gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread dotpanic


I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the  
right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

I have only tested it on Windows.

Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks for  
example), and just maximize the window.

On my PC, I get the following error:

Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to  
close. We are sorry blabla...

The details are:
AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

Is the problem reproducible on your configurations?

Thanks and best regards.
Mike Meirsman

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner



I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the
right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

I have only tested it on Windows.

Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks for
example), and just maximize the window.

On my PC, I get the following error:

Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to
close. We are sorry blabla...

The details are:
AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

This problem was reported for Windows vim and fixed in the patch ~month ago.

But what is 7.0.262 ? Isn't ~ 158 the last patch number for vim7 ?


Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread dotpanic

Quoting Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

This problem was reported for Windows vim and fixed in the patch ~month ago.

But what is 7.0.262 ? Isn't ~ 158 the last patch number for vim7 ?


I've just tested with the last version and it works quite well. Sorry  
to have bothered you with an already corrected bug.

Anyway, even with the latest release installed, the version displayed  
by windows is still

Best regards,
Mike Meirsman

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

getting cindent to ignore ':'

2006-11-02 Thread Viktor Kojouharov


Is there any way to make cindent ignore lines that start with ^\s*:
and treat them like regular lines? I'm trying to make a basic intent
file for javascript since there is none in vim itself, but javascript
it uses ':' a lot which makes cindent fail.

RE: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread Steve Hall
From: dotpanic dotpanic homelinux.org, Thu, November 02, 2006 6:11 am

 I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the
 right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

 I have only tested it on Windows.

 Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks
 for  example), and just maximize the window.

 On my PC, I get the following error:

 Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to
 close. We are sorry blabla...

 The details are:
 AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
 ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

 Is the problem reproducible on your configurations?

I don't see it, but Vim has always had a weakness with long lines. For
me, the line takes more than 5 seconds to refresh on any movement, so
there is obviously some heavy duty processing going on somewhere.

Just curious, where does one download Vim 7.0.262 ? :)

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/2/06, Steve Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: dotpanic dotpanic homelinux.org, Thu, November 02, 2006 6:11 am

 I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the
 right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

 I have only tested it on Windows.

 Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks
 for  example), and just maximize the window.

 On my PC, I get the following error:

 Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to
 close. We are sorry blabla...

 The details are:
 AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
 ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

 Is the problem reproducible on your configurations?

I don't see it, but Vim has always had a weakness with long lines. For
me, the line takes more than 5 seconds to refresh on any movement, so
there is obviously some heavy duty processing going on somewhere.

Just curious, where does one download Vim 7.0.262 ? :)

Time machine ?


Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Thu 2-Nov-06 5:11am -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm pretty new to this mailing list and I hope I'm posting at the
 right place. I just want to report a simple bug, easy to reproduce.

 I have only tested it on Windows.

 Open vim, write a single 1 characters line (filled with blanks for
 example), and just maximize the window.

 On my PC, I get the following error:

 Vi Improved - A Text Editor has encountered a problem and needs to
 close. We are sorry blabla...

 The details are:
 AppName: gvim.exe AppVer: ModName: gvim.exe
 ModVer: Offset: 0012c053

 Is the problem reproducible on your configurations?

Running Gvim 7.0.158 on Win XP, I get no crash for 10,000+
character lines.  I do get some unusual behavior.  With

set fileformats=dos,unix,mac

I see a ^J as the first character of lines 2 through n+1
(for an n-line file) and my 'fileformat' is set to mac.
[That would be expected behavior for reading a dos file as a
mac file, since the CR of dos's CR/LF would end the line and
LF (0x0A) would render as ^J.]

It rendered OK when I changes 'ffs' to dos,unix - IIRC,
Bram once mentioned that file format detection was a bit
weak on long lines.

BTW, I also see that Windows Explorer reports Gvim is at
version  Its copyright is for 1996-2005, its
trademark is Vim and the original file name is VIM.EXE?

Best regards,

Re: gVim 7 Win32 Maximize bug report

2006-11-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck


Quoting Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

This problem was reported for Windows vim and fixed in the patch 
~month ago.

But what is 7.0.262 ? Isn't ~ 158 the last patch number for vim7 ?


I've just tested with the last version and it works quite well. Sorry to 
have bothered you with an already corrected bug.

Anyway, even with the latest release installed, the version displayed by 
windows is still

Best regards,
Mike Meirsman

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

I don't know where that 4-part version number comes from. 262 can be 
interpreted as 262d, 106h, 406o, ^F^A (the latter assumes one little-endian 
word),... none of which rings any bells with me.

The official way to display the version number and patch level of any Vim 
executable is (at the user's choice) any one of the following:

vim --version |more
Version number is displayed on the first line of output
and Included patches (if any) on second line.
Note: In Win32, gvim --version sends its output to a message
popup, apparently after detaching Vim from the shell's stdout
(if any) but without starting the GUI.

launch [g]vim without any editfile. The splash screen comes up, unless
the vimrc or some command-line switch sets the I flag in the
'shortmess' option.
Version and patchlevel are on the second non-blank line.

