Re: [vchkpw] Help with smtp after pop?

2003-01-07 Thread David Phillips
Anthony Aveley writes:
 No open relay, but users with pop accounts can relay.

I think you mean users with POP3 accounts should be able to relay after
authenticating, but cannot.

 I have used Vpopmail 5.3.x with qmail-pop3d and qmail 1.03.

 I have done the configuration as per  The qmail handbook and all
 users on the subnet are able to relay as they are included in
 tcp.smtp .

Are you using the tcp.smtp.cdb from the vpopmail/etc directory?  Your
qmail-smtpd run script should have a parameter similar to the following:


You will need to restart the qmail-smtpd service after making this change.
If this does not fix the problem, please provide the following information:

- The complete, un-edited output of qmail-showctl.
- The complete, un-edited run scripts for qmail-smtpd and qmail-pop3d.
- All details about how and where you installed vpopmail.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Looping run file

2003-01-07 Thread David Phillips
Tobias Åman writes:
 I got a problem with a looping qmail run file on a linux machine it´s
 changing pid all the time så how do i kill it for real ?

svc -d /service/qmail-send (or whatever you named it)

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] run scripts not working that good

2003-01-07 Thread David Phillips
Tobias Åman writes:
 Can somone help me to see whats wrong in my run scripts something is
 not working that well
 although it´s working

Obviously, they are not working that well.

We can't read your mind.  Tell us exactly what you mean or we cannot help

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Help with smtp after pop?

2003-01-06 Thread David Phillips
Anthony Aveley writes:
 Users outside of my network are able to relay but not able to access
 their their pop3 accounts?

So you're an open relay?

Please consider writing a message that contains the information we need to
help you:

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail, Roaming Users, Qmail-Scanner (vpopmail-5.2.1_qmailqueue.patch)

2003-01-02 Thread David Phillips
Tim Hasson writes:
 Below is a patch to allow setting QMAILQUEUE to for roaming users (change path to your
 pre-qmail-queue script)

You could also just set it in your run script.  No need for patching.  If
you use qmail-conf, add it to the env directory.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Rbl + vpopmail single domain

2002-12-30 Thread David Phillips
Remo Mattei writes:
 HI guys I was looking for rbl for a single domain with vpopmail any

I use these and I'm satisfied with the results: -- Verified open relays --

Be aware that overly aggressive RBLs like SPEWS list hosts that do not send
spam.  If you use these, you WILL lose mail.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] -Err aack,child crashed

2002-12-20 Thread David Phillips
 #/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop FQDN /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
 user john
 pass doe
 -Err aack,child crashed

That's not how it should be invoked, nor is it even the right program name:

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup fqdn /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

 But i can still access the mailbox via webmail or offline pop3 reader
 (outlook), the real email account can send and receive properly but
 for virtual mail account, only send, cannot recive (the log is
 there's no mailbox with that name).

That doesn't provide us with any useful information.  Please provide the
complete, unedited output of qmail-showctl and the relevant unedited log
file lines.  Don't use terms like ``real email account'' and ``virtual mail
account''.  Tell us exactly what is going on.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Guide for setting up a queueing server...

2002-11-21 Thread David Phillips
Brendan McAlpine writes:
 How long will it queue up mail if the primary server is down for an
 extended period of time?


David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Accounts in same domain

2002-11-21 Thread David Phillips
 Is there anything I could be missing?

Yes, your logs.  What do the logs say?

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Accounts in same domain

2002-11-21 Thread David Phillips
Please keep this on the list.

 No errors jump out of the logs, here is what the normal lines look

 starting delivery 4: msg 3238236 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 starting delivery 5: msg 3238238 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those aren't the complete logs.  Please post the complete logs for the
relevant deliveries.  We need to see the message(s) from the delivery.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Crontab Daily Report Opening Up Relay

2002-11-20 Thread David Phillips
Eric Moore writes:
 Can anyone suggest how to clean up this problem? TIA - Eric.

