Re: [users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread mike scott
On 18 Apr 2008 at 15:47, Adrian Try wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 7:58 AM, John Boyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To Mike Scott, et al: Has no one heard of Seamonkey, which is a browser
  and email package all in one?

Yes. IIRC seamonkey has the same browser engine as firefox.

But I have the same objection to integrating email  browser that I 
have to integrating OOo and email. They're different beasts. (And I 
loathe html email, btw!)

By all means make applications compatible, but don't glue them 
together into some monolithic monster!

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]Mike Scott, Harlow, Essex, England

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[users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Alan Lord
sniplots of stuff where people talk about their favourite email 

Isn't this *exactly* the reason why OOo should *not* have a bundled 
email client?

I use TB, someone else uses Pegasus, someone else might use Seamonkey, 
Spicemonkey, Zimbra, Evolution and this list continues...

I can't believe how many times this question comes up. It is based on 
users' assumption that Outlook/Outlook Express is part of Office. 
Technically it is just another standalone application that has some 
integration hooks to their office applications.

The real answer should be to continue to promote OOo and increase it's 
adoption and publicise the fact that is has a very nice and *open* API 
(Java?) to which *any* email client could interface if the developer and 
users so wished.

To the chap who suggested Pegasus: I have never even heard of it and do 
not want to use non-open source products, so why should your preference 
impact me? Send the Pegasus developer a link to the OOo developer site 
and ask him - nicely - to take a look at providing some integration 
hooks in his application. Do you know what it is you want it to do BTW?


The way out is open!

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Re: [users] styles for Calc ?

2008-04-18 Thread Guy Voets
2008/4/18, Kenn Goutal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Nearly always, I like to have my spreadsheets look a certain way.

 I like to have all the cells have top-left alignment, with no wrapping,
 no borders, default colours, default font, etc --
 *except* the column headers (cells in the first row that are not empty)
 in which case I want them to have bottom-left alignment, with no wrapping
 1pt (?) black borders around each cell, boldface,
 nd a special background colour.

 On one hand, I'd like to have every new sheet
 be created with these characteristics, by default.

 I'd like these formats to be associated either with the row or the column,
 *and* be conditional on whether there's a value in the cell.
 I really don't want to specify that the entire first row
 be populated by cells that look like blank column headers --
 especially given that (I believe) this would make the sheet infinitely
 making it hard to print.

 But on any given sheet, I could override these formats.

 Anybody have any ideas how to accomplish anything like this?


What about making a template of this set-up and saving it as .ots?
You can make it the standard or whatever you want in the File  Templates 
Organize window

using dutch OOo Aqua Beta 3.0.0 (and older) on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo SRC 680 m241 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

[users] Re: Spreadsheet to word processor table

2008-04-18 Thread R N D Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R N D Martin) wrote:

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (R N D Martin)
 *Date:* Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:11 +0100 (BST)
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (R N D Martin) wrote:
  *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (R N D Martin)
  *Date:* Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:02 +0100 (BST)
  Irawan) wrote:
   *From:* Ahromi Irawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   *Date:* Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:00:11 +0700
   Pada Tanggal 04/14/2008 09:26 PM, R N D Martin Menulis:
In Lotus I am used to creating a table and then using cop and 
paste  to
batch paste direct to  the cells in the table, but in OO I 
  seem   to have
to paste special into the document as text, and then turn 
  what  I  have
pasted into a table.  I find this rather long winded and 
   awkward.   Have I
missed something?
Niall Martin
   Edit | Paste Special | Formatted Text
   Ahromi Irawan
  Thanks.  I'll try that again, but my  memory is that it pasted an 
  of the bit of the spreadsheet  rather than distributing the items 
  the fields.
  Niall Martin
 I repeated the operation, and found it pasted everything in column 
 1 of
 the table I created, definitely not what I wanted.
 Niall Martin
I've had some off list correspondence with Barbara Duprey  which I'm
pasting below, as it seems to  add something to the discussion.  her
second last sentence seems to enlighten. 

