Source for maven-jibx-plugin

2010-03-03 Thread marilysa
Hello, Maven users,

Does anyone know how to get the source code and license information for
maven-jibx-plugin?  The web site gives a link to the license, but that link
is broken.  It gives a link to the source code repository, but access to
that page is disabled.  It gives instructions for using CVS to fetch the
source as an anonymous user, but the commands do not work.  Several of us
here have tried to obtain the sources and license, with no success.

My company is using maven-jibx-plugin in building one of our products, and
we have strict requirements regarding use of Open Source IP.  We are
required to have the sources stored in a central IP database, as well as the
complete text of the license.

Any help or advice on getting the sources would be appreciated.

Marilyn Sander

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RE: Version Control Maven Dependencies

2009-06-01 Thread Marilyn Sander (marilysa)
It ought to be simple.  You want to have a Maven central repository, and
have it under version
control, presumably because your IT department will take responsibility
for backups of the VCS system, while it will not be responsible for just
any old file system.

So, make the central repository referenced in your pom files be just a
workspace of the VCS.  Every VCS system lets the user create a workspace
or sandbox or view (it goes by different names).  Have the workspace be
your Maven central repository, and have everything in that workspace be
checked in to your VCS.  Adding an artifact to the central repository
would be a matter of deploying it to the workspace first, followed by
adding it to the VCS from the workspace. 


-Original Message-
From: scabbage [] 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Version Control Maven Dependencies

We have done that already. The internal repo is up and running like a
The reason why I asked for VCS support is that nobody wants to maintain
this repo (although it probably does not require any maintenance). The
IT service of my org does not either. We need a backup plan.

nhajratw wrote:
 I'd strongly suggest revisiting the internal proxy. In the time it 
 takes you to come up with a solution to store your artifacts in a VCS,

 you could have set up Nexus and left early for the day :-)
 It's really simple, and once up, requires very little maintenance 
 On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:52 PM, scabbage wrote:

 I need some suggestions for Enterprise build process using Maven.

 We are currently developing a Java project using Maven. We version 
 controll our project source. Our Continuous integration system syncs 
 the source and uses maven assembly to build a jar with dependencies. 
 This work flow works fine.

 Now my manager is uncomfortable with the fact that we don't VC the 
 dependency jars. He is afraid that the entire build workflow will be 
 disrupted if the public repo is down. Of course we could setup an 
 internal repo as an dependency proxy. But my manager is reluctant to 
 do so because we have limited engineer resources for the repo admin.

 The best solution is to use the company-backed VCS for the 
 dependencies. But I haven't found a good way to incorporate both our 
 VCS and Maven.
 Can anyone
 give me some suggestions on this?

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RE: Version Control Maven Dependencies

2009-06-01 Thread Marilyn Sander (marilysa)
I don't think Maven really over-writes to the central repository.   I
understand it only writes in the local repository.  If you want the
central repository updated, you have to do that specifically. 

In fact, as I understand it, the files in the central repository are
supposed to be immutable once they are written.  If you need to change
anything, you are supposed to create a new version for the change.  

We have an internal central repository here, and that's certainly how it
works.  We do nightly builds and special builds, and those builds do not
change the central repository.  The central repository is on a NetApp
file system, not under version control, but the NetApp has its own
backup system.  The only time the repository gets updated is when I do
it, and I only add to it, never change it.  

There is no database associated with a Maven central repository if it's
just a file system.  Any backup scheme will do.  

-Original Message-
From: scabbage [] 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:00 PM
Subject: RE: Version Control Maven Dependencies

Yes, this could be a solution. But I was wondering if there will be
syncing problems when Maven is trying to overwrite read-only VCSed

Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco) wrote:
 It ought to be simple.  You want to have a Maven central repository, 
 and have it under version control, presumably because your IT 
 department will take responsibility for backups of the VCS system, 
 while it will not be responsible for just any old file system.
 So, make the central repository referenced in your pom files be just a

 workspace of the VCS.  Every VCS system lets the user create a 
 workspace or sandbox or view (it goes by different names).  Have the 
 workspace be your Maven central repository, and have everything in 
 that workspace be checked in to your VCS.  Adding an artifact to the 
 central repository would be a matter of deploying it to the workspace 
 first, followed by adding it to the VCS from the workspace.
 -Original Message-
 From: scabbage []
 Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 3:12 PM
 Subject: Re: Version Control Maven Dependencies
 We have done that already. The internal repo is up and running like a 
 The reason why I asked for VCS support is that nobody wants to 
 maintain this repo (although it probably does not require any 
 maintenance). The IT service of my org does not either. We need a
backup plan.
 nhajratw wrote:
 I'd strongly suggest revisiting the internal proxy. In the time it 
 takes you to come up with a solution to store your artifacts in a 
 you could have set up Nexus and left early for the day :-)
 It's really simple, and once up, requires very little maintenance 
 On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:52 PM, scabbage wrote:

 I need some suggestions for Enterprise build process using Maven.

 We are currently developing a Java project using Maven. We version 
 controll our project source. Our Continuous integration system syncs

 the source and uses maven assembly to build a jar with dependencies.
 This work flow works fine.

 Now my manager is uncomfortable with the fact that we don't VC the 
 dependency jars. He is afraid that the entire build workflow will be

 disrupted if the public repo is down. Of course we could setup an 
 internal repo as an dependency proxy. But my manager is reluctant to

 do so because we have limited engineer resources for the repo admin.

 The best solution is to use the company-backed VCS for the 
 dependencies. But I haven't found a good way to incorporate both our

 VCS and Maven.
 Can anyone
 give me some suggestions on this?

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RE: [maven 2] assembly: repository from multiple modules

2009-05-15 Thread Marilyn Sander (marilysa)
I do this by starting the build using a local repository that is
completely empty to start with.  At the end of the build, the local
repository is completely populated with all artifacts that were
downloaded from central repositories, plus artifacts that were built and
installed using the install target.

Then I just zip up the local repository and save it.

