 5 types of delyvery report, one
> of
> >>>   
> >> this
> >> 
> >>> is : 4 - Message Buffered, that should happen when message is accepted
> by
> >>>   
> >> SMSC
> >> 
> >>> but the phone is out of reach.
> >>>
> >>> So, I've tried to send a message to my mobile phone but before send it,
> >>>   
> >> i've
> >> 
> >>> switched my mobile off.
> >>>
> >>> After I sent the message, I've received the delivery report status 8
> >>>   
> >> (SENT).
> >> 
> >>> Should I receive status 4 (BUFFERED)?
> >>> Thank You!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> -- 
> >> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> >> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> >> believed to be clean.
> -- 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.

Re: Fwd: Re: About Delivery Report

2006-05-02 Thread Wayne Khan
Yes, a delivery status of 1 indicates that the message is delivered to 
the recipient.

The thing is, there may be multiple delivery reports for a single SMS. 
Say you switch off the phone and send a message. It should status 8. 
Switch on the phone and you get a new delivery report with status 1.

So you have to do some checking if the _final_ delivery report indicates 
that it has been sent.

I use an autoincrement field and use SQL max() to get the latest report.


Hi wayne, tnx again,
I'm just asking for a report, yes or no, not for the content of the sms.
So, is it possible to know via kannel if the smsc effectively sent the message
to the receiving phone?
I'm always receiving status 8 on my reports that indicate "smsc submit" but not
that the smsc be delivered the sms. 
How to know this? How to be reported that the smsc delivered the message?

Thank you!

Scrive Wayne Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Effectively received the message? If you're asking about charset and 
encoding, then no.

The smsc can only report on the delivery -- not content -- of the sms.


- Messaggio inoltrato da [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Data: Tue,  2 May 2006 11:07:44 +0200
 Oggetto: Re: About Delivery Report

Hi Wayne,
thank you for your help.
I have some other questions.
We can know if kannel send the message to the smsc.
But it is possible to know if the phone receiving the message it has
received the message?
THnak You!

Scrive Wayne Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


A status of 8 means "smsc submit"; i.e. submitted to the telco but not 
delivered to the recipient.

After you switch on the mobile, it should run the script again, this 
time with status 1, i.e. telco has delivered to the recipient.

So far I've never had status 4 before, only 1, 8 and 16. I suppose 2 
could occur when the recipient mailbox is full.


I've a problem with delivery report.

On the chapter 9 of the guide there are 5 types of delyvery report, one




is : 4 - Message Buffered, that should happen when message is accepted




but the phone is out of reach.

So, I've tried to send a message to my mobile phone but before send it,


switched my mobile off.

After I sent the message, I've received the delivery report status 8


Should I receive status 4 (BUFFERED)?
Thank You!


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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Re: Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed

2006-07-06 Thread Allison Almeida

Analysing the logs, I verify so much DLRs don't localized in DLR queue.
Approximately 6 per day (I'm working to find the problem with the
SMSCs guys). 

Somebody tells me that exist 1 thread to search in a DLR queue at a
time, consequently ,when DLR queue is low and the DLRs don't localized
are so much, the portion of memory needed to put the DLRs waiting could
grow up.

I'm thinking in some moment when the kannel it tries to create a new
thread for continue grows the queue for DLRs waiting, occurs the PANIC.

What you think guys?

2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[] handle_pdu, got DLR
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] DEBUG: DLR[internal]: Looking for DLR smsc=, ts=12153474, dst=, type=1
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] WARNING: DLR[internal]: DLR for DST not found.
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] ERROR: SMPP[]: got DLR but could
not find message or was not interested in it id<12153474>
dst, type<1>

Thanks in Advance.
Allison Almeida.

2006/7/3, Allison Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Here is the result refer to errors that i send:

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate memory
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x80caf0e]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63) [0x80bf57f]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert+0xcb) [0x80ce52b]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_append+0x46) [0x80ceed1]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(bb_print_status+0x3a1) [0x80522de]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056589]  - httpd_status

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056f35] - httpd_serve

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x805721c] - httpadmin_run

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xb2cdec]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0x9faa2a]

2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate memory
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x80caf0e]
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63) [0x80bf57f]
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert_char+0x99) [0x80cedb7]
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80816c8] - convert_addr_from_pdu
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80817e0] - pdu_to_msg
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8084049] - handle_pdu
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8085013] - io_thread
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xa00dec]
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0x7aaa2a]

I see that the error occurs in different functions call stack.

Thanks in Advance.
Allison Almeida.
2006/7/3, Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allison Almeida wrote:> Hi Stipe.>>> I'm using "./configure --disable-docs --disable-ssl-thread-test> --enable-start-stop-daemon --disable-ssl --prefix=/webaplic/kannel/> --enable-warnings --disable-wap", and the default malloc option in
> configure> file is "speed = native malloc + no assertions".>> Could the folow changelog to aplly in my situation? Since i'm using> "msg-id-type = 0x01" in kannel.conf

, the server is 32bits and has a high> flow of messages.> > 2006-06-01  Stipe Tolj>>  * gw/smsc/smsc_smpp.c: fixing bug #345, causing long overflow on 32 bit
>systems while processing message id values from submit_sm_resp PDU that>are in hex representation.>Thanks a lot to Ady Wicalsono <
> for report>and provided solution via patch in bug database.>[Msg-Id: <
no, I don't think this has any impact on your issue.Can you please resolve the PANIC address lines using addr2line, like this: >> > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056589]

   $ addr2line -e  0x8056589so that we get a function call stack.Stipe---Kölner Landstrasse 41940589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
mailto:st_{at}   mailto:
-- -- Abraços.Allison Almeida.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Prill Tecnologia

Re: Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed

2006-07-06 Thread Stipe Tolj

Allison Almeida wrote:


Here is the result refer to errors that i send:

2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x80caf0e]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63)
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert+0xcb)
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_append+0x46)
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(bb_print_status+0x3a1)
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056589] - httpd_status
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056f35] - httpd_serve
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x805721c] - httpadmin_run
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xb2cdec]
2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/

2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175)
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63)
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert_char+0x99)
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80816c8] -
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80817e0] - pdu_to_msg
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8084049] - handle_pdu
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8085013] - io_thread
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xa00dec]
2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/

I see that the error occurs in different functions call stack.

yes, but all coming from octstr_grow().

But this is strange since you quoted that you use the default malloc option.

Can you please file this as a detailed bug report to


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)

mailto:st_{at}   mailto:stolj_{at}

Re: Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed

2006-07-06 Thread Stipe Tolj

Allison Almeida wrote:


Analysing the logs, I verify so much DLRs don't localized in DLR queue.
Approximately 6 per day (I'm working to find the problem with the SMSCs

Somebody tells me that exist 1 thread to search in a DLR queue at a time,
consequently ,when DLR queue is low and the DLRs don't localized are so
much, the portion of memory needed to put the DLRs waiting could grow up.

I'm thinking in some moment when the kannel it tries to create a new thread
for continue grows the queue for DLRs waiting, occurs the PANIC.

What you think guys?

2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[] handle_pdu, got DLR
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] DEBUG: DLR[internal]: Looking for DLR
smsc=, ts=12153474, dst=, type=1
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] WARNING: DLR[internal]: DLR for
DST not found.
2006-07-06 16:09:21 [26592] [7] ERROR: SMPP[]: got DLR but could not
find message or was not interested in it id<12153474> dst,

ok, this means "only", bearerbox received a DLR message, but could not find the 
corresponding message in the DLR storage.

BTW, what storage type are you using?... internal or mysql?

If you use internal, then remember that all MTs that go out to SMSC produce a 
DLR object in the process memory. So, this can grow pretty big if you have 
high-load and lond runtime.

This seems to be a good reason why we hit the octstr_grow() panic, due to system 
error: unable to reallocate memory.

Did you check how "big" the bearerbox process is while the panics are hitting 
you? Which is difficult since the box is of course stopping itself.

Try to observe while runtime if processes memsize goes up drastically, and in 
case you are running "internal" DLR storage type, switch definetly to mysql, for 
2 main raesons: persistance and memory usage.


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)

mailto:st_{at}   mailto:stolj_{at}

Re: Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed

2006-07-06 Thread Allison Almeida
Ok. I will.

Allison Almeida.2006/7/6, Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Allison Almeida wrote:> Stipe.>>> Here is the result refer to errors that i send:>> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate
> memory> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175) [0x80caf0e]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63)> [0x80bf57f]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow
> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert+0xcb)> [0x80ce52b]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_append+0x46)> [0x80ceed1]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox(bb_print_status+0x3a1)
> [0x80522de]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056589] - httpd_status> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8056f35] - httpd_serve> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x805721c] - httpadmin_run
> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xb2cdec]> 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: /lib/tls/
> [0x9faa2a]>>>> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: Memory re-allocation failed> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: System error 12: Cannot allocate> memory> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175)
> [0x80caf0e]> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63)> [0x80bf57f]> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80cbe47] - octstr_grow> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox(octstr_insert_char+0x99)
> [0x80cedb7]> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80816c8] -> convert_addr_from_pdu> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80817e0] - pdu_to_msg> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8084049] - handle_pdu
> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x8085013] - io_thread> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: bearerbox [0x80c06dc] - new_thread> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/ [0xa00dec]
> 2006-06-28 13:37:34 [24970] [91] PANIC: /lib/tls/> [0x7aaa2a]>>> I see that the error occurs in different functions call stack.yes, but all coming from octstr_grow().
But this is strange since you quoted that you use the default malloc option.Can you please file this as a detailed bug report to
---Kölner Landstrasse 41940589 Düsseldorf, NRW, system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF){at}   mailto:
stolj_{at} Abraços.Allison Almeida.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Prill Tecnologia

RE : Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed

2006-08-02 Thread P. Gerard MBOUYAP

I always had the same problem as you.
I use kannel as WAP Gateway. After 6 days, my
remaining RAM is 20MO. The Panic moment occurs.