Niall Martin

Thanks, Niall. Yes, it does, and I think we may be getting closer here. 
If you click *below* the table you're working with (I generally add an 
empty paragraph before my paste point), rather than inside the table, 
then do the Paste Special for formatted text, you should get an 
independent table that looks pretty much like what you had in Calc. If 
you want to append the data from that copy to your existing, nicely 
formatted table, just add an empty row at the bottom of the formatted 
one. Then click somewhere in the copied table, Table  Select  Table, 
and Ctrl-C. Now you have all your spreadsheet data in a good form for 
normal pasting. Click in the first cell (or whichever one is to be the 
top left of the appended data) of the empty new row of the formatted 
table, then Ctrl-V. Your data should populate the formatted table in the 
appropriate columns, adding all the rows it needs. Now you can delete 
the copied temporary table.

That should do it, I hope, though you may have to do a little more to 
get the copied data to match the existing table's format. I do a very 
similar thing getting data from Base tables and queries into Writer 
tables. Unfortunately, the clipboard formats for Writer, Calc, and Base 
seem to be incompatible without the intermediate step.

(By the way, let's keep all this on the list so others can help, too.)

Niall Martin wrote:
 Thanks for your message..  Initially I created my table, then did 
 paste special on to it.  No go.  I then explored the  other options.  
 DDE seemed to give  the wrong answer.  Paste special taking the 
 formatted text option put everything in a single column of the table, 
 instead of distributing the items in the appropriate columns. What 
 succeeded was paste  special, taking the unformatted text option, 
 highlighting the pasted text, followed by table/convert to table.  It 
 does seem a roundabout way of doing things, particularly if having set 
 up the table you then want to add more data to it.  I hope this 
 clarifies the process.

 On 16 Apr 2008 at 14:20, Barbara Duprey wrote:

 Date sent:  Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:20:01 -0500
 From:Barbara Duprey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Subject:   * *Re: [users]  Re: Spreadsheet to 
 word processor table*

 R N D Martin wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Barker) wrote:
  *From:* Brian Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *Date:* Tue, 15 Apr 2008 22:55:54 +0100
  At 15:26 14/04/2008 +0100, Niall Martin wrote:
  In Lotus I am used to creating a table and then using copy and
  paste to batch paste direct to the cells in the table, but in OO I
  seem to have to paste special into the document as text, and then
  turn what I have pasted into a table.  I find this rather long
  winded and awkward. Have I missed something?
  Possibly.  I think that, in Writer, this is even easier than you
  hope.  Don't create any table first.  Instead, copy the cells from
  your spreadsheet and then use Edit | Paste Special... (or
  Ctrl+Shift+V), selecting DDE link from the options.  This creates
  a table with your imported values, which you can then format as you
  Note that 

[users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Urbane Tiger
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:10:37 -0700, NoOp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 04/16/2008 03:09 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Many people ask for an email client from, and these
 people have either never heard of Thunderbird or have rejected it for
 some reason. Thus, I suggest a different email client for OOo. See
 this OOo bug:

And how long do you figure that it would take David Harris to port to
Linux  Mac OS X?  That is of course once the proprietary third-party
core editor issue is resolved...

Thunderbird currently supports Windows, Linux  Mac OS X, is opensource
(with Mozilla restrictions that are already acknowledged and used in OOo
- see the OOo THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html), and localised for many

Further, Thunderbird already has several million users, a vast support
network, and a considerable amount of add-in's/extensions (to include

Sorry, but I'd not vote for 88366.

It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail client 
schema.  I've never used MS Office and
Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  The only 
post so far that has made sense to me was
on of  mike scott's as I understood it he is suggesting that its the mail 
client writers who should adopt the OOo
Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would add -- as 
should NNTP client writers and anyone
else wanting a text based composer.

