[SOGo] Sogo

2013-06-13 Thread raymond
Hi Guys, I got the VM from sogo website with a pre-install sogo setup to
work on VMplayer, I found that if I user so...@sogo.example.com in outlook
then I get the outlook disconnected message at the bottom. When I use user
no 2 so...@sogo.example.com then outlook stays connected.
My question. Can the VM be used in a production environment (tweaked of
course) or is it advisable to start an install from scratch?
Thank you



http://www.joburgtheatre.com";>http://www.showbusiness.co.za/emailbanner/emailbanner.png"; width="660" 
height="215" />



2013-10-01 Thread Labolinux

Dear friends,

I installed SOGo with samba4 for authentication part.
I configured automatic update of Thunderbird plugins,configured
PHP-Push 2 fr mobile devices and Openchange for MS Outlook users.
Everything is working well; thanks to the list for helping me to arrive 
this far.

Now am wondering; is it possible to add instant messagering(chat) to SOGo?
Have anyone tried it? What will you advice me if i want to add chat to SOGo?

Thanks in advance.

Aynam Zongo M.


[SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-20 Thread daves
I am going to migrate 1000+ accounts to new VM's with Sogo, Dovecot, Postfix

Is there a recommended configuration? Such as, to use MySQL or not, which
services to split up so they are not running on the same VM, etc...

Thanks for your input,



2015-08-07 Thread Volker Schmitt
Hello List,

I have problems with free/busy configuration.

When I create a new event in an additional calendar with deactivated
"Include in free-busy" property, I will not see events of this calendar
in the "Invite Attendees"-List by myself - which is ok.
But others inviting me will see these events marked as busy unless I
select "Show Time as Free" in every event. This is especially annoying
with all day events.

Is this a bug or why is the "Include in free-busy" property useless in
the "Invite Attendees"-List of other users.

We use SOGo v2.3.1


[SOGo] [SoGo] SoGo connector and Carddav

2013-02-23 Thread Jean-Pierre Lévy
I am using SoGo connector to synchronize Thunderbird contacts with my 
gmail account. This works fine.

I have been trying adding another addressbook to be synchronized with 
another gmail account, with URL 

But I get only a second copy of the first gmail account which I 

Apparently, SoGo connector is behaving as if ti is storing the URL of 
the remote address book only once and is not refering tho the URL 
attribute of the remote adressbook later on ? Is this intended, is this 
a bug, is there a way to achieve what I would like to do : several 
Thunderbird addressbooks connecting each to a different Gmail carddav 
account ?

Best regards
*Jean-Pierre Lévy*

[SOGo] SOGo + Sieve

2012-02-13 Thread Dominique


I just updated to 1.3.12 on Ubuntu 11.04, and while I still not have 
mail in the webUI (see other thread for that), I tried to add sieve to 
my .GNUstepDefaults file

As per the manual, I added that:


Since my sieve server is on port 4190.

And the result was that the .GNUstepDefaults file was resetted by sogo 
to an almost empty but worthless file.

Any idea what can cause that.


[SOGo] IMAP sogo

2012-03-16 Thread Mikel

I have instaled SOGO and cyrus-imapd-2.2 like I can read in
documentation, I configure IMAP with:

root@debianSogo:~# su - sogo
sogo@debianSogo:~$ defaults write sogod SOGoDraftsFolderName Drafts
sogo@debianSogo:~$ defaults write sogod SOGoSentFolderName Sent
sogo@debianSogo:~$ defaults write sogod SOGoTrashFolderName Trash
sogo@debianSogo:~$ defaults write sogod SOGoIMAPServer localhost

I have Sogo with Ldap autentification, I it's works fine on sogoweb. But
I can't connect to IMAP throw thunderbird I have always login or
password incorrect but are well.

If I connect to telnet in port 143  the server response but I can't
login too, always I get login worn or user incorrect

I think that IMAP is not working with Ldap like Sogo is working,  

Any Idea please?

Thank you very much!! 
Mikel Gilsanz Prieto

Responsable Dpto. Sistemas / IT Manager

Gran Vía 81, 8º, Dpto. 9

48011 Bilbao

+34944415140 (Ext. 204) +34650049384 +34944415192



Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener
información privilegiada o confidencial. Si no es Vd. el destinatario
indicado, queda notificado de que la utilización, divulgación y/o copia
sin autorización está prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si
ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique
inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. Le
informamos que su dirección de correo electrónico, así como el resto de
los datos de carácter personal aportados, serán objeto de tratamiento
automatizado en nuestros ficheros, con la finalidad de gestionar la
agenda de contactos de nuestra entidad y poder atender a sus peticiones.
Vd. podrá en cualquier momento ejercer el derecho de acceso,
rectificación, cancelación y oposición en los términos establecidos en
la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 mediante notificación a i...@avalon.com.es

 Antes de imprimir este mensaje, piense si es necesario. El medio
ambiente está en nuestras manos.


[SOGo] sogo-tool

2012-04-05 Thread Benjamin Pierrot

Someone could you assist me?
I will wish to add via a script type sogo-tool a webcalendar as a url. I 
have not managed to do so by sending a json parameter to sogo-tool.
I wish to know if this feature exists and in case if it is not supported 
if you plan to do or if I have to act directly in the database.

Thank you for your answers.

Benjamin Pierrot

Benjamin PIERROT
DSI : Pôle Production TICE et Services
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne


[SOGo] sogo cache

2012-06-01 Thread Николай Клименко

Hi everyone
I use sogo in conjunction with AD.
Having such a problem, sogo cached passwords and use’s ldap attributes 
such as cn or mail or displayName.
So when I change the name or e-mail address, the cache’s zeroing happens 
at indefinite time.
After restarting the sogo cache seems to be a reset. Also after changing 
user’s info sich as surname and name, sogo is no longer authorized user. 
When I restart the sogo everything starts to work normally.
Could you please advise how to completely disable caching of data in the 


[SOGo] SOGo Iphone4

2012-08-09 Thread Daniel Müller
Dear all,

after a lot of trying I got my IPHONR accept my settings for caldav.
But never the entry for my calendar nor any data show up on the phone.

In my apache log file there is only some entries: - - [09/Aug/2012:14:58:32 +0200] "PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/tester/ 
HTTP/1.1" 401 - "-" "iOS/5.1.1 (9B206) Preferences/1.0" - - [09/Aug/2012:14:58:32 +0200] "PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/tester/ 
HTTP/1.1" 207 532 "-" "iOS/5.1.1 (9B206) Preferences/1.0" - - [09/Aug/2012:14:58:32 +0200] "OPTIONS /SOGo/dav/tester/ 
HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "iOS/5.1.1 (9B206) Preferences/1.0

[SOGo] [SOGo V2]

2012-09-17 Thread Sébastien Blin


When i test "Users Sources" in "Webmin SOGo".

I have this error :

LDAP Access

Failed: Simple Bind Failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

Is there a link with this error :

root@debian:/etc/ldap/schema# openchange_provision
NOTE: This operation can take several minutes
[+] Step 1: Register Exchange OIDs
ERROR: no subClassOf 'container' for 

Kind regards

Sébastien Blin


[SOGo] SOGo 2.0

2012-09-27 Thread Piet Hein
I have just updated SOGo to 2.0. I must say version 2.0 looks fine, the little 
makeover SOGo has a little more modern appearance now. Everything appears to 
work smoothly (I will test if anything changed on my 'running out of PostgreSQL 
connections'-issue, but considering the changelog I would not expect that).

I have not tried out native Outlook compatibility, the big new feature, as I do 
not use any Outlook clients. I would expect, especially when ActiveSync is 
implemented, SOGo would be a great drop in alternative.

i want to thank everyone working on SOGo!

[SOGo] SOGo - update

2012-10-25 Thread treborr
Hi all,
I woul like to ask you for help. I have updated the SOGo installation, no 
configuration changes, and now I get 502 Proxy Error
I use Centos 5
I have no idea where to start to find what can be a problem. Could you give me 
some tips, please?
Can I downgrade SOGo to the previos version?
Does someone have the same issue?
Thank You


[SOGo] Sogo installation

2012-12-13 Thread Joms Ariola
Dear All,

When i try to install sogo i encountered this 

Error: Package: lasso-2.3.6-1.centos6.i686 (SOGo)
   Requires: libxmlsec1-openssl.so.1
Error: Package: lasso-2.3.6-1.centos6.i686 (SOGo)
   Requires: xmlsec1 >= 1.2.6
Error: Package: lasso-2.3.6-1.centos6.i686 (SOGo)
   Requires: xmlsec1-openssl >= 1.2.6
Error: Package: lasso-2.3.6-1.centos6.i686 (SOGo)
   Requires: libxmlsec1.so.1
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Please help.


[SOGo] sogo-tool

2012-12-23 Thread mayak-cq
hi all,

i have an issue with sogo-tool on centos-6 x64 ...

when i run sogo-tool as user sogo (or root), it crashes with:

[sogo@web ~]$ sogo-tool 
sogo-tool: NSThread.m:339: GSCurrentThread: Assertion `(id)0 != thr &&
"No main thread"' failed.