The splash screen comes up. Version  pl on 2nd nonblank line.

The version listing comes up. Version on 1st line,
included patches (if any) on 2nd.

Best regards,

Re: Ignore matches that are commented out - was How to edit a macro

2006-11-02 Thread Theerasak Photha

On 11/2/06, Robert Cussons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First of all, very sorry, I sent this out with the wrong subject line
before as it was going to be a different question that I then managed to
  resolve myself.

Thanks for your reply Theerasak, would folding the comments make any
difference though, I thought that Vim searched folded text as well.

Nichts zu danken. Wirklich...ich denk', vielleicht, dass ich Sie noch
nicht genug hilfe.

See :help 'foldopen'. In this case, :set foldopen-=search

I'm not that sure how to use folds but I have just found section 28.1 of
the user manual so will have a read about them.

I'm a little foggy on actual generating folding expressions, b/c I
started using Vim only a week ago, but I guarantee you using folds in
Vim once you have them set up is both intuitive and awesome.

RE: --remote diff to tab

2006-11-02 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
| I don't know how to do exactly what you ask, but have you seen 
| vcscommand.vim?
| http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90
| It has a VCSVimDiff command that will use the svn client to get a diff 
| and then show the result as a vimdiff.

Hi Al, I have that, and that is what I would use from within vim - but there
are times when I would like to have things open from external tools, like my
svn browser (or my cvs manager). There are other cases as well.

Thanks anyways, I am sure someone else would have use for that tip.


Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2006-11-02 15:55:34:

 This behavior might be affected by 'wildmode'.  Mine is set to
 longest,list.  I also tried longest,list:longest, but the
 behavior was the same.


To make things clear, I had just tried:
vim -u NONE -U NONE
then :set nocp
(Must set nocompatible or the tab completion will be disabled.)

and then :help pre followed by tab

It works well, so the tab completion should be okay on default.

You can try that also, if that works for you, then you may need to check
your ~/.vimrc and your ~/.vim directories to see what's different from the
default. Then reset the suspected option to default.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/1/06, A. S. Budden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

When entering commands on the command line, I often use the completion
facility by pressing tab.  I have the wildmode set to longest:full.  I
have noticed a 'feature' that I find a little frustrating, however.  If
I type:

:help preserTAB

it offers me the choices:

:preserve 'preserveindent' 'nopreserveindent'

but doesn't complete the largest common part (preserve).  Similarly, if
I then type vei and press TAB, it presents me with the latter two
options but doesn't (as I would expect) complete to preserveindent.

Is this because of the quotes (due to it being a setting) or the 'no'
variation or is it because of something else?  Is there any way to get
round it?

I think it completes unambiguous continuation if
your substring is at the *beginning* of all alternatives.
Won't complete the unambiguous continuation if
your substring is not at the *beginning* of some alternatives.


Re: How to edit a macro

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/1/06, Robert Cussons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

In a C programme for example is there a way to get Vim to ignore matches
that are commented out when searching for a string?

I posted vim code that searches around comments ~ year ago, to this list.


Re: How to edit a macro

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/1/06, Robert Cussons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

In a C programme for example is there a way to get Vim to ignore matches
that are commented out when searching for a string?

I found another solution, posted on this list in 2004 (not by me).
This list archive is full of gold!


Subject:Re: How to skip comments during search
From:   vim vim9527 () 21cn ! com
Date:   2004-06-02 10:06:43
Message-ID: 000f01c44889$54e17e40$ab00a8c0 () zhao

function! SearchNoComment(str, opt)
   let b:found = 0
   while (b:found == 0)
call search(a:str, a:opt)
let b:name=synIDattr( synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), name)
Whether it's within a comment?
if b:name !~? comment
let b:found=1

and, then map the n and N command as follows:
nnoremap n :silent call SearchNoComment('C-R=@/CR', 'f')CR
nnoremap N :silent call SearchNoComment('C-R=@/CR', 'b')CR

For the first search, you use /pattern as normal, for the later search of
the same pattern, just use n or N.
It won't work for the first search, unless you use :call
SearchNoComment('pattern', 'f')
I think it's impossible to enable such a feature in a
incremental search, is it?

Note, you needn't to map # and * command, it's naturally n and N,

RE: xhtml editing in vim

2006-11-02 Thread Vu The Cuong
Thanks for the quick response.
As your advice,  I added :let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1: into my vimrc
but it not worked.
I also set :let g:html_tag_case = 'l' so that html tag become lower
How can I do? Please  help me. I need your help. Thanks in advance

