Re: [m2] Assembly Plugin

2007-05-11 Thread Matt Brozowski

On May 11, 2007, at 12:54 PM, John Casey wrote:

Sorry it took me so long to respond, the email got buried... :(
1. I added a finalName configuration, which should result in the
target/debug.dir folder being created. Unfortunately, IIRC we  
cannot affect
the .dir extension, since the assembly plugin always appends the  

(read: extension) to the created assembly.

You should be able to remove the '.dir' extension by using


as part of you configuration.


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer Main: +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax: +1 503 961 7746

Re: Accessing the POM classpath from within an Ant based mojo

2007-02-17 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Feb 17, 2007, at 4:54 PM, Scott Ryan wrote:

I am trying to write a very simple Ant based script mojo.  I need  
to define some taskdefs from within the build.xml based on the  
current classpath defined in the plugin pom.  I have seen reference  
to using the maven.plugin.classpath but when I reference that I get  
an error that it is not present.  I also tried passing the path in  
as a parameter to the mojo but that did not work either.   The  
basic idea is that I have an Ant based mojo and I want to define a  
taskdef in my build.xml based on the classpath defined in the  
pom.xml of the plugin.

I have managed to do this but it requires you to set things up  
manually in ant.  Here is a link to the one I did to run the groovy  
compiler task on my classes.

I was doing groovy so I used a scriptdef task written in groovy that  
sets up the classpaths before i runs the other tasks. 


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer Main: +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax: +1 503 961 7746

Re: ant dependency list

2006-08-17 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Aug 16, 2006, at 4:14 AM, Lakshman Srilakshmanan wrote:

Hi All,

Going through the examples provided in Developing Custom Maven  
in Better Builds with Maven, I find that example 5.4.2 (Notifying  
Developers with an Ant Mojo) does not work. The error message is  

to initialise MIME mail which means that the ant mojo could not find
mail.jar and/or activation.jar.

I have included both the jar files in the maven-buildinfo-plugin  

and in the guinea-pig pom.xml to no avail. Do I have to pass the
maven.compile.classpath to the notify.mojos.xml. If yes, then could
someone please show me how. I know how to pass it to an external ant
build.xml file, but this ant mojo.xml file exists within the plugin.

I recently ran into similar issues passing classpaths to ant ant-mojo  
and it turns out there is not 'automatic' way to do it.

The classpath gets passed into and as a 'reference' to a List.  But  
for it to be a classpath in needs to be an ant path.

I wrote a solution that works thought that you can look at: 

What's really needed is a set of 'helper' tasks that can be used to  
do what my script tasks do

Hope this helps.

Please email if you have any suggestions.  I would love to generalize  
it to a set of helpers for ant-mojos.

Matt Brozowski


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: Basic Help with package

2006-08-08 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Aug 8, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Vinicius Carvalho wrote:

Hello there! I need to include files in my META-INF dir (eg my tomcat
context.xml). Where do I put the files on my project so they can be
packaged when using mvn package?

Put them in src/main/resources/META-INF



Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: Basic Help with package

2006-08-08 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Aug 8, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 8/8/06, Vinicius Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello there! I need to include files in my META-INF dir (eg my tomcat
context.xml). Where do I put the files on my project so they can be
packaged when using mvn package?

Try putting it in src/main/webapp/META-INF .

(Anything in src/main/resources ends up in WEB-INF/classes.)

She is right.  For a WAR in needs to go in src/main/webapp/META-INF

For a JAR it goes in src/main/resources/META-INF.




Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: Assembly

2006-08-04 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Aug 4, 2006, at 11:48 AM, Douglas Ferguson wrote:

I have a strange project here. Basically they are building custom  
for each
client. The build pulls custom jsp files  custom configuration  
into a war

file with the context name based on the the client context name.

What I want to do is move the custom stuff out of the main build  
and into
separate project. Then the app itself will get built using normal  
maven. The

client stuff can get merged in using assembly.

I would actually like to figure out how to merge the client  
specific stuff
into the the platform war to generate a composite war. Then I'd  
like to take
that war and include some of the external config files and sql  
files into a
zip file. I'd like this zip file to be the output for the client  

module. This is what would get released to the Web Hosting team.