[root@web cron.d]# yum list installed | grep sogo
gnustep-base.x86_64  1.23.0-1
lasso.x86_64     2.3.6-1.centos6
libffi.x86_64    3.0.10-1
sogo.x86_64  2.0.3a-1.centos6
sogo-ealarms-notify.x86_64   2.0.3a-1.centos6
sogo-tool.x86_64 2.0.3a-1.centos6
sope49-appserver.x86_64  4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-cards.x86_64  2.0.3a-1.centos6
sope49-core.x86_64   4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-gdl1.x86_64   4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-gdl1-contentstore.x86_64  2.0.3a-1.centos6
sope49-gdl1-mysql.x86_64 4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-ldap.x86_64   4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-mime.x86_64   4.9-20121206_1664.el6.1
sope49-sbjson.x86_64 2.3.1-20121206_1664.el6.1


[SOGo] SOGo oddities

2013-01-10 Thread Ron Yacketta
We have been running in production mode for at least 2 - 3 weeks now 
with no configuration changes to the server. This morning I noticed 
sluggish responses times from SOGo and found one of the 8 alloted SOGo 
processes pegged at 100% CPU. Checked the logs and noticed the following 
[ERROR]'s :

Jan 10 08:15:33 sogod [30355]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x7f77415b98b8[WOWatchDogChild]> FAILURE receiving status for child 
Jan 10 08:15:33 sogod [30355]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x7f77415b98b8[WOWatchDogChild]>   socket: 
w address=(null) connectedTo=<0x0x7f77416a65e8[NGLocalSocketAddress]: 
/tmp/_ngsocket_0x7693_0x7f77413d8b68_000> receive-timeou

Jan 10 08:15:33 sogod [30355]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x7f77415b98b8[WOWatchDogChild]>   exception: 
b388> NAME:NGSocketTimedOutException REASON:the socket was shutdown 
INFO:{errno = 11; error = "Resource temporarily unavailabl
e"; stream = "{object = address=(null) connectedTo=<0x0x7f77416a65e8[NGLocalSocketA
ddress]: /tmp/_ngsocket_0x7693_0x7f77413d8b68_000> 
receive-timeout=1.000s>;}"; }
Jan 10 08:15:33 sogod [30355]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x7f77415b98b8[WOWatchDogChild]> FAILURE notifying child 14040

Jan 10 08:23:08 sogod [30360]: [ERROR] 
<0x434BB1B8[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> missing exception record 
for recurrence-id

 2013-01-08 10:00:00 + (uid 33FB-50EAD000-1CB3-72E63A80)
Jan 10 08:27:20 sogod [30360]: [ERROR] 
<0x45068058[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:bennetbs_personal> DAV property 
ver.org/ns/}updated-by' has no matching SQL field, response could be 
Jan 10 08:28:31 sogod [31060]: [ERROR] 
<0x47C9D738[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> DAV property 

av}schedule-tag' has no matching SQL field, response could be incomplete

Jan 10 08:28:52 sogod [31060]: [ERROR] >UIxCalListingActions> event 
'630F-50ED7A80-17-170A45A0.ics' has a computed offset that

 overflows the amount of blocks (skipped)

Jan 10 09:10:22 sogod [15411]: [WARN] 
<0x0x7f5792e91ec8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope 
address: <0x0x7f5792f62b48[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:>
Jan 10 09:10:22 sogod [15411]: [WARN] 
<0x0x7f5792e91ec8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope 
address: <0x0x7f5792f83158[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:>
Jan 10 09:10:22 sogod [15411]: [WARN] 
<0x0x7f5792e91ec8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope 
address: <0x0x7f5792f896c8[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:>
Jan 10 09:10:22 sogod [15411]: [WARN] 
<0x0x7f5792e91ec8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope 
address: <0x0x7f5792f8c5b8[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:>

The following appear to be bugs which I'll put a bug report in :

Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30363]: <0x0x7f77428a7338[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseData]): got content size '0'!
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30363]: <0x0x7f77428a7338[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseBodyContent]): got no data.
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30363]: <0x0x7f77428a7338[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR: got no body content for key: 'body[2.8.1]'
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30363]: [ERROR] 
<0x45A3DF78[SOGoMailObject]:45815> got no data for key: body[2.8.1]
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30363]: [ERROR] UIxMailPartTextViewer got no text 
content: 2.8.1
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30358]: <0x0x7f7742d19408[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseData]): got conte nt size '0'!
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30358]: <0x0x7f7742d19408[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseBodyContent]): got no data.
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30358]: <0x0x7f7742d19408[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR: got no body content for key: 'body[2.8.1]'
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30358]: [ERROR] 
<0x42BFC4C8[SOGoMailObject]:45815> got no data for key: body[2.8.1]
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30358]: [ERROR] UIxMailPartTextViewer got no text 
content: 2.8.1
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30360]: <0x0x7f774740f6c8[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseData]): got content size '0'!
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30360]: <0x0x7f774740f6c8[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseBodyContent]): got no data.
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30360]: <0x0x7f774740f6c8[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR: got no body content for key: 'body[2.26.1]'
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30360]: [ERROR] 
<0x494F7C68[SOGoMailObject]:45814> got no data for key: body[2.26.1]
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30360]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x7f77469d5ae8[UIxMailRenderingContext]> found no viewer for MIME 
type: application/

Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30357]: <0x0x7f774b634328[NGImap4ResponseParser]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseData]): got content size '0'!
Jan 10 08:44:34 sogod [30357]: <0x0x7f774

[SOGo] Migrating SOGo

2013-01-23 Thread Donny Brooks
I am trying to setup a new machine to move our SOGo installation to. I 
am a bit rusty as th elast one I installed from the ground up was way 
back in the early 1.x days. However I have followed the directions and 
installed all the sogo stuff, memcached, sope49-mysql, mysql, etc and 
configured what I can find in the docs. With this move we are also 
moving to our new samba domain so that has changed also. We are doing 
TLS security and I think I have the .GNUstepDefaults configured correctly.

I am able to log in but when I do I get this:

object not found: SOGo => dbrooks

So looking in the logs I see this:

2013-01-23 16:27:25.102 sogod[26569] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
2013-01-23 16:27:25.112 sogod[26569] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
forwardInvocation:]): called selector setObject:forKey: on NSNull !

2013-01-23 16:27:25.112 sogod[26569]   didn't set return value for type 'v'
Jan 23 16:27:25 sogod [26569]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user 
'dbrooks' - expire = -1  grace = -1 - - [23/Jan/2013:16:27:25 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 
200 27/45 0.015 - - 0
2013-01-23 16:27:25.119 sogod[26569] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
2013-01-23 16:27:25.129 sogod[26569] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
forwardInvocation:]): called selector setObject:forKey: on NSNull !

2013-01-23 16:27:25.129 sogod[26569]   didn't set return value for type 'v' - - [23/Jan/2013:16:27:25 GMT] "GET /SOGo/dbrooks HTTP/1.1" 
404 36/0 0.012 - - 8K

Nothing really stands out to me there. Does it look like there is 
something I have missed?

Donny B.


2013-02-04 Thread สมศักดิ์ ลิมาวงษ์ปราณี

I  install SME 8.0 on i386. I install SOGO following 

  I cannot login webmail as
It showed Wrong username or password. 

My SOGO.Log 

Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x95acf4c[SOGoUserManager]> No 
authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check your 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
Feb 03 00:47:53 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] <0x0x93bd694[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> 
failed to acquire channel for URL: (null) 
2013-02-03 00:47:53.641 sogod[3797] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called 
NSNull -count (returns 0) !!! 
localhost - - [03/Feb/2013:00:47:53 GMT] "GET /SOGo/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3808/0 
0.393 11704 67% 3M 
Feb 03 00:48:00 sogod [3797]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for 
language: Thai 
Feb 03 00:48:00 sogod [3797]: SOGoRootPage Login for user 'slvp' might not 
have worked - password policy: 65535  grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0 
localhost - - [03/Feb/2013:00:48:00 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 403 
34/43 0.002 - - 16K 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x948f774[WOWatchDog]> Terminating with 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x949834c[WOWatchDogChild]> sending 
terminate signal to pid 3799 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x9490304[WOWatchDogChild]> sending 
terminate signal to pid 3798 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x9430144[WOWatchDogChild]> sending 
terminate signal to pid 3797 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x948f774[WOWatchDog]> Terminating with 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x9430144[WOWatchDogChild]> child 3797 
Feb 03 00:51:24 sogod [3446]: <0x0x9490

[SOGo] sogo Problem

2013-02-06 Thread radwa.hamed
Hello ,

I have a problem with sogo

when creating an event in a calendar there is an option to send email to
certain person
this email sent is not properly displayed on microsoft outlook client 2007 ,
although it is properly displayed on
microsoft outlook web and thunderbird
I'm not talking about sending email from mail tab nor about integration of sogo
with microsoft outlook
I just use the option of sending email to someone when modifying a certain
calendar , which doesn't need IMAP server but the problem is this mail is not
properly displayed on microsoft outlook client , it is shifted , the title is
to the right then the content to the left with the middle left blank 

thank you, 

[SOGo] sogo logs

2013-03-15 Thread Khapare Joshi
Hi all,

how do I get the information from the sogo.log like this :

once the user is successful login

username, ipaddress (that he is connecting)

What I can get from the log is :

Mar 15 10:40:35 sogod [29587]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user
'baby' - expire = -1  grace = -1
then i get the ipaddress in the second line

Mar 15 10:45:07 sogod [12897]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user
'baby' - expire = -1  grace = -1 - - [15/Mar/2013:10:45:07 GMT] "GET /SOGo/baby HTTP/1.1" 302
0/0 0.003 - - 0

can't I get this users IP address in the same line ?


[SOGo] sogo issue..

2013-05-15 Thread Deepak Kumar

I am able to create users in igestis and Created users is also able to
login in the igestis URL (URL http://myip/igestis) but the main
administrator of the domain is not able to see all the employees record and
the other issue is that Created Users are able to login in igestis URL but
not able to login in the sogo webmail (http://myip/SOGo). When I looked the
sogo logs (/var/log/sogo/sogo.log) it is giving some below mentioned error.

May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f184c1f8a10[SOGoUserManager]>
No authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check
your defaults.
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
(null) - - [15/May/2013:08:27:13 GMT] "GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0
0.208 - - 2M
2013-05-15 08:27:13.626 sogod[1406] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called
NSNull -count (returns 0) !!! - - [15/May/2013:08:27:13 GMT] "GET /SOGo/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3869/0
0.107 11806 67% 1M

And my sogo configuration file is.





