DOJ claims CryptoLocker 100% ineffective now - was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-15 Thread Kevin A. McGrail


Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-12 Thread Philip Prindeville

On Jul 10, 2014, at 5:17 PM, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:

 On 7/10/2014 at 3:35 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
 On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:25:50 -0700
 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
 Fundamentally I think the problem is with attachments.
 No, the problem is not with attachments.  An attachment actually included
 in an email is no more dangerous than an attachment downloaded via a link.
 Email attachments are far too convenient; no-one's going to give them up.
 The problem is that Windows encodes metadata such as this is
 executable in the filename, making it trivial for attackers to get
 their payloads to run.  The simple act of renaming a file in Windows
 can be the equivalent of chmod a+x in UNIX.  A Windows user probably
 does not realize that renaming a file can have dire consequences, whereas
 even a casual UNIX user might pause if asked to chmod a file after
 saving it.
 (Note well this article: which points
 out that some UNIX desktop environments are repeating the mistake made
 by Windows.)
 Actually, that goes back to the days of  XX-DOS, CP . . err, umm . . .   
 Lordy, now I do feel old.
 joe a.

Long live Multics and ITS!


Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-10 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 7/8/2014 10:41 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:

On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:03:35 -0400
Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

So this sounds like you are searching the entire email for this
string which just sounds inefficient especially if they use some big

It's not too bad because the regex is simple.
I just think it could hit on non-attachments quite easily without any 
mime handling .  I saw another email that tried to anchor it to base64 
or something similar.

  if (uc($header) eq MZ) {

You don't want the uc(); that could lead to false-positives, but yes,
the idea is correct.

Good point.

The reason I did it with a SpamAssassin rule is that we have ways to
push out SpamAssassin rules easily to our customers, but not so much
code changes. :)

Make sense.

The rule hits on surprisingly few messages (only two out of a couple of
million so far), but it's not terribly accurate: One false-positive caused
by a stupid base-64 encoder that leaves extra newlines between lines,
and one sort-of-false-positive that was a DLL renamed to .DAT to sneak
past filename extension blocks, but wasn't otherwise malicious.
Having had some people I've helped hit by CryptoLocker, I think the FPs 
may be outweighed by the gains.


Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread David F. Skoll
On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 17:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
John Hardin wrote:

 I'm not excusing their approach, but I'm saying there are a lot of
 sources of real-world friction that lead to suboptimal solutions like
 this. I expect the desire to avoid requiring installation (and
 maintenance!) of PGP/GPG by their (assumed non-technical) customers
 is the primary reason they are doing it this way.


Symantec is the real culprit here.  It is actively encouraging the
compromising of computers with the workflow of its product.

The proper approach would have been to make freely available a
Symantec Encrypted Archive viewer, similar to how Adobe makes PDF
readers freely available.

Symantec of all companies should know better.



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

I believe strongly that ALL IT admins would be well guided by reading 
the SAGE ethics guide

Can't recommend it highly enough and I think it would guide well in this 
gray areas on how to handle things.

I didn't like that a poster with good intentions was attacked because he 
couldn't discuss specifics.  To me, that's when I look at the 
credibility of the speaker to gauge the credibility of the story.  
Further, I can't think of a single tenant of the ethics guidelines that 
DFS didn't maintain in his posting AND his credibility in the anti-spam 
community is as excellent (as long as you ignore his commercials:

Anyway, there are a lot of bad actors out there that we need to focus on 
stopping.  Attacking good actors just because we don't like their 
acting (and DFS' acting is horrible) just helps the bastard spammers.  
Please keep this in mind in the future.



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

On 7/9/2014 5:18 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:44:27 -0700
Ted  wrote:

David DID NOT say that.  He said that he was shocked to discover
Why are you assuming he is under NDA or he is an employee of this

Let me clarify the situation:

1) I'm the owner of Roaring Penguin, so my boss is unlikely to fire
me for breaching company policy.

2) We operate hosted anti-spam service for a large number of customers.

3) Many of our customers are quite sensitive about their privacy.

4) Although I could probably reveal details of this incident without
consequences, I choose not to out of respect for our customers.  It
would not look good if I revealed the companies with whom our
customers correspond to the entire Internet, at least not without
asking first.


Now, in MY opinion there are only TWO ways to handle organizations
like large data processing company

It turns out that the company is using this product:

to send sensitive information to its customers.  I'm not about to shame
the large data processing company since the product is probably being
used by some low-level and harried clerk who was told by IT that it was
the approved way to send sensitive information.

