Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-10-14 à 10 h 45, Stephen Colebourne a écrit :

So you've defined a GAV for Java modules like java.desktop?

Good point. I didn't, but in the proposed approach this is something 
that would need to be done (with version number omitted I guess). 
Alternatively, it can also be considered another case where module-info 
duplication is needed, or just rely on the classical way of adding 
command-line options.

Happy to test - I remain unconvinced that an approach based on command 
line flags derived from existing Maven info is sufficient.

Maybe not all case. But I think that it can cover a lot of cases, and 
makes other cases easier by reducing the number of remaining options 
that developers need to provide. I have some urgent work to finish in 
the next couple of weeks, but hope to be back on the compiler plugin 
after that.


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Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-14 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Stephen

Le 2024-10-13 à 22 h 57, Stephen Colebourne a écrit :

Problem 1:Services
Already a known problem, as there is no command line flag for
services. This cannot be automatically derived as described above

Already answered in my previous email: this is one of the few cases 
where duplicated are necessary, and it can be supported 
with hacks.

Problem 2: Extra dependencies
One of my projects depends on java.desktop in testing, but not in
prod. Since this cannot be expressed in , it cannot be
automatically derived as described above

As mentioned in my previous email, it is expressed by a dependency with 
test. The new compiler plugin already supports that. This 
is handled in the same way as any other test dependencies such as JUnit. 
If we mean a dependency needed only at test runtime (not test compile 
time), we may need to introduce a new type of dependency.

Problem 3: Extra packages
One of my projects has a package in the tests that is not present in
the main code. Classes in that package need to be exported (to another
module) in order for the tests to pass. This cannot be automatically
derived as described above

The old way to specify additional compiler options is still available. 
So it is possible to add explicit --add-exports flags there. If 
developers need to add only special cases such as this one instead of 
all --add-exports flags, it is still a better situation than the current 

Problem 4: Export to all
Problem 3 involved exporting an additional package to a specific
module, which is possible via command line flags. However, there are
no doubt cases where the additional package needs to be exported to
all module, something which cannot be done via a command line flag.

For testing purpose only? If you mean using a different module-info for 
tests than the module-info for the main code when testing from a 
different Maven module, it seems to not be possible at all, unless we 
put the project upside-down (test become main code and main code become 
patch), or unless we temporarily replace de module-info.class file. This 
is doable if there is really a need for that.

Problem 5: Optional dependencies
Various of my projects have optional module dependencies (requires
static). It is desirable to test both with and without the optional
dependency (multiple runs of surefire). If the optional dependency is
always added, that could be problematic.

Yes, we will need a mechanism for controlling that. But the problem is 
the same with the current plugins.

Problem 6: Opening for reflection
As mentioned in your previous email, some packages may need to be
opened for testing.

Yes, as said before this is one of the points where the mechanism is yet 
to be determined.

In summary, in this list of problems, I think that 2 or them should 
already works. 2 other require hacks, even with the current plugins, so 
the proposed work would hopefully be at least an improvements. The last 
2 are known open questions, but not blocking as their solution would be 
some new configuration options somewhere.

The most productive way to resolve those questions may be to have a 
working prototype and checks which issues are still valid on that 
prototype. However some issues such as problem 6 are not compiler 
issues, but Surefire issues. Do we need to have the full stack tested 
before validating the approach?


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Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-10-12 à 00 h 06, Gary Gregory a écrit :

That's quite the false equivalence: Lambas and records don't force you 
to hack JVM start scripts with --add-exports, --add-opens, 
--add-modules, --add-reads, and --patch-module...

We are not supposed to add any such option to a start script. They 
should be used during tests only, or as temporary workaround for 
patching a bug. Maybe your configuration is a mix of modular and 
non-modular JARs, with the non-modular ones missing in the module-info? 
(because some consider that relying on automatic module naming is a bad 


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Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-10-11 à 20 h 21, Gary Gregory a écrit :

I do not need JPMS and I've never had a request for features around it 
at work. Our customers care about our products' features and couldn't 
care less about JPMS.

We could also said that "customers couldn't care less about lambdas", or 
"about records", etc. JPMS is for developers. The benefit for users is 
only indirect.

It would be nice if the JVM had a --stop-complaining-about-jpms

Migrating from a non-JPMS to a JPMS environment is a little bit 
equivalent to migrating from a Unix environment on which we were root, 
to a Unix environment on which we are an ordinary user with more limited 
authorizations. Asking for a --stop-complaining-about-jpms option is 
equivalent to asking "I want to be root again". The world is becoming 
more concerned about security, it will require some adjustment on our side.


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Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-10-11 à 20 h 02, Gary Gregory a écrit :

JPMS feels like something to workaround, not with :(

This is the perception that I hope to change. I happily work with JPMS 
everyday, but had to move from Maven to Gradle and tweak Gradle a lot of 
that purpose. Let revisit that evaluation after Maven compiler, 
surefire, jar and exec have been updated.


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Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-10-11 à 10 h 21, Stephen Colebourne a écrit :

(…snip…, was about module-info duplicated in main and tests)

This issue remains hugely painful not just in Maven, but across Java. 
It is a key part of why JPMS adoption is so painful.

I don't think that adoption is painful because of JPMS, since I think 
that there is good security reasons for the way that it works. I believe 
adoption is painful because Maven and Gradle are not helping. I hope 
that the new compiler plugin will demonstrate that (I didn't had the 
time to work on it during the last month, sorry for that).

The key principle here is that tests for a Maven module should be 
located *within* the same Maven module of the main source code. 
Forcing developers to write a separate Maven module just for tests is 
not an acceptable solution.