Here is my _vimrc:
set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin

set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function MyDiff()
  let opt = '-a --binary '
  if diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
  if diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
  let arg1 = v:fname_in
  if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '' . arg1 . '' | endif
  let arg2 = v:fname_new
  if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '' . arg2 . '' | endif
  let arg3 = v:fname_out
  if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '' . arg3 . '' | endif
  silent execute '!C:\Vim\vim63\diff ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . '  '
. arg3
set dictionary-=C:\Vim\vim63\sql.dict dictionary+=C:\Vim\vim63\sql.dict
:let g:textutil_txt_encoding='utf-8'
function! NumberNo()
:set nonumber
:map F12 :call NumberYes()CR

function! NumberYes()
:set number
:map F12 :call NumberNo()CR
map F12 :call NumberNo()CR
 Window size appearance
augroup guiappearance
:map F9 :set lines+=5CR
:map S-F9 :set lines-=5CR
:map C-F9 :set lines=60CR
:map M-F9 :set lines=30CR
:map F8 :set columns+=10CR
:map S-F8 :set columns-=10CR
:map C-F8 :set columns=132CR
:map M-F8 :set columns=80CR
augroup END
set nonumber
 set winaltkeys=yes 

let w:windowmaximized = 0

function! MaxRestoreWindow()
if w:windowmaximized == 1
let w:windowmaximized = 0
 restore the window
:simalt ~r
let w:windowmaximized = 1
 maximize the window
:simalt ~x

map F5 :call MaxRestoreWindow()CR
:filetype plugin on
:let g:html_tag_case = 'l'

:let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1
colorscheme candycode

:nmap C-S-tab :tabpreviouscr
:nmap C-tab :tabnextcr
:map C-S-tab :tabpreviouscr
:map C-tab :tabnextcr
:imap C-S-tab ESC:tabpreviouscri
:imap C-tab ESC:tabnextcri
:nmap C-t :tabnewcr
:imap C-t ESC:tabnewcr 
:nmap C-S-w :tabclosecr
:nmap C-A-tab :tabfirstcr
:nmap S-tab :tablastcr

:filetype indent on

syntax on
:set smartindent
:set autoindent

-Original Message-
From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 11:25 AM
To: Vu The Cuong
Cc: Vim Help list
Subject: Re: xhtml editing in vim

Vu The Cuong wrote:
 I often use html script for editing html files.
 (see: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=453)
 I prefer XHML compatible tags. (Ex: when press ;br, insteadof br, it
will ouput  /br.

Shouldn't it rather output br / ? The BR element cannot have a
closing tag.

 Can this script do that. If yes, could you guide me in detail?
 If No, is there script to do that?

What about

:let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1

in your vimrc (if all your HTML files must have lowercase
xhtml-compatible tags), or

:let b:do_xhtml_mappings = 1

either manually or (if you can recognise which files to use it for) at
the BufRead and possibly the BufNewFile autocommand events?

I got this from :help html-cutomization in the companion helpfile; but
I didn't try it.

Best regards,

VIM Regular Expressions question

2006-11-02 Thread Guido Van Hoecke

The 'VIM Regular Expressions' at http://www.geocities.com/volontir/ says

- reduce multiple blank lines to a single blank

I understand the ':g/^$/' part, but not the ',/./-j' part.

Anybody cares to explain this?



http://vanhoecke.org  ... and go2 places!

Re: VIM Regular Expressions question

2006-11-02 Thread koxinga

Guido Van Hoecke wrote:

The 'VIM Regular Expressions' at http://www.geocities.com/volontir/ says

- reduce multiple blank lines to a single blank

I understand the ':g/^$/' part, but not the ',/./-j' part.

Anybody cares to explain this?



well, it's been explained by Tim Chase after your first message.

Is it possible to run Vimdiff in one instance?

2006-11-02 Thread Raymond
It doesn't work like this:

gvim.exe --servername GVIM --remote-tab-silent -d


Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread A. S. Budden


Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2006-11-02 15:55:34:

 This behavior might be affected by 'wildmode'.  Mine is set to
 longest,list.  I also tried longest,list:longest, but the
 behavior was the same.


To make things clear, I had just tried:
vim -u NONE -U NONE
then :set nocp
(Must set nocompatible or the tab completion will be disabled.)

and then :help pre followed by tab

It works well, so the tab completion should be okay on default.

I've tried the above, but :help prestab produces :preserve.  If
I then type 'itab', it fails to find anything.  I am hoping to get
:help prestabitab to produce :help 'preserveindent'.

As mentioned by Yakov, the problem seems to be down to it finding
matches that don't start at the start of the string.  A little
frustrating when the only matches are 'preserveindent' and
'nopreserveindent'.  To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy with the tab
completion being limited to matches at the start of the line (as long
as it ignored quotes, colons etc).  However, the ideal (from my point
of view) would be to have it complete the longest common part,
regardless of where in the word it is.


Re: --remote diff to tab

2006-11-02 Thread Benji Fisher
On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 02:15:53PM +0100, Hugo Ahlenius wrote:
 I am trying to set up my subversion client(s) so that I can get any diffs
 open in a proper diff mode, in an existing gvim session, in a new tab...
 Any tips for that? Do you I have to construct a more complicated
 command-line for that -- I just tried:
 --remote-tab -d %1 %2
 but that opened each file in a separate tab...

 Did you try (untested by me)

--remote-tab +diffsplit %2 %1

(Will the %2 need any special escaping inside the quotes?  What if %2
has spaces in the file name (ugh)?)