Shared Addresses

[SOGo] SOGo update.php

2013-05-29 Thread MyName IsLive
i installed sogo with dovecot on a server and download Thunderbird 17.0.6 ESR. 
i placed updates.php in /var/www and all plugins in same directory as well:
$ls -aln /var/www
-rw-r--r--  1 0 0 2876043 May 29 11:13 lightning-1.9.1.xpi
-rw-r--r--  1 0 0  244911 May 21 11:47 sogo-connector-17.0.5.xpi
-rw-r--r--  1 0 0  155780 May 29 13:48 sogo-integrator-17.0.5.xpi
-rw-r--r--  1 0 02233 May 29 14:37 updates.php

 array( "application" => "thunderbird",
   "version" => "17.0.3",
   "filename" => "sogo-connector-17.0.5.xpi" ),
 => array( "application" => "thunderbird",
   "version" => "17.0.3",
   "filename" => "sogo-integrator-17.0.5.xpi" ),
=> array( "application" => "thunderbird",
   "version" => "1.9.1",
   "filename" => "lightning-1.9.1.xpi" )
= array( "thunderbird" => "{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}
17.*" );
$pluginname = $_GET["plugin"];
$plugin =& $plugins[$pluginname];
$application =& $applications[$plugin["application"]];
if ( $plugin ) {
  $platform = $_GET["platform"];
  if ( $platform
   && file_exists( $platform . "/" . $plugin["filename"] ) ) {
$plugin["filename"] = $platform . "/" . $plugin["filename"];
  elseif ( !file_exists( $plugin["filename"] ) ) {
$plugin = false;
if ( $plugin ) {
  header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
  echo ('' . "\n");









i already modify extionss.rdf :






Should i change "e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103" with sogo integrator's 
id from install.rdf?
Now when im running thunderbird and installing new xpi file i have "Please wait 
while updating the extensions..." i give it long time but nothing changed!!!
Thank you for your helps

Re: [SOGo] Sogo

2013-06-13 Thread Steve Ankeny

For a small accounting office, we find the ZEG ideal!

We asked Inverse to change the domain name (not skilled enough to change 
it ourselves)  Cost was minimal, and we've found the support to be 
excellent!  We have no problems using it with Thunderbird 17ESR

IF you're implementing in a larger environment, you may wish to 

On 06/13/2013 08:32 AM, raymond wrote:

Hi Guys, I got the VM from sogo website with a pre-install sogo setup 
to work on VMplayer, I found that if I user so...@sogo.example.com 
<mailto:so...@sogo.example.com> in outlook then I get the outlook 
disconnected message at the bottom. When I use user no 2 
so...@sogo.example.com <mailto:so...@sogo.example.com> then outlook 
stays connected.

My question.Can the VM be used in a production environment (tweaked of 
course) or is it advisable to start an install from scratch?

Thank you



[SOGo] Sogo login

2013-06-26 Thread Carsten Laun-De Lellis

Hi All 

@Ludovic: After a fresh install I can connect to OpenChange/Sogo with
Outlook (and for me Outlook 2013 works). 

But now I have problems to log on into SOGo. 

I found the following entry in the sogo.log file 

Jun 26 15:36:24 sogod [11519]: <0x0x7f871e447940[LDAPSource]>
 NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind
failed: Invalid credentials (0x31) INFO:{login =
"cn=user,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=net"; }
Jun 26 15:36:24 sogod [11519]: SOGoRootPage Login from ''
for user 'user' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: -1
expire: -1 bound: 0 - - [26/Jun/2013:15:36:24 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect
HTTP/1.1" 403 34/49 0.052 - - 2M 

I don't know what that exactly means and therefor what to do now. 

My GnuStep config is pretty simple at the Moment, because I am building
the System step by step and don't have Setup postfix and dovecot now. So
my GNUstep user config looks like follows. 

 Internal Addresses

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Carsten Laun-De Lellis

Hauptstrasse 13
D-67705 Trippstadt

Phone: +49 6306 992140
Fax: +49 6306 992142
Mobile: +49 151 27530865
email: carsten.delel...@delellis.net

http://www.linkedin.com/in/carstenlaundelellis [1] 

[1] http://www.linkedin.com/in/carstenlaundelellis

[SOGo] Misunderstanding SOGo

2013-07-01 Thread Odhiambo Washington
I have installed SOGo on one of the many FreeBSD boxes that I manage and I
am kinda failing to understand something when it comes to Multi-domains

Here are my clueless moments:

First, my config is availavle here -> http://goo.gl/lpKZk

This is a virtual domains setup, with MySQL. Users authenticate with
username@domain as userid, with their password.

The following parameters confuse the hell out of me:

SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = YES;
SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((domain1,domain2));
SOGoLoginDomains = (domain1,domain1);

(a) Since my users already login with full e-mail address as c_uid, I
suppose SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID is not applicable in my case, right??

(b) SOGoLoginDomains - this gives me a dropdownlist from the login page,
but then I cannot just enter username (without the @domain), as
authentication fails. Is this parameter expected to concat username and
@domain selected from the dropdownlist, or where am I going wrong?

(c) SOGoDomainsVisibility Parameter used to set domains visible among
themselves. For what purpose is this visibility?

When defining specific domains, can I use a shortname to introduce the
domain, much like a placeholder, then define the full domain name in
SOGoMailDomain, like below, or must I use FQDN everywhere?

domains = {
crownkenya = {
SOGoMailDomain = crownkenya.com;


Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

[SOGo] SOGo - ResourceConfiguration

2013-07-03 Thread Odhiambo Washington
I hope I am not pissing off guys on this forum with my myriad questions
about SOGo - having discovered it just the other week after someone
mentioned it on another mailing list.

I realize SOGo is not for FreeBSD, but I have several servers that could do
with such a Groupware and I am learning the curves while playing and
getting stuck.

I just learnt about Resource Configuration from an old thread:

I still don't understand it.

Why do I require this? Can someone please give me a case scenario?

I am using MySQL auth, using a VIEW instead of a standalone database.

Before knowing a use case of Resources, I configured it on my test platform
and promptly got stuck!
I created a user(resource):

| c_uid| c_name| c_cn | mail
  | kind | multiple_bookings |
| ro...@crownkenya.com | Meeting Room1 | ro...@crownkenya.com |
ro...@crownkenya.com | location | 1 |

I then added the following to sogo.conf:

SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles =

I understand that is the ACL required to enable a resource to work.

Under my SOGoUserResourced, I added two parameters:

 MultipleBookingsFieldName = multiple_bookings;
 KindFieldName = kind;

Now, as the Wiki says (remember I still don't quite understand the use case
for this) I logged in and created an event in my Calendar and tried to add
the resource as a participant. The problem is I could NOT save the event!

The following would display in sogo.log:

Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo| lookup name: ro...@crownkenya.com
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   did not find key '
ro...@crownkenya.com' in SoClass: <0x0x298fba84[SoObjCClass]:
super=0x0x298fb704 objc=SOGo
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   looked up value: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   lookup in root object: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   GOT: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo| lookup name: ro...@crownkenya.com
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   did not find key '
ro...@crownkenya.com' in SoClass: <0x0x298fba84[SoObjCClass]:
super=0x0x298fb704 objc=SOGo
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   looked up value: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   lookup in root object: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo|   GOT: (null)
Jul 03 12:28:14 sogod [50769]: |SOGo| request took 0.003298 seconds to
execute - - [03/Jul/2013:12:28:14 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/
404 72/0 0.005 - - -

And I got lost:)

I beg someone familiar with this to explain to me the use case, and why I
am getting stuck.

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

[SOGo] SOGo & Slackware

2013-07-14 Thread tony
I would like to install SOGo on a Slackware server. What is the best way to
proceed ?


Tony Erwood.

[SOGo] Installation Sogo

2013-08-19 Thread Patrick Duarte
Dear Sirs,

I can not finish installing sogo.

I configured authentication with AD, its worked and MYSQL too worked.

Log of the SOGO on start service:

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: <0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog]> Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: <0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild]> sending
terminate signal to pid 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: <0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog]> Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: <0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild]> child 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: <0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog]> all children
exited. We now terminate.

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: version 2.0.7 (build
root@alta-bh-s03201308011850) -- starting

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app
when vmem > 384 MB

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]>
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]>
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog]> listening on

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog]> watchdog process
pid: 3963

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb74b4be0[WOWatchDogChild]> watchdog
request timeout set to 10 minutes

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog]> preparing 1

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: <0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with
pid 3981

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 connection established

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 channel 0x0xb79f2d10 opened

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_user_profile;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981]query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_folder_info;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981]query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.906 sogod[3981]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folder;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.907 sogod[3981]query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Log on open interface web:

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: <0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup
interval set every 300.00 seconds

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: <0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are

2013-08-19 13:16:00.775 sogod[3981] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981]  SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile
WHERE c_uid = 'anonymous';

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981]query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| request took 0.037530 seconds to
execute - - [19/Aug/2013:13:16:00 GMT] "GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0
0.040 - - 2M

2013-08-19 13:16:00.807 sogod[3981] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL encoding in

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.930 sogod[3981] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called
NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo|   constructed root-url: /SOGo/

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo|   setting root-url in context: /SOGo/

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| ROOT baseURL(no container,


[SOGo] SOGo + fail2ban

2013-08-22 Thread Ben
I'm having a problem getting fail2ban working with SOGo. (2.0.7 on 
debian wheezy) There was a thread about this a while ago saying that 
2.0.5 had fixed some logging of sogo for fail2ban to work  -- I'm using 
2.0.7. so I think this is a different issue.

When I use the webmail interface to SOGo and type in the wrong 
username/password, the log file shows:

Aug 21 22:40:04 sogod [13156]: SOGoRootPage Login from '' for 
user 'asdf' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: -1  
expire: -1  bound: 0

The problem is the "Login from" -- for fail2ban, it needs the 
ip on the user connecting, not the localhost ip. But since SOGo is 
access via the local web server and not directly via the client, I'm not 
sure how SOGo can get the ip address.  Does this normally work for other 
people, or am I missing something in how fail2ban gets the information 
it needs. Or is there a trick to looking at the nginx/apache logs?

I don't think this is relevant, but I have configured SOGo to go through 
an imapproxy running on localhost.