I am *quite* happy to call out Symantec and say:

Symantec, you BONEHEADS!  You're an anti-virus company and you think it's
a good idea to distribute sensitive information as a WINDOWS EXECUTABLE???

Symantec, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves!

Is that sufficient naming and shaming? :)

Perfect!!  That is what I was looking for.  Although from the 
pro-gunners out there now we will hear the software doesn't kill 
people, users kill people arguments claiming it's not Symantec's

fault for creating a piece of software that large Data Company is
abusing, but as a gun owner myself I'm pretty immune from that
bankrupt line of reasoning




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is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

You didn't read your own code of ethics.

It states if you have a bias, you disclose it.  David HAD a bias in his
original post and DID NOT disclose it.  He DID subsequently disclose
that bias AFTER I had called him on it and I commend him for it.

This is the problem with codes of ethics - it's exceedingly difficult to
write a code of ethnics that makes it possible to beat someone over the 
head who is being ethical - but is being ethical in a way that is insulting.

Now, if you would like to discuss the ACTUAL ethical issue instead of
trying to use your code to beat me over the head because you didn't
like the tone of my response - great!

Otherwise, seems to me that I'm not the only one on a high horse
this morning


On 7/10/2014 8:56 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

I believe strongly that ALL IT admins would be well guided by reading
the SAGE ethics guide

Can't recommend it highly enough and I think it would guide well in this
gray areas on how to handle things.

I didn't like that a poster with good intentions was attacked because he
couldn't discuss specifics. To me, that's when I look at the credibility
of the speaker to gauge the credibility of the story. Further, I can't
think of a single tenant of the ethics guidelines that DFS didn't
maintain in his posting AND his credibility in the anti-spam community
is as excellent (as long as you ignore his commercials:

Anyway, there are a lot of bad actors out there that we need to focus on
stopping. Attacking good actors just because we don't like their
acting (and DFS' acting is horrible) just helps the bastard spammers.
Please keep this in mind in the future.


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is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 7/10/2014 12:31 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

You didn't read your own code of ethics.

It states if you have a bias, you disclose it.  David HAD a bias in his
original post and DID NOT disclose it.  He DID subsequently disclose
that bias AFTER I had called him on it and I commend him for it.

This is the problem with codes of ethics - it's exceedingly difficult to
write a code of ethnics that makes it possible to beat someone over 
the head who is being ethical - but is being ethical in a way that is 

Now, if you would like to discuss the ACTUAL ethical issue instead of
trying to use your code to beat me over the head because you didn't
like the tone of my response - great!

Otherwise, seems to me that I'm not the only one on a high horse
this morning 
Your continued attacks on upstanding members of the anti-spam community 
serve little purpose.  Let's focus on stopping spammers.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread John Hardin

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

Although from the pro-gunners out there now we will hear the software 
doesn't kill people, users kill people arguments claiming it's not 
Symantec's fault

Please do not go there.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ
 jhar...@impsec.orgFALaholic #11174 pgpk -a
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  The fetters imposed on liberty at home have ever been forged out
  of the weapons provided for defense against real, pretended, or
  imaginary dangers from abroad.   -- James Madison, 1799
 10 days until the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

On 7/10/2014 8:26 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 17:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
John  wrote:

I'm not excusing their approach, but I'm saying there are a lot of
sources of real-world friction that lead to suboptimal solutions like
this. I expect the desire to avoid requiring installation (and
maintenance!) of PGP/GPG by their (assumed non-technical) customers
is the primary reason they are doing it this way.


Symantec is the real culprit here.  It is actively encouraging the
compromising of computers with the workflow of its product.

The proper approach would have been to make freely available a
Symantec Encrypted Archive viewer, similar to how Adobe makes PDF
readers freely available.

Hold on there a second let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

By using PGP they are using an open source encryption algorithm.  If 
they supply their own encrypted viewer then almost certainly it would be
closed source and there's no way to know if the NSA or some other 
malevolent agency inserted a back door - like was done with RSA.

SO I think that using PGP was the right course of action here.

Fundamentally the problem as i see it is lack of verification.  You 
pointed that out yourself.

A phisher can send an encrypted payload - maybe even encrypted with PGP 
with high encryption - that would be unbreakable without the password.

Then they include the password in the phishing email.

As you properly pointed out - this is a lack of verification problem, 
NOT a lack of encryption problem.

If Symantec replaces PGP with their own custom thing now your not only 
introducing the lack of verification your also introducing unreliability 
of encryption, too.  Use of PGP is actually the proper thing to do.