Yes, we agree on that. But it doesn't change with JPMS, there is no need 
to put the tests in a separated module. Overwriting a module-info in the 
tests should be a deprecated practice, as there is better alternatives 
(again, with Maven's help for making that easy). If nevertheless a 
developer really wants to overwrite the module-info, it is possible with 
better hacks than what the current plugin does (e.g. we could 
temporarily move the main module-info).

1) Classpath testing with one (main) file. IIUC, this 
is what you are planning for maven-compiler-plugin and 
maven-surefire-plugin to support. It tests with the main code on the 
modulepath and the test code on the classpath.

No, this is not what I plan to do. My plan is to test everything on the 
module path (for modular projects), with a single module-info specified 
in the main code. The test-only dependencies are handled by 
--add-modules and --add-reads options added automatically by Maven based 
on what is declared in POM  section (so developers have 
control). The test classes in the same packages as the main classes are 
handled by --path-modules options added automatically by Maven. JUnit 
execution needs --add-opens options to be added by automatically by 
Maven too (the way to keep that part under developer's control has not 
been determined yet). So there is usually no need to overwrite the 
module-info in the test code.

There are a few cases where overwriting module-info in test code may be 
necessary. For example, I'm not aware of any Java option for adding or 
removing services (the "provides" clause in module-info). So this is a 
case where overwriting module-info may be necessary, but it should be a 
minority of cases, to use in last resort only. And as said above, for 
those cases, hacks are still possible.

2) Blackbox testing with two files. This is supported 
by IntelliJ and Gradle IIUC. Maven must support this IMO.

If the two module-info files declare a different module name and there 
is no package name collision, indeed this would be a good think to add. 
I will put that on my "TODO" list for a future version.

I believe Gradle recommends src/integrationTest for blackbox tests, 
and I think that convention makes a lot of sense. It offers up the 
potential for a single Maven module to contain both whitebox and 
blackbox tests, which is incredibly powerful.

Indeed, I agree we should support something like that out-of-the-box.

3) Whitebox testing with two files. This has yet to 
achieve an agreed approach in the community, despite JPMS being out 
for many years.

If the two module-info files declares the same module name with the 
intend that the test one overwrite the main one, we can do with a hack 
different than the current one (without putting the project 
upside-down). But it should be a deprecated practice, to use in last 
resort only. For the majority of cases, we don't need two module-info 
for whitebox testing with everything on the module path (see point 1 above).

I understand that you want to make defining patch-module directives 
easier in pom.xml. While that's a lovely idea, I think it is 
fundamentally flawed in usability. There is no connection in the mind 
of a developer between module-info directives and the matching command 
line arguments. By contrast developers know exactly how to setup the file.

I'm not proposing to add a new syntax in pom.xml for patch-module 
directives. Every time that a test directory has the same packages as 
the main code, a patch-module directive must be added. The rule is clear 
and simple because otherwise the JVM refuses to launch. So patch 
directives are added automatically with no need for the developer to 
think about that. For the --add-modules and --add-reads directives, this 
is also automatic with clear rules based on the scope of dependencies. 
The only directives at this time for which I do not yet have a rule that 
I can map to existing Maven concepts is --add-opens.


Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-10-02 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Stephen

Thanks for testing.

Le 2024-10-02 à 00 h 30, Stephen Colebourne a écrit :

At present, the compile phase is asked to compile, 
but the target/classes directory does not contain module-info.class. 
I've no idea where it is going I'm afraid.

Is module-info missing for both test and main, or only for test?

the current prototype does not allow anymore to have module-info in 
both main and test. The latter is replaced by automatically generated 
compiler options.

I don't believe this is the right direction to go. The command line 
flags are difficult to understand, and connect to the matching meaning 
in By contrast, simply specifying a testing directly expresses what needs to be expressed. 
Furthermore, IntelliJ already supports BlackBox testing in 
src/test/java, plus it is the recommended approach on the Maven 
website, so I don't think it is viable to remove that.

The problem with module-info in both tests and main is that it works 
awkward. The previous compiler plugin had to took the project structure 
upside-down: the test code was considered the main code, and the main 
code was considered the patch. I just checked by compiling and running a 
dummy project with `java` and `javac` directly (without Maven) and I 
confirm: even if a `module-info` is present in the test output, it is 
ignored by the `java` command (the `module-info` of the main code has 
precedence) unless we pretend that the test are the main code and the 
main code are patching the tests. The behavior of `javac` is a little 
bit more complicated, but basically we also have to put things upside 
down to make it works.

If nevertheless we still want to support having `module-info` in both 
main and test, I found a trick this morning for getting `javac` to 
compile the test `module-info` without putting the project structure 
upside-down. But it is undocumented and I don't know how reliable it 
would be. I can implement this trick (or try other tricks) if this is 
important, but I think that we should stop recommending the approach of 
overwriting `module-info`, or recommend to use it in last resort only. 
The alternative (compiler options) is indeed tedious, but this is 
precisely a major goal of this JPMS work to make that task easier than 
it currently is.

As a separate point, it is very hard to know what the plugin is doing. 
AFAIK, the only approach to finding out what is going on is to use -X 
which produces far too many logs.

Indeed, the current beta-2 compiler generates a `javac` file somewhere 
in the `target` directory with the arguments that it used, but only if 
the compilation fails or if Maven was launched with the `--debug` flag. 
My rational was that the developer may not be interested in details when 
the compilation is successful. But we can of course revisit that policy. 
Otherwise, you can ignore the verbose logs of -X and just look for that 
`javac` file (I forgot the exact name) in `target`.

(And as a side note, I agree that Maven is too verbose, even in 
non-debug mode).

   * In project dependencies, add modular-jar for forcing
 the compiler to put the JAR dependency on the module path instead of
 trying to guess.
   * Conversely, use classpath-jar for forcing the compiler
 to put the JAR dependency on the class-path.