To those who say OOo should not slavishly do what Unclue Bill does, I would 
point out that OOo has already done so;
times were when Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint were discrete products, Then 
MS bundled them into Office, I believe
it was then that Star (hence OOo) slavishly followed suite (sic).

Sofware that could benefit from using an external composer (e.g. Mail/NNTP/Blog 
Writers etc) are not going to invest in
such unless MS Word is available as a composer; i.e.Word is must have, OOo is 
should have and the rest are nice to
have.  There is also the issue of MS having just ditched toolstrips in favor 
of ribbons - no matter what you may think
they are not the same, at least not under the covers, Ribbon integration is not 
the same as ToolStrip integration.  The
change is more significant than the change from Toolbars to Toolstrips.  And 
like it or not people are going to ask,
does it have ribbons, toolstrips are so yesterday.

By way of illustration only I would point out that the major online office 
suites (ThinkFree, Google Docs 
Spreadsheets, Zoho and Ajax13) all target MS Office, I think two also target 
openoffice (Google  Zoho), one I'm not
sure of, and one does not.  The one that doesn't (ThinkFree) is highly regarded 
by some - it is offered in Oz by Telstra
(largest telco 85%, largest ISP 50%+) mind you Telstra and MS are bosom 
buddies.  It occurs to me that ThinkFree would a
natural aquisition for MS, rebranded as Live Office.

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Re: [users] Re: Fw: Re: Re:Trouble with Outlook Express since downloading OOo2.4

2008-04-18 Thread Harold Fuchs

On 18/04/2008 01:32, NoOp wrote:

On 04/17/2008 09:41 AM, Bud Oliver wrote:
I do hope that I am doing this correctly.  I had a reply from NoOp as well 
with about the same info as Twayne and I thank them both.  I will go into 
the situation in as much detail as I can but will not know all of the proper 

After installing OOo2.4 which replaced 2.3, I noticed that the icon on my 
saved emails had changed to the OOo Writer icon but the icon was not as 
sharp. When I tried to open a saved email a ASCII Filter Options opened, 
Character set is Western Europe, clicking OK  opens a Writer document with 
many pages of letters and numbers (a short email message come out as four 

Again, no clue as to OE as I've never used it. However, it appears that
OE 5 and above use .dbx file format. See:

Some of these may, or may not help:

Good luck.

Once you do get that sorted out, it would be interesting to find out
why/how your OE messages became associated with OOo in the first place.
What is the file extension on the messages that you are trying to open?


If you *save* a message from Outlook Express (OE) you get a file with a 
.eml extension; OE uses the .dbx extension  for  its *folders* - files 
containing several messages which have been filed within OE's own 
filing system.

But I don't begin to understand how either of those extensions could 
have become associated to OpenOffice. It certainly isn't part of the OOo 
installation procedure.

Also, if you double click on a .eml file, that file opens in OE - always 
assuming the file associations are correct.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to

Re: [users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Harold Fuchs

On 18/04/2008 15:37, Urbane Tiger wrote:


It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail client 
schema.  I've never used MS Office and
Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  The only 
post so far that has made sense to me was
on of  mike scott's as I understood it he is suggesting that its the mail 
client writers who should adopt the OOo
Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would add -- as 
should NNTP client writers and anyone
else wanting a text based composer.

I think the main things expected from an integated OOo/mail client 
schema are:
1. Ability to use Writer to compose (including Forward and Reply [all]) 
e-mail and news (NNTP) messages. Note that this should be an *option*, 
even if all the necessary components are installed.
2. Ability, while doing #1, to *share* (as opposed to using copies of) 
spell checking dictionaries.
3. Ability to use the mail client's address book from within Writer 
and/or Calc and/or Base for things like mail merge or the generation of 
lists or tables (in the English *and* Database senses of that word) 
sorted by, say, post code (ZIP code) or city or surname or ...
4. Similar to #3 but for the purpose of writing an individual letter (to 
be sent by snail mail) to someone whose address is in the e-mail 
client's address book. It should be possible, within Writer for example 
to grab (Insert Field?) a *complete* name/address from the address 
book without having to specify many separate pieces (Title, Initial, 
Surname, Street address, City, Post code, Country,  etc.). The 
definition of complete name/address should be easily specifiable by 
the user with sensible defaults based on Locale.

