Re: Can't get plugin to download/install correctly

2005-03-16 Thread Chad Woolley
I got this working, but I don't know how :(.
Apparently, I had a "0.5" version cached somewhere, and that was 
screwing me up.  This obviously resulted from me previously building and 
installing the HEAD version of the plugin (which has been incremented to 

However, what I don't understand is where it was!  I explicitly deleted:
/maven/plugins/maven-emma-plugin-0.x.jar (not sure if this was 0.4 or 0.5)
... And I still got this message on the next build:
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2
plugin maven-emma-plugin-0.5 is cached (dynatag dep) but no longer present
Cache invalidated due to out of date plugins
Attempting to download vmstest-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Where was the 0.5 version being cached?!?
Anyway, after the 0.5 references disappeared, it worked fine.
Also, I did NOT need a reference to the plugin in my POM with the 
type=plugin (I never did for other plugins).  Was this my real problem? 
 Is this the preferred solution for automatically 
downloading/installing plugins instead of my updateplugins goal?  It 
seemed kind of hackish.

If I have time to dig in and get more info, I'll post back here :)
Thanks for the help,
Kenney Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Chad,
Seems I made a mistake - plugin:install is indeed intended to be used from
within the plugin project itself.
I think something else is the problem.. When you just specify
a dependency of type 'plugin' in your project.xml, it should automatically
install it. Maybe it's only available in the second run, but it works.
I've tested it myself:
$ cat maven.xml


$ maven -Dmaven.repo.remote=
# (my 'local remote' repository)
   [echo] repo is ''
   [echo] trying to download
9K downloaded
   [delete] /home/forge/.maven/plugins not found.
   [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/forge/local/maven/plugins
Total time: 3 seconds
Finished at: Tue Mar 15 17:57:01 CET 2005
$ maven -g |grep emma
[emma]  ( NO DEFAULT GOAL )
 emma  ... Generate test coverage reports with
[maven-emma-plugin] ( NO DEFAULT GOAL )

Do you get similar output?
My guess is that you have some file permission issue on your repository.
Please check if
exists.. (it is also installed in ${maven.home}/plugins/emma/.)

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Re: Can't get plugin to download/install correctly

2005-03-15 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks for the response Kenney.
I thought that plugin:install could only be used from within a plugin 
project itself?  How can I use this goal against a downloaded plugin jar?

-- Chad
Kenney Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think you need to use .
plugin:download will only download it, not make it available for use.
Or does that have side-effects you don't want?

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Can't get plugin to download/install correctly

2005-03-13 Thread Chad Woolley
I have a plugin I am working on (the EMMA plugin at, and I 
cannot get it to install correctly from a central repo.

I have installed in my company's central repository in 
/emma/plugins/maven-emma-plugin-0.4.jar.  I then have an "updateplugins" 
common goal that developers can run to make sure it is installed:


I also add the dependencies (emma jars) in the project.xml of the project.
However, after running this, the goals in the plugin (like emma:report) 
are not found.  BUT, if I run plugin:install from within the plugin 
project itself, it installs fine!

Also, when I do this same procedure for other plugins, it work.
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong, and how to get it to install 
correctly from a central repo?


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How can I get Jelly to invoke a class in my project?

2005-02-24 Thread Chad Woolley
I was unable to get core:useBean and core:invoke to invoke a class that 
lives in my project's test dir.  I kept getting class not found 
exceptions.  Anyone know how to do this?  Here's my painful, ugly 
workaround using ant:exec:



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Patch posted for eclipse:external-tools-21 goal

2005-01-31 Thread Chad Woolley
Attached to the issue is a patch which makes the following changes to 
the eclipse:external-tools-21 goal:

1. Makes default action to run goal against project.xml in the current 
2. Makes default to refresh project containing the selected resource
3. Removes code to add each entry to favorites list, because they fill 
up the list and makes user have to scroll to see the bottom of the 
external tools menu.

I think these would be much more intuitive and convenient defaults for 
the majority of the plugin users.

P.S. sorry for posting this to users, but I'm not subscribed to dev :)
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Dynamically building property names and retrieving their values

2005-01-13 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks a lot for the response, that got me there (with a workaround). 
However, that concatenation doesn't appear to work, so I had to assign 
to an intermediate var.  Looks like it thinks it's a number if I use 
concatenation.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  The Jexl docs seem to 
indicate that + works for string concatenation...

Here is my goal:${}

which outputs:
[echo] 1)
ASTIdentifier : java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
at java.lang.Double.valueOf(
at java.lang.Double.(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core.SetTag.doTag(
at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
at com.werken.werkz.WerkzProject.attainGoal(
at org.apache.maven.MavenSession.attainGoals(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(
[echo] 2)

Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
${context.findVariable( + '')}

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Dynamically building property names and retrieving their values

2005-01-12 Thread Chad Woolley
I want each developer to be able to define their database settings for 
each project in their /, like this
However, I want to have a common set of db goals for all projects 
(inherited from my parent project).

So, if I have the project name in a ${} variable, can I 
somehow dynamically retrieve the value of the property named

Or, is there an easier way to do this?
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Re: Managing maven snapshots with frequent automated releases

2004-12-10 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks for the response, Jason.  I'm not sure what you are saying exactly.  Is 
it one of these:

1.  Are you saying to check in the converted POM with resolved snapshots, and 
then tag using the snapshot timestamp as the name of the tag?

2. Or, are you saying to convert snapshots, then snapshot the current project 
(which stores the converted POM in the repo), then tag the current project 
including the unresolved snapshot version of the POM, with the name of the tag 
being the same as the snapshot timestamp?

