Help - The working directory uses numbers instead of the project names

2006-02-24 Thread Michael Mattox
This is causing us problems for the website and also for our source
paths (a project uses a src/main/config from another project).  Each
time we regenerate the working directory we have new numbers.  So
instead of common we have 147.  Is there something we missed in
the configuration?


Re: Help - The working directory uses numbers instead of the project names

2006-02-24 Thread Michael Mattox
No, you don't have missed something. Actually, you can't choose the
working directory.

Why do you use some files from an other project? Thses files are
included in generated artifact?



I'm talking about resource files.  They're not included in the jars we
produce.  So we have this:


for example to put our common config files in a single project.

The other problem we have is the website:


You can see here 21 which should be common.  Since these change we
can't bookmark the site.

Isn't there a way to use the real project names instead of numbers? 
Honestly the numbers don't make any sense to me.  We're trying
symbolic links, not sure if that will work or not.


[m2] Cannot download picocontainer 1.0 due to invalid POM, even though it's in local repo

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Mattox
The new dependency mechanism in m2 is really cool, but I'm totally stuck on
a picocontainer dependency.  We added XDoclet 2.0 to our project, which uses
pico.  The pico POM is invalid.  So I downloaded it and put it on our local
repository and fixed the invalid POM, and erased pico from my
.m2/repository.  But when I do a build, it still for some reason ends up
retrieving the invalid POM from ibiblio.  It doesn't use the POM from my
local repo.  As a result, I'm totally stuck as I can't recover pico.  I'm
forced to just add a reference to the JAR myself.

I assume there is a bug with Maven somewhere.  Even if the .pom at ibiblio
is invalid, it should still get the jar from my local repo that has a valid
.pom.  Well this is how I think it should work.  Can someone let me know if
this is in fact a bug, and if you think of any other way to get around it?
If it's a bug I'll open a JIRA issue but since I'm new to m2 I wanted to ask
about it here to make sure.  A search turned up one other person with the
same problem and the proposed solution was to use exclusions.  well I tried
that without success.  In fact now my pom.xml only has pico in it just to
see if I can get this working.  And I can't.



Re: [m2] Cannot download picocontainer 1.0 due to invalid POM, even though it's in local repo

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Mattox
Does using an exclusion on a dependency of a dependency mean that if I
include a dependency for that jar myself that it won't be used?  For
example, if I have:


This works fine, I have pico in my classpath.  However, if I try to add


My picocontainer dependency is ignored (excluded?).  It won't work without
the exclude and it won't work with the exclude.  It seems I'm screwed.

Re: [m2] Cannot download picocontainer 1.0 due to invalid POM, even though it's in local repo

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Mattox
I just created JIRA issue for the Pico invalid POM:

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know this project existed for this purpose.

I don't mind upgrading to Pico 1.1 or 1.2 but now the exclude thing is
preventing me from doing this.  I hope this isn't a Maven bug.


Re: [m2] Cannot download picocontainer 1.0 due to invalid POM, even though it's in local repo

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Mattox
I found a bug in JIRA for the problem I'm experiencing.  When you use an
exclude on a transitive dependency, that jar is excluded for the entire pom,
even if you list it as a dependency.  This means one invalid pom (such as
pico) and everything is broken.

I hope it gets fixed soon. :)


Re: [M1.1] SAXParserFactoryImpl could not be instantiated

2005-09-15 Thread Michael Mattox

 - point MAVEN_HOME to maven-1.1-beta2
 - modify PATH to point the 'bin' folder of Maven 1.1 beta 2

 Remark : if you do the first, but not the second, then you'll get the
 error you indicated. What is confusing
 however, is that you see '1.1-beta-2' in the Maven logo, despite the
 fact that your configuration still
 partially points to Maven-1.0.2.

The problem was even more subtle than that.  Apparently when using VNC,
creating a new xterm doesn't reset all the environment variables.  So even
though I changed MAVEN_HOME in my .bashrc and my PATH had PATH =
MAVEN_HOME + PATH in it, I ended up with a PATH that had maven 1.1 in it
and afterwards maven 1.0.  This still would have worked if it were not for
the fact that unzipping Maven 1.1 resulted in a maven script that was not
executable, thus the shell found the maven script in the older 1.0
directory which was unknowingly in my path!!!

I lost a lot of time figuring all that out.  I agree with Brett, it'd be
worth adding a check to see if multiple maven versions are in the path and
give a warning message.  Because it was very strange to have the script
run from the maven 1.0 directory yet display 1.1-beta2 on the terminal!!!

Thanks for the help, I wouldn't have figured this out myself.


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[M1.1] SAXParserFactoryImpl could not be instantiated

2005-09-14 Thread Michael Mattox
I tried upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.1-beta2 and I get an error right away. 
Ie searched the mailing list and the compatability notes and don't see
anything about this error.  nothing in JIRA either (close but not the
same).  I've tested with JRockit and the SUN JDK, all JDK 1.5 and it
doesn't work.  I've put Xerces 1.2.7 in jre/lib/endorsed in both and that
doesn't work either.  I'm really stuck on this.  If anyone has any ideas
I'd be grateful.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] maven]$ maven -X clean
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.1-beta-2

Initializing Plugins!
Set plugin source directory to /usr/local/maven-1.1-beta-2/plugins
Set unpacked plugin directory to /users/mmattox/.maven/cache
Set user plugin directory to /users/mmattox/.maven/plugins
Plugin cache will be regenerated
Now mapping cached plugins
Now loading uncached plugins
Loading plugin 'maven-nsis-plugin-1.1'
Using userBuildPropertiesFile: /users/mmattox/
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl could not be instantiated:
at org.apache.maven.MavenSession.initialize(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(

Vous avez rencontré une erreur inconnue en exécutant Maven.
Svp aidez-nous à corriger ce problème en suivant ces étapes :
- lisez la FAQ de Maven à
- exécutez la même commande avec le paramètre '-e', par exemple 'maven -e
- recherchez l'erreur dans les archives à
- poster la sortie de maven -e sur JIRA à ???issueTrackingUrl??? (vous
devez vous enregistez d'abord)
- exécutez 'maven --info' et poster la sortie ainsi que l'environment pour
le bug ci-dessus

Mémoire Finale : 5M/64M
Temps total: 0 secondes
Fini le: mercredi 14 septembre 2005 18:06:37 CEST


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Re: NoClassDefFoundError while running test

2005-08-04 Thread Michael Mattox
 Can you be a little more specific? I'm assuming you're using Maven
 1.x...? Also, which class is it trying unsuccessfully to find?

