Re: Help in diagnosing server unresponsiveness

2013-02-01 Thread Ron Wheeler
From our experience with a Spring app under Tomcat, the JVM memory 
configuration looks low.

You might try doubling it and seeing what it does.

The virtual memory of the OS is not as much of an issue since the Tomcat 
JVM memory limit will stop it from growing to use the Linux address space.

The GC only affects the JVM cache.
You should make sure that you VM has lots of swap space and then monitor 
Linux's use of the swap space to make sure that it is not a problem 
outside the JVM.

I am not sure how 6Gb of virtual OS RAM help when the Tomcat app is 
restricted to 1Gb.

We found that the examples of Tomcat JVM memory configurations were all 
designed for trivial apps.
We had about 50 war files and lots of heavy libraries(JasperReports, 
WebServices, Faces, etc.) so we had lots of troubles until we gave 
Tomcat some real JVM room to run.

On 31/01/2013 10:58 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Zoran Avtarovski

1.The app has been running on Tomcat 7 in a virtualised linux environment
for about 4 months and the issue has been persistent through that time.
Prior to that it was running on a physical Windows server with no issues.
The move to linux coincided with the addition of a substantial amount of
WebServices functionality - consuming.

very interesting, stable on windows (without webservices footprint).
what was your java -version details on windows, and what is your java
-version details on linux?

so the webservices functionality is 'new' software/code? was the code
implemented well for GC? any use of threadlocals? i am only shooting
from the hip, here, as I primarily listen in on topics here, and have
limited experience with java and tomcat.

2.The tomcat instance was originally running with a max of 6Gb of
allocated memory and it would crash almost daily. When we upped it to 11gb
the crashes reduced to about twice a week.
3. Tomcat is configured with the following options export
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx11460m -Djava.awt.headless=true
-XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

MaxPermSize seems to me to be too low for a real Tomcat app.
I don't see any point for such a small -Xms256 setting since that seems 
to be barely enough to get Tomcat started.

-Xmx11460 seems very high. We did very well with 10% of that number.

4. Xms and MaxPermSize were just reduced from 512m
5. The app generally has about 50-100 concurrent users - the logs show
that Tomcat can crash with as few as 20 users. I'm wondering if it could
be GC related as the crashes often follow periods of heavy use.
6. The app is a struts2 based app using Spring 3.5 for dependancy

this is good to know. have you seen/heard of similar reports from
others using struts2 and spring 3.5 for dependancy injection/ioc?

The problem with getting a thread dump is that high CPU usage is only a
spike and server freezes. CPU usage only goes above 5-10% when it's about
to crash. Support then reboot the server instances and off it goes. I've
tried to spend a few days just watching, but of course it didn't skip a
beat while I was monitoring. Is there a way to trigger gather relevant
data when Tomcat crashes?


I searched tomcat user list, please see below, and consider what was
mentioned there for troubleshooting this issue, and report back here.

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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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Re: Restarting Tomcat remotely

2011-05-03 Thread Ron Wheeler

On 03/05/2011 12:29 AM, Asha K S wrote:


Can anybody  please let me know if there is way to start/stop Tomcat 
remotely(Not start/stop of applications but server itself)


What operating system?
For Linux, you just need to make the shutdown and startup scripts run.

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Re: Installation problem [newbie]

2010-08-18 Thread Ron Wheeler

On 18/08/2010 4:38 PM, Jonathan Camilleri wrote:

On 18 August 2010 22:34, Ron Wheeler  wrote:

  It is saying that you do not have a JAVA_HOME environment variable



Is a JAVA JDK installed? Do you have JAVA_HOME defined pointing to the
Yes, see command line...

Command only show that you have Java installed not that you have set up 
a "JAVA_HOME" environment variable.

Where is the JAVA_HOME variable?
Type "set" to see your environment variables

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Jon>java -version
java version "1.6.0_21"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode, sharing)

C:\Documents and Settings\Jon>


On 18/08/2010 3:43 PM, Jonathan Camilleri wrote:

Well, I've installed the webserver (1st file), however, no services are
running, and, no page is running on (IIS runs on

When I try to start up "catalina", it says that it cannot find JAVA_HOME,
but I am not sure why...

*Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]*
*(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.*
*C:\Documents and Settings\Jon>cd %CATALINA_HOME%*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29>dir*
* Volume in drive C has no label.*
* Volume Serial Number is D80F-8634*
* Directory of C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29*
*18/08/2010  19:18.*
*18/08/2010  19:18..*
*18/08/2010  19:33bin*
*18/08/2010  18:47conf*
*18/08/2010  18:47lib*
*19/07/2010  14:5938,656 LICENSE*
*18/08/2010  18:47logs*
*19/07/2010  14:59   573 NOTICE*
*19/07/2010  14:59 8,669 RELEASE-NOTES*
*19/07/2010  14:59 6,836 RUNNING.txt*
*18/08/2010  18:47temp*
*18/08/2010  18:46webapps*
*18/08/2010  18:46work*
*   4 File(s) 54,734 bytes*
*   9 Dir(s)  33,834,348,544 bytes free*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29>cd bin*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>startup.bat*
*The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly*
*This environment variable is needed to run this program*
*NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>echo %JAVA_HOME%*
*C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>*

On 18 August 2010 21:24, Mark Eggers   wrote:

  A couple of things:

The list in general strips attachments, so your log did not make it

The file httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi is for installing the
web server. The Apache web server is useful if you are planning to write
Perl, Python, or Lisp/Scheme web sites.

The file apache-tomcat-6.0.29.exe is the file for installing Apache
as a
service on Windows. Tomcat is useful if you are planning to write Java

If you run Tomcat on Windows as a service, the installer will figure
out. The service installation is good enough for many uses. Documentation
service installation is here:

Documentation for managing the service under Windows is here:

If you are going to actively develop Java web applications, then it's
useful to install from the zip archive. Many IDEs use the batch files
zip archive to start and stop Tomcat.