Any more, anyone ???

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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[users] Re: OOXML

2008-04-18 Thread Urbane Tiger
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:05:58 +1000, Lindsay Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Urbane Tiger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 5:21 PM
Subject: [users]  Re: OOXML

 On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 21:33:52 -0400, James Knott

Urbane Tiger wrote:
 Now that OOXML has been accepted by the ISO as a standard can we
 expect OOo will adopt it its the preferred format.

 Please no rants - there are plenty of soapboxes that are very much
 more visble to the world at large than is this mailing list.

This is no rant, but anyone who knows anything about OOXML would never
suggest such a thing.  From a technical perspective, it's an absolute
disaster, the sole purpose of which, is to further MS lockin.

 Same goes for USB v Firewire.  Can you buy a 500G WD Firewire hard
 disk at the Post Office for $AU179 -- no.  Can you buy a 500G WD USB
 hard disk at the Post Office for $AU179 -- yes.

Can someone help me understand this comment?  What is the significance of 
one, and not the other, being available at the Post Office?  There's 
obviously something here that I do not know, but probably ought to, so be 
kind to me vbg.

$179 is a good price for a 500GB Western Digital external hard disk, and being 
available at the post office means it is
widely available (unlike lots of cheap stuff, just ask anyone outside of metro 
areas).  One would prefer it come with
the far superior Firewire interface, but it comes with the vastly inferior USB 
interface.  I would guess fewer than 10%
of new desktop systems have a Firewire (IEEE1394) socket whereas 99.5% have 
several USB sockets.  This was illustration
of the best is not necessarily the winner.  It was also a way of letting 
folks know that the Aussie post office is a
place where bargains are often to be had.

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Re: [users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread James Knott

Urbane Tiger wrote:

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:10:37 -0700, NoOp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 04/16/2008 03:09 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Many people ask for an email client from, and these
people have either never heard of Thunderbird or have rejected it for
some reason. Thus, I suggest a different email client for OOo. See
this OOo bug:

And how long do you figure that it would take David Harris to port to
Linux  Mac OS X?  That is of course once the proprietary third-party
core editor issue is resolved...

Thunderbird currently supports Windows, Linux  Mac OS X, is opensource
(with Mozilla restrictions that are already acknowledged and used in OOo
- see the OOo THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html), and localised for many

Further, Thunderbird already has several million users, a vast support
network, and a considerable amount of add-in's/extensions (to include

Sorry, but I'd not vote for 88366.

It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail client 
schema.  I've never used MS Office and
Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  The only 
post so far that has made sense to me was
on of  mike scott's as I understood it he is suggesting that its the mail 
client writers who should adopt the OOo
Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would add -- as 
should NNTP client writers and anyone
else wanting a text based composer.

To those who say OOo should not slavishly do what Unclue Bill does, I would 
point out that OOo has already done so;
times were when Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint were discrete products, Then 
MS bundled them into Office, I believe
it was then that Star (hence OOo) slavishly followed suite (sic).

I think you'll find they're still discrete products, that just happen to 
come in the same box.  They are not integrated the way OpenOffice is. 
You can see this, by opening text documents and spreadsheets at the same 
time in both Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.  If you open the task 
manager, you'll see both Word  Excel, but only one instance of OpenOffice.