 Without that info, it'll be hard-to-impossible for anyone to help much,
 I'm afraid...

The classes are in a JAR file in one of my dependency JARs.  The JAR is
supplied by our customer.

Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm using Maven 1.0.2.

I'd like to upgrade to 1.1 but I'm afraid of having problems with the
plugins, such as the Clover plugin.  If most of them work then I may try
upgrading to see if it works better.


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Re: NoClassDefFoundError while running test

2005-08-04 Thread Michael Mattox
We found the solution:

We did cvs exports with timestamps to find the day when the build broke
and did a diff of the project before and after.  Then we noticed we
removed a static block of code in our tests to set a conf file.  The
problem was passing -D to maven wasn't getting passed for the test.  One
has to use the maven.junit.sysproperties property.  Adding that worked.

Here's my theory:  The JAR we use needs the conf.  It has some code in
static blocks which needs the conf.  Without it, it throws an exception or
something, which means the JAR is unavailable.  With the JAR unavailable,
our code can't link and we get NoClassDefFoundError.

Very strange to have this error with a JAR in the classpath!


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NoClassDefFoundError while running test

2005-08-03 Thread Michael Mattox
For some reason my project is giving me NoClassDefFoundError while running
my unit tests.  It's happening on both the server and on my PC so I know
it's not the environment.  The project compiles so I know the dependency
is correct.  I run maven with -X and I see the JAR in the list (at the
top) so I know the JAR is in the classpath.  I have no idea why I would
get a NoClassDefFoundError.  How can it not find the classes?  I've opened
up the JAR with winzip and the classes are inside.  The project has been
working for a month now and then it seems to have stopped.  I'm really
stuck on this.  If anyone has any ideas on how this could even be possible
I'd appreciate it.


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deploy:copy-deps doesn't copy a jar if it exists in the user's repository

2005-07-07 Thread Michael Mattox
I deploy a jar and then use the deploy:copy-deps to copy it, it works.  I
then touch the jar on the server (I use maven-proxy).  Next I redo the
deploy:copy-deps and it says it's up to date:

D:\projects\PJ\workspace\ciweb2g-miniappmaven update-jars
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2


[echo] Goal update-jars for project ciweb2g-miniapp
[echo] Calling deploy:copy-deps
Total time: 2 seconds
Finished at: Thu Jul 07 16:06:16 CEST 2005

with -X I get more details:

[copy] [DEBUG] fileset: Setup scanner in dir C:\Documents and
ox\.maven\repository\dom4j\jars with patternSet{ includes:
[dom4j-1.6.1.jar] exc
ludes: [] }
[copy] [VERBOSE] dom4j-1.6.1.jar omitted as dom4j-1.6.1.jar is up to
attaining goal build:end

Is this a bug?  I'm totally stuck because we can't use our jars without
erasing the project jars in the local repository each time we want to get
the new jars..


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deploy:copy-deps doesn't copy a jar if it exists in the user's repository

2005-07-07 Thread Michael Mattox
I deploy a jar and then use the deploy:copy-deps to copy it, it works.  I
then touch the jar on the server (I use maven-proxy).  Next I redo the
deploy:copy-deps and it says it's up to date:

D:\projects\PJ\workspace\ciweb2g-miniappmaven update-jars
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2


[echo] Goal update-jars for project ciweb2g-miniapp
[echo] Calling deploy:copy-deps
Total time: 2 seconds
Finished at: Thu Jul 07 16:06:16 CEST 2005

with -X I get more details:

[copy] [DEBUG] fileset: Setup scanner in dir C:\Documents and
ox\.maven\repository\dom4j\jars with patternSet{ includes:
[dom4j-1.6.1.jar] exc
ludes: [] }
[copy] [VERBOSE] dom4j-1.6.1.jar omitted as dom4j-1.6.1.jar is up to
attaining goal build:end

Is this a bug?  I'm totally stuck because we can't use our jars without
erasing the project jars in the local repository each time we want to get
the new jars..


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RE: Multiproject CruiseControl - how to do CVS update

2005-07-06 Thread Michael Mattox
 Is there a reason doing the CVS update from the multiproject directory
 doesn't work?  It should get all subdirectories, which should update all
 of the subprojects (unless the multiproject doesn't follow the norm of
 having the subprojects located in subdirectories of the multiproject).

I didn't know it was the norm to have the subprojects be subdirectories
of the main projects.  I always kept the main project at the same level..

- project 1
- project 2
- multiproject

The problem with not using a flat hiearchy is that it causes problems with

Is there another way or do I have to restructure my project directories to
use CC?


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ydoc with Maven - anyone got it working? Searching for the plugin..

2005-07-06 Thread Michael Mattox
I'm trying to get ydoc working with Maven but it's not working.  I get
this error for all my classes:

  [javadoc] javadoc: warning - Could not locate class file for
  [javadoc] Please ensure that the directory, JAR archiv, or ZIP archive,
which contains the compiled, unobfuscated class
fr.x.commun.ServiceContextFactory, is included in the docletpath option.

I don't understand how it cannot find this, it should be supplied by
Maven.  The standard javadoc works fine, so it must be a configuration
issue.  Here's my configuration for ydoc:


Any ideas?

While searching the archives, I found that someone wrote a ydoc plugin
under JIRA issue MAVEN-535.  Unfortunately the link no longer works and
that issue no longer exists in JIRA.  Any links to a ydoc plugin would be


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Re: Multiproject CruiseControl - how to do CVS update

2005-07-06 Thread Michael Mattox
 What does the CVS structure look like?  Something like:
   project 1/
   project 2/

This is correct.

 Just have CC monitor trunk/ and you should be fine.

There are no files in trunk, all my maven files are in multiproject.  If
this is what you understood, can you explain what you mean by have CC
monitor trunk?  From what I've seen CC is not doing the CVS update, so I
have to do that with Maven, and I don't have any way to do it other than:

-Dgoal=scm:update multiproject:goal


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RE: Multiproject CruiseControl - how to do CVS update

2005-07-06 Thread Michael Mattox
 Solution 1 is as Jamie suggested: have CC monitor trunk.  To do this,
 however, you'll need to have a project.xml in the trunk directory for
 the sole purpose of hooking it up to CruiseControl.  The trunk project
 could then call through to the multiproject when it actually builds.