If you are saying #2, how can I automate the retrieval of the POM from the 
repository?  I could maybe somehow programatically retrieve the correct 
converted POM from the repository based on the value of a tag.  However, this 
would have to happen before maven starts up, since it is already using the POM 
by this point.

Am I missing something obvious?
Jason van Zyl wrote:
In order to reliably reproduce your snapshots you need to indicate that
within your SCM. Branches in CVS are expensive but all you need to do is
tag. In other SCMs like Subversion tags and branches are cheap. Now what
to use as a tag I would suggest using the timestamp generated by the
production of a snapshot for each project. This is something we are
trying to deal with in Continuum so we're trying to arrive at a best
practice with respect to Maven. You may have to do some manual tinkering
but I think using the snapshot identifier as a tag name would be best as
the artifact itself carries with it, by way of its name, the necessary
information to extract the corresponding sources from your SCM. The
snapshot identifier also clearly tells you when it was the snapshot was
produced as opposed to some other arbitrary, site local, tagging
convention which may not incorporate the date.
This is the approach I'm using with Continnum, which Trygve and I are
currently working on.

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Managing maven snapshots with frequent automated releases

2004-12-09 Thread Chad Woolley
We are using Maven and Anthill Pro, and have several inter-related 
projects, managed with maven SNAPSHOT dependencies.  Our goal is to 
completely automate our (frequent) release process to be triggered via 
Anthill Pro, but still be able to recreate a build with fully-resolved 
snapshot dependencies if we need to make a release branch for bug fixes.

The question is what to do with the generated POM that results from 
convert-snapshots.  We obviously have to have this POM available for 
rebuilds, so we can have the same resolved dependency versions in the 

We could create a release branch for each release and store the POM 
there, but this has two drawbacks.  One, it would take a lot of manual 
scripting to make this happen in a reliable and generic way for all 
projects.  Second, this would create a branch for every release for 
every project.  This is a lot of unnecessary branches, since we release 
often and usually don't have to make bug fixes on a branch (we TRY to 
keep the HEAD in an always-releaseable state).

Has anyone else tackled this problem, or have any ideas?
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RE: Current best practices for automating deployment to Weblogic 8?

2004-10-12 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks to everyone who responded with good advice...
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Re: [OT] jalopy

2004-10-11 Thread Chad Woolley
Nathan Coast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do people create their jalopy config files? 

I use the eclipse plugin and just export it from there.
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Current best practices for automating deployment to Weblogic 8?

2004-10-10 Thread Chad Woolley
I am wanting to automate deployment of our WARs / EARs to Weblogic 8 under 
Maven, scheduled via Anthill Pro.

I'm wondering what is the latest and greatest way to do this, right now.
There seem to be several options available:
* Cargo (which we are already using for Jetty, but doesn't have WL8 support yet)
* the Maven appserver/J2EE plugins (but these don't seem to support deployment 
to an existing remote container???)

* Rolling my own with calls to SCP (probably via ant's SCP target) and 
Weblogic's native container start/stop/deploy control support.

Can anyone provide input on which of these (or some other) would be the path of 
least resistance?  Pointers to publicly accessible working examples would be great.

Thanks a lot,

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Re: Question on Managing Maven Snapshot Dependencies

2004-09-06 Thread Chad Woolley
FYI, I just submitted a patch for
.. which I think addresses this in a more direct way.  I can now put the 
following as a preGoal for build:start in my extended maven.xml:

This will cause the value of the ${anthill.version} property to automatically
be used instead of the timestamp.  Hopefully this patch can make it in the next 

Chad Woolley wrote:
Thanks for the response, I think this will work!  Just one thing, however.
I couldn't get it to work like you said with 

I had to do the following:

Maybe there is an easier way, but I couldn't figure it out...
Also, I don't understand what you meant in step 2 by "constructed new 
artifact names".  Why is this necessary?

Thanks again!
-- Chad

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Re: Question on Managing Maven Snapshot Dependencies

2004-09-05 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks for the response, I think this will work!  Just one thing, however.
I couldn't get it to work like you said with ${pom.setCurrentVersion(version)}
I had to do the following:

Maybe there is an easier way, but I couldn't figure it out...
Also, I don't understand what you meant in step 2 by "constructed new artifact 
names".  Why is this necessary?

Thanks again!
-- Chad
"Jefferson K. French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Chad. What I did was add a custom goal uses the version number
passed in my Anthill, since that is what Anthill uses when tagging the
source code. In particular I:
1. Defined my project's version as SNAPSHOT in project.xml
2. Constructed new artifact names using the 'version' property passed
   in by Anthill
3. Attained xxx:deploy
4. Changed the version number: ${pom.setCurrentVersion(version)}
5. Used  to deploy using the new version number
So in our company repo we end up with a project-1.2.3.jar and a
project-SNAPSHOT.jar, for example.
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004, at 16:22:17 [GMT -0700] Chad Woolley wrote:


We are setting up Maven with our Continous Integration process (Anthill 
Pro), to manage several dependent projects, and want to use SNAPSHOT 

I understand how snapshot dependencies work, and convert-snapshots, but 
I have some questions/concerns.

We want to be able to tag the version of the snapshot, so the 
corresponding source can be checked out at a later date.

However, AnthillPro must know the string to tag with before it invokes a 

I could run two subsequent goals, and maybe trick anthill into using the 
generated timestamp to tag the project.  Unfortunately, I don't know how 
to obtain a handle on the generated snapshot timestamp in an automated way.

Has anyone else resolved this problem?  Am I approaching it the wrong way?