Wouldn't the BEST proper approach would be to send out a link
to a SSL webserver where the end user can download the PGP encrypted

Now yes I know your all gonna say that a phisher can send out the same 
emails to their OWN SSL webserver.

But, the moment law enforcement detects this is happening then the
phisher's SSL certificate gets revoked, eh?

After all, that's why we pay Verisign $10,000 a year for their special 
commerce SSL certificates, eh?

And when victim of the phish clicks on the SSL link then the browser
sends out alarm bells that the SSL certificate is compromised and not to 
go there, eh?

respond carefully - any negative response and your impinging the honor 
of our trusted SSL system!!!  ;-)


Symantec of all companies should know better.

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is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread David F. Skoll
On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:43:21 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 SO I think that using PGP was the right course of action here.

Yes, of course.  But they should supply the PGP *software* using a
separate delivery mechanism from the PGP-encrypted *payload*.
Encouraging people to rename and run executable files they receive via
email is not good.



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Dave Pooser
On 7/10/14, 1:43 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

And when victim of the phish clicks on the SSL link then the browser
sends out alarm bells that the SSL certificate is compromised and not to
go there, eh?

If we could rely on users to not click right through that SSL warning, we
would be living in a much nicer world than the one we currently inhabit.
Dave Pooser
...Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in one pretty and well-preserved piece, but to slide across the
finish line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking oil, and
shouting GERONIMO!!! -- Bill McKenna

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread John Hardin

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

On 7/10/2014 8:26 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

 On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 17:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
 John  wrote:

  I'm not excusing their approach, but I'm saying there are a lot of
  sources of real-world friction that lead to suboptimal solutions like
  this. I expect the desire to avoid requiring installation (and
  maintenance!) of PGP/GPG by their (assumed non-technical) customers
  is the primary reason they are doing it this way.


 Symantec is the real culprit here.  It is actively encouraging the
 compromising of computers with the workflow of its product.

 The proper approach would have been to make freely available a
 Symantec Encrypted Archive viewer, similar to how Adobe makes PDF
 readers freely available.

By using PGP they are using an open source encryption algorithm.  If they 
supply their own encrypted viewer then almost certainly it would be
closed source and there's no way to know if the NSA or some other malevolent 
agency inserted a back door - like was done with RSA.

Agreed. It would be better if there was an open-source PGP/GPG archive 
viewer application. However...

SO I think that using PGP was the right course of action here.

PGP is a red herring here.

Fundamentally the problem as i see it is lack of verification.  You pointed 
that out yourself.

Um, no, the problem is that this Symantec tool is training people to 
rename and run executable email attachments. The misnamed-executable 
practice is to bypass security policies that dictate email messages shall 
not have executable attachments in order to avoid malware.

As you properly pointed out - this is a lack of verification problem, NOT a 
lack of encryption problem.

That too, but when you've trained users to not view rename and run this 
file with immediate suspicion, you've drastically lowered the bar for 

If Symantec replaces PGP with their own custom thing now your not only 
introducing the lack of verification your also introducing unreliability of 
encryption, too.  Use of PGP is actually the proper thing to do.

Again, PGP is a red herring here.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ
 jhar...@impsec.orgFALaholic #11174 pgpk -a
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  There is no better measure of the unthinking contempt of the
  environmentalist movement for civilization than their call to
  turn off the lights and sit in the dark.-- Sultan Knish
 10 days until the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

On 7/10/2014 12:12 PM, John Hardin wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

On 7/10/2014 8:26 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 17:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
John wrote:

 I'm not excusing their approach, but I'm saying there are a lot of
 sources of real-world friction that lead to suboptimal solutions like
 this. I expect the desire to avoid requiring installation (and
 maintenance!) of PGP/GPG by their (assumed non-technical) customers
 is the primary reason they are doing it this way.


Symantec is the real culprit here. It is actively encouraging the
compromising of computers with the workflow of its product.

The proper approach would have been to make freely available a
Symantec Encrypted Archive viewer, similar to how Adobe makes PDF
readers freely available.

By using PGP they are using an open source encryption algorithm. If
they supply their own encrypted viewer then almost certainly it would be
closed source and there's no way to know if the NSA or some other
malevolent agency inserted a back door - like was done with RSA.

Agreed. It would be better if there was an open-source PGP/GPG archive
viewer application. However...

SO I think that using PGP was the right course of action here.

PGP is a red herring here.

Fundamentally the problem as i see it is lack of verification. You
pointed that out yourself.

