RE: pre-lock.bat Failed in Repo browser

2011-03-10 Thread Waseem Bokhari
This script works fine in all scenarios except Anyone can Steal Lock when 

 Unable to Break lock through check for modifications Option
 Unable to break lock through Repo browser
 Only  any user can Steal Lock when he tried to Get Lock and Check the 
below mentioned Option of Steal Lock.

Please advice.
Muchas gracias!

-Original Message-
From: Michael Diers []
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 4:47 PM
To: Waseem Bokhari
Subject: Re: pre-lock.bat Failed in Repo browser

Hash: SHA1

On 2011-03-08 09:46, Waseem Bokhari wrote:
 We are working in Windows Environment. Visual SVN on Server Side as 
 administration Tool and Tortoise SVN of Client. We are using HTTPS as well.

 Repository URL looks as :-

 Thanks in advance

 Muchas gracias!
 Waseem Bokhari

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Diers []
 Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:39 PM
 To: Waseem Bokhari
 Subject: Re: pre-lock.bat Failed in Repo browser

 On 2011-03-08 06:51, Waseem Bokhari wrote:
 Hi Experts!
Below is the pre-lock.bat  Script 

 Only User who lock the file can unlock the file. Other users are
 forbidden to Unlock file.

 This scenario failed in Repo Browser. Any one can Unlock File/Folder
 through Repo Browser.


indeed, anyone can _unlock_ the file because the pre-lock hook script is
never triggered for an unlock operation. (The unlock operation is called
Break lock in TortoiseSVN's Repository Browser.)

You'd need to provide a pre-unlock hook script to handle this.

- --- snip snip ---
@echo off
set trc=C:\tmp\waseem\trace.txt
echo === BEGIN pre-unlock  %trc%

:: Set all parameters
set repository=%1
set repopath=%2
set user=%3

:: Set path to svnlook
set svnlook=%VISUALSVN_SERVER%bin\svnlook.exe

echo repository = %repository%  %trc%
echo repopath = %repopath%  %trc%
echo user = %user%  %trc%
echo svnlook = %svnlook%  %trc%

echo ---  %trc%

:: Check that the lock exists and has an owner.
echo 1  %trc%
%svnlook% lock %repository% %repopath%  %trc% 21
echo 2  %trc%
%svnlook% lock %repository% %repopath% | findstr /C:Owner: %user%
 nul 21

:: If the person locking matches the lock's owner, allow unlocking.
echo 3  %trc%
if %rc% EQU 0 ^ echo Info: %repopath% OK to unlock by %user%.  %trc%
echo 4  %trc%
if %rc% EQU 0 exit 0

:: Otherwise, print notice to stderr and return failure.
echo 5  %trc%
echo Error: %repopath% is locked by another user.  %trc%
echo 6  %trc%
echo Error: %repopath% is locked by another user. 12
exit 1
- --- snip snip ---

- --
Michael Diers, elego Software Solutions GmbH,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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error message in configuaring subversion

2011-03-10 Thread JOCOBETH SPHIWE

i have problem in seting up variable or installing the subvision can u help
with the steps i have attache the arror massage

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RE: error message in configuaring subversion

2011-03-10 Thread Tennebø Frode
 i have problem in seting up variable or installing the 
 subvision can u help
 with the steps i have attache the arror massage

1) Never send attachments to this list (or any other lists which does not 
explicetedly allow this in their charter).
2) You sent an image inside a proprietary format.  Never, ever do that.

What you should have done instead of 1) and 2) above is to put the image on any 
of the image/file hosting sites available and give the URL, or even better, 
just cut-n-paste the appropriate text into the mail.

To answer you question:  You need to install subversion 
( and make sure you Path 
environment variable (System - Advanced - Environment Variables) points to 
the directory you have installed Subversion to. 


Re: Kind information missing in svn log xml output

2011-03-10 Thread Prabhu Gnana Sundar

Hi Yves,

I tried to replicate the same issue on my box. It works fine for me and 
I get the kind value correctly.

But I tried it on a Ubuntu 10.10 box, svn version 1.6.9 (r901367).


On Wednesday 09 March 2011 10:11 PM, Yves Bergeron wrote:

The output of
svn log --xml --verbose file:///home20/sources/repos/oud --revision 3974

is similar to
?xml version=1.0?
msgAdd of query directory.  Populate the object table./msg
Why the kind information is always missing ?
I'm using svn, version 1.6.9 (r901367)  compiled Mar 22 2010, 00:59:50 
on CentOS 5.3

Thank you.

