2012-01-11 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

we have seen a recent upsurge in SPAM and would like to ask the community for 
recommendations on both free and commercial RBL offerings. We are currently 


Plus the standard ones that are checked with SpamAssassin. We are also about to 
trial Invaluement. 

Any help is gratefully appreciated. 

Thanks, Phil 

Re: [OT] RBLs

2012-01-11 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
The type of SPAM we are seeing is where legit companies are having their 
adverts cloned and the hyperlinks changed to spammy sites. Bayes is being 
by-passed due to the content looking valid so it is coming down to the IPs and 
domains. Had one yesterday where at 06:39 it was received by one of our clients 
and at 06:42 it appeared on one of the RBLs.  I am guessing that it must have 
been a huge spam mailing that hit a lot of honeypots and people all at once. 
Downside is not a happy client ;(
Thanks, Phil

- Original Message -
 Am 11.01.2012 12:28, schrieb --[ UxBoD ]--:
  we have seen a recent upsurge in SPAM and would like to ask the
  community for recommendations on both free and commercial RBL
  We are currently using:
 never used this
  Plus the standard ones that are checked with SpamAssassin. We are
  about to trial Invaluement.
  Any help is gratefully appreciated.
  Thanks, Phil
 beside spamassassin
 i use this rbls with postfix
 reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org,
 reject_rbl_client ix.dnsbl.manitu.net
 mostly in with some selective
 setup, clamav milter with sanesecurity, greylist, and some postscreen
 ix.dnsbl.manitu.net perhaps is more in interest for german/euro
 that was enough ever, for most global spam, for sure
 you need analyse your logs an make special setups related to ips
 ,domains etc sometimes
 Best Regards
 MfG Robert Schetterer

Re: [OT] was SORBS

2010-05-02 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

- Original Message -
 On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 16:50 +0100, Nigel Frankcom wrote:
  We're on a BT only exchange here so it's them or nothing, well not
  quite, I could go CoLo... hmmm maybe not, or satellite, I was
  involved in setting that up in Cyprus.
 Is there such a thing? I appreciate many are not unbundled, but the
 BTW agreement means you should have no problems getting a wires-only
 with someone like Zen, IDNET or Newnet. Believe me, the service just
 pee's over BT.

I was with IDNET and they were awesome. Only reason why I moved to Xilo was to 
lower my monthly costs. CW unbundled has been really good.  If cost is not a 
factor I would always recommend IDNET over anybody else!  They do still manage 
my BT line :)
Thanks, Phil

Re: Increase in image/zip spam?

2010-04-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Original Message -
 Just wondering if others are also seeing an increase in image spam in
 the last week or so, some of which contain zip attachments? The body
 contains random bayes killer? text with an image or zip attachment.
 I can't otherwise find something to trigger on to block them reliably
 and bayes doesn't seem to be doing it for me...
 Any ideas greatly appreciated!
 Thanks, Alex
Appears to hit a few RBLs:

Content analysis details:   (7.2 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
-0.0 BAYES_20

Thanks, Phil

Re: The Impossible Rule??? Bug???

2010-03-23 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- corpus.defero corpus.def...@idnet.com wrote:

 I was looking at a piece of irritating pill spam this morning
 ((http://pastebin.com/qzj83QKq)) and noticed this in the body, just
 after a random excerpt from chapter 58 of 'The Awakening':
 Content-Type: image/bmp; name=transistor.jpg
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Disposition: inline
 Having some time to play I was interested to see a slight mismatch
 in the content type. Claims to be a bmp, but has a .jpg extension.
 Feeling it was worthy of a couple of points (it scored 0 when it
 arrived) I tried to create a custom rule for it. 
 Being in the body of the message I thought that 'rawbody' would be a
 good starting point but neither:
 rawbody RB_MFT01 /Content\-Type: image\/bmp(.{1,30})\.jpg/i
 score RB_MFT01 3.0
 rawbody RB_MFT01 /Content\-Type: image\/bmp/i
 score RB_MFT01 3.0
 Would catch on it.
 Examples found on the 'Content-Type' suggested it was a header, but
 stripping it back to:
 header HD_MFT01 Content-Type =~ /image\/bmp;/
 Would not catch on it.
 Google seemed to offer no clues other than a few suggestions for
 attachment filtering hacks and plugins, but they did not appear to
 the match (bmp but .jpg) that I was looking to achieve.
 Is this something that can't be done with Spamassassin? Is it an
 'impossible rule'? Is it a bug? The documentation is not giving me
 obvious tips on this?

I use this one :-

mimeheader __ANY_IMAGE_ATTACHContent-Type =~ /image\/(?:gif|jpe?g|png|bmp)/
mimeheader MIME_IMAGE_JPGContent-Type =~ /image\/jpg/
describe   MIME_IMAGE_JPGContains wrong MIME type image\/jpg
score  MIME_IMAGE_JPG1.0

Thanks, Phil

Re: MTX plugin functionally complete? Re: Spam filtering similar to SPF, less breakage

2010-02-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Per Jessen p...@computer.org wrote:

 Jonas Eckerman wrote:
  (And of course, if this catches on, you'll have to provide RFC
 See Justins posting from two days back:
 That proposal does not appear to have caught a lot of interest in
 2004/2005, but perhaps it might now.
 /Per Jessen, Zürich

Personally I think it is a great idea and anything to help combat the spam is 
always a worthwhile effort.  Is it possible to resurrect that proposal and 
worth with the original authors and perhaps combine the efforts ?

Anybody who takes time to come up with ideas like this deserves the support of 
the community.

I am all for helping, where I can, to take this forward.

Thanks, Phil

Re: MTX plugin created (Re: Spam filtering similar to SPF, less breakage)

2010-02-11 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- dar...@chaosreigns.com wrote:

 Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want,
 and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken

Like the simplicity and it does appear to be a great idea.  Why do you believe 
SPF or DKIM generate breakage ?
Thanks, Phil

Re: [OT?] Web Form Spam

2010-01-29 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

- te...@cnysupport.com wrote:

 I've recently started receiving web form spam, but I'm not quite  
 sure what to make of it.
 My websites contains a couple of support request forms that ask for  
 minimal information (business name, name, phone, problem, email  
 Recently, I've started receiving forms that contain random keyboard  
 letters that look like they were typed by a person (in keyboard order 
 like asdfghjk) and contain nothing valid except possibly the email 
 The IP addresses are all from outside my country, so it's not possible
 they're legitimate.
 Normally I wouldn't care about a few spams, but these create an  
 emergency support ticket which means that someone gets paged in the  
 middle of the night.
 I just implemented a Country IP verification on the form handler to  
 stop this, however I'm really puzzled why anybody would bother to fill
 out the form with random data in the first place.
 Anybody have any ideas what anybody would hope to accomplish with
Bayes poisoning ? Do you not have any sort of human verification on the form 
Thanks, Phil

Re: pill image spam learns to walk

2010-01-11 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Mike Cardwell spamassassin-us...@lists.grepular.com wrote:

| On 11/01/2010 10:22, Jason Haar wrote:
|  Hi there
|  We've been getting a few of these leaking through in the past couple
| of
|  weeks.
|  http://pastebin.com/m574da717
|  They aren't triggering (enough) network rule matches, contain a
|  bayes-killer, and even FuzzyOCR can't manage the swirly image trick
| they
|  pull. Has anyone come up with a way to fight these? (I've actually
| added
|  all the phrases that occur in this image to FuzzyOCR - didn't help)
| I just copied and pasted that out of pastebin into a little project
| I've 
| been working on. Here's the result:
| http://spamalyser.com/v/6xnb26gp/mime
| Unlike with pastebin, it mime decodes emails and you can see the
| decoded 
| image at the bottom of that page.

That is awesome, Mike! really helps to visualise.

Thanks - Phil

Re: Is this list working?

2009-10-26 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Lars Ebeling lars.ebel...@leopg9.no-ip.org wrote:

| Or am I blacklisted?
| -- 
| Regards
| Lars Ebeling

All appears okay ...

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: OT bad news

2009-10-06 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Quanah Gibson-Mount qua...@zimbra.com wrote:

| --On Monday, October 05, 2009 11:50 PM +0200 mouss
| mo...@ml.netoyen.net 
| wrote:
|  Thomas Mullins a écrit :
|  We have been running Spamassassin for maybe eight years now.  But,
| my
|  coworkers do not like OpenSource.  So they have finally complained
|  enough that my boss is going to replace our reliable
|  FreeBSD/Spamassassin boxes.  They are planning on purchasing
| something
|  that runs ON Exchange.  What a bummer.
|  and the problem is?
|  if they want exchange, give them exchange. don't fight (directly),
| watch
|  instead. take pleasure of the situation, get fun as you can. I
|  personally took fun all day long in windows-only (and believe it or
| not,
|  in linux-only) environments.
|  that said, you can still try to explain that exchange should not be
|  exposed to the internet. you still need a relay (such as
| freebsd/postfix).
| And once exchange falls over, show them Zimbra. ;)  Which uses 
| postfix/SA/amavis, etc, and looks a lot like exchange... only better.
| ;)
| --Quanah
Seconded :)

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Clunk Werclick mailbacku...@googlemail.com wrote:

| On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 16:37 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
|  On 12-Sep-2009, at 10:27, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|   I disagree. It can do as much harm as good. My own view and  
|   observation
|   from the past have rendered it pointless in my context. It adds  
|   latency,
|   is easily poisoned and rarely makes much difference to the score.
| I do
|   appreciate some people like it, but my own view is spam has moved
| on
|   beyond the point of it being useful.
|  Facts? we don't need no pesky facts. You are very misinformed.
| Myself, I've seen some very poor Bayesian databases where users have
| been allowed to categorize mail as spam-v-ham. One company who deal
| with
| Pharmaceuticals for famine relief in Uganda and other poor African
| countries found bayes to mess with their core mail to a point that
| made
| it worthless in their context.
| It really comes down to the context and effort -v- the return.
|   No thanks, I'll pass on that. In this specific case it still would
| not
|   have increased the score to a point where the clock cycles made it
|   worth
|   it.
|  The Bayes score ALONE would have pushed this over the spam threshold
|  on my machine.
| My point is the content of that mail, which has been circulating for
| weeks almost unchanged, really should bite on a core rule, not rely
| on
| plugins and bayes to catch it.
| tangentInterestingly, It is fair to say that Jari's follow up *did*
| show Bayes giving it 5 points. This was then destroyed by AWL
| dropping
| 4.1 off of it:
| 5.0 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
| -4.1 AWL: From: address is in the auto  machine./tangent
| I've created a custom meta rule; I'm almost sorry I came here and
| asked.
| Some of the people here on this list are just so rude, and you sir,
| are
| an Arsehole!
| -- 
| ---
| C Werclick .Lot
| Technical incompetent
| Loyal Order Of The Teapot.
| This e-mail and its attachments is intended only to be used as an
| e-mail
| and an attachment. Any use of it for other purposes other than as an
| e-mail and an attachment will not be covered by any warranty that may
| or
| may not form part of this e-mail and attachment. 
And that kind of post can get you banned aswell!