Um, no, the problem is that this Symantec tool is training people to
rename and run executable email attachments. The misnamed-executable
practice is to bypass security policies that dictate email messages
shall not have executable attachments in order to avoid malware.

As you properly pointed out - this is a lack of verification problem,
NOT a lack of encryption problem.

That too, but when you've trained users to not view rename and run this
file with immediate suspicion, you've drastically lowered the bar for

Oh we are already so far down the path to evil under Windows that's nothing.

Under Windows, users don't think of it as rename and run they thing of 
it as rename and open  Microsoft has conflated the notion of running 
an executable with the notion of opening a file to edit or view or read. 
 Hiding the extensions by default is like the icing on the cake - it's 
like Microsoft built Windows to be hacked.

If your going to tell users don't open an attachment if you have to 
rename it then you are IMPLYING that if they DON'T have to rename the 
attachment then the attachment is safe, just save it and open it.

The bar has already been drastically lowered by the Windows paradigm as 
Microsoft has defined it.  And if that wasn't bad enough they introduced 
another paradigm in Windows 8 of applets and such, giving the evildoers 
even more hidey-holes in the OS to run malware.

Fundamentally I think the problem is with attachments.  An email 
attachment should be regarded as an anachronism.  Users should not be 
emailing each other attachments they should be emailing each other links 
to attachments that exist on servers, and the SSL paradigm should be 
re-architected to do more than just let users click though a simple 
warning message.

30 years ago when a lot of email was carried by UUCP then an attachment 
made sense.  But today in a connected Internet - absolutely not.


If Symantec replaces PGP with their own custom thing now your not only
introducing the lack of verification your also introducing
unreliability of encryption, too. Use of PGP is actually the proper
thing to do.

Again, PGP is a red herring here.

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is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread David F. Skoll
On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:25:50 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 Fundamentally I think the problem is with attachments.

No, the problem is not with attachments.  An attachment actually included
in an email is no more dangerous than an attachment downloaded via a link.
Email attachments are far too convenient; no-one's going to give them up.

The problem is that Windows encodes metadata such as this is
executable in the filename, making it trivial for attackers to get
their payloads to run.  The simple act of renaming a file in Windows
can be the equivalent of chmod a+x in UNIX.  A Windows user probably
does not realize that renaming a file can have dire consequences, whereas
even a casual UNIX user might pause if asked to chmod a file after
saving it.

(Note well this article: which points
out that some UNIX desktop environments are repeating the mistake made
by Windows.)



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-10 Thread Joe Acquisto-j4
 On 7/10/2014 at 3:35 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
 On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:25:50 -0700
 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
 Fundamentally I think the problem is with attachments.
 No, the problem is not with attachments.  An attachment actually included
 in an email is no more dangerous than an attachment downloaded via a link.
 Email attachments are far too convenient; no-one's going to give them up.
 The problem is that Windows encodes metadata such as this is
 executable in the filename, making it trivial for attackers to get
 their payloads to run.  The simple act of renaming a file in Windows
 can be the equivalent of chmod a+x in UNIX.  A Windows user probably
 does not realize that renaming a file can have dire consequences, whereas
 even a casual UNIX user might pause if asked to chmod a file after
 saving it.
 (Note well this article: which points
 out that some UNIX desktop environments are repeating the mistake made
 by Windows.)

Actually, that goes back to the days of  XX-DOS, CP . . err, umm . . .   Lordy, 
now I do feel old.

joe a.

Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread David F. Skoll
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:44:34 +0200
Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:

 If you deliberately try to sneak past sensible security measures, you
 should not be surprised to be blocked. The attempt by an honest user
 to disguise any $file (he did it on purpose, so he knows there's
 issues with that) is in no way better than a dis-honest user
 disguising a file.

Since implementing this rule, I have been *shocked* to discover that a
large data processing company (name hidden to protect the guilty)
sends out information about credit-card processing in the form of
obfuscated Microsoft Windows executable files!!!  (They're renamed to
end in .ex instead of .exe)  I tried running one of these files inside
Wine.  It's a PGP Self Decrypting Archive that asks for a passphrase.

The mind boggles!  *THIS* is the state of Windows security best practices?



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

First of all why do people insist on hiding names of companies that
do stuff like this?  It just makes it look like your manufacturing
an event that doesn't exist, it destroys your credibility.

Secondly, if you think that this is an example of badness on Windows
security best practices you simply have not seen Windows deployed in
90% of production networks out there.  This is NOTHING compared to 
S.O.P. on most Windows setups.

Imagine MS-DOS/LanManager network security model of 30 years ago.  Now
imagine Windows networks today in the vast majority of production installs.