Can somebody help me with a patch?


pu(s):  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.7% id,  0.0%
wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:507580k total,   268772k used,   238808k free,
   40872k buffers
Swap:  1020116k total,0k used,  1020116k free,
  126800k cached

1 root  16   0  1744  568  492 S  0.0  0.1  
0:00.84 init   
2 root  34  19 000 S  0.0  0.0  
0:00.00 ksoftirqd/0

--- Allison Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

> In the PANIC moment, kannel is whith approximately
> 5.000.000 msgs sent, 2000
> DLRs queued, and no more than 2000 messages failed
> in 1 day and 22 hours.
> []s
> Allison Almeida
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Allison Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 26/07/2006 18:55
> Subject: Memory re-allocation failed
> To:
> Stipe.
> Opened the bug track, under #361, but i collect more
> data that can be useful
> for the diagnostic. I'll put on bugtracker too.
> Obs.: Is correct to post in users list, or would to
> post in devel list?
> I noticed that VSZ is on RAM limit and the swap is
> not used yet, just a few
> minutes before kannel PANIC on every time from
> bearerbox's down.
> I know that swap use is transparent for
> applications, but it seems like in
> the moment that bearerbox try to realloc a portion
> of memory that exceed the
> physical memory, occurs the panic(realloc return
> NULL). Could be a bug in
> realloc function?(version glibc-2.3.2)
> []s
> Allison Almeida
> Mem:  3615152k av, 3594160k used,   20992k free,
>   0k shrd,   94632k
> buff
>2744592k actv,  523336k in_d,  
> 68652k in_c
> Swap: 2096472k av,   31976k used, 2064496k free 
> cached
> PS
> root 23469  1.3 53.0 3114184 1917912 ?   S   
> 12:09   7:12 bearerbox -v
> 4 -- /kannel/conf/kannel.conf
> root 23470  8.1  0.0 100064 3396 ?   S   
> 12:09  43:06 smsbox -v 4
> -- /kannel/conf/kannel.conf
> Mem:  3615152k av, 3593504k used,   21648k free,
>   0k shrd,  176068k
> buff
>2731916k actv,  525332k in_d,  
> 68128k in_c
> Swap: 2096472k av,   32624k used, 2063848k free 
> cached
> PS
> root 21759  0.0 53.4 3129068 1934080 ?   S   
> Jul21   0:05 bearerbox -v
> 4 -- /kannel/conf/kannel.conf
> root 21760  2.7  0.0 100180 2980 ?   S   
> Jul21  84:46 smsbox -v 4
> -- /kannel/conf/kannel.conf
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Allison Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 06/07/2006 20:36
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Memory re-allocation failed
> To: Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
> Ok. I will.
> Thanks.
> Allison Almeida.
> 2006/7/6, Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Allison Almeida wrote:
> >
> > > Stipe.
> > >
> > >
> > > Here is the result refer to errors that i send:
> > >
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: Memory
> re-allocation failed
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: System
> error 12: Cannot allocate
> > > memory
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC:
> bearerbox(gw_panic+0x175)
> > [0x80caf0e]
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC:
> bearerbox(gw_native_realloc+0x63)
> > > [0x80bf57f]
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox
> [0x80cbe47] -
> > octstr_grow
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC:
> bearerbox(octstr_insert+0xcb)
> > > [0x80ce52b]
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC:
> bearerbox(octstr_append+0x46)
> > > [0x80ceed1]
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC:
> bearerbox(bb_print_status+0x3a1)
> > > [0x80522de]
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox
> [0x8056589] -
> > httpd_status
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox
> [0x8056f35] -
> > httpd_serve
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox
> [0x805721c] -
> > httpadmin_run
> > > 2006-06-25 09:02:42 [6378] [3] PANIC: bearerbox
> [0x80c06dc] - new_thread
> > &

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2006-09-19 Thread mamunbabubd

please answer me the following question:

I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to use wap 
push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:

1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.
2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.

To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify the 
keyword for ringtone in kannnel.conf for incoming message that will eventually 
pass the request for wap push SI.


This message was sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2006-09-19 Thread Alejandro Guerrieri

You have 2 options:

1. Use Kannel's PPG to compile the wap-push. Kannel does all the
magic, though many people seems to have problems getting it to work
right (me included).

2. Compile the binary message yourself and send like any other SMS.
Being a binary SMS, you'll have to set the UDH field. There are many
code snippets to do this on many languages, (I've personally
contributed one of them for php).

For both cases, check the list archives, this issue was asked and
answered a zillion times on this list, so you should be able to find
all needed parts easily if you dig a little.

Hope it helps,

please answer me the following question:

I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to use wap 
push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:

1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.
2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.

To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify the 
keyword for ringtone in kannnel.conf for incoming message that will eventually 
pass the request for wap push SI.


This message was sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

Alejandro Guerrieri

Re: Re: ringtone : a simple tutorial

2006-09-20 Thread Fourat Zouari
Alejandro, can you share your code snippet ?thanksOn 9/20/06, Alejandro Guerrieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:You have 2 options:1. Use Kannel's PPG to compile the wap-push. Kannel does all the
magic, though many people seems to have problems getting it to workright (me included).2. Compile the binary message yourself and send like any other SMS.Being a binary SMS, you'll have to set the UDH field. There are many
code snippets to do this on many languages, (I've personallycontributed one of them for php).For both cases, check the list archives, this issue was asked andanswered a zillion times on this list, so you should be able to find
all needed parts easily if you dig a little.Hope it helps,On 9/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> please answer me the following question:>> I want to set up a ringtone service using kannel and for that i want to use wap push SI. The sequence of the service will be as follow:>
> 1.users will send a request via sms specifying a keyword for ringtone.> 2.In response of that keyword kannel will send a wap push.>> To do so what will be my kannel.conf configuration. where will i specify the keyword for ringtone in 
kannnel.conf for incoming message that will eventually pass the request for wap push SI.>>> Thanks> Mamun>> --> This message was sent on behalf of 
--Alejandro GuerrieriMagicom

Re: Re[2]: internal dlr storage

2007-01-08 Thread Ben Suffolk
The internal dlr storage is called "internal" for a reason I dont  

I assume the developers called it in such way because it keeps
the internal Kannel statuses of the message in the
internal Kannel queue, as SENT, FAILED, QUEUED.

Quick overview for you.

When a message is submitted to an SMSC that you have asked for a DLR  
on, the details of the message need to be saved (i.e. the URL its  
going to call, the mask, some way of identifying the specific  
message).  When the SMSC sends a DLR back to kannel, all the saved  
messages are checked to see which one the DLR matches (if any), then  
the mask is checked and the URL called if required.

Once a final DLR is received, such as delivered the message details  
are removed.

Now the default internal dlr storage is done in memory and has no  
persistence (i.e. when you restart kannel it looses all the saved  
messages, which means that when a DLR comes in from a previous  
message you won't get your URL called). There are other DLR storage  
schemes using databases such as PostgreSQL or MySQL etc, which  
obviously are not lost when kannel restarts.

Hope that helps.


Re :Re: sms-resend-retry ignored

2007-02-15 Thread sheena sheena
Hi Problem is observed in latest CVS cvs-20070129 versions.RegardsSandesh 
K2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 
0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 
[4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message 
Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: 
SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in 
response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC 
returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to 
submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned 
error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 
16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 
(Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] 
ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) 
in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: 
SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to 
submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned 
error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 
16:26:54 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 
(Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:54 [4583] [6] 
ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) 
in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: 
SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to 
submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned 
error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 
16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 
(Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] 
ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) 
in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: 
SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to 
submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned 
error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 
16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 
(Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] 
ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) 
in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: 
SMSC returned error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to 
submit_sm.2007-02-13 16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned 
error code 0x0014 (Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.2007-02-13 
16:26:55 [4583] [6] ERROR: SMPP[xx]: SMSC returned error code 0x0014 
(Message Queue Full) in response to submit_sm.\"Alejandro Guerrieri\" 
wroteAdam,As a rule of thumb, if having problems with older versions of 
Kannel,first step it\'s to upgrade to latest CVS, since many errors arealready 
corrected on CVS.If after upgrading the problem persists, then inform the list 
since itmay be a previously unseen or undetected bug.Regards,AlejandroOn 
2/3/07, Adam Trueman wrote:>>> Hi,>> We have been having 
problems with the Message Queue Full error with Kannel> 1.4.0. Kannel used 
to send a lot of retry requests (about 10/sec) putting> unwanted load on 
SMSC and causing delays in the handling of other messages.>> With the 
introduction of sms-resend-retry and sms-resend-freq in Kannel> 1.4.1 the 
problem was expected to have been solved. So we have upgraded to> Kannel 
1.4.1 stable release. These parameters do control the problem for> some 
time, but the problem appears a few hours after starting kannel.>> It 
appears that whenever Message Queue Full error occurs for a concatenated> 
message split in parts, sms-resend-retry and sms-resend-freq dont apply,> 
putting kannel again in the same state, generating a lot of retry requests> 
badly affecting the performance.>> Is there a solution to the problem? 
Any help is greatly appreciated.>> Thanks> Adam>> 
> Be a PS3 game guru.> Get your game face 
on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.-- Alejandro 

Tr: RE : RE: sending OTA help

2007-05-03 Thread patrick meye
Hi M Remon Magdy,thank you for reply,i've done what
you sugger me,but there is the same error(Erroneous
ota source, cannot compile).Are you another help or
idea please?
this is what i've on smsbox log:
2007-05-03 18:03:14 [4847] [3] DEBUG: OTA service
withX XML document Entity: line 1: parser error :
Premature end of data in tag CHARACTERISTIC line 1
Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data