There are arguments to the mvn command, plus environment variables, that
let you specify to build offline, using only the contents of the local
repository.  From there on, just unzip and use that local repository and
do offline builds. 


-Original Message-
From: David Smiley [] 
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [maven 2] assembly: repository from multiple modules

Hi; thanks for your interest.

The goal is to get a zip file that internally has the structure of a
maven repository containing every artifact referenced by the project.  I
need to do this because I need to install/develop software in an
environment that does not have network access.  I have a multi-module
project.  The parent pom is just a pom and it has the maven assembly
plugin defined and references an assembly configuration that uses the
repositories element. 
It's standard stuff.  On single-module projects this works fine -- I've
used the assembly plugin before.  But for a multi-module project, it
just doesn't seem to work.  It seemed to me after lots of trial and
error that I could get the assembly plugin to generate assemblies of
binaries and source of the entire project using moduleset, but not a
repository structure of all artifacts.

I dug into the source code and debugged a bit.  At the parent level pom
where the assembly plugin is invoked, it does *NOT* recursively look at
the modules to get their dependencies.  It just looks for dependencies
of the parent pom itself.  I imminently intend to fork this plugin for
my own purposes so that the getDependencieds() (or whatever method it
was when I was debugging -- I forget) recursively pulls in all
dependencies of child modules.

~ David

Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
 Reading all this didn't let me with a sense of understanding, if you 
 see what I mean.
 Could you try and rephrase your need?
 2009/5/15 David Smiley

 Any update to this?  I've tried a bunch of combinations.  I think at 
 this point I'm going to try and hack the latest source to meet my

 ~ David

 Hal Hildebrand-3 wrote:
  I have a large, multiple module project that I need to create a
  assembly for.  I have no problems creating the binary, including 
  the dependencies. However, I can't seem to create a repository.  
  assembly in the project's top level pom, of course, but from what I

  can tell, there seems to be no way to indicated to use all the sub 
  i.e. The only way to create the repository seems to be be placing 
  dependencies in the top level pom.  Obviously, this will be a 
  maintain.  Also, since the binary assembly seems perfectly capable 
  of including the sub module's binaries and dependencies, it would 
  repository assembly should be able to do the same.
  Falling short of actually creating the repository for one reason or

  another, if I could get the format of the binary assembly to be 
  identical to the repository layout, that would be sufficient for my

  needs as I don't
  maven repository metadata.  Right now, I've tried using no 
  outputfile format, with simply a directory - doesn't work.  I've
also tried using:
  ${groupId}/${artifactId} as the directory - kind of works, but now 
  .'s instead of /'s in the repository group id directory.
  Surely this is possible through some machination or incantation,
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 Baptiste Batmat MATHUS - Sauvez un arbre, Mangez 
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RE: Setting up Repository

2007-04-27 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
The guide to deploying third-party jars is where I got all the
information I needed to be able to deploy artifacts to our internal
repository.  When running mvn deploy, you have to have your Maven
environment (M2_HOME, Maven installation, ~/m2.settings or other way to
locate the local repository) all set up.
All you need is the jar/war/ear file.  The pom is optional.  mvn deploy
will generate the pom if you want, or will deploy an existing pom if you
have one.  You have to set the correct arguments to get it to do what
you want.
The one thing that I found tricky, and I had to experiment with it, is
specify the repository to deploy to.  You don't have to specify a
repository id.  You can just specify the URL.
The jar/war/ear file and the pom file can be anywhere. They don't have
be and probably should not be in the local repository you use for this
operation. The current working directory is a good place. The artifact
and pom will be deployed to both your local repository and to the
repository specified in the url definition.   
Hope this helps.

From: Petr V. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:23 PM
To: Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco);
Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Setting up Repository

No, I did not try that. 

I found this page when I googled mvn deploy
but it is not making lots of sense to me. Problem is that server that is
gonna host the repository would have no outside world connection so I
have to simply create a repository of required artifacts manually. 

Any pointers ???

Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco)

Have you tried mvn deploy?

 -Original Message-
 From: Petr V. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:03 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Setting up Repository
 I have to set up repository for the developers in my
 I added following in my settings.xml and run http
server at localhost
 Now issue is, how can I install the required jar file
 into localhost/repository.
 Can I simply copy repository (from one of developer's
 which he got via ibiblio by default) into loclahost
repository ?
 Any help is really really appreciated. I am now
desperate. I 
 have tried many things and nothing seem to work.
 Petr V.
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Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
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RE: [M2] Repository Problem trying to override central and maintain local corporate repository

2007-03-19 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hello, Wayne.

I'm curious about the answer to Peter's original question, which was:
How is Maven getting out to the wider world in spite of the fact that
his network does not allow outbound http traffic and the settings.xml
file does not define any proxies?


-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:02 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: [M2] Repository Problem trying to override central and
maintain local corporate repository

Use the new mirrorOf*/mirrorOf feature to declare that all repos are
mirror'ed by your local override.


On 3/14/07, Peter Anning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We need to override the Maven Central Repository and maintain a local 
 network repository. This has worked fine, up until now, with a 
 mirror setting in the maven settings.xml

   nameLocal Override for The Maven Central Repository/name
   urlfile:///\\AUBNVRAT03\repository\/url !-- Yes this works 
 it's how you define a file based repo --

 When building a project I noticed that mysteriously Maven was 
 downloading jibx jars from Despite the fact 
 that our network does not allow outbound http traffic and the local 
 settings.xml file not defining any proxies!

 On further investigation and debugging I found that the 
 xfire-jibx-1.2.4.pom in my corporate repository defines a repository 
 with an id of and the rouge url of as a workaround I have created another mirror

 definition that overrides this repo id and points at my corporate

   nameLocal Override for Jibx/name

 This stops it downloading from a remote source in this case.

 The questions are: How on earth Maven is picking up proxy settings 
 from the underlying system is still a mystery. I certainly can't 
 browse to this repository when I use a Browser with no proxy

 Surely this is not desired behaviour, how can I be sure that Maven 
 won't go sucking jars off the Internet when I don't want it to?