PS:  Naturally there will be some Windows-kool-aid drinker who is going
to angrily reply to this post claiming Windows is secure if people just 
followed Microsoft's directions.

On 7/9/2014 11:06 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:44:34 +0200
Karsten Brä  wrote:

If you deliberately try to sneak past sensible security measures, you
should not be surprised to be blocked. The attempt by an honest user
to disguise any $file (he did it on purpose, so he knows there's
issues with that) is in no way better than a dis-honest user
disguising a file.

Since implementing this rule, I have been *shocked* to discover that a
large data processing company (name hidden to protect the guilty)
sends out information about credit-card processing in the form of
obfuscated Microsoft Windows executable files!!!  (They're renamed to
end in .ex instead of .exe)  I tried running one of these files inside
Wine.  It's a PGP Self Decrypting Archive that asks for a passphrase.

The mind boggles!  *THIS* is the state of Windows security best practices?



This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread Mauricio Tavares
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 First of all why do people insist on hiding names of companies that
 do stuff like this?  It just makes it look like your manufacturing
 an event that doesn't exist, it destroys your credibility.

  You mean besides NDAs and policies that at the very least might
cause those people to be fired by their employers? If you ever went to
a defcon open presentation, they do their best not to divulge the
names of involved parties.

 Secondly, if you think that this is an example of badness on Windows
 security best practices you simply have not seen Windows deployed in
 90% of production networks out there.  This is NOTHING compared to S.O.P. on
 most Windows setups.

 Imagine MS-DOS/LanManager network security model of 30 years ago.  Now
 imagine Windows networks today in the vast majority of production installs.



 PS:  Naturally there will be some Windows-kool-aid drinker who is going
 to angrily reply to this post claiming Windows is secure if people just
 followed Microsoft's directions.

 On 7/9/2014 11:06 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

 On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:44:34 +0200
 Karsten Brä  wrote:

 If you deliberately try to sneak past sensible security measures, you
 should not be surprised to be blocked. The attempt by an honest user
 to disguise any $file (he did it on purpose, so he knows there's
 issues with that) is in no way better than a dis-honest user
 disguising a file.

 Since implementing this rule, I have been *shocked* to discover that a
 large data processing company (name hidden to protect the guilty)
 sends out information about credit-card processing in the form of
 obfuscated Microsoft Windows executable files!!!  (They're renamed to
 end in .ex instead of .exe)  I tried running one of these files inside
 Wine.  It's a PGP Self Decrypting Archive that asks for a passphrase.

 The mind boggles!  *THIS* is the state of Windows security best



 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
 protection is active.

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

On 7/9/2014 11:37 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Ted  wrote:

First of all why do people insist on hiding names of companies that
do stuff like this?  It just makes it look like your manufacturing
an event that doesn't exist, it destroys your credibility.

   You mean besides NDAs and policies that at the very least might
cause those people to be fired by their employers? If you ever went to
a defcon open presentation, they do their best not to divulge the
names of involved parties.

Correct, but THEY ARE SAYING that they are under NDA and can't talk 
about it.  They readily admit they are profiting off the evildoing of
their customers or whatever, and quite often they have worked 
relentlessly within their organizations to change the SOP, and are

known a gadflys, and their employer is well aware of their views.

They speak at DEFCON because they hope that if enough people are 
educated to bad security practices that sooner or later an outside force 
will either convince their employer they were right all along,
or if there's enough agreement they are correct by 3rd parties, their 
employer may be convinced.

David DID NOT say that.  He said that he was shocked to discover  Why 
are you assuming he is under NDA or he is an employee of this company?

He did not say this large DP company was his meal ticket.  Are YOU
saying that this is his meal ticket?

But there is a larger issue here that I will address - this insistence 
of cowardly hiding behind NDA to protect rule breakers.  David DID not

say he did that - YOU are saying he did - and YOU appear TO BE ARGUING

What it boils down to is who are your sympathies for?  The people
breaking the rules or the thousands of other
people who are going to find out after signing up with the rule
breakers that they use questionable and unsafe business practices?

Now, in MY opinion there are only TWO ways to handle organizations
like large data processing company

The first is to work within the system - if for example Large DP
Company _is_ a customer of David's he goes to them, explains the danger,
recommends they correct it.

Then when he posts here he says I was shocked to discover and my
customer and I are working to correct it or some such.  I have plenty 
of respect for that, and posting that encourages other IT people to

do the same.

The second way is to work outside of the system.