No.  You didn't give any useful information in your problem report.  Prove
that it is an open relay.  Show us a copy of the complete, unaltered mail
that was relayed.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] dot-qmail in virtual user directory

2002-11-18 Thread David Phillips
Andy Bradford writes:
 Is there a reason why vdelivermail will deliver to


 but it won't deliver to


Yes.  vdelivermail handles the delivery for vpopmail virtual domains, not
qmail.  If you want subaddresses, then place them in the domain directory:


David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] qustion on vpopmail + qmail pop mail time not correct

2002-11-13 Thread David Phillips
Lucy writes:
 BTW, why when I use sqwebmail, the receieve time is correct? only
 when using vpopmail pop3 to email client, it's incorrect ?  vpopmail
 problem ?

How about a locally injected message?

What operating system are you using?  If you are using Linux, then run this

strace -f /var/qmail/bin/sendmail @  /dev/null 21 | grep -E time|Date

You should get output similar to this:

time(NULL)  = 1037179377
write(4, Date: 13 Nov 2002 09:22:57 -..., 162) = 162

Show us the output from this command.  The objective here is to determine
what is being returned by the time(2) system call and see how it is being
formatted.  Feel free to replace @ with your own email address.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] qustion on vpopmail + qmail pop mail time not correct

2002-11-12 Thread David Phillips
This is not a vpopmail issue and thus is off topic for this list.

Lucy writes:
 I have a quesiton on vpopmail+qmail receive time problem,
 qmail smtp mail time is correct , but as I get messages
 that state received tomorrow.

Make sure that the time and timezone is correct on the server running qmail.
It isn't qmail's fault if your clock is set incorrectly.  Another
possibility is that your mail client is incorrectly displaying the times.

Show us an example message with full headers that illustrates this problem,
along with the corresponding qmail log entries.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] qustion on vpopmail + qmail pop mail time not correct

2002-11-12 Thread David Phillips
Lucy writes:
 Received: (qmail 8896 invoked from network);
 13 Nov 2002 20:02:50 -
 Received: from unknown (HELO peakhl) (
   by with SMTP; 13 Nov 2002 20:02:50 -


 Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:02:59 +0800

 It seems nothing wrong in this eml but in all email clients(clock is
 definitly correct) the received time is ahead of time.

It looks like the time zone is set to ``-0800'' when it should be ``+0800''.
Running ``date +%z'' should confirm this.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Problem restated - vpopmail/qmail and root emails

2002-11-11 Thread David Phillips
 In any case I first tried creating a .qmail-root file in the
 /var/qmail/alias directory and I got a bounce error stating that was not in locals, blah,blah,blah.  So I added the
 machine name to locals and I didn't get a bounce error, but I also
 didnt' get the email in the forwarded account.

Where did the mail end up?  What do the logs say?

 I tried editing
 .qmail-root using vdelivermail (was wondering if it needed to use
 this file for proper delivery) and still no luck.

That will not help things.

 In my testing I also noticed that no aliasing seemed to be working
 for me for the domain.  For example, I have a real user of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], this user has a .qmail-user file in
 /usr/local/vpopmail/domains/domain directory that has a command of
 /usr/local/bin/maildrop ./jr/Maildir/mailfilter and it works fine.
 But if I
 add a .qmail-useralias file with the same directive no email is

By ``real user'', I assume that you mean a vpopmail user created with
vadduser.  If you create .qmail files in a vpopmail domain directory, they
will be interpreted by qmail, not vdelivermail.  Thus a .qmail-user file
overrides the vpopmail user.  If .qmail files are not working in a vpopmail
domain directory, then that is a qmail problem, not a vpopmail problem.

 Perhaps this is a separate issue, but just trying to include all
 pertinent info.  Sorry for the long email - I think I'm just missing
 something basic here...

