Making the outside loop value available to the inside loop?

2009-07-21 Thread cajmrn

Hi Guys, 

Me again with another question :). I have the following setup an outer loop
construct and an Inner loop. I want the outer loop to generate the table
header of the each table that is generated. This is coming from the keyset()
of a hashmap. The inner loop should contain an arraylist, coming from the
values() of the hashmap also note, Im using an OGNL binding. My current
predicament is that the key that i am generating in the outer loop needs to
be passed to the .get() function of the innerloop and it doesnt seem to be
working. How is the outerloop value made available to the inner loop? and
passed to the inner get function?

Below is the tml that ive implemented thus far.

t:form id=IssuesGrid
ul t:type=loop t:source=issueKeys 
table width=75% border=1
tr t:type=loop 


Thanks in Advance,
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Re: Making the outside loop value available to the inside loop?

2009-07-21 Thread cajmrn

Thanks for your response Thiago.

This is my java code for that page.

public class Contact
private jiraDataSource jDO;

private HashMap String, ArrayListIssue issuesList;

private CollectionArrayListIssue issuesSet;

private CollectionString issueKeys;

private ArrayListIssue issues;

private String issueKey;

private Issue issue;

void onActivate()
issuesList =jDO.getAllIssuesLists(); 

public void setIssuesList(HashMap String, ArrayListIssue issuesList)
this.issuesList = issuesList;

public HashMap String, ArrayListIssue getIssuesList()
return issuesList;

public Collection String getIssueKeys()
issueKeys = issuesList.keySet();
return issueKeys;

public CollectionArrayListIssue getIssuesSet()
issuesSet = issuesList.values();
return issuesSet;

public void setIssues(ArrayListIssue cI)
this.issues = cI;

public ArrayListIssuegetIssues()
return issues;

public void setIssueKey(String iK)
this.issueKey = iK;

public String getIssueKey()
return issueKey;

public Issue getIssue()
return issue;

public void setIssue(Issue i)
this.issue = i;

So just to explain what I think the logic to what I have coded is, (this may
be the issue :)) when i say ognl:issuelist.get(issueKey) it passes the value
from setIssueKey() and it should be returning an arraylist and because my
arraylist has issue objects, the setIssue() function should get called,


Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 Em Tue, 21 Jul 2009 09:13:28 -0300, cajmrn escreveu:
 How is the outerloop value made available to the inner loop? and
 passed to the inner get function?
 Your template looks like it should work as is. You don't need to pass  
 values from one component to the other. Just make sure the outer loop sets  
 some page property that is read by the inner loop. Posting your page code  
 here would help.
 Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
 Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
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Re: Making the outside loop value available to the inside loop?

2009-07-21 Thread cajmrn

Hi Thiago, 

Forgive the vagueness of my questions, its a bit difficult to bring across
what im trying to do without overstating the issues plus I've probably got
too many projects running concurrently :). 

the code I had pasted does not display the issue objects in the arraylist
that is returned from the .get() function on the hashmap. From a broader
perspective id like to display a table for every entry in the hashmap. Ive
tried, key word tried, various solutions including binding to a
DataGridSource, but was unable to adequately implement that. then, I tried
getting a Set from the entrySet of the Hashmap, then, I found a thread here
about ognl bindings and it seemed like the best solution. 

I'll give prop and literal prefixes a try, I can see my information flow all
the way up arraylist but from there it just doesnt display in the web page,
just the issueKeys are displayed the table headers but the tr elements
are not filled.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 Em Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:24:42 -0300, cajmrn escreveu:
 Thanks for your response Thiago.
 You're welcome!
 Two issues:
 What exactly is not working? Your description is quite vague.
 Instead of using OGNL, use Tapestry's prop binding. It will be much easier  
 to debug than when you put logic in your template.
 Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
 Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
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Re: How do you display a HashMapString, ArrayListobject in a .tml table

2009-07-15 Thread cajmrn

Hello Igor, 

Thank you for the reply, What I've implemented so far is I've converted the
hashmap keys and values to their respective collection types. but when I
pass either one of them to the grid component it displays the number of
objects passed but none of the information is passed. below is the code that
i have written for the display page.