Just unzip the archive in a directory that you have read/write access to.
Add an
environment variable called JAVA_HOME and point it to your installation
Java JRE. On Windows the JRE is usually located in C:\Program
(for the latest versions of Java).

Now to run the unzipped version of Apache Tomcat, just open a DOS command
window, navigate to the bin directory under where you unpacked the zip
file. For
example, if you unpacked the zip file in C:\, the bin subdirectory would
C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin. Type startup (which will run startup.bat) to
Tomcat, and shutdown (which will run shutdown.bat) to stop Tomcat.

To get your IDE to work with Tomcat, it's best to ask on the IDE mailing
(for example, NetBeans or Eclipse).

On my XP system, I've installed both. I set the service startup to
and I
point my IDE (NetBeans) to the zip file installation.

. . . . just my two cents


From: Jonathan Camilleri
To: Tomcat
Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 11:17:59 AM
Subject: Installation problem [newbie]

I ran into an installation problem, and, hope you can help me out with
  Initially I tried running the
installer  (httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi), on my laptop
Windows XP, and, I was prompted for the following:

Network Domain - laptop is

Re: Installation problem [newbie]

2010-08-18 Thread Ron Wheeler
 It is saying that you do not have a JAVA_HOME environment variable 
Is a JAVA JDK installed? Do you have JAVA_HOME defined pointing to the 

On 18/08/2010 3:43 PM, Jonathan Camilleri wrote:

Well, I've installed the webserver (1st file), however, no services are
running, and, no page is running on (IIS runs on port

When I try to start up "catalina", it says that it cannot find JAVA_HOME,
but I am not sure why...

*Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]*
*(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.*
*C:\Documents and Settings\Jon>cd %CATALINA_HOME%*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29>dir*
* Volume in drive C has no label.*
* Volume Serial Number is D80F-8634*
* Directory of C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29*
*18/08/2010  19:18   .*
*18/08/2010  19:18   ..*
*18/08/2010  19:33   bin*
*18/08/2010  18:47   conf*
*18/08/2010  18:47   lib*
*19/07/2010  14:5938,656 LICENSE*
*18/08/2010  18:47   logs*
*19/07/2010  14:59   573 NOTICE*
*19/07/2010  14:59 8,669 RELEASE-NOTES*
*19/07/2010  14:59 6,836 RUNNING.txt*
*18/08/2010  18:47   temp*
*18/08/2010  18:46   webapps*
*18/08/2010  18:46   work*
*   4 File(s) 54,734 bytes*
*   9 Dir(s)  33,834,348,544 bytes free*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29>cd bin*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>startup.bat*
*The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly*
*This environment variable is needed to run this program*
*NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>echo %JAVA_HOME%*
*C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin*
*C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin>*

On 18 August 2010 21:24, Mark Eggers  wrote:

A couple of things:

The list in general strips attachments, so your log did not make it

The file httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi is for installing the
web server. The Apache web server is useful if you are planning to write
Perl, Python, or Lisp/Scheme web sites.

The file apache-tomcat-6.0.29.exe is the file for installing Apache Tomcat
as a
service on Windows. Tomcat is useful if you are planning to write Java web

If you run Tomcat on Windows as a service, the installer will figure
out. The service installation is good enough for many uses. Documentation
service installation is here:

Documentation for managing the service under Windows is here:

If you are going to actively develop Java web applications, then it's
useful to install from the zip archive. Many IDEs use the batch files from
zip archive to start and stop Tomcat.

Just unzip the archive in a directory that you have read/write access to.
Add an
environment variable called JAVA_HOME and point it to your installation of
Java JRE. On Windows the JRE is usually located in C:\Program
(for the latest versions of Java).

Now to run the unzipped version of Apache Tomcat, just open a DOS command
window, navigate to the bin directory under where you unpacked the zip
file. For
example, if you unpacked the zip file in C:\, the bin subdirectory would be
C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\bin. Type startup (which will run startup.bat) to
Tomcat, and shutdown (which will run shutdown.bat) to stop Tomcat.

To get your IDE to work with Tomcat, it's best to ask on the IDE mailing
(for example, NetBeans or Eclipse).

On my XP system, I've installed both. I set the service startup to manual,
and I
point my IDE (NetBeans) to the zip file installation.

. . . . just my two cents


From: Jonathan Camilleri
To: Tomcat
Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 11:17:59 AM
Subject: Installation problem [newbie]

I ran into an installation problem, and, hope you can help me out with it.
  Initially I tried running the
installer  (httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi), on my laptop which
Windows XP, and, I was prompted for the following:

Network Domain - laptop is a standalone pc and field is mandatory; is a
workaround available?
Server Name - is this the name of the computer?
Administrator's Email address - no problem :)

The instructions available online do not seem to be relevant for this
installation file, and, I was told that I should try downloading from

So I downloaded Apache Tomcat 6.0.29, which I assumed is the latest stable
version, and, I am following RUNNING.txt for the installation.

Even though I think I created the Java variables (section 1), when I
run startup.bat, an error is displayed.
  See tomcat.installation.command.log which is attached to this email.

Any ideas, please?


Re: APR Library with JBoss/Tomcat

2007-08-05 Thread Ron Wheeler

Could someone post a bug against this.
The error message does not describe the problem appropriately and the 
documentation does not clearly link to this "required" library.

This gets everyone the first time that Tomcat is installed and it takes 
a long time to find the library required.

It never seems to get fixed even though it has been a problem for 
several generations so far.


Len Popp wrote:

On 8/5/07, Len Popp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

tcnative-1.dll goes in the Tomcat bin subdirectory.

... except I see that you're running JBoss, so maybe that's not
correct for you. Sorry again. :-) I guess you'll have to check the
JBoss documentation to see where it likes to keep DLLs. As a last
resort, c:\windows\system32 will work.