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 09:20:42AM +0100, Hugo Ahlenius wrote:
 | I don't know how to do exactly what you ask, but have you seen 
 | vcscommand.vim?
 | http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90
 | It has a VCSVimDiff command that will use the svn client to get a diff 
 | and then show the result as a vimdiff.
 Hi Al, I have that, and that is what I would use from within vim - but there
 are times when I would like to have things open from external tools, like my
 svn browser (or my cvs manager). There are other cases as well.

 Have you tried something like

--remote-tab +VCSVimDiff %1

yet?  I do not use this, so I have no idea what the syntax of the
:VCSVimDiff command is.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: Ignore matches that are commented out - was How to edit a macro

2006-11-02 Thread Robert Cussons

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 11/1/06, Robert Cussons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

In a C programme for example is there a way to get Vim to ignore matches
that are commented out when searching for a string?

I found another solution, posted on this list in 2004 (not by me).
This list archive is full of gold!

It does seem to be very useful, I shall check it more often.


Subject:Re: How to skip comments during search
From:   vim vim9527 () 21cn ! com
Date:   2004-06-02 10:06:43
Message-ID: 000f01c44889$54e17e40$ab00a8c0 () zhao

function! SearchNoComment(str, opt)
   let b:found = 0
   while (b:found == 0)
call search(a:str, a:opt)
let b:name=synIDattr( synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), name)
Whether it's within a comment?
if b:name !~? comment
let b:found=1

and, then map the n and N command as follows:
nnoremap n :silent call SearchNoComment('C-R=@/CR', 'f')CR
nnoremap N :silent call SearchNoComment('C-R=@/CR', 'b')CR

For the first search, you use /pattern as normal, for the later search of
the same pattern, just use n or N.
It won't work for the first search, unless you use :call
SearchNoComment('pattern', 'f')
I think it's impossible to enable such a feature in a
incremental search, is it?

Note, you needn't to map # and * command, it's naturally n and N,

Thanks Yakov, I will give this function a try over the next few days and 
see if it does what I want.

Re: long line display in gvimdiff

2006-11-02 Thread Benji Fisher
On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 09:03:54AM -0500, Dmitriy Yamkovoy wrote:
 It should apply on
 a per-window basis, so you may have to execute it in each diff
 Or if you're feeling lazy,
 :windo set wrap
 :windo set nowrap
 These enable or disable wrapping for all windows in the current tab.

 As long as we are considering easy/efficient/lazy ways to do it, I

:windo set wrap!

to toggle the setting of 'wrap'.  Then I can use @: to change it back.
Of course, the same thing works one window at a time without the :windo

 As for the problem of affecting non-diff windows, I suggest the
following command:

 Diffdo command applies :command in all windows where 'diff' is set.
:command! -nargs=+ -complete=command Diffdo
\ windo if diff Bar execute q-args Bar endif

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: how to make 7.0 behave like 6.4

2006-11-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

longraider wrote:

The set autoindent smartindent is the solution, thanks a lot.


You know, vim 7.0 hasn't changed the autoindent/smartindent area (except 
possibly for bug fixes)

from v6.4 insofar as I am aware.  And I do use autoindent (and cindent).

So the question in my mind is: why did this change for you when you 
upgraded?  One way that
may have occurred is if you edited the system files and put settings and 
customizations in there.
If that's what you in fact did, then I suggest that its Much Better (tm) 
to use $HOME/.vimrc and
$HOME/.vim/ instead for such things.  You won't lose your customizations 
that way when you


Chip Campbell

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread Benji Fisher
On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 04:25:39PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2006-11-02 15:55:34:
  This behavior might be affected by 'wildmode'.  Mine is set to
  longest,list.  I also tried longest,list:longest, but the
  behavior was the same.
 To make things clear, I had just tried:
 vim -u NONE -U NONE
 then :set nocp
 (Must set nocompatible or the tab completion will be disabled.)
 and then :help pre followed by tab
 It works well, so the tab completion should be okay on default.
 You can try that also, if that works for you, then you may need to check
 your ~/.vimrc and your ~/.vim directories to see what's different from the
 default. Then reset the suspected option to default.

 I agree with Gary.  I tried

$ vim -u NONE
:set nocp wildmenu wildmode=longest:list
:help termiTab
:help preserTab

I was hoping for termin in the first case and preserve in the
second, but I was stuck with termi and preser.

HTH --Benji Fisher

P.S.  Has there been a patch that affects this?  I am still using vim
7.0.000 .

Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Billy Patton
In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
Can this be done in vim?

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread Christian Ebert
* Benji Fisher on Thursday, November 02, 2006 at 09:21:36 -0500:
 $ vim -u NONE
 :set nocp wildmenu wildmode=longest:list
 :help termiTab
 :help preserTab

:help preser
:preserve   'preserveindent''nopreserveindent'
:help preser

 I was hoping for termin in the first case and preserve in the
 second, but I was stuck with termi and preser.
 HTH   --Benji Fisher
 P.S.  Has there been a patch that affects this?  I am still using vim
 7.0.000 .