I can't see many people wanting to set these. They are also 
restricting. (I believe use of these setting would mean that I cannot 
be used to run the same tests three times, as I am currently doing 
with Maven 3)

The current Maven 3 behavior is still supported: jar 
(without specifying "modular-jar" or "classpath-jar") behaves as today, 
with the same heuristic rules. The "jar" type is still the default, so 
being specific is an "opt-in" feature.

Regarding white-box testing in a modular project:
   * The plugin uses the --patch-module option for specifying the
 directories of test classes to the Java compiler.
   * The plugin adds the following options for test dependencies that are
 not present in the main dependencies (typically JUnit):
   o --add-modules and --add-reads for compile-time dependencies.
   o --add-modules only for runtime-time dependencies (typically
 services to be discovered with java.util.ServiceLoader).
   o --add-reads ALL-UNNAMED if at least one compile-time test
 dependency is not modular.

You also need to ensure that
- src/main/resources and src/test/resources are correctly patched
- the `requires static` directive is correctly followed.

Yes, but those last points apply more to the surefire plugin than the 
compiler one. We did not started the work on surefire yet.


Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-09-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello again Stephen

If you are willing to test the development regarding JPMS, there is the 

 * Download Maven 4.0.0-beta4
 * Use Maven 4 for building the master branch of
 * Use Maven 4 for building Use "mvn
   install -Denforcer.skip".
 * Use Maven 4 for building Use
   "mvn install -Denforcer.skip".
 * Set the compiler version to "4.0.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT" in your project.
 * See
   necessary changes in project configuration (note: I was wrong
   yesterday, the current prototype does not allowed anymore to have
   module-info in both main and test. The latter is replaced by
   automatically generated compiler options).

Below are the new features. They are not all tested extensively. If they 
are not working as expected, I would like to know so we can fix them. 
Note: the following apply to the compiler plugin only. Other plugins 
have not yet been updated.

 * In project dependencies, add modular-jar for forcing
   the compiler to put the JAR dependency on the module path instead of
   trying to guess.
 * Conversely, use classpath-jar for forcing the compiler
   to put the JAR dependency on the class-path.
 * The default (jar) tries to guess with the same
   heuristic as the current compiler (Maven 3), but I would recommend
   to be explicit instead.
 * Use modular-processor or
   classpath-processor for adding the dependency on the
   annotation processor module-path or class-path. This is in
   replacement for the previous compiler configuration: dependencies
   are managed in a more unified way (same will apply for taglet,
   doclet, etc.).

Regarding white-box testing in a modular project:

 * The plugin uses the --patch-module option for specifying the
   directories of test classes to the Java compiler.
 * The plugin adds the following options for test dependencies that are
   not present in the main dependencies (typically JUnit):
 o --add-modules and --add-reads for compile-time dependencies.
 o --add-modules only for runtime-time dependencies (typically
   services to be discovered with java.util.ServiceLoader).
 o --add-reads ALL-UNNAMED if at least one compile-time test
   dependency is not modular.

Planed for Surefire (not yet done):

 * The plugin will adds the same --add-reads and --add-modules options
   as the compiler, maybe using shared Maven code for ensuring consistency.
 * The plugin will adds --add-exports module/package=junit (or whatever
   test engine is used) options for non-exported packages that have
   test classes.

Above will be ajusted according experience and feedbacks.


Re: JPMS whitebox testing issues

2024-09-23 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Stephen

Just a very quick reply, as I have to go. But I will try to provide more 
details tomorrow.

I agree with the problem that you describe, and a massive amount of work 
is ongoing for improving Maven support of JPMS, including whitebox 
testing. The Maven compiler plugin has already been fully rewritten in a 
separated repository [1] but not yet merged on the Maven repository. One 
of the change is to get ride of Plexus compiler and uses directly the compiler API, in part because this API provides specialized 
methods for JPMS.

While having two module-info is still supported (I think, it would need 
extensive testing), I'm more inclined in having only one module-info in 
the main source code and letting the compiler and JUnit generates 
automatically the --patch-modules, --add-exports, --add-reads, etc. 
options. We will try to do that in documented and predictable way, as 
one goal of this rewrite is to avoid as much "black magic" as we can.

This work will require Maven 4. Some changes are in progress in support 
for that. One of the change is that Maven 4 gives full control to the 
developer about whether to put a dependency on the class-path or 
module-path. This part is already in Maven core, but not yet honored by 
plugins, except the compiler prototype. Another work in progress right 
now is proposing to change the way that we declare the sources in Maven, 
for supporting both module source hierarchy and (as a side effect) more 
easily multi-release projects.

I will try to give more details tomorrow. If you were available for 
testing and feedback, that would be greatly appreciated. However at this 
time, only the compiler plugin has been rewritten. We will also need to 
update Surefire, but this work hasn't started yet.



Re: Question on shading and missing dependencies

2024-05-13 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 2024-05-13 à 22 h 52, Piotr P. Karwasz a écrit :

If the CycloneDX Maven plugin learns to use those SBOMs as metadata 
source instead of POM files, your problem should be solved.

I'm not familiar with CycloneDX, but I think that if any SBOM is used 
with a shaded artifact, then the metadata should said that the 
dependencies have been transformed that way. For modular dependencies, 
shading the artifact has major impacts: it breaks modules encapsulation, 
potentially creating security holes that did not existed in the original 
libraries. For non-modular dependencies, the impacts are typically 
smaller, but not necessarily null. For example, a library could perform 
security checks based on package names, and those checks may become 
invalid if the packages have been renamed. It does not mean that SBOM 
are useless, but I think that shading is a very significant 
transformation that should be declared in the metadata, and not give the 
impression that the dependencies are in their original form.