Also, does SOGo log login failures over the calDAV / cardDAV interface, 
or just the direct webmail login?



Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Laz Peterson
That's actually a great idea.

Currently, our users are provided with an OpenFire server to use with their 
Spark clients.  (Please see http://www.igniterealtime.org/ for more 

The biggest drawback to this particular chat service (both server and client) 
is that it uses Java.  So, each client takes up ~60MB of RAM for a simple chat 
session.  I would love to see a worthy replacement -- and it would be icing on 
the cake if it was integrated within SOGo.

~ Laz Peterson
Paravis Business Networks

On Oct 1, 2013, at 7:10 AM, Labolinux  wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I installed SOGo with samba4 for authentication part.
> I configured automatic update of Thunderbird plugins,configured
> PHP-Push 2 fr mobile devices and Openchange for MS Outlook users.
> Everything is working well; thanks to the list for helping me to arrive this 
> far.
> Now am wondering; is it possible to add instant messagering(chat) to SOGo?
> Have anyone tried it? What will you advice me if i want to add chat to SOGo?
> Thanks in advance.
> Labolinux
> Aynam Zongo M.
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-10-01 16:10 keltezéssel, Labolinux írta:

Dear friends,

I installed SOGo with samba4 for authentication part.
I configured automatic update of Thunderbird plugins,configured
PHP-Push 2 fr mobile devices and Openchange for MS Outlook users.
Everything is working well; thanks to the list for helping me to 
arrive this far.

Now am wondering; is it possible to add instant messagering(chat) to 
Have anyone tried it? What will you advice me if i want to add chat to 

I've used OpenFire (with MySQL and Samba4 LDAP backend) since 3-4 months 
- It's an XMPP (Jabber) server with Java engine.

Szládovics, Péter

Onlinedemo.HU <http://www.onlinedemo.hu>
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
/Arthur C. Clarke/

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread mourik jan heupink


I've used OpenFire (with MySQL and Samba4 LDAP backend) since 3-4 months
- It's an XMPP (Jabber) server with Java engine.

Does it someway integrate with the sogo web access..?

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-10-01 21:20 keltezéssel, mourik jan heupink írta:


I've used OpenFire (with MySQL and Samba4 LDAP backend) since 3-4 months
- It's an XMPP (Jabber) server with Java engine.

Does it someway integrate with the sogo web access..?

Lot of clients exist for every systems (win/linux/osx/android/bb/ios/etc.).
Why do someone use it through a browser?

Or do you think the sogo maybe set the online status of people to busy 
during the calendar event is processing?

Szládovics, Péter

Onlinedemo.HU <http://www.onlinedemo.hu>
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
/Arthur C. Clarke/

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Luis Angel Fernandez Fernandez
2013/10/1 Szládovics Péter 

> Or do you think the sogo maybe set the online status of people to busy
> during the calendar event is processing?
  A co-worker and I were talking about that today and it seems it would be
a great idea.

Linkedin profile (http://es.linkedin.com/in/lafdez)
G+ profile (https://plus.google.com/u/0/115320207805121303027/about)
Twitter (@lafdez @_lafdez_)
Identi.ca (@lafdez)

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread mourik jan heupink

Well, wouldn't it be nice to have a chat-component within the SOGo web 
access, where people appear 'online' while they are logged in the web 

Lot of clients exist for every systems (win/linux/osx/android/bb/ios/etc.).
I read the OpenFire webpage, yes. But I think it would be nice to 
automatically appear in a chat-window (or opt-out, opt-in, whatever) 
within the sogo web access once you are in the SOGo.


Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-10-01 22:31 keltezéssel, mourik jan heupink írta:

Well, wouldn't it be nice to have a chat-component within the SOGo web 
access, where people appear 'online' while they are logged in the web 

No, it's not a good idea.
Scenario 1:
User logged in SOGo WebUI, but not have XMPP client running.

Scenario 2:
User uses Thunderbird for mail, and never logged in SOGo WebUI.

Lot of clients exist for every systems 
I read the OpenFire webpage, yes. But I think it would be nice to 
automatically appear in a chat-window (or opt-out, opt-in, whatever) 
within the sogo web access once you are in the SOGo.

Scenario 3:
User just logged in to SOGo WebUI _during_ an XMPP conversation.

Believe me, you don't want to handle these situations.

Szládovics, Péter

Onlinedemo.HU <http://www.onlinedemo.hu>
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
/Arthur C. Clarke/

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-01 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-10-01 22:23 keltezéssel, Luis Angel Fernandez Fernandez írta:
2013/10/1 Szládovics Péter <mailto:p...@szladovics.hu>>

Or do you think the sogo maybe set the online status of people to
busy during the calendar event is processing?

  A co-worker and I were talking about that today and it seems it 
would be a great idea.

AFAIK the Microsoft's Lync can do this :) (Of course with Exchange and 
Lync server integration)

Szládovics, Péter

Onlinedemo.HU <http://www.onlinedemo.hu>
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
/Arthur C. Clarke/

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-02 Thread mourik jan heupink

User logged in SOGo WebUI, but not have XMPP client running.
The XMPP client would be embedded in the SOGo browser window, so the 
XMPP client would always run.

Scenario 2:
User uses Thunderbird for mail, and never logged in SOGo WebUI.
Then they would not appear in the "currently online in the SOGo 
webaccess" window. True.

Scenario 3:
User just logged in to SOGo WebUI _during_ an XMPP conversation.

Ok, I'm not an XMPP expert, but I don't see a problem with that.

Believe me, you don't want to handle these situations.

Ok, it was just an idea that popped in my mind, I'm not a programmer :-)


Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-02 Thread BOLLINGH Sebastien
I also think it's a good idea to display the statusconnected or not /away from keyboard / etc.Probably not realy interesting to include an xmpp chat interface in the webmail.Even if using two web interfaces is less easy as Jappix and SOGo webmail.But now with the thunderbird ability of connecting to an xmpp server and modifying to green the bullet in from of the name of a mail sender if it's connected ... it's really interesting for not sending her/him a mail if the content is ephemeral.Very first step in the good way to fighting against not really necessary mails, no ?--BOLLINGH Sébastien Message original ----Sujet: Re: [SOGo] SOGoDate: Mardi 1 Octobre 2013 23:05 CESTDe: Szládovics Péter 2013-10-01 22:23 keltezéssel, Luis Angel Fernandez Fernandez írta:2013/10/1 Szládovics Péter <p...@szladovics.hu>Or do you think the sogo maybe set the online status of people to busy during the calendar event is processing?  A co-worker and I were talking about that today and it seems it would be a great idea. AFAIK the Microsoft's Lync can do this :) (Of course with Exchange and Lync server integration) --Szládovics, PéterOnlinedemo.HUAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.Arthur C. Clarke  

[SOGo] Scripting SOGo

2013-10-02 Thread maillist.peter

I am new to SOGo and one of the things that made me interested was this

SOGo offers DAV access to everything - calendars, addess books and even mails.
This makes the application very scriptable and interoperable with third party

Could someone please point on some documentation/examples of this?

Best regards,
Peter Carlsson

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-02 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 01-10-13 19:10, Laz Peterson schreef:

> The biggest drawback to this particular chat service (both server and
> client) is that it uses Java.  So, each client takes up ~60MB of RAM for
> a simple chat session.  I would love to see a worthy replacement 

I am using Prosody and it's great:

With regards,

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen


Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-03 Thread Laz C. Peterson
That's great!  Thank you Paul.  XMPP too ... That will make for a nice migration!On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 12:01 PDT, Paul van der Vlis  wrote: Op 01-10-13 19:10, Laz Peterson schreef:> The biggest drawback to this particular chat service (both server and> client) is that it uses Java. So, each client takes up ~60MB of RAM for> a simple chat session. I would love to see a worthy replacementI am using Prosody and it's great:http://prosody.im/http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/prosodyWith regards,Paul.--Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningenhttp://www.vandervlis.nl/--users@sogo.nuhttps://inverse.ca/sogo/lists 

Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-03 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 01/10/13 11:10, Labolinux wrote:

Dear friends,

I installed SOGo with samba4 for authentication part.
I configured automatic update of Thunderbird plugins,configured
PHP-Push 2 fr mobile devices and Openchange for MS Outlook users.
Everything is working well; thanks to the list for helping me to 
arrive this far.

Now am wondering; is it possible to add instant messagering(chat) to 
Have anyone tried it? What will you advice me if i want to add chat to 

Thanks in advance.

Aynam Zongo M.

In the past I tried to integrate a xmpp web client in SOGo but without 
success. Chat support is in the roadmap.
You can try to integrate a js client (ie: jappix), but that implies to 
touch the wox templates and the code to obtain the user's credentials to 
authenticate against the xmpp server.



[SOGo] Sogo - Outlook

2013-11-06 Thread Yuriy Makalov
Dear Members of Sogo Community,

i have a question about Sogo settings for Outlook.I can not add my sogo
e-mail account in Outlook.
I become all time the error, that Server is unavailable.
Is it possible to become the information from you, which important settings
I must make and become the success at the end .

Best Regards,
Yuriy M.

[SOGo] Clustering SOGo?

2013-12-04 Thread Martin Rabl


is it possible using two or more instances of SOGo (not workers), 
where every instance runs on an own server, which are accessing to one 
database together?

The idea is running a own SOGo instance in our DMZ so the users can 
read their mail, events etc. from home.

Or should I create a database cluster which replicates to/from the 
master in the intranet?


   Martin Rabl

[SOGo] SOGo / IE7

2014-02-04 Thread Ludovic Marcotte


As some of you might have experienced since v2.1, IE7 is no longer well 
supported. This is due to the fact that we keep up-to-date with CKEditor 
(the HTML editor being used in SOGo) to benefit from new features but 
more importantly, bug fixes.

CKEditor 4.1.3 was the last release to support Internet Explorer 7.

That being said, other parts of SOGo work well with IE7 - even sending 
mails in plain text. It's just the HTML editor that is broken.

