Re: [videoblogging] Re: CBS videoblogs

2008-08-24 Thread Kary Rogers
I'm a little confused by the confusion over Clark and Michael.  This was a
CBS-funded scripted comedy web series that debuted in May of 2007.  It was
created, written by, and stars real-life friends Michael Cera and Clark
Duke. They play fictionalized versions of themselves.

I don't think it was ever marketed as a videoblog any more than The Office
webisodes are marketed to be videoblogs.  I don't see Clark and Michael
being much different from the scads of other comedy series being produced
these days, except, of course, it has a post-Arrested Development but
pre-movie stardom Michael Cera.

Kary Rogers

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Brook Hinton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Almost nothing reaches the heights of the Gervais version of The Office.

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Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: CBS videoblogs

2008-08-24 Thread Kary Rogers
That said, I don't think CBS threw a lot of money at this project.  It was
being developed in 2006 and made in 2007, so that was kinda early in the
game for a studio to put something out there.  I saw an interview with Clark
and Michael in which they said there wasn't a lot of money involved and they
hired their friends to do camera and lighting work.  So if it has a
low-budget look, that's because compared to other major studio funded
projects, it is low budget.  They also said they took less money to retain
greater control over the comic sensibility of the show.

Kary Rogers

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Kary Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm a little confused by the confusion over Clark and Michael.  This was a
 CBS-funded scripted comedy web series that debuted in May of 2007.  It was
 created, written by, and stars real-life friends Michael Cera and Clark
 Duke. They play fictionalized versions of themselves.

 I don't think it was ever marketed as a videoblog any more than The Office
 webisodes are marketed to be videoblogs.  I don't see Clark and Michael
 being much different from the scads of other comedy series being produced
 these days, except, of course, it has a post-Arrested Development but
 pre-movie stardom Michael Cera.

 Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] Canon HV-20 24p-60i issue

2008-06-09 Thread Kary Rogers
Apple has some info on the HV-20/Final Cut workflow to get 1080p24 footage
into the editor.  Short version is you have to import it as 60i and then
reverse telecine each clip with either Cinema Tools or Compressor.

Good luck,

Kary Rogers

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 4:53 PM, eric gunnar rochow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   hey everyone,

 i recently bought a Canon HV-20 to complement my larger camera, the
 Canon XHA1.

 i usually shoot in 24P mode with the XHA1.

 i was under the impression that the HV-20 could shoot in 24P, but i
 now learn that it shoots in a 'sort-of 24P' mode that is then
 'wrapped' in a 60i format.

 when you import the footage into FInal Cut, it is a 60i file.

 i shoot in progressive ( P format ) specifically for the web, and now
 it looks like i will have to de-interlace this HV-20 footage before
 uploading to Blip, etc.

 Does anyone have any experience with this or suggestions?

 i just learned that Canon's new camera , the HV-30 shoots in true
 30P, so i may be selling this one and getting the new model , as i
 really want the progressive format.

 thx, eric.

 Gardenfork and Real World Green


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: $40000 raised for movie via crowd-sourcing

2008-04-29 Thread Kary Rogers
I've been casually following Jessica Stover (,
the person behind Artemis Eternal (, for a
couple of years.  From what I can tell, she's known what she's wanted to do
from a young age and moved to LA to pursue those dreams.  Finding that the
traditional model of movie making and selling all artistic rights to a
corporation did not suit her vision for what she wanted to make, she set out
on her own.

I find that Jessica's smart and fairly savvy in the burgeoning new media
landscape.  It's not necessarily where her passions lie but she has been
using it to cultivate a growing group of fans that support her work.

I really dig the Artemis Eternal site.  I'm not a big fan of Flash-only
sites, but it's really well done.  I dropped a few bucks in the paypal
bucket to support the realization of Jessica's vision and plan to donate
more in the future.


Kary Rogers

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A friend sent me that link last night, probably because I just announced
 that I'll be shooting a documentary over the next 4 months (and then
 editing for about 4 months.)

 At first, I figured I could do it all with no budget, but in reality,
 there will be expenses (but I believe they will be minimal.) For
 funding, I've had a few people suggest crowd-sourcing it, using PayPal
 or ChipIn, and at least one person thinks I should apply for a grant.

 I'll be following the Artemis story with great interest.


 Steve Watkins wrote:
  Oops, here's a tinyurl:
  Steve Elbows
  --- In,
 Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I havent looked too closely at this yet but there seemed to be a video
 that may have
  interesting thoughts in it:
  Some funky timeline graphics on their website but I havent explored
  Steve Elbows

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Re: [videoblogging] requesting backup on wordpress issue

2008-02-29 Thread Kary Rogers
Their reasoning for not fixing this does not stand up.  Because we've
always done it this way.  Because dashes are prettier.  Wow.  They sound
like a lot of southern baptists I know.

+1 for fixing.  It's time for change.  Yes we can.  (sorry).

Kary Rogers

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:32 PM, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   As you may recall I posted to the wordpress trac requesting they fix
 their rel-tag links so that they are compliant with the rel=tag
 specification when linking to mutli-word-tags. Wordpress currently
 does this wrong, and causes posts to get indexed incorrectly.