Re: [VOTE] Require Java 17 for Maven 4

2024-02-28 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

+1 (non binding)

Java 17 is sufficient for resolving the compilation error that initially 
brought this discussion (HTML heading out of sequence). For that 
specific problem, Java 17 or 21 are both fine (but Java 11 was not).


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Re: maven-compiler-plugin adds all dependencies to the module-path when executing test-compile when it shouldn't

2023-10-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Siddharth

Le 2023-10-13 à 00 h 02, Siddharth Jain a écrit :

IIUC, this is a separate issue. At minimum we need to make the 
behavior of compile vs. testCompile consistent. Currently it is not.

Understood, but what I think is the common point is that Maven currently 
uses heuristic rules for making its decision. The current heuristic 
rules include the two points listed in MNG-7855, but I'm not sure that 
they are the only points. I suspect that there is more rules, 
intentional or not, depending on what the code is compiling. MNG-7855 
can also be understood as "replace heuristic rules by developer 
control", which implies more predictable determinism.


Re: maven-compiler-plugin adds all dependencies to the module-path when executing test-compile when it shouldn't

2023-10-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Siddharth

I do not have a precise answer to your question, but below is a few notes.

Le 2023-10-12 à 23 h 07, Siddharth Jain a écrit :

I have observed the maven-compiler-plugin behaves differently for test 
vs. main compilation.

Which approach did you choose for the tests? One approach is to 
duplicate the file in the test directory [1], but this 
is not the only way.

I see during the test-compile phase the plugin is putting all the 
dependencies on the module-path whereas during the main compilation it 
only puts those dependencies on the module-path that are declared in; the rest are on the classpath (which is the correct 

Indeed this is the correct behaviour in a lot of cases, but not always. 
Sometime we really want non-modular dependencies to nevertheless be on 
the module-path. So we need a way to give control to developers about 
which dependencies to put on the module-path versus class-path. This is 
the topic of JIRA issue MNG-7855 [2]. We had a little bit of discussion 
about that during the "Community Over Code" meeting (formerly 
"ApacheCon") that just finished two days ago. A proposal was to create a 
wiki page for designing a short-term fix.

Is this a known issue? Is there any fix? Without it, how can we use JPMS?

I think that MNG-7855 is a blocker issue. Without a fix, doing gradual 
migration to JPMS with Maven (i.e. being in a situation where we have a 
mix of JPMS and non-JPMS modules) is difficult except in some special cases.



Re: How to force Maven to put a dependency on the module-path?

2023-08-02 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Thorsten

Le 02/08/2023 à 11:47, Thorsten Heit a écrit :

I see your point, but we're not living in a fully modularized Java 
world: If you insist on having a Jar reside on the module path only, 
this prevents others from using it on applications that are not fully 
modularized or that cannot be modularized (yet).

No, an application does not need to be modularized for putting 
dependencies on the module-path. This is what I tried to explain in my 
yesterday's email. All applications, modularized or not, are already 
using dependencies on the module path: the JDK itself. We can test that 
with the following code:


The idea that a non-modularized application must put all its 
dependencies on the class-path seems to be a widely-spread 
misunderstanding of how JPMS works. Putting a library on the module-path 
does not force an application to be modularized. Admittedly there is 
some cases where a developer way want to use the class-path anyway, but 
it should be under developer's control.

Furthermore I don't really see a problem of duplication. Normally you 
don't have tons of service provider implementations in one Jar (IMO) 
so this shouldn't be too much hassle to have a few lines in your 
module descriptor AND in the provider configuration file under 

In Apache SIS, there are 76 providers for coordinate operations (e.g. 
map projections) alone, not counting other services. This is not huge, 
but the risk of inconsistency exists. Furthermore, as explained 
yesterday, it blocks us from providing singletons, so we have to 
workaround with wrappers. Finally, contrarily to module-info, 
META-INF/services/ files get no compile-time verification. JUnit tests 
does not always help in discovering for example that a 
META-INF/services/ file was in the wrong module (a mistake that we 
discovered precisely thanks to the migration to module-info).

To be compatible with fully-modular applications and those that aren't 
I'd extract the necessary parts from the provider implementation into 
a singleton class and use that one instead. In this case you still 
could have multiple instances of your provider implementation, and all 
of them internally use a singleton for configuration data or whatever...

Yes this is the above-mentioned wrapper pattern. But things become more 
complicated when some providers may implement more than one public 
interface and we don't want to block advanced users from accessing those 
additional API if they need to.

Can you show an example that depends on such methods? I personally 
don't see a reason why a library should behave different if it is on 
the module path or class path...

There is 167 occurrences of the @CallerSensitive annotation in OpenJDK 
source code as of today. Not all of them are module-related, but many 
are, especially in tasks involving reflections. When a modularized 
library is put on the module-path, encapsulation is enforced. So for 
example a call to the following code:

   InputStream in = Foo.class.getResourceAsStream("");

returns a non-null value (assuming the file exists) when the library 
invoking above code is on the class-path, but a null value if the same 
library is on the module-path and Foo is a class declared in a 
non-exported package of another module. The same restriction applies to 
all variants such as ClassLoader.getResource(String), there is no way to 
bypass the encapsulation. It may look likes a regression, but the key 
point is that the behavior is not the same and a library could very well 
depend on encapsulation being enforced. Other methods annotated with 
@CallerSensitive are some logging methods. I didn't tested but I see 
that the source code uses module information, so I would not be 
surprised if logging messages are formatted differently.

IMHO a library is buggy if it's *behavior* depends on whether it is 
being used on the module path or on the classpath. 

With 167 OpenJDK methods annotated with @CallerSensitive, there is 
plenty of room for behavioral differences even if the library developers 
where very careful. I think it is okay for a library to said "I have 
been designed for working as a module, please put me on the 
module-path". As said above, it does not force applications to be 
themselves modularized. There is possibly different opinions about what 
is best (and it may depend on the library), but the current problem is 
that Maven imposes its black magic on everyone with no way I can see to 
specify what we need.