Bayes works and any issues found are normally down to bad training.

Perhaps the second line of your sig may be the reason ? ;)

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Clunk Werclick mailbacku...@googlemail.com wrote:

| On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 11:46 +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
|On 12-Sep-2009, at 10:27, Clunk Werclick wrote:
| I disagree. It can do as much harm as good. My own view and
| observation from the past have rendered it pointless in my
| context. It
| adds latency, is easily poisoned and rarely makes much
| difference to
| the score. I do appreciate some people like it, but my own
| view is
| spam has moved on beyond the point of it being useful.
|   On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 16:37 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
|Facts? we don't need no pesky facts. You are very misinformed.
|  On 14.09.09 08:48, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|   Myself, I've seen some very poor Bayesian databases where users
| have
|   been allowed to categorize mail as spam-v-ham. One company who
| deal with
|   Pharmaceuticals for famine relief in Uganda and other poor
| African
|   countries found bayes to mess with their core mail to a point that
| made
|   it worthless in their context.
|  I would say that is a result of badly trained BAYES, not fgrom its
| bad
|  design. 
|  If you insist on not using bayes, just because it can be mistrained,
| better
|  don't use any configurable software, because _everything_
| configurable will go wrong
|  if miscongured.
| The *issue* with bayes is it *can* have user input. Would you trust
| your
| users influencing system wide policy? 
| I've already stated I'll try it. So read the xx follow up before
| shouting your thick foreign mouth off you stupid !
If the OP cannot refrain from that sort of foul language when presented with 
counter arguments then please ban.  The list would be far happier IMHO.


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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Matus UHLAR - fantomas uh...@fantomas.sk wrote:

| On 12-Sep-2009, at 10:27, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|  I disagree. It can do as much harm as good. My own view and
|  observation from the past have rendered it pointless in my
| context. It
|  adds latency, is easily poisoned and rarely makes much
| difference to
|  the score. I do appreciate some people like it, but my own
| view is
|  spam has moved on beyond the point of it being useful.
|On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 16:37 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
| Facts? we don't need no pesky facts. You are very
| misinformed.
|   On 14.09.09 08:48, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|Myself, I've seen some very poor Bayesian databases where users
| have
|been allowed to categorize mail as spam-v-ham. One company who
| deal with
|Pharmaceuticals for famine relief in Uganda and other poor
| African
|countries found bayes to mess with their core mail to a point
| that made
|it worthless in their context.
|  On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 11:46 +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
|   I would say that is a result of badly trained BAYES, not fgrom its
| bad
|   design. 
| On 14.09.09 12:06, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|  The *issue* with bayes is it *can* have user input. Would you trust
| your
|  users influencing system wide policy? 
| That only happens if you allow your users to train system-wide BAYES.
| However this is usually also called misconfiguration - in common
| situations either users have their own bayes databases, or they can't
| train
| the site-wide one.
|   If you insist on not using bayes, just because it can be
| mistrained,
|   better don't use any configurable software, because _everything_
|   configurable will go wrong if miscongured.
|  I've already stated I'll try it. So read the fucking follow up
| before
|  shouting your thick foreign mouth off you stupid cunt!
| I have read your previous posts, I only wanted to react on some of
| your
| arguments.
I would post the private email I received from Clunk but I will not lower 
myself or expose the list to such vulgarity.


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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
 Clunk Werclick mailbacku...@googlemail.com wrote:

| On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 12:24 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
|  - Clunk Werclick mailbacku...@googlemail.com wrote:
|  | On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 11:46 +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
|  |On 12-Sep-2009, at 10:27, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|  | I disagree. It can do as much harm as good. My own view
| and
|  | observation from the past have rendered it pointless in
| my
|  | context. It
|  | adds latency, is easily poisoned and rarely makes much
|  | difference to
|  | the score. I do appreciate some people like it, but my
| own
|  | view is
|  | spam has moved on beyond the point of it being useful.
|  |  
|  |   On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 16:37 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
|  |Facts? we don't need no pesky facts. You are very
| misinformed.
|  |  
|  |  On 14.09.09 08:48, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|  |   Myself, I've seen some very poor Bayesian databases where
| users
|  | have
|  |   been allowed to categorize mail as spam-v-ham. One company
| who
|  | deal with
|  |   Pharmaceuticals for famine relief in Uganda and other poor
|  | African
|  |   countries found bayes to mess with their core mail to a point
| that
|  | made
|  |   it worthless in their context.
|  |  
|  |  I would say that is a result of badly trained BAYES, not fgrom
| its
|  | bad
|  |  design. 
|  |  
|  |  If you insist on not using bayes, just because it can be
| mistrained,
|  | better
|  |  don't use any configurable software, because _everything_
|  | configurable will go wrong
|  |  if miscongured.
|  | 
|  | The *issue* with bayes is it *can* have user input. Would you
| trust
|  | your
|  | users influencing system wide policy? 
|  | 
|  | I've already stated I'll try it. So read the xx follow up
| before
|  | shouting your thick foreign mouth off you stupid !
|  | 
|  If the OP cannot refrain from that sort of foul language when
| presented with counter arguments then please ban.  The list would be
| far happier IMHO.
| Then stop off list mailing me you thick cunt and tell someone that
| fucking cares.
|  BR,
Pity! all my posts have been on list - only direct one was to respond to your 
private message.  Ho hum.  Move along.

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: [sa] Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

- Charles Gregory cgreg...@hwcn.org wrote:

| On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, Clunk Werclick wrote:
|  Clearly not - but then, using Spamassassin as a filter ensures just
|  about everything gets through CUNTFACE.
| Congratulations! You've done something I have very rarely seen
| on any internet forum. You've gotten everyone to AGREE on something!
| I also agree: +1 Ban Clunk.
| - Charles
| PS When signing e-mails, leave a blank line, and also, your name
| doesn't have to be in all-caps.
| -- 
| This message has been scanned for viruses and
| dangerous content and is believed to be clean.
| SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

As expressed to a couple of other members, off list, the OP also launched a 
SMTP DoS attack against me.  If anybody would like further information please 
let me know.

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Chris Owen ow...@hubris.net wrote:

| On Sep 14, 2009, at 11:38 AM, LuKreme wrote:
|  On 14-Sep-2009, at 10:17, jdow wrote:
|  :0
|  * 9876543210^0 ^From: .*\mailbacku...@googlemail.com\
|  * 9876543210^0 ^From:.*clunk\.wercl...@wibblywobblyteapot\.co\.uk
|  /dev/null
|  Will work better. (and you don't need a lock on /dev/null)
| I usually also use the 'h' flag on /dev/null rules:
| :0h
| I'm sure writing to /dev/null doesn't take very long but why bother  
| writing the body of the message.
| Chris
| -
| Chris Owen - Garden City (620) 275-1900 -  Lottery (noun):
| President  - Wichita (316) 858-3000 -A stupidity tax
| Hubris Communications Inc  www.hubris.net
| -
Well I happen to know the MD of my ISP so perhaps I shall have a word ... I am 
sure he would not want DoS going in through his network ...

These things can bring a list into dis-repute.  It is okay to voice one owns 
opinion; but without profanity and blatant disrepect to anothers resources!

We all sit on these lists to help each other and learn.

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- LuKreme krem...@kreme.com wrote:

| On 14-Sep-2009, at 10:17, jdow wrote:
|  :0
|  * 9876543210^0 ^From: .*\mailbacku...@googlemail.com\
| * 9876543210^0 ^From:.*clunk\.wercl...@wibblywobblyteapot\.co\.uk
|  /dev/null
| Will work better. (and you don't need a lock on /dev/null)
| -- 
| In England 100 miles is a long distance. In the US 100 years is a
|   long time
Perhaps the OP should read the AUP ! 

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: .cn domain age query?

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Bill Landry b...@inetmsg.com wrote:

|  On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, Warren Togami wrote:
|  One thing they all have in common is their registration dates are
| very
|  young according to whois lookups.  It seems in general if we had a
|  reliable way to lookup domain age we might be able to
| differentiate
|  spam.
|  What's the current status of the Day Old Bread BL? Has it moved to
|  subscription-only?
| Still working fine for me here, 51 hits so far today against DOB.
| Bill
Not come across that RBL before! Thanks :)

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: .cn domain age query?

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Karsten Bräckelmann guent...@rudersport.de wrote:

| On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 18:55 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
|  | Still working fine for me here, 51 hits so far today against DOB.
|  Not come across that RBL before! Thanks :)
| grep _DOB *.cf# Part of the stock rule-set.
| -- 
| char
| *t=\10pse\0r\0dtu...@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4;
| main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;il;i++){ i%8?
| c=1:
| (c=*++x); c128  (s+=h); if (!(h=1)||!t[s+h]){
| putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}
How dumb me be ;) Thanks Karsten :D

Should have checked ... Been to busy defending a previous naughty OP ;)

Best Regards,

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SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Benny Pedersen m...@junc.org wrote:

| On man 14 sep 2009 16:54:39 CEST, Bill Landry wrote
|  So how far does someone have to go before getting banned from the
|  list? Is this not far enough yet?
| he just come back with another sender email, with another reply-to, it
| will be endless banning new email adresses
| -- 
| xpoint
Blocked now @ FW .. Will contact Zen tomorrow and report as the OP is in 
violation of the ISP AUP.

Best Regards,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Non scoring 'Bank Deposit' spam

2009-09-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Clunk Werclick mailbacku...@googlemail.com wrote:

| On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 19:52 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
|  - Benny Pedersen m...@junc.org wrote:
|  | On man 14 sep 2009 16:54:39 CEST, Bill Landry wrote
|  |  So how far does someone have to go before getting banned from
| the
|  |  list? Is this not far enough yet?
|  | 
|  | he just come back with another sender email, with another
| reply-to, it
|  |  
|  | will be endless banning new email adresses
|  | 
|  | -- 
|  | xpoint
|  | 
|  | 
|  Blocked now @ FW .. Will contact Zen tomorrow and report as the OP
| is in violation of the ISP AUP.
| go *right* ahead. Here you go:
| ab...@zen.co.uk
| I guess it will take a retard like you a *whole* day to find it.
|  Best Regards,
Not at all ... If you were so kind as to have stopped the profanity and 
vulgarity then people would have been more approachable and helpful.

It was kindly asked that you refrained from such posting yet you felt you were 
excempted.  As I have already said the lists are here to help people and learn. 
 We should not be exposed to such rubbish.  Otherwise why have the lists in the 
first place?

Every individual has the right to put forward their view and opinion; but when 
using the language you felt easy to adopt it makes a mockery.