I am ok with this approach.  the only part I'm not sure how to do is the
last part..  how does the project.xml call the real multiproject's
project.xml and invoke my goals (scm:update, clean, multiproject:deploy,
multiproject:site, site:deploy)?

Thanks a lot for the help, I've seen these types of questions raised a few
times in the CC  Maven mailing lists but I haven't been able to find an
answer.  I think it'd be great to get the details worked out. :)


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Jars Resources For Development, synchronizing with Maven

2005-03-09 Thread Michael Mattox
On my last project I came up with a method of using maven to copy the jars
and filter the resources for the developers during the development phase. 
I think maybe there is a better method (I hope).  So I'd like to describe
what I did and see if any of you have a better idea.

To avoid putting our jars into CVS, and to assure that the developers are
using the same jars that are in the maven project.xml, I created a goal
copy-jars in the maven.xml which copies all the jar dependencies to the
project's lib directory.  Then the jars at added to the project inside
eclipse.  What I liked is eclipse  the project.xml were always in sync. 
I tried the maven plugin for eclipse but it wasn't working (I filed JIRA
issues) this was about 6-8 months ago, so maybe the situation has

Second issue is the resource files.  For our builds I used the filtering
feature (we use @someproperty@ and then filter it out).  We have a set of
filters for dev  a set for the integration environment.  So I created a
maven goal copy-resources which copies the resources from src/conf to
src/, applying the filters from the  This
worked, but the problem is everytime a resource file was modified, the
script must be run.  Not so bad, but the problem is when someone else
modifies the resource file and you don't know.  Your code stops working
and you don't know that you need to run the copy-resources goal.

A further hack on this one, was that I wrote a maven goal to copy all the
resources for dependent projects into a src/conf.dep.  That way we don't
have the same conf files in every project.  So the steps are:

copy all resources from dependent projects to src/conf.dep
copy resources from src/conf.dep to src/ applying filters
copy resources from src/conf to src/ applying filters

The last step allows overriding a resource file in another project because
the file will be overwritten with the last copy.  This was a pretty cool
feature and allowed us to greatly reduce the number of resource files in
our workspace.  But is there a better way?

Thanks for reading, if you have any ideas on how to improve on this
procedure I'd be very interested.  I'm integrating Maven on a new project
and I don't want to blindly do what I did before.  i'd like to improve it
as much as possible.  But at the same time, the schedule is extremely
short so I'm tempted to go with what I know works.

Michael Mattox

PS: Please CC me in replies as I'm subscribed to the daily digest.  Thanks!

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Has anyone integrated Jester with Maven? (Plugin or maven.xml)?

2004-12-09 Thread Michael Mattox
I've been finding tests that don't test anything in our project, and since
we started evaluating Clover it's getting worse! ;)  I'd really like to
incorporate Jester into our daily build but I have no idea how.  They have a
very simple ANT build file on their website but I don't see how to use this
with Maven.  I thought I could use the ANT code in the maven.xml but I'm not
sure how.  I think Jester would be a great addition to the Maven plugin
suite.  I know the response will be then write the jester plugin, so I'm
curious what would be involved and if someone has some ideas.

Michael Mattox

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Is it possible to disable the site for distributions?

2004-11-17 Thread Michael Mattox
Is it possible to disable the site for distributions?  So far I manually
edit the maven.xml file to add a site goal which does nothing, but this
isn't very clean.  It'd be great if I could pass a property saying
site.enabled=true/false.  I have searched the maven site  dist plugins but
don't see anything.  Can I do something custom in the maven.xml?

Michael Mattox

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RE: [SPAM] - Is it possible to disable the site for distributions? - Found word(s) free guaranteed in the Text body.

2004-11-17 Thread Michael Mattox
 AFAIK, the dist plugin has a pregoal on the site:generate goal so
 it will be launched anyway. What you can do is write a postGoal
 that removes the content of the web site juste before the zip/tgz
 are made.

I don't mind it being in the zip, I want to disable it to save time.
Generating the sites takes a long time due to all the reports.

 Another solution is to customize the dist plugin for your need
 (see ~/.maven/cache).

Not a bad idea.  I think the best is to add a property
I'll create a JIRA issue if there are no other ideas..


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Is it possible to disable the site for distributions?

2004-11-17 Thread Michael MATTOX

Is it possible to disable the site for distributions?  So far I manually
edit the maven.xml file to add a site goal which does nothing, but this
isn't very clean.  It'd be great if I could pass a property saying
site.enabled=true/false.  I have searched the maven site  dist plugins but
don't see anything.  Can I do something custom in the maven.xml?

Michael Mattox

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RE: Problem with bootstrap - can't find my project.xml

2004-10-29 Thread Michael Mattox
I will create the JIRA issue, but I don't understand the workaround.  The
check.tagged is for releases is it not?  I tried it and I get the same
error, it looks for my project.xml in the module directory.


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoye : jeudi 28 octobre 2004 22:32
 A : Maven Users List
 Objet : Re: Problem with bootstrap - can't find my project.xml

 looking at the source it seems that the tag checking is not honouring
 the POM dir.

 can you:
 - file a bug in JIRA
 - work around it by setting maven.scm.check.tagged=false


 On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 16:47:08 +0200, Michael Mattox
  I have a flat directory structure in CVS, with my maven files
 in a directory
  called maven.  Like this:
- project1/project.xml
- project2/project.xml
- ...
- maven/project.xml (master project which all others inherit)
  The checkout is fine but then it seems the maven
 scm:bootstrap-project goal
  can't find my maven/project.xml:
  maven -Dmaven.scm.method=cvs
 -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=sources-malibu -Dmaven.s
  ultiproject:site,site:deploy scm:bootstrap-project
  [cvs] U sources-malibu/maven/logo/cs_logo.jpg
  [cvs] U sources-malibu/maven/logo/logo_new_rvb.jpg
  Element... maven:maven
  Line.. 158
  Column 9
  Error parsing project.xml
  Total time: 24 minutes 52 seconds
  Finished at: Thu Oct 28 16:22:36 CEST 2004
  I've used -Dmaven.scm.bootstrap.pom.dir=maven so I think it
 should look in
  $module/maven which for me is sources-malibu/maven/project.xml but it
  doesn't find it.  Am I doing something wrong?
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Problem with bootstrap - can't find my project.xml

2004-10-28 Thread Michael Mattox
I have a flat directory structure in CVS, with my maven files in a directory
called maven.  Like this:

  - project1/project.xml
  - project2/project.xml
  - ...
  - maven/project.xml (master project which all others inherit)

The checkout is fine but then it seems the maven scm:bootstrap-project goal
can't find my maven/project.xml:

maven -Dmaven.scm.method=cvs -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=sources-malibu -Dmaven.s
cm.bootstrap.pom.dir=maven -Dmaven.scm.bootstrap.goals=multiproject:deploy,m
ultiproject:site,site:deploy scm:bootstrap-project

[cvs] U sources-malibu/maven/logo/cs_logo.jpg
[cvs] U sources-malibu/maven/logo/logo_new_rvb.jpg

Element... maven:maven
Line.. 158
Column 9
Error parsing project.xml
Total time: 24 minutes 52 seconds
Finished at: Thu Oct 28 16:22:36 CEST 2004

I've used -Dmaven.scm.bootstrap.pom.dir=maven so I think it should look in
$module/maven which for me is sources-malibu/maven/project.xml but it
doesn't find it.  Am I doing something wrong?