 If you tag a post as christmas video it will not appear in searches
 for christmas video in technorati (for example). Blogger posts will
 ... but not Wordpress posts. Wordpress posts get tagged as
 christmas-video ... and entirely different tag and thus excluded
 from the conversation browsing / discovery that happens via tags.
 This of course is an issue not only with technorati, but with any
 site/service that consumes rel=tags ... since anyone who consumes
 rel=tags surely expects the rel=tags to be compliant with the rel=tag

 For some reason there are those on wordpress trac that seem opposed to
 this fix. I cannot imagine why.

 I may have to stop caring about this for a while as I tend to get to
 overly emotionally invested in such things ... and that's not healthy.
 But if there are any techie people out there who can clearly speak to
 the reasons wordpress should present its rel=tags according to the
 standard, and the problems associated with not doing so - perhaps you
 can add to the conversation here:

 Do we still have microformats people on this list? Anyone?

 Thanks in advance,
 - Dave


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Best Youtube compression out of Adobe Premiere CS3

2008-01-31 Thread Kary Rogers
If you upload 16x9 to YouTube they will automatically letterbox it for you.
MySpace does as well.  Some sites do not.

Kary Rogers

On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Renat Zarbailov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Yeah that is the disadvantage of shooting in 16X9 and outputting to
 Ideally it would be best to shoot in 4X3 and not change the aspect
 ratio but if you you want to preserve the videos for future shoot in 16X9.

 --- In,
 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm confused about changing the aspect ratio for output. Won't the
  image end up smooshed?

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Re: [videoblogging] ffmpegx flash export for blip show player

2008-01-25 Thread Kary Rogers
Hi Ron,

I played around with making my own flash files with ffmpegx to upload to
blip as well.  I ran into similar weirdness.  I was told that there are some
issues with meta data with ffmpeg generated flash files.  I did not go any
farther with it. However, doing some quick googling it looks like newer
versions handle the meta data issues.  Make sure you have the latest
version.  Also, you could try a tool like flvtool2 (


Kary Rogers

On Jan 25, 2008 9:15 PM, Ron Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi everybody,
 I'd like to get some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong with my
 FLV conversion of my files.
 I'm going from iMovie or FCP to a 640x360 h.264 .mov file that looks
 great. I'm then converting with ffmpegx which also creates a real
 nice image.

 But when I go to upload it to blip, it gets pasted at a smaller size
 in the middle of the player. What's up with that?

 Is it my scale?

 Does blip have a preferred size for FLVs?

 Thanks in advance,
 Ron Watson

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Re: [videoblogging] It begins...

2008-01-17 Thread Kary Rogers
I'm OK with charging the bandwidth hogs more money than someone who only
checks email or even watches video on YouTube.  I'm a network admin at a
university.  In my experience 5% to 10% of the users do use around 50% of
the bandwidth, sometimes more.  If charging the people who are in the top
percent makes them clean off whatever virus or bot they have on their
machine or reasonably limit the amount of file sharing they do then the
network is less congested and the experience improves for everyone.  When
there are network load problems it's almost never the aggregate of normal
use; it's a handful of users using extreme amounts of bandwidth.

So, in theory, I don't have a problem with it, but that doesn't mean it will
be implemented fairly or with the user's best interest in mind.  I support
penalties for those users that cause problems for everyone else, not putting
a policy in place to cover the rising cost of bandwidth because more and
more people are watching video online.

Kary Rogers

On Jan 17, 2008 8:36 AM, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I think I'm ok with this so long as where I'm downloading the video
 *from* does NOT matter in anyway.

 For example, if I download video from, it should cost the same
 amount per bit as video from

 Now, granted I don't WANT to have to pay more for video downloads ...
 but as long as all creators/hosters of the content cost the consumer
 the same thing ... I think it's justifiable to price on consumption.
 (Of course the consumers aren't going to go for it unless its very
 reasonable, or every other ISP out there bands together in price

 A slippery slope though, perhaps, in regard to net neutrality - should
 be watched.

 - Dave

 On Jan 17, 2008 9:24 AM, Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So it begins...
  NEW YORK - Time Warner Cable will experiment with a new pricing
  structure for high-speed Internet access later this year, charging
  customers based on how much data they download, a company spokesman
  said Wednesday.
  The company, the second-largest cable provider in the United States,
  will start a trial in Beaumont, Texas, in which it will sell new
  Internet customers tiered levels of service based on how much data
  they download per month, rather than the usual fixed-price packages
  with unlimited downloads.
  Company spokesman Alex Dudley said the trial was aimed at improving
  the network performance by making it more costly for heavy users of
  large downloads. Dudley said that a small group of super-heavy users
  of downloads, around 5 percent of the customer base, can account for
  up to 50 percent of network capacity.
  Dudley said he did not know what the pricing tiers would be nor the
  download limits. He said the heavy users were likely using the
  network to download large amounts of video, most likely in high
  It was not clear when exactly the trial would begin, but Dudley said
  it would likely be around the second quarter. The tiered pricing
  would only affect new customers in Beaumont, not existing ones.
  Time Warner Cable is a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., the world's
  largest media company.
  Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: New BlipTV show page preview

2008-01-16 Thread Kary Rogers
I like it.  You've managed to get a lot of information and functionality on
a page that is still clean and not overwhelming to the user.

