Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2013/5/19 Nick Williams

 On May 19, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

 From: Nick Williams []
 Subject: Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat 
 shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

 Log4j 1 never required a listener to be configured to be shut down
 properly when an application is undeployed.

It did.
E.g. this discussion is from March 2004:

 What bearing does that have on a different logging mechanism?

 To be fair, Log4j 2 is not a different logging mechanism. It is a new version 
 of Log4j 1. My point was mostly philosophical; it feels wrong to have to 
 configure a listener just to support logging.

You can configure the listener from within a library either
a) by providing a javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer (starting
with Servlet 3.0) or
b) by configuring it in a TLD file of a tag library (starting with JSP 1.2).

 It should be possible to do this without a listener.

 Not easily.

 Could a `finalize` method be used instead of a shutdown hook/listener?

 Finalizers should be avoided like the plague.  The gyrations the JVM has to 
 go through to handle them result in continual run time impacts, and require 
 at least two GC passes to actually get rid of the objects.

 The extra performance impact is bad, yes, when you're talking about an object 
 who has many short-lived instances in memory that could be garbage collected 
 regularly. However, when you're talking about a lone singleton instance that 
 is created when the application starts and garbage collected when the 
 application shuts down, I would argue this is not a problem at all. Of 
 course, I'm open to the idea that I could be proven wrong.

 What I don't know is if it is guaranteed to be called in non-web 
 when the JVM just shuts down.

 Finalizers are not called at JVM termination, since the process exit is 
 expected to release resources automatically.  You cannot actually count on a 
 finalizer ever being invoked; it's one of those seemed like a good idea at 
 the time things that is now widely regretted by JVM implementers.

 After some experimentation, it would appear that it's not so much that 
 finalizers are not called at JVM termination as it is that finalizers are not 
 called if the garbage collector never runs, and the garbage collector isn't 
 guaranteed to run at JVM shutdown.

There exists such API as JVM shutdown hooks. An issue with them though
is that if there are several hooks, then all of them are started at
the same time and run in parallel.

When Tomcat is run with JULI it takes care of JULI shutdown (a)
disables JULI's own shutdown hook via
ClassLoaderLogManager.setUseShutdownHook(false), b) shuts down JULI
from its own shutdown hook thread).

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before shutdown
 for logging to work properly is no better than requiring users to
 register a listener in a web application for logging to work
 properly. Surely there's a better way...

Do you initialize your logging system in a ServletContextListener (or
similar)? If so, then you should destroy it at the same level.

If you aren't initializing your logging system in a
ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?

Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily because it
sometimes guesses wrong.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Williams

On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA256
 On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before shutdown
 for logging to work properly is no better than requiring users to
 register a listener in a web application for logging to work
 properly. Surely there's a better way...
 Do you initialize your logging system in a ServletContextListener (or
 similar)? If so, then you should destroy it at the same level.
 If you aren't initializing your logging system in a
 ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?
 Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily because it
 sometimes guesses wrong.

First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are obviously different.

Log4j initializes with the first call to LogManager#getLogger(), whenever that 
occurs. In my case loggers are static, so it happens when the classes are 
initialized. In the specific case of the replication project attached to the 
issue, it happens on the first request to the only Servlet in the application.

Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible to make logging 
work right without a ServletContextListener. Man oh man did I want to avoid 

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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/20/13 12:48 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before 
 shutdown for logging to work properly is no better than
 requiring users to register a listener in a web application for
 logging to work properly. Surely there's a better way...
 Do you initialize your logging system in a
 ServletContextListener (or similar)? If so, then you should
 destroy it at the same level.
 If you aren't initializing your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?
 Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily
 because it sometimes guesses wrong.
 First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are obviously 

It's different, but it's the same.

 Log4j initializes with the first call to LogManager#getLogger(), 
 whenever that occurs. In my case loggers are static, so it happens
  when the classes are initialized. In the specific case of the 
 replication project attached to the issue, it happens on the first
  request to the only Servlet in the application.

Right. What I'm saying is that you should take full control over the
initialization (and destruction) of the logging system. Your
ServletContextListeners should be invoked before your servlet classes
are loader.

 Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible to
 make logging work right without a ServletContextListener. Man oh
 man did I want to avoid that...