And I must say thank you for the email address; that really helps (not).  A 
phone call is a lot easier to explain on the potential impact a ISP subscriber 
could be having to the providers business.

I believe you could put some valid viewpoints forward, and if this was done in 
a mature, professional manner I am sure everyone would be very pleased.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Flag Image SPAM

2009-08-29 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

Cannot recall seeing a follow up to John H new rules; Are they available now or 
still under test review ?

Best Regards,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Barracuda RBL in first place

2009-08-15 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Marc Perkel m...@perkel.com wrote: 
 Aaron Wolfe wrote: 

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Chris Owen ow...@hubris.net wrote: 

On Aug 14, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Mike Cardwell wrote: 

The comparisons on that page are useless. What matters is list policy,
reliability and reputation.

SpamHaus is hands down the best dnsbl. While I certainly agree that SpamHaus is 
very good, I would argue that
Invalument is currently better.  It certainly stops a lot more spam here and
I think false positives are still extremely low. Invaluement lists are also the 
top performers at my site:

Total messages: 273235355
Total blocked: 227710956 83.34%

Unknown user 32.00% (32.00%)87427696
  Greylisted 24.88% (16.92%)46225401
   Throttled 11.03% (5.64%) 15399444
 Relay access denied 0.01%  (0.00%) 7034
   Bogus DNS (Broadcast) 0.01%  (0.00%)11692
  Bogus DNS (RFC 1918 space) 0.07%  (0.03%)82135
 Spoofed Address 0.26%  (0.12%)   319551
  Unclassified Event 0.77%  (0.35%)   949388
 Temporary Local Problem 0.01%  (0.00%) 8165
 Require FQDN sender address 0.04%  (0.02%)51022
  Require FQDN for HELO hostname 8.97%  (4.02%) 10988455
 Require DNS for sender's domain 0.78%  (0.32%)   870643
 Require Reverse DNS 23.83% (9.65%) 26372877
   Require DNS for HELO hostname 0.20%  (0.06%)   165157
 The Spamhaus Block List 21.87% (6.74%) 18405091
  The Invaluement SIP Block List 22.14% (5.33%) 14557404
   The SIP/24 Block List 3.84%  (0.72%)  1965510
 The Barracuda Reputation Block List 3.89%  (0.70%)  1915628
(several RBLs not widely used snipped)

We have several hundred domains and each can use it's own filtering
options, so not all RBLs/checks are used on all mail.  Checks are
listed in order applied, so a message dropped by unknown user for
instance is never seen by greylisted.

Invalument lists block over 25% of all messages that make it past all
the checks in front of them, including Spamhaus.  That's massive.
Barracuda is not used by a majority of clients and is used after the
others, so the low number is not an indication of poor performance.
I've actually had pretty good luck with it.


RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM
 1     URIBL_INVALUEMENT               27029    47.58   85.13    0.60
 2     RCVD_IN_INVALUEMENT             26116    45.81   82.26    0.22
 3     HTML_MESSAGE                    25184    79.83   79.32   80.48
 4     BAYES_99                        23445    41.09   73.84    0.12
 5     RCVD_IN_INVALUEMENT24           23290    40.85   73.35    0.18
 6     URIBL_BLACK                     22372    39.49   70.46    0.74
 7     RCVD_IN_JMF_BL                  16845    30.70   53.06    2.74
 8     URIBL_JP_SURBL                  15962    27.99   50.27    0.12
 9     DKIM_SIGNED                     12137    37.32   38.23   36.18
 10     DKIM_VERIFIED                   11051    33.93   34.81   32.84


Chris Owen         - Garden City (620) 275-1900 -  Lottery (noun):
President          - Wichita     (316) 858-3000 -    A stupidity tax
Hubris Communications Inc www.hubris.net 
 Yep Invalument is a good list. But there's no public option to compare it. 
What log script do you good people use to generate the list above ? Is it a 
home brew or one we can download so we can compare our own hits ?

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Elusive spam

2009-08-13 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- John Hardin jhar...@impsec.org wrote:

 On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 16:20 -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
  Maybe this will sound dumb but wouldn't it be perfectly
  safe to blacklist example.com after all, that isn't a
  domain your ever going to get mail from.
 That is there because Alex likely wishes to keep his real domain
 private. Note that the envelope TO address is @example.com, which
 never be delivered, unless Alex really _does_ own the example.com
  MySQL Student wrote:
   I'm having trouble catching a particular type of spam, and hoped
   someone had some time to take a look:
   It doesn't match RAZOR2, or any of the URI lists, and it's only
   BAYES_50. I have a pretty well-established BAYES db, so I'm
   it's only BAYES_50. What can I do to block spam like this in the
 Alex, there's likely not much you can do. On a spam that short
 not a lot to work with.
 You could increase the score for URI_HEX.
 If the form of the URI is consistent, perhaps something like this
   uri  URI_NUMERIC_CCTLD  m,^[a-z]+://(?:\d+\.){2,}[a-z][a-z]/,i
 This is really suspicious:
   X-Mailer: Gentoo
 Gentoo is an OS, not a MUA. Is that at all consistent? If so:
   header GENTOO_MUA  X-Mailer =~ /^Gentoo$/
 Or perhaps this:
   header MUA_ONE_WORD  X-Mailer =~ /^[a-z]+$/i
 (all untested, sorry)

Ran it through myself and got a pretty decent score so it seems to depend on 
whether you are checking any of the other RBLs ?

Content analysis details:   (20.0 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 3.0 RCVD_IN_BRBL   RBL: Received via relay listed in Barracuda RBL
[ listed in b.barracudacentral.org]
 2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
 [Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?]
 3.0 RCVD_IN_XBLRBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
[ listed in zen.spamhaus.org]
 0.6 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB  RBL: SORBS: sender is a abuseable web server
[ listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net]
 2.0 URIBL_BLACKContains an URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
[URIs: 888098.tk]
 5.0 RCVD_IN_IVMSIP RBL: listed on ivmSIP found at invaluement.com
[ listed in sip.invaluement.com]
 4.0 URIBL_IVMURI   Contains a URL listed on ivmURI found at 
[URIs: 888098.tk]
 0.0 DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 Date: is 3 to 6 hours before Received: date
 0.4 URI_HEXURI: URI hostname has long hexadecimal sequence
 0.0 BAYES_50   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
[score: 0.4553]

Best Regards,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Low score

2009-08-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Thomas Casartello tcasarte...@wsc.ma.edu wrote: 

 Been getting a lot of low scoring stuff like this lately. Any suggestions? 

Please post the complete email to pastbin so we can run it through our own 
installations.  It would help if you let us know which rules it actually hit on 
in your installation ?

Best Regards,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content and is believed to be clean.

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration


2009-07-31 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

Where can I find sa-awlUtil as it does not appear to be in the download file ? 

Best Regards, 

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration 

Re: Cant Post Message

2009-07-31 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- twofers twof...@yahoo.com wrote: 
I have a post I have tried several times over the last week to post to this 
forum and it never seems to get posted. I don't understand why? 

There is nothing exotic about it, just text, a question and email header info I 

Any idea whats up? 


obfuscate the header as it may be tripping SA :) or even better use pastebin. 

Best Regards, 

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration 

RelayCountry Check

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

Would somebody please let me know what is required to get it to work :)  I have 
installed the Perl module and enabled the plugin but it never appears to hit :(

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: RelayCountry Check

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Mariusz Kruk k...@epsilon.eu.org wrote:

 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 11:20 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  Would somebody please let me know what is required to get it to work
 :)  I have installed the Perl module and enabled the plugin but it
 never appears to hit :(
 The plugin itself only adds metadata to the message. You need to
 configure SA to use this metadata.
Thats the issue ... the meta-data never gets added :(  I have run SA with debug 
and lint and the Perl module etc is loaded fine.  No warnings at all.

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: RelayCountry Check

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Mariusz Kruk k...@epsilon.eu.org wrote:

 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 11:29 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  - Mariusz Kruk k...@epsilon.eu.org wrote:
   On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 11:20 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:

Would somebody please let me know what is required to get it to
   :)  I have installed the Perl module and enabled the plugin but
   never appears to hit :(
   The plugin itself only adds metadata to the message. You need to
   configure SA to use this metadata.
  Thats the issue ... the meta-data never gets added :(  I have run SA
 with debug and lint and the Perl module etc is loaded fine.  No
 warnings at all.
 You say that you installed the Perl module - you mean the
 plugin or the IP::Country::Fast module? (needed by the RC module)
IP::Country::Fast as defined in the requirements.

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: RelayCountry Check

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Matus UHLAR - fantomas uh...@fantomas.sk wrote:

   On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 11:20 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
Would somebody please let me know what is required to get it to
   :)  I have installed the Perl module and enabled the plugin but
   never appears to hit :(
  - Mariusz Kruk k...@epsilon.eu.org wrote:
   The plugin itself only adds metadata to the message. You need to
   configure SA to use this metadata.
 On 28.07.09 11:29, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  Thats the issue ... the meta-data never gets added :(  I have run SA
  debug and lint and the Perl module etc is loaded fine.  No warnings
 How do you use SA? e.g. spamass-milter doesn't push all headers to
 only those it has compiled in (a bug imho)...
AmavisD-new is used.  I have installed other SA plugins eg. BotNet and they are 
working fine.

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Any one interested in using a proper forum?