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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-29 Thread Ron Wheeler

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ron Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2GB is the limit for 32 bit applications.

Minor correction: some versions of 32-bit Windows Server have a
boot-time option to use 3 GB for each user process, which allows a
slightly bigger JVM heap.  (The virtual space is badly fragmented by
DLLs, so it doesn't buy as much room as one would expect.)  Still in the
noise range compared to what's available with a 64-bit platform.

 - Chuck


Apparently Microsoft was not aware of this in their benchmark group, so it is 
good to know to be careful when buying older MS server products. The Windows 
2003 server has a 64 bit version apparently.
I am pretty much focused on Linux and am installing the 64 bit version when I 
have new hardware.


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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-29 Thread Ron Wheeler
If you read the references that I posted, you will see when 32 bit is 
faster than 64 bit.
You are not the first guy to ask the question so Microsoft did a pretty 
nice test.

Why is no major hardware vendor selling 32 bit servers for business 
applications? If 32 bit was faster, cheaper and they already have lots 
of chips and manufacturing infrastructure, the guy selling 32 bit 
servers would be killing the rest of the vendors in sales and profits.
HP is not going to spend billions to put out a product line that can not 
compete with IBM's old servers and is slower than HP's existing products.

Mohan2005 wrote:


we also wish to convert out 32bit dual cores to 64bit dual cores to run java
applications (multiple instances with large JVM memory)
but people advice that 64bit are 20 - 30% slower than the 32bit with smaller
why? and if true how to overcome??



Just ignore the these people. They are talking through their hats or 
about some weird example that does not reflect servlet engine 
performance except at low volumes. There is some overhead in handling 
big address spaces.
Everyone knows that it takes a lot longer to format a 320Gb drive than 
an 80 GB drive but if you could get either for the same price, you would 
take the big drive MOST of the time.
Anyone who buys a dedicated server with 4 GB of memory to run Tomcat 
under 32 bit Windows OS where the space available is only 2GB, is being 
silly. If you want to go past 2GB, you need to be fully 64bit compatible 
right up through the whole stack.
You do need to run a 64 bit OS and a 64 bit JVM to get the advantages of 
64 bit memory addressing capability.

The Microsoft study used Websphere which I understand to be very close 
to Tomcat.

If this were not a Tomcat forum but was oriented to engineering 
simulations, we would be carrying on about floating-point arithmetic 
advantages of a machine that has 64 bit internal data paths.
For Tomcat is is all about address space for caching user requests and 
responses and back-end transactions. It is getting the right hardware 
and software architecture to use the entire RAM optimally for serving 
web pages.


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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-29 Thread Ron Wheeler

This is a Tomcat forum  so lets focus on the role of memory in a Servlet 

Read the Microsoft paper.

Bigger memory space means better  performance when you have large 
numbers of  users.
If you are designing a Tomcat application for a hundred users, you can 
take whatever you want (or can find) for hardware.
If you are hoping to handle thousands of users, you will be a lot better 
off on 64 bits.
The faster arithmetic of 64 bits is not as important as the ability to 
use more than 2Gb (Windows) or 4GB (Linux) of memory for your Tomcat 
application and cache, transaction buffers, etc.

Here is IBM's view on how Linux works in a 32 bit environment. You can 
see the gyrations that have to be done to arrange processes in a 32 bit 

From a strategic point of view, 64 bit is clearly the way of the future 
and each new version of the OS, Java VM and all of the supporting 
libraries will have more optimization for 64 bit memory management and 

The leaders in Web technology have already moved to 64 bits, the rest of 
us will follow.

It is not clear that you can even purchase a server from the major 
vendors that does not have a 64 bit processor. I did not see any 32 bit 
servers at HP.

If 64 bit was not a competitive advantage this would not happen.


Andrew Miehs wrote:

On 29/07/2007, at 2:34 PM, Peter Stavrinides wrote:

32 bits processors can represent numbers up to 4,294,967,295 while a 
64-bit machine can represent numbers up to 
18,446,744,073,709,551,615. For modern hardware to take advantage of 
the processing power of the 64 bit architecture a system must have a 
minimum 4GB Ram, but probably needs significantly more and more 
importantly the CAPACITY to take full advantage of it, allocating it 
to running processes, with less there is potential for lag.
64bit machines have been around since the 60's but only now are 
software and hardware vendors supporting it for the mainstream 
market. So is 64bit better than 32bit right now? the answer is yes, a 
64-bit processor has more technology, a better design with more 
transistors, thus faster speeds are possible. This is currently where 
the true benefit of switching to a 64-bit processor lays, it has 
nothing to do with the memory address space, which is exactly that, 
just space for more complex computations.

This is definitely not looking at the big picture.

Whether or not to go 64bit depends on your application.


If your application runs in Java AND you are using Sun JVM 1.5 AND 
performance is an issue, then I would definitely go 64bit linux.

else if your Java application doesn't have a performance requirement, 
but needs lots of memory, be that for caching or anything else, then

I would use 64 bit - Pick your own operating system...

else if the machine you are using has more than 4GB RAM, I would look 
at using a 64bit OS, - up to you whether you want 32bit or 64bit Java.

else if none of this applies to you, I would probably run a 32 bit OS, 
and wait for someone to port the last remaining packages/ drivers.

BTW More transistors mean less CPU clock speed - not more... (But I 
think you meant larger operations per cycle).



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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-28 Thread Ron Wheeler

2GB is the limit for 32 bit applications.


Joe Nathan wrote:

ronatartifact wrote:

This is what Microsoft has to say on 64 bit using Websphere.
Basically 32bit better for small volume servers that can live with a 2GB 
memory ceiling.

If you have applications that can benefit from memory bigger thab 2 or 4GB,
your application is data intensive. Having more memory can reduce 
I/Os for both by program and system virtual storage paging. This 
can make huge difference in performance. If you have such applications,

64bit is the one to go. Otherwise, 32 will work better at lower cost!