You are missing your log files.  They should tell you exactly what is
happening (or not happening, as the case may be).

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Documentation (was: Exit Codes)

2002-11-11 Thread David Phillips
Michael Bowe writes:
 ITOH, can i only populate the vpopmail table to create the
 new users instead of using the vpopmail executables?

 Yes you can

This is an excellent feature and should really be documented.  It would have
saved us a ton of implementation time.

Speaking of documentation, is there any work being done on new
documentation?  vpopmail is excellent software, but the documentation is
not.  Is anyone interested in working on rewriting it, say in DocBook

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Problem restated - vpopmail/qmail and root emails

2002-11-10 Thread David Phillips
 I am using qmail and vpopmail (with users stored in openldap).
 Everything is
 working fine.  I want to be able to get all messages sent to my root
 account on
 the local machine and have them forwarded to a user in one of my
 virtual domains.

If the machine name is a virtual domain (and there is no reason it can't
be), then simply vadduser root@domain.  Otherwise, add an ~alias/.qmail-root
file as normal.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail Debian - Problem sending Mials

2002-10-30 Thread David Phillips
Zeno Davatz writes:
 What will this help me?

It's just a cleaner and nicer way of doing it.  qmail-conf sets up the run
script that way.  Functionally, there is no difference.

 Now on my online setup I got the following problem:
 In my office I am sitting behind a firewall. I got a t1 connection
 but I do _not_have_a fix IP.

 I am obviously sending mails only from the domains listed in
 rcpthosts but somehow I still get the 5.7.1 error! Argh.

That is good.  It means you aren't an open relay.  If you authenticate via
POP3 first, then you should be able to send mail from that IP.

 Do I have to check this or has this already been done automatically?

The POP-before-SMTP stuff is automatic.  That is why you use the
tcp.smtp.cdb file in the vpopmail/etc directory.  clearopensmtp is not
automatic, as the vpopmail makefile will not go adding things to crontab for
you.  I do believe that Debian vpopmail package sets this up.  However, it
just requires adding a single like to root's crontab:

40 * * * * root /path/to/vpopmail/bin/clearopensmtp  /dev/null 21

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail Debian - Problem sending Mials

2002-10-29 Thread David Phillips
Zeno Davatz writes:
 I followed the below HOWTO and think is great - it helped me a lot. I
 managed to send and receive messages locally an online.


 What I do not quite understand yet is how vpopmail and qmail handle
 the outgoing messages via smtp:

vpopmail does not affect outgoing mail.  It controls whether or not certain
IP's are allowed to relay mail when connecting to qmail-smtpd.

 * Change the run script for qmail-smtpd (/service/qmail-smtpd/run)
 to use vpopmail.  The tcp.smtp.cdb file needs to point to the one in
 the vpopmail home directory (ex. /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb).
 This step makes POP-before-SMTP work.
 Does this file contain the all the hosts for witch my Server will send

tcp.smtp (compiled into tcp.smtpd.cdb) controls which IP's are allowed to
connect to tcpserver.  It defaults to allow (which would be a single
:allow line).  Setting RELAYCLIENT for an IP tells qmail-smtpd to allow it
to relay mail.

Normally, this file contains all IP's on your network, assuming you want
them to relay through qmail.  The following is an example.  RBLSMTPD is only
needed if you are using rblsmtpd.  Leaving it blank tells rblsmtpd to not
perform lookups against that address (you don't want it looking up your own


 My run file is (I just changed the path of the vpopmail-home):

If your domains directory is on /var, then make sure you have enough space
for all the mail.

 QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
 NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
 MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`

As a tip, you can get rid of QMAILDUID and NOFILESGID by adding -U to the
tcpserver command line and using envuidgid qmaild as the first thing after

 exec softlimit -m 200 \
   tcpserver -v -R -l 0 -x /var/lib/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c
 -u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp qmail-smtpd 21

 When I try to send a message I get the 5.7.1 error.
 I read all the documentation for Newbies on relaying from Chris.