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RE: Autoresponders :-(

2004-08-13 Thread Michael Mattox
I use a special address for mailing lists, because the spammers harvest
emails from the mailing lists.  I'm not sure which ones but the email that I
only use for mailing lists gets lots of spam now.  Anyway, if you do that,
you can use filters to put it in a separate folder and/or delete non-mailing
list emails.  Works for me.  My real address is never used for things like
mailing lists, websites, etc.

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Dan R Greening [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoye : jeudi 12 aout 2004 05:25
 A : 'Maven Users List'
 Objet : RE: Autoresponders :-(

 My deepest apologies to my victims.  I've decided that using a
 whitelist is
 too obnoxious for mailing lists, and so as of now I turned it off.

 If you haven't removed me from the maven list, please don't.  I'm a heavy
 user, and I'm starting to contribute patches.  I turned my whitelist
 processor off.  Hopefully someone will find a way to block spam
 before I drown in it.  :(

 Dan Greening, Ph.D.  CEO BigTribe

  -Original Message-
  From: Dennis Lundberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:55 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Autoresponders :-(
  Hi all
  Can someone please remove this person from this list:
  For every mail that I send to the list, I get an automated
  reply from him saying that my message might be spam.
  To Dan, if you read this:
  If you want to be on this email-list I suggest that you put
  the maven user list in your whitelist.
  Dennis Lundberg
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RE: List all dependencies or only main ones?

2004-08-04 Thread Michael Mattox
 Well, until then you can put your common dependencies into a separate
 file and then use an XML include
 to get it into the project.xml files. See the Maven Wiki article
 EnsureProjectConsistencyWithEntities at for
 details on the technique.

Fantastic advice!  Thanks for the link, I'm going to try setting this up for
a few of our more common projects.


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RE: List all dependencies or only main ones?

2004-08-03 Thread Michael MATTOX

  A quick question. Assume a project A, which depends on
  projects B and C. If
  project D depends on A, does it also have to state it's (implicit)
  dependencies on B and C in project.xml?
 Search in mailing list archive as this is quite frequent question.
 Shortly this is called transitive dependencies and it is not
 supported by
 any released version maven
 but is coming soon (we have basic implementation of this stuff in CVS)

I hope the frequency of this question signals the demand and importance!
This has recently gotten out of hand on our project.  We have 20+ projects,
and our common project uses 10+ jars.  Now we have to cut-n-paste these 10+
jars in all our project.xmls.  And update it whenever a jar changes.  It has
resulted in so much cut-n-pasting that we now have project.xml containing
jars that they don't even use.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone is eagerly waiting for this new feature!


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how to use maven scm bootstrap-project

2004-07-29 Thread Michael Mattox
I can't get the scm bootstrap to work.  I have a flat directory structure,
with my master maven project.xml file in a subdirectory called maven.  For

module is sources

sources/maven(contains project.xml)

I'm not sure what to put for the maven.scm.bootstrap.pom.dir and whatever I
put, it doesn't seem to make a difference.  If I set the module to be
sources/maven it works but it doesn't get all the projects, just maven.  If
I set the module to sources I get this error:

C:\tmpmaven -Dmaven.scm.method=cvs -Dmaven.scm.bootstrap.goals=clean
-Dmaven.scm.bootstrap.pom.dir=maven -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=sources
-Dmaven.scm.cvs.quiet=false scm:bootstrap-project

File.. C:\Documents and
Element... maven:maven
Line.. 158
Column 9
Error parsing project.xml 'C:\tmp\target\checkouts\sources\project.xml'
Total time: 2 minutes 42 seconds
Finished at: Thu Jul 29 14:45:38 CEST 2004

I now think maybe there is a limitation where the project.xml has to be
located in the module directory instead of a subdirectory?  Can anyone give
me some advice on this?


PS: Using Maven 1.0

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Maven 1.0 deletes my snapshot jars when attemping to download dependencies

2004-07-20 Thread Michael Mattox
I just tried upgrading from 1.0RC3 to 1.0.  I deleted my .maven directory
contents.  I'm having a very weird problem that I haven't seen reported here
or in JIRA.  I run maven jar:install-snapshot on a jar and that works ok.
Then I run maven clean in a project that has the previously mentioned
snapshot as a dependency.  It displays this:

Regards,Tentative de tÚlÚchargement de cs-common-SNAPSHOT.jar.
warning: last-modified not specified
0K downloaded

[delete] Deleting directory
Total time: 14 seconds
Finished at: Tue Jul 20 13:19:29 CEST 2004

When I look at the snapshot jar created in the first command, it is now 0
bytes.  To verify this is related to release 1.0, I again removed my .maven
contents and repeated the commands using Maven 1.0RC3 and it works fine.

Any ideas what changed in 1.0 to make it delete my dependency snapshot jars?

Michael Mattox

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RE: howto: request committer status

2004-06-30 Thread Michael Mattox
Sounds like you just need read only access, you don't need commit for that.
Commit is to commit changes to CVS.  People usually start out by submitting
patches.  But if you're just doing a review, read only will work.  Everyone
has read only, see the project info page of the maven website.

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoye : mardi 29 juin 2004 22:43
 A : Maven Users List
 Objet : howto: request committer status

 How do I go about requesting commit status for this project?
 I would like to be able to research ideas that users have, in order to
 make the tool better and give each idea a fair review.

 Thanks for the attention,
 - Brill Pappin

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RE: howto: request committer status

2004-06-30 Thread Michael Mattox
 I think you're the first person who has ever asked for commit status, so
 the answer is you don't request committer status, it will be offered
 when someone feels you've earned it.