 Peter Anning

 Sr Software Engineer

 Dialect Payment Technologies Pty Ltd




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Formation rules for repositories

2007-02-21 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Is there a definition someplace of what constitutes a valid repository?
I would like the definition both for local repositories and for remote
repositories.  I've read and searched BBwM;  read the docs in the Maven
Getting Started Guide on the Maven web site, as well as other docs on
that site.  I've google searched for documentation.  The best I've found
is one that I can't seem to find again.   It was an early spec for what
M2 repository data should look like, very good as far as it went, but
not complete. I need the formation rules and the semantics.

I'm trying to create a file:// repository.  I've tried a variety of
approaches trying to be clever and only populate it with what our build
needs.  Then I tried brute force, simply copying over the contents of a
maven proxy repository here into the location where I want the file
repository.  In any case, a build does not get far before getting the
message The plugin 'org.apache.maven.pluging:maven-clean-plugin' does
not exist or no valid version could be found.

The odd thing is, it does get part way into the build, finding and
selecting versions for runtime.  However, I think the jars and versions
being selected are actually the ones in $M2_HOME/lib.

I did run cp -r -p to preserve permissions and dates and stuff, but I
did not do a tar or cpio copy.  

Can anyone help?

--Marilyn Sander

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RE: Formation rules for repositories

2007-02-21 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Thanks, that's very interesting.  I'll try it out tomorrow.  

-Original Message-
From: Kalle Korhonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:41 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Formation rules for repositories

This won't get you any further in finding the missing documentation, but
couldn't you just use the assembly plugin to create the repository (


On 2/21/07, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco) 

 Is there a definition someplace of what constitutes a valid
 I would like the definition both for local repositories and for remote

 repositories.  I've read and searched BBwM;  read the docs in the 
 Maven Getting Started Guide on the Maven web site, as well as other 
 docs on that site.  I've google searched for documentation.  The best
I've found
 is one that I can't seem to find again.   It was an early spec for
 M2 repository data should look like, very good as far as it went, but 
 not complete. I need the formation rules and the semantics.

 I'm trying to create a file:// repository.  I've tried a variety of 
 approaches trying to be clever and only populate it with what our 
 build needs.  Then I tried brute force, simply copying over the 
 contents of a maven proxy repository here into the location where I 
 want the file repository.  In any case, a build does not get far 
 before getting the message The plugin 
 'org.apache.maven.pluging:maven-clean-plugin' does not exist or no
valid version could be found.

 The odd thing is, it does get part way into the build, finding and 
 selecting versions for runtime.  However, I think the jars and 
 versions being selected are actually the ones in $M2_HOME/lib.

 I did run cp -r -p to preserve permissions and dates and stuff, but I 
 did not do a tar or cpio copy.

 Can anyone help?

 --Marilyn Sander

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RE: Formation rules for repositories

2007-02-21 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Thanks, Wendy.  I'll have a look.  I've written up a few things for my
own use.  It isn't complete, but it would be a start.

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:21 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Formation rules for repositories

On 2/21/07, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco)
 Is there a definition someplace of what constitutes a valid
 I would like the definition both for local repositories and for remote


If you find it, let me know. :)  It's on my list to document, I've run
into mysterious errors, the fix for which is delete your local
repository.  I know that Maven is picky about the repository metadata
for snapshots and plugins, (but not so much for releases.)

If you're interested in helping with this, the Maven wiki would be a
great place to start.  This page looks like a possible candidate (or
feel free to create a new one):


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RE: How to build offline??

2007-02-15 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hello, Maven experts.

Here is additional information about my troubles with building offline.

To recap:  a build which completed successfully has failed when re-run
immediately afterward, using  the same local repository.  The failure
was due to 
missing  artifacts related to  surefire-booter.  I'm trying to figure
out whether 
there is a bug that needs to be  fixed, and if so where.  Also, am
trying to 
figure out a way to work around the problem, perhaps by simply creating
a static 
internal remote repository.

As suggested, I have done runs with -X and -e, but the trace showed
nothing that
I could identify as significant, except that the logic for dependency
when running offline seemed to be different from the logic when running
A few things seemed to happen in a different order.  

I've done additional runs, with these results:

1.  Starting with an empty local repository, do a build online.  Capture
and stdout in a log file.  Looking at the log file, I see that these
are selected for runtime, but do not get downloaded:

I also see that various versions of plexus-utils get selected and
then removed,
but no version of its jar file gets downloaded.  

Save the contents of the resulting local repository.

2.  Empty the build area (it's ClearCase, so I just remove view-private
and run again offline using the local repository contents from run
1.  The 
build fails because the above three jar files are not in the local

3.  Empty the build area again.  Run online using the repository
contents from 
run 1 (NOT run 2).  The build is successful again.  This time the
log file shows that 
the three jar files do get downloaded.

Save the new contents of the resulting local repository.

4.  Empty the build area, and run again offline using the content of the
repository from run 3.  This time the offline build is successful.

I observed that the three missing jar files are all dependencies (direct
or transitive)
of org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:jar:2.3-SNAPSHOT.

I am really concerned about this.  We originally thought that a way to
repeatable builds would be to save the contents of the local repository,
the environment,
and the source code configuration.   Now it seems the contents of the
local repository
cannot be relied upon.

Thoughts, anyone?  Do I have enough data to file a JIRA report?  Would
that be in 
order?  If so, would it be against maven core, against surefire, or
against the reactor?

Or would it be more appropriate to find a version of surefire-booter
that is not

--Marilyn Sander

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RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

2007-02-02 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hi, Wendy.