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Nov  1 2006 21:35:34)
Included patches: 1-158
Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

_B A U S T E L L E N_ lesen! --- http://www.blacktrash.org/baustellen.html

Re: Arrow keys in combination with Fx key

2006-11-02 Thread Eric Leenman

Hi Tony,


:mapF2Left  C-Left
:map!   F2Left  C-Left

Note that, unlike with the Ctrl, Shift and Alt keys, the sequence press 
F2 release F2 press Left release Left _will_ activate the mapping.


Does this mean that I can't use a mapping for F2 only?
And why is their a ! behind the map in the second line?

Best Regards,

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Microsoft Office Live 

Re: Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Billy Patton wrote:

In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
Can this be done in vim?


This property is more a function of the xterm/console you're using 
rather than of vim.
Here's an example of how to change color with an xterm (blue on insert, 
yellow else):

 if v:version = 700
  let t_SI=\esc]12;blue\x7
  let t_EI=\esc]12;yellow\x7

I don't think you can change cursor size, but I'm willing for someone to 
show how to do it.
I looked over a list of ansi escape sequences I found on the web but saw 
nothing to change

the cursor size.

Chip Campbell

Re: Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/2/06, Billy Patton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
Can this be done in vim?

There is small x11 utility (name of which I'm forgetting, xtidy or
something) that hides mouse cursor after mouse-was-not-moved
for-some-time. Some people like  it.

If you are on x11 and you want to try it out, I'll find the name.


Re: Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/2/06, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 11/2/06, Billy Patton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
 Can this be done in vim?

There is small x11 utility (name of which I'm forgetting, xtidy or
something) that hides mouse cursor after mouse-was-not-moved

The name of this utility is unclutter. You can find it for any Linux distro.


Re: how to make 7.0 behave like 6.4

2006-11-02 Thread longraider
Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

 The set autoindent smartindent is the solution, thanks a lot.

 You know, vim 7.0 hasn't changed the autoindent/smartindent area (except
 possibly for bug fixes)
 from v6.4 insofar as I am aware.  And I do use autoindent (and cindent).
 So the question in my mind is: why did this change for you when you
 upgraded?  One way that
 may have occurred is if you edited the system files and put settings and
 customizations in there.
 If that's what you in fact did, then I suggest that its Much Better (tm)
 to use $HOME/.vimrc and
 $HOME/.vim/ instead for such things.  You won't lose your customizations
 that way when you
I've started to customize vim after I've installed the 7.0 version, the
6.4 was used by me as a plain text editor, with default settings.
AFAIR I've written the set cindent someday in the vim, and that worked
for me, so I suppose that old vim has put the config somewhere, and that
config was erased when I installed 7. I use gentoo, so it couldn't be
/etc (the /etc in gentoo is protected), and I don't think that new
install (or uninstall) could mess with my $HOME.
But now I get to know vim better, and all of course goes to the $HOME/.vimrc


projects manager/explorer

2006-11-02 Thread victor NOAGBODJI

Just looking for something like that in gvim.
Do you know something like that?

Re: VIM Regular Expressions question

2006-11-02 Thread Guido Van Hoecke

koxinga said on 2/11/2006 12:32:

Guido Van Hoecke wrote:

The 'VIM Regular Expressions' at http://www.geocities.com/volontir/ says

- reduce multiple blank lines to a single blank

I understand the ':g/^$/' part, but not the ',/./-j' part.

Anybody cares to explain this?



well, it's been explained by Tim Chase after your first message.

Oops, I had (re)subscribed half an hour before the first post. My post 
nor the answer appeared in my mailbox, probably while the subscription 
process wasn't finished yet. So I thought the initial message never made 
it to the list and decided to post anew.
After your reply, I browsed the yahoo archives and yes, I found the 
original post and Tom's answer.

Sorry for the noise.
And, Tim, thanks for your explanation.


http://vanhoecke.org  ... and go2 places!

Folding and the command line

2006-11-02 Thread Adam Krolnik


I have folding enabled to fold code when I edit a file. However I would 
like to also be able

to view specific lines (via the option +num on the command line.)

Can you write code to detect this option and not fold the code ?


   Soli Deo Gloria
   Adam Krolnik
   Director of Design Verification
   VeriSilicon Inc.
   Plano TX. 75074
   Co-author Assertion-Based Design

Re: Folding and the command line

2006-11-02 Thread Tim Chase
I have folding enabled to fold code when I edit a file. However I would 
like to also be able

to view specific lines (via the option +num on the command line.)

Can you write code to detect this option and not fold the code ?

You omit some important details:

1) what is your foldmethod?  (:set foldmethod?)  If it's 
anything other than manual, there's no easy recourse to not 
fold the code, but you can open that fold rather than close it.

2) I presume by +num on the command line, you mean at the 
shell's command-line rather than vim's command-line.  This only 
allows you to jump to *one* particular line number rather than a 
plurality of lines.