2007-05-03 18:03:14 [4847] [3] ERROR: OTA: No document
to parse. Probably an error in OTA source
2007-05-03 18:03:14 [4847] [3] DEBUG: Status: 400
Answer:  --- Remon Magdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I think you have to include the actual XML URL
> > encoded in the text parameter
> > 
> > Like this
> > 
> > 
> >
> > version="1.0"?> SYSTEM
> >
"file:///gw/settings.dtd"> > TYPE="ADDRESS">&type=settings
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Remon
> > 
> > From: patrick meye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 4:39 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: sending OTA help
> > 
> > Hi all,i configured kannel as smsgw and wapgw,all
> > run
> > perfectly.But my problem is to send the XML
> document
> > containing OTA settings.While sending from HTTP
> url
> > i
> > got this error at smsbox log:
> > 
> > 2007-04-30 15:29:31 [5161] [3] DEBUG: OTA service
> > with
> > XML document
> > Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected,
> > '<'
> > not found
> > /usr/local/gateway-1.4.1/test/settings.txt
> > ^
> > 2007-04-30 15:29:31 [5161] [3] ERROR: OTA: No
> > document
> > to parse. Probably an error in OTA source
> > 2007-04-30 15:29:31 [5161] [3] DEBUG: Status: 400
> > Answer: 
> > 
> > this is http url:
> >
> > 
> > Can sommeone help me please?That's my last step in
> > kannel setting.I require all the kannel expert for
> > help.Please i cry!!!
> > PS:added are my .xml and kannel.conf files. 
> > 
> > 
> Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses
> à toutes vos questions ! 
> Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des
> expériences des internautes sur Yahoo!
> Questions/Réponses 

Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! 
Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences des internautes sur 
Yahoo! Questions/Réponses

Re: Re[2]: DLR and MySQL

2007-08-07 Thread Nicholas Amorim

And what if I want to have the delivery reports recorded somewhere ? This is
a SMS send service that I need to give the information to the client of the
message status. Like if the messsage it's sent, if it's received in the
cellphone, if not sent, etc.

How can I do this ?

thanks in advance
nicholas amorim

ps: sorry for the duplicated message

Re: Re[2]: DLR and MySQL

2007-08-07 Thread Nicholas Amorim
I found the solution to keep track of messages.

Page 116 of the kannel user guide explains it.


RE: Re[2]: Operator network time

2007-12-03 Thread info.ubichip

Thanks for the answer.

My purpose is to have a way to ask the time from the network but not ntp
I know some normal handset,such as Ericsson or sagem, could ask "operator
time" . I was asking myself what could be the AT command behind. Is anyone
have some idea ?


-Original Message-
From: seikath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: vendredi 30 novembre 2007 11:13
To: info.ubichip
Subject: Re[2]: Operator network time

well, same here, after i told them they are late with 15 minutes

now the operators and me sync from same ntpdate servers

so just ask them which ntpdate server they use and sync your severs time
with it via ntpdate

-Original Message-
From: info.ubichip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 ??? 2007 ?.
To: seikath
Subject:Operator network time

> Thanks for this answer, I already got this command, but it appears
> some devices are shifting someting, and for my application I need a
> clock totally synchronized with the operator one (for CDR reconciliation).

> So if someone got some others ideas, I heard about NTIZ but I didn't
> get more information from google.

> Thanks for the answer

> -Original Message-
> From: seikath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: vendredi 30 novembre 2007 00:49
> To: info.ubichip
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Operator network time

> as far as I know, AT commands get the time from the device its ME
> realtime clock

> but in DLR SMS I believe the timestamp inprints could be the value you
> are searching for.

> 2007-11-30 10:48:30 Receive DLR [SMSC:mtel] [SVC:1302] [ACT:] [BINF:]
> [from:1302] [to:+35988xxx] [flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:1]
> [msg:122:id:0070699211 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:0711301048 done
> date:0711301048 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:Uspeshno zaplatihte ]
> [udh:0:]

> re AT command
> 4.16 Clock Management  +CCLK 4.16.1 Description: This command is used
> to set or get the current date and time of the ME real-time clock.
> String format \ for date/time is: "yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss". Valid years are
> 98 (for 1998) to 97 (for 2097). The seconds field is not mandatory.
> Default date/time is "98/01/\ 01,00:00:00" (January 1st, 1998 / midnight).

> 4.16.2 Syntax: Command Syntax: AT+CCLK=

> COMMAND POSSIBLE RESPONSES AT+CCLK="00/06/09,17:33:00" OK Note: set
> date to June 9th, 2000, and time to 5:33pm Note: Date/Time stored
> AT+CCLK="00/13/13\ ,12:00:00" +CME ERROR 3 Note: Incorrect month entered
> "00/06/09,17:34:23" Note: Get current date and time Note: current date
> is June 9t\ h, 2000 current time is 5:34:23 pm

> -Original Message-
> From: info.ubichip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30 ??? 2007 ?.
> To: seikath
> Subject:Operator network time

>> Hello all,

>> For my kannel and some others purposes, I need to have the time clock
>> from the operator network. Does someone know an AT command to do that ?

>> Thnaks in advance

>>   _

>> Antivirus avast! <> : message Sortant sain.

>> Base de donnees virale (VPS) : 071129-0, 29/11/2007 Analyse le :
>> 29/11/2007 22:09:41 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

>   _

> Antivirus avast! <> : message Sortant sain.

> Base de donnees virale (VPS) : 071129-0, 29/11/2007 Analyse le :
> 30/11/2007 10:49:18 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


Antivirus avast! <> : message Sortant sain. 

Base de donnees virale (VPS) : 071202-0, 02/12/2007
Analyse le : 03/12/2007 00:02:52
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

Re: Re: Installation on RedHat 9

2003-07-24 Thread David Meier
I had exactly the same problem when trying to install cyrus-imapd on a RedHat 9 box. 
The following fixed it:

In the shell issue the following command:

export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/kerberos/include"

and then run it all over again.

> Ar an 24ú lá de mí 7, scríobh Cipher Strength :
> > /usr/include/openssl/kssl.h:72:18: krb5.h: No such file or 
> > directory 
> That's your problem, right there. Where's your krb5.h?
> -- 
> "These are the prettiest looking witnesses we have had in a long 
> time. I imagine you are all married. If not, you could be if you 
> wanted to be." 

Re: Re: Installation on RedHat 9

2003-07-24 Thread Cipher Strength
Thank you . I have fixed the issue . I find the files on local system and 
just copy them to where kannel needs :)

#cp /usr/kerberos/include/com_err.h /usr/include/openssl/
#cp /usr/kerberos/include/profile.h /usr/include/openssl/
# cp /usr/kerberos/include/krb5.h /usr/include/openssl/


I had exactly the same problem when trying to install cyrus-imapd on a 
RedHat 9 box. The following fixed it:

In the shell issue the following command:

export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/kerberos/include"

and then run it all over again.

> Ar an 24ú lá de mí 7, scríobh Cipher Strength :
> > /usr/include/openssl/kssl.h:72:18: krb5.h: No such file or
> > directory
> That's your problem, right there. Where's your krb5.h?
> --
> "These are the prettiest looking witnesses we have had in a long
> time. I imagine you are all married. If not, you could be if you
> wanted to be."
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

RE: Re: Installation on RedHat 9

2003-09-21 Thread Mauricio Ramos
Well, I had the same problem with RH9 but the export didn't work out as
mentioned by MEIER and I had to copy the three .h to /usr/include/openssl
also but it is ugly in my opinion.

Why the "make" hasn't used the exported CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/kerberos/include"?
It still uses only the other flags like:

gcc -D_REENTRANT=1 -I. -Igw -g -O2 -DBROKEN_PTHREADS=1 -I/usr/include/libxml
2 -I/usr/include/openssl -I'/usr/include/mysql' -o gw/smsc/smpp_pdu.o -c


> -Original Message-
> From: Cipher Strength [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2003 09:18
> Subject: Re: Re: Installation on RedHat 9
> Thank you . I have fixed the issue . I find the files on local system and
> just copy them to where kannel needs :)
> #cp /usr/kerberos/include/com_err.h /usr/include/openssl/
> #cp /usr/kerberos/include/profile.h /usr/include/openssl/
> # cp /usr/kerberos/include/krb5.h /usr/include/openssl/
> regards,
> >I had exactly the same problem when trying to install cyrus-imapd on a
> >RedHat 9 box. The following fixed it:
> >
> >In the shell issue the following command:
> >
> >export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/kerberos/include"
> >
> >and then run it all over again.
> >
> > >
> > > Ar an 24ú lá de mí 7, scríobh Cipher Strength :
> > >
> > > > /usr/include/openssl/kssl.h:72:18: krb5.h: No such file or
> > > > directory
> > > That's your problem, right there. Where's your krb5.h?
> > >
> > > --
> > > "These are the prettiest looking witnesses we have had in a long
> > > time. I imagine you are all married. If not, you could be if you
> > > wanted to be."
> > >
> >
> _
> MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: [Kannel-Users] RE: = SMS Polling

2004-08-01 Thread Peter Beckman
On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Baden de Bari wrote:

> Right, but the how would the messages get from the SMS users to Kannel or
> any other provider?
> One recommendation was to ask the provider to allow the use of suffixing
> from our connection to their SMSC - as this is a new area for us a little
> more explanation is needed.
> We could process all the requests w/ our software, it's just getting the
> right data to process.

 Set up an sms-service group that calls a URL with the text of the message
 and the mobile number and the short code.  The URL is a PHP script.  Then
 you can split out the $to, $from and $text into variables, parse them, cut
 them, dice them, spit them out, fart on them and generally do whatever you
 like with them.  To respond, use the HTTP SMS thingy in kannel, pass the
 $from and $to (backwards), change the $text and off you go.

 It really is easy.

 There are people on the list willing to accept monetary reward for doing
 it for you if you feel this is necessary.

Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

RE: [Kannel-Users] RE: = SMS Polling

2004-08-01 Thread BEAUSOLEIL Arnaud URS Toulouse

Of course, the URL can be anything that handle dynamic requests,
such asp, cgi, java servlets...

We use here servlets, because they can handle heavy load, are using
different protocol,
such as MM7 (for MMS), and are connected to a java app server.