 -Original Message-
 From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 10:07 AM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
 On 12/5/06, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at 
  Please note, the documentation for antlib specifically 
 calls out the 
  authors' desire to be able to share the local repository 
 between Maven 
  and ant.  They just overlooked the fact that, just as Maven has 
  provision for alternative settings.xml files, so should antlib.
 Okay, I see MNG-2684 now.
 I haven't worked with the Ant tasks, but I still think 
 multiple remote repos could work... why do you *have* to pull 
 the files from a local repo?
 Declaring Repositories seems to hint that you can specify a 
 local repository... All of the tasks can optionally take one 
 or more remote repositories to download from and upload to, 
 and a local repository to store downloaded and installed archives to.
 Can you construct a simple project that demonstrates the 
 problem and attach it to the issue?  I might like to play 
 with it a bit, but I'm not sure I remember enough Ant to set 
 it up... :)

It's been a while since I filed this JIRA bug. I thought I had the
problem licked, but it turns out not to be so. I've just uploaded a
testcase.  It
consists of the small application from BBwM book, a driver, and five
ant scripts.  The driver will run one ant script on each invocation, or
will clean up everything.

You can also read the comments I just added to MNG-2684.

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Can't find artifact when building offline

2007-01-29 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hi, all.

I'm trying to do an offline build.  I've done a successful build and
a local repository.  Now, when I run the same build again with the
-o (for offline) option, using that same local repository, I get the
that an artifact could not be resolved.

The message is for
GroupId: org.apache.maven.surefire
ArtifactId: surefile
Version: 2.3-20070114.205105-2

I have searched every pom file in the local repository and can find no
reference to any -2 version of a build done on 20070114.  There are
lots of 20070114.205105-1 files and references existing, but no
and no files with -2.  I think the -2 is a typo in some Maven file
but where?  Has anyone any suggestion where else to look?  

BTW I've also tried -o -npu for options, with the same result.


--Marilyn Sander

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Followup on localRepository and Maven ant tasks

2007-01-10 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
The problem with the local repository and the Maven tasks for ant
is solved.   I thought I should report what I found.

The problem:  If you define the local repository in ~/.m2/settings.xml,

all builds by the same user will use the same local repository, and
that run simultaneously will step all over each other.  If you want a
local repository for each build, you need another method to define the 
local repository.  That is easily done with any of several methods when
invoking mvn directly.  But I needed to find one that works with the 
Maven ant tasks.

After  your ant script loads up antlib to define (and in some cases
the ant tasks that are will be invoking Maven, you can then define the
local repository with:
artifact:localRepository id=localrepo
location=/some-location /

Then in any task that should reference the local repository, you put in
  localRepository refid=localrepo /

This is illustrated in the file.  It is reached
through a
link on  The link is toward the
of the page.  I did not recognize it as a link at first, because the
links on
that page are not set off with underscores.  I looked for it in the
antlib jar
file, but it is not in that file.  So if you look for that file, look
for the

The location attribute can be obtained from an environment variable, a
hard-coded property, or a properties file.  So you can call Maven in the
part of the build with 
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/some-location clean install

and then use /some-location in the artifact declaration for antlib.  As
far as 
I can see, this is the only way to ensure that Maven ant tasks use the
same local
Repository as the initial mvn call, other than to define the local
repository in

I've tentatively decided that, for every build (we do daily ones for
each of 
several products and versions of products) there should be
a fresh localRepository unique to that build.  At the end of the build,
local repository can be made into a tarball and stored with the build.
Then, to
re-create that build, we expand the tarball again, use it for the local
and run the Maven part of the build with the offline option.

This is scalable to allow  any given user run an arbitrary number
of builds simultaneously on any one machine or several machines, because
can define a unique local repository for each of the builds.  The name
and location
could be tied to the build name and number or a time stamp as well as or
of the user id.

I hope this is helpful to someone.

--Marilyn Sander

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:13 AM
 Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
  -Original Message-
  From: Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco)
   -Original Message-
   Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 2:53 AM
   Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
-Original Message-
From: Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco) 
Sent: 01 December 2006 00:15
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

I tried the suggestion below for invoking Maven and it
   worked.  I also
defined the maven.repo.local property in the ant script for
   our mixed
build, hoping antlib would pick up on it and use the same local 
repository for the Maven ant tasks.  No such luck.

It seems there is no way to pass the location of the local
to antlib except through ~/.m2/settings.xml or
Thus there is no way to have multiple repositories per user 
simultaneously.  I will file a JIRA request for an enhancement.
   Hi Jason et Al
   We need to export some important system variables through Maven 2 
   Ant[Run] and Exec similar plugins. Perhaps the developer
  can devise a
   way to create or export system variables as environment variables 
   generally through Maven core.
   I also worked around this problem by using `sed' on UNIX
  with a simple
   placeholder inside `'.
   I did it in a shell script that called Maven like this
   /bin/rm -rf ${XYZ_M2_LOCAL}/settings.xml sed -e 
   The looks like this, of course:
   settings xmlns=;

RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

2006-12-05 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)

 -Original Message-
 From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 2:15 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
 On 12/4/06, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at 
  Perhaps I mis-stated a bit.  There is not a time dependency.  There 
  are two ways that we invoke maven.  The first is with the 
 mvn command, 
  to do the java build.
  The second is later, after the mvn build has created the local 
  repository, where we invoke a maven copy ant task to fetch some 
  artifacts from the local repository.
  The fetching from the local repository is so we can build 
 an install 
  file using a commercial tool for building a GUI installer.
 The local repository is intended to be used by a single 
 developer.  If you need to share artifacts, then deploy them 
 to a remote internal corporate repository.
 The snapshot and release deployment urls are set in 
 distributionManagement for each project.

The point here is that a single developer who works on multiple products
product releases may need one local repository per product or release.
This is
particularly true if the different releases need to be built
simultaneously, because
the build puts artifacts compiled/created during the build into the
local repository.
Simultaneous builds using the same local repository would clobber each
others' files.

This is all run under a single top-level ant script, and therefore all
in one run
by the same user.  The top ant script runs maven for the java build.
Then it
runs some Makefiles for modules written in C/C++.  Then it runs another
script, build_installer.xml, which collects artifacts from the build and
an install file for shipment to customers.  It is build_installer.xml
that uses
the copy ant task from antlib to fetch artifacts from the local
repository for
inclusion in the install file.
One solution we've contemplated, and probably will implement, is that
will no longer use antlib nor the local repository, but will fetch
artifacts from the
source directories where they were created.  