You act like a ServletContextListener is some evil hack that should be
avoided at all costs. Instead, it's exactly the right mechanism to do
what you are trying to do: configure something at webapp launch and
de-configure it when the webapp is stopped.

Some things just aren't appropriate to do with @Annotations. Sorry.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Williams

On May 20, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA256
 On 5/20/13 12:48 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before 
 shutdown for logging to work properly is no better than
 requiring users to register a listener in a web application for
 logging to work properly. Surely there's a better way...
 Do you initialize your logging system in a
 ServletContextListener (or similar)? If so, then you should
 destroy it at the same level.
 If you aren't initializing your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?
 Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily
 because it sometimes guesses wrong.
 First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are obviously 
 It's different, but it's the same.
 Log4j initializes with the first call to LogManager#getLogger(), 
 whenever that occurs. In my case loggers are static, so it happens
 when the classes are initialized. In the specific case of the 
 replication project attached to the issue, it happens on the first
 request to the only Servlet in the application.
 Right. What I'm saying is that you should take full control over the
 initialization (and destruction) of the logging system. Your
 ServletContextListeners should be invoked before your servlet classes
 are loader.

And I'm saying you shouldn't /have/ to. It should just work without you 
having to do much thinking. See below.

 Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible to
 make logging work right without a ServletContextListener. Man oh
 man did I want to avoid that...
 You act like a ServletContextListener is some evil hack that should be
 avoided at all costs. Instead, it's exactly the right mechanism to do
 what you are trying to do: configure something at webapp launch and
 de-configure it when the webapp is stopped.

Not what I'm saying at all. I love listeners. They are extremely helpful, and I 
use them all the time.

What I'm saying is that the concept of logging, philosophically, is supposed to 
be as unobtrusive as possible. Something you don't really have to think about 
how exactly it works; you just know to get a logger and put logging statements 
in your code and things just work. The act of having to set up a listener to 
initialize and deinitialize logging, to me, seems like more than Log4j users 
should have to worry about. Perhaps just as importantly, Log4j 1 worked without 
a listener to initialize/deinitialize, so this is yet again one more thing 
users are going to have to do to switch from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2.

Thankfully, we can use web-fragments in Servlet 3.0 and higher to configure the 
listener behind-the-scenes without the user even knowing. That's much more 
acceptable in my book. Users of Servlet 2.5 will still have to declare them 
manually, but I think they will probably be the minority users. So with a 
little more polishing of the Log4j 2 source code we can make this a little 
better. I just wish there was a solution that would work for both standalone 
applications /and/ web applications to initialize and deinitialize Log4j 
correctly without any users (including Servlet 2.5 users) having to think about 

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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/20/13 4:10 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/20/13 12:48 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before 
 shutdown for logging to work properly is no better than 
 requiring users to register a listener in a web
 application for logging to work properly. Surely there's a
 better way...
 Do you initialize your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener (or similar)? If so, then you should 
 destroy it at the same level.
 If you aren't initializing your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?
 Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily 
 because it sometimes guesses wrong.
 First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are obviously 
 It's different, but it's the same.
 Log4j initializes with the first call to
 LogManager#getLogger(), whenever that occurs. In my case
 loggers are static, so it happens when the classes are
 initialized. In the specific case of the replication project
 attached to the issue, it happens on the first request to the
 only Servlet in the application.
 Right. What I'm saying is that you should take full control over 
 the initialization (and destruction) of the logging system. Your
  ServletContextListeners should be invoked before your servlet 
 classes are loader.
 And I'm saying you shouldn't /have/ to. It should just work
 without you having to do much thinking. See below.
 Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible to
  make logging work right without a ServletContextListener.
 Man oh man did I want to avoid that...
 You act like a ServletContextListener is some evil hack that
 should be avoided at all costs. Instead, it's exactly the right
 mechanism to do what you are trying to do: configure something at
 webapp launch and de-configure it when the webapp is stopped.
 Not what I'm saying at all. I love listeners. They are extremely 
 helpful, and I use them all the time.
 What I'm saying is that the concept of logging, philosophically,
 is supposed to be as unobtrusive as possible. Something you don't
 really have to think about how exactly it works; you just know to
 get a logger and put logging statements in your code and things
 just work. The act of having to set up a listener to initialize
 and deinitialize logging, to me, seems like more than Log4j users
 should have to worry about. Perhaps just as importantly, Log4j 1
 worked without a listener to initialize/deinitialize, so this is
 yet again one more thing users are going to have to do to switch
 from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2.