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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-28 Thread Ron Wheeler
Why would you write down something in a serious forum that you just made 
up with no basis in fact.
This is just fantasy that you could not have found anywhere unless it 
was in a satirical send-up on science and technology.

If any of your stuff was even remotely true, then the top scientists and 
engineers at Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Sun, IBM, HP, etc. are all idiots.

That should have given you pause right at the start.
If you get into a situation where you are the only smart guy in a world 
full of highly paid idiots who magically seem to be producing faster 
computers in spite of their ignorance of a basic truth that only you 
know, you might want to reconsider the situation.


Joe Nathan wrote:

Leon Rosenberg-3 wrote:

Sorry, this just sounds plain wrong. If a 64 bit processor comes with
64 bit register it means that it can make an integer 64 bit addition
(long) in one operation, 

It does in single operation, but it taks twices clock pulse than 32bit!
You cannot perform binary adder operation in parallel. Speed of operation
is measured with the number of clock pulse. 32bit adder may require 
something like 36 clock pulses or close numbers. 64bit require about 70

pulses. Remember that cpu logic gates work in sync with clocks.
Limited number of operations can be performed in a second. The 
number will change depending on your cpu clock pulse, which 
is limited to about 3.5GHz these days. That's why we want more Hz

to get speed. That's the thing that give us the speed!


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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-28 Thread Ron Wheeler
If you read the article that I cited from Microsoft, you will find a 
discussion about 32 bit and 64 bit performance that includes a lot of 
these discussions including why a 64 bit Java Virtual Machine is better 
than a 32 bit version of Java.

A 32 bit OS will limit you to a 2 GB process space which has to include 
all your code and your heaps.
If you are running Tomcat, you just run out of places to put user 
requests and eventually you start to fail to respond to requests.

If you only need to serve a few users, it does not really matter what 
you pick from today's hardware and OS choices.
If you need to support thousands of users making steady streams of 
requests, you want a 64 bit application starting with the hardware and 
going up through the OS to the JVM and the servlet engine.

If you want to actually have Tomcat with 8GB of memory, you need 64 bits 
otherwise you are getting Tomcat with 2 Gb memory with 6 GB left over.

Read the article. It is a nice change from folklore.

You might also want to find some textbooks on basic Computer Science to 
avoid being misled by foolishness.


Joe Nathan wrote:

Alexey Solofnenko-2 wrote:
No, each of two 4GB processes will have only a half of the objects under 
the same load. And I heard that GC does not scale linear with heap size. 
And this is without multi-threading performance considerations.  As 
usual, your mileage may vary and only tests can tell for sure.

It's not easy to measure gc time, especially if it is based on generational
gc algorithm which does NOT do gc for all objects. In addition, a single gc 
does not remove all obsolate objects. They are often removed at the second 
or third time gc. 

When you test, monitor IO activities as well, potentially stemming from 
virtual memory paging activities. It could be the one that makes

gc much longer.

Generally it's good to minimize object creation and use not too 
UNNECESSARILY large JVM heap. What many people practice

is to recyle objects and threads.


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Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-27 Thread Ron Wheeler

This is what Microsoft has to say on 64 bit using Websphere.
Basically 32bit better for small volume servers that can live with a 2GB 
memory ceiling.
Fundemental problem is that a process can only use 2GB no matter how 
much memory you have.

Java VM only gets to see 2GB no matter how much physical RAM you have.

Once you get serious about transactions, 64 bit cleans 32 bit.
Your entire software stack has to be written to use the extra memory 
addressing. OS, JVM, Servlet Engine.
If you run a 32 bit Linux at the bottom, you are screwed, If you run a 
32bit Java Run-time, screwed again.

This is likely the big reason why high volume applications run on 
"Enterprise" platforms rather than open source.
It is not about the quality of the software; it is about the attention 
to performance and the extra care in making sure that the whole stack is 
64 bit.

The subject title of this topic is a bit misleading. It should be 
something like "Tomcat with 2 GB on an 8GB machine"

Its all in the numbers.

Tests were all run on the same hardware (AMD) so you can get past the 
"CPU speed" issue.
How do you compare speed on AMD versus Intel (same $$$,  similar product 
number, same clock speed, same marketing hype)?


Peter Crowther wrote:
From: Joe Nathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Overall performance depend on many things: CPU speed, number of CPUs,

memory size, I/O, especially, virtual memory paging, network interface
64bit machines come with better capacity except
cpu computation speed! 

Please state your references on this - at present, you're asserting it
without showing evidence to back you up.  Excuse us if we're
collectively sceptical when what you're saying goes against our
experiences and you don't supply backup.

Have you ever tried 64bit Windows desktop or laptop over 
32bit machine?

Yep.  Routinely.

Otherwise 64bit machines suck! That;s why 64bit Windows is not 
popular. I don't them many shops selling!

64-bit Windows is unpopular because of poor application compatibility,
just as Vista is unpopular because of poor application compatibility.
Few people buy an OS for speed or technical capability; they buy it
because it runs the apps they need/want.

- Peter

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Re: creating jsp pages using tomcat, web.xml problems,i think! (beginner)

2007-07-18 Thread Ron Wheeler

This is the right forum for this problem.

Some simple things to look at.

What is in the Tomcat logs? Always a good place to start.

What do you see on the Tomcat status page localhost:8080 and click 
Status then List Applications?

Somebody found something that they didn't like and Tomcat is pretty good 
about leaving you notes.


pinky88 wrote:

More info:

Sorry i forgot to mention that on the first webapp ,the hello world one, i
had no jsp pages,just a form and servlet. Maybe I'm going about creating the
login app in the completely wrong way..