I think you and the others were a little hard on him.  I got the impression
that he doesn't know how it works and that he thought he needed committer
status just to read the code.  He did not ask for it as you claim in the
quote above.  he asked how to get it and that means he wants to know how the
process works.  I think the correct answer is you contribute to the project
with patches and if you become a major contributer you might be offered
commit status.

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RE: config files dependencies

2004-06-29 Thread Michael Mattox
I keep all the conf files in each project's src/conf directory and we do not
put them in our jars because that's not practical for production (the
sysadmin doesn't know how to find the jar, unzip it, modify, rezip, etc.).
So I wrote some goals in my maven.xml to copy the jars from all dependent
projects.  I copy them into src/conf.dep.  I then take src/conf.dep and copy
to src/, and then copy src/conf to src/  Sounds complicated
but it's not too bad:

src/conf - original, unfiltered resources
src/conf.dep - filtered dependency resources
src/ - filtered original  dependency resources (original can
override dependency)

The maven.xml code is very ugly, but it works and I haven't had time to
optimize it:

  goal name=copy-dep-res
echoCopying dependency resources for project ${pom.artifactId}/echo
ant:delete dir=${basedir}/src/conf.dep/
ant:mkdir dir=${basedir}/src/conf.dep/
j:forEach items=${pom.dependencies} var=dep indexVar=depNumber
  j:forEach items=${dep} var=depItem indexVar=depItemNumber
util:tokenize var=depItemItems
j:forEach items=${depItemItems} var=depItemItem
  util:tokenize var=depItemItemItems delim=
  j:forEach items=${depItemItemItems} var=depProject
util:available file=../${depProject}/src
  util:available file=../${depProject}/src/conf
echo${depProject} is available/echo
ant:copy todir=${basedir}/src/conf.dep filtering=false
  ant:fileset dir=../${depProject}/src/conf
ant:exclude name=**/empty_file_for_cvs.txt/
ant:exclude name=**/configuration.xml/
ant:exclude name=**/.cvsignore/
  ant:copy file=${basedir}/../maven/resource.cvsignore

Yes, I know, it actually copies the resources for each project twice.  But
it's so fast I haven't bothered to fix this (tough deadlines here)


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Göschl,Siegfried [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 28 juin 2004 16:08
 À : Maven Users List
 Objet : RE: config files dependencies

 Hi Alexander,

 I have the same problems with,
 and I keep a folder for each set of configuration
 files for each build mode. To determine the build mode I pass a
 '' for building all project but I'm not using the
 reactor (yet)


 Siegfried Goeschl

  -Original Message-
 Sent: Montag, 28. Juni 2004 14:09
 Subject: config files dependencies


 I need some advice. I need to copy config file from one subproect
 to another. I know one way to solve this problem. I can spesify
 this cofig files as resourses in one subproject and spesify the
 second subproject as being dependent from the first one.

 But I have two problems:

 1. This config files have to be unjared. (P6SpyDriver wants its
 config file - - not to be in jar)

 2. To test the second subprojct I need to use testing version of
 the config files from the first one.

 I'm going to copy config files and their testing versions from
 the first subproject to the second one:







 ant:copy todir=${maven.test.dest}



 include name=OJB*.*/



 Would it be the right desision?


 Maksimenko Alexander


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How to copy dependency resources

2004-06-17 Thread Michael Mattox
I am trying to find a way to copy resources for a dependency.  I'm using
deploy:copy-deps to copy the dependencies, what I need is a
deploy:copy-resources.  Does such a thing exist?  I've done a nasty
workaround parsing the ${pom.dependencies} but it's not very clean.  Is
there a better way?


Michael Mattox
Tech Lead MDSP Communication Services
Noisy le Grand - MTG - 01 49 31 63 74

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multiproject:site not generating index page correctly

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Mattox
For some reason today, when I run multiproject:site, the index page only has
links to two of my projects.  The funny thing is the two are ones that I had
build previously by setting multiproject.includes to the two.  Now I have
multiproject.includes=**/project.xml and for some reason the index still
only has the two.

Anyone seen this before?  It's driving my crazy.  Our build takes 15 minutes
to complete so I keep trying to fix it and then rebuilding.

Michael Mattox

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Cannot disable reports for a project inheriting from another with reports

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Mattox
I cannot disable reports for a project inheriting from another with reports.

Project A contains several reports (findbugs, checkstyle, etc.)

Project B extends Project A

in Project B, there is a reports/

If I run the site target for project B, it runs all the reports!!  Is this a
bug?  Shouldn't the reports/ override the reports defined in project A?  I
found in the mailing list that one can use maven.xml to add postgoals to
deregister plugins, but I prefer not to do that.  The reason is because I
have several projects that are generated from WSDLs and therefore don't want
the reports run.

Michael Mattox

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RE: Excludes in multiproject

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Mattox
If you do that is the j:set valid only during the goal or is it set for the
rest of the build??


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Jefferson K. French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 15 juin 2004 17:22
 À : Maven Users List
 Objet : Re: Excludes in multiproject

 How about something like this:

   goal name=gensite
 j:set var=maven.multiproject.excludes
 attainGoal name=multiproject:site/


 On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, at 08:54:35 [GMT +0200] Jörg Schaible wrote:

  Hi folks,

  what is the best way to exclude some subprojects from the site
 generation, but nor from the other goals? I separated some of my
 subprojects into a main part and a sublementatry part to generate
  the different artifacts (e.g. the client-ejb.jar), but it does
 not make sense to have anything of it in the site documentation.



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using filters only when the filters are available

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Mattox
I'm using the filters feature and it works if my filter file is present.
However, I have a subproject that does not need filtering.  Since my
resources are defined in a master project.xml, I have no choice but to set
filtering on for the entire project.  However, if this filter file doesn't
exist, maven craps out:

Must specify a file not a directory in the filtersfile
File.. D:\projects\MDSP\maven\sources\maven\maven.xml
Element... ant:filter
Line.. 8
Column 72
Must specify a file not a directory in the filtersfile

I tried to be sneaky and use the ANT available task but that isn't working:

ant:available filepath=${basedir}/src/
  ant:filter filtersfile=${basedir}/src/ /

Is there a way to make the filtering conditional on the filter file being
present?  Is this a bug?


