mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-22 Thread Chris Rodgers

Dear All,

I have just upgraded from Apache HTTPD 2.2 --> 2.4. My svn repository 
seems to work fine over https but I get these repeated warnings:

[:warn] [pid 15721] mod_dav_svn: nested Location '/repos/thereponame' 
hinders access to '' in SVNPath Location '/repos/thereponame'

My httpd.conf file contains this:

## project related HTML files

Alias /repos/srv/svn/html

Options +Indexes +Multiviews -FollowSymLinks
IndexOptionsFancyIndexing \
ScanHTMLTitles \
NameWidth=* \
DescriptionWidth=* \
SuppressLastModified \

order allow,deny
allow from all

   DAV svn
   SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/thereponame
   SVNIndexXSLT "/repos-web/view/repos-thereponame.xsl"

   # Include per-directory access control policy
   AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_authz

   # Limit write permission to list of valid users.
  # Require SSL connection for password protection.

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Authorization Realm"
  AuthUserFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_passwd
  Require valid-user

What have I done wrong?



Re: mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-22 Thread Chris Rodgers

Hi Mark,

Thanks for getting back to me.

I added this to avoid a 404 error for https://myserver/repos/

The /srv/svn/html folder is completely empty.


On 22/10/2013 15:00, Cooke, Mark wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Chris Rodgers []
Sent: 22 October 2013 11:15

Dear All,

I have just upgraded from Apache HTTPD 2.2 --> 2.4. My svn repository
seems to work fine over https but I get these repeated warnings:

[:warn] [pid 15721] mod_dav_svn: nested Location


hinders access to '' in SVNPath Location '/repos/thereponame'

My httpd.conf file contains this:

## project related HTML files

Alias /repos/srv/svn/html

 Options +Indexes +Multiviews -FollowSymLinks
 IndexOptionsFancyIndexing \
 ScanHTMLTitles \
 NameWidth=* \
 DescriptionWidth=* \
 SuppressLastModified \

 order allow,deny
 allow from all

DAV svn
SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/thereponame
SVNIndexXSLT "/repos-web/view/repos-thereponame.xsl"

# Include per-directory access control policy
AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_authz

# Limit write permission to list of valid users.
   # Require SSL connection for password protection.

   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Authorization Realm"
   AuthUserFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_passwd
   Require valid-user

What have I done wrong?

What are you trying to achieve with your `/repos` alias?  Are you trying to 
server mulitple repos from that root but apply special handling to a specific 
path?  The location directive serves one specific repo without the need for the 
alias, I would guess you could just remove that (but I might be wrong!)

~ mark c



Re: mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-22 Thread Chris Rodgers

...but what should be there?  If you want a list of repositories then I would 
suggest investigating the `SVNParentPath` directive.
1/ If you comment out the alias directive, does you svn work ok?
2/ what are you trying to serve via the `/repos` URL?

~ Mark C

Hi Mark,

1) Yes, SVN does then work OK.

But I then get a 404 error from https://server/repos/

2)  I am using the style sheet, so each 
repository root has an "Up" button in the HTML page that is served... I 
wanted a blank directory listing with a quick ".." link for getting back 
to the server root. The intention was not to reveal the repos names 
whilst avoiding the dead link from the repo root folder.

I still don't really understand the need for this warning:

There is no folder "thereponame" in /srv/svn/html so nothing actually 

If I removed the Alias, wouldn't there still be a 
potential-but-not-in-fact conflict between a path on disk 
/htdocs/repos/thereponame (which doesn't exist) and the repository URL 
https://server/repos/thereponame/ ??


Re: mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-22 Thread Chris Rodgers

...but what should be there?  If you want a list of repositories then I would 
suggest investigating the `SVNParentPath` directive.
1/ If you comment out the alias directive, does you svn work ok?
2/ what are you trying to serve via the `/repos` URL?

~ Mark C

I have also just noticed that the warning is still being generated even 
without the Alias directive.

Do you have any further ideas for what I can try / if this matters?


Re: mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-24 Thread Chris Rodgers

Dear Mark and Ryan,

Thank you for your comments.