Questions I have are:

-To the left of the title MD011 - Surf Lesson is what appears to be a link
Back To:.  If I'm on the episode page, what does it go back to?
-The thumbnails to the right of the video are other episodes for Mahalo
-The thumbnails below that are Hand Picked.  Does that mean the show owner
can choose which videos show up in that box?  Or does Hand Picked mean
featured by the blip staff?

I wouldn't mind a more obvious embed option though I'm curious to see what
else is in the drop down boxes under Do Something.

I'm looking forward to the release coming out.  My thoughts and questions
are just based on the screenshot so they could change.

As far as the YouTube comparison, maybe he means in basic layout.  Comments
under video and a sidebar with other videos, etc.  I'd say in terms design
and ease of use, however, YouTube is to MySpace what blip is to Facebook.

Kary Rogers

On Jan 16, 2008 8:49 AM, mikehudack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This is a screenshot of our new episode page, which is coming out soon.

 Do you like it? Not like it? I have to say I'm a bit puzzled by the
 comparison to YouTube, but hey...



 --- In,
 Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can anyone say YouTube?
  where did you get that screenshot?
  what URL?
  917 371 6790


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Hello Again

2007-12-30 Thread Kary Rogers
A follow on question to my AE question.

On Dec 30, 2007 5:28 PM, rudy.jahchan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When we started we were Adobe Suite people, as we were on PC. But
 Apple has shown us the way so apart from switching systems we also
 moved to FCP and are not looking back. I am a big fan of Motion and of
 a plugin we bought called Conduit. Mmm-mmm-good.

I was looking at purchasing the Adobe Production CS3 bundle
) and I would also like to upgrade from FCE to FCP at some point in the near
future.  I can afford to get one or the other at this time and am leaning
towards purchasing Final Cut Studio 2 since it sounds like you've replaced
your effects work in AE with Motion.  However, the thing making me hesitate
is that I have a significant discount on the Adobe bundle available to me
for a limited time through my place of work.  But if I don't really need it
and can do most things with FCS2, maybe I can skip it altogether.  My work
isn't SFX heavy, partly because I don't have the tools and partly because it
doesn't call for it, but I'd like to have the tools available.

So Adobe now (cheap) and FCS2 later or FCS2 now and skip Adobe?


Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] Hello Again

2007-12-29 Thread Kary Rogers
Dear Rudy,

I am planning to purchase After Effects for my Mac with some Christmas
money.  What are some good resources that you would recommend for learning
the application or for reference?  Or maybe some first projects/effects to
tackle to get my feet wet with it?  (I have The DV Rebel's Guide)

Also,  there are some neighborhood kids who just won't GET OFF MY LAWN.  Any
suggestions on how I should deal with them?


Kary Rogers

On Dec 29, 2007 11:21 PM, rudy.jahchan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi all,

 I am starting a New Year's resolution early and once again becoming an
 active member of this group. For those who don't know me, I am the
 co-creator (and now full producer) of a little show called GALACTICAST
 (, and have also created/produced A
 COMICBOOKORANGE and KITKAST with my lovely former co-star Casey McKinnon.

 I have a wee bit of experience in all of this online video stuff, and
 hope to learn more as well as giving a lot back. So if you have any
 questions, comments, critiques, fire them here, or through the many
 other ways to reach me.

 Now ... who to flame first? I kid ... a little bit.


 Rudy Jahchan


Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] FCE options

2007-11-14 Thread Kary Rogers
I have found this very annoying as well.  Even iMovie saves these settings
across sessions.  If you happen to find a way to do it apart from an answer
on this list, please let me know.


On Nov 14, 2007 10:53 AM, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Quick FCE question...

 In final cut express, is there a way to save your compression settings
 for future use? When I Export-Using QuickTime Compression I have
 presets (none of which I want) that I can select, and can edit the
 setting manually ...

 but it doesnt seem to remember most recent settings, and I cant
 figure out a way to save the manually configured export settings for
 future use.

 Is this do-able ... or do I have to pay $1300 for FCP for that? :-P

 - Dave


Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Advice on how to get to 100-250k views a day (quickly)?

2007-11-13 Thread Kary Rogers
On Nov 13, 2007 7:34 AM, Rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

People will not watch shows on a computer. Do you know anybody who
 watches anything on a computer?

Personally, I don't watch shows on a computer (except for online-only shows,
then it's Miro), I prefer sitting on my couch and staring at the TV.  It's
how I grew up and it's a hard habit to change.  I imagine that's the case
for many of us.  But I have several younger, college-aged friends and they
often watch TV shows on their computer at NBC's or ABC's website.  This is
likely because they don't have a DVR but either way, I think the younger
generation is more apt to feel comfortable doing this.

Kary Rogers

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Re: [videoblogging] Dragon Con anyone?

2007-08-22 Thread Kary Rogers
Just bought my ticket.  I was tentatively planning to go with some  
friends that produce a popular Heroes podcast (the 10th Wonder) and  
Smallville podcast (Starkville's House of El) as they were going to  
meet fans and hang out.   Then through some lapse in judgement on the  
part of the judges, my podcast ended up a finalist in two video  
categories of the Parsec awards.  I've never been to a Con and don't  
really read comics very often but I hope to have a good time!