I haven't played with this nearly as much as others here.  But I'm  
pretty sure that if you create a war packaged project with typewar/ 
type dependencies, it will 'merge' in someway the dependencies with  
the code that is in the current project.

Hope that helps,


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: How do I use the output of a maven build as a resources of another.

2006-06-26 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Jun 26, 2006, at 7:07 AM, Allison, Bob wrote:

If the applet is supposed to be downloadable from within the web
application, though, this won't work since things under WEB-INF are  
reachable from the browser.  How would you get the applet jar  
placed in

the web application so that the browser can get to it?

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 8:10 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: How do I use the output of a maven build as a  
resources of


Would it be possible to use the assembly plugin with a 'war' format  
that depends on both the applet and the war file and constructs a  
properly assembled war file?

Matt Brozowski


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: Assembly and multi-levels multi-modules

2006-06-08 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Jun 7, 2006, at 7:24 AM, Roland Asmann wrote:

Not 100% sure on this, but what if you try to make 2 assemblies  
here? the first one for the subsub-modules (inside the subparent)
and the second one with the result of the subparent (=assembly of  
subsub-modules) and submodule?
Not sure on how to do this, but it seems kind of logical this way  
to me...

I think this is a really cool idea I tried to do it for my  
project but unfortunately I couldn't find a way to reference the  
assembly of the subModule in the moduleSet of the parent module.  The  
submodule assembly gets set as an 'attached' artifact and not the  
main one.. by the binaries tag in the moduleSet only supports the  
main modules.  If we could add the classifier's on this would work  
very well I think!


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

Re: Knowing my project's location when building w/ reactor ?

2005-12-22 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Dec 21, 2005, at 9:22 PM, Grégory Joseph wrote:

Hi list,

Is there a preferred way, when a project is building with reactor, to
know the location of the project? i.e., if, in a testcase, I do new
File(.), I'll get the path to my root pom's directory, and I'd need
the path to the actual sub-module being tested.

The way this problem is resolved for the castor plugin was to extend  
PlexusTestCase and its getBaseDir() method which returns the locations  
of the projects basedir.

Any tip or idea?



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Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

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Re: Getting Started - Not

2005-12-19 Thread Matt Brozowski

eved from repository: central due to an error: Error transferring file

This means an error occurred while it was trying to retrieve the file  
from the repo.  This happens alot when the repo server is very busy and  
simply retrying a few times will allow you to get through and download  
the file.  Otherwise there is some other reason that you are failing to  



Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

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Re: SureFire pertest setting not working correctly?

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Dec 16, 2005, at 6:48 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

John O. Hampton, Jr. wrote:

I'm trying to use the surefire plugin version 2.1.1.  When I set  
forkMode to pertest, all of my test fail.  It looks like the setUp  
method in my JUnit test is not being called before the method is  
executed.  Am I doing something wrong?

I'll take a look but  a test zip would be helpful as I didn't have  
many testbeds for the pertest setup.

It appears to me that I am seeing the same thing I'll also work on  
creating a test zip.


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
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Re: XDoclet-Problem: This artifact has been relocated to javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.3

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Dec 16, 2005, at 4:48 AM, Stefan Rademacher wrote:


I am trying to get the xdoclet-maven-plugin 1.0-alpha-1 working. But a
mvn package ends up with the following error messages:

The alpha-1 version doesn't seem to work very will with maven 2.0 and  
later.  Try using alpha-2



Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

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Re: Is it possible to make pom.xml simpler?

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Brozowski
+1 on this from me.  I have a very large project with a large number of  
dependencies and just the size of the file makes things more  
complicated than it could be.

Is seems to be that expressing having fewer characters that same  
exactly the same thing would make large files much simpler.