You start by sending an anonymous letter to the large DP company
outlining the security issue and giving them 3 months to correct it or
you will go to the press.

If they haven't corrected it in 3 months you anonymously post details
of what they are doing to every security blog and mailing list you
can find.

In that case, you NEVER, EVER breath a word of the security problem to 
anyone.  No one in the company, no one outside of the company.  You make 
absolutely sure there's no possible way it can be traced back to you 
because trust me they are gonna try like hell to find whoever ratted 
them out.

I presume David IS NOT doing that or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

If you cannot do either of those options THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF HIGH 

THEM AND THEIR DATA, DAMMIT.  They trust you.  When you walk on by 
something like this business David posted about, and DO NOTHING, you are 
breaking their trust.  THIS is my beef with David's post.  Merely
posting hey this is what someone is doing is just walking on by, 
kicking the can down the road, doing nothing.  THIS is what destroys 
your credibility.

Users don't understand the dynamics of it.  They aren't qualified to 
advise you no matter what they tell you and what you think - if they 
were, they wouldn't be paying you to do the job.

Defending the people like Large DP Company is morally wrong and
bankrupt.  Mauricio, you need to seriously think about what your saying. 
 Would you want the doctor of your child to say nothing when you tell 
him your a 2 pack a day smoker in your home?  Well probably

you would - but the doctor's responsibility is to the helpless
child, not to you.  The IT admin's responsibility is to the helpless 
users not to a rule-breaking large data processing company.


Secondly, if you think that this is an example of badness on Windows
security best practices you simply have not seen Windows deployed in
90% of production networks out there.  This is NOTHING compared to S.O.P. on
most Windows setups.

Imagine MS-DOS/LanManager network security model of 30 years ago.  Now
imagine Windows networks today in the vast majority of production installs.



PS:  Naturally there will be some Windows-kool-aid drinker who is going
to angrily reply to this post claiming Windows is secure if people just
followed Microsoft's directions.

On 7/9/2014 11:06 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread David F. Skoll
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:44:27 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 David DID NOT say that.  He said that he was shocked to discover
 Why are you assuming he is under NDA or he is an employee of this

Let me clarify the situation:

1) I'm the owner of Roaring Penguin, so my boss is unlikely to fire
me for breaching company policy.

2) We operate hosted anti-spam service for a large number of customers.

3) Many of our customers are quite sensitive about their privacy.

4) Although I could probably reveal details of this incident without
consequences, I choose not to out of respect for our customers.  It
would not look good if I revealed the companies with whom our
customers correspond to the entire Internet, at least not without
asking first.


 Now, in MY opinion there are only TWO ways to handle organizations
 like large data processing company

It turns out that the company is using this product:

to send sensitive information to its customers.  I'm not about to shame
the large data processing company since the product is probably being
used by some low-level and harried clerk who was told by IT that it was
the approved way to send sensitive information.

I am *quite* happy to call out Symantec and say:

Symantec, you BONEHEADS!  You're an anti-virus company and you think it's
a good idea to distribute sensitive information as a WINDOWS EXECUTABLE???

Symantec, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves!

Is that sufficient naming and shaming? :)



Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread John Hardin

On Wed, 9 Jul 2014, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:


...unless it involves some actual, you know, effort on their part. 

And in this instance, Large DP Company *is* doing something proactive to 
protect the data they are providing to their customers - they are putting 
it in a strongly-encrypted wrapper.

That in doing so they are training their customers to behave in a manner 
that makes them vulnerable to malware delivered by social engineering 
*may* not be something they would worry enough about to actually spend 
money and time on fixing, especially if fixing it involves them forcing 
their costomers to install PGP or GPG in order to access a 
non-self-extracting encrypted archive. That won't be as visible a security 
feature as the PGP archive itself is, and it's not, strictly speaking, a 
hole in *their* security practices.

I'm not excusing their approach, but I'm saying there are a lot of sources 
of real-world friction that lead to suboptimal solutions like this. I 
expect the desire to avoid requiring installation (and maintenance!) of 
PGP/GPG by their (assumed non-technical) customers is the primary reason 
they are doing it this way.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ
 jhar...@impsec.orgFALaholic #11174 pgpk -a
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  Drugs will always be around. Politicians are therefore making an
  active decision to distribute them through violent gangs. --Twitter
 11 days until the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon

Re: Obfuscated Windows excecutables (was Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker)

2014-07-09 Thread Mauricio Tavares
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 On 7/9/2014 11:37 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Ted  wrote:

 First of all why do people insist on hiding names of companies that
 do stuff like this?  It just makes it look like your manufacturing
 an event that doesn't exist, it destroys your credibility.