Re: How to force Maven to put a dependency on the module-path?

2023-08-01 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello Garret

Le 01/08/2023 à 18:32, Garret Wilson a écrit :

On 7/26/2023 1:42 PM, Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
… If a dependency is on the classpath, then the dependency is loaded 
as an unnamed module, its "module-info" file is ignored and the 
services that it contains are not discovered.
Can you elaborate on the last point a little more? I haven't 
modularized my core libraries yet, and want to know how they would 
work with non-modularized applications.

There is a very simple test case here, for both Maven and Gradle, with a 
README that tries to explain the problem. I tried to make the most 
trivial "hello world" reproducing the problem. The test case can also be 
run by invoking java directly on the command-line, which makes easy to 
experiment different Java options for understanding the problem:

The problem can be reproduced with the following command-line (omitting 
paths and version number for simplicity). This command-line reproduces 
what Maven and Gradle do:

   java --class-path service.jar:client.jar test.client.Main

In this example:

 *   "client" is the main application and is not modularized.
 * "service" is a modularized dependency. In this JAR, I put four services:
 o 2 services in "module-info.class"
 o 2 services in "META-INF/services/" but with different texts, so
   we can see which services is loaded.

If you run above command-line, you will see the following text:

   |Start searching for services... Provider B declared in META-INF.
   Provider C declared in META-INF. Done. The dependency has been
   loaded as an unnamed module. Consequently its `module-info` file has
   been ignored, and the `META-INF/services` directory is used instead.|

The call to "java.util.ServiceLoader" was done from the "service" JAR 
file, which was supposed to be modularized. Despite that fact, we see 
that "module-info.class" has been ignored and "META-INF/services/" used 
instead. In other words, the modularized "service.jar" is unable to 
access to its own "module-info.class". We are not even talking about the 
behavior of the non-modularized "client.jar" file here.

The correct behavior can be reproduced with the following command-line 
(again omitting paths and version numbers). The main difference is that 
the modularized "service.jar" file is put on the module-path instead 
than the class-path. I will skip discussion about the "-add-modules" 
option for this email.

   java --module-path service.jar --class-path client.jar --add-modules 
ALL-MODULE-PATH test.client.Main

The output is then:

   |Start searching for services... Provider A declared in module-info.
   Provider D declared in module-info. Done. The dependency has been
   loaded as named module. Great! This is what we need for the
   `module-info` to be used.|

This time "module-info.class" has been used and "META-INF/services/" 
ignored (as it should be). I claim that it should be the Maven and 
Gradle behavior. If this claim is disputed (e.g. for compatibility 
reason), then at least it should be configurable. The fact that there is 
no way I could find for overriding the (in my opinion broken) Maven 
behavior is what I call the bug. Note that this is not a JPMS issue, 
this is a Maven/Gradle issue. Maven and Gradle uses the following 
heuristic rules for deciding if a dependency should be put on the 

1. the dependency is modularized (i.e. contains a module-info.class
   file or an Automatic-Module-Name attribute in MANIFEST.MF), and
2. the project using the dependency is itself modularized.

I claim that condition 2 should be removed, i.e. a modularized 
dependency should be put on the module-path regardless if the project 
using it is modularized or not. Or if condition 2 is not removed, then 
at least the developer should have some way to control that.

You say that if the modularized library is put on the classpath, its 
services are not discovered. But wouldn't normal pre-module-era 
classpath-based service discovery still work via the 
`META-INF/services` configurations in the library JAR files? Please 
clarify what won't work if I modularize my core libraries, which 
contain services to be discovered, and I try to use that with a 
non-modularized application.

"META-INF/services/" is not necessary for compatibility with 
non-modularized applications. It is necessary only for environments that 
decide to put the modules on the class-path rather than the module-path 
(reminder: putting dependencies on the module-path works as well with 
non-modules client application). Maintaining both "module-info.class" 
and "META-INF/services/" with identical content is duplication, with 
risk of inconsistent behavior if their content accid

Re: How to force Maven to put a dependency on the module-path?

2023-07-27 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello again

I wrote a test case with a very small Maven project (only trivial code)  
reproducing the problem and a file explaining the problem. The 
Maven behavior is then reproduced on the command-line, and the expected 
behavior provided by a command-line too. Unless there is some 
configuration options that I didn't see, the current Maven behavior 
regarding module-path seems to be a quasi-blocker for gradual migration 
of large projects to JPMS.

The ideal solution for me would be to have explicit control on whether 
to put a dependency on the module path versus the class-path. Is there 
some way to do that that I have missed?



Le 26/07/2023 à 18:42, Martin Desruisseaux a écrit :


If I'm understanding right, Maven put a dependency on the module-path 
instead of the class-path only if:

 1. the dependency is modularized (contains a "module-info" file), and
 2. the project using the dependency is itself modularized.

Condition #1 is fine, but #2 is problematic. If a dependency is on the 
classpath, then the dependency is loaded as an unnamed module, its 
"module-info" file is ignored and the services that it contains are 
not discovered. Not only the services that the non-modularized project 
may be looking for (I understand that it may not work), but the 
modularized dependency itself cannot find anymore its own services, or 
the services of its modularized dependencies, if those dependencies 
were not on the module-path.

Is there a way to force Maven to ignore condition #2 and use only 
condition #1 for deciding whether to put a dependency on the module 
path or not?



How to force Maven to put a dependency on the module-path?

2023-07-26 Thread Martin Desruisseaux


If I'm understanding right, Maven put a dependency on the module-path 
instead of the class-path only if:

1. the dependency is modularized (contains a "module-info" file), and
2. the project using the dependency is itself modularized.