What you guys prefer - blocking IE7 from logging in (and suggesting an 
upgrade to IE8+) or you guys dealing with user complaints that the HTML 
editor doesn't work?


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


[SOGo] SOGO died

2014-03-12 Thread Daniele Borini
I've decided to clean up my sogo installation from  openchange issues
because not usefull. 

I did:

Apt-get remove openchange*

Apt-get autoremove

Apt-get clean


After that openchange has been removed but sogo doesn't work anymore. No
error in sogo.log, just this:


Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1576

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1577

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1578

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1579

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1580

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1581

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1582

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1583

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1584

Mar 12 14:56:23 sogod [1518]: <0x0x7f2027e876a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 1585


Trying to connect from web interface or via activesync doesn't produce
output or writes into log. 

It seems sogo's working but it's isolated from the rest of the world.


Do you have some suggestions?

Thanks in advance.



[SOGo] SOGo Update

2014-04-14 Thread Terry Welch
Im currently running version 2.0.5a-1.centos6 and would like to update to 2.2.3-1.centos6. I also run postgresql version 8.4.13-1.el6_3. Ive been told there is a manual or whitepapers on the web with commands or instructions when upgrading to the latest version but I have had no luck finding them. Can anyone tell me or respond with a link if they know where this manual is? Thanks in advance!--Terry L. Welchterry.welch@hmatpa.comNetwork AnalystHMA, LLC.1600 W. Broadway Rd, Suite 300Tempe, -AZ  85282ph:  480-921-8944 x3307NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This message and any attachments contain confidential information belonging to the sender intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be a
 dvised that copying, disclosure or reliance upon the contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error please notify the sender immediately and destroy this message.

[SOGo] Themes SOGo

2014-12-07 Thread FoxNET Info
I return with or downloads Themes SOGo, do you have any links?
Thank you for your help


[SOGo] Debuging SOGo

2014-12-11 Thread Maxime RUBINO

Hi, Ludovic and cie.

I want to debug seriously SOGo with GDB, i try to use, from you'r website :

gdb --args /usr/sbin/sogod -WOUseWatchDog NO -WONoDetach YES -WOPort 2 
-WOWorkersCount 1 -WOLogFile - -WOPidFile /tmp/sogo.pid

but i have issue, if i run GDB command in root :

2014-12-11 08:25:41.242 sogod[31635] Don't run SOGo as root!

[Inferior 1 (process 31635) exited with code 0377]

(gdb) quit

But /etc/default/sogo has been configured to launch with user sogo, ok i 
try another, with a non-root account, same command line :

gdb --args /usr/sbin/sogod -WOUseWatchDog NO -WONoDetach YES -WOPort 2 
-WOWorkersCount 1 -WOLogFile - -WOPidFile /tmp/sogo.pid

Returns :

Dec 11 07:31:06 sogod [31662]: version 2.2.11 (build @shiva.inverse 
201412100209) -- starting

Dec 11 07:31:06 sogod [31662]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when 
vmem > 384 MB

Dec 11 07:31:06 sogod [31662]: <0x0x55a0f778[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo 
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Dec 11 07:31:06 sogod [31662]: <0x0x55a0f778[SOGoProductLoader]>   
AdministrationUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, ActiveSync.SOGo, 
Appointments.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, 
ContactsUI.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo

2014-12-11 07:31:06.627 sogod[31662] No value specified for 'SOGoProfileURL'

Dec 11 07:31:06 sogod [31662]: |SOGo| WOHttpAdaptor listening on address *:2

Dec 11 07:31:16 sogod [31662]: <0x0x55ac9608[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup 
interval set every 300.00 seconds

Dec 11 07:31:16 sogod [31662]: <0x0x55ac9608[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 
'localhost' as server(s)

Dec 11 07:31:16 sogod [31662]: [ERROR] <0x0x55a41318[SOGoUserManager]> No 
authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check your defaults.

Dec 11 07:31:16 sogod [31662]: <0x0x55ac2a88[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]> tried 
wrong password for user 'maxime.rubino'! - - [11/Dec/2014:07:31:16 GMT] "POST 
/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?jQkMBBBfyNwPakAsqacfzLd6jSF6BAADV1A4 HTTP/1.1" 
401 12/35 0.004 - - 256K

Ahem... SOGO don't take my /etc/sogo/sogo.conf and i can't debug.

Do you have an command line to launch sogod with a specified config file ?



[SOGo] sogo-integrator

2015-01-20 Thread fsoyer
Hi there,
I just updated sogo-integrator on our server, modifying the .xpi to automate
the installation of sogo-connector, lightning, contact-tab, dictionnary and
imap-acl, as explained in the document "Sogo Mozilla Thunderbird
It worked some monthes ago with TB 31.0, integrator and connector 31.0.0, and
lightning 2.x.x

For now, with TB 31.3.0 on my xubuntu (exactly an alternative to xubuntu 14.04
called backbox), the installation works fine : my sogo-integrator.xpi seems
correct, it restart TB, install the modules, restart again, and all is ok.
BUT, on a TB 31.4.0 (same OS, but just updated), the integrator restart
Thunderbird but nothing append after, no installation of others modules, no

So my question : Is this a known issue ? Is there somewhere a log for
debugging what append ?

Thanx for all suggestion and help !

Re: [SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-20 Thread jacek burghardt
What Linux will you use. How do you import that many emails?

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015,  wrote:

> I am going to migrate 1000+ accounts to new VM's with Sogo, Dovecot,
> Postfix
> etc...
> Is there a recommended configuration? Such as, to use MySQL or not, which
> services to split up so they are not running on the same VM, etc...
> Thanks for your input,
> Dave
> --
> users@sogo.nu 
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

Join my framily E02705708hn 3032 last name BURGHARDT state is co
Cheapest sprint service only 25 a month.

RE: [SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-20 Thread Dave
I will be using Ubuntu. I am not too worried about the migration. I am capable 
of writing something or whatever has to be done to make that happen. I am more 
concerned about getting an optimal setup to begin with. So what is that optimal 
setup? :)

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: jacek burghardt<mailto:jaceksburgha...@gmail.com>
Sent: ‎1/‎20/‎2015 7:44 PM
To: users@sogo.nu<mailto:users@sogo.nu>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Sogo

What Linux will you use. How do you import that many emails?

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015, mailto:da...@grolen.com>> wrote:
I am going to migrate 1000+ accounts to new VM's with Sogo, Dovecot, Postfix

Is there a recommended configuration? Such as, to use MySQL or not, which
services to split up so they are not running on the same VM, etc...

Thanks for your input,


Join my framily E02705708hn 3032 last name BURGHARDT state is co
Cheapest sprint service only 25 a month.


Re: [SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-20 Thread jacek burghardt
Well I am running arch linux and I had followed this
I am using samba 4.14 as a domain controller. Well you need to setup both

RE: [SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-21 Thread Dave
Thanks for the Docs. This implies PostGRE SQL is mandatory? Or is this just for 
Archlinux and this particular tutorial?

From: users-requ...@sogo.nu on behalf of jacek burghardt
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 10:06 PM
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Sogo

Well I am running arch linux and I had followed this 
I am using samba 4.14 as a domain controller. Well you need to setup both  

Re: [SOGo] Sogo

2015-01-21 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 21/01/2015 06:26, Dave wrote:
Thanks for the Docs. This implies PostGRE SQL is mandatory? Or is this 
just for Archlinux and this particular tutorial?

PostgreSQL isn't mandatory in SOGo. One can use MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle.

Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


[SOGo] sogo login

2015-03-12 Thread Tobias Lindinger

I installed sogo on raspberrypi using raspian/jessie and the precompiled sogo
packages of debian. Installation was not a problem at all, cyrus and postfix
are running as expected. As authentication source I configured a mysql

When ever I try to login via the webinterface I get the error
"An unhandled error occurred."

There are no errors in /var/log/sogo/sogo.log reported: - - [12/Mar/2015:16:41:05 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.0" 403
34/68 0.042 - - 0
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7405]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri '/SOGo/
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7405]: |SOGo| traverse(acquire): SOGo => connect
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7405]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'SOGo'
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7405]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'connect'
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7405]: |SOGo| set clientObject: 
2015-03-12 16:43:59.256 sogod[7164]  SQL: SELECT c_password FROM so
go_view WHERE c_uid = 'tobias';
2015-03-12 16:43:59.258 sogod[7164]query has results, entering
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7164]: <0x0xb72090c8[WOWatchDogChild]> child 7405
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7164]: <0x0xb72090c8[WOWatchDogChild]>  (terminated due
to signal 11)
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [7164]: <0x0xb7176000[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with
pid 16313
2015-03-12 16:43:59.474 sogod[7164] Note: WEResourceManager debugging is
2015-03-12 16:43:59.475 sogod[7164] Note: WEResourceManager component
debugging is enabled.
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [16313]: <0x0xb6d428ec[WEResourceManager]> CHECK: /usr/
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [16313]: <0x0xb6d428ec[WEResourceManager]> CHECK: /usr/
2015-03-12 16:43:59.489 sogod[7164] WebServerResources pathes: ("/var/run/
 "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources", "/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [16313]: <0x0xb6d428ec[WEResourceManager]> CHECK: /usr/
Mar 12 16:43:59 sogod [16313]: <0x0xb6d428ec[WEResourceManager]> CHECK: /usr/
2015-03-12 16:43:59.492 sogod[7164] template pathes: ("/var/run/sogo/GNUstep/
Library/SOGo/Templates", "/usr/local/lib/GN
Ustep/SOGo/Templates", "/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/Templates")
2015-03-12 16:44:00.044 sogod[7164] MySQL4 connection established 0x0xb7283c80
2015-03-12 16:44:00.045 sogod[7164] MySQL4 channel 0x0xb70c87a0 opened
2015-03-12 16:44:00.046 sogod[7164]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo
2015-03-12 16:44:00.048 sogod[7164]query has results, entering
2015-03-12 16:44:00.050 sogod[7164]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo
2015-03-12 16:44:00.052 sogod[7164]query has results, entering
2015-03-12 16:44:00.105 sogod[7164]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo
2015-03-12 16:44:00.107 sogod[7164]query has results, entering
2015-03-12 16:44:00.109 sogod[7164]  SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo
2015-03-12 16:44:00.111 sogod[7164]query has results, entering

however there is a line in /var/log/apache/error.log like this:

[Thu Mar 12 16:43:59.268536 2015] [proxy_http:error] [pid 16187]
(20014)Internal error: [client] AH0
1102: error reading status line from remote server, referer:
[Thu Mar 12 16:43:59.268904 2015] [proxy:error] [pid 16187] [client] AH00898: Error reading from rem
ote server returned by /SOGo/connect, referer:

My sogo config is like this:

SOGoUserSources = (
  type = sql;
  id = directory;
  viewURL = "mysql://sogo:xxx@";
  canAuthenticate = YES;
  isAddressBook = YES;
  userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
  displayName = "MySQL";
SOGoMailDomain = "lindinger-penzberg.de";
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
//SOGoSuperUsernames = (sogo3);

SOGoProfileURL = "mysql://sogo:xxx@";
OCSFolderInfoURL =
OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL =
OCSSessionsFolderURL =

//SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;

[SOGo] Sogo + Fail2ban

2015-06-04 Thread Kamaldeep Singh

Hi All,

I was trying to set up the fail2ban on centos 6 for our SOGO server. I 
have enabled the rule in jail.local file. But it does not block any ip 
if anyone attempt to login with wrong password. Can you help me in that?

Below is the entry of jail.local and filter file.

*-- jail.local*


enabled  = true
filter   = sogo-auth
# without proxy this would be:
# port= 2
action   = iptables-multiport[name=SOGo, port="http,https"]
logpath  = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log


*-- **sogo-auth.conf*

# Fail2ban filter for SOGo authentcation
# Log file usually in /var/log/sogo/sogo.log


failregex = ^ sogod \[\d+\]: SOGoRootPage Login from '' for user 
'.*' might not have worked( - password policy: \d*  grace: -?\d*  
expire: -?\d*  bound: -?\d*)?\s*$

ignoreregex =

# DEV Notes:
# The error log may contain multiple hosts, whereas the first one
# is the client and all others are poxys. We match the first one, only
# Author: Arnd Brandes

Kamaldeep Singh

System Administrator

Direct: +91 124 4548380
Tel: +91 124 4548383 Ext- 1007
UK: +44 845 0047 142 Ext- 5010

TBS Website <http://www.techbluesoftware.co.in>
Techblue Software Pvt. Ltd
The Palms, Plot No 73, Sector 5, IMT Manesar,
Gurgaon- 122050 (Hr.)

www.techbluesoftware.co.in <http://www.techbluesoftware.co.in>

	TBS Facebook 
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TBS Branding <http://www.techbluesoftware.co.in>


[SOGo] Using SOGo

2015-07-21 Thread Ana Sustic | www.ztm.si


I am new to the list and have a question regarding SOGo. 

We are a public institution of 300 mail user and have IMAP/Postfix for
Mail, Roundcube for webmail and are looking forward to an open source
calendaring solution with the option to delegate calendars. Roundcube
claims to have this using its plugins but lately they took away their
calendaring plugin. 

Could we still use Roundcube for the web interface while using SOGo for
the CALDav/CARdav backend component? Does SOGo integrates with

Best regards, 



[SOGo] SoGo + outlook

2015-10-08 Thread Jan Sękara


Is it possible to work with sogo like with Microsoft AD, to have in outlook:


1. Callendars available to everybody

2. Rooms

3. Connection to LDAP, so all users by default would see others callendars
(without details) 

4. Address book etc.


Is there a manual? Or maybe there are people here that can do it for us?




Best regards,


Jan Sękara  [jan.sek...@smart4aviation.aero]

Integration Manager



[SOGo] SOGo Configuration

2015-11-02 Thread cc.wang
Hi, I'm trying to install and config SOGo for test purpose,
but I have no ideas how to configure SOGo to make it work properly.
I had installed postfix and dovecot with AD integrated and make them work
properly, but I don't know how to config SOGo to use global address book,
calendar and webmail function.
Is there any step by step configuration guide for a newbie to follow up?
Thanks in advance.

[SOGo] Sogo 3.0.1

2016-02-08 Thread Alessandro Briosi
Hi all,
I have installed a parallel 3.0.1 server to my master mail server (which
is still serving the 2.3.7a version)

It's and OpenVZ server with Centos 7 64bit

I have copied the sogo.conf file over, changed the server ip from
localhost to the correct ip of the other server.

Changed the mysql access so the remote server can correctly access the
sogo database.
Ldap is accessible from the other server too.

Now, I'm able to log into the 3.0.1 version. I see the subscribed
calendars list on the left side, but no appointment appears on the right
If I create a new appointment it simply does not show, neither on the 3
nor in the 2 version. (The 2 version is working fine)
When accessing the mail function a blank page appears.

I have enabled debug and see an error

I think the problem is in the fact that the folders or other things map
to "mysql://localhost/" inside the database table of the folders or so

I saw it was mentioned before to dump the configuration and restore it
with the name changed to something like an alias (i.e. sogohost)
and then use the hosts file to map to the correct IP (or a DNS could
work too)

Now, as I never done this before, would a sogo-tool dump and restore
change the pointers only on the new folder location, or would it do
something else ? (changing obviously all the references in the sogo.conf) ?

Or should simply a database query on the sogo_folder_info be enough?

UPDATE sogo_folder_info
   SET c_location=REPLACE(c_location, '@localhost:3306', '@sogohost:3306'),
   c_quick_location=REPLACE(c_quick_location, '@localhost:3306',
   c_acl_location=REPLACE(c_acl_location, '@localhost:3306',

Please note that I see something like
in the values with the user, password, and database correcly set





2010-05-12 Thread Mark Madere

I am part of small but hopefully growing number of SOGo + JAMM hosting
providers.  I want to integrate the two as much as possible.  My team is
currently designing ways to automate updates to .GNUstepDefaults when
changes occur to domains in JAMM.  We have a few questions about what we
can do from the SOGo side working towards JAMM or other LDAP based mail

A: Is it possible to edit LDAP address book entries from SOGoUserSources?

B: Is it possible to add a new tab in the address book entries for JAMM
or other mail manager fields?

C: Is it possible to build an extension for SOGo to do A and B?


[SOGo] SOGo translation

2010-05-22 Thread Oleksa Stasevych

Dear friends,

I have prepared the translation of SOGo in my native language - 
Ukrainian, and sent it 2 days ago at supp...@inverse.ca, as it's stated 
in the FAQ.

However I haven't received any confirmation, does that email address valid?

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Oleksiy Stasevych

[SOGo] SOGo 1.3.2

2010-08-26 Thread Dominique Gagnon

I will need multi-accounts support soon but I would prefer to stick to
official releases so I would like to know the approximative launch date
for SOGo 1.3.2. Since there's no roadmap yet for 1.3.2 in the BTS,
Should I expect at least a month before next release?


Dominique Gagnon

[SOGo] sogo 1.32

2010-09-24 Thread Daniel Müller
Hello to all,

I installed the latest nightly build, (yum installed sogo 1.32 packages...)and 
checking the abot button gabe me 1.31??
Do I have to do something special to be on 1.32?

GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 Euro/mtl.!*

[SOGo] Android + SOGo

2010-09-28 Thread Paolo Ghidini
 Hi all, i synced succesfully my HTC Hero's calendar with SOGo using
CalDAV sync but i have a problem with contacts, or i don't understand
the process very well.
I have a addressbook with 200 contacts on SOGo and i see all contacts in
thunerdbird with the SOGO extensions.
But if i try to sync the phone with SOGo using funambol, i only send the
phone's contact to funambol ds web interface but i don't get/send  SOGo
Someone can help me or explain better the process?
Thanks a lot



[SOGo] SOGo & Blackberry

2010-09-30 Thread Ernesto Revilla Derksen

Just two simple questions:
- The recommended way to sync calendar data BB <-> SOGO is using the
Funambol client for BB?

- OT: What do people use to have standard IMAP mail in their BB?
 (There is plugin for BES called Atlas and developed here in Spain by
GMV for Vodafone, but I'm curious if there are other alternatives.)


[SOGo] SOGo Crash

2010-10-07 Thread Mailing pigna
Hi all.

I upgraded SOGo to version 1.3.2 and everything seems to go well, but
on some clients i noticed a big slowdown and in some cases TB freezes
(especially when start it).

My config is:
SOGo 1.3.2 with Mysql
Integrator 0.11
Connector 0.11
Lightning 0.11

On the sogo.log i see this messages:

sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: [ERROR] <0x0x979d5b8[WOWatchDogChild]>
socket:  receive-timeout=1.000s>
sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: <0x0x979d5b8[WOWatchDogChild]> sending
terminate signal to pid 28353
sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: [ERROR] <0x0x979d5b8[WOWatchDogChild]>
FAILURE notifying child 28353
sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: <0x0x979d5b8[WOWatchDogChild]> sending
terminate signal to pid 28353
 sogod: SOGo watchdog [28353]: [ERROR] <0x0x977ed98[WOHttpAdaptor]>
http server caught: 
NAME:NGCouldNotAcceptException REASON:Could not accept: not a valid
socket descriptor INFO:(nil)
sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: <0x0x979d5b8[WOWatchDogChild]> child 28353 exited
sogod: SOGo watchdog [23944]: <0x0x9780d80[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 28566
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: <0x0x98e2080[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/SOGo':
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: <0x0x98e2080[SOGoProductLoader]>
Appointments.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo,
MailPartViewers.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: |SOGo| version 1.3.2 (build
r...@vizzini.inverse.ca 201009211120)  -- starting
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: |SOGo| vmem size check enabled: shutting
down app when vmem > 384 MB
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: <0x0x99b54c8[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup
interval set every 300.00 seconds
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: <0x0x99b54c8[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: [WARN]
<0x0x9abaa88[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write' al ready
exists in DAV permissions table
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: [WARN]
<0x0x9abaa88[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-properties'
already exists in DAV permissions table
sogod: SOGo watchdog [28566]: [WARN]
<0x0x9abaa88[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-content'
already exists in DAV permissions table

Thanks for any advice!