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Re: Kind information missing in svn log xml output

2011-03-10 Thread Mark Phippard
The kind information is only available if the repository on the server
was created by SVN 1.6.  Earlier repositories have to be dumped/loaded
to add this additional information to the repository.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:54 AM, Prabhu Gnana Sundar wrote:

 Hi Yves,

 I tried to replicate the same issue on my box. It works fine for me and I
 get the kind value correctly.
 But I tried it on a Ubuntu 10.10 box, svn version 1.6.9 (r901367).


 On Wednesday 09 March 2011 10:11 PM, Yves Bergeron wrote:


 The output of

 svn log --xml --verbose file:///home20/sources/repos/oud --revision 3974
 is similar to

 ?xml version=1.0?
 msgAdd of query directory.  Populate the object table./msg
 Why the kind information is always missing ?

 I'm using svn, version 1.6.9 (r901367)  compiled Mar 22 2010, 00:59:50 on
 CentOS 5.3

 Thank you.

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 vous est parvenu par mégarde, veuillez le supprimer et nous en aviser


Mark Phippard

Re: Renaming a file on windows with @20 in name

2011-03-10 Thread Stephen P Rufle
Thanks that did it. I had thought it might have had something to do with 
peg revisions, but was unsure how to escape the syntax.

On 3/9/2011 6:00 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Mar 9, 2011, at 18:11, Michael Diers wrote:

On 2011-03-09 21:22, Stephen P Rufle wrote:

I am trying the following.
svn ren 4...@20hrs.jpg 48 hrs.jpg

I get the following message
svn: '48' is not under version control

I would like to automate the task of renaming ~100 files. I was able to
use TortoiseSVN to do a single file manually, but am not sure how to get
this to work from the command line.

Please help :)


what command line interpreter (shell) are you using?

The files to be renamed must be referred to with a trailing @,
like so:

svn ren 4...@20hrs.jpg@ 48 hrs.jpg

And just to explain why: This is because Subversion reserves a special use for the @ character: specifying a peg revision number. 
(Peg and operative revisions are explained in the book at ) Subversion takes 48 as the filename 
and 20hrs.jpg as the peg revision, and isn't smart enough to realize that that's not a valid revision number and just 
tries to use it as one anyway; to avoid that, you add the extra @ at the end, which will end up using the correct 
filename 4...@20hrs.jpg and a revision number  (the empty string), which is fine.

Re: Need help troubleshooting user authentication (apache)

2011-03-10 Thread Johan Corveleyn
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Cooke, Mark wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Shahaf []
 Sent: 09 March 2011 16:48
 To: Cooke, Mark
 Subject: Re: Need help troubleshooting user authentication (apache)

 Cooke, Mark wrote on Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 14:44:31 -:
  [Wed Jan 12 10:06:38 2011] [error] [client ip-address] user user_a:
  authentication failure for /svn/dept/project/trunk:
  Password Mismatch
  I do not understand where the 'Password Mismatch' error is
  coming from, why does that only happen when using subversion
  and not the browser?  I have tried searching for rejected
  Basic challenge (both and the wider net) but
  I've not found anything that hes helped so far.
  What can I do to try to work out what the problem is?  It
  is only svn and (currently) for only this one user...  I'd
  really appreciate any help at this point.

 * Have you tried creating a new OS user for that one user?

 Not yet.  Corporate IT consider it my problem and that option is
 definite *last resort* material *sigh*

 * Yes, may be a good idea to look up where Password Mismatch is
   generated.  (I haven't heard of it before, but I don't claim to have
   heard of all typical syslog messages.)

 I guess it means exactly what it says but I'll try looking in the source
 once I've found it to confirm.  I did find one comment to an article
 that said they had problems with AuthzLDAPAuthoritative set On so I
 might try turning that Off but I need to check the implications of

 Still no idea why this only applies via the svn client (either command
 line or TortoiseSVN) and not when accessing the server using https via

As a quick drive-by suggestion, two things come to mind:
- SVN might use cached credential, browser doesn't. Maybe just
(re)move the cached credentials on the client-machine (from
%APP_DATA%/Subversion/auth, or from the registry (see svnbook)), and
try again?

- proxy: svn only goes through proxy if it is configured as such in
the servers file in the runtime-configuration area. Browser might use
different proxy settings.