Arnaud Beausoleil

France Telecom SNCA
1 rue Thomas Edison
33600 PESSAC

Tel: (+33)5 56 55 78 55

-Message d'origine-
part de Peter Beckman
Envoye : dimanche 1 aout 2004 23:28
A : Baden de Bari
Objet : Re: [Kannel-Users] RE: = SMS Polling

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004, Baden de Bari wrote:

> Right, but the how would the messages get from the SMS users to Kannel or
> any other provider?
> One recommendation was to ask the provider to allow the use of suffixing
> from our connection to their SMSC - as this is a new area for us a little
> more explanation is needed.
> We could process all the requests w/ our software, it's just getting the
> right data to process.

 Set up an sms-service group that calls a URL with the text of the message
 and the mobile number and the short code.  The URL is a PHP script.  Then
 you can split out the $to, $from and $text into variables, parse them, cut
 them, dice them, spit them out, fart on them and generally do whatever you
 like with them.  To respond, use the HTTP SMS thingy in kannel, pass the
 $from and $to (backwards), change the $text and off you go.

 It really is easy.

 There are people on the list willing to accept monetary reward for doing
 it for you if you feel this is necessary.

Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: Throttling Support

2004-08-31 Thread Peter Beckman
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Rodrigo A. Cremaschi wrote:
Look for "throughput" in the userguide
 The guide lists "throughput" under "CMG UCP/EMI 4.0 and 3.5" -- does this
 mean that an SMSC running SMPP could NOT use the throughput label with
 success?  It should would be nice if it did work.
 If it does, why is it listed ONLY under CMG UCP/EMI, and not under either
 the global SMSC parameters or at least specifically under SMPP?
Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Re: [Kannel-Users] Re: Throttling Support

2004-08-31 Thread Alexander Malysh

Peter Beckman wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Rodrigo A. Cremaschi wrote:
>> Look for "throughput" in the userguide
>   The guide lists "throughput" under "CMG UCP/EMI 4.0 and 3.5" -- does
>   this mean that an SMSC running SMPP could NOT use the throughput label
>   with
>   success?  It should would be nice if it did work.

throughput works fine with smpp

>   If it does, why is it listed ONLY under CMG UCP/EMI, and not under
>   either the global SMSC parameters or at least specifically under SMPP?

patches are always welcome ;)

> Thanks,
> beckman
> Peter Beckman  Internet
> Guy


Tr: Re: Re: Using/conf kannel ?

2004-12-15 Thread Patrick TURPIN

> Message du 15/12/04 21:14
> A : "Linkas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Re: Using/conf  kannel ?
> Hello 
> I have just installing kannel to use with the SMPP protocol but when I try to 
> conect to the SMSC I receve this error :
> 2004-12-15 22:54:23 [5672] [7] ERROR: SMPP[19000]: SMSC rejected login to 
> receive, code 0x000d (Bind Failed).
> 2004-12-15 22:54:23 [5672] [7] ERROR: SMPP[19000]: I/O error or other error. 
> Re-connecting.
> 2004-12-15 22:54:23 [5672] [7] ERROR: SMPP[19000]: Couldn't connect to SMS 
> center (retrying in 10 seconds).
> My config file :
> group = smsc
> smsc = smpp
> smsc-id = 19000
> host =x.x.x.x
> port =ppp
> receive-port pp
> smsc-username ="user"
> smsc-password ="passe"
> system-type ="VMA"
> transceiver-mode = 1
> source-addr-ton = 1
> source-addr-npi = 1
> dest-addr-ton = 1
> dest-addr-npi = 1
> How can help me !
> Thank

Re: [Kannel-Users] RE: DLR Messages

2005-04-20 Thread Peter Beckman
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Nick Branson wrote:
Thanks for your help. I'm already setting the number base that the SMSC
is using (msg-id-type = 0x01).
Not sure if I was clear enough in my original post. I'm receiving
delivery reports. however, it would seem that I'm not receiving all of
them. I discovered this when following up a query with MBlox.
Anyone experiencing the same problem or got any other ideas?
 Well, you are not being entirely clear yet...
 Not all carriers provide to-the-handset delivery reports.
 What carriers and how detailed are the DLR reports?  Do you get an 8 from
 kannel?  a 4 from mblox? a 2 or a 1 from the carrier?  Where does the DLR
 reports end?  Are you SURE it's not your application that does the
 updating when you receive the DLR?
Peter Beckman  Internet Guy

Aw: Re: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting

2013-08-06 Thread hans joachim
"Yes, I've changed sqlbox code, i'll post later my patch to the latest SVN trunk version."


- That would be awesome !

I would love to get that link to the SVN and try out your "add-on" !  


Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. August 2013 um 21:12 Uhr
Von: spameden 
An: "hans joachim" 
Cc: "" 
Betreff: Re: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting

2013/8/6 hans joachim <>

"If I understood you right, you want to get actual smsc_id in the table through which MT was sent?"


- Yes, exactly thats what I need !!


"to achieve this you need to modify sqlbox and update sent_sms table MT entry when DLR arrives from SMSC-operator. we modified sqlbox to update MT entries with all relevant DLR information including parts_number which contains number of actual sms in case of concatenated message."


- Can you tell me how you did this ? Do you have changed the code of SQLBOX to archieve this behaviour ? Sounds very complicated 


Yes, I've changed sqlbox code, i'll post later my patch to the latest SVN trunk version.



Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. August 2013 um 16:04 Uhr
Von: spameden <>
An: "hans joachim" <>
Cc: "" <>
Betreff: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting


2013/8/6 hans joachim <>



I saw that the sending SMSC can be stored in the access-log.

I made several tests with the custom access-log-format:  But the problem is that I don't get a unique ID in the access-log for every message.


access-log-format= " TS="%t" SMS-ID="%F" ID2="%x" USER="%n" TYPE="%l" SMSC="%i" TO="%P" TEXT="%b"

Neither "%t" nor "%F" give me a unique ID :(


I still need one place where every message is stored with all necessary informations.



In sent_sms table of SQLBOX is no SMSC_ID (Only the virtual SMSC_ID used for routing purposes, which is not useful for accounting/billing purposes).

In access-log there is no unique ID for every message.


How can I archieve my goal, so that all necessary informations will be stored in one place ?


If I understood you right, you want to get actual smsc_id in the table through which MT was sent?

to achieve this you need to modify sqlbox and update sent_sms table MT entry when DLR arrives from SMSC-operator.


How do you account the costs for sending messages through different SMSC's ? 


we modified sqlbox to update MT entries with all relevant DLR information including parts_number which contains number of actual sms in case of concatenated message.



Thank you in advance,



Gesendet: Montag, 05. August 2013 um 16:03 Uhr
Von: "hans joachim" <>
An: "" <>
Betreff: SMS Accounting


I have 3 SMSC (gsm1, gsm2, gsm3) in my Kannel-Setup and I'm using sqlbox to save all kind of information about the messages in a database.

My question is how can I store the sending SMSC of every message in the database ?


For example:
If I call the webservice with the argument "&smsc=gsm1" and the message is sent,  I see this information in the database entry : 


| date                | sql_id | momt | sender  | receiver        | udhdata | msgdata       | time       | smsc_id     | service | account | id   | sms_type | mclass | mwi  | coding | compress | validity | deferred | dlr_mask | dlr_url | pid  | alt_dcs | rpi  | charset | boxc_id | binfo |

| 2013-08-05 15:43:31 |     10 | MT   | xx | xx | NULL    | bla           | x | gsm1        | user1   | NULL    | NULL |        2 |   NULL | NULL |      0 |     NULL |     NULL |     NULL |     NULL | NULL    | NULL |    NULL | NULL | NULL    | smsbox1 | NULL  |


But I configured message-routing in a way, which eventually allows me to bypass a SMSC which is not working at this given moment.
Because of this message-routing I can't call the webservice with the argument "&smsc=" ! But if i don't use that argument, the information about the sending SMSC is not stored in the database :(

Once a month, I need to know how many messages were sent through gsm1, gsm2 and gsm3. I'm not able to get this information, if the database field is not getting filled :(


Aw: Re: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting

2013-08-08 Thread hans joachim

Hello spameden,


can you please give me a link to the SVN where I can download the changed version ?

I'm curious if your "patch" will give me the functionality I need :)


Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. August 2013 um 21:12 Uhr
Von: spameden 
An: "hans joachim" 
Cc: "" 
Betreff: Re: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting

2013/8/6 hans joachim <>

"If I understood you right, you want to get actual smsc_id in the table through which MT was sent?"


- Yes, exactly thats what I need !!


"to achieve this you need to modify sqlbox and update sent_sms table MT entry when DLR arrives from SMSC-operator. we modified sqlbox to update MT entries with all relevant DLR information including parts_number which contains number of actual sms in case of concatenated message."


- Can you tell me how you did this ? Do you have changed the code of SQLBOX to archieve this behaviour ? Sounds very complicated 


Yes, I've changed sqlbox code, i'll post later my patch to the latest SVN trunk version.



Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. August 2013 um 16:04 Uhr
Von: spameden <>
An: "hans joachim" <>
Cc: "" <>
Betreff: Re: Fw: SMS Accounting


2013/8/6 hans joachim <>



I saw that the sending SMSC can be stored in the access-log.

I made several tests with the custom access-log-format:  But the problem is that I don't get a unique ID in the access-log for every message.


access-log-format= " TS="%t" SMS-ID="%F" ID2="%x" USER="%n" TYPE="%l" SMSC="%i" TO="%P" TEXT="%b"

Neither "%t" nor "%F" give me a unique ID :(


I still need one place where every message is stored with all necessary informations.



In sent_sms table of SQLBOX is no SMSC_ID (Only the virtual SMSC_ID used for routing purposes, which is not useful for accounting/billing purposes).

In access-log there is no unique ID for every message.


How can I archieve my goal, so that all necessary informations will be stored in one place ?


If I understood you right, you want to get actual smsc_id in the table through which MT was sent?

to achieve this you need to modify sqlbox and update sent_sms table MT entry when DLR arrives from SMSC-operator.


How do you account the costs for sending messages through different SMSC's ? 


we modified sqlbox to update MT entries with all relevant DLR information including parts_number which contains number of actual sms in case of concatenated message.