Hope someone c an help...


pinky88 wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to ask about JSPs but I'm using the
tomcat 5.5.27 container and i cannot access my webapp on it. ( described

I'm trying to create a simple login webapp which has a html form -
loginForm.html, a servlet called LoginApp, and a jsp file called
welcome.jsp. i'm trying to use a request dispatcher to follow the welcome
page from the servlet when the correct values are entered for username and

However, I cannot get anything to run on tomcat.. 

In an old servlet (deployed from a war file) , i can access contents from

The current one is again deployed from a war file but when i try to access
it via http://localhost:8080/LoginApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/

i get the following error:

HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/

type Status report

message /LoginApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/

description The requested resource (/LoginApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/) is not
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23

my web.xml looks like this:";





I probably need something else.. as I haven't mentioned the form, but in
the previous one it wasn't necessary.

I'm new to all of this Google isn't helping much, i've made any changes I
can find that should work but they don't..

Thanks in advance :)


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Re: changing the name of tomcat homedir - impact?

2007-04-18 Thread Ron Wheeler

If you don't like the spaces use the 8.3 names for the directories.

TOMCAT_HOME=C:\Programme\Apache_Group\Tomcat 6.0 becomes 
TOMCAT_HOME=C:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~2\TOMCAT~1 or something similar depending on 
what 8.3 names Windows generated when the directories were created.

"DIR/X" gives you the 8.3 names

You can still use the default installation directories and just use 
their 8.3 names when you run into software that does not know how to 
parse directory names.


Christoph P. Kukulies wrote:

I have TOMCAT_HOME=C:\Programme\Apache_Group\Tomcat 6.0

You see the crux? Blank in Tomcat 6.0.
Some applications, like mvnForum ( claim in the 
README or INSTALL instructions that a blank character in the PATH should be

avoided (Windows) because of possible unexpected or erroneous behaviour
resulting from that.

Now, after I had in stalled OpenCMS, Tomcat, MySQL and such and everything 
is working, I'm asking myself if it would just be sufficient to

rename that directory node, change the evironment variable, and done with it.

Or would I have to expect surprises from elsewhere?
Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies

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Re: EJB 3.0 and Hibernate

2007-03-12 Thread Ron Wheeler
You might look at Spring  to help make this hang together


Scott Purcell wrote:


Looking at incorporating the Java Persistence API (EJB 3.0) and was wondering 
if Tomcat 5.5 supports this. It looks like we need container managed services 
and was wondering if we can use Tomcat instead of JBoss?



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Re: Container logging for Tomcat 6.0.x with log4j-1.2.14

2007-03-09 Thread Ron Wheeler
Would it be possible to change the title of that page or add a word or 
two to make it clear that this page only applies to Tomcat's internal 
logging and not logging in general.


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Philip Brusten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Container logging for Tomcat 6.0.x with log4j-1.2.14

How do I tell tomcat to use log4j logging?

Assuming you're referring to Tomcat's own logging, rather than a
webapp's logging, read this:

(Some assembly required...)

 - Chuck

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Re: Appropriate version of Tomcat

2007-03-09 Thread Ron Wheeler

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Richard Gemmell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Appropriate version of Tomcat

I'd recommend the Windows Service Installer version.

I'd recommend NOT using the .exe download, but instead use the .zip:

1) The .exe leaves out the .bat files, which make experimenting with and
debugging Tomcat much easier.

2) The .zip includes a script (service.bat) to install Tomcat as a
service any time you want.

3) The .exe installer puts Tomcat under the Program Files directory; the
space in the directory name can cause confusion for programs not
prepared to handle that.

Use the 8.3 filename in %CATALINA_HOME% and you solve that problem.

 - Chuck

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Re: Newbie help...Mac OS/X+Tomcat+Apache

2007-03-05 Thread Ron Wheeler
If you go to localhost:8080 and click on "Status" you shuld be taken to 
a page that shows in some detail what Tomcat thinks that it is doing.
You should see a section ajp-8009 which will tell you if Tomcat is 
listening on 8009 for AJP transactions and if it say anyone try to 
communicate over that port.


Jeff Weinberger wrote:


Thank you very much for your help!

Sorry about the IP address confusion - I chose badly in including log 
entries. I tried this with localhost ( and I also tried it 
to be accessed from elsewhere on the network (the local IP of the 
tomcat machine is, and sent the former configs and the 
latter log entries. The log errors were the same in both cases.

I looked at netstat as you suggested, and it appears that there is 
something listening on port 8080 and 8005 as there should be, but as 
you noted (and I began to suspect) there is nothing listening on 8009 
as far as I can tell, but there should be.

I have:

in the  section of my server.xml so I think tomcat should 
be listening on 8009.

So I think you've nailed the real question/issue here which is:

Why is Tomcat not listening on 8009? have I missed something in my 
configuration? Or is there something else I need to look at?

Any help is appreciated!



Hi Jeff,

errno 61 on Mac OS X is connection refused:

61 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused.  No connection could be made because
the target machine actively refused it.

It looks a little strange, that you configured to connect to localhost,
but the log shows Either the config you showed us is not the
one actually used, or your hostname setup is pretty strange.

Check if you can connect to port 8009 via telnet, or if you
get a connection refused too. If so, you need to determine, if you want
to use or localhost, and then why nothing is listening on
8009 there. You can find out about listen sockets via

netstat -an



Jeff Weinberger schrieb:


I am hoping someone can help me identify what I'm sure is a very simple
oversight on my part...but I cannot get Apache+Tomcat working...

Configuration: Mac OS/X 10.4.8 (PPC client), Apache 1.3.33, mod_jk
1.2.21, Tomcat 6.0.10

I can run Tomcat standalone, (i.e. start and browse to localhost:8080
with no modifications...), but when I try to access via a browser
through apache it fails (503 -service unavailable).

