...but what should be there?  If you want a list of repositories then I would 
suggest investigating the `SVNParentPath` directive.
1/ If you comment out the alias directive, does you svn work ok?
2/ what are you trying to serve via the `/repos` URL?

~ Mark C

Hi Mark,

1) Yes, SVN does then work OK.

But I then get a 404 error from https://server/repos/

2) I am using the http://www.reposstyle.com/ style sheet, so each repository root has an "Up" button in the HTML page that is served... I wanted a blank directory listing with a quick ".." link for getting back to the server root. The intention was not to reveal the repos names whilst avoiding the dead link from the repo root folder.

I still don't really understand the need for this warning:

There is no folder "thereponame" in /srv/svn/html so nothing actually conflicts.

If I removed the Alias, wouldn't there still be a potential-but-not-in-fact conflict between a path on disk /htdocs/repos/thereponame (which doesn't exist) and the repository URL https://server/repos/thereponame/ ??


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