Thank you in advance,



Gesendet: Montag, 05. August 2013 um 16:03 Uhr
Von: "hans joachim" <>
An: "" <>
Betreff: SMS Accounting


I have 3 SMSC (gsm1, gsm2, gsm3) in my Kannel-Setup and I'm using sqlbox to save all kind of information about the messages in a database.

My question is how can I store the sending SMSC of every message in the database ?


For example:
If I call the webservice with the argument "&smsc=gsm1" and the message is sent,  I see this information in the database entry : 


| date                | sql_id | momt | sender  | receiver        | udhdata | msgdata       | time       | smsc_id     | service | account | id   | sms_type | mclass | mwi  | coding | compress | validity | deferred | dlr_mask | dlr_url | pid  | alt_dcs | rpi  | charset | boxc_id | binfo |

| 2013-08-05 15:43:31 |     10 | MT   | xx | xx | NULL    | bla           | x | gsm1        | user1   | NULL    | NULL |        2 |   NULL | NULL |      0 |     NULL |     NULL |     NULL |     NULL | NULL    | NULL |    NULL | NULL | NULL    | smsbox1 | NULL  |


But I configured message-routing in a way, which eventually allows me to bypass a SMSC which is not working at this given moment.
Because of this message-routing I can't call the webservice with the argument "&smsc=" ! But if i don't use that argument, the information about the sending SMSC is not stored in the database :(

Once a month, I need to know how many messages were sent through gsm1, gsm2 and gsm3. I'm not able to get this information, if the database field is not getting filled :(


Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-04 Thread Milan P. Stanic
On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
> 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of Kannel?
> 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
> version?

I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.

Kind regards,  Milan
Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-04 Thread Mashed Updata
Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.

On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:

> On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
> > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
> Kannel?
> >
> > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
> > version?
> I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
> But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
> package?
> I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
> --
> Kind regards,  Milan
> --
> Arvanta,
> Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
> proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-04 Thread spameden
2014-04-05 1:26 GMT+04:00 Mashed Updata :

> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
>>  > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
>> > version?
You can build a deb package yourself, it's not really hard.

SVN is pretty much stable, most of the bugs actually fixed in the latest
SVN revision rather than in stable version.

We use one of the oldest SVN revisions in productions (r5000), planning to
update it soon to the new one.

>> I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
>> But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
>> package?
>> I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
>> --
>> Kind regards,  Milan
>> --
>> Arvanta,
>> Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
>> proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-05 Thread Hanh Le Bich
Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory
leaking issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in
ver 1.4.3.
Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.

Regards, Hanh.

> Message: 6
> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
> From: Mashed Updata 
> To:
> Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
> > On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
> > > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
> > Kannel?
> > >
> > > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
> > > version?
> >
> > I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
> > But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
> > package?
> > I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
> >
> > --
> > Kind Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
> > --
> > Arvanta,
> > Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
> > proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)
> >
> >
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
> >
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> users mailing list
> --
> End of users Digest, Vol 92, Issue 7

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-05 Thread Alejandro Guerrieri
I don't think that's accurate, svn is considered stable and recommended over 
1.4.3. Can you elaborate on the alleged smsbox memory leak? Can you reproduce 
it with valgrind?

Alex Guerrieri

> On Apr 5, 2014, at 5:22, Hanh Le Bich  wrote:
> Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory leaking 
> issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in ver 1.4.3.
> Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.
> Regards, Hanh.
>> --
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
>> From: Mashed Updata 
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
>> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
>> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
>> > On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
>> > > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
>> > Kannel?
>> > >
>> > > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
>> > > version?
>> >
>> > I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
>> > But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
>> > package?
>> > I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Kind Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>> > --
>> > Arvanta,
>> > Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
>> > proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)
>> >
>> >
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: 
>> <>
>> --
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> ___
>> users mailing list
>> --
>> End of users Digest, Vol 92, Issue 7

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-05 Thread spameden
2014-04-05 13:22 GMT+04:00 Hanh Le Bich :

> Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory
> leaking issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in
> ver 1.4.3.
> Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.

Can you run valgrind over smsbox/opensmppbox and report back?

> Regards, Hanh.
> --
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
>> From: Mashed Updata 
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>> Message-ID:
>> <
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
>> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
>> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
>> > On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
>> > > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
>> > Kannel?
>> > >
>> > > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
>> > > version?
>> >
>> > I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
>> > But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
>> > package?
>> > I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Kind Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>> > --
>> > Arvanta,
>> > Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
>> > proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)
>> >
>> >
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <
>> >
>> --
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> ___
>> users mailing list
>> --
>> End of users Digest, Vol 92, Issue 7

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-08 Thread Hanh Le Bich
Here is the valgrind log for smsbox, i will do the same with opensmppbox
soon. Not sure leak check is fine enough, if you want more like a mem check
tools,... please let me know.

Let me describe a littler bit for my application back end. It's pretty
simple: i make a loop that for each second, it push an sms via kannel CGI
for 1K mobile numbers, that mean throughput is 1000 msg/sec.
My kannel configuration is simple too, it's only smsbox -> bearerbox ->
SMSC (via smpp), no file storage, no SQL, no dlr (actually dlr-mask=8).

Cause the broadcast purpose, I even don't expect the sms can deliver to all
end users and the app run some hours per day only. That why i can play with
the lasted SVN which don't care so much for the reliability.

In the pass when using ver 1.4.3, it was fine for years. After upgrade to
1.5.0, after each few days, i realized smsbox is reset, then i found it
exhaust my memory. It's funny that smsbox consume the mem and doesn't
release. Example, if it occupies 50% your mem and you stop sms pushing, it
will 50% forever except the box restarting.
That's all, same server with no other tasks, same back end, just different
kannel version.

Just paste the valgrind sum in here:

*==27581== LEAK SUMMARY:==27581==definitely lost: 1,077,904 bytes in
67,369 blocks==27581==indirectly lost: 673,660 bytes in 67,366
blocks==27581==  possibly lost: 160 bytes in 13 blocks==27581==
still reachable: 1,240 bytes in 39 blocks==27581== suppressed: 0
bytes in 0 blocks==27581== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was
found) are not shown.==27581== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full
--show-leak-kinds=all==27581== ==27581== For counts of detected and
suppressed errors, rerun with: -v==27581== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3
contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)*

Regard, Hanh.

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:25 AM, spameden  wrote:

> 2014-04-05 13:22 GMT+04:00 Hanh Le Bich :
> Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory
>> leaking issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in
>> ver 1.4.3.
>> Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.
> Can you run valgrind over smsbox/opensmppbox and report back?
>> Regards, Hanh.
>> --
>>> Message: 6
>>> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
>>> From: Mashed Updata 
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
>>> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
>>> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
>>> > On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
>>> > > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
>>> > Kannel?
>>> > >
>>> > > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
>>> > > version?
>>> >
>>> > I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
>>> > But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
>>> > package?
>>> > I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Kind Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>>> > --
>>> > Arvanta,
>>> > Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
>>> > proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> -- next part --
>>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>> URL: <
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Subject: Digest Footer
>>> ___
>>> users mailing list
>>> --
>>> End of users Digest, Vol 92, Issue 7
==27581== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==27581== Cop

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-23 Thread Hanh Le Bich
Hello again,
Sorry for quite late to reply, hope you has found something useful to fix
the smsbox.
I send the valgrind checking for opensmppbox as promised. Although greatly
appreciate what kannel development team doing, but opensmppbox drains your
memory 10 times faster than smsbox, plus some bug remain, the box only
appropriate to use in the test bed environment.

*==31087== LEAK SUMMARY:==31087==definitely lost: 78,944 bytes in 4,882
blocks==31087==indirectly lost: 4,911,232 bytes in 4,859
blocks==31087==  possibly lost: 48,496 bytes in 74 blocks==31087==
still reachable: 3,124,401 bytes in 26,735 blocks==31087==
suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks==31087== Reachable blocks (those to which a
pointer was found) are not shown.==31087== To see them, rerun with:
--leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all==31087== ==31087== For counts of
detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v==31087== ERROR SUMMARY: 10
errors from 10 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)*

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Hanh Le Bich  wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is the valgrind log for smsbox, i will do the same with opensmppbox
> soon. Not sure leak check is fine enough, if you want more like a mem check
> tools,... please let me know.
> Let me describe a littler bit for my application back end. It's pretty
> simple: i make a loop that for each second, it push an sms via kannel CGI
> for 1K mobile numbers, that mean throughput is 1000 msg/sec.
> My kannel configuration is simple too, it's only smsbox -> bearerbox ->
> SMSC (via smpp), no file storage, no SQL, no dlr (actually dlr-mask=8).
> Cause the broadcast purpose, I even don't expect the sms can deliver to
> all end users and the app run some hours per day only. That why i can play
> with the lasted SVN which don't care so much for the reliability.
> In the pass when using ver 1.4.3, it was fine for years. After upgrade to
> 1.5.0, after each few days, i realized smsbox is reset, then i found it
> exhaust my memory. It's funny that smsbox consume the mem and doesn't
> release. Example, if it occupies 50% your mem and you stop sms pushing, it
> will 50% forever except the box restarting.
> That's all, same server with no other tasks, same back end, just different
> kannel version.
> Just paste the valgrind sum in here:
> *==27581== LEAK SUMMARY:==27581==definitely lost: 1,077,904 bytes in
> 67,369 blocks ==27581==indirectly lost: 673,660 bytes in 67,366
> blocks==27581==  possibly lost: 160 bytes in 13 blocks==27581==
> still reachable: 1,240 bytes in 39 blocks==27581== suppressed: 0
> bytes in 0 blocks ==27581== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was
> found) are not shown.==27581== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full
> --show-leak-kinds=all==27581== ==27581== For counts of detected and
> suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==27581== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3
> contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)*
> Regard, Hanh.
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:25 AM, spameden  wrote:
>> 2014-04-05 13:22 GMT+04:00 Hanh Le Bich :
>> Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory
>>> leaking issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in
>>> ver 1.4.3.
>>> Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.
>> Can you run valgrind over smsbox/opensmppbox and report back?
>>> Regards, Hanh.
>>> --
>>>> Message: 6
>>>> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
>>>> From: Mashed Updata 
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.
>>>> Message-ID:
>>>> <
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>> Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
>>>> edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.
>>>> On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:
>>>> > On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
>>>> > > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
>>>> > Kannel?
>>>> > >
>>>> > > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
>>>> > > version?
>>>> >

Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-23 Thread Alvaro Cornejo

I think you should do better in creating a new thread for this issue
since subject has "nothing to" do with this new issue. Also, post this
to instead of


Envíe y Reciba Datos y mensajes de Texto (SMS) hacia y desde cualquier
celular y Nextel
en el Perú, México y en mas de 180 paises. Use aplicaciones 2 vias via
SMS y GPRS online
  Visitenos en

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 3:41 AM, Hanh Le Bich  wrote:
> Hello again,
> Sorry for quite late to reply, hope you has found something useful to fix
> the smsbox.
> I send the valgrind checking for opensmppbox as promised. Although greatly
> appreciate what kannel development team doing, but opensmppbox drains your
> memory 10 times faster than smsbox, plus some bug remain, the box only
> appropriate to use in the test bed environment.
> ==31087== LEAK SUMMARY:
> ==31087==definitely lost: 78,944 bytes in 4,882 blocks
> ==31087==indirectly lost: 4,911,232 bytes in 4,859 blocks
> ==31087==  possibly lost: 48,496 bytes in 74 blocks
> ==31087==still reachable: 3,124,401 bytes in 26,735 blocks
> ==31087== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
> ==31087== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not
> shown.
> ==31087== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
> ==31087==
> ==31087== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
> ==31087== ERROR SUMMARY: 10 errors from 10 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)
> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Hanh Le Bich  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is the valgrind log for smsbox, i will do the same with opensmppbox
>> soon. Not sure leak check is fine enough, if you want more like a mem check
>> tools,... please let me know.
>> Let me describe a littler bit for my application back end. It's pretty
>> simple: i make a loop that for each second, it push an sms via kannel CGI
>> for 1K mobile numbers, that mean throughput is 1000 msg/sec.
>> My kannel configuration is simple too, it's only smsbox -> bearerbox ->
>> SMSC (via smpp), no file storage, no SQL, no dlr (actually dlr-mask=8).
>> Cause the broadcast purpose, I even don't expect the sms can deliver to
>> all end users and the app run some hours per day only. That why i can play
>> with the lasted SVN which don't care so much for the reliability.
>> In the pass when using ver 1.4.3, it was fine for years. After upgrade to
>> 1.5.0, after each few days, i realized smsbox is reset, then i found it
>> exhaust my memory. It's funny that smsbox consume the mem and doesn't
>> release. Example, if it occupies 50% your mem and you stop sms pushing, it
>> will 50% forever except the box restarting.
>> That's all, same server with no other tasks, same back end, just different
>> kannel version.
>> Just paste the valgrind sum in here:
>> ==27581== LEAK SUMMARY:
>> ==27581==definitely lost: 1,077,904 bytes in 67,369 blocks
>> ==27581==indirectly lost: 673,660 bytes in 67,366 blocks
>> ==27581==  possibly lost: 160 bytes in 13 blocks
>> ==27581==still reachable: 1,240 bytes in 39 blocks
>> ==27581== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
>> ==27581== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not
>> shown.
>> ==27581== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
>> ==27581==
>> ==27581== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
>> ==27581== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)
>> Regard, Hanh.
>> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:25 AM, spameden  wrote:
>>> 2014-04-05 13:22 GMT+04:00 Hanh Le Bich :
>>>> Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory
>>>> leaking issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in
>>>> ver 1.4.3.
>>>> Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.
>>> Can you run valgrind over smsbox/opensmppbox and report back?
>>>> Regards, Hanh.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Message: 6
>>>>> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
>>>>> From: Mashed Updata 
>>>>> To:

RE: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

2014-04-26 Thread Rene Kluwen
Could you re-run with:


valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./opensmppbox?


Track origins should be the key. Trying to get this nailed for a while now.


== Rene



From: users [] On Behalf Of Hanh Le Bich
Sent: woensdag 23 april 2014 10:42
Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.


Hello again,

Sorry for quite late to reply, hope you has found something useful to fix the 

I send the valgrind checking for opensmppbox as promised. Although greatly 
appreciate what kannel development team doing, but opensmppbox drains your 
memory 10 times faster than smsbox, plus some bug remain, the box only 
appropriate to use in the test bed environment.

==31087== LEAK SUMMARY:
==31087==definitely lost: 78,944 bytes in 4,882 blocks
==31087==indirectly lost: 4,911,232 bytes in 4,859 blocks
==31087==  possibly lost: 48,496 bytes in 74 blocks
==31087==still reachable: 3,124,401 bytes in 26,735 blocks
==31087== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==31087== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==31087== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==31087== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==31087== ERROR SUMMARY: 10 errors from 10 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)


On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Hanh Le Bich  wrote:


Here is the valgrind log for smsbox, i will do the same with opensmppbox soon. 
Not sure leak check is fine enough, if you want more like a mem check tools,... 
please let me know.


Let me describe a littler bit for my application back end. It's pretty simple: 
i make a loop that for each second, it push an sms via kannel CGI for 1K mobile 
numbers, that mean throughput is 1000 msg/sec.

My kannel configuration is simple too, it's only smsbox -> bearerbox -> SMSC 
(via smpp), no file storage, no SQL, no dlr (actually dlr-mask=8).

Cause the broadcast purpose, I even don't expect the sms can deliver to all end 
users and the app run some hours per day only. That why i can play with the 
lasted SVN which don't care so much for the reliability.

In the pass when using ver 1.4.3, it was fine for years. After upgrade to 
1.5.0, after each few days, i realized smsbox is reset, then i found it exhaust 
my memory. It's funny that smsbox consume the mem and doesn't release. Example, 
if it occupies 50% your mem and you stop sms pushing, it will 50% forever 
except the box restarting. 
That's all, same server with no other tasks, same back end, just different 
kannel version.

Just paste the valgrind sum in here:

==27581== LEAK SUMMARY:
==27581==definitely lost: 1,077,904 bytes in 67,369 blocks
==27581==indirectly lost: 673,660 bytes in 67,366 blocks
==27581==  possibly lost: 160 bytes in 13 blocks
==27581==still reachable: 1,240 bytes in 39 blocks
==27581== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==27581== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==27581== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==27581== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==27581== ERROR SUMMARY: 3 errors from 3 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 10)


Regard, Hanh. 




On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:25 AM, spameden  wrote:



2014-04-05 13:22 GMT+04:00 Hanh Le Bich :


Yes, the current revision SVN is not stable enough, especially memory leaking 
issue of smsbox which have not been solved. It does not happen in ver 1.4.3.

Also opensmppbox also has memory issue too.


Can you run valgrind over smsbox/opensmppbox and report back?


Regards, Hanh.



Message: 6
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 10:26:55 +1300
From: Mashed Updata 
Subject: Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Thanks Milan, me too. I'm not sold on the idea of using SVN for bleeding
edge applications unless you are a developer or a truly hard soul.

On 5 April 2014 06:10, Milan P. Stanic  wrote:

> On Fri, 2014-04-04 at 17:33, Mashed Updata wrote:
> > 1. What real advantages does Redis offer to a non-commercial user of
> Kannel?
> >

> > 2. Any idea when the .deb version of Kannel will catch up to the SVN
> > version?

> I thought about that i.e. to build  .debs from SVN.
> But which revision from SVN is 'good enough' to roll into Debian
> package?
> I have a hope that we will see another stable Kannel release soon.
> --

> Kind Re: 2 Questions re Redis/Debian.

> --
> Arvanta,
> Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code or documents in
> proprietary format (word, excel, pps and so on)

-- next part --

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-09 Thread Biswajit, BPL

Dear Milan,

Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have 
to use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type, 
store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best 
suitable config for them? Thanks in advance.

/Thanks & Regards,/
Biswajit Kumar
Sr. System Engineer, P&D
Bangla Phone Ltd. 
Phone: +880 359 345 1125 
Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 

On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:

On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:

We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages which
is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend those
messages manually after restart.
Appreciate your suggestion.

You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
questions here.

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-09 Thread Web Services

kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL 

> Dear Milan,
> Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have to
> use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type,
> store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best suitable
> config for them? Thanks in advance.
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> Biswajit Kumar
> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
> On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
> We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
> We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
> What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages which
> is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
> to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
> to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend those
> messages manually after restart.
> Appreciate your suggestion.
> You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
> persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
> configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
> If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
> questions here.

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-15 Thread Biswajit, BPL


Could anyone give some update on this? Thanks in advance.

/Thanks & Regards,/
Biswajit Kumar
Sr. System Engineer, P&D
Bangla Phone Ltd. 
Phone: +880 359 345 1125 
Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 

On 2016-08-10 02:04, Biswajit, BPL wrote:

Dear Concern,

Please have the configuration in the attachment. We use separate 
config file for core, bearerbox, sqlbox and smsbox; here config is 

/Thanks & Regards,/
Biswajit Kumar
Sr. System Engineer, P&D
Bangla Phone Ltd. 
Phone: +880 359 345 1125 
Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 

On 2016-08-09 17:00, Web Services wrote:


kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL>> wrote:

Dear Milan,

Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't
have to use store configurations, hence we have not used the
store-type, store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please
suggest best suitable config for them? Thanks in advance.

/Thanks & Regards,/
Biswajit Kumar
Sr. System Engineer, P&D
Bangla Phone Ltd. 
Phone: +880 359 345 1125 
Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 

On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:

On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:

We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages which
is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend those
messages manually after restart.
Appreciate your suggestion.

You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
questions here.