I see lots of these in my jk logs:

[Sun Mar 04 20:42:58 2007] [5950:] [debug]
jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (433): trying to connect socket 10 to
[Sun Mar 04 20:42:58 2007] [5950:] [info]
jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (451): connect to failed
[Sun Mar 04 20:42:58 2007] [5950:] [info]
ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (876): Failed opening 
socket to

( (errno=61)

and when I try to connect via apache I see lots of these:

[Sun Mar 04 20:17:19 2007] [5494:] [info]
ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1273): (worker1) error connecting to
the backend server (errno=61)
[Sun Mar 04 20:17:19 2007] [5494:] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1930): (worker1) sending request to 

failed,  recoverable operation attempt=2
[Sun Mar 04 20:17:19 2007] [5494:] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1942): (worker1) Connecting to tomcat
failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong 

I am certain that the port is open, and as far as I can tell, Tomcat is

Configuration files and sections are below.

I don't know where to look next...or what to look for...and any help or
advice or direction is very much appreciated!!!


here's a snippet of my httpd.conf:

LoadModule jk_module  libexec/httpd/
AddModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/
JkShmFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.shm
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug
JkMount /examples/* worker1

Here's my


And here's my server.xml:



  pathname="path/to/tomcat-users.xml" />





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Re: WEB-INF/lib ignored in Tomcat 6

2007-03-04 Thread Ron Wheeler

Rashmi Rubdi wrote:

Did you set the environment variables correctly?

CATALINA_HOME , should point to the root folder of Tomcat's installation, and 
JAVA_HOME to JDK's root folder. 

I screwed up CATALINA_HOME but after correcting it and rebooting the 
problem remains.

Also specify the directory of your project in the docBase attribute of Context 

The server.xml that ships with tomcat 6 does not have a docBase 
specified. I am using the standard directory structure.
Should I add a doc base to the application context? I would assume that 
Tomcat would default to

CATALINA_HOME/webapps/petclinic/WEB-INF/lib to find the petclinic libraries.

Tomcat auto detects the libs under WEB-INF/lib of a project.

That is what the docs say but it is not able to find spring.jar unless I 
put it in the main tomcat lib directory.

Also check if your environment variables are still pointing to the old version?


No such luck.
Still have the same problem.
I moved the spring.jar to the tomcat/lib  and now the problem is on the 


- Original Message ----
From: Ron Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2007 4:54:30 PM
Subject: WEB-INF/lib ignored in Tomcat 6

It seems that Tomcat 6 is not finding the jars in the application 
library WEB-INF/lib.

If I put the spring.jar in the tomcat lib directory it is found.
If I put it in the application lib directory it is not found.

If I fix the spring.jar issue, I just get an Class not found error on 
the next library.

Mar 4, 2007 4:35:13 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader start
SEVERE: LifecycleException

at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

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WEB-INF/lib ignored in Tomcat 6

2007-03-04 Thread Ron Wheeler
It seems that Tomcat 6 is not finding the jars in the application 
library WEB-INF/lib.

If I put the spring.jar in the tomcat lib directory it is found.
If I put it in the application lib directory it is not found.

If I fix the spring.jar issue, I just get an Class not found error on 
the next library.

Mar 4, 2007 4:35:13 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader start
SEVERE: LifecycleException

   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

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Re: DWR using WAN vs LAN

2007-03-03 Thread Ron Wheeler

You have 2 problems
Separate them out.
"Also I still can't connect, at all, to the native server through 
anything other than localhost:8080. It's not a network or router issue, 
they are configured correctly. Even my-computer-name:8080 won't connect 
to the native server. Any ideas what's up with that? "

This is purely a Tomcat, router, firewall issue
Start a new question in the forum about this with some log details. When 
it won't connect, what are the symptoms? Can you see the attempt 
(destination port:8080) in the firewall logs? Is Tomcat seeing anything 
trying to talk to it? What if you telnet to my-computer-name 8080; do 
you get a connection that looks the same as telnet to localhost:8080.

2) Once you get 1) working, you can start on the httpd=>jk=>Tomcat.
Start a new thread with this once you have 1) solved.
Look in the httpd logs to see if the httpd server is passing it on. You 
can also use the Tomcat manager  and logs to see if its AJP connector is 
getting hit.

Depending on what the logs show, you may have questions for the httpd forum.
You may want to check to be sure that the 8009 (AJP) port is set up in 
Tomcat (server.xml) and that this is the port used by jk on the httpd 
side. 8080 is for browsers; 8009 is for AJP which is a whole different 
set of messages.

Is jk trying to connect to localhost or my-computer-name?

By putting two unrelated questions in the same forum thread, you are 
making it more confusing than it needs to be.

Wayne Bragg wrote:
After all this, and with a new understanding of how httpd and tomcat 
work together, I was reading the documentation I have on my 
installation of Tomcat, again. It is setup so the "native server" is 
on port 8080 and the "jk connector" is through httpd 80 or however 
you'd say that. All the example apps that came with the Tomcat 
installation work through both the native server (8080) and the jk 
connector (80).

So I installed DWR, using it's defaults, to be able to use the AJAX 
calls. All of DWR's examples only work through the native server 
localhost:8080/dwr/.  If I try to run them using the tk connector 
localhost:80/dwr/ anytime they need to call the supporting jar and 
class files they get the "[$variable] is not defined" error. Any idea 
what is causing this? Is it something to do with the paths to these 
supporting files?

Also I still can't connect, at all, to the native server through 
anything other than localhost:8080. It's not a network or router 
issue, they are configured correctly. Even my-computer-name:8080 won't 
connect to the native server. Any ideas what's up with that?

I apologize for not asking these questions this way from the start.

- Original Message - From: "Wayne Bragg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: DWR using WAN vs LAN

You may want to limit your question to one topic at a time.

Sorry for any confusion.

Tomcat/Apache/PHP can all work together depending on how
you send up your application. Apache's mod_jk is how you make Apache 

tomcat work together.