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- snowweb pe...@snowweb.co.uk wrote:

 I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting a bit hacked of with
 1980's style forum. I'm trying to get to the bottom of an SA issue and
 list/forum thing is giving me a bigger headache than SA!
 Spamassassin has more than one or two users now and I personally think
 it should have a support forum to match the class of software, which
 is now
 world class.
 I know it's free and all that, but even so, if this is the only form
 support they provide, I'm thinking that I'll just start an
 support forum, using standard, full featured forum software (like
 Is there any support for this (I already know there will be opposition
 those who are 'resident' here. Sorry guys, I just want do something to
 those who just dive in when they have an urgent problem. No hard
 feelings I
 Peter Snow
As a moderator for a very large forum I hope you have lined up a good group of 
mods to handle all the SPAM you will get ;)

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: RelayCountry Check

2009-07-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Stefan ste...@localside.net wrote:

 --[ UxBoD ]--:
  - Matus UHLAR - fantomas uh...@fantomas.sk wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 11:20 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  Would somebody please let me know what is required to get it
 :)  I have installed the Perl module and enabled the plugin
   it never appears to hit :(
- Mariusz Kruk k...@epsilon.eu.org wrote:
 The plugin itself only adds metadata to the message. You need
 configure SA to use this metadata.
   On 28.07.09 11:29, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
Thats the issue ... the meta-data never gets added :(  I have
 run SA
   with debug and lint and the Perl module etc is loaded fine.  No
   at all.
   How do you use SA? e.g. spamass-milter doesn't push all headers
   only those it has compiled in (a bug imho)...
  AmavisD-new is used.  I have installed other SA plugins eg. BotNet
 and they
  are working fine.
 see: http://www.mail-archive.com/amavis-
Awesome! Thank you :)

Best Regards,

SplatNIX IT Services :: Innovation through collaboration

Re: Celebrity spams

2008-03-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
look at line 55 of the pastebin ;) you can use that URL I believe.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- penny/dell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the uribl.com info. We will be contributing to it, it's a
 Back to the original problem The links are inconsistent. I'll post

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Celebrity spams

2008-03-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
why not :-

util_rb_2tld  grupogsv.com

as that appears as part of the link ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- penny/dell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 here is the raw body of one of the emails
 Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: SpamAssassin hogs the CPU

2008-03-17 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
What RBL lookup lists are you using ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- FC Mario Patty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've followed the instruction in
 http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/FasterPerformance and run
 `sa-compile` (after installed re2c), but the problem still exists.
 Since some-one had said that it might be a DNS problem, I stopped
 using Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval plugin (put a # character in
 the v320.pre file). Is there something that I can do to prevent spamd
 eat my CPU to 99.9%? FYI, below is how I configured spamassassin:
 ./configure --enable-ripmime --enable-attach=y \

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Multiple Images spam

2008-03-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Botnet just pushed it over for is :-

Content analysis details:   (8.3 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 3.0 URIBL_BLACKContains an URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
[URIs: webuyyour.com]
 5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
 0.2 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_04BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message
 0.0 BAYES_50   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
[score: 0.5003]
 0.1 RDNS_NONE  Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Dan Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm seeing a lot of image spam, but the images are not individually
 There are 5 tall, skinny images that together sell colon cleansing, or
 Any ideas?
 Spam scores quite low, so far.
 Sample: http://www.visioncomm.net/5image.txt
 X-Spam-Level: ***
 X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_60=1,

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: script to send mail when error detected in log file

2008-03-04 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
this link works just fine :- 


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Agnello George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 3/4/08, Matt Kettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: What is a pid file

2008-02-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Process Identifier.

When any process is forked (started) it will have unique number associated with 
it.  It will also have a PPID (Parent Process Identifier) ie. what was the 
process that forked the child.



--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Agnello George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 while starting spamd i was recomended to use the -r switch which Write
 the process id to pidfile
 Now!! what is a pidfile ... cant find much on google
 can any one help me with this basic stuff !!
 thanks !!

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: What is a pid file

2008-02-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Pidfile holds the PID of the forked process ie. /var/run/MailScanner.pid


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Agnello George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 while starting spamd i was recomended to use the -r switch which Write
 the process id to pidfile
 Now!! what is a pidfile ... cant find much on google
 can any one help me with this basic stuff !!
 thanks !!

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Too false negative

2008-02-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
policyd works a treat :) V2 is also in development aswell.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Rocco Scappatura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What do I need to set up GL? Only the command below or there is 
  something other parameter that I could set up (eg: the time spent 
  before a message is accepted and so on)?

 of course, you need to install a policy server! Cami's 
 policyd is a good choice (it also has other features such 
 throttling, blacklisting, ... 
 etc). for postfix config see below.

I already sow it quickly.. I hope it usage is not too 'invasive' with
my current system..

Any way I will try to use it and I let you know..



This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Need rule for this type of spam

2008-02-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
score here as follows :-

Content analysis details:   (17.1 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
 3.0 RCVD_IN_XBLRBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
[ listed in zen.spamhaus.org]
 4.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
  [Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?]
 0.0 BAYES_50   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
[score: 0.5103]
 0.1 RDNS_DYNAMIC   Delivered to trusted network by host with
dynamic-looking rDNS
 1.0 DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX  Delivered direct to MX with Outlook headers

Jason's rules should help you :- http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SoughtRules


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- jfchaput [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here http://pastebin.com/m309761a5

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Need rule for this type of spam

2008-02-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
please post the full message via something like pastebin.  we need to see the 
headers aswell.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- jfchaput [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My spamassassin setup work great but I receive alot spam like this : 
 Subject: M!cro soft Office_2OO7 for XP,Vis+a 79. Retail 838 -save
 sas jmp statistical discovery 7 - 129
 use -newsoftdeal .com- |n Web Browser
 Erase - before you use |n Web Browser
 ulead photoImpact x3 - 29
 intuit quickbooks premier edition 2007 - 79
 intuit quicken home and business 2008 - 39
 cdmenupro 6.23 biz edition - 39
 alias maya 7.0 unlimited - 109
 autodesk architectural studio 3.0 - 39
 parallels desktop 3.0 for mac - 29
 Can somebody provide me a rule for that or help to create a custom

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Hotmail DCC listed ???

2008-02-26 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
we would need to see the full headers.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Rejaine Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is the rule check for a 'normal' (non-spam) e-mail become from
  pts rule name  description

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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Re: Lots Of SPAM

2008-02-26 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

I score it as follows :-

Content analysis details:   (23.1 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 3.5 BAYES_99   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
[score: 1.]
 5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
 0.1 RDNS_NONE  Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS
 2.5 KAM_PICShare Pictures and Chat SPAM

so take a look at http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SoughtRules


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Tarak Ranjan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi List,
 i have posted my RAW email in http://pastebin.ca/918849 ,
 i'm receiving 1000 to 4000 per day this king of mesages.
 SA also skipping this kind of mails

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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Re: Nice girl like to chat spam

2008-02-19 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Resolved.  Cleared my sa-keys directory and re-imported them all.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- --[ UxBoD ]-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sa-update --gpgkey 6C6191E3 --channel sought.rules.yerp.org
 error: GPG validation failed!
 The update downloaded successfully, but it was not signed with a
 trusted GPG
 key.  Instead, it was signed with the following keys:
 I recall seeing this on the list a while ago.  How do you fix it ?

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: telnet port 783 from external network

2008-02-19 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
what does netstat -an | grep 783 show ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Agnello George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2/19/08, Matt Kettler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 Agnello George wrote:

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Nice girl like to chat spam

2008-02-19 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
sa-update --gpgkey 6C6191E3 --channel sought.rules.yerp.org
error: GPG validation failed!
The update downloaded successfully, but it was not signed with a trusted GPG
key.  Instead, it was signed with the following keys:


I recall seeing this on the list a while ago.  How do you fix it ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Justin Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris writes:

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Suggestions to block this spam

2008-02-19 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
please post a URL to a sample message, or via pastebin so that we can run it 
through our installations and see what it hits.

what is your SA installation hitting and scoring it as ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Kathryn Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Getting tones of this sort of email through have been learning it as 
 spam for the last few days but so far not much luck.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: flooded with jr* spam

2008-02-05 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
the inline snort station should show some more detail. do you have access to 
your routers and switches ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Michael W Cocke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll trade you - somewhere in MIT (20K+ computers) is hitting me
 per second with ICMP packets, and netops can't find who
 I had to degrade the logging on my snort-inline because the system
 On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 13:58:30 -0500, you wrote:

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: One SPAM that got through

2008-01-29 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Matt Kettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:

 I just had this message get through :-

 and it only scored 5.6.   These are the rules it hit :-

 1.23  ADVANCE_FEE_2
 0.00  BAYES_50 
 0.72  SARE_URGBIZ Contains urgent matter
 -0.00 SPF_PASS 
 1.58  URG_BIZ
Looks like you might want to do some bayes training on that message. All 
the capitalized text should be an easy target.
 I have my SA SPAM score to trigger on 6 and above.  Do you think that is to 
 high ? or anyone know of a ruleset to raise the score on these ?

Too high? no. Too high to expect there to be no missed spam, yes.

Raising your threshold reduces false positives (nonspam tagged as spam), 
but it also increases your false negatives (spam that's missed). 
Lowering your score threshold has the opposite effect.

When picking a threshold, you're making a trade-off.. Pick one based on 
what's important to you. Some folks run as high as 8.0, and others as 
low as 2.0. Both numbers are pretty extreme, but you get the idea.

For reference, in the set3 mass-checks, going from 5.0 to 6.0 more 
halved the FPs (down to 45% of what they were at 5.0), but also 
increased FNs by 78%.

The default 5.0 score is already pretty biased towards favoring FPs over 
FN's. The score assigner tries to tune the scores so at 5.0 there's 
roughly 100 times more FNs than FPs, while keeping both as low as 
possible. In practice it's more like 50 times more, but that's what it's 
trying for..

to quote STATISTICS-set3.txt from SA 3.2.4:

# SUMMARY for threshold 5.0:
# Correctly non-spam:  67508  99.94%
# Correctly spam: 117303  98.51%
# False positives:42  0.06%
# False negatives:  1780  1.49%

Hi Matt,

Many thanks, that was a very helpful description.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

One SPAM that got through

2008-01-28 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

I just had this message get through :-


My Dear Good Friend,

 I have Paid the fee for your Cheque Draft. But the manager of
 Eko Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you
 that it will expire. So I told him to cash the $950,000.00.
 All the necessary arrangement of delivering the $950,000.00
 in cash was made with GLOBAL MAX COURIER COMPANY.

These are the informations they need to delivery your package to you.

Please, Send them your contacts information to able them locate you
immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX .This is what
they need from you.


Please make sure you send this needed informations to the Director
general of Global MAX Courier Company DR.JOHN AGBALA with the
address given to you.

Note. The Global Express courier company doesn't know the contents of
the Box. I registered it as a Box of an Africa cloth. They don't know
it contents money. This is to avoid them delaying with the Box.

Don't let them know that is money that is in that Box. I am waiting for
urgent response. You can even call the Director of Global MAX Courier
Company with this line +229-9300-4935.

Thanks and Remain Blessed.

DR. Nnoli ugo 

and it only scored 5.6.   These are the rules it hit :-

0.72SARE_URGBIZ Contains urgent matter
-0.00   SPF_PASS 

I have my SA SPAM score to trigger on 6 and above.  Do you think that is to 
high ? or anyone know of a ruleset to raise the score on these ?



--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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Re: How install spamassassin with vhcs2

2008-01-21 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
- Outlaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How install spamassassin with vhcs2? I search in google but I found
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.



--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: FuzzyOcr question

2008-01-14 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Is decoder (Chris) still developing FuzzyOCR ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: F57A 0CBD DD19 79E9 1FCC A612 CB36 D89D 2C5A 3A84
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x2C5A3A84
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: 14 January 2008 17:35:30 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: FuzzyOcr question

A couple of months ago, I updated FuzzyOcr to the current package 
version supported in Debian Stable (2.3b-1).

In the meantime, I notice that when there are hits on FuzzyOcr, the 
SpamAssassinReport.txt attachment is showing that I am getting hits on 
FuzzyOcr, and the number of points scored by hits, but in the 
Description, I'm getting only BODY:, and no listing of which words 
were actually hit. e.g.,


I'm not finding anything in docs or FuzzyOcr.cf that seems to govern 
this one, and for debugging purposes, I'd really like to know what terms 
are getting hits or not.