[SOGo] sogo-tmpwatch

2011-01-14 Thread Ryan Evans
I noticed that this runs daily in the cron, it seems to remove the 
directory /var/spool/sogo every day, and if sogo ever needs to be 
restarted it baulks and says no /var/spool/sogo directory and we have to 
create it  is it normal for this directory to be removed?

contents of sogo-tmpwatch:


/usr/sbin/tmpwatch 24 "$SOGOSPOOL"
find "$SOGOSPOOL" -type d -empty -exec /bin/rmdir -p {} \; 2> /dev/null



Ryan Evans
Systems Administrator
Gulf Interstate Engineering Company
16010 Barkers Point Lane, Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77079-9000 USA
Office: 713-850-3604
Cell: 281-413-2900 

Privileged, Proprietary and/or Confidential Information may be contained in
this electronic message.  If you are not the intended recipient, you should
not copy it, re-transmit it, use it or disclose its contents, but should
kindly return to the sender immediately and delete your copy from your system.
Gulf Interstate Engineering Company does not accept responsibility for
changes made to this electronic message or its attachments. 


[SOGo] Sogo Backup

2011-02-14 Thread Dominique


I am using a very simple SOGo setup with no LDAP, everything in MySql. 
Great, but if I want to backup my users accounts, what do I have to 
backup? Only the MySQL stuff (and my GNUStep config file), or is there 
anything else I need to be able to restore a failing system (just in case).



[SOGo] sogo-tool

2011-02-15 Thread Jakob Lenfers
Hey guys,

still having problems (<4d526f36.6000...@bigsss-bremen.de>), but I'm
trying to check if a clean installation can help. I always wanted away
from the rpms and since there are good debs out there now (thanks!) I
set up a sogo server on ubuntu 10.04. I copied the sogo config (and
changed it to work with mysql) and wanted to migrate the user data with
sogo-tool: sogo-tool backup migration/ ALL

This generally works, but throws occasionally errors like those two:

<0x0x9a4ea50[SOGoCache]> an error occurred when caching value for key
'Domain Computers@localhost+attributes': "CLIENT ERROR"

<0x0xa013ab8[GSCBufferString]> json parser: Object key string expected
<0x0xa013ab8[GSCBufferString]> original string is: {
Calendar = {

Do I need to worry? Or is all the data backed up now?


[SOGo] SOGO-Tool

2011-02-27 Thread Dominique


I must be tired, but I can seen to have the sogo-tool working. I have 
simple setup my cyrus and mysql on Ubuntu server 10.04 x64. All works 
fine. I just want to be able to do a backup of all config and users 
files. I read sogo-tool  was the way. OK.

But where is it? and what are the parameters because I can't seen to 
find anything tonight.

If I try sogo-tool backup /ALL, I get:
2011-02-27 22:24:16.055 sogo-tool[6222] No LDAP source is configured in 
the SOGo configuration of this account. Please make sure to use this 
tool under the same username as SOGo.
which does not surprise me since I have no LDAP configured... But where 
do I configure SOGO-tool?



[SOGo] SOGo + Funambol

2011-03-18 Thread Dominique


I've got Sogo happily running for a while now and I was trying to add 
Funambol. Install went OK, so did the setup through the admin program.

In order to test it, I installed a Thunderbird client before trying to 
roll it out to mobile clients.
After configuring the client with the appropriate URL and changing the 
data sources.
I do not have a user create in Funambol as I modified the Officer use 
the one mentioned in the manual (i.e. sogoofficer).
When trying to connect, I receive a connection error (check url, user 
name and password ).

From the log, URL does not seem to be the problem.
So here goes the questions:
1. I connect to SOGo with a username without domain. Do I have to use 
that one or the full user name with FQDN?
2. No users are created in Funambol. Do I have to create one anyway, and 
does it have to include the FQDN ? And how to I activate the sogoofficer 
to update Funambol for the existing sogo users ?

I suppose simple stuff for the one that already hit the snag...

Thanks for the help,


[SOGo] SOGo database

2011-04-20 Thread dkillen
I was wondering about the structure of SOGo's database. I am using MySQL, not
that it is probably all that relevant to this question. Each user appears to
have many tables generated for it. I was wondering if there is a finite set of
tables that a single user is likely to have, or are these generated tables
going to continue to grow in number? At the moment the database looks like it
might become large and unwieldy if there were many users with many tables.



[SOGo] Sogo instances

2011-06-03 Thread Asai
Hi, how many instances of SOGo should be running at one time? Is it 
normal for it to be running 2 instances of Sogo with the same pid file?

[root@triata ~]# ps -ef | grep sogo
sogo  1667 1 10 14:39 ?00:00:00 
/usr/GNUstep/System/Tools/Admin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 1 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
sogo  1668  1667  2 14:39 ?00:00:00 
/usr/GNUstep/System/Tools/Admin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 1 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log

root  1670 21796  0 14:39 pts/000:00:00 grep sogo


Internet Application Development
IT and Networking Services

[SOGo] Cluster SOGo

2011-11-10 Thread varon david
I want to make a SOGO's cluster of 3 members (or more) and with a C.A.S 
authentication !

Is it possible ? Is SOGo capable of sharing an unique cas server for 
multiple sogo members ?


VARON david

[SOGo] SOGo authentication

2011-11-19 Thread Vincent--
Dear all,

I've recently installed SOGo on CentOS 5, following the guide from sogo.nu, 
but I keep on getting the same error: "An unhandled error occurred." with the 
web interface. I think the key line in the log is:

EXCEPTION:  NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException 
REASON:GSCInlineString(instance) does not recognize count INFO:(null)

I've included  a selection from my logs from start-up to error. Looking at my 
mysql-log, I can see that at start-up three queries are done, so a connection 
to mysql is possible and seems to work. An actual query in order to try to 
authenticate the log-in is not done.
Checking for this error keeps on getting back to LDAP-errors. However, I 
really only want to use mysql, because I have no experience with LDAP and 
already have a working mailserver, which authenticates through mysql.
I've installed the following packages:
sogo.i386   1.3.9-2.el5
sope49-appserver.i386   4.9-20111029_1664.el5.1
sope49-cards.i386   1.3.9-2.el5
sope49-gdl1-contentstore.i386   1.3.9-2.el5
sope49-gdl1-mysql.i386  4.9-20111029_1664.el5.1
sope49-sbjson.i386  2.3.1-20111029_1664.el5.1
sope49-xml.i386 4.9-20111029_1664.el5.1

I've attached my GUStepDefaults, a log of all (3) queries and a snippet of the 
sogo log between restart and failure. I hope you can help me solve this issue.

Thanks in advance,


https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists19 15:00:44  21 Connect mailuser@localhost on mailserver 
 21 Query   SET CHARACTER SET utf8   
 21 Query   SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_profile_folder 
 21 Query   SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_folder_info
 21 Query   SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folderNov 20 00:00:39 sogod [5720]: <0x0x9c063fc[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 5721  
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5721]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri '/SOGo/connect'   
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5721]: <0x0x9c33624[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.00 seconds   
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5721]: <0x0x9c33624[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
2011-11-20 00:00:43.215 sogod[5721] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is enabled! 
2011-11-20 00:00:43.215 sogod[5721] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is enabled!   
2011-11-20 00:00:43.215 sogod[5721] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are enabled.  
2011-11-20 00:00:43.226 sogod[5721] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on. 
2011-11-20 00:00:43.226 sogod[5721] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on. 
EXCEPTION:  NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:GSCInlineString(instance) does not recognize count INFO:(null)
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5720]: <0x0x9c4d1f4[WOWatchDogChild]> child 5721 exited   
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5720]: <0x0x9c4d1f4[WOWatchDogChild]>  (terminated due to signal 6)   
Nov 20 00:00:43 sogod [5720]: <0x0x9c4d1f4[WOWatchDogChild]> avoiding to respawn child before 2011-11-20 00:00:44 +0100  
Nov 20 00:00:44 sogod [5720]: <0x0x9c063fc[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 5723  
2011-11-20 00:00:44.277 sogod[5723] MySQL4 connection established 0x0x9a76e30
2011-11-20 00:00:44.277 sogod[5723] MySQL4 channel 0x0x9a4aff4 opened (connection=0x0

[SOGo] SOGo Multidomain

2011-11-24 Thread Hendrik Nitsche
Hello everybody,

I've a problem with SOGo. I'd like to administrate more than one domain.
Because of this issue, I read the official documentation:
http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Installation%20Guide%201.3.8.pdf (at
page 33 in PDF). A few pages up is described that this configuration has to
be placed in ~/GNUStep/Defaults/.
GNUstepDefaults . As you can see in the documentation the configuration has
a serialized property list format, but the pre-set config-file is obviously
in xml-format. In my opinion that's a discrepance and it confuses me.
Anyway I put all the stuff I found in the docu to the config-file. After
this I execute the command:

defaults read sogod something

and as a result the config-file was "translated" to xml.
I would like to understand what was happening and finaly I try to find an
easy way to administrate multible domains whit SOGo primarily by using the
frontend (if possible).
I hope someone can help me.

Thank you
Hendrik Nitsche


[SOGo] sogo-tool

2011-12-19 Thread Dominique


I've been looking for some sogo-tool documentation because the 'help' 
info is kind of scarce.
I have sogo install through apt-get (Ubuntu) and did not use sogo-tool 
so far, but simply typing sogo-tool in the console returns an error:

<0x0xa5e8c0[SOGoStartupLogger]> No configuration found. SOGo will not 
work properly.
2011-12-19 17:48:06.930 sogo-tool[4503] ERROR(+[GCSFolderManager 
defaultFolderManager]): default 'OCSFolderInfoURL' is not configured.