I'll have to swing by the video podcast track and say hey.

Kary Rogers

On Aug 16, 2007, at 7:12 AM, Heath wrote:

 So who's going? Bill you mentioned you might go, but who is going? I
 am bringing a crew of people with me, in case you don't know Dragon  
 is the best Sci-Fi and fantasy convetion in the entire universe. ;)


Re: [videoblogging] Re: Loren Feldman = Technigga

2007-08-03 Thread Kary Rogers
On Aug 3, 2007, at 9:27 PM, Steve Woolf wrote:
 The problem is that it's not funny. I don't mean that being
 politically incorrect is not funny in and of itself. I mean that
 comedy is hard to do. Insightful satire is hard to do.

I'm not sure what else I can add to this discussion but Steve Woolf's  
response hit close to home and I painfully nod in agreement.

I struggle with walking that fine line quite a bit.  Having an idea  
for satire is pretty easy but executing it with just the right take  
and the right comic sensibility is hard.  My writing mind tends to  
lean toward parody and satire.  Some ideas have a large target and  
it's not too hard to hit somewhere in the funny (e.g. Fred Phelps and  
his Westboro Baptist Church).  Other issues like race have a much  
smaller target to hit to be funny.  I've given it a shot a couple of  
times and people either find it funny or are offended.  (No links  
cause I'd rather not look like an ignorant schmuck =)  Plus, on top  
of all that, comedy is subjective.  What makes me LoL may bore  
someone else.

But unless one keeps trying to fine tune their execution by putting  
themselves out there and gauging the responses (with thick skin),  
they won't get better at finding the angle and finding their comic  
sensibility.  Yeah.  Comedy is hard.


Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Owning a television...

2007-08-03 Thread Kary Rogers
I think I could get along fine with what I watch online and DVD  
rentals.  Bt that's me and there are two people that live in this  
house and one of 'em has a Days of Our Lives addiction.  (I was  
instructed to buy her earrings like Hope's for her recent  
anniversary gift, if that's any indication).

Most nights the TV is just background noise while I couch surf.

Kary Rogers

 --- In, beth_tilston
  I wanted to conduct a quick straw poll to see how many people here
  don't own a/don't watch 'normal' tv. I was just reading a message
  from MissB where she comments on the fact that she doesn't have a
  I know Tanja from Freshtopia doesn't, I don't either. It would be
  interesting to find out whether this is true of lots of people here,
  or just a few. Is there any correlation between turning off your
  television and making the content yourself? Just thought I would
  throw that question to the group.

Re: [videoblogging] Blip.TV and multi-format feeds

2007-08-02 Thread Kary Rogers
You can build a feed out of just about anything on blip.

Maybe these will help:

Good luck,

Kary Rogers

On Aug 2, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Wil Harris wrote:

 OK, here's a conundrum for ya:

 I'm about to launch three new video podcasts, and after plenty of
 searching around for a hosting platform / CDN, it seems to me like
 Blip.TV not only has a good rep amongst video bloggers, but also
 offers pretty much everything anyone could require.

 Since the shows are going to be for geeks, I like the fact that Blip
 allows you to upload multiple versions of the same show in different
 formats - eg I can upload a standard .mov, an .m4v designed for iPod,
 a .avi designed for Windows, a divx version, an HD version for
 AppleTV etc. Blip even gives you a direct link to each of these
 files so that you can post the direct viewing/download links on a
 blog, or wherever. By doing this you can maintain one show page with
 all the different versions.

 Here's the thing: as far as I can tell, I can't make individual feeds
 for each of those versions. If I click the RSS button for my show,
 it seems to just show me the original file I uploaded. If I click
 the iTunes version of the feed, it gives me the low-res iPod version
 I uploaded, which is no good if you want to sub on an AppleTV and
 want the HD version.

 Is there any way to make blip generate an RSS feed (compatible with
 iTunes or not) for each individual version of the show? That way,
 readers could subscribe directly to the HD version, the iPod version,
 the Divx version, whatever.

 Or am I off my rocker?

 Cheers chaps,


[videoblogging] Brotherhood 2.0

2007-07-31 Thread Kary Rogers
A friend pointed this out to me today:

Q. What is Brotherhood 2.0?
A. After noticing that their relationship had for years consisted  
primarily of emails and instant messages, John and Hank swore off all  
textual communication with each other for 2007. Instead, we are  
making public video blogs back and forth every weekday for the entire  
year. (We get holidays off.)

I haven't seen anyone mention it here but it looks interesting.  I've  
watched a few of the videos.  They've been going since January and  
I'm surprised this is the first I've come across it.

Catchy sign off,

Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Cloverfield - First Movie With Camcorders

2007-07-12 Thread Kary Rogers
One of my friends is maintaining a blog keeping up with the latest  
developments of this movie.  He seems to always be on top of the  
latest industry news when I talk to him.  If you are interested in  
this movie, his blog will be a good place to follow it.

Kary Rogers

On Jul 12, 2007, at 7:12 AM, bordercollieaustralianshepherd wrote:

 Damn. Hoodwinked glad that I didn't share this with too many  
 people (arggh I did share
 this with too many people,) sorry about that - 

 The article mentions that there are other sites that are  
 Cloverfield or 1-18-08 related.

