Zeno Davatz writes:
> So you also suggest not using the binaries from the Debian packages
> for my Mail-setup?

This is my recommendation for the easiest and best vpopmail setup on Debian.
This is from memory, so I might be missing something:

* Add Gerrit Pape's repository to your apt sources list.  Install the qmail
package.  This will install qmail, including the necessary uids and gids:


* Install the qmail-run package.  This will setup qmail as the mail transfer
agent under daemontools.  This will uninstall exim or whatever MTA you
already have installed.

* Change the /var/qmail/rc file to deliver to Maildir.  This will break mail
for local users and cause the mail system not to work as it would on a
standard Debian system.  The "mail" program, for example, does not work with
Maildir.  But for a POP toaster using vpopmail, this doesn't really matter.
The file should look like this:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
 qmail-start ./Maildir/

* By default, the qmail-run package sets up qmail to log to syslog, as is
standard for Debian.  However, the daemontools method (as setup by
qmail-conf) is much better, in my opinion.  Fix the qmail-send and
qmail-smtpd services to do this.  qmail-smtpd may already be setup this way.
In the log directory of the service directory (say /service/qmail-send/log),
change main to be a symlink to the log directory, say /var/log/qmail-send.
Change the run script for the log service to be as follows:

exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t ./main

* Install vpopmail from source.  The Debian packages are pretty old and seem
to be buggy, at least the last time I tried.

* Change the run script for qmail-smtpd (/service/qmail-smtpd/run) to use
vpopmail.  The tcp.smtp.cdb file needs to point to the one in the vpopmail
home directory (ex. /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb).  This step makes
POP-before-SMTP work.

* Install a qmail-pop3d service.  The easiest way to do this is qmail-conf.
You could use qmail-conf to redo all the qmail services, but it is easier to
stick with the ones that qmail-run sets up:


* Allow incoming connections to pop3d.  By default, it does not allow any
connections.  There is an add-client script in
/var/qmail/service/qmail-pop3d that can be used.  To simply allow
connections from everywhere, create an empty tcp file and run the Makefile.
You will need to run the Makefile after using add-client.

* Change the qmail-pop3d run script to use vpopmail.  It needs to use vchkpw
as the checkpassword program.  Change this to your vchkpw program (ex.
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw).  The parameter to be changed is the second
parameter to qmail-popup.

* Restart all of the services:

svc -t /service/qmail-*

* You can make things easier if you add /var/qmail/bin and the vpopmail bin
directory to root's PATH.

David Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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