Michael Mattox
Tech Lead MDSP Communication Services
Noisy le Grand - MTG - 01 49 31 63 74

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RE: using filters only when the filters are available

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Mattox
Thanks, I didn't think of looking into Jelly tags.  I'll give it a try.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:48 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: RE: using filters only when the filters are available

 You don't want the ant:available task.  That task doesn't conditionally
 execute it's body as you are thinking.  It merely sets a property
 to 'true'
 if the specified file is available.  Instead, you want the jelly
 util:available tag, which evaluates its body only if its test condition
 evaluates to 'true'.

  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Mattox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:10 PM
  To: Maven-users
  Subject: using filters only when the filters are available
  I'm using the filters feature and it works if my filter file is present.
  However, I have a subproject that does not need filtering.  Since my
  resources are defined in a master project.xml, I have no choice
 but to set
  filtering on for the entire project.  However, if this filter
 file doesn't
  exist, maven craps out:
  Must specify a file not a directory in the filtersfile
  File.. D:\projects\MDSP\maven\sources\maven\maven.xml
  Element... ant:filter
  Line.. 8
  Column 72
  Must specify a file not a directory in the filtersfile
  I tried to be sneaky and use the ANT available task but that
  isn't working:
  ant:available filepath=${basedir}/src/
 filtersfile=${basedir}/src/ /
  Is there a way to make the filtering conditional on the filter
 file being
  present?  Is this a bug?
  Michael Mattox
  Tech Lead MDSP Communication Services
  Noisy le Grand - MTG - 01 49 31 63 74
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Should dist:build-bin build a WAR instead of a distribution for WAR projects?

2004-06-09 Thread Michael Mattox
I am invoking dist:build-bin using multiproject:goal.  For my WAR projects
it doesn't make sense to generate a distribution.  Since I can only have one
maven.multiproject.includes property I'm not sure how I can specify this.  I
also have projects which are utility jars used by other projects and should
not have a distribution at all.  It seems that if the multiproject plugin
could look at the maven.multiproject.type and decide to build the JAR dist
or a plain WAR.  It would also be nice to specify a project doesn't build
any distribution.

So far my attempt at this is by overriding the dist goal.  Here is how I do
it for a WAR project.  for a jar that doesn't need a dist I think an empty
goal would work.  I'm curious what others think about this approach, and if
there is a possibility for adding a feature to Maven to handle this.


  goal name=dist:build-bin
attainGoal name=war:war/


Michael Mattox

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Dependency Inheritance

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Mattox
I have a project A that depends on project B.  Project B has 10 JAR
dependencies.  I've found that I must list the 10 JAR dependencies in
Project A's project.xml file.  Is there a way to inherit dependencies?  I
understand there is a potential problem with version conflicts (project A
wants to use a newer version of commons logging than project B) but at the
same time I think having to duplicate these JARs in every project.xml is
troubling.  In my case project A is called common and is used by 15 other
projects.  Any ideas?

Michael Mattox

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RE: Dependency Inheritance

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Mattox
You're right, I shouldn't call this dependency inheritance (which is why my
search of the mailing list came up with only 1 mail).  What is m2?  I'm
using RC3 and I haven't seen this feature in the docs.


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Maczka Michal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 8 juin 2004 11:05
 À : 'Maven Users List'
 Objet : RE: Dependency Inheritance

 I guess that you are mixing two terms: project inheritence
 (dependencies are
 already inherited and you can use this feature)
 and transitive dependecies. Support for transitive dependencies is planned
 since a long time
 and already exists in m2.


  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Mattox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:46 AM
  To: Maven-users
  Subject: Dependency Inheritance
  I have a project A that depends on project B.  Project B has 10 JAR
  dependencies.  I've found that I must list the 10 JAR dependencies in
  Project A's project.xml file.  Is there a way to inherit
  dependencies?  I
  understand there is a potential problem with version
  conflicts (project A
  wants to use a newer version of commons logging than project
  B) but at the
  same time I think having to duplicate these JARs in every
  project.xml is
  troubling.  In my case project A is called common and is
  used by 15 other
  projects.  Any ideas?
  Michael Mattox

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RE: Including dependencies and configuration files in JAR distributions

2004-05-27 Thread Michael Mattox
I seems that this plugin is used for executables, projects with a main.  My
project is deployed to a webapp that is developed by another company.  And I
don't want to mix our project with theirs (we don't have much control over
their project).  So my plan is:

1 install their project (a webapp)
2 build our project and create a zip containing the project's JAR, the
dependencies, and configuration files
3 deploy our project to the webapp

I'm stuck on 2.  I have it done but the only problem is all my dependencies
are in the binary distribution:

  ant:fileset dir=${basedir}/src/conf.dist.integ/
  ant:fileset dir=${basedir}/src/


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Carlos Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : jeudi 27 mai 2004 00:38
 À : 'Maven Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Objet : RE: Including dependencies and configuration files in JAR

 Have you tried uberjar plugin?

 Carlos Sanchez
 A Coruña, Spain

 Oness Project

  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Mattox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:07 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Including dependencies and configuration files in
  JAR distributions
  I'm using Maven to create distributions for several of our
  projects.  I'm curious how people are including dependencies
  and configuration files in their distributions?  So far I'm
  using a postGoal on the prepare-bin-filesystem goal with a
  copy dependencies (I forgot the tag).
  This copies ALL my JAR files.  My project needs websphere's
  j2ee.jar to compile and run the unit tests, however I don't
  want to distribute this jar with my project.  But I do want
  to distribute the other jars.  I know the WAR plugin lets you
  set properties on the dependencies so they will be included
  or not, but I haven't found this feature for a JAR distribution.
  Also I have configuration files that I need to distribute.
  This is easier because I've separated them into different
  directories (src/conf.test and src/conf.dist).
  Any best practices here?  Any Maven features that can help me out?
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Including dependencies and configuration files in JAR distributions

2004-05-26 Thread Michael Mattox
I'm using Maven to create distributions for several of our projects.  I'm
curious how people are including dependencies and configuration files in
their distributions?  So far I'm using a postGoal on the
prepare-bin-filesystem goal with a copy dependencies (I forgot the tag).
This copies ALL my JAR files.  My project needs websphere's j2ee.jar to
compile and run the unit tests, however I don't want to distribute this jar
with my project.  But I do want to distribute the other jars.  I know the
WAR plugin lets you set properties on the dependencies so they will be
included or not, but I haven't found this feature for a JAR distribution.

Also I have configuration files that I need to distribute.  This is easier
because I've separated them into different directories (src/conf.test and

Any best practices here?  Any Maven features that can help me out?