On Dec 14, 2005, at 8:06 PM, Matt Raible wrote:

After seeing what the Spring Developers have done to simplify Spring
context files, I can't help but think the same thing is possible for
Maven 2's pom.xml.  Is it possible to add namespaces and make
something like the following possible?




dep:artifact name=org/springframework/spring version=1.2.6/

Or just allow attributes to make things a bit cleaner?

dependency groupId=org.springframework artifactId=spring  

Allowing 1 line instead of 5-6 lines per dependency would allow me to
cut my dependencies listing from 140 lines of XML to 37 lines.  When
the Spring guys allows a couple of elements as attributes (ref and
value) - it made writing Spring context files *much* easier.

Here's an example of my simplified version:

dependency groupId=cargo artifactId=cargo version=0.6  
dependency groupId=commons-lang artifactId=commons-lang  

dependency groupId=commons-logging artifactId=commons-logging
dependency groupId=displaytag artifactId=displaytag
version=1.0 scope=runtime
exclusion artifactId=xalan groupId=xalan/
dependency artifactId=dwr
version=1.0 scope=runtime/
dependency groupId=org.hibernate artifactId=hibernate  

exclusion artifactId=jta groupId=javax.transaction/
dependency groupId=geronimo-spec artifactId=geronimo-spec-jta
dependency groupId=jmock artifactId=jmock version=1.0.1
dependency groupId=junit artifactId=junit version=3.8.1
dependency groupId=jwebunit artifactId=jwebunit version=1.2
dependency groupId=httpunit artifactId=httpunit version=1.6
exclusion artifactId=js groupId=rhino/
dependency groupId=log4j artifactId=log4j version=1.2.11/
dependency groupId=postgresql artifactId=postgresql
dependency groupId=javax.servlet artifactId=servlet-api
version=2.4 scope=provided/
dependency groupId=javax.servlet artifactId=jstl
version=1.1.2 scope=runtime/
dependency groupId=taglibs artifactId=standard
version=1.1.2 scope=runtime/
dependency groupId=opensymphony artifactId=sitemesh
version=2.2.1 scope=runtime/
dependency groupId=springmodules
artifactId=springmodules-validator version=0.1 scope=runtime/
dependency groupId=springframework artifactId=spring  

dependency groupId=springframework artifactId=spring-mock
version=1.2.6 scope=test
exclusion artifactId=spring-jdbc groupId=springframework/
exclusion artifactId=spring-web groupId=springframework/

Of course, Ivy's syntax is even simpler, so maybe that'll provide some
motivation. ;-)

dependency org=apache name=commons-lang rev=2.0 /
dependency org=apache name=commons-cli rev=1.0 /


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Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
961 7746

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Re: How do I correct problems in

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Brozowski
Details can be found here:

On Dec 16, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Justin Johnson wrote:

I'm guessing this is documented somewhere but I can't seem to find it.  
noticed the following problems with packages on and  
like to have them corrected.  What is the procedure for doing so?   
Should I

submit an issue at

   1. At
   jdbc-stdext-2.0-sources.jar[.md5|.sha1] should be renamed to
   2. At
   mm-mysql-2.0.13-bin.jar[.md5|.sha1] should be renamed to
   3. Jfreechart seems to be dependent on which doesn't



Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
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Re: SureFire pertest setting not working correctly?

2005-12-16 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Dec 16, 2005, at 6:48 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

I'm trying to use the surefire plugin version 2.1.1.  When I set  
forkMode to pertest, all of my test fail.  It looks like the setUp  
method in my JUnit test is not being called before the method is  
executed.  Am I doing something wrong?

I'll take a look but  a test zip would be helpful as I didn't have  
many testbeds for the pertest setup.

I have made a very simple test for this scenario and wrote a jira up  
for it.  Here is the link:



Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
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Re: [m2] How to install 3rd party libraries to remote repository

2005-12-06 Thread Matt Brozowski

On Dec 6, 2005, at 12:46 PM, dan tran wrote:

I notice that, deploy:deploy-file does not generate a pom.xml and  
upload it

it along with the intended artifact.

If not I agree that a 'generatePom' flag would be very useful since we  
are passing all the info in for a simple pom file to be generated.


Matt Brozowski, OpenNMS Maintainer  Main:   +1 919 812 4984
The OpenNMS Group, Inc. Fax:+1 503 
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