So say for example i wanted to display just the keys i would pass the
issueKeys collection to the grid component correct? but it just displays as
aforementioned, an empty grid header with a false value in each row.
Side note:
this gird is being populated based on set of selections made on a grid that
was displayed on a previous page. I've debugged the information flow and i
can see the the HashMap is passed to this page and I see that the enclosed
ArrayList has information as well, its just Im not sure if perhaps the
information is getting lost at some point during the display of this grid?
Or maybe the accessor object that the component uses? Honestly I'm at a loss
as to what is going on...

public class Contact
private jiraDataSource jDO;
private HashMap String, ArrayListIssue issuesList;
private CollectionArrayListIssue issuesSet;
private CollectionString issueKeys;
private String issueKey;

private Issue issue;

void onActivate()
issuesList =jDO.getAllIssuesLists(); 

public void setIssuesList(HashMap String, ArrayListIssue issuesList)
this.issuesList = issuesList;

public HashMap String, ArrayListIssue getIssuesList()
return issuesList;

public Collection String getIssueKeys()
issueKeys = issuesList.keySet();
return issueKeys;

public CollectionArrayListIssue getIssuesSet()
issuesSet = issuesList.values();
return issuesSet;

public String getIssueKey()
return issueKey;

public Issue getIssue()
return issue;

public void setIssue(Issue i)
this.issue = i;

this is the page class its coming from:

public class About
private jiraDataSource jiraDO;
private Filter filter;

private Contact contact;

public List Filter getAllFilters()
return jiraDO.getAllFilters();

public Filter getFilter()
return filter;

public void setFilter(Filter f)
this.filter = f;

void CheckboxClick()
System.out.println(a Checkbox was clicked);

Object tromSubmit()
System.out.println(submission made);
HashMap String, ArrayListIssue issuesList =
return contact;


Igor Drobiazko wrote:
 Just convert your Map into a GridDataSource which you pass to the
 Take a look at Tapestry's internal implementation of GridDataSource which
 constructed from a collection.
 You can also provide a type coercion from a Map to GridDataSource or to
 Collection. Tapestry will do the coercion for you.
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:35 AM, cajmrn wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am once again stuck and unsure as to how to implement the following. I
 have a HashMap that contains a String id for the Key and an ArrayList as
 value. What I need to do is to display in a table or grid each arrayList
 it corresponds to a Key.

 How would you go about iterating first through the the id and implement
 as a table header for example, then iterate through its corresponding
 ArrayList? Basically nesting the loops... Sort or like generating a table
 for each entry in the HashMap. Or if it could be implemented in one table
 that should be fine as well.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How do you display a HashMapString, ArrayListobject in a .tml table

2009-07-14 Thread cajmrn

Hello all, 

I am once again stuck and unsure as to how to implement the following. I
have a HashMap that contains a String id for the Key and an ArrayList as the
value. What I need to do is to display in a table or grid each arrayList as
it corresponds to a Key.

How would you go about iterating first through the the id and implement it
as a table header for example, then iterate through its corresponding
ArrayList? Basically nesting the loops... Sort or like generating a table
for each entry in the HashMap. Or if it could be implemented in one table
that should be fine as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Getting/Iterating through the information from the Grid

2009-07-06 Thread cajmrn

Hi Guys, 

Im relatively new to Tapestry and I've tasked with assessing the viability
of Tapestry as the primary framework for our project solution. First let me
quickly describe the project, I will present the user with a grid of
content, at the end of each row will be a check box. when the user selects
as many checkboxes as he/she chooses and submits, we are to query an
external source for a further list for each of those selected checkboxes. 

So after much toil, I was able to incorporate the checkboxes into the grid.
However, now I need to generate another grid based on what checkboxes were
checked. Is there some way to register a list of what checkboxes were
checked? or is there a way to iterate through a specific column/row in a
grid? really any kind or solution or direction would be greatly appreciated.

With many Thanks,
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Re: Getting/Iterating through the information from the Grid

2009-07-06 Thread cajmrn

Hi J,  
I believe I understand what you are saying. I did use setters and getters
for my boolean state and I did see how changing the state from true to false
changed what was initially displayed in the grid. I will try to implement
your suggestion tonight. 

If only there was more detailed information on these things. I've been using
the Tapestry 5 book from Kolesnikov as a reference and its been helpful to a
certain extent but obviously since I've turned to the forums...

Julian Wood wrote:
 Remember that bindings are just getters and setters. So take off the  
 @Property annotation on your binding for your checkbox and replace  
 with corresponding getter/setter. Now in getter/setter you can store/ 
 query a map, usually of Long,Boolean. ie your entity id and selected  
 On 6-Jul-09, at 6:50 AM, cajmrn wrote:

 Hi Guys,


  Is there some way to register a list of what checkboxes were
 checked? or is there a way to iterate through a specific column/row  
 in a
 grid? really any kind or solution or direction would be greatly  

 With many Thanks,
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