That's like saying that aspect-oriented programming should just work
without having to run the AOP compiler against the code, first.

This at least used to be a problem in log4j 1 as well: you had to call
LogManager.shutdown in order to free all the resources, flush all the
buffers, etc. when your webapp unloaded, otherwise you ran the risk of
pinning the old webapp's ClassLoader, etc. in memory. The only way to
run LogManager.shutdown() on webapp unload is to configure a

 Thankfully, we can use web-fragments in Servlet 3.0 and higher to 
 configure the listener behind-the-scenes without the user even 
 knowing. That's much more acceptable in my book.

While I agree, it increases the amount of magic that I generally
prefer to keep to a minimum. I know I'm apparently an old guy who just
doesn't get it, but I honestly prefer explicit configuration to
auto-configuration. You can diagnose problems much more easily with
explicit configuration than by attaching a debugger and
stepping-through the entire bootstrap process to figure out wtf is
going on.

 Users of Servlet 2.5 will still have to declare them manually, but
 I think they will probably be the minority users.

Ha ha ha. Don't you see the posts from people trying to figure out how
to move their Tomcat 3.x installations to a new Windows 2000 server?
Again, I'm a apparently a dinosaur, but I don't have a single
servlet-3.0 webapp deployed in production anywhere. Not even in testing.

 So with a little more polishing of the Log4j 2 source code we can 
 make this a little better. I just wish there was a solution that 
 would work for both standalone applications /and/ web applications
 to initialize and deinitialize Log4j correctly without any users 
 (including Servlet 2.5 users) having to think about it.

The solution is to have a magic annotation-processor running all the
time in the JVM, right? Isn't that what OSGi is for?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - 

Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Williams

On May 20, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA256
 On 5/20/13 4:10 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/20/13 12:48 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
 On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
 Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc() before 
 shutdown for logging to work properly is no better than 
 requiring users to register a listener in a web
 application for logging to work properly. Surely there's a
 better way...
 Do you initialize your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener (or similar)? If so, then you should 
 destroy it at the same level.
 If you aren't initializing your logging system in a 
 ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing it?
 Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization primarily 
 because it sometimes guesses wrong.
 First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are obviously 
 It's different, but it's the same.
 Log4j initializes with the first call to
 LogManager#getLogger(), whenever that occurs. In my case
 loggers are static, so it happens when the classes are
 initialized. In the specific case of the replication project
 attached to the issue, it happens on the first request to the
 only Servlet in the application.
 Right. What I'm saying is that you should take full control over 
 the initialization (and destruction) of the logging system. Your
 ServletContextListeners should be invoked before your servlet 
 classes are loader.
 And I'm saying you shouldn't /have/ to. It should just work
 without you having to do much thinking. See below.
 Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible to
 make logging work right without a ServletContextListener.
 Man oh man did I want to avoid that...
 You act like a ServletContextListener is some evil hack that
 should be avoided at all costs. Instead, it's exactly the right
 mechanism to do what you are trying to do: configure something at
 webapp launch and de-configure it when the webapp is stopped.
 Not what I'm saying at all. I love listeners. They are extremely 
 helpful, and I use them all the time.
 What I'm saying is that the concept of logging, philosophically,
 is supposed to be as unobtrusive as possible. Something you don't
 really have to think about how exactly it works; you just know to
 get a logger and put logging statements in your code and things
 just work. The act of having to set up a listener to initialize
 and deinitialize logging, to me, seems like more than Log4j users
 should have to worry about. Perhaps just as importantly, Log4j 1
 worked without a listener to initialize/deinitialize, so this is
 yet again one more thing users are going to have to do to switch
 from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2.
 That's like saying that aspect-oriented programming should just work
 without having to run the AOP compiler against the code, first.
 This at least used to be a problem in log4j 1 as well: you had to call
 LogManager.shutdown in order to free all the resources, flush all the
 buffers, etc. when your webapp unloaded, otherwise you ran the risk of
 pinning the old webapp's ClassLoader, etc. in memory. The only way to
 run LogManager.shutdown() on webapp unload is to configure a
 Thankfully, we can use web-fragments in Servlet 3.0 and higher to 
 configure the listener behind-the-scenes without the user even 
 knowing. That's much more acceptable in my book.
 While I agree, it increases the amount of magic that I generally
 prefer to keep to a minimum. I know I'm apparently an old guy who just
 doesn't get it, but I honestly prefer explicit configuration to
 auto-configuration. You can diagnose problems much more easily with
 explicit configuration than by attaching a debugger and
 stepping-through the entire bootstrap process to figure out wtf is
 going on.
 Users of Servlet 2.5 will still have to declare them manually, but
 I think they will probably be the minority users.
 Ha ha ha. Don't you see the posts from people trying to figure out how
 to move their Tomcat 3.x installations to a new Windows 2000 server?
 Again, I'm a apparently a dinosaur, but I don't have a single
 servlet-3.0 webapp deployed in production anywhere. Not even in testing.