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Question on Managing Maven Snapshot Dependencies

2004-09-03 Thread Chad Woolley
We are setting up Maven with our Continous Integration process (Anthill 
Pro), to manage several dependent projects, and want to use SNAPSHOT 

I understand how snapshot dependencies work, and convert-snapshots, but 
I have some questions/concerns.

We want to be able to tag the version of the snapshot, so the 
corresponding source can be checked out at a later date.

However, AnthillPro must know the string to tag with before it invokes a 

I could run two subsequent goals, and maybe trick anthill into using the 
generated timestamp to tag the project.  Unfortunately, I don't know how 
to obtain a handle on the generated snapshot timestamp in an automated way.

Has anyone else resolved this problem?  Am I approaching it the wrong way?
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Re: Help with Artifact plugin

2004-09-01 Thread Chad Woolley
AH, I get it.  So I just need to do jar:deploy-snapshot.  Thanks!!!

Hi Chad,
It is a tag, not a goal, so you need to wrap it in a goal
there are examples in here

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Help with Artifact plugin

2004-08-31 Thread Chad Woolley
..I can't get it to do anything.  When I type:
maven artifact:deploy-snapshot
I get "Goal "artifact:deploy-snapshot" does not exist in this project.  I have 
downloaded the latest 1.4 version, this did not help.  I have maven 1.0.

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project layout implementation question

2004-08-23 Thread Chad Woolley
Is it possible to check out the skeleton at the same directory, and reuse it's 
files via ../skeleton/*?

Maybe not, but it's a suggestion...
Good Luck,
Warner Onstine wrote:
I recently was put on to a new project and spent most of yesterday puzzling through 
this and trying to figure out the best way to do this. Admittedly this is more than 
just a project layout question, there are some other larger issues at play here that I 
would like to pose to the list to help figure out the best way to do this.
We have a Struts application that was written for one client. This application was then used for 
another client (copy the code, modify, deploy). This happened many times, then they created a 
base application which could then be used as the "skeleton" app and created a client 
directories for only the files that needed to get modified. I now have the dubious honor of 
creating a new client and have been trying to mavenize it from the old ant build which contains 
many targets that are common to all client projects (ie - these would make great plugins).
Now I'm struggling with how to best incorporate the master skeleton files into this 
client project. Here is what I came up with, but would love feedback from others.
Option 1: One thing to do would be to copy the files from the skeleton in a 
pre-compile goal so that they get built along with the changed files. I would also 
need to do the same with the webapp files.
Option 2: Create a build for the master project that builds everything into a jar file and make 
a dependency on it. I would still have to copy the webapp files down to the client when building 
the war. And I also don't know if any "core" java files get modified in the client 
(they shouldn't, it should be an inheritance thing, but again I don't know).
That's about all I came up with, without rearchitecting the whole application at this 
time (which it undoubtedly needs, but I can't afford that time right now, hopefully in 
the near future I can examine this possibility further).
Hoping to hear some good suggestions.

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How do I define my multiproject:site index page?

2004-08-23 Thread Chad Woolley
How do I define an index page to show as the default content for my 
top-level page generated by multiproject:site?

There are properties to define the projects-overview page, but this 
isn't the default page for the multiproject site...

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Re: How can I override the currentversion from the POM?

2004-07-29 Thread Chad Woolley
Erik Husby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chad Woolley wrote:
I want to be able to override the currentversion that is used when I 
do a build.  I attempted to do this, but it seems that the pom 
currentversion property cannot be changed.

My goal is to use the version that is provided in a property by my 
continuous integration tool (anthill).

Is this possible?
Define it as ${currentVersion} then do
 >maven -DcurrentVersion=1.1
 >maven -DcurrentVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT

This doesn't work for me, because when I invoke Maven via Anthill, I 
don't have access to the maven command line, or a way to set System 
properties (that I know of).

Are System properties the only way to have a dynamic variable assigned 
in the project.xml?

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Re: Anthill Pro and Maven Site Publishing

2004-07-29 Thread Chad Woolley
The problem is that the publishDir changes (there is a subdirectory for 
each individual build).  So, I can't hardcode a specific location.

I can get at the Anthill publishDir property that is passed in, but I 
don't know how to make this override the "host" and "directory" from the 
 maven POM.

The real problem I guess is that the POM entries seem to be immutable, 
unless you specify a variable like ${myVar}. 
However, (as far as I know) you can only set these via System properties 
on the command line, which I don't know how to do when maven is invoked 
via Anthill.  I've got a separate thread going on this specific question 
(How can I override the currentversion from the POM).

I'm probably missing something very obvious here, but I don't know what.
Jefferson K. French wrote:
I use AnthillOS and Maven, but publish to a different location and
have an entry in navigation.xml that points to the Anthill build logs.
Since you can specify the host and directory to which Maven deploys
the site, can you not just deploy the site to the Anthill publishDir?
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, at 11:32:25 [GMT -0700] Chad Woolley wrote:


Does anyone out there use Anthill Pro with Maven to manage the automatic
publishing of their Maven-generated site to the Anthill Intranet?

There seem to be some hardcoded stuff in the maven site:deploy goals 
which make
this difficult.  I have written some postGoal hacks, but they are ugly, 
and I
don't really want to duplicate them across projects, or go to the trouble of
making a plugin out of them.  Is there a simple solution?

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can share their experience or 
code samples.



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Anthill Pro and Maven Site Publishing

2004-07-28 Thread Chad Woolley
Does anyone out there use Anthill Pro with Maven to manage the automatic
publishing of their Maven-generated site to the Anthill Intranet?
There seem to be some hardcoded stuff in the maven site:deploy goals 
which make
this difficult.  I have written some postGoal hacks, but they are ugly, 
and I
don't really want to duplicate them across projects, or go to the trouble of
making a plugin out of them.  Is there a simple solution?

