Re: T5: newbie question about tap5 ejb

2007-10-07 Thread Yann Ramin
AFAIK, You can't use the @EJB annotation outside of an actual bean or
class managed by the EJB framework (Tapestry is not). You need to bind
to the using a JNDI context - I think the Quickstart example has a good
example of using a Tapestry ASO (BeanLocator) for that.

Pavel Volkovitskiy wrote:
 i'm trying to use ejb3 beans from my tap5 app
 right now i'm doing:
 private SellerFacadeLocal sellerFacade;
 and then
 public StreamResponse onSubmit() {
 Seller s = sellerFacade.getSeller(code, dealer, comment);
 there Seller - entity, sellerFacade - stateless bean and
 sellerFacadeLocal - interface
 but this doesn't work, i'm getting javax.naming.NotContextException:
 so, i'm doing  something  wrong...
 any tips or tap5ejb3 examples?

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Re: illegal character: \64 error when built using jdk1.4

2007-06-13 Thread Yann Ramin

Annotations don't exist in JDK 1.4. You need to use JDK5 or stop using 

Ajit Raj wrote:

I got an illegal character: \64 error for the following statement

and @Persist

etc when I switch from jdk1.5 to jdk1.4 to compile the project which is using tapestry 4.0.
Could anyone let me know where the issue is?

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Re: T5: Direct URL to Class Mappings are Inconvenient

2007-06-12 Thread Yann Ramin

As long as we can fix the

class Bar {

turning into /bar/ and not finding the html page bug ;)

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

That may not make it into the initial release of Tapestry; there are
so many other concerns that are more critical!

On 6/12/07, David Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's the word view that I'd like to get rid of because the more 
slashes in

your URL, the lower the page is ranked in certain search engines.

/article - ArticleViewer
/admin/article/edit - ArticleEditor

It would be nice to have the mapping strategy from URI to classname (and
back) be made pluggable or more configurable.


 The current rules allow for this:

 pages.view.ViewArticle is mapped to view/article (not

 This is very useful, since you'll likely add other options: add/ or
 edit/ or search/.

 On 6/12/07, David Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm finding that I often want my pages to have the same names as 

  my model.
  For example, I have an Article class in my model and I want the 

  viewer URL to be /article (with a context specifying the article
  reference). Although this is possible by using fully-qualified class
  everywhere, it's messy and error prone.
  Ideally, I'd like to have the URL /article mapped to
  com.mydomain.pages.ArticleViewer. Is that easy to do? (If it's 

  could you post some code?)
  If not, how about a Page suffix for page classes, e.g. 
ArticlePage? I

  think that would be a useful convention and might avoid having to
  the URLs, model class names or code readability.

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind

 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.


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Re: Tapestry5 ready for use in a new project?

2007-05-16 Thread Yann Ramin
I'm working on two projects using T5 now. In my opinion its very usable, 
just expect the occasional bug and rough edge at this point.

yes, on the one hand it's really good to have existing ajax components,
OTOH, if component creation is really simple (with adding stuff to
the header), it's also a good option - one can use the preferred ajax
library then (i heard jquery shall be really cool)...

There is some promising work on custom AJAX stuff, I can point out some 
conversations on this list detailing how to do simple JSON requests in a 
page. Could also be used for XML.

what's the status with documentation about T5, feedback on the mailing
list, and the learning curve?

Documentation is decent, though sometimes hard to wrap your head around 
in my opinion. Learning curve really depends on how much you've used 
other setups like Struts and how quick you can purge your mind relearn 
:) Mailing list is a good help.

thanx a lot for your feedback,

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T5: Caching of javascript

2007-05-07 Thread Yann Ramin

It seems the T5 asset javascript files (such as prototype, 
scriptalicous) are not being cached by browsers (tested IE6 and FF). 
Using Firebug and having the server on a slow (= cable modem upload) 
connection shows this problem very well, with about 2-3s page delay in 
transferring the .js files. Caching appears to work just fine on images 
though, which are also injected via assets.

This may not be a problem with Tapestry per say, but has anyone noticed 
this/found a solution?

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Re: Templating with Tapestry 5

2007-04-27 Thread Yann Ramin

Went down this road recently.

You have a Layout component (call it what you want)

htmlbodysome static stuff

and each page uses the layout;

body body

if you want more flexibility, you can pass in other components as 
parameters, and use t:delegate to render them

t:parameter name=sidebar
t:sidebar t:id=sidebar/
body body

and in the layout:

t:delegate to=propertyNameOfYourParameter/

bjornharvold wrote:


Can you give me an example?