You mean besides NDAs and policies that at the very least might
 cause those people to be fired by their employers? If you ever went to
 a defcon open presentation, they do their best not to divulge the
 names of involved parties.

 Correct, but THEY ARE SAYING that they are under NDA and can't talk about
 it.  They readily admit they are profiting off the evildoing of
 their customers or whatever, and quite often they have worked relentlessly
 within their organizations to change the SOP, and are
 known a gadflys, and their employer is well aware of their views.

 They speak at DEFCON because they hope that if enough people are educated to
 bad security practices that sooner or later an outside force will either
 convince their employer they were right all along,
 or if there's enough agreement they are correct by 3rd parties, their
 employer may be convinced.

 David DID NOT say that.  He said that he was shocked to discover  Why are
 you assuming he is under NDA or he is an employee of this company?

 He did not say this large DP company was his meal ticket.  Are YOU
 saying that this is his meal ticket?

 But there is a larger issue here that I will address - this insistence of
 cowardly hiding behind NDA to protect rule breakers.  David DID not
 say he did that - YOU are saying he did - and YOU appear TO BE ARGUING

 What it boils down to is who are your sympathies for?  The people
 breaking the rules or the thousands of other
 people who are going to find out after signing up with the rule
 breakers that they use questionable and unsafe business practices?

 Now, in MY opinion there are only TWO ways to handle organizations
 like large data processing company

 The first is to work within the system - if for example Large DP
 Company _is_ a customer of David's he goes to them, explains the danger,
 recommends they correct it.

 Then when he posts here he says I was shocked to discover and my
 customer and I are working to correct it or some such.  I have plenty of
 respect for that, and posting that encourages other IT people to
 do the same.

 The second way is to work outside of the system.

 You start by sending an anonymous letter to the large DP company
 outlining the security issue and giving them 3 months to correct it or
 you will go to the press.

 If they haven't corrected it in 3 months you anonymously post details
 of what they are doing to every security blog and mailing list you
 can find.

 In that case, you NEVER, EVER breath a word of the security problem to
 anyone.  No one in the company, no one outside of the company.  You make
 absolutely sure there's no possible way it can be traced back to you because
 trust me they are gonna try like hell to find whoever ratted them out.

 I presume David IS NOT doing that or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

 If you cannot do either of those options THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF HIGH TECH

 AND THEIR DATA, DAMMIT.  They trust you.  When you walk on by something like
 this business David posted about, and DO NOTHING, you are breaking their
 trust.  THIS is my beef with David's post.  Merely
 posting hey this is what someone is doing is just walking on by, kicking
 the can down the road, doing nothing.  THIS is what destroys your

 Users don't understand the dynamics of it.  They aren't qualified to advise
 you no matter what they tell you and what you think - if they were, they
 wouldn't be paying you to do the job.

 Defending the people like Large DP Company is morally wrong and
 bankrupt.  Mauricio, you need to seriously think about what your saying.
 Would you want the doctor of your child to say nothing when you tell him
 your a 2 pack a day smoker in your home?  Well probably
 you would - but the doctor's responsibility is to the helpless
 child, not to you.  The IT admin's responsibility is to the helpless users
 not to a rule-breaking large data processing company.

  You are putting words in my mouth.  Since you assumed to know
what I am thinking and spent a lot of time writing those brilliant
paragraphs to expand on that, I think it would be unfair of me to say
anything else. And besides, I do not like horses, be them high or low.
Never did.


 Secondly, if you think that this is an example of badness on Windows
 security best practices you simply have not seen Windows deployed in
 90% of production networks out there.  This is NOTHING compared to S.O.P.
 most Windows setups.


Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-08 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 7/7/2014 5:34 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:

Replying to myself...

full MSDOGEXE /\n\nTV[opqr]/

Seems to work. :)

So this sounds like you are searching the entire email for this string 
which just sounds inefficient especially if they use some big attachments.