Making the assumption that you've got some auto-folding going on 
where you can't actually delete folds and that you just want to 
open a given list of folds, you may want something like this 

  for line in [3,14,15,92,653] | exec line.'norm zO' | endfor

Or, if you have pre-7.0, you could do something like

  :g/^/if line =~ '^\(3\|14\|15\|92\|653\)$' | exec 'norm zO' | 

That second one also can be modified for opening lines matching 
given patterns:

  :g/regexp/norm zO

or, if the pattern/line-number doesn't always end up in a fold, 
you can protect it with

  :g/regexp/if foldlevel(line('.'))  0 | exec 'norm zO' | endif

You should be able to use some combination of these, and perhaps 
a BufLoad event to get your files to open with particular folds 
if desired.


projects manager/explorer

2006-11-02 Thread victor NOAGBODJI

I have tried a project.vim
You see I'm a newbie. And it was very difficult to setup. Plus I'm
under windows XP.

Re: projects manager/explorer

2006-11-02 Thread Jean-Rene David
* victor NOAGBODJI [2006.11.02 11:45]:
 Just looking for something like that in gvim.
 Do you know something like that?

Searching for project on www.vim.org yields many

I use the project plugin. I like it, despite
some warts.


Re: projects manager/explorer

2006-11-02 Thread Yegappan Lakshmanan


On 11/2/06, victor NOAGBODJI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just looking for something like that in gvim.
Do you know something like that?

You can use one of the following Vim plugins for managing projects
and workspaces:


- Yegappan

How do I implement boilerplate text?

2006-11-02 Thread Richard Querin

I'm new to Vim. One of the things that is helping me learn it is using
it for my main text editor every day (I'm not a programmer by trade
although I do a little for fun). So I am using it for writing emails,
letters, blog posts, etc. more than for coding per se.

Anyway, one thing I'd like to be able to do is insert some boilerplate
text into a document - something like a standard signature. Is there
some way I can preload a buffer with this text when I run Vim? Can
this be done in the rc file? I'm sure there is a way (with Vim there
always seems to be) but I can't seem to find out how.

Re: Folding and the command line

2006-11-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Adam Krolnik wrote:


I have folding enabled to fold code when I edit a file. However I would 
like to also be able

to view specific lines (via the option +num on the command line.)

Can you write code to detect this option and not fold the code ?


The latest patch (7.0.158) was a fix for a bug where the cursor would 
sometimes be in a closed fold. Is it included in the version you're using? 
(See the first two lines of the output of :version. If the 2nd line doesn't 
start with Included patches it means no patches were included.)

To move to a specific line, you can use for instance


on the command-line, if


doesn't work.

Best regards,

Re: How do I implement boilerplate text?

2006-11-02 Thread Tim Chase

Anyway, one thing I'd like to be able to do is insert some
boilerplate text into a document - something like a standard
signature. Is there some way I can preload a buffer with this
text when I run Vim? Can this be done in the rc file? I'm sure
there is a way (with Vim there always seems to be) but I can't
seem to find out how.

In your vimrc, you can add a line something like

au BufNewFile *.txt $r ~/template.txt

where *.txt is the pattern to match.  Thus, if you do:

:e nonexistant.txt

it will automatically read in the file ~/template.txt at the 
bottom of the file ($).

This can be modified for most templating needs.  You can change 
the filespec to just * to have it apply to all new files.  You 
can change the file that is read in.  You can also position it 
elsewhere in the file by changing the $ to any other address, 
such as reading at the beginning (0).  When you're dealing with 
an empty/new file, this isn't such a big deal though ;)

There are a number of bigger and more powerful templating scripts 
available, such as


which may be a bit like hunting mosquitoes with a bazooka, or 
might be just what you need.


Re: Folding and the command line

2006-11-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/2/06, Adam Krolnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote


I have folding enabled to fold code when I edit a file. However I would
like to also be able
to view specific lines (via the option +num on the command line.)

Can you write code to detect this option and not fold the code ?

Please clarify what you ask:
(1) when vim is invoked with +num option, do not fold anything in the file, or
(2) when vim is invoked with +num option, fold all folds except the
fold containing the current line ?

Which one ?

RE: xhtml editing in vim

2006-11-02 Thread Christian J. Robinson
On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Vu The Cuong wrote:

 As your advice,  I added :let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1: into my vimrc
 but it not worked.
 I also set :let g:html_tag_case = 'l' so that html tag become lower
 How can I do? Please  help me. I need your help. Thanks in advance

Have you installed the latest version of the script?  Support for
XHTML was only added recently, so you need version 0.21 or later.

If you do have a recent enough version, are you setting the variable
before the script gets sourced?  (Did you restart vim after you put
:let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1 in your vimrc?)

- Christian

 Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
Christian J. Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://infynity.spodzone.com/
   PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360   http://infynity.spodzone.com/pgp

Re: How do I implement boilerplate text?

2006-11-02 Thread Yegappan Lakshmanan

On 11/2/06, Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu 2-Nov-06 4:11pm -0600, Richard Querin wrote:

 The abbreviation method seems the simplest for me at the
 moment, but I can't seem to figure out how to make a
 multiline abbreviation in my .vimrc file. I've tried using
 CR characters in the string and quoting it as well..
 both to no avail. Any hints?