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Re: Incomplete URL requests resulting in Excceptions

2007-04-13 Thread Yann Ramin

Not all of them are going to be well behaved web spiders. Exploit 
scanners tend to hit specific URL suffixes to feed in their exploit code 
(looking for vulnerable phpbb, phpnuke, etc), and they don't respond to 
robots.txt ;)

It clogs up traditional Apache error logs as well.

I would suggest simply filtering the error emails.

jake123 wrote:

we have a similar problem... we are hosting approximately 300 websites that
is using our tapestry application to which all the content are red from the
database and build up on the fly. We also gets a lot of 'ghost' exceptions
when search engine spiders and robots try to access our application. Our
application sends us a error email every time an exception occurs in the
application and that means at least around a 100 emails  a day.

I also noticed that we get a lot of pageNotFoundException for page names
that do not exists in our application name space... is this normal?

How do you prevent the search engines to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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T5: Best page templating strategy

2007-04-10 Thread Yann Ramin

I'm using T5 to do some experimental testing, creating some mockup
applications to teach me more about the framework.

My question is, how do you best handle multi-part layouts?

For instance, a Layout can be composed of a Body and a Sidebar. The
Sidebar can be a component.

My current approach is to have a

public Page {
 private Layout _layout;
 private Sidebar _sidebar;


t:layout t:id=layout blah
div id=main
fee fi fo fum
t:sidebar t:id=sidebar bar=true/

This feels suboptimal, as I'm encoding the location of the sidebar into 
each and every page (namely always coming after the main div). I'd like 
to have the Sidebar component in the Layout component, but feed this 
component from the Page to the Layout (as the Sidebar component could be 
different on every page). I.e., t:layout sidebar=sidebar, but that 
is a parameter, not a component, so afaik won't work like I expect it to 
(it didn't in testing, but could have been anything).

Any way of accomplishing this? Any better solutions to this problem? Am 
I missing something?

BTW, T5 is a great framework - having lots of fun with it!

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Re: T5: Best page templating strategy

2007-04-10 Thread Yann Ramin

I got a good start on this, but still missing something fundamental.

In, I have the Sidebar component.
In Page.html, I pass the component in a parameter
t:parameter name=sidebar

In I have a sidebar block

private Block _sidebar;

What I can't figure out is how to get the block to render.

Thanks for all of your suggestions so far!

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

If the sidebar really changes for each page, then it can be a Block
parameter to the layout component. This will allow the layout
component to control where, within its templates, the sidebar appears.
Check out the t:parameter documentation.

On 4/10/07, Stephane PAQUET [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just one question, why don't  you use a CSS layout + ASSET in stead
of component (this does not apply to the sidebar).

On Apr 10, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Yann Ramin wrote:

 I'm using T5 to do some experimental testing, creating some mockup
 applications to teach me more about the framework.

 My question is, how do you best handle multi-part layouts?

 For instance, a Layout can be composed of a Body and a Sidebar. The
 Sidebar can be a component.

 My current approach is to have a

 public Page {
  private Layout _layout;
  private Sidebar _sidebar;


 t:layout t:id=layout blah
 div id=main
 fee fi fo fum
 t:sidebar t:id=sidebar bar=true/

 This feels suboptimal, as I'm encoding the location of the sidebar
 into each and every page (namely always coming after the main div).
 I'd like to have the Sidebar component in the Layout component, but
 feed this component from the Page to the Layout (as the Sidebar
 component could be different on every page). I.e., t:layout
 sidebar=sidebar, but that is a parameter, not a component, so
 afaik won't work like I expect it to (it didn't in testing, but
 could have been anything).

 Any way of accomplishing this? Any better solutions to this
 problem? Am I missing something?

 BTW, T5 is a great framework - having lots of fun with it!

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Re: T5: Best page templating strategy

2007-04-10 Thread Yann Ramin

Just figured out you can return the block in a render stage to get it to 
render. Deceptively simple, but the docs (from my reading), didn't 
mention it.

Block doSidebar()
return _sidebar;

Yann Ramin wrote:

I got a good start on this, but still missing something fundamental.

In, I have the Sidebar component.
In Page.html, I pass the component in a parameter
t:parameter name=sidebar

In I have a sidebar block

private Block _sidebar;

What I can't figure out is how to get the block to render.

Thanks for all of your suggestions so far!

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