Please note, the documentation for antlib specifically calls out the
authors' desire
to be able to share the local repository between Maven and ant.  They
just overlooked
the fact that, just as Maven has provision for alternative settings.xml
so should antlib.

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RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

2006-12-04 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
 See below.  I've deleted much of the thread, but the relevant bit

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:13 AM
 Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
[ some stuff deleted ]
 (Where are the gears grinding?)
 I see: You have a build that has a dependency that relates to 
 Despite the fact that Maven creates it artifacts and install 
 them in a local repository, there is some other thing in your 
 corporate environment that it is time conscience.
 If this is the case then what would be case if you are build 
 with Apache Ant, then this build-time dependency will still 
 exist regardless of the infrastructure technology.
 I am not sure, then, if Maven can solve this, especially f 
 you cannot isolate the build-time dependency.
 Having said, I think a user-profile related dependency can be 
 a problem for you. If you a user-profile that shared between 
 teams, divisions, departments then the environment variables 
 can be changed ad hoc. Therefore again Maven cannot 

Perhaps I mis-stated a bit.  There is not a time dependency.  There are
ways that we invoke maven.  The first is with the mvn command, to do the
java build.
The second is later, after the mvn build has created the local
repository, where we 
invoke a maven copy ant task to fetch some artifacts from the local
The fetching from the local repository is so we can build an install
file using a 
commercial tool for building a GUI installer.

We have no problem specifying a repository when initially calling mvn.
We just use
the mvn command line either to directly specify the repository location
using -D, or
use the -s argument to specify the location of the settings.xml file
that in turn
specifies the location of the local repository.  The trouble is, the
copy task will only
look in ~/.m2/settings.xml.  If we are limited to use of
~/.m2/settings.xml for specifying
the location of the local repository, then a second build of a different
product, BY THE SAME
USER before the first build is finished, will clobber the local
repository of the first build.

Thus we are stuck with using the same settings.xml file for all builds
done by one user, and 
therefore also the same local repository for all builds done by one
user.  The only way to 
have one user do multiple builds at the same time is to put the local
repository on a local partition such as /tmp or /var/tmp or some such.
Then, at least, we can do one build per 
machine per user.  This is really wasteful of machine resources,

  I've filed the JIRA request.  I got the automated acknowledgment 
  (MNG-2684), but that's all so far.

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RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

2006-12-01 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 2:53 AM
 Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
  -Original Message-
  From: Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco) 
  Sent: 01 December 2006 00:15
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
  I tried the suggestion below for invoking Maven and it 
 worked.  I also 
  defined the maven.repo.local property in the ant script for 
 our mixed 
  build, hoping antlib would pick up on it and use the same local 
  repository for the Maven ant tasks.  No such luck.
  It seems there is no way to pass the location of the local 
  to antlib except through ~/.m2/settings.xml or 
  Thus there is no way to have multiple repositories per user 
  simultaneously.  I will file a JIRA request for an enhancement.
 Hi Jason et Al
 We need to export some important system variables through 
 Maven 2 Ant[Run] and Exec similar plugins. Perhaps the 
 developer can devise a way to create or export system 
 variables as environment variables generally through Maven core. 
 I also worked around this problem by using `sed' on UNIX with 
 a simple placeholder inside `'.
 I did it in a shell script that called Maven like this
 /bin/rm -rf ${XYZ_M2_LOCAL}/settings.xml sed -e 
 src/release-control/   ${XYZ_M2_LOCAL}/settings.xml
 The looks like this, of course:
 settings xmlns=;

Thanks for your reply and for this suggestion.  We are already doing
like that in order to keep the repositories for different builds
separate.  But 
we still have the problem that each build must be allowed to complete
another one can run for the same user , because the ant tasks that use
can run very late in the build.

I've filed the JIRA request.  I got the automated acknowledgment
(MNG-2684), but 
that's all so far.
  Meantime, our mixed builds are not scalable at all.  We can do only 
  one build per user per machine at a time.  I hope the 
 enhancement will 
  come through fairly quickly.
 Peter Pilgrim
 UBS Investment Bank,
 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2RH, United Kingdom
 +44 (0) 20 75 75692
 :: Java EE / E-Commerce / Enterprise Integration / Development ::
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RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml

2006-11-30 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
I tried the suggestion below for invoking Maven and it worked.  I also
the maven.repo.local property in the ant script for our mixed build,
hoping antlib 
would pick up on it and use the same local repository for the Maven ant
tasks.  No such luck. 

It seems there is no way to pass the location of the local repository to
antlib except through
~/.m2/settings.xml or ~/.m2/ant/settings.xml.  Thus there is no way to
have multiple repositories per user simultaneously.  I will file a JIRA
request for an enhancement.

Meantime, our mixed builds are not scalable at all.  We can do only one
build per user per machine at a time.  I hope the enhancement will come
through fairly quickly.

--Marilyn Sander

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:15 AM
 Subject: RE: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
  -Original Message-
  From: Tom Huybrechts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 30 November 2006 13:24
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Re: MAVEN_INSTALL_DIR/conf/settings.xml
  I just tried this on my machine, and it did work.
  C:\mvn clean -Dmaven.repo.local=x:\ -X
  + Error stacktraces are turned on.
  Maven version: 2.0.4
  [DEBUG] Exception
  org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException: Specified 
  directory cannot be created:
 It works for me too. 
 Ah! The Tilde (~) symbol and the BASH command line
 Peter Pilgrim
 UBS Investment Bank,
 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2RH, United Kingdom
 +44 (0) 20 75 75692
 :: Java EE / E-Commerce / Enterprise Integration / Development ::  
 Visit our website at
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Using ant and alternative local repositories with Maven

2006-11-29 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hello, Maven experts.