Condition #1 is fine, but #2 is problematic. If a dependency is on the 
classpath, then the dependency is loaded as an unnamed module, its 
"module-info" file is ignored and the services that it contains are not 
discovered. Not only the services that the non-modularized project may 
be looking for (I understand that it may not work), but the modularized 
dependency itself cannot find anymore its own services, or the services 
of its modularized dependencies, if those dependencies were not on the 

Is there a way to force Maven to ignore condition #2 and use only 
condition #1 for deciding whether to put a dependency on the module path 
or not?



Re: Modular path vs. class path determination

2022-10-17 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Le 17/10/2022 à 12:33, Olivier Lamy a écrit :

I wanted to have some opinions on what sort of configurations we could 
add but this didn't get much attention :) 
( Maybe nobody 
really cares of jpms...

On my side I do care a lot about JPMS. But I got the feeling that Maven 
model is not well suited to JPMS, which caused me to stop following JPMS 
issues on Maven and look for other build solution.

The difficulty I have with JPMS in Maven is that I would like to break 
the "one Maven module = one JPMS module" relationship. Instead I would 
like "one Maven module = one compilation unit", i.e. a single call to 
javac, javadoc or other java tools, which may itself comprise many JPMS 


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Re: Why maven-compiler-plugin seems to not take advantage of already compiled .class files?

2018-12-01 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 01/12/2018 à 21:17, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> This is a dangerous advice.
> Yes, it'll only compile the touched files, but not the source files
> using it. For example method signature changes are not detected and
> you will hit that issue at runtime with a NoSuchMethodException, which
> is too late
Yes I know. But running "mvn clean install" when we know that we have
changed the API, or when we get a NoSuchMethodException, is a small
price to pay for the gain in build speed.


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Re: Why maven-compiler-plugin seems to not take advantage of already compiled .class files?

2018-12-01 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Francesco

Have you tried following configuration? It seems counter-intuitive, but
last time I tried it made compilation much faster (i.e. it seems to have
the opposite effect of what we would expect):





Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 24/11/2018 à 16:39, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> **If And Only If** you want to make use of single tool invocation for
> all you JPMS modules, then you cannot use Maven, it's architecture
> doesn't support it and any plugin trying to solve this is a hack.
But isn't what you are going to do for fixing MJAVADOC-449 (aggregated
javadoc), or is there another way?

> Might be possible to add support for it in Maven 4 or 5, but focus is
> on other improvements that block us right now.
Understood. Thanks!


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 24/11/2018 à 15:10, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> Today I started looking at MJAVADOC-449 again and it seems that just
> nobody took serious time to solve this. I've been able to create the
> proper commandline by moving some classpath entries to the modulepath.
> Now it is a matter of implementing this.
Great, thanks!

Indeed, this is what I described in
- that implementing this functionality seems basically a matter of
replacing some "--classpath" by "--module-path" and some "--source-path"
by "--module-source-path" options. However while Javadoc is currently
the main issue, the same capability is desirable for other tools too,
which is why I would like to address this issue at a more fundamental
level (the directory layout).

>>> As response Remi Forax wrote Pro[1], which is build upon these new jdk
>>> tools features combined with the concepts of Maven.
>> Yes I'm aware of that, and my proposal is in part bringing some of Remi
>> Forax's idea into Maven.
> I'll wait for the PRs :)
Cool! I don't know yet when I will have time to start my experiment, but
I would let you know when I will have a proposal that can be shown.


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 24/11/2018 à 13:53, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> With the Java Platform Modular System you'll clearly see different
> requirements between library and application developers.
Indeed (e.g. jlink is for application developers), but the requirements
I'm talking about are for library developers.

> Keep in mind that 1 pom-file can represent only 1 module. If you want
> to distribute multiple modules, you will still need a multimodule
> Maven project.
Yes and no. 1 pom-file can represent only one artifact. But the rest of
the discussion assumed that 1 artifact = 1 module, or that 1 Maven
module = 1 Jigsaw module. This relationship does not necessarily hold.
>From recent discussion on OpenJDK public mailing list [1]:

I'm sure the topic of executable modular JARs files be back on the
table some day but it needs to be looked at in conjunction with the
issues around having multiple modules in the same artifact. They
would be likely be work needed in several Maven plugins and other
parts of the eco system too.  In the mean-time, it's not too hard to
package multiple modules into the same JAR file and have a main
class that creates a configuration and module layer from the modules
in the JAR files.

Another possibility is to generate the pom.xml files for each Jigsaw
module, by intersecting the parent pom.xml with module-info.

> Single invocation only makes sense for an application that won't share
> modules.
No - a single javac invocation on a multi-modules projects still
generate .class files in separated directories for each Jigsaw module,
which result in one JAR file per module. I good demonstration of that is
NetBeans modular projects (based on Ant), which does exactly that. I
would like to see the same capability in Maven.

> So yes: single invocation is an option for the jdk tools but doesn't
> fit in the Maven architecture and is probably in general not that needed.
It does not fit with Maven standard directory layout. But with a change
of layout and corresponding changes in Maven plugins, I do not see major
obstacle (but of course I do not have your deep knowledge of Maven
internal). However I would not said that this is generally not needed.
We have at least MJAVADOC-449. Together with other issues, for me the
choice is between an evolution of Maven (possibly with custom plugins)
or migrating to another build system. Furthermore other Jigsaw evolution
may come (e.g. above-cited multiple modules in same artifact). If Maven
does not become more Jigsaw-friendly, the amount of difficulties may
increase in the future.

> There are no plans to make these changes in Maven.
> As response Remi Forax wrote Pro[1], which is build upon these new jdk
> tools features combined with the concepts of Maven.
Yes I'm aware of that, and my proposal is in part bringing some of Remi
Forax's idea into Maven.