 Thanks for the heads up Charlie

Re: [videoblogging] My new video obsession....

2007-07-06 Thread Kary Rogers
Yes, it is so easy and quick.  The weekend I bought my MacBook Pro  
(with built in iSight) I started playing with video on facebook  
( - prolly  
can't see unless you're my friend on facebook, feel free to add me).   
A friend of mine bought a MBP the weekend before me and we found it  
easy and fun to have a video conversation by tagging each other.  It  
got out of hand a bit and turned into something else that we decided  
to take off of facebook ( because it is  
a limited viewing environment.

I tried to find another more open place to post quick and easy videos  
but none I found do it as well as facebook.  And if the type of video  
you are making is meant to be more intimate, it works out really well.

Kary Rogers

On Jul 6, 2007, at 12:26 PM, schlomo rabinowitz wrote:

 Hey all

 Lately my small life has become consumed with making videos on the
 Facebook. I'm not sure why.. you dont get stats, you cant see who  
 has been
 watching them, and you don't get an RSS feed. In fact, all you can  
 do is
 record into the web browser and tag it with your friends names if  
 they are
 in the video-- you cant even make up your own tags!!

 But its become a very intimate connector for me. It's like Ruperts
 Twittervlog, but without the expensive camera and monthly phone plan. used to have a similar feature early-on that only worked in  
 I remember using it in a similar way, but the Facebook version is  
 well done and should be abused by all videobloggers!

 Its strange, but for some reason I enjoy making these sorts of  
 videos this
 way, but on my personal site I want to make stories in a different  
 With the In-Browser Recording, I like to just communicate in an  
 messenger sort of way. Does that make sense to anyone else? It's the
 immediacy of the process that I enjoy (again, it helps me  
 understand why
 Rupert and Steve get excited about their phones)

 Anyway, here are the couple I've done:

 I encourage you to make some of your own! Right now!


Re: [videoblogging] Re: .mov for ipod?

2007-07-03 Thread Kary Rogers
I think there might be a way for you to use whatever file type you'd  
like for each of the feeds if you base it on role.  When you upload  
the different files for an episode you specify Source or HDTV or  
Portable (iPod).  I think if you based the feeds off the role, it  
would give you a file-type independent feed.

So if you want an HD feed use:

or for ipod:

Score one for blip!

Hope that helps,

Kary Rogers

On Jul 3, 2007, at 3:53 PM, Josh Leo wrote:

 the reason I want mov's is because my feeds are based off filetype  
 ipod is
 separated by mov and mv4 HD is separated by MP4. If i wasnt hosting  
 on blip,
 I could specify the videos for each feed by simply using a different
 filename prefix but blip changes both the beginning and end of the  
 name, thus making this impossible. So for now I will have one  
 filetype for
 ipods and another for HD

 On 7/3/07, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My question is why not make them MP4's too, and skip MOV? It's easy
  to convert MV4's to MP4's just change the file extension. I set
  compressor up to output ipod comtatible files with the MP4 extension
  rather than the M4V so they will play back within a browser window
  without any problems and I don't have to change the file extension
  Bill Streeter
  --- In videoblogging%,
  Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have created two feeds for my vlog
   an ipod compatible feed of .mov and m4v files
   and an HD feed of mp4 files
   I would like to have the ipod compatible files to just be mov's
  and not
   does anyone know how to make a large (like the size i have now of
   .mov file that works on the ipod
   right now i am just using compressor to make my mv4
   i also have visualhub but it doesnt make .mov's
   Josh Leo
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: July - My Month of Youtube

2007-06-28 Thread Kary Rogers
For us, the average number of views per video is higher on  
but there are the handful that get picked up on the larger community  
sites for whatever reason.  We have more total views on YouTube and  
MySpace than our web page/ due to the few that do well.

You'll definitely get some out there comments.  It's fun  
interacting with the YT community and it has a different feel to it,  
though we haven't been able to put much time into it yet.

Keep posting your YT links so I can find you and subscribe.


On Jun 28, 2007, at 7:59 PM, ryanne hodson wrote:

 yo i'm on youtube too.

 joined in Oct 2005 and never signed in until 3 weeks ago.

 let's be youtube friends.

 yeah their flash files of my nice QT files look like shite.
 but i thought i would try to see how different (or similar)
 it felt to vlogging on my own sites...

 Pixelodeon-Kicked Butt!
 Author of Secrets of Videoblogging
 Community Capitalism
 iChat/AIM  VideoRodeo

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] Mac Questions

2007-06-20 Thread Kary Rogers
Hi Laura,

The standard answer is: it depends.

If this is going to be your primary or only workstation and you are  
doing fairly serious production work, then go for the best you can  
afford.  You'd have to bump up to the $1300 MacBook to get a DVD  
burner and the integrated graphics card is not officially supported  
for Final Cut Studio 2.  It might run it, but I imagine not very  
well.  Add $700 for the Pro and you get

-a better graphics card (shared video memory vs 128MB dedicated VRAM)
-double the memory (1GB vs 2GB) with a higher capacity (2GB vs 4GB)
-(barely) faster CPU (2.16GHz vs 2.2GHz)
-more screen real estate (1280x800 vs 1440x900)

Is that worth $700?  It depends =) If you are doing simple movies for  
family and friends, probably not, a MacBook would be great.   But if  
you're doing heavy lifting with video and this was going to be your  
only video editing work station it would be worth it to me.