First, let me say I have attempted to search the documentation and the
mailing list archives for the answer to this question.  The
documentation seems to say I can't do what I'm trying to do, and there
seems to be no search facility for the mailing list archives.

The requirement:  
1.  We have a build that uses Maven, and uses the Maven ant
tasks in antlib.  
2.  One of the tasks copies things out of the local repository
into a release area.
2.  We have huge build machines that are capable of running
several builds at a time.  We 
  want to make use of that capacity.
3.  We have one generic user account for doing daily/nightly
builds, and want that user 
  be the one that does all the daily/nightly builds.
4.  We want each build to use its own local repository, so that
builds run in parallel
  will not interfere with one another.

The problem:
1.  The ant tasks in antlib look only in the settings.xml file
at ~/.m2/settings.xml
  for settings.  That's where you specify the location of the
local repository.
2.  There is no other place besides the settings.xml file to
specify the location of a 
localRepository/ (at least, not that I have found, and I
have searched diligently).
3.  The localRepository is not one of the things that can be
specified in a profile/.
4.  The property/ tag is not permitted in settings/.
4.  Therefore, as far as I can determine, all builds by a given
user have to use the same
  local repository on the same machine, either taking the
default repository location or
  the location specified in ~/.m2/settings.xml.  

If we were not using the Maven ant tasks, there are several ways to
address this matter.  There 
is the -s parameter to Maven, there is the $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml,
where we could vary 
the value of $M2_HOME according to which build we are doing.  These
mechanisms do not work for
the Maven ant tasks, as those tasks ignore $M2_HOME/conf and have no
access to a -s argument.

Can anyone suggest what to do?  Someone here suggested filing a JIRA
request for enhancement 
to Maven Antlib.  That will take quite awhile, so I'm hoping there
actually is already a way 
to do this and I just haven't found it yet.

--Marilyn Sander

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RE: Using ant and alternative local repositories with Maven

2006-11-29 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Thanks, Christian,   I tried to adapt your suggestion for my situation,
but that solution does not seem to apply in this case.

I thought maybe properties might get passed thru ant to the Maven ant
task. In the ant script, I set to the
path to my settings file.  The settings file did not get used by the
Maven ant task. So I guess the properties don't get passed down.
Unfortunately, there is no access to the mvn command line when you use
antlib, so I can't pass the property that way.   It all happens under
the covers.

Also, I can't find any specific documentation about the  copy task in
antlib.  I do find on a section
titled Type Reference.  I can't tell whether this is just advisory
about the contents of a settings file or whether it means there is some
way to specify a localRepository as a type somewhere in the invocation
of an ant task. Can someone advise?

Does anyone have another idea?  


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Goetze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:25 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Using ant and alternative local repositories with Maven
 If we were not using the Maven ant tasks, there are several ways to 
 address this matter.  There is the -s parameter to Maven, 
 there is the 
 $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml, where we could vary the value of 
 according to which build we are doing.  These mechanisms do not work 
 for the Maven ant tasks, as those tasks ignore $M2_HOME/conf 
 and have 
 no access to a -s argument.
 Can anyone suggest what to do?  Someone here suggested filing a JIRA 
 request for enhancement to Maven Antlib.  That will take 
 quite awhile, 
 so I'm hoping there actually is already a way to do this and I just 
 haven't found it yet.
 The way I solve the repository problem is to generate a 
 settings.xml file to my taste, then invoke maven with
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RE: Configuring a repository backed by SCM

2006-10-26 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hi, Eric.

I have successfully set up a static repository, which I can declare as
both a repository and a plugin repository.  The access method is
file://.  I haven't put it into source control, but I have no doubt at
all that I could put the whole thing into ClearCase and get to it from a
ClearCase dynamic view.  A static view, which is similar to what you use
with SVN or CVS, could simply be arranged for on a mounted filesystem
and kept up to date with a cron job.

My starting-point for deciding what the repository needed was the
contents of a local repository from a recent build.  I grabbed the
needed artifacts from a maven-proxy that someone maintains here.  I
haven't pursued it further.  This was a proof-of-concept exercise that
my management wanted me to do.  

To add more needed artifacts, download them with wget and check them in.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Redmond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:11 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Configuring a repository backed by SCM

On 10/26/06, Gargan, Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I would very much like to be able to set up a Maven repository that is

 backed by source control. I know this is a contentious issue and 
 people question the necessity of such a setup, but it the single 
 greatest issue for me blocking Maven adoption, and one way or another 
 I'd like to find a solution.

 I stumbled across this blog posting by Brett that mentions that he has

 it was doable using SVN/CVS

 Is an SCM backed repository something that Maven does or potentially 
 could support? If so I would be very interested I contributing to such

 an effort. Any pointers or information that anyone can give me in this

 direction would be greatly appreciated



Eric Redmond

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RE: How to query our own repository?

2006-10-11 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Will declaring a repository to be a mirror repository prevent the searching
for updated plugins?  We are using snapshot versions of plugins and would
like to stabilize on those snapshots.  I haven't been able to prevent maven
from looking for updates to snapshots, even with the -npu argument.  So far,
the only way I've been able to prevent it is to start with a fully-populated
local repository and run with -o (for offline).

--Marilyn Sander 

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:47 AM
To: Maven Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?

Search for maven mirror central. This is discussed frequently on this mail
list and online.

You basically want to override Central with your local department/corporate
repo. This is done by establishing your local corporate repo as a mirrOf
Central in your settings.xml file.

Note that this will effectively kill your connection to Central, so
if/when you try to use a new artifact which is not installed on your
Corporate repo, it will simply fail out. For this reason, many people use
Maven proxy servers like Promixity which can be configured to go out and
download unknown artifacts on demand.


On 10/11/06, Markus KARG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have just set up our own repository server in our department and 
 deployed several artefacts into it.
 Now I need to tell my project that it has to look for a dependency not 
 only at Ibiblio, but also in my our department's repository.
 Since the department's repository shall be the central place for all 
 sharing, I don't like to put that into the pom.xml of my project, but 
 I want to have it in my laptop's settings.xml.
 How do I do that?