Hosting multiple subdomains with a common SVNParentPath under apache

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel F. Garcia
I have an apache server that has an alias of * What I want is to 
setup svn paths that switch to different repositories according to the 
subdomain. E.g. - /var/svn/subdomain1 - /var/svn/subdomain2 - /var/svn/subdomain3

I setup a repository that used the SVNParentPath directive, then had a bunch of 
mod_rewrite rules to do all the mapping. I almost got it working. It worked in 
a web browser and repo browser but I could not do a checkout.

Any ideas for a different approach? Has anyone done this successfully?

Daniel F Garcia

Re: Hosting multiple subdomains with a common SVNParentPath under apache

2011-03-10 Thread David Chapman

On 3/10/2011 12:59 PM, Daniel F. Garcia wrote:

I have an apache server that has an alias of * What I want is to 
setup svn paths that switch to different repositories according to the 
subdomain. E.g. -  /var/svn/subdomain1 -  /var/svn/subdomain2 -  /var/svn/subdomain3

I setup a repository that used the SVNParentPath directive, then had a bunch of 
mod_rewrite rules to do all the mapping. I almost got it working. It worked in 
a web browser and repo browser but I could not do a checkout.

Any ideas for a different approach? Has anyone done this successfully?

Daniel F Garcia

I don't use SVNParentPath because I have a limited number of 
repositories and don't add them on a regular basis.  Instead I use 
VirtualHost directives:

Location /svn
DAV svn
SVNPath /var/svn/subdomain1

Note that VirtualHost directives are incompatible with https: access 
because the destination host name is encrypted with the rest of the 
packet data and Apache can't decrypt the packets before directing them.

David Chapman
Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

Re: Need help troubleshooting user authentication (apache)

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel Shahaf
Johan Corveleyn wrote on Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 21:57:41 +0100:
 - proxy: svn only goes through proxy if it is configured as such in
 the servers file in the runtime-configuration area. Browser might use
 different proxy settings.

IIRC svn can be configured to use the OS proxy settings on some
operating systems.  Unfortunately I don't remember which OS's those

Re: Hosting multiple subdomains with a common SVNParentPath under apache

2011-03-10 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Mar 10, 2011, at 15:17, Daniel F. Garcia wrote:

 This is a good solution, but I have 2 additional requirements
 * I have 100 subdomains and I want to save time setting them up (ok, I could 
 script this)
 * I need to be able to add subdomains without restarting apache
 The 2nd requirement is why I used the * alias and used the 
 SVNParentPath directive.

Sorry, Daniel, I don't know a way to accomplish all those objectives. The only 
options Subversion provides are:

 * SVNPath: host a single repository at a URL
 * SVNParentPath: host multiple repositories under a parent URL

There is no provision for using SVNParentPath with the repository name coming 
from the hostname, only from a directory component in the URL.

You cannot use mod_rewrite or similar to fake this. Subversion clients do not 
follow HTTP redirects.

The only way I know to accomplish the functionality you want is to define each 
subdomain as its own VirtualHost, either manually or via a script you write. 
You will have to restart Apache when making changes, though a graceful restart 
shouldn't impact you too much.

Hosting multiple dynamic subdomains

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel F. Garcia
I have an apache server that has an alias of * What I want is to 
setup svn paths that switch to different repositories according to the 
subdomain. E.g. - /var/svn/subdomain1 - /var/svn/subdomain2 - /var/svn/subdomain3

I setup a repository that used the SVNParentPath directive, then had a bunch of 
mod_rewrite rules to do all the mapping. I almost got it working. It worked in 
a web browser and repo browser but I could not do a checkout.

Any ideas for a different approach? Has anyone done this?

Daniel F Garcia

RE: Hosting multiple dynamic subdomains

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel F. Garcia
Sorry, not sure why this posted twice. Please ignore.

-Original Message-
From: Daniel F. Garcia [] 
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2011 6:36 AM
Subject: Hosting multiple dynamic subdomains

I have an apache server that has an alias of * What I want is to 
setup svn paths that switch to different repositories according to the 
subdomain. E.g. - /var/svn/subdomain1 - /var/svn/subdomain2 - /var/svn/subdomain3

I setup a repository that used the SVNParentPath directive, then had a bunch of 
mod_rewrite rules to do all the mapping. I almost got it working. It worked in 
a web browser and repo browser but I could not do a checkout.

Any ideas for a different approach? Has anyone done this?

Daniel F Garcia