< Tomcat is configured to run on 8080 by default
you can change that to 80 by editing the server.xml file. All http 
that doesn't specify a port automatically go to 80. To access your 

from the Internet you'll need to first open the port on your router or
remove the computer you want to access from the router's DMZ (not
recommended). Make sure you use your actual IP which you can 
determine by

typing "what's my IP "  on google and following the first link.

I am aware of all this! Thanks for the reply.

All the explanation I have given was to help avoid these unnecessary 
emails, but I guess that didn't work.

I have two topics and I need answers to both. I thought they were 
related but I can now see they are independent from one another. One 
topic led me to the second one or vice versa.

Topic or question 1 -

This is not a router or network question. I know how to configure the 
router and network.
My Tomcat server doesn't recognize any requests that are not coming 
specifically from "localhost:8080". Not even from 
"my-computer-name:8080" which I thought was the same thing.  Is it 
suppose to do that? If not does anyone have a clue as to why it isn't 
or how to fix it?
If this is not an appropriate question for this list then I guess I 
need the admin to let me know that. I don't see how it's not. But 
apologies if it is.

Topic or question 2 -

Starting with the Web[Developer] Server Suite 1.94
standard default installation, does anyone know the steps needed to 
configure "HTTPD" to handle the PHP and "TOMCAT" to handle the Java 
all at the same time, from the same page and the same directories? Is 
so how?

If you create an app that uses both Tomcat(jsp) and
PHP then you'll have to manage two separate sessions, though that 

be terribly difficult to do.

This relates to the second question and is what I

Re: Choose from one of two JVM

2007-03-03 Thread Ron Wheeler has the info in the 
section JAVA Location

Hernâni Cerqueira wrote:

Hello all,

I have both jre 1.4.2 and 1.6.1 installed on my gentoo server, running 
tomcat 5.5.4, and i wonder if there's any possibility of choosing wich 
jvm will tomcat use. I gess that setting up JAVA_HOME will suffice but 
just to be sure i would like to have the expert's oppinion.

Thank's in advance, Hernâni

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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

On 3/2/07, Ron Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am I correct in assuming that everyone is going to have the same problem
with logging.

It's not clear to me what "problem" you're trying to solve. I'm running
TC 6.0.9 out of the box with Java 6 and log4j for my apps, no probs.

If Spring wants log4j, drop the jar file in there, and you're done, eh?

Or am I totally missing something? :-)
More likely me than you since your state seems to be a lot better than 
mine :-)

I tried again and put in log4j and commons-logging and now seem to have 
moved on to another error.

I am not sure what that whole Tomcat documentation page about logging is 
Perhaps it only refers to internal Tomcat logs not applications running 
under Tomcat. Not too clear.

I will start a new thread with a better title for my current state.

Thanks for the encouragement to try it one more time.


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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Rémy Maucherat wrote:

On 3/2/07, Ron Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The build could be eliminated if the binary distribution contained the
extras but it does not. I assume that when everyone using log4j has the
same problem, it will.

This is not going to happen.

It is quite evident the compilation fails when compiling the DB
connection pool, due to added methods in JDBC in Java 6. Only Java 5
is supported when compiling Tomcat 6.


How soon will Tomcat support the current Java version?

Is it a big problem to include the extras, if the current Java is not 

Am I correct in assuming that everyone is going to have the same problem 
with logging.

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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Rémy Maucherat wrote:

On 3/2/07, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, I was just pointing out that the only platform-dependent code
associated with Tomcat is the APR connector (tcnative-1.dll).  The
performance advantages of using that connector have been largely
eliminated by the pure Java NIO connector in Tomcat 6.

Do you have evidence which shows this ? Try to not present your
personal opinion as an established fact.

It is quite evident the NIO connector cannot match the APR connector
performance where it really matters at the moment, mostly because NIO
still falls short:
- On Linux, no sendfile, deferred accept, etc
- JSSE is far slower than OpenSSL, which in addition to that has
plenty of hardware accelerators


As interesting as this is, it does not really resolve the compilation 


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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ron Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the 
current Java


I am not sure if Tomcat will start without it

Tomcat runs fine without APR - just delete or rename the .dll file if
you want to experiment with the NIO connector.

 - Chuck
I might try that in the future. The target for the application is Linux 
so I am not going to spend a lot of time optimizing Windows although 
that is the development platform.

I really need to get the logging issue resolved so I can get back to 
At the moment, I am stuck and if it can not be resolved, I will go back 
to 5.5 so I can finish the development that I need to do.
The Spring crowd seems pretty settled on log4j as their primary logging 
vehicle and I want to follow that just to get the support.
I was actually just trying to get the Java 1.5 version of Spring 
Petclinic demo to run under Tomcat before I started with my stuff where 
my errors will outweigh any tool deficiencies so I want to test the 
tools first.


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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ron Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the 
current Java

 With the advent of Tomcat's NIO connector, the
APR one is probably superfluous, so you don't need that either.
I do not understand this comment. What does this refer to? Do 
I need to do anything here?

No, I was just pointing out that the only platform-dependent code
associated with Tomcat is the APR connector (tcnative-1.dll).  The
performance advantages of using that connector have been largely
eliminated by the pure Java NIO connector in Tomcat 6.

 - Chuck

Thanks, I did not recognize the original terminology although APR was a 
bit of a hint.
I did upgrade the tcnative-1.dll since Tomcat complained when it started 
that I had an old version.
The references in the Tomcat documentation to tcnative-1.dll is a bit 
sketchy and it is very easy to overlook this file and a bit hard to find 
it if you need to upgrade it.
I am not sure if Tomcat will start without it and it bitches if you are 
not running the latest version.


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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ron Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

I am bravely or foolishly trying to use Tomcat 6 for a new 
Spring project. It needs log4j so I gather that I have to

recompile Tomcat to get the extras.

??? Other than the optional APR connector, Tomcat is pure Java, as are
log4j and Spring - the binaries will run on any platform.  No
recompilation needed. 