 Thanks a lot

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RE: How to query our own repository?

2006-10-11 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Thank you.  I will try fixing the version number as you suggest.

However, setting up a central (with no other external repositories
declared)  did not prevent Maven from trying to go out to to look for an updated version of a
plugin.  Perhaps I have an error in a POM or metadata file for that plugin
in the mirror. I will check that as well.


-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:55 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?

Creating the mirror repo as suggested will actually result in Central being
no longer available to your Maven execution -- the only plugins and
artifacts which you will be able to access are those already available in
your corporate repo.

So this would certainly restrict your Maven installs from looking for and
using newer snapshots.

However, you really shouldn't ever stabilize on a snapshot version of a
plugin -- instead I suggest you release it internally with a fixed version
number, usually by appending the Subversion build number to the artifact
build number ie 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT becomes 2.1.2-56723.


On 10/11/06, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco)
 Will declaring a repository to be a mirror repository prevent the 
 searching for updated plugins?  We are using snapshot versions of 
 plugins and would like to stabilize on those snapshots.  I haven't 
 been able to prevent maven from looking for updates to snapshots, even 
 with the -npu argument.  So far, the only way I've been able to 
 prevent it is to start with a fully-populated local repository and run
with -o (for offline).

 --Marilyn Sander

 -Original Message-
 From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:47 AM
 To: Maven Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?

 Search for maven mirror central. This is discussed frequently on 
 this mail list and online.

 You basically want to override Central with your local 
 department/corporate repo. This is done by establishing your local 
 corporate repo as a mirrOf Central in your settings.xml file.

 Note that this will effectively kill your connection to Central, so 
 if/when you try to use a new artifact which is not installed on your 
 Corporate repo, it will simply fail out. For this reason, many people 
 use Maven proxy servers like Promixity which can be configured to go 
 out and download unknown artifacts on demand.


 On 10/11/06, Markus KARG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We have just set up our own repository server in our department and 
  deployed several artefacts into it.
  Now I need to tell my project that it has to look for a dependency 
  not only at Ibiblio, but also in my our department's repository.
  Since the department's repository shall be the central place for all 
  sharing, I don't like to put that into the pom.xml of my project, 
  but I want to have it in my laptop's settings.xml.
  How do I do that?
  Thanks a lot

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RE: How to query our own repository?

2006-10-11 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Wayne and all,

That's exactly the problem.  I've grepped all the pom files for the plugins,
and many of them do contain repository declarations, and those repositories
are being used to satisfy dependencies.  Unfortunately, many of them that
are not even snapshots still have the repository declaration.  I was
wondering whether that was a bug.  Here are the ones that  have the external
repository declared:

maven-compiler-plugin-2.1-20060829.112045-2.pom (snapshot)
maven-plugins-1.pom   (superseded by maven-plugins-2 and -3)
maven-site-plugin-2.0-beta-2.pom (superseded by beta-3)

The one that is causing the immediate problem is
maven-compiler-plugin-2.1-20060829.112045-2.pom, and it is for a snapshot.
It appears to me that maven-plugin-parent-2.0.1.pom is also likely to cause
a problem when the build gets that far.  Would you agree?

If so, then two changes will cure my problem.


-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:02 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?

Grep all your project pom.xml files for that url.
Then grep all your repo pom.xml files for that url.

Since you're using snapshots, I'd expect a snapshot plugin might depend on
other snapshot code, resulting in that snapshot repo url landing in a plugin
pom file. Released plugins do not/should not have any such repo references.


On 10/11/06, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco)
 Thank you.  I will try fixing the version number as you suggest.

 However, setting up a central (with no other external repositories
 declared)  did not prevent Maven from trying to go out to to look for an updated 
 version of a plugin.  Perhaps I have an error in a POM or metadata 
 file for that plugin in the mirror. I will check that as well.


 -Original Message-
 From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:55 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?

 Creating the mirror repo as suggested will actually result in Central 
 being no longer available to your Maven execution -- the only plugins 
 and artifacts which you will be able to access are those already 
 available in your corporate repo.

 So this would certainly restrict your Maven installs from looking for 
 and using newer snapshots.

 However, you really shouldn't ever stabilize on a snapshot version 
 of a plugin -- instead I suggest you release it internally with a 
 fixed version number, usually by appending the Subversion build number 
 to the artifact build number ie 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT becomes 2.1.2-56723.


 On 10/11/06, Marilyn Sander -X (marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco) 
  Will declaring a repository to be a mirror repository prevent the 
  searching for updated plugins?  We are using snapshot versions of 
  plugins and would like to stabilize on those snapshots.  I haven't 
  been able to prevent maven from looking for updates to snapshots, 
  even with the -npu argument.  So far, the only way I've been able to 
  prevent it is to start with a fully-populated local repository and 
 with -o (for offline).
  --Marilyn Sander
  -Original Message-
  From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:47 AM
  To: Maven Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: How to query our own repository?
  Search for maven mirror central. This is discussed frequently on 
  this mail list and online.
  You basically want to override Central with your local 
  department/corporate repo. This is done by establishing your local 
  corporate repo as a mirrOf Central in your settings.xml file.
  Note that this will effectively kill your connection to Central, 
  so if/when you try to use a new artifact which is not installed on 
  your Corporate repo, it will simply fail out. For this reason, many 
  people use Maven proxy servers like Promixity which can be 
  configured to go out and download unknown artifacts on demand.
  On 10/11/06, Markus KARG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We have just set up our own repository server in our department 
   and deployed several artefacts into it.
   Now I need to tell my project that it has to look for a dependency 
   not only at Ibiblio, but also in my our department's repository.
   Since the department's repository shall be the central place for 
   all sharing, I don't like to put that into the pom.xml of my 
   project, but I want to have it in my laptop's settings.xml.
   How do I do that?
   Thanks a lot
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command line options to mvn