Since I'm guessing you are using MD, wouldn't something like this be 
better? Untested, but based on some code for looking for rar files 
masquerading as zip files:

sub filter_bad_filename {

  # Check for hidden executables
  unless (re_match($entity, '\.exe$') ) {
my $bh = $entity-bodyhandle();
if (defined($bh)) {
  my $path = $bh-path();
  if (defined($path)) {
$entity-head-recommended_filename())) {



sub check_for_exe_signature {
  my ($path, $recommended_filename) = @_;

  my ($filehandle, $header);

  $filehandle = new IO::File( $path);
  if (defined $filehandle) {
close ($filehandle);

if (uc($header) eq MZ) {
  return 1;

  return 0;

NOTE: I would actually use an action_add_header_immediately routine that 
modifies the message that's passed to SA

But then add rules like this that use the header and other items to make 
a poison pill score possible

body__KAM_CRYPTO1   /open the attached document/i
body__KAM_CRYPTO2  /add an extension/i
header __KAM_CRYPTO3 X-Suspected-Hidden-EXE-Attachment =~ /True/

describe KAM_CRYPTO Likely CryptoLocker Spam with Hidden EXE Malware
score KAM_CRYPTO  8.0


Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-08 Thread David F. Skoll
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:03:35 -0400
Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

 So this sounds like you are searching the entire email for this
 string which just sounds inefficient especially if they use some big

It's not too bad because the regex is simple.

 Since I'm guessing you are using MD, wouldn't something like this be 
 better? Untested, but based on some code for looking for rar files 
 masquerading as zip files:

Yes, looking at file signatures (à la file(1)) would be more robust.

  if (uc($header) eq MZ) {

You don't want the uc(); that could lead to false-positives, but yes,
the idea is correct.

The reason I did it with a SpamAssassin rule is that we have ways to
push out SpamAssassin rules easily to our customers, but not so much
code changes. :)

The rule hits on surprisingly few messages (only two out of a couple of
million so far), but it's not terribly accurate: One false-positive caused
by a stupid base-64 encoder that leaves extra newlines between lines,
and one sort-of-false-positive that was a DLL renamed to .DAT to sneak
past filename extension blocks, but wasn't otherwise malicious.



Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-08 Thread Karsten Bräckelmann
On Tue, 2014-07-08 at 22:41 -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:
 On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:03:35 -0400, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
  So this sounds like you are searching the entire email for this
  string which just sounds inefficient especially if they use some big
 It's not too bad because the regex is simple.

The regex is dead simple, indeed. Even as full rule, it should perform
better than most complex body rules, since it is a very short pattern
with no backtracking.

For the benefit of easier discussion, the regex /\n\nTV[opqr]/ can be
translated to an empty line, that hopefully matches the gap at the
beginning of a MIME attachment, with some certain base64 encoded bytes.

That last part should better be referred to as a base64 encoded DOS MZ
executable -- or simply .exe file. A base64 encoded /^TV[opqr]/ is
identical to /^MZ/ decoded.

Which of course means, that applies to more than just a new variant of
some malware. Though generally targeting any MS executable dropped as a
mail attachment is not a bad idea...

 The reason I did it with a SpamAssassin rule is that we have ways to
 push out SpamAssassin rules easily to our customers, but not so much
 code changes. :)
 The rule hits on surprisingly few messages (only two out of a couple of
 million so far), but it's not terribly accurate: One false-positive caused
 by a stupid base-64 encoder that leaves extra newlines between lines,

That should be solvable by adding stricter border to be beginning of the
regex. Since I don't know what your samples use in particular, here is a
quick first idea.

  /(: base64|)\n\nTV[opqr]/

The idea is to base the regex at a char not part of the base64 set,
focusing on the Content-Transfer-Encoding and Content-Disposition MIME
headers. Whatever is the last one used.

 and one sort-of-false-positive that was a DLL renamed to .DAT to sneak
 past filename extension blocks, but wasn't otherwise malicious.

If you deliberately try to sneak past sensible security measures, you
should not be surprised to be blocked. The attempt by an honest user to
disguise any $file (he did it on purpose, so he knows there's issues
with that) is in no way better than a dis-honest user disguising a file.

char *t=\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4;
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;il;i++){ i%8? c=1:
(c=*++x); c128  (s+=h); if (!(h=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-07 Thread David F. Skoll
So, the inevitable had to happen.  The cryptolocker folks are getting
around extension blocking with this:


In case you are not able to open the attached document, please save it
to your computer and manually add an extension SCR (characters after
dot). See the sample name: Ivoice640.SCR

Then try again to read the file!

And, naturally, some *#$*% users fall for it.

A base64-encoded MS-DOS executable always matches this regex:


but we only want to match that at the very beginning of the B64-encoded
body.  Any ideas how to do this with a full rule?  Would:

full MSDOGEXE /\n\nTV[opqr]/

do the trick?



Re: Ideas sought for blocking new variant of cryptolocker

2014-07-07 Thread David F. Skoll
Replying to myself...

 full MSDOGEXE /\n\nTV[opqr]/

Seems to work. :)