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can share their experience or 
code samples.


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How can I override the currentversion from the POM?

2004-07-28 Thread Chad Woolley
I want to be able to override the currentversion that is used when I do 
a build.  I attempted to do this, but it seems that the pom 
currentversion property cannot be changed.

My goal is to use the version that is provided in a property by my 
continuous integration tool (anthill).

Is this possible?
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Can I expose a property in one of my xdocs?

2004-07-26 Thread Chad Woolley
For example:



PS:  Sorry if this is a doublepost, accidentally hit ctrl-S...
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How do I get missing goals to show up in the wizard plugin

2004-07-08 Thread Chad Woolley
Like "clean" for example???
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can maven deploy my website out of CVS?

2004-06-27 Thread Chad Woolley
I have a website (just plain html files) stored in CVS.  Is there a maven plugin 
I can use to automatically export the files out of CVS and into my web root dir?

I don't mind reorganizing my files to fit the maven directory structure (e.g. 
putting all the files under xdoc)

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Re: [ANN] Mevenide move

2004-05-03 Thread Chad Woolley
The Mevenide team is proud to announce its move to The Codehaus. Website is now hosted at
Did you typo the project name this time too??? :)

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RE: Detailed examples of J2EE projects in maven?

2004-04-14 Thread Chad Woolley
Brett Porter wrote
Yeah, the site comes from MAVEN-1_0-BRANCH. Patch against there in future -
but don't worry, I can sort this one out.
Hmm, I can't get any branches at all to show up in the Eclipse CVS 
Repository Explorer.  I've had this problem before with certain 
repositories, I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

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Re: Detailed examples of J2EE projects in maven?

2004-04-12 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks Geoffrey, this is a very good article.

It should be added to the maven articles list at:
I've submitted a patch for the link here:
I'm not sure I did it right though - I patched against the HEAD, but the 
last link on the live site was not in the HEAD xdoc.

Geoffrey wrote:
This article is very good for J2EE:

I am actually looking for a similar one on how to compile and run an normal
J2SE app which exists out of several modules (muliple projects?) and
requires libs.
"Chad Woolley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht

I'm going to be attempting to migrate an existing J2EE project to Maven.
I'm looking for complete, detailed examples that I can look at for
guidance on the best practices for approaching this.  Is there anything
like this publicly available (or privately sharable)?

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Re: Newbe: Maven vs AntHill

2004-04-05 Thread Chad Woolley
David R Robison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can Maven "fetch changed sources from a source repository" during a build?
You could definitely make Maven do this.  However, if you are wanting to 
use Maven with Anthill, you wouldn't want to do that.

The way Anthill works is to pull everything out of the repository that 
you are going to build (either the tip of HEAD or branch, or a given 
tag), and then run the build on that.

If you are using Anthill, you wouldn't want your build scripts to have 
anything to do with pulling stuff out of the repository - let Anthill do 
that for you before it invokes the build.

Hope this helps,
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Detailed examples of J2EE projects in maven?

2004-04-02 Thread Chad Woolley

I'm going to be attempting to migrate an existing J2EE project to Maven. 
   I'm looking for complete, detailed examples that I can look at for 
guidance on the best practices for approaching this.  Is there anything 
like this publicly available (or privately sharable)?

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Re: A suggestion for the Maven Site

2004-03-11 Thread Chad Woolley
This sounds like a good idea, why don't you submit a patch for the site docs???

"Hensley, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While I've been learning Maven, I've been keeping notes about what learning
curve obstacles I've encountered. So far, the biggest learning obstacle the
basic building blocks of Maven, and then finding the documentation that
leads me in the right direction.
To help with the first problem, I had to wait until "it's all Jelly and
plugin's" light bulb went on. Once I figured that out, it would have helped
if there were a link to the tag documentation along with the plugin link in
the reference section of the Maven site. 

I would imagine that the Tag Documentation link would show a page that links
to the Maven specific tags, and to the tags that are part of Jelly.
In using Maven, I find myself linking to these places most often:

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Ability to distinguish between Runtime/Build Dependencies - latest status?

2004-03-06 Thread Chad Woolley

I reviewed the threads I could find, but I'm wondering where this is currently at.

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RE: aspectwerkz plugin

2004-02-12 Thread Chad Woolley
Jason van Zyl wrote:
Personally, I think AOP where aspects are definted with XML is not a
very good idea. You completely lose the power of the compiler and you
are left to find your mistakes at runtime. And XML is just cumbersome
and there is no way you could even come close with XML, to the power of
the syntax AspectJ provides. Wes Isberg had a pretty good summary of
some of the potential pitfalls of using XML in conjunction with AOP,
I'll see if I can dig it up.
Sorry, I can't resist putting in my off-topic $.02.

First, the claim that XML-defined aspects can only be caught at runtime 
is incorrect.  AspectWerkz, with XML definined aspects, can use the 
post-compiler approach just like AspectJ and report all compilation 
failures then.

Also, I totally agree with your point that aspects can often be misused 
when a plain-java approach would be much more understandable and 

Now, on to the opinionated portion of the post :) . I have used both 
AspectJ and AspectWerkz, albeit in a very limited way.  My open-source 
project, VirtualMock, supports the use of both AspectJ and AspectWerkz 
in a transparently interchangable manner.

AspectJ is definitely more mature and powerful.  It does currently 
support some features that AspectWerkz does not (but the AspectWerkz 
developers are steadily working to address these shortcomings).