2006-10-10 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Is there an environment variable that can be used to pass options to mvn?  I
have found $MAVEN_OPTS, but it appears that any options specified there are
passed straight through to java.  That is no doubt handy, but I'd also like
one for maven itself.  I tried $M2_OPTS and $MVN_OPTS, and neither had any

Generating sha1 and md5 files

2006-10-09 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
In the Guide to Relocation file, one step in relocation is
5.  If your project uses MD5 or SHA1 checksums you must now create new
checksums for the pom files in /bar/foo in your Maven 2 repository.  If the
pom file needs to be signed, do that as well.
I've been searching all over the documentation, also in the BBwM, and cannot
find how to generate those files.  Can someone please tell me where to look?
Is there any way to do it directly, without by running mvn deploy?
--Marilyn Sander

RE: Generating sha1 and md5 files

2006-10-09 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Never mind, I found the sha1sum and md5sum Linux utilities.  I was thinking
these were Maven functions, and that's why I couldn't find them.
Sorry for any inconvenience.  

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Generating sha1 and md5 files

In the Guide to Relocation file, one step in relocation is
5.  If your project uses MD5 or SHA1 checksums you must now create new
checksums for the pom files in /bar/foo in your Maven 2 repository.  If the
pom file needs to be signed, do that as well.
I've been searching all over the documentation, also in the BBwM, and cannot
find how to generate those files.  Can someone please tell me where to look?
Is there any way to do it directly, without by running mvn deploy?
--Marilyn Sander

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RE: [M2] Overriding the Central Repository not working

2006-10-06 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Peter, what local registry do you speak of?  Do you mean the Windows
registry?  The reason I ask is I'm about to try the same thing, but I'm
using Linux.


-Original Message-
From: Peter Anning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:34 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: [M2] Overriding the Central Repository not working

Anyway Arnaud Bailly was right I have solved my problem by creating a Bash
script moving all the maven-metadata-central.xml to maven-metdata.xml
regenerating the sha1 files and delete al unwanted maven-metadata-*.xml
files in the copy of the local registry. Also my plugins that were Snapshots
have been released and deployed to the local newtwork repository.

Now running a mirror of Central as the override on the local network and all
is happy



Talking to yourself may be the first sign of maddnes, but it is the only
way to get sensible answers
  -Original Message-
  From: Arnaud Bailly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, 4 October 2006 5:43 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Re: [M2] Overriding the Central Repository not working
  Peter Anning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I do a build with a vanilla settings.xml add any stuff I
 need to my
   local repository by hand. Then make a network copy of the local 
   repository delete my local repository and then my troubles start.
  This won't work, AFAIK. There is metadata information stored in the 
  repository which identifies it (the information) as local or tied to 
  a specific remote repo. This means, I think, that you cannot simply 
  (local) repositories around and hope it will work. You need to 
  deploy files or use a proxy as Wayne Fay advised you.
  I have been bitten in the past by this in relation with custom 
  OQube  software engineering \ génie logiciel  Arnaud Bailly, Dr.
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Re: Reproducing maven builds versus auto updating maven

2006-10-03 Thread Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)
Hi, everyone.
I'm new to this list, and learning maven.  On September 1 there was a thread
about reproducing Maven builds, and the thread petered out.  I have the same
question.  The thread is below, after my sig.
The last comment was that you should be able to just keep a copy of your
localRepository and use that to re-create a build at any time in the future.
Well, that's what I thought, too, but it does not seem to be true.  With the
repository setup we have here, I end up with snapshots of plugins, and those
snapshots are not recognized as valid by maven.  For example, I end up with
a 2.2.1 snapshot of maven-clean-plugin.  Maven for some reason wants version
2.1 of maven-clean-plugin and the build fails if I give it the repository
(the localRepository from a previous successful build)  that has only the
Is there an established or recommended method with Maven to ensure that a
current build can be reproduced bit-for-bit at some time in the future?
e.g. when a customer reports a bug and we need to re-create the software for
patch purposes?  Should we avoid snapshots?  Is there anything else to
I have another question, which is about snapshots and releases.  The example
of the master POM shows a releases element and a snapshots element.  I'm
wondering about the semantics of those.
Marilyn Sander
Well run mxn -X deploy and you should get all plugins used up to and
including deploy goal. Assuming all your plugins are bound to a proper
lifecycle phase, they should all show up in that list.

Another good component (imo) in guaranteeing a reproducable build is a
Corporate Maven repo and proxy. But yes, a copy of the local repo in
your user home directory should be sufficient.


On 9/1/06, Scott Tailor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the tip. But doesn't mvn -X install only show you the
 plugins you are using when running install?

 Assuming one can get a complete list of plugins and their versions, does
 that mean all I needed is the file, a copy of the local
 repository, and the project's pom files (with the locked down plugin
 versions) to be able to reproduced the same build I have today three
 years from now?


 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoffrey De Smet
 Sent: den 1 september 2006 10:44
 Subject: Re: Reproducing maven builds versus auto updating maven.

 Lock down all your plugin versions.

 Since I 've done that I experience it as being much much more in control

 over the build process. When a new plugin is released, I change the
 version and test it locally first before committing it.

 Do a mvn -X install to find out which plugins you're using.

 Scott Tailor wrote, On 2006-09-01 10:23 AM:
  I recently gave a quick hands on introductions to Maven (v2) at the
  company I'm currently consulting at. The company is now interested in
  testing maven out in a project. There are two major and related
  I have though with using maven:
  1.Maven updates itself at a regular basis. Occasionally an update
  seems to break maven. It has happened once to me, but I know of
  person who says it has happened more than once. I assume there is a
  to tell maven not to update itself, correct? If so, how?
  2.Another problem is if we use maven to build an application
  today, and then two years need to come back to the code and make
  changes, how can we be sure we can still build it? How do we preserve
  the build environment for each maven project?
  Any help/info greatly appreciated.

 With kind regards,
 Geoffrey De Smet