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Re: [users] Re: OOXML

2008-04-18 Thread James Knott

Urbane Tiger wrote:

$179 is a good price for a 500GB Western Digital external hard disk, and being 
available at the post office means it is
widely available (unlike lots of cheap stuff, just ask anyone outside of metro 
areas).  One would prefer it come with
the far superior Firewire interface, but it comes with the vastly inferior USB 
interface.  I would guess fewer than 10%
of new desktop systems have a Firewire (IEEE1394) socket whereas 99.5% have 
several USB sockets.  This was illustration
of the best is not necessarily the winner.  It was also a way of letting 
folks know that the Aussie post office is a
place where bargains are often to be had.

Define best.  USB has the advantage that it can be used with so many 
other devices.  I don't recall ever seeing a firewire mouse, printer or 


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[users] convert in calc

2008-04-18 Thread Joe Grech

Converted at last 

Explore the seven wonders of the world

[users] Re: Forced to install MS office so boss can sync phone, any alternative?

2008-04-18 Thread Urbane Tiger
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 21:19:38 +1200, Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:44:05 +1000
Urbane Tiger wrote:

 On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:36:03 -0400, James Knott
 Urbane Tiger wrote:
  Unfortunately, many consider Outlook to be the only email app. 
 However,  depending on where the calendar is located, you may be
 able to use  Thunderbird  Lightning, both of which can be found at   I sync my Nokia N800  Thunderbird with Google
  cool - has Google lost your Calendar yet like it loses folks mail.

 Not that I've noticed.  Then again, it's easy enough to lose email
 and calendars in Outlook too.
 The same goes for T'bird, Eudora, IncrediMail etc.  The difference is
 that in any one instance of losing mail or calendars, only one person
 is impacted, not everyone!  
 Love 'em or hate 'em - I can't recall MS Hotmail losing significant
 amounts of data.

Then your memory is not that long!

I stand corrected - but how much mail was actually lost via the hack.  I had an 
hotmail account back then don't recall
losing any mail, however I did lose mail in the Great Mail Crash at Google as 
did several other people I know.

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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Sammy Njuguna

OOo Productivity Suite is great!! and is the choice of many all over the
globe but let us not bury our heads in the sand.Email has become an
integral part of our daily economic and personal communication and
actually the issue here is whether OOo can address a missing need
highlighted by users.

CONSIDER THIS-Would TB be a default choice for many OOo users if the
calendering was absent?So moving forward what can be done or not needs to
be  addressed.


 On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:10:37 -0700, NoOp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 04/16/2008 03:09 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Many people ask for an email client from, and these
 people have either never heard of Thunderbird or have rejected it for
 some reason. Thus, I suggest a different email client for OOo. See
 this OOo bug:

And how long do you figure that it would take David Harris to port to
Linux  Mac OS X?  That is of course once the proprietary third-party
core editor issue is resolved...

Thunderbird currently supports Windows, Linux  Mac OS X, is opensource
(with Mozilla restrictions that are already acknowledged and used in OOo
- see the OOo THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html), and localised for many

Further, Thunderbird already has several million users, a vast support
network, and a considerable amount of add-in's/extensions (to include

Sorry, but I'd not vote for 88366.

 It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail client
 schema.  I've never used MS Office and
 Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  The
 only post so far that has made sense to me was
 on of  mike scott's as I understood it he is suggesting that its the
 mail client writers who should adopt the OOo
 Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would add
 -- as should NNTP client writers and anyone
 else wanting a text based composer.

 To those who say OOo should not slavishly do what Unclue Bill does, I
 would point out that OOo has already done so;
 times were when Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint were discrete products,
 Then MS bundled them into Office, I believe
 it was then that Star (hence OOo) slavishly followed suite (sic).

 Sofware that could benefit from using an external composer (e.g.
 Mail/NNTP/Blog Writers etc) are not going to invest in
 such unless MS Word is available as a composer; i.e.Word is must have,
 OOo is should have and the rest are nice to
 have.  There is also the issue of MS having just ditched toolstrips in
 favor of ribbons - no matter what you may think
 they are not the same, at least not under the covers, Ribbon integration
 is not the same as ToolStrip integration.  The
 change is more significant than the change from Toolbars to Toolstrips.
 And like it or not people are going to ask,
 does it have ribbons, toolstrips are so yesterday.