> No, module-path is not the issue, but module-source-path is, which
> expects an extra folder reflection the module-name.
Indeed - this is the correction email I posted after my previous email.

> I don't understand this issue. As a java developer wanting to add
> module descriptor, you only have to create
> src/main/java/ You can build your project as you are
> used to.
Adding is sufficient for generating the JAR file, but
this is not the end of development process. We also needs to generate
javadoc. We sometime want to run annotation processing tools. Those
extra tasks are where difficulties arise. There is also a circular
dependency problem that would be solved with my proposal, but this one
is admittedly quite specific to a project.



Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 24/11/2018 à 13:28, Martin Desruisseaux a écrit :
> The key part is "--module-path".

Sorry I mean "--module-source-path" for the compilation and javadoc
generation parts. Likewise I mean "--source-path" instead of
"--classpath" for compilation with pre-jigsaw options.


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Jan

Le 24/11/2018 à 12:12, Jan Lahoda a écrit :

> FWIW, there is StandardJavaFileManager.setLocationForModule:
> which might be useful in some cases.
Thanks, I was not aware of this method. It may indeed be useful for (if
I understood correctly) plugins invoking the compiler from Java code. I
will keep that in mind if I have a chance to do experiments.


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Enrico

Le 24/11/2018 à 12:13, Enrico Olivelli a écrit :

> Have you already shared your thoughts and needs with Apache Maven group ?
Yes, on the mailing list. My feeling is that in order to be convincing,
I need to create a prototype showing the feasibility of my proposal.
This is the intent of - now I
need to find time to work on it.


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Robert

Thanks for your reply.

Le 24/11/2018 à 12:36, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> Let me correct this part: there is *no* need to change the folder
> structure to work with the Java Platform Modular System. The only
> thing you need to do is add a to src/main/java and
> ensure you're using maven-compiler-plugin-3.8.0. That's it!
My email was saying that there is a need to change the folder structure
for using Java Platform Modular System with "--module-path" options. The
key part is "--module-path". What maven-compiler-plugin-3.8.0 does is to
use the "--class-path" options, which are the legacy options before Jigsaw.

The consequence is that it is currently not possible to build more than
one Jigsaw module in a single invocation of "javac", "javadoc", "jlink"
or other JDK tools with Maven. Consequently I'm not aware of any way to
generate a multi-modules javadoc, or to execute annotation processors
using information from more than one module (except by generating
temporary files), or any other task for which there is advantages in
being able to use standard JDK tools with their new "--module-path" options.

What I want is to be able to use Maven with Java "--module-path" options
instead than "--class-path". This is where the Maven standard directory
layout become an obstacle, because the "--module-path" option imposes a
directory layout which is different than the Maven's one.

I realize that not everyone may want to build a multi-modular project
using "--module-path" option. But before Java 9, Maven made the use of
javac easier without blocking the use of other options when desired.
Since Java 9, we have a difficulty for which I have not yet found a
satisfying solution other than the proposed Maven changes.

> The key library which might(/should!) be interesting for you is
> Plexus-Java [1], which calculates the modulepath.

I have not looked in details to Plexus-Java. Does it create a path for
each Maven module? That would be a workaround, but it still more
complicated than using Jigsaw in its "natural" way.


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Re: NetBeans - the UI for Maven

2018-11-24 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
I think differently. In Apache SIS for example, we maintain both a Maven
and Ant project. The root source code directory is a classical Maven
project with pom.xml file [1], but we also maintain a sub-directory with
NetBeans Ant project configuration [2]. The official project
configuration is the Maven one, but the Ant project configuration is
keep in sync and takes its dependencies directly from the
~/.m2/repository directory. This means that the project needs to be
built with Maven once before we can use the Ant project. We do that for
the following reasons:

  * NetBeans Ant project builds faster.
  * Application and debugging sessions start faster in NetBeans Ant
project. This is very convenient when we do a lot of "modify - test"
  * Allow to commit configurations that can not be done in Maven (header
license, hints, additional words for check speller).
  * NetBeans Ant Jigsaw project configuration offers better
compatibility with Jigsaw (more on it below).

A major issue is that since Jigsaw, Maven standard directory layout is
incompatible with java, javac and javadoc "--module-path" option, which
is making me look for alternatives (Gradle?). I describe the issue at
[3]. I would like to try changes in maven-compiler, maven-javadoc,
maven-jar and maven-deploy plugins for supporting Jigsaw, but did not
had the time to start yet. As far as I can see, I can not modularize my
projects the way I want with Maven at it stands today.

I also feel more concerned about Maven standard directory layout not
only because of its incompatibility with Jigsaw module paths, but also
because it does not seem well suited to project mixing two or more
languages. For example in the given directory layout:

  * src/main/java
  * src/main/cpp
  * src/main/resources

Does the resources applies to Java, to C++ or both?

So Maven is a great tool, but its speed is not yet the same than the
NetBeans Ant project configuration (admittedly it may be improved with
time) and - more importantly - I think that the Maven standard directory
layout needs to be modified at least for Jigsaw compatibility, maybe for
better multi-language support.




Re: Project Jigsaw Multi-module Compilation

2018-09-22 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Le 22/09/2018 à 20:39, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> You can't.
> The Java 9 multiple module compilation doesn't fit into the Maven model.
> For Maven, every deliverable requires its own pom, hence a separate
> Maven module.
Or alternatively, we can try to get Maven to evolve. Otherwise we can't
have aggregated javadoc (unless I missed something), or cross-module
annotation processing. Idea has been drafted there: . I didn't had the time
to work on the plugins yet, but I hope to start after ApacheCon is over.


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Re: maven-compiler-plugin JPMS module resolution

2018-04-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Robert

Le 11/04/2018 à 18:45, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> I am not aware of such problem. Did you create a Jira[1] issue for it?