Actually, using the CR characters should work fine.
Perhaps you have some setting interfering.  You should be

Check the 'cpoptions' option setting. To use symbolic representation
of key codes in maps and abbreviations, make sure  the '' flag is
not present in 'cpoptions'. To use raw key-codes in a map or
abbreviation, make sure the 'k' flag is not present in 'cpoptions'.

- Yegappan

able to place the following in a script file (or your

ab lhs This is line 1.CR
\This is line 2.CR
\This is line 3.

For a simple test, start gvim without any mods:

gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

And define an abbreviate call abb:

:ab abb ThisCRisCRaCRtest.

Now type:  iabbenter
where enter is the enter key.

Best regards,

Re: Folding and the command line

2006-11-02 Thread Adam Krolnik


You asked, What is your foldmethod
set foldmethod=indent
set foldlevel=0

Please clarify what you ask:
(1) when vim is invoked with +num option, do not fold anything in the 

file, or

(2) when vim is invoked with +num option, fold all folds except the
fold containing the current line ?

Extra credit for #2, but will settle for #1.

Tim did show that

% vim +55 -c 'norm zO' file

Seems to do #2. but I'd be great to have this functionality with the
simpler command line

% vim +55 file

   Soli Deo Gloria
   Adam Krolnik
   Director of Design Verification
   VeriSilicon Inc.
   Plano TX. 75074
   Co-author Assertion-Based Design

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread panshizhu
Benji Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2006-11-02 22:21:36:
  I agree with Gary.  I tried
 $ vim -u NONE
 :set nocp wildmenu wildmode=longest:list
 :help termiTab
 :help preserTab

 I was hoping for termin in the first case and preserve in the
 second, but I was stuck with termi and preser.

 HTH   --Benji Fisher

 P.S.  Has there been a patch that affects this?  I am still using vim
 7.0.000 .

No, yours are different from Gary. Your completion does not seem to be
working at all and you should check your settings, Gary's completeion works
but not as he expected.

What Gary has said is: when :help preserTab expands to :help :preserve,
it will fail to expand :help :preservi to :help 'preservindent'.

My suggestion to Gary: if you want a completion of 'preserveindent', type
:help 'prestab and it will complete to :help 'preserveindent'
immediately. that is much easier than :help prestabitab... Don't expect
the completion to work perfectly when you had ommited the colon or
quotation mark.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Agonized by auto changed cursor to next line when typing.

2006-11-02 Thread Shark Wang


I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
to next line, when I typed
with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
as /table.

the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled autoindent :
* display *
colo darkblue
syntax on
set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
set anti
set nonu
* wrap and tab *
set wm=78
set ts=2
set sw=2
set et
* indent *
set noai
set nosi
set nocin
set ic

What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.

I'm just a bitMaker !

Re: Agonized by auto changed cursor to next line when typing.

2006-11-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Shark Wang wrote:


I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
to next line, when I typed
with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
as /table.

the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled autoindent :
* display *
colo darkblue
syntax on
set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
set anti
set nonu
* wrap and tab *
set wm=78
set ts=2
set sw=2
set et
* indent *
set noai
set nosi
set nocin
set ic

What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.

In gvim, type


If the reply includes indent:ON, add

filetype indent off

to your vimrc, then restart gvim.

Best regards,

RE: xhtml editing in vim

2006-11-02 Thread Vu The Cuong
Last night I added it in vimrc on my Freebsd 6.1 (version of vim of my
freebsd is 7) and 
HTML script is latest. And it worked well.
May be in XP, version of script is outdate.
I'll recheck it. 
Many thanks and best regard

-Original Message-
From: Christian J. Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 6:04 AM
To: Vu The Cuong
Cc: A.J.Mechelynck; Vim Help list
Subject: RE: xhtml editing in vim

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Vu The Cuong wrote:

 As your advice,  I added :let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1: into my vimrc 
 but it not worked.
 I also set :let g:html_tag_case = 'l' so that html tag become lower 
 How can I do? Please  help me. I need your help. Thanks in advance

Have you installed the latest version of the script?  Support for XHTML
was only added recently, so you need version 0.21 or later.

If you do have a recent enough version, are you setting the variable
before the script gets sourced?  (Did you restart vim after you put :let
g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1 in your vimrc?)

- Christian

 Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
Christian J. Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360   http://infynity.spodzone.com/pgp

RE: xhtml editing in vim

2006-11-02 Thread Vu The Cuong
Got it.
I download the latest HTML script and finally it worked in XP (But
mainly I use HTML script in freebsd). 
I just want to perform some PHP debug on XP to see is there a difference
between PHP on freebsd and PHP in XP.

Many thanks

-Original Message-
From: Vu The Cuong 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 9:30 AM
To: 'Christian J. Robinson'
Cc: A.J.Mechelynck; Vim Help list
Subject: RE: xhtml editing in vim

Last night I added it in vimrc on my Freebsd 6.1 (version of vim of my
freebsd is 7) and HTML script is latest. And it worked well.
May be in XP, version of script is outdate.
I'll recheck it. 
Many thanks and best regard

-Original Message-
From: Christian J. Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 6:04 AM
To: Vu The Cuong
Cc: A.J.Mechelynck; Vim Help list
Subject: RE: xhtml editing in vim

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Vu The Cuong wrote:

 As your advice,  I added :let g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1: into my vimrc 
 but it not worked.
 I also set :let g:html_tag_case = 'l' so that html tag become lower 
 How can I do? Please  help me. I need your help. Thanks in advance

Have you installed the latest version of the script?  Support for XHTML
was only added recently, so you need version 0.21 or later.