AspectJ is also, IMHO, very hard to learn.  I'm not ashamed to admit 
that the the AspectJ custom definition syntax often makes my head hurt 
when I try to understand it.  Of course this is just a learning curve 
issue, but there is a lot of complex stuff to learn.

AspectWerkz, in contrast, is much easier to learn.  The XML definition 
syntax is much closer to something that can be read and understood by 
your average human.  The arguments against coding in XML are all valid, 
but it's definitely much more understandable than the AspectJ syntax.

This learning curve may be a non-issue for people who are really smart 
or have already learned AspectJ syntax.  However, it is definitely a 
major issue, especially for projects with several developers, who are 
often distributed over a bell curve in terms of capability and 
motivation to learn a complex new programming syntax (just the concept 
of AOP is difficult enough for many people).

Now, the other point that hasn't been mentioned is the new AspectWerkz 
support for defining aspect functionality via "xdoclet" style tags.  To 
me, this seems like the best solution in the long term.  This is still 
"native java", and the future releases of the JDK will formalize this 
approach.  There will still probably be some types of aspects that 
cannot be defined in this manner, but it makes sense to me to use this 
approach whenever possible.

Also, in my experience, I think it is best to make your aspects as 
"bare-bones" as possible.  In other words, refactor out all the logic 
that is not directly tied to the aspect into plain-java helper utility 
classes.  These can then be directly unit tested without worrying about 
the complication of the aspect framework.  I think this is a good 
general approach to make your aspects more understandable and manageable.

Anyway, enough off-topic opinionated spew.

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aspectwerkz plugin

2004-02-12 Thread Chad Woolley

Vincent Massol just recently wrote this plugin.  If you go to the 
aspectwerkz maling list archives, you can see a lot of discussions there 
about the plugin when he was working on it, and also some descriptions 
of how to use it.

Vincent could probably provide more info - I haven't had a chance to try 
out the plugin yet :)

Sonnek, Ryan wrote:
Does anyone out there have info on the aspectwerkz plugin?  I see there's
documentation on it on the maven site
(, and the mailing
list did not have any references to it.  I keep getting "goal does not exist
in this project", and I'm hoping I don't have to manually download the
source and install it myself, but if so, where can it be found?  

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Re: Build succeeding even though test fails

2004-01-31 Thread Chad Woolley
You haven't set maven.test.failure.ignore  have you?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
I have it explicitly set to false, but it wasn't working even when I didn't have 
it specified at all.

-- Chad

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Build succeeding even though test fails

2004-01-29 Thread Chad Woolley

When I run test:test, the build is "SUCCESSFUL" even if a test fails.  I have 
"maven.test.failure.ignore=false" in my

Any idea on what is wrong?

Here is the partial output of "maven -X test:test":

[junit] [DEBUG] Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing 
'L:\j2sdk1.4\jre\bin\java.exe' with arguments:
hrowableutil-1.0.jar;J:\Documents and 

The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
not part of the command.
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.081 sec
[junit] [ERROR] TEST org.virtualmock.VMFactoryTest FAILED

Total time: 48 seconds

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Re: What is the proper way to handle resource bundles when unit testing?

2004-01-04 Thread Chad Woolley

Yes, you use  for this.







OK, I wasn't including the inner  tag.

Is there any DTD available for project.xml so I can validate and stop asking 
dumb questions like this?  There isn't one in the maven's project.xml...


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What is the proper way to handle resource bundles when unit testing?

2004-01-01 Thread Chad Woolley

I use a resource bundle in my app.  In my ResourceManager class, I load it like 

ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceFileName, locale, 

However, when I run my ResourceManagerTest unit test via the default "test" 
goal, my class always fails because it cannot find the resource bundle.

I tried specifying the bundle in the  section of project.xml, but 
this doesn't seem to work.

Is there a standard way to handle this, or any other maven projects that I can 
look at for an example?

FYI - if I make custom goals to manually copy the bundle to basedir, and 
manually invoke JUnit, then it works.  This method doesn't work when using the 
standard maven "test" goal, though.


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"test" goal successful even though tests fail?

2004-01-01 Thread Chad Woolley

When I run "maven test", the output says "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", even though a test 

I have the following property set:  maven.test.failure.ignore = false

I can provide any additional info that is required.


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Re: Auto-generate Ant Script from Maven Script?

2003-12-22 Thread Chad Woolley
Hmm, there is already a plugin to do this, and it's the first plugin in 
the list - cryptically named "Ant".  No wonder I didn't find it.

I'll write it 50 times:  RTFM.  RTFM. RTFM...

Sorry for the unnecessary post.

-- Chad

Chad Woolley wrote:

I have an application which uses maven as the main build mechanism. 
However, I also maintain a corresponding Ant script which does a basic 
build of my app.  This is to support users who may want to build my app, 
but not go to the trouble of downloading and installing maven.  Also, I 
have in the past encountered a bug where Maven would not perform a 
certain task, but Ant would (yes, I dutifully reported the bug).

My question is:  Has anyone tried to make a simple plugin which would 
generate a basic Ant build script based off of a maven.xml file?

I know that custom plugins, reports, etc. obviously wouldn't be 
supported.  However, it seems possible to generate a basic Ant build 
script containing the classpath, and targets for clean, java:compile, 
test:compile, jar, etc.  This could even read the properties directly 
from and project.xml, to avoid hardcoding 
often-changed values in the generated script.


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Auto-generate Ant Script from Maven Script?