What am I missing?


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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Spam Scored zero ?

2008-01-11 Thread UxBoD

I got this SPAM through this morning and it didn't trip on anything.  Any ideas 

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: 11 January 2008 09:01:06 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: ATM Master CARD


I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank Draft
but did not heard from you since that time then I went and deposited the Draft
with INTERNATIONAL BANK OF BENIN here in Cotonou, Benin Republic, because I
travelled to Japan to see my boss and will not come back till next month end.
I have arranged with them to make your payment to you with their new ATM
MASTER CARD which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINE around
the globe/world.

You have to contact the  International Bank of Benin with your full contact
informations such as follows:


However, Kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your
ATM Master CARD.


I had paid for all the processing and delivery charges, the only money
that your are going to pay to them is only $86 Dollars which they
will use to open your ATM Account with the Bank and send the ATM Master CARD
to your address.

Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the process of your Card
before your Draft gets Expired.

Let me know as soon as you receive your ATM Master Card.


Mr.tony okou 


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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Re: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

2008-01-11 Thread UxBoD
I am running it with SA 3.2.4 with no problems at all.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Arthur Dent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: 11 January 2008 10:30:48 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

Hello all,

I'm so no nearer a solution to this...

To recap:
Since upgrading from SA 3.2.2 to SA 3.2.3 I have had no Botnet hits at all.
I have checked with SA --lint -D and Botnet v.0.8 seem to be installed
I have run an old message through my current setup that hit Botnet when
running SA 3.2.2 and it did not hit now...

Any ideas?

Is Botnet 0.8 incompatible with SA 3.2.3?

Thanks for your help...


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Re: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

2008-01-09 Thread UxBoD
Do you see if get picked up if you run a lint on your SA installation ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Arthur Dent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: 09 January 2008 11:09:25 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

Hello all,

I have been running SA v3.2.3 since I upgraded from 3.2.2 In October. It has
only just dawned on me that since then I have had no hits from Botnet.

I have checked, and I did install the Botnet.pm and Botnet.cf files in this 
into /etc/mail/spamassassin so I am mystified as to why it's not generating any 

Is Botnet v0.8 incompatible with SA 3.2.3 or have I done something daft?

Thanks in advance...


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Re: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

2008-01-09 Thread UxBoD
Ran the same on my installation and all appears the same to me.  H, very 
odd, do you have a email in your quarantine that got tagged before which you 
could pass through again to test ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# spamassassin --lint -D 21 | grep -i botnet
[26067] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/Botnet.cf
[26067] dbg: config: fixed relative path: /etc/mail/spamassassin/Botnet.pm
[26067] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Botnet from 
[26067] dbg: Botnet: version 0.8
[26067] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Botnet=HASH(0x212a2ca0) 
implements 'parse_config', priority 0
[26067] dbg: Botnet: setting botnet_pass_auth to 0
[26067] dbg: Botnet: setting botnet_pass_trusted to public
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^127\.0\.0\.1$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^10\..*$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^172\.1[6789]\..*$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^172\.2[0-9]\..*$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^172\.3[01]\..*$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^192\.168\..*$ to botnet_skip_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding ^128\.223\.98\.16$ to botnet_pass_ip
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\.|\A)amazon\.com$ to botnet_pass_domains
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\.|\A)apple\.com$ to botnet_pass_domains
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\.|\A)ebay\.com$ to botnet_pass_domains
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d).*dsl.*(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)cable(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)catv(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)ddns(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)dhcp(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)dial(-?up)?(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)dip(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)docsis(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)dyn(amic)?(ip)?(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)modem(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)ppp(oe)?(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)res(net|ident(ial)?)?(\b|\d) to 
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)bredband(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)client(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)fixed(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)ip(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)pool(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)static(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)user(\b|\d) to botnet_clientwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)e?mail(out)?(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)mta(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)mx(pool)?(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)relay(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)smtp(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: Botnet: adding (\b|\d)exch(ange)?(\b|\d) to botnet_serverwords
[26067] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Botnet=HASH(0x212a2ca0) 
implements 'parse_config', priority 0
[26067] dbg: rules: ran header rule __BOTNET_NOTRUST == got hit: negative 
[26067] dbg: Botnet: starting
[26067] dbg: Botnet: no trusted relays
[26067] dbg: Botnet: All skipped/no untrusted
[26067] dbg: Botnet: skipping
[26067] dbg: check: 


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Arthur Dent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: 09 January 2008 15:15:32 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: BOTNET 0.8 + SA 3.2.3

On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 11:27:59AM +, UxBoD wrote:
 Do you see if get picked up if you run a lint on your SA installation ?

How does this look to you?

Thanks for your help so far...


$ spamassassin --lint -D 21 | grep -i botnet
[26514] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/Botnet.cf
[26514] dbg: config: fixed relative path: /etc/mail/spamassassin/Botnet.pm
[26514] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Botnet from
[26514] dbg: Botnet: version 0.8
[26514] dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Botnet=HASH(0xa202954)
implements 'parse_config', priority 0
[26514] dbg: Botnet: setting botnet_pass_auth to 0
[26514] dbg: Botnet: setting botnet_pass_trusted to public
[26514] dbg: Botnet: adding ^127\.0\.0\.1

Re: Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.4

2008-01-07 Thread UxBoD
Is a RPM available for Centos5 yet ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
step 3.: James Lay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Spamassassin users@SpamAssassin.apache.org
Sent: 07 January 2008 18:53:47 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.4

New upgrade is running GREAT here :)


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Re: spamd throughput issues

2007-12-10 Thread UxBoD
would perhaps be useful to see a spamassassin -D --lint ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Philipp Snizek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Rigby-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 12:49:26 PM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: spamd throughput issues

You use Bayes?
Have you tried turning off auto_expire? From my expierence this can cause
significant performance issues.
Moreover, have you tried turning off bayes? without bayes scanning too a
quarter of a second per email on a 2cpu, 8GB standard i686 arch, sa
compiled as 32-bit app.


 On 9 Dec 2007, at 21:40, Steven Stern wrote:
 Have you tried running a local caching name server? That can cut
 down on times to do repetitive name lookups.

 Yes indeed, it's something we've always had on mail servers even
 before we had SpamAssassin, for exactly that reason.

 Mark Rigby-Jones, System Operations Manager
 CI-Net, Network House, Langford Locks, Kidlington, OX5 1GA
 CI-Net is the trading name for Community Internet plc
 A company registered in England and Wales number 3155758
 t: 01865 856009 m: 07747 862201 e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 w: www.ci-net.com

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Re: MP3 Spam

2007-10-19 Thread UxBoD
Thanks Justin.  Do they all follow the same patterns ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Justin Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:24:35 PM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: MP3 Spam

UxBoD writes:
 Does anybody have one of these, or different one, that you could upload 
 somewhere so can do some analysis ?

sure: http://taint.org/x/2007/mp3spam.txt
anyway, these rules catch them as far as I can tell:

  ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
  mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Type:raw =~ /^audio\/mpeg;\n 
  mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Disposition:raw =~ /^inline;\n 
  mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Type:raw =~ 
  mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Disposition:raw =~ 

  meta JM_STORM_MP3  ((__CTYPE_STORM_MP3_1__CDISP_STORM_MP3_1) || 


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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Re: MP3 Spam

2007-10-19 Thread UxBoD
Hmmm, hit okay here Martin :-

X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=27.6 required=10.0 tests=BAYES_99,BOTNET,CRM114_CHECK,



--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Martin.Hepworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 9:11:38 AM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: RE: MP3 Spam


Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

 -Original Message-
 From: UxBoD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 19 October 2007 09:01
 To: Martin.Hepworth
 Subject: Re: MP3 Spam

 Can you post a copy online Martin ? need a few examples to find the common


 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin.Hepworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 9:00:39 AM (GMT) Europe/London
 Subject: RE: MP3 Spam

 Just tried this on an example we had overnight and it's didn't hit ;-(

 Martin Hepworth
 Snr Systems Administrator
 Solid State Logic
 Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

  -Original Message-
  From: UxBoD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 19 October 2007 08:45
  To: Justin Mason
  Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
  Subject: Re: MP3 Spam
  Thanks Justin.  Do they all follow the same patterns ?
  --[ UxBoD ]--
  // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
  // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
  // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
  // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  - Original Message -
  From: Justin Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:24:35 PM (GMT) Europe/London
  Subject: Re: MP3 Spam
  UxBoD writes:
   Does anybody have one of these, or different one, that you could
  somewhere so can do some analysis ?
  sure: http://taint.org/x/2007/mp3spam.txt
  anyway, these rules catch them as far as I can tell:
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Type:raw =~ /^audio\/mpeg;\n
mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Disposition:raw =~ /^inline;\n
mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Type:raw =~
mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Disposition:raw =~
  This message has been scanned for viruses and
  dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
  believed to be clean.
  This message has been scanned for viruses and
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 necessarily those of the author's employer.
 Security Warning : Internet e-mail is not necessarily a secure
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 that you consider this fact when e-mailing us.
 Viruses : We have taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and any
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 computing practice, you should ensure that they are virus free.

 Red Lion 49 Ltd T/A Solid State Logic
 Registered as a limited company in England and Wales
 (Company No:5362730)
 Registered Office: 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RU,
 United Kingdom

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
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 believed to be clean.

 This message has been scanned for viruses

Re: MP3 Spam

2007-10-19 Thread UxBoD
Can you post a copy online Martin ? need a few examples to find the common 


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Martin.Hepworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 9:00:39 AM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: RE: MP3 Spam

Just tried this on an example we had overnight and it's didn't hit ;-(

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

 -Original Message-
 From: UxBoD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 19 October 2007 08:45
 To: Justin Mason
 Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
 Subject: Re: MP3 Spam

 Thanks Justin.  Do they all follow the same patterns ?


 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Original Message -
 From: Justin Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:24:35 PM (GMT) Europe/London
 Subject: Re: MP3 Spam

 UxBoD writes:
  Does anybody have one of these, or different one, that you could upload
 somewhere so can do some analysis ?

 sure: http://taint.org/x/2007/mp3spam.txt
 anyway, these rules catch them as far as I can tell:

   ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
   mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Type:raw =~ /^audio\/mpeg;\n
   mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_1 Content-Disposition:raw =~ /^inline;\n
   mimeheader __CTYPE_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Type:raw =~
   mimeheader __CDISP_STORM_MP3_2 Content-Disposition:raw =~

   meta JM_STORM_MP3  ((__CTYPE_STORM_MP3_1__CDISP_STORM_MP3_1) ||


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 This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Viruses : We have taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and any 
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computing practice, you should ensure that they are virus free.