 By way of illustration only I would point out that the major online office
 suites (ThinkFree, Google Docs 
 Spreadsheets, Zoho and Ajax13) all target MS Office, I think two also
 target openoffice (Google  Zoho), one I'm not
 sure of, and one does not.  The one that doesn't (ThinkFree) is highly
 regarded by some - it is offered in Oz by Telstra
 (largest telco 85%, largest ISP 50%+) mind you Telstra and MS are bosom
 buddies.  It occurs to me that ThinkFree would a
 natural aquisition for MS, rebranded as Live Office.

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Re: [users] Re: OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Robin Laing

Harold Fuchs wrote:

On 18/04/2008 15:37, Urbane Tiger wrote:

It is not clear to me what people expect form an integated OOo/mail 
client schema.  I've never used MS Office and
Outlook in their integrated form, I've only used them independently.  
The only post so far that has made sense to me was
on of  mike scott's as I understood it he is suggesting that its the 
mail client writers who should adopt the OOo
Writer core as their message composer for their mail client, I would 
add -- as should NNTP client writers and anyone

else wanting a text based composer.

I think the main things expected from an integated OOo/mail client 
schema are:
1. Ability to use Writer to compose (including Forward and Reply [all]) 
e-mail and news (NNTP) messages. Note that this should be an *option*, 
even if all the necessary components are installed.

We have people at work that do this.  It is crap.  Unless configured 
properly, all messages are *.doc attachments.

2. Ability, while doing #1, to *share* (as opposed to using copies of) 
spell checking dictionaries.

This I agree with.  I would like to integrate everything and use 
StarDict myself.

3. Ability to use the mail client's address book from within Writer 
and/or Calc and/or Base for things like mail merge or the generation of 
lists or tables (in the English *and* Database senses of that word) 
sorted by, say, post code (ZIP code) or city or surname or ...

Not much use for me but for some, I agree.  Of course, I would also look 
at integrating with customers data bases as well.

4. Similar to #3 but for the purpose of writing an individual letter (to 
be sent by snail mail) to someone whose address is in the e-mail 
client's address book. It should be possible, within Writer for example 
to grab (Insert Field?) a *complete* name/address from the address 
book without having to specify many separate pieces (Title, Initial, 
Surname, Street address, City, Post code, Country,  etc.). The 
definition of complete name/address should be easily specifiable by 
the user with sensible defaults based on Locale.

Again, not much use to me but as with 3, access to a customer relation 
package would also be useful.

Any more, anyone ???

I think there are enough open API's to allow someone to make any 
application work with OOo, if vender's want to.  I would hate it if OOo 
decided to use a specific email client or data base.  I hated it (like 
others) when we were moved to exchange server at work.  As a Linux 
users, Evolution was the only option. (no imap or pop) so I was forced 
to use an OE clone package that I found awkward and an interface I got 
rid of 6 years earlier when I had a chance.

Now that I have a way to use Thunderbird with Exchange server, I am much 

Robin Laing

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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread James Knott

Sammy Njuguna wrote:


OOo Productivity Suite is great!! and is the choice of many all over the
globe but let us not bury our heads in the sand.Email has become an
integral part of our daily economic and personal communication and
actually the issue here is whether OOo can address a missing need
highlighted by users.

CONSIDER THIS-Would TB be a default choice for many OOo users if the
calendering was absent?So moving forward what can be done or not needs to
be  addressed.

Consider this.  The email app that's bundled with Microsoft Office is 
one of the worst going.  Given that most people have favourite 
applications, why should OpenOffice dictate the email app they can use 
with it?