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Re: maven-compiler-plugin JPMS module resolution

2018-04-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Robert

Le 11/04/2018 à 18:45, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> I am not aware of such problem. Did you create a Jira[1] issue for it?
> There should be no reason to have a workaround, all the information is
> there so Maven is capable to divide jars properly over both paths. If
> you can add a project so I can reproduce the issue, I can have a look
> at it.
I have not yet created a JIRA issue. I tried last week to create a
minimal test case reproducing the issue, without success. The issue
happen with the real project; I have not yet isolated all the conditions
that make the issue happen.

The issue happen with GeoAPI [1]. The following works fine (assuming a
JSR 385 2.0-SNAPSHOT is available on the local repository):

mvn clean install -Pjdk9

But running the following immediately after:

mvn install -Pjdk9

cause the following error message:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) 
on project geoapi: Compilation failure
[ERROR] module not found: java.measure

Executing in debug mode, we can see that the java.measure (JSR-385)
dependency is correctly put in modulepath when maven-compiler-plugin
compiles everything (e.g. when the "clean" phase is present), but not
when the plugin compiles only the classes that have been modified and
that set of classes do not include For example the
following work

touch geoapi/src/main/java9/
mvn install -Pjdk9

But maven-compiler-plugin then fails on the next module, unless I touch
the of that next module too, /etc./

I will see if I can do a new attempt at creating a minimal test case
later this week.



Re: maven-compiler-plugin JPMS module resolution

2018-04-11 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
I also have the case where maven-compiler-plugin puts a dependency in
classpath while it should be in modulepath. Strangely, the plugin does
the correct thing when executed with "mvn _clean_ install" but not when
executing "mvn install" without clean. This issue happen only when the
useIncrementalCompilation option is set to false. In addition the
javadoc plugin also seems to sometime put dependencies in unexpected
classpath/modulepath option. A Maven option for specifying whether a
dependency should be in the classpath or modulepath would be convenient
as a workaround…


Le 11/04/2018 à 13:14, Roman Grigoriadi a écrit :

> Thanks Robert,
> I tried to add requires for name which is resolved by JPMS for my
> non-modularised jar, and it *somehow* made compiler-plugin to put this jar
> on module-path.
> However if I don't want to reference this jar in my module descriptor, so I
> let decision up to user if to put this dependency on CP or MP for app
> runtime, would it make sense to add configuration parameter for
> compiler-plugin which will force CP/MP for some of the dependencies during
> compilation?
> The best solution I have found so far is to copy such dependencies
> somewhere before compilation and pass --module-path, --add-modules and
> --add-reads to javac.

Re: How can I emit the SNAPSHOT version after deploy?

2015-08-21 Thread Martin Desruisseaux
Hello Jeff

I also wanted to do something similar a while ago. But in my attempt in
a multi-modules project, each modules got a slightly different
timestamp. Building from the root of a project having modules A, B and C
gave me the following timestamps:

A: 20150702.165421-17
B: 20150702.165432-17
C: 20150702.165454-17

It looks like that Maven generates an individual timestamp from the time
at which each sub-module is built, instead that a unique timestamp for
the whole project. This make difficult the usage of a single property
for the timestamp portion if the project has more than one module.


Le 21/08/15 11:08, Jeff a écrit :
> I should clarify that I want to find the specific SNAPSHOT version assigned
> by Nexus (or other maven repository manager applications) after the deploy.
> So after I deploy 'myapp.jar' to Nexus with GAV:
> groupID:
> artifactID: myapp
> version:  1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Nexus assigns it to something
> like /com/mycompany/myapp/1.0-SNAPSHOT/myapp-1.0-20150821.000538-120.jar
> I want to get the "20150821.000538-120" portion and also if possible the
> SHA1 hash Nexus generated.
> Thanks!

[m2] How to use maven-plugin-tools-ant with a custom directory for scripts?

2006-01-12 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello all

I'm trying to create a Maven 2 plugin using Ant as described there:

But I wish to use a different directory layout than the Maven standard 
one. More specifically, my .build.xml and .mojos.xml files live elswhere 
than src/main/scripts. The above-cited page said that we can, but I 
didn't found any indication about how to do that. I searched in the mail 
archive and in the source code 
with no luck. Does anyone know how to specify the source directory for 
the xml script files?



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Re: [M2] How to add custom entries in a MANIFEST.MF file?

2005-10-06 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Jason van Zyl a écrit :

I'm just working on the doco so maybe this will help:

Thanks a lot! It is exactly what I was looking for, and it worked 
perfectly well!!! Those kind of documentation save days :)

As a side note (not a big issue), I noticed that the 
"Specification-Title:" entry in the manifest contains all the text 
specified in the project  element. Is it the intended 
behavior? (I though that  was for long description, 
something like a paragraph, and  would be for shorter title 
applicable to "Specification-Title:" or "Implementation-Title:").


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[M2] How to add custom entries in a MANIFEST.MF file?

2005-10-05 Thread Martin Desruisseaux

Hello all

How to add custom entries in a JAR file (in addition to the current file 
created by Maven 2)? To be more specific, I would like to add a 
"RegistrationClassName: org.geotools.openoffice.Registration" entry for 
an add-in.

I'm aware of the following email:[EMAIL 

But the reply answer only about the specific case of "main-class" entry.
I'm aware of the following patch:

But I fail to understand which class I should implement in order to 
invoke MavenArchiveConfiguration.addManifestEntry(key, value), and how 
to register my implementation to Maven 2. I'm aware of the  and 
 parameter in JAR plugin:

But I do not understand how to use it in order to create a custom 
instance of MavenArchiveConfiguration (for example). I didn't found any 
example on internet. Any hint about how to add a "RegistrationClassName" 
entry in a JAR file would be greatly appreciated.



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