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RE: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

2004-05-05 Thread Michael Mattox
 I am not too sure about this one, but can farly remember that I
 once had a
 similar problem. Have a look in your maven plugin directory for the
 checkstyle plugin. There you will find the checkstyle settings for sun and
 turbine in the proper format (they do not use the full classpath
 to the checks
 ( Just use one of these two as
 template to
 start with and it might work.

Your suggestion worked.  instead of using the normal checkstyle xml file I
used the one in the plugin dir.  Works great now.


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RE: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

2004-05-05 Thread Michael MATTOX

 I am not too sure about this one, but can farly remember that I
 once had a
 similar problem. Have a look in your maven plugin directory for the
 checkstyle plugin. There you will find the checkstyle settings for sun and
 turbine in the proper format (they do not use the full classpath
 to the checks
 ( Just use one of these two as
 template to
 start with and it might work.

Your suggestion worked.  instead of using the normal checkstyle xml file I
used the one in the plugin dir.  Works great now.


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RE: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

2004-05-04 Thread Michael Mattox
 No, no. You don't get me. You must use the
 property and provide your own CS configuration. This is the way to use

Ok, I got Maven to use my checkstyle.xml (I just copied SUN's for now but I
will modify it later).  now I understand more about modifying the XML file
to customize the checks.  However, when I run checkstyle with maven I get
the following error.  I searched the archives and only found one message
(see below) which doesn't explain it:

D:\projects\MDSP\maven\sources\cs-commonmaven -e checkstyle:report
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2



[echo] Using D:\projects\MDSP\maven\sources\cs-common/checkstyle.xml for
checkstyle ...

Unable to create a Checker: cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Unable to
instantiate MethodParamPad
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.ant.AntTag.doTag(
at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
at com.werken.werkz.WerkzProject.attainGoal(
at org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core.IfTag.doTag(
at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
at com.werken.werkz.WerkzProject.attainGoal(
at org.apache.maven.MavenSession.attainGoals(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(
Caused by: cannot
initialize module TreeWalker - Unable to instantiate MethodPara
... 32 more
Caused by: Unable
to instantiate MethodParamPad
... 34 more
Caused by: Unable
to instantiate MethodParamPadCheck
... 37 more
--- Nested Exception --- cannot initialize
module TreeWalker - Unable to instantiate MethodParamPad

How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

2004-05-03 Thread Michael Mattox
I'm using the checkstyle plugin and I'd like to suppress some of the things
it checks.  The docs for the plugin talk about a checkstyle properties but
nothing about supressions.  The checkstyle docs talk about a
suppressions.xml but I'm not sure how to configure the maven plugin to use
the suppressions.xml document.  Any ideas?

Michael Mattox

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RE: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

2004-05-03 Thread Michael Mattox
I looked into this.. I found the xml file in checkstyle plugin directory in
.plugins.  since this is created automatically, I am reluctant to modify
this file.  Upgrading to a newer version of checkstyle plugin could
overwrite it.  Or upgrading maven, I often delete my .plugins file.  Now if
I can put the checkstyle.xml in another directory that would be nice but I
don't see a way to do that.  I only see a thing about checkstyle properties
and I don't think that is referring to the XML files.  I spent a bit of time
trying it out but couldn't get anywhere with it, so I assumed I was missing
something simple.  Now I think everyone just uses the defaults. ;)

A few more plugin properties would be really cool, like:



 -Message d'origine-
 De : Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoye : lundi 3 mai 2004 11:15
 A : 'Maven Users List'
 Objet : RE: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin

 Hi Michael,

 You have complete power over the checkstyle.xml file. So you can provide
 your own. I think that the suppressions/filter stuff are defined inside
 this file so you should be able to control them. Why don't you try it
 and tell us how it goes? If required, we can improve the plugin to
 support whatever's needed.


  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Mattox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 03 May 2004 10:54
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: How to set suppressions for checkstyle plugin
  I'm using the checkstyle plugin and I'd like to suppress some of the
  it checks.  The docs for the plugin talk about a checkstyle properties
  nothing about supressions.  The checkstyle docs talk about a
  suppressions.xml but I'm not sure how to configure the maven plugin to
  the suppressions.xml document.  Any ideas?
  Michael Mattox
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RE: Is they're a way to put my in aother place than $home ?

2004-04-29 Thread Michael Mattox
 In Maven 1.0 RC3, will be inherited by all subprojects.
 /quote is inherited to subprojects?  i thought this
 was a post 1.0 feature.  i've logged a couple issues related to
 subprojects picking up properties from the parent using RC2, but
 noone had mentioned that this was implemented.  did this
 functionality make it into RC2 as well?  if so, this really
 breaks compatability with my current project setup.

See this issue:

click on the link to #37 in the comments.  It's been fixed for RC3!!!

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how to use scm:bootstrap-project

2004-04-27 Thread Michael Mattox
I can't get scm:bootstrap-project to work.  I've searched the mailing list
and documentation and there's not much.  Can someone please let me know if
they have any ideas on how to do this?

D:\projects\MDSP\maven\cs-commonset CVSROOT
CVSROOT=:pserver:mmattox:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:C:/cvsrepo/repdev

D:\projects\MDSP\maven\cs-commonmaven -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=sources/cs-com
mon scm:bootstrap-project
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2

File.. file:/C:/Documents and
Element... ant:fail
Line.. 96
Column 19
Unknown SCM method: ''
Total time: 6 seconds
Finished at: Mon Apr 26 12:07:54 CEST 2004


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2004-04-27 Thread Michael Mattox
I set up a master project.xml and my subprojects extend it.  This is working
great.  The problem is if I want to define properties in
and have them shared by the entire hierachy of projects.  For example, I
define the webserver IP address in my master  How can I
get this to be inherited by all my subprojects?  So far the only way I see
is to define a in my user home directory.  The problem with
this is I want this file to be stored in CVS.  The build won't work without
it.  Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

The solution, I think, is that when you extend a project.xml you should also
inherit its  That way there is a master
for the project, and it's stored in CVS with the project.

Michael Mattox

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RE: project.xml inheritence

2004-04-27 Thread Michael Mattox
This might work with multiproject (I haven't verified this) but if you do a
build for a subproject itself it does't work.  Maybe this is a bug or an
oversight, but I think this is really necessary.  Currently there is no
properties inheritence and I believe the in a user's home
should only be used to override the defaults.  It shouldn't be mandatory for
the build.