Only you can decide if iMovie or FCE is enough for you.  iMovie comes  
with it so try it out.  You can do a lot with iMovie but it is pretty  
basic.  I started with iMovie and after pushing it as far as I could  
I went to FCE.  Now, I'm really starting to eye Final Cut Studio 2.

Peace out,

Kary Rogers

On Jun 20, 2007, at 12:18 PM, Laura Moncur wrote:

 I am switching from my PC to Mac and I'm trying to decide if the new
 MacBook Pros with the NVidia video chips are worth an extra $1000.
 Have any of you noticed a big difference between the MacBook Pros and
 the normal MacBooks?

 It takes forever to render a DVD on my PC using Adobe Premiere
 Elements and I'm hoping to streamline the process.

 Additionally, is Final Cut Pro worth the extra $600 or should I just
 go with Final Cut Express or even iMovie/iDVD? I am having a hard time
 justifying the expense to my husband. Can you give me any ammunition?

Re: [videoblogging] Live Music Journal in Philly

2007-06-03 Thread Kary Rogers
Sounds like a cool project.

Check out Chris Daniel's

Kary Rogers

On Jun 3, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Mark Schoneveld wrote:

 Just a quick plug for a new video blog project I started here in

 I go to a lot of shows, see a lot of bands. Now I bring my video
 camera nearly every time to grab a song or two (with the band's
 permission, of course!).

 Is anyone else doing something like this? Let's link up!

Re: [videoblogging] DVD (Pal or NTSC) to MPEG4 or other format to edit

2007-05-29 Thread Kary Rogers
You could give Handbrake a shot:


Kary Rogers

On May 29, 2007, at 3:02 PM, danielmcvicar wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a good software to take a DVD and transfer  
 portions of it to
 MPEG4 ...ideally H.264 or a Final Cut friendly codec.

 PC or MAC.

Re: [videoblogging] Posting on BlipTV

2007-05-08 Thread Kary Rogers
A while back I had similar issues.  I would export to a full quality  
DV file, run that through iSquint and then upload the mp4 to blip.   
It worked fine for a while and then one day I noticed audio sync  
issues.  The DV file was ok but the mp4 file from iSquint was not  
synced.  It seemed the problem was introduced with iSquint.

I can't say what the problem was because I quit using iSquint and  
just export an mp4 from Final Cut directly now.  Check the mp4 file  
very closely for audio sync problems.  I'd be surprised if it was  
blip that was introducing the problem.  If it is iSquint, maybe try  
updating to a newer version if there is one.

Hope this helps,

Kary Rogers

On May 8, 2007, at 8:32 AM, Dorothy Littlejohn wrote:

 Something has changed at Blip and now my videos are all out of  
 sync. I have transferred the
 video from Final Cut into a .mov via Quicktime, then to iSquint for  
 transfer into an mp4, then
 posted the video as an mp4. I have also gone from Final Cut to  
 Quicktime Conversion, then
 reduced that to an mp4 via iSquint, but that would be a much bigger  

 My question is: what should I do with my Final Cut movie to make it  
 acceptable to BlipTV and
 be in sync (audio with visual)?

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Threats and male vloggers

2007-05-03 Thread Kary Rogers
As someone who's
- new, as in, been a member of the list a few months
- still trying to figure out many aspects of videoblogging
- only exposure to the wiki entry issue has been on this email list
this is how is seems to me.

People who have defined and shaped videoblogging are the most  
qualified people to contribute to the wiki.  Things that have been  
added and then deleted were verifiable for the contributor because  
they were there when it happened.  They were and are part of the ever- 
changing videoblogging landscape.

Unfortunately, this isn't good enough according to Wikipedia policy.   
Ruperthowe described the problem on the talk page: I guarantee you  
that you will not find one single mention of this in the Main stream  
media, but that does not mean it does not exist as a real issue -  
online sources such as the Yahoo Group discussion cited are clearly  
the most authoritative and widely discussed background material for  
this kind of item

David Howell asks : No original research? Why not? And then Why  
use new media to define new media with a requirement that the  
validation come from old media.

This is the problem.  People are adding content that they know to be  
true because they are the movers and shakers, yet the content doesn't  
meet the policies of Wikipedia for citation and verifiability.  And  
people are really upset at pdelongchamp for enforcing the Wiki policies.

There seem to be two issues: 1) not agreeing with the policies that  
don't allow original research and 2) the manner in which pdelongchamp  
enforces the policies.

There's not much you can do about #1 except wait for more  
verifiable sources to emerge or take the game somewhere else (which  
I believe Verdi setup something on pbwiki).  I agree that it doesn't  
make much sense to only allow old media to define the faster paced  
new media.

Now #2 is stickier.  I looked over the history page and edits that  
pdelongchamp made stated the reason was not being in line with wiki  
policy.  It could very well be that he gets his kicks by causing  
everyone frustration.  I don't know, I don't know him but if I'm just  
going by what I've seen on here, it doesn't seem that way.  I  
understand that many of you know each other and are friends in Real  
Life and want to stick by each other.  I've only met three other  
videobloggers (but I hope to change that in the near future) so I can  
give a fairly objective view on the exchanges here.  pdelongchamp has  
been called names and cursed at, yet his responses are well-measured,  
civil and only speak of improving the article according to Wikipedia  
policy.  Either he's not quite what people are making him out to be  
or he's two-faced and manipulative.