 With the advent of Tomcat's NIO connector, the
APR one is probably superfluous, so you don't need that either.
I do not understand this comment. What does this refer to? Do I need to 
do anything here?


 - Chuck

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Re: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

I was getting a class not found error.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory

The class related to logging and in Tomcat 6, it appears that logging 
has changed and the log4j stuff is not in the basic package

From the Tomcat docs
" By default, only java.util.logging is available for the core Tomcat, 
as Tomcat uses a package renamed logging implementation which is 
hardcoded for that logger. Usage of alternate loggers is available after 
building the extra components (see the extras components 
<> documentation), 
which includes a full commons-logging implementation."

Later in the page it  described on about how to use log4j including the 
following step.

   * Download Log4J <> (v1.2 or later)
 and place the log4j jar in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.
   * Build the commons-logging additional component using the
 extras.xml Ant build script which is part of teh Tomcat source bundle.
   * Replace |$CATALINA_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar| with
   * Place |output/extras/tomcat-juli-adapters.jar| in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.
   * Start Tomcat

The build could be eliminated if the binary distribution contained the 
extras but it does not. I assume that when everyone using log4j has the 
same problem, it will.

I hope that this is clearer.


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Ron Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

I am bravely or foolishly trying to use Tomcat 6 for a new 
Spring project. It needs log4j so I gather that I have to

recompile Tomcat to get the extras.

??? Other than the optional APR connector, Tomcat is pure Java, as are
log4j and Spring - the binaries will run on any platform.  No
recompilation needed.  With the advent of Tomcat's NIO connector, the
APR one is probably superfluous, so you don't need that either.

 - Chuck

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Tomcat 6 will not compile under Windows with the current Java

2007-03-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

I am bravely or foolishly trying to use Tomcat 6 for a new Spring project.
It needs log4j so I gather that I have to recompile Tomcat to get the 

When I follow the instructions about how to do this, the build fails.
I an using Java 6 and get the following errors when I to the "ant 
download" and "ant -f extras.xml"

Is there an easy fix for this or should I just go back to 5 and wait for 
a later version of Tomcat 6 to appear with support for log4j in a 
Windows binary distribution.

Volume in drive C is New Volume
Volume Serial Number is 9076-5D78

Directory of C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10-src

03/02/2007  09:05a.
03/02/2007  09:05a..
03/02/2007  09:05abin
02/13/2007  02:03p   3,446
02/13/2007  02:03p  25,314 build.xml
02/13/2007  02:03p   3,909 BUILDING.txt
03/02/2007  09:05aconf
02/13/2007  02:03p  29,646 dist.xml
02/13/2007  02:03p   8,165 extras.xml
02/13/2007  02:03pjava
02/13/2007  02:03p  18,272 KEYS
02/13/2007  02:03p  11,560 LICENSE
02/13/2007  02:03pnative
02/13/2007  02:03p 501 NOTICE
02/13/2007  02:03p   6,109 RELEASE-NOTES
02/13/2007  02:03p   1,489 RELEASE-PLAN-6.0.txt
03/02/2007  09:06ares
02/13/2007  02:03p   5,584 RUNNING.txt
02/13/2007  02:03ptest
02/13/2007  02:03pwebapps
 11 File(s)113,995 bytes
  9 Dir(s)   6,863,671,296 bytes free

C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10-src>ant download
Buildfile: build.xml



[echo] Testing  for 

   [mkdir] Created dir: C:\usr\share\java\tomcat-native-1.1.8
 [get] Getting:

 [get] To: C:\usr\share\java\tomcat-native-1.1.8\tomcat-native.tar.gz


[echo] Testing  for 

 [get] Getting:

 [get] To: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz
  [gunzip] Expanding C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz to 

   [untar] Expanding: \usr\share\java\file.tar into \usr\share\java
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz


[echo] Testing  for /usr/share/java/tomcat6-deps/dbcp/tomcat-dbcp.jar

 [get] Getting:

 [get] To: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz
  [gunzip] Expanding C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz to 

   [untar] Expanding: \usr\share\java\file.tar into \usr\share\java
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz


[echo] Testing  for /usr/share/java/tomcat6-deps/dbcp/tomcat-dbcp.jar

 [get] Getting:

 [get] To: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz
  [gunzip] Expanding C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz to 

   [untar] Expanding: \usr\share\java\file.tar into \usr\share\java
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz


[echo] Testing  for /usr/share/java/tomcat6-deps/dbcp/tomcat-dbcp.jar

 [get] Getting:

 [get] To: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz
  [gunzip] Expanding C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz to 

   [untar] Expanding: \usr\share\java\file.tar into \usr\share\java
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar
  [delete] Deleting: C:\usr\share\java\file.tar.gz
   [mkdir] Created dir: C:\usr\share\java\tomcat6-deps\dbcp

[copy] Copying 62 files to C:\usr\share\java\tomcat6-deps\dbcp
   [mkdir] Created dir: 

[move] Moving 62 files to 

   [mkdir] Created dir: C:\usr\share\java\tomcat6-deps\dbcp\classes
   [javac] Compiling 62 source files to 

org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource is not
abstract and does not override abstract method 

in java.sql.Wrapper
   [javac] public class BasicDataSource implements DataSo

tcnative-1.dll version 1.1.6 getaddrinfo error

2006-10-20 Thread Ron Wheeler
The download of version 1.1.6 of the windows binary of tcnative-1.dll 
from appears to have been built with a 
set of libraries that only work on Windows XP.
In Windows 2000, you get a message that an entry point for getaddrinfo 
can not be found when Tomcat tries to start. Replacing the 1.1.6 version 
with 1.1.4 gets Tomcat working again.

Version 1.1.3 causes the following message in the log
INFO: An older version 1.1.3 of the Apache Tomcat Native library is 
installed, while Tomcat recommends version greater than 1.1.4

"greater than 1.1.4" will not work


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