Red Lion 49 Ltd T/A Solid State Logic
Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 
(Company No:5362730)
Registered Office: 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RU, 
United Kingdom

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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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MP3 Spam

2007-10-18 Thread UxBoD
Does anybody have one of these, or different one, that you could upload 
somewhere so can do some analysis ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: OT: The Funny Side of Spam

2007-10-03 Thread UxBoD
Well done Michele :) That is pure class.


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: lottery spam as .doc files

2007-08-09 Thread UxBoD
Hmmm, interesting one.  I would have only just blocked that one :-

Content analysis details:   (8.4 points, 7.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 1.7 SARE_FREE_WEBM_COMWALL Maybe spammer with free email
 0.6 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB  RBL: SORBS: sender is a abuseable web server
[ listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net]
 2.1 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS  Subject is all capitals
 1.3 MISSING_HEADERSMissing To: header
-0.2 BAYES_40   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 20 to 40%
[score: 0.3146]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message
 0.7 MPART_ALT_DIFF BODY: HTML and text parts are different
 1.5 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
 0.0 WHOIS_NETSOLPR URL registered as a NetSol Private Registration
[URIs: walla.com]
 0.1 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG  HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag
 0.2 SARE_SUB_ENC_UTF8  Message uses character set often used in spam
 0.5 CRM114_CHECK   CRM114: message is UNSURE with crm114-score -2.3600


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Martin.Hepworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 8:33:15 AM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: RE: lottery spam as .doc files


Here's the URL for the actual message I got...(before being SA-ed or anything..


I'll leave this up for a couple of days and take it down after the weekend.

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin.Hepworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 August 2007 16:50
 Subject: lottery spam as .doc files

 Heads up, the pdf stock spam has morphed to ms-word files for lottery

 Martin Hepworth
 Snr Systems Administrator
 Solid State Logic
 Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

Confidentiality : This e-mail and any attachments are intended for the 
addressee only and may be confidential. If they come to you in error 
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Security Warning : Internet e-mail is not necessarily a secure 
communications medium and can be subject to data corruption. We advise 
that you consider this fact when e-mailing us. 
Viruses : We have taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and any 
attachments are free from known viruses but in keeping with good 
computing practice, you should ensure that they are virus free.

Red Lion 49 Ltd T/A Solid State Logic
Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 
(Company No:5362730)
Registered Office: 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RU, 
United Kingdom

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Re: Number spam (paranoid guess)

2007-08-07 Thread UxBoD
This appears to work okay :-

header  __LOCAL_PROBE1  subject =~ /[0-9]{4,6}/i
body__LOCAL_PROBE2  /([a-z|0-9]{8})/i
describeLOCAL_PROBE1Daft Number Probe
score   LOCAL_PROBE13


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Greg Skouby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 2:14:44 PM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: Number spam (paranoid guess)

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 12:14:31PM +0200, Chr. v. Stuckrad wrote:
 My most paranoid guess is:
 - Cause: we have summer vacation time ...
 So LOTS of people are on holidays.
 If you use E-Mails with totally useless content which goes
 through all filters for a short time, you can trigger LOTS
 of vacation-Messages!

Wouldn't that require the from info not being forged? I have gotten a couple 
of these and they are definately of the forged sender variety.


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This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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Re: Number spam (paranoid guess)

2007-08-07 Thread UxBoD
Yes I know :( has been pointed out to me so has been revised :-

header  __LOCAL_DIG1subject =~ /^\d[0-9]{4,6}$/
describeLOCAL_DIG1  Daft Number Scam
score   LOCAL_DIG1  3


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Henrik Krohns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:34:49 PM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: Number spam (paranoid guess)

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 02:52:25PM +0100, UxBoD wrote:
 This appears to work okay :-
 header  __LOCAL_PROBE1  subject =~ /[0-9]{4,6}/i
 body__LOCAL_PROBE2  /([a-z|0-9]{8})/i
 describeLOCAL_PROBE1Daft Number Probe
 score   LOCAL_PROBE13

Looks like nice FP generator for busy sites. PROBE2 is certain to hit almost
anything and then just wait for a few digits in subject.. :)

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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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RBL Rules Question

2007-08-03 Thread UxBoD

I have written the following ruleset for our local RBL server :-

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL  
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL  net

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Beval:check_rbl_sub('LRBL', '')
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Bnet

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Weval:check_rbl_sub('LRBL', '')
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Wnet

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_W  Local RBL Whitelist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  -7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_B  Local RBL Blacklist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  Local RBL Yellowlist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  -3

But obviously it will score the whitelist and blacklist the same if the IP 
address appears in both lists.  How can I say on the meta rule that if it 
*only* appears in blacklist score -7, and 7 if in whitelist, and if in both use 
the yellowlist ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[RESOLVED] Re: RBL Rules Question

2007-08-03 Thread UxBoD
describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_W  Local RBL Whitelist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  -7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_B  Local RBL Blacklist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  Local RBL Yellowlist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  -3

Checked existing rules for help ;)


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2007 8:26:50 AM (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: RBL Rules Question


I have written the following ruleset for our local RBL server :-

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL  
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL  net

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Beval:check_rbl_sub('LRBL', '')
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Bnet

header  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Weval:check_rbl_sub('LRBL', '')
tflags  __RCVD_IN_LRBL_Wnet

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_W  Local RBL Whitelist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_W  -7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_B  Local RBL Blacklist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_B  7

describeRCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  Local RBL Yellowlist
tflags  RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  net
score   RCVD_IN_LRBL_Y  -3

But obviously it will score the whitelist and blacklist the same if the IP 
address appears in both lists.  How can I say on the meta rule that if it 
*only* appears in blacklist score -7, and 7 if in whitelist, and if in both use 
the yellowlist ?


--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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2007-07-13 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
How can I get the plugin? I have emailed the webmaster a couple of times
but no response :(
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Rulesemporium

2007-06-29 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Same here :(

On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 11:28:51 -0400, Joe Zitnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it having troubles again?  I'm having problems reaching the site.
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
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--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: No buffer space available

2007-06-12 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
What O/S ? What kernel release ? Have you tuned any system parameters for
TCP buffers ? Is there high traffic on the server ? Somebody isn't trying
to DDoS your server are they ?

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:26:40 -0400, Mike Fahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am seeing this error. Any Idea how to fix this?
 Freebsd 6.2
 spamd[46771]: bayes: cannot open bayes databases
 /usr/local/share/spamassassin/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: No buffer space
 With best regards,
 Mike Fahey - Systems Administration
ENTER.NET - The Road to the Internet Starts Here! (tm)
(610) 437-2221 * http://www.enter.net/ * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: Holding Spam in a webmail client

2007-06-04 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
mailwatch.sourceforge.net ?

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 14:51:08 -0400, Jason Holbrook
 I am running SpamAssassin version 3.2.0 on Ubuntu Linux. I am using
 Postfix, AMAVISD -New, MailScanner and ClamAV. I use Spamassassin as a
 part of a SMTP Mail Gateway for and exchange server.
 Question, is anyone familiar with a method in which users spam can be
 held on the Spamassassin platform for individual users via a webmail app
 and users login to the webmail client and manage their own spam?
 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 weblog.empoweris.com http://weblog.empoweris.com 
 www.empoweris.com http://www.empoweris.com 
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)
 This message is being sent by or on behalf of Empower Information
  It is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is
 addressed.  This communication may contain information that is
 privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. 
 you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print,
 retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it.  If you have
 received this message in error, please notify the sender: Jason Holbrook
 immediately by e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete all copies of
 Empower Information Systems operates under a zero spam policy. If you
 believe this message to be spam, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

RE: Holding Spam in a webmail client

2007-06-04 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Hi Jason,

Yes it will work fine.  A few minor tweaks are required so nothing major.

Best thing is to join the mailwatch mailing list and introduce yourself :)


On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 16:03:02 -0400, Jason Holbrook
 I noticed on the MailWatch site that the documentation states that
 only certain products. Two of the products in our setup PostFix and Clam
 are not listed. I did however see links to patches for these products.
 Postfix and Clam able to run within the MailWatch / MailScanner setup?
 the links from the MailWatch site the appropriate fixes that enable this
 happen or do I need to modify my config? 
 I am running MailScanner 1.14, PostFix 2.3.8 and ClamAV and SpamAssassin
 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)
 -Original Message-
 From: --[ UxBoD ]-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:26 PM
 To: Jason Holbrook
 Subject: RE: Holding Spam in a webmail client
 That is exactly what MailWatch will provide you with.  Your user
 would have their own login, and see only quarantined emails for their
 address.  They are then able to release them if they wish.
 On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 15:13:33 -0400, Jason Holbrook
 I like the quarantine management function. This is probably a better
 illustration of what I am thinking
 SMTP - Postfix - MailScanner - Spamassassin - Messages Queued -
 held on system | Clean Mail Delivered
 Users then would manage SPAM via some sort of web GUI like Mailwatch?
 I am new to both Linux and Spamassassin so forgive me any ignorance.
 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)
 -Original Message-
 From: --[ UxBoD ]-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:57 PM
 To: Jason Holbrook
 Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
 Subject: Re: Holding Spam in a webmail client
 mailwatch.sourceforge.net ?
 On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 14:51:08 -0400, Jason Holbrook
 I am running SpamAssassin version 3.2.0 on Ubuntu Linux. I am using
 Postfix, AMAVISD -New, MailScanner and ClamAV. I use Spamassassin as a
 part of a SMTP Mail Gateway for and exchange server.
 Question, is anyone familiar with a method in which users spam can be
 held on the Spamassassin platform for individual users via a webmail
 and users login to the webmail client and manage their own spam?
 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 weblog.empoweris.com http://weblog.empoweris.com 
 www.empoweris.com http://www.empoweris.com 
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)
 This message is being sent by or on behalf of Empower Information
  It is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it
 addressed.  This communication may contain information that is
 privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from
 you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read,
 retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it.  If you
 received this message in error, please notify the sender: Jason
 immediately by e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete all copies of
 Empower Information Systems operates under a zero spam policy. If you
 believe this message to be spam, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc

Re: Holding Spam in a webmail client

2007-06-04 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
1.14 is probably a O/S specific build release like a .deb.  But you are
correct though is that is the case as 4.60.8-1 is the current stable.

On Mon, 04 Jun 2007 15:14:52 -0500, Richard Frovarp
 You'll also probably want to join the MailScanner list as well. 1.14 is
 quite old.
 --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
 Hi Jason,

 Yes it will work fine.  A few minor tweaks are required so nothing

 Best thing is to join the mailwatch mailing list and introduce yourself


 On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 16:03:02 -0400, Jason Holbrook

 I noticed on the MailWatch site that the documentation states that


 only certain products. Two of the products in our setup PostFix and


 are not listed. I did however see links to patches for these products.


 Postfix and Clam able to run within the MailWatch / MailScanner setup?


 the links from the MailWatch site the appropriate fixes that enable


 happen or do I need to modify my config?