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-16 Thread Web Services

kindly add flowing lines in your configuration

store-type = spool
store-location = /var/spool/kannel

then you can find all queue message in store location /var/spool/kannel

note : don't forget create an directory named "kannel" in /var/sppol before
add this lines and this will work only kannel 1.4.x or later versions


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Biswajit, BPL 

> Hello,
> Could anyone give some update on this? Thanks in advance.
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> Biswajit Kumar
> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
> On 2016-08-10 02:04, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
> Dear Concern,
> Please have the configuration in the attachment. We use separate config
> file for core, bearerbox, sqlbox and smsbox; here config is combined.
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> Biswajit Kumar
> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
> On 2016-08-09 17:00, Web Services wrote:
> Hello,
> kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you
> Thanks
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL  > wrote:
>> Dear Milan,
>> Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have to
>> use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type,
>> store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best suitable
>> config for them? Thanks in advance.
>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>> Biswajit Kumar
>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>> On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
>> On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
>> We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
>> We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
>> What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages which
>> is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
>> to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
>> to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend those
>> messages manually after restart.
>> Appreciate your suggestion.
>> You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
>> persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
>> configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
>> If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
>> questions here.

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-20 Thread Loyc Cossou

Kindly confirm if the suggested configuration worked for you.


Sent with MailTrack

loyc Cossou

On 16 August 2016 at 09:51, Web Services  wrote:

> Hello,
> kindly add flowing lines in your configuration
> store-type = spool
> store-location = /var/spool/kannel
> then you can find all queue message in store location /var/spool/kannel
> note : don't forget create an directory named "kannel" in /var/sppol
> before add this lines and this will work only kannel 1.4.x or later
> versions
> Thanks
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Biswajit, BPL <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could anyone give some update on this? Thanks in advance.
>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>> Biswajit Kumar
>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>> On 2016-08-10 02:04, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
>> Dear Concern,
>> Please have the configuration in the attachment. We use separate config
>> file for core, bearerbox, sqlbox and smsbox; here config is combined.
>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>> Biswajit Kumar
>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>> On 2016-08-09 17:00, Web Services wrote:
>> Hello,
>> kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you
>> Thanks
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Milan,
>>> Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have
>>> to use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type,
>>> store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best suitable
>>> config for them? Thanks in advance.
>>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>>> Biswajit Kumar
>>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>>> On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
>>> We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
>>> We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
>>> What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages which
>>> is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
>>> to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
>>> to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend those
>>> messages manually after restart.
>>> Appreciate your suggestion.
>>> You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
>>> persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
>>> configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
>>> If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
>>> questions here.

Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-20 Thread Web Services

We Not tested with web-api but its perfectly works with sqlbox


On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Loyc Cossou  wrote:

> Hi,
> Kindly confirm if the suggested configuration worked for you.
> Thanks.
> Sent with MailTrack
> --
> loyc Cossou
> On 16 August 2016 at 09:51, Web Services  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> kindly add flowing lines in your configuration
>> store-type = spool
>> store-location = /var/spool/kannel
>> then you can find all queue message in store location /var/spool/kannel
>> note : don't forget create an directory named "kannel" in /var/sppol
>> before add this lines and this will work only kannel 1.4.x or later
>> versions
>> Thanks
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Biswajit, BPL <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Could anyone give some update on this? Thanks in advance.
>>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>>> Biswajit Kumar
>>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>>> On 2016-08-10 02:04, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
>>> Dear Concern,
>>> Please have the configuration in the attachment. We use separate config
>>> file for core, bearerbox, sqlbox and smsbox; here config is combined.
>>> *Thanks & Regards,*
>>> Biswajit Kumar
>>> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
>>> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
>>> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
>>> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
>>> On 2016-08-09 17:00, Web Services wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL <
>>>> wrote:
 Dear Milan,

 Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have
 to use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type,
 store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best suitable
 config for them? Thanks in advance.

 *Thanks & Regards,*
 Biswajit Kumar
 Sr. System Engineer, P&D
 Bangla Phone Ltd. 
 Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
 Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
 On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:

 On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:

 We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP SMSC.
 We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
 What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages 
 is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we need
 to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the queue
 to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend 
 messages manually after restart.
 Appreciate your suggestion.

 You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
 persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
 configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
 If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
 questions here.


Re: Re: Kannel Queued SMS location

2016-08-20 Thread Loyc Cossou


Please do share such good news with us :)

Sent with MailTrack

loyc Cossou

On 20 August 2016 at 10:52, Web Services  wrote:

> Hello,
> We Not tested with web-api but its perfectly works with sqlbox
> Thanks
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Loyc Cossou  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Kindly confirm if the suggested configuration worked for you.
>> Thanks.
>> Sent with MailTrack
>> --
>> loyc Cossou
>> On 16 August 2016 at 09:51, Web Services  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> kindly add flowing lines in your configuration
>>> store-type = spool
>>> store-location = /var/spool/kannel
>>> then you can find all queue message in store location /var/spool/kannel
>>> note : don't forget create an directory named "kannel" in /var/sppol
>>> before add this lines and this will work only kannel 1.4.x or later
>>> versions
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Biswajit, BPL <
>>>> wrote:

 Could anyone give some update on this? Thanks in advance.

 *Thanks & Regards,*
 Biswajit Kumar
 Sr. System Engineer, P&D
 Bangla Phone Ltd. 
 Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
 Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
 On 2016-08-10 02:04, Biswajit, BPL wrote:

 Dear Concern,

 Please have the configuration in the attachment. We use separate config
 file for core, bearerbox, sqlbox and smsbox; here config is combined.

 *Thanks & Regards,*
 Biswajit Kumar
 Sr. System Engineer, P&D
 Bangla Phone Ltd. 
 Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
 Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
 On 2016-08-09 17:00, Web Services wrote:


 kindly post your kannel config file so we can help you


 On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Biswajit, BPL <> wrote:

> Dear Milan,
> Thanks for your feedback. As we use sqlbox we assumed we wouldn't have
> to use store configurations, hence we have not used the store-type,
> store-location or store-dump-freq. Could you please suggest best suitable
> config for them? Thanks in advance.
> *Thanks & Regards,*
> Biswajit Kumar
> Sr. System Engineer, P&D
> Bangla Phone Ltd. 
> Phone: +880 359 345 1125 <+8803593451125>
> Cell: +880 18 33 10 39 09 <+8801833103909>
> On 2016-08-08 16:18, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-08-08 at 15:22, Biswajit, BPL wrote:
> We are using Kannel 1.4.4 to connect with Mobile operators using SMPP 
> We use SQLBox for handling SMS transaction.
> What we want to find out is: where is the location of storing messages 
> which
> is showed as 'Queued' in Kannel status page (attached). If and when we 
> need
> to restart Kannel after configuration change, we have to wait for the 
> queue
> to clear. If we knew which messages were being queued, we could resend 
> those
> messages manually after restart.
> Appreciate your suggestion.
> You don't need to resend messages when you restart kannel if you use
> persistent storage for queued messages. Read the userguide and look
> configuration directives store-type, store-location and store-dump-freq.
> If that does not solve your problem then you should ask further
> questions here.


Re: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode PDU to a message

2010-03-24 Thread PradeepChandar Rajarathnam
Hi Nikos,

I agree that there is a lack of understanding of how Kannel works and I had 
gone through the user guide. But still I am not able to correct, the error 
"Could not decode PDU to a message". Please let me know how to correct this.



On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:30:45 +0530  wrote



Please read User's guide end2end. You seem to have 

a fundamental lack of understanding how kannel works, more than i can detail in 

an email.

Kannel is bearerbox + smsbox +wapbox (if you need 


You always need bearerbox and optional one or both 

of the other 2. You start bearerbox and then the components you need. What 


/etc/init.d/kannel start ???

and then you start bearerebox by hand? Come 


To answer your questions:

In group smsc:

smsc = at

at is the smsc driver (at.c). Each smsc needs a 

special driver to communicate. In your previous smskannel.conf you 


smsc = Pradeep

which doesn't exist as a driver.

Where do you use smskannel.conf? You seem to be 

using smsboxkannel.conf, not smskannel.conf.



  - Original Message - 


  PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




  Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:27 


  Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

  PDU to a message




>First I start the Kannel by 


>/etc/init.d/kannel start 

>then I run the bearer box by 



>then the smsbox by




>Please let me know what is wrong with the 

  smskannel.conf and what do you mean by 






>- Original Message - 



>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>Sent: Monday, March 

  22, 2010 3:06 


>Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

>PDU to a 



>>Hi Nikos,



>I am not able to figure out 

  what is wrong with 

>the smskannel.conf and I installed the statserial, what 

  do you mean by 

>"driver". I am connecting to the port to which it shows as 

  Modem in the dmesg 

>and even then I get this error. Kindly help what needs 

  to be done. 



>>There is nothing like driver available for 

  Linux in the Sony Ericsson 

>site. They just have a PC suite which is for 

  Windows only. What do you mean by 

>Driver. Kindly clarify. 



>>Please let me know what should be corrected in 


  smskannel to make it working so that, it redirects the HTTP response as 


>SMS message to the sender. 






>>On Fri, 


  Mar 2010 20:03:40 +0530 wrote




>>How do you 

  run the 

>boxes? smskannel.conf is wrong. 

>>There is no driver 

  "Pradeep" in 







  Original Message - 



>>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>>Sent: Friday, 

>March 19, 2010 



>>Subject: Error: Could not decode PDU to a 







>>>I try to 

  push data from the SMSC 

>& send back 

>>to the sender, I am 

  getting the error " Couldnot decode 

>"Could not decode PDU 

>>to a 



>>>I had gone through the 

>mailing list and 

  tried the 

>>possible options suggested, nothing worked. I 

>am using 

  W810i as modem. 



>>>Please find the attached log 


>and kindly 






















Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode PDU to a message

2010-03-24 Thread PradeepChandar Rajarathnam

-- Original Message --

From: "PradeepChandar Rajarathnam"



Subject: Re: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode PDU to a message--- Begin Message ---
Hi Nikos,

I agree that there is a lack of understanding of how Kannel works and I had 
gone through the user guide. But still I am not able to correct, the error 
"Could not decode PDU to a message". Please let me know how to correct this.



On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:30:45 +0530  wrote



Please read User's guide end2end. You seem to have 

a fundamental lack of understanding how kannel works, more than i can detail in 

an email.