Oh, I see the posts. I just figure if they're that far behind they won't be 
using Log4j 2 for at least another 10 years.


 So with a little more polishing of the Log4j 2 source code we can 
 make this a little better. I just wish there was a solution that 
 would work for both standalone applications /and/ web applications
 to initialize and deinitialize Log4j correctly without any users 
 (including Servlet 2.5 users) having to think about it.

Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-20 Thread Mark Eggers

On 5/20/2013 2:45 PM, Nick Williams wrote:

On May 20, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:



On 5/20/13 4:10 PM, Nick Williams wrote:

On May 20, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:



On 5/20/13 12:48 PM, Nick Williams wrote:

On May 20, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:



On 5/19/13 11:25 AM, Nick Williams wrote:

Unfortunately, requiring users to call System.gc()
before shutdown for logging to work properly is no better
than requiring users to register a listener in a web
application for logging to work properly. Surely there's
a better way...

Do you initialize your logging system in a
ServletContextListener (or similar)? If so, then you
should destroy it at the same level.

If you aren't initializing your logging system in a
ServletContextListener... then how are you initializing

Long ago, I abandoned log4j's auto-initialization
primarily because it sometimes guesses wrong.

First, remember that this is Log4j 2, so things are
obviously different.

It's different, but it's the same.

Log4j initializes with the first call to
LogManager#getLogger(), whenever that occurs. In my case
loggers are static, so it happens when the classes are
initialized. In the specific case of the replication project
attached to the issue, it happens on the first request to
the only Servlet in the application.

Right. What I'm saying is that you should take full control
over the initialization (and destruction) of the logging
system. Your ServletContextListeners should be invoked before
your servlet classes are loader.

And I'm saying you shouldn't /have/ to. It should just work
without you having to do much thinking. See below.

Unfortunately, I've just about given up on it being possible
to make logging work right without a
ServletContextListener. Man oh man did I want to avoid

You act like a ServletContextListener is some evil hack that
should be avoided at all costs. Instead, it's exactly the
right mechanism to do what you are trying to do: configure
something at webapp launch and de-configure it when the webapp
is stopped.

Not what I'm saying at all. I love listeners. They are extremely
helpful, and I use them all the time.

What I'm saying is that the concept of logging, philosophically,
is supposed to be as unobtrusive as possible. Something you
don't really have to think about how exactly it works; you just
know to get a logger and put logging statements in your code and
things just work. The act of having to set up a listener to
initialize and deinitialize logging, to me, seems like more than
Log4j users should have to worry about. Perhaps just as
importantly, Log4j 1 worked without a listener to
initialize/deinitialize, so this is yet again one more thing
users are going to have to do to switch from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2.

That's like saying that aspect-oriented programming should just
work without having to run the AOP compiler against the code,

This at least used to be a problem in log4j 1 as well: you had to
call LogManager.shutdown in order to free all the resources, flush
all the buffers, etc. when your webapp unloaded, otherwise you ran
the risk of pinning the old webapp's ClassLoader, etc. in memory.
The only way to run LogManager.shutdown() on webapp unload is to
configure a ServletContextListener.