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[users] Fonts Lost in Upgrade

2008-04-18 Thread Rich Shepard

  Recently I upgraded from 2.1 to 2.4 on my Slackware workstation/server.
Now all the installed fonts are no longer accessible. In
~/.openoffice2/users/fonts/ there are no files.

  How do I re-install all fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/?


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[users] setting primary key in Base

2008-04-18 Thread David Bowman
I copied some tables from MS Access and tried to set the primary key and 
when saving get the following msg.

SQL Status: 23000
Error code: -10

Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column: column: LastName 
table: Student Information in statement [ALTER TABLE Student 
I would like to know why this is happening and how can I set whatever 
field as primary key

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Re: [users] setting primary key in Base

2008-04-18 Thread David Bowman

There are no records in the table yet

Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 09:53 -0700, David Bowman wrote:
I copied some tables from MS Access and tried to set the primary key and 
when saving get the following msg.

SQL Status: 23000
Error code: -10

Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column: column: LastName 
table: Student Information in statement [ALTER TABLE Student 
I would like to know why this is happening and how can I set whatever 
field as primary key

it thinks you've got one or more records with a null entry for last name
and therefore can't set the primary key.


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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Drew Jensen

James Knott wrote:

Sammy Njuguna wrote:


OOo Productivity Suite is great!! and is the choice of many all over the
globe but let us not bury our heads in the sand.Email has become an
integral part of our daily economic and personal communication and
actually the issue here is whether OOo can address a missing need
highlighted by users.

CONSIDER THIS-Would TB be a default choice for many OOo users if the
calendering was absent?So moving forward what can be done or not 
needs to

be  addressed.

Consider this.  The email app that's bundled with Microsoft Office is 
one of the worst going.  Given that most people have favourite 
applications, why should OpenOffice dictate the email app they can use 
with it?

Who said anything about dictating a choice... With that rational an 
install of Kubuntu should have no applications by default...after all it 
is just an OS right.

-- User Community Forum:
United States PostgreSQL Association:

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Re: [users] setting primary key in Base

2008-04-18 Thread Craig White

On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 09:53 -0700, David Bowman wrote:
 I copied some tables from MS Access and tried to set the primary key and 
 when saving get the following msg.
  SQL Status: 23000
  Error code: -10
  Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column: column: LastName 
  table: Student Information in statement [ALTER TABLE Student 
  Information ALTER COLUMN LastName VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL]
 I would like to know why this is happening and how can I set whatever 
 field as primary key

it thinks you've got one or more records with a null entry for last name
and therefore can't set the primary key.


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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread James Knott

Drew Jensen wrote:

James Knott wrote:

Sammy Njuguna wrote:


OOo Productivity Suite is great!! and is the choice of many all over the
globe but let us not bury our heads in the sand.Email has become an
integral part of our daily economic and personal communication and
actually the issue here is whether OOo can address a missing need
highlighted by users.

CONSIDER THIS-Would TB be a default choice for many OOo users if the
calendering was absent?So moving forward what can be done or not 
needs to

be  addressed.

Consider this.  The email app that's bundled with Microsoft Office is 
one of the worst going.  Given that most people have favourite 
applications, why should OpenOffice dictate the email app they can use 
with it?

Who said anything about dictating a choice... With that rational an 
install of Kubuntu should have no applications by default...after all it 
is just an OS right.

Who?  Those who think OpenOffice should include an email app.


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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, James Knott wrote:

Who?  Those who think OpenOffice should include an email app.

  If you want a writing tool that supports e-mail, web browsing, and
everything else, use Emacs.


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Re: [users] Fonts Lost in Upgrade -- RESOLVED

2008-04-18 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:

 How do I re-install all fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/?

  Never mind. I remembered the 'spadmin' program and fixed the problem.


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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread James Knott

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, James Knott wrote:

Who?  Those who think OpenOffice should include an email app.

  If you want a writing tool that supports e-mail, web browsing, and
everything else, use Emacs.