People are unhappy with Wikipedia's policy and are aiming their  
frustration at the person enforcing it.  I think if pdelongchamp went  
away and never came back, there would be someone else to take his  
place as gatekeeper.

Kary Rogers

On May 3, 2007, at 3:13 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

 I dont think its asinine, I think its a basic concept of an  

 Now Im quite prepared to admit that this doesnt make encyclopedia's
 the best source for detailed info on rapidly emerging fields, and I
 would be quite happy if sites  people played with alternatives with
 different rules, something that isnt wikipedia.

 My great concern though is how much this 'ban pat' stuff is merged in
 with these issues. Even if there are a million vloggers here who think
 the wikipedia rules are silly, that doesnt mean we can force change of
 the rules when it comes to the vlog page on wikipedia.

 Now there is a wikipedia rule about ignoring the rules, which in an
 ideal world could have been used to try to address this issue, but I
 find the current debate practically unsalvagable as it has become too


 Steve Elbows

Re: [videoblogging] Dreamhost vs

2007-04-03 Thread Kary Rogers
I use dreamhost as my web host and blip as my video host.  I've been  
pretty happy with the arrangement thus far.  I don't feel like I'm  
giving up any control using blip.  I have more options than if I  
tried to implement many of their features on my own.

Kary Rogers

On Apr 4, 2007, at 12:17 AM, Daniel Foster wrote:

 New to vlogging and setting up my vlog now. Not certain whether I  
 should go
 with an inexpensive high disk-space / bandwidth server (dreamhost)  
 or a host
 such as

 This will be on my own domain. I¹ve read over blip¹s licensing  
 terms, so
 I¹m aware of that. I plan to eventually post numerous videos (more  
 100) as I already have lots of content.

 I¹m tending toward dreamhost, which seems to give me more control   
 and I
 could use their QT streaming capabilities. Would this be a good  
 choice  ?
 Any other guidance regarding this is much appreciated!


 * DF

[videoblogging] Two Joost Invites

2007-03-01 Thread Kary Rogers
I signed up for the beta program a while back but I run neither  
Windows nor an Intel Mac.  At any rate, I have two Joost invites.  In  
you are interested, email me off list with your name and the email  
address where you'd like the invite sent.  First two replies, off  
list, gets 'em.  I will post again when they are gone.

Remaining Joostless,

Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] PodCamp Atlanta

2007-02-28 Thread Kary Rogers
I've just registered on the wiki and will be on the panel as well.   
I'm not a familiar face but hopefully I will be afterwards =)

Looking forward to it,

Kary Rogers

On Feb 28, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Erin Nealey wrote:

 I've decided to be on the vlogging panel at PodCamp Atlanta (coming up
 March 16th-18th). Sadly, there are VERY FEW of us representing
 videoblogging. It would be cool to see some familiar faces there. If
 anyone at all can come out and help represent, it would be GREAT! I
 think they are even still looking for people to be on the panel.

 Spaces are filling up fast, so if you can make it, go register!
 Registration is completely free by the way! Hope to see you there!

 Erin Nealey
 Mom's Brag Vlog

[videoblogging] the poor man's jib

2007-02-15 Thread Kary Rogers
Think those crane shots are cool?  Want to do your own? Saw this on  
MAKE and thought some of you might find it interesting.

Holla back if anyone makes one and tell us how it goes.

Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] the poor man's jib

2007-02-15 Thread Kary Rogers
Nice, that is definitely cheaper and easier =)

 From the how-to ( 
how_to_the_garf.html) I could see that REI tripod being useful in  
many applications.

Kary Rogers

On Feb 15, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Michael Verdi wrote:

 Steve did one cheaper and easier. :-) 

 - Verdi

 On 2/15/07, Kary Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Think those crane shots are cool? Want to do your own? Saw this on
  MAKE and thought some of you might find it interesting.
  Holla back if anyone makes one and tell us how it goes.
  Kary Rogers

 Author of Secrets Of Videoblogging -

Re: [videoblogging] GALACTICAST Sponsor Credits

2007-02-05 Thread Kary Rogers
I think this is a good idea.  I've seen sporting events, tournaments  
and our local theatre take a similar approach.

How long does one remain listed as a sponsor?  Is it indefinite?  Or  
would one need to renew yearly to remain listed as a sponsor?

Good luck!


On Feb 5, 2007, at 1:05 PM, casey.mckinnon wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Rudy and I have always wanted to do something different from the norm,
 so today we launched a unique sponsorship programme. Depending on how
 much someone donates, they are given credit as a Galacticast crew
 member on our site:

 $5- Best Boy
 $10- Foley Artist
 $25- Caterer
 $50- Propsmaster
 $100- Cinematographer (bonus: gets a link from our site credits)
 $500- Producer (bonus: gets a link from our site credits and a full
 screen video credit)

 In addition to the sponsorship programme, we also announced a wish
 list (if anyone can fulfill the items on the wish list they get
 instant producer credit) and a store.