Thankfully, we can use web-fragments in Servlet 3.0 and higher
to configure the listener behind-the-scenes without the user
even knowing. That's much more acceptable in my book.

While I agree, it increases the amount of magic that I generally
prefer to keep to a minimum. I know I'm apparently an old guy who
just doesn't get it, but I honestly prefer explicit configuration
to auto-configuration. You can diagnose problems much more easily
with explicit configuration than by attaching a debugger and
stepping-through the entire bootstrap process to figure out wtf is
going on.

Users of Servlet 2.5 will still have to declare them manually,
but I think they will probably be the minority users.

Ha ha ha. Don't you see the posts from people trying to figure out
how to move their Tomcat 3.x installations to a new Windows 2000
server? Again, I'm a apparently a dinosaur, but I don't have a
single servlet-3.0 webapp deployed in production anywhere. Not even
in testing.

Oh, I see the posts. I just figure if they're that far behind they
won't be using Log4j 2 for at least another 10 years.


Hopefully sometime this year (currently porting one of those types of 

I do have a Maven artifact with some utility listeners that I make use 
of (including a log4j listener). I just add the dependency, modify the 
web.xml accordingly, and I'm good to go.

Yes, annotations would make things a little less cumbersome. However, I 
still like seeing everything. Maybe once I get a 

Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-19 Thread Mark Thomas
On 19/05/2013 05:57, Nick Williams wrote:
 Can one of the very knowledgeable developers that have been
 discussing memory leaks in the last few days (re: Possible
 false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC
 Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread) chime in on this Log4j 2 bug
 Log4j 2 appears to be registering a shutdown hook that, I believe,
 will result in a memory leak in Tomcat. The
 JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not detect it (which might be a
 separate Tomcat bug, assuming I'm right that it's a memory leak). I
 don't know nearly as much about class loaders and memory leaks in a
 web application as some of the guys I've read talking on here the
 last few days, and it would be helpful for us to get the
 knowledgeable opinion of one or more Tomcat developers about how to
 solve this.

It looks like Ralph has already answered this [2].

If log4j2 is initialised by the webapp, it needs to be shutdown by the

 (Note: I don't normally post to both lists, but since the memory leak
 topic was occurring on the user's list, and I also wanted to get the
 attention of as many developers as possible, I made an exception this

No matter how important you think your issue is, please do not cross
post. As a general guide, if you aren't sure, use the users list. The
committers are all active or lurking here so they will all see it and
will move the discussion to the dev list of necessary.




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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-19 Thread Nick Williams

On May 19, 2013, at 3:33 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

 On 19/05/2013 05:57, Nick Williams wrote:
 Can one of the very knowledgeable developers that have been
 discussing memory leaks in the last few days (re: Possible
 false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC
 Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread) chime in on this Log4j 2 bug
 Log4j 2 appears to be registering a shutdown hook that, I believe,
 will result in a memory leak in Tomcat. The
 JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not detect it (which might be a
 separate Tomcat bug, assuming I'm right that it's a memory leak). I
 don't know nearly as much about class loaders and memory leaks in a
 web application as some of the guys I've read talking on here the
 last few days, and it would be helpful for us to get the
 knowledgeable opinion of one or more Tomcat developers about how to
 solve this.
 It looks like Ralph has already answered this [2].
 If log4j2 is initialised by the webapp, it needs to be shutdown by the

Ralph may have responded, but I don't believe it's the right answer. Log4j 1 
never required a listener to be configured to be shut down properly when an 
application is undeployed. It should be possible to do this without a listener. 
Just a thought, is there a way to detect if a ClassLoader is being shut 
down/unloaded? Could a `finalize` method be used instead of a shutdown 
hook/listener? I'm fairly confident the finalize method would always be called 
when the application is undeployed (though I could be wrong). What I don't know 
is if it is guaranteed to be called in non-web applications when the JVM just 
shuts down.

 (Note: I don't normally post to both lists, but since the memory leak
 topic was occurring on the user's list, and I also wanted to get the
 attention of as many developers as possible, I made an exception this
 No matter how important you think your issue is, please do not cross
 post. As a general guide, if you aren't sure, use the users list. The
 committers are all active or lurking here so they will all see it and
 will move the discussion to the dev list of necessary.