2003-12-22 Thread Chad Woolley

I have an application which uses maven as the main build mechanism. 
However, I also maintain a corresponding Ant script which does a basic 
build of my app.  This is to support users who may want to build my app, 
but not go to the trouble of downloading and installing maven.  Also, I 
have in the past encountered a bug where Maven would not perform a 
certain task, but Ant would (yes, I dutifully reported the bug).

My question is:  Has anyone tried to make a simple plugin which would 
generate a basic Ant build script based off of a maven.xml file?

I know that custom plugins, reports, etc. obviously wouldn't be 
supported.  However, it seems possible to generate a basic Ant build 
script containing the classpath, and targets for clean, java:compile, 
test:compile, jar, etc.  This could even read the properties directly 
from and project.xml, to avoid hardcoding 
often-changed values in the generated script.

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Re: Clover plugin won't recognize my licensed clover jar

2003-12-15 Thread Chad Woolley
Yes, it is the latest version.

Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Chad,

Are you using version 1.4 of the Clover plugin?


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RE: How do I get java:compile to automatically add dependencies to classpath?

2003-12-13 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks, that's it.  I knew it was something dumb.

It would probably be useful to have a "NotSoSimple" java example in the examples 
plugin.  Still basic, but with a dependency section (some simple HelloWorld that 
uses commons-lang, for example), and some other things that are common on any 
java project of good size.  Maybe I'll try to write one if I find time.

Thanks again,
Tim Chen wrote:
Needs to be wrapped in a  tag.


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How do I get java:compile to automatically add dependencies to classpath?

2003-12-12 Thread Chad Woolley

I am starting a new simple java project.  I used the "Simple Java" example from 
the examples plugin.  I only have two class files so far (test classes not added 

The problem is that when I run java:compile, it does not add my dependent jar to 
the classpath, even though I have it in the dependencies section.  I also tried 
adding it to the override jars, but it still does not get added to the classpath.

I have compared this to existing working projects, and I can't wee what I am 
doing wrong.

Here's some info, let me know if I need to provide anything else.


Dependency and build section from project.xml






# repository
# jar override
maven.jar.override = on
maven.jarResources.basedir = ${}
maven.jar.bcel = ${basedir}/lib/bcel-5.1.jar
# java
maven.compile.debug = on
maven.compile.optimize = on
maven.compile.deprecation = on = 1.3
maven.compile.source = 1.3
maven.javadoc.source = 1.3
# test
maven.test.source = 1.3
maven.test.failure.ignore = true
maven.junit.fork = true


[echo] Compiling to target\main
[javac] [DEBUG] fileset: Setup scanner in dir 
D:\projects\throwableutil\src\java with patternSet{ includes: [] excludes: 
[**/package.html] }
[javac] [VERBOSE] org\throwableutil\ added as 
org/throwableutil/ThrowableUtilsOrig.class doesn't exist.
[javac] [VERBOSE] org\throwableutil\ added as 
org/throwableutil/ThrowableUtilsCreator.class doesn't exist.
[javac] Compiling 2 source files to D:\projects\throwableutil\target\main
[javac] [VERBOSE] Using modern compiler
[javac] [VERBOSE] Compilation arguments:

The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
not part of the command.
[javac] [VERBOSE] Files to be compiled:
package org.apache.bcel does not exist
import org.apache.bcel.Constants;

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Re: Is it possible to keep unit tests in the same directories as production classes?

2003-12-10 Thread Chad Woolley

I had another idea on how I could approach this.

Would it be possible to set up some sort of global initialization goal 
which would manually copy all the test classes to the separate test 
directory structure defined to maven, and then proceed with the normal 
maven goals?

This definitely seems possible to me, but I don't know if maven would 
have problems if the test dir tree did not exist or was not populated at 
maven startup time.

Is there some sort of built-in hook point that occurs very early in 
maven initialization, which I could use to trigger this copying and have 
it automatically happen before all other goals?   Even if it's not 
automatic, I could make a hardcoded goal, and then always use other 
hardcoded "wrapper" goals to ensure that the test-copying goal is always 
invoked before the real goal.

This obviously isn't an optimal approach, but it would definitely be a 
workaround to get maven working and accepted by the team before I begin 
lobbying to move all the unit tests.

If this works, I could even see this being made into a plugin to help 
others in my same situation.  I could even take a shot at it.  Even 
though I've never done a plugin, maybe I could give a little back to the 
maven community.

Any input from the mavengurus on whether I can/cannot should/shouldn't 
take this approach to my problem?

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Re: Clover plugin won't recognize my licensed clover jar

2003-12-09 Thread Chad Woolley
Thanks for the response, Joe.  Yes, I do have maven.jar.override on, and 
am overriding several other jars.

Joe Germuska wrote:
On Dec 8, 2003, at 4:55 PM, Chad Woolley wrote:


I am trying to use the maven clover plugin.  In the properties for the plugin, it says I can specify maven.clover.jar property which "Allows the user to override the Clover jar. This is especially useful as the Clover jars are license-signed for a specific project so you might want to use different jars for different projects."

I do have a licensed jar in my lib dir, which I downloaded from Clover's website using my license key.  In my I have: "maven.clover.jar=${basedir}/lib/clover.jar"

have you also got
in your properties?
I don't user clover, but I do override jars, and it works when I use both the maven.jar.override as well as the specific overrides.


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Re: Is it possible to keep unit tests in the same directories as production classes?

2003-12-09 Thread Chad Woolley
Wow.  Sorry, didn't mean to start such a firestorm.  The reason 
mentioned below is the only *legitimate* reason I can think of,
and I guess it doesn't hold up too well.