 I am running MailScanner 1.14, PostFix 2.3.8 and ClamAV and

 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)

 -Original Message-
 From: --[ UxBoD ]-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:26 PM
 To: Jason Holbrook
 Subject: RE: Holding Spam in a webmail client

 That is exactly what MailWatch will provide you with.  Your user
 would have their own login, and see only quarantined emails for their
 address.  They are then able to release them if they wish.


 On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 15:13:33 -0400, Jason Holbrook

 I like the quarantine management function. This is probably a better
 illustration of what I am thinking

 SMTP - Postfix - MailScanner - Spamassassin - Messages Queued -


 held on system | Clean Mail Delivered

 Users then would manage SPAM via some sort of web GUI like Mailwatch?

 I am new to both Linux and Spamassassin so forgive me any ignorance.

 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)

 -Original Message-
 From: --[ UxBoD ]-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 2:57 PM
 To: Jason Holbrook
 Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
 Subject: Re: Holding Spam in a webmail client

 mailwatch.sourceforge.net ?

 On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 14:51:08 -0400, Jason Holbrook

 I am running SpamAssassin version 3.2.0 on Ubuntu Linux. I am using
 Postfix, AMAVISD -New, MailScanner and ClamAV. I use Spamassassin as
 part of a SMTP Mail Gateway for and exchange server.

 Question, is anyone familiar with a method in which users spam can be
 held on the Spamassassin platform for individual users via a webmail


 and users login to the webmail client and manage their own spam?

 Best Regards,
 Jason Holbrook
 Chief Technology Integrator / Partner
 Empower Information Systems
 weblog.empoweris.com http://weblog.empoweris.com
 www.empoweris.com http://www.empoweris.com
 757-273-9399 (office)
 757-715-1944 (cell)
 866-477-1544 (toll free)

 This message is being sent by or on behalf of Empower Information


  It is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it


 addressed.  This communication may contain information that is


 privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from



 you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read,


 retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it.  If you


 received this message in error, please notify the sender: Jason


 immediately by e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete all copies



 Empower Information Systems operates under a zero spam policy. If you
 believe this message to be spam, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s https://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: C759 8F52 1D17 B3C5 5854  36BD 1FB1 B02F 5DB5 687B
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0x5DB5687B
 // Phone: +44 845 869 2749 SIP Phone: [EMAIL


2007-05-15 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Which rule sets this ? I have grep'd through /etc/mail/spamassassin and the 
variable is used but does not seem to get set anywhere ?
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.


2007-05-15 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
I have just performed a brand new server install with SA 3.2.0 and I noticed a 
email this morning that had scored -94.  I do not know the sender domain, so 
looked at how it had been scored and noticed that the rule USER_IN_WHITELIST 
had been hit with a -100.

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:35:35 +0200, Cedric BUSCHINI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --[ UxBoD ]-- a écrit :
Which rule sets this ? I have grep'd through /etc/mail/spamassassin and
 the variable is used but does not seem to get set anywhere ?

 Have a look in /usr/share/spamassassin.
 There is 60_whitelist.cf for rules and about scores it s in 50_scores.cf
 BUT it's better to overwrite these parameters upadating the local.cf
 What is the problem ?
 I may have the same !!
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.


2007-05-15 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
It wouldn't be if we had any user whitelists set up ! Thats the problem.  This 
is a vanilla installation and we have no individual user preferences setup.  
All is controlled by a single account, as the mail is then passed onto a Notes 
server.  I have looked at that rule and can see that it uses the function 
eval:check_from_in_whitelist(), but need to see how that works.

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:48:47 +0200, Cedric BUSCHINI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok - not the same problem I have
 is -100 too high for you ?
 --[ UxBoD ]-- a écrit :
I have just performed a brand new server install with SA 3.2.0 and I
 noticed a email this morning that had scored -94.  I do not know the sender
 domain, so looked at how it had been scored and noticed that the rule
 USER_IN_WHITELIST had been hit with a -100.

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:35:35 +0200, Cedric BUSCHINI [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--[ UxBoD ]-- a écrit :

Which rule sets this ? I have grep'd through /etc/mail/spamassassin and

the variable is used but does not seem to get set anywhere ?


Have a look in /usr/share/spamassassin.
There is 60_whitelist.cf for rules and about scores it s in 50_scores.cf

BUT it's better to overwrite these parameters upadating the local.cf

What is the problem ?
I may have the same !!



This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

 - CARAX -
   IT Department
 Phone : + 33 1 4006 9864
 fax   : + 33 1 4006 9865
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.


2007-05-15 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Resolved :) Thanks.

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:48:47 +0200, Cedric BUSCHINI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok - not the same problem I have
 is -100 too high for you ?
 --[ UxBoD ]-- a écrit :
I have just performed a brand new server install with SA 3.2.0 and I
 noticed a email this morning that had scored -94.  I do not know the sender
 domain, so looked at how it had been scored and noticed that the rule
 USER_IN_WHITELIST had been hit with a -100.

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:35:35 +0200, Cedric BUSCHINI [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--[ UxBoD ]-- a écrit :

Which rule sets this ? I have grep'd through /etc/mail/spamassassin and

the variable is used but does not seem to get set anywhere ?


Have a look in /usr/share/spamassassin.
There is 60_whitelist.cf for rules and about scores it s in 50_scores.cf

BUT it's better to overwrite these parameters upadating the local.cf

What is the problem ?
I may have the same !!



This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

 - CARAX -
   IT Department
 Phone : + 33 1 4006 9864
 fax   : + 33 1 4006 9865
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

No Bayes or RBL Checks !

2007-05-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

I am having real problems in getting SA 3.2.0 to perform Bayes or RBL
checks.  For some reason they just do not fire at all.  If I run a lint
there are no warnings and all pre-requisities are okay.

What could I be doing wrong ?  All worked fine on 3.1.8.  I have even
tried a clean install to no avail.

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: No Bayes or RBL Checks !

2007-05-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Have just tested with GTUBE and even that does not get picked up!
G. What is happening. My config lints fine.

On Sat, 12 May 2007 07:35:14 +0100
--[ UxBoD ]-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having real problems in getting SA 3.2.0 to perform Bayes or RBL
 checks.  For some reason they just do not fire at all.  If I run a
 lint there are no warnings and all pre-requisities are okay.
 What could I be doing wrong ?  All worked fine on 3.1.8.  I have even
 tried a clean install to no avail.

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: No Bayes or RBL Checks !

2007-05-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Eureka! Found the problem at last.  It is down to the updates from
saupdates.openprotect.com!  As soon as I
deleted /var/lib/spamassassin/3.0020 directory and its contents
everything works fine.  I checked the .pre that is included and all the
plugins were hashed out. I ran the sa-update again with --allowplugins,
after removing the directory, and now the plugins get loaded.  But yet
again no checks are performed.

Any ideas ?

On Sat, 12 May 2007 08:44:53 +0100
--[ UxBoD ]-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have just tested with GTUBE and even that does not get picked up!
 G. What is happening. My config lints fine.
 On Sat, 12 May 2007 07:35:14 +0100
 --[ UxBoD ]-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am having real problems in getting SA 3.2.0 to perform Bayes or
  RBL checks.  For some reason they just do not fire at all.  If I
  run a lint there are no warnings and all pre-requisities are okay.
  What could I be doing wrong ?  All worked fine on 3.1.8.  I have
  even tried a clean install to no avail.

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: No Bayes or RBL Checks !

2007-05-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
The point is that if I use either with or without plugins using the
channel breaks SA 3.2.0.

On Sat, 12 May 2007 15:25:23 -0400
Daryl C. W. O'Shea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  Eureka! Found the problem at last.  It is down to the updates from
  saupdates.openprotect.com!  As soon as I
  deleted /var/lib/spamassassin/3.0020 directory and its contents
  everything works fine.  I checked the .pre that is included and all
  the plugins were hashed out. I ran the sa-update again with
  --allowplugins, after removing the directory, and now the plugins
  get loaded.  But yet again no checks are performed.
 I wouldn't use --allowplugins, configure what plugins you want
 yourself in your local site config pre files, don't let the
 openprotect channel do it for you.
  Any ideas ?

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: No Bayes or RBL Checks !

2007-05-12 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Using both though the channel update for  openprotect seems to break
it.  Switched to rules-du-jour and all is okay now.

On Sat, 12 May 2007
15:05:20 -0400 Theo Van Dinter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 09:04:22AM +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
  plugins were hashed out. I ran the sa-update again with
  --allowplugins, after removing the directory, and now the plugins
  get loaded.  But yet again no checks are performed.
 Are you getting both the SA updates and the openprotect channels?  It
 sounds like you're only doing openprotect, which eliminates the SA

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: How to use SpamAssassin from PHP?

2007-05-09 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
To ensure all is working okay, why not take a existing SPAM message and 
construct the $message from that and test ?

On Wed, 9 May 2007 14:40:52 +0530, BG Mahesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/9/07, Duncan Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, May 9, 2007 09:36, BG Mahesh wrote:

  We have tested this on http://cause.greynium.com/spamtest.php
  We have constructed a Mail header, concatenating $message to $header
  passing the contents of $header to the code given above.
  We have installed the script from rulesemporium to update the cf
  What could we be missing?

 Are you saying something isn't working?

 The content should be reported as Spam. The score (when I run from command
 line is just about 1.0 and required is 5.0). The text in $message have
 hardcore words. Shouldn't it be marked as spam?
 Are we formating the header correctly (i.e. each line is ending with \n)?
 B.G. Mahesh
 http://www.click.in/ - Free Indian Classifieds
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

Re: How to use SpamAssassin from PHP?

2007-05-09 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
I ran your first sample through SA here and got the following score :-

X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=6.5 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50,FRT_PENIS1,

MISSING_MID,NO_RECEIVED,NO_RELAYS autolearn=no version=3.2.0


On Wed, 9 May 2007 10:22:55 +0100, --[ UxBoD ]-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To ensure all is working okay, why not take a existing SPAM message and
 construct the $message from that and test ?
 On Wed, 9 May 2007 14:40:52 +0530, BG Mahesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/9/07, Duncan Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, May 9, 2007 09:36, BG Mahesh wrote:

  We have tested this on http://cause.greynium.com/spamtest.php
  We have constructed a Mail header, concatenating $message to $header
  passing the contents of $header to the code given above.
  We have installed the script from rulesemporium to update the cf
  What could we be missing?

 Are you saying something isn't working?

 The content should be reported as Spam. The score (when I run from
 line is just about 1.0 and required is 5.0). The text in $message have
 hardcore words. Shouldn't it be marked as spam?
 Are we formating the header correctly (i.e. each line is ending with
 B.G. Mahesh
 http://www.click.in/ - Free Indian Classifieds
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
 --[ UxBoD ]--
 // PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
 // Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
 // Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
 // Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
believed to be clean.