My apologies.

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RE: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-19 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Nick Williams [] 
 Subject: Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown 
 (memory leak, it looks like)

 Log4j 1 never required a listener to be configured to be shut down 
 properly when an application is undeployed.

What bearing does that have on a different logging mechanism?

 It should be possible to do this without a listener.

Not easily.

 Could a `finalize` method be used instead of a shutdown hook/listener?

Finalizers should be avoided like the plague.  The gyrations the JVM has to go 
through to handle them result in continual run time impacts, and require at 
least two GC passes to actually get rid of the objects.

 What I don't know is if it is guaranteed to be called in non-web applications 
 when the JVM just shuts down.

Finalizers are not called at JVM termination, since the process exit is 
expected to release resources automatically.  You cannot actually count on a 
finalizer ever being invoked; it's one of those seemed like a good idea at the 
time things that is now widely regretted by JVM implementers.

 - Chuck

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Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-19 Thread Nick Williams

On May 19, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

 From: Nick Williams [] 
 Subject: Re: LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown 
 (memory leak, it looks like)
 Log4j 1 never required a listener to be configured to be shut down 
 properly when an application is undeployed.
 What bearing does that have on a different logging mechanism?

To be fair, Log4j 2 is not a different logging mechanism. It is a new version 
of Log4j 1. My point was mostly philosophical; it feels wrong to have to 
configure a listener just to support logging.

 It should be possible to do this without a listener.
 Not easily.
 Could a `finalize` method be used instead of a shutdown hook/listener?
 Finalizers should be avoided like the plague.  The gyrations the JVM has to 
 go through to handle them result in continual run time impacts, and require 
 at least two GC passes to actually get rid of the objects.

The extra performance impact is bad, yes, when you're talking about an object 
who has many short-lived instances in memory that could be garbage collected 
regularly. However, when you're talking about a lone singleton instance that is 
created when the application starts and garbage collected when the application 
shuts down, I would argue this is not a problem at all. Of course, I'm open to 
the idea that I could be proven wrong.

 What I don't know is if it is guaranteed to be called in non-web 
 when the JVM just shuts down.
 Finalizers are not called at JVM termination, since the process exit is 
 expected to release resources automatically.  You cannot actually count on a 
 finalizer ever being invoked; it's one of those seemed like a good idea at 
 the time things that is now widely regretted by JVM implementers.

After some experimentation, it would appear that it's not so much that 
finalizers are not called at JVM termination as it is that finalizers are not 
called if the garbage collector never runs, and the garbage collector isn't 
guaranteed to run at JVM shutdown. However, if you call System.gc() right 
before the JVM shuts down, finalizers appear to run every time. Unfortunately, 
requiring users to call System.gc() before shutdown for logging to work 
properly is no better than requiring users to register a listener in a web 
application for logging to work properly. Surely there's a better way...

While I do not disagree that finalizers are very often misused, they are not 
without their uses. I find it hard to believe that the Sun JRE 6 source code 
would contain 50 uses of finalizers if they should never be used. You'd think 
if they regretted creating the method so much they would deprecate it and/or 
document clearly that it's best to never implement a finalizer, but the 
documentation for finalizers makes no such assertion, even in the latest Java 8.

 - Chuck
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LOG4J2-223: IllegalStateException thrown during Tomcat shutdown (memory leak, it looks like)

2013-05-18 Thread Nick Williams
Can one of the very knowledgeable developers that have been discussing memory 
leaks in the last few days (re: Possible false-postive with 
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
OracleTimeoutPollingThread) chime in on this Log4j 2 bug [1]?

Log4j 2 appears to be registering a shutdown hook that, I believe, will result 
in a memory leak in Tomcat. The JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not detect 
it (which might be a separate Tomcat bug, assuming I'm right that it's a memory 
leak). I don't know nearly as much about class loaders and memory leaks in a 
web application as some of the guys I've read talking on here the last few 
days, and it would be helpful for us to get the knowledgeable opinion of one or 
more Tomcat developers about how to solve this.




(Note: I don't normally post to both lists, but since the memory leak topic was 
occurring on the user's list, and I also wanted to get the attention of as many 
developers as possible, I made an exception this time.)