I am trying to serve a number of repositories from one server via https 
with different IP range restrictions applied to each. I do not want to 
show the names of the repositories to clients requesting 
https://server/repos/ .

I am getting warnings like this in my logs and wanted to know if they 

[Thu Oct 24 09:52:58.087560 2013] [:warn] [pid 23502] mod_dav_svn: 
nested Location '/repos/thereponame' hinders access to '' in SVNPath 
Location '/repos/thereponame'

In light of your helpful suggestions, I have removed all mentions of 
"/repos" from the httpd config. I now have a set of blocks like this, 
one per repository:

   DAV svn
   SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/thereponame
   SVNIndexXSLT "/repos-web/view/repos-thereponame.xsl"

   # Include per-directory access control policy
   AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_authz

  # Require SSL connection for password protection.

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Authorization Realm"
  AuthUserFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_passwd
  Require valid-user

And I still get the warnings!

Is there something wrong with my config or should I simply ignore the 

Best wishes,


RE: mod_dav_svn: nested Location warning

2013-10-24 Thread Chris Rodgers
Good question.. Yes I have!

And I can see the change because https://server/repos/ now gives a 404 which it 
didn't originally.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Query about warnings: mod_dav_svn: nested Location '/repos/reponame' hinders access to '' in SVNPath Location '/repos/reponame'

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Rodgers
Dear Subversion team,

I run subversion on a Fedora 26 machine, with Apache 2.4.27 and
Subversion mod_dav_svn 1.9.7 installed from the Fedora repositories.

I see lots of errors like this in my httpd error_log:

> [Thu Oct 05 10:53:19.131284 2017] [:warn] [pid 30014] mod_dav_svn:
> nested Location '/repos/reponame' hinders access to '' in SVNPath
> Location '/repos/reponame'
Here is the section for this repository in

>    DAV svn
>    SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/reponame
>    SVNIndexXSLT "/repos-web/view/repos-reponame.xsl"
>    # Include per-directory access control policy
>    AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/user_access/reponame_authz
>   # Require SSL connection for password protection.
>   SSLRequireSSL
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName "Authorization Realm"
>   AuthUserFile /srv/svn/user_access/reponame_passwd
>   Require valid-user

There are other equivalent  blocks too.

How can I suppress this warning? / Does it matter?

Things I previously tried:

1. Per!topic/subversion_users/kQNOHEYjjvs

I grepped all files in /etc/httpd to check. I do not have any nested
Location blocks in my config.

2. Again per!topic/subversion_users/kQNOHEYjjvs

I adjusted the Location block to 

and SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/reponame to SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/reponame/

(i.e. adding a trailing slash).

But this did not remove the warning, AND it meant that a svn clients now
show an error accessing the repository root:

> $ svn ls 'https://hostname/repos/reponame'
> svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
> 'https://hostname/repos/reponame'
> svn: E175002: The OPTIONS request returned invalid XML in the
> response: XML parse error at line 1: no element found
> (https://hostname/repos/reponame)
> and
> $ svn ls
> ''
> svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
> 'https://hostname/repos/reponame'
> svn: E175002: The OPTIONS request returned invalid XML in the
> response: XML parse error at line 1: no element found
> (https://hostname/repos/reponame)
Note that the two svn ls commands both send a URL to the server (seen in
the access_log) WITHOUT the trailing slash.

Using Chrome web browser, I see a 404 error at
https://hostname/repos/reponame (correctly I think - there is no such
file in the httpd web root folder) and I see the repository listing at

Using TortoiseSVN's repository browser FAILS with this setup with an XML
error like the command line.

svn ls, Chrome, and TortoiseSVN's repository browser can access folders
within the repository OK, e.g. svn ls
'https://hostname/repos/reponame/dir1' or svn ls
'https://hostname/repos/reponame/dir1/' are both fine.

Best wishes,


Re: Query about warnings: mod_dav_svn: nested Location '/repos/reponame' hinders access to '' in SVNPath Location '/repos/reponame'

2017-10-05 Thread Chris Rodgers
Hi Daniel,

You were right about the double Include of the subversion.conf file.
Thank you!

Best wishes,