Does your tcp.smtp file set RELAYCLIENT for the IP that you are sending

vpopmail will create vpopmail/etc/open-smtp that it merges with tcp.smtp
when building tcp.smtp.cdb.  It does this automatically for any IP that
successfully authenticates via POP3 (or anything using vchkpw, such as
Courier IMAP).  tcp.smtp.cdb is automatically rebuilt when this happens.

You need to make sure vpopmail/bin/clearopensmtp is being run from cron
every 30-60 minutes, otherwise these IP's will never expire.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] 90% CPU in vchkpw

2002-10-29 Thread David Phillips
Brad Dameron writes:
 What does softlimit do?

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] no solution that problem

2002-10-26 Thread David Phillips
zafar writes:
  i have a problem in using qmail.
 i want that qmail generate the auto mail to the respected user when
 the date come like birthday event come a happy birthday mail will be
 sent on that date.
 so how can i do it with qmail or anyother way.

This isn't a qmail problem.  Nor is it a vchkpw problem.  How would you do
it with any other MTA?

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail Debian

2002-10-25 Thread David Phillips
Zeno Davatz writes:
 * Change the run script for qmail-smtpd (/service/qmail-smtpd/run)
 to use vpopmail.  The tcp.smtp.cdb file needs to point to the one in
 the vpopmail home directory (ex. /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb).
 This step makes POP-before-SMTP work.
 But can not find the tcp.smtp.cdb anywhere in my vpopmail directory.

It might not exist.  In that case, you'll need to create it from tcp.smtp
using tcprules.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail Debian

2002-10-25 Thread David Phillips
Zeno Davatz writes:
 svc -t /service/qmail-*
 When I restart my services I get:
 svc: warning: unable to chdir to /service/qmail-pop3d: file does not



Is /service/qmail-pop3d a valid symlink pointing to a working service
directory for the pop3d service?  Most likely, the symlink is broken.  In
that case, fix it.  How did you setup the pop3d service?  If you used
qmail-conf and followed the directions, then it should have been created

You seem to be having a lot of very simple problems that would be easily
answered if you read the available documentation and understood how it
worked.  I realize that UNIX is complex and qmail is a big system with a lot
of parts.  It took me a while to fully understand how it all fit together.
However, once you understand everything, these problems are simple and qmail
is great to work with.

I strongly suggest that you start from scratch.  Remove all of the qmail
packages and everything else you installed.  Then read Life with qmail:

Read it and follow the directions exactly.  This will help you understand
how everything works.  Also read everything in /var/qmail/doc.  The pictures
explain a lot.  Understanding is the key.  Once you understand how things
work, you won't need to follow directions step by step anymore.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail Debian

2002-10-23 Thread David Phillips
Zeno Davatz writes:
 So you also suggest not using the binaries from the Debian packages
 for my Mail-setup?

This is my recommendation for the easiest and best vpopmail setup on Debian.
This is from memory, so I might be missing something:

* Add Gerrit Pape's repository to your apt sources list.  Install the qmail
package.  This will install qmail, including the necessary uids and gids:

* Install the qmail-run package.  This will setup qmail as the mail transfer
agent under daemontools.  This will uninstall exim or whatever MTA you
already have installed.

* Change the /var/qmail/rc file to deliver to Maildir.  This will break mail
for local users and cause the mail system not to work as it would on a
standard Debian system.  The mail program, for example, does not work with
Maildir.  But for a POP toaster using vpopmail, this doesn't really matter.
The file should look like this:

exec env - PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH \
 qmail-start ./Maildir/

* By default, the qmail-run package sets up qmail to log to syslog, as is
standard for Debian.  However, the daemontools method (as setup by
qmail-conf) is much better, in my opinion.  Fix the qmail-send and
qmail-smtpd services to do this.  qmail-smtpd may already be setup this way.
In the log directory of the service directory (say /service/qmail-send/log),
change main to be a symlink to the log directory, say /var/log/qmail-send.
Change the run script for the log service to be as follows:

exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t ./main

* Install vpopmail from source.  The Debian packages are pretty old and seem
to be buggy, at least the last time I tried.