I hear it's also a text editor!  ;-)


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Re: [users] setting primary key in Base

2008-04-18 Thread Drew Jensen

David Bowman wrote:
I copied some tables from MS Access and tried to set the primary key 
and when saving get the following msg.

SQL Status: 23000
Error code: -10

Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column: column: LastName 
table: Student Information in statement [ALTER TABLE Student 
I would like to know why this is happening and how can I set whatever 
field as primary key

When you copy in the data to a new table in a Base file you are given 
the option of declaring fields as 'required' or 'not required'. A 
primary key field field must be a 'required field' or NOT NULL in it's 

So - if you have moved your data already and have not done this, don't 
worry you can fix the problem.

Let's say my import table is called 'access_data' and it has a field 
'CustNo' that I want to make the primary key, but I failed to define the 
field as NOT NULL - here is what you do.

Open the database, Open the table definition for edit. In the field 
select Entry Required = True and save the table definition. Assuming 
there are no null values in the column this will save without a problem. 
Now you can set the field to be the primary key.

(note if there are any NULL values in that column you will need to fix 
that before you can proceed )

-- User Community Forum:
United States PostgreSQL Association:

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[users] Chart data labels

2008-04-18 Thread Victor Chapman
I have a data set that has positive and negative numbers. I want to 
apply a power regression curve fit to my data. In order to do that I 
have to transpose the numbers so that all of the data are 0 or a 
positive number. My question is how do I plot the graph so that I show 
the original data labels before the transformation?


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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Johnny Rosenberg
2008/4/18, James Knott [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Rich Shepard wrote:

  On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, James Knott wrote:
  Who?  Those who think OpenOffice should include an email app.
   If you want a writing tool that supports e-mail, web browsing, and
  everything else, use Emacs.

 I hear it's also a text editor!  ;-)

Not everybody has the same taste,
obviously. I love the Opera M2 email client, but everybody else seems
to hate it.
These days I don't use it anyway since I have GMail and since I also have
Evolution, which includes
a lot more than just email. I also love Emacs, but using it as a email
client? No, not really.

Having an email + PIM built into Well, I wouldn't hate it but I would certainly wonder why...


[users] auto filter enabled excel sheet in Calc

2008-04-18 Thread Detlef
Once in a week our firm gets a big excel file with auto filter enabled. If
we open this file with calc then only the second row is always for auto
filter enabled not the whole sheet.
This is reported as an issue in issuedatabase.
And now my question:
Is anyone out there who can built me a macro to set a range for
autofiltering a whole sheet, except the first row?
Thank you in advance.

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Re: [users] OOo needs an email client, Pegasus needs a sponsor and a text editing component

2008-04-18 Thread Drew Jensen

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, James Knott wrote:

Who?  Those who think OpenOffice should include an email app.

  If you want a writing tool that supports e-mail, web browsing, and
everything else, use Emacs.


And who is the target audience for that solution?

-- User Community Forum:
United States PostgreSQL Association:

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[users] Re: style organizer in separate window?

2008-04-18 Thread Kenn Goutal

Dave Barton wrote:

Yes I am afraid you are missing the obvious ;) With the Stylist panel 
open, just left click in a space around the icons at the top of the 
panel, then drag it away from the side of the main window. Hey Presto! 
You have a floating window.

((( oh )))
Well, I'm glad I asked.  I feel a little silly,
but I would never have guessed it on my own.

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[users] OOXML appeal possible, but looks unlikely

2008-04-18 Thread Fred A. Miller

Linux is an old Latin word meaning, I don't have
to support your Windows anymore.

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[users] automatic blank pages always generated, bug?

2008-04-18 Thread H.S.


No matter how I choose the options in Options-Writer-Print regarding 
printing of automatically generated pages, the output always has them -- 
I just cannot suppress their printing. I am trying to print single page 
documents using mail merge when this keeps on happening. This is on OOo 
2.4, Debian Sid Linux and Windows. Is this a bug?


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