 We've been spending over 50 hours/week on our show since last May, so
 we hope this will help us out a bit.

 N.B.: I'm not asking you to donate, I just thought the group would be
 interested in our efforts to make some money independently...

 Take care,


Re: [videoblogging] Re: Automated Product Placement

2007-01-29 Thread Kary Rogers
I'm with Casey, I prefer creative product placement as well.  In our  
second episode ( 
ante/), we featured a favorite beer of ours from a local brewery  
( and made a silly joke out of it.  I sent  
the brewery a link and the owner just contacted me about doing some  
video ad work for them.  We're pretty excited about that.

The Power of Sprite compels you.  I think Sprite should buy that  
from you.  Hilarious.


On Jan 29, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Casey McKinnon wrote:

 I know that I, for one, would MUCH rather feature creative and fun
 product placement to pre-roll ads... in fact, this week we put a whole
 BUNCH of free product placements in our show
 ( We think it's
 hilarious... and if you look at our comments, people are really
 excited about our Sprite and Playboy placements...



 --- In, taulpaulmpls
  The other night, I finally got my wife to sit down and watch an
  episode of Battlestar Galactica. Since we have such crazy schedules,
  BSG is recorded using my Comcast DVR. I like great commercials,  
 but I
  love great stories even better. As I fast-forward through all of the
  Sci-fi channel's revenue stream, it dawned on me that I never saw  
  product placement in the show. Considering it takes place in the
  future, in a galaxy far...far...away (wrong show, I know), it  
 would be
  practically impossible to put any logo driven products into this
  scripted show. No Starbuck sipping on a Pepsi, Baltar sporting D  G
  eyeglasses, or an Ikea eyepatch for Colonel Tigh.
  It also dawned on me that I was also a person that never clicked on
  post-roll, or pre-roll ads in web video. Frankly, the advertisements
  usually never have anything to do with the video you just  
 watched, and
  I'm gone before they have a chance to transition into view.
  Then I started thinking about all the free advertising a lot of  
 you do
  for these companies. Josh Leo's HR Block video, might has well been
  sponsored and paid for by Mar's, Inc.
  I did some searching for companies working on automated product
  placement tools, and found They pair the studios and
  advertisers of scripted TV shows through their software. They also
  give back analytics to the advertiser on the shows viewership,
  impression views, etc...
  Would this be something producers of popular video blogs would like,
  instead of hoping to get someone to click on an post or pre-roll ad?

Kary Rogers

[videoblogging] New weekly comedy show: Good Commitment

2007-01-22 Thread Kary Rogers
Hey y'all,

I've been following this space for the last six months and I'm  
excited about what's going on.  It prompted me make a few videos for  
my personal website and I had (and am having) a lot of fun doing it.

Also, I've been inspired by what I've seen out of you guys.  So I'd  
like to announce a new show that myself and another person, James  
Comans, are producing: Good Commitment.

We're aiming for a new episode every Monday and our hope is that  
it'll entertain you.  What we lack for in production value we hope to  
make up for by making you laugh.  Hopefully we'll only improve every  
aspect from here on out.

Our first two offerings are a rap video about the TV show LOST's  
hiatus and a little story about two Mississippians that discover the  

Go ahead and subscribe with one of the links in the sidebar if you  
like what you see.

Thanks to Rudy (Galacticast) and Michael (freevlog) for the Wordpress  
theme work.

Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] Tangentially Related to Videoblogs

2006-12-06 Thread Kary Rogers
You may also want to turn off the fancy pants editor function.   
Options-Writing and the visual rich editor bit.  I know it does  
weird and frustrating things for me and I turned it off a long time ago.


On Dec 6, 2006, at 1:14 PM, [] wrote:

 So, it's a wordpress question, or a basic HTML question. I was all
 excited, because I posted up all kinds of chicklets and banners and
 things to say, I'm on Network2 or My Show is on Network2 or
 whatever they say, and I posted them at the blog :

 But I can't for the life of me remember how to make a spot non-HTML so
 that I can build the entire link path with the a href= and all that
 for people... so it's just an easy copy/paste into their blog  

 Help for the temporarily lame of mind?

 (Still saying Curse you, Jor-El thanks to Rudy at Galacticast).

Kary Rogers

Re: [videoblogging] Tool (pref. MacOS) to clean up sound on video

2006-11-28 Thread Kary Rogers
I've used Levelator with good results.  The specific cases that I used 
it for were recordings at a theatre with nothing but the built in 
camera microphone.  You could hear the audience laughing easily but the 
people on stage, not so much.  I extracted the audio, ran it through 
Levelator and then imported the resulting levelated audio file.



On Nov 28, 2006, at 8:42 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:

 Can anyone recommend a tool for improving sound quality on recorded
  video? Something that's optimized for speech would be the preferred
  choice, and Macintosh freeware would be ideal. A friend wants to
  clean up a recording of a presentation and says that the speaker's
  voice is almost unintelligible due to poor recording quality.

  The picture apparently isn't great either - I haven't seen or heard
  the footage myself, I'm only going by what she says - so any hints or
  tools that might improve the appearance of poor-quality camcorder
  footage would also be welcome.



Kary Rogers