If you do have a recent enough version, are you setting the variable
before the script gets sourced?  (Did you restart vim after you put :let
g:do_xhtml_mappings = 1 in your vimrc?)

- Christian

 Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
Christian J. Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360   http://infynity.spodzone.com/pgp

Re: Agonized by auto changed cursor to next line when typing.

2006-11-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Shark Wang wrote:

Dear Mechelynck,

   thanks for your kindly reply.

   I use :filetype to see the output, it was indent ON. then I add
filetype indent off in
   my vimrc and restart gvim, I meet the same issue agine.


Then I don't know what it is. I'm forwarding this to the list, so other people 
may have a try at it.

On 11/3/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Shark Wang wrote:

 I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
 to next line, when I typed
 with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
 as /table.

 the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled 
autoindent :

 * display *
 colo darkblue
 syntax on
 set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
 set anti
 set nonu
 * wrap and tab *
 set wm=78
 set ts=2
 set sw=2
 set et
 * indent *
 set noai
 set nosi
 set nocin
 set ic

 What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.

In gvim, type


If the reply includes indent:ON, add

filetype indent off

to your vimrc, then restart gvim.

Best regards,

Re: Agonized by auto changed cursor to next line when typing.

2006-11-02 Thread Peter Hodge

--- Shark Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
 to next line, when I typed
 with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
 as /table.
 the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled autoindent :
 * display *
 colo darkblue
 syntax on
 set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
 set anti
 set nonu
 * wrap and tab *
 set wm=78
 set ts=2
 set sw=2
 set et
 * indent *
 set noai
 set nosi
 set nocin
 set ic
 What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.


If you have 'wrapmargin' or 'wm' set to 78, Vim is going to wrap your text 78
characters *before* the right margin.  That means if you have 110 columns of
screen space, Vim will wrap after just 32 characters.  Perhaps 'textwidth' is
the option you are trying to set in your vimrc where you have:

  set wm=78

maybe you should use

  set textwidth=78

See also
  :help 'wm'
  :help 'tw'

Also, AFAIK indenting options don't insert newlines, they only adjust the
number of tabs/spaces at the start of the line.


Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: Agonized by auto changed cursor to next line when typing.

2006-11-02 Thread Shark Wang

Yeah..., Peter, I got it ! It's my carelessness  misunderstanding.

Thank you all.


On 11/3/06, Peter Hodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Shark Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I was agonized by GVim 7.0, the editor always auto changed my cursor
 to next line, when I typed
 with long line ( less than the wrap margin ) or end tag element, such
 as /table.

 the following is my vimrc, you could see that I had disabled autoindent :
 * display *
 colo darkblue
 syntax on
 set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h11
 set anti
 set nonu
 * wrap and tab *
 set wm=78
 set ts=2
 set sw=2
 set et
 * indent *
 set noai
 set nosi
 set nocin
 set ic

 What should I do for this issue ? thanks for your help.


If you have 'wrapmargin' or 'wm' set to 78, Vim is going to wrap your text 78
characters *before* the right margin.  That means if you have 110 columns of
screen space, Vim will wrap after just 32 characters.  Perhaps 'textwidth' is
the option you are trying to set in your vimrc where you have:

  set wm=78

maybe you should use

  set textwidth=78

See also
  :help 'wm'
  :help 'tw'

Also, AFAIK indenting options don't insert newlines, they only adjust the
number of tabs/spaces at the start of the line.


Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

I'm just a bitMaker !

Re: Win32 COMSPEC args don't reconfig on COMSPEC resest

2006-11-02 Thread Yongwei Wu

On 11/3/06, Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Linda W wrote:

 I changed my COMSPEC on win32 to C:\bin\bash.exe.



If I use Windows, I tend to use cygwin.  I don't suppose you're using
cygwin, as I don't think
you'd need to mess with COMSPEC for it.  Anyway, I see Anthony M has
given you some good
clues.  The following code snippet is what I use with cygwin's bash;
perhaps it'll give you a start.

  set shell=bash
  set shq=
  set sxq=\
  set ssl
  set shcf=-c
  set sp=

FYI. In Windows there are a lot of gotchas when there are special
symbols on the command line, esp. if the shell is not cmd.exe. When
the shell is (ba)sh, try some commands like

:echo system('echo hello')

and you know the pain.

Cmd has problems too. With (ba)sh, it is even more painful, since
there is no way to *escape*.

Not a problem of sh itself, since it works perfectly under Cygwin or
Linux. Calling sh in a Windows program is.

Best regards,

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

Re: confirm unsubscribe from vim@vim.org

2006-11-02 Thread Bertram Scharpf