Kannel is bearerbox + smsbox +wapbox (if you need 


You always need bearerbox and optional one or both 

of the other 2. You start bearerbox and then the components you need. What 


/etc/init.d/kannel start ???

and then you start bearerebox by hand? Come 


To answer your questions:

In group smsc:

smsc = at

at is the smsc driver (at.c). Each smsc needs a 

special driver to communicate. In your previous smskannel.conf you 


smsc = Pradeep

which doesn't exist as a driver.

Where do you use smskannel.conf? You seem to be 

using smsboxkannel.conf, not smskannel.conf.



  - Original Message - 


  PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




  Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:27 


  Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

  PDU to a message




>First I start the Kannel by 


>/etc/init.d/kannel start 

>then I run the bearer box by 



>then the smsbox by




>Please let me know what is wrong with the 

  smskannel.conf and what do you mean by 






>- Original Message - 



>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>Sent: Monday, March 

  22, 2010 3:06 


>Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

>PDU to a 



>>Hi Nikos,



>I am not able to figure out 

  what is wrong with 

>the smskannel.conf and I installed the statserial, what 

  do you mean by 

>"driver". I am connecting to the port to which it shows as 

  Modem in the dmesg 

>and even then I get this error. Kindly help what needs 

  to be done. 



>>There is nothing like driver available for 

  Linux in the Sony Ericsson 

>site. They just have a PC suite which is for 

  Windows only. What do you mean by 

>Driver. Kindly clarify. 



>>Please let me know what should be corrected in 


  smskannel to make it working so that, it redirects the HTTP response as 


>SMS message to the sender. 






>>On Fri, 


  Mar 2010 20:03:40 +0530 wrote




>>How do you 

  run the 

>boxes? smskannel.conf is wrong. 

>>There is no driver 

  "Pradeep" in 







  Original Message - 



>>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>>Sent: Friday, 

>March 19, 2010 



>>Subject: Error: Could not decode PDU to a 







>>>I try to 

  push data from the SMSC 

>& send back 

>>to the sender, I am 

  getting the error " Couldnot decode 

>"Could not decode PDU 

>>to a 



>>>I had gone through the 

>mailing list and 

  tried the 

>>possible options suggested, nothing worked. I 

>am using 

  W810i as modem. 



>>>Please find the attached log 


>and kindly 






















Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
--- End Message ---

Re: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode PDU to a message

2010-03-24 Thread PradeepChandar Rajarathnam

-- Original Message --

From: "PradeepChandar Rajarathnam"



Subject: Re: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode PDU to a message--- Begin Message ---
Hi Nikos,

I agree that there is a lack of understanding of how Kannel works and I had 
gone through the user guide. But still I am not able to correct, the error 
"Could not decode PDU to a message". Please let me know how to correct this.



On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:30:45 +0530  wrote



Please read User's guide end2end. You seem to have 

a fundamental lack of understanding how kannel works, more than i can detail in 

an email.

Kannel is bearerbox + smsbox +wapbox (if you need 


You always need bearerbox and optional one or both 

of the other 2. You start bearerbox and then the components you need. What 


/etc/init.d/kannel start ???

and then you start bearerebox by hand? Come 


To answer your questions:

In group smsc:

smsc = at

at is the smsc driver (at.c). Each smsc needs a 

special driver to communicate. In your previous smskannel.conf you 


smsc = Pradeep

which doesn't exist as a driver.

Where do you use smskannel.conf? You seem to be 

using smsboxkannel.conf, not smskannel.conf.



  - Original Message - 


  PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




  Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:27 


  Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

  PDU to a message




>First I start the Kannel by 


>/etc/init.d/kannel start 

>then I run the bearer box by 



>then the smsbox by




>Please let me know what is wrong with the 

  smskannel.conf and what do you mean by 






>- Original Message - 



>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>Sent: Monday, March 

  22, 2010 3:06 


>Subject: Re: Re: Error: Could not decode 

>PDU to a 



>>Hi Nikos,



>I am not able to figure out 

  what is wrong with 

>the smskannel.conf and I installed the statserial, what 

  do you mean by 

>"driver". I am connecting to the port to which it shows as 

  Modem in the dmesg 

>and even then I get this error. Kindly help what needs 

  to be done. 



>>There is nothing like driver available for 

  Linux in the Sony Ericsson 

>site. They just have a PC suite which is for 

  Windows only. What do you mean by 

>Driver. Kindly clarify. 



>>Please let me know what should be corrected in 


  smskannel to make it working so that, it redirects the HTTP response as 


>SMS message to the sender. 






>>On Fri, 


  Mar 2010 20:03:40 +0530 wrote




>>How do you 

  run the 

>boxes? smskannel.conf is wrong. 

>>There is no driver 

  "Pradeep" in 







  Original Message - 



>>PradeepChandar Rajarathnam 




>>Sent: Friday, 

>March 19, 2010 



>>Subject: Error: Could not decode PDU to a 







>>>I try to 

  push data from the SMSC 

>& send back 

>>to the sender, I am 

  getting the error " Couldnot decode 

>"Could not decode PDU 

>>to a 



>>>I had gone through the 

>mailing list and 

  tried the 

>>possible options suggested, nothing worked. I 

>am using 

  W810i as modem. 



>>>Please find the attached log 


>and kindly 






















Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
--- End Message ---

Re: Re: Re: Problem in sending message to a specific port

2010-05-05 Thread SameerBhagwat

I didnt ask any one to do it for me. I just wanted to get my doubts clarified. 

Seems you too don't know what to do. 



On Wed, 05 May 2010 17:52:17 +0530  wrote



I have provided with all the direction that you 

need. I believe that you can search it for yourself. Don't ask us to do it for 




  - Original Message - 





  Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 2:59 


  Subject: Re: Re: Problem in sending 

  message to a specific port




>I guess it is an issue with UDH please check the 

  logs and the config file. The Send SMS url have been modified and also there 

  is no result






>On Tue, 04 May 2010 18:19:00 

  +0530 wrote




>Java questions are irrelevant to this group. 


>check with a java group.


>To send SMS to a different port 

  than the default, 

>you need to use a modified udh in your sendsms url. 

  Google for it.





>- Original Message - 





>Sent: Tuesday, May 

  04, 2010 3:14 PM

>Subject: Problem in sending message to a 






>>Can any one suggest me how to send message 

  to a 

>specific port. I saw the link 


>and modified the config file. But I am not able to receive the SMS to the 


>port. Tested with J2ME 















Re: Re: Re: Problem in sending message to a specific port

2010-05-06 Thread Nikos Balkanas
You are so rightBut then again I don't have to, because i don't have the 
problem. But you do. So, good luck with it... :-)

- Original Message - 
From: SameerBhagwat

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Problem in sending message to a specific port


I didnt ask any one to do it for me. I just wanted to get my doubts 

Seems you too don't know what to do.


On Wed, 05 May 2010 17:52:17 +0530 wrote


I have provided with all the direction that you
need. I believe that you can search it for yourself. Don't ask us to do it 



- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 2:59
Subject: Re: Re: Problem in sending
message to a specific port


I guess it is an issue with UDH please check the

logs and the config file. The Send SMS url have been modified and also there
is no result


On Tue, 04 May 2010 18:19:00

+0530 wrote


Java questions are irrelevant to this group.


check with a java group.

To send SMS to a different port

than the default,

you need to use a modified udh in your sendsms url.

Google for it.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, May

04, 2010 3:14 PM

Subject: Problem in sending message to a



Can any one suggest me how to send message

to a

specific port. I saw the link

and modified the config file. But I am not able to receive the SMS to the

port. Tested with J2ME



Re: Re: Re: Problem in sending message to a specific port

2010-05-07 Thread Kenny

All you need is to specify the UDH with the destination port number.

*For* *example* UDH value 060504*270F*22B8 would would come to ur midlet as
source port:  and destination port . So your midlet listening on *
* would pick it. *270F *is the desination port number.

What port are you sending to? You can convert decimal port number to hex

Hope this helps.


2010/5/6 Nikos Balkanas 

> You are so rightBut then again I don't have to, because i don't have
> the problem. But you do. So, good luck with it... :-)
> Nikos
> - Original Message - From: SameerBhagwat
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 7:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Problem in sending message to a specific port
> Hi
> I didnt ask any one to do it for me. I just wanted to get my doubts
> clarified.
> Seems you too don't know what to do.
> Regards,
> Sameer
> On Wed, 05 May 2010 17:52:17 +0530 wrote
>>  Hi,
> I have provided with all the direction that you
> need. I believe that you can search it for yourself. Don't ask us to do it
> for
> you.
> BR,
> Nikos
> - Original Message - From:
> SameerBhagwat
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 2:59
> PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Problem in sending
> message to a specific port
>  Hi
>> I guess it is an issue with UDH please check the
> logs and the config file. The Send SMS url have been modified and also
> there
> is no result
>> Thanks,
>> Sameer
>> On Tue, 04 May 2010 18:19:00
> +0530 wrote
>>>  Hi,
>> Java questions are irrelevant to this group.
> Please
>> check with a java group.
>> To send SMS to a different port
> than the default,
>> you need to use a modified udh in your sendsms url.
> Google for it.
>> BR,
>> Nikos
>> - Original Message -
>  From:
>> SameerBhagwat
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, May
> 04, 2010 3:14 PM
>> Subject: Problem in sending message to a
>> specific
> port
>>  Hi
>>> Can any one suggest me how to send message
>> to a
>> specific port. I saw the link
>  and modified the config file. But I am not able to receive the SMS to the
>  port. Tested with J2ME
> application.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sameer

Re: RE : Re: Kannel cannot access to SMSC SMPP --> System type

2006-10-21 Thread Stipe Tolj

P. Gerard MBOUYAP wrote:

Thank you for your responses.
Please can you provide me the list of all system-type
which exist?

no, we can't :) ... since it's a "string" actually that can be freely used. 
Please contact you'r SMSC operator to request what value should be used for this.

In worst case, you said the "other" software worked, you can sniff the SMPP PDU 
packets using ethereal and look what that other software sends.


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany system architecture  Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)

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