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Arto Pastinen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 27 avril 2004 10:27
 À : Maven Users List
 Objet : Re:  project.xml inheritence

 I just make some test where i put properties in master, and called it with maven multiproject plugin, and
 there subproject's got those properties.

 On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 11:03, Michael Mattox wrote:
  I set up a master project.xml and my subprojects extend it.
 This is working
  great.  The problem is if I want to define properties in
  and have them shared by the entire hierachy of projects.  For example, I
  define the webserver IP address in my master  How can I
  get this to be inherited by all my subprojects?  So far the
 only way I see
  is to define a in my user home directory.  The
 problem with
  this is I want this file to be stored in CVS.  The build won't
 work without
  it.  Please let me know if there is a way to do this.
  The solution, I think, is that when you extend a project.xml
 you should also
  inherit its  That way there is a master
  for the project, and it's stored in CVS with the project.
  Michael Mattox

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RE: project.xml inheritence

2004-04-27 Thread Michael Mattox
 I also hope that properties inheritance done by maven 1.0 final

I searched through the open issues and I found someone asking for a global
properties but not inherited project properties.  This is not planned for
release 1.  So I created a new issue:

I don't see any way to vote (is it disabled or is it only for committers?)
so I'm not sure how people can voice their support for this feature.  For me
it's a major issue, for now I have a in CVS and I ask
everyone to copy it to their user home directory.

Thanks for all the suggestions, I will try the hacks and see if I can get it
working for us on our project.  I am crossing my fingers that this will be
resolved for release 1.0!  Maven took a beating on the server side a few
weeks ago with the new release of ANT which supports inheritence.  I think
the Maven community must do all we can to preach the Maven gospel.  The more
people using it the better it will be!!

Michael Mattox

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how to use scm:bootstrap-project

2004-04-26 Thread Michael Mattox
I can't get scm:bootstrap-project to work.  I've searched the mailing list
and documentation and there's not much.  Can someone please let me know if
they have any ideas on how to do this?

D:\projects\MDSP\maven\cs-commonset CVSROOT
CVSROOT=:pserver:mmattox:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:C:/cvsrepo/repdev

D:\projects\MDSP\maven\cs-commonmaven -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=sources/cs-com
mon scm:bootstrap-project
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2

File.. file:/C:/Documents and
Element... ant:fail
Line.. 96
Column 19
Unknown SCM method: ''
Total time: 6 seconds
Finished at: Mon Apr 26 12:07:54 CEST 2004


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RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-09 Thread Michael MATTOX

I think this would be very useful for what I am planning to do with Maven.
I like the concept.  Once you finish testing it, I'd be very interested in
testing it out on my project.


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RE: Using Maven on a very large integration project - how far can Maven go?

2004-04-05 Thread Michael MATTOX
 I think your overall approch is on target.  One of the things I have found
 easier when deploying to containers is to have Tomcat as part of CVS..  It
 gives you a lot more control over what the Tomcat environment looks like,
 isn't too large, and reduces variables.

I agree in principle.  The problem is it's not practical to put WebSphere or
Oracle in CVS.  So what I was thinking was to divide the containers into two

- versioned in CVS - for unstable, lightweight containers only.  For example

- an install procedure using official releases.  This would be for Oracle,
MySQL, WebSphere.

Tomcat can fall into either category, and I prefer the second.  But I'm open
to suggestions.

 Also, as far as the merging of jars, anything you can do in Ant,
 you can do
 in Maven, as Maven supports all ant tasks.  Here is an article
 that gives a
 simple example of calling the echo/ task from Ant in Maven:

This is a worst case, call the ANT target.  But with Maven's Jelly scripts I
wasn't sure if it'd be better to do something with ANT or Jelly.


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Status of SubVersion integratrion

2004-03-30 Thread Michael MATTOX
I'm deciding between CVS  SubVersion and I'm curious what the current
status of SubVersion support is in Maven.  I've searched the mailing lists
and it seems there were a few problems reported in February, including one
that didn't have any responses.  So I'm not sure if SubVersion is working
properly and no one has questions or if no one is using SubVersion.

Also, if anyone is using SubVersion, do the maven plugins support
SubVersion?  Any major plugins not support it?


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RE: Directory structure for projects subprojects - nested or parallel?

2004-03-19 Thread Michael MATTOX

 now, in eclipse you CAN NOT mount 3 projects; one for the parent, and one
 for each subproject.  This is because the files for the subprojects are
 already included in the parent project.  If your subprojects extend a
 project.xml in parrellel with them, you won't run into this problem.

 /myproject/subproject1/project.xml  (extends master project)
 /myproject/subproject2/project.xml  (extends master project)

Ok, so what I'm planning is this:

/communication/common/project.xml (generates a common.jar used by all)
/communication/mail/common/project.xml (generates a mail_common.jar)
/communication/mail/sms/project.xml (generates a sms.jar)
/communication/mail/web/project.xml (generates a web.jar)
/communication/chat/common/project.xml (generates a chat_common.jar)
/communication/chat/sms/project.xml (generates a sms.jar)
/communication/chat/web/project.xml (generates a web.jar)

These jars will be deployed to application servers to provide functions for
each product.  For example the mail SMS jar will be deployed to a mail SMS
server.  The mail web jar will be deployed to a mail web server.  The same
for chat.  I hope it's clear, it's a new project and I haven't defined the
directories yet so I'm trying to explain what I want to do while at the same
time simplying it as much as possible.  We're doing a lot of protocol
adapters and SOAP interfaces to integrate existing products into a new

The question I have now is do each of my mail  chat subprojects'
project.xml extend the common/project.xml?  or do I have:

/communication/project.xml (master project.xml)

The latter makes more sense to me.  Thanks so much for your help.  I now
understand why it's better for Eclipse if I use parallel directories.  I do
find it odd that one person replied and said this works without any problems
in Eclipse.


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RE: Directory structure for projects subprojects - nested or parallel?

2004-03-19 Thread Michael MATTOX
 It will not work to have this mounted as an eclipse project because of the
 problems I explained before.  If you are using eclipse as your CVS client,
 you will likely want this mounted as an eclipse project in order to keep
 info synchronized.  If you are using a different CVS client, and regularly
 synchronize the whole project, it will work fine.

We plan to use Eclipse with SubVersion (SVN).  It's still not clear why it
won't work but I think I must play around with it a bit to find out for
myself.  I know ANT pretty well but I find Maven and this nested project
stuff confusing!


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