Don't get me wrong, I follow the recommended structure on my own 
open-source project, and I am reaping the benefits of it by using almost 
all of the report plugins.

It's just that I'm probably not going to be able to convince my team at 
work to change the project structure, and therefore will probably not be 
able to use some (many?) of the maven plugins.

However, if I had my vote, I'd still leave the "backdoor" way of doing 
this available, but people are on their own if they try it (until they 
ask a question on the mailing list and start this thread all over). 
Hmm, you could even print out an ugly, descriptive warning message if 
the dir trees point to the same place - would that be an acceptable 

Thanks to everyone for their time and input, and thanks for the great tool.

-- Chad

Jeffrey D. Brekke wrote:
[Jason's clear and correct description clipped]

But I am curious: name one single advantage to putting test and
application sources together. Basically the arguments for it have
been "I want to do it so I should be able to" which is not likely to
be taken seriously around here.

The only one I have ever heard was something along the lines that it
is easier to see the test code filenames next to the production code
filenames in a listing in your editor/ide.
IDE's provide a way to quickly find or list test code, and in emacs I
just change src/java to src/test/java ( and vice-versa ) in the path
when opening another file.

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Re: Is it possible to keep unit tests in the same directories as production classes?

2003-12-08 Thread Chad Woolley

Is there any particular reason for these vehement and draconian 
objections? :)

What are the technical issues caused by this?  I can understand how some 
plugins won't work, but this could be an acceptable price.  I can 
understand that separate source trees is the "right" way, but does is 
have to be the only way?

In my particular case, I want to setup maven to illustrate it's benefits 
to the rest of my team.  However, if I tell them I have to totally 
reorganize the source tree before I can show off maven, I don't think 
they are going to buy it.

It seems like it would be to maven's benefit to be as flexible as 
possible when people are migrating to it.  Otherwise, people may not 
even want to go to the trouble of trying it...

Jason van Zyl wrote:
 > Now I'm going to have add something that halts the build if any
derivatives of org.junit.Test* are found in the source directory 

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Re: No hrefs getting included from navigation.xml

2003-12-08 Thread Chad Woolley
OK, after I blew this away, it worked.  I would still consider this a 
bug, if maven isn't smart enough to redownload any newer required 
dependencies after an upgrade.  Oh well...

Thanks again for the help,
dion wrote:

where are you expanded plugins and cache kept?

By default they're under ${user.home}. That really needs to be creamed to 
have a clean install.

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Clover plugin won't recognize my licensed clover jar

2003-12-08 Thread Chad Woolley

I am trying to use the maven clover plugin.  In the properties for the 
plugin, it says I can specify maven.clover.jar property which "Allows 
the user to override the Clover jar. This is especially useful as the 
Clover jars are license-signed for a specific project so you might want 
to use different jars for different projects."

I do have a licensed jar in my lib dir, which I downloaded from Clover's 
website using my license key.  In my I have: 

However, in my Clover report that is generated, it always says: "30 day 
Evaluation Version distributed via the Maven Jar Repository. Clover is 
not free. "

How can I get it to recognize my licensed jar?


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Is it possible to keep unit tests in the same directories as production classes?

2003-12-08 Thread Chad Woolley

I want to implement maven on an existing project, which has the unit 
tests in the same directories as the classes they test.

Is this supported with maven?  I read the test plugin docs, but I don't 
see any properties or any info there...

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Problems with Checkstyle plugin in RC1, solved by making plugin use checkstyle 3.2 instead of 3.1

2003-12-07 Thread Chad Woolley

When I upgraded to RC1, I kept ketting the following checkstyle error:

File.. file:/J:/Documents and 
Element... ant:checkstyle
Line.. 127
Column 65
Unable to create a Checker: cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Unable to 
instantiate JavadocStyle
Total time: 11 seconds
Finished at: Sun Dec 07 12:15:34 GMT-07:00 2003

When I ran checkstyle from the command line with checkstyle 3.2, I had no problems

So, I changed to version 3.2 in the checkstyle plugin project.xml:


Then, everything worked.

I think the plugin needs to be updated to 3.2.


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Re: No hrefs getting included from navigation.xml

2003-12-07 Thread Chad Woolley
On Windows this is your \Documents and Settings\userid\.maven dir.

I just installed RC1 on a different machine, DIDN'T delete anything under 
.maven, and I didn't have the problem (hrefs worked).

Don't know what the problem was on the other machine.  I will try it again.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

dion wrote:

where are you expanded plugins and cache kept?

By default they're under ${user.home}. That really needs to be creamed to 
have a clean install.

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Re: No hrefs getting included from navigation.xml

2003-12-06 Thread Chad Woolley
I renamed my old maven dir to "\maven.old", and reinstalled from the windows 
executable to \maven.  MAVEN_HOME still points at \maven.  Is this not a clean 
install?  Is there something else I need to delete on an upgrade?

dion wrote:
It's most definitely not a bug in RC1 on a clean install.

Almost always the solution here has been to delete the cached plugins, and 
any old maven-xdoc-plugin jars in the ${maven.home}/plugins directory.

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problems with checkstyle plugin not recognizing config file

2003-12-03 Thread Chad Woolley

I have read this:

However, I can't get the checkstyle plugin to recognize my config file. 
 When I make a change (changing line length to 90, for example), the 
new rule is not reflected in the report.

I think this may be because I am using beta 9, which doesn't seem to use 
the version 2.x plugin.  I downloaded the 2.0 plugin, but I don't know 
how to force maven to use the new plugin.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: No hrefs getting included from navigation.xml

2003-12-03 Thread Chad Woolley
Jason van Zyl wrote:
Try following the same pattern we use:

And register an issue in JIRA here:

The plugin should be smart enough to work without the leading slash.