Since it is the result of an automated install I have no clue where to 
look for a config file specific for sogo-tool. The one for sogo is at 
its usual place and sogo works well.

Any hint welcome.



[SOGo] Sogo nightly

2012-01-04 Thread rpenny
Hello, there does not seem to be any sogo.* rpms in the RHEL6 nightly repo, I
have checked both i366 & x86_64

could you please fix this?


[SOGo] Starting SOGo

2016-05-08 Thread Odhiambo Washington
I just can't manage to start the server, plus it doesn't write to the
logfile any debug info.
I am pretty much using the sogo.conf from 2.0.7 which seems not to have any
differences from the sample one for 3.0.2

root@gw:/usr/local/etc/sogo # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sogod start
Starting sogod.
Loading two versions of Object.  The class that will be used is undefined
Loading two versions of Protocol.  The class that will be used is undefined

I cannot make heads or tails of the message, even by googling...

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft."

[SOGo] SOGo - Customize

2017-01-06 Thread Alan Oliveira


I am need to change the Logo and Color theme in the login page for example.

Were you able to make these changes?If yes, can you detail how i can do 
this? Thank you.

Sogo Version: 3.2.4


[SOGo] SOGo resources

2017-02-05 Thread Gerald Brandt


I have SOGo running against Active Directory (details below*). Is it 
possible to have resources (meeting rooms, etc) in the local MySQL 
database while users and groups are in AD? I'm not super comfortable 
with modifying my schema.


* I run Univention as my AD, and NethServer as my SOGo. It works quite well.


[SOGo] Sogo 3.1.4

2017-04-20 Thread Lawrence Haw


I have two questions:

1. On this version of sogo I do not seem to be able to find the option 
to change calendar color - I've got a very old version of sogo running 
2.1 and under preferences calendar options it is present there, but on 
this one it seems not to be - is there something I need to turn on 
2. When I add an image as a signature by copy and paste - this works, 
and the preferences save perfectly, and the new mail I create has it - 
log out log back in 10 minutes later and it's gone signature is blank - 
any Ideas here ?

Thank you very much for any help.




Lawrence Haw
Commercial Internet Solutions
Tel: 087 357 6450
Cel: 082 793 6386
Web: www.cis.za.net


[SOGo] Docker Sogo

2017-05-03 Thread Catarina Loureiro
Hey, i would appreciate if you could help me.

Im in my internship and this is a company that they have their own system
operative in Debian Wheezy 7.7. I installed already docker, i already pull
the image but now i cant put this work.

I would like to know how i should procede and if you could help me
implement this new groupware on the company.


[SOGo] Theming SOGO

2017-09-13 Thread Jay Lepore


I am using Sogo 3.2.1 and was wondering if there was a way for me to 
control the colors used by Sogo ie; modify the bright green to something 
of our preference ?

What sayeth the group ?


[SOGo] Training SOGo

2018-03-13 Thread Hugues Fontaine

Any training to SOGo exists ? Where and how ?
Thank you for your experience.

Analyste, Administrateur.


[SOGo] SOGo Features

2018-07-06 Thread "ad...@proxmox.by"

I have a few questions for SOGo developers:

1) Do you plan to create your email client for mobile devices? (Android
/ iOS)
2) Is it possible for the web part to add the support for 2FA (TOTP),
U2F? (but without violating the work of ActiveSync)
3) At the moment there exist some noticeable email providers with their
solutions and innovations, such as protonmail and tutanota, new mobile
messenger deltachat which offer end-to-end encryption based on pgp (with
automatic key generation or manual mode as it does roundcube and the
plugin enigmail), push notification and other useful options.

Can we expect similar features from SOGo? If so, how long should we wait
for novelties?

Best wishes! Thank you in advance!


[SOGo] SOGo theming

2018-11-27 Thread Peter


I'm trying to follow the procedure from here:


I have Sogo 4.0.2 installed.

I defined three new themes in theme.js and I replaced theme-default.css.

I see in the log that my browser downloaded theme.js and 
theme-default.css, but I don't see any difference with the default theme 
(but I should). I attached theme.js to this mail (as theme.txt).

What am I doing wrong? How can I debug this issue?

Best regards,

https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

(function() {
  'use strict';


   * @ngInject
  configure.$inject = ['$mdThemingProvider'];
  function configure($mdThemingProvider) {

 * Define a new palette or choose any of the default palettes:
 * https://material.io/guidelines/style/color.html#color-color-palette
    // $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-paper', {
//   '50': 'fcf7f8',
//   '100': 'f7f1dc',
//   '200': 'ede5ca',
//   '300': 'e6d8ba',
//   '400': 'e2d2a3',
//   '500': 'd6c48d',
//   '600': 'baa870',
//   '700': '857545',
//   '800': '524517',
//   '900': '433809',
//   '1000': '00',
//   'A100': 'ff',
//   'A200': 'ee',
//   'A400': 'bdbdbd',
//   'A700': '616161',
//   'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
//   'contrastLightColors': ['800', '900']
// });

 * Overwrite the default theme
$mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-paper', {
  '50': 'fcf7f8',
  '100': 'f7f1dc',
  '200': 'ede5ca',
  '300': 'e6d8ba',
  '400': 'e2d2a3',
  '500': 'd6c48d',
  '600': 'baa870', // busy periods in attendees editor
  '700': '857545',
  '800': '524517',
  '900': '433809',
  '1000': '00',
  'A100': 'ff',
  'A200': 'ee',
  'A400': 'bdbdbd',
  'A700': '616161',
  'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
  'contrastLightColors': ['800', '900']

$mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-background', {

$mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-gray', {
  '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor

$mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-black', {
  '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor

//var greyMap = $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('grey', {
//  '600': '00b0c0', // used when highlighting text in md-autocomplete,
//  '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor

//$mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-grey', greyMap);

  .primaryPalette('sogo-gray', {
"default":"900",   // top toolbar
"hue-2":"900", // sidebar toolbar
  .accentPalette('sogo-black', {
"default":"900",   // fab buttons
"hue-1":"500", // center list toolbar
  .backgroundPalette('sogo-background', {
"default":"900",   // center list background


[SOGo] SOGO upgrade

2019-04-04 Thread yacin Djibril
could you please help me  how to upgrade sogo from 3.2.6 to 4.0?
ican't find documentation related to this.

Ps: SoGo is installed in Yunohost


[SOGo] SOGo iframable?

2020-03-15 Thread Jore
Hi all,

I just want to confirm if SOGo iframable or not?

The situation is that I'm trying to add https://webmail.gandi.net/SOGo/
as an External Site in Nextcloud. SOGo login appears fine when opening
it as an external site, but upon submitting the form to login, errors
about cookies:

"You cannot login because your browser's cookies are disabled. Please
enable cookies in your browser's settings and try again."

I submitted a ticket to Nextcloud team just to check this out, but
they've claimed it has something to do with iframing.


What do you think?

Thank you,


[SOGo] Sogo scalability

2020-08-06 Thread Marco


 I read that SOGo can manage at least 25000 mailboxes and more. But I 
don't understand how to setup the hosts through an high availability 

At the moment I have about 2 mailboxes accessed through IMAP. Many 
mailboxes are large (over 10GB) and very intensively accessed. They are 
highly accessed through ActiveSynch too, so I'll setup a separate 
installation for this protocol, as suggested on SOGo site.

I wonder how many mailboxes can manage a single SOGo host.
I would like to know if an IMAP session must stay on a single host, or 
if it can land on a random balanced host.
For instance, I remember that Horde can have multiple hosts equally 
configured with the same DB (in particular one session table). So it's 
not important what balanced host a client contacts: even in the same 
IMAP session the host can change.

I would like to know if you have some hints or best practices how to 
configure SOGo in a large environment. For instance, a typical resource 
allocation (CPU, RAM) for a single host.

Let suppose to choose a MySQL DB. Reading at the manual, it seems the DB 
is a system global configuration. Can a single DB manage over 2 

Thank you very much for every hints.



[SOGo] SOGO Clalenders

2020-08-10 Thread William Bowden
I have a client running the latest SOGO on the web interface they have all 
their calendars on there client software Apple Calendar they
See all their calendars but on iPhone just the personal one
Any ideas
Also used Exchange to install it on phone

William Bowden | JMRIT Consultants
Consultant Engineer

m:07525 645105 | e:will...@jmrit.co.uk

[SOGo] SOGo grokking

2021-04-23 Thread Odhiambo Washington
A brand new server, SOGO-5.0.1 groks badly:


Might someone be able to figure out what is going on?

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)

[SOGo] Sogo account

2021-06-02 Thread Savannah Oliver
Hello, I have a student account for Luzerne County Community College and I
accidentally signed up for the 2sv with google authenticator but it never
asked me to set anything else up. So now when I try to sign in it's asking
for the 6-didgit code from the Google Authenticator app, but I don't have
one because I never set my email up with it. Am I able to get back into my

[SOGo] SOGo segfault

2021-08-09 Thread "frm"

If I bring my server down (Debian buster) with sogo I get
the following:
[   94.788600] sogod[1134]: segfault at 7ffde6dafa93 ip 7fce69c19820 sp
7ffd66daf9a8 error 4
[   94.788603] sogod[1139]: segfault at 7ffde6dafa93 ip 7fce69c19820 sp
7ffd66daf9a8 error 4
[   94.788607]  in libc-2.28.so[7fce69adf000+148000]

Any ideas?


-- Jaap


[SOGo] sogo url

2022-01-13 Thread raed abu
hello sogo
i am using sogo 5.4
how can i change url from https://ip/SOGo to only  http://ip

[SOGo] kerberos sogo

2022-10-20 Thread mich


Is this solution "kerberos sogo" still actuality?


Is also if it works online and not locally is there any documentation on the 



[SOGo] Theme sogo

2023-01-12 Thread "Support FoxNet"


I know if this question has already been asked, but there are sogo themes?


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