* Change the run script for qmail-smtpd (/service/qmail-smtpd/run) to use
vpopmail.  The tcp.smtp.cdb file needs to point to the one in the vpopmail
home directory (ex. /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb).  This step makes
POP-before-SMTP work.

* Install a qmail-pop3d service.  The easiest way to do this is qmail-conf.
You could use qmail-conf to redo all the qmail services, but it is easier to
stick with the ones that qmail-run sets up:

* Allow incoming connections to pop3d.  By default, it does not allow any
connections.  There is an add-client script in
/var/qmail/service/qmail-pop3d that can be used.  To simply allow
connections from everywhere, create an empty tcp file and run the Makefile.
You will need to run the Makefile after using add-client.

* Change the qmail-pop3d run script to use vpopmail.  It needs to use vchkpw
as the checkpassword program.  Change this to your vchkpw program (ex.
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw).  The parameter to be changed is the second
parameter to qmail-popup.

* Restart all of the services:

svc -t /service/qmail-*

* You can make things easier if you add /var/qmail/bin and the vpopmail bin
directory to root's PATH.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Clean up script

2002-10-18 Thread David Phillips
Brendan McAlpine writes:
 Does anyone know of or have a good cleanup script that I could take a
 look at?
 I just want it to look through all mail directories and delete mail
 files that are older than 6 months.

To quote Dan Bernstein: this is UNIX; stop acting so helpless.

find . -atime +180 -exec ls -l {} \;

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Major autorespond problems.

2002-10-05 Thread David Phillips

Steve Fulton writes:
 3.  Diligent sysadmin checks logs .. delivering okay.  Sysadmin checks
 queue .. hmm, missing messages in queue.  Sysadmin -HUP's qmail-send
 and see's some messages delivered, sometimes, and sometimes none.
 Sysadmin checks logs, and see's messages from autorespond saying too
 many messages received from user, delaying.

SIGHUP causes qmail-send to reread locals and virtualdomains.  You want to
send it SIGALRM, which causes it to reschedule everything in the queue for
immediate delivery (i.e. it tries to delivery everything).

 This is what I believe is happening:  The messages are being
 delivered, and auto-responses are being sent until the hard-coded
 limit of 3 messages in 86400 minutes (1 day) from a single user are
 received.  Then autorespond does not send an response to the sender,
 and for some reason, the original message is NOT delivered and is
 re-queued for later.

QmailAdmin creates .qmail files with the autoresponder line first and the
Maildir line second.  Thus if  the autoresponder exits with 99, qmail-local
will not deliver to the Maildir.  Placing the Maildir line before the
autoresponder will fix this.

If you always want the message to be delivered to the Maildir, regardless of
whether or not the autoresponder succeeds, then this is the way to go.
However, if the autoresponder returns 111 (soft error), this will result in
multiple deliveries of the message to the Maildir.  In this case, you will
need a base .qmail file that delivers the message to the Maildir and
forwards it to a separate address that contains the autoresponder, as
recommended by dot-qmail(5).

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vchkpw] Using tcpserver/mysql

2002-09-06 Thread David Phillips

Paul Fries writes:
 Yeah I have been really pulling my hair out over that one. =) With as
 many Pop-3 connections/sec that our servers handle I thought that I
 would make things a little smoother if Vpopmail didn't write the cdb.
 I am afraid that the hash would become corrupt and cause relay
 problems for my users.

Assuming that vpopmail has proper locking for the tcprules(1) source file
and uses unique temporary files everytime it runs tcprules, then this isn't
a problem.  tcprules atomically updates the cdb file.

David Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]