Thanks for the input, but no amount of leading slashes or dots would work.

However, rolling back to Maven 1.0 beta 9 fixed everything.  This is 
definitely a bug in RC1.

Here's the issue:
Thanks for your help,
FYI - I originally upgraded to RC1 because my checkstyle broke on one of 
my machines.  RC1 didn't fix it, so I'll stick with beta 9 for a while 
longer :).

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No hrefs getting included from navigation.xml

2003-12-03 Thread Chad Woolley

My site:generate goal no longer puts the href in for the links, the 
generated href is blank.

In navigation.xml, this:

...generates this:



Can anyone help with this?  How can I debug it?  I deployed before I 
noticed and now my site is hosed :0

I just noticed this problem after I upgraded to 1.0 RC 1 (not sure if 
the new release is the problem).

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RE: Is it impossible to include a common file with xdoc?

2003-10-28 Thread Chad Woolley
Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
I make use of XML external entities:



Thanks for your response.  I tried your suggestion, and I cannot get it 
to work, despite spending a few hours playing with it and searching the 
web for an answer.  A complete working example would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my page:




Here is test.xml:


And here is the error I get:

File.. file:/C:/Documents and 
Element... x:parse
Line.. 315
Column 43
Error on line 3 of document 
file:/D:/virtualmock/virtualmock/xdocs/test.xml : The markup 
declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration m
ust be well-formed. Nested exception: The markup declarations contained 
or pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed.

What am I doing wrong?  Could you perhaps provide a working example?  I 
have tried several different formats for test.xml, but none seem to 
work.  Any help is appreciated.

Thank you for your time,

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Is it impossible to include a common file with xdoc?

2003-10-16 Thread Chad Woolley

I didn't get any answer on this before, so I'll ask it a different way. 
Hopefully the word "impossible" in the subject will stir up some response :)

- I want to use maven's XDOC support to automatically build my site.

- I want to include some common html in various locations on multiple pages 
(like my email, or a site logo, or whatever).

- I want this common html to live in one file and not be duplicated on each page.

Is this not possible with maven?


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How to make xdoc do a server-side include

2003-10-13 Thread Chad Woolley

I currently have my app's site in PHP.  I use PHP's file include 
mechanism to reuse common bits of html across multiple pages (for 
example, my spambot-proof email address).

How can I do this same thing with xdoc?  I read the xdoc plugin docs and 
the links it had, but didn't find anything.

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How do I include custom files in my distribution?

2003-09-24 Thread Chad Woolley

I want to use the DIST goal, but I also want it to include some
additional files from my project in the zip or gz.  How can I do this?
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Re: [aspectj-users] Problem with iajc and jdk 1.4.1 - RESOLVED

2003-08-29 Thread Chad Woolley

This is apparently a maven bug.  I converted my maven.xml to an ant build.xml, 
and now it works fine.  I'm crossposting this to the maven group, I'll open a 
bug if I get time.

Thanks for the help,

Wes Isberg wrote:

Try specifying the forkclasspath option.  But even if that fixes it, it's worth 
a bug along with enough info to identify the class conflict.

Please include a verbose trace (by Ant and the compiler) and the Ant
classpath (typically from removing "@echo off" from ant.bat or adding "set -vx" to
the ant shell script).

Chad Woolley wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I am trying to use iajc in a maven build script.  I keep getting the
>> following error:
>> [ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/reflect/ConstructorAccessorImpl
>> This looks very similar to the problem described in this thread:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg21990.html
>> Here is my maven task:
>> fork="true"
>> copyInjars="true"
>> sourceRootCopyFilter="**/CVS/*,**/*.java" >
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Chad Woolley

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RE: Integrating Hansel & Jester

2003-08-16 Thread Chad Woolley

Luciano (or anyone else), did you ever get either of these working?  If 
so, could you share your script/configs with me?   I tried to make 
Jester work, but wasn't successful.  Here is what I have tried:

- I am trying to start with just a single class, that imports no other 

- I followed the Hints and Tips on the website for integrating
with Ant, by using a "compilationCommand=JesterCompile.bat"
entry in my jester.cfg
- My JesterCompile has the following:
maven myproject:jestercompile
- I use the following maven goals to run jester:





- and here is the output I get.  As you can see, the manual junit tests 
I invoke run successfully, which indicates that I have copied and built 
the source correctly to my .../jestersrc dir, but jester still
can't find some file (NoClassDefFoundError):

   [delete] Deleting directory D:\myproject\myproject\jestersrc
   [mkdir] Created dir: D:\myproject\myproject\jestersrc
   [copy] Copying 2 files to D:\myproject\myproject\jestersrc
   [mkdir] Created dir: D:\myproject\myproject\_metaData
   [javac] Compiling 2 source files to D:\myproject\myproject\jestersrc

   [java] .
   [java] Time: 0
   [java] OK (9 tests)
   [java] ERR> NOTE - jester has tried to 'exec' "java 
   [java] ERR> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jester/TestRunnerImpl
   [java] ERR> NOTE - the simplest way to get Jester to work is to put 
everything on the static classpath
   [java] jester.SourceChangeException: couldn't run tests runCommand 
exit value 1 indicates that java jester.TestRunnerImpl didn't work
   [java]  at 
   [java]  at
   [java]  at jester.TestTester.main(
   [java] ERR> Exception in thread "main"

Chad Woolley
- Original Message --
Does anyone have any experience integrating Hansel
( & Jester (
into Maven?
do you have any tips?


Luciano Moretti

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