SA 3.2.0 and Bayes

2007-05-08 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --

Since upgrading Bayes nolonger appears to trigger.  If I run a -D --lint in the 
tests section at the bottom it does not report :-

[18375] dbg: check: 

plus no RBL tests fire anymore :(

I have checked the pre-requisites and that all looks fine.  I have tested with 
a spam message and debug enabled and no errors are produced.  Is there any 
additional debugging I can do ?

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 (0) 845 869 2749  SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
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Re: SA 3.2.0 and Bayes

2007-05-08 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Here is my lint :-

SpamAssassin Lint[18703] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all0
[18703] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG   8E-05
[18703] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.2.03E-05
[18703] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.0.00064
[18703] dbg: util: running in taint mode? no0.0004
[18703] dbg: dns: no ipv6   0.00452
[18703] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes  3E-05
[18703] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.593E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008008 linux0.17238
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.11 3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.56 2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.59 2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.05 3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.815 2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.303E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::SPF ('require' failed)   3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.999001 
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: IP::Country::Fast, version 604.001 
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Razor2::Client::Agent, version 2.82
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::Ident, version 1.20   3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::INET6, version 2.513E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::SSL, version 1.05  2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Compress::Zlib, version 2.001  2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.97070.0004
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::DomainKeys, version 1.0  2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::DKIM, version 0.24   2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: DBI, version 1.54  3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.36 2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033  3E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47   2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: Archive::Tar, version 1.30 2E-05
[18703] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.05 2E-05
[18703] dbg: ignore: using a test message to lint rules 3E-05
[18703] dbg: config: using /etc/mail/spamassassin for site rules pre files
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre  2E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre  2E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v312.pre  2E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/v320.pre  2E-05
[18703] dbg: config: using /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002000 for sys rules pre 
files 3E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file 
/var/lib/spamassassin/3.002000/saupdates_openprotect_com.pre 3E-05
[18703] dbg: config: using /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002000 for default rules 
dir   3E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file 
/var/lib/spamassassin/3.002000/saupdates_openprotect_com.cf  2E-05
[18703] dbg: config: using /etc/mail/spamassassin for site rules dir  3E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/Botnet.cf 0.0003
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/Chinese_rules.cf  0.00146
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.cf   0.00044
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf  9E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/mailscanner.cf0.00019
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/secrets.cf8E-05
[18703] dbg: config: read file /etc/mail/spamassassin/uxbod.cf  5E-05
[18703] dbg: config: using /opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf for 
user prefs file  0.00049
[18703] dbg: config: read file /opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC 
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash from @INC 
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF from @INC  0.00194
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC from @INC  0.00361
[18703] dbg: dcc: local tests only, disabling DCC   0.00461
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC 
[18703] dbg: plugin: did not register 
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x2635010), already registered  
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor from @INC
[18703] dbg: pyzor: local tests only, disabling Pyzor   0.00185
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 from @INC   
[18703] dbg: razor2: local tests only, skipping Razor   0.00194
[18703] dbg: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop from @INC  
[18703] dbg: reporter: local tests only, disabling SpamCop  

SA-Compile Error

2007-05-06 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--

I have just run sa-compile against my rules which ran through okay.
Though when I perform a lint now I get the following error :-

/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup
undefined symbol: Mail_SpamAssassin_CompiledRegexps_body_0_scan1

Any ideas on how to resolve it ?

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
// Phone: +44 845 869 2749

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
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Re: KAUF-TIPP DER WOCHE spam getting through

2007-03-28 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
 2.2 HELO_DYNAMIC_SPLIT_IP  Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Split
 0.0 RELAY_CHECKER_IPHOSTNAME Hostname contains IP address
 1.4 MSGID_FROM_MTA_ID  Message-Id for external message added locally
 0.0 RELAY_CHECKER_BADDNS   Doesn't have full circle DNS
 1.5 RCVD_NUMERIC_HELO  Received: contains an IP address used for HELO
-2.6 BAYES_00   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1%
[score: 0.0001]
 0.0 MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER  Message-Id was added by a relay
 2.0 RELAY_CHECKER  Any RelayChecker rule hit

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:40:53 +0300, Panagiotis Christias [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 the last days we get a lot of spam like this:
  spam body begins here 
 Words disputed interview galli provisions raise, eyebrows dead holders!
 Kurzel :S3C.F
 Borsenplatz :Frankfurt
 Schluss-Stand 23.03.2007 :Euro 0.10
 Prognose bis 02.04.2007 :Euro 0.21
 Freedom hampton radical illich ivan, fontana ishiguro kazuo.
 Austerlitz natural history semprun. Scrfrk tue am foudy fans.
 Newsgroup msdn chappell app? Remote locations talk improving, access
 ballmer gets intense. Inert numb sensuality touch. Sum timetolive gmt
 indicate. Required preserve specify references interested.
 Brutes granta nadezhda hope, hopehope abandoned collins, harvill.
 Example unicode character exact numeric without decimal such numbers.
 Cedega natively lowlevel emulators binary gaming opengl.
 Investors press privacy, statement mypoints mysite, juno, photosite
 End, dialogues spiritual renewal thames hudson chorus stones.
 Effective auditing procedures handy records kept propertys examined.
 Money resources time others, worse than no so why? Setupmore botts
 george ou real world wireless lan myths! Red hats expense technology,
 announced last year helping.
 Guzman writings, osip natasha mandelstam susan, griffin.
  spam body ends here 
 We use rbls on our border mail servers, SA 3.1.8, sa-update and
 rules_du_jour to update our rule set from spamassassin and
 rulesemporium sites and various plugins like DCC, Razor, URIDNSBL,
 SPF, RelayChecker etc. Still many of those spam messages get low
 scores and slip through. Scores as low as -1.2 (!) like the message
 above which triggered the following rules:
 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.2 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,
   MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,MSGID_FROM_MTA_ID autolearn=no version=3.1.8
 Ideas and suggestions are welcome.
 ps. I understand that a simple rule matching something /^KAUF-TIPP DER
 WOCHE$/ would wipe out all of them but I am interested in a more
 generic/efficient way.
 ps2. both messages marked as spam or ham are available here:
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8

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Re: Big trouble

2007-03-28 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
What MTA are you using ?

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:06:55 +0200, Rocco Scappatura [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Since some day, It's increased the number of spams which SA doesn't
 Every time I'm going to analyse the message:
 1) Save the message in mbox format 'message.mbox'
 2) su - amavis -c spamassassin -t  message.mbox
 And I get that the score is greater the 5.0 and often I get:
  1.6 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
   [Blocked - see
 That is, if the message is sent just now, the message is rejected (?).
 So I feel that every time that I receive a spam, the system spend a
 period of time to 'learn' that that message is spam.
 If this is the truth, I would like to figure out how I can block these
 messages in advance..
 Could someone give me an hint?

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8

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RE: Big trouble

2007-03-28 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
If you wish to reject at MTA level then please read 
http://www.postfix.org/uce.html under the section Client hostname/address 
restrictions as you are able to specify a list of RBLs.



On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:20:16 +0200, Rocco Scappatura [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 What MTA are you using ?

--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8

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Re: Is Bayes Dead? Have the spammers won?

2007-03-23 Thread -- [ UxBoD ] --
Yes image spam can be a real pain. I have just implemented a new mailserver and 
image spam is certainly on the increase :-

mysql select count(*) from maillog;
| count(*) |
|15091 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select count(*) from maillog where spamreport like '%FUZZY_OCR%';
| count(*) |
| 3438 | 
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

mysql select count(*) from maillog where spamreport like 
| count(*) |
| 1070 | 
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 06:46:50 -0700, Marc Perkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perhaps what I need to do is to get rid of autolearn and write my own
 learning system that strips out the body of messages with images and
 just learns the headers. My problem is that when users get image spam
 they put it in the spam folders and they get learned. But the text in
 the image spam causes ham type text to be learned as spam. That causes
 ham to get higher scores.
 This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
 MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
--[ UxBoD ]--
// PGP Key: curl -s http://www.splatnix.net/uxbod.asc | gpg --import
// Fingerprint: 543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50 9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8

This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, 
and is
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Re: Is overall spam volume down?

2007-02-04 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
I only have a small installation but have seen a 50% increase in SPAM recently 
:( and a lot of it isn't be caught, even
with splenty of rules and FuzzyOCR, due to them being very well worded emails 
:( :(

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 15:53:23 +
Matt Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would of thought that spammers would just give up and put their 
 efforts into another form of advertising,
 I guess alot of spam stuff gets to alot of people :(
 John wrote:
  We're seeing the same here, however they'll probably be back shortly
  with double the volume ;-)
  On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 09:50:11PM +0100, Michael Beckmann wrote:

  Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 21:50:11 +0100
  From: Michael Beckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Andy Figueroa [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Subject: Re: Is overall spam volume down?
  --On Monday, 29. Januar 2007 08:28 -0500 Andy Figueroa 
  My overall spam volume (2 different servers) is off by 1/2 of what it was
  2 weeks ago.  This has been sustained for over a week.

  Good for you. I received about 200 Megabytes of spam in the first month of 
  this year, this seems to be more than ever. Most was filtered out by 
  Spamassassin of course.


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Drug Spam

2007-01-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Sorry for asking as I am sure that it has already been covered. But if
there a rule for the new spate of drug SPAM where the URL has Remove
* to make the link working! in it ?


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Re: Drug Spam

2007-01-27 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:25:12 +
Nigel Frankcom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:49:03 +, --[ UxBoD ]--
 Sorry for asking as I am sure that it has already been covered. But
 if there a rule for the new spate of drug SPAM where the URL has
 Remove * to make the link working! in it ?
 This was suggested to me yesterday...
 Bayes training helps too.
 Kind regards

I am already using KAM.cf but it has not caught one yet :(

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Re: Bayes

2007-01-26 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
IMHO I would imagine that recently, due to the SPAM changes, that your
Bayes has become poisoned. But I could be well wrong.

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:09:24 -0500
Jack Gostl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The amount of spam getting through my filters has been steadily
 increasing. From a start of under two percent up to over ten percent.
 It was getting pretty bad, so I finally, just on a hunch, I wiped my
 Bayes files and rebuilt them. And, voila!, I'm now running under one
 Has anyone else seen this? Are there any suggestions as to how to
 deal with this? Should I regularly rebuild the bayes files?
 Appreciate any advice.

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Re: Should I use greylisting

2007-01-25 Thread --[ UxBoD ]--
Check out http://policyd.sourceforge.net/ then as it allows you to
specify Servers/IP that should not be greylisted. Works very well.

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:33:19 -
Matthew Bickerton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am setting up a new server, so have a chance to make big changes to
 my email server.
 I have been thinking about implementing Greylisting. However, I am
 worried about blocking/long delays with e-mails from mail farms
 (gmail, yahoo etc.)
 I would very much appreciate other people's recommendations on
 Greylisting or other approaches to reducing the load on my server by
 rejecting spam early.

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